The Mooring Mast 1929-1930

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Choir Membership GIRLS' DORM PEP CLUB l'des for . . ELECTS YEARS' OFFIC6RS Great Str ,Th ' Mal, 0<", ''''' I wu '""",U ," II, ' . <lb. fin,,,,. moo'"", or ... donn!: . Exceeds Records . i trtte! Ollt IUt y�u will be' dJ.sconUnued Has Been Decided ·' ':'aI 'Deve Iopment UU tor)' gtrw hdd 1n Ole �pUon room ' t n re b Of F�rmer ¥e. �r S ! !:�/ �; �e ::l�r �:::,�i::: Plans (Ot Concert Tour Not Yet ::=·�r�:��e�e�:::: l�v: .. Ta.ken in S e," u� . , ; porUluon be more ea.sUy arrallltd; C -e- ; ber l . lmlted Hokt ns t;ad. president ; Emma Kaa"nd� . ,vice president; Ruth Jllcobtson. accre· ApprORChlnlt 4.,OO-l\lirk in Sub. j'":l Formal Opening of School Held and dllongerO ,ut\»I wm be made., S,Ul, omplet dToNum Forty h r r . ra September 10,; N�w InSl ruc- !�': �:I : �t� n h ��,o:. ':; qC::r�: '. ���a� :r:� �� ; �� �;. �� .8triptio�8; �ton�y Amo.unts to' . tors and Students· Come hu, as )'et. nOI betn Ch . But plans A.,lde from a fe ., changes which mil)' Kreidler,. v on l solo by E1ver ll HOken- Almost $20,000; Last Year' s " From Spokan� College for . qu.ttettr tryout h., �n m.dr br nf'CffUry to l.tcr, thr membrr- .tad,. comic ,'oe.1 duit by Ruth Brown ,Deficit \Vlped Out -to take cUret lOOn , � ! hlP of Ihr chOir has �n, drclded, ac- .nd Mlldrrd NrllOn, .nd a 1010 by . With .n e'n�ollmrnt of ' I� for the All stu1ent.s who obtain membrnhtp' oor(ltng to Dlrretor J.O. Edw.rds. The Eleanor Dahlberg, Sln� school clO!iC'!d IllSt spring great I"t J.,.UtherMn Col: ,: ��th e� �: t �: �h��es:'��1 �;i s!O�; ChOir this year .'IJI consist of O�IY fotty forward stepa. have .�n taken by'the '. " ;�e sttwo dll},s.on Pacific t co.t t Pacific Lutheran'College Development atUe! the ne." school )'rarrquar trtte-""III reeeh'e credit for th $ !,"embrrs became of �he dlUlcultr of Pr esIdent s Home with . larger rnrollment than durilli ,,'ork. Assoc:laUon. � loal of workers on concert tours. transportation when . , any .t Ol'Tespondtng penod, By IlIlit Frl'. !Last rear the� about fottY� . T0 Be N'ew Add"lti�n for the A�latl�n��_�·tlallY � day noon, the enrollment had reached ' ... lzed .'hen through the summer �lonUu , Number' of Faculty. " I membtrs. 157, The sU\denu regl.\ter� last yeaI' AS ) 'et , V. E. Elvestrom. choir mana- P lans ('or Enlargn�K Campus the membership In thl' .-\&Welatloli Willi . . f,Or th� first t.·o. d.Y' numbered 106. I Increas ed by EIght gel'. has not compleud the pl.ns for BuildinKS Being Thought raiUod to 3, 522 ..Ith a total subscription O,:er b, Board st b e m The formal Opl'nlng "'as held In thl'll , of 119,683.20. . . :�!:r=� , �r�> �t �e:r � ;h:��'That Pacific Lutht'ran College 5hall In June Rrv. Ch T\l O. J. Ordal and A. ���ng�::d::;�:G� =)I::�r 10. New FIeld Man, Secretary, and concert t�ur �)r:t�nded}north to BtU- lOOn have n�w Pre:$1dtnl's resldch"ce. Tln«elstad �ured the·t'ndorstment of Teachers Come to Pariric i InGham and south to SII\,erton,Or('gon. financed bll"the Development "S' ! fh.e district meetlng� In. the mlddlr QU ced se\'eral Lutheran pa!'ltors...�' 0 l ' Lutheran College The choir ..I' ll hold three ensembles'llto beatlon. I. 1M'r reached by West for sollclttng funds In that section spoke bneny. , the drctislon Iod E U\ e Comm week besides t"'o-paTt rehearsals: the j , ---,--the eral result made change of sc S doR(( llli be \ , Following Spokane Collegr h en for in the ,XreU It 'ml't on 8I'ptrmber the mt'mbers of the l(Oge ""he� ! tre of the17. Col- durin!!" tht' month of July. The comadministration' at Paelflc Luth- choir to date:areAnna MlltkelJen. Elvera this year. and se\'eral of Its atudt'nts eran Coll�e this there six 9" ns Mr, Charlea Altfillisch.ltI.nd.seape .nd l mltlft In charge of thlll work comSo ' ' ha, t'nrolled he�. Three teacher;s lne..' teacher.!-. a new field m.n and a H c ntad. Mlldred Nelson. U h elg an:hitrctural dt'slgner was here yester- l po&ed of 8rv. 1.. M. Stavlg. of North" :=:. i:���I����:'I= ��d��: day He brought tM� him plans forl���d.v�i:�� ta =;'�liri!�Ha= . we� a1.5o tianslerreil fromh tolne"'S«�tary. D h I n t' 0 t I ftUon about '14,000 '10'.. coUected bJ ::� �::II;::�In�, :� :. ::�; a�! dlr :����2!:;es!�� �:';;:� c::;:: :� :0 ::"'!����9�_::.a.�� �;�L!;::� ���y��:':�����I' . the lollowlng nine solldtors: �v, T.O. specifications for the �sldent's rt'slLutheran COUege ..'ill come uplmembers of that coU�e a:cet'pted the �I . Isvare. �v. Mlkkel Loho. Rrv.L. C. for setti!ment .t the bl-annual con\'en- i Invit.tlon to join the Pacific Lutheran I ��::U;;n:�:. ��'H:� ��I:n� denct'. . will work lion of the No",qlan Lutheran Chun:h faculty. PnsIdl'nt Carl Ida Hlndl'rUe Bfo)'dln! Knut- The Board of 'l'r\alfts plans, lOme PtI5S. Rrv. T. Hokrnstad. Rev. C. H, Nor­ at th! neJ:t m!tUng, which Is to be held 1I 1n the field. especially among prosPI'C- I Gulleson M!n, Ruth 'NOrgaant, 'M�rieOmd.I, and time dun!'g the ),1.'.1'. to COlUltruCt a gurd, Rrv.O. �. Hrlmd.hl. Rev. H, 1.. a u r� �� :7=� � . =' ::��' �n::e��I:U��h�:u�� In u e Vista. aceompanUt, � : �:!X:�tructors who ha':e been'! ��I::;���!:.\=:y ::� :;::� Cora . Arthur O�n, Trd E'Y1enth, Carol �:I��� 1'''1.' In the ' stale!! of Minnesota' Iowa.. transft'rred from Spokane COIIC'lle for t�cher ht're, ..... Stanley 8er'ent. the che!"l.Itry I.boratory built last ye..... St. Harold svare, ar c e I I !5tn Ooplerud. Fred Lee: 15tcurd ne��.:;:��:t��:s�::;t�e f;:110�� �;,�::;;:e�ru�;� ::���:-th:: ��::, ��:Ie\� =� :;�� �::;, ;,=:;, de:� :f '::�:�� ::�:O;�� ��:lis� ,I John support the operating deficit for last H. HdIman. the ne"" d� of mt'n. and' .nd Christianity. Mr. Hcllman. a rep-, !!:� ;n�o;:�:::��al�I��u� =:: Ina: Or. Tingril!tad, J, U, Xa.vier, V. E. year ""I� out and the contlnua­ Clifford Olson UJe new head coach rcscntath'e of the Jolnt S)'ll o)(i ofOhio Elvestrom and a biOlogy teach!r to br tlon of the devrlopment pl.ns made rece{ved his M. A. degl'ff at the Sta� I :.r�g;;�:::�� ;:':.n��,::ton. Ed- appolntt'd:. . and as$I.s�nt d� of men, possible. . 'Che commlttre In ch.l'1e of thl.' t'rrc- . The number of st.tes and trl'Tltorlt'S Collt'i!e of WlIlihlnll'ton. rep�sentrd at P. L. C, this year are as' CliffordO.Olson 1.1 assistant dean of . tlon 01 the Presldent·s residence consL<lLl follo"s: AJasU. WashingtOn. North Da- men. athletic coach. and teacher of 1 Pr�(s -Enjoy Rest of K E. Alldt'.rson. treasurer of the BoYs Dorm Union ���lm��un�::�:;:�d��IItOmla, and ������h�� :;a��, a:dgr::�:�' otM;: i ,By S\tnyin� on the ��� -::t:;, O�:h:·O:r�.irlr.ebo. Hal! ."irst Meeting Olaf. Is the assistant In the hlgh-schOO,' ' Jolt All Sunlnler Rev, c. H. Norgaard of Evt'felt has been called as a third f1dd man, to as- Tht' Boys' Dormitory Union held ILl Mrs. Louise B. Taylor teaching In department. the high schad at Sumner, WlIlihlng- Mra. EII:.abe� H.Bondy, Of 5I'atlll'.: Those 5tudenta who believe the life of slst Mr. Elvestrom and Mr. Fosa, bu't tlrst mee�lng. Tuesday e,'entda:, 8eptemton, ..'ht'l'!.' she is living .1th her hus- I,L� the ne..· teacher ot, hutng ia teacher Is one of unlntrrruptrd It �.not kIlo.. yet whether he ""Ill beT 17. notI many' ot the bQys lCOntm Urd on Page Fourl I'and's parenL!;. t. He will have lpeclal ch.rge of 'dunng the summt'r monttlll will un- ce'"'l endowment c�leot1ons and will work qualntrd with the Dormitory rules, ,the h I cis ' a th d bledt m Y ' a dism,-,(lIng"811 the of maln purpao;e tht' DeveloJlment .uaoclatlon. P. L, C. GRADUATES STRIJlE FOR STILL tor u:.;.� � :� Ih��rlng hO:' ��: fa ty . Pa On, of th���es.:O 'Fred HICHER GOALS ALL. ACTI,IITIES NAMED:,pent thelr v.catlons. In fact. one STUDENT O�GANIZATIOH NOTES �� ::i .- on 0f n", .... ..... b� WLUI e re�.... I�,�: o 'O ",'Ondt'r I� why teachers what the "' r The first m!ttlng of the Daughters trea.sur,er left vacant by Robert Knut. The 1929 graduating class is s\radll}' Mont-'ma: Ethcl Johnson, tht' Interml'-I \'acatlon realiy means. n organization of zen. At the clo5e of the m!tUng;hr� f!S al Othelio. Washington: Doctor 'I'Ingelstad remalnrd at the ofthethegirls�formatlon »lIMing on to higher goals. While a fe... dilite grad In\rrt'sled In promoting the cheers wt're given In honor of Dean Bertha Rod near Fallon. Montana: arid II school throughout the tummer, dlrect- "'1) are at home thl.\ year worldng tor their I Rr rk of the Lutheran Chun:, ""111 be Hellm.n. 1 n. Strandbel'1 the firstfour grades Ing thr campaign for tunds made held .t the �ome of �rs, , Ramstad , The officers of the Union thla year coliC'lle eJ:pcnses. the m.jorlty are:l t the Lovelan<l �hOOI. IthrO tht' Development .-\&Welatlon. October e purpose of tt�. 0 nl- are:. Fred Lee, pna�dent: BergebJacob­ teachers, and a great man)' are attend-: Several'A)f th� high-school graduates' J. Ugh U. Xlvlt'r .nd O. J. Stuen spent a tlon and1. Th r thl' topics for the roll wing sen. vlce president, John Oard n, Iee ,'hl\'e �tumrd to p, L. C. and I'nroued grt'al deal of time in the library. cilua- :r.a Ing somr university or coJI�e, m!tUngs .., III be discussed. All alrls retary,, Fred Beheel, treuurer and COnThe graduatao ot the Normal DePart-lin the Junior COIlt;e Olvl.\lon. They Ifylng new boob and re-arranglng are "'elcome, rad Kin:hhol, llefleant .t arms ment ho)d the follo"'lng posJUons: In- are: WUbert Nyman. Margaret Fad- shelns. geborg Bolstad. gradt'. onr to four in I ness, Nelma ouiIeson. Ida Hlndt'rlLe,!, N. J, Hong, ""Ith Doctor nngelstad, P. L. C. KIDDIES ROMP THE ROUNDS eililed the .nnual school catalog. Mr. the Tanner Sehoo!. near Kent, WIl.Vl- and Dorothy Lehmann. ... lnaton: LaddIe Winnie, UJa lntrrmedl- Robe , rt Knutun Is attending the Mt. Hong also tauaht'SJ)( w!tb of summer TO OBSERJlE F,UNNWS ..fT ,· THE ,"'..fIR ate grades In the East Stan"'·ood school; Vernon J or COlirge. and John John� school. Walter �nch. UJe fifth gradr and ath- .nd ldTh�nson Are upec- �. E. Hauge .nd Victor A. EI",estrom P.�. C. stud�ts went back to thdr in UJe gri.nd,tand wh� ....Ith mouths "'ere In. the "'orklpg with the De- chUdhood Monday, Sep�mber 15. �d w1de open the)' ""a.t.chrd the drUnk el�It'tics at Yelm. Wuhlngt.on; Lel.h trd back at. L. C. Elna 'l"rUlson llIan Anderson. Peter "elopment drive. attended t,!lr Wcstrm Washington Fall ' phanll and hol'S!!�, B. JaCfblCIO Grau. mus1e .t Yelm; Rudolph Sandef50n. the prlnclpalahlp .nd � n, and Erling Jacobson wlll .attend Mrs. Lora B. Kreidler and A. W t Puyallup. tor educ.tlonal purpolH won a bet lrom B. Nyman. but th,e for­ mer ""Ill haV!to "".It 80me time for hll seventh and eighth grades ot tlle �hooI the Unh'ersity of Washington. ""h1Ie J Ramstad look uP , �laI "'ork at thr _ .. . The bussea lett at one o·�t. and forty eenl+ .t Cbamber's Pra1r1e, near Olympia: Olaf Ort1Il, Lyell KreIdler, and Ray- unl\'Crs.lty or Washington. et Washlngn I t ri Is th:� �� L = :=� � :=�: a� :� ::�r�I�::e ::: =�:�. m::v ': :t8=� :::'��;o�l;r� ::;":u�h�, :�:: ::;e.�V�:'::�� t�����:: : m::n � � Irene'�. � lntermedlate srades in OerbatJi Laile 1I contlnulna: his . H. J. Hoff and J,O.Ed..a.n1a taught and Amy WcPheflOn and lleveral others. penny slot machlnea. Jly the Ioo1tI of UJe schoOl at Edgerton. EatonvWe-. ltudJ5 in thr EaJt. .t Luther COUqe, dUrlngJ.he\summe� session here. lAter Ho""ever, the laet "".. nOtrd tpaC thr lOme ot· the.plc:t.ures.'ew 01 the enter­ and Jollll "ood, Wuhlnaton. l'Hprc:tlve- Decorah,.lo...... According to IlIlit re- Mr. Ed"al'lb clrared some loti he pur ruesLl didn't "10 over blg.R Prtslna youlli men in lh1s school ""W be iY: Helen Westby. at HoopeI', w�na- porl.I EVan8 C.rlson ""II enter school chased to Parkland, where he ""iii buUd The P. 1.. C. children ran around the OIUy refuled. lair buy� everyth}nl they .... until ",U dual), and Ituck qether With W.ton: Verna- Oano, the IoWI!!' andes at .t Sprlncfldd, J4a..1aachusetLl. to lpe- a ho� neJ:--.r. the Vt.1I � R.alnJu; Marte clallu: to c:oaehln&:.. Dagmar Hqeneu LlHhvlg Larson' .... orked falthlully In their money' ran out. Motto: "U'thou Iy, aeonea and hamburtera. UJe tir ed 101 . ""ould coJJec::t overdue bUb, bold � pa- maun re�' to the·buI; where 'the Oardlln. the knrer p-adeS . � attrnd� the. Ulliversity of Call- thr ofller aU lumml!!'.· Uenee • Irw months longer," meetinr .. adjOUrned. Paulabo. w� ; fom1&, at Berkeie)'. . ooln &bool. IneI Ameeon, between/SpanWarftn aown\an sa Wj)rlr.1na .t Port EIther Towe. '28, and Oladys Joraen- TIle melT)'-go-round eatrrpWar, and Our oltldal bro& &.nI1OUDCe!i... and Roy: )(&rtha cUne the ln� An('eles. John Wiese Is' alao 1VOI'klnc. of BlIverton, Orei;on, w11l en- wblp 'aerveil � U,ht 10f1Nl of "thAt • aood time 1JU had by all. tft"med1ate andes at Otbdlo, W�- Gertrude Bycta. Is ta.ttnr. course .t St. ter the University of Washington this aJnuaement. for the enth\lslut:L Some ",hereby�e stu(leoll addr'eIIi,did qree ..: ycu, of ys spent whole afternoon w:lth !.be aak1 oltldal broadcuter, toO.; lraW � ,In Toole Oounty,I JORpb'l Hospltalln Tacoma. . . . :r-.




. •



















I1 I



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. •














IOD� '28.









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rAOD"lO L� OOu.&OE, p.uutLA.IfD. .W�

01.1'neM Harold Qray Irene Dahl Geol'iC' CtonQUi.s� Wamer Quale E r ,",�_ o t Glenda Waters

���� :r:�




Art'8 Barber Shop Brookdale

The Students do

s�y the y. have never.'

been in Tacoma tlD-

less they have eaten at

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PARKLAND LIGHT & .WATER CO. Parkland. \Va�hingtoD

... A Mut,ual Company-QrJPlnized 191-1

Furnlahe. Water, Llcbt and Power to Memben Only mia.lmum 60c pe�th iri�ludln.l00 .ca� � water , .... � Water IIIl'II �ed to P. L C. For

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Pacific LutJltran coilftt footbAll Exercisin .' g team wUl plenty of action lh1s tall ' Now T �rning Out"; If the n\Udbe� of aamH alrn.d.y �hed·


Football Discu••ions . Gol f Three Tirn� Weekly ! . For mprovirig Plcys ' �

Coune Draws ' �lany P, L. C. Prof..

The Parkland golf cou�, ..".hkli In order that an the m'en turning out to�nt'd only lut sprtna, Is aetttna a uled. means an)'thtng. G.mrt wm tllli for football m..,. become better a.cq'ualn- representation .from Pacific Lutheran· Char-plon,hip ream �:)�It=:re�hU':ee��1:�I�'·;=�r. ted w1tb new plays and new I1.Illnf s, the Co�lere ttlla ynr, ""an; memben; of Football t:ra1Alna haa 1li.i1.ed ...I� Ill\d ending Novembtt 16. period from 12:30 to 1:00 p. m. each th� f.culty vt,ry entJitWl.Stlc I.bout , more than Its customary .c�e5 and The ·College of Puget Sound a;servH W�ne8day .nd P'tId..,. after. evthe game'�d � nsequenLly pl.y 'WhenPains. The ne'll" coach. Clifford Oleon. prere� their lamea Thurad&1i. Cen� be set aalde for special foot- � !�= f:� ;:n� �ly Vf:ry rol� to develop-.. ��: wnJeh :::���:I����-;. These will be under !he pleasant ehanae from the dally rou\ �= �: th6uah l18ht. he hopes Will be fast and 11dth Tacoma's' H1gh School supervtsion of the hell(!. coach. s. Ltkoln. of 'Clua r.nd ornce worok, but' they'feel c:lel'er. ,.. a result Of pracUce toward Stadium, OWn. and the uslstant t ' Bell¥'"\(ne. a nd on wUl raU h.t It otrtn the ruuch.netded I'eCra thls end. the boys are 111:'t !Jetting oV,er Fridays.. A. W.Ranut&d .nd A..J B«:It.IUon • they (10 not have many other the first effects of t.!l�loroul thofOugbty dlscuued, opporas . The !iCh�ule to date Is .. lollo,,'s: to enJoy outdoor tunlt.tea . have !)(oen put through ellet'. dur.t t na eaj:h, meet, 3--C. · AU;d P. October 8. Reserves here .. the..d.y. . ina the- put Wftk. . of new rullnc and J)OS5lble qu�� uring October l'l-Stadl�m; tti� BesJdea faculty the there" are many ' play' IOU nruia,ly, m.y � on tht (p"icllron, student.. who /"Onthe ltnt day of PI"&CUce, when onl)' October 18';-Bellarmlne, here Spec. ��ed out. Dill. lal r.tea given ele"en men turnt'd out, the p�pe(;ia of October 26-CentraUa, th� the studen ·t.a to en. . having a football team .".ere very db- November I-Llncoln, thereand ddCjNb't. ta.a_ coUTaie' patronage, ,"0""_0 ....nwn courag\ng, 'Another disquieting factor No'�mbef 7-C, p, S, H"'�"-"""� I . talte up hall of each ...::.. ...::.. wa.s that Ben Palo, star full·back o'f last NO\'ember I8-Central, here "'nod" "'h"' .....m. . u",;,. )'ear's team, unable to tI.lte part son. ....! must have a group of. men l this �'ear, But with thlrty·one. men not!.' on the working togtther all the Ume. Each "l.: man must know txactly what he should field. hopes ha...e been again revh·ed. , . do .nd do It, The Idea th.t the backJUst lately many .yery promising pros- rcar. The team has not been �_ ... _ field lathe br.lns of . fQOtbaU team 15 ' ha,,!e turned out, and It Is now the general. bellef of every'one that P. L. C. 'mlnrji, but with thl! n�cleus of . ' . IQng lIgo obsolete, Tile ends. tackles. t. eight. and many new 'prospects. "I--:-:----:::-Tj- guards, and center must know where the Lutheran College should- make ball Ia aotng Just well the baCkBrookdale Ca.h In football thb year. field. for It the line f.lilI to function, PARKLAND GARAGE \ Market o tht backtleld haano place to carry the Repatr !s���� :� �t�:� �u:� � � ball. So, In order have � mllch, lne: All j ':'&$, 00. and "'«euorieli George Cronquist, which" worb IIkt a hlgh-geare<! auto- � MI.dlson 15eR2 ' J. C. PeI.4."'SOD Mlitard Quale, Alfred I OardUn. Teet EvJenth, __.


Hopes High, tOt Produelng








�bQ O·. �I r". � I'J�.�"'_ are












�:s:s;m;c;E���;m:;m:;;;. i


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MUD 37�7




of Quality" GROCERY co.. T"'COMA

Pumpki1'W ,SheD


�::;:::=::::�=�::=::� PANY

e . ·have a great.m8 Y things yo fellows need � �




from some of the country's most ath.leUc heads. Among these MBeeA RBSGfAURAN1" Th1.stJewalte, of WlscOnaln. / . Open AU Night· Michigan, Koeaan, or Notre Dame, Littlefield, of the Texas and M. 13th & Coinmerct' TRY '\UR ANNEX Mr. Olso o's system or football oot be regarded that of any coach. He has selected pl.ys from Telephone � � Warner, Stogg, Rockne. and Jones sys. y telnS. Hl.s 'f ootball l.s or a faat brand. KARL A. ANDE.RSON with a number or splnntr. wtnaback. re81Dft lIIIftA.L WOR":8 vuse and pau plaYI. TAt. O .....V&LaOoFUfO, lllUEr.u:a rv.RNAC&8 Besldt'1i h1I activities .t the College. tl13 ST,,HELENS AVE. TACOKA, WASH. a =a��:-:f=� ::;:=m� �--�---4-";:""---�-----..; an active member of the Tacoma ort!. dais' Unton,' an orpnizaUon whose membua are llm.Ited to only the beit athieUc coaChea and I.uthoritles in Ta· Insure with a Progressive" "'... and 8outh...iern Wuhlnaton. Sa e and &u1f:d Company Speaking of the pro.pecta lor a ..-tn. nlng. teAm. co..cb Olaoo ..,a, "We . Ov'er 30 millions of insurance DOW in force. I01n&" to stve all we have to'lt'ird • n1na 10211 football u-.m, New This rapid growth is �ue to oatisfied:policyhold p'"" are abow1ni" up every even1nr. 1n • few ct.,. our mat.eri&l . who a� our best booaten. , plenWul Tbe l1ne ioou _�"'.�'I Our "Specit,rU", are far superior and our �gu. 'It'tth several men for each poeUon.. A.



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complete line of Spai� Goll Oubs,



nfo r.dtIc' A....


Portlapd of

pipkin cbuen the nnt .u.ct OIl \betr f1nt . tile CIty DeItiD1. in

CO. •

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Bags and

fH.b &


Sen'ed Over th'e' Bar


Seamoru Flower Shop

Rosso's Garage

We are pleased lo-st'c the old timers relurned and the new students in attendance at P. I.. C. MuS wc impress you with the ract that our estahlishmcnt is here for i ������:�sI�:�:;a �I�����!!�:r��P��::�� within reason that' we may be able to do for your'comfort or pleasure wiJI we deny ybU. Be f�'io call on U8 for any service we may render.


Br,ightcn up the home with a·few £lowers or a nice . bl�ming pllln!. :Flowers f�r e\'erybody and everything

We Appreclate,You� Patronage

;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;� ';;;;;;;;;� m




"It'"$ the Berries."


' .


Greetings St.udents


Light Lunches, Confectionery Cater to Dinner Par:.lies



To George's rOt Best wiches, candy bars. Dnd sundaes. Cigars and Tobaccos

Jewclel:,Watch Repairing a Specialty 257 So. 11th St. (F'ldeUty Bldg,)








'"The Peach WEST .COAS'l'


Illl'l't Clll11pl,tiliun we art' re<iucin.: prkt's.ull 1I111U1rhcr \\'ul'k. lind j.!uurun!lt' sutisfuclion.

'Vtinling Co... Inc. 7� Pacific A..-e




••A.' ___

Parkland Barher Shop und Confectionery

Imporlers of Nor.) wegia n Cod Li..e;: . Oi l

oJ Ffte




�=======.: LIEN & SEL\1,\ '




- '. ''- - �


• -..--¥

wb.enPrant.J..lD.m,bot\.be toot. 10 toO ctnibt.tD, at

:t.Incoln RiIb of T&comL Tbe . eftD more � tbm \.be I dDtea, Wtth. LIDcoln in � \.be time. the b!ill three

fourtba of

lar life pollci.. are bener:. Let Us tell you a.hout them. " upon �uest.

Full infonnalion

A. Lutlu!ran Sock.y lor Lutheraru


Lutheran Brotherhood 12O().K



tLepl Relene ·W. lnIw'anee) HERKAH-L. EKBRN,"-PreII4en t





.'- Minn.

, )


l ,






Rrookda le,


noor too-It'� clean and,shlny now that t�l'rl"! nolhlng to talk about. It rather looks as tho Eleanor and Fred doing their best to fill thr place Marie and "Rfod" left vacant. Mr. Bturn still drlnlu coffee and plays !!,olf. and-Mr. Hauge ls stili. or yet. talk­ ing "Inteillgence," �n't he ever glyl' I himself a rest? And now. mine reader'!'. what mon can i I write? HMn't a young and Inn:peneneed �tudent-�.cher enough worries . o e t t ��� :��.::. ;�::ven'l anything lo! hadn't when Jtarte-d. !IO

n•• __nn __ _

new Drug Stort' .tt ·


Come '�Ild gt�t aCtll1ai .. t�d,

You'll like our servict'.


�ROOKDALE DRUG STORE ' n :'\0. :t -\

1t'�====� ===============�I �ar- l(Continued from Page One. 1'11(,1111111






been "eeommended by Ot-. H. J. Hofr. who waa granted a year's leave of ab­ sence to Serve Bethany College of LindS­ (//'''' ""/, (BooL I borg. Kamas, his flr'st Alma Maler. I Mrs. Bondy hfl.!l the muter's degTee (7) I w,/(I ) apt'''s from th, Unlvel1il�y of W�n,�fI.!I I � �=t �" ����;:�:Ing� . ton. and OeqDany. p, J, Bardon, M, A" of the University of Washington, has cha.rge of the com­ mercial department. He takes the place of W.. J. Freed, who accePted the PQl!I� tlon of PJrtetor of this Commerce De­ partment at e State 'Normal School at Dleldnson. h _Dakota. Mr. Bar­ don was a mem of the 'faculty of emy before the. Pacific Lutheran 726 PACIF1C .AVENUE, TACOMA, WASHINGTON .J v.;ar. TELEPHONE cMAIN 49 .' Lu:e::'�:: �:� �d�:' �-�,-------=----"",,-�--'-:"'�-"':"'4. from the �Uere of ·Pu(el Bciund, is -�-�-----�---" ::e;:I��:�,�: !:: :��� . rUnlversJty of wuhington, and comes to ,'. �: �1ghlY neommended by the Wilson Brus', 1110-i2 ��v=:�

I I [/ohn'OM �@o, @o � �� I . . jJJV ,., I




I-JlIh('rdtlshc�' ,

Pacific Ave.

MiaII Ben1lne Knutaen is the new sec-, retary to the admJn1stratioD, tak1na the place �t . ClanI. Myhre, wbo is

oa.t1foml.a 1\1dJ. Tacoma, W."b.


CoUege Annes prefer ( HOLEPROOF Silk Stockings

with three . new heels



Frank J Lee



oleproq[ has done H it ... three new heels;






double poinl and a..bloc.k_

egulaiion heel ... lIiat r a e the smartest in a r cocoon's age! Mossa. grai�: rose' dust,

,. are

shade.s- or

new s ocki':lgs.. t

icelc F Rhodes'




. � I e oo H r Fr t L-____��SO�C������� � � C�L�OTB� � ES��---� 1� 1 ::�mwdcm � 'W�: !�______________________�___ -- _O_ '_ I�· �' _F_� l � '� ; , _ry _'_ n I :1 ,



) I







, ""OIt 2






Choir Membership . Is Now Complete . , Ikrtnlaen l�r"ldtn'" W Eleded Sec�t.ary� Tre ..�rtri



Choru. In Ytil.



,Glrll' to


Lutheran, �e

complete." an­

noune.c1 'Kr, Edwardl. 'late PTtda,., Ur. EcswltnU hal been hulnf tryOUti for ihe'lut. Ulree _kI and throUgh hla ProceA of ellmlnatkm hu cut. down the mtsnberahlp to lortJ. Uri. O.,n will accompany. and a1nI wtth the choir this Je&!'. ilnd Cora wtn be the �� , c:omp&niat lor the .,10 parta, . The c.bo1r hY been �Uelnf � . the lut two weeo. with;e lull rehearaa1a and one pUt.-t'ehearaal a week, ihe meetm, of the choir, P't14a1. the foUowtnl orricen for the comtna ,.ear ",ere eleeted : Stulle,. Benntae�. presto. dent : 'Fred Lee. le<:Celary-t.reNurer : now

PI� take lh1I hiht from nature you r enterprise. Ju.It tell the ..-orld you'¥e lot IT, Vlfta It ...,.1 to ad.ftrtile." , SPtak1nr ol advert1llnc mnlnda me ,of Oeorp lAne nucky·bo,. io be �IUJSIN'ESS D"EPA�TMENT The people ecom the t:OCIflih Gerhard 'Nolden, _ .,. . n1Rd In the "foo�ent.. department,) BU8IN� MANAOER ,-,..._ -==-=il-:=:Di . ClRCunATlON MANAOER Mu-tam Helmdahl l _ ' and that nmlndl, me of PhUOllO� At ADVERTISINO MANAGER . a Y ary cI.... Dr. 11ntdl� Ukened the ...lllnc . TYPl� - , Be&�"'= of knowle<!i"e to an attempt on the part Saturday, Sept. 28: A faculty ' r ecePn FACULTY A DVISERS H ng. 8 ;.;,;; ;;: , Uon w.. held for ttle Itudenta, Acc:ord. �e afore�entloned feUow to .seU lin '.� J..; J'.;;;; , ;;, 0;;, ';;:::..;; •• ;; N.,;; ..;;;, _ _ _ _ _ _ ; _ ; ;... ; ;;;; .;;; .;;; .;.;. ;.;.; _ . en . lnl to reporta. "a\l had a lood tlm�." , r;� l p: ':r:!.:l; : lnterutm,. W�er QUale. .sercet.nt-at-.IliDu; Ru�h OUR ADV )' RTISERS Brown and ,Ruth Norcu.rd. yell readers. From i,ssue It) issue tlf this )J�.)fr Inc") IIII�itl('�s cnl1l,"erml huvc Mond.,. Sept, 30: ., Weather w.. Wt lumed that80cratH llted to talk to with no cloudy. ou day The passed �. anyone who would lilten � him,' jonfaithfully given us Ih('ir ath'erliscnlel�ts, Perhtl lls 'yOU hu\'c nol -:��I::�' slO lli>l'd 10 l'UnsidC'r Ihe \'lIlue u£ thcse in Ihe I)uhlicaliuri of the ltandlni casualUes. other t.d trait old Soc had w.. 'a faculty o n o O ��-:d. �= :'.Ioorinjol: :'.Iast. Probnbly yuu hu\'(' nol n'uliz('d thnt the�,' arc Ih{'re 'I\leada1, Oct. 1: Be&utlfui\t.,.. MU- lor uklng qllestlons. � .: �m='. ���; e n lI.rd Quale ut had picture hll t4en. B ' fur yuur hCllc£il.. Such. huwl'wr. is !he fucl. 'nlrou)lh their sup­ By the wa,. doet the above ltatement S :� wt'!at ., drlpplni Plctu": he doet brtn, port unly cuu we mukc II suel.·Css uf this puper. . to your'mind any one of your &CS � :;:e, �=� Lei us. Ihcrcfnre. wilh broad int('liigellce seim Ih(' lids o'n Ihe n Y re t Paul Halm·Jet\8en. 8t.nkey Quale, pages o£ this papcr und I)urdmse pref{'rubly frum our IId"'ertiscrs. , W�neada1. Oct, 2: 8oPhO�pn dor. �:: f::'�rs :r- :: s::t1�tll�::a� A r n nl\\'uys mlikiuR lIIenliun uf the i\lufiriuR 1\Iust, I..('t liS also suggest am .::�� ��::e�� =���:l. =:��i � � ��I:; science II anot�r lIOur ot :'.Ioorin� �llIsl plllrunuJ.:!.! tt} IlUlHld\'crlist'rs us (tJ>portllnit�, affords. :I�� ��,::�:�, � ::c��::, :� t Let us show ullr tuln-rlist.·rs Ihlll Wt' nppn't'inh' their support hy tume<l pale, knowledge, Bud Anderaon informs u.s u E'"+*i" = =-« ++++ .... palruniz-iuJ.: thcm , Thursday. Oct. 3: Firat foOtb&ll ,ame� that "Phljadelphil w.. the, largelt Aireo.c,. nw. General Pireprooflnf ' - ---of the -aon was played with C. P. 8. ltate at the time of th6 Constitutional 00, .P'Wnc ALL8TEEL �ulpment CHOIR Raervea,-and a gieat lame it wu. 80 Convention." J. F_ Vi8ell Company ::"01 C\'l'r:yullc n.'ulizl'S Ihul P. 1... C, hilS Ihl' uilly choir o£ its uclted dJd Cora oOp�rud become duro Mention was made 01 "Red Tape" In Pho� Ma1n 2170 801* Padtic Ave, Tacoma; Wa.abJ.nIlOn kill�1 ,,'cst u£ the :'.lis.'HlUri Hi\'l'r. 1111(' o£ II CIII)('1111 "in)!ing, Fur the in&) the lame that &he did not know Political SCience, biit we were not. told :!OK 8KLL&&5-8T"TlON:� Imst Iwo Y(,lIrs �I hns )!uillC'cI ("III,lsilil'ruhl(' £:lIue 1I1111!)! th(' PU{'jOc whether .she .... a .spec:t.ator on theaide how l,t wu made. I IUtIII It mUlt be .... knit from political ItrinSI. coosl Ihruugh ils lours {'lIeh sprin)l. Thi� yeur. Ihruu�h hurdJ!&. lIne or actuall, play\ng'the game. � , work lind IhrollJ.!h Ihe flil'! Ihul llIany of Ihe old Illl'mhcrs hove re· \ Frida)'. Oct. 4: , Yes ,'the frubles have lnd.eed. clU.ees are ..onderful Early turn('d, Ihe chuir will be oble 10 make il� lOllI'S earlier lind therehy kt that achool-l1rl complellion .. a momtnc recitations Included. It I.s a Parkland BarlH;r Shop don't waken. �ain lim(' £Qr more lut:lIl cnGu�ellU'llls Inler in Ill(' spring, Irt'llt IUe If you ruult or the powder rules: The chuir. whuse llIemb('r:thip hlls hecn, r('duc"d 10 (urly In Sunday. Oct. 8: The Luther Lea;ue That will be all for .1hla time. Yours a�d Confedionery simpli £Y truIHI)WrlutiulI. is 0 pr,?gn'ssi\'l'-UPI)('tlri �l)! und � gave a reception 'In the church pulors till contented co_.. ctve &havlne qeam., , grout> thut �ln soundmg \ he rehed upun 10 pll1Y II" purt 1I1 mnklll)l to'r the Pac:Ulc Lutheran College IlUARI8'l'01'LE. ' Ihis musicul season une o£ which we eun he Pfoud, dentl and faculty. • . To meet cOIll)>ctifion we lire .

AUoclate Editor Copy Edlton Make-up' Editor Sport&Edltor "'� t'8tUI'ft Ml!ctUanrous


.I '

, To boost



:::�:U3r:: :

=����:. '


TIle Mooring Must eXlends In Ihi� 1If/.,!llni7.lIliull lind 10 its. inspiring din.'dur ils wishcs for the grcutcsl sllcce� during the,coming y�ur, TIle choir belongs tu Ih(' school. and Ih(' Rood work it DC· l'OOlplish('s will represcnt Ih(' Sl)iril or, the school to which it I>clungs. ;':cw studenls will be ullruded. lind Ih(' g()()(1 will of Ih(' I)('ople increused lowurd!'! our Alma Muter. , The �unclit)n of the choir i:, 10 sinlo(. Lei thnse. Ihcrcfore. , \\�bo , cun .help III nu otl.!er way a� !('�st l�()osl lh(' (,l1terprlst;s o£ 1I1IS orIZ f� Il lltlon by ,,:llIch Ih(' splrll of I . L. r., cnn mos t (hrcctly ('.('Il(·h .Iw p<'upi('. ' , _____ FIRST VICTORY I?uciric I.ulhcrnn college has.w�n its £�rsl foulhall J.!lIllle of Ihe St.'uson. .Our men pluyed £or theIr l4(!hoo) III u munner thai Itluk('s us £eel proud o£ them. !lnd the \'iclnry WtlS £uirly WOII . Did,i't it , makc a £ellow's heurt ju"t hop around as if nn fire {'\'ery lime one .uf Ihc boys waded thrnu�h Ih(' opposition for tl touchdown ,! It s U wflnd('r wille of the sludents escuped MOtnR ln the ho �itul urter all ihe ex{·il('lllcnl. In say Ilolhin)l u£ the dignified profe"sors The spirit munifesled �y Ih(' slud('nts was th(' kind Ihllt would III almosl an)' lealll Will II �um('. There ure wrc £oulhilli nHllcsls In cume. mllll)' of Ihem hurdl'r thil !! Ihe lust. " Lei's keep "Il th� old . fi)lhling spirit. und in Ihi i'l wuy Uld Ihe le11l1 ! lowurd £urlher \·Ictorles.



Gym Suil8 and Sboes ' Polo Shirl8 and Slickers .

Jlum'li ·c.A ctivity

lofon&na,' . .




Orocer1el, PlOW'. IlI.J.


Peed, 8boea.



i---..... " "-"'-'-............ " ............" ooIh....:..._...... " ,....",_......,,,...:................... " ......... , R No,

PhO :




._.... _ ... .._


Any Time, Any ,.lace



........... ....._..................................................

...................... "...




:..... �...................


Sherinan-clay & CO. ......

_ ..

..... ,�........"'....:....

F:£�·��X��;��� omy

Water miaimam 60c per monU. laeladla& 100 eD; ft. water - :Water lara..... · to P. L. C.



'kIand. ��'

For further intomfBtion

� ," ----''


apply 10

. s _ : :. . G"'7 Mgr . "" . .. 0N B. .. £...... .... .. .... ELLIN

'' ''''''''.... .. !I�""'''... .: ::'...,._ ," ::'..: ...,.... .::: _ .: .. :.: .,. : .... : = _h_,·_.H!.-:�

..;,.; _. " :. ._.. .,. /

Call Mr, L:tona



.... -..... J_ __ .... .... ,..- J� ,.. =�..:,. ..� quality mercb&DdiIe

��������i��!=====:==:= It'. fUD 10 kDOW bow �o pia)' the PiaDO. . Your oppOrtunitY jg here DOW. Ceara to play by the DeW meth0d8 of inslructiOD. BUI your 'home must have' a Piano:: Our Budget' l?lan. ",iU ¥lp. you. ""'n' thio.

We h OpeDed a Dew Drug Siore al okdale< Come aDd gel acquainled.


I gUlrantte, Oll(

Young Man,


i.! �::w:.�!�,'�:. ' 3s18� I. .��


1I�====�=�==� I I�;;;;;iii rJ � work


........ _....

RubbeT Pootwear, Drup.­

Bard'\If&R. PlUDlIIrinf SuppUe&, Pa1at., RoonDc


reducing l)rices on 1I1i har�H:.r


EVans CarLson C" '2t. h.. entered Wat�h Repairing a Specialty } sali!lfac!ion. Hamlin Un!vff'llty. St. Paul. 2$1 B9. l1th St, fNeUtJ BIdI.I Warren Bo"'man C '2t' 11 teac:hin( In OlUlord. EUot lof1chelaen� C,. '2t. J.s teachtnc a l � dlvl.slon ot the lint and second Il"ades The SludeDI8 do st the Yelm school. • Altred Anderson. C.. '26. Amt Oyen C.. JIE�5L1E·R . sa y they have oe'ver Be e �:�h � � � eg���� -:;:;. ;:: been in Tacoma uoco a : �h Matao ' � .",n C "25' II teach1nI at Whl� less they. have eate�, �I: : I r. c.: "25. has tered Burto al Diampnd. a t th Un! It 0f W n. ntered th'e e E� r .;e;; � '28 � Carlyle'. Calt;�tia 11TH &; PACIFIC AVE. Coll : of ��t So�d. SI�ey Olasso. C,. '26. Ia Vl.slt lna:11 hII 1 ' tl ln Fa: l ct 01 0::: in Loa :kn:�I�. MC�lltO= Miss 01a4y5 Knutzen II recovering from an emergency operation In the SPECIAL BUSSES FOR PAR S Swedllh HOspital In Seattle,

The Pep Band made ItS first public appearance at the tootball lame wtth ' C. p, 8. Thursday, October 3,


:" -'


I I';;;;;;;;;� I!


. .










D O 'iITT IITED PEP BAN ,F R A R .ETIC ·GA ES .LUth . �rans' Fight. ::..�, :..."':.:·.:::-:'n:· Middies of Lil)coln O'I t F�::� n.. th .. to Iteserves . ." :Wins Over 'C. P. S. n bo" �. bod< In o Lo r to p . se _ '6e. o.'Ulbten 01 the ReformaUOll -_ atI;= a � ����= . To Sco· e . Of 19-9 lhlrd q�rand m�re determined held m Unc o. thia J'H.r at ship of t1l'tlve, baa been . . r . than btfore � � t.ertaI RMin.r R w tbdr nm. ee P and End una Sho Up by U r e :m� o��� �=.� on Well; Few Thrilling PlaYI .gl�ed Game ro� Gladiators ������f:�:' :�:':t�:� :� 'O�=ODThO� � = =�: One Y .Made During Came T ru hout; LoW-n Score . eftr, .... cooled off b,. •. 1 "in existence. . The procnm oonwte<l of • rHdin.a: 5 )'Vd pieDfo � . °b� :ni.:r�e� r.:ute lf�1. and they kilt tb� balI .ben The �p band pe:rfonntd at the lut • paa � an u--;;;; bnnd of loot- by Irene Dahl. .; short talko'b'" Mtrtam . lootball pme. lI'htch .'plaYed with , fell �ple.te the Loner Upt. btJl, the Lutheran snowed un- Helmd&hl, and • � 1010 b7 Anna. / C. P', S, The lI)emberahlp of th1a ban,!' Dtapla)' tnJ fl lht - and detennlnauon Keeptna up that tl(hUnc .plrlt whleh der> the Llneoln HlIh 8ehool Inter. Mlkkelton. ,...J follows: .Kenvetb HCIr'5t, C. hi. equallna that of former Olac11atoT b neceuuy to win foot.btJl pmes, the �t es on the kIc:a:I .,wron by a 13 were .erved by let. IJoyd ....�cbon. . John Ooplerud. eleven. the 11'211 ediUpn of the PKlfk: � boy$ manartd to count.twk:e In the to 0 1IOOf'e. The game f�tured by. 'tNtJteu. n:fru.bmet'l U Oeortle Lane. COnrad K1rcbbor. Viola Lutheran CoUece f� team rot Una! frame. The flrst counter came; aenral � puaee and a like number hoII Mn. e r m a ����='��;�te�= �;e 1;Op� :oc:::::. w:: :p �� 'by::n'!� !�� c:e��'!e�':: �::1=th� openlna Illcll.�rr on hls �n;:w :!:!o:�:'I= �: wonderful interference. The try for own 2Q.-)'ard line: Bartlett. fi4ahY Thursday the home lot. to the Utt!e Villa w� etect.ed YM:e pnaident: . . falled. Not kine &fter the O�· q� lot the RaUsplltter middies, ran of a' 18 to 8 1IOOf'e. ( point and Ruth HOC". . Prom·the v�ry Ural wbillie the Luth· PARKCAND · GARAGE. . aton were qaln down the lhrouah the enUn! rmene·team to the �i.e1: '.�.. dee kled to d a lO \ aez:ial fl�ld "�en a blOCk� punt them Lutheran 2Q.-y� llne wh�re he w.. � ' �::. �w: Y t)' aucceu.f eran re r ed to a e ul �1 . rlam an a . of the on the LoI'Ift' downed by BerentR n. The·flrst quarter dlI� t.6 th f Hell1Il�athe ba.ll attack wNch netted them 178 � � G __ · durina: the (our q1:lal't.Ua.. OUt 01 l � 3S-1ard Une. Completing one howeye!'. had DO other aensaUons ex·. Uome�:�� c;':;:::=n�to be J. C. Pet..non con ual and twenty·one attempted . ten � PILS$. Ua an ooc:uional end by Ben Palo. Vi �. «pt mak1ni completed. nie Loner. Rese e. lrted I • on tine plull(es. �e Olacl1atoriJwere The aec:ond quarter opened with the held In TacoDtL , an entlrety dllfer'\!Dt brand 01rvfootba.l.l. q:aln in acorina: territory. Johmo.n. ,on Lutherana on �he offense more than .' relying on �e plunaes �d ift plaYs an ott·ti:ckle pl.,.-. rammed thrtiugh to ever determined to score. Their . efforts Broo�: Ccuh r rlncl� ::.,U:e=t o�':e ::!.e Rocilne style for · thelry Snappy Cloth.. !tns::�; �:c�e::-:: ��'::':: .:::'� Mprket t All meats .tate and IOvemment for Young �fen The ftrelllo'9rlr.s bejan about five min. anoth� ott tackle play. At thls point Quale. who ran 20 yudl to ICOre the d Olson .ent in seve�al of ftnt touchdown 01 tbe game. Palo made utes afWOr the starting whlltle,twhen Joe Coach CUflor �:n�R2 Also Sh oes and Furnish inga Olasso. bJc Parkland . heaved a IOn( hlI second team. With but one, minuWO a beauUful drop IlIck for the extra polnt' The,lh1rd trame had ftl')' few thrlll5 l i�;;;;�����;;;;;;;; . inter; m ; � pue: to Red Mitton. who made a won. )0 play. Neyhart, of the Y to p yards ore a and ' when � Lincoln a ered �«Pt « tum· sc ISO ran dertUl fiylna catch and tell behind the � pus ..., ble on the Lutheran's 12·yard Une. The B�ighten up \t��� ��e with Reser'vu' goal �tltor the (tnt count 01 theli' flrst toUChdown ot',the aame. FRIEmUN'S l a brick : me. e k.lck for extra ,polnt' fO::t�=.h;,.:esp=n� �eCe�!: =�=dd :: v a few flowers or Dice CWTlIES SHOP �:e ::':l d�...:. ��e � Th ptlant ( not a live one) .. a aUt from Again In the tourth quarter the Re· blooming plant. Flowers 1 12-1 Pacific jh�. . In the Second C. P. s. f'Ored the the on ItIrves came back to �re. A IOn( team. a satety when Johnson dropped a ood·sIud C[.Owd witnessed the from Palo to W QuaJe put the ball on ror everybody and e'\·ery· trom ceoter and tackled be� A aThe , new pep band helped to give the Lincoln 12·yard lIne. where _ r hind hb own fOAl line. The play con. aame I�ing th coUertate atmea· del'lOn crashed ltu'ouah for another lInued to _w up and down the field e: oceaalon a LIEN & SELVIG counter. Tn' for POj;.lt tailed. , Seamoru Flo'wer with neither � eeemtna" to have the phere. lineup: The lineup: The ��. Wlth.onty about two m.1nutes to Mitton Shop Crossell lJacolll .. play before hall time tl)e OladIaton Cronqulst ... . Importeri of Nor­ 8th '" Bro&d_y RT4 . 6trobel Cleofll'ette == == = Quale . 1m. passes and took' the two= completed long:::: wegian Cod Liver t==== ====� Bchlennan RO Clark Herm.5tln RTL YOU"" l � �= = = =� ��n �R.:, ......: .- �= =�d ROL Oil . C Po4n... f �. , COr. �::.: 11th Bt. Key.wne PrlnUnc Co� In·c. Be re;�� ::':0,:::':: :::, :::-:. . . � �::: e er ... �:! !:: r : . . Mala l1SJ 1. helflc Aft Nyman Q... .R. Johnson Bartlett Q lowancet H. Johnlon T' CO""'=== �= �... on . �c=.��""' · """"' ������ I �==== . �� .�::: ��o;;:: �=� � :::::::::::= .. � ) M. QU� SUITS $22.50 r·. ..·.............."'. "......·..·..·..""....- ·····M I..J..sherness .. ...... 0,. Johnson Olson p Anctenon "M·O..CA ..···"T"..····.... . ......."""........... by quanen: Bulla; P. L. C.......8&r\denon. 'nloIten� OoD p OD CT All Wool R . . C, P. B . ... . ... . .... . 0 2 0 'J 8 Danunel Erlc.tson, MHlord. Kriut. �"; F U S. ,.. 1.. C. . .......... Bydow. Llncoln-Rprem. Verlo. .. 6 0 0 13-18 . SUbsUtutes: P. 1.. C. Dammel, Referee. Olton; umplre. Ramltad: Make.' to w-.rtr Dlnet ''The Peach of Quality" YOUIl(. N. Quale, Berent.ot'l. Bkov._W. head IlnHman. A. J. Beck. RedIlCN !.be c.t Yo. WEST COAST GROCEB.Y CO� TACOMA Pactorlea-Phlladelphla .. .. . . .. Headq�New York City W. Appreciate Your .. . ford .ya.dneu. �n. Bandel'lOn. and ..; ?;;; _;;;_;;.•;;;; ;;;;; ....; ;; ..•;; _;;; .....;; _.•;:;;; ;; ;;•.;; ; ;;; .;; •..�.;;.;;; � . ;;;.;;;...;; .;;;_ ;;;; . ��:;:�=� r==:;: ::;;:;::====; �Iff::; �� Theatenson. ••;;; Patronqe Bomma.ry : Touchdowns; c. P. Ney· We have a great many things you fellows need hart; P. L. C Olaaso, Johnson. Mitton: R088O�� Garage Bafet.\.es.'C. P. B. I; pUaes, c. P. 6.. at· m Pac1t1c Aft.. ) I ��t;����:�� ::����� GYM CLOTHING, SHOES, ETC. " cel?t.ecl3; first downs. C. P. 8 p, 1.. C., " ......... C.;.. •. , """: P. L.C.50 MBeeA. RBSGfAUEANGf' , ,..,.. A con�plete line of Spalding Golf Club., Open All Night Oftlclala: B. O. Beal. referee; Denn· man,' umpire; A. J. Beck. head Ilne.:. TRY OUR ,NNEX Bag. and Ban. 13th &: Commerce M




• ...,.,.".





I!i as

.... ..



• __












.... ... 00. aDd "'





























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HSy�:�U:�J=�: B.•


.• 15;

1 . j

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;:::::::::::::::::::�J:::::::::::::::::'::� ...

WASHINGTON HARDWARE CO. n4 Pac:ltic Aft. Wain 7. _ w....



Mr. and Hallie enter. talned the toUoWfns people at thelT bome In Parkland. Sunday. September 28: Mr. and Kn. 0, J. BlUM. J4r, AiYal Beek. MJu Martha . and �Ivelg Mrs. Ph,









3-3 Jloy� W..hiD�n . ·

. 8Dn' JlDTAL .W0&&8 TU • O&Ava. .00""0, �

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. Over 30 millio... of inaura�ce now in force. ; rim ,"!,pid growth is du,e to oatlofled poUey-hold' ... . who are our besl bootten. Our ·'SpeciaI.a" are f.":.aJ.oeriQr-.Dd ·our�gu lar life policieo are ·better. '. . leI us teU you aboul them. Full info"""Jio. < . • . . UPOD �eot. A LutMNIlI Sockty for Lut"',a...


:buther� B..otherh�·



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TelephoDe IIa1zf �


Insure with- a Progressive Safe and Sound Company


10 to 12 a. m. and 5 1;;'"7. p.



�nnouncinB the Opening of .Office.



KARL A. ANDERSON . rtJIUfAC&8 als 8T� �8 An. . TACOMA. W . I





(� ReIene Ute lnalraDoe) REIUlAIf 1., DmUf, Pre@deat '




12O()..� �(etrOpolitan' Bank Bldg. '- . . . .

·1015 Pacific AI>e.

. .


. \.Min��poI� .

. ,.



- . j.


. I



Rules for P. f.. C.

Rymo Coolest Out


Interest EJ: p




.t .

....,... �. m_ 0Ia1 � ... elected preCdent ot the coUep &Del. DOI'mAII � dUL Other ort1cen elected are-: Ida HlnderUe. 't1ce �nt. Dot«hJ Lehmann. 1Ittt'' SOlve". treuurer

Writing of Song To Spirit of St'hool I. Aim

.!:�::'�Mr. ���\It�


� . . The rules · the Pac:ltk: )Lut.heran Collet\! Hymn Wrttlna OGnteft hue now been c1rawn . . . up by W. H.. Hellman; Mr. N. J. H�r1I. and Mr. V. E. ElVefl.rom. The �) eontest opens Imm�.u,ly and doee:e at . mldnl(hl. January 31 , Ib), ' . -The ob�t or thLl COIltHi Ia to 1JUm. With one .Yk:tofJ under t.be1t beltl, Uie ulate Interelt In the wrtun, of a b,ymn will dlIunctb f.':llprMI the 'Plrit Paclnc Lutheran OOU. Gladiators wUl lhat Ihould .character-ue .facl11c Luu-i. leave their home ndt P'Ttd.,: NQVtm· r::"", It ma:t tnli1 � 11, to enter the lal�. of the 8tadium eran QoU•. In orde . be a hr:mn, the verw and mUlSc mtat 'I'\cl'rL Tbe enUre .eek will be URd tor hud • be of a devoUoilal natu"re. �koutl1n Order toput 10cli elum rono.tna. are the rulea: • • 1. Th1I oonte.t II open to all PtRoRi In lhape for the IlUne. 'Ibm .W be InteI'Nted in Paclt!c Lutheran COl1ere. •peocl&t lnItnlcUon fO"t the batltfleld In





:: ��en=�!���t�l

�����n�;=' o� ��]= u � 1I'hlch �ere made in the lame .lIb the mlUl}' hymN u he chooles. . H� ih ould be Umlt.ed to three Lorter Rftenea· trom the COllete of . also be 1 ll Puret Sound. Some' Ume w stanzas. with or without chona.. b1ocklnc. u the . �. WhUe the conteJt 11 belnr conduc. devoted to tact.Unc . Ihould Ud primarily to 8eCU� the �I""If, con. tam dId not 1I'OfIt .. ell . testantl may also SUbmit the mwlcal have thMe departm tI. practlced ·eo that even .score. Veratll and so:oi--e"�r, will 1 resultl may be obtar.'led be judged. separately. e. Three jud(es. yet to be named, wtll T1gers than .ere t.hoee. 1foCW"ed determine the winner. Under the" mitt the C. P. a. Re$enes. There II • a t llve . e the rlgh U ":��. f !: �e� �Ia�:r �:" ::�=t� ��I"':���V 1 The ,winner will receive the _um ot The 'l'\gtrs, defeated .ho· . t"'entJ.t1ve .. dollar&. Lutheran 001l� Iut J�, seem to be . 8. The c:ontest clOSN at mldntcht. JUSt u po;"'erful thll ItUCIn. " S*ede" JanuaJ"l' :n, l1i130. Entries postmarked WUlud and fhe other lettennen back to bolster up the north end eleven. -rler this time will not be cons1dereci. iii. All entrlel mUit be addl'tsled to Carl Andereon, a tonner P. 1.. C: baclr:Ule field man, II the rta;hHfuard !he Hymn Contest Commltllf:e � berth on. the Stadium team. Lutheran COllete, Parkland, W�lng· ton. '''l'IllI will be a reaJ. test for my ____ .....-/ Taking everything: Into




-alIo JIe



Campus lora/s

e I �:r: ::l�h =:: :: 7�:ked



.. It


r th -e with a

w 'U:;�:I�� IV�U; best

Pradicall y Decided . . on School Ann'ual --


ir!O. Svare. bll)ther of Re'. T.

Mr ��

0Ul DO


� �� UU:r the dtrtcUoa �

- r" ..".. ..........

tul.nC u \be stud1 of P Mter


Th e the late. arri� of \..0 of 1\1 InI ��-:: �:c:�� . and 11 meettn, Iix 'Ume. that � eondluOn. tore mH b)' .enUOn. untll the W?fk II. made up. .tudent bocb'• •u the dedalon . The Mrtnnen' COlIne In Commlttee comPQRd ' of Mr. , 1 not � it, p. .. O. (or ehalnnan, Mi-. Hau,e. and lit.' The c:ommltte.e conakIt>'red the pubUca- mate", ttf'teto:p yean, ,and ...uab� tlon or an annual feu1bfe. provldi!d the II: a v BAJfICER8.TRUBT BLD(t, to the COUI"'IeI offered. It II a1.o one followlnl condlUOM are met by' the .tu. thoee requtftd at Luther and at.. Olaf .....Phone Main 2331 . . bodJ' e d nt

m Individual Auclentl mun (ive thea .upport. In adftnOe 1n the 'um of AfO: which .til mean that eYetl' ·AU. . ;. au annual. .






Dr. :rtnrebtad I�


. .



. (Conttnued from PaP ODe) Cal Each member of the coil. and cute Lutheran CO��. ' The nOrmal rraduaUnc" clUI and � htcb. ap roval ot the ChU('Ch p IChool tenlor mun �,,' 1'8IPonable manifest of for an add!Uotl&l coPJ. • ' :;:P=ep:' :/I convenUon . . InterMt. The 1Uft Mt. the edl� the the enttre 1\ .111 be all tor·ln.chlef be choeen , f.,culty 50 that the �. tleet fitted hope that enthUl� on the cout .111 help the lnterelt. here to for�the poJ1t1on may' be Cnoeen. ThlI m ter waa taten up and an• •ult In thorouahl1 teprelenlaUve·dele· ,atlon, and we antlelpate a 'ery enjo7· at the meeun, 'of the collete a .. Jtd btah• •b]e and fruitful convenUOn." normal IraduaUn( ci t the rerm-a] �plnton amonr 1I'bleb wu held )'Mten1aJ � Is. church worjl:en .bere that a conference I will a180 be bro6a:ht up for of thll nat� wtU mean much to h.� at the �J nlM'unc of the to will � body l1!Of7OW. deltfl.tetI WUl come from all It. "eol"t1n« oyer� party wu liten by he country, thUi brlnalnl the IIChooI lIbnlr.l&nl lait ....ldaJ evmlna" t Uon Into cloeer cor:r.�t with the to which the enUre facultJ w.. Invi�. The -c;oUNea were old mql.ldnea and mOhl centrallJ located IChooIl or c papers of the library"'tore room. About: church. . aUontJ ThIs n convenUon will be . half the pile wu lOne over, eolne In wbleh P:.,L. 0, baa the material betna" kept for . nd other ndemned being to � co .. 6� Alum ni pUe. Mr. 'Xavler expectl to· leU half a ton or old papers when the

dent buJ

p�:�ti=:::!:':b�f� committee b;lhat at


II f1nWled.

:ln�. . .



moNlIO by



t.oo", rniE CO







Your Shon Repaired at tbe ...



,.;...Oo�!:;le ����, 1:!� ':et�

:.:� I ����""", �..,�.H,-_ �::.'_.��� I L. ..


The Moortnl MaR wbhe. to I� 11.1 tlTOr In omttUna- tbe towllrd lha� end." uyl coach mtnt.l or aeo....t )[ft...... . ConfedJonery Sbop ind D�bl'l ' lame wlllstar1. at 3 p. m. and w'Ul In Jut bailie. I In the Tacoma Stadium.


o. Bv� spoke to the students at the chapel uerc1ses September 28. Lue]la Potland, ot Silverton, Oregon, vtsl� Cora and Inga Oo,plerud Mon. -;::::;:::;:::;=:::;I day att.emoon. September 30. . Drumheller, Ehrlichman & Last week seVeral boy•. thinlt1nt they White DENTISTRY ",'ere to iet thelT pictures tatton. ",'ere "waterbqred,"' tiutead, on 1312 WASHINGTON BLDG. south steps.. Main 2610 Tacoma Wash. 1115 Pacltle Ave. ' Rev. aud Mn, H. L. PO$3 and .. Mrs. B. llngelstad. of Silverton. 0 gon, vl.slte<l the Colle-re Monday LE;HMAN'9 noon. September 30. The P're.shman donn rirls don't LIght Lunches. Conlectionery-Cater to otnner Parties able to 10 wlth"out poWder a .Ingle Drinks OVer the Bar The SophomOre! found that out


... the ftm; P. L. 0. ck-.... aDd Ar· Uiur ltIIuuen. -n, -Arunp. 1IUlDer\Id. · .., UMl Irehe Dahl. '10, ..... lito .ham , reprWn�U", d� u.. I.hree fDl· Jowtqe: ,..,.. Tba delIpt.- ba" at· "'a.yI�t bome eaUlua-uo� .treaaiDc eIIMd&l11 tIM'PlrIt wbkh Pr". ..u.. at axh nt.herinp of J'OUDI pIop!l. . 8tlldent. henI thII Jear m&1 eotint themah.. fortunate In haYlnS the op. P.Ortl.lnltJ of �klnc part In .ueh a'con"- .

nt/DIIIITI Y""",O o-

.. u.. Orelll \0 aM.,".

Committee Make Conditions for Studentl lo Follow; Faculty To ChOOR Editor

ngeporg.Bolatad, '2IiI. who II teaching S-:b':t�J: I week·end vtsllor, enU� ac ao h l Rev.

" .


:.:.:.:::.:...:.:.::;�:.:. :.::............ .......i .

. .......


i ;:::::;:;::;:;;:;:;::;:;::;:;:;::;:;=��====:=;I Jnve.tment BotuU

' .

Pumpkin Shell

�::J ::=:;;:;:::=;:=::=::===�==::: I

Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. George Lane and and Mrs. If.Jermstad v1.s1� at the I�e Jut wftk. Peter Plott lpent FrIday. 27. at p. L. C. befo� leaving for in8ton, 0.: C.. whe� he wlll prepare · ro�,.,. ....�. .

Art', Barber Shop Brookdale

TSCHUNK()'S Boae of

TacOma's favonte flower &bop

So. Paclhc A";:ue at IIOt.b

PHONES; )lad 51....� .. · 51�

. . Dr. Arehle G. Hkko


Tri.1 ;:::::::::::::::����::::::::::::��:::;

In��: �lth�c!a�� ���t ��:,N= 1 through the courtesy of the New. bune.


We try to earn' eV�1 In stock that wUl fW the OrdJn&ry wautl. we don't have what you ,tell w and we .til let It. Prtets and QuJ.H.J A ll . ..,. O....teed ..


.", ,


[Annua�, CYear {]3�o£s alld gapers

\ f/ohnson.@ox @o. .








DBNn8TaY aoone- D-tal "... Rust BidI". 11th P100r Tacoa::Ia


W.llIon. Q.... ' Habeklashe�

· lU().12 Padlic Ave.


TYi>E1VRi'rERS .








- '



FINALLY CHOOS);: . Clever Comedy to I GRADS !'ICTURE SIZE CONTRACT. play in Auditorium' I A;' '" ;.., .""Ia' ';',,"n'. at Here November 2- :: ���h:, :�l��o�d�:�I�: r�:=


. 1929


-' picture of all members of the clU3. "I JIe One of lIpon the report ot.the commit· Seri�8 of Enler- Acting In chaIll'e of in\'esllptlpru, the con· tainmenls Give"" by Parkland gh'en for thlll y....t·. pictures Dral1;l8 0.r�nI ,Ion for tract to. the Hart.&ook Studio. . za





Furthering Adh'lttes

Game ·With Junior

Th. ,iU, P'"'''' of tb' fuo "'�u' v ]

r:;:,· :: :e :��t����o. -:! . ".COllege, on- Friday . � the Ubrary hU no room (or clw"plc- . -- \ . lures. It will be nt!CtsaarY to devote the Centralia Sporll' one or Best . ' . . ..·.U .pace In the tralb to theee pictures. 'Tea s of Sc�ool'. Hlllor�': rn with the I.test picture alTt'ay, ln the enSquads of Even About trance hall.-



· CLASS PICTURE . . atch Wares bt . READY TO BE HUNG ·M


�at('h' in Ability

FORMER STUDENT e b 0... · tb:" � L�<;:T CHAIRMAN qF _".., d' to "Ad.n, .nd En:: tb. WRITES OF SCENES p]a;;n of th�l� �:ro�.t 'gam�� o� t�� , acta. be presented In":;'�t(I:� A nRANGEMENTS FOR ey � jOur!leYdown when curr�nt �n STUDES HERE t;) T ' CONVENTION auditorium on lh� �v�ning of Nov�mber Al'\NUAL . to Centralia tomorrow� play the'Cenn latlgm and, .The .followlng letter was received from .traUa Junior Col�eg�. . , ...... _,.--; Dah] 9.'�ed chairman of �h�]��!�h: s=t�:::. )' by the thIl'f'ne Mooring �Itor Matson, Ruth of the 1m Centralia has one of the best teams. e commltt� that wUl make lUTangeThis comedy 9.;.\11 be given Mast. who Is now teaching 'In toIontana. In the history of th� echool. a team coml Parkland Drama club. an organ utlon menta Cor the annual natlon,l. convenDear Clusmates &lid Fr\ends: posed of practically all lettermen. whlch,HCh xear gives a series of plays tion or the Lutheran Stud�nta' union Today'haa been the day perfect, and have played four garnet t.h1a ye� wn for the purpo5(' of ente�lnlng and In- to br)held here March 1. 8, &lid g. at a . i . It 'seems only Chrt.!lUan to share with ning n.-o. 1000n, one, &lid tying 0 tel'f'sting Its friends &lid raising tun� .specla' m�tlng of the student body. . -Cut CouTt-esy �ma T1mes you-the friends of IIOme of dearest Ifh" ches:ked In wlna over Otta: �te 'Cor carrylQg on further activities. �eld October 16. By this election she , memo�that vast �rlen� 1 have. Normal and Unfleld CoUtae whUe they The east which is to appear on the. a�tomatlcally becomes 'II� president of . LE SCHOOL just gone throUSh. lost a hard;,teugM ,arne to -the U. of REMARKAB .tage a ...·�k (rom Saturday night is as t� union. . by a 8 �o aeore. and tied the ' follows: Irene was the Pacific Lutperan Col- RECORD GAINED BY "Uvlng completelyi' to many people W. Fro8h Is just a phrase. Today It'came to me strong Oregon State College team. ,lames King. a . rich man. Mr. .J'h. E. lrge drlrga� at the convenUon held at L P NEW . C PROF a...tact. J reallted. nut. {hat It was not 0 J.. C. Hauge. also·hu. an unusually .trong P. Canton. South Dakota. 18IIt March. An '_ _ Carinthia. his parlor maid. Mrs. Ph. Invltatlon at this time extended the Alvar J. ' Beck,_' ne.... hlstory teacher. the lut Bl.maritan who paa.sed down the team. although· the majOrity of the Hauge. I . union to hold Ita next'lnee.tln� he�,.but Is a graduate of the Pacific Lutberan road to Jericho. for an�lher, equally men are Inexp.u\enced. The OladlaClinton DeWitt, his lIOn In law, Mr. J. O. It wu decdled not to accept the Inv(ta- College He received his B A drgrre kind, dwell. In our city &;nd. aec:ondly, torS beat C. P. B. R.eaerves by the ICOte t.Ion untU the varto'-\l ItOOmt bod1e& f'Tom � o� of Pupt � .m the glo.rtea of !.he P'l.t,ber are In· or LSI to and OW;t of tba BellarEd�_ present in hla handl�ork. Julie DeWitt, hla edest daughter. Mig had Ulfuldered the mattu. The prov!- hls M:tA.e dCea-ree ' . mine fray with a Ig to 13 v1c�rJ'. They trom the University of deed Irene .Padn-. . WhJ.teflsh. the city In y hlch w� are wrre very much off form' the day of the lion W811 made, however. that U the in- WMhlnl10n �a King, hla younger daughter. Mlss vltatlon were aocepted. the P. 1.. C. stu- Mr. Beck ' aceompllahed the 'lmark- located, Ilea twenly-nine b;tll" wetJt of Stadium proe &lid ]OIt i.o lhl} 'l1gera 6y / National �It. It Is In the·beart of a large margin. . R.uth Fadness. dent body should elect a .ch.alrm1l,O of feat of re'ltlng hls M. degree the Montana approprtately �11s 116 Mr. Olaon baa bee�lIlng the men Aunt Abby Roc,ker, his sister In I....' . Mp,. the arrangemenU co'mmltt�, ....ho ....ould able two years after finishing J�lor what vacaUon land. for truly the P'tI.thead very '", Esther Davis. automatlCllJly become v!�-presldent within hard this "':�k, stre8:-�lng eapeclally college. CContinoed on Page· Four. Dr� J c lamater. his neighbor. Mr. the defense on ofi-tackle plays and end this Is Mr. Beck's nrst year 01 teach. . ;. �r::. . GALA HALLOWEEN PARTY He teaches the Bubjects of hls- FIF H ANNUAL RALLY DAY runs. 'nw Is the Junior Collete's best Horace Pl1grlm. hla uncle. Mr. R. w. PLANNED FOR STUDENTS Ing . � y r soc ,cChances throUih the line, &lid tr P. L. to and ial science. He is facult 0 E of the freshmaQ claM, secretary TO BE 'HEL�CT 8 I!-J7 I can stop theae e�lay.. they·wll probA:at;:��lth. hls. buslnelWl manager, Mr. After consulting with the faculty.the adviser the �facU\ty. &lid ll'f'uurer of the The fifth annual PacUlc Luthem 'ably . ' win the �am . A: Visstll. committee. appointed at a recent tu- of alumni aIOCl t.lon, Be is ats:o asalstant College rally day for 'Beattie will be held There about ulneteen men maklnl Lord Andrew Gordon. hla would-be IIOn- dent m�tlI1( for the purpOse of arrang- football 8III lth the foUowlng coach. october 27, at the P'ltst Nor. the trtp to CentraUa, .w Bunday, Mr J. D. Spe�. ing a Hallow�n party. ha4 set the ,how he llkes It here, he wtalan Lutheran Church, Rev. M;. L. probabl,y -be1nf lfl:e st.artlng UneuPi Th1l east Is being coached by Mr and date for ,",uraday evening' October 31 When asked have enjoyel:t comlnH back Ne:svlg·. charge. at BOren and V:1�inla Mitton, rtaht end: ,Cronqu1at., rtaht lc� an.swe�. 1'1mater. Mrs. Ph. E. Hauge. The .tage m&llagera This party, given under the ausP ,:00 I enJoy my work streeta. seattle. tackle; Bchlermann, right gu-1: Jacare Mr SpenOf:!'. Mn. Hauge. and Ml-.. of' the students will be held in the gym to my. alma the of one lege be a to u :' � The day wUl feature two services, the obeen or Percl.,..l. canter; 8c:h�l, left. Davia. Mrs. A. W. Ramstad 11 business and It Is to � a costume affalr, bot� ��c�� �; � �� Y f!rlt conducted In the Norwegian lang· guard: Young, left tacltle, JOhMOn;-l!;ft m&llaaer. teachers and studenta being expected to uaae at.. 5:30. and the second In Enlllsh, end: Nyman. quarterback: otaAo 9r The general admi¥lon Is tbJrty-five atlend "looking like ....hat thl!Y aren·t." uke, left ha1f-, t 0 ' Pr=:�� 'I'lngelatad will &lid twenty·t\ve cents w1l1 be given' (or the best cos. p, L, C, �:fg: g�� � U]ta h ::': '::!e:!� . . :�� . ::;: HERS EA a� :� l �;� ��� . ' BY COMMENTS CAUSE . l COGNOMlN ;:: DARK RINt MYSTERY MAKES HALLS ",:':;:'-:',�id:'em': '::' ;;: COMELY COLLEGE CRAZY CRACKER RESOUND AT DEADLY HOUR OF . NIGHT �b wo,_ doub'. Ume '0' . · ......' and . names? The realstr8r's gin wtth Y. ) Sllrt.een about What ec teaehm, r eive their My.teryl What a creeptnc: sensation ejaculatlon, and the tapping ceased fot terThoee ce who names becIn with H. Slxteezr at the Parkland Ort.mmar office d1Ic:losea �me tnt.eresllng th1np etaht &l,YeDand given v n travels up &lid down one' pinl! when a few mlnutea. Then It began again and p�tl School are Dorothy "Ebersole, Arnell about names at /!. I... c. tha Jemeater. �wnames lle � name. be&1j. , this word Is hoaraly whlapered from the continued unW It e�ded in a. Iqueak of Kllppen, �a �land, . Eupn1a Tbe ranae 11 trom A to Z. &lid the namea wtth 8. ..,. � ... SlmI1arity In InlUaJl, I.a expreued by. �PI of the fearful to the of the cred- a door tumtnc: on itynllty hl ngea. CrosbJ. Anna AamOdt, Margaret Pl1nt. m o r uloua. Thr taP�ing �uel from'the room Dow Cora V1at.a, Edna DagaIand, &lid Qer. : :h.a� n-: ted � � groUpol' .J ' !.:;m:� � �� � What Is mystery? Webster defines It &lid c.m.e In jerky intuvals. like the �enl(�ld�aten. Orace ca1d. and The ranee Is Preyed by tm name. S. � The � �p.Jn tbe al· as 8OIIleth1na� �prehena1ble in Jts beating of the heart of a frlghtened l Viola Taw repreaent p, 1.. C. at the I4arPret Aaberg and John zachNon. �'11 troaf C' to V. IIr Cora VIIta. nature: someth1n& dellberatelJ con- penon. Hukl Another sound, a pour. Fun illn 8ebool. Wha�'. In a naSU PertWPI �In· I"I'ed Lee and·w.rwuertte BamlItoD. hold • Cealed m' unuplalDed. 'CaD we at.udJltf 1ng 8OWid, a tatUna lOund. � resembl� � Holmberl l.a_doiD8 bee prae� end �Uon fOr' Ienath- tr you object tent1ni \h1Dp � ·be � U a fe!' alIowaDoeI for either . Cert&1nly. We have such a th1na as ,_�. the 'p f buekahot Into-� Un Erb ant the makes tJce at Horace 8c:bool, . ZdDa .... em � � ibe PtOa� • and � � names. and � w t. at \be Jetfu-m Mann � eYeD at P. L. C.' diabpan. Margo Nanle1 t. buq at the Lowell lW'1l&me. bow wiD Coa,.and Chr1ateDIm p&lr of � 1Cbool, .abo twO Would It be �1e for me to clear up A .wabInt 80Wld as heard. A � Behool iJ.I Taeam&. .' . do, Or Joe and Katberlne .1t you like. .. Roe&. 1'bere-.-00uId In .them hmL" the m.ygery, to etye thew� and where� .plaah. aplaah. lIIte lapptnl of w&Yea . ramu,. grou,. dominated by the '!� han' . Dahl � �. O�) at P ore � f t of the �compr-eberWbIe, oeua QIl '" .� atUp, Luuect from � C = ��' '28. �ted. . 1.. ".on'I," of w.tlkh there � twenty.etaht and J,llldhd are both carda. Maqo t. . the Uaht tnlth � the ��to 'room. Tbm a 1Uf'Il1nI. papin(. ebot·· .� PUnt 'baa returned to .: oot �taU"'; "leD" t. IeOODd wI� =k, : J..;�. � � add h u:,: . (a























• •




• expla.ln. � IIl& 00 Sherlock � PhHO Vance, 01' the cxieDt.a1 m1Dd of Charlie Chan? Let ua ..De: The dock bad � DO:.oae kDew w111. but the aiJeDt �


tnc:--ob. What .word eaD- � � to de. a!ter a �ye week·� amenc, OO aocou1Jt j)1 D1De, WhUe "� � ·' r.-"

IICribe the awf'lll � whJcb was tieud UlDea. . , tbrouabout tbe bu1Icl1Dc.



room �' �


-.:e m 1'h1DP are not �hat ., .eem. �# ve'1 11 ' l1rl add.r'--s .. Jobmon t. the mo.t PoPular .w-name Earl � MoldeD �' DOC make tha year. 1be ron eoa\a1b8 O'bNUDe, r.e.. and bU.ta,. Barokl I.a Ora)'.. and


y, and 11" adherent&, r1!apeetIftl

0.:: !;..r:.�OeD�CeD. =- ��.tr1a� : ��::-: ::n;

e�AR Tbe oompl&ia.l.DJ IQ1leU: and the tap.. � were .,.1n beard. 1be muDd of 'a ke)' p--aUac In a lock, opeDl.Dc �....... L-Poot.ball .rame wtth Un. taiDt and eatDc. tbeb � IUeDoe. 8eftlllteea IDbnr� :pu& one. oobI B1Ib I!IcbooI ID lobe LIDcoln bowl ftIItI1Dc wu ..... lD a What ".. tbe .�� �t N...... a,-'Ibe PartlaDd Drama lD�� �. Sbe unused � �b �ta tbe plQ'. "'Adam and hall. & -.&Del like tbiI � of . _ 10k eurta.lI!. the flOor, ' to be the � lD \be pi.. d{IrmICOi7. Eft;" . " 'IJle � came from biIb:betied M...... 'J.-I"I:IoUaD � WlUl a P. eDAn. a � 01 ___ • quid!.:




a .door

IWD of Rutha and ADnu.

by m �,whieb " eq\IaI to the .toDe, Mlther d � ' qt .caDd. to reuoD . who Ue 101' that MRoecl'" lOt � ¥tt*L


IIeCICIOd boDi:n. �obD for tbe � ,' I:tobbUe. mucb 4trt � d� Cbe . ttnt plaoe. tJ:Iere belQa m. 1DChadiDI' '' up alii;m ...... . 1'Ib tOl: � JobaD and a Jack. � 8IOODd. � � ..-a aDd bel' .... . witt! four. . . cmdabt A.DrII. � lIQ'be.tbe acUoaa

. Harold

��-:=::: = :-��W: =� 'Jf!.:.��i'J �.:.!i=� ��.=--:.� �� = =y===�u: . '�. . P. L. c: � aDd a

bIdIIIlDt-. �' �

IiibUIend }1ft 011. � .... 01 U. Qab. .




� IIftD � ,. cIa. " otbII'



l ,


•.....011: 2





]\le,,' Pbysieian Opens . Offlee al Parl<lantl


I!'afkland 'hu .. new � in Iohe of Doctor O. U. To� who l!I , rtlltm, �he buUdinI next to the Pump. �; 8MU: ' ,'

Doctor TOftn practlcn in �neral. m�lIclne and 1W"Pr'J7 althoUlh for the put nine nan he'haI done Yf'Q' IIt,t1e

PubUsMd eftr}' two _10 dw1nc

the Iebool year by the It . Luthenn 0011•• Parkland, W� BubecripUOIl, ODe dollar per year.

matter, October 2. 1825, at-the" Post Office at Partl'and, .


��� =n�:': the fa.!n" . and _n the boJ3 for om 'l\1ne Je&rL Hta lnetntt In led him here, but ' Parkland at Jelled, . . eolllle EvUYbodl' the him or asaoclatlon. p� thought of '. 'The EDITORIAL STAFF where he expect. to (1ft hla �Iees to contIgUity is lnt.ertsUna If the m1nd is he::;me abO" all the rest. I Editor In Chief-JOHN OO�EROD and al80 to people" near · ·student.. the In rftlnd .. m that stood in !'ront of me sa,. keeplIl rambl�, to i allowed Olal R AuoCiate Editor he'd PukJand, His oftlee' houn are from COpy Editors _ -MU;aret-HO�befJ- and Stella -== distant coal A good example of this if he had a voice llke mine, out to, the lovemml!nt .. . for horo 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock Ii, m. and from Make-up Editor Haroki Ora, ls'the black co.... the same. black co. ; ' or .o:c!ock to ,. o'clock p. m. oS l roott.l the over (OUlht boys The and lrasa, gn-en ea� � that has red blood. = � " _ �Ire . :o=t r. �tUl;ft Hugh T.llent and Cora Vista rivet! yel\o:W cream and blue mltk, The unt� after dark. Then ther couldn't In e . M�l1an�us 'o � Oo�� ���:n�:n':���u�e: :l� .�� :::e s: P::I:�f p�;�:::;�� Orande ra1lroacb In Colorado unUI he BUSINESS DEPA.RTM�NT ' Ithradium 10 moftd to RQJ . t. f m , the, will �t the b,,11 ... BUSINESS !aMNAOER Of.'rhard Molden ro strallh rte 0 n- t . 1 �gt� �r�� �!g�1 : pve '�e lOme rulH �eC;:' cO �:'� t:u:�':U:us�ra:: ci� ��eo Beane. J°tienson The other morning President nngle- "bout ttlln� you can't do All the Itrla .' . J, Hop,l, O. J, Sluen u :AD SERS lot t :! := N :: u7m:��n:': t:�:' :: , . ' orchards brtn, to mind fruit. and the' h'-us with them J[ the prlnt ::' �I . , . TRUE DR1" 1 I f er.. I Just about know the , from fruit there Is Onl, a short mental ·lIttle � . . ' d/uul durlllg tllI� year Will hc Step to Qne of Ihe chid CWllls ut our ,t Ie b h t I thl k I abe 'li pesn. Iht, COl�"(,llliO�l (l,f Luthcran S� udl'nts 0: the l ' niled �Iulc" "\'ery�uar. ' U g. :i, th! n�l:: :x::�t tht �ne t�� say� , cUlWC I • yo can't borro.. mone,. I'm som f'�- �-----..., � hOl� �'hIC�l �s usually held III thl' nllddl� slall's 1 0 umf) trans- gests ''T9;� ls • rompany. thfH � : I . .nclally embarT&&Wd no ' cro1fd." .., 11 I don't �()rlal�on expenses. . , sud� � l:UIl'\:cn· f'('nh LI.IIIC' III do p�csenl whul' )}'l' bcn�fll� (' mjakes me thlnlt � of the let money ' lOOn. •nd I c.n't Crowd! That , Parkland B�trbcr Shop , , ) e I u hl li e is ( rca I httlc.wllI L. , L. alld lion wlI� give 10 I ' ttll hz I n �"I' ,F, bus � the footba.(l laDlt the money, I'll have to disobe, some . Appro:...l1u . �c)�· ,flflt;<'1l sehuuls Will be rcpf'('!1.Cn t,ed ut l�, L. L. III Our pl wa.s th� Stadlum. . ' 10 th.t I'U gtt "dormed,K then I ' and Conf«iipnery :\Iarch. TIl,lS Will �Ive our student!i an l�pportlllllty 1,0 l)('cOl!'c acMy .mind can take 111'0 pat� no,.,.. the go to the Pumpkl� Shell. J iene-�I1' wet , . IlualnlC'd ,,:Ith slm.lcnl.s frolll Ih� ,F�ast. Soulh Rntl :'\l lddlc \\ �st at StadIum and 1I'h.t happent<l there. . , my sucker sticka there. they .call them To r'neet COJnIH!litiun we ure • thc sam(' Inne a.s II gl"l'C'S the "I'�slllll� s,l u<iC'nts lin upporlullI'ly to Ing the first, what • �tur.1 bo..1 the "aU day suckers," but mine only lasts . . . For sc�'er- Stadlum is. see th(' " ('sir a,ntl hl'l'ollle'lcquolllied \\'Ith our �llI}ul me"thru one class. unle:u the Lacher n-dllclnj:( Ilrke!!o 011 all barlH.'r III � pust wc han' 1'('.1·(,I! "I'cd Ih reporls from tll�e l·tlll"l'C nl ions 8011" reminds 'me of soup, and t.kes Il .....y from me. 11 you'don't want worK. and J:!:uarantt'l" through Ihe repreS('ntah�·.es we ho"e sent ,('asl. ThiS year we shall ally the nUL thought ls' ..'ater. Thls . to' to Bel " donned,M you can fut,(, to fal'l' olld, of all wet. but at that wa�r reminds me send some mony. I won·t care If you . have, the pleasure of S('('lIl/o: (I�lr YO�lIl/o: fr...l'llIls. !'nlisfnc!inn .' h�arUlI-! the l1lessu/o:�s;ti\('y will hrlll/ol, Surely slll·h II 1'{Jnventl flll of drlnkklg, and drinking BU8lHts cor· senij It as lOOn as. you 'finish fHdlnI , Will bc a �rt'ul hlcsslIl/ol. this letter.. fee, 1 1-__________' , Besides this wCO: will <Ilsu h('ur :'i<','cral llf AIllCrit'll'S l('adin J:!: fee Is served .t the- ,end of the Mostrulyoan;, Lulheran cducatets, allli I'('l'('i,'(, inspirllliulls frum them . . �elll, so Is fmlt. An4 now I am rtsht Cheroba secunda. Althou/>I:h Ihe hup(' of having this CUllwnliull hcr(' hilS )1('1'11 back whert I 'started from. Fruit, En�


If:CODd c.taaa

�.UDder tbe Act of March S. 'lITI,




_ '" _ -_

(. ;::TY �








tlllly a fuinl drt'!llll in fnrlllt'r yenrs, it is nnw a rc"lit�" It sC('IllS e.w.'" ' lung lime liII nexl :\Iuft'h . but we must Wilke up ttl Ih(' fod Ihal)t No,.,' to return to the Stadium is only a shurl t im(' unlil this drcuIU of y�fS will h(' rCllli·7.l'tI, 'follow the other path. Tht game


- - --- S'CHOOL HYMN



and . J. Monroe. Langlo, '2., ,ls LachiDl de. music in the IIChools of.f'lint,, I --,,---l..!.�-""L.--Mr, Lanllo gnduated Jrom St. Olaf pends upon the pl.yers. College 1n 1929. Students! . The players ' have'a c&Ch, a�d coach uld the cheertn, ...... Cheering � one form of. nolst. stop in and look over always Ih'ts me the headache. . HANSON'S ,...... not work whe-n I havl! a headachl!. our stock o , Wateh RepaJr�ng a 'Speelalty ARISTOTLE, z,. So. 11th 8t, . /"


11le cUI\I�sl Itl S('I,:Urt' a S('huol h,'nlli fur Padfk I.utherllll Cui· ICl-!c is now under wa\', TIle t'(llltes'l is upcn In an\'nne i nlcrt'stc'd in the insHiulion, N()I onl\' will thc winncr of thc·l·tllltesl ret'ci w the sum uf.$2I).OO. hul llC' Will �ain what is infinileh' Inure "I'nluuhle. the recogn ili6n of heing uuthor flf the SdlOOI hynill. and thl' sntisradiOl) of having perfurll1('d a S('r\'ic(' for his almH IllAter. 11 is hoped tu S('('ure II hymn that will disHndly exprcss Ihc . spirit tl1ut should charactcrize Pacific I .Ulhcrun f.olleg(', ' . HlIr sl'ilool hlls4ung been ill llC<'d'of II hymn of Ihis kind. SUIlIC- D e.r Ma and Pa' ' nfler yt'ars will Ihinl-! ·i lh \\'hicl j.{!,II{luates visiting the sehool in . I hope lOme hOI�day "m". .,lo�. ""n, � � . fallllhar. �nmethlllg Iha� hus .1)('('001(' II purl of th�I1l , . 10 J can go home .nd make Thm�gh w(' shall n�)t r(,lllalll lung nl dear old 1 . I . , ( .,. ,�'e '1'�11 I .lwaYB get bawled out here If I 11Ik(' thl' schO?I h�'IllIl With tiS lind Ihus �orry I.hrou/olh ot\r entire I�ft' sing lOUd. or run In the halls, , "w pl�!tSllllt mcmorles of tilt' truc frle:ndshlps formed. tlw prlll- stamp up and down stai . ' n 1 &1� �: I . ('Iplt's Implanlcd. lind I h (' happy hours spent ti t P. I . . r.. have to be quIet: and on .c ount of

.' :




I'm a'rald 111. lbIse



c voice. It



Chriflmas Cards

fP'ldeUty Blda'>

They will sell themselveJ to YOII

� I --

Order yo�r Engr.ved Xmas Carda O N W = = = =:;:;�= = = =::


11TH &




Call M:r, Lyow






To �he St�dP1ts. and Friends of Pacific . Luth�rail Colleg� '


\Ve appreciat� the advant8� to the community of , )'oung men anq women who , have had a colle e educ8�n an like 10 n u bcr such young �ple , ?" among our friends. ' ' .



, United PurIty. Slo......

Pho... Madison 3818 R-5




Parkland. Wash, •




. The Puget Sound Nati�nal Ba�k of Tac ma �'ery much, interes�ed �p Pacific' Lutheran ' ColJc'j:(e an� the principles for 'which it stands,

. """""" PARKLUID. W'A8II.,



. .. . .



J r


Stron ,Beuarmine ST.u)IUM DEF�TS " Reserves Display , COLf'' RL'G D'CS ' ' ""�::::""" l" ",,_uOn at Ol BATTLING TEAM ' G'rl·d- ac' bine D':' 'ScOUES ,Of c.nInJ W OoIJ<Oe, "'"""lna,la, " nuWS Abili·ty� · 'V·ICtorY ' OUT'P:, , BY 32 I� 0 SCORE . C, PUOflr , .,. • u.." oroup 01 """ ', L To Lutheran Squad ' , ... ""'"'" tho" .... LuI I . . " Made -.bY TOuth" !t 1 � �! half. 7 ta 2 &ore, Sa � the d � ' _':'





el e It or t . nitlonal ljIuea.-& total of ,14nlO wudoThe follow1ng enviable l'f'COrds were nated to varloWl.inltltutions. h lll up by our faculty members on the ' .. . U . -,- . , bNuUfU1 Partland QoU and eouD.try . . nid 1n -The Pac:1!lc L\ltberan lkeer"!" &howed Clu 'A.II' the' �Uea:e or Pulet so.u bewlncourse'since b the nine-hofe to chalk up tlv;lri!aecon� vle- Il1nc .of the present school . Taoom.I., period .1.& he in medi�UOn laton �Iowed the St.cUum � Ttgers to "fOOdinform ' many st.t.rt.a. Befo U yeat. � lltU�pel each mominc d fea ng the 'few ten A Pacific Lutheran College, �Ieven. roll a 3:J to 0" viCtory over them. . 'Stadlum Hta:h Scrubs onbythe home neld ::�e:::,,:;eth���f �: ,the tnlnutea:. �t lh1Ii 1Itr\'1ce.· under the . dlHerent from the one that fell before The �lrst hall *aa a � exhibition by a 7 to 2 ye:s,terday aft:emoon. eacb man haa played. and we mUst n�t ausp'lces of the .C� Strvke CI . lh� Stadium Hlgh School the week be-. , ot football fdr both �. The Luth�rans :;'�1rs;.:o:�! the ram:oea;e::� lOR staht of the fact that the par � ' lor = :ea:u:!=e:t!r1titoonspe�� :t � fore. metand def�ted �e sV'Ong Bellar·· were .th� first to get witJ:Un scortng ter• : "'; 50 y� =11. touchdown. .t�e course' is 3�. . few minutes ' . mine l,Jons lut Ft1da""'-"rtemoon. on rttory. when they took . the be.� on n ho rann&&bY in' silent mecUtatlon and Uttl half m. ed. Dr. 'I1ngdstad, after piayinS only one UlOUaht. :-'- . d �e Parkland lot. . Th.e 'lniI:! 500re w.. straight foo�ll down to. th,e TIger 20 �:� e l� for the:xtra �� month. proudlY ISta� iliat his low &OOr� . 19 to 13. _ yard line. Th� StadJum def* lItH- The ngen.eame . .' . to scOre', few w� �2. . . '. -The N.hUng. remodeled. Oladiatar tenet!, however. and took the b..n on Ihlnutes later. whenback the 6&IJle Ume sm1lat but BI . We Apprtdate You," . UIh1nt F. Wright broke grid machIne played rul football for �:n�a::t a:n����n����; �h the I�e and tackled ThOliten- �:·:::�::�� !�:: �-:! . . Patronage I u the first three' quart.ef3 but. with 19 liberty 'Play,'·:too k· the ball over for�e- eon. behind the P. 1.. C. �I line. for lowest wu �. . . to 0 lead. seemed to ' slacken, allowing f1nt sc:o�. ' arage R . S ·G oss� • IIIirary:th e rethe UonI5 to put o':tt two , marten.. Early in the third period anotherfof. "�:�v:: Rushing around in the a:te=���:�: =d�er:u-: .porter f01!-nd Mr. Xavier, cataIOJlnal �===::====�:: time to get out trom �ee of the.regulars, MH� and John- the Lutheran'lS b1&: 8'\IIU, in th� .person :ht have enouib g bef ' . Mr. books: Xavier when ed what be son, ends. and Fred Sch�. guard. were of , ut I Joe Olaaao. f( the field ind the - oal line ore he wu hIs low score WIoS put down nine ligures �en from the f1el� With injured lega Injured. r _�_r C(II h Stadium'play rood I?&ll by tackled. . BroorAMAe said his lowe'st ,..u 46. , . earl�' In the final per1�. taking advantage of the ened Puk- The rest of the pme. Played, on and Market M r Stuen who had been playing off . Th� first quarter w.. a llttle slo.... land �kfleld II.Od n60rted almost �n. fairly even terms with the,ball In the and. �n tew �he ten yean, said the All meats lItate and IOvemmerit with botb teams playtng very COfUtr- t!rely io protll.ll.ble attack, w uch TIger tvlitory most of the t1tf�. best he could make on the t WIIUi. '·I.tlve glUtle. P:unUni WIIUi the main netted the north end school 26 points Sanderson, �oetenson ' and Ander- 40 � ,. lm��R2 · , feature, With Pa.lo. on the Pa¢llc durtng the flnlJ two periods. son p�yed good Pme for .the Olad- \ Mr. lA.r1Ion, another beginner, said his '7 , sl�ht t<!ge.over the e�:�i1:e�":1� Wed Wia d la e to w t ::l��ea�� e:::: � ::�a: � :lI �� :w;:;,:� r �� . lo��e :-::k limned all over. when r;r :Brighten upthe �ome � The I5eOOnd quarter proved to be the dp&s$e$. Ush'etneM, Palo. �heer. and TI\e IStarting lineup W8:' U follows: he informed the reporter that his .;e.,t Gladiator'S' storm period, when they Stuermann lookt<! very good for the , P. L C, St.adJam a few Clo�'ers. or a n'it�e re was M. He Cudn't say how long scored twice. The first· score came Pacific eleve�. wh1lWW'� ThOlltenson . BEL.. .. . . A. Wright $CO had played. however. whel) Palo shot long pass to the IShowed up well for Stadium._and Keiley Berentson blooming plant. Fl�wers ..... . ......RTL.... ... F. Wright he .. Mr. V. Elve.sWm became quite dis. tended of 8,ankey Johnson, wtUI ........ .ROL .... ............ Hlll)SOn turbed when que.stloned about his low for everybody and every-· ran 35 yards to mu.e the score .6 to O. mlne, the luminaries were Farley. Car- .Skov Fadnts15 ...C . .. . Winterhouse seore. Alter an hour o( real "thlrd dePalo failed to mu.e the point tf� the aher and Ruffo. thing Erlcbon . .LOR ... . ... Bott. gree quutlo�, he broke do"';l) and touchdown. when h!I5 · kick went � de. The Une�p and summary: Teaehen . ....... . ..LTR.... OUmore admitted that he had played five A few minutes latU Joe Olasso b)ter- P. L C, Seamon. Flower Ounderson LER Bdlan:nlne Knutzen .. ... ... minutes and �hat hLs low score was 182. Mitton ....... . .RE.L ...... c�pagne Quale .. cepted II. Paa oh the Bellarmine..2-yard 2"' Shop Wiard Of. course 'we studentll wonder holf line and.ran over tor I....wono d touch- Cron9ulst ......RTL. ..... Shaw Munson 9th &: Broad_y Phelps man could make many strtIkes In SchIermen . . - ...BOL..... Carbone . Sar)dcrson .... .........LHR dO'i\'rl. Palo'! klck for extra Point 'nicker sucb a short time. so but we should nev�r C... blocked, and the half ended in (he Percival . . TUcci Anderson ..... ... .. .F ................... Sawyer doubt any member of our faculty, es. ¥" Behee). .,. LOR.. .-.....;...... Brown Lutheran;' favor. 12 to O. Passes: P. 1.. C.-"ttemp� 7, com- p«lally When It comu to golf scores. You fellowlS goilli to . .i.:rFi Again, in the third period, the Pacific YOUIli Spadafore pleU:d intercepted Stadlum-Atboys came �k to score. when 'Ben Palo .S. Johnson .. .. Piper �pted 10, completed . a, intercepted 1. The M� M-' ....hea ackno.. school-8ave on your 11.1· LER.. Nyman l"arley Intercepted Lion on hLs own 13. Fil'3t downs: P. L. C.--8; Stadium--:i. ledre I" In} omlUlnr the ad of lowance! yard line Ilnd returned It to the Bellar· Palo ... RHL Paa'lla PenalUes: St&dlum� lor 30 JetlaDd .t Palart'all in the PlMMIIlI IE'!� � . 'a.j _LHR.... Ruffo . Offic1!lis: mine 17-yard line where he WIoS forced Hauke :. Burnard, ref�ree-: Ram.!ltad, .. of thb paper: out of boundlS. Here the 'Lutherans Llshemes.s .. .. . .. . oF. . -......... Caraher umptre: Beck. head linesman. 1 SUITS $22,50 showed.real power. ,,'hen thej',rammed SubstituteS: P" L. C.-Glasso for f" ue n All Wool n v n ' :�: �U::�::_:�!A)I�:.irst:a:�: :: : �:�� 1�=:��:V��:�: st:e:�na� �: ���:�:lt; O;�'=�� h< Snappy' Clothes spot Llshemts15 look'the baD over tor the' Percival for Ja.cobI5on ; Berentson for ton. Maker to Wearer Dlred f' or Youog Men third Ol&dta.tor toUChdown on Iln ott Beheel; Sanderson for Olasso. Bellar· t:======t Bed� the 0.1to Yo. \ \J tackle play. Palo, by � bell.uUful kick, mtne-E::tto fO; C�= : ��or ..... er; er made the score 19 to 0 the third Shaw; C; leson Beiwr Prin"-Also Shoes and Fur'nishlngs PaCtorie&--PhU&deIP� for' CharletlOn; �w few Caraher. Headquartera-New'Yewk City quarter ended. Early in the fourth period Johnson �: P. L. C.-Attempted 11. com·. - Keystone PrinUng Co.. Inc. '01 Paellie An and Mitton. hArd. tuttlng emis. were In. ple� ol, intercepted ol. Ballarmine- MaIn 37S7 FRIE MAN'S D TACOMA Jured' and taken .from the field. The Attempted 7, completed 3. intercepted CilJ,THES $HOP � snarling, growling Uons were deter- 1. ' na Pac1f1e tve. 112 4 ' .Paciric A,'c. rBaIlarm1ne 7; C. L. Downs-P. FIrst mtned to at leut score. and with the opposing llne weakened: I5tarted their l: i":*:*'=::"*:-:'":;:'::: '""= " =� ,- :;;:=� f C t r' ::::�;;;;;�=dJ! LIEN & S �LVlG ���� 2 ilm� :CS20 ;:r:' =h::O: �;ar;;.::�t!e��!: y� ' -. 1 J MBe€A Olflclals: B. O. Beal. referee; Howard 5k1rled hLs right end for the Lions' ftrst . . Importe� of NorNessen. umptre; A. W. Ramstad, head score. Ruffo added point by Open AU Nighl cellent place. �ck. A bloCked Oladia.tor linesman; Ph. E. Hauge, timekeeper. wegian Cod Liver 13th 4Conunerce TRY O�R ANNEX pwit gave the Liolll5 the ball -again on Oil the Lutheran 2O-yard line. ' Alter fallof QualIty tnI to make any yardage through the Cor Tacoma Avenue &: 11th Bt. line. Parley threw a pus to Piper, who THE HAMILTON STU TaoomL Wuh. feU over the line for IUlOther Bellar- 5 Pacific AvenuePhone Main KARL A. ANDERSON me �� , Tacoma, IDTAL 1rQ&&& :: S;:·t.-� : =.::�: ?rovident Bldg . TAa . O........ IIOOnJfq. � . their lead gradually fllllln( away, buck .. 813 BT. Im.mta. A"'- 7-; ... . . . TAOOKA. �A.8H. . d held for the rernalnde'; :: :';..m-:. AMOCAT FOOD PRODUCTS The enUre Lutheran team fWlCtioned (' "ell .1tb. the taCtllng of Young and "The Peach. of QualitY,' 1 t..15herne,I!II the generalah1p or Nyman. , Insur.e with a Progresl!ive. WHST COAST � CO.. TA�HA. _ and the � and kicklna' ot the caP­ tain. Palo'. outs�d1ng. For BeIla:r. Hol ing th lr own first . Many Men tak!ft !'Tom field 6t- but. falUna: to f�!Jon 1Vl.thout the ald cause of InJUries; Kicking 101 their I'tDeral, BW Nyman. ,10 the Shows Up Well: Passing second aplnat • paM attack. the olad' Scores points . . :; .




down and lely. Tea�8 Play Ev.en Thruout ·
















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of insurance now in force. growth io due 10 ..tiafiedpOiicyhold�r. wbo are our beot boooter". ' , ' OUr "SpecUJh":are f... 8uperior �Dd our rep lar Uf'; policies are heller. ' ' LeI ua lell you about tbem, Fpll informatiol upon requesL �

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': ' Cha",/ ,,.v (000....... ...... .... .,.. ' , �.�';;' .::,;";.':: � 'DailY -n.:, r· Tall � J.J�ioT V&UeJ II cae If'&Dd � roBed out :;,. to the KbODf we 10"-ACT or CON· .. .,.. U b a.dIum· Wdal. before OCt. 10 O&me .. With k1DdeIt � 1112 N'ow 1\ came to paa, &I the)' Wtnt.. nctor' the \be .polla. " Tel<, 'IbrouCb the t1Jldna,a 01 local beloDp the ROTH 0 UAT80N' "2S-'21 that..beeetU.l.n �teftd Ined a .cert&ln nuace Of the rtna !olut py.bli&bed 1. and ll&JM'd)lilartha but how aIIout tbe apoUed. face BID ", pboCOI1"IIoPbe. WtM»e WOI'It ioda". tOot Whlteftab. UQll.tana tuuM Sept. at Parkland. Washber. • • lnt him � the Gladu N.� Pv� � ptem took home w1\b him? cdnd hlm intO bfor hOUle f l t I ... "'� O f "ADd � had .. sliter called Wary. oe 11 Not eftn ratnC&D ICI:ue:: :n= m::� : � :�·I= ::::U� rs;: ;;::=========� n aahin,ton C untl' o wblc:h alao sat at Jma fHt and heard enthUJ1um amonc our 1QIlen. PIe '\ awe-lnIplrinl trip of wl'l1cb two inclWonl u:..�p�= dents ..e� OU�dlni-ttrat. hf.'f1nc TACOftfA TITLE CO. :�ce=.: � :;�re· m . .. Nota� Public In and b1s for lbe Atate, and County .r�d. .pu_ :!:t= . � C\Im::::�.= Oct. 12. OrMt thm;. ha'fe ha�ne4 our chauffeur ch&aed b)' an Und�TRUST BLOO. BANKERS d Uy .p�.rtd Gerhard Moldett �d, l.J;)rd, ��uca:;; eare' thft mJ' pri this day; ",or -years :,",0 . Columbus :=�::!n::' � =='aunae n:: . Phone M.J� 233 1 o a �ho, havtn, beenl duly ,worn .accord� silter ... Am.erlcan ,gU , 21 years qo . hath len me to serve aloql? Bid nrst sateemed t.h&n In here � � �.��.,,' depoee " and ,&aY3 tha� he Is her therefore y tUdent our es ' Oolna: �bQd" · � �� ::��:=��:��:,:�wo:.ay&-lh' : 'i'";;;;.iiiiiiii i iii i iiiiio!ii i iiiiiiii i � i ...e �nNl tnanqer 0 The Mooring . . that she help me. ... flrat yw ....... vo...., : d Jesus an.nrereil �d said rail. WarndaYlliht. I ,.tretch thenaelvN alona 80 much of'��!! Mut . and� that the follo.,,'Ina:· is, to the her."AnMartha. . er? . Ma.rtha, thou art c«retul , uyllne·rather than up �� � , � . best of. his kno...ledge and belief. i. true and at the rson an .'iTl'DEN·TS !! tend to do, and .... 3ta.tement of the o,,-nershlp. manaa�� troubled about fany lhIn&"s: ��!' :. :� �= e :rON! U.e heaps. ... ment �and U a datly paper. the clrcu- ··But one thlna: is nerdtul: .and Mary w d.ay evenIna: t g don ... ' . nollce&!JiY ionaer, tom.eUrns for hoUR, G,et Your Shoe, Repaired ' SUn , . ,hall due, no doubt to the dust � the "air. which�n p&I1., : good that "lion) rtc:. of the af�d publication lor the da� aho"-n In .the above cap- not be t.a.ten away rrom her." · . . OC�� k:a:c two. �Lro �; I, CUlml.n&llna:. the d&J! becomf!l· a �­ at the - Ins, ira . umen.t in the field of me mory � tlon. required b·y the Act of August 24' 1 The porUon of U!e -.c rlpt !i:1'e above Ina: from the aoc1.a1 life of where you. �e� y�ur coI� . p - tb6 epitaph, "Dre4Jtated to a � . ...Wl 11112, embodied In -=tlon· 41 1. P.osal quoted Is a GOODYEA R SIl,OE lAws and RegulatiON. printed on the the Muter. Hl3 vt.sIts to � home,ot , 1I0� ArlIt.o e God and His handiwork.." What mater Mary and Martha ""ere frequent, and I OCt. 15. Olrls in the phJ>sleaJ eduea- closina Can . RE�AIR S80., uk for a 1&btIllth. attc� reverse side or this form. to ...1t : He al_Y3 �eft His Impress both ·on tbelr:lion ciua took a perfectly walk to all meant to be spent with Hlm? · . I. That the nam" and &ddJ"UiH of I � y.. h and their home. I ! the Fountain of y�th :�f!.. Werner prop. earts Co � . I of the publl.sher. editOr. man I editor Jesus· knoW! t;h&t e\'ery One. Is con- OCt 16. Ort;ek and LallD: after d\J1ner So in clo&in&, frie�de Of � Alma Mater. all whO reo au�. I ! � � ������� the and bU31neu manasen are':" I na: no one s1ngle 3umed paulon for . by that at).. -:-t renuoU5, but run . .. . � ? tully . remalned fat .. from with her I thus Publlsher-Student ,Bod) of Pacific $Orbs hls .lime and t&1ent. The busI- OCt. 17. Another pep rally. before \0. th1s va ey of ""onden, send I tny. rreet� �theran College at Parkland. Wash. �M the pro�sslonai man. seek mon:ow', game : tbe ath.Iet1c tI"\.I.lU.CU, Inp. IU foresee a ,plendld year r our John Ooplerud. editor. Parkland ..Wash. : nto enrtch and rothy .schola:r �e , e wants 'Frank J , Le tllemselvea, lated Fred r Lft , eloqueoUy Do ete, and·thoUlh . antlcloate It coll Managln,g editor, Irene Dahl: Business to Sltther knowledge. and. the house...lfe Ebersole', "slumber 4iatuerber," an OaWomia l\"Ida. . Managu" Qerhard Molde,n. O. J. Stuen. want!., to mue her �ome more com· phesles. truthfully, .. hope. � pro- ! with areat pleuUft you who are Tacoma. WI,,/\b. adviser. . ThU3 one coul� go on and on Oct. . 18. "And ""e were smJUng too, present ' S la must be of my IOle th ince for� 2. That the o,,'ner Is: (It own� by a sh.Ow that one pas.slon colUum,es the ·CUI·Fred·3 word3- corne ·true--." ronraIt .. Commere1a.l corporation. Its name and addreM must I energy and of ev�n'one. OCt. Ig. Professor Beck w�nd3 hl3 way Pb� � be. stated and also .'mmedl.t�IY there� Martha fh�ught her one �lUumlng northw�. . � . . under �he names and addresses of stoclr.· pagion was Je5U$ Chrbt. She..tried to OCt. 20. aeverar 3tudentll made we·of �-.. -� . Art'. Barber ShOp holders p""nlng or holding one per cent lser."e her Muter but wlllhed her 31ster the opportunlty .affOrded by good weath-I Entrance: 1112\io Pac1tlc Ave. Brookdale r a a to t f er llU\io Commen:e' St. ��t::�e: b:� ��:�� o�. t��:�� ��: �% who ·Iet trer ' eo�.um- ��� 2���=:�t:n�=� �_' and addreMeS or the Individual owrersllng pas.s1on be Jestu Chrbt . ... should old Oray, usual, wended hls way to � """'" """"'" . must be ghen. Ir owned by a finn. also center our love on the Muter. the the lUcking Post. "en companla."' . OCt. 22. A1nady we're hearing. "Whatcompe.ny. or other unincorpOrated con· God-man. Jes� Christ. . .. " , _ #6 ' . . cern. Its name and. addl'l!53'��ell cha gonna wiar to the Hallo:weim par. those 01 each Individual membe) must ty? !.. C mhus Loca a " ls be glven. )�one. ...-/ l T__ .. . ;, �'_..-� ' 3. 'Illat the kno..-n bS'dholden. mort- \ _"_ ' W'A Martha. HJemutad and CHad)'s Jor-\ Dru mheller, Ehrlichman & CO'M�A=';"T .�VHL, , d he I h e � vl5lt4rs eek nd OCtober -e ��I'e i;":� White �"':; .� �Ol� � S::�:nt �� :o �: ' � to� ,","o\.lnt of boncls. mol"tfj:ages. or · Margo M:mey, a.norma) 3tudent. unF. H. KrUA In"e.tment BoruU 304 Rust Bldg. ot er securilles are; H(. there are none. I del'l,'ent an operation for appendicitis 1115 �1fI0 An. Phone Main 61 so uate'!7None. about t.,,'O 'l:;'eeiu qo. . .... .... h t n p a:;ve��� �he ��m:::����w�:�� ��= ;�:� �u��,�t�dtS���;: 1 . } . TlICUlI1l1 stockholders. and -=urity holders. It president, Saturday eventna:. OCtober ......�.., iiri ...r�o���ain' � ..a�� ...... . any, contaln not only the list or 3tock-1 12. at hlll .home In\ The affair TACO:MA holders they appea:r upOn the boob ....., fteld In honor of hl3 birthday. C01\fPANY TITLE h h nt from hls ,' t <P. . . ABSTRACT OF TITLE ��: 3=:: :� :ec�.ri� C::;e� :; CI=�=: u�e:� �pon the boo�of the company u The following attended the Moroni trustee or In any other fiduciary rela- Olsen play, ''T Welve ThoUland." In Ta� TITLT IN.SURANCE := . lor Cia.. 80cleUa anet � tlon, the name or the. person or corpora- coma I:'rlday night: Mrs. Kreidler, Sol- 1109 Paclfl(; Banlr:ers Trust Bldg. , tlon tor whom ruch trustee b acting, .\'elg Wangen, Cora Ooplerudl Ruth Nor�� ALM!N L. 8WANSON, Pres. b given: allO that the satd two para· gaard. Katherine Gould. an�nga 00W"mLEY ·LANOLOW, graph.s contain statementa embracing plerud. Title Examiner Complimenu 0/ affiant's full knowledre and belle! u The MiSse.3 &Ina Trulson and ·lJ.ll1an to the circu.m.stances and conditions un- Anderson. fonner 3tudents at P. L. C I ' MERRICK & RACE der which ,tockholders and -=w1ty no... attending the Unlven\ty of Wash: JeWelers =:�,w !O ;:/�=n · ere visitors at the college l� II CONN INSTRUMENTS :; m 951 BROADWA Y l;!Ol PAC!fIC A \'E. h:: =��n: ' It.oclr: and secw1tles In a. capacity. other Conrad K1rchhof rTotn than that 'of a bonafide and an operallon tor appendic1Ua at the Are the bes� Yet-'hey th1t aWant ha.a no reason to belleve that Columbus hospital in Seattle. We Featur.e cost no more. other person. LSllOCiatlon; or coro BROWN & HALEY CHOCOLATES, �:� � � :: 3':���r:t�; I Mr. :�:/:::vt�l=rtalned NORTHWEST the bell that money can buy. securities than U 10 ,Uited by him. at a dinner party at lhel.r home in OERHARD MOLDEN. Sunday; OCtober IS. The rueIU CONN COMPANY Complele line of Magazines, Kodak Fihrt. Manaaer were: Mr. and l4nI. Ph. E. .HaUle, KrL (With Hopper·Kelly cO:.) H5 BROADWAY Sworn to and aublcrtbed befon me .Kreld1u, Mr. J. O. Edw&rda,'� Matand A1arpt Clock. tha H� and Mr. A. J. Beck. th1s 28th day of Sept" 1m. I E. W.:PTl'CH.

O ' wt<J:R8HIp ""A-t.:..-r O P� MANAOEMSNT, CIR CULA TION,





ORE88 or AUGUST 24.

































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(N� to Pumpkin 8hel.ll


Parkland. 'Vuh, .


for serv�ces 'in all lines of muty work at reasonable pri�l , . . . You' are invited·10 come·in any� .aee your new neighborhood estaltliahment. Furnlahed in modem equip­ ment necel88l?' for t'int:.cl811 wor� colJlfort and I18;Ritalion,

PERMANENT W1TII /lELIABLE "NO WELL,, 'WAVING , ,KNOWN id'QIOD8 (Your· hear tested before 'waving) . - -


. . .- ,' - •


,:-;-� -"C

, I J






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Eiect Irene I>ahl [ Editor of First I I '·Lutheran Annual

. 1 Ac�ept Entire Plan I Of College Campus .


Board .Vot� to Support Annual; Tentative Choir Trip Apprond: . Many Change. to Come .

Staff to Be Chosen b'y Student Body'at Next Meeting; Past Record of Leader Shows Good Ability


College Department FUlly Accredited by University Standard .

' Pacific iuthe�an Student Rate l\fuC;h Than General . A,'erage in Washington Registrar Report

T.hat the whole plan of development of the Pae1flc Lut.heran COllege campWi. as outlined by the architect, C. Alt­ CIlllsch, be ac"cepted and 8 ProVed and Irene Dahl. editor of the 'Moorlng f, t With the full a«redltatlon,.on Octob�� Mast la;st year. was elected editor ot the :i�e:I�:tr:':�!e��.nbeW s:=� er 29.. or Its Junior college dlmlon acannual at a special ' faculty meeting the near future 'were the .outstanding �ofdlllg � the new\standaros at' the held Saturday momlng. This Is the decisions made' by l,he board of trustees, I n t first a!}nuaJ ever publ�ed at Paclflc w. n t ed e . �;:�::I�Y C��lege�:; :� �1 ::��� � ��;��QS!ro: �r���t�il��::; ! Lutheran College. and It Is expected to be a great success under the leadership partments fully accredited: President scribing the etlmpus and bulldh;gs as of Irene. Tlngeistnd and other officials of the they will look when the development A committee of f!\'e members of the. school have been worklng hard for sevplan is complete was re�d at the: meetourtesy of Times C faculty. consisting ot Mr. Hauge, chair­ era.! yeaN! to bring tl}ls- about. and tltey lng, man: Mr, .Hong. :Mr. Stuen. Mr. HeU­ ��;el1��:���;�ln of the succe� of Experience In ' man. and Mrs. Kri'ldler. was appointed I bU��i�;eth:�:thw�lt :ea:r::�n:a: Wide � by Or. T'lrigelstad to nominate a candi­ would undoubtedly Accreditation ' Teaching To Credit east run will \I.'hlch �urt, central the . and west. Th� court "\\'HI be terrnlna'ted . have been secured before thls tlm�ad date for this position. The committee . Of N' ew Instructor not been for the tact that an error IL chose Irene. and the whole raculty ap­ on Its wester ,. . end t1y th' e combined -proved the action taken by the com­ was made In the registrar's office at, , 8ymnaslurind audltcrium. "'hlch will . yean mittee. Mr. P. ' J. Bardon, who teaches Ws- the University of Washington two be monumental in character and !;(I deP. L. C. f r o signed as to be a tltting local point tor lory and commercial cla.sse!, .�as had ago. the repot.t going out that a ot e Ch:�S: �!�. ::� :���%:a�l; ��� te l e e s elded upon at the student body meet-Courtesy of T!ibune �:IU� :�dO;a::�:g :�: �u�J;� �g��:vi�a;�U:�te:i;��:h�ls ��� ;�! :�·t:::�ns��::n. Th:�;r :: ....;ng tomorrow. A faculty�student combeen discovered, however, and It was . -Photo by F. J. I the dormitories with their inner· courts tie left the tJnlvenlty In 1873. a l ! Ire e � chairman. has ....:...-:<. ��'ppo!i:ted ' lU d t.he llbrary, t'o:'",m1Iy located MI' - E'!I.rdc;,- attended high school in found that P. L. C. atud�t.s r ted eon . average. ::, a staff In between the donnl- Croo�t.on. Minnesota, from which he slderably higher than the buildings other EYIL EYE'""' SPIRITS' twtu � approved orPi!lsapproved. atThIs The normal department of the school the tories A rsnar.ib:h�� �e received Its class "A" accredltatlon tait st nt body m�tlng. YIELD.S W·HAT NOT . Ne�r to the dormltlorles on the !;(Iutb :�:;h�ed .������ n a� June. Ikfore that time, since 1925, It' ��: was c en the position V NT wUl hall slde be of the the dining· court !.ended unl�ersity' Valparaiso for FOR GALA E E [ hnd held a Class "B" accreditation. The ot ;�tor on �:e oo: of her past This buqqlng will be along .the "hUlslde m nths 'and graduated with a B. S. high-school -department has been fully. . . This Is her sixth and last year and at a silghtl,y lower level so as to degree ;fl 892. WO�k accredited since 1913. �fore that time at P. L. C. as sh� ls Q, member of the Hallo'fte·en. the time for witches. open the old up or the view across He attended the University ot Mlnne· students were accepted on the reeom. Junior coUege graduating class. 'besldes hobgob]lns. spooltli. and pumpkin pies-::- chard the 'creek the athletic Held. an� !;(Ita for one year, and after that WIl8 ot the principal. havil?-g taken her entire h�gh school ah! "TIs gone! With what vain reb Units �yond . engaged In busl.ness·college work In mendation. lett�r tp President FoUowlng Is course here. �he Is vi.ce president of grets the inhabitants of the metropo- theTheg lfbulldlngs 0.11 ot the the north side Minneapolis for six years. He aIs.o Tlngelstad froma Fredertck E. Bolton, the student bOdy vice presIdent of the ils realize thls fact! How they miss court wlll an interesting view on taught In a bUSiness college at Red - Itatiol1;S at the University of Washlng­ Lutheran Students·· League, a member those picturesque pirates. Spanla.rds, that side present street will whUe across the s yea Mlnneso fo ng, twO r · was president of the Committee on Accred· l' p ' tion of· the- choir. and has �n a.member of Mexicans. Dutchmen, Turits. Martha probably 'be the homes of the t�ulty. ....1Mr. Bardon�. next ton 5 . . the Mooring Mast staft ever since Its WashlngtOns. and what not. Why.. this SOmewhere near the pfeSent gymnas. h Ml De :r to orlgln, five years ago. la :;e:� ��d_���:;��!.e�rt:�:' I1::� lum. and a�ong the hll}side will be the �:;c�:::�:��: Pf��iIosi �w:_ :;; ��:. ; I� � ��:�Ise;:�t pleaSute Inu t . Four Page ued on ont he to re wh as he alled 9 erett. nclally that at a rm w � 1 ot you Info to Ev deed � 04 l , !c m Jokes orlglnated by our forefathers. OFFICIAL YEAR'S DUTIES ,was presld�?t of 'Bethanla �U.ege for meeting of the university Committee on OF DRAMATIC CLUB BEGIN May I just bring forth (understand O 91 1, he received his Relatlona: with Secondary Schools and yeara I eight 1 � . ' ever Comed. y ' B. A. degree from the Unlversity of Colleges It was voted that Pacific Luthnot fifth or sixth) these few Questions:' GIve Cl The Dramatic Club was did the m1schlevousn,ess of F01" B oy' S B. eoefI. t. Washington: ' _ e� COllege be given full accreditation OCtober 30, \l.1th Miss Stlxrud an1zed fac- e�eryone. .Just whyespecially In 1912 he came to Pacific Lutheran that of the small JUnior collese' with the underulty adviser. Ruth JacolJsob wB1 elect. sprout on Hallowe'en. which It "Adam and E"a" Presented by College, where he taught for five years, 5tandlng that the lna:tltutlon . be ed president and Ruth Brown. sec"re. boys, m�t assuredly did, even more than In . until thc school closed because ot the subject to annual InspecUon a¥ �hat tary-treasurer. Pa�kr' continued accreditation be d)pend\ �-'dt SaD::�:yCl b World War. ;., The aim of the club � to put on the school-room? Durlr-g the war, Mr. Bardon taught ent upon meeting ot requirements made off with did the small boy program once month which shall theWhy neighbor's gate, .if such stUl ex- " Adam and Eva," a'three-act comedy, at the y. M. !==. A. In seattle tor one by the unJversi.ty ot accredited and ar· consist chiefly In one-act plays. . iunlQr colleges. and after that engaged In A committee,consisting of Jehn Gop- Ists? Not, I am positive. to give the was presented by the Parkland Drama year, other. . var- filiated Pennlt me to extend·to you. your tac­ occupations. lerud. w't"er Quale. and Irene Dahl, owner a plauSible excuse to get a new Club last Saturday evening In the Pacl- 10Uli your board of trustees my superintendent and was ulty, wa he the Since r one. tic Lutheran College auditorium. The Harmony High SchOOI� Whatcom congratulations was appol� to work with the execu. upon achle,v1ng 'thls tive committee and taculty advi5er to Why did he soap the windows? eer_. receiPts from this well-attended · play of , on (Continued Joyce at ht g ta1!Iater and Ut1.ty, O C;: e so ' wUl ry Ol housewife Y bUll to the go ar-old en to H flfteen-y n , not . Page. Four)" select plays. Regular meetluga"w111 be talnly Montana. In and . n wa.sh1ngto son of our 5Chool englfl. eer. He�as He attend . summer hool at the held' once a month. . thl\t pleasurable duty. ed &C In hurt aCcident DAY . automobile lut an HOMECOMING give To doorbells? ring he Why did a have his I� ampu.tated :·�rd:::; :fea;:' ;!d In . 1m POSTPONED UNT ouse.wlfe exeretse,. help her reo. HUMOROUS StUN,!.5 ��I� � :::e :er::. � ��:e� Mr. �don was ca1l_ ed back IN SEASON · LATER The PiLclflc Lutheran College orches- ThLs year after Why all the noise? Why all ' the IN PARTY PROGRA:M . absence of ·twelve led tra, by Mr. Edwards, rumJ.ahed the � P. L. C. W costumes? , all by why the tery1 FUN, FROI.!" MAKE Owing to the taCt that the rettJh· , enterta1nment, with WaI- years. because 'twas :Ha.Jlowe'en, the ·nJ.gbt for I music for the In S��i" ot the school, !.Jr'. Ba.r- tootball pme ·wlth Central1a Junlor a violin I5OJO. don Kerr tavoring flnt andwi;tl Witches, gobllns, ghOllta, spooU mm1ma.k1.ri&, the nJa:bt to be aiomelx¥lY I lace id. I have . <enjoy,ed these f!rat College, which bad beeh IICheduled tor . SlI; between the seeon es of. . descriptfClft-;., , me. Why, It would be crIm1nal if he enry kin few weeu ot ·work �t P. L.. C. more Homecoming Day, haa' been ca.ncNled, the second act. ' of other w� recocnIzed h1maetll saUon, l5OicUers, cut � as foUows: Mr. an Mrs. � at any place I r.mve ever t&ught." there w1ll be no Homecoming t.b1I kinds and tjpea of beluga joined togeth- 1/i �. no one 'remembers that PhThe . month aa .... pnvlously �ounoed. . uge, Mrs. Davis, MIM ne Ha . of v1glI er in &n evening of fun'&nd troUc when Hall ' ,; The football game was to be the main Padnesa. MIss, Ru� �esa, Mr. A. J. . �NUAL RA,LLY DAY A-T orlg1nalI!nthe PacUlc Lutheran c;ou'� held ItII &n- f.he�:Uof� Ba1nts ed All HaI_ SEATTL� LAST SUNDAY feature of the program. However, . f4r. J.. o. . Ed.Watda. Mr. R. W. her �k. �' eel nuaJ Hallowe'en ,.ny In the' school I and b N �lF Thurilday e�, October t�e 01: be�a: "":Da : ofti ::: Mr. A. P. VlaaeU, and Mr. J. annual P. ' L. C. rally day for ::n�:�=l:':: f::n!�teenr: rogram began with a humor-ow ev�, and now what Ia it ? . It � , ""Ille pla.y w&!, �ed. by Mr. and Mrs. Bea.ttle was held � ·the fint N�ei- charge ot arnngemeDtII for 'the Hom' e­ The p Eve called the Church of ,the ReT. M. ,L. COming decided tbllt this pme wOuld be be tely ap Mrs.. Hauge; J4r. SPence, 1aJi. Lutheran , H �rLa p auge with "!"here stunt put on by . the fa.oulty. that 'It wouid provide r.J1!', On this one-sided . of � l'{esvtg's charge. Octobe Wltc�es, �l1na, � EVil: Splrl.ts, in and J4n. Esther Da'ria t.akIn&" we� also stunts by the dormitory bo1I other ){l.schie f � whe llta wort. . I4n.. Ram5tad wall -'he bWI- occasion program was given by· sever entertainment for the vialton bu, word&--=t he nlght ge . and stria, and songs by' the ma.le QlW� of the In perIOD 11 abroad In tne. l&nd. al student. �d tea.chel'I aehoo L ra. t her cut efoom upon the whole meet.,A. man.apr 1ness tette!. . . ' A pJ'Ol]'LlD In, N� lane: lne. The poetponina or .t,be AiWllJit After the. program all Uned up rOE" , . . and ""Olle event waathe d1redresult'olthe faJlure . GIIlLS JtQtE'J' uaee given a 5:30 P. Jo(. UB � C. rEP . . CALEND� Mi-. t march . whleh.wu l� by . the gnnd In Enel1ab at 7:30 P. IL In both pro- to lCbedule another footbaU pme. The Jl!SUlar meeting of the--6IrLs' Pep I and Mrs. . HeIlma.n. Tbe march ended A' . Annou.nceita � , Den will � made .. . L.C. Relerie:s ?'-eet·. gr-a.JU Mr.· Ec1wardll led theea1D&IDa'. ..��)"-P . wben the llne -rued- � 'the \ �.- Club wai; beld ."\yednesda)' eft!liDe, OC- I No nnt PreIIId nt nn,le- to the date of the .� eftDt. the, proeram LIDcoln. 'at the Llnobln Intermediate. � � the. of Beca.uae 30. tober D;len' tables. where sandw1ches, dOu#l; P . N C t serv: : .-:e���u:=:�w: �yFA=��:� � c:m , :::. . . 8 Re- � :U=���wt-: :='�t7� w1ll be a part or Alumni e:u.mJ.n.a- Educat1oaa.l lnfluences of the Refonna- 113O. . NOftI!Iber '.-Mld-semeater . pz1aeI for bfst CCIItumea at. the The meetlnl" ad.)ourned � �t. . . . . . �uet hek1'later In the �. . ta . " �!,n. . . � cloee. . : . . .._ , ' . been' 1Iel'Yed.. r . � , �� " '. , ;puty.
















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Ap I ;i CJ' The oeneral ptreprooftnf 00. Puma: A;LL8'l'DL Squlpmmt

be nice to , J; F, ViAeD' COmpany PhOne K&1n ..,0 tot� Paclttc Ave. d . ', 'I'acc:mL 7:;;I� ::lIil�e;·�If·r:en:!n�� · =�t :-'��� ��e:::::U:; :; ag:>rllau.aTATlON a&-8 ... ) ca: , Hqcne. EUuud dic1n'1 Mlu on. drae cute " had Associate Editor .the for quea and some ons, contalnrd 01al " U MRke·UIl Editor y Oz: Harold ' a .('nllghtenment of those uIllna I wtU III«! her on account of thaI., but the rot CollY. Edltel'll Marga,:t. H�lm�rg .g�8t.e��= publish the .nswe�. All''S ... paid brock for hayll'll 8uch vt�ent die� ., Spart.s Editor r Parkland. and with: or'!e ex- likes ca.use they pulled her" and. Exchanges _ . 'I. _) _ tt.�ne Dahl polIln\arked t loud like uncle J4 rt'.. Barber Shop FC"llturcs Hugh Tallent and Cora Vista cep!J.on .....ere ulUlgned.. This one.-uked sne l!Q!letlled rta"htMr.OllEdwarda ... aiBen's little pig. Ml.!cellaneous . cC/ · Inaa OOplerud that I do not dl8c�oee her name. Brookdale ' ways fllmU11 with �r. Olson or try- , "Dear I\JUtOUe.: J3hould -I � my alriys b�na ' Ina: to snuk out .bl;lt BUSIN'ESS MKNAOER' _ Oerhar;l' Molden knlfc or forlt at dinner?" ' � ..., ---,. -'� edl l tat.t Mr, e l k Bott Hau�: b): � CIRCULATION MANAOER Miriam Helmdahl Ans"ocr;. YoW' knife millht cut � · ADVERTISlNO MANAOER b .' . o t , _TYPIST _ � .. " :;I�.�i��f� �:: :��:�1r ton ;;,�H:a::�h:���::b�:: ; l Ba her ..... amal1. e told about all !:he I FACULTY ADVISERS N. J. Honr. O. J. ,BtUen " DMor ArtstoUe : Can you - furnlsh sure . Shot) hbeen made. but ....hen Parkland ' th flltures concerning mileage of spaghetU m.. c etl that had I Mr. .omdh1na: abdut say he to fectionery , (i:oJ:1 started and " y al COluumM In the uruted &Uta d l ? ARE WE-CROWING? . e c he alm t I'Ot punched i ha\'c no fll1:lt"C5 on mile- Be k T1wl'l.' ure til pn'st'111 11017 sltld�'I1I� t'llrullcd ill this m:houl. '111is AnS"'cr:Sta.U3UC1I nOlle. Mrs. OlOlllon had nd ribbOns � l 38y \�r)' 'IIttle pro- her.halr Bel�er.liarMr Work 'for is l'S\M't'illll�' illlcrt�slill�. ht'l'lItlSt' Clf Iht' fUt:' !Iml IN7 WtlS thc extll'l a'ge. but Ind WII.5 kinda amart too. Mr. 1H1Il! I{'r t;nrtllh.'d Ihrull�hlltll tilt' t'nlirv sdwul yt'tr uf 1!12R-2!I, � Is made whcn o,ne. ha.s the hie- Xa\ll'r had nd glrt.era on Uke Na­ LESS MONEY . . Ht'�ISII'm' s n.'t'urcis shuw tlml f"rh' wt'rc ('nrullt'd ui'1c!, :-';uvcmbl'r coughs n � to 'i-Hr. They CI� by "Dear 'Arry: Should I U5t' my.,rlgh� spolng�ng Sodas' Sundae!l- Candy. I lasl �'.l'ur, Thus �Ilt' pn'Sl'nl Yl'ar is !,lu ('xl·eptiuB. lo Ihe stclHly inMy Country tis of .thee. Olr l l. . .... my Ie hand stir h my ft I n or hand i � I!I " \dlidl in r (,Hr. " lutul will F l'llrtlllnH'llt ' ('�un l'lll'h IISl' inThruuj.(h thl' past SlI"cn ('uflli2. course Mr.;Hauge and some of the �. �d Tobnc('o tea?" . . y<'ars, Ihl' inl'rt'ust' uf tl1l' . . t'nl'ulment . Try W\,lng. a �lI.5poon for a ,ers couldn t. carry . the tune very ..ell has hUtl rutiu tlf Ii ttl 7. , J +-_______' but Mr. 1I0ne: and,Mr. Bardon thoUgh�. L-. change Thl'S(' slatistks an' il1llt'('d l'Ill'uuru�il1�. IIIHI nuw wit!'; lill' ear ltOUe: What lB hfsh?" J it WLII lovdy. . lilulioll Arl.! uf illl tlivisiulls "D tlt:,·c!tlpl1wnt of lilt· l·umjlus. tilt' full Ul'l'rtii Ruth and'Ted got prius lor �Ini the AII/}wer : Unknown. of thi� sl'houl, Ullt! tilt' utidiliull of 11l'W (·tillr!....s. fl,'d slln' thut HlI1>h cutest. people at . the party. Tee) got I Is the dining club evil this rntiu tlf illl'1't'ust' ill ('111'011111('111 will IiI' mudl �n'utcr "in Iht, Desctnded long horn and practiced so that he frod Umes medieval. fulure 'hUll in Ihe Htlst. , Illayed some tunes .....hlle the �st of ___�.L_�___ A mixture of meaLs and of flBh R� snmwltches:and doenuLs. He playAnd SCrApings from many a dish. POINT SYSTJo.:M a U ll h h " ""Ul WhI" · ! up ·ln. a pan Students! . Pm'irk I.uthl·ran Cul l('h!1:' hus mloph'tI Iht' sllllltltll'd ' �rud(' GA round i iiYi ' " rU u iii iiiii tan d baked to pmnl sysh'l1I 10 lake dft'('1 this Yl·ar. (;rud(' poinls will Ill' al.- n �iiiiiiiii�iii,"iii"",'i I stop ill alid . look over Im"t'tI as �ull()ws: for �loh'l''\ltll' I�f A. Ihn:t' puilils Pt·� l·n.elit hour; Producing a.n. odor most pl�aslng to H'ANSON'S l' r l I I ' I ' d ll Jewel" =�hO'" one al"'a)'6 will find ::;I/I���); 11�:I :l"�I��: �;�,�. ::oi l�'���'�"l.��:I'ir;::::!I.� l �r�·, �;�:d:I':I;(�.; ,!-\I ::� But our stock of chunk of old ,bacOn rind. Waleh Repairing a Specialty dl'nl mllsl Trn,'C' us nutllY1f'ratl{' puints liS hl' hus t'J't'tiit huurs Ihnl Arlarge Z1. 80, 11th St. O extra large. chunk of Krtstlt' is. ht·· IIIIISt lilt,,!,. I�itl('s his sixl,,-fuur t'n'dil hours. ttl I('ust six.d"'- Causing (Fidelity Blcq') trachea to whistle. ('rl it Uke .�he Chriflmas Cards rnur �rtltl(· Iltlinls, iiI urtler t� �radmlh' wilh sixl,,-six -' nanny goat huurs hl' Hlusl ulsu haw sixty-six grut!(' poinls. -I]h(" .()utSIUlldillJ,l nt!vllnl:tg(' uf Ih(' sys'('1Il h,·N,- (h;scrilJ('d is Or maybe a sh08.tThey will Ihnt it prumutes j.(nud schulurshiJl lllul t'lIl'tUlru�cs the sludt'nls 1(1 That something lodged In the PUMPKIN SHELL work ttD" urd higlu_�r J.:Huls. \YI.l ill" furlll('rI�' NrI!dc ur » hus Ill- r .. throat. . LIOIIT LUNCHES AND sell thtmsdvls to you luw{'ci n s.tud{,lIt 10 pass. II J'l;i.n (-'lll'h subjl'd, ulHit'r Ihe pres('nt )llun Whattreatmust one do 'when served this '' CONFECTIONERY . nllows .hllll 10 puss hut kepps him frum �ruduutillj.(. hccutlsl' this Order your rh,raved.xmH CardJ l o r Ii 11 i



. man � him be would haft bh,.htd. down to hlI 1h1rcl chiD with ahame.the� Tbat okl �nome �'or (k)I. snduatlna:!ook tn1 1ut two"pIece Ian ..,. hom me' and I...I,.'(e me a of pa-per ...,.m, that J hacl, paid.


two �ts �� the school year b; the studenlt of heUie !.uU\eran CoU._ .�t:lanI1. W�I�. 8u!J6ulption. one dollar �r )'e&r. Entered. .., rond clus �lter. October 1. li25, at the PoIt Office at Parkland., . • W&\On. . . . under :Act of March 3, "lm. . r"UbUshfll


(X)J..I.K. .EO PARkLAND.' WA.e.tmtOTO-"




to, school and told them to




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I t I 1 I I 1 NOW ::: ���� =:�:�:"'�n! �n�ee� lt :.�:���.f,:�:;l ;1:·l rl\���{': ��I;���! 1111,111;(� : :!�'tI,1:�,I�:!;�� ��I��,�:,�I; ���;1 J\�,I�:'�\��W Tho really 'tls only a bone. lIul Jlt� ullt)w('d In �rud,lllltl{'. �=== �====�, . Pn·"ti"g... E"gralfi"g I w i (' it II l ' l IN 4 9 I'!WI1;I ;i�; �;'��I�n i: ��} I�\��;�\l�;:�i��� !�"I:I, I��:l t�I r:::���' ;,; l,�N� I ;:��J�\.it�li �y I��ft����;' :: do N.E M A.:. BO� _� _ _ � the In we should throw It back wurlll ",hilt· wll('lI . slud('lIls rt'l'l'i\'(' 1I1l'ir rt'porl ('arcls to pllt Unless n(llAia(;J U 72.__6 _PA_Cl_F1_C_A('V�,\,,.P) tn. � � � , w I ' II I i I 's I i �_'_W_,,_<_, �_"__H__" ' �--------- ", ? ''' '' ; r T: C :": Gherob(L) :-: . ' Dea Ma and '

��::� �;:� [ •




th��;lstlaru have seen the �on from 'Now gathered In the hoI)' place ' timl' to time. The Ap05tJc John "TOte Their voices they In worship raise. e a . �\':��: ThC�".:�; swell where God doth ��r\l;m� w��;: �:: :�te for example: '�lId angels' songs o( �raIse. ' WE PRINT AND DEVELOP Y9UR t<ODAK FILMS

We try to carry everything tn ;tock that wUl fill the orolnary wants. If ,,'e don't ha\'e what you need .�II us and we wUlget It. PrIces

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Pa : r NO\'cmber 1 15 AlI-Saints Ouy. and 011 &hold a host IU'ra)';::::;---;th:lt dRY we commemoratc the lI\'es of Uke thousand sno,,'.clad mountaJlU , AIl '1 can still think �r Is that Hale e It o e . ::;� ·:��:(�m (�:.: !�� :::: :! ::;=.�'!t�� �::��r�� t �: "�t;: Wlt�r:���s they stftnd. it Is decorated). On knowll as Mllnts. Those who die In thel Who arl' this band . Is caUed ....hen e ac p a�; :�: t�e;':.�:�1 f \:�� 1 !Wfore thl' throne of light? �:, p=;:.: t!,: ;�:: :;�:;=� I ��y ��lI : who tried lO learn the teachers lOme- I � mOn! and more a.s we ponder what God Lo. these a� the)'. of glorious (arne. has re\'taled in His "'oro In this re- Who from the great ILffllctlon came thing. Mr. HeUman's mama brung him ganl. The saints are not dead but havc And In rhe flood of Jesus' blood ' Just Itooe...: befol't'. We are one ,,1th Arc cleansed trom guilt and blame ' . D'14i _______


SPECIAL BUSSES FOR PARTIES. , Any Time, Any Place ..,,- "'1 Lyo� TACOMA: BUS COMPA" , �-

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We F_�re BROWI'! & HALEY CHOCOLATES. '. Ihe bell ,,,,,..;.y ,,, ;"'n buy. Complete I\De �f Magadn";', Kodak Film• and Alarm Clock.


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Lose Pi�kin Game l Grid Gossip" ' Veterans to Watch <: IRLS' TU RNOUT,'-OR F\G�1':iE�L:fltl�:.1�L1A ' To Axe,nen's 'i'eam ,. '",tUna ready.LaSt Season Game B�AKR�:t��SS�::'i�N (i'....h.. '"", ..... 111.<1", . f?," t� �l Sound , -. minute of the time. Paclftc Luthe� ' I t C ch 1 n



tndfUl of the !fOOd l'KOrd of tht Collete Oladla.tars went down 1.0 ', a � of Centralia b&.Uetb&ll l.e&m, the 'll'l'� O dereat at .the hands luMt .ye.,... Junior Colltle. Frida,., Qct.obel' �. at are,already �lnn1n8' their tumouta. 1 CenlnLLl �re out· Oladlators The" � i n .l a for d oor Ume. aiana1 lICh�ule The . - . CoI� eleven Nyman regreta thlt there ta onb The ' Paclflo Lutheran 1Q.every �e�m�nt of \ht: ,ame. practice belng -.-orked out by the playedwere Friday afternoon' In the Ll.ncoIn onBillgame ou!;Wel:lh� about twenly and . He year. thil 1 truel to Amerian Lake to pia, the: athletic c:ommlttee. left 11 .' ., tha says ' f . Do I the flghtt ng 01adlator ele�n 1 t 000 he is Just gehil!-l Into the football'swl.1. C. 1;>; S. reeez-vel in their lut ect)f:duled .A Itrong telUn OUght to be forthcom- pounda to a � . an !!xclUng game to the strong· Raij_ . pity the C. P. ·s. ReMn'H If .aU the game of the IUD seuon. Thursd!-y af- Ina bKauR of the -gnat number trylna I ;:;:= :��r ���:: : a�8 � � We e fellows feel that: .·ay: We Appr�lale Your t �O:�theral\l expect to'-gtve the \-et:- .:; :t:is� =�:; 'Lc�t����:'��'; �!: � e O I Patr9nage" breaka and .!IOOtl!<I. three tou�down.5. qomlng from behind In the last .t,.·o erana. (or.,.' hose benefit·the tgame is ebe- ·uaolc. Dnma. Kaaland, houllne Lanon, ( l e Bot.h. leana.. layed I tralght-=t06tbaU on :;\:So��:�';:ceto::��;�n�I:I�::� �,:ru: ��f�;:�.� n: :::;:,� :� :���u�c::r:' t:�r�:, :�i;� P Rus 0's Garage, s e\'en, tenm, with U�ln .makina nine dlum 14 to last.SAturday. . . the Vewran'l HOIP}tal is of turt. and MIM StiArud. the �h. wlll nOI 'be , =�::: �::;::' and r· L. C,. tnh'e flrst downs. . The :':== '" unle" there Is too much rain. the.OI�· able to �um o�t with the.alrla because ': Luthe:aru were behind the high achool .. E"'ei"y one o( the football men, and a latora el!pect to riveal a brand of foot· o( her recent o'peraUon and IIInesa. She ,S I gridders In the paMlng route.· eomplet- number of the studenta "'ere amons ball. especially ...11. the aerial route,· far hOpei, though, .to be with the team In Ing 9 out of 24, while Lincoln comp.le.ted th(' 15,000 penlOn Iwho witnessed the $lI.perior to. that of othcr game time ror the games. During her ab= r out of 13 attempts. year. . thll l!en� the i lrls will take turnl at collchfar ay ed game , pl �Irst footbaO Paclfli: . the . night ln /"").The . first quarter wu felltu� by a North"ut, In the Tacoma Stadium wt r All the men. with the poMlble· Ins. j . I tennlned drive toward. scoring ter· Friday cepUon of Ben Palo: are in lip-top' con- Latt year the Pacific Lutheran College e\·enlnS. "f. rltOI"")' by the Pacific· boys. They took dillon. . PIllo received a bruised ' ankle team played "'eleven gimes. winning the J!\gskln from their own 12-y�rd line J; OIIMO, 8U1 Nyman. and �Ie In the Uncoln game lut Friday. Sankey eight and losing three. To make up: to the . · oppoalng lO.ya� Une. Here ThostenllOn deny the PUb11t'oo state- Johmon will be at his usual 'end poIIl· for these defeaLs they played the aamel the)' ,.·ere held and lost the ball on that they like golf blter than lion. he functioned 59 "'ell lut telUT\s�agaln and r.ere victorious. d01C'Il$. �e kicking of Phil Sorboe ment footba-II. "?tey asurt that they didn't Friday. AI Hlluge. .....ho recehed an In· '. ThOM that ha\'e signed up far arel eame through with a :;S·yard beloIt know there "'as a turnout I"'t TUesday. Ju� kn� &e\'eral weeu ago, "I�II be Evelyn MonsOn. .PIluline Larson. Ingll ' \\'hlch "'ent on'r Nyman's head. Nyman ' ready to play a lar-ge part of the game Olson, Margaret Fadnesa. Palmll ran back and took the ball. but h� Carl Coltom. ,,'ho returned to school either at a tacklc or guard position:' !le&'!. "Eleanor Cox. '<;:lara Lund, Eleanor fumbled "'hen tackled by MIlUll. Va.sey lasf \\'eek feels that the seMOn is a lit. The IIneu l> that .....UI face the Logger Dahlberg, Alice Roe, Eleanor Lcfthul, r('C(l�'ered; for the RalispllUer:! on \he tie too old to stall turning out for l.he' RCServe:! will be abo�t t�e same as thltt. Margaret Holmberg, Emma Kaaland. Lutheran 5 30·yard line. The Abc$ took great collt'8"e spon. .. lIi'hlch started agal�t Lincoln. with Dorothy Ei;)erl5Ole, EugenlR CrWit)y, the ball to theyLutheran .·yard line. QUllle, Jonnl5OlI: or Mitton it end. AI Muriel 8olne, Lillian Johmon. Ruth where the College line sholli'O(I great Coach ' Olson hu a new . radll? He HaUge, Young. Cronquist at tackle. JACobson, Miriam Helmdahl. Connie {onn. to hold four dO,.'Tls. Thostenl5On'l ,,:ould like to ha" 'e the entlre :Chaol l Behlermann. stov, or Scheel at guard, Mohn. Viola Taw. 'Qlora RasmU5&en, k.lci (rom ' behind his own goal line do,wn to hear It. but due to the limited and either J�bson or Percival com- . Marie· � partly blocked, and Uncoln took seating capacity. he has decided h(' pletlng the lne i at center. The back· . n e e . d I =?17n�.f the ball on the Luthe;an =o�:� t:��:� : ,��� o p ��: ��: �� �� �:e��:��!t'�:. ��: :; nr-ighten Up the home with. J!; Oul-oI,Doo" Tog. At the beginning of the second quar- dlron at :1: 30' e\'ery afternoon. ho.·, Ola.sso at right half. holo or SAnderl50n a rew rlowers or a nice n t k 1 t alf. with 8111 Nyman starling at , e\ er. :���!r� blooming plant: Flower!! lor cri", lall day. ���:a� ��� � t�! ���S&f�� � · but RablstoU crashed �ver for"the, first We'll � you all at the game Thurs. r?r c,:erybody and (','cry· touchdo\\'Tl. The try for point fRlled. day afternoon! RESERVES �1EET ABE Ulazers, Sweaters a g e a lhinlJ / MIDDIES A� LINCOLN Leather Jackets a�::.. l�� �r �� ,� :�h:= and darkness ham�red. the final "ttack . . of eleven. Gladiator the took the baU after the kickoff from their The Pacific Lutheran College Seamoru Flol( ' 1er I UP: DICKSON BROS. CO. 3 I Shop 1120-22 Pacific Ave. ���. !�,.���:�=�0�ci,:m':� �� �� Uneoln :::I;� �:;� ':n:::n::! :I:I�� Dth &: BnMf wa, Nicholson temoon. The OladiAtor Restrves have certain touchdoll.'Tl, but the gun soundl!d Tho.slenson LEft Young Buck already dealt the Uncoln l,llddles a I�����������k=========� LTR . to end the hall. LOR Wlecklng 13 to 0 defeat In the first of the lleuon, r The Lutherans received to the Beheel C Pede"r50n but Coach Post's bo)'s are out for reo second half \\1th Nyman retuPltlng Jacobsen MBeeA . R'"I; , Gf , AN ' �GTAUR .a.!>O .... ROL Clark ...enge alld Since the game will be Sorboe's kick from his 0"'" to-yard line 5ehlermann RTL StoJack played on the home 101. the AbelS .....111 to the 27-yard line. Maua, Abe end. Cronquist Open All Ni.ght RL t· t a be s:= �e ���'� �I�::�I�i c.onslst of the TRY OUR ANNEX � 131h & Cummerce ����.:Cr��e� =W��h ::'�O ��;�:I� �;�:: I C I n R C Ra l n a ed o 'h �lt::er ;or �e =n:;�� �I��� �=fI5O ::L e I bls;:�� :��e ���t�a!!:� A� :a��:�w�on� : Telephone Main 5iOO Mickel regulll..r varsity. player. ",\II play tomor. SOrboe's kick for extra point ' rmed . bJocked b)' a rushing Lutheran lineman. Substitutes: P. L. C.-Johnson. Palo. row. to get ... up for the game KARL A. ANDERSON Again in the final period th(' Lin· W. Qual... Ptrclul. 8erent.son. Skov, Thuuday. Hauge hu been out or play SIIEET METAL WoaKS coin ele\'en scored "'hen they took lhe TelJten. ,and. Munson. for the, paSt four ,,·eeks. nursing a TAa & GRAVEL �rING. MUKLUK rURNACBS ,,. on the Lutheran 37-yard line.) A OtrlclaLs -Tllley.. referee; Beckett: wrenched tn�. SI3 .ST. TACOMA. WABH. HELENS AVE h"d 'In.=> M ' ' '" Th"nu., , ; long pass from Sorboe to Mazza took the "m.. p"; � ��� ������;;;;;;;, ball to the Pac1!lc a-yard ·lIne". Here a ; Betl:er- Prl nUq 15-yard penalty "'as given the Luther. �� � � PARKLAND LIGHT & W�TER CO. ans {or sendl.Qg I� a sublsUtute after Keystone'Printing Co.. Inc. The Home 01 2 PanI. play had .been started. Pnrklulld. \VlIshinglnn . . 10% PacUk A'It Main 3151 From the 3·yard line Sorboe took the Suil� and Curlee � MutulIl (:omplllly-{)rganized Hln ' . TACOMA ball O\'er on two line plunges to ma.Ir:� . Clotlu!. the score 18 to O .It pass for extra point Furnishes 'Water, Light and P.ower to Members Only knocked dO"'"' 1 The Lutheran', Water minimum 60e per month including 100 cu. ft. water . \'aln eUort to score took the ball do.," Water furnished to P. L, C. Into lJncoln territory three times. . deep UEN & SELVIG but the aerial attack wu successfully For rurther inrormation apply to repelled by the Abes. and the game E, n. ELL1.NGSON. Mgr. JETLAND & ended with the Pacific boYI on thelt Importers of Nor­ fourth trip toward &COring turf. F.or wegian Cod Liver P�LA�)lUTI Oil ,. Cor. Tacoma Avenue &: 1 1th Logger Resene« and I'. -L. C. to "" worT)'. � oa by0lhe3o "1ladlato S(,ore �r 18 to 0 ' Hard Resen-et flden ce O rs mU5t Pla v �ond Tilt;' Regular Scrapping; Gopd Puaing Done O\'!:tcor. � forgotten. . . i• ineup to Partldpau By Lu� Boys ...


IAn iii .






























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l , Daily Diary



(A",pus L�Is -

� OF COLLEGE ' ,HE�D I Octobel' 71.-10. croup of the boy. �nt w�:. 1Ifbatap��and Mia . . ft an T'btJ Clariau. 8r'qH and Klt 00kI� � the anemoon pl&Jtnc' �football-at· =e:::;n ::-� . =".. but �'f'er on1)', berc Assun.!iee of the t� that the Pf'eai. of 8I.lvertoa. � Ylaited the ter-a-tuhion.· •







dent" � be � in the OC� r 2I.--='l'he Kick1n&.l"t"1t Is ,et- . " witt out of " ...-oman II t.he col!. �1 �. �tolIn n. .nnr future ..... . t by !.he board tlng'.. 8'!'Ht kick out 0 IUt, Wl' �k. � taat known to man; hO;:': . 1 1 and short of m and Irene Dahl we saw, the " Iona tnateH ' In thtl mff� held ' It 'nqUlrM alrong will power. an Dorothy eLe� ever w who ",est1i'�. .� ""e lnttnlte capacity for whlch 15 ru1dence; Wl!dn�ay. ' rlvtna In., wiadom, ��� � and. .. mlllJon , dolJAn" Mpe- 29. .� 2$1 -10.11 we 'kDo'llf' 'bolI t � around ,,'W be bu�t H?rth . • . doJl&n;. the pre:smt chapel __ . re were classes as usual. cially .. mWk)n Ls that � atter .. woman · me thlnu 'I'M Rel'. and Mrs. C. Nordpa.rd A let�r wu �Ivrd from and. a.s usual. everybody knew thw' � you O Charles AltfUUSch a �'" days .. you re tytna, and if you �'t she t,naw. two ehlIdrtn. Mra. 8. W. Wanaen " 'de- Ichlns. � . you &reo satblng the buUdtng and making • re.... ' two d.U(hten and' atra. Thonen, 30,-The day before th� nleht , ' If Y:>\! &re �alOl.l' you have no con- E erett. vts1ted Ruth Norjurd tions. The plan or the buUdlng correc v n ' .. and if you &re not you �ve' no velg W�n Sunday, October :n, � riden«, �; :r � n«lved,' Constructlqn has ,.150 ._ "'otk ,,111 probably start some _ In , per� .t the puty: he'\IV tp conduct, • thln ,,1th1n the next..thrte ....eeks. ,tudenta apent feel cla$s; ho. to behave in' clau; I It you belleve eve� ahe andb. The follow1nc nus ,,'111 be the flr$t unit or yo � ,bel 25.� .t Aatorla ,�: where mat.chea &re �; and What I you bue no mlnd. ofno ur 0'llVn. ,JobnMn. Clifron! Meslord a.od mind .t all. JOU don't. ,100 have kmd ot KOOd sport.S our teac hers propo.wd plan of development and : It you W8! pomade. " brUllant tit. ,BerehtaoD. &re ' .

" �ay � �II


c::�'����� :�:

��:u:=.'7'::;� � ::' inr.eryst.e<l ln Pacirtc Luth�· Colltl'e,


November 1,-FotJ and mLsl �y ,ad�ed to the interest tI� �e pme .t ty



::a:u:.t.7:. �� =-� .

�� . returned



�- I but if you weai . dark su1� and take ber schoOl .fter "n operation for appen. :�S::I. but dldn't help yelling ' out. she �ys the 'chap over there with dlcltls.. " ' SCHoois SHlrvINl? . I pomade. , y. . , the brlllli.nt Ue, ani! dirty �-Work No�mber on the annu.1 w.,s cbrds Ls cute-he', coUeaiate, Tb� M1IiIIes Vlctort& Rasmwaen STARS SIGN FO!{ " started tOday. at:arl hinklng .bout , It)'Ou'retbe cavemant� ahe � Olga BeD$OD, former . 1.. C. P SPORT POSITIONS name, clever people.� , ' , u brutal but it you're not ahe spent the '\IVeelt-end. cktober 20, :n, . ,




Conrad Kirch



d N P �=��ea:;':;:�t;; �ows �ou're abJeci--and she �� kn _ ;;; . 1. = 0·= ;;;:;:;= = = = = = " . fO��:: . ab t ' 11 walb, :;C ::� !rlvoious you 'ha\!� �o· serl- f' y NOl'ember •.-Blue Monday. OWl p� in life. and if you are 1ler1. aus you have no sense of humor. GOLLY THESE MEN · If you ItO out W1lh other girls you art Men are ·...hat ""omen mafry-and ftc.ltle, but if you don't she doesn't They ha\'e t",·o hands. t",·o 1eet and to many an experiment.. • so�etlmes t",o wives. but ne\'er more "These women. these wo�en 1'" ne Idea 0 one collar button at -w, R. Q, with apologl� to the orlgl.h , � :n:. ' _ ator. _ ,Making a hUSband out of a m&!,! Ls the _ _ highest plastic art known among "W. i reQulris SCulpture. science; men, t IContinued from P3(e One) common serue. faith. hope .nd chant!. chapel, which wiJl connect with charity. smaller and leS/i pretentious music you flatter a man It frightens him by means or a tower. ThLs tower death and It you don't )·ou bore him be on the hlght-'t , elevation of death, It you �rmlt him to make campus, It will ,be the key to both 10\'(' tc you' he tires of you In the end. east and the souLh. the two If you don't he tires of you In the. be- sides. It wtll dominate. not the inner courts, but rrom the ginning , Eugenia Cro5by. and others. agood If you belle\'!! him In tverythin& you �e!t' ,,:,W probably be installed• for their f)O.5lt1ons, ' m . r e t him and tf you to It 't}e above mentioned may soon ct� to n • Most of t �� === :��.: ere� ted 'Ui ltnow that th� tarry argue ",Ith him In nerything YOij cease It also be n annual: ".'hlch Ls to be pUll. 'l!ihlch ""U origtnally &eheduled for to charm him. was Thursday at .the home of Sister If. you believe everything he thinks year, The choir a trip throUgh Thompso�. hU·been postponed to 3 p. you art a lool and It you don·t-he thinks make the first oC the year If Mr. are 8 cyniC. m Sat rd by the h tess , r CUI �'here your If you "'ear gay colors, rouge, ,tart- inds c:ondlt�ns l,\·ora.ble, ': be C �: � name 'ppears o�e bulletin boa."CI. ling ha�. he h�lates to t.alr:e you, out; Walter Chrlstensen, :. Ls a because the Moo,nng Mast repbtters If �'ou wear" little brovm suit be ege. ' out and s(&rll!$ at a ""oman In gay Lh1s year at Luther C take t'verythlng for granite, ' rouge and a st.1.rtllng hat, e e TEACH G<l-MES AND w��: :n��/� b�� DRILLS IN GIRLS' GYM ehm�n & Drumheller' and It you are the modem. : i independent woman. he . recreation perlocl.s are being laucht In you have a heart. tn"�.�meilt S�uritie. the IYm periods. Each girl has a tum sllly he longs lor . bright 1\15 Pacific A\'e, Phone M.a1n 81 to teach her game. ' The relit of the aterilliant be longs for � ""<"" ..;.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• take the pl&(:11!$ of the primary and foilow directions, nus Is done If you �pUl&r with other men he il r-....,----., \ jealOU!l but If you are not he is .frald

i". j j � MIss Stlx�d

",.U1 :have 'many extra.'! for Ii �'innln8 ba.sltetball teath, In addltJon to the 25 r�ulars turning out for the girls' bastetb&ll team. .. number of oUlers stgned up for the popular indoor sPort at the lut' mlnu� and could not be Included in the IL st which appean elsewhere in thls edition a:s ot 11 ..;::::-:: � �d iving . Indll cations of being succes&ful candidates . art': Ida Smtth. Sister J Fadness. Josephine OIasso. Mesford. Ever A ve �!�:�n�e�is�e Pe�����' s��r �o;;�





; ;;;; ; =;;;;= I� i i;;;;;;;; ; = ; ;;;; �:�� ; ==:;


:::. lijiiiiiiijj

tween )'Our lnatitutlon and the ' slty and lhat weinay be mutually Cui to each other, If we ean be of any t ��� c:�:u�:' Very slncmly yours, Frederick E, Bolton.

':!eea:te'��.Itno'I'IV 1

DR. H. L.



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Stude�ts Present' At-U. W. Leaders,. Press Conference

Fr:aternity and Sorority. Housai rl!0sts to About 500 Delegates J I,LedU� �;��:�n�ent o

. .


AnnUlil Staff

Of P . L. C. Chosen ·

By Students' Vote·.


PaCIUc: J,.4.lthtran Colleat ,. reprtthe CQVIplete staff fO!' P. L. C:" first annual is DO.... chosen, ""ork 1II1ll ' sented by" fOUf students at ·the annual High .School Press and Leaders' Con�In Immediately. acoordlng to I�ne rerence held on the University ot WashDahl, editor-tn-chief. It. commtttft lnglon campus. November 14. l$, and 16, of Mr. Hauge. ?,Ir. Hona. M.... Comella Mohn and Pauline Larson atHellman. Mr. s.tuen/ 'wn. KTelcUer, tending the Hlsh lA."aders· Conference Irene Dahl, Oeoorae C\OnQUist. Ida Hln. and John Ooplerud R.nd 01al Halleness defile, Warner Quale, � John GoP]en tl h O ' t ��n����; ;�ternltY and sorF 5taff.W:I�� :;: .�: :��.���� t�: '� . The stUdent body unanlmous'orlty houses UW' yrar were hosts to . stUdents ' Ibck 1to.-5H�, Ida, Hlnder�le: Standinl. Dorotby Eber?Ole, WarDtT Qa.ale, Herman Anderson, Fred �, Gf'Or,e Iy approved the action taken by 'the nrarly 500 delegates from all paru of t the sm'te. ·Betides heartng some �'='':a��� p.�p:::'t!�rM::::dc!;�Yi,",�:r�i s��:t;!;�n:ruf:.�: committee at the meetlna: Thursday n bn��':! .=m�n.�� R=�wN::!r::. morning. good lectures. the delegates ....·ere pro· Jobn�GoplerDd and /Unit " andlnburc wert abWnt .·ben. tbh I'ktve .. -COurtesy News-Tribune taIIen, 1 ,\'Ided speci.. entertainment ....·hlch Althou�h thls'is the rirat .attempt at r . t NG GRAMMAR SCHOOl ORGANIZE DEBATI O M k ad :I ta a ve� PleuanJ. "\ p y r 'COACH PUPILS I� BASKETBA I�L TW�� y- ne · a e ' :nd �r���:b� ��/ Y CLUB FOftS'THIS � : a�!t�:l��a;��:t��:� �� f n pa P L. Roll Honor C. . girls ,e School Parkland-;;;:-mar Students Inte�n debating held �:��; �':;I: �:"�:n::O;:�: o::�r;;:�l O,��:C_/ ;�u:a� ::��� 4t coached In basketball by II short meeting after chapel Monday Ing. At 10 o'clock an open �mbly are nowof being under the leadership 01 Pred WIllrothy No the students 1 ' was held and the delegates ....·ere wl'l- three � Em· A\'erage Grad� of 'B Standard N�ovem�r 11. to of'laniu for the com- ment �Holmbef'l. . IlIld ter. business manqer. will not 'start oUicers were tor comed to the Unlvenlty. The leaders Ebenole, Margaret FO'r Elegibility; Four On . Ing year.' The follo....·1ng Ii few wee". e d ld te then atten�ed thF aU-unlvnlty A. S. ,U. :d�:�� s.:::�i�:�. v;: :���;;:�� �;:e :�id�:t · ::� The stude�ta chosen' tor sta1'f post_ Distinctive List .W. AcUvlty Auembly In Meany HIill. cawe . -were choRn on the bu1a 01 thelr of the abundan'ce ot material to . T n y-on Lane �ret.ary-tieasure� Mr tiona won.. or Oeorge are on the ho sludent . There very rr-uch talent ' . ' ' pUt . . hOO5l! -ere .s: �y �lnc-� eon f �.""� ;om. 'ke l! � should be .an excel. c f th Beck will act ' sa advller. · quet held at me Commons. where school, and the staff. from the team worked up to meet all op- roll lor the first hall ot the fall aem- Mr. Beck urgee; everyolne. e6�lally around each delegate w� preaen.ted with a lent editor down. la very well equipped \0 pos.Itlon. �ster at P. L. C. UW year. To be eligible '\ f'fSlty ot Washington yearbook., the Mrs Kreldler·s. olle must be �ng full time an$l have �C;:l =-th� ::�o�e�r::o:: tum out uu. project. �� �ee. . . . cluses w:lll as.sllt 'With the art ,,·ork. . an• average grade of B, There are four .requires a great. deal of public s�klng. .·.rtThe The lecture �Ions were dlvld� I to Choose i\lftle· Quartet complete annual staff is as fol� spealr.lng. t I ct V h or n o s . For School Publicity :�:: :p :i ��� ��o �:ve :: g:�; , �=o�;:a::' !�� ��e�il�;:I��d: ��:. ��;�:!::� �t�:�� �:�� �:�: en. In all, there were thirteen meet· After holding severaf tryouts Mr. Ed low B. dlnburg. literary; John Ooplerud, col· SIXTEEN STUDENTS Ings. where school. prus, and publica- wards has chosen the following to com- I ThO&e on the distinctive honor roll " " lese life: Ruth. NOf'laard, admlnlatragar Lar as follows: Irene Dahl. tlon problems were discussed. Ed · are PASSION IN . PLAY tlon: sts; Ida Oeorge Hlnderlle. cl prls.e the PacUic Lutheran College male, u On FrI�ay afternoon the' editors quartet: Ted EvJenth, fir st tenor; Stan _ : son. Stella Sorboe. and·Ollbert Sydow. -Cronquist. athletic!! ; lap. Ooplerud. .....atched the Seattle TImes print a mo- ley second tenor; Warner Th�on the other� bonor roll as Sixteen Pacific Lutheran Collese stu· music; Thora Rasmussen, Mildred Nel. der:" new�paper. and in the evenlns: QualeBerentson. bass : and Gordon Atchley. follOWS: Ruth �rown, Leona Forsberg. dents. together with" students from the lIOn. fe.tures; oa;ny HJennstad, art; first . the delegates atten�ed the all-unl- second bass: Mlrtam Helmdahl. Margaret HOlmberlJ' Tacoma hJgh schools. took part In the Stella Sorboe. copy reader; Fred Wal­ Elvera Hokenstad. Chr�tlne JOhnson: "Pall3lon Play," whlc� was presented at , ler. ' business manager: Mildred C,..d, "erslty play, "The Black Flamingo." Practicing . will beilin Immediately to'I Sena Jo�nson. and Marta vandlnburg: They also received free tickets to the learn ten numbers of sacred and secular ! t\ss1stant . buslnesr-manager: F:red<'Lee, j norm,,1 division 01 the Junior College, the Heilig' Theater, November 1, 8 and·g. advertising fooLbaIl game played by the of W. songs manalJer: Herman Ander­ and the W. 8. C. Frosh. in the Th� quartet will serve as publicity tor Herman Ande�, Inga Ooplerud. John Those who took part In the play from 5On. asweJate. advertis10g m�er ; I Stadium. Saturday afternoon, �rud. and H�rold Myhre. 01 the this school were : Margaret Holmberg, Margaret Holmberg and Dorothy Etierthe school and especlally for the cholr. 'I Oopl College lI�raJ arts division. Dorothy Ebersole, Eugenia Cro6by, UI- sole. adverUstng: Warner Quale, A'Ircu,Requests for musical numbers from the1 Junior The lollowing from the hig-h-school lIan JohnS<ln, Warner Quale, Stanley latlon manager: UUlan Johnson, as· / COLLECE STUDENTS college by various ctlurches. clubs, and 'I division are on the honor roll: Dorothy Berentson Ida Hlnderlle Pauline Lar- s.lttant cirCulation manager.. ' schools will be fllled"by the quartet. Bodley, Mary ATTEND PROGRAAIS I high . Curren. Dagney HJerm' On the choir trips the quartet w:l1l sing ' stad. 'hur Olson, MOnSOn'y E\'elyn \...... ' Paul Holm-Jensen, Edna LIl- son. ON AR.ft.llSTICE DAY , at school �mblles to advertlle the: . and � ZachrFred PENA.LTY lson. SEVERE Lee. Eleanor LofthllS, John . Although Claase3 were held as USUa.J ! ChOlr. and aLso ..t VarlOIlS SOCial fl,lDC_ It:bo .Jena Rlclr.shelm. Evelyn Oillon. Mar,le Vandlnbuf'l and FOR VERDICT OF on Armistice Day. the day was recog. tlons the choir mem�rs are en-II tertaln are being made for Nt:lma Oulleson. ntZed on two ooculons at the collqe, ed.. fIana also Former Grad�ate 'GVILTY' IN · · CASE " special patriotic chapel service lor the quartet to sing over the radio regu-' Ii "Ouilty" "sa the verdlc.t of the jury..... Goes to China for students in the morning and a men'S larly. and "l)Jne more weeks of ArgumentaSav They Then And Third Time as AId club ArmiStiee Day program In the Some tlnd 01 unlfom for the! . - . tion" was the sentence pronounced by1 -chureh-bLsement in the evening. rJ?ember.; is be�g CO�ldered. · It's �asy to Take Judi:e Beck upon Mr Chuck Smith ..t Mr Edward 80vlk lormerly Anna During the regular chapel pertod In -V �, 'the mock trial presen� byMr Haule', . the morning Mr. Hong conducted the BORROWING IS' FINE . I Tenwlck, who a:radu..ted lrom PacUic I Ted your tie is crooked Fred..., PuU ArIrtlmenUlUOn elua Monday aftanoon t r e a STUDENTS I ��= IC;:":: ::U���� : �;:� :e�eY�: ;�: =Ir�':!:ne!;C:�:� �:n� =::;:'': :t: =� ���! ��o:t��: :::: ART . FOR ' . -jsionary. Mrs. Bovlk was a claamate 01 that's better. Sally, st.n.lahten.out tm.t tbeCoIJet'e ReereaUOO room. lovtng one's enemJea. - the speat.e:r . ' Dr. TIIlgleatad in 1899 ..nd I\K)O. showed how the nations of the world Ridc1le': What wed to be, still The cue at hand w.... to d�de bulge' In Dorothy·s surplice." . is, and and espe.cJaJl:r tWQ rret't Engllsh speak_ always �I be 1o,existence? .. When Mra. Bonk flnlshed E'acilic Yes, !bib, you lJU�tt; the choir whether or not .Chuck SmIth, - alIO Ing nationa have been drawn totcf'thtT Anawer: �e nne art of borrowtng. Lutheran Academy. me taught here un- had Its picture taken down town lut known .. Georre �u:Iat, p, L. C, e art, becawe IIlcb Ul 10 lIH3, w,ben abe went to _China. for Monday ,=venlng. · and the above are star t'act!e, .BolToWirii' III sLrice the aJ.gn1nc of the !ArmIatIr.e. ruUty of .throwtna: the Nove�ber 11 was alao the tort1eth a1mPle requesta "JobJ ' 1 barTOW . the first llme, She met her buaband tn just some ot the touob1nr-up remarlta sUpposed rootbtJl pme, loriP. 'L. C. In " anniversary of the adm1aa1on or the p m c lU_ Joby I lOme theme pt.- China and "... married in 111115. She belore the bulb .... preaaed. t.he came with Obe7enne'- Unlvuslty- on . state01 W� mtothe Union, Mr. per? Le.nd .. One: tJl'O,!e pictures were taken.. November 15, BJ th1I ·rame Obqenne} l or a 'cllme 'W baS threie eh1ldren, J4arpret.. EdwllJ'd Hong showed the, proereSs 01 the state tom?"O'" pleaa," are Ill_,.. preced: Jr.. 'and .Arne. The bo,.. are taJdng Then aomeone uJd.. "Where', JIr, Ed- wOn the' conference Champlonahip In e v d m:�ircZ'::x:: :: �?:=a::��=�� =h:ftbe8�. Hence', 8pokane �.::a'�� bymna�adde.ct ::e�.�� t:� �: %? ��or� :e�� to the aplrtt o( the ItudeDta on tm.t day. hurry that I tortOt It, or. upr:MSIona to hope to oome to p, 1.. C. lor he ..ppeared., looked over his "an«eJa," . Attorney Anna. Aamodt pre8l!11ted the . their junior - and At e1�vm o'clock sharp .the-beU wu tm.t effect. one. dote not bluntly &Ill: eoUeSe wort.., w:lth .. flnal .•!&nee at Doroth1�' cue and caUed u lint wlt� ' tor rung; and the ..... were atopped, to bottow aomet.htna, · No, tm.t would Rev: and J4n. 80vik are going to surplice placed b1maeU in the center of the presecqUoD KIa Bett]l �, 10. work In cen,Sal China �t t:l. mUes the 5eCOnd Ti:nv ll:fDollJ the glrla. call)' k:001nl sa Elvera HoteDitadt who and the·.bole 1Choo1 arose �t.b tbe � be a. "11De"'art. rest of the world tor two It)1nutel of nUl " &ated.. on the part of the bol'- north of HaIlkoW. They w1ll be In the Wsa It warm? No. not at the Nortb lObbed her .story to the jUl'}', It seemed allent medJtaUoD and prayer to God w;I� Jbe full lntentiOn of evanaeusuc wort. and will do some re· Pole, but JIlIt Uk Be:rJtt. 1I he didn't that bdCll'e the rame chuclt 8mJth'her . for the future of' country. turn1zli. IhIt;becau.e it" t.naicn1f1c:ant, Uef work. feel the.beat. Q1' e.our.e, � feuon for boy rrtend bad caUled a quarrel betWtIeb In the eveniDC • apectaJ. Arm1aUCe be fc:qeta. H.· ... 1nl9 the habit of that may be that' aInoe be is Jtf'mwI . them '" stepplna out with anotber rut and carvtnc thelr'ln(Uala on ·the Idcli. f borTotVIna AND forretUna. Tbe. lende' pro.n.m .... ,t- by the men's the, rest 01 the 1Onpt.6s 1m(! CALENDAR ' . the TrInItJ Church. at whieb Mr. 0 ill the lcMr. nUl habit' Wou1d not '?e NOVftZlber 21.-8oJI' b1m. 8� Bei'eDtsOii, .bowever� re- Lria 'post. In W1nnlnI baek her lme .tWl . buket t»J1 prac- marked Bull ,,'Ie aeftl'aJ noun eelect1ou, DeUl1 eo � 11 tbe ·bonower lormed; UCIe becIDa. that the ....tmosphere up here had qned to let ber brother t.broqh --= :; � with It, the babk of re- N;�ur:-�!!.Iak cl1niler ID �� .:e=t.���t:et!:.'to�� :e� ms mee� a ber9 for'��n:::: � . , (OoatbuMld ,_ � Pour) . �crrember 3I.-'l'balWrci'dnc � (OOIlUnued Paae Four) ' (OObUnued 00 � Paui) ib8 � � �







































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P_ .

ChaFf TaJlc CQ WDIA � the Enaltah lan- �., 'IICOMA·"..... Z1fi n l word' one i5 There . De&r W:a anel Pa .' . • . AJlTIII'l'S' . report by ·wu-.. ,that we bar eyer)' day. and that IXPBR'I'5 � -' ��� auppoee you have n·"=" ; ', ,::"� flOw. Of course It coulda been worst. 1fOfd la ",uoeeu" CUrioualy enouch. 'It ::-_-= s:.� ,- �-' ����� "';;==:::;;""-'�� ���::-.::- I bu� you'll 'have to ad�lt that study is foUnd in onl,y one p� in the BI� ..ubliahed e';eq t-weeka· dwinr the achool year by thestudents Qf Pt.elflc· pretty consb;t&lItly. That's a nice word, In '�e fint chapter of Joahua. ' I �eard pape. �y that he p�yed con· The youns peOple alundine thls Id- � ·Lutheran Collert\ .Partlan<i. Wuh1n(ton. , � \I .�; it'=: :: ,:. p:t;r:::aa:� �� stltutlon are h�- tor the � of CJ F. Vieell�; S�P�Oo. .OIlI!.dOUa:r per Jt:&r. Company . i lue ·.l�ln to cha.neea: the r' enhanc1nc Phone )la1D JI'7CI ..16 Padttc Ave. Entered i.s �nd elus matter, October 2. 1m. at the i>Ost Office at Parkland. tanUy rottonl But I think letting D', .'hccIm&. W� W� Uftder the Act of M..rcb 3, lImi. II really better than, r�tUnl .dUferent ee6S.�1.!i ,lite. and that 18 commendable. ----�r---'--�--AL AFF --------- I �:r�et;��� e::; =_ :;:m=�d "t:; :���:: v'::t:�d with ED, To R, -S T�� ..;;;BOO�D;mn;,;·;"_L!!iiiiTAiiiTliiBoN""'ii_ Ed.ltorln Chie;�OHN'l'OO PLERt1D 01&1 Haae� � � ,A'S � then_� on�,a �e� But v.:hi.tlsmeant bYN�1 Money· � _.' . ' Al5l5oc1ate EdiUJr =-e � • , Is otten made w ':l1euure of 0 making _ • _ _ • Harold OraJ'; as I know t y tapp Make-'Qp Editor ha they are the hardest lSUocee.!I tn our mater1aliSUe are Many varet_ Holm ..4ri , Rnrlif!lr Shop '. • Mar Copy. Editors Stella _ bel"8 and <norge.. CroSOrboe nqu1st letter In the aIfabet to make and to t�1 • • that principles mWlt sland In Sports Editor . _ _ Exchanges _ _ Irene Dt.h1 think that any teacher would haye the the way ot and that - - Hugh Tallent Features and Cora ViSta Patients to draw seven of 'epa in one line means mon ey-ma�ng In our bWlft� _ , Miscellaneous - - - - l!JP Ooplerud -tor me--m.y' V inea world many build upon the prlnI ;"""' ES� D�P�TM�T _ l S �� ;, >� �:�td a:; ���� ���t1� �::: � -:.:� C:d= �� ''-:' � --:-I n� � � �rhard Molden Business Manager _ e M1rtam Hetmdahl even look like w I guesa that'. becauae e&lly oppoiJlte to the words of the BavCln:ulatlon -Manager ' Parkla�d, �rber �h�p Advc:,rtlslng Manager f , Typ�t � :; �w!: =I�I� m� blessed to ��: :� :t;:d�Ia:��!; - Beanca� and Confect_ionery 0 FaCulty Advl.! ers ----------.;...;. J 8tueD oillJ' one whiCh IooU like blmlelt la N .;...; J Hona, -' ;,;;; ;;..; -' --- 8ant:1, and he loolU as 11 he " aaytna Belte, ila;.ber Work �or , , MARKS ' ,Huba,, <.Alumni, t.Aaivity TIley had� = ��"!'';: ,Reynold LESS �O�. E:r Jaeobeen is worklog for An explanation of the llIarkin� systcm st.�IIlS neces..�r�' I,1t- ? e . !this lillle. espedally for first-year sludcll.ts, who ar� not used to :,:e �� as .manager of the .Donna n but wouldn't f i father Sodas.,· Suod.·", Candy.Ingwald I"edt, Is attending j J � lis s\'stem. t!-s it is ·diffen.-'nt from what is used in most high U:;:,. y an WO ld t . �Iucky0 .=- U. niversity of Washington. schoois of this state. As olle walked down the halls \VednesdllY and-Tob!,�co 80 _a � 1 c: m e tried Evelyn Bneve, 'lB. Is working In � IlfterJ!OOIl after students !lad ,rcc�ivcd th�ir rep?rt cards." e .could :; ::: :;::P l fle d off with .:� Olson, ] hear lIlallY remnrks whu,.'h lIl(ticated dlsaPPollltmcnt a � the reIt awfully cold to play, so i.he boya ,Brittah Columbia. suits, On:la�. Is a teacher or dohad. to huddle till they rot warm. then '. MariesCience ' , , ' , , . , ! ho\\c\('r, '. The studcnh \\ hu ma de I.he se, remarks. \\f;fe someIn, the Burlington more. I'Ib.ure mesUc the�'d: andt!lay acme what comforted when, they (h�o�'ered that the Rrade A;B, or C, . ' School II I d vo . :��d;�aJc���l��Rhl'r Illark thnn it had in the h.igh schoo) frOlil' which :.Isa I tJustt I�v:,. .: m I� Lane, '23. C � : �h�: ed a t!;�: f!::��:��� , hesow:�.to This system of hiRllt'r lll':lrkinR is co�uJ.>ar,ti\"cly ncw ut our � llshnet advantagl's, Th� school and was adopted heculisc of two t he brot: ga co Ie fl first is that" it cOJlforl1ls to the standard of marking in thl' larRer Every� � tUl�' -about Elcolleges all(l 'uni\'ersities . . This leads to �. sec0I1(i advanta�l'- thnt e t.rl..l, but I I e . nd sY:htn:o:d log stop in and look oiler graduates of this s<:llOol enterin� higher schools will " he graded ; : � n t bell� a of�t� HANSON'S under the saUle system and will not he discouru �l'(1 "'ith any )t)\y If the report cards hadn't been ' JeweJef' grades they recei\'e there. ' our stock of home I d IIke to Uk you tor ' Watch Repairing a �pedalty So hear in mind. students, ·that although your t'arcl hilS a poor �:� I can walt and. uk for uppearancc, "things !Ire seldOl]�\'hat they seem." A student who �:. � �; Chrifl 11las Cards ret'ei\'cd all B's in high SdHKII !lUI\', with the same (juality of work, . Brokare I "' ' " ' ) he n C student here, Yo", ':�������I�, :::::::s::�:::::: FollowIng is the Rrudill�stelll used in our school this y!.'ur: They will ,





".ve�. �









� .'

� �;'kdale ,







. _





_ _ _ _

• .





=iiiiiiiii ii iiii ii iiii ii iiiii li ii iiii ii iiii ii iiii ii iiii ii iiii

A-96 to lOO--is an exeeptiollally Fund grade; B- Hli til H5 -is aho\'e the a\'eragc· ... C":"76 to R;)-- · is O· - 70 to 7ii is helow average ; and E-below 70--is failure, '










OUR KiNDERGARTEN ' 01 ,I,. at tho ......... ,olf JOHNSON· i f . ! I h ad:t;:::���::����l �ere i ::=====:::;:=:::� [ ] t)bj eJ.�� h�'�liJi i1�1I�esm:r��)�: TI:��l�i ::Jlll��f I��� ��:�-'g�·tl�� �:! O� � P";.ti.g".E"lr"mg



, sell therimlves to you


November 9 and 10.

for !i0mc tin,le quiets down for a minute, only to sturt up n.,-:ain : . Tap! ta»! Again the sound of the pencil is l l('ard after the stu­ dents in the library ha\'e resumed their talking, This _haPI>Clls for fe\ll, times. amI ",I,ill' ·tll(' !loiS(' is at its height, the .door ol)Cns. The RuiHy whom they see? NOlle other than :\Ir. "'auge intu the roolll. :'Ilr, wulks tn the librariall's ting book. sits dowll and starts to read. Docs the noisc No, 1I0t ":hile , said .faculty memhcr is in the roolll. \\'hy not·! For the \'ery reason thllt there is U faculty memher around, After Mr, Hauge has finished reading the chapter in a hook pI! psychology, hc gets till leisurely walks out of the rOOIll , Do in I n t h lihru ri U Il t l n e d ' l e , � l lil i \ i s c () I r/ , � ! li Students !. This is 11 t'olll'ge und nut a kindl'rgHrtcll. I.('t liS cool>crnte with ti l' student Iihrarians and makc our Iihrar�' II l colll'ge Iib['llr), reading room .








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� t.heee

'Wlth Hopper Itel.Iy Co.

sold· ezcluslft.1y








,. '



For ,information Ahout Lutherau Broth�rhood,


I-c. G, c-n BaDd IoD4I Orehel&n JndraDeDb 2-Werman Banjoe ...,. 3--Leed)' Dnima and Acc:eeones



, _�t2()().:K . l\letropolitan Bank ·Bldg,

Ft.u. Ob&&laable.



BINYON...OPTICAL CO. , -... . � BrI:IadWaJ. 101



. �e � �pr.�ef1l.ati"�






F00thaI I Varsl' tY



' M' ' ' I LIDeoInR Iddles WIn Last eserve Game

'I �l O!'l(' 'urnament T e



I Il


. ..


,"o';'lo, 1 .. -";;;;' '" ,"1.1",d Mplcall EA RI IER �' '';;ro START (::\MES Roll taken. and thOM'_� () _ '_ ' Call at £\· not turn out Tf1I:u]arLy wLl\ not have ... Roll by b . Glr llood ehllncl' to make thl!' �.m thl' Ends Grl'd Season I " 1'1Imoat 1 01h,," , . ,I� ood ,,,,, '"t.�'II", roo, By Winning Game t�tio held Game Shows Impro,ed BMketball Rames will �lart earlLer IlLS\- Sunday on tht Parkland C lose Condlhon of Abes h' " season for If arrRllllt the lh II'ltl. � We Appreciate Your �co ...e of 14 to 0 r.ood Interference and I 8ssmg Q(llf and Count" Club coun.e R grolll) menu can be made wIth other turns -of boys and one faculty member from Help Pile Up Score of 26 La..t rein the Ilames did not start unUl Patronage tne �clftc Lutheran College lost b) a ' In a clO& oonteslKi jl:ame the Pa artl'T lhe Chri'Stm R3 hoUda)s. To 0, Loners Threaten c Goal Twice . II ' � te 12'� count to a group of golfers �!�� �::�a�he�::'·:.� ..!': �� ��:� At the las,t r�ular turnout. Marllaret R 's Garage osso g Holmbefi was chou n as girls' athletic -' Impro" ed Lincoln Interm edlalt' ele,'en mana Endlng ' the season IE. a tMhlon 01 from tht' Parkland 'Golf Club. L com�tarU!d already hu Bhe !!er. C Bowl Ihe N! � a-a Lin a by In Oln O ___ which e.'ery t enl and supporter II I a kick by- 18.550. "'ent wide. and tht la�t Wednesday The Reurve; had l,munlCatlonll with other 1IChoolll. Ic Lutheran College Ilame ended0�Ith Ilroud. the T the ban In �Mlon p�\10UllI)' ddealed, lhe Abe' Middies by Eath section of the team Is havlnil to of the Resenes, on "arslty �Ie"en o,,-ed grN.t po"'erReM n suitl'l and overtheir own 34-yard a 1 3 to 0 oount and ..'ent to tht' BowL I sl>eclal coachlnil and practice f' run rough-shod over the t.on:er line. COlltl'l C l aH le lIod o\'erconfldenl Of victory. The Middies, pa!ulng and abssolutely perfect floor sen'elI from the College of Puget Sound last Thursday. on the VeteraTUl' field The entire Paclflc, eleven showed up much Improved slnce .the flnt meellng. / ,,·ork are the alm toward which each of at Amerlcan lAke. by a Z6 to 0 .'!Core. ,'ery "'eli. wtth the lint' smashing of .\I\·efl' out to even the count and snat.ched 1 ' I ' 1tfi!,,\'if"11 for $1. 1et4!o\ . For tht' Rp- every oPPorlunlty which �ho","ed up. Taking the ol>enlng kickoff Nyman L�hemess. slAndlngandout.Martin carrIed j The entire R.e&erve list wu used. ..'llh I Drumheller. Eh rlichman & , 10 per cent to c8!'Jh e "'Ith th� L5.'� of exc�Pt'onftll): scrves. Gunnett , lind carry rUMlomer"!'O White of the u.ttle. . Alfl'f'd Hauge. Amold Th()5tenson, and , good Interference. returned the ban 35 the brunt n o ��:::se ��� t��L����:I��,i����� :� : ���'I;�UP : ecu �;lielf n n tm S v Parkland taundry I ' f' Plf I 1 �:; � l !��. �:��:a: :�:K :���o: l h h Phon� MRd. I4!'!JL ' 1115 Pacific AH� Phone Mllin 61 h d TOSSed he Log i I 11 Gunnette good football. R EL i O�8.5S0\ kick f�r extra :nl :;ter t�: I ��:L�t RTL HHlebo P L. C In Rolab Carl Ellefson. who all�ndt'd touchdo "'enl "'1de Galnlna oon, SChiermftnn ROt.. 51stently throulth the opposlnll line. th� I Jacob..c;on C Pf!otrlch 1928. Is Knapp's Buslnes.<; Col- Rrinhtcn Up the home with e The Home 01 2 Panl. Lutherans were on another trip to scor- I Berent.c;on LO, Robbins lege In Tacoma Ne",eU F====t i IlIg territory fe�; minutes later. Youlla few flowers or nicc Su;lIf an d Curlee Sankey Johnson. on an end run. took W.' Quale LER Allsworth Better P'rIntl.n Cl01helf hloomin� pllll1 l. Flowers th(' ball Q\'er for the second CQunter. Nyman Q Martin Werth Keystone Printing Co.. Inc RHL Llsherness. on off-tackle pIa)'. lOOk for e\'eryhod�' nnd ('\'ery· t..HR Clark the ball over for extra. point Again I Johnson Learnt'd I Malll\ f75'1 TAC�:APadUc ""'t' In the second quarter the Oladlators Llsherness Ihin� �ored "'hen 0111.'150 shOl a lona Substitutes: L. C.-8cheeL, Pf!or<:IJETLANO & Seanlon� Flowe·r to Warner Quale. "'ho ran 35 yards ' ,,"I. TIetJen. Hauge. M. Quale, Thosten. PALAGRUTI to another ibuchdo"' TI. A pus. 018.550 1 son. Sanderson. Mestord. Jacobson. Ny_ Shop 9th & Bro.dway t !l 1 2 PUl'. An'. Tacomu :1:�h;o� ;:115 oomplete. and t he half :�� Y�U�:� �:��=bso�,s,:) LIEN & SELVIC �::�: t n. h m Things "'e� lIule dUferent In lhe , Berent..wn, a.nd Thostenson for W. \ third pertoa. ",'hen the Loglten ShO\ll'ed ! QuaLe. C. P. S .-Cra.sseLl. JOhnson. Impo rters of Nord �.���e�= ' �trobe1. Allsworth . e wegisn Cod Li f"r v !t;: M BeeA RBSG£AURANG£ t ��;aL� :� c e :o::��a: to scortng thenueh'cs. The)' took the I !i;h;�PhIC Port It&-�-e:-�-�. Oil Open All Night ' ball to the Oladlaton' ten-yard line! II Olft Oood$ of Quallt)' 1:Jlh & Cutnm�rce Cor. Tacoma Avenue &. 11th St. TRY OUR ANNEX {\II'lce. bul the loeals managed to hold : I THE HAMILTON STUDIO for dO\ll'n.S. Ho"'ever. In the last of the : -r.coma. W..,h. fourth quarter. the Parkland tLeven, 1 5 Paclllc. Avenue F1'ft DeUwery e n he e vI4�nl' �ld'g. Telephone Wain !l9OO :o: th':c';,..� t:� t��� �; �_��: Hne to the Logsers' line, At ARL A. ANDERSON K t s "BACON" BANJOS "KING" BAND GOODS TAIl . oaA��::O=t,L��R rURNAC&S :: ���as ':���h= ::e r:� TACO...: WASH. O� goal II"" Th, U'}' 10' polol, · '" ST. ""'i"'S AVE. --







P ro vt"!'1 I n ll'rt';'tinlt












... ...

PARKLAND GARAGE RepaIr Gu, 001 aM --


J. c


The Students do say they have never been in Tacoma un-

I.,g. they bave,eaten \ at

�" Cal_riD



' I



l� :

th1s1 I


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'''�''''w''' "




)'lay &





in M"""

Complimenu ol






9.;1 BROAD\\' AY


I 1 !

Broad_" 32"



Any Time, Any Place








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ITr. !

We ba've a great many things you fellows need GYM CLOTHING" SHOES ETC,

A complete line of Spalding Golf Club Bags and lIalls




m PacUlc Aft.

Taocoma. Waab:..,,-



MaIn 788











vertebrae ' I,

PAClPIC L� COtl.EOZ. PAJUu.ANO, WASiuNOroN ' lConliDued from Pqe 6ne" eaullt one of his C'eTY1cular � _ .;.... " ·1 . � --; ' Dat'IV Diary N,,·.__ Ih. Bono.. ,_ .� _Inc """"'" on ,.. . STUDENT . QPINION ------.,.=,-:-,-',�. �. . I Noy, IS. tMuahl.en. .of the IklormaUon he is not alwaya wek:on;le. People do the vterieI eauaint ',..naUorJ' denienNOTORI ETY . 80 � to lend. FOr. 'after UA. AI Jtn'1 d�. not � ttJe meu.held"' �UhJ In the Jirls' reception not A l . aJ�:NC:�t.�no�:'= be �:,:�tenr!� =:n':'!� = lhls aftemoon. , m� �1 : ;o�·=·'::� . N room The � that Dr. 'I'alJatt haU of f "When he ina�u(f O'f. 1. ctrls of the � loduca· tot' Joan ott IoeeI both wlf &!ld.·trtmd. It .. the ·r �ldenl of- tne Vtllte<t tlon c� 'are fl.ndlnC It neeessat'J And boJTowtn,: dun. the tdp �f hu.- lRduat.e of- law and not of med� StatH:. Noytmber i•. 11113. Abn,-. to ,0 back to ·chlldhood in order to b&ndry1" And I am tcertain. had he" and f'Urtbi:r that the f8Uh of • •• ham. Unooln delh'e:'ed the Oeu,..burj gin the' �onnAI studerita pracuee at bHon a coli. studen .1n the da,.. 0-' located ftrtebta wouid tie pan.U:aUon :=�"��h=;.���� �.chlnJ Cblldnn'l·pmes. ::' �::n =:I!:!:;·mt!.�d� �� ��ne�t �'':� : . " In 8. 8. and John QopIerucI c� the defense Augwtus lJndberth wrote h.l$ name in Nov. •. Se�ral. studm\l took part Ta.the Pus10n Play at the ,Heilll_ ln and prc»eeutton �m,. big I�tters In ulaUon histMJ. hen hl toma. This stage Ille Is hard t ies. . cConUn�� f�·.Paae One ) flew to Parla. Cr08I- Qudtlonlna the w:ltnMlel .... on his fOft:h:Hd. And dunlll November of thls y"r, sonll, . llIn't It. TheSpians?' amusinJ,' and fearful ad· , UaWn 1.slhowed e please Ruth Jacob· particular1.J 1929, a. fe.. of· our students .h&.e been No 9. �Iyn SOlum lleepa soundl; h1 someor. mlsaiona "en! made at UmM, "tilch e��e:���?ln' ��thl.: :� consfdertble eXeltemen� in � t ::,:: :: At'!eUt Saturdays. n o ' ely n re se and : �:� ::: :ee=e� th �::I:s�r: h tisfled.. We �r if The n.m es or with the of other pea. that'l What Mr. � found w��n he dldn't of this e1asa 1eci will, 19 intellectually wanted a t1plne �. her at 10:2! this she . should not have stood in the· fllth no doubt . Infiuence other c� � pi e They probabl1 e n so e I ))O�er.ty .strteten thaf.. "'tfie1 can't think morning, ' ..: sent limlltr entertainment :::� �=! J::: :n th��h:, =I. � of .�ythlng e� to at�ract att.enUon, Nov. 10. The fact that aenral .of the Imd not hav� had to loot up to her �. ' and In their dea1re 'for neognlUon are played boy. in the iou' ta(me1 to. . , . . . compelled to to this' crude ,(arm da1 and In spite of the rain, didn't I brothu, w� � her. ·In tH.!J ' . ' behind. ' bellue . � �. Elvest� doesn't . of self·expresslon, . catcb eoid, pro'f:lI, we guesa. that the, F�aok J' Lee j I fni people. Re warned .e.eryone be· . ' ", "aU ;,el" TIme .nd time again requeatl hue must be ueed to bel I ' OaHfomla l"d,. . . . of the choir ' '/ to ,fon�and that It would POIIIibly tate been madethat the marking df the bUI. Nov . II. Members . ;; Vith 2'l indl hpllulI� s until 9:3(1 to take.those pictures, Every· I i Tacoma W&I'b . !: I l�tln boards . 'ThHle ap�la hav� T.coma this t'o'�nlng to go tow'jlt Ilnd t1\(' hAndy lX'l1t'li et the . " · I( .... theftfore prepa� to serve' his i one o . s ptK'ket �� � =e� ����rr:o� �; :J�esses �f thelr "�el1c laees {rans- time. It waa real1.J a sho,;:k to many i . Pwtnft . C�"" ,. � to p � ar ve ox. . �hen the . Photol:J:aPhe�· .announet'd, this time hav� gl'en .up· this ehlldLsh � .. � $4.00, '5.00, $6.00 Nov. 12, The studen who hue been 'That,s an, at It30. Th� girls were :� i P4.!1(\m�. to the �met to get .material requested to tate the ' ',to:t street·car � ·BROS CO. But. no. A few Ithls Includ�s �xen col- hiking .. � . DICK.SONPacific for Bible class them report tha� the hOlne Instead ot the Ave. l�ge students. not y�t out«rown � Entrance: 1112� Pacllie Ave. � I . 1 120.22 t h ll�l� Oommet'Ot Bt. . , � L t ) O ge I the . from of a N ng ne Pa (ConHnu� . :��� �::=� (\ d y �!::;I�-: th:·�: �t� on the bull�tln board Is not ne.rly as funny tf'rm�des wer� ,I;fen out. �r- Th1s, story, .toge�her "Jt� the testl· �"""""''''''''''''... I some hips r mony of several students not In the class th th� few was n hy is . ' ... �lI.5O so po!J students seem to think. per n ( , . enu plllnnl"d to go home ntxt bUilt up lht'- cast! for th� prosecution. r �Ing relll ·I or humor would not w$lud I '!:":. eek .�nlt. . Attorney Viola �aw took plels,ure .In THE �ISHER. CQ�IPA�Y__ -� i stoop to ruch at 10"" I�\'el for f�ar Nov. . 14 TIHs day mlrked �CtlO'" among qu�ng the defense wltn�lSes. TACOMA'S OWN STORE . lOSing his reputatlon. . I' . pha.soe ?f tht' question journ.lIsts here: To gain know_ Chuck Smlth:allas Geoflle Cronquist,. But th'e ..·Or"$l HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUTH' hili own defense . 'Iedg� ye 'edltor and company, of the .cted as attorney fhe rt'necllon It casll! on our Inslltu· , ppRre or 0 f'ge omen an en A I f e ll W d :\f oor ng llSt IIt nd d the confer te l" tlon. We all want our tt'am to go out M I M · and, &SIIlsted by attorney. Evelyn Sol. .' enee III the University of gto n. urn, W.amer Quale, and Palmer S:torlle: 00-n " and ptay a good cl�.n g ame, to I1elp ash i W Mohn tried to prove that Bt'tty RoIers was of bUild up a r�putllUon for ollr IIChOOl . 1 Pauline Larson lind ConnIe -.- --. the high untruthful eliaracter They also deThen 'II'� Immediately trampl�dQ,,\lm this IIlso went to seattl� to .ttend .It'w('k�· l"l$:l llillllIHllds \\'nk lelld�.rs' convenUon . that S;"'lth w� not responsible r�putatlon by markIng up th� noi'1.ees on I , school .Clliss Binl-:s Class Pins , There was a big moon laS.,t elart'd during the first h.1f of the lIamc. be. our bulletin board. When VIS1l<fa en. Nov. Truphi('s our bullCHng, the fIrst j.hmg tht'y i nigh,'.' but. 5tran�:. .to )'. dell= ',.n , I ""'"."" . , e g n an eons . UCllt moon·ga:<..O r i i t' !Il �I I\rc uitl\\'a\' i notlce .ls Just th� velJ',thlngs we h.v N 18, 've got feeling I'm f.lllng"l l� This advt'rt1sement good for MAHNCKE & CO. __ ____ "I rnt'ntloned. A wrong ImpreSsion of P. L.I o·v. more I'� - .. truth than poetry this even· , ah.mpOO wtft}'water wave or�hllir 1lS ' 'II C. is formed ThIs Is unfair Ih� m.. . 5tudents. who are doIng Ing. WII!!!n', Cora? 11 e�1 at jorlfy fir IQyal . . . � . . .... .n they ean to build up thf' reputa· 1 1. Bonnadlle Beauty Shoppe � n· W o arkland, 145-R·2 . ad. Wash. P i l M wledlleS Th� th� ����! MOO��g � }J :1:��!:-!,'";.�!�!�� o� t::· f�I!I��;; ,,,,. at I e y I �;::,:��I�h��epla;t �:�:nl::�::�i ' J���: 1I�: r:::: r:; �:t' �;h:�elis. ted from Ihe Unlverslt)' WASH. ACO T . ' of Mlnnesota In i low would � lufttelent 10 stop th � . .ct Let us tum OV�t a new leaf 1873 . � � : : ( ' � .' � ' :0: r at work hi!!! the tnished . nd cooperate ....llh one lnother ln t.'rBd. Mt· Bardon I lesttng this !!!III)' .nd shameful ]lractlc� unlver�t)' 1893 -T O H . •

, __



.. ..




names are


L ,













Grid!j0ssip I









n .� "��,�.. " •

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Roue of Flowers

Tacoma'i favorite fiowu shop SO. Pacllie Avenue at 50th

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:'''.r=..:---t ::'':'''_ -':: -:·-.=: �'"__ "'''::-_ ' :-:""::-t t'-"'_: RuIt Bldr 11th PIoor


wtp, .... - -" -..,. . ..... l1l1










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_ __ _





"r:£F! ::: s.;:;:.,,-r . .


.." sell suits that don't (Om, hack to custo�erK th�t do":'

'Vhatevcr is your reasnn- ther(' is 011(' :\lcsso,L(C' w(' would , I like you to r('member-


(f \,ou tlrc still interested, read Ih(' r('st of this nd. jusl renl<'mhcr our address,

If nol·


This advert lement COIlta1na a vital aOd Important meaaage to the man whose money ih.. to be slrek-hed until he literally h.. to become a �in hunter. Thl. m�e Is at·,ood merehand1ae at a bafllaln which Is vel)' � combination. The.Dundee Clothes Shop Is no� content to cry "be!!!t ooy In Tacom." or . some other equally �lnI:leII phrt&e. ' We 'want you to see'and Judie our Rea.dy·to'::Wear·





. . wool....rfl. e rrom·naUonally known mUll Hockanum, Lex1nIton, )letcJlf, SttQna-, Hewat a,nd dozena

Our woolenJ-1OO<'; pun virI1n

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aqd hand-shaped-every. bUttonhole hand·JeWeci-everJ" prment �d­ drapecl-every Ibouldu hand·shaped-ever)' Itnlnl hand-se ed. Dundee Tallon Ipee1aI,Iata Dundee st,leI the "t'n')' latm. Dundee lUlU! are




_aT � � l.. ; --:-_ -:...;. -:-___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



Why 'Do You �ad the �ds in This Paper?


:.:: :::::':AOOMA I



PaCifiC Avenue





Pa�ic A"e.


AM1JSEMENT? Not Likely. Kill Time? PerhaJ>!! . Bargain HlIntin�? That's Better

u re


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Wholesale Plumbing, Steam and Mill Supplies

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���.:.� � �.iil r:l� j�A��� '

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S.y "n, 'h" • won',,'u' Every Page ::a�n �=�� gll �::�:�I.'II:���III�: Jw;..,.y �en I, II memory' T at book is full of mean· plCtu�s had been tsk�n? The aec:ond- l lII�________"" . of log .nd ,importance. COllete stu­ noor mt'n, &SIIlst� by II few f'xtraa from.1 1 dentt love to keep IL-and how It 'aterl they will tre Ihe day room, 5ho.....ed ·up great lind det makes tht' most .ttractlve and served the 8·0 vIctory tht'y made. ,r.' Tl.'DENTS!! I SlI.tla(a· ctory of aU gilts. Or�at 5tUH; men. keep It up. Wh.t we nted at the Pacific Lulheran Collt'g'e, Get Your Shoe. Repaired If our athletlCll .r� ever to amount to I Itt the anything, more r:a! sport spirit. I . The cro�d 01 gIrls out to fiee the g.m� i GOODYEAR SHOE :':,'����t1Yglr:.r t:�,�t ::;:t0�t�;;'1 .... i_ REPAm SHOP Your Ptetu�o�tke a fine that's w'hat wc like. see )'ou in ! 938 Commerce C. R, weiner pro p. ev�n greater num�rs It the buket - � � ball iames. :::::::: ;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I " :.lmerican Plumbing Steam Supply Co. & DR. H. L. MONZINGO . •



_ _ _

_ _

.. . w
















'928' Pacific Ave:

;......-----.. .



L-.-_..:....... ...J �.







ChoSen Y�rbook Name by Students


Dr. O. A. Tingelslad AidS" Development Association Plans

Dr. O. A. Tin/leuiail r

Hjerinstad; Popular Senior, Submits Succesfu s l Almual Title

I ��::.!�

. :F:�\ I c Y Dagny On College Affairs

Hope for Excellent C�olr on Extensi\'e January. TTlp; Enjoys the Western Country'

Financial Tide Turned; College and Normal J)eparl ments Re­ ceh'e Full Accreditation: . Trusl�s Appro\'e

Bolb Depar!men18 of Slaft

The Pacific Lutheran cOll�e · Start Ac 've Work;. Room Hymn Cantu!',s rapidly dr.",\nlJ to ;Part)y E�( .� • �....d... " _� clDlle. Several hymns have been l\fn. Clifford Olson.. wtle 01 our popuSince Qoctor O. A. Tlngelstlld's jn� tar t'OAch. opened the door of her apart- ' received to date by Mr. W. H. Hell.... . long proceaa of'ellmlnatlon of Rugufatlon, president of Pacific ment . to an wqublUve reporter, who !;nan, chalnnan of the commltt� In theAlter namea handed In by students and Lutheran Col!egt one )'t'Ilr ago this eharae. and many mOM! are expected laculty started the conveJ'$ftUon thUll: members for the .(muftl. the "1 should like ask you a lew ques- � that when th,contest cloaes Jan- name , Deetomber 14 a great deal ot progress at wu finallY chOien at the the Judges should have stUdent'thbod tiona, Mrs. Olson. No objections.. has been made In our school and li. y m�Ung Monday mo�n­ an ample suppl)' 01 hymns trom hope?" "i'U Saia. Dagny HJ�rmatad, popu_ fonr;ard_looklng progn.m drawn up. e . o 0w, which to select Anyone nI lerelted Ing t high-school la senior, rubmltted the ��:: � r!n� :�tr. At this tlrst annh'ersary of ��ent a a m . Mrs. OLson. teacher ot short-coul"M' ::.;;: :�:,= � �: :�I:;r�:�� . winning name. For the pute three nnc:elstad's Inauguration .·e look �Ck �:e::. m,:: a� ��:P��b:�tV :' :' Rules Itudenla. tuture and PrHent to hJgh-;C;hool and l. ll spelll and EngUsh on the three great accompllsh�u of English. is perhaps one ot the mOlt (or this contest can be tound In the or UM appeal. about 5(1 namet: wen hla first year', ad�lnlstntt1on; although volume. thl.a ot �nd number LutherPacitlc at characte)"s pleasing he really began "i'orlt In 5ep�mber be-.' [ handed In. an COllege:. . She is pleasing In a ien-[ 't 'w y he �lcuIarlY pleas- Drama Club Gives da tore hls l"au�n.uon. �� :h':�t:r!!� ::"�:!�I1�:� ::. ,o :...� . �,. I"lr5t. through the help ot llie trlends u Three Short Play� ��It���::�h;t r at tbia � in IUpporUna · the De-- . ':: :! l S;; ;��: � · �d:t In�::�.I.a . .-elopment Campaign be(rUn In 5ep�mwere bod)' Itudenta the by on voted . r bune Tr y C an Saia. Mlmer, th� 1 �ia, � Give '9 "�ograms turntd bet, Ins, the financial tide th7co�:! pa�� .;:� : Several Short ����� -Courtes N� osen name, Is thename that Will ,Ivlol�t In I.he school choir." Wh1Ie at St. Coach- Chance ,� De.c:lde ch and continuM banting support secured.j - te . and hbtorleal the to en taln mythical P II A Material l oo h c � received she where 0 her coll�e. f Olo t C rom'.) ' UpS The total ot the early Nordica. Baia WII a ,reat -- . ' . number -enrolled I,},the De- I - A.. degree In UI24. ,he was a member Rutt. Jacobson. " SCh0IarshIp velopment Association. I, to date 3'816' H19 pre,ldent ot the favorite. U It received '78 vOtel to 8 ror of the famous choir. and the average cOntribution per memo. tic Club. haa announcM that the Triad and 5 fOr the Mlmer. . Our Savior', Lutheran Church Choir. Drama one-act playa will be presented on ' Active work hu been ,t.arted on the is now under her direction, three ber ha� been or a total o( over Four Trophies Given "R,espectlve- Tacoma.que,tloned as I� her work there, December 14 In the college auditorium. Saga by .both the buaineu and editorial When to College, Normal. and twenty-one thousand dollars. A mem- IyHigh a h re School Boys, Girls �rahlP ot ten thousand Is the goal ofi s ,�I ::��y: thln.k the ch�1r Ia good. � =I!�� �: ����:n:�ta�:: �:t��:;e�:the�;��u;,�P'r:t::: h1l assoclaUon. motto haa been.l decided to give ur, tuu been ielUng ln the blda.tor the haa com�ttee ecuUve stiver large lovingand "TheIr' beautltul vOI�S blend meely. " �At least a dollar at leut once a year.R j cups occupy commanding poIIltiona In printing, engravlni and pho\.o(raphy, ,he allO haa an Individual iTOUP several play. besides thee throu,houl � _ Mlaa the a.cIv� dea takina: in .ub6crlpUon money. year, Stlxrud. IIChool the or numbe ot program Pathe In rs Mse Ubrvy. or Four t the second In he 'torward s�p was taken a T cl!l� Lutheran CQl.Iege: Ch�lr, she wty or the club,-w�U coach the .p,roduCtions.. ! The editorial depart.ment hujbeenNlad_ 'hcn on June 18, the Normal De- cupl! ""ere presented by the clus ot chaperone th� girl' on the comln, Th�. three play. that �IU be ,Iven 1m, other annua� to iet Jdea&. besides promote scholarship and r;oodpartment promoted rrom Clus B are- The C?,hOlt Story, ' by �th helpm, the bWinea <k ent tate in (�t1nued on Page Pom) to CII.&S A' aC1:ndltauon by the Stau ftllo...�hlp among .Itudentl, and the arkington: Forty MUn an Hour, by the IUbIIcrI� money.� TCarolynn by the Department of EdueauoD. and on Oct- fUth "i'as pres.ented lut Ort.per OlipUrlclt. and "Mix The ltaff now hu a roo-p, with quJu ober 29. 1929. the Junior COIle;!:e dlvl- Mahnd:e Je.·elry Company of Tacoma Librarians Busy bit 05 equipment in It tJrepdY and slon ...., full), accredited by the Unl- to stlmulate. honellt. atncere eUoTta Cata]ogI'og ' Newly �elY:o�nd. Stir," �y Katherine Haviland 'amore to be g�tten later on. 'Ilhl ''fOrstt)· ot WlIIh1n(ton, solels along sc:hol..,tlc IIno.. in I pla dramatIc The lI,ht comer of' the bulldlna a ot e Y Ill' Arrived Volumes nature and \J"e . presented to give the JusttheottnortheUt , The four cups given mpectlve-The third great I�P the approval the rtru' reception· room. .. the coI.l. and normal .. the bovs Iy ot to the d endo�ent by the Board ot � girla of the collere and "Our library Ia at present rrowtni coach an Idea\lt avaUable mat.ertal·from one' that ... p.-en ·JOIt t.M annual. the ent' m depart o the:;:::m ror the' develop- normal de�rtment. · the boys of the t....ter than at any Ume In the hLstory which abe c�n choose her for the" 'nlr� tablell hue been placed In the me to be can1ed out h"tgh-school department, and to the ot PacIfic Lutheran COll�." announc- all�lChool play. which 91111 be given in room besides a cab1net, which hu been' ' n:c:rthe�enext twenty-five durlni years. girL!; of the high-school department. ed Mr. xavier when the reporter quet: the Iprm,. . ' .' (ConUnued on' Pale. Four) . Development work hu as yet been Each year the namu. of the �y and tJoned him about the growth" only begun, and strenuous eltON are girl graduating· trom each depart- The lIbrvy DOW contalna over : POOR DINAH MOE Sl!FFERS, SVRJlIJ'ES � bel", continually made to Inc� the ment. hlgh-school and . college, Wholbooks. which an av�. of more CONSUMPTIVE . OPERATION . PRECARIOUS to every student enrolled _ . . membership In the Development have exerted ,the best j.nfiuence on their than 5(1 boob (�nun� on Page Three) . : �:; :�t��n�d�;' !:e���: Stark, � �edy stalj, the"'ruilla no:" too f�ble to enable ber to �lptn soclaUon to ten thousand people. u ' Pacific Lu,theran College - onday at'- around lll .pryl,. u lhe \l.led toin reaehR are �ow buaY tatalOflna S800 wortb of oftemoon, THANKSCIJlINC! STUDENTS. EAT? YES ! when Dinah Moe (d)'lWnO) Inr. part ot the bu1lcUna. Care wu b which ordered th1a fall Not boo EAT STILL MORE? YES! FEEL GOOD ? ? ? all of the boob have Il'11ved )'e� but who for nearl,. thlrt ,. yean: buoccupled alio. t&lten not to rtye beT too moeh to . room lD the ·colI. bulldIna, eat for fear of 41ductna an. attaek. of of those that have been recdnd the �tetom A dead � 'res\ed !.be coU., a.nd caI�� upon the .outst.and.lna char- lOme IaJlWll into d)'"lpepsia. , rioIenU1 �, f1n&l11 are:... the complete worts ot Ooethe, � , 1rom whlch"' lt took DlDa.h �ded.DOblf to U14I urpnt un ' � -d1nDel' � at tor acten the of result 'Ibunda1 atterDooa as a apeeeheL �- 18 yolumet:; �plete worD of , need of bel' 'Alma Kater," Aitbouib . bIat!It cblct.en , cUnner atud�ta at thoUah he had not had to prepare Le:sslnc, Z3 "vOluUie hoyn to .reYl.ft her. me.: the worn of 1Ce1- aevera1 � 23 ),ears Dinah Moe tened p, L. cold and damp, stilt � lOre in eTeIT : f�1 vetJ well, Her- ift", �dlt. . ' P. 1... C. haft. ever eaten. yei-u the a speech � had ended With the c.hickm, It bert TtetJh , representtnr the north iC' Just like anJ'otber aood woman. fUr- jednt. abe �U)' beCaD '9' wort:"'for d u �Thor:n�,;.�c� P':Ut.C� doctor"ha(l t�, thelcatu=a�� -{;alen ar-· � :: =�w:;��� = :!��or � po to pay atwnUOo to )lJ.a 'hooma. tiopbe came. An �ecUon thatbad .et DecftD1Ier • tJ". the walt:reues 8er1'ecI. pumpkin,. aM but . he couldn't seem tQ think ' of anyIn I n her rIIht abouIder,.lpreacI f'!lp\dJ)' . m1nce pie, In order to lia.vefthe· th1n8" except. the dinner be had tust Boys' buketbt.U __ bene With qu1nR and Dtna.h ... rudely fcqot.ten.. - tbroueh D:Ina.b'l paIn-racbd body, and . :te ,. . iitfi ni Wiihea-he tet h'om ��GOOcfII --How, hOWevtr, MIll 'I'ac6a:ia h.. lac_lion of not JeaviDe � 1lDe&ten: eaten, eompli.i:ii.lit 800D UDCODICioua. setWd. her tamlly at a c:rtUeaJ ume, and � ' , alJDoI;t "'!fYone stowe,sl a....,. twa ad.- could have eaten' more. . v ery � In· DebaCe pre.ented by t.e&mI c.hoem trom D1na.b. alter l)'inI" neglected and lonely . Although practically all hope for bel' AltbPuah Mr, BardoD .... dlUoDaJ pieceI of pie. 'lbere ... prob· lUke a speech. the debate club, in collel'e. ftCf"et.Uon tor �en. loni )'ean. hal apJ.n � rtICICWery 10M. 6hYi1dana Ollon, he � rood callie far that dro1nJ feellnt fact loci W eaIltd upon to do her part in 41IPeWna JDJ..b:l&:ion, aDd Hone held a hun1ed. con when neryooe ... tbtouch. be&rtI ot m.any of the 1adIeI b)' hII f'XNII , . the cIarImflII ' and iloom in. the donn!- aultaUon arid decided'- to ppente · at . Decem.1Ier , U you �'t beUe-ve It wu a IOod dIn- � ,peeeh. Mr. Bardon IJIOlte f ":� . W:t :et.t;;: 'tn Mr. O� the ICbool �, =:=:.� �' �'::IDta:u of the �U::: �.:a:;:. :t -= ��holt� Qr� ' ' . deecended the» to Dtnab'. room, decade, J)" 1t , �hi.m it we told. we WOIl't.: IOUtbern tablea. .u unable to collect .AJs1bow, it woWd �_�UqD. _� tlpalbta propeI'.1y and teemed be 'I1uw one-act playa Ww be prMerif:ed he tound, not the bea."uutu,J, YI� And, wonder or � .. r-aJ* HYI\I� CONTEST





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uary 31, 1930,








1925 to









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...... �� ��� � 'rot �tIc� AUdUo�tum b)' the Dnm- ��a::: ���=:: �:.::=�� · m:I::::::"bebJ-::aa� .wI ret".alaecl bel' torm� Io)'al *"' � II � apJ.n M tMr ..t. . . ' o-� 11 � f.,. .. could be ucerta1ned wben · � wbUe \be is wen




to �

IPftI&' comfort, Hcbt. _aDd ot.r tot� ' .. ' In Col-Itanrd8. .... feued tba� Dtaab.. limp . . , . It wu ' . ' C ·

� JII'ere no Cbotr pm a _CbrtRmuccmeert tlUI paper __, - ." b!C tortbelr deIaert.. , AucUtor1um. _IIIJ. - Kn6dSIr M:tecl ... �. III eft-.- fnD tbJI cI:IDDw. '


., .







P; L. C.

'''-'" old P. L. C.






I, I


Chaptl Tall(�


. to(ether, " COme DOW, let us sallh the Lord: Ttloulh ·your 'sins � scarlet, they. -ahail be ... white MOti'; lhOUlh the), be. red Uke crkn­ !IOn Lbey shall be as 'Wool," f"HAOll



to:� � � �=��� of the . and they ' &leO 'r830ned."Beoutready to Bc:r1pturtL Paul "l$ In that faith the Jo1' reuon 11ft • . . �aah1natOn. under the Act of Ma.rCh 3, 1m, few . lust . consider . , riefly DAY.&OOM GOSSIP theret" Let us b &lmple Questions- Do you believe 'there " What's thla I hear? Dear me. Dear . "Quite a little 1Pe«h. tt I "do say ED,ITORIAL STAFF mel You gtrla aren't (OISIpln( �ln1. And on �d on far Into the dltJ. .is a God' You say, ' ''�ea:' Then what � EdltCIr In Chlef�OHN OOPLEROD ,. If I want to hear, week month. year. ana, .well. sd In- do you expect Him to do-reveal H1mAssoCiate Editor Olai Hageneu Do yO"' know. 1(1:15, Make-Up: Edltol" _ _ _ _ Harold Oray anythlng · 1nteresUng or.otherwLse-that- tlnttum. self or not? You would uy. "Revt!al _ _ cOpy Editors Martaret"Hoimbtrg and StellA Sorboe I.$-U I'm really bored I Just go do-;n to ! Himself, of coune SO he hU In the • adver' Blble Is that revelaUon relial1le? It 'Sporu OOtor . . . . . Oeorge CronqU15t day room-and I find out e\eryOeorge L -To patronlu our the . . - - - - - - - Emma K.aaland thing I want to 1tn(Q( M Just Uke courting a Widow h$.S to be If he v:pects to believe In �:�=�es - _ - - - _ - :tnga�p�� DItto kid and the� some Ian t It u..�ncanIs never come , too often , Him U there 1.8 such Ood. what a� Mt.scellaneo� . _ ':'J " funny? Let's llsten fot a whUe ' . our �laUOIU to Him? In 9Ur creed we , :-L. A,BUSINESS ,DEPARTMENT complain about. their l eonfeu th.i.t all men �n born .rumen: people Most though lookln bad not hes .. . Business Manager Oerhard Molden Who? What ? Whe,n? Whe�' Why? bu5ineM bl.lt_ Brick' says his buslneM need help from ,God 1'hlJi help he . ' Mlrt Clreulation Mansger_ . pp has given thl'OUlh Chrlat.. N09,l 'What _ �r:;m= And hO"? I didn t get that Thls from ls- plcklng Advert.Lsing Manager this God reasonably v:pect trom -L. A TYl>bl Beanea Jorgenson a chorus or day·room girls e a e ? at s hl name o a _f" N 0 Faculty Advl5era . J Hong J Stuen He ��= �I��h �3W de��1 x ;�� c:� :::: : a,;:: ::� :���=, ':�: �o,:; �:=:�I� kJp.d of What It calls &e as with It lupply to tak� It Paul food IIttllJ the rvtce Oh by the way whoa. that other . . THE �R S PROGRESS " . energy for a whole day.. God should we e�t Him' to be? going with now?" etc etc. wus .Ill- kid"Who .. bout that ? What I'm Stl'lIa S.-How about soup? U�U !iliH:(' . J)o(:tor 0, A, IlIIgl'lshul It IS ulmusl u yt·ltr We expect that God should be hol.y al(ld cares a I sl�lI�d liS president of our ('olfel:C' Durin,,(this pllst ;.:eur uf his ad· worrying about' Is that Contemp, telIt . /1..- ' . ' . . 10ng_lutfering 8,nd loving, HIS Jus· a Ood we have IIIl1l1strntlOll IIIl' Sl'iHKll hilS �Olll'. nlwlld us I ('H' r before. The period, � he �ow how to 31ve Olal Hag.eness came ,fl"O' m chapel on jUJlt. tier. His love. Such u tJ,e\'elopl1l{!1l1 (.'ulllpaiRI� and its n'sults rirst. l:U1 lUe to our n�inds, next t " \ funa had he that remarking of &erving, but e.ven more. we Sat rday duty the , s ea . t ? ya bo. . to Him as 1wcntYOO(H�l' Ihousn.nd d(�lIar� h ...\·e heN., r lsl·t! fuJ:' till' plIrpoSl'. "W�II-If you wanna . study, you'd ny feellng o"er hIs heart. We wonder If have the privilege of gotng U . Ihus IUrlllll1: the flllUlll lal lu)e our fll.\·or. An 'u.:,:cllIil'd hus ' ti.eJ go up the library 'cause its 'he hlUl been playing with those 'girls a child . goes to a loving father. again, Ask Dr, Tlngelatad. maybe he can � t.lruwlI Up I.>hms fur the 't:tllnpus; and Iwenly-fiv�' y('ur de'H'lop- bebarred lliO h ' f dO e� ept on mutual d ll r h s l help plaln, :11:le�I�N��I�, �I��\, �=I:��:� �::���::Il� �\'itl� �:\,��\ �'i����' ����\� ;;�:fhWn�(� a�;h=!� ��.';r����;:�Ylng, and .ex -L: � . Fur Ihis we IIrt' Iruly thankful to God. I stead 'enjQylng dally gossip, will pleaae The absent-minded prof�ssq,Mi su� n A rt'. Barber Shop step is Ill(' full uccreditutiun guilled' at Ihe signify by �ytng 'aye: " . had the laugh on the stat! m�mbers Another I:rt'UI ' Brookdale Ciliversity or \\ ashilll:hlll, This will 1'0 douht draw mallY new " ?" Th� 'ayes' h",ve It. Now. 9.'h'[!n they forgot their head5 on the students to the school tirtd simplify the p'robfellls of its. l:raduutes YOU'Against studious onetl, Just mareh .out \.his 5plndle In the ' editorial room. (The who enler higher SdlOOls, exit. turn � your rl8':1t ,a",d walk up heads for the newa 5torle5, not thelfl own head . ' t t e r l ar r h 1,-----"----, S �, .-L. A.hO\\':��!�� a :reC::;�I�, I�l�re� ��l�(;S w�,(IT:;��l��II���I��;, :!���i(I��i � :e, t::'d;:�O:: :�t::��t.�r: Talking about talent, Stanley B. al. Tingelstu(.1 for hls slll'l'es� in brinl:illl: ahout a Ilew l'nI .fl)r our side of the hall." 1�'��k:lIr support and wish him til(' �t:\lll'St � o e . �herl' safely. Now. don't ::� � ;h���v:n:'w��t he Parkland Barber Shop ��I����� i,;��tl:t.�;l' � --st�:} �. �:r� ' . --and Confectionery -L. A.-' ) Whtn they out ot ear-shotclaaa: Mr. TRUE PLEDGES . "Aren't those girls .slUy! To·thlnk they T Mr. Hellman In PhIlosophy ... .... t 1 echani l h l U ( f ' e � tu d sm� ao m HAIR CUTTING TO SUIT getti:�g ���t �� :�I�I�;' I����. �\��, ��'���;��� �il��li�:�:��:���U�:��d�!�(yt� �:�ly� l'!; t�e ��;'�:� ::�y��,; a!I�:�t7. 1I'�,=:: -L. A.dollur lind a half. toward its SUPI}ort. absurd'" T.-.E INDIVIDUAL " S321�: num�r crack don't I Wise b p ' � ... t N " IW('llly tht, 01" di\'idt,tI CUdl heell thut The hilS �o body studen-t wha re you ylng a out , hash here. 'cuz I don't know what's All Styles at Less Money lIleinhers of the slurf has Il·ll·students ,10 l'ull('l'I frollt. 'rlH' stuH that ow other gl�l? Which one was It, now ?" eAt n e :.I:)r:��:��,sf��r��I�� 1:�I}d�}, ti�:I:n�lllll:�.I.(' sh!9t'IlIS h�' 1l0W, "ut hUn' "o�, n;1;la�:;��t ��:�lIine�cl� =�� �n!� ;t!��'�n�� �:!,8:a� ���:o! I _I nlis moncy Ill.USI he ill, so that cOIl\racts (:1111 he siHIll'd with' wlnnlIl8 the basketb8.ll· game?" "The Farmer In the Dell:') .__0 Ihe prinlers lind clll:ruvers Jlml \"ork elln hC'l:in imlllediukly. \\ e "Us winning-and you're a college �-�:�I:I�(:lln��l:�!ltt :!�r(�r��'>l'��'��\ l�:���S �::�hlllll��. min uk lind slill w,t g�·�:..rm not. I'� a NORMAL girl. and �������r:!� Wuhing �l th,e . Tr�' to get this !llO,ncy ill liS soon as possible- to tlU.' :HIl' \\:ho than more than· you can say for those J. F. ViseD Company �tudenU ·of P. L. f:. hlts �our .name on IllS hs\-;' girls that call themselves CO-ed5. They· Phone Main 28'10 9OD'At Pacific Ave, . A Merry ·ChrlltnW!I · . ---.- ---. 're sure tar trom nonnal:' Tacoma, Washington OUR FOOTBALL SEASON "All the more reason why you should BOOK8ELLERS-STATIONEBB . Anolher football season is over. TIl(' old fuotlmll logs an' speak good English. Did you ever hear , :����I\. I::��f !�\�e � nway alld will nol seC' til(' lil:ht of dllY for :::e �. wlnnlng·? You ahould - prnfPKINSI:IELL (9Ai.-A:tA .J :a � I I h e� . " . iI'-"� . Although liot speclacul,lIr, tilt' football s(�aSOlr WIIS as Sllt'- "Dear me! This'isn't an English class. ' . LIOHT Ltrn:CHES AND . Jeweler l:essful could he expel'led when we l:ollsider thut Coal'll Olson. and furthermore, yet I not CONFECTION ERY I s i h n h ' N Order your ��ed Xmas Card5 u s . 11th and Pacific ,�i��!: f���� ����� l����;�lIi� ps�·�.:;�:1�)1 ���) �I�I;!l (I:IlIl�\� H�: :��� :;��' :a��:;:·.:�� ��r::!. i; . Lutheran COllece, Par��, W ,

Entered as sec:ond claaa matta'. OCtober




at �e Post Office a,t Parkland.


\ you,"








' I















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- ---



L.----+I--.-:.. .,

I1 I 1I 'qj".

= __

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uIso inexperienl'cd, In spile of this Ihe \'lIrsity WOII Ihree gilIlles 1tn�sl Ihree, whilC'. the second sIring men were willllinl: two and lo'in��c. . HANSON'S l t ll ln Jewelet" f()rn:��("h }�!?:��:�!���lbllt �l�o:.e�� ���1 �(\��.�� ���I\:Ji I1i�/��10[1�� Watch �f:��� �t�peCialty last gamd. wjlh Ihe C. P. S. Ht·serws. As there lire only five football men leaving school this year, the season next yenr sho(]lcl he (l"IdeUty Bldg.) I1l1e of the hcst P. I.. C. has ever hud, In ('omrllCnlinl: on til(' sellson Cllach Olson said, ":\Iost of our poor showing were prohltbly cau�d by Ihe inexperience of some :-. ....I.rf1 '9l �f ,the !.nen: Howeyt'r, with the knowledge �ained th�s YC'lIr it · O , . '� Iso t unreasonable to expcd a good team nexl year. \\'llh the m· terest beginning to be showil by oUlsiders and h�' thc school at .. . . try to work up to good heights in athletics." large. we will �

WE PRINT AND DEVELOP YOUR KODAK FILMS · an . �;��o�';���!t�o����I1� �� t;:: ��.. u PrIces aDd 'lulU,. Al_y! GaaraDteed




.8'-.'..··TACOMA. .t.<¥rin 276

PAR�N D . MERCANTILE COMPANY � e� �����������:::::� ;:::::�� ROOKDALE GROCERY �O� Plourl Hay. Qraln, Peed. .8boeI.. Rubber l'oatwMr. . Dnap, Hardw:ve, �umbtDr 8UPPUeI. PaiDt.. Roaftnr MADISON IOU"' " IIADIBOM laRJ

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. Diamonds; Wa,�chea, Silve�are �

..ClllS8 Pins, Cla.. .Jtinga, Trophi.. -

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for e�'eryone'

. of a 'Jt;ous�nd . Gifts ·


DAHL GROCERY COMPANY Member" . United' Purity Slo.... ' . , �


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Gym Suils and Sho Polo Shirts· and Slickers at KIMBALL S:PORtING G' QDS CO. 1101 BROADWAY

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MAI-INCKE· · &- CO; . 919 Broadway 'J ewelen to Tacoma 11q1' �' � Jean


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j --�


Frosh Winners in HOOPBters Promise -Class Tournament Interesting Season For Basket Practice -- .



. ' . Qumtet QUtps

Girls Start Hool} . IlndiealioD8 Poitl't . Season With Win To InE,,"; � �::;'Ial

Now that footbalJ 11 all o",r except Girls' and Boya' Team. Show .the ahouUna (and In moat CUN that haa Game Lean. Toward Luthnan. With O\'1!r' 25 ::;:;, fIX" bMtetball ThroughOU....' Ending With to d.We. there, ani lnd.lcatl� of the bk:ame very Iowl, we can eetUe en Form; Man !loth Underdau"'!en Show tufr'• In Fine Score� to .27 Prol'tlise Good Sched �" dotm to . very active seuon of bullet ro�uon' 6ne of the melIIt fonnldT� ;; ;' -d to The '"2t rlra baaket ball team of the .�e flvn enr to repreeent the Pacific n g �=� �: � _ � :!�u r 1n th.� show ProI5�b , active very an • Point Man for Tea I'I. Coach YCVI ,PaCIfiC: Lulheriln 901I�e showed 1J1'8\ Lutheran Colll"Ce In m.� Y� lJ member will whk:h mlU ji fOl' . L . . -'-.- ). m �! :: ��:e:rtl=f� . . mld-se&30!1 form In ddtalln, lne Lin· �!� '=;:r:�::'Y:, I:�:a�� to com':. " re � e :'�r: The 1m c1aaa bulr.etbe.1I Ch.�plon- thouah nO· det.lnlie schedule __ coin the on score :n to � . ,Irla\'y Park 'been . ·.nd tactic. . . fUnd..m�nt':l� basketball" ship ..-as .. -on by the coUere fttl6h:. .They drawn up a.s yet. haA MllJ1aret The clafS pmn the boy. played were loc.1 noor last 8a.turd.y. _ put week. defeated, the coUese sophomorel by • Holmberg. of the ,u-II' sQuad., haa hopes great, esjeclally Ul..e nrat be· , 11"Ie ac;ortng iLarte<! whell Pauline. thecoach OI3on's IYltem of . �eu.n 33 to 19 SCOre �nd the high·school 'five of arranging g.mes with the followlria tw�n the collese Froah .nd the 8opho· Lar50n mad�. nice 'shot for two points has for Its [ound.UoJUl....)hort pUsln, by a 22 to 1'l count. . ICnoola:' Mount Vernon .nd- Centrall. moret. 11"1" 80pla played good ball .bout . 20 seconds .tu,r the. openln" .nd 8l!lt breaking. SOme tIme haa betn f The flf1\t contest. bet 'eell the lrosh Junior ·Colleges. Enumcl.w. I''lfe. K.� but were Just' four points wuker th.n The Parkl.nd. ,Irll kept up : put In .durin". the past ...eek � drib. lind the 5Opha. "'U very . whistle. " �Iose, ending poW5ln, Sumner •nd KI�'lr.I.nd high the underclaaamen, their le.d from the . •nd .t h.It ' bUn, a�d'plvoUn•. · In " :n to 2'1 tie. In the e)ltra period the achoolll ; .nd .the. Cltl un 8couta. Uh__ time the" scOre "'1UI'7,J-10 In f.vor of the, t� :�le t;� 2!':n �':r.��:ast Lutheran Church . Th'::.�:y:: �r: !::��:lI h�S:� I��g��� . t n t We ApprKhlle Your ln Park glr� came back In t points, the final score �Ing 33 to 20 In • According to "'ord from the boy ' . g f.l'Or of the undercluamen. Collom, .thletlc department f'red � boy.' coin Pyk atx i.e as Iut. . brapd 01 ball the second half to score quite!n,l ,P.atrOnAle . . _ when .vall no of were efforts their dl but - . 5(lphomo�, � the hlfh·polnt winner. •thletlc m..��r, re�rts poulbl�gam" :'eeYo Id� ,,::t � :"'� It th -:' .bov: ::: �Ch' Stlxrud sen't bf.c.k· her �ul�r.. y f d h .dth • total of UI point&. U with the following It-ams: SeatUe Pa- ment, Pt:'" Who had been taken ou, .t half lime. . the clnc College, -' � I� the second contest, bet.'een .. _ �__--' BeJUngham Norm.l. Mor. The ended,with the PacUk: team I '-_��� col� froSh .nd the hlfh 8thool, the an'$-SChool. Mount Vemon Junior COl. ..., ,- -the long end of • 30 to 2'J ICOre. college mt'n, through lU�rlor J)UIIlng. lere. Centralia Junior CoI1�, two They ha,ve rem.rked that ,·too muc!l- onHigh li n e to point 'ent Pau .. hono,. � _ ___ _ " _ _ _ , \--0 easily ,,�y I 22 to 17 count, In the ,.mes with the C. P, S. reserves. either c.nnot · be expected- of Milia .8t1xrud·, La�n. recently el::ted captain , with IILSI q�r-te L the high-school l�s e&me Ellensburg or Cheyenne �nlveraity of bunch UW season" AIter that flntgame �lnts to her credit. Beth squ.ds did l\leli"'8 8uits ari(l. ovet. back to thruten the big lead of the. Wuhlngton Prosh. and, LIncoln: sta. ...e .1I.agree. Dont forget t�at LinCOln creditable . work. frosh and "'ere Ug.htlng hard when the dlum. and Bellarmlne high schools 0 �rk II one of the �t gir�' telms in . The lineUp: . coats cleaned and · fln.l "'hut1e lOunded. Mitton carned Tacoma. Ticom�. P. L. C, Lincoln ,..,. -high-point honors "'Ith 14. ---__ pressed for' 90c Adams flO) F 1201 Larson The COllege F'tosh hal'e "'on the 1929 Kuland 19) A third, which "'u to be pla)·ed.' LOVING CUI;S P ROMOTE " . F 1 i7) Rasmullen I CfltJh lind carry "Onlr ' clus basketball chlJJlpl�nshlp. Mond.y evening bet"'een the 5Oph9' The rl· Dah.lberg rG · P Crlig H SCHOLA HER C S RSHI mores and the high school boys, as · l'.lry .nd. good ball p a __ l ying d.tspl8,1ed. Lofthu� ' ArmsoD C \ dropped because the ch.mplonshlp had classmates. 15 .engraved on the respec. In these games wu unexpected. They no CroSby ChrlstUau 0 been determined by the freshmen th'e cups, Thb aerves II..'! •.,UmuIUB to doubt will grow more Important 'each Holmbe'l'g Ogden a . nlng bot.h g!'-mts. Monda)' wu turned students, urg1ng them to !tl1v� toward year. � SubstitUtloM: P. L. C: : Roe, Johnson, -O\'er to a flrst-u,am practice. . the highest goala. !'lot only In achool . nO), Munson, Cox, Johnson. Ebersole lbeo-lineup tor the toumameilt games work. but al50 In extra-currlcul.r ac- What Bill Nym.n IIkeli better (han a . -0----------g.Ne ot bUketbaU Ill two games. That's W8lI III 10110.,,'1' · · Uvltles. r.Ua-Pramea .n Game No, I. • , The girla who receive this d18l1nctlon the spirit that wUl put P � C. over PhotograPhlc P.ort Qu.llty 000ds of Olft Soptu Its) m� ( mu..: kunct.ln are chosen b)' the f.culty, who COnsider thlll ye.t- on the various .courl.!! t.hey ap. ! Illl Frosh X D Ca Collom I 161 I � 121 ThOlitenson .ny girl ot hetolth .nd vta"or eligible pear upon. . Gltta ,_ MaD, l£nd, . F Palo nil 114) Nyman for ttat-.fonor, provided lIle hal .Iso ' HAMILTON STMJIO Jacobson 12) i THE t 1 2 ) Mitton the �UU:ed St.and&rds C 01 womanllneu A�t Olson : Were YOU In chapel to- :11 . Annue Pbone Main� 131 EvJenth and lICho�P. Womanllneu implies d.y a Goplerud to. ' 1$nPacific ,.__ � 10) 'Anderson m� 0 CronquLst 1 0 j .J¥1n dreu and demeanor, love ot COnrad K.: Sure, why? , Sub:!!: f'rosh: Hagene."" 121 for And-�e beauUlul. the iood , and the t.rue, Art : What do you think of tpe new _ .. " .. . , . and- helpfulneaa toward othera. Behol- .bsence rulea? . ersoo. & Ehrllchman Drumheller:.. 87.00. per dozen ho­ means earneat, conslsu,nt, .nd Conrad: Whal .b&ence rules? Oame No. 2. P White t08 for 83.95. Will F'rodI (ttl m�:�, S�= hO;:t �;:k � re aLso choatn by the f.c. .10. Inve.tment F n Photo large one give Betler PriDUa.. F 13 1 C. Munson wty. who base their dtctaJ� on the Phone MaIn 81 IP� PacUIc Ave, . and Swing Frame Free Mitton 1 1 4 1 -ils) Oardlln student's recort! 1.1 to taJr pl.,. clean C Keystone Prlnjlng Co... Inc. Nyman 14J 12) 8andenon I!portamaruhlp. In selecting the candl. 0 . with first th_ o"e­ '701 heUk: .be Mala 1'757 12) SChlerm.n d.tes for this honor the Judges are to 0 Oral' (01 d�zen orders, and, with TACOMA Subs: Frosh-Ander5On; High School consider not only those qualities . thlt Brighten up the JIOrt:lC with n -Dahl. every fifth one-dozeo 11 few (lowers or a nice :dIO� t:: a��tI:��e,�� :� = order thereaft,er, Iw,. stUdent'! scholastic record. h1s rel!pe<:t blooming planl. Flowers for authority. .hiB Interest In the IUe of ginning. Dec. 5th. See CQiLEGE JUANS SELVIG & LIEN �:d�::I ' ,,:d :::!:alty to Ita best fol"' everybody and everyArthur Ol8en .for 8am. ANSWER POWER an p . ple. photos. ttiing' SHORTACE CALL The following students were ch06tn Importers of Nor­ for the yelra 1926, 1927, 1928 and 1920 __ wegian Cod '--iver J. LEE v I � :,r� :Je�=; �� :=� � ; their Chlldl5h .pranks agaJn made · 103 cum. BI<lI!----.. Oil th o bow at school a lew nlghta ago, when / Tacumu "'\ 11th &: Br0t.4w.y t.,,'o clel'er-mlnded high·school chap!! her To..-e. Ingeborg Bollltad ; . .Junior .. _ _ _ _ .. boys-Myron Kreidler Amt COr. Tacoma Avenue &; 1 1th St, d('Cldf'd to ,0 to the aJd of the present college . ArUng Sannerud, and Pe�r O),en. � w�. po"'er shortage. Hlgh.achool IfI,rlll-Anelle Dahl, We have all heard .bout the ele\-enth Flott: J'ree DeUt·n")' . comes da.sh1ng Into the Irene Dahl. M.rgvet J.cobson, Id. ttour hero .'ho RBSGfAURANGf . ooya-Peder scene Just In LIme to save • pretty HlnderUe: Sognerest Rudolph Sanderso. n Edwin Open All Night m.lden from the hands ot • ould·be Iverson �d John Johnson, . ll���1�� . lr.Jdrnu>pens, about the man who la.Id 13th' &: Commerce · The flflit names to .PJ)e1U' on the TRY OUR ANNEX do..'Jl his Ufe for hb friend, or per· Mahncke The Studeol8 do sc:hola.ra.hJp trophy were a­ haP5 the story about the bt?y who. by \ delle Wlnney trom the collere depart. plugg1n, • leak In the d1�1 with h.i$ ment never have they say 'and Edgar l£non from the high. I . nlephone IlaJ.n sooo " . ::;�nS;-�� :u,:�; �:::e::d:: school dtv1s1on. been ��n Tacoma. un. KARL A. ANDERSON can't equal the efforts ot our two Don . AL woaD . 811D'T .Juans. who .ru,,·ert'd the clty's call tor less they have eaten TAR . GIlA.VD. aoonNG, lI(UD.LK& F.VaNACU help. TACOMA, WA.8J;l . � AvE. at Thla sllmn, epl.&ode took place one JETLAND & th a k t R " ld ot . . ... P Aye. , Tacoma. �:,! �!: Ues, but = �:�; locall"!� In outalde shut off . .. _. .I 1 : lha.t ;:; .::.,:912 � �:�:::Pac. �::ALA! .,::'�:::::,::G :::::::l1T :.:: I! : : .• : � ::�:�y,� �e�=��bo; nowing that our , "KING" BAND GOODS ' went" to the �ue. K " BANJOS "BACON . _d ld!ontt ,,"001 •

� : � �� ·�t��1


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WI�_ I



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��al «-. Special! r


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;.::=:;.:;,;Et::::' ,.."".�_�":." With beroeI,. hoftver, we al"ft3"8.. 11nd

� =.�w:=�With

Epbode tbue.alIO appeued' bo)'l wbo rall<d to ..,.. I", ben>Ic With tb1a II.IddeIl � to 'COI18er""Ye••� e1� eDHI1 aDd. ..oucht un-


!ortUDB.�·ooea. � unfortunate? Be· their elCorta were �ed by • good old-fub1Oned woodabed aeakD w1", tbe bo,..




;� l


_�.�.:_:.�" " " ", =::�,,.



Regain $1.25 Value HOT WATER BAGS

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ar e e · ;===;;;;;;=;;:;;;:;;;;;:�:i:;;;;;;;:;;�:;;:;;n i ..... :: :�tv ,::: :�::},:.��c���'Y�I��� ca/�:� Ie�I1G � l li1-- Insure ·· with a Progressive




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Seamo... Flower Shop

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Safe and Sound CompanJ; .

. Over 30 �D8 ';f insuraoc� oO'll' iD force. This rapid growth is due to satisfied policyholde� who are 6w1 he!tt boosters. , Our "SpeciaU" are I.r superior and our-regn° . lar me polidea are better Let us tell you ahout them. Full infonnalion upon request. •




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LUllu!riJn Lullu!ra....

.-Lutheran]J.r��h�rhood · .

' . (Lepl � ute. �) BIDUIAN

L..JDaRH, PrsIdeDt

. 1200-K Metropolil�n Bank Bldg.





MinneajiQija. MinD. c


, �-

PAOi t

' FUNERAL. URVIC!18 FORD VERSus HORSE R STUDENT HELD . FORME ' . ' .'"" . THEME OF QEBAT E Govern No'. Daily DiiunW Rules . TIWW· In , . . Student Absences It'l a .toU,h rave CoIJete'I [lftlate 'I'rlDiu � Chureh oS�, t f on" two A'I out of e\'ft}' hundred- Club wtll , Nowmb �i.e n 21 or I ",· of t the studenta

' acuity ' Compooeo Se. vetaI P � T \,. '" ChOIr .n Coneer...,



... U C!_L .:xIlOO

. '




.... T

10 '

Elvestrom� CalIfOf1ila Arrana. in.. for I �ndlng Fetirum. Tour; utcome £own :,


. ,._ _ _ PacUk Lulhe� nm

"-Onl7 _, .... ,hm., We-:.lhe,


--;::r� __ """' hold


Ruks (Overrun,: .beenes, ol ,n.ds th1t qu.rter nd now:. no AcademY In � dent .t e�nlnl;. yev l"r1day man. �rom cI� WHe'drawn up .t�the r.c· vt.eauonf �reatlon , . : read e r "t . Cokf,r,r 22-Weather Nov, nd • . �k lut m�unr . .truck with, when he to'be ....ued,la. ReIoIved, m� .t Sewnl concerts , IIClheduled before .tM sludmta In �hApel on Tues. Nov, 2S-Prequent �b.l 1n chApel reo TheqUNUon ���u. "'h.!:.� an �te · �or the choir in Tacom.", rkl.nd. and day, mJnded Jofra. JtnkUer . to tell the tha� the Ford �, contributed Sumner prior) to the POSIlb1e COhC!rt P'9r unVlcURd . �beencu In coll,er«' , lrl la nol to 80 outalde .wl th bare ar.m =te':=����U� �t::! == � � 'In �orld . . ' n1 m e ke I d l r h NO tour to c.llfomla .1n �ruary. ' 4-00 . c � ll C � 5tJ s. hone Nelthe-r lide laallo'"ed to lnclude · war.· d hlch·!IChool dlvWona , the ruIH V. 2!'OU . He hU alater' no. w attendlnl At OUr Bavlor', Luther.n Church. on differ. Thc.e 8O\-em1na: unellcusedlb. Dk1 25 --N-.e all' the staninthla e�ntna:'- houl Revere's-noble steed nOr '"Brick" P. L/C. '.- . . . e·Jum.per.· puddl �\�nteenth and South J Sta.. the'choir �nces t!O"O collere cluses are .. tol. ! N. :t .hat·: n � o tt )I�, O:� toRdo' ':t':� 0C;;-TllANk8 C ri na .. �? Both =-;: . . Young �l?le's �t.her 10... : ill sing . •t .• our appnd.Uon bo,. and lirls·are. btfln: qu:.�;�t;e,:��::. =k, = ::.. ellpreu � We u:: 1. The f�rth. uneJ:c� .bI" Ie ce· ning to PR Uce In earne.t; t.e.gue. clrQllt rally December 11._ at from to all thc.e·who 1;0 kindly uallted 1.I! doubt nrnY« h ,,0,e debate will class ,&hall cauae one hour ot Nov. 26-RenC ection ' of dlacou.faged v.l�ble �, DO and Inter· -r" " b wOrd and deed durinl Our' receia three o'clock. to the oon�ta credit to be deducted (rom that cl� freshman : The hUJl\An brain ls . ....on. Ntlnl; E5pec1..Uy do ",e t.hank The �lft.vement. to .the .udlence. . On December 13. at 7 :3q p, m.. the 2, ,-or Heh addlU� unellcu.aed de-rhll oraan' It Ixclna to worlr." · as - Uon and Rev Sv of the _the club II to .tlmulate an .lnt.e:relt In t.h �� � choir 1l'i1l .pln appear-a(the Centr.1 ••noe one credit hout sha11 be . de· Churc'h ' Proteseor I let' up In the mom1na: and of e u :�::a d -;a in e � � tr:� . sto� lOOn .. I let to cl..... · LutheRn · Church. under .the .usplcn ducled. HoD:r·r the fKulty and Itudent. of 'Po or e .n . :��e: :: . . L.c.;' arid M.ra. Haup lor: her 10108:, . �nd for the benefit ' of the .Luth(oran ..sRI�e:h:O���I::OO��:SlrOr:.'\c!--:s� Nov. 27-Whal'l IOtna: to be .tb� !1�me- aqu.,d. E. E. Aaberl' and ;amIlY. · Q:lmpus Mission. At thls OCC&SIon the toilo�'8: The .(fIrm.lIve side will be upheld ' the annual? : churches In Tacoma wlli .'so furn15h I, TIU'ee .bsences from . ctU3 ",Ith· N���d��:"::!:ul��y �!d �� by Connie M�hn. 01.•1 ��•••nd . f".. .. ....: "... . I U H. u b ��=.Ssh�:t'; promise or vacaUon Friday th.t �:: ::';'!!:':: �= ���� i DR. L, MQNZ!'iGO mu�c. n d �: :�;'::� �e. s . DENTISTRY I they could sperut:...U Thu�.y pre; mann.. The annual Christmas concert. �'hlch supU In the seale' thAt Is. • crade of A the choir prese�ts before the Christ· shall btco�e B. � rnd� of B shall be., ' :;I�:.. :!.���HIO�ec:n! :��;:: Judi.. will conalat of t"'o r.c�.lty. i 13U W.-.mhNOToN BLOO. Tacoma Waah. memben .M the .udlence. ! J4Un 281,0 ma.<; vaC.tion, ",,111 be given- In the Col. come C, a crade of C I5halI become . -. IDCIudl' perhen. M'e.nwhi!e . the teat n, ..,,,,..,, ,,......,,", ., ,,. .,,. ,,,, ...,, "', .. ,,,,... leg� Auditorium .t O'CiOCk P m. De• •nd grade of D shall�e E. r. N!plenlshed· �helr supply There ls no truth to the rumor th.t L",,, � :r ��� 1 a�nce 2. slngle ' unu';:: cember 111. ThIa concert Is �ve� (or , · ��':n;:.�I:lh:f���.s�?�I r;;:t�� ��:�!;r shall (ur��r r his �e N�v. :s-Ttwiay the choir beg�n evenln8 :� ::;ser:,:;s;:� S!:"�::h�h: Let the Spirit 01 Mount rehearsab In prepvatlon for the con· drlntln&, fountain. .Tacoma Carry ' Your 3. A student whose by N!uon be collected. .has been reo N�:m:��:r;�7�:'��fY:;·feml. X�. · (;reetinll A full concert "'Ill also be given ' at ot untxecused .Wnces, · Sumner some time tn January, at which �::ptdt�ro! t:::a�ll: automatically nl�e hoopstera h.d' � f.vorable end� \r. ) regular admiulon prict$ will be c�arged. A .tud�t dropped from clUII for Ing for, C. W:ow Just m.keooa reo �_ . At • . parent·teachers associ.�lon reason may be reinstated C)l� the pe.t onOnly boyst of the M0t/nlaln view. Beautiful m�t1og at,o lg Harbor on December 17 thla 480 h,oun unt U Chratmas. Joint recommendaUon of the · President. Dec. ltinted In n.tur.1 colors printed either the choir or some otber organlza. the -Registr.r '. the PriJ).clpal,, - and the Ne\'erthel(SS, ",e'lI cheerfully -'Quelch Parchment. on 'VelluPl �Ion of P. 1.. C. will furnish music. you warbles, who bird r teacher oon�ed Oriler early. while sclcdioll. At prestnt Mr. V. E. Eh'estrom Is In 5. To recover h1J standing, In whole Christmas �opplng early." The Idea ois complel£' Call1omi. trying fo arrange for . con: or In part, student must notlty hla ot telling "CollIch" student what r---:_________ --; , cert tour through that state hi Feb. teacher .nd the �tRr of hla In· to do with hls lIm�! TSCHUNKO'S e n a w I Is e of nowen ��':I� : ��=lt(o �� ::t �:O��h"':�n:��:� �: ��!h :� O:·h:-'"::. :;��� �e:h: � :�p:; TBcoma'Ho� ��' SHAW SUPPLY s, f.vortu no""er shop range a schedule, and he does not �ow dltlonal ' work a.<; his te.cher shan pres· aw.y Just like .U the .others. . CO., INC. cribe, ""hether or not he wtlPsucceed� I ;:==========. 80. Pacitlc Avenue at 50th 1015 Pacific Ave. The Reverend. Carl 'FOss - "'ent to The chief purpose of these new ruin PHONES: Mad 514-Mad. 515 ad'l:�rUsement good for SOC --' CaUfornta Jast Thursd.y. where he 9.'111 Is to encouragt' regular attendance In I: �; Th15 shampoo with W'8.ter W'8.VI" or hair H C� p cut at . I -. !�,!Vt��:; =�: �III� Cl�. , CHOSEN NAME L A NN UA in Cal1Iom1a until Christmas, Bonnadile Beauty Shoppe ' BY STl:JDENT ASSEMBLY I Parkland, Wash Mad H5·R--2 I Continued from � 1 1 , INTERVIEW MRS. OLS'ON " ;": . -. NEW P. L. C. TEACHER built In by Mr. H1nderll�. Th� Moor- ! r ======:::= = . '. Ing Mast has .lso loaned the Saia Start i tContlnued from paae 1 ) ' iters. ty It of one , trips. Mrs. Olson Is also a member s pewr Altholfsh the room rather small' or the -college f.culty . quartet' ,, �... � ...� "What do you think of our SCh�1 it Is the best that could be found In the building. and It sulu the needs Of the choir?" very well. When the room '\IIILI I "With such good m.terial. they have staff k . f!n;t opened. students outalde the start I "'onderfuJ progress so f.r In we re welcome to look around, but the I Under the their' work. But, ot cou�, they i e staff be to for llCluslvely used roo� 15 small d un ertalr.1ng ditnc:ult mualc for so the t . Il:t annu.1 so membe rs now a school, 80me of their pieces are used by St. Olaf Choir. 1 think. however. be a. suf'])rtst when It comes out next spreading Every Page ' that they shOUld be ready for an ex. spring. . unsh'e trip In January.'" mean of fulJ ls boOk memory a of ' stu· It . iil8 and Importance., College At this point 10 the rotlversaUon. denu lililve to keep It--&nd how Chrishnas Coach O�n entered the . room. �lndlng they wUl treasure It law! that h1J wite ""as beln&, questioned u makes ,the moat .ttracUve and I ItsaUsfactory .'tTlIDENTS! ! to her achlevementa, told the reporter. Of all g1I� dryly., not to �roTlft't that the I"l'\"&teIIt tree . ; . Get Your Shoes Repaired thing she ever did was marry me." , I Olson smiled acreement. at the . ! ' "Have you, as yet. Mrs. Olson. formed any oplnlo�1.S to the coll�? Heal.·1 .. � :.� but a few moments. she answer. GOODYEAR SHOE G I TS FROM RHODES!

--, '







> .








8lawar\ .ubel"l, Padfk: LutMran DecembeT, e, In the .11 3 and. tU'., The )"OUnI wtio 1 wu' th1rt,·two )'HrI o&d ... . lar· . . wu Roy cue of more. to














",,111 1







mlWc at Mama, Oltnwood, .and .Mar. .shall blab lChools In M1nneeota. and also led the llee Clubs In theBe acbools.. "I have al_ya tither participated In, or � eboIn or al� club.. I.Dd . belonred to town mlWca1 orpn1&auooa. l atX! enJo '- It lJUmenaely, I did not, Y cOueve ho'ft've-r, take up mlWc In , al. tboucb 1 d1d .tor in the cboln.. MY ooune wu 'Ena\1ah and famen laDe. uqee, 1 bad always Intended to be • �. and 1 oehatnly w;lo � It(' ,




!:=============�==:;=:::== �I � iIso V ' . . .J.JiiI!I . • . I' UJJIJ Pacific A... .




·"the Peak 0/ Quality" wasT 00&n' O�T co.. TAoolIA .-

-'- "'. _----;- - ----.-.----


--. .


. .





; l�--' ; ;; ;;;; ; ;;;; ; ;;;; ; ;;;; rr======�=�;;;;;;;;

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��:'�=iiiiii;iiii::.::==��.� •

. � 1 1 1o.i2




Wholeule. PluIl!�ing. Steam and Mill Supplies Phone Main .1707 ' . 1908-10 Pacific Avenue

Bros. Haberd�ery



...Am "\(ri�� P)�mbing & Steam Supply Co.


. "


REPJ\IR SHOP , "So far, 1 hAve found It very enJoy. : able. ntis ls my tlnt year In t.h1a part 1 ".3' Co�erce C. R. Werne-r prop. I Your Plcturim:llo:t�e a fIDe of the country, and 1 !.hint you've had ID JU5t wotIderful wathe-r. 1 haven't I milled the Middle Welt at. Ill."

"......".........".....'.."'�. """".





" . ...




11000 u





Pen and Pencll Bets Book Ends Leafhe-r Brie! Cases 5�Year Locked DIarIes square, Blocked � . '. Warm LIned 8lI.pPera . Playuu. Novelty Instrument Fourth Floor Pooc9y Pet.a • P'I:Irtabte Victrola 81x1h ...... Plptln Sport oioves ' • . PInt Ploor'" � PIooi 8cotclt'PlaJd Auto Robes .' P1rat "'* Yardlm Toilet Beta PInt """" Perfume Burnen PerCUine Atom.lzenl P1rat PIoor . . WollY Bearf and Cap Bets TbUd ....... · PInt ....... MUKlc BOJ: Powder Jan MlWca1 AlanD Clock and Powde-r Jar: J'i'm PlOOI' PInt· ...... Powder .Compacta CoItwne JmIrr . Pnt P100r OqU Ball soap . -;--1'Irar PlOor;.;7--�'-� . . C&rd1pn Sweaten TbIrd Ploor ' BeacOn B;JanUt Robe TbIrct, 1'.'I6or ConareeI JJr1dre Bet . PInt ....... .




LIned BtaUcmery

PInt ....,...




, 1




I I .


, ; College Choir Appears in Christinas Collcert ),i


. Church . Prografns Give Chance for Public to Attend






Choose Delegates For Annual Club Conference at



. 1

ICbool �ted apprwect of an u­ .:x:iaUon. ' � deleptel: ,pptOved abel acreed .to orpnlR th1I year. A eom.mJttee W&I


.., deeted at � t)

(continued on

P&UBIlAH GDU.8 san D. '!be freIbmaD a:trll IeI"ftd. \be Ita � W'-","!;.J!�" bel' e. The retieebmeDti pqDCb aDd IIIlftr'al IdDdI 'J't\.e pracram ..'leD'".. .. .. 8010 b1 IIDdred NeiII:m. . Ibd:h J.cDt.Oa. __ toIO

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R. at

= �r." -i...aDc- �_

for the remainder at \be

.-'::::C-:' -- -..c.-.U:::-�. = � al tbe tIr'A

to eJect Dew ,.n ...... _ cmfII at the .... of \bit' ,·


, .


.:� .

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PAOli: ,.


' Depart�ent V8fl14 . Sludenl� In Sa'ga . S1;l1�cri'Jtionl'l . '



ftotb durtna


the· 1ICbooC '1MI'

by \be atudenl.!! Or , Pacific

cou.:�, Wash1qton.



do� per year"


P:htertd .1.II �d dUll matttr, October 2, 1125• •t the PoIt Office "'uh1� unc;te'r the Act of Mareb J. 1m.



Make-Up Editor Cop}' Editors Sports Editor Excha� Faturta MlJIcenantou�



O� Hqe


"-Oetate Editor

With 87<;, ot ttl �nrolll'l1ent sutM,crlbed In rUIi. ttle Normal Otp4rtmen,t-_lead� the lIChool In __ subecrlpUorn. &c. eontll\f to P'red Walter, bustnfM man-,

Oe.r , M. and


o myl I'm lIO worried J don't to dot- J went down t01m to prettJ things, and �n the .

8=1: ".,.two m H�lm� �nd

hair en with Oeo"l'l CTuDquUt e�. I heard lIOmeone sa, they . Emma Kaala.nd 'to the House or OB"ld !IO I MltH! Cora Vllta (he W'U do ... n to see' the toy� 1%,. Ooplirud ...ho they ....ert. and he said they Banta from the North and 8wmtu Manager Cl.reiJlatlon Man&l!er _, M � ��e��= �:,..:�r:::t� , Ad..trtlainc ,Manager and . � th' kld� who have tietn � e -Bea , T)i:lt,t " ,. y H, J. ROlli. O. J. Mum P'Kult)· Ad\'!aeu Do }-ou· �upo.R they' know I ,my nose with my fork InlItead of my �poon. and thAt I drank Stanley'� milk MERRY CHRISTMAS ,\N O A HAPPY NEW YEAR . ..hen he wun·t looking. Oh ! ami If " ' ' ' I HIIJ! . . .IS 111 , Irlslmns splrll 1I 11' !l!r . . I',\"pry! IIr01ll1l1 us' . TII �' n ' , Santy ever found out that I gTe� aU . . g-rows 1l\'p!H'f' IIIHI J!llyt'I; us Ihl' 1J1g:J!I'sl hnlulll:Y of nil till' y(,lIr tlrl�ws the door knobs he'd think I w"" gettlng II "no bet�r" fast. But maybe U 'rm nt'Hr." Then' is Stlllll'lllillJ! 1 )('I'llliu r alllilit (:ll ristll.lUs l liril. 't J.!rips yuu firmly. IHough plt'llsllntiy, nlld Ihrills you Ih r�lIJ!h IIIHI good he'lI torglt. What are you going to hav� IlirtlllJ.!h. . k n t u · ·d Thl'''' is SllilIt'lli i,tlJ.! ill u l u ! ,1:hdsltlIus hal drtlw�-lISo.: dtlSI'I· Itl :, :�� �:r��a��:: ��!� ��·:u�U . IIUI" fl'lIl1w 1111'11 nnt! 10, ( ;m l : stllll'l'Ihiuj.! tlillt 1X'1"I1H'IlIi'S I he. almos- might �nd youone'Uke we ha� I pilt'rt' and l1'IIl"iWS "ul ",ul lom'IIPo; tilt' 1 "'111" uf \'\"1'1"\' Ih';n/of Thanltgh'lIig . I ain't Mktd: Xavier . bPl ' 'hlok It m�' h".. "" ,,",,' to .. ...."1 "'... centipede fambly CRUse J saw an Christ'lIla." i s a t i lll l' "f hnllltTtllllill" all . family rt'lIlliotls. ' . ' lot of 1-5 .. .. ... I"olks silH'\' ... on th e platt'S. I d Studl'nL" \\".111 ha\"I' 110\ SI'I'1l I I II'll' schonl np�'lwtl arC' draw a picture of the IliAy 1 g-oing: hom!' 10 jOill ;1I lilt' ( : h rislmas ft'sthuls. )" Ollll/>! and old. ridl c I l an·t Il� I Illn't n w n· II'-· ooked but aull pllor. lnrg:!· awl small. all an' }.!d till.L! I'\'utly tn join i tl very good In art. Iwalion - M.-rt�


:: �:�:' � J'

. "

_ --------. -------''---..". ---'


� ::�

.\1111, tilt' 'IOIl l'ili/-! 'IllS! . Iuk, :s this npptlrhlllit�· t o wish its golnlj: to uk for money. but I �: �rs, nt lt' HUti all , II "t'r�·. �t'tT�' (:JlI'istlll llS alld a I lu Jl J l �' :\1'\\ some. I'm going to !Hudy hard: so ; _ Santa. Ctaus. ....ui . you tell him I MoW the ntce�t longe�t. �klnnlest btack and white fur I'd like for Chris \\'hro tilt' poi nt syslt:m of gratliu/-! sludt'nls il; dusst'� Itt·- mu�. I thInk It wa� a hyaclncth Cilt OIl H' llllfll\'orllhit- COllllllt'llt IlIltOltg ( skunkI fur. My! I -�ul"E' eQuid be RQU.I\­ 1'1I1ll(' ('ffrdi\"l', il lilt'! wilh fle I'd thai: wtth lIt­ a ve ' ha to Uke d 'III(' slmlt'll!s. This WIIS naluml t'IlOlI/-!h, 1)(,l"!IUst' i l rl'qu i n'd slutlt·lll,.; In h�,'e ,Ill ll"ITUgt' of (: i n t h " i r I>!i-tUII'S" Thi!'i .,,"us pn'\" itlllsly tie dOlI that I eQuid tie_to a string and 'also III(' sysl(,1ll IIs('tI h�' Ull' t ' nin'rsity of \\"lIshilll-:lol'l. :\tiw I .h l' drag i;!thlnd me like �well ladl('ll do. I , ' ( tli\'('rsit�' IWs ado)!tl'll U' III'W rulillJ! r<'q uirillJ! Ihllt rr<'ShtlU'll lllllst lIa ...· a awful cute one. He "bout' g-<'t At Il'nst :l gradl' of C in t'nt'h of tlwir suhjt'ds i f thl'�: wish 10 rt'- twenty-nIne Inche� long. with !tttle I main ill tht' institutioll. :\ IthouJ!h till' ('nin'rsily hus adoptl'd such on each oorner.-blg ears-you know n ru1in.L! primarily to limit tilt' lItlllllil'I' in al ll'm'l:lIH't' 1111'1'1'. sudl II kInd t mea n- those whIch look like

rulinJ! is IIlIt IIt't"l'ssar:-' in tlur slllall sl'iHlul.

lIow(" ·('r. SI.'I'ill/-! whalo 'olhl'l" sl'iHiols 1111"1' 'doillg:, WI' now ft'I'1 1lI1Irt' till' j Usl il'(' in oill" IIWII point' s�'stl'lll, Ihl' nhjl'l"1 of whil'h is 10 t'IH'OIll'U/-!t' h ight'r st'hoIHslil' !'Horls <IlIUIIlg: st udl'tJts.

you open the door to let. 1m In or out. o ye'�! I'd like a Phrench doll with hair and big e)'t8. 'btg like bultonll grandpapa has on his SINGING TRUE long arms and leg�: YOll know at! Tht, l"t1l1t'g:t, choir put thl' trUt· Christmas ft·(,lill/-! ill Ihl' 1 '; bralfU fell out of .Maggle. my oid I of Ihe Pnrklund I'ommullity lasl S Ul1d ll�' t,,·t'lling:, whl'll il g:a"I' ils I d,lIke .some e.andy \.00. I really · u!'iunl Chrisl llllls l'Olll'I'rl i n tilt' chupel. how mueh-Santa-git/ell me. �· � When I' lIet home I'll SN.' If I can Thl'n' i s ' 1I pI'culi:!r somethi ng: abolll. .Jiillgillg, I'SIl{' (' i u lI ' ill t1lOir mllsil" whidl makes III(' nlt'ssagl' full 011 ft' rlill' soil, whl'n'us borrow daddy'� golf sox Il$ they'll hold they would 1101 hll"I' !IS great "nl'd if lhl'y w('n' spoken, without thl' Illllsit,. This SI't'IlIS slrilllJ!t'; 1 111\\"('\"1'1'. tllH' W:lS du!,' I'III1,·illl"l·t! of i t s truth nil �('{'illg: · Ih(' <'xprt'ssiIlIlS 11 1 tht' fac(,s 0" thl' pt'tl\l!t· preS{'nt nl til(' ('Oll('('rl. Jew-elel'


.L:iw liS Ihe Irlll' spirit of ChdsllllllS at Ihis tilll(' of Ihl' yt'ur.


We try to carr)" e\'erythlng tn .stock that ...·111 flU the ordtnary wan'�. If ....e don't have what you need .tt'li u� and we ""111 get It. Prices and Quality Al.....1l1 GuaranUed


� ;



Mr. HeHman : Very good. Please tell the ClUB how you ue ..ble to remember t� so exattly. IICOte of our Dorothy E.: It was first ba�ketbatl game thlll yur. ,



I:;' ; � A

Good Ootnpanlon

� gtrl: Whert'l'� A n8?

An g rl . Oh. over tat n with i : , i ll . InsplrRt on. \


Bkt�orJ A.pplled

Parklan". Barb" r ShO ll





IW.�,?�, Drop.





/� �Iember �




United Purity Stores

)Iudison 3818 R-:i

P khual; \\'ush.





Order your Chrtstmal CbJetens or Turkey. EARLY ,


-� ��==�;:;;;;:;;;:=, � I-;;;;:;;;:;= r CHRIST.MAS GIFTS' ·


�N F01.K� � Dre!l!J ."""<:. �Qhirb

j, I

. IW" --






Lou nging


Ro b


Sweaters GOII

�k." IDI



o · J)JCKSON BROS. C.O 112:0-tt Pa.clrtc Ave.






Gym Suils and Shoes Polo ShirL':' and Slicken;






Sherman,��y &.

�OPULA. R AND CLASSICAL MUSIC Complete Sfock--Qulck Sen'lce .



Hroot!\\ oy :


for e\'eryollt'

"our, Ray. Grain. Peed. Bboea. Hardware. P1umbiDr Suppllea, Pa1nt.. R.oof1nI'


I ';::======:::==;j::=========::





alu.1 Confedionery HAIR CUTTII:iG TO SUIT THE INDIVIDUAL All Styles at I:eM Mo'ney

t!t:U�� .



.Fts.�ton ts a method of celt dtvllllo!lone th"ere spring two. Too bad this not poMlble among human belng�. In that case Dorothy could �tudy twice u muc.h as �he doell. find "Brick" could have played ·bIi.,ketball that flnt game: ..;;.


.... rt;'· Barber


At Pep Club meeting. ......




Watch Repairing a SpedaJty :a5'1'- Bo. l1th St. (FtdeUty

he Llbers' An. \& IIeCOnd ""Ith SII"; mon n my ha\( lIDX would " th" Hilh 8eI'too1 third with a.. and H\1OU don t want me to _111; home the 8hort 00w'8e Iul. with eo� The tan send !lOme money subecrlption number hal now reached Your bHt WOl'!!lt, and onl, liD Additional mone), d coming In ven' ... k is expected to t:;e SECUNDA � b' , '" b,..-,-' '""" :, .'".,'h"" n k Berter: Define the unlvtne and !llvel .wor on the .annual other tHan the " �ub8crlpUofU haa not 'betn ddlnltely " t..o exampleJl, �t.aried, The flnt thin, to be done Is to rd the, oontrac<t by tlioe first of the ' . ... . A..-WlaUon or Id-.! k Mr. Hellman: How m.ny "?Ok.!! In �he -r:t; �:=.7� � ·�� �nd the Hew TtII��nts? tartll and adY¢lstfll des-i'Qnenu, • • . Thlrt:l'-nlne: .nd twepJ.l' , . -


\\'(, art' Ilrall'ful !lUll WI' hn\"\' a choir uf this kind wl!ieh ('UII


%;' t!bt�e"e=::-,,:,�,:I!��;h�:




Bwdy �21 1 J




'lOBE. BEAlT I F l ' 1 . T I I A ;'\; E\"EH �:())tE

IX l\:O\\'




WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE Mer�hand ise. Prices. Fair Dealing nnd Service wiil Get It ' We Can Count on Yo�. for a Customer, If Hi!lh . Quality







(With theBrocwsaJe Ke&l �)

01• GlrT8:1N :otu .o� 04.'1' , ! UAsa.-ABIoK �




. 861 Broad"'ay



�flc Ave, c




. ' · l ot,•• DROP "R" Hoopl t;YM . CoI·leg. · e·· Basketee '. ' . ISecond Garne .Goes . ·rs· 1'. HELD TRACK MEET ' t . Drop Second Garne . .i - Q. utntet QUtpS T0 - GIr' I Hoops 0011", ,,;,.. "mnu" m , e . the 19211 bulu:lbe.1I\lne, 4l'Id hl':Th' t. ' ... c( meet I annual TUtllday l d . . Of Season Saturday Here the �Im -the ru1dance our ne... Clifford ·tenlOO;'. �mber : In tt(f" "'IO'mnll.;. On'r Olson. got . sportdom: Just .. brief resumt' or . the . start on tht'"

�-. ;












. , _



.1 _

tum. Lose Frat: "y &ore of· Thirty P1l<1 1""0 .'eeb. athJetle�Il' �peaklnil. Fint Luthe-ran Church fo,t . I oot. ..hen t.h.ey fell bd� the lIupenO!' The .,,'0 rompeUI\I -' ht' fl To Fi�ee Johnson i� �f.rh · Patlfi(' Lutheran Team ..-ork aqd pas.,lnr of tht' aun L1 r �'HllIll etep�ra.:' m�nagfl1 by :o.t�rg.rtt . oor . fl . m nPotnt . an for , Pac lflc -. ", i The nm team h.., not been working Holmbel'1l !li n d the Bltyrockf'ts. � Tacoma, OIle or the , ed by Ruth NOl"Jaard. L a h eran Sq uad tip to ronn. ·.I·tl"\ough th.t out sIO... In the tlrst quarter. ,u.,unulCfOf tlYe.,.ot . first ! Starting � In . ..�. tem \"YMhInlton. :, l!.gThe he fono...'Ill(! eyenl.ll took placf'. [rom Pacific Lutheran COlltjft girls' bu- s&1"'Oni"� Unable to get statt.ed ...until' the lut I lh"t the. fellows dropped to the Sun Ufe the ' In e 1 fln .... 30 to f!ll VO f , ,, II eIIch-IOI\I. glrla takl� part ket ball tMm. doWned the' Pint LuthTh qU!llrter. the PaCUIc Lutheran VArsity wu not so bad L'l m.}' think. You eriln Church of Tacoma on the loc.1 ttf the ncom. quln�t. duh. mort �Mh. hurdleI rt'1"y . three­ f\\·e.. dropped their �d .t�ht game II1tut remPmber. the Sun Ufe is .eIMn- noor 8Iltul'd�. by ..,. dtctstvt to Poor puslnc nd lack ot tHm.....:R1t I 1'"'8ft! "�. •t.odlll(! broa d. �Jump. run­ to the Partl.nd Men'" club on the coI- Jng up on·.l1 Oppollition In both TaT. The local Ilrls 'llarta"! drop- ....e. re tYro of t� big thl1l(l"!l .....hlch SPf!ll- nlng 'broad:Jump. nmnln,· h.h-JUllH'. 1 t l .nd 8e. tle. � \ea,;.�:����:�u:� ::���'!,�. Sid - ��i ��;;t �:;��Il ��e�� :: ed defe.t few- the Partl�d bO)'3. Bev- �:�::\ ;:� I:��':�ul�::;I:i'''},� S' . . e he �=·for·�:e =��. w� : Then lut .satu�.y the girls nrpe tetl':�I:' ��lea=�(�h:erf=�: ;::= =�� �:::�.:_ ....:.:���Ia�::r'::. o::;� �t� .17! along to do Just what ... ""ant. Say. tlon .nd ....... hllh POI�t winner. IICO;r- ' t�t. :: this �n h.'-e been f.r below expec_ of I.c of lime the t...." the Ch ihe��e. Bec.ulle to tpelr ie.d whi � but tallon.. Rudolph Sanderaon. (onnerl)· dONn. It Jw:t make yoJthlnt th.t thosre Ing . th ber runnlll(! Sun Ufers had guned could not . be lut en�nu ....e� po$tponed. at the Pacific Lutheran � ran off 'glrls playlnc _11. A_pn-(�t seuon Emm. lICuland,wit",\IIn; .-l wUh poln!-&. oVf!n::-ome. ,,1th honors for the lnOSl points, With ....ould not be surprblng � . ----t from MlM SUx_ Vera. Nelson. star " tor the 1!'trst The l.Jneup: c e eo nt tor so r d t c ' �1.�I.�� =���� ����7��� o , �xu ( �t�:-:;� J u «1 IS PO'�ts H::� �I:; p ':1 �':om CARDS XMAS . . J'he l1rieup; Ho..·ever. Crow tl) the bo)'ll In thelr . arcond' The,lIneup' ��h�� 8 F 14 R.Ma:��e:� l game .� t.lled to _second the lli;I�' �� =I�,;O � O. I �::'=� :=�.:!: � �':=� U:::-I::: a;:;:"" ample. But " pos.slbly 100ing live. �11 Gardlln :: Lofthus F 4 S. OlaMo C O. Johnson ""�n . , ) 0 1:31 C. Munson Mitton C 3 RadaboulI"h m.te the studenl.5 realize their f:e- Dahlbetf( C Nordland Substitute!!: Sun Uf_EnocM . 121 I_tht'r � a,:,d I 0 5 Howlck '!;pomlblllties for a' good team. We'll HolmbeJ'lf . ./,1 Nyman 0 Elmer And Lt6 !Ol. P. 1.. C-8chlerm�!'ln . ' �u�n 3 . . ..·lth 0 , J. 0Ia � have to be coflt.-nt«1 . . IOIlng team Roe ' 0 .8n0d.gTa.M ,0" B. Mun.'M>rI O I L J. F. v..ISSELl. & t:O. SubsUtu�s . P. L. C.-colto4 m (4) s.for unless we all rt'all1,f thE\lmportallce of Substltute5:. P. 1.. C.-Munson for Johnson: R. MU�I\ '2, for. O.�lIn : I tnlnln!! DIlhlbetR: Ct'OIby for ROe; Mohn for ' Ba$ketb!llU p"cU� In th!! gymn"'rules_ Pacific \ ThOltenson for Nyman. P. M C.-Lenox Crosby : Rumui!.'Je'n for Lofthus; Kaa- lum Is no.. 'being held after d.rk. Up I for Howlc�: Ho.....lck f-or ,Sid OI&sso' Lea\'I�g the" whoop i'port for a minute. I"nd F1rst ,L for Ebersole. theran to . ... le ek from YHterday. pracU� · u Official.: Referee, Helnrlck. TaCQmFl: It't pause to give our .tl�rschool. tht' Church none. ronflned to the short time from l.40 I I 500 rer Ol'Otgt' Lane : timer. � In. Mr. Ol�. theCentralia Junior College: our best Ortlcl!,-I.5;Rf>fer�. Helunck. T.- until d.rmeM ,set sChool engln�r.. Mid that .bout fifty wbhes for a "Iclory when they engige roma: scorer. Howlck; tfmer. Lee. A . \ pound� o( press u � I" now being kept ' t he Santa Ba.{bara Teacher'!! College In .\.thletir Manager . . ln the bolier so th.t suffiCient _ lIg t Real a football gar?!e In � Angeles on Ne"· PhOl.o@:taPhIC PoftBit&-Frames � . Unable to Arrange Year'S Day. nat Centralia ele\'en sUTeQtrt Oood� of Quam), . m.)· be had for P"�tI� I\f�r d&rk .. the Junior college cla.s.- � of the . Dist.Inet..l .-e Xmu C.nb; . :iI Complete Schedlll , Iy I'. ' -+ SpeciaNortnwest_ Glha tnMn . -O -THE HA�[LTON STUDIO I , ru mheller,tEhrlichman & So rar the girls' .thlellc manl!. er has $7.00 per dozen Pho- . Wh't' e d t e_ l nue I 'ot been able to -draw up a co'�Plet; : d f O�� ;;:; � �� ��� t91�_�C I;:m��:n, : ! �os n:_��e ���:M��n �J.,_� ,j ,nve.I me n. Securitiej I tos for 83 .95. Will schedule Cor games. but prospeCts ar� team deserves your support as-�much . ", I;t:ood for pl.ylng SOOle of the" fi. i �er Photo give one Iarge, 1115 Pacific A.lf.r. Phone -81 , .. Winning te.m. Your support will .!\Chools In this vicinity. ' g Frame Free a l)(I S�m greater effect on the team pull_ BUTIER-N U T BecauSE' seyeral of the basketball JrL� have out of their :llump than anything \,;111 be gone on' their Chr1.o;tm��a - Ing with first three onej O,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BREAD tlon, the manager was obtlged to turn elSE'_ Rieh ;tl� Bnt"" Brighten up the home with flozell.orders, and with dmo.·n a request for . game "'!th' the Ott-. The glrl pl.y -SWEET AS A N UT the curtaln raL<;er also � \ng High &:hool. Friday. �mber 20 thlli evening. .'-e- 6flh on- dozen a few flower.,; or a nice ' . they. cert;alnly are I Sumner "-nd'MountVemon haye sent Worthy. of yourind I orde"r .hereafter, b..blooming plan!, Flower� p�senee_ So don't forfa\'orable answers. Centrall� Junior get-tonight. I lJ'innina College. the.,Jonly Junior. ooll�e the ... roo Dec. 5th. S� for e\'erybody and e\'er�'LIEN & SEtVlG for samg ta I I a thjng ��:r::::i�la':10;E�0�,a: :��: th�"!I:� !� yO� � ;o;��::�a:�t:�� Importe� of NorSeamon..l Flower . the school. If Kapowain high SChool F. J. LEE wegian Cod l.i ver �ucceeds In organ1z1ng a It ' COLL&GE" DEFEATS HIGH Shop 10:1 ('lIhf Bldg SCHOOL GIRLS AT HOOP play the Pat:Ulc Lutheran glrL�. I 9� &; B�_y Oil Tlll'onHI ...Wl.·I. � College basketball girls shOWed their COI" . Tacoma Avenue &: Il th. St. SENIORS CHOOSE C LASS ' e h g h r :•. Wuh �:; Gd����� �'Ssfv���'2J1o� �=�:�£L}�:}� P��I�g �:.= :n! � .-,.THE FIS.HER COMPANY class meetlllgs. In which several ring the high school's 46 � Delh'-ery TACOMA'S OWN STORE samples were presented by Jewelers of Th� outstanding player of the game Emma HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUTH Kaaland. ""ho plied up 28 Tacoma this class chose the design for Apparel for College Women an d Men their rl�� last Friday at a special meet- two- point ba.o;kcts. There will be ':l played after the Chrt.,tIn �e feature of the ring Is to be = �o::y: 'The r�tu'dent!'i do Luther's coat of arms. with the Inscrlp_ Those playing In the game were' , R&.�mussen lcaptatn!. tion "Pacific Lutheran C6I1ege" around Col�Thora say they have never MEeeA RB8<TAURAN� It. wlll re-semble last year'5,.-rlng ex- Dorothy Ebersole. Emma Kaaland. , cepl (or the shf.Pl' of the head and the Miriam Helmdahl. Ing.. Oop!erud, been in Taconla un.. Open All NiRht� modernistic white-gold border. Eugenia Ct06b}". Muriel Solne. Ruth . l:1th &. Cum.merle TRY OUR ANNEX When the sample ring finished. and Jaeooson . Viola Taw. and Margaret less they have eaten presented for the approval of the class, Holmberg: high school: Pauline Lar_ at It Is hoped that the $tudent.� "ill adopt �n Alice Roe Clara Lund Eleanor r Lorthus Eleanor Dahlberg Evelyn It a standard ring Telephone MaJn 5800 Carlyl e '.::Cafeteria M� :: :::: :::::::: �n c o� ' � nru' M �� � ' n� �. � � nd Co. KAS��ETA�Dw���:>N . HOT o


we are Melt



_ ._






[)eci81\"f' S<-on of 42 to 27




1 '1 . polnts,














J "J











The 0 0 R sold hot dogs at the m r ::�����r=:f �:I: mn::y ft; th6e I mission In Teller, Alaska. In memory I of sister Anqe Hl1l5eth. The " hot dogs" were cooked and served by Thora Ras m=n, V'O'. Kn,""n. .,,'" Joh�n, �h d "'M Johruon. Th. �: n!;:';2; -

O,.en:-.ts -"­ ......


912 �g��venue


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can Mr.





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Keystone Printing Co. In..




r.eltk ,,-


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A Mutual Company-Orga� ized 191-1

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done educaUon . dUll divided Into the bold Deftmbn- t-AU the and pn1z,e a club .shnll-.r to lhat 'Of the My! What thOlM! atrl.! could not do: . Ida I ��:��:�,n t ; I ��I:'n"� l$'5td�g forth from 000- ""rtfh:: Lut)'lertln Col1ege is rejolclhg ���tory pel? dub, OffiCer. are. dec:- 1I'OU1do't be 1FOrtb te:lUnc. C:, --:;;::::--f.-<.�--Tumaj. �mber 31 Somf- that Mlsa Lydia Stlxrud. In.structor In DMmbn- II-"Come dOtm to " ill ' . has df- a motto they say, but preUy nelli"" has 3tllrtm at P. L. C. Tsk! the- Normal Departmfnt hff"e. � . .ou lh . At lI�al mfetJng of thf P the oHfr as !Il�n'� of the tt, !-t'ke at Umes. What about It . A nelli"" club has been fo�� eoruJIst_ ClInrd dar stUdent girls. both'coll� �d ' department ot a Snooks-the . other day In n-m? ng of all the second.floor Flrls. Tt�e [ primary training !!Chool departmantJI, Monday. �m- Ipur II-Thought there a clrn�f"tnbftth l lli"" n school. l Or�on SOuthern orma the enablt ber 9. It .. d�ld� to organize Into poe-se of thl" club" ilI to many cus In town, and one of the clowns prob- ,. lIubstantial Incr�' In salary. gI�. not only to discuSS the club The follo,,1ng otr1�r.s m� lerns of the dorm. but o.1so to talk n I�. MIM Stllt"rud Is I' ,-aluab\�. member of hadlI madeo WI it. visit,I I)ut It ele:ct�: prtSldent. Ida Hlnderlle; . r h la a n I r facully. lIhe hR$ �ad much ell- . �� �,:�� �a:u..: �:P�:���U;: .:,: :�;��!Jrs� wet" ourltnce ��:I:e;:��: ����:;���.�!)�;�� �� f���:I�� tn teaching and norm�1 ttain- time this "'eek: thy said. vice prest; pe yell \l'ader. M1Jdred Card: and au."tst- PresIdent. Connle. Mohn: taught In Dec"t'ftIbn- It-Mr. Xavier turns dent. Eleanor �fthus; .secretar)', Ned- Ing ?'Ork. For four y� shefeu ant rtll le!\der. Irene Dahl. In a and. calls to hJs Juliet thl"'OU8h the IUld 10r one Dakota North YI"I Delores treasurer. Dublgh: ra )' \ ry ' e''t held b!! �{eetlngl! ..111 Monda ls w d nt r e I d m : :� �ur::r� :;��:;: �;��=�a:o;:o.: :;���ersltY o� �:r ���::.o7;as PU���y �be�; � : ::�:r �I�� %e :�;I :: te� �:':t.! :�:��� as tt.wu dlsrespectWl, ?-un:t ... I"flnark drgt'ft' A. B. with 1924 In Washington commltt�. PI"Olram HJermstad: Dagn)" . ed monthly . the mltter. tTo-clear r outside. !,lnlng urst co -gnduate t htr-poll and "ni.shed . Tht plT.:'ldtnt appolntl"d th�. eom. SOh't'lgh Hjenrutad and J;'eftY Ha.\"t)"; at . . X....ler 'giving orders per� Heltn nn- the Bellingham Normal S<:hool mlflet'S. . ""a)'s and means cbmmlttH. talntng to tht UbnlrY.) fl"t eommllt�. which to �i.stad Ind Hell'n Johnson: honQ�ry June, 1921. U-It'Sltranlf! that so many Stlxrud began htr lli""ork at P. L. Dec-ember gt'Ither nlmt'lIUIrgt'Stlon�. COfllllsts of : members. M" Kreidler and Agnes' C.MlU the tHehen like to give t.estJI on of· supervbor p�nt at Is and 1927 In Klippen. . Marie Vandlnbuig. Stella Sorbot: and thlrteenth. the Prida1. cLuses training and of teaching practlee been diligently Each member Mabel Erlc1r.l!on. mbn- It-D. R. ChrIatmaa Party In the normal dtpartment. She also 'Oec"t. r--.., The !l("C()nd commlttfl'. "'hose duty It _rchlng for an Inllplratlon for a�namt sluden.u for In colltle recrtaU� -culTlcular In part acth'e elltra an takes and ambltlon. the u symboll will that ' / i ill 10 �t lIulfft'!'tlol\ll Club pins. con_ room.. acUtlllea. coaching dramaticS and girts' on;(snlmUon. 51.'<1.'< of: Ma.rJorie McOottr.n . Margaret Pl"PN.ofB.thl! Dec""l'mbft- IS-Free Christmas concert Thill club hI!.,' bet'\' dull' sanc- bAsketball. Flint: and Ulllan Johnson. gh-en by Pacific Lutheraf! Collett' , .-'ntt tht \hlrd t"Ommlttfl'. "'hlch tloned by Mn K�ldler. \ Choir. CALlFORNIA TRIP DOUBTFUL . III charge of arranging a Chrilltmas parUH'emiwT IJ-O�at buu Ls �Ing on. SC Although Indertnllt'. au"er-j hool RF.CEn'ED CAMPt1S FOR J PLANS . tl'. consbt.� of: Theola AndenlOn. I�ne \ons . ilkI' these may be long thoriUt'!I an! "ery anxious that the choIr Excl&.mat Dahl. Gladys Swenland. and Edha. ent buildings be retained far ··It's thr last lli""eek of .school. as the}' are stn1ceablt. but'a chapel. make this trip. the choir manager. Mr hurd. Dag!lland. mort days left. Have you three ly on rent auditorium found has EI\"l'Strnm. art! building. administration hall. m!lslc ",1 Thtl'(' will be a Cht1�tmall tree th g a th d a I IR a a dl g �r� : :r!at �hl�t h:ced:�"':� :�� �I���t��; :I I� '��I:n�� � a ;I:: � :��� Ciu ���. �1I :��n;or ::r:.������:0�7 b. DR, ·H, I" MONZINGO . rl'plact th('m or\ a line littl� to l'he tAke th_e responsibility of ad,'lslng the ; DENTISTRY "'est of the preSl'nt IInl' of bulldlDltll. A choir to mAke this . trip. Mr. Eh'ellDEBAn TURNOUTS IIJ::LD 0\'11.1 ttOm hall lately de\'eloped a nervous dou� a of form the In mall lIhol\ld adopt a plan or eo�plete dls2 HIN I a d t h y e as r th:U�I:�:e ��d �r� �u::���� �:��;r:g��m:���g�������c�� �:I hel� M��� 2�:� G�:m��h �=:; f:� ����:1;�r::1I.���('S R l' :�:�::� ..·m form the chltf fl'aturl' In l to .drh'e hi! car. Mr. Hauge hopes to Irrangl' a debale l and f>r1!sldent Ttngel.s.tad may go South landscallln� the grounds. TSCIWNKO'S !!Chedul� ..-Ith the follo"'lng: Centrilll tTh� President's rl'Sldtnl'e ..111 be 10- this ..-eek to reach final decision In Ho_of Flowen Junior Col\f'Q:t. BelllnRham Slate Nor' 10 the pro(XlSl'd trip for the mal. Mount Vernon Junior ColI{1Ct. ;2 :trtd Immediately north of thl" north regard favorite flower shop Tacoma's h ! "" �:!:t :,���. Colleae. and �Ol\�of ! :: h:r::t �h��tA�;��:;';hC�:I;�� :� C = So. pacltlc Avenue at 50th :::;:':::;::: ;=;:::; t ;;: .:::; . eraft Tbeatrfea.l .. � ....=:= M� C-=t PHONES: Mad SIt-Mid. SIS tht Hll{h School Dl"partment can "faculty ro"':' Drr. S.U. .has not lIlartrd acth'e ..-ork on df'bate. Pre;tdl'nt TIngei.stad sa)·1§. " No mat- I tam", hsedo For Kent ho.. many . years !t takes to rtalltl' l although M�. Hong'lI orlll English claM ter Neal E. Thorsen . ..'hl�h Is nexlble III It..!I ·dttaJls, 1 'hall been organIud Into eight squads thisnoplan G�a1r� T_p«s' .'. ha"1" a d�nnlte 'g?,,1 10 aChltve l which "'iII d�!",tf' pach othtr. Mr. a truly artistic conception to guide I '" � Broad..,. Mala ll11 Hong. hiRh-!!Chool coach ellpects In this .nd �----'--"'::;=';:=-..j. ..a) to discover somt' good debatel""!i for us In an adequate manner Prl'!5ldent Tlngei.stad dot'll not Ure Of J !-----------Interscholastic dcbate The hlRh-school urging . , the de�elopment II..SIIOClatlon In I que$Uon this )ear Is Resol'f'd Ihnt In tercholastic and IntercolleRlate. ' "'Jh• this dlrect�on And proml!\l'S that _ ' -------+ ' :: ;: r----tnembershlp of lO OOO wlll put thls PTO Il'tlcll a.�at present conduded are detrl_ gram � I f'Hect In�ldt t",eIlIY.fIVt; .. I Wi8hing to the StudelJ.t and F iend8 �( ml'nUlI_tht term detrimental to ml'nn years Inlo of friends the to up plalnl) It , more harmful than beneficIal Pacific l.�lItheran Co�leg.. the !;Chool al'.Sist to thl'lr fullest ex � , A MERRY. CHRISTMAS tent of po"' er In recruiting thl, memb: p 1.. C DF.LEG"n: CHOSEl'Ii And ershlp as Qulckl) as possible he sa)'$. Spokane mr-etlng to lIubmlt a dnft for HI' A HA PPY NEW YEAR plAnS to publl�h this layout he hasi ' eonslltutiOn. to rtport on the NA- !n'Cel\" comdescription thl' "'Ith d. e . tlonal Lutheran Con,·entlon. and to ments o� thf' architect. In the February I . ' alTRnge for thl� rear's convention. The ' Every �age committee con.�lst.� of Arthur Hillman. bulletin: n Unh'erslty of WA�hlngton: Bernald . . !I of ' a �emory bopk Is full of mean. KEYSTONE PRINTING CO., INC. l ing and Injportance. College stuHoltan. Unh'l'rslt)" of Oregon: and MAI N 31S7 denta love to keep It.--and how 7Q2 PACIF1C �VE. Il"{'ne Dahl. PaCific Lutheran College. . e�a':� ���::tal;��!tJ\"e ar.d t n I ' :� S!! STlIDENT nO������\I=k;!. ����=:.�� c�: satisfactory Of all gifts.. , . "'1/1 pro,·tde �lltel;'1 enll"rtalnment for t h delt'lj'ate5 in the form of mlxl'TS Ilnd 1 Get Your Shoes Repaired . banquets. at the

Day Girls Organize Into Regular Club I!.



Daily Diary

your shOppln« )'6'" t:kclnelilri 1'--Olr'" ,eh1SIctJ "8Qrocketl': a""UXIteit.. · dJi,.-room ctrls or­ ':ElJ4:b Steppers"

�I.i.. lydia Stixrud' Second Floor La••i",, ' Declines Offer As , H.,'e Ne,;' Dorm Club Nomtal Superiisor
























u.'< IUJ




As )-et.



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For Every Memb�r 0/ the Family at Our Store




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_ __ __ __ ��__ MA T CO ABT _ � .,.. '" o� __ � � __ __ Aco T_ _ �_ __ _ T __ __ �__

WASHINGTON HARDWARE ro; I A E P ' ' C_�� IF�_ C_ !�_I _ V� '\_ ��

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! PION EER COM PANY TO ' Proposed Trip to DEI.TA RHO GAMMAS ' . tUdent Delegates New Year , . CHOOSE STANDARD PIN . ' PRIl\;TSAGA FOR I9�O ' ' . , O" ur, -" To Represent For Development I: . .That P1Orlet'r. Inc.. print the ,, California Dropped Oirts ' �lt.fI Rho oamml!- unanl· � at U. 0f W ,College Campaign Brlght 8a&'a fOf 1930 the unamlnoUl de- I Short Touu in I'adflc North- ::::,. �=� ��: ; :: = J n e -C'lslon of the (scult), annual comml t� to Be Planned; Ne�t lUImple Otffk letter pin u the dub , ;;f,e\'erend T. O. S,-are Called AS l at . meeting yesterday. A quite ..lblt l westYear's Outlook Better standard. The pin hu . ',old edc1n•. George Lane an'll Emma f(aa--


New Field Manager to Replace Mr. Eh't!strom Who Is . Unable to Continue








land ChoMn 88 ,Repre8entati:vell I.ulheran Conference n Seattle


of time ha.s �n spent In getting bldll 1Ii1lh . 511�er bl\ckIT'olmd for the Oreek Allhough the propoMd !h: lrlp 1.0 tettel'3 AP'l Delta Rho Gamma At from �he different printing oompan{u , California thlll )t-ar haa fall ': maThe sample 'iVy hand made by I and nOIli that the printer h* been tt-riallU! planll are being rna e to Bprenger and Jones Tacoma Xweltn, __ ' clded upon acthe .... "Ork Ililll\start 1mmakt- a tour of the 1nland Empire next and hu a wely clup. If Co1"th1'-two . Emma Kaal&nd and aeors- Larle mediately Ill' both tht- t'(Iltorial and Wit h the �nnl� o the n f � ! }>f'l!.r. ' It .·u hoped that a trip ,aoutb pins are _ ordered. the ruta wHl have A were choeen at ltlt- lut metU�. of �e -- :.· }'ear b U5lne� sta a. · h I tht' outlooll: for a :o.uCtt$l!l ul de\-elop� ; c<:uld ha,'e �n made h!twble,. but the I\HI cut 80 lh.&1 all futUf"t plJu will hot studenu u addltlona, del�* 10 rep­ The subscrlptiona ha,'e �n comlnl ml'nt campaign ls gro...-lng brighter. ac- 'ln "ery slow ot late. •'Ith the tOt..1 num- ,)":Jtct h..." . nnally been ��, Mr. exactl)' the ..... the ortrlnal. Other- reJient, our COllere,:at the aeeond an­ I foEhestrom. choir manlier. who. baa w1ae hiey will be hanl1 made like the !lUll m t1ng of t eordlnll: to �Ident O. A. Ttngel"tad. 'ber .being around 130 at the time the � Pacific N9rthwe>lt � �n In California trylna: to � f� aample. Luthl'ran Bt�dl'nta , �nference. t.h1& • Pllln� for clrl'fOlopment �Ing under- I paper Ili'ent to PYIIS. The Normal . thfO tour. found that auditorium rent. Mar)orle McGovern, committee chair- year to be held January 11, -18. and ,......,. akl'n by tht- AMotlation are being partmenl ot .the :Junior coll� b sUI} · n betw and the tan high � et man. will eolfect the money, whJch must �I the Un!venlty of WuiiiJ1l'l(m, In � . d" � ormu[al� wltteh. If succtsl;ful. wlIl In tht- lead ... Ith s;lbscrtpUons. with the ...OIIi 50 trip would can be or- Beattie. under thl' auaplcu -of the Intrtmeni comins In - Ill C I Ct-rtl! so great that the Ptna be the deplll before turned In /tom Liberal l o t ng • C1 ��r;e �:"�I�;�l , both de� aflJl' clOR semnd. f tl : �f:m:::: �:r � �mber 3 the studenta ehOIIe . I Mr_ Elvtlltrom ...1111 be bact home In H�,·. T. O. S"al"f' hM �n tall� ! Miriam Helmdahl and Arthur Olaen ' ide k and ll definitely d a w ec "i . as field manager to replace Mr. l"" r as t,,·o .tudenta to rep�nt P. L. C. \lllOn Ihe choir toura Jor thll year. An ° 111 thl� confennce. Through aome mIIoh . n rh :: �: :� � := : :' � � AttCl1llH lI.'ttJ probably be made to IItnd l uncll'ratllndlng on.l;l these two were to ue e U d . th" I'holr south all far u Eugene, Ore- I __ chosen at that .Umt. But It wu laW!r hili work. Rl"'. S"are's congrepU� Be51dt-ll thl& concerts will be jJlv, �on� Twu learntod that we were enuu� two .1U tate "cuon on tht matter wedl naton Cuts h ou hout �lh_t WUh n w nt£dal' night to df'Cld� whet�r or not 'e Tha: �hf' p�� U1p .u� �ty can �pare him. 1f he aocepta th� W�ltm Washington planned for nexl ' IIc- IIy beeomtt a delepte u ahe 11 on . te nd Ion d l P ��. �ll�:inbe �l: =� t:U: " the Before a fair-aistd .�dl�n� of atu�� t�:� I:� � a�� ::: m for the conlerence II Th .5UIt 01 the stCOt'!d debate try- �r= three cluses durina the fint . half of A.s a r; � !:. orn1a lour III the oplnlon of th<* dentl an� Partland people lua. Batur- u 10�IO . , . ll: the cholr. the aeeond armealer besides manaltng ,. out htld"lalit Friday altemoon. the COlday nlrht, In the ColIeoge Auditorium, ' ma� gIn has tbe Choir. and lupervising the campus le(j:r's Interrolleog1ate deb.:.te squad Dramatic Club of fhla ICh� preJWce � of 4elePU ng t o been dellnltel)' pll'ted. Th()l';C" who .'tN! :�r;�'� " n;:! P����n;:� lIattl!. and vUlton. FACULT.Y MEMBERS of� ::w �1� W:r� . ) a n rt stOO', ConstrucUOD on the labo o :"Furt)' Miles' an' Hour:' by �arolynn MERRY VERY ENJOY :: ;.:: ";��� nu. T)' ::: �:tI; ) �:�;: .111 pTObably � within a mondt. Ollpatrlct: and ":;¥lx Well and BUr." . Sa� , Jaa II eHRISTMAS PARTIES iI by . Kat�rlnt Tayla-. PresIdent Ttnrelatad will 10 e"''It !lOOn tets. Pmft.5llOn Hauge and Beet ....ere __ 8:30 a. m.-De�uon"� alter the cloae of the f.lnt semester to the Judge� 01 the tryout&. In the play. the leadlns role� we� AltlloU(j:h the Cbrb;tmaa vacation Wrlcome and re.ponae. arranae for a development drive in In the first t.-yout. held before tht- found most of the raculty memberi at taken by the followlna .tudenta: �arOreeUnp from groupe repreeented. . the M1dc1Je We.l. Be wUl also speak Christmas ner QU&Ie .and COnnie Yohn. � -:rhe nt.. 9:00 a. m.-Buaineas &eSdon. hoUdaJl. Ruth Jacobson. home, they were not t.o be foun�.... the ca� at FIr. OIl January 19. and at �00 or a. 10 :45 m --Open f um Ruth Norgaard. Viola Tsw. Hugh Tal_ Ing In amusementa. 'AII reported. a Vl'ry Gh()l;t Stolj''": Btanley Berentson and An&COrtl's, January 2111. He spoke at I Ruth Brown, In "Porty Miles an Hour"; led by Dr. C.. P. Harry. Reynold Jacobson and Olal HIo(l'- chetrt'ul Cbrbtmu vacation. �1!va-'1a and Lel:e.ood 1&5t Sunday. lant Professor arid Un.. J. U. xavier en- John Ooplerud arfd Lillian Johnsen. In 12:00 noon-Lunch. nesl5' .'ere plcted for the squad. While PresIdent �tad .. In the Well and Btir:' j). m.-Tour of Unhenity of Mr. Hauge, hncl debate coach. plana tert&t.ned the faculty In two 8JOU[)I at "'141x East. Rc\', Carl FoIlS and. hili &S.5l.stanta I to B\. IW The easta In Ute � pl&YI had pra.c- WMhlngtOn eampua. h t O men'� and Ili'omen'� teamll their home. The lint. party w� (j:lven carry on tht development cam- of two memben eaCh. M there I.l>f' nVI! Decem�r 211. and r d other Wal Itven ttol'd ltea4lly every nllht for two _Ill 2: 1�_ p. m.-Di&cuaalon : The COOtrt� will � on Iht Paeltlc cout. Rev. l' of them ... act as a1terna�·. tatl' r. before 'Chrlstmaa under their own button 01 the Aupburg Contealon to " n ..Jul speak at Chinook and .-.storta on If pos.o<dble MIS5 Sylvia Lanon. who Is tralnlnl co.chlng and finally under that of M.1as Molle rn Llle. InlrQcluced and led by e,'ery member of the squad JanUAry lor a nUrle In the Seattle Genera.! H()I;- Btlxrud, the scbool's dramatic cou:h, Itud�nt from oreron ll"Oups. • get s chance- to debate. Tht dtbal;en wtll � WOl"Il1na: i�- pita!. spent two w�1lI durin&' Chrlstmaa Tb,ta wa.s the fint production of lbe 3:15 p. m'"7D1acuu1on: What 8bould FLObR GIRLS I medlatel)". u the' flnt debate wtll be wtth her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Ludvll club, and many more programs wW be the Objective, or Central. � pf presented durina' the neJ:t lemelter. n Luthrran Student Activity Be: lDtroHA CHRISTM AS PARTY" held about the mlddle of February. !.arBOn. Professor and Mn. O. J. Btuen en.- wUl be the pol lc)\of .the elub to live a duced by a .tudent from W . .B. C. __ I Thl' qut'sUon for debate this year ... By no meaN 8I't some of our newl)' ··Resolved. that all naUorlll �hould , tertalned the faculty and friends 1lt p� once a �th: however, not all 15:30 p: m.-Banquet In ·the Bet.ttle wUI be plays of the one-act type. orpn1ud clubs behind In their anluae- ' adopt a plan of complete dlsannament thelr home, Prlday, Decembe� 21. Chamber of COmmerce, 3rd Avenue and __) Dr. O. A. Tlni'e..tad went down to Work on the. all-school play, for Columbia Bt. All vl�U.w1 Iklep.teI to ments.. Tbe IICOODd-floor ir\rts held II !aeceptl'ng such forces all needed for . � Aogeles. Cau romJe. . to visit Victor which the east will be choeen from the the conretence' W!U be 8U'�ta of the ChrUtmali part}" before vacaUon dAJI poll� purposes:' Elvtllltrom. who Jj In a IItrious nervous Dramatic Club. will not begin ror at Lutheran Women', Le:acu'e of . In the music room on the second noor, l seattle. , ndltlon. ltaat a month, a«onung to Mlsa 8tU.- wl; f«the 6bqua. � hich wu art1sUcal1)' decorated. w "ct: �ENTERTAIN P_ L_ C. Profeuor and Mrs. PbUlp E. HaUlre rud. The ruts. altholllh thl!'y a� not cal- I LlII1an JohnM:n returned to school �ta will be �Id to local ,tw:lenllJ abd entertained two ll"Oupa or faculty mem, . Beatt �onlan. boast that they .pent twenty- I Wednesday. Januan 8. after in liness � .. . ie pt:qp!e at '1 �" �ach, d ben wu one To holidays. the urina' five �nt.s for the lunch Ind had plenty I and 1li1l1 live In the�onnitory th� rest D8f Proira�' Bpeech ' by . Dr. Ham, given a line breatfut. The other croup Arthur Johnson Ind Allen "ErickGreednp rtOfu Or. Wm. Schoeler, 0' of tlle school ·Yt-u. · n consisted of cooties and. chOlXllate. WM enW!rtalned In the evenin&:. &On accompanied [Joyd EdJcbon bAct Orqon. loin. Alired' Johnlon, pruiProfessor and.MrI.. A. W. Ramttad to school from the Chrlstmu vacatioo. d�n� of Lutheran Women', Leque of . e u v . fCoiltIDlMIII _ Pap Fevl,_ _ ::�-::e�� =:�a �:� and apent a day here ,. The annual �obby of lce-skatlnc � LMt 8unc1a, even Dorothy .u OU', Mn. ICvlncUor. In Bot�el • � . . Wi. and Wn. J. U. xavier enW!rtalned ap.1n Laten j)CIUtSSIOn 01 the .tudent . with her ..� madow:' A1thouah not oould lkate:me donDed a ll'01lP of, elc1urJ people aithelrhom.e, 1II)&re t1me, perhaPl .. ,never befO� and one�ht abaft or BIf' Jake HapPY'New Year 1 Th1I wu the ba6!orthe paat weet evenrepl&oed.uch in honor of Mr. Xavier's mother who ' her and favorite sportA u i01ftn&'. ba.&ketbt.l.Unc f 'rule cry 'which rev�rated the hallI her, her eye:t rlaah and me caD-Gan- ... had hH eighty-tint birthda . y' J uary era.! , w re 8. toward. oeDW!r 0 � h it I Imnr and stu ctYtn.r. . �--:e 00 erael1 f:&1n. Alma Mater on the of our. dear old Of cow. IOlf 11 out of the quatkm. abe made a apeet&cular f� elabt, caaifug-abe b&I reeoInd that abI w:m Professor and MrI.. cuUord 01sOn evenfnc ot our return. But lootl � grow at e _� Af· b l one on leut t.o Incbea. Wt.tblD the . BebecaUse the ground 11 st1ll as wbiW! as each. oot mak1nf Chrlatmaa with In day on her handl the ball itaell, the aun �v1n&' fallW' to ter J.and1na' apIn perfecUy ..ent to Portland,' are these comlnl down the tiaU' comlnc year; � that abe may loot over aWe, Later and r abe qu kly melt the mow; aDd buIletb&U hu� Icneea. k resumed he � .bere the dl{lInI room table with oomIort. via1ted irlt.b frlendl None other than our h1thly �; . towarda her tlI bt a come ,a fonied P.fOOeU DOW,,JUIt before �� ahInInc tor . da,.. frlendll. Herbert Tietjen and P'red It alm.oet &eemII i. plty---:'l!.'e '1hal1 . r • the � pmee., thereby IomJi mUCb beac:on OIl the b� � � lake, . Scheel. but &Omehow there 11 a dUter- bardly know ow: old frieQ.da ap1n1_ . cut abe wh1ch in . pleaaure, aDd � 11 by ita; ence.--tIo &ort 01 lona1nc, hWllT1 look In Brict i.Dttoo baa dec:tded to dye h1a of JlC'\treI ?l tile � aur: j t.helr eyts- What? Oh, yes, that'a rtcbt; balr �l Dorothy Eberaole I'aoIvea 'm.,. nature not an IDdoor '! . . ... p.IDed. a \ftri1lc � . . face. __ - oio.' \ they have made a.noth�r 01 thoR an- DI!ftr to pull Iny more Ues or to bit iIPOl\. aUon and.� Are we lnm1uat1nf that only the bon Januar; 1 6-: � the nual tiew Year'1 reaoluUona, nefti" &0 �e. d� lI3O. the C: P• .a. mow bow to .u�, Not IO-! n.e pr. , iq taki', CUffont eat between 'meals and , not; much a.t .:v,.c:tor OD. ,eff � are rea1J,y the � and tbe We of akaUaI down CO Jan""' IT-P. L.C. liDp lp con_ �ume, 10 that the; may pin .. �O�'I place �'Ja4!I' aim 01 the put.leI; � ot 1.beir -- • oert at 8panaway� � fP'CC!flil and awanlille a f� u �t oerta1nly made an January iT-Debate Club Ihw a debate ot Eleanor IAfthUl and uaetr mu..a. tmowIedp 01 t In the heart of every ODe of ua is of .peetrIcltI, lIIIII*iaD7 uac"b&r- �OD. the IfMl III the Recreatloll n:IOD1. ' I Now, wbom do we meet but our litUe that ann�re.oIut1oD that we wUl al­ rel roU&,- '1qop Ule loopl"" IIDd � wt.o ebeend throuabout. the January 17, II. lll-Nc.ib.ftIt Lutberan 8all7 Wanp:o? Her Ii:nUe 11 IWl t.bere, wa,. ba.-..e � le.ona pn!'paI'ed, DI!MT Jfp. -..ur ODe woaJd UdDk CbI7 were .boIe: performance studentl' OoafertDCIe at the Unl ftr_ ! �t tliere .aeaM to be a let esprMI!OD diIobn' ruJea and ro home wttb a _' u.ya our 111"11 can't .ute' drCUI � ;..... • of WUhlnCku In 8eaWe, � liPlo aDd wbeD abe c:a1Cb. • �t A




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O ' "1 Coaches DefmIte y , PI.Ck D. ebate Tearn

Thre(> Additional l\oterhbers Cbos· en Arter Sec:ond Tryout Fri. day; Work�8egin Soon

1I'8tudents' Pres�nt




Interesting PIays

Practlc:e Steadily (or U\roUi�l Pre-ChrlstmR8 Weeks Under :�l'�t::!;"�. �:en: � Own Dramatic Coachin2 7:C�::: ! I











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OetUnl� Aart, mAnY.!e


I College for One



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THE 11001\1"0 IIAST


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roIlf'Ct' craduatet... and 1\'0


Rutl:J No�a.rd played the hI' F'ord In ··Pou,...-Mllf'II .n

the other 100.

liquuk Hoor."



; An1I1 H. itn cholr. , I ai"1 IIft'm to • . by the It\ldin.� of �elflt hU���:: J;; �!:.!: no ..ondn. )'OU"V(- . i LutMr&n COllen. Parkland. Wuhlncton· '8U�Puon.· .·one dollu pe� ,year. . l'ohe kno'A'� lt� . ! S,M'S the 0Ilt' thaI opf'lled It . \ :,-:-�. En� .. �nd (Ius ma,ttfor, October 2. 1925. at the Post OWer at Parkland. _� w�. under lhe Act of Mareb 3, 1m. �r Anna Aamud:' . Tumorrow I'm loh,. to (\n.n myl Advlet! ' from e�laht!d peo\lle . . . St.eIna: Ih.t you art' M.Yln� hOl1'!e to\ room- In a l old 8pt.n1Ah Custom. If j C�rTOl1 SVat"f sa)'lI: Wornen .....m Ix' EDlTO.14L STAFF l . � I you " ', catch nt �he meule•. I'll 1 you 'eee .. meaale. kill It. f I ",1J1I�n. and men at"f ,lad of It EdUor In Chlel-JOHN OOPLERUO 01.1 Ha&lnesa write to you t�1& Ume �K1 to Ma and ....�JQCI8te . Editor Your beloved .room mate, . . �fit.k:e'_UII Editor n e . I CMERaD C N A SE f' U DA ; c.�:I:'eJ��..:\h:h:ro��:�..�;:: COllY F'(lIton< MaNa'�t Holmbel" �Il� ::l:td�: :- 1::1 ��, ·w: �: ;:?to )�� I Sj)Oru EdItor h r \K'llcll I�' ou lot did he mea lut year? s HO...... o��.����a� n ,,1'\' (' �' r l ... . eal )'OU 0000 0 [ lf'l Ruth N'Drfaartl 1 I dy. . el o Inmat Old Exchanges � . U!Ie • FNtures Cora VUita ot nice thlnrp? I took all my st.uff to a I� 01 �I�" during vacation? 80 did , Wrodnf'!<day. MLo;cellallf'OlI� In"a OOplerud :�:� :�y�e .� :n��., a:'::�"t,,�:Z�·� ftl e a We oUilht to havf' �me buddlnl �n. . __ ...-BUSINESS DEP.ARTMENT lOOn after 50 1 let my BWlIIlf'SS M.allllier Gerhard Molden much room In my �ultcase SOr� hlLll'" made a New ! nla. players pntt)MealoM!. SIf'lIa and top Ihf' out ....atf'rl!(! thr tick doll and CUfford hNd lson � 1 ne frO ftO f'l s ,. 'll" Hdmclahl Mlnam O Circulation MlUlll.gf1'r out more Y r r IullOn not 0 • Oeo"," ! lAne then It happened I I heard a lad) Ill): tha n on('r an f'\rnlnl !l8)'11 a renllf'd , tfonnlll courta 80 Utorouahl)' AdYerUs.lna ManllRf'r - ------�anca JorgenllOn Comf' Archibald Napoeleon TYP'" 'This pT""M ",port N. J. nona 0 J Stuf'n "ILII at Fem Hili. I Then 1 looktd and � � � ,.; the", 11Iial< a bllhgoat eatina: all the )'T��ru=..� drnltd f'arl, I I wed;'1 , . n to pull b hllir off my doH I had a notio HAC� TO WORK __ � Art'. Barber Sh••p hb whlskf'rs olr. Oopplf' tf'lt so sorp' , Mr. Stuf'n: My lime Ia alwa)s mef't· .\flt'r sl �,lltlinJo: Iwu ful l we('ks awny frullI M'h nol and dns;-�s ,Brookdale ' in II Irllt' \'Iwlliinn . sl lipi of sJl�pill� Hlul ('atiu�, slulit'lIll1 llnd h'ud l lor nu' Ihat "he � going 10 I':�I hf'r ha�r l inK mt' with 8 questional"" n dolh � I"'S hllH' 1..�uil1 rt'lurlfl'd In Iht' plnn' wh i dl t lH'Y rutlll'r lh's llll!rill..:l:y a�ln i<O I can I)a.�tf' i<Om� � , rn�' � Mr. H8�1If': Wh)' don't you �f' � . I n,fl'r In as Ill(' Illnd' of nil lIu'ir wlk·s. ,hul nlsn II JlI '" whit'll :lr· he�d. 1U bat' k hf'r .... lth an Intelligence test? ' ''jiii iiiii iii t m Iliumper I�O"" cause I ate 50 much j i ;;i; ii iiii� !! � furds lilt'lIl Illr �t'\'nh'sl pll'astln's of Ihl'ir lin'�. __ Olt, whut II I('tiinus, irkstllllt· lask il i� Itl �t'i II do; i u l u 1111' tor ChrlMmas. l ..e resolvtd to diet, and Connll' Mohn: Don't you think It I I ,tM til n�gs-t�en o bell a r dltm l � . ... I(' f' \· w I urnl Ihnl l\"O m 11IIrm'ss uf sl'lltllli lift·, ThoSt· It'SSIlHS sipnply Wlll . be' wondrrtul to kno ' everyturll3. You knol\. you re sup- ....ould r tired fl't'lill� WII1\ ' 1 di!'il I'1I f. 111ltl thlll lhnuJo:ht nf all Hit' Jo:OHII t'llls : . to sit about ten Inl':he-s lrom Ihf' ' Ihlt;!!"? ' \\'\.IUIII III hllllll' gi\'t's us 11 guilty t'Ollst'il'llt·,· wht'l) WI' j'ntl·1' Iht' din- polled Trd ��\'jf'nth: It III. \ table l .touch l ·the tlH f'AI J l. We' IAb ).!lul lUlIS of I l 0 i ug hull lind n'ulizl' Ihlll WI' slln'l" , __ . mllsl hll\,[' mud!' f' Ihf'n I have \ MOl? 'cause I call"t move nllrsdVt's. I Ol'Or�I' Lone': Thn!t yearll ago I ....lLII i Thl'�I' slill l':\" iSI S SUIIl!' hup 's IlInllll� 1ttI' . sI U.d�'lIls 1I.lal, l iI(,Sl' my chair. lUI Mri't. .Krledler Q:etSt-�"'tul l the samr liS Ii 10tal ldlot. and 1"11 lell l t hillI-!." wi l.1 1'�1U11Jo:I" hIlWI" ·I'r. Silll:tl, lht' snl1lt'. t'ollchlulI) I'X ISit'iJ Insl mAd It ....r. !Krapf' our chain< on thE' ' �'O:.J what lUoduCf'd Ihe change. ' ,, t'III' III tlus 1t1111'. IInti ufkr tht' (TISIS. dllU1�('d ftlr Ihl' hdtl'r. . )' Aunt Emma I FrffI Sche('1 Whnt chnnill'? · �\'L'(\-m �urely n7:.u No.... I lUll Tllt' rt' HI'I' sl ill n 'nun�It'r ;)f-!'lIh�ITil�itll1!'1 In lit" Itlrll;'d i n fol' :«'nt me some rffi nanne'ls. Bud Anc!�rson fa Dentlll t : Say. mister. tht'· SIl�II. \\'hy IH II ).Wl lhelll ill !IS SIIIIIl IlS lJussihlt' lind (ltus ('Iim i u - �·ou. how I':ftll. onl! be �of�tokaUod with could you put 8 plate In my mooth? Ilk II 101 of U 1\ 'I'I'ssu n work fill' Ihl' (';1"t'ulalion lIIanaj.!t'r I1I fI his Ihrm? You oughl to SE'f' Tt"d wIth' his , 1 ne..... eoroll, he looks like Don One. I , Denl lst : VounR man. I could ;put as.sislllnis. hf'ftrd !hllt ArLSlotle loot.!; p"'tly bad Irar In ! hal mouth, • "\ '� no..... 'ilkI' Doll Wane I I thInk hf1' I� sick NEW YEAR. · Annlht'r YI'ar hilS rlllll·t,J {l rllunti. l ak i n � nr�I I)1Isl hislury. .\11 and !IOOlt' one 58.ld it ...-as hea trouble 10�:; ����\� O�h!:!��1< C,,� 1 , ", ull its joys ilIlil surrnws. 'ull ils SUt't'I'SSt'S I hop!' It a n't senou:oi, ' Ihe t'\'('nls of Iht'�plIsl YI·ur. WOO'Ilf;r, and failun's ,,,, i ll SOlffi he rnr�u l l I Thl' world is pn'ssill� IInwnrtl l "" "" "" "" � "" ����� ���o���o;on. ho....·. do you � �"" III IU'W Jo:tmls, nt'W illl·tlls; tilt' post lIlust h(' It'fl lt) ilst' If. " ""i1 n IIr 'S Il S I r l 1 1 HA 1 i Sanltt)' J.: Rooaterl t 1 nUlhi l \\ (�:::; 4 ;ot\I:;\17�:�� 1 l��! �11��. i)1� �����) s 7;r �I)I , i �;�k �


'7 two .re.elta �11I'1nI


the � �

(. W:�::r:t':e��:i,):.






]){lOr 11"_"0.'



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WI' hnw l1Iull('. Ihl' hluml('rs Wt' hl1\"c l'uUllllilh'd IIr l'ur('11·S. ";I\t'SS, l lk i nd ''''mlls \H' ha\'(' spokcll in Ih(' IUUl1Ic1I1 (If fur· />It·tfuhws...; will nil siund IIt'spilt, uur musl dcspI'rnk dfurls Itl crUSt� 1 . :11('111, �




1.1.'1 US rullwr gn ('vcr fnrwurd, profitill� liy III(' mi.slukt,s we i r l ' fl 1 ) · /1� :����� �� "�'l:� t��( l1l� , l.'h�i � ,��" � il::� ,\!:,l����. �. i)l ) uur n'lulitlllsllip "'ilh o'ur (['lIu\\' 111('11 11'1 us tit.'! always 10 Ihl' IK·"I . of otlr ubilily Anti Ihis WilY, ",Iwtlwl' til' nol we allllin ottr j.!oul, WI' shll l l a l ways "i� ubiI.' I I I look hut'k 1 1 1 1 our pusl lifl' with u 1'1('111' alit! be allll' lu sn�' : :'Allhutl1!1l pl.'rhnps I ,,"us Tlol nlwll�' s Sllt' 't'ssful, t I plnYt'tI t il t' �t1l11e tl!'l WI.'II tis I (·ould."

������\.::�,��I�': in


l �



� �


COlliI.' 011 I'\'l'ryhmly ! ' s stll'pl�rl til(' It'um III <A.'lIlrnliu. unlu.� lIi�ht·, ----


We try to carry f'xery\hlnR In lltock that wW IIU thf' ordinary "'ant.<;;. It we don·t bave what you need ,tell WI and 11"1" will get It. Prtcn and Qw.aJ.Ity Al1r.iYS Guannkrrd


. Orocena, P'iOW-, Hay, On1n. Peed. _Shoe.. Rubber �, Drup, _ _ = ,..,. == . .... '-' . Pll!=blni SUPPU� Palnta, Rooflna" -, ,YADlBON lot.l'4 PHONES lIADl80N INN PARltLAln>, W4811.


United Purity

Phonc Mudi!Oon 381R R";' �

Porkland. W"sh:








Repairing a Spedalty






0"'''' 111

c o lf' 11th St, In�: ��: l�:;:: , tl�f'.P:: �hlldren, � = = � '� "� d. � U� ty=� BId ; '� .'� = �1 ,I lhl'fl' Wf'rt' lhtt'f'/ mf'n. Two �t thf'm \\'atc:h


_ _ __








Bankera Trust Bldg. ALM.tN L. SWANSON. Pres WI!:8LEV LANOtOW. T\Ue Examiner




GET YOUR OUTFIT .HERE Sweaters. CruiMrs. Shoes. !\-littens and Skis are lIome of the Necessary ArUc�8 SNOW SPORTS




Scarlet and navy sbim th�

o. G � Sh�t� EJlERYTHING IN MUSIC is reduced '


l4irror imooth l.ake. are c&Wnc tor Juit .uch a woolly akaUne out­

tit ILII thlli! 'l1\e ecarlet a:ew neck aweater and Jaunty beret lace nayY blue panela to matdl ktUt navy blue . at1r1.. 125 •. Wool Ilova. 1iOCU, ecarta at' Rhodes..

the ple&t,ed

--8port. Shop, Thl.rd PIoor





. '\



' ' , )Sched U1e '


U ll





1lJ.0000t .
















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--, 1 -
















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' F


' 1. PadIk: AYe



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THAT it is


II privi ege lop be elif.l;ihlt' fur one o( UlIf' "Special" POIit'iCM, which art' ineulUporuhl(' �

Wf'ote $1 W,OOn,flO tI( BROTHERHOOD insurance ill thrcl'

at one of our Lutheran CuUcl(Cs'! THAT' w(' iSSUl'd $1.2=}l,Onn,Oo in {k"tuher

THAT one o( our u gents



A MutuaLCompany-Organiud 1914 P1Irai.hea Water, Liglit and Power to Memben Onl" W� ...tnlma·m 60e per ,Molith �eladllll lOO ·eD • .ft. water .. P.arkland.·Washington

ll_'.' I "a


I '!




P. L C. For further in(onnatioD apply to.

r.l'THER.A:,\� weeks

TH.AT we (ur e !


year" once




lut"e on'r ;I:i lI1i11.inns of, insur-'

IItate qt.)

Full infurmation ciu.'Criully Hi\'en. (Please


Herman I Eker;t, Prc�i�111 � •... � 0:. . .... Minneapoli8�lin!l' \I ' 1200-k Met. Hank Bldg. ' E. B. ELLINGSON. Mgr. J. O�"'..aD --��lm.---=�s=s=3E��s=s=�5a=m�=====a��·�=oW �,�u=�=�=�=====�=�SUuu��$5���==�=����



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M.t. ' 3151

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I;:=========� I ' I


The � test fOl' worahlp ia: Dorea ,J:our wonllip 1ea,4·you to lean ()n God? The third test for "onblp LI: Ooee SPECIAL BUSSES, FOR PARTIES ou, WOnhIp ,... you "' oboy God? ,. should ere.te • dea1re to mate )'OW' Any Any Pltu:e own life like God's. It should 1ead you cau Mr. L70N Main 24.31 to say. wOod's wtJl Is my wW." DO you , TACOMA US COMPANY go trom worahll;) with UuU determin. ation In )'OW' bean? Key.IItoDe Pri..U...·C;a:.. I..e.



TIo(IDMA. u.u,.'

IkUer PrlDtIq .



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' � emon -Rn�lted Pla�'8 in Game special llMe�blY al t�e Unooln H.I�� , :�!!::�t� �I�l':�;-;he�:�::':d: . 51'erre Omd..l. '21. 5e1l\or al,.. Bt. SChool To thb date the b&ske�ball sch1ule ' IhI one In Taoomr.. !'l'. 10. . or their nt m ' I II so �� 8� On the loc.l floor lut Frld.y eveninlll O)aI Collqt. Northfield. Mlnllesota. . PTelildent T1n�lItad 1\'U the spee.ker as nOI bftn fully completed.' but sev, 1 Important games.for �e nrst partl:�:��7e���lal��e�h�� �rv:' the PaclIle Lutheran fh'e recorded lUI spent ChrlstmM vacation ...·Ith hill .. nd h.d ' for hill topic H� America f the. J'qular int.erseholuUc lM!�n have done .some \'.e credlt.ble .....ork Impressive victor}' o\'er the strona Johu pa�nll\ it.t 80..... Wash nd vlll.lted the The musical l)Ilrt of the proer Lumber .Company ba.sketb.ll .ve already been arn.ncec1 t coll� one d.y. gram. M '"'"fed by ProleMOt' J. O. the Logger s'itnt tUm rtve and t�"" 36 to UI .score. by m • Tonlaht the ·Ol&dl.atora play their lI ag.lnst 'Taco"!' 1 Ed_rda. cor'llliltl ed In • (TJ)\IP of 't1\"{) n Individual man po�r .re IIh'Ong The0 pme tnt conference !fIme on the local floor. I in the sllahtty rough nd Irene DlMth. .....ho tnchlng .t OeoI_ j'OCIlI. 101011 by Ann. MJltkebon and • �.r's reserves. flnt they. 'rill face the c. ) The lut ri n m ed a t ce pla oup of y g . � I u p� S.th1llReserves. ,* l'J h Violin lIOlOII by waUI� � see !!. � , r1;"l l" d * M ll n . vl ted er I ren In. r Bothth� Lutherans. the oth r hand Johnson. for the Luth.e�. playfit Alter a thtft-d.y test . aMlst.ed by Cora ylllt.P.� Kerr 1\�1I In their good pme .t lorw� an!! worked \'ery i Tlllcoma. one ppre&sed nOI Igam r the Lutheraru tra\·el· to Central� to II have �hool ofCh�lrll High ing Uncoln S. The ! e two and wlnpractice bIln1e the'Centralla Junior Collqe -rln·. 1 nin l lrelle More. ....ho ill teaching 'at Or g thI'C'C. Ho...los pl.}'� .W've�1 �ectlon� It the ever. they M\'e ' lm- 'a'ell at the center �Itlon. subatltutlnll . e e l ed \ mb1 . . ' M' her spent S�.n�. ne,r Park t two p during chard he p ooIt: l � greatly � d :'�': � S: U t ��!�� \e fO\'e tupalng ts. �1�?�0�;� �e�:: J:�r '� \·.c.tlon in TICOrI'La 1vith her pannu.. === m three decWve vlctor� , =========:. . Pcb .5e�: ��n�um �ame wlth c, p'egeS·. l weeks es ln':: Uma The :Uneup: , ny games. . Rc ru.ry l �: return game l The · ' . Dower p . . L. C. ! �iY Ooplerurt 111 talt.lng • COUrM: It SChOQI Book",'snd g�e will begin at 1:30 p. m . James with Mount vemon, ruary 18.. and . F Oardt!..!l the Pacific &auly Sch.ool In Portland . . .' �tl!o"l ,.me �Ith Centrallil In the SuppheM F Ill) JohMon Ihll winter ' Jack . '' -last we<ek In hbru.a.-ry. , . Han150n C IolItton .IItVrIIlIIn. Shafh'r, . , (.ullkl,n Other i.mes WI1 1 be arranged. \\ . 'I" Levinson G ( 3 ) C Munson o n� :� FuulI�ui n I 't'":<' .t �l'.b. ��: � : Nyman �:;"w=;: � 4 If.; G . ) r e ( m th , I1 :\ uthurl7.l'tI tit'ul. t'r t IIdt.r_ l:HRISTMAS VACAT Substitutions: J?hn Doftr-Sller 111 A3torill. o! everyon� Bact. .,.1n .nd. all Polce ION TII.T . Oregon. , . J.mea: .Bookley ( 1) lor H.rrbon; BRINGS .. WtHHI Portalllt' 1Y1K'wrtll'r 21 VICTORY hIHeU _ '_ PPY? It surely does :teem tood to be tor . , Hugh� I I ) f()r Levill$(){l. . b' CQperson. ce '28. ill �hlIlfl at A " II C In Ulelr only pme durtna: the Chrl�t- baci; on the campus qaln. . , 'If" A . P. L C.-B ..Munson for OardLln; Walcott ' North Dakota MIS/i C�spermu \'ac,Uon the Gladiator casaba OUl- ! I told you the team needed your suP- Ban .. atlonen t n for Johnson'' ColLOm (8) lor " Boobeller&--S ' �.on . West year. ne comh1.ll xt 909 .... Pac. Ave. Main U'lO fit humbled the PeaPle'S, Btore five. of part e\'en durlnl those lint t....o. defeats Jobl�.. Th05tensen for Nyman.. Gray plans on Tacom•. by' a U to 2.1 scon. • ••_';, v--erm.rm lor B. MunSlnc:e that second. defeat the te.m ccr� tor C. unson. 8ch1. l ls r ' a dne for l ho h p. ft :�������::: �:�f ss !t ��it ��ft&-�� s'Lumtea tainlY 'hU pull� out o t th;:�h � i;�7ra!':��': e�� .:� ha. t . ms: � defeated thN!'f Tacoma city ' ' «If' of the noor. and at no tlme d.ld the "The tic th.t bind!... Offlcl.ilI: Releree. O. Hlt�; :;corer. Ili:'I'i . the N0rthem Patfli c. the PeepI�s. Store, Cronqulst ' I)f'r SI101), Parkl Unt I Bar ,Motto Prople'S fh'e e\' � n threaten the ever tllner! Lee I �.THE AHAFrIendship the John Dower live the order = Increasing lead rolled up by the Pacltlc and T D N 'T O II M S U named All these rate quite tlih .... .... i I?aeUtc Atoenue Phone MaIn und Ccmft·('iicmt'r�' bo�s Hlah scormg honora went to N�- In their respective Jeasues GRADE BET'J;:ER man with 12 points to hill credit -_d O'fC ft Ol. U and � � Salls �� The Llneup , II� � � Fllmlsh lnp And noll; �Ith the pracUce g.m es HAIR CUTTING TO SlllT ������������ People s �torc P. L. C. over, the te.m ta.clng a very .Itltf JETLAND & ALAGRUTI , � L. Sanderson t81 1". tlf.) Child n Ehrlichm Drumheller. n & � THE INDIVIDUAl. P .ger to schedule. M according an Fred 91� Pacifle Avenue 8. Munson rial (2) Jones White : To start the b'lnterence schedule TACOMA Thostensen 121 C R. UlIje k Lee All �tylet4 ftl LellS Money I the Oladlatora·mect the strong C. P. S. c Inve.tment S uritie. r C. Munson . G A. LllLjebeck Reserves e . toNght: G ' Sager Phone Main 81 ' 1115 PatUic A\e B. Nyman ( 1 2 ) R P. de . BUTTER.NUT . . skte th1ll oug'ht be! f'a��:; ;�p��;s �::; :�e;:�: InAnd what ch.t wUt'f" O. F. Hlte of the . BREAD Whittaker. co \' RLcb All Bullee 'j firightcn up the home with StudiO: Main 2289. Rea.: P. 1281 1 �.5e;e;·r!'�g ,:'�:Oy:� =�, �� SWEET -\S A NUT : didn 't say this in a boutlng w.y but (ew CI�wers ilr a nit,t, . CHAPEL TALK I "0 come. let us wonhlp abd bow as a matter of fact. I 1 bloominJ:l plnnt . Flower.! -down: let us kneel before the Lord ....runk J, Lee our mak�r. The Raervea comln&: out to wjn, I fur c\'t'r�'body ami c\·cry. portralt .nd Commercial " For He ill our Cod: and ft � the and they wUl put every ounce they LIEN & SELVIG thinJ:l have Into the alrair. ! .CaIUo ia Bldg n m 1 ,! ��: ��' l: � :i�:: �� · r No 01 . Seamoru Flol"er bnporten; since pulled H1s '·olee. Entrance: 112'.. Padne Ave. they Luthe�. But the "H.rden not your heart." oul of theil', $Iump. certalnly�ught at wegian Cod Liver Shop and 1111'� commerce. St. There !JJ no privilege that can be lefUlt to give the Reserves . run or bet9th &: Broad....y Oil compared to 'the Christlan·s. All Chrls· tel" IItlll. do' as we expect. register a -� H ' tlans we have the privUere of call1ng victory. . Cor. Tacoma Avenue &: 11th St. -the true God out ()t the heavens to our i r Tacoma. Wuh. very aide In Chrtstlan wonhlp. Thill Is To .J' the lcaat, this pme should THE 'FISHER COUP l. ANY t truly a creat prlVUep. As Chrla:uans oert&l:nly not be m1ssed by one P. L. C. TACOMA'S OWN STORE Prec DdlftTJ' : :": :v�� e:!:y ;��w:� ::�n!::���s:�:� �n��:o�:: IItuHEADQUARTERS FOR YOUTH n n " r . o � Apparel for College Women and Men advant.aBe do we tab of thl.s? What does our worship mean to us? There On Saturd.y the Gladiator tive leave lor the ilrat time this ill an aceurate test to apply to wor- their own The StudentS do .0=====================; :!�IO� h'�lt :t :s!::r;e�:e� i:::' I�t��'�lt�: ����t�. Junior Col· say they have nev�r . MEeeA RESerAURANGJ: God? Worship Is a personal thing with Cod. You wcnhlpplng ,be- However, the Mooring i.r.l.St wW live Open All Night been i� Tacoma un· llever must be brought close to God. an " complete word "lcture of this I 13th &: COl11n;er,c/" TRY OUR ANNEX Worahlp Is meant prlmartly tor the game to be pl.yed Centralia. les", they bave eaten he r h c a� :�:�n O���:��I� ;=��I� � � �� ....,aln we slg�;:;;:-with the hope of 50ul ...·h.t lood Is to the body. and seeing an tOnlaht at 1:30 in the gymTelephone !4a.1n 5900 Car'yk'. CaleteriG ::;:�13 ;re :� �=� a: :u..: �:;:��e�:�a::e �o� �p. stubr KARL A. ANDERSON p� SIIEZT IIftAL wo.':s Ood. H Is otten hard to eJ:elude TAa . OIlAVIlL �rtNG. M\1&LLa. ",.HACa thlnlS that don·t beloIlfl there in .. TACOMA. WABH. ! 613 BT. HELENS AVE. Photographer ment of devotion. and we flnd our- ' &. selyes doing Just the contrary to the 'Stationery � 'f 'hin" """'" '0', · ll I Individual I lii!� "tor Clubs. 8oe1etles and l" � PII:���noftb:=:C: :�::: &mool �� , �!,.th� =- Yoo .,. """'no """ )

Wlt ra s.. .



� I STUDENTS niRNISH I ' I' :" Hoop Men til-Meet I Basketm.en Score & Severa I'ROGRAM AT LINCOLN ' Tellm , \�� .:! 'N�w. SI'ECIAL ASSEMBLY GaII\es for Boys, Best of Competition , On Lumber . 1.)-e1l Kreldlu; .. student'"at... W... S.""" c.. B:tfOl"f' M .ppreel t1� .�enee of . Con�erence Gam" to & I layed In C P S 'Reserves John Vower Company 1..0s1 10 �ptnt h15 Ctu'tl!lmu \'ae.Uon herr, wllh ,hl,11 !lChool atudenLi Pacllic Luthen.n � �:I P'i\�' �f\'es. ce ' --- . . Tune of 36' 10 19; ROUKh. · his mothtr. :JoiletW lurn�C'd Ihe procram few .. RKLANO.

__ __ !__ __ __ __ __




Water fami":ed to



(Lep1 R.eeerve We tn.urance) •.


PAO. ..




TTEND TUDENTs ' A E S. ON ERE E S A K.t"'rrlnr O�ld rntr�lnrd 1Io·lth R I FNm �.OM�I.E Supda,... J.n. �ud�nta a..od C (�tI F ..NC . " -luncheon for thr follollo-lng ,p L. C . near returned to P. 1.. C. All rrpor- ! u 192!I: pr�drllt or :no R J.on lr th �cm,,"" KlIlm.n. l.!; I , Arthur tf'd �njoyabl� v.c:.UON but .ft, ,].d Sealll� _ __ . Soh'rlG R ·00 and Iht' 5tudi!'ntJI .. "Illl!' PadflC' LUlhrra CoI]�r Choir· cob.wl\. uth .Norga.rd. to ""t !Mdt 10 .school, and SH-m to be Inlt�'1!'1l Club. f1l.T of 1929 with . EndlnJl: y R old Bro Ihe Kllall'lnd.l h . n : .. Emm. n. ut , Rt' o n . th� lAl.l hf'r.n !1rf!R IM It.!! sn:ond rrllmlnary co 'anxious 10 get down to ort ap..\n. . •� t'1';5lcd .� offlcl!'flI. Of Pl!'P ng, 7, SIi!'1l1'1 Johnson. Marli!' Om�.]. Oftgny bllng and !!.howlng • rf'al splrlt of l t'\ n N"n on WMnnda�' _ th l l of o A86C)C'I.lI lI l In St udl!':m l!' Pac f r l -Ing In thi!' �bytH"lan Church at Sum- an: SoI\�lg HJi!'nrutad, Aan tll Kllp- lind i!'nt huslum In !l1lo.. bo»"!'II . Mond.y. Jan. a.-F1.rst d.! of sc:hoo North.�!t. Toutml.3l�r: Rev. 0, Ihis nt'.. rear of !m, pi!'r. thl!' !Int· huln@. be-f-n thl!' C'ompl\- PI!': . VI!': donnl tory rt the flmt'. !tODd · P UI!'$d \' � EY th Bremi!'r. slud«mt putor. Unlvenlitr of . Chrl!ltrna.' C',b1 , I I T Jan: '1lC'('rt for thr I · � ��:S� Anna Aamodt hu not ri!'turnll'd lrom l lh� .dormltpry bor� l\ part)' ·· ...hich wtll Wuhln\!:lon. Music by I�WI!':1I. C1Ub Parkl.nd Communlt . rom on t r r . h on:.h.estra, Ink.�·i!'U ,trl.' trio. .nd lIiltsln� , �maln In our mC'morl� 'C!I!' • 10nL n), !IOI.It "'f'm. PT'OIlram at the Sumner �r't her homo.. .t CI.l.&lI:&nle, ��ru =:P =tI: ::��� �om� f lmf· 10 'luotl!' tht' of m.ny Wrdnt'ld .;. J�n, ,Inti Itl �II m.le quajteL , .... s R!\ fOIlO.",:<: d�u I e . 1. !II.n••" J."'''r:J CHOIR . of {he bo�'lI. _ ' lI"t full contf'rt of the )�.r .t ·Sum- J ' , , GladliOml!' R.adlan� al Su·nd.y Schoo] J _ GrNchanlnotf I 10:00 II. m.-Sprc ' nero In! Th:� �]. I!'\t'nt fr.tunod the "'C'.rin, Irll!'n{\! vi.stlt!d rothy Ll!':hm.nn Do ll:a.rd t.u_hl b,· .. 8ludent8 Ed UlllvrrsitY S S"-e.!'1 AnVI VOICH 1 0! childish costume. by both boys .nd I ThUrsd.y. J.n, 9.-lIar01d Ora), mreta l c]ass lor on Ne'll' Yu.r's Day. of b. o! W. o 8acl"C'd Head ChruUallll!'n Beallli!' . !'·Ith . grt.\"t'' In the ma1n l � J. H. __ ! t1rls. and. not to Inslnuatt tWaf thry �11 Storl!' Hvld!' Flok ' 1 1 :00 fl, m._Dlvlni!' 8I!'rvlc:n. t.hl!' floor hai-d. Harold? hllil. WM Herbe.n l1etJt'n and Ted �E'vJenth !don·t .h.-.ys ]ook !fOOd. It ,,·u re. ' Soler-Henry Ho]m,Jen.'\C'n l l Anclenon· and by pro Harr:o', Specl.1 mu.�Ic. sPI!'nt ChrlBunu \-acaUon at · Ihttr , m.rkll'd th.t thr youngsters really f'l' d"y. Jan, 10.-Bud Bill Nym.n roul�n·t find thdr , 12:30 p. m._Dlnner. cuti!', Most of the !prill wOre ribF'ra.ndaoo, C.llfomill. homl!':! PTayl!'l' Ptrf('oC't Stenson !!"k.tH. so thi!')' d«lded to 't'bIU the l:00.3:3t'l ·p: m._Tour of thC' cll)·. , -- . . boll5 In their hair .·hllC' the boys .p. , The 511('"1 Voice Caro Rom. fter " 4:00 p,. m._nrrald.e' hour IlIfOC'mal. • • L conll!'t'Ilporary Civilization el • Arnold ThOllernon and Bill Nym.n �J?d In knlcker-bcxten and \l.IfSoI IjN;' Song Orlrj dlScU!slon Refresruntnt8. . ' .11. ' ln E\'I!'�tt during vacation. �t.., v1!lt ed 'SoIIJl'. -Anna Mikkel.wn ' n me>elinp not otherwise dHienatone-.ct !I.-Ttlret .)'. S.lur J.n d by !;O 5tunt8 -Tht' l>rorram rulsted of t CHOIR Luth.Unlver.Uty the In ·111 br, ht'ld , pl.ys .rt pruC'nif'd by the � ... h.vill, Ihl!' �Itor)' ilrls, m ent Chr:tstmu Chrtstill.ll5f'n , ' 11'\10 Oam f'] �p Coml!' ThOll SIII'lour t'nln .church. E. �th St. lind laUt ,'n, Club In the Oymnuturn, ' his p.rents at J.m('StOwn. North Da- a I�a:/rd time ..'lth their Ford. •nd the o�ad 01 Uft' Christiansen , prf'Senti!':d • p.n· Monda.y, Jan. 13.-8tudenta of ,the Ed- N. E: . dOMl)llpry boys, Yl' ' TKhalltO'llt'!lty I tot.&. ucatJonal MNsuremtnt8 e1'-35 are in J tomlmt' act. The f.c-ulty mi!'mbers IIv-Sno,,"' M() ain Chr1!1Uallll!'n l th��r glory no.... Of all !hI!' tHts thC'y .Lso t.o pre: ! E\'elyn Solum sPl!'nt Jut "'·ret-end In · .Ing In the dormitory VIOLIN , B�merton ..1th Elvera HOkrns ha\'C' having! 1 Sl llt 1\ 5tunl but esc.ped thl!': t.orture by I Hejre K.U HublLy � a.''s b�adth. "'hC'n ont of Ihem Tuesd.y. J.n, f4.-Nothlng SprclAI. on- I -....,� MArla Sc:hubert'-Wllht'lmJ ! e more t lr . . h \ - fa HUs � _ u I lln Ol " 1 �':-:n;=�lth ��:�� TT SI\�.l. , ca�:� gtneral . n Z v:e l!�:::"W�I1 U Ke I I her of part a spent Solne MurlC'1 Claus p.rty. the of • - ---, CHOIR \.(1 !p"r tht' presrnta Chrl51mu vI.calion vls1Ung In Beatt!i!' I hC'1't In Mate Me 0 Lord God GIRLS GIVE Brahmll COLLE E klddl the to tll LlJNCHEON l From Hl'.l n Above Chrl5Uamt'11 1 Cont.e!lt.� In thi!' form of rel.y races -IRteltatlve-....nna MlkltrlSOl'n l R. H. L. "'IONZINGO The dfl)·room ItIrlll\nJo)ed . Christ· "fOre hC'ld Ihe mOISt IntemUng of � All M} Hearl'n i .as the ch DENTISTRY . mas thl!' mult ! .nd tl"l!'e party Thun· "'''I ..... Beauntul Sa,10r . Chrbtlan.�n ' ; d.v DC'ci!'mbrr 19 .t 12 00 0clock 10 btlng • IIi!' 'Soler-Mrs C Olson) 1 3",. WA8HINOTON BLDG 8I!'rved "Her thr W' galt,)" 'n ,o Tht I, l'''' �chedulf'd conct'rt III to be t hl!' Colltl\' Oay Room: which u M. Tacoma Wuh l d t In the Chr1stm8.!l colors of the party broke lip by .n exchange of f �hen F't1dal e''enlng J.nullr\ 11 .t I l!'COra i!'Jl .." "".... ".." "' ''''' "" !." .. . green ...nd red and C'vl!'rgreI!':n branches )t'lls ft'Olll Ihe bon and the ctrls . ay Thi!' c:holr Is Itl!'adll} .nd Span Thi!' reclf Uon elaboratl!'ly The mt'nu wu fruit salad sandD" t room TSCHUNKO'S rllp!dh adding ne. selC'CUons to Its I dteOr8ta1 with . Christmas tift stand· "'� che� eooItl� caktll and calldlrs , ' 80_ of Flo.en I1'pertolre Ihe lati!'�t bring a ne.. com.� �- ...... :i' E!" W :, � .$ HlntlerUC' pmldenl acted as Ins In one coml!'r lind evel'freC'n sprays pclSltion by OlrC'Ctor Ed""rcb 'TI� A TlI.ooma $ f.vorlte flower shop ! to.pmlstreas and Marle Vandlnbul'i above thC' windows The lI,ht8 'll'ere ! Good Thing So Pactllc Avenue .t Mlth .Md\]drC'd Card Sti!'lI. Sorboi!' and An- dimmed by red .nd lJ'fto shadt8 _____ I 920 Broad.....y nil. Mlltkelsen gave .ppropri.te toastJI PHONES Mad. 51�M.d 515 Phone Broad.....y 1-421 OF CLUB-After Mlldrtd Citro had ]1I'd In .l Muiper-U.e A: ."I'Itea1rical c-. .TO BE OREGON rlill. the !prill uchangecl. rtfts ac- , t_ea, TuN. fell .. )' nrBut. -.... ..t • Th!" Debate clUb .\5 preM'nUnS IIlI rordlng to the names they, had drawn. ' . II&beal E. Thorsen 6I!'('()nd debate FrIday. Jan. 14 II.t . 1 :30 There certainly �-as a v.rii!'ty. everY. ! � In tbe Rl!'a"eatlon ROom. Thl!': QuestJon �hlnlt" from • doll In. • bug� to date boo t . ftt K �, IIaJ:a 1111 tor lI.J"f'Wllent Is: Resolved that extra.u ld i!' h al o t n � " � th: �l:: �� �:'. �: ��! :�; : �:O�h�� ::n :7 :: �rerrl:: I The 0rC'f0n system of debating "'111 broke up, l � . :::II!'�:� The nimble IIi!' �n=tI: Ito ::':� h like the second-h.nd upon . C1oct; as �II a.s the partielpant8, bC'CaUSl!' of We SC"I!' II fly. while the hour-hand 0( at IIlI oomplexlty. truth Those debating .ft: Fred Wl.iter and to at&nd sOU; and yet It movea , � ,' " ' lI07,BROADWAY Marie Vandlnhl!'l'i on the negath'e 8I!'ems {fam, and H.rold Gray .nd Dagny An llI at WI. tor thC' eloct wtIl not. I HJe�stad on the .WrmaUve, Ola! !:







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se In . Increa . E.htorlal Statl On ! Th, ""'''In, CI", h,re. whl,h WM Of Lu theran ('Jub Th' P"mp'ln Sh,l\. ,,,,,II< I"n,hln E!lrollment N umber d h d g n d ba ld -Job For Semester l i::::�:). :�� �t=� t�: :;f�� ::� I �� �::g: .�� ('���. ('���ll:��(':� :oJ. For This Semester cause of conflicts. No ddlnlte date O(r c a l P. L. C.'es chllngM hands and b now'operated by f;;l . . �. Mr. and Ml'$. ,,:,. S. Abbott. of Tacoma. Registration Now 20-1; MOore ExII')rst Tim e. Change -"!Is IJeen �n SC't )'('1 for thill debate . .:rhe AUend (>rogram; Hinder!il' . Elected to Offit'1" who have le� It for year. Abbott , Pe<'ted; Test'hinlt" Staff and Made at �hd·Year; Ohu Hage- question ill: Resolved. that extra-CUfrl· The Currirulum Enlar �ed ; No I took th... pla� O\'l'r JRnuilfY cular acl!vltles. a., now. co"1ucted. Rfe I ne�810 Take Helm: Saga . To HR\'e' . . Snturd ay Cht:88e8 detrltm.'1I11l1 10 good 5C�OIR�lp GopJerud I At tht' PncHlc Northwest Luthl'ran Abbottll ... from Texu th:1'I'- monlh'lI ago. Smdl'ntli' Con!l'rcnce held In sealtle ! Wilh sludl'nt!! alrl'ady ",I�tered. Foil n h ' d IsI ' O h I . JaJlUary 17. ]8. and 19 seven schools of In� r.�a:� �l�r; I::' f:�1 �Il� �h:IO;:I:� i Elt'c.,t E, t'ly" Soliinl.; Reglstrllr HAuge allnounCf!(\ TUf'SdA'}' Washlngtoll and Oregon were repre- A�k DraluatJc Clu J, Jl1"O\"aJ of the facult)' the M'oorlng MR.5t I FC)rt'"l�IC _' . �I . anHI-!"e'r ' r.wdenl delegates and pastMt he "')[ 1X'C11l the lotal enrollment 10 �nted b} 'fC) HeP eat" Play". In "'Il! bt- Jlut out nex; semester under re-ach,'al l...alll Ihls ytar This III the For Df'huh' Squud riOrS. The official representative'S of Of I l Pacific LulherRIl Coilege. Professor Y.l. Outlyinll Distriftl'l hHgt'"�1 t'nrollml'll! �t. PacIfic Luthel"Rn . -l:::h�::�lf ��: �l �:�:!'I Mt�����:' 1 I n m Emma] Hl'l Miriam c;,ollegt> ...llIct' Ihe N>Org8"nltllrlon of t� H. Helmdahl. . li y !' E e<:t � \' l sludelll, � So]um !'I n TIll' "'11\ . headt'd by 01111 Hageness. who Dahl. ,!eorge LAn... and I MIs.� Su:>..rud. drllmallc club coach. �choo] . 5ueceed John bOlllerud �Itor-In_ Ihelr "wetln� ]1I.l5! Thul"$dll\·. as for_ I Kaaland. [rene \·....II ] chllnlle� hlw.. bet>n mlldl' In ("hle� Th(> phm to be- follo,,·td. If 11 15 �IIStc mtlllagl"r of· thl" 1930 ];lterc911(>g - I ::��:�Ii�I�s:'n. N'JlOrled 1111 IntNe-stlng ,I has a�nounced thlll the Dramatic Club. Ihs..eteachIng stllff 10 aecommooate the­ . hl wa the tOllnc! to. "'ork Ollt to good ad\'lIntagl'. lale drball' squad at L. C The Olher . , which presented FOuP of one-Ict conferId IInll1l1ll � hlcrell...W1:1 ("nrallment. V E. E] l1estrom . . r ... ... by tilt"" nominll llnJ,l ' ence to chlillge slarr.� belwe-en seme�ler... del"lllllel e("sUllgt"sled , ] '\n the college auditorIum II shorl who of or students. hwl'sl utheran � 'I ll.. . L t � bt l h n .. ... II. workIng II� field man tor 'n W l . comml Ol�on. hur . ( each year. e t h d lime 880, hll� bet>n lI...�kl""d to Ilf('!\f."nt" Ih(" coll("ge. wll1 tellch R doubl(- COUTSr TIll!'! l)llIn hll.'i bl'en UIl. der con...lder- I Wllhln III!' nexl wt'l'k or I WO MISS I ��� ��!�r. ::�:n �: w:� ::I�: 07��I:� �"l Ihf" same pla}s In .:;2\'erlll of Ihe out, In lI]gebrll ltnd II cour!lf' hlgh-5Chool completl'l IIrranl{t 'f'X to Solum ,'I. II110n for thl' Ia.�t IWO but I ' IH'Ct!! l ll' t bI'�lde-5 acllng a� m'Rnagef of RIIl'r tltt' �Iudl'nu deelded ';0 sup:r� �hI'flU]r for both ml'n·... and womell'5 , �:;�.::��I:.�:t:;n �:a: :;I::: ��! ��:� 1 1�'lnfl" dlslricts. Including Am"rlC8.n ��:Io�gy. holr li nd slllX'n1sor of Ihe Cllmpu.1 antHllII Ihls )'ear WIIS thl' finAl "tiP I leams with R..� many il-Chools ill this I �'ersll )' of Washington under the aus- ' Lake, ""'ItI' Vletl.· Sal)Atotlum. dl'\'e opmenl. President Tlnll:elstad. betakl'n. BI'CRUSl' Ihl... Is a small S�II001 I·tclnlly It Is pos.�lble to debll.le Hur_ 1 )licl'� of Ihl' local LUlheran tudenl l Mclnf"�. An� Tllcomll. of his many othf'r duties. will 1It':f1 two montll.�. se\'l'rlll IlTOlIJl ' thl' Ink.,,'ell Club J Th(" 1}lays ,",'hlch were IlresentM In cau lUll' becauM' Ihe IImiual is chlef]y a CRr� of onl y th(" Or!'('k clR..'I..� Ihl� c lleg 0 thl' uested deball's. but e re ' lIudltorium ,", ' e re " For chools hll t:r.lduaUng c1a.'I.�. proJf'Ct.. lt Is nt'("I'MR.ry s \' q 11 ! An t1lformal reeePllo� to the dl'le_ ! b ( seml'5ter tu I"t'("ntlt an/ lhe III'anable lalenl In dl'fim tl' dlltl'� ha'" �n set. . gllles on Frida). I'l'enlng Opened thl' l Miles lin HOllr:' "Th,e OhCk'lI Story:' rht'n" are three new 5ubJeets that SOlum will lI.]w tlelp II.fnniCt i confl'n"nCf". At 'thl' first session SIIt* "nd " Mlx Well and Stir."" tli� g:radUllt!ng ciflMC"s for Ihls work have been added thl' ·currlculum. Accordingly Joh.!) Ooplerud. Who has t for reltular CIMs.for tlie. debaters. 10 1lrdilY mornlng words of welcome werl' I The play " Forty Miles an Hour" was hlll:h-schoo] high-school the onomllt. phsychology. be"n one of the maIn sta}·� In Journa_ meet pt'rhap.� twice a ",·ee-k. undl'r the extended bv. Ihe Rev. ·A. Bremer. i\Cheduled to be pre-.sented Itnd II COUt;5(' In counterpoint l'C HMplt.a1 Vet1ran�' LItke Hau!!e. dt" E Amtrlc_n Ph. of I�m ,,'ark herr ",111 work on the ea81\ �Ull'l:rvl�lon Unl\"l'r.�!:.y student pastor, and Arthur Thur. lly. January 3 ' eol1ege gtudents. 0. .)lut !)ecauS!" of forThe , �talf nexl S1'mesll'r. "'hen' hI' wll] hil\"I' bale coRch. 'ld of Ihe Inkwell Club. pre�ldl'nl Hillman, .clllJll!('� whiCh were ('haTlj:e of the- Col\l'lIe Ufe dh'15lon 01 UI)()11 tht' In\"lIlIlioll . lo this �hool The dell'fl"ale� ....erl' Ihen l�troduced. \ cOnfllctll II hM �n IJOI<tpc;ned Indef* he-Id lutSalurdR}' �mesll'r bI' dlscontln' " Irolll the Phil Rho a nallonRI fOrl'n- 1 and Ihe I'lirlou� grou� brought grt'i't- : Inlll'ly. the }"('ar book. . ' St>\'l'ral trlJls will be made at \\'hlch lied unlll next fall. at IrA.!;\. Til.. ne",' editor. Hagelles.�. 1101 ._Ie soclel�·. �tl'PS IIrl' being tllf.l'n at from Ihl'lr 5Chools, Following the I plllYS I 11'111 be pre-sented by thl� organl" . --.---/' dprtnl\ely chO!len his l'ntlre �taff yeL pr("sl'nt .to form Chlllll ("f III Ihls nll* busil1l'."$ meelln g lind luncheon a lour : zRllon MISSION SOCIETY T O Ihroughout lhe lerm. , of thl' Uni\'t'r5Ity Campus 11'11.5 conC!.ue- I' The club \.Iut hilS subm�lIed Iii.. followhlit lellla- !lona) o. gllnll.8tlon. ' ---l� working on new pla� s to RUY 800K� AS GIFT� th'f' �IRIf for publication. Edllor-Intf'd by thl'' student6. -- . Chief. O]al HagenI'M; asgoc,latl' editor. COMMITTEE TO CHOOSE I Two papcr5 \I.'(>re given during Ihl' be p�nted at Ihf' colleGe soon lind SIf'Ua Sbrboe; cOP)' editors. MargaTet ('I.A�S ANNOlINCEMENTS afteflloon W5.1Wn :'The Contribution I... ]ookln/C forwllrd to R \"e�y Interest_ . ,\1 II ml't'tillil thf" r.{is.�jon Soclelr -held In Iht' r!"Crl'lIllon foom Monda\" 01 th) AUgSbnrg Contes.�lon to Mool'rn InK )'ellr. lIolmlX'Ti alld Viola TRW; "'llOft.!; edl' f'1·l'nlng. JalJuar)' II Willi d�lded t� l"Or. (leoTie Cronquist; l'�chllng('�. Em- MIII Rar!"i BolmbeTl{ IIl1d Jack Usher_ LIfE:."· by MaT�lIrel Belstel. of Ihe UnlBOYS TE!'T ;\101]NTAIN SSOW I\f"nd for �I)l books on ml�ld mismil Knalllnd : feallln's. Corll Vlslli 1I.lId 1Jf',,"�. of !ll(' gtadUllllnlt elMS. wl'rl' �l'I_ ...r�lt�· of Orf'gon. and " What Should Inlill (lIopl�rud; :\-porll'rs. Ruth Jacob_ I l'"CIl'd by Gt'OTIle Cronq\lI�1. class pre.!;!- Bf' the pbJt'CII\'1' of LuI he-ran .sludent Too IInxlO\l'" 10 walt for the. lrlp to slonllrte5 tor Ihe P. L. C. Llbrat}· MI. Tacoma In Mllrch. eight boys went Christine Johnson. George Lane. and df'1l1. fOI" \Ill' commlttt'i' to "",,Ieet S1'\·cr· 'Continued qn Pllge Four' MOil lind Ruth Norp.ard, , 1111 eAI'ly IlISt Sunday to Longmire and Th.'.'TII. Ra.,mu.'I&en were chosen to pick Till:! cllllnge at mid-year al}pU",s only II] of be...t 1I11110UnI:enlf"nts cards ot. o a d nd a e\, g . n r pr g la ta T l , I �:��� ��o�\,���:· ��� bo����r�:� U�h; sll�e ;;;tc��: ::: el��d to ��lsl��("�"� �:��� �'H� �f\'l' �:e 1�:e:l�(� :::��n��·,,�lI. ��!l ����� ��;: �l:t ��: DELTA RHO GIRLS scml'stl'r also, ,",'Itk lhe exception that 10 Ihp clll.<.l' from which will be .�Iect(d EXPtAIN �fY.STER} ! that the snow Is In exce]h!nt conditIon .'If'T\"l' Ihe c(.otplng seml'st.l'r ; Arthur lOI-RUlh Jacobson 11:\11 t8kl' tht olllct'" of Ihl' olflchll cJlIS.� IInnounCl'ml'ni tor f I for 1000lgRning and skIIng. Th06e who SOil. j)tx'sldent; Warnl'r Quale. vjce cln;-ulatlon mlluager left \'a�ant by Mlr. Ig�O A ('11I...'1..� mt:!'lInll ""1\1 be h(>ld I'lther R 'ClI.llow of �vtral Inqulrll's that I mllde- Ihf" trip \\·er... Earl Percival. A, presidelll; seita John50n. �rrt.l!.ry; Ht'lmdahi. .....ho flnl.!;hed ht'"r .....ork 011 Thur!'dIlY or FrldllY. to decld.. on hllvl' been mllde to Ill.. mell.nlng of J. �k. Edwin l\aulan, Stanley Ber- Sllj"urd Bje-]de. treasurer, " Dfolla Rho Gamma." Ihe name ot thl' lI'n15(l1l. Slinker Joi\nson. Warner Quale. rhon 'RIISmIlSlSl'n gll.\'e a Telldlnj( and In�1 .'<f'mester �l" 'l'rlll clas.� I,,"�UC� .n t t h red John I ud. �o�t,h)' �r!!Ole �Inno solo , : :::;. �':�� �7r�;�n t�/fO���j�� :x�:'�� 1 � f��,:: ���. � �� •










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III 1920





1 1 111













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l l





I . . n ln ' F'!RTHER ATTEMPT AT APPEARANCES .f.)[lImS, tht' JO)' of lhl' 1I1l11ructor and alort.!Ollld IlTofl'S.wrs to it thaI thry Ih:::h:� ....��� . ... �!: �:l h�� :;:�1 ld. blttl'r , COld. re-Igns over the coverrd wllh blllhkets, ' Further In'... ... d('spllir ot the sludent. are flnlsh- madl' j)lenty l'llliy 10 lak.e. Don't aroUlJd school this tlml' of the Yl'ar' n Co Ighborh of our school. R.5 well ligation IlrO"ed more Of the 81rls had t ood e me elnAtion.s mlstak m by thl' up thIngs said pep ldl'd : d('( llTl'n' form)[ll : t' . li ! oo! flnlshed! fln]shed come to n , of the othl"r Important RPq;.s In aken 10 the'li8ml" -hldlng place. t abrUI}1 ("nd. 10 II. t.l'rmlnatlon. you un- mlldl' eliRy-we sh�ld uy not!-, but ln!!: II club or !IOClely Of some kInd. They mosthlngton. It Is so cold In fll9t'that Thl'Y 'were re�nde4 by the dean .Ihat .!; deoland. They \1.'111 bother us brutally. the,,· IIrl' so '�lIrrangl'd' thllt not l'ven forml'd. society and began' to cut Wa hM eellSI'd be fun long Ilgo. We !lChool had not yet �n d15mlued on Iroodl'n do';!.'n. poor overworked JlUr- " Aristotle" Hugh Talil'nt' himself. the about for a name. Some br11Uant mlnd l lt Ueve bl' Santa Clause's re-lndl'C"rs would .account of the cold and that their 8:15 suers of kQowledge !].O more for an- artful fibber that lie Is. COUI,d think of ' thought of laking ' the flnt letter of have dil'd. from cold had they pUM!d classes met usua.!. ""ord In "Day Room Glrla:' which other S1'mcster And those Insidious. an excuse good !'nOUf{h to same him each of that .....ould be D-R*O. These tetten the through the night Snooky froze her Close UI)()n this one �t our Y',orthy !{I08,UIl!{ \'lIIalns wlto contri\'e- these In- trom laking the cOllSl'quences t.;,Se toe an,:! Percy's dar froze U.s rad- professors rema[1ta that there 1.11 a ru.h fema] methodll ot catching �helr \'Ic- contempofRry "l!1...tIImtion ·�5t the oth* girls translated to Greek for eUtet. lllalor. That night wu a corker. Judg- for chll.pel now never before. To IlnlS orr guard ...nd e('lpo6intt their Itt- er day. . It cou]dn't even .5a\·e him from which resulted in the- name Delta Rho .Ing froQ1 the actloM of the stud'iiita all 'the students hugginr the s.tove IlS Oamma, . norance'to tbe "'hole world lesPKlally havtlllt to tak he test. day, The:-t!ormltory students clOlely poulble, one mliht be let to .... ne-xt the throUCh Then, a mlsunderstandlng ' to Mr. Haug-el, must 1'>'Llt another .se- But, and her our main ,rgument; . to the breakfat UU beueve that the cold ,weather can alao no l respondl'd. ....ell mester before they are &galn allowed as has bren men oned befOrt', profes* thla Innoe.nt name- bC"g:a.n' to situation. ) to tun riot among the thinned ranlts SOrs say that It Is very difficult laSit ll�tle- apprehension. . Many thought thall !)ley a"tually made themselves l probably answer for :�hla The Tacoma papen, however, have the name 01 a natiOnal consplcu&l.lll by their ab3ence. of the noble scholars IlneludlnK Hat- gI\'e a good examination. Evidently, that. this who did come down appeared been predlcUnK ·warml'r weather ' . then. It ' takes great Intelligence-to give SOl'!)rl�. The Delta Rho Oamm& ex* ThOle old Oray, and inBen Palol. U\'e dep&rt.m.ent ';!.·a prompt In'l with red nOISeS and great nan,y for two weelul. &0 ..... nredn·t wOlT)' "'el1*\'ersed an examination. Then what � genius eeu No'll'. accord g that read nOlleS have 8OY* much'lonler, 1I'hO Invented st&tln�, ho.,,-ever:that there Ia no other wraps. thing toNot profeasbr$. It is harder � give good the- man mUll! ha,'e-. bftn ' do ,,1th clo�hes or anything ,--'.-,----.:....orp.nluUon thin". e than It 15 to take them, It evt-flJ . by thla name-. ' I e/..5e tor that matter. excePt be-Ing a SU�PR� E S COMING ,denUy, ls. "Most students haven't .leen Now. In pSychology ,,'e are told, and Symbol of the cold Llr. ( The � �t hIlS a iurpr.1ae In an exam yet that .they thoua:ht any by a profl'lllOl" too. that & senIu. Is a.l�aJendar-' I But what of th06e who,P"yed In bed? store tor 'tudenla at P. L. C. , and good. for ta.kJng them:meat of the most and aometimes is abnormal. In -Had they frozen? .� Immediate Par land and Tacoma people MIOn k other' �·onis � borden on abnorm&1lty, January 3l-cboJ.r � at. Des MOines. investlpti� ,seyen.l were found to be and It·, eould .be men t not the Sqa dther. II. fuJI HY�N . CONTEST Now hen' "bat lacteal' � I_Boyts meet aoU, Vernon In huntng the radlaton, Others a.p.trr everung', enlhtalnmetn at ur dlaThe conte¢- for selectlnl a school baatetbaU, h�, OtrIa pla.y Mt. Ver- could be found no where. ThIs,lnd� pQsal in a few weeki, �p hymn for Paclrle Lutheran � ��: :. C':..:r:·. :,·t:;: : non, crea.� a IP" . tituauon, What. If eyet fixed on the nat wuea of th1a: . here_ ' ciOIIes at midruaht F'rtday. Januar)' ented beinl aueb a renlua. PebfUary 4-Olrw oiNt Pint LuU1eran LMY had iOtten cold I.n: � sleep paper for an �nouncement amLde­ SI, All entries ma.tled before a d tly ba bas re. ,ln I b . Churc;; that they . 1ut.d lma.eined they were wanta who the et ll, And n e k � e bnormal t' P be th15 Um.e will e-U bl for the e sometbiD&" that nl�ted �ru&ry in7-Boya meet IJncoJn High aJeeplnc In the'Metfe rectoau 'and had tau. of � pleasant IUrprUe, It I to tak t1'>'enty*f1\'e dollar prize ....hich III by an abnormal man we uk? , ·School butetball. there, st.arted runn1n&" south. The altuation �ly�un�;��:W�f s:.: oUere:d.. Mill you'r,l1ymns lauf1ed1aNot only but the dictionary February I"2-Retum pme with C. p.l wa,reUeve.:i several minutel later when by apd be patient, ately! C / • l someone fO!-'nd 'Connle _MOhn"" entirely ' L. �_ ___ . . (Coni'l'nued on Pa(e Pour) S.(R�rves, there. , ' 5I't"









{.() Il













on or

























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""01: 2...


Publbht'd e�rr .�. WffU duMPS: the �hool Luth�1"II1I






IlSaiah. COftIplalns about

....n� of faith In the



are !lent upon





a,nd to ',

10 pOint Iht

he up

�:ri� �r;u : �� �rn: L: 1M


��kland. wUhl



of Israel:

them to 'caUle them to T'eJWnl.

strrnlthen their faith.

b}' the studenu of Plt.eUic



the first \'e� or. the'chapter


Plql!ft and

Subscription, one' doliar per


"'{lids tiL





l e



....lUOCIIUC EdLlor Ma ke'Ull Ed\tol , COlly Editors Sports Editor Exchangn

�tures MI�ellfllleou.,

nUI>IIl� Mallll.8C'r Circulation Manager - Ad\'ertildlill Mll1llHU'r T ypl';t

LIEN & SELVIC Importe� of Nor.. wegian Cod l..iver Oil

·-------------- ----



\\'t' han' just ht'gull a It'W St'lIIt'slt'r: t'XUII1S !lnd rq.�isll'lliion an' (Ivl'r; liw h-udu-rs an' nil nrging OPUI1 us IIIl' Ill'l'd for a n illl­ J lll'dialt' I'l'Iurll 10 OUI' studil's. althuugh Ihl' Ill'xi I'XIlIllS un' nin(' w('1'ks awuy, I t is trill' it will lukl' SOliit' t i lllt' lu gPl lH'l'llstUltll.'d 1 0 uur 111'\\' sdU'<iult's and lu gd OVl'r the rt'sults uf uur lust SC,'I1I­ l'sler' s work , lUll Ihis shuuld soul! pass . \Vc hUn" alsu .S<'C II till' nll\t'UlIll' of our '�'ork last yrllr Ull ullr rt'port (:.w,r(Js, 1111,<1 i f \�'(' n'· l �lt'IIl"l'r wh:.'1 thiS work :lIl1uullll'tI tu, we :;,hollltl l l'.Y to do J IISt u lrll l" hl'l Il'r, If nol II gn'ut dl'al hdll'r, to ruiS(' uur ghltlcs .

. Sutllt' of ,liS Url' gnlduulilll-[ this sprilll-[ lind WIIllt to l('lIn' sehuul . \,·!th U l,",'llSt:lelll'�' l'all stly " I got sOlllcthing wurth whilt" . WIth a (,UIIS('I{' Ill'e willeh l.'UIl say "I gut somcthing worth while , I IIlUh thl' Ill'st of i t All ugn'e'! We hope sol







Th." Students 'd�) eay tbey have never I

been in Tacoma un.. less . Ihey have ealen at

Carlyle', Ca/elerUJ ,


Sweaters. Cruisers. Shoes. Mittens and Skis are some of the Necessary Articles


Avenue ok

Tacoma. WUh.

Free DeU"tt1






92· 1 PAL A,rEo




Val ..... to 150.00





. .......

t2I PIIcUIe Ave,

. Suits Clea""" aod Presoed for 90c (;josh and . Cal...);

Uniled Purity Stor�

Phonl' :'oludisun lHt8 R-;;

Parkland. \\'ush.



l". S.



".II. hdne . "ft.-IIaba •




All prices reduced Big Sale ends Feh. 15th

10% Dlacount to 'All La......" C......n ..

P�nd Laundry Telepbaoe Mad. WI







': Llliiterans Defeat ' Centralia Defeats ! rkla Barbor ho & Fori Le"js TeanI P.L.C. Basketmen 'I QUtntet Qm'Ps , Pa nd ManagerFred Ltoe ol tht athlttlc de-: Con(edhmery Bv 38 10 12 Counl SIIlet' thf' lut e there ha\e beell partml'nt reports the followlnl .. . (�t.' o: Knudtson,;;,:.. ....,. To Tnne 0f 25 231 m"m Interest!nI ppenlnp In spol"t-'! '1 Loni Ilccurat-e pa$M's couple-d ....Ith pll'tl' sch.l'dult' {IX" the rHt of -dum �t � lake re� seconds to re- HrlI team work the • •


I 1

- __







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lp: Pr\

t class enabled Luth- ba.sketball sea.'I01l of the P L. C quln- __ . . C- . t h hlghl18hl,S _ _ t erans to run roUlhshod o\er II, • • tet _ _ __ _ . Fort Le"\!ols buket" baU team by a 38 to 'ia�ed. 'lo � Here , Jail. I�The Ilrls pl.a)ed� a ' great 12 count. The soldiers were- no mll,tch Januarl 25-F.on lA:wls : � School Bo�k� lIlul . . . Period"}Inner l Lincoln Park .team for the COllegIans. �'ho ..-ere checking Ft!bruary I--Mount Verl1o�\ or Tilt I ame-. defeating thy SUl'lJlielo' Here · . Jr. COllege /" " .. . I for tbe second time this year. On the almost perfectly. -. , CtoI\�Mllia. Jan. 18 'SpeC-lall-ln one 5Ilme evenlll8 the Glad!.�tors ....·on.thelr T1J11Oie aCter tlme t.h� LutheraM wouJd. February 7-Uncoln . 'IlIqe of Ine · fut.e-st and most IntereStln� first oonferenC\" game .....Ith the C. P. S. work the ball. under the baakel ·where �bruarl' 12-C. P. S. RtMr\l!s There \\'lIt�I'llIUII: SIUlrrl'r� C.onklill t1 1 l tUI l Pl'n s ,,\: Sds "ames ·.Iliayed on the ioelll floor. the Re$l"rves. The fello..s' were 8"\!o·eet work Johnson was almos.t always waltlna: tolFebruary I4-Astorl. . Hell! Centralia Jr. .COlltge basketball f!\·e and led throuahout the entire game by drop In a cOunter. Johnson led the Febr.ulU"l' I5-Mounl Vernon A ;lthtlrizl'd Ilt'uh'l' l'iuk,': Cll.ln!' through wllh a . "'in. o\"er the at ie�t 0 points. And how that·read· scortna" with 14 Points to his credit. .Jr. .COllege Portubl.(· TYIIt'wrilt,1' wO(lll . There 1 I lughl:,: touted casaba. outht (rom the headed et'nter oNlurs \\'as golng-Oreat ""hlle Vlllaescusa . played good ball for f'l'bruary 2O-A�toria High . A. rilell CO. PaCIfic Lutheran , Coll!'ge ¢ Parkland. • Is the best way to expres.s It. � Th.e� School the Fort Lewis aggregatl09. Bookae\!ers-Statloners 'TRccmR). _The gaml' ended In a 21 , . game, deapl the lopsIded score. February 28--Centralla Jr The • • to 21 tie. and In tpe extra period !.he, J�. 19.-The •centralia Heret . �� �8 � 1 -!.�r COl· I proved to be a thriller. : I Collett _____ :...e.:. . . __ I � Ja.o;ees made 4 points. ...·hlle . the .best i leg�sho'llo"ed . t",,'O-polnt vlctory O\·erUle l The lineup; __ . _ ____ -!. efforts �the Lutherans onll' attoUllt· 1 Oladlators In an o\·er-Ume.pme In the P. L C. urI' Is too short to waste _ .·011 Lewl. __ _________ t'<l for :! markers. ., Hub CIty. Excltlnl-"'·ell you remember B Munson (0) (0) Fren\h "Twill soon be dar!.;:: F (II BeeIOn Up' mind thine otm aim and Thl'. Ja.sI."eS "·'eN' mtln!ly outclassedTho..... �clt.ed )'Ou were "\!o·hen )"ou went to a�rdllh (8� P. ioneer i e. The Luther- Johnson 1 1 4 1 <Ood speed the mark! HI I.he f1N;l quarter. ramng to cQUm I the circus the IIn;t tm C (3) Kirby . I -Emerson 01lC"e. ",·hlle the Lutherans sunk four ailS had the game..OIl Ice. but a �ft.fTIl Thostensen (2) (0) PurceU ,/ . aa (4) Vll1ae8clt.58 ParagraphS ba.skl't..<;. During lhl' -second pf'riod the I W Il\d. fUllO{ fOUIs. $ellt fou� of the regu- Palo 11' .. t loeaL� cam(' to life and managl'd · ·�.(li'l-n; t.u the bench. Rlld th let soon mel- Substitutes; P. L. C.-8chlermann. Valentine Card and t make t11rN' b&Sket..<;. bui at half unre j tf:i For dl'talls. set' Bill Nyman. Coltom 18 1 . Mitton (21; Nyman (5.}. C. Mottos til. NOW I MWlson. Fort ·Lc..·Is-Mli.rgoles '.1 .. . :11(' Lutherans "."ere leading ....Ith . a saIl' I HE WH,? KNOWS ' I.r ALL UBU· from aU Lands mArgm of ten pOints the SCON.' beIng JIlIl 24 -The Sumner Ilrls basket I Homan .31. Priddy. SnYder. Sherman •. THAT 18 I LOT A KNOWS ALLY 16 to 6 In fl\or of the Lutherans at ball tCilm spelled doom for Miss SUXSTUDIO MILTON • rud and her bunch "ho }Ioiere "110:1'11 1 HOOP RESERVES AvenuePhone Main 293 t the end of the SNond qUllrtl'r OSE USE EARTHLY NO OF • Throughout the entire st<:Ond half started an "\!ohat lookl.'{\ like a perf�1 Tough Indeed-but a.� PoP , T:u·oma 'tn�r__ FI \ f" Sho. tAblllty In Ihe Juniors v.f'rl' pla�lng snapp' Of_ record 0 for Warner a said team A defeat ill Preliminary Gam.lensl\... buU and "ere dropping the ball sometimes for the better 1 dldn t see In a prellmlnary event th� Oladla Drumheller. Ehrlichn18n I II from all angles espeelall� aftt'r fOUl P Ie0 ER & .. of till' Lutherans M,tUm Coltom C the gam(' but It could ha\t' b!'en a case tor Reserves dropped a slo" unlnterestWhite 0 RN PO RE ....-rE:D of o'cr-confldence Ing game to the'Tacoma Veneer bas\!lInson Ilnd N\man had bef>n taken I • • • STATIONERY _ ....ere wUd ket ball fheJ TIle Reserves In vestment Securities I OUI on 10\115 The score III the end of Jail 25 -Th& Fort Le....ill fI\e pro\ ed In their passes and at no time was al}Y I 1115 PacIfic A\e Phone Main81 the fourth Quarter tied :!I a TO S('hool Supphes for the Lutherans The team- real team "ork d�played. The v�neers I ,I:trt thl' o\crtlme pe�lod KlrchcnS I noOmatch -<-,=.==- --=--=k of the gang "as � be commend"' 'ere gradually p�llng away to a b18 e ;:;:;;;;;: ;; --'=--=�� ' I 1\0,0 beautlfU b&Skets ' ere too much for \l; t . ;: ;;;; . all . le'J.d when the game ended. The f1nlll Alter \\orked. The� as a v.hol('. IllI'. Luthl'ran·s lone counter. the game are Individual points. compared to score being 15 to 9. StudiO ·. Main 2289. Rl"S : P . 1267 �righlen tip tlie home with ending 25 to 23 II) the Ja.sees · favor. v.'hat eamw�rk ? On the same e\·enlng .t� Thl' lineup: The game I\·as unusually rough. wl;h tLutheran Reserves lost to the Tarom8\ p, L.. C. Rf"5UVtlI o Tacoma Ven�r I.l few (lowcrli or 11 in' I _ . Lutherans and n . :!:) fouls call1.'d on thf' Vl'neer fh·e. In this game. poor team- Oral' (2) . F .31 web�ter 8 on the C!'lltraliRns. hlooming plant. Fhl.....l'rs F raJlk J. Lt't' work was well demonstrated. A b son ' 3 , F Albers Sander . Th!' Ulleup .. . � ball team. or any other u�j\m, cal not EvJenth C !i21 Radosvlch fur c\'cryhod) IIml cn�ry· i and COmmer�11l.1 Portrilit Ct'ntralia P. L C. . : If It does not function as""ii unit. Schlennann • I' G Ness Dale ,0, F' ,6. JOhnson ' win thing G Skok Bldg.. Tacom I Hageness California , Bro"\!011 ,6, F 17) Coltorr: . Palo. forme LI'.ncoln • • High star. and Substitutes : Reseryes--Fadness ' 3 1 . I .51 Mitton ..\lthoUSf'r ,3, . C Seamons Flower !, . t n : 1 , E ;: Kirchen Ii:!, G <01 C. Munson �;::k�:: rth�u�I;.r;�' hl:�te�r:I�:� ::: Tacoma Veneer-None: · ;; I . I : Shop I I I 2�:::: B.��e "'...."'..... "'' ''''........... .......... I SChwalm • I I 0 \3� Nyman defeated. Palo_lI>'&S Il bit stift. but per- � ' .; . 9th & Broadway ' Subs-Centralia Dirks for Dale: El- lormed well Palo no matter how tense � BETTER GRADE +------- -t- -� _!" lis '3, . for Olrk.s. P. L. C.: Oardlln 12) tht! 'Ituatlo� Is. d�s not lose his ht!Rd � Salt:. aad OnrtOfob anti Farnkhlnl"ll lor Coltom ; Sanderson for Johnson ; What a great ad\"llnt.agt' such Il char. l ------....:.... ... �·. I rJohnson for MIllon: B. Munson for C. acteristic Is § JETLAND .& PALAGRUTI 9 11 ����M�\'enue


Turns at th.. EnCi of Half \ It'''' " lew of tQ Fa'or Jaset'S. O'ertime








:�;�:��:��:�: �n



j I

asUc and athletic of )oung [ ' lI mlln a lood standllrd for Illl of us to slri�e for High SChool who

\, hOI

Held Thru o U

1 POints �'� �m;� �O[; Ends O


was latall) hurt










::: ::.�: �=�





1kUa" J"t:lDUa&"

r·PARK�GARAG .... ... E· .


, � c_ .a.a. C*...... �



J.C, � '

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I I I �1 I

Ii ' II




We are off�riDg�a iarge selection




CARTER'S_FOUNTA1N PEN INK Usual pric'; 15c. Speeial l�,�3 for 25c.

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ttiat will fill the ordinary wanl.5. We try to carry' everythIng 1n stock H we don t ha'·e what you need .tell us and we will get It. Prlee5 and Qaallty AI.,.y, Guaranteed



)\ .




i s r('ducctJ

. .

Sherman ' ,

,t 't ,'


I L--

I. ,








�I;". 'locutetJ at 7:;:1-:17 Bruudway ...

"The Puniplci. Shell" IS


Un der N.ew Management THE


. Fountain dri!l.... and ligbt l�n�he. Good Coffee Breakfut-Lu;"'h--Dinner Open 6 a. m. 10' 12 p. . m..

W. 8. Abbott. lIIr,


ay Co. Go' .



, t I


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) I


Telephone Main 5iOO

�=:;;\;;;:;;;;;��;;:;;;���==:: 613 ST

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J TRY:�:�� O!�����:,:::"," 1J --w �




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one Printll:'l Co.. Inc. .



.�· l,lIk'==================� 1

Tht'".. GladlatoT5 turnl'd in an m I Pl"ess\l·� in Its first conference game v.1th th�' 0Uege of..Puiiet Sound SPECIAL BUSSES FOR PARTIES E R.est't\'e!\' fh'!' o� thl' local court. The Any Time, Any Place Lutherans ill'ld • 10 point lead almost Main 2431 throughout the elnur.e game. the final Call Mr L)'ons TACOMA BUS COMPANY score being 29 to 19 Long aCcur.atf' passes and exceptlonally good team ....ork . on the Paelflc Lutherans· part ",,'en'" outstanding fea- I ���� �",,������������� � turt'5 of the game: Mitton led the I ii field t() scorin'g honors ",,·lth 15 potn�. TER CO. PARKLA :=n�:�;r ;� ��:re��u=:� I I I I Arnold Thostenson both pla)'ed a ;\ Mutual C�mpan)',..:. r.. I good game at gUlI,rd tor thf' Lutherans. The LtneUII: Furnishes Water, Light and ·Power fb Members Only P. L �. C. P. S. R.eHnn Water minimum 60c per month ind d ng 100 cu. rt. water � fl) ��= Water furnished to P. 'L. C. ( �:�:::\ ;; I C MJtton (15) For �fX��' til

1· l 1 I





1��:h:��.7��::r;�jrf�:�.:� r!."

taking part In a basket ball game Conference Game while on the afternoon of Jan 23 The sehol-

I.ead. or







, ,� .


D., wd••h. 'om ....... . ' 8'-"1t.�·and Price.



without charl!�. .


WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE If-Hil!h Qualit:v Ml'rchnnd i!�I:". Lowt'Flt PO'ssible Pri<'es.


Fair lJt'lIlinl!' and �er\' ict'


Get It

Wto ('an ('ollnt on You (or a Customer.






Phone Maln 14M



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Fidelity Bldg.


�wrtters .

Off� Supplles






L e. Smlt> a e.......

&: gellenl wpalrln. . ' H. D. BAKEIl 4 CO._ . . 9:4 .Pt.c. Ave. - _ Main


"The Peak 0/ Quality"

''= � = .


W!1IT CO"!.T G.�Y co.. TACOMA


120 1


,_••_._....:.,_...;. _....... ..,!......."... . .... ...."......,..�..__,.......... ..,(,...._';"..___ .H...'

PacU�C: Ave.

pUGET-SOUND NATlO NAL . ,B A N K t t t!J PUl'i(ic An'.


Pioneer Shoe Repair They wlU heel you too


1 1 10·12


A. Edwin Erickson you.,,: , ,ou rum

952 COmmerce St.




Dr. "",hie G. Hicks

. ' " Rooneg Plain


Two �fores At Y'lUT Service

' Com"bined Capital, Surpl... and Undivid�d Profji" OJlER $1,000,000


a AN K

hrOlul.woy lit l 1 1h

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Next Few Day� to Bring Four Stiff Games of Season ' L

Jo" remind" k� pl I P�s f . )'��" IndicateMBigfrom lapsing. The Saga ' Fo ensic Activities . Success at eet ! 1 Illl'lllorll's ".11 hm . big ,0"""" fO' �. 1 . Start for Season . ·· . bod, Old poopl bobl". "",n, -. 'pt' 1 . l"on I I fol.,,Of Natl"onal Un k s-roolll and tun for en'ryant' II









pII,Uent! JU8t 1 matter of �, fI'W-' De!eJ.!'l.t� es Come " ro m ) fany ! well' until "the b g surprise Is . �ln Schools \ NOT\\ egl.l!" Hold your hats! Don"t stRnd II\.!. , Luther, . I If \"OU In AmerIca; All Cooperatl;' . want to we





Tl'ams \Vork for Two Months L . Colll'cting Material for "

+-' -----�--.-.


• _






Il S




I'�irst Game Tonigh, With c.P�S. Resenes ;' :\ - (:hnmps To Come Here Fridn�': ColOMe!)" l\1ah\�,ed

Coming Debates

To Further Interest WI:h Qnly a �er a ",l'ek 1\IIUI 1:>fo!lliltd pJam fo� the national , con- i Thirty-Two By Iluold Gray"I thC'..nrst deb8.te of the 5ea.son tbe \'ars!t)' \"(,11I\on of thE' Luthl'ran Students un- [ dt'bul(' squad Is· .....orklng hard {'very dRY WIth' C. P. S. RlI their opponent:;, the ron to held al Padtle Lutheran C�I- I Year's Honor Roll to-ma}<e thl'lr arguments rea-d}' for p�_ GladIator hoop�ters under the dlrecb r a h ' sentation. Although the debate tunlout lion of Coach Olson, will tonight on . -- . �:�I�'e�� :.�;d j;:e�l�. �m�::. �I��� ! Dlstlnr,hn' . . . LI8t ern Ha. � Nine ]\f 1I0t luge this }'('1lr a� llI. 5 t. the I...ogger floor play the first game . 'hi� i� thl' IIr.<t �tudent meeting Of this eml of the members on the squlld have e of Ten O\"('r . of �eal'y �hedule whIch III t� Ix> rUll 10 com'l'lle at P. L. C. and ,hers;. dInereag "haroeter had pctel'ious I'Xperience ,n �ebat!ng and ! Mi -Semester Reports the flrst natiaua\ cOIH"ention of Its kind of.! In the next five dny�. should ably represent Paclflc Luther-to br held on t.he Pacific Interest Thlrty-t.....o, stuqents, 8ellides tOlllght·� gam.e the C. >Ill Incrcllse. of ;\ 11 COll('g(' I I the field of al1l"ument(l.-. at a hlRh Illteh. The planning Indl- te!yIo"er thi'. mid-semester I . team will 'play Astoria High School on list. have I i t on Frlda� night tn the P. L. C_ gym, and ���st�;:�e:�0�n:111�:sa;: �::p s�:d;,.eent: wl ishl'd the last elgh tt'Cn .......�lts· WO� k . A gn;at deal ()f time h� bee� spent I Mt. Venlon JunIor college Oil thc fqlthe honor al'erage of 8 ()r a xl\ e. In reading up Oil materllli. lhe debaters Sllcci's.�ful eOIll·ention. but .that It ....I\! . . w!lh . Vernon. To wind 10\\'lng evtnlng l\t Mt. Of this number scI'en are from thetLib- working two 'months ' gathering facLs u b I ull thill ' strenuous schedule the Glad­ d t the ga\l argumen bef()re and � ! ' } t:; ::�;n:�;, �I : �I��� �:ll corrJ. fr6m man}' of the ;;::n:� �epl':r��:�:� (>1;�;;:�� Iators will Cace the Yakima Junior r \lrlte their spe<'Chl's �chools ' of the Norwegian Lutheran colll"ge on Monda},. F't>brllary 2 . the from the High-SChool department Although a dl'finlte schedule has not II ��lIr�h 0\ �me�lca. }}�C1U�n� �u�,�er nine P.. C, floor. of the college. ' lx en arranged }et, Elel}n Sollllll ' oil'Ica m nar)·. t. la . u er I The dIstinctive hOllor roll l'laims eight debl,!.le miumgl'r. stall.'s that letll.'rs ha\,l' ....ccordlng to Olson, th1ll Is the most Cul1t'Kt'· AUgu.�tllJllL College, ano. Coil- I this list. of whlell ont' Is Llber- bffn rcceh'ed from most of the schools SIrt!nuoWl part or the schedu](> on t.hl! , C CO" H cordIa Colll'ge. Olher Institutions be- alfrom NormaL Arts, Hlghand thrt"e ' _ Gladiator calendar (or thl! current year f�ur that us· this will year. debate ' i 101lj;!11l1t" to the UnIon are Red Wing I School students, To make the dlstillc- . The flr.<t debatl' will be held on Feb.... the members of thl! team have been " T I" . S _ going ,Continued all pnge M'ountaln " tIn' hOl,lO�. roll one- must ha\'e no grace i ruary whe�l the men's afflrmath'" ! � at top speed. Intely, they shoulll r et , p below ··B . while the honor roll .. make a Clean sweep pf this series. team /llte(.S Seattle Pacific College herl'. INCREASE NUMBER OF Quires an a\'erage of "8:' The tea,m will be somewhat handl_ capped on the samt day our women'lI negat!n Tw0 Wee ' ks Ear ' Iler In tonight's game . they are I.IHRARY . BOOK� BY 50n I Tho:o;e making the distinctive list 1{,lIm debates that school at seattle. h h TI: '::� U:';�;"'�.:�gOO,�:, ::�; i !::'�: �::':"�,::���:: i w �7i�:��:�� � :� :� number of aecess!oned book..'1 10.300. Bodley, Edgar Larson. CitHI'nce Monory. since they beat the Logger Reserve!! , _�_�,_ ll re so n : Student.� �'ho-Slgned UI) for moun- �h�fI::\�I,:::ey met this season by �r:���' ���:, �:r::�� N:::'�;!:� i �·h: �O��;\'=�mist.� of: Normal I Ei�hlt'f'l� Simlents trip thlll year will � able to malle T)Je game Friday night promises to lie and English Many of th� coot dtpartment-Mlldred Berven, Eugenia Try P.edt-gOgUf·· Art U1.11l , mILch liS fh'e dollars apIece, Crosby, �IUI Forsberg. 0111.1 HageI.l , Tt'a("hin\� the trip two. WI't'Q urller than was Olle of the bellt of the season. The AsorIginally planned, aecord!ng to Fred tarla team hll.5 ....()n . the sLate chamTo help IIcccssion these books, . re- !less, MIriam Helmdahl. Maega"'t ! � eelH', sUp, and cat.a!og them. and keep Holmberg. Ruth Jacobson. Chrlstin., Thr�e are clgh�en student t{'Rchers Lee chalnnan the committee which plonshlp of Oregon for the past two order In the llbrary and care for the . Johnson. St.'na Johnson. Emma Kaa- I this semester. according to Miss Stlx- III arranging for the �hort eX�utBLon. years and. has been playing up to Pjlr 'Continued on page 3. fiction books. Mr. Xav'er ha.s fifteen land, Gerhard Molden, Thora RasmUS. rua. supervisor. The studl'nt teathers The date. flut set at March I, has been to February 22. Washington's helpers. this semester. They Ilrt' Ber- sen, and Mann Vandlnburg: Liberal : are . . working In several different schools changed ' 8lrthday. ger Jacob.<;(Jll. Viola Taw. Glenda Wat- Arts department_HermalL Anderson. I III Tacoma, . 2)2 ATTENDING P . L. Co Parkland. Spanaway and _ rr.<. Edna Oagsland. D?rothy Ebersole, Inga Gop]erud, John Ooplerud. Elvera The student-teachers are , the comml At flr had figured ll L follOWS: � FOR SPRING SEl\IE�TER Irene DAhl. Stanley 8erentsen. Eugenia .Hokenslad. Harold Myhre and Stella Spanawa},--Sena. Johnson in lhe prl- [ 011 hiring only one bus with a capacity -Crosby. M�rJoril' MeGa,'ern. Emma ' Sorboc: HIgh-School departml'nt-Ned- mary and Intermediate Beanea- Jor- or 35 perO llll, but beeause the Ilumber With all of twenty-flve over Kaalllnd. Marie Vandlnburg, Anna .... ra Dublgh. ' Dagny HJermstad, Hetlr�' genson in the IlItennedl�te. and Berger of student:O; ,;,'Ishlng to .make the trip : the number BIt.endlng school here last ers.. · Arthur Olson. Harold Gray. and HOlm'�f'n�n. Jl'ns Rlkshelm. and GII- Jacobson In the upper" grade�. far exeeeded this, num"'r. another year at Lhlll time, the enrollment tor bert S�do\l, Grace Card. I ·At �he Horace Mann school: Tacoma truck has been ordered. trom. the Raln� [ thl� ,;.emes.ter totals t�·o hundred and �--�- -MarJOrle McGovern'ln the fourth and I ler National Park Company. Fares are twelve. Six states, three f()relgn counlire rep.resented. I fifth grades; at the Park Avenue ) belllg collected from the studen� aa ' trlcs, Ilnd SCHOOL COOK TELLS E.\PERIEiVCES th. y sign up. The to�1 number wh Mont.ana, North ,Dakota,. Idaho, OreWHAT SHE THINKS OF.?- .. .fiiTV DES school. Tacoma-Leona Forsberg In ha . e paid their Cares I� advance IM gon, WAshington, and California; NorAND Fred Wal- v grades Cilth and fourth the " Mrs, Hlnd�rlle, What do rou think O� yean;_ She w()rked In the laundry Cor ter In the f1f�h grade and a 1Ipe(:IRI now alld m�y more desire tp ,6. way, C anll.(la, and Madagascar. The the nudents at P. L. C.?" she ask- four rear� and cooited part of the group. l\·hleh stu­ At Larchrnont-Chrlstlne John� The trucks wilJ lnve school at sIx point .farthellt north from '. l school year In 1927 and during, the son In the ed. primary grades, and Geo1"8e o'clock the In()m.lng and wll prob- I �ent:; c()me Is Situ, ....IRlika; the one Ther all seem h ie a flock of sheep summer of that year. on page Carthest south San Francisco. fContinUed '. . Intermediate gradell. the in Cronquist . to m�:· she saId. '"I"d hate to put In i It was during the summer of 1927. Fern Hili-Gladys Jorgenson In the . . ' .... print what I think of some oC them. while she cooked for those workIng In At Sixth and scI' e nth gradell: an. d Freda ' REV. SHURSON PREDICTS PROSPERITY, ' I I T le great majorltr are �wn-up men , the endowment drive that ·�he had Tayet In the th�rd g�de·. At Parkland I FOR PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLlECE: and women, but there are a few thatl mall}, Interesting ex lences. One day -Mrs. Warren in the fourth grade, '. Dr. Pankoke, who ha charge of. the Irene McC�lIIek In the third grade. OIL Tuesday. Rct like two-year-olds,," January 28, Pacific many atudents )'OU have he�e, and how_ The biggest dlrrtculty ot a. cooll is to drh'e. promised straw rles and. sh(}["t Muriel Vetters in the eighth , �de. L�theran. C::>"ege had a dlIIUn�ed ma.ny statell are represen�ed. . get varJety, according to Mrs Hlnderlle. cake to all the workers 0 r.eached a Martha' Bizer In the third grade, Palmer \"Isltor III the petSClh of the Rev. H. 0. ' "There Is, a feeling among·the peo­ In plann,lng her meals she tries toj cert�ln'g081. They reached It. but In Storlie the' fifth and slxth. 8l'adeS, allft Shurson. ot Mlnneapol1ll. the treuUffr pie of the Middle Wes.t that this school . the- excitement of the drive Dr, Pan- u r lof the Norwegian Lutheran Churc.h of .iIl n�ed on the . west COII.5t, The vary the comblnatlom 50 that one. �aY R by Lo een ' ln the fourth grade. she please the tute ()f some stu� l k.oke had f01"8ot. to tell the cook. about America: who 111 now ()n the cout to school has .the good .�111. of the churCh dent:; and 'at other t.!mel! tha.t ol oth· It. Imagine. her astonishment ""hen at 1"esume the work of oompleUng the �le at 1�1"8e. ers. In ordering for dinner she first elel'en o'clock at night th1rty�� church deficit eampalifll.· st.a.rkd In · 'In the !uture there should. be. no alendar-c In th n n e t f u a nd on ���� �h:: �l! h:: :,; ��e: = :; �=::'$ :� ��=e�:.!� F'ebnlary 12-�et b�II, P. L. C. ! ���'y :�i��n:�=n:e:= aO:�� :::� �le Oot :::\n �� w':t a tI w f � · :�!� � �t��= :h:�; ::�������: a�:'�� Pe��·l��::· r.! VII, p, L, C, at p. . �e Rev� Bhu�n'lI IItay wu sho;t, �o:� : -:!t �� :��:v:= . thlnp at the tabl!! t\:lBt compll- their cake! L:C. . from 6;00 to 7;30 ' P: M,: yet he took than 'to e,ndow' a � or give larger , , all , the February 15-Mt. Vernon JunlGr COllege time Ip give the reporter sonie interest.ment&ry neither to ille cooIdng nor Durtng' the same ou � rl i ht make 'It pouIble for P. L. c., boys' and girls' teams At Ing tacts to the feeUng in the Eut th� schooi to 'overcom� Ita; present dif­ ". cook, Concunlng thlII. Mrs, Hlnderlle 'orkers made a trip- to the mountain. tfJdng �h�1r ])!Ultry and: incidentally, ·MGunt Vernon. sald, ''Those who 'comp�n m�t towanb our sct:iool and the pouI,billUea !lcuJUes In view of the fact that the . r. =: �w:�su:ey"U�:�f': :�d=, :t;:;mtol�ec: ��: Fe=� !���. P. L. C. Seattle ()r..� =:o!;':�r::rd Rev, Bhurson, ��:: o�� �Ith� S:��. � which she had contrived to keep hot February 22-Mountain trip, tewest: adyant.a&eL·· -that the f�tUff of this school ill aa- shouldn't Joraet the tremendJ)Ua lm� H1uderlle "hu ba;p connected on the way. and .wateTmeIOfUl. which Peb�ary 26--D(bate, p, L. C. -C. P. suTed with the .pruent increulng at.- parlance of thla school. and they, es- ' .wlth the ·sdtool. leX- .6ate a numbU of IIhe COoled � tb# ,glacier. tendance.' I really. ":IfPrlsed ho,w. pe<:1ally, ahDuId rally to III iupport." . .










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P!,CIPlC. L trnU!RAN COu.:!:OE.

W.!II btthe bottOm, In m)' . wt' grfiat f mou.� j,VII] of mlnt-....htn I�w UI), .....o ·1)011<.'" 'La.,t Ume ttie choIr men' follo\l,M us every IIIIIC'(, I. 1I:\II'!I..� the}, tho'! there was $OfTIC' su�C'n�Rr collecoor& ..mong ll�. Ont' to\\'ed II! c 'rront of us modC'Mllltle. and do:n think he could rid!' ,'C't)' good lit' musta ro,,'ed wUh hb-�k? 011. I'U7 ht' "..�nt. s.lo.,..-may� he drrlll:1I;1>d his fert. 1 ltjlnk I'll get 50")!" "Itcll!'rs of m.I" me .some l1).on�)' I Mr. Ram�lad-Whllt smelu the mOISt Sen: SC? II YOII send ')"e tll.ken befor(' Stan!!'\' CRn In the chemUlr}' laborat.ofy? SRnkl'}, Johruon-The 1l0l\0e. t lIueM. doe� -L. A.CRER�::'SECUNO�




Publlshk C''' C'r�' t.." wl'Tks durfng the school ),nr ,by the 5IUdrnts of Pnclfic J,.utheran -COllege. Parkland. Wuhlnglori. SUb$cription. one dollar per year. Enlt'rro Sl"Wnd class maher. Octwlber 2. 192:;, at the Post OUl� IIJ Parkland. WashingtOn. under the Al':t of Marth_ 3. 1879. Mr. Banion: A German pMtor "'ho ) .. - I mo\'ed rrol� Pennsyh'anla 5/!ltll'd In a . .. .... -...,.,... n .T < L,' OR' 'T ">;'_· """' � city In Souttierll Mhlll�.sota. erman O Edltor 'ln Chief-OLAT HAOENESS After IIvlnll there for a' whllc._ he re· oi' tUrllro to Ills fornler homl' fpr R I·L,U. So ! l l Assoc at" Editor Ste a rb Copy EdltoT1! MRTJllret HOln:b(>r(!:. and Viola Ta,,' �.::het �a., :���Ians reall�' "err : Sport.' EdLtor ./ . Ot"Or(!:e Cronc(uLst F('atu"'S Glenda Walrrs Cora Vista and 1nga Ooplef"!ld frtendl)' toward��. :��es?" nd Ruth dumb S.=-Rulh Ja('ob50n b Rt''::�r�:-svan�in�u·l1f..R��h �oTl�ard. �hrl�tlnt' ��hll:On R�ld s!:�o!:� .he IhinD a ball ('oarh has four Bt;S SEs!'t DEP"RT�n:ST I


;:u��(�:ra�:� GI':Orsi- Lane T}'pi!';\ BeiLn'�a t �'__ d O_ N J_ en J,_s_ ,_ ,H 'n.__ .n_ _ ,"_ "______����__ "'_ "'� A d_ ",_ ''_ _ F_ �r

Cln:ulatlon "tanRllcr Adn'rlisillj( Maluillt'r •

�E\\' �E"'!' STAFF


' I'his issuc' tlj' thc' 'Il,' tlrillg -"asJ is Iwill).: 1 ;;lh�islu.d by a lIt';" �llIff. tilt· firsl dlh' I'WI' pkkl'd in mid-YI'/l1' 111 1his sl:huol. AHhollJ,!h �1l11H" nf lasl SI'11I1'Sh-I"'S lTl'W an' still wurking uti tilt" pupt'r, s," '-

�::;';�\l:�:,;�: :; :�i:;�'\'�;�:�:: i':�l':" ':;�;::ti!:X: {,;; iJi: i:I�:i5l�:i:,:,:,: :



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PA.R.B.1...AlfD, WA8BIN01'O"


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� �� .. lrolj Art'! Barbert...S


Babe' Ande�n-One man "'ould 1\1' J � for a!lother .� � , l) h u V and o n I ' I""i''' """ ' I'' '' '.''· � t t' ; E ; '''m� � ''' E;E �.': ; . ''' = �;; 0,i P :� t ! li1" h r;::;,�:� :�n� h��'I;���� \\ ���I� � r h�:� ('S on�, �� � I U s U -L. A,-L A Your Taste , "'Frames in All : h e r �fR a nd Pa t a S iz e &. " O n D M:'�;n: ��ts :��:�·�ti��:�;t:! o� : 'l hl, shado" the persoll when he "ent to to"' n TodR} I rh(' IIround hOI HA�tILTON STUJ)IO : t s th� I!;eath�r man Sj 15THE Pacific Avenu� Pholle Main 2937 : am president of th� clubs iLlld hold oOler day soo\n0t'90r tIhis about for CQunlry 10 cry offices In !\f'leral other soclttlt's ,et m} dun\Ic'('lt.� He sure hUll t dlMl.pol nted Ilicturr not In the paper I Silt US lct for Il.. ralnt'd something ler- Drumheller. Ehrlkhman & t rlble ill no'" I feel llS traJec Mac! Whtle , Belh ' feel so blue 1 call study The I cook and Prof Barden both must be- ! I,.v�tnl.e,.t SecurIties 1'0













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:1:�': :i�:� � ;��·�,���:�R::�l: �" �"���:::�:! fr � I

puhlislH"d HI I'm·iri,· 1,lIlh" " lIn C:"Ut'gt'. IknlLlsl' llr Itil lilt, \\"orl. I don t kno90 I!;hllt to do "Ith the Jeweler hornhll left 'o\er Barden make n'lJuEn·.l oII Ihl' :lIInlial. il was 11t001J,!hl illlllh'isllhlt, Ihal �ltlllt'lIls /' Watch �r:!�\�:h � � petlalty lroMing n'spullsilll,' posititllb un thai slaff should also wtlrk till I frletloll.'; out of them t tilt" "",wing 'Iasl. w ICBm about beet.5 In rml.<o;lc We fF'ldellty;;; Bldg.1 I �Slud}..,>OOut measures so Ilhen Ill ;;; ""' Th,· IHt'mlwl"s III' 1hl' 11" '\ staff IlIkl' Ihis npptll'lunily or � ��� '' ' '' � "" , j l:et tllru school I II know all 3bout food l ' .�I'L·l"Iillg all 1111' r,':ltI" ,·S 12 tilt" papt,! and pit'dginJ,! tlwmsch'cs 10 1l I ad the Diet of ' l f r \ I I ll l i I I I I \ 1 IlI l PARKLAND GARAGE 1 � :\ tll�.U:;:::1 r;�;� t:�; , :'l �:', �" ::I:;:� r� �� ll/t�: :��,i:;t: I /';I1t� �,'� I 1 �::' ' ! r Sorr} Mr S: l�"-b�ut 11115 Is lilt' onh 1 ��rm�et=::5In ::S ".to Repair sub�t!tllle could nnd I 1 m R\l ng a a",eful time to Ilrlte na!, 01" and Aeen.._rletr -L A the shame a s It kn letter you ll ! ()(·R I'OP(II.ARTT)" Ont' <la} drunken S ede ft'll !lsleep I way lhe teachers bOother you when }OU J. C. Pe��n 1;\( 1'\1 "g:lill, at Ihl" itq.(illllilig of tilt' s�,·t·und sl'ml"""'r.�lIlI' in- In pigpen. F€ellnll something "'arlll i are tryill!! to 'write a leUer in class! , .:. lTt'aSt'll I"lll"ollnH"lll llf trill' sdlU,,1 t'Olllt'S 10 0111' 1I111'nlilill. \\' ilh a and soft beside him he 5I\\d. ! Oh! tutl-frultl! Just think! Barden , InIal 'll 212 slwlt'nls Ihis sdHltll ,'tlnlinllt's III !t" :1II wilh pussihili- S cn� k? · Just IIOt thru lel\1ng how many of . li,'s fOI" 11t·\"I'I"1 '1111'111. Bl\ck came the repl)·. "Nor!lk! Nor�k '" lamrus one time men.had at ld ' l"!ei� L l bHll or -L. A.TIlt' 1I" ,·,'I" HI1\'11I \'alH migl1 is.,"/ol.rt'ssil1/ol. allli prtJllliSl's II ullN:! m()rans and !wid f1unttd.:! - .Iile. J.!1"t·at fullll'l' for Itilt' St·hon!. lhul whal is 111111'" illlpol'lulIl tol' III It-it..t ;\-1." ...ler lthaI �ure ' me a chance to , I Ihat all empty IlII" lrl " UlllpaiJ,!11 is 1 I'ljually il11 1 'ol"l:1I11 In Irllt1..lillJ,! lilt' dt" 'I'lul n famous. . Now I sUPP05/! Dorothy ..... :lIlnu't III'W slucll'lrlsA.! 11111' schonl. "\1111 Ihi... ,'all III" "til1l' nnl\" to\" rem ved . It b J"" O!' tlO6f' �Olld , . .,....... '� !,I·uvi'n .!.! ils worth 10 Ihl' world. l'I"OI·,·,'di ,ll;': nil this asslllJ1,;tinil 1111101' rO!«' pie I' ho rUM m a \\"1' nlll l"tHwhld" Ihat 111\' slt·ad ... iIIlT\'a.",' in allt'IHlam'I' i" :1 n's,dl tr�' '' ,\hlerl Klr('hhor. "'."OU& EN ' r�--'------;--.. ' ....&"""G Q "r til,· illtTI':Isilil-! l1o l11rllll'ity :lIId \"t'ulizulitrlr uf t ilt" w"rth of tHIl' _L, A,_ rift \UUI.YU" C ..,. !t 1 l,,!. Wr �.Ja9"'TACOMA· �i" 216 LIEN & SEI..V((';. EXPERTS ARTISTS l Importeri'! of Nor. :o:..::-�� �-::;:= �""t, -L. A.- · " 11 i.. f"I' II�. Ihl ' "ving. r: �t l ' " · . d" di \·a !t·d I I t 'n'. I .. tilt ' 1 1 \ ' wegian (:od Liver rinisllt'tI \l'lt!"k that Ih" I'' JHI"" Ihus far ".,I,iI·' nltTi" ,1 tHl. II i� ;1:r�:�-:-�II':a��::Y��r�����ro 011. See the " New Era" Trumpet Oil . for the new age nllh,'" rUI ' us III I,.. III·n· tll"clit'all-lI lo Ih,' gn'at tusk n'lImillin)..! lit'· -L. A . .,... . fon' us: Ihal fro til Ih,·St· Itnlllln'fl tI,'ad Wt' lak,' il1t'n'ast'd d(,\'uliuJ1 Pe pl!' Cor, Tacoma Avenue &: th St. Ht Northwest Conn Co. In Ihal ..all."t' ft 'l" wltid1 thl'" h,'I'(' g:I\'" Ih,' las I filII nll':iSIlI'!' of dl" "B.d" ' o l or 5OUplBroadway Tacoma. �Uh \'�lliul1: Ihal w" 11I'n' highl�: n'sol,",· Ihal tllI'SC' clt'lld shall nol han' ook� b n. ,with Hopper-Kelly Co. ' tlu'tI in v:lin: thai Ihi ... nation slwll. 1I1ldt�1' (iotl, ha\"{' II III'W' hil'lh It l li rai mUll) FJ'ff Delllrtr)., or fn'I'dom; :md Ihal gO\"l'l"Il1l1l'nt of the' I woPit-, I ry till' I wuph', ftlr lh,· pt'o/l'I" , shall \101 p"' I'ish rrolt1 111 1' ('arl" , " TtltI:t� is l.ilH·nln s loil'lhd:ty. WE WANT YOUR PA,\RONAGE The SIU( �t� "do THE OTHER TEAM If Hig-h Quality Merchand ise. \\",. h"'t' :l1 1'. 1.."C. :l1I clI').t:lnizuliull whidl is jusl as much 'say Ihey have neve r . Lowest Po"sihle I'rices, p;II'( IIr 1111' sdwHl ns :my athldi(\ It'am, This is·thl· cit'huh' squad. Day in lind tillY lIul Iht, tll'halt-rs Illil al tl1t'il' Illsk. slri"ing III­ heen in Tacorna...un. Fair llealinJ:" nnd Ser\'ire Will Get II wards pt'rftodiun, hopit1� Ihal stlll1l'1inu' tht'Y mlly lit' aliit- io bring We ('an Count on You for Customer, a lillk pl"l'stiJ,!I' 10 IIwil' sc:l1ool in ,It'lruh' t· iITIl-S. TlIt"�· work ilnlh. less Ihey have f",I�n . alrly 111111'\' !lUII1 any nlht'r orgunizilliun. al Th,'I'I' is no Lilli' tn .. hl't'r 1111'111 011 II:'). ill f"o!llllll :llltl IllIsk",1m II. nil onl' 10 �'''lJ1plilllt'nt tht'lll lUI ;,! /ol.otl,(hil . "I" work. unlt'ss il C;arlyte�, Cafeteria II(' Iht, ('rUldl. ShU tilt'S!' ,1t'hall'l"s un' lHuloulth'(lIy wUl"kiu).t hlu'tkr !llltl l·ulIIJllishillJ.l nwn' Ihun allY "lhh'li(' kam, "Wiling '.ulllahlt, t'x l't'ri­ " IU't' antl lwlping IIwil' SdUHl1. MERRICK & RAC E TIlt" fil'sl tldnlh' nr tilt' sc.'asun is jusl ill Iht' .tIrrinJ,!, Wtlultln ' l CREDIT, JEWELERS , Hart Schaffner & i l litidt'u In situ\\" Ih,' delrall'rs tlnr uPJlrt't.·illtiun h�' lt1rniuJ,! T�,o Stores AI Yllur Service J20i Pactrlc Av� Br:oadway' will:' Marx Clolhes tlul lo, •









!laYS Ipal If thO!' hum.n


hal'!, krrplnll:




Ih, Kklr.lnr. Pmrl I� the Saturday Enn· n




Ulteranf" b, ExUnrul..htd





I �J)LL'11. l'n � ' •.ft __











- Member":'

Uniled P�riiy Slom' , Ij ulI1\' )lutiisl)1l 3S18 R-;-) Parkl an d. Wash.


;; '"":����I �;;;;;;;;�ll :�:::::: : W':"""";;�';;;�� :::: � 11(81:lnl" Into hl� b w




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�pet'k. \\'hal a job we'd

"'ondrr why. Anna A�modl thlnb


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" s"" enSk?

' O!'tr romprHSf"d �o body .. �p.rl' ,,'U





Sui", Cleaned and

, Pressed for 90c ,Cash and ,Ca �ry


DlKount to All Cusl9mers

�..... Laundry

Parkland ..Laundry Telephooe ai..d. UJI C

'-J .-

Boys Play Thriller 'I . With Mount VernOn ,


GI."i!li�... Drol' L,.l Hool' Callie To




:Si'lh Viclory For

SCral)p� \h�1

Quzntet . Qzups •



\ H ton of 9 "otnts Plsc@s Lutht'r"rtnM Belter n d 0 f 22 to II Score I

8,. Gf"Orr"


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Vt'rnun lt�um'








< Falling to elicit in usual man- Chf'Cklng III �Iltth 'Iotory In' ' ''' iii''.".' ".''.' iP.r"iil. '. 1 aee.h . � a lett..r from R.t'd Carlson last ,'l Jootball and basketball ntr th.. Oladlators dropped a I� �\ ..n starts the LuthrrR1\ glrb bMltetflash _ho no_ enrolltd In HamUn ls-me to the L1nroin High 8<:hool - I �I squl!.d humbird til" ba.sltelbal1 silt � 0 nhersity St Paul He lIs me the ketball fhe on the spacious floor of from thl'" thll\l r In -t\er� l"n,Pt'Ct "'R.� the l oHamll Vrmon Junior Colltge A�5 Feb 6 b� a 31 to 19 tht n l football l' Ol�dlators a had sucul e team untl Q Book. \ICtOf\ the !'\rhool put o�er th" l uI At no time during the entire game did b� a to 32 Kor.. The loeal gbb \ "loun VrrnOll basket.ball five. on the erss.I l"a se:::"s bU���Rt t��S::;"Sb I the Luth..rans threat..n the Abto s lead outclas.y(\ tht Junior Collegt pRlltlmtrs Stlpplit.� " 'ocal �1oar Ihr e\emng of �bruar, 1 1I \\t 11\mbe'isstartingo track \\ork Ft'bruary;� IIohlch �tarttd shortly aft.. Bill N) mRll n t\l'"r, d.. >artment of the game and l \\ \ sl f ( 1 1 1.: 1 j had droppl'd In a foul shot for the first I ThrollRhout RlmOllt the.., entlre gamt the 1 And ho\\ that redheaddtd Swede could lrll� I'� St1 1 I s 111 ' led at ha:! time by points a l� : ; '\ �� I ;1);'��I��:r �:e';: b� :;�re �:al � I Jump, W..II-sucfi'li.'I to }O Rt'<I l I l ::= :�r�h�a�;ge b A� �;lftotl����' During tht third QUfl.rtl'"r the Mt \ lIllh� l' r�I( I� n �."II't'l I ndt l lf n "1 �h U r J U'heI11.11� In "Ii 12 to II lead Onb duro I Ilnd during the second half h..ld on. to 1 Vernon 11\.. came to life to sco"i II unci I ur lu hlt I I" Ilc I lilt.! thf' final minutes of the game "..ere 0 1)( I lnt lead. �as'u�L. � . but Wl'"re checkt'<l during the1 . l The did not lib 11 when fel o." : rl"w I�al.\ able to �Ink tnou{lh baskets t'h"r playtd .1 J I ' II C 0, .UP . . I .. Tht game '. wa.s featured by swUt ae- Inal frame. whell Coach 'Slb:rud Sf'Ilt thl'"m a fe le�/Th.. final l I II be't the) Lincoln laM Thursda , k lIers-StaUo�"7 10 on tht pa�t In her first string squad Ooroth, felt lost 011 thai large noo� eurate lmderhand �orl' Z:! a n 28 to 31sa III thl' of � and Balcom Lincoln stars ersole ltd the scoring of the game with !109 � � fa1.'Or Oordon of th.. R1I.llspllUef"S I..ader points to htr cre·em white Mar88ret !\I\nlhll.ll.; dlmlnutht Mt Vernon for_ r .sc. In the .scoring, "lth 8 points to his Holmberg and Eugtnla CrOllb y played he t('lb hedule that manl credit C Munson and "Palo Coach ""til at the guard wrths for the LUlh, <' "aid :lnd 1M! �f"ar s a.ll-�Iate perform- gam..s " II bf" the latter part of 010011 . r "as without a doubt the uutstand thls kI a plaJrd dtpendabll' guards se-emtd trans Marble and Kn\ldson l)(Orformed "PIONEER" A� to "ork5 tlloO )J3SlImf'r oli the maples Miuoll cordl� ���h\�� t f for th� Luth"ell for the Junior Colltge 1 \ .. r) effectheh o:;�� to erans Coltom "ere doing fine "ork for I thrillers�toLets pack 7theal�old Thl' Lln�t1I' ; P�RAf.RAI'HS !lm tor , /"':l und the OIRdlaIOr.< .... Ith 8 IJOlnts and all P "'It lemon Jr The Llnttlll th.. remlllnins home gamrs ' ' l't :�thel) thrlr credit Larson 1 81 � 16 � M:;bl e til. Lin("oln P L C � �l.: �h 1 3 O Utl =;:,l:�, I·. . ... ' F . I �·� .· ;�:� �:��:1 0 � ' . � :�' Ll'" II; a "ing Organi�po;\. for a�'hlle p u l t ill .\"11111' IlI's\ rU1 i1 . C HlId..braUd John.;on ,6, F' .41 Andl'rson �1n .5' Johnoon l'oi"unson C Talbot 'll t t F 0 AUStill - r'lrwarcl , I'I" · UI"I'fLI I 'II.I . Coltom /11 7 1 Mlnlhan �� ��;;!��� �: ;'°� 1 4 ) Palo Holmberg \. l ��ery���g�:! Buck ..litton ,8' . C 0 , sprlnger l .:!. Li Prtrt i, asnWI' hope. I hear rbae 0 '5\ Nyman Mohn Ba III !t\"('rs!t'p yo u rsl'lf. that 'Earl ptrCI\',,1 ' . !\tun 0 tli.'l l and ...1 Hauge are l'"ltperls -o'rl the ski]!. 1 Sub�Ututl.'s : Llncoln-Tolle-fson. Bal- S�bIJ���l��d �, . LD �;��� . �;. �' hu . a O . Thoml>son All those \\'ishlng com . Gardner I. Oeehan. , P. L. C. R� , l ... P�lo '3 SlIbStlhHi'S P. L. C.-Oardlin '5' : them on�. special lllstruction -Mlttoll ' 21 . C. MU!lSOn 121. Tho.:U,n- Mt Vl'"rnO' - Olandl'r. \ . , Munson. ThO!ltensoll. Nyman ' 21 . Officials Referee-MI$S Walter. SOli ' I I . . oma: Scorer Cronquist; "nmer. UI" I1 1' [ Vf'rnol'.-SRrCla}" ' 2 1 . Murrar .21. . . INCQRPOR OHiclals: Refert'e':"'Hopklns. TIICO- c 'Wf Officials'. .Reff'ree-Hotlklns. Taco- P '.\ RKI:r\NI) : DR A M A C. I , , . 1 nln; Timer-Let-; Scorer-CrOIlQuist. ,!hl'" Gladiator girl:\. ddealed the First ST (.n ES BENEFI1 I LA' .S . Cronqul�t : Timer. Lee I . Luthl'rall Church Uam 'of Tacoma on ' ATIONERY �khool Su ppli t'� :rel.OCal floor Ftp. by a 27 to 24 l l I For the be'lIef� parkl;nd Par- l\1I�SION SOCIETY CA I.�,S . . A IE FOR M EMR.ERS HI P NAM�S ����I l, �� S�:��,� lI H ���� !l'nt-Teachl'r Association. tht Parkiand E. ' -:-�=-==- -=--=--== -=.-==� . Drama Club presented two one·nct Continued from page I ' TIlt' regular met'llng of til .. Mission . ' . Ihls ·yeRr. dde-atlllg some of the �st play,s . . Window of the South" lind Sodrty wn.� hl"ld Wednl'sday e\'enlng Rrl gh lell l�lhe home With I , Studio Mfltn 2289 �l'"s . P. 1267 t.'lI nllS that Oregon hIlS to oUtr. '}ts " Cabbnge:;:' In the colltgt auditorium. Fl'bruar)' 5. l"l' few f�owers or n Ii i Mttr th .. demtlon a short program Will bt" the rtrst gam.. of the hom!.;A Saturday night. Febru�r}' 8. ndThe first play. "A Window ·to the was gll·en. which .Includtd the folio\\"' I hlnomillJl: "lllil! . FI"wl'rs I I h0I11f' serlf's Frank J. Lt'(, � I by solo al Inl\: outh as oc \' a " e Marga numbers: "'hlch In sl:<t drama S ' ." ' 011 Saturday el·enlng. the Ohldlators J , ror'c\'('ryhndy lind " \ ,'rY: I I by Christine Johnson. Portrait and Comm..rclal . Will "wade thl" Mt. Vernon Junior col- faculty members took part. '·Cabbag..s:· Porath. a Teadlllg 1 " ;"' � n: ��; �� :�� an R O as had edr faculty the of e ,Jh' . C : li I of the Ihing gallle ndJinal homethe In It'Qt' ... ��� rshIP Il t �l O California BidS., Tacoma . homl' .series between these two teams. eto;. I 0f th'ose belon,'n, to the Mission S-a" .,. ,o" . FI",,'.r I U fI I d th P L C Entrantf'· 112', Pllclflc A\·I". I I .. t� It .... as decided to ha\1' those stuI C:ur;; !\� ��:I� :!: p:� dd:n In dr- Choo�e Ne\\ O((I("er� ?/ Shqp ""d ", , ', cornm"� S' ,! reat b� the ("QUilt of 31 to 22 This For ))ormltor� Union :;:��: �l��n:e: ��t��:s:lelt: =:!�� 9th &: BfO&dwa), ____ ___ __ c I tt ....: __ _ _ plication to any one of thl' kmr officers __ �:��'I ��I:U�d ��e'";,:C�:l"!' a;���: :;; Thl' Men s Dormllor} Union elected Arthur Olson president Warner Quale I ....__...;.___�_�____:-______ ne\\ ofrtc� for the second semester lit I \ pre plfl}ing on their home floor Sena ident secretan C Johnson � (' \ " I Mondll} gam.. '" hlch will �150 I.Je IL.<; regular meeting Februar� Thost pltned 011 the P L C floor �hould Ue chosen sene on the executhe COIll- 1 Sigurd Bjelde treasurer MBeeA. RBSGJ"'AURAN� nip-and-tuck IIffalr The Yakima mlttee and to compose the dormitory Open All Ni�h t Junior college tealll ha.� not pla}ed all\ eouncli "I're Re}nold Jacobson presl· BETTER GRADE ;. 1 "'estern teaIII so far this season but l dent John OOplerud \lel' president and O'er("oat� and :1 I'ln OUR ANNEX Fumhhlnlts has :.ent homl'" all their local opponents Walt-tr Young se-eretan Fred Scheel I :��I;:e :�:UI� �h"I",�: 1I::I:s�\"::,:�:I:: ::�:�� t-:�!�. AI\enl'" SchltrnlIInn. ·J ET I.:f:��II !'1!.���;RUT I j; Telephone Main 5900 "\ Ihr Gladilltor team wll \ be weary TACOMA throul/:h thtlr h..a\·y �hedule. The Girls Meet Second D�rellt '� II KARL A, ANDERSON ----+ Gladiator bors promise Ahlt lher ,,'III Th; girls' six from the Paelflc Luth-�---. SHEET METAL' WORKS not be' dlshurtenec. but ...111 sho\\' the I"ran ColIl'([e. t.&..slt'd dl'ftal for th.. I TAR . ORAVI!:L RoonNO. MUELLER FURNACBS RUTTER.N l'T YRklma boy� a thllil/: or Rbout the ond lImt this season, ...hen the strong .TACOMA. WASKo 1113 ST. H.E.LEN8 AVE. lIame of ba.�ketball. BREAD Yelm bf4ke-tball te8m defeated them ai Coach Ol:o;on ga,·t the ,,'hoi.. squad Yl'lm lut FTlda\' bv a 15 to 12 Rlth All Butter ' �l rtnUOus work�ut.:s on both Monday The game � ha·rd-fought. and fouis I ;; ;� �;:; ;;;;:;;;;' I �;::;: �:::� ��FII�MS �:;� WE PRINT AND DEVELQ'YOll� KODAK I ::: lind Tuf'$day e\'elllnRS In ordl"r that the ....ere . frequent. ________ We Ir), to carr)' I'vl"rvthlng. ln stock that \\'111 fill the ordinary want�. I I It t 1 n a . : s� 1 1 �:��lh����ed�J:� ;I::C: ::o:�:t�:� I J�"'dO�I�!v�:: �::I�t;����! �:a:!�� cid<!<l to sla)'� lit school for \\'hlll" lonlltr. thl" Oladlator team ha.� a very ·PARKLAND MERCANTILE COMPANY chRnC(' of making a clean s"'eep SPECIAL BUSSES FOR PARTIES of Ihl.' coming sc:hedul.. Any Time" Any Plac� THE FISHER CmlPANY Main 2131 Call Mr Lyons TACOMA:S OWN STORE 'I El\I BJ<;RS OF PLAY CA�TS TACOMA BUS COMPANY TO PRESENT SHOWS AGAIN HEADQUARTERS FOR ;rOUTH .' , . �pparel ro }1 ,-College Women 8.!.'d Men :\femb!'rs of the C8.S1.s of thl" three Dramatic Club pIRYS. " Forty Mill'S and ��§����§������������� ===='''" :::' � �: '' -'''� '';;;;';:::::''':: : '''' .;;:":;:;,c:-","-::::::::::::: ·� ""::: -",,,,:::,::: ,, ,: '4 f i Hour:' " Mlx Well and Stir:' Ilnd " The l IT �',� '-: "! . slory:' are ' pnlctlclng for anI j other pre�nt.atlon of these plays. I . Th. d <h" hm d,!ln'''', D0 YOU KNOW dE'Clded upon for presentation " Mlx Well' and Stir'" to be rtVt'n at . : 1\f ' HAT it i); u pri\"ill'j.(C III he clif.(ihlc ror the American Lake Veterans' Hospital "S I -iu'" policit·)\. which urto i nl'olllpurul,lc ·! on Thursday, February 13. "i . Well and Stk:' " Porty MOts T \T r ge l wrote $110 ()()()(KI ur and Hour" and ""The OhMt Story"" UJ LlJTHEHX'� I¥RO-rr1ihu100D i.Ms,lI'ralu"�' in' lhrt,t, =, 1 ' be' given at the Lake Vie... S&nltorilim weeks at one or ou r I.lIlh�ran Culle"t.·�·! " 1 on Tuesday, February 25. Til AT we issul�1 $1 .2:iI,UOO.OO in Oclillll'r t h is . ! '1











" MIlI


The' oollep: acd hta:h-sehool German cluses. taught b)' Mra. lJ!>nd),. v,111 begin soon to. practi� on .. one-act Gerl :':I:hP:'}"":� p�:t��;:,�� auditorium· within the� fe\\' ""eeta. The�aractlrs have


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1 .200-1;:




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' ycllr'! THAT we




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l\tA�N HALh fo�EATllRER . · I f>tol�joll.�'' ln O�ril.'�rmll.ny. Has J. ., Urs. B'ond�' Slu,lent Interes.t 'r:brary NOOf'\... . . 1 "TNchers are much more�respected . . ar,.,1 Wule , E;x,wrIPrlct'lf lll Europe Ihan In Amerl�. " !!he /!.Il1d. ' Wami*.rin, cloW'n lht' maln hantht' f""i In Nation al Met�t ' . '- . . Invited to � 'i\'�kWhat I� )"OU ' -"A boy, on ml"f'tinr· . �er. �'1Il re- porter �otleflt: " 'own hv t\ rticlt� I end, part�-ror the pu�.of \Ilmplng Mrs. E. H. Bondy. who hl\ll had a' ilfe move his hat or cap fh'e.�teps Jx-fore •







• IIJI" . . I til 'man: l'nd thrn found that man to lull 01 InteresUllg experlen� during 'tht)' meet and does not repillce It un- G�P LaM iQ!l$lplllil ,,\. th.I •"tllt Inll'l lr I" \ , To show t t inleren llj hI8hl�', I be your t1(.h.. boe-"'Im�r 8 usban<t. her teaching <:arel'f In other school!-. til f;ve �tePs �I her�Also �when s",.khig . U� t.orUe I 1:ll'-:} s III. • ma1lUh al the plcl , lIllC� � In the Luthl'r.n .schools In th� ; Would It bE' �mba n:a.s.5lng to you. and Is one of the faculty members who is thehelt1lIscher l , E a the sch 1 roo the , fr ll' U I "'Ould It arouse ju�t a '� ache In your II!II.Chini lit P. L. C, for the first tlml' p\\p11s standentl!'rs unlit the teacher is seated, �h Lee 1:,���:rl� a�:la�:ng !7l ::. � !. :�u� :O�!'l'�I:' I 07":�e � N:tl:� ' liked him this rear. u . Howe)'rr, "'\th this !treat �Pf'Ct com� dlellce Llnht,ran Stude,nt's Unlo�. \\'hlch Will �:;t���r�� still 'Traltor! ) ltory-MI" �lInl a It � h" 8thbe 'hl'ld at Pa{:U\c Lutheran' Collegr i What \\'ol�ld I'OU do-falnt crl'. vamp \�hen I\li�l'd ho... s�e Ukl!'li P. 1.. c.. , $lI1aller &II 1" t)':' for the IIbrllry . MM!. Bond} repUt'd, 1 like th� splr;it 'Mrs, Bond) has al!lO taught III tz:.e rad patiently ""altllll Marth 7. 8. IUld 9. t-he fol.lo\\1ng artlcll' I h:ftn � Ignore. or pretend �ou dQII. t kno w of the !K'hool and. flm �njO�lng my "'ark United 'Statrs, ald tral-rlrd In Aluka, door to/ be"'l1ulliock�-Carl, Collom Ilurfrom the College Chill'"'. Luthl'r College hl , the main s' In do I m e e� t U P8 :eT lS quoted , _ �lall. ,coquelliSh Kitty Brown ltd :I'�'n! t���I��:� j :�::n' ":e �g� I ��I :I l��� �: t:��� ��lh�;a�d� �an:lnbel'( ind E��bn Olson having 'a . At a meeting of the stud�nt body I just Olr t ce r that: forgQt sh� kne�' him com- school and Ih� univerSity." o . hhe high school In Muon City. Iowa. In t � 1s' Dayroom�la�ncf' h'f'Jd t"rldar m?ml ng. ErnUt C. Thomp- plett>I}'. TIlere ""as nothing of th7 . M�. Bondi' �eo l\'ed h�r high-school 11113-14 she had- charge of the Oeor. MonNn com� out of room 1t4 w ith a _conll!'l1� look or' h15 fIlce-:-S�nlf'Y:' l'On. Ernest E.�pf'lle, and Charles Norby , quitter about �Itt}".. CoIll"(t', nn Fal ont d�partment at ucatlon at' th� KallSM State N Of1l1a1 to look . Impor�nl"'t>I'f' electl'd a� deleaflt('!I; to I'l'Prt'll('n1 And \\ hat a chase �ht I� hlml Poor M 1914-11117 she IVai head of the Bel'l!'ntaon trying School Then she toot. one }"I'tlr of un. 'WIth Mr. IOln,Luther COllege al the conlentlon of the 1 (ellol\ IIho hlld aJlVa}s been mlsunder· dergradiJat.e department In lbe Il'I!'ne o.hl conferringlooking work at the University of solemn--: Oopknd Luthenln Stude-nls unlonfthlCh 1\111 stood (1lS all men are I trom-Jo'm 11 Kan�. high school. 'In 192 In 1907-08 during \\ihlch lnto t�e IIbra� be held III Pacific Lutheran College I Let us be ga� sang Kltt� as she- WllShlngtoli Urne she ..u II. lubetltute to !.he Pacilic Lutheran Mlllafd Q le man:hlnl arm his ?forkland WMhlngton March 7 8 and colltinuM to be Just that unUl-(" .. �nder k a boo with , oenna Is l �hlng t she sophomore gtrls ro",lng � 9 111 addJllon 10 I'l'prest'ntlng �he Col· Well the -..:hole d.ramauc humorou,' the Bhr receh"l'd het' A B lelt"t' Mr Sorb� and Mr E5jX"tll' \\111 and cle'er little comrd) rna) bt' found mont Col1�e Wichita repre!I;('nt thf' Maff of CoI]ege Chlpll at 1 complete In the Ihrrt'-act pla� Let completed half of her OI � a h L ra :\��:: �t��� :re I��� �:l ':��f�:� U A:f� l� In the lIbran I'n1o) a fut. �:2!hr�I�:���;;fAW=I�rom "The' mo&t of the best for the lust" mo\lng pIa) /"" 01 Ihl' CGmf'ntlOll and find out ho" Kilty UnhersJt, of Washln,ton ! I I d!\1TIle 913 Commerce Luther dl'legates, together '!I;llh I seltle-d hrr disturbing qUl!'Iitlon. ' Bondy LrB\'eled quite 10m rf'llrf'....nlall\"l'� .. f'h,'Clr.t\ by Augu�- I ··I...ct U� Be OilY" Is one of our many ,IVMn<, ' In Europe In 11112:13. ' W�: ely : : �::::::::::: : tana, : coU('fI:t', S10\l:O; f'alls. S. Oak.. lite popular and llitere�tjni "\'OkS. ked how the· European gtrls compare ��,::::,�=::�::::,:: :::: :� Ih.. fln<t deflnitf'ly Sf'leclf'd 10 form �h!' Take a day orr and dl�'er a few_ as ",1th the American girls. ,.!;he ,lIIIld, "I DR. H. L. MONZINGO . eO,ltlll!(('1lI ... htrh ....11\ J�ume�' from _ ' can SIll' with Klpllni, "Thl'}" are slslel'3 mldll·ellt �hool.� to lh,e.coll\·rllllon ·· MOUN tAIN TRIP S�T DENTISTRY I under thl' skIll'. WI' find thl' same kind " A m("f'tlng of OULC('rs of th!' u�on , T\VO \VEEKS .E\A R ER 1 0f girls In II group there as we do here, 131:1 WASHINOTON BLDG. . ",a� held al �lmll'apolL� Satul'{\a} to· , Contlnue-d from paie I I � blLt thf' European'girts' are much more \Maln 2610 Tacoma Wash. formu]ate plans for thl' th�-dlly ('on- ' ably mllke thl' trill to the m�untaln b y clOM'ly chalX'roned than are our Am- '::= :: ========::', I t n t L o l t I ' :�:::� a��;;('(j� �� �r: ��:�� , :�:� ur��e �t:� �,� :n . � ��::YgI :;�:� ���� :���� E���. �h:W��� U:�I!e :e;:� � 'TSCHUNKO'S WI.... presldl':lt of.lhl' organizatIon. and , part)" nine hours In ....hlch to enJo}' It- er resporu;lblllty_ T.hey ha,'e gone out "Oa."", of li1o"rn< Rrl- N M Yll"i!<llk!'r. exrfl.L th·!' Sffre- ! �lf !i..1 th" m.ountaJn. ,EaCh �tude�t for outdoor sports and physlca] train. Tacoma's fal'orlll!' shOll I� Rd\"\!;(,(\ to bring alollg t\\'<1 things. Ing more strongt�' since the war." t�r�' " BIll/YON OPTieAL eo. , Olhl'r ><hool� han' also !'I{'etf'(! d!'If'- a ff'.... extra clothes and a IItlle nl(.'ney So. Pacific A\'enue at !;Oth Mrs. Bondy has also had the ex­ 920 Broadway I:"tlle_�. bllt offlrlal I'f'pOrl$ hal'f' nOI bl'en ) for lunch. which mil.}, be purcha$l'd 'It perlence of teachlllg In a foreign land. Phone Broadway 1 421 PHONES: Mad �14--Mad. 5Ui ' rcelvro from thl'm A.� y('\ 110 delt'1fllte� the re�I[\Urant!! at the park. : She taught Eng]ish In the "Tochter L- - ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;; ; ; :; ; ;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;; ; ;;;; ; ;;;; ; ;;;; ; ; - froni p, L_ C ha\'e l,x-I'n I'll'('tOO.-'l.lUt I F'Rculty ml'mbers who will ma k!' the P(onslonat Lohmarin' In Tha]em Harz' p]R n", RTf' ' 11l0f'r w ay for a I','n' h.". I'-r ' Itll)_' are , Mr:_ ana Mrs. 0I.<;on. Mrs. I Ol'mlall�', She also �tudled there, tak. . f'�tlllil rO 1\'f'l11lojl ing up F'rench. Oennan, and art. Later �r , and i\{I�� StlXrUd, I ----- .-/ I Krl'ldl A lalge numbet of �tudent� \\.ho . shl' taught In the "Olesselmann Tochter . hale _� 1 Ihls already up mountain x>en 10 the nrc; , I ' I . A :"\ S -I N IHCAl'E . SllCCES�FlTI, 'lEE,. Yf'1ir report conditions for skllnl\ and Muq.erde &: TlIeatrieal Co.. . l. Ide 10lxlg ganlng ' l\f' p from a I I tam,.., TuNo aDd DftM 'Sailli � ' COLlunUe-d , . I Two \'f'au, ago th!', school df' 11. Irlp' Fa.- Rl'flrt. fil'llLlIlary, Waldorf CollC'ge, Mtldlson 10 :1.11. 'Tacoma which WII$ am& 5�C'C('S� In I Neal E. Thorsen Lutheran N'orlJlal School. Clinton r->or- 1 I'"pry wily _ U!!l\ },f'aT ,the affaJr I Hatr Oooda, Balr D� TOlJlpefto. Gynl Suit", and Shoe" was mal SChool. Oall' Col1C'ge. Central WIS- postponed .'>0 long thal lh!' studellu Wip. � I Polo MaiD 3111 constn Con�ge. Park Region CoU!'gl.! I ('\{'Cldl'd 10 gi\"(" l! up entlrel\' bctause Il . Shirl� und Slicker", I ul Plf'aMllt VI!''''' Lulhf'r Co11rg('_ Luthl'r thl'I' heard that the �now w�� b{'Com- ' IU� �-,. I � I B K[]II ALL SPORTING GOODS C.O. I IO ' W YJ BROADWAY :'�:�a����t�;��:��c�I::�:' H��I'. ��� ,' lL �' � PP,� PaCIfic Luthera.n Co11egf', Th� df'le-,1 T]l(' Ib irO floor dormitory glrl.� ga,.e . I .. o::, . Jmtf'_� from IhC' l'.I lddlf' wes' t plan on l a faf{'wcll I)flrl �, ; � \". for Mtrlam Helmdatil i I \t'Il\'lm: Mlllllf'apoILs. March . �, 1 �atllrday nlghl . Pebruary ] All \lllf'r{'�tlng ]lI"OIo":ram ha� bf'cn _ .I I . . ==-:. """ked 0", b,· "w ,,�"m, ,o�'m" r----=a... .on Lhe flrsl dn} March , lhl' I We AppreCiate ou r Just ill lim(' hu' ,Ir,· If'P(·I.-.t>ml sIIOIJIJi,,� trill I n f Patronage • ::��:I���' ;�� :O�:::I:"a�� �n:I�� I , 'I aflCllloon Charle� Norb\ of Luther I 0880 8 Coli'" " "W ,,,,11m,,, 0' "'" '00 I E I' I a r fer('nc� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ \-c y gl' I On frldal e\enmg IIftf'r a. r{'eeptlon a mcm,ory book J.s full of meani II of IN the df'legat('s Ihf' first gem-ral ses· i _� 1IIg and Importance College stuI dent� ]0'1' to kl'l'p It_and ho\\ �lon of th.. coO\entlon "'Ill ta.kC' pla.ce and the theme Whal Shall I Do With I Ihe} \\1Il treasure It later ' .'iTl DENTS ! ! ! II makes the moot attracU'e lind will be M\ LIfe ,2 Co;lnthlaru; � IS of all gifts, i .satisfactoT} I Inlroouce<l. At the olher se!<.�lons ,:arr.('( Your Shoes Repairt'd , :I \olI� SI)f'akC'rs Will develop thl� theme I . III Ihe ,<om "', 'oll".w'o, ,,,,,�, ··Th, B.-· ' � :: : � � GOO l H E AR SHOE �� � � r A · IiU '______ __ __ R E_p .; '1. I R SHOp N L_ C_ A_. wi!! deli\"er lhe conl·enUon l If stylish. fasltiottahJ(, Shut'S, Sirup �ermon on Sunday. and a concert by _ th!' P L, C, choir WIll take plaCt' In 938 Commcrct:: C. R. Werner prop, SlipPl'l"s. ]IUlllpS ulHI ( ) ....funls IIl't' i ll· Ih/.' a1\ernoon Local arrangemcnt..s Include a tour r; ndlng country Oil Satul". th �:r :ft:�:� _� IIll'rican Plumbing & Steam Supply Co.















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3500 Pairs

':===;::==::�,;�:::;:::;;:;��:::;;:;;:;� I


ol e "" "' ",-n starll!'d again I , Rl'hf'arsalsPlumbing, St ::a . Mill Supplies on the two one-act plays. " Mlx-Well and : 0 ' --. -Stir" and " Fort)' Miles . and Hour''' I I 'IH ''' '' � I'' iI ' I -'Oi== I= I !J08= -1':,,: ====:: t i ri: C A ' C" ' "· which \\'\11 be given at American Lake I � ::�:::: : : :::::::: 1 ::E :: Thu�ay. February' 13.

! Phone Main 14&4

--;;:-+ :E!c![;:£:���c;--

� -� T I"_�_.u:::=:;=:;�=���===���....,

iI;�l1 li I



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1 1 10'12

Arc�ie G. Hicks



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\Vl' guarantee e\'erythin,, (u�rcpresc.nlcd ur we "Iudly .





your mOlleY, �



refund .





Homecoming Again · Will Be Celebrated · On College Campus






DeI!)gates Reach , Pacific Thursday Of Coming Week


a!fs . �i.odng Mast and Saga Also .Ch.oqse Delegatg. for Press Conference Her� I

Alumni. Graduating <;lasse!J May __ Interesting Atten d ; Arrange Program ; to Be Held on March 22 and 23

! Delegat�s Chosen . By Student Body

MARCH 7�9 j

Forty Visitors" on Still-Growing i t o l Committ'' "B u . "Y "" ·' . 'P LC'o'm l t n. Worth yI I n For Meeting

W'arn�r Quale, Berger JacobsOn", 'and Marie Vandlnburg were elected as dele. gates t d to represent P. ,. c:. at the annual g::�:!:��I:nd �::ak:� r:� �:� com'entian ot the L�theran S.tudents' One of the' main features of the AI· ot the Rockies" will arrive in Parkland n h -urnnl HQrnecomlng, to be held Mardi t· March to Lake part In the ann�1l1 con� !�� ;��� �h:s�::�� :� �:=�:i a ag f d en Ig t !��:. o� t�e ���e:�Il�a:::. � :� i ::�=:bl��; ���a:�� ����:�� �;� :�� ; at�r ��a:l � ��: � v�: tom of holding the reunion on the lege, March upon 'at the meeting ",..ere: Warner . campus was discontinued several years. Quale, Berger Jacobson, Marie VandlnII enthusl.a.5m among both visiting ( back. and sinee that tlme the banquet bU:i John Goplerud, Ruth Brown, Atdelegates and local stud!?,lts and teach , d w r h ld at th T , h a e n indicate anythmg, a most In� u ry ' e Secre saker E ecu lv erend l Re x l Y �:te�ro(I:�;se �:nl�ru;, hOIl.�e\'e��:� v , t� � -�e=� ;�� ;IV:::: ';:::�rus::' spiring convention I.!; in store, The Il.!;t not prove entirely satislactory, and ��u�� :�� :��n!s �:��t ��t��: 'This the 'nrst year that p, L, C. h� I of delegates and v�lulrs Is growing and , henee the alumni association has de- convention servlee, been able to·send full number of committees are completing plans A�. president ot the local cided to return to the tormer custom, wlltch th�y h�pe will make Paclflc , dele�tes to a convention as all previous Reven:ndLutheran , Amerlot Church The main reason tor thl.!; chapge that I p . NorwegIan in the conventloru; have been eheld Lutheran a hospitable and worthy . onference members of th.e association leel that It ress C Middle West. This mId _the . dlstanpe ca, will preach the conventl9n service host. Following t3 a Uat of deleIs more Interesting to come back to gates received to date: Luther Theot too great for the school to send more o� Sunday, .March · U t 'Fir their alma mater Ulan La hold a regIon Even than on", delepte. �a H�rmstad S 100Icai Seminary-Harold Martlnaon, union at a downtown hotel. -' was the first delegate to represe.nt. P. S.eason Opens With Prlable Young, Raymond �ltRn; . - ChfU'les Bealdes the former students now at Student Con...ention to Open on L. C. at a conference. The other deleMorris Wee; Luther collhe the Schooi, only the members ot the . March 7 With Sesaion for gates from'this school have been Arthur SuccessfUI · Deba�tes Norby, Ernest Espelle, En:est Thorn!? ' Knutzen, Arling Sa�nemd and lren� son; Waldorf Co.lIeg�N�rman Nelson; _ two I!raduating classes will take part School Publications _ . _ : . , Dahl. .. in the celebration, This decision wasj Forensic Aeth'ilies Hes,·y ror Red Wing semlnary�liVald �.uake;. t et f in ��I::!t �:: O:r!:t t�:�'h�;�1 The tlrst e\'enl of the National Lu- M��g S:C�:1 ;�: s:. �:ff;. :: _Next Week;' Seas�n Pros- :a���:;�s:�� �1�!Z'::e�� t;�� peets Are ShinY . to held yesterday, Olal Hageness, editor of 5On. Clllford Halvorson, Myrtle Lokken, makes It practically impossible to admit theran Students' Union Convention -and 9. will be the Mooring Mast. was elected as repbe held here March Agnes Erickson; St. Olaf Collegethe entire school La the banquet, Although the detalis 01 the program! the press conference In two se�lons on resentati\'e to the press conlerence Prospeets for a successful de�ate Olenn Ugglln .Hale Aames; <Alnco�dla have not yet been definItely alT8nged' Friday. the at which many schools which will be held on March 7. Any season received a decided boost Friday College-Kermit OVerby, Harold Oronc u :�:a�I::I:; the reunion are going l wl�t; ::;I::�I - on �'Ill begin at :e:::��f ::�h:�:���:Il��::I�:l nlght wB�n va�i.ty debaters took the :�:�:� ' :m���a:� ��e� �=� led· by Mr. Charles take part hi the discussions. but the decisloru; In two debates w�th Pacific son and Marie Vandlnbu rg, The fll'lIt e�ent .on the reunion pro- Norb and will ofbe the i\ 0, edlLar Luther College delegate wi!! be the only one that will College of seattle. The �en s aftl�ma- Speakers: Dr. . Tlngeistad. Prof. gram Is a'basket ball game between the papery., "College Chips." The momln g be entitled to vote. Uve team ·conSlstlng of Fred ' Walter Ph. E. Hauge, Pacific Lutheran College; college five and \:he aluqml. which will . reated their vlsl- Rev. L. . M. Stavig, Northfield, Mlnoutlined thus far as tollows:. .and alai Hagene¥ de' The session be played-at p. m. March Chairman b>' nt�UCLary remarks. I · ' ge e also nesota; Rev, A. J. Towe, �uth. Bend, tw:Oll will meet N gIrls team �lh 'tors . from Seattie at P. L. C. �alendara picked squad of a'iyn0.l women. These �.�� Responslbillt of a College I Ruth Jacobson and Ruth Norgaard . Wuhlngton : Re�.. A, K. Vni je, Everett, games will be open t:p the general pub- ,:paper As the �presentatlve Washlngton, Rev. H. L, Pou, Silverton, r Who traveled La Beattie, took a 3 to OregO or a Ft�ruary De bate." P. L. C. ",omen 1 decision IIc. . � ; Rev. H. N0rtaard, Everett. from the Pacific college wo- Washington' I p, S. women. by President O. A. Dr Arthur Moll Red In the evening at o'clock there Will ChrIStian College, . The p, L C. Wing, Mlnn�sota'; February UI.-BlI.Sketball : P. L, C, vs'1I men'S atrlrmatlve learn.arguments of P. L. C. _v._AU. M. Kraabe a banquet In the colleit'! dl�ing room. i Tlngelstad and splendid presenled girls . , Junior Centralia L COllege P. of at papers college the do "How well :�m and mlxer will follow our church meet ,thi; requirement," by March l-O(ibate : P. L. C. women vs. e to� A;ke�.\(����:'':� :���M�� = :/ practlcalthrough d :e ti ::. �:�� ��:�� � � ; . e �, State Benlng�am Norma Pacific of Lutheran Ph l n De Hauge. E. " � Minnesota; Dr. T, P.', Gulll:uon, Minot, on the next day, wh)ch Is Sunday. j College. March 4.--:Dual men's debale with The Question (or both clashes was. !:forth Dakota. Dr, TIngeistad wM! address the sons and daughtei'll of p, L. C. at the regular : ��:rb��/�;�:��t:e�:::n��! M:::!I�����'al tnen's and women's de. ::�V:d�la!ho�t co�:le�a�l=m:':e�� The prorram worked out by the ueSunday morning service. The college Luther Theological seminary, cutlve commlt� of .tht Union �t1I ' excepting such forces as are needed for brtn, bate with C, P. S. choir, under the dlrecUon ot J. o. Ed- The alternoon session will begin at March to � ac.hool aome of the tinest 1.-Lutheran Students' .Unlon police purposes, wards will sing at this servlceo ers of the cbu�. "What Bha11 1 s and larte Convention A appreciative aUdience pealr:With opens .Jlo't,r. L. C. two o'clock. At this meeting Mr CIIt.' The officers fo the. �umnl AMotla- lord My Life?" the conven�on Do debale. men's th.e Hon, heard Mr, Halvorson editor of the Augustima tlon are: Martha Hjermstad. '25, presl- Mirror of A'u�tana College will f.!Ilk on 2' COrinthians, .5: 5, �cted as chalnnan and Weaver J. theme, basedntlnued GREETINGS on Pare 4) (<Al �:� �::�u�� .:�:=d=� on "�culty .Bu�rvlSlon." Mr. Harvey Ma10r Sam,ts G. NewbeJln ITHt.s AlI�n, Lincoln HI�I'! School debate the Alter Judge. critic was coach, delbe dtleptes to the Lutberan Stu· dl5cus.s will COll�e, Olaf. St. of Hot�: dUlg . 80 l ynnlng recor , re ary; R lvelg bate, the boys' quartet sang a group of Student Opinion Column and Oth- dent.' Union cOllventlon. ::::ta : ' and Alvar Beck.... '27. treas the er _'Local COI�." Mr. P'rIsble L. Mr. Maurice Wee, President. aongs, ' Young, editor of the Luther Theologl- Lutheran Students' Union, The debaters lace an el;C"ceptionally cal' seminary paper,'wUIo speak on the PacUlc ioutheran COllegl!, heavy sclled�le next week, on Thurs- Mrs. Bo.ndy·s Gennan and French O . Lutheran Press Aa5oclatlon and the Tacoma.- Wash�. day afte�oon, February 27, the P. L. C" c� are preaenttna blo one-act pla)'IJ Bureau,. Jl1!llor COllege press My dear Mr. Wee women's negative leam wl!l meet a entitled "Karl Hat ZahnJchmerzen" � - . ,News p.r:oblems w1ll be discussed by Dr. BIa'WUI you please convey La the gf?up trom Bellingham Btate,Normal. nd "lie ,Medlcen Mystllle." wald hUske. ot Red Wtng Seminary; delegates of the Natlonal organlz- On Ma� 3. the women's afflnnative The cut lor "the Acoordtna: to Mr. Elvestrom the choU. Mr German play Is: �l- .�t\on of .Lutherr.n Stud�nts" Un- team wUl clash with Bell�ham. � Ka:rl. Stanley Berentaon; will ll'&ve on about Aprtl i a trip . Norman. Nelaon. ot waldDr! 'a rdaUve, pJeasure , very great leg on Of Ion havOople ohn our acillc a dUll 4 " wm debate between the .r o hn t t Ooplerud; � Karl' s sister MJna, �a , J · W = I � "� . '.�e:.. � ...L•'•au_ Cou.,._ Ing them as cuests In " the City or �! '_�"... :r men's teams of the.two colleges. ,_..." Ina- Ooplerud; the 00011:, Anna MlltlI:el- . ��� ... ........ .. ., U iUlil.Y..... _ ._ �m',n .�. Tacoma. gene l after&.be for n As . The a' d1acusaIo ra CUn;t1lX to the week's de- .homeo�thlc doctor,Alvene Schlerbe made. This trip IrtIl llIdude such n n oo seaa!on _111111 be led by Mr. Ernest ::-���:O��r:� bates both - the men·s . and women's Karl's aister, Elnlna. Nelma GultoWns. as,:dr:=� �ewood. P1r, Btan�, � Fe: ps.�: UItIIOcla e editor of the..."<Alliege I v _ w e�� a dual deba� with �ea:= P , �� :": . � l . membe your come n v t r&, and I n . thechoir e ��;::� :: = . lind It, a plQaurable duty indeed, milt 01 the company to reat: The' wo.'!Ill sing at the Luther Leque Conto extend lree tinp to an orpnD venUon in Bremerton. I..ter it w11l MJ&:take in Announcement �TIC CLUB PLAYS flnd· him apod sytDPSQIlze with him latlon with such fine Ideala and . The onmatlc Club's three plays,. menmuch � laat Issue· of·the Mooring Mast appear In concert at Everett. ' that" It inalr:ea his tooth ache . . Althougb other triPe plannedt stated that there....ftre ... 212 stude n�� PUl'pOlleS. _ "Porty Miles an HoW'," "J41X Well and WOI"/lt. A friend'finallY 'comes to the. your del1beri.Uon bere Stir" and "The Ghost Story" were given detlnlt.e-arr&ngementl J;lave yet � ten� P. L. C. at the p�t time wWWebehope by SUJIeating that·.he ,0 to � " enjoyable and profltThis wu an error The total enrollmen made.· TUeaday evenlng at the . Lake View den'Ust. · 1t&r:1um, · - At th� National Luthe� Studentl· for the is 212. Aa a number oi·the able. Ban ' play. Is I.e the Prench The cut for . Binot:rely, On � 14, �'Portl' Mllea An Hour" KedJcen, Harald . JobMon; La ·Dame, CnlQn 'ConvenUon, to ' be held here stude:n\l: who enrolled have lett J, O. NEWBEGIN, 1.1 to be "ven at Our B&vlour's �uther- DUny H,Jermatad; x.. Vitlle' FaUv-. Ibrch 1,8. and lI.<the choir w1lI pieaent school. the tol&l ot those attendtnc now )(ayar. . an . �urch in Tacoma. � -conoerts. ' Is sUlhtli ��th'ls nUmber,_ ' 1'eIIIe, �dred Ne�.



7-9 .











7. 8,







C. \s ,












'21 .



. hern� . C P.· L.· C: Choir
















-To Present French Plays 'And German __











abo.1 the ea,-pin t�� ...;., Jmef S'-rlie cordially no�: Pa

.... W_tkrt

�. �


"Babe" Ande....,.-Gnee CaN!




of Edtte:aUon With

M.....·...,....., Snre drt'"m-

0li0ii humlnR. Published efen- ta'O 'iIi'eeks. dU.r1ng}he. school rea: bs the student.<; ' of PacUic Lutheran College. Parkland. Washing101l.. order In the library-Eleanor: r . D.III_.... rel.Una the Mt. VenlOn'tanle SUbscription.' om! dollar per 'yea, · � n e:ntert'd as �ndAasimatter. OCtober 2. 1925. at the Post Offl« at Parkland. ::; �w:.: :;-��=n� �o::-= lI-GI:U1 � . . ....,.__ un_ d_ "BIIII&'Ie": Cron"�"t tryln', to Impre55 Uear Ma and PtI.. ' "_ •_ _._,..; . _ O'_"'_M._ ;..,.h..._ w_ WU..: ha\'e brotherly love, .11'h_A_"__ ._ ______ 1 Just found ouf Ito'hy Eda' DBoisland BOb MOll3O-n: Say, h.vl" you e...e� had his: imPQrtanoe on a ,rouP or SkisFDITORI._-\L STAFF' LUUaa J,oluur.ft -coll(lrttul.tI� . Carl In t:J.:o'd tor 'couple ot da)',. brother? J She sick Editor Chlet-oLAI ".ADENESS Collom after the ,utona game-Gordnearly turned to ' applesauce I Ig.tInB "I.e"'" and lIi..lh Brow:n ni.... resri! : ) . wh"tn -know. You you, tell I'll your I by ;uess. Sorboc! I Father in letter As.<;oclate Editor Stella �0'NIl Lhe maln_ ha�1 with l'!n.. )'ou eat an apple ami ha� a ptrllOn port ca� Lhat you are at the Copy Edltm-s Margaret. Holmberg. and Viola Ta� snap . . Bec:k --,P"N' d be.hl':l far not It eat ' get you Can't dL'ili. you someon_Lhen and It �'our of . Sports Editor George cronqUist count the �s like this: ··�e. .l pla�? . . dlscuuing cuff't'nt topic:!!. I Featul"'t'S Glenda Wa�n; COI'"8 Vista 'ind Inga Goplenld and W.n�" dlstribuUng Contemport'iliO I lo...e Lhree I lo...e say: Ted. t...jenth lin nopl)' ) : No, all / Emma Kaaland lo\'e Reporter.; .e with aU my heart : .and others at'e . taken. ex!minaUon pape� four. I lo .. Marlt' VancllnbllT"g. Ruth Norgaard. Christine Johnson and Sena Johnson n...t'. I cast away" on up to twel... seeds Aamodt escorted to, the klcUng ·-anyh("lw Edna ate putUner � �rrU_Of .(" ';ArilltoUe" l'alklnt-Alfted by . Bl':o;I�'''::o;S OEPARTMENT Doctor: Old yo'u 'follow wearinJ hls,hobnalled shoea.. GerHard Molden applt$, becatae none that lIlle come and drink hot wakf one hour , Buslne5s Manager Ruth .Jacobson ''!t to please h,er, Circulation Manager brellkfut? ed e Advertl.slnR Manager . I ne Dahl: I did 'my best. bllt ' t'e Typl'lt ':e�� th:ap7a�' e�:�ar: h:':�I:g to �:�: n't � �an� than five ? to stop It. cauz his ears ain't long enutr; uteskeep It up any mot'e ' d U A se ong en N . O d . H J . \ J . _..:....:::..; :: ::, and I found Qut wily Eugenia Crosby � .:;:;.'.::;,..:s:: ,tu:: i �:... · ::,:, � . _.:......:.--= \:::: .. _� :::; ..;... '":..; ":::; F: ' :;..:::::::!..:= MadJsoll 14.5R3 p o e h YOI late a Why uge Mr. a'ere H : · ,W-ELCOME. DELEGATES �:� � � :;� l S ' : h: � : t :�����l�'a�� ciass.-today ? , \\\. weinllllL' you 10 IIUI' ('olle�(' tlcle�uh:s IU'lhe �!lliolllll her m.a made her quit cause she �'u to Ben Palo: The bell I'"8ng. before I lld('iliS' l ' n iul) l'CJII\·('nliul) . I'ut'ifi(' I ,utl �' rtln r.(llIc�(· fraid that Gene would fall do\\'n off th 1 : 11 1 111' 1'1.11 .: - ,q , het'e. , is i'htl('('d, happy I .. ht, hus� 10 Ihl' lJlliOJ) l!'tulers lind tI('lq::alt.� \�'ho plano and get hurt. You sholiid be here to look from my . aker. uot-arc ('UI lIlIIJ..: 10 Ihl' flll' �urlhwl'SI fn III all lwr ts l�r Iht' I !l llt-d (Q ing poetry): I retied from Spe \\'Indow .now . I can almost . Stalt,s. him with a blow. ...erell to Oregon, I. can · ...en It is wilh Ihl' dt'('lwst jo\ thal Ihl' funill\', Shllkllls� �lIId friqJH\s · . gallery): Why don't you use lin Voice \ l see en Oregon. to .. erett Cli.n-e ... E from I "I' this sdlool luuk ftU'wlIl't!" 10 tIlt' firsl ('oll\'(,lltion of i ls ehuru<"tI'I' I the dl.stanc.. to eOIl\'PIIl' iwl't,. · \\'t' ('('lIl iz(' Ihnt it is not " i 1 htl ul Stllll(' diffkult.;, Mount Parkland n "i : thai lIla!lY of tht, tit'll'guh-s an' t'oming to tukl: purl i n Iht, l'il�\·t'li· mountain 15 nea�r" here than Ttieoma, We \\'ant another basket! I·i I'call It Mt. p::arkland.l will bl' gn'lIl, and lion. T�lt' t1i sla lH'l' ItJ ht' ('un'I't'd ill IIlll!ly & Drumheller. Ehrlichn ' 1 'iIi'anted to go with the kids on the . l'f'lInt it'Ss ol h (' r ohsl.wlt's Ih('I'(' lin' \\'hieh nun' lIri�., White · ' ...ol�, �apa, I want a sack of B ul of Ollt' t h in,&.! YOII IlIlW 1)(' aSSlll't'tI.· The h cndi(s uf this trip to Mt. Parkland-I couldn't really "ihlt'. decide to go 9r not-&) I flipped a pen1"I1I;Y{'lllioll will ht, worlh tilt' sani fk t,s Illude' lu mukl' il JlIls.. Inve.tment Securitiu ny (heads 1 go.. tails I stay home,) : :: ===;:::::; �=.:=�;::::::;::: .\1111 again \\'1' sa\", \\eleolll(' � I?hone Main 61 you know, I flipped It 29 times: then i . ----- -it rolled a crack In .the I lost It I 'I\ET'S (;O! come it it. flipped I time Each floor. If ;: OUI' !Ji� k�'lr!UI I 1('lItH IllY; ],ul . onl':IIWrl' .gaml' Oil {!S n'gulul' � up tails. and then I had to stay home. , . IDENTISTRl.' ( .ullel-W Ull ],{' Wl1yt,d wllh L{'n lrahn ,lIquur !'odu'duk. t hiS will Jeweletsure mad after I heard that they RoGness Dental Plate. our f11)0I·. Tlw bnWd of baskdlmll 0111' pllln'rs hun' t'xhihi lt,t I stili had some sno\\" to play In up there, Rust Watth Repairing a .Spedalty Tacoma llth Floor Ihis Sl'USHII shuilld �uaronh't' n full hous(' Sul lil'tla,' . , niJ..!hl. llthSt. lS780, '1 lost my penny, I'll have to l ·": as Well. I : COIll(' Oil, (i luciialul's, Id 's gu � rP'IdeUtJ Bldg.) han! some money. H you send me some 1 - ===::::::=::::==:!. � I I b CONSIDER YOUR LIBERTIES VIN� CQ ' ;:;::'�u� :��b��:S ���n �:e= TACOMA. EN� 10'01' lilt' {'Onn'nil'Ill'I' 111111 t'nIt'rluinllwnl of Iht, stud('uls, a large that PARKLAN.D GARAGE kind or gum. only be carerul that .8b:a:'.IB9··TACOMA>':.AI't"'·;Z16 , rack hy Iht' I ihrar ian 's dl'sk. l I uml !t'r N'f l.'xchull g('S al't' plm'('d ill � EXPERTS bubbles. making tonsil a bust don't you ARTISTS ' ill Ih(' lihml'''. cee.Mne. Qaa, O::-:"� .. ..=.= *'= � r'-.a,. Your broke but cheerrul. �-:.. It is lIu'"pri"ih,j.W of t'\"t'I'\' slwklll ttl n'lI11 I h('I11, h u t il is also CHEROB� SECUNDA I f.==== ..1. C. Pel4non h i s duty 10 I't'plllt't, liI ('11I wht:J1 ht, has I"inislwd rt'ud in,&.!. =====·==========� ' i ' Pauline La�n: Old any of your • 2289. ·Res. : P. 1267 ....-��:-_'"'"'= All .a udl('IH'l' ilkt, t1� Ill' � I I�t, d ;l�lI It, last Frulny t" 'l'lIillg, at n l displuyillg tilt' spirit it shuwed. is 1111 ('Ill'tHIl'lIgl'HH'1I1 In . cll'ilatl' �;:re:: �o�n�;:s�� ::? l ! work �tlod , ht I up KI'l'P . 1 l k; I after by great-grandfather. Pauline L.: I hoP!' '::OU \\"eren"":t SLOGAN CONTEST before him, The Luthernn Bro"th�rhood 'Legal Reservt' Life. lnsul'"8nce Minn.. will give tht' following prizes for the best slogan. The slogan descrlptl ...e. one suggestl ...e of \\'hal. Lutheran Brotherhood stands for. or splendid growth and fair and Just policies. Sl�::: & Ct.llfomla Bldg., Tacoma ��lld P��, , Entrance : 112� PaCific A....e. Jrp. prize and 1111., CommerCe St. For tht' next fI... best suggestlons-S5.00 each 0 A' Ih� h. y �uon ..' O " The slogan must not exce-ed five words and may be a modification of a � ;", ; ;�;��;;��;�;,;;;; ! :.=======� word or ctlmblnatlon of \I·Ords. : ; g O ls . . Ottu�:'a�':�:,:�v���p�s�i��:I'"8�'B%{��h=� �l� C. �. ��:/M�n:��: ran Broth�ood: C. H: Boyer. Boalsburg. Pa.. Director ��a������r��� MemJler ���In Cor. Tacoma A"'enue &; lith St. . the event that two ro mo� are Identical. preference will gl...en to the L rs b t Tacoma, Wash. � ::�rd� �ihe��������:�f�C::!. ���::·e:���eeU;�lf ��eP[��e��� ;� � � 1'11011 (' 'l lH l iSt Hl Slor�)lIrklall(l. \\'u,I,. . Free DeUnry Brotherhood' and the immediate members of their famUles, All slogans suggested become the property of the Lutheran Brotherhood. April 1930. and sugl(tstions must be our office b}' that Contest elate. Cut out and use the form below: dit. Slogan Editor. Lutheran Brotherhood If High Quality Merchjlndise, 1200 Metropolitan Bank Bldg, Minneapolis. Minn. � Lowest Possible Prite,e.. • •

























Brookdale Dri.g Cu.










I iiiiiii �iiii iii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii � Dr. A hie G. HickS �iiiiiiiiiii iiii:iii HANSON' S iii










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LIEN . SELVIIG Iwegi mporters an OilCod�{NLiyeror·


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DAHL GROCERY CO�IPANY �; t l ;1 Purity , il�""'��=::���=�::����= WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE����ll�i =:::::::=� The Students say they. bave nev r . in.Tacoma un.�. g le8� tbey athave eaten MERRICK RACE' �



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am a student attending Colleg�. and 1 suggest for your sl�lln I

Number Re<;el\"ed Submitted by: Addres.s: Number


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to reach us not, later April I, IP30,



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"Quick Service

'� ' Dfllay"

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Y.kima 1"�i' cl';rBoyysOver FourlhWin es k M�' , Slralghl j;�me '

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TWICE 'I '" "'nol>, .11 0' .; . no"" teaching ITl yetm, attt'nd� the 0, pm;; ..� on Mond., , ; O. L,\hmn, P'bruUY '- , , I " , .toed ' enlert Luthera n� S� ore 27-26 V iet.ory. For t�e' �ncl time this season. M� MArie Vandlnbu1'l Ch�klng t"elr Jourth st�tlht victOladlator buke.te-trs deCeated t,he- C. P. �t " . Vale.ntlne part)' A� her home In Vernon H"Oopsters O"er I . os� to A toria �igl! ·Sr.hoot. tory. the Oladlators humbl� the YaklS.. Rt'serves In Il "'ther slow game onf:i'acoma on Feb. \4. ThMe present wert , In Close FrlU'Rs I loc . CalleslaM ro rioor al the Junior . C on "1a pbell-Hol es' am m 'V1 n F Olson, Anna Mikke1llon, Ne�1l the Logger court WedneSdal(' February E'elvn l , S.rore!! Are 33 to 2.3 and 2.' . Monday e\'enlng. ,February 11. b y a 30 . l:Ielen Olson. Erma Conl'ls . nms were In the In Il cl� and th�lIl!n-:r game lhe 11. b� a srore or 30 to 22. The Luther- Oulle�m, ' u T ' 2fi 21 o to ve'�' RespeC(i nt. co Luthe The . an bOys seemed lost It first on the long Stanley �llt$On. John Ooplerud. AI. . C L. P. , basketball from O Ih'e adlator t d. lead ,all the way and only at the en or r-' t .. Mllh\rrl Quate. Johnny Haug� . fred usual r the regained but noor. s. p, Vemon Mt. ththandle to Although the-y dropped the. tint �e third period. when th� score WAll managed an, d Wamer Qua�e. ttamwprk and accurate shooting In the { Zachrtson·. , , game played on their trip' through 23 to 22. did the Yak ima men 'Ioolt d�- Ju�lor College nlCt'iY during' c:!rlt.leal � e times. and walked, oft the t100r with a second hall to put the lame on l e. Ore�on, to the A3torla High School. live gerous. . by a 33 to 23 count . PacUic Lutheran I Werner, or the Invaden . becauseI 01 27 to 26 victory tucked under. their belt. : Cott?m was the outstanding player , safutday_ the night. making 12 points and �ollege \'a�lty hoopsten came back his long. perfect shots. pnwed to be un- The victory at Mt. Vemon. t noM> out usual. He aeeounted for 10 or the ap- ·wa..s the third of the week. ',Luth- Ing good all-around playing. strong t�e 10110wlng night o . . the highly touted Campbell-Holmes ple-ptck�' pOints. For the Lutherans e",ns having dereated. J he C. P. S. Re- S Grant led with 6 poinLs. In , gam: of thj" season between five or Mtorla by a 2' to 21 score on the Johruon with ' 10 poll1ts and Mitton serves Wednesday and the strong: As, m O�' " " ''o,, ' ' ". ' ' .' GI 'd " ' torla. Oregon outrtt. Friday. mammoth high SChool noo� with a. took high-point honors. Mlnnlhan. dlmln�tlve.Mt. Vernon lor- by a 29 to 19 srore. . ' .The game with the high-ihool. which p.. . ""1.5 played. on Wednesday, february I�. The IIneu .w!'l'd and last year'S all state prep per;� ;;; � P L. �� ,, ;!; "'as last. \\'Ith the Fishermen having J ' C. rormer. nlade the fil'3t score ol C rison game by sinking a foul shot. ·ThIS" h son, {.to} F (2 . the advantage or playlng on their ow» ;,;, (a.) Mathe s m (t, . w tOllow� by a long basket b� lloor. agalru;t the P. L. C; b9yS who were 1 k'1('/o(ul<'ir""lInd \'isitors '\lr (0) Weme� the 'other CardlJlai MI ton a C tired from their long trip. John Oardtil(' Lul h('rtlll Studt'nl's' Pa�0 (6.( , (6J E. Ne1llo;, score was rour polnLs agal!ll!t 0 lin '11'8.'.1 the leading player ·tOr the Cun\'('ntioll . MCPh 2 Nyman 1 ' (0' 0 � erans belore they could get Oladlators. l\'Uh nine' points to his Substitutions: . P. L. C.--Gardlin. p,l Coltom �nk two foul \\'t' ill\'i1C' \,,011 Iii tn' 111(1' . , , f'"""l Thostenson. J. C Yakima · JOhnson. Nymari. and C. j j I. and Dir�nf"nI "·- ' ·�I�,"m,. .. . Hagman. Michelson, .Whlt- counted ror a field goal . . end or the first Quarter the the season by nosing out the . I I B. O. Bea \ i acomll: ref- had a ti'o-point ,�. block lra n Coll�ge . I k by thfN' poi nts. Up·to the . scorer. CronQuLs�; t er. worked up to seven at -played the Oladlators. the ,utorla - "Till> Collefl(> I",," 1 Play was rast during the "1:,::;::';; J hfld won 17 consecutive games, with I , EIIIO'';'� the Cardinals cutting the II I Astoria high school betng one Of)'·- "·"" � LOSE CA�IE With, o e a t :�u:· � p�;�'t���t.' attac_ ' �� :lr: ��� � �a: : � :� � For .P. L. C.. Johnson_llnd Coltqm led In th lsi rt. It 'j � � :�h� I I . peared that they hlld. things the way eight points each. �sldes learn r�: Uh r le e ln o n surtered defeat �r the ::;\���::::'a:�� t!; lege third their : =�mw�: � �::� t= :1��r �o�'7::e� by dr.opplng before . •the Mt. IOrt: the gun, and the Waterma n, Shaffi>r. (�()tlklitl up 'l\'ell with 4 points Oscar Hauke. em n Junior college silt, by a 3 to Fmmtuin Pens & Scts 9 the lead themselves . when . 10nner P. L. C. studen�. played Il v�ctory. Tlie Lutheran girls 'were lanky Parkland {orward. Authorized Ik.'ulcr ('mler- ' able to rUnction properly on the ft'Ct lIeld goal. Afler this the wf/l!d I)orlahll' :rypt'wriit'r floor In the northern city. Their ans were penallz(!d six Urnes, Tn� lineup ' was n.ot up to the standard ",unlors were not able to knot A. JlisellCo. P. L. games. The Lutherans. There were' thirty rouls 8ooksellers-Statloners Johnson F . managed to .have things their the- game; twenty on P. L. C. 9(9)" Pac. Ave. Main 28'10 Coltom F h lr f g A BSTRACT OF TITLE on �t vemo� :lnlhan. Me. Mitton C AverUl leadl�;Ya:��� t�!:. ;�� l�. ;:� �r �rmer. !J(a � Ilway with TITLE INSURA NCE C. Monson 0 Ystad point lead ended soon after the Whistle honors. when he checked In fifteen Nyman 0 Zimmerman or the third qUlrter and was never repoints. The enUre. Parkland learn 1 109 Pacilic - B:ankers TTu.�t Bldg. , . SubstltU{lons: P. L. C.-Oardlln ror gained. "PIONEER" ALMIN L. SWANSON. Pres. Collom; Palo for Monson; Thostenson The Me, Vernon six played beautiful worliled together better than they have . I any other �revlous game. for Nyman..; Astorla-L!ndaren tor ball to defell\ M1e8 StllU"ud'. Lutheran WESLEY LANOLOW. lIneup. Title E}amlner Palmberg; Lo.,,'e ror Jertel'3: Malon<, outfit. Because the latter had dereated , Mt. Vernon i _ for Zimme-rman. Ml. Vernon by a t6 to 32 count ea�lIer , F �51 Anderson (. ) p, L. C, (UI this season. they were almost t'l\'O to ... Fa . .�F n; one lavo�ltes .to wln'this game. . 1 He wl)o has misgiving.'! liS to the Johnson, forward Brigh t cn up thc home with n Nym e N (' Col lom. lorward � 8 VARSITY PLAYS JAYSEES SS ' ", ) G ri!;l15h w1l1 never start 0 (3) Thomp.son I [I few flower's or a nicc Gardlln, forward 2 Oladlator varsity hoo�lel'3 play their C. Monson (2! anything. Substitutes: P. L. C.-Oardlln. ThosMitton. center 3 last scheduled game of the season when hl�ming plunt. Flowcr� ' •. (2 Monso�. Mt Palo R. (:\1. Thosten!50n. center 0 they meet Centralia Junior Colle-ge Frl. .. .. , . 'forc\'crybody aild t�\'e'ry� Palo. guard 3 night on the P. L. C. floor. Cen. Burlington: timer&. MonSOn. guard 0 . has defeated the Oladlators thing Le.e: scorers. Kalkana and Nyman. guard and our boys will be out 0 Ule count. Seamolll Flower STATIONERY TotaL� 9 " Shop (U) E� ��� �� S·chool. SUPpl�e81 :��J 9th & Broadway s d ' ' d Fa IT PF TP Tadle. forward Art's Barber ShOll Jorgenson. forwarrl o ' JETLAND & PALAGRUTI Brookdale Larson. rorward 912 Pacific Avenue , TACOMA Wilson, cenler • Pesonen. guard Open AU Nighl I, Hlluke. guard Englund. guard 13th ,& TRY OU� ANNEX JACK'S GRIDDLE Totals �The most or the best ror.!he least" Rich All Batur Good Cott('t' 913 Commerce Telephone Ma.\n � SWEE'I' AS A NUT

Varsity Bala c es ' · and Def'eats , WIDS In O egon Games I




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TO MO UNT VERNON ��_ t�-:::'tI��



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S'o � ,Hoop

, L, �.p�..." I y.klm.·PI7,


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I Gladiators Chalk UP D F ' A Third Straight ,Win .'o�

:�;:��jl:�����ft::1 : ! �����


Lunches Good'Coffee












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, Fllrnlshlnp

n�S J, M pl ;�����������:;����������1





game was played on the Parkland noor. and was by far the most thrilling contest the girlS have played on the home "'"" "'� .....n, ' The Lutheran glru; started. out with a bang, 8ncl for a time It looked as If the Swnnerltel were In ror a bad. beat­ Ing. The Sumner gu.u; were not to be denied, however, and graduallr dImIn� Ished the Lutheran lead. with the re­ sult tha,t the score stood i2-12 at the erid or the first . • DUrinJ" most of the second period the score .see.sawed back and forth :wIth neither uam havlnl _ an -.dvant.qe. Oradually.· how�ver, the Gladiaton wore their opponents ' down to ' the pm"


Call Mr. Lyons


p ��"��� R

1;==='=======;;;;;;; 1 1 1


"GLAD" GIRLS SNAP OF LONG HOOP Snapping out 01 the long I have been In. the Oladlator

;� I ; 'F;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;�;;;;


Any Place,


C�:mUne�ce '




KODAK FILMS. WE PRINT AND DEVELOP We try to caTTY e\;'erythlng In stock that.. wIll 'rm the ordinary wants. It we don't have What you need ,tell UI and WI! wU: get it. '. ... Prlet'1l and QuaUt,. AI_,. Gaannted . . '


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1'10Students uol T�c:oIIeot ma STune �o",sEver " .




Ood. j_ wUI, preeen\ Hlm·

" .U.-and the,, lt'llI at 1I.MH be ooneeloua . ' . -' . . otHlil prMtDCe vibrant: . 1o\'el); eacer for 8h:e . Behold, I ItaDtI at � door. and. Wh1 doe. He preM:nt Hlmaelf? God ,lCOnUnued trom ,Pqe One) A,trip to'llt. Tacoma' !&a1. Saturday · ..·tI, be d� from four dlIferent Io\-e.-aU �le to be saved. He�w..nta lndet."d. Uuu �e drew .P\-e sixty L. c: li�ntl .' full day. �k: If any man hear mY voke. �d .',nlol e prcrnun. To the So much , &I\ItH.. Olltll nf'd to enter Into our l1vet and become, public l$ e�nded ,1nvltatlon to at' lhim . .unwItUllIly. Into, her Ille. .her of thrills and. fun �rom six o'clock m.. o� Lbe dOor. I .Ur come In \0 hOO and. pel'8OD&1 Saviour. "No one come to until 9:30 p m. ' 1II1ll IUP with 'him: and be with me. tend the COllnntl meortinp. Tha pro� h.� JeliUL We . The fUn bep.n .,.,hen HlnderiJe, "To him that oftrcometh .tu I Pant th(iather but by· m-e." aA,. Uf1Xe ; Is II;S to �n.hlppll1l and And she. " l en t . r , th r e l ,· 1 o lc w slt.\W�th me In my throne. e\�n U I :.n :: !: � n":;:d:t :-:. ;; . . ��: = :m�hp'::ee�;�lI �;:; �;:b�;:t : =n :it;,: . f'rtda,. It down t h I :J(" �. M.and and e ove m me. ti In outcome the .. what know se aD!r:ea At o'clock the two trucb were alao benetlta she heaped upon him. ouon } Re\ T 0 Sure. and Ope !ternlty will be in either cue-we know to st.ut Everyone clambered on my �'ther In hla throne But u-.ken1n& we find comes ev- rrady lve recc! who thole -atIout ys ;:.�=� .. God what a d fou they hear whiCh him t e l stat.s an pl&nk the n He that. hath entultIy w aIl-who do not _k It W 0 A TInaelatad Welcome fine reaUnc place tor their stUl-yawn- what the Spirit &&I'-h unto the church- H1m and .uu:-- who re,ltet H� TUde bItter wa.It.e Inc: ah ttered A lv Pn-sldmts AddrrSll Mr Morrts Wee Bertha . romtnCe.\er ;ry life �e na se es lheme-IntroductCJry Ttle trip W Lon,mlre "... unevent- I�'l'he f!nlt question that we ..ouJd a&Il � a matter of ex1stence only She saw C--&11 � 8111 ..... ... =,nrI The Basls-(,l It 13 a. Ood-Ohen thls man-her husband-In unfi nch- fuJ wtth only one stop at the place ourselves II. who ls It that stands at l �utotred At the door and knocits? � read-Inc: other Where all the Life -�l L M Sta.vlg log bTllta.1 clearness Hls vutprity e t tall to re rain n l nod e Boo parts h l" lll t w began Revelation of k Lo� of the -.... ...... = ��:::e: ' crudentsa, egoism and se:ttsh accep- m Organlntlon of conlentlon WIp" .... f her lo,e deadene<! her soul and Inds 01 the hikers ",Ith dire forbod- that It is JeliUS Jesus continually ....� IIrMofwaJ IIabI S111 I statlnncee<!othe / and �anta to faat beating of her heart ..100t noth1n& can .stop L. C. stu- present.s f.w -' 9 OO.A. 1.1.He Ia pleued w b:e And then. too late. came lo\'e. su�h denta 'trom enjOyl.n4l themselves . enter Inw OUl" Uvea. Bible ,Hour-ru,·. A. J. Tow.t'. ' b ch '- J)!-l't. ot and we should teel and . hers Inw her 11Ie. Gerald, you,,, A ed in k th who iena:� Com'enUon Slnalng Itnow that that !a the klnd'9f a 1:�� 1�; n � M ::;; and already a and ld Ih·!ng-Edward. co ' I ' the s1 m .. 9:30-11 :.00 A. ._ . Ship Jesus wan�. wIth us. 01d. T1.IlrIre<l. and slippery path ww� ; Bu..slness Se$.5lon. 1 Now, when does Jesus knOCk? He per- I ' t. The Basls-Ib' "A Redeemed LIfe:' What sh0l.\ld she do� Was she not �tad1se In,?-, a six-mile hike uphill mtotntly knocu. but. there are Urnes Ij (� !"ntlUed to som� hlppiness? from Lonam1re. Re\". A. K. VinJe. lO �h� He Is more pers1 s�!1t . than 8:t . N. Th!" Challenge-Ca) "'A Lilt' With Her soul ha� become warped: .her { Howe"er, aa .sorsme were able to' To all thoae who bear the Urnes. offier � � f tot a.gain? · t try not up murre<! brok 10\'e Why aa party out. the othe . h r. ) I "f, Tn-mendous Po.o;slbI1ltlef;." -Re\·. H. I Then Is the conclusj.on wrlttotn--:a slowly. dropping some by the wayside, --:::::===::;.===:::;L"f'oss. ' horrible a.ccldent-and her l�goeS on. It took an avemae of three ho�ni to �.DR. H. L. MONZINGO drably. Quletiy. in dudl)" man tony. I make the hike. [)evotlonals. . . . The Challe�gt' 'bl " A Lift' With I' "Mr. Craddock" ls somethln dUfer; �lthOUlh It is mostly covere4 by mow Serious J{(>sponsibIllUes."· Re\. C. H. I ent. a.n .e�1ng study In charactotrs: I at thls·tlme at year. Paradise Inn ls a . NB 1312. WASHINOTO beaUtifUl place. At this time. ho\\-ever. jan Ins\.ght Into somebody's lit:!. . Norgaard. , Waah. TacomaLDO the' �lnner Maln 2610 . One of the newest and most. �pulllr the best thing .about It "'Ill 3:00 P. M.o · fiction books on press. Rea.d It-by iefVed there: After tll. o h urs' reat 'the :::.:::::;====� Conference Pt>rlod. Somel"$t't Maughan: " Mrs. Craddock." party. laboring under the extra bu;den Theme: "Church COnsciousness."' TSCHUNKO'S ot the dinner. struck out··for Longmlre� " . Qroup Harold Gronnlngen. lead!"r: Houe Flowen The journey back was made with greatGIVE INFORM:AL TA LKS Mvrtle Lok1ten Introductory· coma' er Ta of place the taklns sliding ON 'LIFE' AT MEETlNG . s· favorite flower shop Group 2 Ha.roft:t Martinson leader i SO. Pacific A\'enue at 50th e to to the college at Gro�:� =�I�n��� �ader Ken_ i Mll;slon Society members disc� CII.:em:.rty returned PJ;IONES: Mad 51'4-Mad. �15 the, theme of the coming comentlon about 9 30 P m neth O\erb� Illtrod.ucton Except tor a few black and blue spot.s Group Ernest Thompson leadt,:r. What Shall I 00 With My Lite? at! and of mo&t stuthe muscles sore some meeting. everegular their Wednesday Hale Aames Introducton - 11,11ng Ftbrual"}' 19 'J;'he parts of the dent.s stood the trip well � 00 P M C M1ss Stixrud and Mr and Open Forum-ReI M Sta\lg lellder i,!peme were Introduced. follo",s A Ood-Ohen Lite by Christine Olson. acted aa chaperons. 6 00 P 1.1 .-----' I Johnson .A Redeemed Life by Thora =====::;:::==::::=+ Dinner and social hour . t= Rasmussen: " A LUe With Oreat P. M.A. Ed!(ln Erlckaon I slbUitles:' by Arthur Olson: " A Life of When your soles trouble you tum Public Seulon. to steps your . Sena by RespqnslbWUes."· Serious . Del·otlonals. I . t" The Purpose-l a' A Llle Intended Johnson ; " A Life Iptotrided for Chris- I Pioneer Shoe Repair oU C ris l ��e� A f:: Co�:�";�ee Blda. 952 :s7�� I:;���I:) �y Ar� !�� � ��;��::d ��r lm���� ��: . at thur Olson and My Life for Christ ' 1 tallty Rev All M Kraabel .J by ViOla Taw Anna Aamodt plalied . : plano number .110'7 BROADWAY 10 30 A M A h e r Se ce -: '\ � ,: ���� ;fPtkr:;:I:: mS:��yo:�: �;':;n ;;: J A Aasgaard Presldl'nt up I elub. N. L. C. A. Liturgist. Rev. N. M. YI\·isaker. ) I ( ' Sacred Concert-Pllcltlc Luthenin Colt ' reciate Your App We lege ChOir. Mll;slomn-y Greetings: Mr. H. MartlnPatronage ";,: 'M":. H, Land.h'Ro.sso's Garage Se I ;�e ;!:� of the lndh'ldualHere's f a ml!mol"}' book ls rull of ml!an" My LUe for Christ."' Dr. T. P. GulI olog / '&J1d Importance. College stullxson ���;S.!�vir!'au�ee.ft ��d hoW" I ' Special music . be furnished at all l some .. ' meetings. The local committee has .'iTlTDENTS!! m.a.Iles the mOISt attractive and It satisfactory 01 a.lI gUt.s. ��adnn::o : a=p��onthU; ��r:�::I: Get Your Shoes Repaired on "golf f I :::!:�ent.<; will be j at the :::� s� ���d VISITORS ARRIVE HEIJE THU RSDAY .





















a. ,






Polo S�irts a�d Slickers KIMBALL SPORTING GOODS CO.






E�ery Page


,good advice



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938 CommercE C. R. Werner prop. ··Oh. Christine! Open the d r oo 1 00 � let in!" I Such was the plea that noated plaln- ) lively o\"er the library transom yester- 1 -' .• & d.y, Wholesale . "Oh. Christine]" a.nd Christine-yea. ' one of our much-esteemed twins lcioke<! . Plumbing, Steam and M iIl ' Suppliea up (Ilie .!tartled deer at bay!) and Phon Main 1707 · 1908-10 P T . A . then blushed! Yes. the telltale color $uffused herI " ! �am1ng face . Of course. the -library'had w be fuU of pf"OlSJ)t'Ctlve school teachers at the 'Vilson . 1 1 10-12 time. And. my! we love scandal? Pacific Ave. . Habcrdashc ' � r:!U� �u:� :: � d o c :r!':� qulst Impatiently waited without the ES SOCIETY B�D CLOTH ' doo" She had no key-what waa she to do? r Next time. Perh�ps. Chrlatinl. you borrow Mr. 6tuen'$ key-but that !an·t � t,he point. � We're ' wondertng. -Inc that they ! AMOCAT � both totach at Larchmont. wbether that � haa anythina" to do with It? d me

fellow� I






this-fill your hag with match,d d�bs, as quickly as po·ssible. We sell them in sets or one at a tim�.


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to mas!er only one swing, $6.'0 ea ch . . Kro-Flite Irons in Registered Sets. Se, of 6', , Spalding Symetric Irons are made 'to _the same idea, "3,'Q· each. The 5 essen.' tial irons only

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1 : 45











2 : 00 P.














..-..... ---�


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PL Valuable Session ��R For Press Opens a �p :a���e:,en :b!�g H,k,,,,,,,d', 'h""h .. th, ' Nation. al Meeting League Rally. Luther Leaguers · �l =e; :� North.....�st expect:ed DiS.�!ls!l�� or Chri�iia�- He- . h . sponslbility or Pubhcattons. t'holr planning a trip north of durin&: s('�Requirem ::t P'::�� ��e��ch J.-O Femdale and Belllngham ents ! ::ur�: ;=UJ� ::r!�1sS:ur�n. Eh'cstrom I.s ,noll,' . tM I n.strucU'''� inspiring press i Mrconcerts In Seattle. kd4rence opened the convention of rorThe wUl also present the Lutheran Student delegate!) s"t bers atchoir the Reunion. March �. Pacific L��eran Ollleg'!. Friday, I Mareh at 10:00 a. m. · The .first session .of the confen:nce began with Introductory remarks by I Official Qpening) Charles Norby, edltllr of Luther Col' ' Held frIday ' . lege Chips. and president of the con. terence.

Saturday Spent In Development Of L. S. U. Theme


Speakers Bring Signifi('snt'e ..of a God(Gh'en and ChrlMt­ !\to'deled Life !


A. K. Vinje: of Eve�tt. fur-



St;anda.rd.s Set

of the awlul price paid


"What Shall I Do With

Life" Is Con,·.tion President Tlng�lstad. ot P. L. C" II Theme ....., dLscus.sed. the respopslbUity of a college paper as the representative of I Before a lar8£! audience that a Chrls�lan Institution. " The most the chapel to capacIty. the I hanging on the ·cross. Je,su Important .....Ords:· he said " are 'Re- Lutheran Students· Union ··It Is finIShed:' What W&II sporuiblllty and Christian':" The re- tlon eve; to convene on finished? The redemption of man N. executive sponslblllty ot a paper published by coa:st officially opened at from slq. death and the power. ot the ue, the Y. P. Luther Lea a . a Christian school ill'S chlefly In tlrSt�lday. Although the officiated at the altar. SpecIal �Program Progresses on devIl. e o I I ' �� c�.���� ��� �nat:=H'7ad�� College C8�PUS; Many er:'�:h�inS��:::::'wS:l�e�'; ���� ����:;�ta� ���:�rle�� : :�:�� ::: h':! :::U! Concert As tollows: m"!Ori COn\'entlon and "From Heaven Above." by ChrIsU�E'·ents . Fill Days has no terrors for for we are · lscusslon on the convention Convent'Ion CI. lD1ax . Mr. l!&ymon� Reliilioll2.en, of Plrst. to reflect' the ChrIStian sPlr- !1 promised a greater and more' glorith� ' and fun. galore oua It 01 the instttutlon: Luther Seminary, played a comet Surprises, . -- . second, to pro- " What Shall I WIth My Ille than the one we shall leave the P. L. at anawait graduates C. I offertory. the mote' the Christi," purpose of the dId not begin �UI behind." . O. Edwards Presents HiB solo during coll�e; and thlrld, to exU!nd the I Rev. T. O. Svare. of nnon. based on 2 Timothy nual Alumni Homecoming to be held At the close of the meettng mv. Owl'! Composition. "'Tis a 1 his se sphere of Christian Influence. F!\'e the opening de\·otlon. 1 3. 14�15. Dr. Aasgaard began by �arch 32-23. According to those who SOvlk pronounced the benedlctl,on. Good Thing," First TiQle should Itnow all about It this reunvirtues should be oni.phaslzed In· "a whIch, President O. A. -! lXIinting out that, A.lternoon s-Ioa the delegates and . witb. . Ion 111 tp be something special, some- The The a (Ittlng climax to the conven- Ithe man who had college paper-truth, humIlity, love ....elcomed alt:emaon aeuion.opened very .specIal. There Is an aWful' acripture for our fellowmen; loyalty to God, from the Eas�. the college choir presented a gatherings like th1ll . readtng and prayer by �I:. . stad' s .... elcome . in brief of mystery that hangs concert· in the .college aU�I- 1 nifne othe� than the his people, and our Institution. and I th looked forward to thlll . at � ;h�o�,!,l � �Ue :�!( service. These are the Ught.s ....hlch Sunday afternoon. The I Dr. Martin Luther. and . affah".·,',ndm','t' 'wtII"::'P�m ar:i jammed the auditorium hooves his follo.....ers to rem" ml�dm""""""m IIhould directly' or indirectly shine �ore than a year. In all . t e e lo o I c . o h l away disappoinU!d. The the rock �'hence they are hewn. .through the pages of a p!loper trom another 'conventlon of ' ' ' .P C �� ::�:., '" �� ::� �. �. � �:" � � ' � '1'� ........ ... .d ' ...�'d n "" th. t ln a Christian college. They can best not be he.ld here again truly beautiful and em . 1' �regon. Wh�11spo� �n :;::m�n be brought out In editorials and stu- lifetime. I welcome you to place. but these cannot strongly the SPlr;t of rev: I sa;��h���::;' ���Ih;�'7":ee:�� o� Lutheran College and pray under threat of dire punlsh- �" I' l was the most promlnent� dent opinion COlumns. to qu..tI th , blessing on the convention. We are . . the convention. ! �' : :e�ons�d:;;:� th� ron'''n"tl'n:.... ..' -· The purpose ot such a paper. It all one bIg Ch�lstian family at P. L. :: and men young You women " . who, were loud � thelr I' The speaker deplored the If the alumni want to Aid was brought out. Is to advance the C. and ,"'ant each one of you delethe speaker. , aerloualy aaIcIs all about they will the choIr l�t year. were. of the times to disregard the cause of Christianity. A paper should gates t l I to .though you are one find the �ut for l,"- :�li�u= ;� �':a.�� ll��.: ��� , enthusIastic over the pre- i (Continued on Page Column 41 attempt, through Its stories and edl- of us;· . tortals, to develop the spiritual Th rt w I ' . . posalblUtles? My answer Is study . ' Sund�" the Speaks �e:�:� J. 6. l, . growth in the school and a right BetweenPrnlderH whole celebration commentel; of the Ille o{Chrl.!t Behold him In h1ll the welcome and the adphilosophy of ute. New Campus Plans i . who has been able' to or� ' I I and ends r\ ht on the lowly birth toll,ow him on his erss rr p n 'thls wonderful slrlgu:g group. E�erybody wUl find p�nty. rands ot'love and mercy Papers Meaalln'd see him on �: Lu��e�; �u:��. �:���. ��� compares favorably with Ratified by. Dean Ph. E. Hauge. of P. L. C.. Claude but there will be time be- the c1yiil, tor the sins ot manplayed Pellett melophone a ' of m-uch larger Jnstltutlons I . entertainments to m�t and kind and see him again as the rtseq next answered the q�estlOn. "How solo . . the United States. I Pre�ld�nt s Re�ldem:e Untt friends tlons indl I well do the coliege papers And of our Mr Wee spoke on " The Cry of the � Savior ,,:Ictotldu over sin an& : there wUl be a bunch of death. church meet this requirement?" He Youtb:. He pointed out that the ' The main feature ot the concert Girls Dormitory First .on There 111 your IIlIIPlraUon: there. poinU!d out the differences in college 'young man and the young woman the number sung by the chOir. Building Program \ There Is your model for malting·the . The exciU!ment sta.rts Saturday at moat of your ·l1fe." Thing," one of Prof. papers In t1\e amount,.of space given today Is facing a much greater task " TIs a Good . o....n. compo.sltlons. . an alumni five "If you look about Y9U," said the to certain divisions. In his research � living r\iht than It was i\t a m�ting held Tuesday after- 2:30 p. m.. ....hen a the he had Il:ivestlgated seven papers generation or' less back.. Today quint In llipeaker, " you will see plenty of poII­ ,. the a difficult but exceptlonaUy beautl- noon the Board of Trustees ratltled tangles with the COllege ful piece of mulc. the �ng has I the contract with Architect Charles what Is sure to be "one b,\i game:' slbllltirs for Improvement, boUJ. In' from church schoolll. He found that home does not . the question the wace allotted to religiOUS topics as In the past, nor does the church. not y�t been published It Is sung 1! Alttlllisch as designing engineer tor An alumni seltU!tU! will aLw oppose your o....n. lile IU1!! Jn tba.t ot others-: only by thl! P. L. C. choir. In the· various papers ranged trom 3 in education. in buslne4S: and in the the development program. . 'I:he the college girls. preachers have preached in h\ih In the even- hQme. Let love1be the handmaid of to 33 per cent; that to athletics. to The . what !be In addition to the choir numbers. I board also made the decLston that Then , at seven o'clock sounding phrases. ....hen 33 per cent : and to humor. 2 to 5 1 young. people needed ?;as 'plaln, Slm- I' Mikkelsen. soprano. Wallis the constr1.:lctlon of the .PreshJent's ing, the " b\i feed" begins in th� din- truth. Do not seek happiness. That per cent. (The median for humor pie instruction in the fuill:tafuentalll. Kerr. violinist. and Cora Vista. ac- I residence and a biology laboratory Ing hall. �ere will be so manySood' wUl co!lle of .ltseU." was twelve per cent.) . . Alter a short Intennlsslon and a The Lutberan StU"dents' Unlon Is companlst. presented several num- 1. should get under way some t!nie this tthings to : meat,t and t sO many ....old d ::���=��O! ::� �f th:: (Continued on �e 3. Column bers. r. I O I ��: ;f�n�o��: :!�e�:m':;�;�� ���:ln�ed : .� 4��� � :�v:�tI: :!! �: Je::� t�� � Edwarcb Hono�d ' pa t h re . ' time lromtbe angle.of "A LUI' With present; few. ho....ever. . we�e wrltU!n GULLIXSON MAKES . At the Insta.nce of Rev. C. H. Nor- !pacltlc Lutheran Coll�ge campua . ua In reUgloua terms. More concern was pard the large a\l.dlence in and indlcaU!s that the hopes for 8erio Rellponslbllltle!l." League to shown for extra-CU(rlcular aetivltles APPEAL FOR CLEAN tolr.en of Its appreclat�n of PrOf' Jj 5uccess of the School . C ti · The speaker W811 Rev. C. H. NorHave onv�n on In gUrd, of Everett, who �polte of th' th� for the proble� ot IIII'. Edwards' work as a . dlrecl9r and IfOUnded. WHOLESOIUE LIVES 1 . �. Ha� further pointed out composer. Last Days of April I !ndlvld�al ·chrlstlan 811. a lCulptor, subto aalted l)e Altf1ll wlll Mr. sch that all papers promote .the P\1l"P05e One ot the most Insp g address- . Anna Milr..kelsen .. ... . .......... Soprano mit plW. for variouS unlta ot "the who, a"wlth God, molds. ot the .hls..llfe Into the llkeness of Christ. 01 the school to sol1'!e extent. StII1' es of the conventlOn w. as at given Wallis Kerr .... ................. . .. Violinlst proposed girls'. dl;lnnltory. One convention annual the At . greater ett.orts should be made to by Dr. T. F. Oulllxson. S Hay eve- Cora Vista . . ;............... Accompanist 01 plans will be fof a unit Peoples Luther League of the or as a palnter' lwho blends the1 pIC- . . Puget SOund Circuit, ·to be men� with which the Spirit 0 God mould student opinion and educate Dr. Gltllllt50n appealed to the InProrram about 25 girls. another . . houing I 24, 2ti, and 26, In Everett, wishes to color bls Ille, or a muthe students .in the principles for nlng . Cbolr . 50. and a third aet . lan, o I L whJch the school stands. Faculty . Gretchanlnotf adiance some Ola R . h1 4 Ing the e t wltlg of the dual. the Christian. to bring a u d :'�t::tI��.:' �e'.mak Pr6� :lng ;:� =!o:y b;: :: �!':. ' supervlsl�n 111 neeeMary at all t1:. es. whole. ' urI' to Christ. ' "T1ie Come Thou Sav.lo� ........................ . , as specified on the clean . in order that the reader may ob- Ideal Christian experience .,.:. .tor: or a builder. who 1II. at the . ;.' he said, ... ................... . Christiansen presented some . from ta.In some view. besides. that of the " 111 to be a Chrlstla.n Christiansen If surtlclent conve�tion sermon .on Sun)Im� a stone in the· temp� luntls Chlld� 0 Bread of Life are � b aikowsky students. . y W be m'ming . hood." In connection with this he 0 Praise Ye ...............-l"Ts!:h donnltory will 'Answerlng the �lrd problem... how· ..... . .!. 'an"","" , ..,n. I�..;.. ,.. :_ "'m. " Y''''. '''PO __'_ w. H.. H, ,,�en .Soprano said. that a CbrlsUan should · 'ImedlatelY after Ole d th h d llf I =��U:::' :: SP::' �:fit:s. �va: I;:;l:�:: =� �:�II:�f�:I�" " " "" " ":'C�:�: I�:��:n co:l.e:.CJfJ . . . ���I��:':t:�:t �:;� ���:;� :I��� ��:; �:, vice. The saturday evenInc seS&ion do yoU leave Chrtst at home, and po�ted out that · entlrely too IItUe wardly appear whole, may to ' 00d SOlve\i's Sang ............... ............. ?rieg . Plans are under way to . exchanging CIrtted on by thOChoir malformed &8 � spirit.' But . ha4 bee� lW!ned the "Paclflc Lu'th- When do you take. him with you? Do . ot thurch schools. three me� to the MlddJe Coll.eae n\iht," and the .pro- you seek company where He woUld Every one even such a malrorm� Uf!,God' Den� Hvlde Plok ............ Grieg I or papers sono In ruponse to an invitation eran . SO to p� . trim w1ll conalst 01 our ch� !bauld t.rahs.Iorui aild make whole agaJ.n.. . SOlo-Henry Holm-Jensen only of ta1t:nt lrom not be welcome? Do yl:lu tunds. .These men· w1llReV. th1.II �L =e:iTS with every. other. He The woru;l� or· God's KJ'Ot' 111 that 0 sacred. Head . ........ Chrl;ItI.anse� soUcit The tentat1ve";,la . n or where tita pretence wo� em� Pres T1nge1.llt:ad and selected by s . ed11l�:; ��::: �"�::: .�= o. �. �aavlk, president. of th� board, Procra:;;:I8a!: e:::. ��: = t:1IId:= �! �� :�_�0� I.! � ; =.;.�AsIXl�w:. :�� Rev. O. E: VJoUn ' suit students·do not .Prfi the men's · q�t and the your 11Ie? � . wliat oQ!.� even ' day of 11Ie, and remake' � ' . , er schools doln/·· . and an addresl by "Do not. then," he continued, It: But lbouid � be .·t1dled 'to Ave Maria �...... pcbubert-W1IhelmJ . the board which wu t;xcept.ed. "Belptna: "net:iect. your reapons.lbilltle!l a 'In h1I: speeeh Mr. Baup � lP'e the befIt. put of our 11Ie to the Gypsy Alni ...: ......... '8araaate be O. J. by�. tlll.ed ' ChoIr tb.a.t CIOmp�tary coplCjjl be Sent Devtl and the world ' and bnn, .. Their Bap- 0hr1at1&n, but. .:ccept the challenp . . to &II pastors and prospeCtive Cbrt&t.lan· and- llve with and for Him who . remaimed life to Chrt.It? .�ber. Make Me, O�, Pure ..... 1J.rahm.s .Belllnabam. J4r. . dents. ' . deemed you;' . nGW'UQ> creator 1zt......� days 01 thy Prom Hbv'n :Above ...". Cbrtst� contJn��&II a member d�ua:: . �� �oonfer� �t.ed ac::t:-'-:'� :!e�' : .you�"speaker f� 'adm�ed :=;ul�:'.�.·"�= ·=����= PaP (Continued on Pare \1. ColUmn 4) (ContinUed on � i. cOlumn 3) ' .. Bolo-Ella (COntinued: on Pop of, Oo� 11 (OObttn� � .. 3, COlumn 3) .Olaon . . . '. ' ' . ' M.









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,re,ener �: ' . ·bout , lnchel aerou and had -lnp Dear M. and Pa. It IIU", Is pod thing that you and Anna I'Ol mad and &l.ld that QWaU w.ten ",m�"lnI her .AClFIC LUTR ha,'e ont brillyun l at least onl! hers cnb By the ) 1 think ahOH in PTof_ Bee"" Politi· Prtnte<t br Johnaon'COlf . m Pacific A�e that Is brillyunter than Ch� It must. n.ccln.� her ...hen It Ente� as seoond-cl..,.. matter at the Po5t om� at Tacoma Wash. Prima Ms-but I ashamt'd her cause � . rully crabby . . nI gtOn under the Act ot CO� ql March 3 1m of hu. She tried to teU 190me of the a few day'. that here for the oon-- La..5t nlte the boys sang Subect1pUon price at per acbooi on in the oth.r EMrsOul's that the sun It hue Wuh n t She d beautiful She told me that she EDITORIAL STAFF .. good Lleyer ca she almost like throwtng fe�w pennies at them In Chld-OLAI HAOENESS l I th llLte Stella Sorbot ya :n::l �:":f :;' peopul that :e: �:; :: ����:t�1 ��� � opy Margaret Holmberg and Vioill Taw "'ere here forl the con enshun wore day c10thts she dl t thl{\k It would Sparta Harol Ora} rlbbom t.ack� on to them The ribfor them let all =;:,�� - . Olt"ndll Waten COni. Vista and Inll. 06plenl(l �m "ere Just like the one lht.t be nice hnnles rtnllnds mt-they X....ler glvlnl a lecture on the eV- - - - - - - - Emma Kaaillnd In the Cynthya parrot) won the cit of Tacomll hu a hulth Milne Vandlnburg Ruth NOrgaa Cprlstlne Johnso.n and Sena Johnson t.a�kle conltst They dldn t have styles of women­ and they � Pa.UOIl. Larsol'l belnl called·Perenuff rlbbom to go around I m soap been uked ve BUSISESs DEPARTMENT b le o I now, think to going one 'Buslness Man"il'r �� with them !!O will you ' p leue Gerhard"Molden they'r Ihru U5ing em. �� �l��ou: '��:n� ;:I��; ClrculatiOIl M.,anftl('r Ruth Jacobson 'Say. I �I tell ya �methun If you'll a dollar or two 110 1 un .buy AI� Kin, IQI)klngjor Gerh . Ma r ' soaP.' , .o Moldell, him, Allee? t ca T.)'P\st , , Your cooperath'e daUihter, -Jobn Gbpkrad cracltlng a new put�!� 'i� ::�.· ��� t? joke In his speech to the prtSS CHEROBA SECUNDA Facult} Ad\ IlI1trs and the other In Anna Annods N J Hong and 0 r. =============,;'=""=;o===;" I '�� And ..-ere they slr.aared? (th;J P S I don t caplluallzt tacoma convelltion-Ja('1r. L el'lttt' p�,.,. Ha"ey posing In a love rkland bo an I caPllu o but l A CHERISHED MEUORY �:� scene In·front of Mike Jacobson" e: ��� ��t�e� �; �<a�m::�����:.�ryGf��· �.\ IlIt)(I('�1 11111(' ...·Impcl .... llh nil Ihal It holds of ...·inClUS ' O r a T\['mfll lf's fur Iho� "ho fnnl'lCrh allcndc� �") L C �,Prt' Jlppeal! ,, o Gullix.on . otnr: laI

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t I .l ho� hf'r'C now was the S<"ene of the offiCial opcllm� Ill(' roc.. . '\ J F"r Clenn L'lvel I Lulllf'ran S}utlcnts' l'nion {�on\'cntion at i :,10 p, m,. lo�tofFriChriSlllln to bring unto the . cl:l�, E,.c al Ihis first S('ssinn thot wOIHI('rful spitil which useful life. He made th.e ap. wns ttl/,1. Illp Ill{' (·(lIwenlion. as onc of the grealesl (',,('nls r ::;�\t(;;�'c�\'f'r takt'n plucl' IIJ Ihi: instilution ,,'os ('\,ctywhet(' I : "'h�� I� =:� ::�� �I:� (!J ! @-.-:�. � a,nd ,And ,peaIIlnc�of . " not have.' to look' back . A t wou lq lit' hard to l'OIll'ci\'(' a' grt'utcr rf'(' ling or gocwla� U:: \\edntsday. March 1 , at : · fellow ...hill, Ill'llf.)tc humhl(' allli sinccre gralitut!(' In thc : e U.�i\ll��: ::�;;f ��Y a t� � e h mighty:. a lUore urtlc.1l1 de·.,jr:t' In ponder !lIlt'W -,h(' I('achings :�� �o Sf!n'; a, hee.rt :��;':u�:ue, :':�n ':I� hlll 41f, <:l�nsl Ihon wus �hsplll�yt1, �\�ll whol wus more wonderful \\1th ..,tllChhandsado�, . a head .to al horns. . ) sill!. llls�cucl of wnmng. IIIIS SllInt grew thruughout sl'ssion uf bow In humbleness. and -LA�cr sc�sltln, !tnd al Ihf' dose of Ihc COlWCI11iol1 l1Iunif('sll't! When R Chrbtlan brinKS to' lhe Itself III ",'Tenter lIl('tlsur(' than cyer hefon': Rllht here we \\'�nt to dedicate a lUI.', It does not mean b�eket , In In' Lolllrd R bUll)' O f c ld the beak of ' . :\ llllly 1l11t'Ill I)ts hl\\'(, I�ecll made .and Will nmllllllt' s a}' be j p Ih he hould alw s rUShlng the fellow whowater grease our d rIn:ulr III ('XPn;'ss whnt , I111s ('on\'('1111011' nwant 111 111(' Ilck- 1 hrrt' and ther(' \\11h no tim'" !o l . gail'S , 111 11111' SdlOol. tel t'\'cryOlH' who look pari in il. 1\lIt 1111 ,�pare, Dr. OulIb$OlI said, but to t knobs e\'ery night. \ . oo I I I 'I " �� ::���� :'�I:;I:�:I �� I:�;::II� ;::I\t�;I��:�!���I�� i:�i��� :��:�,��.�':��c\� ! b!'A r I hls �:l�n\\:���od , I Another g�:��ler)' of life Is · clays wilh II f('dillA Ihlll sOlll('lhing indt'S('rihahl\' h(,lIuli r ul No rl'Ilth l "wh)' the Klrls the ry has 11('('11 ill uur mitlst. anti push forward wilh lile' rl'II('\\'('1I Ins\st u�n dropplnl pRrlng knives Talk.b on slrf'ng:lh allli t'uumgf' il has �in'n lis. Tit walk \\'Ith ood out of the "'lndo\\,,,?"' 8S












Im llorlers of Nor· wcgiim Cod L�vcr Oil

Cor. Tacoma Avenue &; 11th Bt, Tf:COm.: wUh. FTff Dellnry No strellgth Is lost -LAalk on. THANK y()v W H�he 'ct.f wonder �aard! No: To "'alt on Ood pntrfsor XllTler fallht to cl'ft the I )Llrlllg Ihl C11l'C'1I111l11 l" l't\ !lung mil\( tI .IIOllA Ilhoul No time. Is l()I;t. bl� �l Khedalt'd for 'T.m. ay l."il:'I2 .:.::.: " . Illllh l lw t'nhr(' prllg:r,lI11 ,,(, Ill off ,IS rt·gul.lrh ,1I1t1 I}('I ':",; : .: ,,:: I'''11 ff'clh ,IS ( III!. k'"lIrk rllt' 1IH',lls "erl' .111 S('r\t',1 1I1l i1I1H'' IIU' r Walt on.d . t e h momlnc I . The SlmJenls do ('onflned to tlf'I��al('s fount! J1la�·t's It! whidl 10 slay; t'lIh'rlaillllll'lIl WlIS ' tla� Y��llU;!:W III: t��1I �el� g�� 'edAIs lI� u,eCIs dill,hot". : ldetl;.IIIj(l ll!llhlllg hmtlt'r('tI tilt' progr£'ss !lr lilt' l'olln'n- l friend org =�frl .rrerll'l b t , nd of this he I :��::, !<IUY they h�ve never f ln t o �\' hcn Ihings "uunt! ahuut LIS an' Ihus pcrrl'd, we usually ::�:� :;:�s ���\�d::t����: �a�l' II liS mali(>r of l'CIIlrS(' . . ;.\s lung. as nolhmg gl l!.'S lllt.('r Inalife. or Rt heen in Tacoma un· a\'old having I It ,IS �'lIsy In hi' pl(,IISIl,I1L .Bul I 1IH'�{'.Is II!I IIIllm·.ky 1"·f'lIk. If a tht' wrong kInd ofleJl.lR tl girl-friend �r '.t�foIS they havc t'utcn IP IS lIIadt', t'''l'rylhlllg: IS upsl'l, l lH're IS n dt'l'Jclllc! h'I1t!('IWY boy-friend -� · h ' forg('1 Ihlll S�)I1H'Cl!II' has worrit·(r, SOI1,U'Cl!lt' has \�'ork('(1 I hlnomitlf,! pllllli. Flowcrs l.n.�lh'. Dr, Oul\l;!:I\OU pointed .1 h,lIrt! lo muke tilings plt' fur IIlhl'rs, 1ht'l't'fort·, II. IS unly I lhnt Illl' Christian should brllliout to , I'lght Ihal �{' slop til clllIsukr SC;I1lC' uf til\' .,(forts pili forth I Ihr Lord "different" life. A life , ror l"'('ryhody.und c\'cryCarlyle'. Caleierla 1Il ' I · ) I 't n ro i t C I n thing III 1�,7�s: �;I� '\ I\� i�I:�����:�I�::�;�.�i�iH' ('1)01. IIntl Jlt'r assisl!lIIls'. ' ��I� t��at �: ��� R�� ��:;o�: {I t : n I I ' II SenntonJf Flower 1 a 1 l l l ld \' , �i�;: �:�\��;� I::11��I:�I :':I�i::� \ l� O�(' :lll\��l� rl{;\:i: _;l:�" �\':::;;:�::'c� I ����;;.;R� :'h! ���IS��� f:;lr�� ��� : a,,, I" I ... "',111 1 >1il1l('n "." "" Ihc <"(Wflll l1lannc, ill whi,," II",,. '''h �r, (h', .ill IIn�h , DAHL GROCERY COMPANY 9<h Z�::!:.." die! Iheir dllty, Tht'll Ih('r(' art· Ihe ·\'arious t'oTllll1ill('('s Ihlll beRullful 'tlrt'. anI' thllt \\111 not " Member r I t C 1 · II .;� : 1 il ll ' I,( : ' Uniled Purily Stort�8 ::����:' �,t I') :,:���� t':I ::I;�I��;:I I���,.�:,II� 11�; ;���(i�i ::�ccT\ ::�" �,,'.� � ��;: ;\�n 1�lst�:('�K:�lIo�l'�t thE' . I'urkluud. WlIsll. I'htlll(' :\lntlisc'!1 :iglR no;) ut . holln l h h I o i 0 E'M . :�X;� ;:�� t\ � �r� ��'(�; � �:��r,� be(l r 1 "PIQNEER" do

1.'1 lost.

















I tl l l I ���� l�!�� �\ I�:� '�:����I��'\��!:�I::� n I I l l tl�legllh's 10 tht� IIICHllllnill; :mci tilt' faCility whidl :lssisit'ci -CALEN DAR-· wllh l:uulIS(>1 ltnci help, I�P,-T. presents "Kem. ' It':ull . 'r March :\or mllsl w\' fnrgt'l tilt' chulr lII('mhc.r: s a!lei lh{'lr Pl'" In the college auditorium ai. --. tllf'\wnnckrflll l'on- p. m. whuqun't ' spt'lIl monlhs in pr('parill�: relr . !'t'rt Ilwy prt'S(·ntl'd It lak('s no lillit" 311lntJnl of ('(fori to Ma.rch 21-Debatt: \Io'Omen's afflr- I �tag(" u pl'O�r3m such Ihal. maUve team and' men's negative I Aml ll)sl. hut nut h�llst, Ihe ",hol(' slud('nl hod y, lInd('r th(' : learn meet $(Oattle Pacific College. 1(,1It\{'rship of In·lIt· Duhl, is 10 III.' ('omplim(,IlI('t\ nn Ihl' WilY ' on campus. I il ros(' 10 tit(' CI!.'l'IISioll. Thl' ('oll\'cnlion c('rlainly prm'('t! thll' March 22-23-Alumrn Homecoming ' Ihe slucknls ni l', L C. al'l' w('lI nhl(' 10 llppr('('illlf' tilt· rim'r l Ihi!lg:s in lifC'. . J���� �����': ' • •





_ ___ _.




Hr. Archie G.

.J .I II J.







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Its .

When yOll fccl l;luc , . . take hath i'n the sun­ shinc of SOllie' optimis­ tic fricnd . ' . it wnsh off. u

nUl\, '


d P �co.�.�� R STATIONERY



Telephone MaIn 5900

use' �u � Is riCher al'ld I poorer. I sha ter hope. v:1th him Chrl$t·lUe, and bo grea f glor)".-V1nje . of us art.rlcher.-Kraabel Get first humWty lo\'e: then, The Chr15tllln &tn'lcc a kind of lh'e an active We of service fur your slavery-the 1ndlvldual Is bound to Lora and Crea.tor:-Pou . Christ by the chalns of lo\·e.-Rholl """ -Don't llve ·yourself. but Chrisl.Ut us In our chlJ!Ch consciousness Norgaard. -place confirmllUon proper plaee.-auUlxson .







gre ater











1 gh'e my nelgbbor a dollar. H� am



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.·��.�. .II ,


" ,



"The Pea� 01 QlUllity'"



l ·






T,RAliv '/or the FUTURE

. , IN THE 1_ lAN() 0/ the FUTUU · Libera} Arta Courses in Junior COlleg� � . State Accredited Nor l Curricular , ' Sill Program. of S.tudy in Bieh Rehoo)


Come&./. eomIc auriuuDd


.. Special Counes under

in .Mu.i�



eXptrlenctd Chr1sUan teachers 1n healthful,


=�f����::en�� ��� � �wmdertul forenstca. adlool · jcill,l'1l&l1sll\ and muait'. 1nclucllllf Our � "Choir Of the west."

Pacific'Luiheran COJrege


Frft 8ell .. ..� .

t_ � ...... � w......





Olson C�ls. for . . Spring Gridmen , .

I muns of ktoepln&' mal\1 alul!U1l Inl[

' SCORES OF GAMES FOR SEASON . ' c.- t it .�� �un Lire 1\:!I�Iir8I1C(, P. , .. C. 21. . .i:l--- Purklnnd Mell's Club 1'. L. C.-2M. ..' .. 15-�orlhcrn Pllcifk



"'".. """P'- ' .,'lelo", .,�.."

",='!�"u= �",,!',,: .' ---tJon of Prot. J. O. Ed••nII.. pl�)"td and the DeIep.I.ea .n·d l'ilJton to the con- !!election contact with · tht. �l Alter dinner, the tolle,eTwenty- Candidates Report at venUon, and fael,l.lly memben and qUllUt, coMIsUn, church. ' . of Ted EvJenlh. P. L. C. - 12 .....21-Pco»It'!I, Store .�irsl Turnout: Fall 111 cl08h�i. the IIpeaktr sal dthat student. ot the eoll� .('roe luesta etanle)' .Berentaon, WImer QUIit-. P. I.� C.- .:m ..:...Hl-John Do\vcr Luniht'r Cu. IlthoUih schools varied in space 11- It Informlll receptlon 'held In the and ' OOrdon Atchky. Prospect8�nriRht Lhl'f'e on h i e . : :: : f:- .-i;.· ····· · �� <:;, P.r S.i n('scr\'('� . I n ��;ectc�;:�: . With a bang that nsounded ol'e� , o�!;�;'::·n �h:�;� �r!t:ee�� . . �:.· .�:�n!�klc:� s :�: ��::�B;�c:;n � � ��.: :c!!�:.' ':: uni r Col �(' t lt' o � l . · � ' I ', c.- :Ix.. ·..· .·..f:;&,��={. F'·or ll . """ , . ltie entin' canip�. spring football tractil'el,. de<:orRted . with sprlnl .... them Rn, . �:: �L... L-:I1 mRde Its debut herr M day' afterA· \·ery 'lnterestinl'.tudent dLK�- loft.,e at t�e windows and on the l Th� colI�e-Coneert" trlO, consist. .. ....�-�tl. V('rnO!l Jr. 'C(lll('�(', ta on n �� 'L��e�Y' ::on;::.I�:;:�U:�: �e:�re the dlnner' the wbole rroup �:I�:�n� =���=: :;;;!lt� :::;:: �� call for a spring j f tball tu�. . 1'. J:: ��:.:... Ai!:· '::: :�1= ��11�'��� :'���v(,!i ::: �::, tnomlnr. _Ion Of. the �:���� ��::n!%,�=,���ak:� '�::;� ' n I l re :;::' ;:: ��: _��: �:':::��i��U{r��111::�IJ�l'�:7tle�t' ��;n�:;. ��:: t:�nC:C1ln�=� : y ;:;. a: "�;:ha� ' t::���. TIle afternoon seS.!Jlon belan at ',gal'e LhRPks. ported for the first M'S.!Jlon. and pros. I.." <:'- :\0. . . ..26--- Yu.kill1l1 Junior C.nll(,�t, est" . P. o'cl�k with prayer:�� by Mr. Ptla· Creamtd chicken and potatoes, �fter this short but lnt.eresUn, P. I.. C.- "ZJ. ...32-Aslorio J-lil-:h pecl$ for • .•·innlng aggrqulion ne" bl� Young. o� Luther Theoloclcal l baklnl powder bl5c:ultl. pear ·and· prQIram Lhe rueatl enjoyed an In. fall .arr "ery promisIng. ) 1'. I.. C. -2 1.. .. ... 21-Cnmpbcll.H.uhnes, (Al'>lorin) Seminary. At.lhb\5C'SSlon the more cottAle·cheese sat.d. Parkerhou.'Ie formal half hour becoming aequaln· J"1o, C'.-23 ... ... a2�C('nt r8Iiu Jr. Collc�(' These practice St'S.!Jions.. being ::', 1.. . : I lems of .the pa�rs rolls. chocolate whip. layer �ake. .and ted ,,:,Ith �h other. C.-'174 4 14-0pponeritfi! short and snappy. will lut for only � : =:� ! Rnd John OOplerud. of Pacific Lulh·. Ad.,lKrs Speaks . : ' . n;; ' .�:��;��U��:h:�� ::::t::eg �= Some of the Prob� -;i;;;The ;Int lpeak-er of the afternoon, eran COII�. ETTER G R A O E on the fUndamentals of the game. � p ' 0 r t (l l a n t s h Salt. a';:r����;h and e a Sharp lookout will also't:!e kept on all <:J , ' � I ��: �o�� :�" �:��: ��u� � ;lg�� � :�:="'r::UI �:��. ::� : By nell; material which may be used to , \ Lh d bod R L ad"antqe for next year'S gridiron SPring! ' With It comes the catl Strong Centralin Jaysees Pile �:o� ad��rs�7hm��:�e ���l used l t.erest.�n t�/::u:7:Y? H�w�I����: JE� :l���fl:'!!��!: UT TAC0 MA �.sptr,ant.s, . .:..,.. from Coach Ooon's office for Iprlns ' , Up 32 to 23 Sc:ore ; Take . toml staff an.d the buslnesa �laff. est in till.! activity since no . Early Lead � � After fe..... days prellmlnary. football. About thirty men hal'e La c:ounl! == jou":,allJm usual- � be. complfte ktep to necessary are, ... Adl'lse i!i i!i ii! i !ii i !:!!! !!!! � ! � work the men will enter fnto the IUlSwert'd. It 1.5 announced.thl\l the . fore the editorial staU the needs of Iy oUert'd In a Junior. College: how " more strrnuous work of Interclass officials may Rmnge for ' a few AJth�h they played hard. the 'reneral' pllblic �nd to see to It to Interest both ' student and ·su·!).. HANSON'S -l..1rt'ler 5CrlmmRges,' These scrlmmll8es will sc.rtmmatCe lanies ".-Ith Llnt:XIln I.nd clean. fut game. Pacific LutherRn that the contents of the paptr may scriber In a small bl....eekly . copy; ho,," t('fld to bring to light all potential Stadium. hoopst�rs dropped their flnlll con- be of Int.errsl to the general rrRder to.make clear t�e rela,t!onshlp or the Watc:h Repairing a Spf'ci alty I h he I I a f f he g C Ud �d�'t� ��d�\ ��:� :���: ::�1 : :,=u:::�: �t �III flll�thletiC bill after :�I� �l:frasoC:I: �� f:�::n :�; �:�eus:::)U��e � ::!Plete har. �:: �n� o� �:t::u:�: '�:� m nd and how to make the paper the concl�lon of the three wtelU of Parkland door Friday. February 28. mony lIetween ttle i : 1\11 � candldaln with the funda. 1, 1 1" .... "' .... ... ...,........"'" editor and the kd.... . viser. the former Is rrsponslble reprrsenl more the true spirit of th� �.:. -== . spring football is still a queStion. by a 3:1 to 23 scorr. nUfutal' 01 the gRme. .. . The lettermen who are turnIng O::lt Baseball traCk. golf. and 'an extens. , The Jaysee team' out· for ttie paper and must conlsult the school? ' : PA.RKLAND GARAGE . for the spring. sessions. and who will h'e tenniS schedule are but a fe,w Of�l� their opponents In the fI�t advJ.ser, who has the intl!rest., of all The conference closed with AhOTt '. A.� . Repair . undoubtedly ' form the nucleus of the sUlJgestions from the :students at ,all. wlLh the scorr being 22 to 1 at readcrs at heart. But the tdltor dlscuS.!Jlo'.', of the Individual prob- i alf time. The Oladlators then hit should not become too dependent leml brought up In the- afternoon r,a�. Oils _"d Acc_rtn . ... IhLs yea'-:s team are:. Nyman. quar- large. ter: Palo. half: Llsherne.!5S. tullback: .. their stride Rnd finally crept up upon the adl'iM-r. H� must ha\'e I spe«hes. .----JJ. C. Pett.�n . n I 1 O n d h � ��:�I�n: :au:'�::;;;:�' Sc���:: g:a��!r�a������' � :�d :h���� :�� �utS!�d '::t �al'�'tQ�::�e:;�';; ��:�a�r ::O:W�I�; a :�����:�l rum el r " r .I man . , ..- ........ -.�.......... & mann lind Scheel. guards: and Per- be up to tht: students. The athletic hold the Jernlngly unbeatable Jay-. thing. with no chRnge In makeup. I D h l e .\VEh,l(e�. c:h bene,lt and en· flI'e. program for their ch·a\. center. humor. s�rts. and other depart. ' h ... S h ' I Bn",L d The team enjo)'ed only R medioc re terllilnment and they S.h�ld decide The game ""u unusually excltlng menta., � '- � 00 � � an , �llSOn last �'ear : ho�·e\·er. the pep of whRt Is shRll consbt. . and. tense, ""Ith the.Oladlator boys The faculty adviser Is necessary Inve't.ment. Suppli� Cific Ave. ' Phone Main Pa . -missing. many easy shots. In ihe also be(:RUse he Is · the one stable . and zest displRyed by the grid-men . \\.1I1�·rnHlAl.' SI . l nrr{'r&. (' ll k. J ' In the spring sess\rons held thus far' But, .....hate\·er· .....111 be decldl'd' mlcbt of the excitement, to lose a person on the !Staff. "Qood editors , . :� l � ull n � u 1.11 I , In the school game wh.ICh they might have �·on. may come and but the a,cII'lsefj STUDENT SPECIA L point to 8' :SU�S5ful season for the upon. el'ery student C l N ;na� :U �': �':t :;f\·: �.a connecting link from . �b�o:O=;: :��!! ��o�� l CO�lng fall. t ��::( I . t\onaUy po�lar RealI.!Uc. and �'=!�l�:�ul� :; f:�'����:���u�! OU::r!:l�� �I,:::r � h te e r y a . !�U[,:��lf!I��'i���. 'Il;\�;t��� . be .t.ntl\rtsted enough to attend the showing perfect checking and a good Student-opinion coilimns and oth' other gURranteed mainll dfed . FORMAL OPENING permanent: "a-. Wal'es that . If Jli3Ptl CO. games Pln.yed oh the home lot. Last eye for the ba.sket. Johnson. center er local columns were discussed �y l do . . not need to be finger wal'ed Book.seller.-Statloners FRIDAY EVENING )"tar dutlng one of the most Import· for thc home teRm al50 showed up the preS.!J representAtlI'e from St. Main 2810 attempting to remedy this. It alms ant.-<nmes there .....ere more persons ....ell . ....Ith . polnl$ to hb credit. For Olp.f College, Misa serenR Loftl.eS.!J. �rl!!:'��mm=� ' effect. Hair 909'';' Pac. AI'e. : to aid In the furtherance of ChrLr.- b� the tennl$ COllrt.5 than were I[ CentraIlR. Ellis led the way wlti) 10 She pointed out that It w� adl'lsable tlan education. It trlcs to foster reo wRlchlng the baseball game. polnl$. to hal'e sucb columns because they -The IIneup� Ilglous ·ltfe In the church schools. help bring out Lhe Christian lIplrlt I STUDENTS C�N MAKE' MONEY DURINO THEIR BUMMER P. L. C. lUI And finally. It em4ea\'ors to bring Also too much golf is nofth� best . of the school and help form thl.5 re·: VACATION BELLINO.WOOLEN OooDS. Resident aaleunen, reo 'FG PF TP latlonshlp between the Itudent group challen'glng problem.� of youth be- thing for a baseball team. Of course. I putable house selllnr qllRllty me"rehancliM! at popular prices direct; . We gll'e good . 1 2 21 and t�e chllrch. Btudef\t opinion seeks rellabl� sale�mtn with car. comm1S.!Jlon bans forI' COn\cntlons suclL-as thl$. . a rollnd now and then is no' a crlfn�' 1 Collom. for....ard L 1J ; d d n r d ln I t n � 1 :�:g":tu::ts. stimulate Int.erelt i' :�LE� ���;�� JJ��D�'�� i��. ���. r:� th� d�:�,::��n:S:I�.· �:h:�:: �u: � .,,� ���·\�� y�a�·.e �;ng:f � : �o�:�. f:�;!� : , , Junior Collele PToblrm 0 keep In mind ls thRt we are not from well liked by the :students. then It Is I Thosten:;on. eenter 0 . 0 ' Ncxt the. problems of the lJunior ;; this school or from that. but that up to them to choose It a.s their . C. Monson. guard 0 0 I Palo," guard I , 1S..,; \VE PRINT AND DEVELOP YOUR KODAK F U 2 College were d1seussed by 'rtprescn- ' we an' representing the church major sporl. Wt r I l an�. ree t s g h h h h I NymRn. gunrd e :�e:��!/�o�����:IlW��1 :�� �: �r� � d �� �:rt. w n;f� . �I � a Th�� ��r;��::� � ���e�� ::. ��=r · tCRm f o I e of g thlnk speakl ' :�: �� :: : : : ��of:�furthering � and QaaJlt, AI_,. GlI&Rntftd. · :�aim .� 23 Pauske. of Red Wing Seminary: Inlte the Kingdom. of no mean Rbillty could be :started TotRIs ' Norman Nelsen of Waldor.! Coll�e: C�ntralla (32) · at the school. headed by Benny Palo. of God... PARKLAND MERCAN,TILE CO�IPANY FG FT Pi" Tl' . After \fro Wee's talk. Arthur He I.s a natural golfer. By n lillie I 5 0 2' 10 sen san!!J Lead Thou My Solll." 'by coaching the rest of tlic "would be" EIII.s. rotward along and . Dale, forwRrd , • 0 pIIUers could be brought Prer),. BUITER-NUT �I . ·I I::�:::.te " ery f!lvorably I ';::�' �::;�d BREAD � I c Then :;;.' �.�:��S!�f North. :�t�' ��:� Rich "-. Butier I Sch\l,·al1. guard 0 Iltld. Mlnncsota. on the bllSl$ ot 2 SWEET AS A SUT out I Althauser. guard .' 0 bringing I.s wCRther tine s Thi Ooda "It Cor. 5·15. :spoke on R n f n .. 13 � 32 I �··-;,·=-=-··��-;;;��_·�.... !��:Ch ��; . co��e::�� ��::e �: �:c:���a�l:na;�:::� !:k� �:'r::� II TOtRl� , Pidure Frames to Suit discussed. The speaker pointed out all who to participate. Why that In life ""e gh'ern one :sIngle not con:slder others by qul�tlng !lfter RO(lr.d Approves' Plans I Your Taste. �·.Fr:!mes in All II SI zes chanet'o When ""e come to the end completlnl one set? Also tn;. as far I offertd a position as biology lnstruc- I possible. to play one se. da)'. tor. did not accept. because of \II THE HAMILTON STU 10 i of that life and have made our choice, we cannot start O\'er agaln. espcclRUy If others are waiting for a health. 915 Paclflc'Avenue Phone Mal 2937 Therefore. It behoo\'e5--"Us to make a ch,ance. The board ratified the three')'ear 1-'" ...-:. I cholet' that will make our life a suc, normal course. This course will be NEWS put Into operation as lOOn the I �e can come to the end of our AlumALU,ffNl \'lsltors to P. L. C. ol'er the State DepRrtment ot Education hILSI Hart Schaffner & ni \ . � lite teeling. "Oh God ! II I had but week-end of M,arch 7. 8, and 9 In· outlined It. � . �Ia.rx Clothes '-------'� chosen dlUertntly! Oh that I had eluded Mlrlam Hlemdahl. Jngeborg A 1930 sUmmer se.!5Slon beginning another chance'" or ""e may be able Bolstad. Ellot Mikkelson. Blgne June lli. and closing July 25. was to say with Paul. "I ha\'e fought the Hjermstad. Christina KnI.UZep.. John officially appro\·ed. good fta:ht." be Wiese. Erling Jacobsfn \ 1 th 1.s �:: 7�e � ��I: �;�:v� � VIta;tIO� h�n sent �ut to The rlove acaln �kes Softes pliable pull on � ....·ork with 1.5 a 81ft of the �\ghty. theIn alumni glol' In .uede:a on lmporlance In new for the reunlon to be· . Art.'s Barber Shop ....uIl ea!5l.l, SPrine's shades' that harmonlU h . K E 'S In neu· 13M. at chotoe ensemble& with spring tral tonu to oo�plete In champagne, suntan, Lhe smart Bprlng ':·u,:� ::::: ::: , ,,," for � Pir!�� :� grey and brown with unSemble, no matter what the C:Onf�n about Port AJthorp. · Alaaita, saturday. usual cuff notes.. --o1ovea, PInt Ploor. and bow despaJ.rtng oondltlons � 15. where he �': stock- iI- .' • .:: m. .- .r-.:; .j' . . .l. •=-T.�" .-. - �.-=.::E1I2 : :re-:re God's and under hb . ' r for e Sklnnercom !! I --... . .. . 6000 : � = � � . . Llf' .. tho Lon! .,,� " to '" to-) UrrHERAN BROTHEitHOOD �I :;:!:e�':a:;;:���th�e= �.�-:.Y· �l �-:mt;:n toSa��::' ';iI (Legal �rve LIfe Insurance) Kayser Silk Stockings S i tried to make � th� March 8. is There's no doubt' that Wednesdoy stocking means rrally hla way 01 reveal_ lIm'-for h�re ore B.OOO p airs of . first quality \Ve uffe� !ipcciol. ndvonloges.· If these were tng hlm5eU lA? us and changing�our Peter Flott baa dlacontinued hla Kliyscr silk �tockings-sclli�g !It B: reposter. . not greater than others offer, our presen.t I ,� , l1V C ls ft he • Zt!:�:::e� "';en us' by �d::: :e�":n.D�f �':� .� !\ �� !l��o�;fr���}sh!d�w�ii��:i��.C�h�r�:;' a:d siz(' \\�u)(l ne\'cr hove been ottained . ' Ood. it Ia not blameless. pure,-and Ington. . light service weight ! Hee!s are .the "�lendo." ,"spotless. for Satan hU entered in 8 Y: S e_ � t:l��I h i.. �r tupered s.lppe r t�� I F and corrupted. But, by employing Sound Irisurance . Liberal Benefits ' ""'Iu'" -, no, hdot of " or ... Qod-o....... �... ' beach � J avenue, b&rMktn. Uin , ce· GRIJ?DLE. ACK' '""' ;' Prompt 8ettlementa be. to oUlht wbat it ;' .Dl&ke. . ''To wast.e a bum&n ute la to malm '� nptof�bellt ror�leut" U:: pa�": . =Pe,� , � ) and apoU the. 11'0.111: .� tbe AI· Oood COrtee '--' f tone. taupe, rlverasde, recen�, FuJI information ulJOn requeat. I , . "13 COmmerce . mJahty baa; done," wu the flDal·--' '(¥6" . C,'" . � '"'. P�menad ' ., . (Pieue ,tate your ace) polDUUOUlht-oat by the speaker, '. , A . --�Ploo � 'tVn.< �r C\ :>\. . ,\ , . ' , � . ' . / Herman L Ekern, PreSident .. . . 1'. I..

•. �,


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PAGE pouR .

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Choose OIJI·cers . . For Corning Year . I _



all tha' ....... CO TO SING AT . D.elegale.s Enjoy • The G....... Q-.uP.L.e. Opl\1ECO�lING Bot m,', "" _ ...tIoo. oc. OUting on FU'!II m �lnt' in �� t.e:-;: � � = eo:: ire .. � " to Dr. A.upanl. is bow to Long at DJty t I e O


HOI7 Obo.': wi""", Cb"" .. can do nolhlnf. tor tn UI


d�. · . = 000<1 ....... . Kut Is rro-lnf· , ork to iii tJow' au w God', of Out l of a ehrIaUan W� � -flnd 000, for mUSt find HIm. and the rrsca Rei holbe n. Erl�k:lOn. " Uld �e)'Q at leaSt.. ' ��::!d�!70r �=.rt With tl'Ie full whim. t.eeOf'd1nC 10 Lutber'. .Pprec1al� of know tllm)n order l!J kno"!, what to Fauslie New Execativ" of On Sunday morron, Presldent In order to keep pace with the b, fear and )ove of westof splendor the God of era E queaUog t nus � L. S. U.; P'rfta",en will .ctdreN the It'(Iu. do 'lll'lth our l1fe. .I!O","th of OUI achool the edltor- ' as er:n e �nery. the deleptes anc!- v�- T1 atlstad the feKUlar Sund&l' ruom1ll1" h� ans..' effl! by re� �to men : Also EI�, l&l I.nd bustDeu stafta decl�t<l tl) tom rs � the L: 8, U, c:onvenUon, held sen1�. The coUe,e choir, under his Son, the God-:nan. J�UI ChrtIl. \ enlari'e the publication. __ , hopeIs March '1. S, and " at P. L. C., enjoyKI the direction of J. O. Ed·....rda. 11111 He I.a the door, ThroUlh hlID a:s6ne 11 R!oYmond Retnholtftn, 01 . Lutherj . you readers ..W 'Uk · It. We lor on Th�a� sing at this service. p to Mt. the approi&eh to. God. lor no man •••••• .. '"".,�-. Theoq1cal Bemtn.a.ry-, was made the tor youthtt are peUblls .hlngItthe aaftt�rnoon, March S. e pl'Hidenl 0 Lutheran Students paper Sundll.Y afternoon ' ,,'m see the cometh \lIlto the Father but by Him. I UnJon at lh busmeu meeting held Upon their arrival at the staUon � and daughters 01' P. L. C. apln ''1lIUI,'' con.Unued the speaker. saturday temoon . He �Iaees I ' . the vlsltors ""ere cordlally greeted by becoming acquainted with the cam ':"'e "See tho',t everythlna eJSenUal to Morris Wee 01 the same lnaUtution Debaters Credit representatives of the CoI� . Can pus from which lOme of them. at our salv(Uon iii put outslde 01 our� and t--Ill,'rve until the nnt conIliere Iladly furnished by students least have been ab!lent 1001 sehes and 11 based solely on IOme. · I W \entl� ti held and the delegates were thing that does not chance ...Ith ' i SIX ns So Far and friends f ] m an to c sh:�n: tr:ure���O::::;:iu���ora: 1 ;�=� A��r l:e: ��e �:to: number ot years and probably kno..s T.2 Meet T"o More Teams Be- borrowed hiklni top and prepare:d I comfort It Is to know:that by more about the union than any (ore End o( Season : Loses for a trip that to be boUt un- , continued Fromcontinue ]"&lt One ) and grace alone, we saved. In the until glven nmothy to other student.. He hu aLso attendWlual and interelltlna: to them we find this 1011d Tot I ( Four . The delep,tion arrhed at wna:- Ithlnp ..e have learned and bet.n u- really do noth�wlth our ed more conlenUw than any other I delep.te and with the exper1�nce Although they failed to win more tnlre Sl?rinp about 3 00 In the at_ 5Ured or and to seek tnapln.Uon and how sl&:niflcant It Is_that ntIn other temoon Alt.hoUlh the mountain it- 1 learnin8 lh1np "'Prese galned from these conventions wUi the Second Article speaks of four of tJ:le1r lut etcht debates, stU ,,'U completely hidden by day ph1losophy,� he aald. a.tma to be work of Christ before he speaks be "'ell rttted (0 sen'e u leader of than The po4IUon of secretary "'ent to I.arslty debaten slW hi"e six VIC_ CIoUds and smoke, the surroundin8 : r� {tom the bon·d.I of doctrine and our service; and. how th1l 11 ·the on n for a na ltrles Mias AiDes Erickson. �f..!ugwta [ to their cr&d.It against toUT foothJlls ..�re representaU� of the to depend solei)" reuo yery kernel "'ld �eart ot the eon ·COllece. She one--of the three , defeats. ' . In the put two weeks each beauty of the western mountains... KUide. It encoura,gu youth to live a ,·entlon theme. ,, he contlnued, .�""hen we I After'elq)lortna: In the 1O,'emment i lite of joy and amuaement: to th'e "But,tntn.sJ ,women de]ep,te-1 "'ho cf'Ol5Sed the I of the fOUT teams has w on a ·DR. H. L. MONZINGO nd . ' pleaae Ui enjoy to nature, Rocky .MOunt.alns to take .part In.l. � orrtces and the Nat10nal Park Iqn.J clost the task bel� im of ty the . a d �he convention at P. L. C. . . �bate. aM on the qutstlon. Re- the delep.tes took' a two-mUe hike ures of reaUstic lIterature and DENTiSTRY,' to W, Ho... 11 SLgvaid Pauske of Red. Wing Sem- soh'ed, that the nations Should ad- up the Nisqually River Trail. The but It dots not aJ;lllwer man's deep- ]are impelled itO�i shall vie become es- 13n WASHINGToN BLDG, n : What ahall 1 do with sun e ch n the ' ���? �� o n which a t ' toek :i 6 10 Tacoma Wash. if � 0 ; � :I�' Matn " �::� � : ;r::� � :;:!�!�:=� n � o�C:;: :�e: :I� :����t!: ::� life b �u:� Life Slmpk! h u::. fo II n I thm e . e A�r's '\ 5 rv �= :' :� ::: ��e �::: I �. :;:�:�ath.e team. con- on���\h�s:.:: �I:�� :�.� intricate " Life," aald the speaker, " is not as many would have us Inallons. and then the rest of the sisttng of RuU1 Jacobson and Ru�h national. park. "'as .... my 0::::��1 o���;;�:�::: It dot�not require a delegates passed on. these nomlna- Norgaard. won their 5eCO stN.lght that a group of theItstudents rw In Jesus Christ, 'iny w�, or or a mut.f;r'l tI9n5· l contest when they reetht a un- lbeforc the. ·vlsltors came. a.5 . . Neal E. Thorien to Him, but ]tIs the work of It. Even the The on])' Office rcir which an elCC· anlmoWl declslon. In their eet with s�ve 5moked so-,Ptrfecuy that' HaIr Oooda. Jbir DJ'S, Toapea.. I w.... ...... S N ] U t!4K. Brod...,MaID SIll �,��tI:�� ��!t�� �I! ;�!ld�:t.;� �!�:�. �ls �;:�:S::'OO��� ��e:�w:ea��! a��u::! . C�toDl is to elect the"vice president In the college recreation 'comfortable. The hikers . . lln'd at the schoo] where the comentlon. On the alternoon of March 3. the I ready for a good dinner: is to be held the following year. MIss ..-omen·s affirmative team. consist- II surely ...ere not dl.sappalnted. trene Dahl was vice pre�!dent of the Ing 01 Viola "" a,nd Marie Vandln- Hinderlle and her helpeJ:S had Union during Its convention at P. burg. lost to the Bellingham Ilrls b,. ! pared a dinner that was 1930 L. C. , a 3 to 0 deciSion at Belllniham. On equal to any that has ever been preAt the press conreren� hel� FrI- March 4, the men's teama macte �p pared. Betore ealtng, everyone Jolnr e o Your Appr!tdate We f I ta : e at t e e . POLO. :;��:: ��::�o: ��r � :�: .:��: �t �lI:h':, :: :�� 1��lc�e:,��!: po'::��::� . �� :��e ;lr:.m�� a:.; Patronage ted lt:::' :lli��a;tn!!;: u���-:!�::"'���]d. ·'H. O. Well's SHIRTS ' �: :; ::' I co�e; ��oe::s�=� tl:� d ���:::t �:. w;;e�: :a CoI:��.�� :;�� f new president. He replaces ctlll�ltS son. took a 2 to I decls]on here "'hlle E\'eryone had all he ;"'anted to eat theory of human h1s!,SirY throUlh ROSSO's Garage Norby, of Luther Collect. 2 . Fred' Wal�r and Olal Hageness. up- l and every one .... especially appre� millions tof years ot andI nmud are here: w as v fo ts and sueceu of �:f�� ��;�I:�P���= � be� I Se:� �';:m:� ;fa; :���:n �:;I��!:;�: �:!,�e v�te�� ,� V���e���e d f sec� As Uie organiutlon 1S not \ery Bellingham The next day all the de- Miss Irene Dshl acted as tout- lIeve that God hu created me and They're New ! large these the only officers baters with the exception of Viola I mlstress She Introduced the heads ��:;;;;;:;mm;:����, I elected. In the president ls ab- Ta" and Marl, Vandlnburs "ho of the who They're D ifle.;ent! . delegations in tum intro Bette PrlDUn, stnt rrob a meetlng thl' $CCretary Ilion 3 to 0 dropped declslons 1:0 dc- duttc1 the other delegates The drlV: Rct as president baters of the COllege ot Puget Sound ers 01 the cars and the heads of And only: $1.25 Keystone Printing Co.. Inc:. I I Both men's teams were't:lefeated by I committees also expressed Main 3151 Pae7Ie Ye . : a \'ote ot 2 to 1 while the women·s, ' opl�lons. The main exthought A �: C T · . i negative team lost by a 3 to 0 ver- I pressed by all the speaken was i . A A T · · D' ' tl�:�r���l�f �!n:��n�� . dict. their apprectt.tion of· tbe reception ' ICOntlnut<l From Page Onel the present time there are· but I gh colors, You cag,'t resist en them and by the P P L C L en� de\'oted the better pa�, of an , t....At o. deballs remaining on this year's : C. repreSC'ntatlv� in �urn thein, . . hour to the ��US5lon of Church schedule according to Evelyn So]um. !.heir Joy in having the COnsciousness. order to eliCit rensic manager. The women's at- I at the COllece. A splrlt "\...... .. f�ller �rtlclpatlon. the. audience fo flrmath'e the men's negative ship and good ... grouped into four diviSIons. each I teams and DICKSON clash with Beattie Pacific the \'iSltors, delegates _• • ' ••...• w]th a leader. Here a number Or on March 21. There is stlll' realLud the true meaning ot 1 BROS; CO. pn:ctkal questions "'ere. considered. l acollege possibility that debates will :;:;:;::::;:::;:::;;: lonl � � be scheduled as nomore ans"'er has been I eo�:a��gn�tseers a�iVed. home ;;::: A. Edwin Ertetson 1134 Pacific Ave ��:e�� �:u%���:a: rom O me of the When you tu SChoo]s Y m UTy�:!�;su�e depending . tween 8:30 and trutst to the wo� of �� '.How I =:�:, so ; ... ho dro�' e the varlo� cars. "'e Increue Luther&n consclous' enjoyed ,the trip I>ioneer Shoe Repair neu?" "8)' studying �e �.at his_ it really belongs to him. Theretore. delegates O e v ;;���c:?��:nsca�f...�':c�::e� �;:�a��en;us���� ;a�i���? make I ��:� ;:;;,�toW�e ��:e:ts - "2 \"�.e�,y B ' " · ly Co. American Plumbing & Siea m Supp . fae�lty. terest In the church orsanlzaUons "As ChriStl.ans we are the servants,l . Whofesa i�� ������� le and aetlvltlq?" " By studying the dlteraUY. .the s]avesl of God. bounJ! · PIt!mb'tnlt. Slearn an d' rMill Supp IIe8. '\ .. ehllrch papers:' Is there any reason \ to Christ. not by chains of iron, but The Peppy �ep Performances . . ... � _ Olrls Pep Club held a meetI 'hone MU'Jn 1707 . . 1008-10 POClfl9 A\'enuc ...hy Lutherans ahould exhibit an bY the bonds of love:' ' . ' . . n w sd n , ry . h I t e of IO t .��� �, ��:la�:r =� i �l�h �� :�= :� �or: �.:e; �e ::�:%:' �::e� :: : AI; �. the .acting as hostesses. The. folnoble and honorable history of tinued discussion of the general I mussen program was given: .A vocal . which we may be JWlUy Proud:" topl� ot the convenUO/l. His theme lowing . . Dorothy �rsole and EugenThese and many other que15tions was. "A Life Destined. tor Immor- duet. Crosby; a boXtilg match between . of like nature were not in all taUty:· HJennstad and Alice Roe; definitely ans"'ered, but It sug- " 1 don't know ," said the solo by Eleanor Dahllesled that the delegates t..-\ng ··..·hether you brought '1 h lIt o e e Every 'P1Ige :��::U:r:�d':':i:::: !� :;,: h�:d. ���td: �::is b,rought wfth you an' · ·cC· "·C.".••• ,. fully. of a IUld memory book IS full lni lmportance. Colle01 mean­ e stu­ Saurda)' evenlna:. from 6:00 to created by God, 1000 LATEST STYLES MEN'S SUITS STUDENTS !! dents love to keep It.---&nld how '1 : 30, a reception was given in the and destined to eternal they will treuure It later! Coll* dinlni ball In hon"r of the The speaker then went $30.00 10 $45.00 Valu,," ' It makes the.most attractive MKl delCfates and other vlsltlni friends. that this question: ·'If a Get Your Shoes Repaired satlsfactprY of all I1fla. -'; After the reception the work of 5h.alI he live again?" 'ls 10 be Sold al Prices from the convention wasJre:5Ulr1td.. The clearll' and fully In the Bible, third part'Of thtl convention theme, leaches COrTuPtlb]e ,must $19.50 10·$12.00 u ���ls mortal : GOODYEAR SQOE �:::��:��=u: �� � :.��u�: t �� lue WOOl...-ALL WOOL. Yet this garments TIlesc Rholl, president �f Red Win8 Bem- ··In the lIgbt this fact:' con· utra assurance of quality costs you less NOW. In REPAm soop Unued the speaker. '�11 ollered .to lnary. another group for those who demand the best. are "In the PIU"p05t. U eXp�. by wi the'moat absotbina: challena:e for B38 Commerce C. R. We rner : number of gprments mode of the best fabrjc� �nd . OUT theme," said Or. Rh.ou. "lle:s a achievement; for nothln&: ls 10 sreat. quolily\tailoring tlu�t con be �roduce(.l. Now sellmg at challeoa:e. As students: you btlona: as Chr15ttan Uvina:, . , : I : :: :: = 'to the mo.t. Idealistic e1aaa. Most 01 ·'And the moat Important part of :;:;,;�=== ;�; $22.50, $24.50, $28.50 : 1s. ur e y e l �or death is .. Suits and Shoes up PC':! :; :d �� �:au�:ed u; ln d:�� 'Full explanation posted on willdo� :; � ' s telling you exactly , Polo Shirts and Slickers . about f�damental truths. 'you �ve "What shall I do with my lIIe?' how we can do it an� still carry on, been aak1n&: many questiOD, amona: Here ls th"e·ans'll'tr of St. Paul: "Porat . tbem. I � ,.,., tba, ,ltaI on,. .."... "''''' tbmp wblob "'" bo· KIMBAll SPORTING GOOnS CO. 'What WU.h My We?' bind and reaeh1na: forth unto � BROADWAY " Slm:oe8b.aII -bod· I Do pge you �ute," thinCr....hIcb .are �Iore, preu 1 01 the . continued 1pC!Uer. "and �- ward · the mart for the prIU: to- f ea It when �t '!RI io&t � h · a¥l. hIch camn, of GOd ln Chr1st JtsUL" ,
















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�::�������������::;'I I " WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE .

\Vilsory U;os:
























I AmlRaard Delive on r.Sermon Conventi







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Part' OPIC 01 Convention In ISCUS810n







If High . Quality MerchandlR. Lowelt POIIlble Pri�"" Fair· DeallnK" and. Se"I�e Will ' G"et It . We Can C9uat on You fora Cu·domer.


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.� \: 928


18 Y�ars .fn Tacoma

"SeUing Sui,. . �




that don't come back that do" "




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: PLAN CAMPUS .DAY , CHOIR �SSISTS A\JlMNI L Win, �s� With New .Plan. arge Crowd At , SALE FOil I'ICTURF. Trace , s, Features HOMECOMING SERVICE ' Seattle Pacific For ', Lutheran '-, College choir , Annual P. L. C. ' ' Of OrganIZation College Year ' , ' -- . The Pacific , at Deltjl. Rho Oamma.!! planned CoIlege Squads thetr Jut .meeting to have a ellndy Financial Su�('ess. Accredita- Organiu Student Loan Fund uslsted in .the Trinity· Church. aer- . AIUmnl• Sermon . . . . sale on campus da,y in order to raise lion, and Campus Stiney To,Ai.d "AIi \V.orthy ' -Students; "lees for ,the alu�(),1 homecoming. > . , , "Tlrigel8�d Preaches Oowntd ' in theIr robel, the. choir I resident Women Debaters Defeat VISI- money (or the annuaL pleture. Each- - Main Ac('omp lishments Good .Banquet Program Homecomong Serm�n on . tln� Team; Men Succumb" me':1.lber � obllgtd to bring a bakh ' d1fPce. . ':-, the g n cl seated.fa' re. e ,,' . ' . Boo.k of of home-made candy. The members ' In hls' li�h at the homreomtna: "Over the Top" went the new al· At the opening of the servlce5 the Verses In To Stronger Side;. charte of the sale are: Marie tianQ.uet Saturday evenln, Dr. TIn· umnl plan for ortanlzlng and the choir sa"1 "From tItaven. Above" 'Re\'eiations Re(!ord -'-Good -. V8l,1dinburt. chalnn�n. Olga Ken. gelS,tad"'traced the development and flnt alumni B!>SOClalion projel:t ill and "0 Bread o(Llfe" bY' Ohrlsk'n- One of .the . art to con· n A dual debate ...·Ith Seattle Pacific :and Evebn Monson. , est crowds probl�'m.s ot Pacific Lutheran College the annual "home:comlng" banQ.uet son vdth Ann " Mikkelson and Ar,th. �g.te. In thel chapel this year a4 ,/' €ollege. FrIday e\·enlng. . In which Because the college glrLs.�de ne.... 5mce the lut annual com�g-toge:th. Saturday e...enlng. March 22. In res� ur Olsen as sololsta. � to Captain Hjermstad's com- By the re-quest of Dr. Tlngelstad. tended to hea� PTealdent ' tor their d�yroom the high· er. the \'1lnlty debaters ·...·on and lost a ,I curtain5 hOOI girls thought It only fair that ·To the put'year he credited lhret' Q\�d. "AlumnI! To the front! the the choir sang "Make Me 0 Loro preach the Alumni Homecoming ler· conlt'SI. concluded the 1930' debate SCtheir room should also be �ur. main achievements. The ttrst o� ,atherln(l: cast a Wlanlmous vote to God·' by Christenson at the -close of man. Sunda)' morning. sThe.lIe�on The ....omen·s alflrmath'e t Those schedule. based o� Re\:elatlon. :l: I.? appointed to 'take these the financial outcome of uphold all school Inlfrests. Vloia Taw anct Ill te�m. corulstlng of the sermon. The word5 of the song: ..... Unto ne:-- alumni ortanlzatlon plan. takim the angel of. the Cl:\urch of Marie Vandlntrurg. won by a 3 to 0 chargen o.fwbU�ng and mak�lJgve thesen the year en�lng July 31. 1929. Dur· The from the fifty-first psalm. flto tI d n an I v Tlngelstad Dr. with s In rmon. ted Is ' � �:��:�h;��I� th�:ve�h!�� I:'::: � �t :a�rg���� � l � �: :�: �::�:::t�� ��re::� �. l� �:s:e�� :�:ld: f�:��� t�;�� ::C:' :�I1� :�e ::n's�:���IV;���� S� l t :.:���� ·enJand. I . . :h'r :1�:U���h� �!�.:: �: �i:; :�::�.:'P��I�lut;.th�: TRAVEL "NORTtt O� . =t:�eh::;:��I:::: ����:�d1It :� ��:a:��t : ��: . a."mual budget to fifty thou.sands t'ltecu�lve committee . and: thy labor. ot the Alumni. EXTENSIVE TOUR I know thy ....orD. at seattle. END HOIUEQOl\lING on o t n s n n o w l WITH RA OR OF OTHER CITIES- �t �:t �:� "::Ic� a: ��I� () T 10 BY :�l�:��d �! �:! f�l�:a:�h� �� ��� �h:� ��� =:n ::� an��:r:�t��:' !���h :eS:.I��� THREE .hlch say chartre take to or·or· and thou hast trled them dlstrlct each the pa\'lng and credit .... banking suring CHOIRS BIG girls held the upper hand through'. a splehdld record to Its credhis territory. The duty or" It.With afe ' apolltles., and are not. IU\d accredltallon. out. Both teams. hotl,'ever.Fred presented �e "Holy City." by GaUl. pre· wayThetorseeono . of ganlzlng the Pacific Lutheran Choir .....tu they : each club Ls 1? keep the a.ssodatlon leave lIar5 them round acl!.levement good. logical arguments. Wal- sented Sunday e\·enlng. March 23. the )'ear was themain TUesday. AprU on an exten· 3. And hut borne. an.d ITUt paLast aJlve an.d make It active the entire ler .... chairman of the debate. under the direction of �f. J. O. Ed· year sallo·. the fuUacereditallon. U1 to presel'!t programs tlence. and for my name'lI uke hast accreditation ot year. Instead 01 just at the one an- atlivethetripv nor ThI' 'COntest at seattle also prO\'ed ,ardll. wI!-' a most fltt�g conclusion Pacifie Lutheran College Churches. CrloUtheli Luchoir lheran and hast not .falnted.. in ill Ita nual event. the homecoming. These Although to be t'ltclting. xThe Parkland me"n to) · could not trav· labored. the Annua clubs aroU5e the lnterest'%r their �. Neverthelellli I have· 1 Reunion of Alumni dh·1sl o ns.. The normal department somewhat presented an e cellent debate but fonner P.. L. C. studenl.ll. ThLs on June was given a "Class A" ac. respe<:tlve communities In their al· 1'1 south thLs ye�r because of lack of 'agalrut thee. the Seattle team · .... a lItt1; ,and It has presented mlln), con- thy first love.because t.hus hut left oratoriO made up' lIf t�rec credltaUon. eliminating any furth,et ma, mater by �Ial enter'tainm�ntll funds. strong for them and won the. . unanlIn near-b to.....ns At th Luth. el:1slon of the thrt'e judgell: choirs - Our Savlour s Lutheran. difficulty at certificating all gradu· ana the like. Ther can Influence certll therelore r rom mous eran Students� Union. Con��entlon. whenceRemember . Thedrecor ds for the debate seuon the First Norwegian Lutheran of Ta· ates. �r. the Junlor'college division p1'05pective st�dents by IW'Curln, and the thou art fallen. .. d repent. concert. presented and do the sHOIlo' .that the debaters coma. and the TrtnIU' Lutheran of lull accreditation tlrat works . ,,�1ae I ....m IW'Cured. Dr. P855lng on flrlit-hand material from calledlruplrlng thi\ll year much praise trom the unto thee Q.uI.. d flm re· se...entY.. Tlngelstad met se\'eral problt'tnll In P. L. C. old·t1mera. The Alumni 5tudenl.lltorth e ..... a; contests and lost Parkland and comprised and faculty of this college come �. move out of candl thy will benefit from the in. accompanied getting the .accreditation. but. In Asaoclatlon Is not an ell:. fin voices. They ....ere lhaive.' Aonllhouseven · this h "-r::�'!.;. as from �hr. del""ate,. A-nrl , ptw:G; cxoep� !boo..: an orchest.... plUlb. allQ ortan. pomtlng the Ml.y suct:eSS. lle �Id. �.�.:; D1tl.4be:.6l11p ",,1:6. "Por " v15ltowell ·traordinary �rd. neither ill 11 10YThe made effective' ap. "It you faced with just IIUch thing like thill one doe5 not n� :\ er:afiwhot ofattenoed. 6.. But thla thou halIt. that thou poor. The turnout this wul: pearance}ointonchoir these series of con- hate5t the deeds of the Nlcolalt:ane�. . The curtain a condition. don't give up until you nimble wit or a ready tongu� be· cerpt willrs e given smaller than usual. and hen th was drawn onthethe5t.aa:e In Stanwood on which I' also hate. � b vested group when ha...e talked wlt)1 everyone co!)- cause It Ls self-e...ldent." did .Miss Wednesday. number of those ....ho tried out the 9 Rev. eotKe 1. He that hath' an ear: Ie:'. ��11 Solveig Rynning. . ln h:r Intonnal: ne 1II ha �eprll orchestra.. began Uie prelude. cerned." bce�, has season considered. the charge. 01 the,orecepon this ne .... plan. I:A \ ,., the entire presentation. The last main accompll.shment interesting talk hear ....hat . the Spirit ulth...'Wlto It,"e SUcct'53� The' debaters ha\'e also tI,Th�ugh tlon and entertainment (If the che-ir churchea; the orchestra playing. the completion and publication Twice before. accor�ln" to Miss Ryn· while to him that ov.roometh met so e 5t1ff opposition. as many ·hether . It Ls there� planll . lunctioned 51m1lar will I rive to eat of the. tree of life. have nlng. ts or Q.uartets ....ere singing. or of the campus 5un·e�. In speaking of the lIChooLs they meet are four- 5OtheIol.!iensemble the second concert which Is In the·mlMt. of the pa�� rendering parts. the at· 01 this Dr. TingeLstaa said. . It gives -o_ne. an old P. L. A. club in Mt. On April 10. year colleges. while. this Is a 'junlor r I Of o an atlon f d f oa w n d lc Or ld college. . :;::� �:r ��� t�: �����tu:l eft:� : �����t: �l:: ��;: ��c� !. ::r;:�s�;�:��:. rtr tz O, ;!�I.�30�....�. �a:�rr=:::e:� �; .�� Chrlat." did the IIpeaker. :'1lI the B�ad ot Llte'lrom maven; ·de::1 se::hn'sb;he!�: I,:�::�. upon ·the cro....d \·anl.!ih when the 5trlve." A� the. lut meeting ot the arThe districts and their captainll herI former schoolmates. Washlnlton State Nonnal at Bell. =�ns tI,�ere again drawn on the :a::�t��:�·. ��::!�rsC��I:� ;.:k::�II.'�d surroundlnl terrl- o. �:�=�m��� ��:eel�::. :;. ::.:: f�::n�l�:m!��:�d::� . e Sound. et arranlements: ....h. Ue In Lake- Him uplre:' The· soloists In order or their prt AIUIlIisch deS�lna engineer for tory. Irene Dahl; Seattle ami· el)vl. the �:�h:�t:�: �!;I� ;:11:: following day. Mrs. NUs As fie gave his me&ll&fe to the were: Tenor. Arthur 01. the campus , development 'program. rons. Ingebort Bolstad: Silverton. v�e...... the wUl The first contest of the �uon was sentatlon look after the choir.. Church 01 EphellUli. so he speaks lllAo son: meuo·soprano. Mrs CUnard This development Is to be financed John Ooplerud. Sr.; Astoria. Mrs. "Jacobson a dual meet with the Seattle'ocoU�e' Olson: Rev. C. H. Norgaardehas planned Mr. H. BroomI'll: In the main by the'Development Henning&en; Aberdeen. John Tenbaritone to us whom He holds fn H,1s right . in which P· L C won both ebate5 soprano. Mrs. Haal!-enson. Eve· soclatlon. which no..... eighteen wick: Bellingham. Ed. Alntzen: ; �S:�:� ��.t��: �� �r::�I::�� han�. and to whom he.alao. mlnlatel'$ The womcn s �eg�th'e and men'5 af� A e 0 1 rn ' t . I ag f a th l evenln" concert. �Thls will be :1':::eMto°�::rt�th:�!e:;::dO . :rs��� �:�:��:u�: :;:� ;':::.��I1:'�:���n� �u��;: an !:t �: :�: ::m��d :n: �� :�: u: ��: ::t P=��. �� r=.�::;;� Deborah ton. Hannah Anderson: Everett. not the Jut 01 the series. "Let lbljIon of Chrht be eYer tint Olsen: soprano obligato. l5S.11. negath'e team won another contest. Four problems of the present and yet chosen: Stanwood and Un..... hen th y d re ted th Belli h Anna Mikkelson. �Fir. J. to . Mrs. ELECT NEW MEMBERS TIle spea.ker then p�ed near future. according to Dr.. Tingel- Palma Johnson. ;ebaters� a:U�gham retaJl:�a: · bl O th FOR ALUMNI BOARD 1 �� !: 7��n�� �: 5 C A AR ��n�"s��::��I;oe;l�:, �:�:�� th�:IU:�� �r:�:�n! pre!� :� Members who .ere elected to the =:� I���e �1��=�e: Ls �� - ��!� �:��:� : r t and"what to 0'0 with the main build· Irene Dahl. 15 a student loan fund. .... acceptable lIubstltute for the love of Parkland men. ho....e\.er. again put One-act play at Sheridan SChool Ing. The flr5t unit of the gub' dar. to consist of The purpose of alumni board durlnl{, the alumni re- Chrls\.-()f' Him for 8I)d or.u:s for Man:h t8 P. L. C. In the lead when they took presldent's re51dence this tund Is to help worthy 5tuden15 unlol)- A Itene Dahl. Solve\i R:yn· Him. an4- that n�lther worir,l. nor Choral 80cltty at First marelto!">'theandnexthe two declalollll rrom the northern de. Augsburt t developmenta of lhD to get an education. In thLs way nln". llred �derson. A1var �k. labor. nor ""Paue� a.vall: neither . Non.etian Lutheran Church. campus. baters In one e...ening. To me:et thl5 year'S needs the association ....111' . help Pacltlc and Ph. E. HaUJe., The remainuer of do r\ihtlbua.nesi. nor peflot'verence In their meet with C. P. S. a little End of FIrst Quar1er the Development Assoclatlon Is seek· Lutheran Colle1e. bY en!lbUng more the board coIllltla a of M,,;rU1a Hjenn· nor purity 01 lite nor regard for the. too much ronlldence on the part Of Marcii\. Ji. O. J. Stuen. uRth P\l.dne&s. My· will 01 . Goa: furnish an acceptable Ing '19.000. of which 56.6IS h83 been 5tudentli to atteno. , ie ·fs* (Continued on Page 4. Column 4) Beginning of 2nd Quarter Well·w1shlnl teiegrallU. and �\Kffldler. and .Ingeborg,Bolstad. substitute. ... 1.sed . on Contlnu Column Page ee l "A� 3 :� �: � . MISS ·l(RISTOFFERSON COMPARES . 3) th::e::��I:�1 :r ���u:n; :� 8��!�/��: �;; !��. �ibl�I�:�ta�e ::� ( : ':�ta�: IOdation. (Coq.t1nued on Page 4. Column :I) AMERICAN AND NORWEGIAN SCH.OOLS we have planned.. -A busine55 man Compete to -Decide T ma h�::: ��la :: Who Will Give Play Z·ULULAND CUSTOMS AND LIFE IN o!:':V:��;U!:r �::;:: ='��;I�=��an:;or� ;!r :et ��:::. e th t . TALK B REVEREND yiVISAKER work �� cO:I�':e == ��:� .Wlth the cast5�ded upon. ��t��� ��u=:;:���= :!e :b���e tu:::::�(: :�u:s�than on the dramatlcS cluh'lI t....o. 'new one· Zululand. a land at myster.y.Y 01 whG...bave not yet heard the a pe�n In sooner the lut bulletin 'plan. act of.... the world. . In the latter clue I1ttle value in ';Not Quite' Such a ooos." quaint CUlitoms. and ot wonders; goapel. and many who have heard ould come L. Krlatolferson. Il!.e oocupaUon w he wishes to ned." . . and·plays. '''He LoV ed Kipllna." Ls in tull the subject of a talk which wSalon- but have;nQt heed·ed. Norwegian teacher. who � toUo� dw1n&' bIa 11fe. . ' E ER U)' JC?h&n YlvIaaker "aye � the· ''TIlep����;o=t� lrttcuit '. :: �o.:: �==�:�; lIC::a=:: :r:== J' YBODY REA,DY =�u�:o::e: :is ��n:: ch FQ1l. BIG SURPRISE re� this enthualaam la f:pel .dW1ng fourth. period. )(on- to combat." � the speaker. "la. co�try.. She J.a invesUPuna- the IJ!.at 01 the Ainertean. . '!be.primary Well. eyerybody. the rnynery ·is compettlUon between the· two ca&ta day. Jrtarch II.' Rev. Ylvlaaker bas poIYl\Ul1y.. The number cir'Wri'es a schools at this country fOr the pur. school hal 8eftn I(p'ades eompartd pose of 1Hmlna' what could he dooe with what toc;nw-Iy'was etaht In'the ·bared I Relldy' 'for the pleasant mock to learn their pam and have the wor�ed In the 'mlMlonary lleld In peasant may have varlea from one UnI,ed States. However. aInce the the "�" staff baa In· store tor best practl�s. TIle better one w1J1 Zul�d .for 8evera� years. and bit- to "thret'. whlle � and powerlultoAtinprove the s hools 01 Norway. c lthough. libe saJd.-the :NO�- J�lor hl&:h IIChools � to be built you? Here ahi cornea. and with " a be "Iven at the Sherld.u:t School in cause ot hla familiarity with the land chief may have up to Il\O. The people . only eight letters. ITacoma in the near tuture. . h,e .AI able to dellCribe It In a vivid .n very wicked and &l.ntul .be· rta.n schQOls no doubt rood in thLs country the primary school name containing TIle {tnt la "�" and the one "1," Th. tor the .play5 are u .tol- and PIeaa1ni manner. the schooll bert. ahe haS con� but a1x rrades. cause they do not know how \0 be. . . �ZululanO·.M 'h-e u.ld. "Is a dark ha"e rlfhU,.: Theretore there I.s . tound ma.nt.-cood poi.nt.s wbleb abe After graduaUnr rrom the ee"f Tbee there'S an "aM after·the "c" and lows! G_" . laK<rwhere It hal been · tor put wort yet to be doDo. not only In beUeves could be ad9Pt.ecl """the entb I(p'ade. Norwq1an p!lpl15 .tt.end ODe betore the "I:' The inttt'llenina �. lChoolll In IJorway. Not on17..-.,m biah � tor three itars. Inatad Ietten an "miv". Can you � the l4n. Bell .......M_. Evel)'n Solum � . to ret the people in· Zuiuland, .. but tb.touIhout all ot e you. r . u�� :���:.C;�: :�'-!:h'::o� :e�u: ;: ::; I =�=:;-��.�. .�Id �!� ....�.�:��..���= :��r!t��uI�: ::::1Ia�\ �cp=u:�o!u�: . �= but .DD her way brock to Nanny � must attend wbat m1cbt be called . When? Where? I don·t kilow tor PhllUp P'Ikk. :.... � 'pammel by warted tor 15 � betor;e he the � DeecI . .nore tl}&n . will � In· EDcla:Dd � atucl1. OQIldl- Junior- coil. for three yean.. � ��. ·bu' &he'U be ben! IOmetlme Huel Btndel1lOl1 ....... Inp Ooplerud made a -ina" convert. Therefore. an)1.b.tnl: elle I.s We.pra1era. or Cbz1s.. . people In NorWay who had tent bJm y&n people:' Uoos there t,- a while.. -, � the place w,here � ehooIe � aft.e.r �r. . Save all tboIIe daLe. "'Be � "I"""" In eompirlna: the Norw-ec1&n vocaUm_ U::IiI!7 wiIh·to tOUc?w' IJtd unW<JOU�. Thil la the per. ·Pred � ...:......____, � Wal1tr. did not want tQ cooUnu. t.o IUPPort Tbe apeak ....e vtllid deecrlp. «boola with those In � KlIa· � taa� a� � IIthool tor IOn you can't aflord.\o mila.. Tbere1J DuaPn L·Cooner.... Olal a.smeu m..taJonary won. there. Holmer, !Jon C!t U1e 1fe ot the � 01 ZuIu- . KrlatoUeraoo said .tbK the blab *"". � .tbey are re:ad3'·tor- tbe be- and ? Il:OQ -. I'm .� .om Tom 'M&cP&r� .. .... Ted K'tjeDtb after tb.I.s nm �ftraiol1.Schrodei- }an4, Tbe 1. naU.,. DYe til 1'OUDd, � .�t,7, � they receI�e � I can't ·teU any more. but rn .. JOU Lou We.t.er17 _ ICbooII In th1a CCIWltrJ e PaUline t.nen wrot.e boUle 'God II DO" b1e:elffnl: thatcbed. bOuaea, with � more �ca1 than tboeO--. Nor- vafiouI· � I!oI in t.h.I.s OOUDtry; Lbere. . Tell all JOW' ..h1endl abcMzt EdtUs -.rrar .................. 0r6ce' cUd thb �J( � � eF': 11-� lIcbt or "l8l1� T9 enter, a per. WQ._SludeaUI m.. .AmerIaUl : � MkI- CbK tbe her. So Iqq un nen Urne. Ttae"n caue,.LtsleY ._.:... � Jorcm.m ·of . eh1ldi'mo..'nd , . 6kier beople tumfnl lOll" �UIt �· thrOIi,b a lllWJ �OoDUnued OIl_Pap .... 2) ...1J t.ell .you �. . . ---:' . 1CboolI apedal1Ie r.lccla cerla1D QOu�.� ...... -:'-::- Vlow. Taw t:o qhrlat. _ � ip'e It.W (Contlnued, � Pale. 4, COlumn 1). •





n I




























in Dill'





















aH.e S1Id:I a












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,ar lf� Slooring j1J\lallt

Lighter' Tha n

Pubuabed BI-WeekI1 "D\u1Dc \be 8c:hool Year ' .. g-TIlA.! 1C[Ta.A! 0rtIdal � ., 'I'M � 8t.1eau Joln the Palo IChool of roJ.u,.l ,4PAOf1lC Lt1TID&AN CoLL&QK hal dooe wooden for eYflT one Prtn� b, Jotm.:Ja..oox COOlpt.ny, ne Padf1c An. hal enrolled for one of Entered at .ecoo�.. matter at ihe Po.t om&- at Tacoma.; Wub- John P. �w. PfOIIleln nt bl(toD, under lhe Ad of 00nJtt'u of .1I.t.rch S, 1m. and butetb a U rderee. •�t4a

8�tkXl . Prtct S1 per ech�1


'1�, -' Ad.erU&q Rate. on ReqUN�


Editor Chiet-oLAl HA0ENE88 _ _ _ _ Auoclate Editor • Stella aorboe - Copy Editors J4arpret Holmbert, anel VlQla ra.. 8porta EdItor - - - _ _ - B.vold . h�turel RePO�rs Marie ,Vandlnburg, Ruth NOf'J!'Ard, Chria.tlne Jo� arHI Sena Johnson

Bualn�U Y.&narer Clrculatlon Manarer Advertilln&" Manarer '1'yput Faculty Advlae�



Lhat Just cau,.e Mr. Edlqj can aet aklll'l on lhree or four houn sleep Ita al(n that'he (Tee!") eM.

:=�a=: th��O���



stan, �: Irene .P.U' It 1 would be reD\.lnded to mall letter. Connie: Did J"CIu man �tf Stan: No. abe fOflOt \0 11ft It







Ma ana Pa, ","aIn \ have to ' medestly wh t a tell"e�t chUd y�u





tell )'OU )�=::"

ha!e. I O nl�guill ·the wttruing goes' forth ; �"llcw.Qre of lIpring fe�cr," \\'c' ha\'c ofttimes heard similar expressions hefore. lOt '" tn: my 8tate M�ual test. Some klda think that 1 shoulda lOt 86 and 11111 another rcmimJer .will hcll> to k�ep us all guard. , " upside down. fThey printed This is II peculinr time �r the \,cur, ' Every OilC is hupp\'. that jut ,cause they're jellla.l The/b i pls return from their snuthl'rn homes; thc ' , wlJl cld,la\'c lain dormant all winter 10llg, suddenI\' i hends uluwe the grolluil; Ihe buds un Ihe trees url' h"",j' "u 1 "0"

-Imporle.....n Nor­ wegian . cod Liver Oil COr.

�� liE�����::�:m

Tacoma. Wub., hee DeUYeI'1

song. and yelb In .everythlng . , Alulllni lind f(!flller studt'nls wl1ll did nut 1111('1111 liw r(-· ,IVel\ 0 Eac t us had three --p. "" ''',"�' IIII union l't'rluillly missed u gUOfI limc, less they have eaten on them with forks but , al that waa silly when they for e\'erybody and ever�­ WHAT WE [Il\� TO SEE In my .hand, 50 I grabbed Carlyle'. CaleleM � l e et d thing . ' A few ,weeks huck Ihere nppcnre'd an !lrlid� ill this ��I� :;� ��� ;� :11:f��:J�l e _ l'olulllll urJ.l:IIl/ol the students to lIttrnil the d('I>IIIt',1' IIl1s s('asoll SeamoM FloWer do�n there. SOme U lll� thus ('IlCOll�lII-lC �1II1 support II\(' dehuters II lIu' wnrk . es �n financially busted must I Shop TillS pleu \�'IIS made 1II , Ihe h,op(' Ihnl Ih(' slucll'lIls would rl'couldn't afford ith &: Br0.4!f1lJ ' DAHL GROCERY COMPANY spond, TillS Ihe)' C('rhunly (11(1. Pmdicull\' eveI'\' Member delll1le held in th(' rt'crl'ulion room suw ' Ihul roolll pucked It) cupucity, :S-ot only \wrr. 1.111 senls lukell, United' Purity Slort"S hut mall)' people stood at til(' hal'k of Ihe I'UQIII throu�hulil Phone Madison 3818 R-5 Parkland. Wash. , the entin' dchuh' And the l'lIt!l USiuSIll shuwll hy thl' "PIONEER" ('lice wus tll1 �lstlUl in Ihul, it differed so sh?rply with th(" . PARAGRAPHS, ' a S8fj:a cause th't lIt.&u prom� of I�()recl lI, �dlffC:I't'Il('l' willch we .often nol le(' 011 til(> pnrt In llienty pictures tHl(�leliCes hSt�III!I" lu delJate�. �ob(�ly hut 11.1(' de�J� le l's 1I 11d toIput BROOKDALE GROCERY CO. . a finger nall Wctay-MUtheir coach Will know how'much fhls spiendut spl l'I.1 h�lp('d lardbroke Quale lIo'Ouldn't stanQ stln while rooertea, Plow, BaJ. On1n, Peedo. BboeI, R � PootweaI',' DnIp, In muke thc .seUSOIl n slIce('ss. TIle dehatel's felt the (!tff('l '- I pulled f l U e shoestrings! , hi.s , Plumblnl BuppU., Palftl, Roonnc . ""_ =� IW<1 --" :-:-c _ 1� t � b��h � t ���_ ence whell they tra"c1ed to other schools to take pur.t III dc- Ted Evjenth told me next J PHONES MADISON INRI YADlBON IOU. . shine of some optimis­ buies .wh('rc they spnkl' to ('mpty rooms,' und ttl,CY IUllj:l('d 10 year he is golng to 1I1gn upthat tor / PARIp.AJ'fD, W.ASH.. tic friend ' • . it may . he hal'k where St)IllCt)III' wuult! show II htll(' (':\:('II('I1)(,l1t over subjecta 50 he will have . wash ofr. Ihe conlest under \\'ay, en hours strait �( I unly was the interest slmwn by the audielll'e a help I i (r I \' r b i ls I )I Market ��I(J�! �� � � � �:" 1!h!I'� \7.e�� �l���� ;���:a�k��� ��J)I�h� :�;�I��� a, C, S. :Go\'er r Inspected "renler intcrest laken in debate at thi� school in contrast to thut of olher l'olleges. A person who is interested in dehate l\I::!.�: STATIONERY ' Ma.clIaon 1&4R2 is lISlIlllly fond of reasoning and Ihinking, The students of DeDLaI P1a\el School Supplies . p, l.. C, arc to h(' complimented. Keep up the good work, . BI" ' � Show Ihe same amount of inlerest in olher school a�t ' ities. R"'t � h F� IOO � '� � T"" � 'U� = ! :: ! :: = = � ! �� • aEm. • = . �'�'tl ��e:r��:r� :'�l l:J'� "nod reason to !('('I proud Iha? I�e is ��� i h t AMOCAT TelephoDe JI&I.D MIOO i I'('nt� urticlcs' around school h8\'e been straying. KARL A ANDERSON rom' PROD UC)'S upp nlly intentionally. of laIc , Even the boys' dayroom SIIKET mAL woau lock('rs aI' €.' nu longer an obstacle to this strange mania. ' TAa . GUVSL aGOI'ING. JI1:1U.l.&a FURJfAC&8 "The Peak 01 Quality" . ' 813 ST. �8 AVE. TACOJIA. WASH

,,!����iaiim;::a=a:i l



Tacoma Avenue &: ilth 8t.. �

The Sluden'" do say they have never been in Tacoma uo­




I a.o�nes. \�


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..... .. ,.;� pertl.., Specl.1 ,1_ cl ....," t••••, .tc '

T...CO..... .�P"'MY . A'ny Time, Any Place .



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LAND 01 the F.UTURE Liberal Am COD"" in Junior �Uece State Accredited Normal Currlcular • Six PrOgTaDll of Study iu HiP School

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Open All NIght .


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TING kinds

Special Co..... in MlUie, Art, eo...... ..




� __ ln_"";_=��'��wtth � �� �. __

. .JDclDdIDc oar wmxIerful toremlca. acbOol jOUm&11ml. aDd muae " Mqbolr of \be WS\." • ,

PacifIC ' Lulheru 'cOU-e

,..... � t,_.

...... �

: � "......



I '


.AOa THRft

Nutieul' of Fin Lettermen Ba�k; Six Gamet on Sched�le

"WIth the ftrSt I... daYI of b�.""I·lm�. practice over, pn.pteta of a .wlnnlni team this year are very brl&'hl. ac­ cotding to Coach CI rd Obon. There are five lettermen at to form the nucleus of the tea ·-and ml:fl1 A laTll! bouquet of other men who have ad b&8ebaU ' p�sen� � . Professo� ' el(perlen�. I Nlt,k.I.·-Luth" Ooll�e Chips. pbon h'':S �n drllllllf the- meh Prld.)' evenlng l[TOup of the dayr�r on fielding with �me batting studenta enJoyeci. slumber party tn m =I� ��e;;:r:�:.::; � ��':�.re;f�n I: � :: Lee ' ....,th alx lamrs aehe<luled to Refreshments we� brouaht to ret lOme money d.�. · from the Collett . L18hls dlrectio....... of tirel, broke: This The o\�l.tora: lflll tanale with turned' off, and ghost ltories rlrls' basketball rle for money ,.eU on my the L . the U. of W. P'rtIah at Seattle on told witll wee hours. utheran COllett et- and I fev I -.til ret. tbe --' of !�. , h lutc" May 10 and on the Park"nd field on who attempted to slumber: (13) . very successful ' How 1 shan Jet .alOng at .this rate " .."" , are detrimental, deMay 31. The Huskies alwaYI hue ,I. Ollon, "Babe" The Ilrls started out "Ith Jeu �. lood crop of ,earlln,s, thla Pauline Larson. at nnt"or the !lea50n wln- Last> night I did not ret. to IJh!ep btneflclal," w "�t'O, Lin�lnl no uceptlon, accordinl , ' LouIse Itrati:ht, but bowed to de- beeawe I ro4. thlnkln,. ; but the upheld ,the arrlnnatt"'e,-L1.n- , 0 pon.. nil', Parkland team """ Bodley, Mabel Ertcuon, and the 'Itronl Sumner atx In more I thoual)t, the lJJJ.)re' resUeu I coin play the Coll�e of Pucet Sound H08klns. rot, FltuJly, when. It ro4. lowaf"$li coin Newl., IlXth em:oUtlter of the year, L. C:--.1o� In ali, the Ilria won 'l lame, and morning I pt tip and, Cen!ralla Jr. Colle8e. Bellar- . m�e, anti Port Lewis. The� lames A oomm lt�. comiStlng of Ooro- (10). �ardlln (41,. Mitton (7). C. l08t live . The'tuml that were de- Marner: r-ot another look Into my ' "''"''���'"'''"'''"''� . ' ha...e tlHn lIcl\eduled. but the datel Ruth Brown. Irene_ Monson, and, Erickson. Alumnl- fealed are : Lincoln Park,' twice: pune. HANSON'S . h8\'e not been decided upon a.s yet. Chr15tlne Johruon. ar DAhl and tbt;eson. Jmltor s Bus- When I rot. down to breafut:'"I ,met. Knapp' twle�f; ry�ettermen who are tumlng out a diSpl.ay of straw ba.sket.s Officla.1 s :tR.efer;et. A. W. Ramstad; First Lutheran. collele, Mt.' Vernon, P. L. C. '. who told fT!e tfe', ,.ot to eet the Watch Repairing' a Spedalty 25'1 SO. 11th St. ar1 4..dnle ThoatenllOn. catcher; .BIIl meettnp of the Ladles' qulld scorekeeper. Olal Hageness; tJme- Alumni, Sumner . The teams that money I rot from him the other day, \ �del1t1 Bldg.) I acted '"!I, If. �'d rot oft a Ladle,' Ald. This.commltteft keeper. . . Nyman;' Be.n Palo, and Carl Coltom. P. L. C. girls are� Sum- WhenJoke. angry and told me n ·Y" m.the ee; . of the sale of these bas- In a preliminary game the P. L. defeated Infield; and Berter Jacob!on, out- rnon and to �t out.heAsrot.I didn't at.once �t �-=�... ' Ilx deCuted the. Alumni wo-,P. S.el twl Mt. Ve field. No relular pitchers haye reteam by a 5CO� of 26 to 15 In The followlnl won their letten ready W .Ieave, he rot after me, ,.04. PARKLAND GARAGE. "' tum«l tJ:t1.s year. althoulh Pllio and O d I v le ga M eM ' u o h Ch ser...lce thiS ye�r In the h'OO: s:rt �pa�llne �':.o�:��I�� m;, � �n��� ::e �r:: ,hto aepaIio , ;:���al� ::d v.:;o=�: starred 70� /��. w��I� ;:�� Larson, � ��:d:�::r':� c:�I�.U a nd . captaln ; Gas 0tII arid A� room· Just then Professor �k at an In- son showed up well for the graduate One of the best PT05pettll of EberllOle E� ��t� , toldrMhimIntoto the ,.M.. As It wa& only Thursday afternoon. te"am. , J seMOn is Sankey Johnson. C Pet4!"'1On ""::;��t HOI:: r e ll en pitcher. He has plenty of Crosby Thora Ras- ':o��M:�:11 b;� =y:�yS -:��t;; ��p:!; ;y �� P � c ���;: P a nt Alice Moruon, ' ll ,.ettl n ' late But and It Ive rot all e�rted the iuest to Kallia�� (6) -;' H) ��!�;�I ���:� �::, me: :�! M finger-bowl In the klt- LEbmo� : flO) F blOWing up ....�II a�: �rclval. C. :.:�:,:::? �n���:tY:e:et me School Books and :� be back to Je o'th.... MonllOn. SChlermann. W. Quale: " ero I t rs C �l Supplies Atchley, .aerent.son and Fadnes.s. !�:� ::�:i&:� ��e ::d�:� � CoI:A Ooplerud was the suest �: � \Valerm an, Shnffcr, ConkhTl t will ,." some money Katherine Gould the Crosby G .our loving son ;x Founlnm Pcns & Scts ·ee-k:end. Saturday, Miss Gould Substitutions: B'asket Season aC�: a.': :� a�; GUY OOOETTER U a er took � Gopjerud. Dagny HJerm- nOl, Rasmussen. Monson, � I O�·t'),e d.bDc · ' c.rc wnr 'C-r .�:I� r g lI .... l lc T) p ,.,u I .. Is Successfu I stad, �d Alice . the guest of nl �th�r:�·the�ay�.!:s :e��� Johnson High Poin� Man fw: � Miss ()()plerud nor Miss haa Year: Eight Aspirants 909 ���:�tatlon J..� 38'70 been the beautitul e�:�:.:�:� um'k"'''����_ Earn Letters Dri...e before. they enJoyed. the. . -:--r- of their new ...try much. Under the direction �ch, Clittord O. 915on, , Lutheran Oladlator 'basketeera ex:- The Girls' Pep Club held perlenced one 01 their most success- regular meeting, March 12. The pro­ ful .seMOnl this yeir. To start the gram consisted of a plano solo by 6eL'lOn, Olson had five lettermen Anna Aamodt, after which a dellcl­ with whom to w?rk, but only two of o�� lunch wa.s serv�by the haSte5$- I se d :r: on es, Dagny and 80lvelg HJermstad. la.; Polly Langlow, Santa , �: te:� t ;��\::=. WE PRINT AND DEVELOP YOUR KODA!< FILMS The number 01 polnt.s made by Miss Marie V-�-dlnbUrg and MIM ::'������k, ����::; Es��!� TO�:.��� We tryIftowecarry flU the orCilnary n t d o I I son don'teverything �whatInyoustock needthat .tellwI.l1 and we wll] let It.wanta. �I p �.I� ����en� ��� ;e����� Esther Sydow and Ole ;;;;;;;EiEi�;;�i l =e;�o�!:'��, 6a� ' U , , I Prius anCi ·Quallt,. Ah�a,. GIl&n.D� . 100: WWlam Mltton, '13 : lit. an informal taffy- uPreSldtnt Martha HJermstad preNyman, 59: John Oardlin, the hame of Miss Vandln- sented the 1930 graduating SUest.s w�:��edc!��:��:: Vtry cleverly. . Whlle Idle classclass was THE HAMILTON STUDIO warne; Qual��: :�d:g�h:f�I�::�i��h�J;:::� 915 PacUlc Avenue Phone Main 2937 NY'laD·I H",d"I"I AI Hau , ren� ' told the old-tlme� to gI e ttj.etr fuZach�n. C�arence onson. ture membtrll a '"big haflf1.'" BUITER-NUT CronquiSt. iraduatlng class ' dent. ple6ged the class BREAD I -----�---- I wlde-a\llake. live members of Rleb ..u B1rtter ' SWEET A.S N\lT TINGELSTAD TO TALK Here s AT NEXT MEETING At the relular meetJnl of the Mis­ some good advice · . ,1 . sion Society, held March 19, Eleanor Dahl:bers play«l a plano solo and Suils Cleaned anj! TACOMA ArthUr Olaon lave a reading. could be no fOI"8I\'nes.s of sins." Pressed on golf TITLE COMPANY At this meeting the Mission So- -Ramstad clety decld«l to hold Its next regu· "TUne and opportunity are the FOR 9Oc lar meetinl in the College Chapel. moat precious things God has given ABSTRACT OF TITLE IT'S �his-fill your bag with, ':'irhid and TITLE INSURANCE The purpose of thia: meetlnJ-Ls to be- \l5,." -A&sgaard , 10 Per CeDt Dbcoant to aU come acQua.lnted with the synodical "Christ alone has fOu� an em- 1109 Pacilic Bankers TrUst �. clubs. as quiclcly .as possible. We sell La_cbT ....ork . lhe church. President - plre on Ioye."-xav{!r ' them in sets ac a time, ' gels will speaJr: on this topiC. not neglect your opportunity ....ALMIN 1.. SWANSON, Pres.. I "'Iui<,k-o",,·ie.-�I. delay"' A In'{ltatlon is extend«l to call upon the Lam each We suggest SPALDINGS. For Spalding LAUNDRY D PARKLAN WESLEY LANOLOW, to a rs of the "I'riQUy Luth- 11nge1stad Tekpll_ MadJaoD lU-J-1 m&inllf,d matChed clubs, A�d Spalding l1tJe Euminer eran Church and the faculty and Jesus had no worldly thinp patents cover the fine points: lItudenta to attend this meet!nz. leave: he left hb divine love:"Spalding Kro-Flice Related Irons ace "bom 11 ' thoUiht Jesus' . the same in' pitch, lie ,and swinging leaves behJnd _ h1m: d It Ls tbru truth in Jesus' tM.t weight-so that an entire set askS you Ra.rne. eternal Inherit to master only one swing. �,o each, '


. ?Ij '1













' .



I ess n



P'red Lee










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A. J'ueIiCo.


" .




, 1.1

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13th ol


HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUTH Apparel for Colltae W�-:neQ Ul� M�n . .


Calh Carry




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The Sluden'" Slore

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ia .and.' make this your headquarters .

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apply. to Mi!'.

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Fo�- further infonru.tion .E. B . . ELLINGSON;




\ Fum.... Water. LlPl aad ·Po er 10 Members . �nlmaitt � pe� lIloatil blda.lag �� ca. ft. :water

A Mulual Com�y-Or8anized

the same i dea _3.50 eaCh: The 5 essen� tial irons only _17.50.

Spalding Symetric Irons are made to



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ti '", 12 () W 4. 12' r:' . .


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t ·


t1Dd l&lnUon. ftrJ appropriate

. ZULliLAND cusToMs '




(CooUnued !ram Pap 1) � euU,)t. pufonried 1M naUvea. haft DO tIoWiloe at I ,,,,'_-had allPPIna" thrOuah. On _ I�·-·

tunnel.·. feat who

all in



coaches Carrol. of Bellof Seattle Pacific Hauge' are aMllnglng main dlvl.slorul ot Ilubllc acUvltih tor nut yur. pl,1l5 include an extemporenspta.k1ng �ntest. a �ul..r deschedule. and an oratorical con-

Come upon a community Of-na­ tion. The church, therefore. I.s right In making the love of the bacltground upon which Its maintenance depends. The last rea.son. aecordlng to speaker, we should Jet the Christ come tint in 'our Ih'cs 1.5 with the lQve of Ghrist ana: the last turnal reunion



When You

Rosso's Garage

Bo_or nowen

Tacoma's favorite nower a'hop SO. Pacific Avenue at 50th PHONEs: Mad 5101--Mad. 515

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THINGS ALUMNI NEWS American students place many tattened up tor the market. M1s.sI�ark"s are .....orklng um��e�r �::�:SSb::,�:::le!r: " Arleda Allen, '2'1, plana to make a , .... to hart! ��� nd ctlce. : ters. Although Norwegian. boys trip to the Orient this summer, I '" Edwin Erickson �,: ����o� tond of football, they seldom �rge Cooper . who graduate4 When your soles trouble you tum The people ot sYululand are veryI WEAR your stepa to last the time or the opportunity to trolll... the University ot Texas superstitious. They �lIev tha ), teams as Is done In most spririg, haa openoo a law-office near -..... "'hen a persnn dies. his SPlri� . Pioneer Shoe Repair of learning Lh�ughout Austin. Texa.s. . . They ,...m heel you too Into the body ot some snake. think oj '.. It. was M1s.s KriSt- Herman Holte, '22, who has been 952 Commerce St. Fldellty Bldg. spirit of a tlerce and ""'arllke . opmlon much altendlng a medical school In the that they bell�. en�rs the God)' of a for hiS poisonous and dangerous make. On ticme was spent on athletics In this East. plans to come tow Beattie Adverti.ia.d ,."".. r I e . I e t DICKSON ot the m06t serious ! ��;� �;:: n. :, Is cooking depeDdJ uponP'ictorial �����I�:;:t:� l��r!�; �y�; ���'bIYn one th a non-poisonous and harmless ,snake. ::oec: ror the Tacoma Towboat �mpanY. � ppeal .. .. O �t.! : °�:���t :�� . \\Ie empJqy a �-,.;;� I a in e� l BROS, CO. Th� spirit of an old losslp. they be- that the year Is not dlvld Into Peter Songefest, '26. "\lllll be U. s, 1&J'OaP of artists capaQuIt'''' Senlce en r hl EXamination without charge, =iu 07�n �: �OU: d�'I:;; �� �n;���, � ;nst�:n��:' !t�: ��:����14 :m�:rt ��� :!:� ble of Ulultrating 1134 Pacific Ave tall, making much noise but ne'·er all hUi subjects one year, he m Ullt In the tall he plans to go to Norway, your tUlnrf'hirrg "tO BINYON OPTICAL CO. hurtln, anyboo.y. Arthur Knutten, who graduated your �t. ' that grade 101' another whole trom PhO:O�w';i 1421 When the season becomes so hot stay �t. Olal'<?OlIege. is nqw attend.1" vJ. }' that nothing will grow, the people Ta t all. howe,'er, the Ing Luther Seminary., to propitiate their gods. The 1<'0 schoolsenofalltheIn IWO rountrtes Miss E;sther Towe, have '28, ha.s recent. '- . men , take their children Into the Amerit;an Plumbing & Sl�am Supply Co: In common arid are not Iy undergone an operation for desert and bury thtm up to their much In PorUand, Oregon, a.s different other trom each Wh I ; e 1 " ea", and nOles In the hot sand, be· sometimes imagine. . Miss Palma Langtow, '28, Plumbing Stea r: :::. M . ill SuppUes \, lIevlng th4 will make the Gods teel stenographic worlr. for the Pacific Avenue 1908-!O , Phone Main 1707 so sony for the children that they Insurance Company, In · . '' l d ': . WI���O: C "' t 'rn 'a � � � � � " 55 ' v��ot In thiS coun· � E5 . d a n M ra pa rlng ,. ��� �� �::�I:�;;� �hIs :�� k . . u,:. B�:;: �; 1 !kiter Prtat1n� they do not know how to 914 Pac. Ave, MaIn 962 Key�tone Printing Co., Inc. �:b::�t. m o a ----t l Matn S151 TAC�:!.tPaeUIoc AYe .' --in�=:I�: : �:�o�:: :u':� t--. llUtan1\/ meet when he gOes to ZuJuJand. The Every Page . a r is hard and requires . strong ;' Fou tain f m a but : Service �. �:�d�= �po�eeft �· �o: :� :�:� :n � :� ::1 :;.s: 1000 Latest Styles Men's Suits ��;a �v��t! how ST[1DENTS i ! ·is lni in sprea�tna: the goapel. MUir. a �Ma a.sMlllr.s �� S30.00 10 S45.00 ,Values I� � � !!:ac:::t��ttraCuve IIfd � � �te J= :'th� Made as �ey should be made ON SALE · NOW district-attorney in Boulder CoIon.c1o. $19:00, $16.50, 14.50 �nd $12.00 She Is pIinn1nr on returning to col­ lege some in the near lutW'e. MIse Bertha Lero, '22. I.s ta.cb1nr These ,garments are WOQL-ALL )VOOL. Yet �his hllh lICbooI. in Pf,tersbU!'J, Aluka, extra assurance of quality COlts you less NOW, 10' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.












I I'��=::======;

;;; �; ; ;:;::;;;;; I;�;;;;;��;;;;;;�;;;��;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;; •.

of tailoting



another group for those who demand the the best rments mode ga nu"mber that can be produced. Now qualfty

$2l!.50, $24.50; $28.50

..lIi..· .t--'I are a and ,

Full explanation posted on windows telling you exactly how we can do it and still corry ori. .



U .Hlab Qaaily l Mercbaadt.., Low", P_lble Pri_ Fair 1Jea1i.� "4 ServIce Will Get -It . ( We Can Coaat OD You for a CDltom�!::.., .

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Two 8IocIrs At ,Your Benke 1201


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,patron!lle TSCHUNKO'S




We Appredate Yoar



__ "" .. Uwee t.hlnp.': nn,eJatad. Tbe . kI'ft ChrtR Ute NImCe the. of P. L. O. To hil .enke

�. 928 PACIFIC AVENUE t8' Y� in T�ma



... ·"�C -.,c---

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CUllomer. tIuJt do" '-' ,




Choristers Make . GIVE INVITATION TO A. MEET Trip in Northern ' ATTEND�E. \\�I�= I f �� :o Cities of State Co":.�Y ��


8tart Campalgn •

With the'.ve� of one practlc:t: Actio� For PJan o day Of AssOCiation ';"":�,, � ::e:=:!�: Each member of Ute' cast Is t1U!.renU1 .:In his lines, and Pres. Tlngel8tad Leaves for' rapidly. M\SS Stlxtud Is �ork in Ea3t; E�te'� ' not m�tmg with the cuLuntil the Drive Ready for Spr.lng lines are well under way. She. <u . And Sumn:-er . w�lI the ,o.thers co!;UIl!'Cted wIth the play. ar;e enthu.slu.Uc· ovtt the Taklni ttle first step In the creRt sueces of tbe presentation. a.s each Dl!:v'elopment Asaoc:iatlon lublcrip. . person In the cut \Sul�1 lion drive planned for thlll 'Prins to his p�rt and intensely lnterested and. lI;ummer, �sldent Tlncelstad In makmg this the best. all-sthool left, SundRY night. for Mtnneapoll3. play given at Pacific LutherlUl COI- Minn. where the board o(.eddcatton I�e. Because all but t'!"o cast mein. 01 Ute Norwegian Lutheran Church bers are going .on the choir trip. of Ame;lca Il1o'111 be in se�lon Tues­ Misa StllUUd has asked that the day, Wednesday. IUId Thunday of parts be taken along antt studied . There he is to confer ' this ....�k. reiUlarly. with Rev. N. M. Stavlg on· the.M1dWest follow·up �mpa1gn, and will . , Rlso speak before the board. 34 On Quarter � "". _go"..d. '.ooo . M d ro e mponiod Honor Roll List �:n ���;�:� ��:� �::��� the Development Rev. Larson ·Gets Straight J. F. Norby's church Sunday mom· ing. After·the servIce the two as· "A" Card; Se"en Make



'- .

To Present Conce� -1n Six :e c;:.=���! o;;:I.�::u� <fa}' momln&'. ,at ten o'clock. April . ,Dirferent LocaJ itie8 � Are 12. Dean Lemon of C. P. s. wm'be Expecting Tour to Be. ' : Big Su�ce� ::I=-:�:d ::I:;� :'d:

�Ulc Luth�ran Colltge Cholr by the eighth grade. members. accompanied by thelt . Mr. Nom'n, principal of the Park. land school. is prellident ot the Unit and Mr. Channlng. is see�tary and ' The choir wu' enthusia.stlc treasurer. arid ea,er to rep�nt the SChool Normal SChool students are invited' to ltle best ot Its abU�ty. to attend the meeting. \ Thls tour hu been anticipated for a long Umo' by 'h' ,hom'", nd hopes are running high for' 5uci Hellml3n Calle.!'\ To ce l rl H :�l le: �� the seaso� unforseen ebron Presidency le ve ��I:, ��:�:e��!� St::p � De�n of Me"" �o Lea"e ' for Position in East Aft er California ·lmposslble. ThLs caused much dlsal'POlnlment among all Year a( P. L. C. concerned, but better fortune is bl)ped for next year. Ho..... ever. this ot his past rrrord as 'an disappointment did not break dOllm e<lucationai leader. Professor W. H, . the morale. Instead. work W8li 1m. Heilman. present dean of men here. "B". Average :���: �UI=�� ���tbeC:�� ��=?tr::: � :rs���� :::s1�� �;�e:b!:� �I:��:;�e� ThIrty.tour P. L. C. students have gregaUon for subaCriptions. effort ron. Nebnl1\,ka. which school Is also The present trip north ....·111 purpose of the present c1ude concerts in PauLsbo. BeI.!!Pl'. i of Lutheran denomination. their ""orth by m&! a "B" The barn. Stal).wood. Fir. Lak�ood. and Although Protessor H'ellman tor the lut nine w�Ir..s' ��et�:r�I:�:�W�� � �e���� a c or I L e n'elve ot these are high- lut summer. The central commIt· . :'��t!:' alll�a��:�tln�h:t :'h� s:�� I fe�� �: .\�: =�� ��� ;SI���-. I tweh'e no�al. and ten tee in charge of the cam�1gn wt day mornrg Jitrvlces and present. To the' reporter he MIt! . ..It ls not July conslsted of Reverend Stavlg. arts students. ing their tormal concert In the e8$y to se\'er connections here. 'no:' thirty·four, Edgar Lar- and Professors Hauge d.nd Elveevcnlng, Is It easy to leave the West where Iltud6!l\, drNrvl!l'i at.rnm. � .•"'. .... n.e follot/blg program will be I haVe spent the past nine years In for his remark- eral other men from the West they presented: church and educational work." " a r I Aima Mikkelsen .. Soprano According Profe&sOr Hellman. Bod'ley, also Of �� =�SCh����: ��h �� �;;:u!: :�"::=: Wallis Kerr , Violinist Hebron College Is a Junior college too abort to. ooV(!J vne wa.s time the Chrlstlne . . Brown Ruth partment; Cora V�ta ....��. Accom�lst ��� :;-' cI t Johnson, and Sena Jollnson. of the territory that opened. aJid an 'cHort Ie ��;:� !� i! �I�:.��: nonnal department;' IUId Harold Il1o'111 be made thls Bumm�' to raise . at dlv1slon. 8$ well as a \'ery sLTonR Choir Myhre and Arthur Olsen. of the leut '15.000 more. di f Ic d a m I t liberal arts ·department, also merit Prof. Ramatad will be re� of �� �:o:-Ba�C: o "��ht;:�I:=l l ::e s:: :: ::C��IC ��h::� :� d1stlnctlon. They h� no grade be· his on the return of thV I OUgh It has a few mort' o choir from Ita trip and will go East ""D." The remaIning 27 honor �':". ..�" =�= ,I ::�;II��� � =: �e��. had a "B" ,"verage. . to secure sub5crlptlOni. It'-Is hoped. Hebron College wa.s founded In Sopn.qo v n Is a a SC o� ��. :;:dP;: !:�:; .v:� . ::r:� �nderson, ��� ��llr���:I� " " "" :: . C��n:: �:�: ����a:ha':��e :=�::� lnga OopJerud. John him there Immedla�ly af�r Easter. Solve!a's Sang ..... ....... . ........ Or1eg ot being a member of the !int gf'tld. . Eh'era Hokenstad, Harold Th� m.en will work till Ute Umt' uating 'class from this school In tht' Cboir Arthur Olsen, Margaret o! the bIennial church convention. Den Store Hvlde P1ok . ....... Orieg year 1915. Recently. that I.s about ' e Al Stella 8orboe. and Evelyn ye e o ;��r 2��r8ken ��1I ��:I; n��� ;:::�;;: ' The above plc.tures �o"" live pretty co-ed.s in o aa::-:=.. � ��=�n �::; :leg:�I���!: . t!.seal Ute of end the till places their Ruth l!erven Normal Mildred ' All My Heart..,j... ,.. Chrtstlansen Atter graduating from Hebro:l nual campus day. held Monday. March 31. ....aret )far. July 31. Moist ot the wOlk will , . Bro9.'Il' ida Hinderlle. ,.;a.. Delores Roe Loulse Lehmann. and Muriel Edwards High School Professor Hellman en-' The top pIcture shows are TIs a I.Jood 'lning In Minnesota. IO� IlllnoL'J, be dO Christine Jacob&on. Ruth Holmberg, Dorothy and Bodley. Lofthus Below bit. Eleanor their doln8 Solne University. Columbu�. tered Capital VIoIIa o Johnson. Sen� J nson, Gladys �or- W : o Ave Karla . .... SChUbert. -WllhebhJ Ohio. from which he was graduated Week Old Tak Charge of (he sp e. Brigade genson. Ger a;: Molden, Thora .::IUI:':I: ,. :'-:g�:�d � � Barasate In t.t".e year 1 918. The next three e · a yard. ha l a ya�. oy y Airs e I e a Half ViOla Taw. and EII Rasmussen. . years he spent In the theological Cb'�" ""' '' . ACli�e Pari in pe "::� !n= :� th�.p:��� :t�� . W I ' r � I In OreiOn. P. L. C. Affairs :� �: t�: �l��:r:�o nd.s �I;;; 8chOOI: Dorothy Bodley, �any col1iregatlornl �� ::��n��,eCb��= ��i�ry�:2\�le\eland. Ohio. gradu� d a m av o� � Dublgh Nedra . Dahlbellj: Eleanor two - ". the hundred Worked no s There' growing. Is Parkland r took he this char. e . A 8now Mountain ........ Christiansen Shortly atter : e� �l:e : :1I�� p Katherine Oould. Ray Hinderlle, i!1 . Brigade! Spade the ....... doubt about It, No sooner had It "Forward. dirt!" VIe.saId. Beautiful Bavlor ....... Chrllltl.ansen of a missIon congregation at Porto be"en �f the Dl!:velopment . Dagny HJ�rmstad. Edgar Larson. repres6Jtative announced that Rev. and Mrs. Scatter the Angeles. Washington. where he re Soll>-Ellen Olson Roe Fred CCOnttnued on Page 2. COlumn 2) Alice Rlltshelm, Jens ground roek· the lOver parenL� proud the were Svare O. T. and one halt mained about tour 8ch�l. John Stuen. Ollbert Sydow. Worked the two. hun�red. d ;n n ' ye Mrs. Chrisle"nsen Date Saga'3 Ci�l �'lman Qext'dralmed him as the �a�: ia����� e: � �:=r�: !1 Brigade!" Spade the ' On One Big. Night "Forward. J· Mrs and Prof. that nouncement r student pasto at Speaks 81 D. O. R. flfst Lutheran , O. Edwards were also celebrating 1 Was there a man dlllmayed? Washington State COllege. Well. everybody. l"m bacl: again. , M. A. ChrUtensen. president Durtng the yean 19� and 1 927 he the amval of a son: Da,'ld Joseph ' Not though the loafen thought Quale had blundered. . STANDARD DESIGN Both sorry and giad to ' be here. .. of the Pacific district of the W8$ on the faculty staff of the Eng- Edwarcls. on March 29. ' not to cry out. "Fudgel" OI4d to you. Old you, aues5 who Women's Mbslonary �eratlon. ad- 11m department at Wa.shlngton Although Ute boYs are �th less Theirs Alter much bickering and con- saga's girl Is? Sorry 'cause-welldressed the Daughters of the Refor- State coifege. He receIved hili than a w�k old, they are already Theirs not to hold a gnftlge. drudge. and dl& to but the 1lSIlOCiated studenta' saga' s so Jealous. he won't even let ' TheIrs atbUslness in part acUve an f. Pro and of e h t maUon at ' home Master�$ degree there 'in the spring tAklna . 'class ring ot 1930 as tht' me a atar reporter, tell any more tain. That they wUl be real PacUic Over the ,rock-covered gTOund MrS. Xavier. Wednesday. April 3. . of school ring. and thuSl about her, Oh, she's ' keen though: Mrs. ChrlIltensen urged ltIe girls ' In Ute summ of the same yen Lutheran�College boosters Is al�y Worked the two hundred. COllege now has an NoC even Sap. himself knOlli'll when to be more dlll&ent in their work as he became allU ted with Spokane evident. 8li each one h8li IlWSCrlbed she'l oom\ni, However, he doe!! SCOtch broom to ,right of them. a church organization and to to q»llege, where ' e sen'ed as vice a dollar to the [)e"elopment Assocl!\- Briars . approved both by the. facul· know to left of them. .what she's goin, to do when It that a record ot their work \S keVt president. When th!.S school wits tlon. front ot them attempts at establish· she e here, and he let 'me In Oft from year to.year. She a� rtquest- closed In 1 9'29, he came to PaCific To make up for these- expenditures FI�eretrees in Ilundered. have resulted In dta... the 9:,t. want to let you ed that the pis make. posten tor Lutheran College. where he Is now each one h8li started a bank ac· . In on 'Last year the. faculty It. too but. he'll watchln" everythlflg about and yell. the coDVen.Uon of the liational We- serving as dean or" men. He has count. , It seemS that Pre5ldent.. Urged on bytugged, and �el1 de4lgn. but the student I write. I'll describe her thoUgh. men'. W1aaionary Federation and charge of the ooileie EnaI1llh and Ttna:elstad lla.s presented each young Boldly theyMother Earth, to It. Many Urnes ' "She's big, awful bia, big enough' man with . nIce. round' llIver c!ollar. Onto Old Daughters of the Retormatlod. to be Chrlstla.nltY here. tried to lnatltute their to occupy a whole room , big u the and that tbf youni men, instead ot Harder 'than they thought well. held In the East. Mrs: K"ldler in· th�:�=�b�: :.tll now ::ed. S:e�lo��:-:re= t�; ' e�m=� ':; = : �11 the two hundred. :=d:: ns p Th Appear b e e I =�"�!���=I�ted���C;: � In School Carnival peopl� do the.e daYIL. ye IIvln8�oon :a Plashed-all their aboveLi bare, design, of. Ute ring Is a copy such cOlor . c:ombt.n.i.tioDll as brl&h.t she beUeyed would 'Win a pr1U:' ' Plashed they 'turned In air, coat-of-ium.s chosen by )(ar- redIl, yellows, blues. greeDll, purpl". 'lbe ,w. rave Mrs. CllrI5tensen p, L. C. actors and actresIea mUk diet and saVIng" the money. · .. h1a peraonal ereat.. The oranres. and everything. all mlxed inatrudJona to brtna � from ap.1n, aboftd.thtlr aramatlt: abWty, AI to wbat profer.a1on the boys will Plashed as they dropped them baa on It a wlth- up.. Utere. them .. the onb' D. ri., a.�. !b�, � )7, ....ben they p�- follow, no ODe knows. for they have , ( whJch 11 embedded In a And, can .she take of boy.? .. tkm In the Padtsc DiJtrlct,. IleD.ted "PoTty MlJea an B¥. at the been ve-ry reticent about their pla!U Sb'ewina: the' campus. w� ' . ��� .: �. :::anwuam;!:oot�v�0:: !:r:�:' :-::: � � =:n,::::� amoke, em:-� r:n � !!-:::::;"f!;U: :!:: for Jcote. aDd a'll tab care of 'tbem all at did. alter Reine UJe ·IJctIt StraJcbl for'Uie lunch they broke. �t.. · a rM4Inc bJ- 'Wola Taw. � of numerous booths and s1de· biC other �!=e:lem.� !:..n bUDll f . an; � with aU the 1Ir1i � '::�to::.� :aP�Th-: �th�:�=: � p�':c,. u:. � � � ..:. Anna � n:�:a and . . RaIiI.- "forth much favorable comme:ot from arrival to the Bvare famUy baa nIl DeU'b' sundered, spun and 'ir.ds- 80, dcID't fOl'ld. &be'll be &rOUIld Kri. Bl.uae. llrs. Btuen, Kn. Lutberan OOJlele IOmIUme at\er Eutcr aDd Jbe1l IYd. Kn. Be1lm&D. Kn. �md' a�ce. The bo� q'u&rtet WUIDOt :ret dedded· wbetber, or not 'be TbeD 'tbey back-but not, wUI be an apprOpnate dai' oolJ DiCht-ao ...,e the '. . wiIbM to follow In his tatber'. foot.Kn. Ollen. acted .. � and abo an attracUon durltla , ibe two bundrec1. . ' I slepl. ·I�. 11 reported, . date.-By and BU)',.Bu7. b)'e, �tbe �la a t&d7 I " ' qo. ent.e�t. (OOilUnued em Pace 2. COI� 4)

� leader. Professor Edwarib, left Tuesfor a concert tour north. j I 'I day, noon. entire




. •
























'2'1' ?i.













... _





VACATION 75 . · &0'" Added COMES APRIL 16 During March 10 . and toll-worn uulkoll ru"brary ShelveS '.--'---,,'----' I and faculty members ..til receh-e .. brier respite from their wort. when The month of March sa..' '!on addl75 boolU approximately of Hon. vacation. SPrtna . ' \V�.r afternoon. AprU IS, TIle the library" �Ibrartans Xader ,'.catlon .nll e�d at 8:15 Monday 8t�n' :!�h = .�d of 5t\'f'ral" 01 lreat ln��"i.\jth�rIln5. n h .1. . �1.lIy, b the lll-eltth annual con. momtJ.\&'. Aprilfirst the ne ..�b ThiS l..B: the \"aC$tlon that '"tnUon O h� Young People's Luth- <??11� will ha\-e enJd'yed er l.fague� the North Puget SOund Chmtmu hollda?os, and Is . CircUit, be. held In the . 'IIi-elcomtd by enr)" IItudent. Lutheran hurch In �'ef'e'lt the IItl!d�nts.. especially 2S.n. 'IIi'ent on tht: chOir trlp. a make up the studies In behind during the tour. gh'e thl'J 'Instruttor!! Um'e out more questions to spring �:n: �n:U���I:� all�d� :.nt. . e f undoubtedly be' plenty to ...,.""tlon I do forlI'�1 el'el}'One.






. PoIl01l'· ing th"e program on Niday evening. re<:;tptron is to � given by the en­ . ttrutnln, ieaiUe. On Saturday. April 21'. there .. 1.11 be .. sert� of Inspiring and Interest· lnf sessions throughout the day. 'In­ cludlng musical numben. In these programs many l�es .'111 be reps

Cor. Tacoma Avenue &; 11th St. ' TacOma. Waah .,

dictional}' has been ond l ou,�h."" also. Another Important l <Am" ••n : ;;�;;:�'or�.:��::";�d ���:= European Hlstol}': ' by J. Sal· win Shapiro, of blolpgy at lu next be held at Seattle'. either May 5 A.LUMNI NEWS for the first unit of the -,u, 1 dO,m'""" fof girls will be lIubmltted the board fo� approva� at lh" Mr: Amulf Haan·el. ot Seattle. will be awarded to ttl.. -cup a a ae· same meeting. 'IIi'ho a IItudent at Pacific Luth· \ohf; IIUP\ n:vrnet1tatlon plant. tennlntd by multiplying the number Although It Is not an easy task �ran Academy about twenty ' yean; subscrlptions, the de velop· ago. called on some of hili of volcell by the number of miles to for c\'crybody auld everytraveled. The cup be<:omes the per, ment work has a human Int"rel\� teacher!! last SlInday, Mr. manent posstulon of the group that side that makes ;t enjoyable. LII..�t ....·as IIccompanltd by. thing hl.3 won It th� consecuJIive times. ..eek 'lle oldest member of the " Wlth 49 cabin f k e r l h Seamoru Flolcer p:SI�� �� :h-: �� �-::t �:�. ��:�:..����:: :���� :�, �f�� ����:l ia� ��::shIP Shop Clreult of Ule Y. P. L.. L.. Miss Mar. wrote a very fine and encouraging pan)" OIIrrtvtd here yesterday 9th &: Broadway pret that a COlltctlon of letwr. enclosing a generous contrl· the south and enroute Lut.her League hymns for COnl'en. button and also th l' tnrolment card United States, salling ·today. tlo be made, TIll!' officers of Ule for hI.!; daughter. \'oyage from Hongkong m Indh'ldual leagues have been reo At about Ule sam!' time Prof. J, 0 aNd marked by Ilght breeus. quested to cono.uCl frlend\.y contests Edwards enrolll"d the }'ounge.<;t \'essel III cOmmandtd by Captain M. "PIONEER" In their groups In order to get some member of the aMOClation, David 'Hannus." PARAGRAPHS ortglnal hymns. It has been sug. E�wards, born March 29, 1930. Not Mr, "annus . a student In Pa. I gested that the COn\'ention Uleme be to be outdone. R!"\', T. O. $nre clUc 'Lutheran ',�dem)' about m. 1 -:-�.)I:-u.std as a buls for the hymns. The served notice of a Similar enrollment i =tI:��ns 11.'11\ tit ulll""d at this con· � ��8,�IChard John Sl'are bom When you fe e a , take a bath the sunAmong other flnt' letters recell'td Lei us do )'our del'eloplng and -,. . -- ", ,. •__ ...... - ." < • �, ... ... «.. _ _ fri�� may e fO ' 1; ....; .::... :�: O�::;; . ':;:. ���� ;�n�� co, 5 We find a parallel in "It was so:' vlg rPaulsboeIs lllso supporting the Madbon t45·R·3 \ ' '"It s flnlshed," and "It- Is done." as.sOcoflatlon, -� �as she has JUlIt sent In �. +� ThelliMIt III taken from the creation �er fifth contribution. story. Ule second, from Chrlst's last In speaking of the campus devel. Ii��._f PhOne Main If64 ' .�� P I a N E E R words on the cross, and the third, opment plans, President Tlngelstad from Ule last of the Book of Revela· said, "The success of all these Dr. Archie G. Hicks llom, Tlngelstad n n . o , Just as the . heathen are asking development � �� �:� po� �:: ,;"� ::. � :: ,:, �� ..;,: and Uon ;:; � ,,,, : Taco m a : ''= '� i �� la .... 11th Floor the missionaries. tht' world contrtbuUorJ-'MSOC t.Q the � & q stlonlni Ule Chrlltlans, muit. fund, H erefort'. bear ourselves as ChrtstTel"h .. ...... """ {_ '''''' ''''' ,.. "In< and questiontd all Ule um._x..,•• I _ KARL A. ANDERSON crean,

few flowers or nice blooming Flowct3





_ _

aI -

Carlyle', Co/e"'ru.












inl blue., , , �


_ __ __ __ ._. ._ _ _ __

1I -,'_'::9.,·-';'-,�·,-� ·

I N C O R P OR,,:r.,c


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M:n'AL woos TO &.GUVKL IlOOnN"G, l\IIUU.l.EIl P"URNMi&8

tUS ST. HEt..EN8 A.VE.. •


. _ Any 2:me. Any Cabs ' MAIN U

·S_I .

had tJe.eo other leaden, he .auld not to.bave riaen (rom the


Vi ..




935 , Broadway 937


/ )1gilt- ti()JI\I �J .

open All N ,./

�\ .... \



)1·, .


f3l2 I LL






" aairare Semee Mala WI

d never have been attuined,


1200·k Met: Bank BId&". '""\..

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1 .....,••••�t9I

If these wen.'

nut �a:ea1er than ol!lcrs uffer. our prc!OClI(



Llle lNurancc)

' offer slJt.'Ciu , advunluues.

size uul Liberal Benefitlf Sound Insu ranc:e: Prom t ·SeU�ements Full information p upon request. (prelUe state your \\'{'

... _ '.r portl.., cl ..... t••••• otC. . Place

Call Hr. L,... , • AmblllaDee


....... . . --':"\ Po::: �t'��e .�:et: It .


Lutheran Brotherhood


U' Jesus


UTile 'Peak' 0/ Quality'"

��. WEST COAST DGROCERY STATIONERY "'rl'''''' co., TACOMA'. . S u lie �:_�ENTI �_ �S:�!..�"'�����.��Ch�!9O�ls��p�p��8�!:�l r====�:==��:���� �� �� �� .








Unlverse, Xavler, -



Park nnd. \YIWt.

·Phone Madison 3818 R;!)


_ _ _ _


The SludeDIs do they have never bet�n in Tacoma unleSH they have eaten


L. Ekern, President

_ g .....



·For InlorrruJlion Ab'f" Lullu.ron. . Brot�rlwod


. .

. .

See local repreoeDlative--H. Ho)m-JeDJleD


,-- ---....


I '


PastUner-s. Stai'i Baseball season With Logger M�n




WU11am Ahl. of St. Paul!"r theolol;teU dtpartmtnt. haa lnvltaUon from the United 8ta"" iQ\'emment to �It th� IJl'&ft,of her MIn .aometirhe durin, this summer. Mrs. AhI Is one ot the nea.rl,y !eftn . thoullAud momen and widows of the . war ·�o· have' a�pled the iQwrn­ menl', invi\a.tlon. The United States offlcen will act as euldea' In taklna the lII'Omen to the various' _nel of the war and to ·the eliht ' Europen cemeteries 'In ';'hlch Anlerlcan !!QI­ dlen are burled..-The Luther Echo, Rev, M. E. Waldeland hu pre­ sented the Luther CoUeile library a bOok written by Hans Nllaaen Ha�. This Is an unusuali,)o rare and valu­ abl6 book because the're are only five copies , of It in eltlstener There are t.'o copIes In 'Ame'rlca; one at St. Olar collPle and the other at Luther TheolOilcal Stminary. TWo copies are In Norlll·ay.-The . . Clarion, . . Mn. lAura AhI. wife o( Protea� IDI' ricelve.:t

Ba.wball:Emblem Win/nen of Last Year Form N\itleu! o( Team: Initial Game ' S�on


Pacific LUlh collett b�ball "'''mers Ilo'm � i their first �an('e' " or the. . season �rfonn. when tl'icy . m�t the strong Coll� of �t Sound \'arsity v.·�k from 'today. Baseball" praCllCfoS hal'l� been going oU In tine sty� so far thill su,l'On. with several lettc�t'll back to" form the lIuc!eus of thb rear's team. ' Besldes the emblem 'winners from last seuon. many new mtn ""ho have had expe:rlen� in other schoois arr turning out and arr bobterln g the squad considerably. n II:=t:�e:ldt o::r",:r::; �twt-en the \'arslty and the faculty. The faculty had sllj:ht edge on their opPonents. Johnson: st.a� . pitcher this year. was a mem�r of Dru'rilheller. Eh"'i(h�an & , their nine. and the \'arslty pl.yen While c::ould not fathom hl� sharp.brrak the Paciflo Lutheran Collett women)! basktll.:.ball squad of 1930.e They made admirable rfcord of eight wins and Inve,tment Securitie. formed girls Th� � In&" nc:un'C'S. ct a a I n r l j I I, hu� :��r!: :t: �heI\'�a����'�� �����S�}'����n:I\�!�l��� t���fEr!� !.'iI��: �o� �:e�:'C��I�M�:o��er;'U :�����:P�,!�' �=� �� ·��r 111$ Pacific Ave, Phone Main 01 E Stl xrud. h n la :�;:y ��: = :�y ��� ��� :�;'1 ;;;;;;; , ::,;;;;;;;;;,,", = ,' ;; ,=�=�=----:--:-=-:-:--:-:�--'-i-::;=;;;;;;:;:�;;;;;;:;:; ; �;;;:;�;;:;:;���'=;;;:;:::; ;;; Pa,.I"d "'m. d.r"llng th,m by " �port r.: . .:. D A I L Y D I A H Y =.:;;;; Tennis Meet Now Green Rabbits to ':n �I�� '::�����':r��;;:r ��� C'.Y JB, erv£!ist In Full Progress matches hl3 eyes, and the wheelsMareb 23 With . e te Wl ' You a frOsh� . --�...All have gone tiome to re- oh. Johnny!. areApril --:� gaend :�le h;:Ir:: t:��:g· I -Back 4 after lea\'e a two of weeks' Fh'e departments ·in tourna-. cuperate RIter the tes�, and will ue Chickens Bl , c�:� �rm7nI;:! e:t �' a�nce �wever. these two weeks men l) � a l �� in pu,.t their parenU In hlah splrlU to qu:�ion�a'��I:�ra�e:�ka;n�:� . H e year ho P��li :,��� � �:t �� showing up well are as follows: ha\e been \1'1'}' �ulet In the realm prepare .them ror the grades that chlckrn Qr the egg?" Art-'iiTtnlYs SI.'t'�1 uhnlll eetUn; just Is Baseball Nyman, CoJtom, Palo, Thostensoll, of sports. thiS weeK. April The annual tennl3 -ellmination I\·m come out . I':ustl'r tillH', whkh is and B, Jacobson. The n�w .men wh., under "ay. while weather has been tournament "Jake" reports that the "Spana ' Mareb 31 at the College Is now in s ac n Special" Is again working on all :\'nliullul D r t' s sol' Ii '���Ia��:::�r e:re : fO�O��� unfa\'orable for tennis and goll� pl'O(ressf , Atter a chance had bttn Whoopee Day! When WN PaCific way our ba s l . Fadness, Sll'f]'el. Sanke)' Johnson, ' Baseball Pra.c�has been gOing ' Day.' Arl' YIIU j.(nilllo( ttl ��'�:r t�e =��::e:��:m:� �a:�H�;o�:�t ���:nl:�or� ( rre April g and, Clarence Monson. soong be st'C li in Hid suit. orr. so tar. vel'}' favorably. Somp. in 'charge arranged. the matches. d.Y� and Eleanor? Bel MUt� and 1m;t"lt a drea fe' since the . ry liAnyway, wtsh we nown? !:lave blrdo :aa bttn has interest of deal great w A It glad Whoopee sure were Stan bttn \ green.' but talr. material and lOLa ur ynu j.(ui.ll� til taken 1n tennis far thl3 year. and day:' 'cause then they could take them all a! �ery iood t�e showing uPon the diamond, U the the ND411 arkland "' r . . their annual bath. At the rive ot success �M" :S..... ss. mament should be a .great o'clock smilc ut yours('lrt ill \'eral lettermen baC\ shol\' �P .as succetou � A well.known resldent,..of Parktea which was given at four P .. Lu ac Ta- w Ic eran as ell pected. e AS the tennis court 'wu repaired o'clock, dOl.l8hnuts and coffee were land, Mr, M. ArnLSOn Is in Uie new x to havela good nlnr. on campus day, tile parUclpanu in sen:"ed, EW:ryone sure had a hey! PA�LAND �ARAGE coma General Hospital, conl·alesc. College tought Ing from , set\ous paralytic stroke. == q :!,e � :�r �su:��� the tournament will hll:ve good hey! �. .h&o Jt.ePatr . I n a b t April · Mrs. O. Lund and her son, Clar- mound performances t med In by courU to play on, ... DUNDEE SUIT ence. went to CalUorr.1a to visit Mrs.. 50 tar there has bttn much comFre d Scheel makes a clever anfal:l J hnson petition, eybest . J. O. Petenon even in the prellminary nouncement abOut the party Friday . - - - ·--r.imd·s daug-hter. Lenore: who has sank Johnson thus r. o tlmer that re the has p p . as matches, as many good players nlaht-all rlaht, Freddy! Ord Saint -- ---. -- --bttn m for several months. Hundreds in the Lalest . Last week Mr. John 5alater left resented. the college for many years, I In school this year. The depart- Fool himself played a trick do Ted'Style to thoo8e fr-uro. n to m d h w h at they call"slu ohnson h : J �����r: ;: �e ��:!:r�P�: n the ol e&apple �r: � �:Il�:s: �:�S ::I���;�:� �::� �':e ::t :�:h::��' School Books and I\: . By "stuer" �r e rn's ' " slneles, men wlte leaves next week tor a"r: ex- usually � d' I\' s doubles, ",'omen's and broken tooth. mean that the pitcher has d9ubles, and mixed doubles. SUPPl�l� $22.5/f· . April t tended pleuure trip to Norway, U l control. with speed and I . Muchcoupled. ers who have bttn show- Let's hope Mr. Beck w� ,urtlel· 'Vatermp..n. Shalfer. Conklin where she wU1 visit.her relatives, tcunes. \.... is expected from thlS ingTheuppla)' season and U this ru well so tar 'l a in in y that plrt'd Fountain Pens & Sets l order en pe<:lally her sister. who hai bttn IU to boy, an� �e takes his baseball should give much compemion school-day plcti.\re he so desl.rt'd, A tor som� time. uthurized Dealer Under" Anderson, Bud" John BIII .Nyman, Or. don·t you use palmolive, Mr' W.ednesday. April 2. ' Mrs. L. seriousi), don be surprl.tvd , to bset ood P Typewriter w ortable ' l ' n en e e I l . . a�= �;: ::.:, w�� I �� \S;.::::�=�� �: �!�:� Beck? �:=r.a:�e��=I:;'at �er h= �� �:Ue��he A. Vi,eU Co. ' big league now, sta�te<l Molden. Among the girls, Pauline Boy! Did youApril 3 Johnny s Fern Hill. new BooitMllera--Statlon ' ers m Pacific Avenue l\·n. Delores puddle Jumper? �e body color 9OSI� Pac:. Ave. Mrs, A, R, Lehmann entertained in lhlS �me \\·a)'. Nr\'er bet short Larson. Main 2870 Ilillce RoeRuthhal'eBro been displayand al; th�,�� r. 'n�d; ing 1 ;� h� h� h� at luncheon at hrr home, FrIday. on your friends.-b ;; " ' � 6 � ,. � "; "'� " t ; I · -much ability, ' Marcll 4. Those present were: g J. U. Xavier, Mrs. T, StorlllUlI, The flrst real ame or the STUDENTS CAN MAltE MONEY. DORma THEIR St1JrO(ER GIRLS' PEP CLUB Mrs. Lewis Peterson, Mrs. T. O. Sin- :��nbeo:rla��d�;�re!:;o:ee�ta:� BUTTER.NUT land, Mrs. B, -:-. Swanson, Mrs. L, J. strong College of P uget Sound The Qlrls' Pep' Club had its rl'f]'U::���t?: u!�U:�:��rch�����=�� BREAD .Bro�tem , Mrs. !. J. Salster, Mrs. W. varsity on our own field It would-' lar celebration Wednesday evening, e re · . r Mrs ahl M n't be a bit out of place have the March 25. Nedra Dublgh and 091�:s ::I�rd�":: �rit� �:.;ro:-:-� �� WOOLEN COMPANY, WENDELL:."""'.. E .... OybdaJ, r.tapacer. : :� � MHSaL.;. �rs.. 7',. entire W th re g e rta T SW a: : T �} � : student body ;ut there :� o ' �� �:��, : :�t !�� c�ws, �d �.'v, �l:it, ..,l A popular" young Parkland' girl. ::; :�co:�a�:m�and� �: t�f'I llclous lunch was then served by I -----�--n r e eb h"teS:� the Misses Dolores I rr======'!1 WE PRINT AND DEVELOP YOUR KODAK FILMS ' l Be playing school. WI�h an en: t�' � �1I4C;;; .:��� :;U::f�, �hO ��: wil d ll A We try to can:>' evenrthlng in-stock that will tUi the ordinary wanta. , . , , ro men near y Tee mes 11 t I th ti as , =;;; formerly a teacher at Lincoln High e If wr donPrices whatQuilt, you' need ,tell us apd we wlll ,et it, ' "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ",, � 't haveaDd u Alwar,, «!Garaq\eecl o t c a �:� \\,� :0U:� :�: o� ��=t��U�� � ;: �: :�� :l � to; log � ::����;rd �r� HA �� 'S \ l d O\\' on a marked with victory PARKLAND MERCANTILE , COMPANY . ' , School. The we.o:ding held a the home of the bride's parents. Mr. the score boob..:.., , � �rs. Catl O lu ' e �: .Everything 1s�adiness COT the Waleh Repairing, a Speeialty � � ��in� c� :::::::::::==� to�ament. Some interest- "':::=:=:�:t!I:J!�; EASTER col , satl.n gown. A pearl ban- tennis in store Cpr tenniJ 109 matches d ' u held her tf1l;lllng "ell inq place. fans. Nyman, Anderson. Molden . · She earned. a beautiful bou uet or WITH 2 PANTS . Pink and white � buds. The :�, =�Io= � � I/::lteu::� :: Art'. � brides. attendanu ;r,ere Mabel NOrd- seve ra.). of the girls thfI.t know Bar.ber' Shop how $25 $35 $45 ket. �,:���,s!��-;�;:���; to handle . .Brookdale THE NE\X er. matron .of hOnor: and Myrtle With mat.! �llII:e the 'above � Jensen. ma.ld of .honor. , Reverend named, I hat Coach Stum -;;;;;;;;;;��;;';;;;;;; ;; ;;;; ; �; A R, A B O N D A. Hudtloll, the grooms Cather. severtl matches with trom �utte, MonLana. pe�or1r)ed. � could IIUTrOunarranre 11th and Padfk dina: colle(ea and h Ig h . Pidure Frame! to Suit ce��:Y'were over one hundred .echoolll. These players abould �p- Your Taste. "Frames in AU SH IRT C. in a ·moat. creditable x,.. =;. Ma.n. , Si�" . weddina:. the v at lUaU present AT btautUu1 I1lt1l ...ere presented to the TRAIN lor. tM FUTURE ' THE HAMILTON STUDIO happy .oouple. $2.85 IN THE will soon be in full swinl. 815 Padtlc �v�ue Phone M'a.J.n .2937 QoU , , So far there Is no team or&:anlzed -LAND 0/ tM' fUTURE . 3 lor $8 Dorothy Fowler and her aJster, to repreae"bt P. L. C. With the 1 "''''''''''''''''' '''' '''''''''''' '' 1 11 Mn. Steve Pease (Mary PowJer) nlllnlM!r o! IOlf enthuaiaata we have Liberal Arts CourlH In Junior College vil.lted aCb..JXll P'r1da1, Man:h ., 10 achool .and the nevoeu oC the 1= JACK'S GRIDDLE A heautiful IICW BruudState Aeeredited Normal Currieular --


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Easter Suits






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Six �rogr&DlI of Study in Hi&'h School

Shirt in blended

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t I' D�'ICMkso ""jn"'B�os. - ""'Co " Bee ad ' U; Ul1I weelr.'.

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Bl·WeetJy Dur1nt: the 8cbOo1 Yev



Lighter 'Than �ir

Ho'll"dy, lad ntt m n, and ' Extrat Extrtll wh�vl!r beUeyt,th In hun stud nta of Pa!irtc Luth ran coll I ' . not periSh, but. have e\�rluttna Th .small d)-(fj is brolt n on ( -John 3 \6 . .this t)'P writ � and.. look a� th r -The thief cometh not but Entered as RCOnd-cll,8l matter at � Post Ornoe at Tacoma, w�... port cards bsu do ,." it will Ilv steal and to Itlll and to ' you a slight Is! JI wh r th r st..hay' I lngtoa, under the Act of � or M&l"Cb 3', 1879. '. o�•'0 w,., am come that they ' . d I s�PUon price 'I pi� �l �Mvertb1nr �� on Requeet �:"'� �o:! Ev�1n& ts ' all -Our blc $J,leCiai t e thiS 'lleeit 15 a plc- :�::n:;��I�::...r: .., : l�; . ThE EdItor JUlit loanEd- lure ot the faculty, Those. 1JUt'SSin1 ..chrl ight now r .$ .-, . m wbat and an EDITORIAL STAFF and namina' the f�eult-y members, in cla1m ! tIf-what hls capital E for thE day. mere man, what Editor in ph.\ef:-OLAJ HAOENESS the oi'der they &lown ""ill be ness! But phrlilt w� JlO .�, r Assoclate Stella Borboe Here lie the &hattered remalns given an adetitionai. copy of the HI! .u.s a Perfect harmony. He Copy Edlto - Mariaret Holmbe1'l, anet Viola Taw or John Hen!')' MacNeck; Mast. The , rol!o:wlni ,,!ere Uved.IIreunder ns, but calmly usio Ill no Sports EdItor - - - ·Barolet Gray He chirped Just. once 'too often, . absent ,,:hen the- picture was sna� ",'ent &bout HI! Qutl�l5; calmly He Features . , Glenda Waters, Cora Vl!ta �et Inga OOplerud " Check anet Double-check:: pe<i.: Dr. ��btad, Mr. Hauce, Mr. � His . fate f .Re'porten . Mr HO�, - - - - - Emma Kaaland Olson. Mr. . Mr HeUman, A. - L. . He was a � that never apoJor' Marte VandtnbW"ll Ruth Not;ra.ard, Christlne Johnson and, Bena Johnson Dear Ma and Pa, Xavler, 'Mr. Sluen . Mrs. Kreidler, Iud, yet neYer was he ·.cUc led ot be: I;iliiiiililE; .. I m so bb:zy I can't hardly fin Mr .Larson Mr Ramatad Mr Ed- Ins Impolite He never took back a BUSINESS DUlaTMENT ..",y time to write ru tell you about wards MIM StlXrud, Mr Elvestrom word BuslDeu Manager id; never asked 'DR. iI. L. �ONZINGO Be had Gerhard Molden 1ut sa Monday-It was Campus Day Nr Bardon Mr Beclr. Mrs Bondy tor a that acobson Clttulatlon Manager' OVt'r thin&: J th th�a to R� They rave us a holiday and to show Mrs. Olson Mr Pos3 and all others beforeminute DEJrrrI1:8DY Advertlsina lda.nager glvln&: an anawer, never was at our appresheashun all of us kIds Who "'ere not able to be present rve Typist _ ' llU2 WA8HING1'C)N.BLDO. - -- Beanca Jorgenson In a debate, never had c1�ed. up the campus. The lr.Jds the appointed time All r1ght Mr �: ::e:rrected 'I'hoae who think Maln JSlO � Wash. d U1t d n N J H . d J Stu I '==IJI�=!�!!!I!�. � �t ::pe� :� c=� :��:� ; y����=' :��esa;::; Chmt .was only a man hav� mudr to = = I� = .. 9=== 0., =,.,;. =.. n ==F======= == '"' Y=A== .., = .. = , : Well the boys dumped. Stanley and . ' . '--'-..: J .e�� mas-ln� a man who thlnka :::...-;::.: , � � . .4 CCO�!PLISH SOMETHING ..' a.rt_ ',, :���:�: ::e dl:'�U:1llth: " H::����:U (:I�:t:y :nM� . 1 . ' , Ca'llpus Day and moperation-b�th. t�rtl1.S arc famil!ar( . water mati around their really trying? 'rutant ..�II uf ,us, no douht, grasp the. full slglllflCa!ICe of the first a hlgbI felt HaIr:' � ��f-.-.. ma.Yes, Hellman reply); Mr. On those for awfully earS. . ' Wist. IIa.Im ' 1erm, and we ha\'e "ad the gonl of .c?<,pcrnhon. held before .F.ountain'. . s �Ing dum�'1n the creek dam. he is most trYing. _K """"" lIIabl. Slll our eycs for I1ll1u)" Yl'llrs-always stn\'lIlg to altum tetllllwork �)beboy _ Service ln�too .tired to w rk My con. ill e"crytl�ilig we hit\"(' .atfempted, CUl�tpus l?ay o.f�crcd the �{ence SO ; ' � Irene U1r. Hosklns: .r call my for� op­ fe l thered t e go me best 1,?sslbJe .opportmllly fOl' devclopmg tllI� SPIrit of (,:U-. Jri 'down and wa11r.lng In the creek portunlty. Milk Shakes, Malted. MIlks. Ice CreaIt) Sodas operation. Little . would have been accomplished had not ca'use I didn't work so· much as some M&8da SlverLson :.Why? tbe stud�n.t s worked h.�gether so well . GOot,!, hnrd work l"lll.l did. . ene : It always knocks. , ' . . ' Ir accomplish wonders. and Mrs Edwards got a _bran on "[�ispt1tch" . Fra�ll'is BaC(J�l ,tells �IS. ,1I�ut . newMr'bab Mllt.e Jacobson: You' think Irene Mackenzie'� /.or Drug� . .In �lis clis�y Y and M·r. Edwards says does� thre�" a) s-b)�hstclI�ucccssful results n�a:\ be, 01�1I11Ued 24th and Pacific t like you? are cute too. Mr. Davld'S . mg carefully to 1IJ1 1-Il. formutlOll on .the lfubJect, rcpentmg the little Main 7390 Ted EvJen,th: We-II, I told her d to build a house tusk unti.1 the finnl goal is rfuched. and going about tI thin/-: Edwar net theys Isaregoing was a there 1001 In every family and +-.;..... already ,..,.� .. blg digging a a . systemuhcull�': Th('sc three methods were nil employed . by hole to plant. It In. asked son. she It only me an was . . t!l(� campus 1I11pro�'e,rs, no I,Huller what t.he task- pulllllg 'The choir Is going on a trip-up to -L-o ::;Coleh hroom. n'p!IIrmg telllllS courts, hauling rocks, or, rnk- Bellingham and I might need some ..Sally Wangen: When I started IIlg Iuw"s . . �lUsy dOt,S not ulwuys mt'�11 r('ult. work. Th to buy 5uvenears With. . going w!th you I thought you were . Bel!lg . ( t; ob- money O has a black eye. I don t a brave man. J('cl of all IS, produl'llon or uccomplishnwllt: nnd to el�h('l'. knowammel he got It iOOklng thru Arnie Thostenson: did' every_ �Jf th�sc ends tlwre must be for<'lllO-ught. , system, plamU!lg, a 'key whether one else . or tighten. .lIItcJhgence,. honest purpose. und coop('ratlOll _ us well us pel'- goUhol� a clote as ain't got no more � tl!MrlUirrg I n on In k ' ����l���iy (cC�t:;:�,t' ,��;tI� '�Ulb ,;i�I' �::! f,ig '�,��,��,:�g,I,�,c��� ' Lo:.. 'h��:::" " ���o;;: ���, �I:� YO,JU' prufito . g I ,����1;'\:::�,;�'l:.'w' Ih ,, "'Ie fell",,,",luo B C H�A SECUNDA '�;,:" .� ", I 11 .-iid , l��,�.c l � ' i, ?:�Cw Y b k ln on , TaeomaErulrayin,<h BINYON :I;�''1'he failure of l'ooperatiOi ," says Elizuheth Tuwn(', "lies p S ( please Cheroba claims real donkey better. phon. ::;;;;; ; ;,,4;;;;:;;;i; �';; ;;;� "' :;.; -lIiU6iO 1,��Rowre not ill c.oopc,mtion itself; it es ill the illdi\'iduul. The ... gist �������;;; didn.t ha\'e any Ink so she Dolores Roe: Why etb words ha,'e ""I � ", of cooperation is Ihis: T }ll\'C a common l'auS<'," umJ thell she· roots? . . but couldn t the write any more to "ork the other fl'Him:s "a) If he "on't ork � ours Till' fact or the matte� Is thatshe was so Qeorse ?ronqulst To make the American Plumbing & Steam Supply <:0. hest cooperator IS the Illun "ho can get the must plcasure overc langu grow e q by the grades she received omelast Wholesale Jut of dplIlg Ihmgs III til(' other fe!ltm 's till' Let thiS SPirit on her report card "lhat she �_�_.. __ (pre,uli Plumbing, Slea.,. and Mill Supplies in e'en. thing \\e do couldnt even think of any more We Appreeiate Your f. Ie Avenue h.alhcrlllc (,nuld dumb sayin g's As we all forced l)honc .Main 1707 1908-10 Pad Patronage It ,\�� ' t be lung IIm\ Spring ,acatloll IS Just u-rOllllt! toB��! :.� :e �:��:'::ntlon J the corner. That !lIcans a. good cha!lcc. for us to mllke up the I what sort of graetes they were w,hlch Rosso's Garage . slt'cp we lost durlllg Christmas nlt'allon. overcame her. But who cares about ------. -that anyway? ? DO YOU KNOW L A. Do \'011, us a ' Pul'ific Lutheran Col/t'ge studcnt. ulHl u �. Hauge on. campus day: '"It TSCHUNKO'S . n'udl'r o"f th(' :\.I<ioring Must. know who makes this puper any of you boys Il,ant (A's) on your Hoase 01 FJowtn; possil.llt·. If so, wt'll atld guod; if nul. Ill'tl, is a good ehnnet' I report cards when they co!De out Tacoma'S !avorte flower IIhop tu Jearn. It is IIw mUll that ad\'crtist,s ill our puper who dO('s next FrIday. come over In my garet.en SO. PacIfIc Avenue at 50th c y l t rk he you get through h ' PHONES: Mad 514-Mad. �15 !;'I:i� b�:��s �� :;��(f �(, �';;:�\��r:l �\h';��:('�:�;::�(�li;'��( ��)�� ���e..':·� �' � ' Mr. Xavier: . " And when you get advcrtisers·'. If it Weft' not for thl' loolley rl'cl'iv('d through lilt' ad- i done at. Mr. Hauge ·s. you. pay .me When your A. Edwin EriekIIOn I e you tum � i l t i visit, t�··. l d a Home or the � y ��:U�J --The Student.' Store . 1'��fl� l��:� C:�:itl� i��n��J�i��c�:li�i��t l�I�\;�,',", ofe,�,1��ll �'�e���/� a Grade (2) Pant : not a Iurge amount, th.c· puper I.n�st support itself h�: the uc. m b Corona Pioneer Shoe Repair . h i n gs ' S U A 936 Pacifi c Avcnuc funds secured throllgh Its ud,·ertlS<'lllents. Therefore. If-an � They wW het>l you too Suo,Ots and Furn.. Typewriters . St F1d t B . Con outsider is willi'lg to pport OIr paper h�' al:"ertising in i l. Ottl�UPP� 1 � � � � 95 � " 2 � � . � � ." � � Y � � ' '= � un , � P � �:��i:::�::li'I;�I��i',�KI;u';n�'��:::lIi\���, i;;,;;;�;� l'I������ i';hC.::�>: Come in �nd make thI. yo., headquartecs} :: co� . I' H. D. B:X: �I���I;I�;. r�1::��I)io�h�.i:(���)���;r Ims a right to t'xp('ct sonl('- I 914 Pac. Ave. Ma1n 962 ... It is fWly as eusy to trade, with U�l advertiser as wilh !l �--_'__ ___ __ . Better PrlDtta, lIoll-ad\,ertiser. His goods arc of just as high quality us un' l . � of The � St�at. PACIFIC "l,UTIIEIL\N COLLEGE " Printed by , JobDaon-;Cox Company, � Pac:1f1c Ave. .






















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those of unother. It is' just as ells)'., to find him u� the- nOll· , , Co .. Inc. advertiser. And, uhove all, he has an. interest i n your school Keystone Pnn�mg lIud in your paper. whit-h surely entitles him to consideration. MaIn 315'1 10% Paclfle A:re apprcciation, and TACOMA Furthcr. patronizing Moorillg i\bst advcrtiscrs makes it a lIluch Iightcr' and enjoyable task to publish thc pa(X!r. ' ------Downtown business. men nrc more tha)'i\ �illin� ·to advertise if they know that we, the students- of this colJege, are l r f e e n STl'DENTS !! ����i:h t� � ,! ;; �,��'�:t�� �� �f' SI;��� ��� 'lJ���I�!� �f t' � , IOO r I s f ( �c�t ��r Th�I�'U��h�I� ��I�gl�!� ���t ������ di:�� Get Your Shoes Repaired �w::t just drop a little hint. "I saw your �d in thc i\looril1g Mast," at '.he . and e"cr)'body will be happy. . . . \Ve all mi�s the choir now thllt they a GOODYEAR "sHOE . hes.t gang. Werre aU bctiind yotl.


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\VHson Bros, .Haberd�shery






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Every' Page of a memonr book 111 tun 'of meanan �:;. �u �V�:":!C;' I� they will treuure It later! !! :=:� ��tractlve and t t



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Genuine English

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Gy... Suib and . Shoes . .... " Polo Shir18 and Slickers .







· Lowest It High Q_y�Iie, .

Fair Dealln.- and Service Win Get It We Can Coant on You for I!- Customer.



. . . 'CREDIT JEWELERS .. fJenice 85l. Broad�"-- TWO"a:tOret-: At ....%mH:.


Pt.dt1c Aft.


" KX1BA SPFruL . Here are extraord1naiy beavj 8eotch .1J"&In o.t� .

=� � = =-�� ,�:=� f

price 'W '11.00. Tbe1 haft \.be popular moccaa1n toe � ft1'J iiea.". 1IPCIf ", u 1011 walk at all you can't mJa th1a aboe en:r&\. l'bUhdQ, \ Prlday and 8aturday� .•ben. 1011 aft lUG. 8pedal too, for the uWaJ


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Senior CI.••• To Lagest Class To . AnnuarStaff To Present Carnival Norwegian ChUrCh Noted Educaior 10 . Speak ., Bun' l uel P 1 Comedy . C In Colfege Gym on Saturday, May :l Be Graduated ID r� onvenes in May -" Dean W1ll1&m· 8. Oray, School of . . " The MUlionalre," a t.brft-act ' . University �ucaUon. . of Chicq:o, Two Members or . CoIlege'S H'IStory romedy by E. B. Morm Is the play Draws S, peakers From Ent' .111 Saga T Enlnrge Fund. speak at t,he banquet




0 of. the that the gnduaUn, cl� lla5 ChORD l:t cl � th e /' Facult . Go East . a 'l C °' �: ·t and Pacific Lutheran.,: College Of Yea.....Book By Fup to to present thta year. The oommltt� . . =:!:y e�::�AP� 23�·' I:' .. · fIrYCampBlgmng . Othe Se,tlo n. whlch chose the play hU �n. work_ ISsue Diplomas This Nighi ' Pel)PY '' Lively . n1 Year t,o Sixty- . ��!�orbtS:;: �� a::e o�: � Speakera from ,the enUre Paettle ot��et.���� ;= Prof. A," w. �W1 and �v. C.' Progr�m OUlli �ei" the Eight for of supertntend�nta. prinel- 1... F'oI5.s ldt Sunday enntn. choice. Th� CQmmlttee conslstl of as ..... u from other number tn orcher to acquI� more funda , Stanl�y Be�nuon. chairman. MiU'iO pals. and tea.chers from �very Part �!'. w� they . wi�1 work this . the co�try. will take of M y e North Pacific District him.the ltate \\'ere present to htar spring � aecuret ne� sublcrlbers to .wlth wtileh to publllh the flrs.t nar•ra�:��7�. �:�. � :h�: ;ar:i��� I ;;;:: ���!t:::="' '�3:::�:ere held k at this school. the Sap. ,tal{ is of the NOf\lo' e glln Luth· boo . . ��� ��I :::����e�����. Lutheran College bas ever issued yesterday. Miss S.t1xrud and' Mr. or America. which �III be. is now in th� East, �"ifi�HpoI1s. sPOI1.'lO�ng a carnival which wU1the I In B�m�rton. May .�:. �o. dlplOlnu. Sbty-elght I!tudenLs com- �:u:a;m P�ck the cast and . �ch 23. Plans presented Saturday. May 3. in April . mornllig Wedntsday SIngers Return ee prise the list. The normal d�part_ \\111 then be lald f�_ the 'develop- collete gymnaalum. �1il event III ... ;:.�or� �:e;:� �hn:�� �ent again. leads the: roll. this Ume ' From - ChOlr . Tou� ment work which �tad and POIIa ord�r. to be a 'requl� !:he "h Thoo. Hokenstad's parish . will CRrry gn unUI the biennial unfailing support of'every Paclllc with thirty-two graduates. The 'Th . f PatSy, rIay . theme Is "Christian Fa\·orabl.e Comments F o r ����h conv�ntlon to be h�ld May Luth�ran Coll�ge' student.. Alumni ' high school rOllO\\'s, vo'lih twe\1ty- Big School 'Event . t",·o, and the Liberal ArLs lWO-)'Ur first 5eS5lon t'f th� con\'entlon E\'ery Appearance; Crowds Alter.the convenUon 9ther \\'ork-l and friends of the � ue alao It 1:30 p. m. I"'rlday. �)' �rge At CO.ncerts couz-s.t. with fourt.een. ers will p(Obably take ,their PlllCt'S urged to attend. Miss Stixrud Dramatic: Coach th�r� .wlII be three It Until this' year. the largest gradExpetf8 . Eucc�ssriJl . a ..sty but happy croup till the en'd of the fisca�year, July . The general admlulon prloe Will a P at . 9 '. . �;�: 3�:�r! 'w�i of singers tha� dra&:ged themselves ��: �������� Pr�ntati(m uatinl class. that of '28. comprised : :!.r� be u:�ts. AddlUonal UelI:e� will M o forty-slx°students. Last �'ear fort�·h�ld on Sunday. lit 9':45 and up the f!'6nt steps Into the .dormItory consln . North IUld South Dakota. be . �Id'for the separate bootha. between one and t"''O o·clock. Mon- President four received diplomas. ' and 3 p. m. w nng�l.stad ill probab- In all respects, the annual is proThey had Iy return from the East., Saturday, convention protlrllm ""Ill In- day momlng. April gress.lng aa �ell and M rapidly as 'l'hat th.Is college Is grov.1ng is play. which the dramaUc club many prominent speakers : \\'Ork� ·hard on their concert were tour April 26. H� has been in MInnK- could be expected. However, becau.e ""ell exemplified by this Increase,or> presenting In the college auditOrium . tired. but they and ....ere u Minn tw�nty-two In the list of applicants Saturday e\·enlng. at 8 o·clock. Th�1 Dr. J. N. Brown. presld�nt ot Con- northhapp poll . . wher�.the s . board of ed advertialng and a�b6crlpUon for gradultlon. all-school play has ' always been one cordia CoU�ge: Rev. F. B. Anderson. succus. �Iso �efOc�ot�e-�. jw;t had,:e: catton of the Norw�g!an Lutheran Ia not sulliclent. to .cover all exmoney penste director and field setrer�a.sant Church of Am�rica wu In seul�. es. the lIOInewhat ��terlous caml Those leaving this )'�ar are :""\' of the main �venLS In the school- nI sUtll; . v.ork and fun of days ' SiX People Young s IWo Internatlonll , . tary . all . he to 10 program and year IndlcaUons and April There . 9, 8. . � High School. Dorothy .... e} . this year be no �ceptlon. MW Luther League : Rev. J, A. Naess, and had returned tq what they evi- conferred' with Rev. N. M. Stavig on val. or which 10 much has been : ..: .. David Chamberlain. Stanley Dahl, Stb::rud. who has been coachlnll' the president of the Pacific district u! dently thought the best place the Mld-WHt follow-up campaign. h�&rd lately. is being PI�ed a.s a Mabel ErlcksoI1. Ted EVJen,th, John play.!c over th� re- the synod; Rev. O. J. Ordal. pastor. �fter all, ho�. n these ' absolutely Mr. Hellman. and mUM Of raIsI GardllJ}. Katherine Gould D i!'y hearsals and Is looldng forward to a Our Savlor's Lutheran Church, Bell- The cQolr and their director. Prot Mr.Mr.OiAElv�strom will t. charge ot Mr . ne«&ary dollars�.. HJennsJ::d. . SoIV�lg HJ�rmsta. d. IIPaUl J. O. Edwards, lef.t school Tuesday Ram.stadon·s classe " Mr. E. Tl Ingham: n gelstl!; d . editor of A l though entetWnmentA are s The Patsy," 'by Harry Conn�rs. is while he is away. Holm- eruen. Kenneth Horst. Hal_ \' successful preSentation.' for a good part. of the �. the Kent Valley News: Miss Mar- noon, April 8 . tn the bus which waa aid V, Johnson. Paul�e Larson. aerycomedy month. this unique pl�uurethree 1U:ts. d�lllctlnl garet Wall. president of the North ,cha.rt�redatfor the trip. The flnlt . � humor andInpathos Louise lAt\.mann. Jack Ll.$hern promislng carnival. .' aocordlng to PlLuIWo. where the � young Peop Ie T0' In ' the lives ot Pug�t Sound Circuit of the Young atop was Anna MikkeLsen. Comella :dohn. that same �v�n!ngJ A large . staft m�mbers. "Is mE 9NE thing a middle PeOple's Luther League, high schOOl sang Inga OlsOn. �ohn Reid. Fred Scheel. the lHarringtons. thll concert.. . Meet In Everett ' teacher In the Canadian public audiencewasattendtd nq,-one can really affOrd "'._ m.I.s&." can family. . 1. the In Alvene SchJerman. Victor .Skov. Am�r ch chur given which -.: Miss Ade. . B of schOOls. C spirits Victoria. The Many Interesting noY'tlty. the 0 domineering . booths Normal : Anna Aamodt. GrIce mother \nd elder sister are at last line Schulberg, Portland, and Dean Rev�rend F1onn's �ha.rle. April 25, 26, and' 27 Dates and side shoWl have. bet;'ll:��!anned Card. George Cronquist. 'Eugenl� subdued ""hen the worm tunu and Ph. E. Haug�. Pacific Lutheran The next day waa an IndIcatlo,n of ' For PUKel Sound Circuit besides the w;uaI. reffeshment, can. Crosby, Edna DIIgsland. Dorothy pop set.; al)out to th� days whl�h "'' e re to follow. The that the Coll�ge. dy, and pop stanW. Is. customCon\'entlon . ",'a.s all business a.s It started Eberso!e. Edna Erb. Margaret Flint, " geLs a square deal. ' ' ary ther:e wUl be. -befOre ,."le openA \'arled musical program will chOirStanwood. wh�re It pr�nted a "Hold taat to-your Leona .Forsberg. Miriam Helmdahl. "Patsy baptismal cov· Ing of .booths, shows. ,�etc., The part of Bill Harrington, the also be given for the entertainment for erend church concert Lane s In Margaret Holmberg, Berger Jacob- ungrammatical Is the theme enant," of tweUth the "POP". but program lovable short. is of . those peppy In the present eorwenllon at cha� of l � ' son. Christine Johnson. sena John- played by Walter Young. Ruth Ja- The following w111 furnish' lhe ln the eve g. A �mpanauve.IY 'an!l� convention �f the Young Ruth Norgaard., 11\1s �� ,:,111 son. Beanca Jorg-erw;on. Gladys Jor- bson takes the part of Mrs. Har- muslc: North Pacific Choral Union $lT/all but appreclaU e audience Peopl� 1S Luther Leagti� of the North start prompUy at 1:30 and per� heard this presentat.lon. genson. Emma Kaaland. Agn�s co Puget Sound Circuit, rington. the social cimber. to be h�ld l In laat an hour. Sigrid a future number and lh� Paclf!c Collegl." ' Luther-an Stan· Ftr was the next stop after Klippen. Ruby Loreen. Marjorie Mc. Andenon Grace. the elder and chOir both ' under the directorship wood. 25. 26 and 27. These the Dramatic Club will present a Here the chOir presented an- Everett,areApril Govern, Irene McCulloch. Margo more beautiful of the Harrington of P;Of J 0 EdlVards' Re\' Verne I e.speclally chall�ng!ng to on�-a.ct play. lother concert bef� a falr-sl� words. Manley. Gerhard Molden. Martha slste-rs. the fouth of our day and wtll be .1 Oth�r committees chosen by Irene Giere : pa:sto� Cenfr�l L�th�ran . MJrlam Heimdahl. '30. thoroughJy dlacussed during the 'Dah Sizer, Viola Taw. Frida Tlyet, Mur- Patsy. ",'ho b alwa)'s In hot lVater, Chu��h Taco�a� Girls' chorws "t laudlence. l Baga editor are : I�I V�t�rs, CorR Vista,. Fred Walter. ls taken by Ruth Bro"''l.l Her lo\'er. the Flr�t Luthen:n Church. Ballard : ' �=:n�nljj:t:ments for this �n- mee:t.. BusI�ess End .......:.. ... .�.Fred Walter :�re��a =�:� Gl�nda Waters. Tlon.� �de=nnk thJe hdreame�llIls and Miss Ruby Schulberg-. Portland. The ch� arrived In Bellingham to�:etl:n:�=��:�= f� T1cketl and Confetti ...._MUdred Card FrI!;1�'y, Aprill 11, and presented �ne to eliht o'clock on Friday, APril Icel Cream, PoP and Pie ., .. . ... . . Liberal Jfrts: s�n!ey Berentson, �:!�",'ell.\he m:�h �e� ;; sUlto� A� deleg��S and �Istors should I onconcert in Reverend Ordal's church fd.& Hind�Hle Sigurd BJeIHe. Carl Collom. I�ne for Grace's At 8 o'clock. Jon Friday evening. ..."j' h�nd. Is taken by Fred :�t�.r ;I�n thp:y�en�n�ltl�h�:� athat evening. The sinljj:t:rs made an 25. Dahl. lnI"l Ooplerud. John Gopler- Lee. Other characters are Fadle gistraUon fee of fltty cents. each a beauUful pageant; "The VlctoriollS' Hot Do(s'. Hamburrers.}Cortee. especially creditablE &t!owlng there Church" Ia to be presented by the Doulhnuts ..... "..Thora RumWlRn ud. El\'era Hokenstad. Reynold Jac· Buchlnnan. taken by Eleanor Loft- registrant will receh'� a conl'�ntlor. and I'eCClved muCh\lavorabl� com- local Luth�r ·Lea8'll�. An lntoonal Fish Pond .. .............oOrotby Ebersole . Obson. Gtibrge Lane. Arthur Olsen, hus. Patrick O'Flah�rty. by song-book a convention badg� con� =a;��l��a���g�ve:l���m. Palm _ �����P::�:t and Trip Bw;ty, ventlon p�ram. and oth.�r· �ague m��e0:e:��I�y��7u::���IIJJ, 1n a �== ::r:.�a�����I!;I.IO:: � Fort�:�;:;I�n:���.��lan Johnson rla1. mer:n ��� Practically the en- meeUngs th� . theme will be . dis- Nlgg�r Babies ". ....�............Fred Lte, ���care ror��e ��e ega .,, -=,,-,=.,-,, :- ===--=-".:._ -,-:::-::--,-:-:= s an v - tire daya holiday. wood, and was spe�t Lake . comPetent speakers. who j:I�rman And�rIOn . AT LAST IS FOVND ONE WHO WILL tors on the Harvard plan. e. bed a concert ..... givea:aInthat evening in cussedlendbylnaplratlon and interest to Nov�lt1 Booth . .."......... .H&rold Or ' . . fl1. NOT BE J '10 "ED BY P. L C PROF. Ind breakIast. Visitors w\ll be cared th� lAkewood �e school before a will the convenUon. SpecW music for Ooorre'Cronqulst I for In the pme manner. If po&.slble; well-filled au�It.orium. During. the --aU .sessIons will co.nslst of vocal and Novelty Booth .."Marie VandtnJ;lurg, By Glenda Walen day. We laYed' the' ..Vutage The Brem�rton Lutheran Ladles Ilteater portion of the afternoon � Inst nlm�ntal nwribers .eontrlbuted John Goplerud :'come h.orsey! come ..horsey! Bla.c.�Uh: :e:l£! g e ,when on� "pros- ' Guild will serve lunch and dinner m�mbers of the party �used th� vIsIUng I:.eaguers .� well aa those De�ls are left to these heads ot t r ve at w and ting on by Of � = ed :;J C:�f: �Of= :�:: ;: �:=,:� :�: c:a:���:y��:� \:00 to 2:00 p. ��:s;�s:, �1ng boa :�':� after the �on' on ==��d have, M ye4 �ot that stubborn· Haute school dIrector was' rushing up m.. the convention wUl visit th� The cl lmax Of the tour �e on .Saturday telY atternOOn the Everett If the readen would 'know mOft, Iy blocked progress by complac- the .s ipart Bremerton GuIdes Navy Yards. the choir in Sunday . wMn � Le . ague wUl take the visitor. and then meet on May 3, in college f the ame hil but a dIlterent In , I or ��l �P v r W d Mlss carnival' :: ;::c � � hill-Mr the :�� of �; says a ! �1 with ��:��� �� , HaU� =- lS�e� ....= t:�� wl�: Io Of l Il be � :�:u:roa;p:�. Column :1) �:s'�rs:ere or . at Itl best, and to make matters sigh lllr.e a martyr, Well, come here, tak�n at the Sunday afternoon ses- I Collese rally day The chorllten, : the hones name Beulah, 111 shoe , sian EV�ry league in the distr1ct l beslde U:ie ey presented WHY IS IT THAT PEOPLE ARE SHINY .... which In itself Is formidable And th n took pat( of the arm- is 1l1"(ed to send to th� convention In the evening, sane�two numben But-to come back to the matter aments ine the WHEN THE SUN SHINES BRIGHTLY &rd, which happened a substantial contribution either In at tJu; mom1ng servIces Rev W H In hand-It ..... perfl!CtJy to to be a brick, and pouni1ed the heel cash or pledie or both for the 1930 H�lIman preactred the sermon AftBy Stella Sorboe theres always somebod, that duelS have to delay our Journey in queit back on Alter that this ' prospect" international project The district er the meeting the choir memben of a school for th� sake ot a renUe had to walk on her toes and flnally elteeutlve board hopei that North .were entertalDed at the variOUI W,lI. hello people. h�re I am want to So If they don t want· to, .... h : ome with her heel ln her :,a u c be c!� d��: �:le �u!: =:� !: � -::�n:� �e;� iplte of all the :e�::e�t�dt!�an: h: ��� :�::';= a , '�; =�t ll kj e d' n percent of his professorial dlgnIty in Another thlnJ7"'we ate dinner at tnuurer tor proJe UlJlOlSU. ThIs concert. attended by the la.rr�. You see I .thouaht maybe I'd nut people they. llee-t--e cetera. . . the process. . Oil Harbor, and say!......oow some of Each leaaue beloctnCtnp l to congre_ est au.d1ence.of the tour, a c:red1t bette.r start that way 'cauae'. the Ain·t that lu� a lood word? I tlitnk . To I�t back to �Usineu. though those �1s Can eat l Why, Cheroba gatlona �Ithin , the North 'Pac1rlc to the choir and � no doubt the hlmo":ble editOr told me to write. It·s Latin. Revue'nd Pellet, Mr. HaUfe, and � ate a b1a hamburg-er steIJI: dlatrlct is entltltd to send two d�le- .beat performance made t.h1a �. abou.t the weather. But, I don·t . 80 If day you trene .rour b" "weuna." whieh five ""pros- and all the panley around t. and lates to the. convention. The s1n(ing ...... puUy .apprec1ated Imow what to write. I IU� It·, toe, and the next day fOU have to peeta:· all, ftDt ridlnl lut week be-- kept ua'WalUna abo;Ut an bow'I . 8be what -that man said, 'that 1r KG . battroot.-Jut remember p1at by thoR whobea.rd It.. cauae were' bored to tears with had buttered peas, too, 1;hat looted , In speak1nr of the trip, � we d1cIn·t have the w�tHer, what you've lOt aometh1n· to. � alIout, ted�=. bu.' do o an Calendar t·' ·d11- ;: �m�wnen: I�� tha:.. · � cf � �� � � or � � . :-:=�!:' a� :t� �: u: :��0��:r.�.1 . � n �� do: I don't tnow who· th�t oi After we bad :tdderI.. tnUea and Friday, AprU U-Game with Bellar· become a custom. tor nCb .auc:Ceed.· All I can tell you 16 that 'one day we.ther. . __








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I� = :'I�� :�7u:eteu=:== �. AIWu --'AlI-8chooI PSay, :' :=.::,�U�:-,�� ��:=Sin -:7���vethe.: .:: .,:::r:doDi.!-:::u:. mow' J could haTt tboycbt we decided to come hom�, ha"riila: '"The �



11:r:;:oo.e over J:n that country

P,alQ':' ' t.orIwD.

to be IIvm til audi.

DO � 'Eapec:ially In tbe zv: eret.t 'c:oooert. did. tbe II1JlI'el'a show Inc Ul IO�.

much waur in 'em 10 they're �y. '.



reme:mIIer '�t U:III �. I-. '!'&J8 lhe9: a.nd re&d7 to be &aIked

. !:nur��_ :::=:!�':! a ne �� No- 8&__y, May. �P. 1... C. VII. cen· �=�be�!m� �mt:e\:,.�� ':t:: =� ��� 1::0:"� . body I'Ot -.let, al� I ... .� niabL oCthe yeu'. the ebotr ..w pnamt t.hIna: to taDt-abouL- Tbe7 .cu WI!: .-cI iome '*P (tbM'. · Tbe lDdd,ent 1r1th � -...'..n t atnkl Con. m.lah after all .� a� Annual C&m1Yal to tie I1ftD in e'ft- � o&ber CODCert.l in uila � �,tbe �Ie weather _ ...· 1 doD't· tnow aDIIDC;In aDd . , �0IIly � that haPbened that I IUaI she's· tiledt to I� �. ' ' . ... Ity bdore the year 11 aRr. . . w'bec.btP they want to or DOt. '<:auae I � � .atn't clad). ..


better--but t.ben. :w:r.






























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8ehool,Year 0ffIdal � Tbe "-:IelaW S....ta PAClFJC LUTIIEIlA.'O( COLI...£GE : Prtnted by COtftpany, .721 Pacifk the Post Ofnce u we< Ingtqn, un�r Act OongrellS 3, 1879.




. ZJltered, the, S _''-:.

.JoHnaon--coi D)atter at of . of March .



.o . orinrt � .tt'si m-.Weetly 0W1n( the .


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rU:1' who buys eh�p hoIIe" .reta • later " �lY c:aroe to the . ? . .rr�'. · . nm r.. h" m..." . "Df'�. . 8tr-Irt aitl9.-ef" to your let. !.hat you may con Viet« 8k01l': --. Dad. how .do .ehol·. ter.. � to .d� knoW. ...hen ttlere II �to ' be an sider fOUr8elf forlunate I�uch yoo 01\1, elgbt chid;, ' . . Mr. Stov: JI'ooI,lah child, un't . . ens.'"' 5hlpped' . �7::��the ,papers III �U all the . . or hld-'" '--.."""'" n.... -There ll5 nooe t.bat18 � -

Ave. at Tacoma. Waah- '


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Toot' toot' Philosopher Aristotle U\rourh the unh-erslty and has got- An old lady. vWting an Insane That la a. blondebKrd. You don't. I Editor In Chi�f....L.,o AI RAOEN&S8 AMoClate Editor _ _ Btella Borboe ;:11:� �ai:-'m�!� ��:t�n=� te�:! ��er:u�I�I�= ? Hes the MYI�m.o�� ",=el���:'Cllna: hA\'e to shave. �f��. ' condu�tq,r nat'. Wha) 'l'beJ''t'� a- D:oina::�r, I;; , _- . . -_ :-'11.:: n�lm�rg,_ an�!�: � know an} better ��:r t n e I 1 PeaturH .J - Olenda Watcrs, Cora VlIJtaand Inca CJ:Oplerud . pray oe A sob. .. =� :�i�tI th � �:on���::; : =�;� ;� d�:, " � 1.���' Is y" the What ' S� Slegei: a he n y lOCiaUan take of It rt,ht y, mOllt bashrul thing next to a gtrl. cruy?" =;��n�lnb�r!. �u;� �o�:�/�;�tn:�:�=::�:mBe:: �=: H� ��to�;�� : ' Ahlert KlrChhor : Me ne\! to a "Ye$, mum. .'but ' nn not that' "You and "'M . t army �'. - BUSINESS DEPARTME!"T . ? . gtrl . " ' . BETTER GRAllE ' �Nlzy the reply BUSiness, Man�r ' Gerh&td Molden .Sal" .... �.. ... '---:') Circulation ,Man�r Ruth J� We f=�OE:tl�� that thel"l' Sa;k:ey Johnson: How did you We ne\'er hJI"1lmIaldisp � O an abaent- -O ,",, ' Advertising·Manager JE:rL� to f?rrot who e � , -P ? the t � nat : : .� rrom rUn�1!;!u��m:1 Aalde thJs week. extra no rre= �::e �aD : Typist : � � . � n , Y e�hal. milk a rl an o\er R , P Ea hili . l .the ract that Herb ' 'tetJen broke TACO¥A t � � Faculty Advisers - ..:. / N. J. Ko", and 0:· J, Stum !;.' while rla� �::�. �nd tt;: bo��' ey Didn't )'O\I see It tn time? Nit: What ,did �ey say'when n pool? the n l horse ��l f ' . , ul)der hid It No, rl had .E kil:l the : 4 ' u � t :.� o re . the m=I ::: I�:;.: n the , u�:��' �:�:�vel1'� yelled, ( kl�klng post, nothIng that �Id hl3 CO!"t.. . Civilized ? ' nt �n e�t:�haa oeeUt�ted he I Mark St�en: What 13 a knight o e .\ slHJr� linH' ago thh litiic it(, 1ll a IK'art'ji in tht) hUlllor ... � . _ P . : ' "Mamll. �amal" �ried the S('('!iull of \lilt' of th(' downtown ncwspaper�. "The ChineS(' I . ::tI�:a to : :;·:t;'Hter l shlrt? arc an lIn�'i\'ilizc�1 nation'. Thcy ' \'e iK,(,l1 waging war for 1 0 �1�e to the roeadlng publ1�. you Edgar Larson: A C()(I,t of mall. :�;nSOC�.(�'I�:v:::eo:�ol:'ln \ ' . m ay be sure! .\'('ars nllw, ami ha ,en t poisolled a singl_e wcll." Mr'. Beck '(j�bout to gtve a ]nknd<'tI prillluriiy for nIlHiSCIlllnt. this -short articl(' Coa�h �llIOn:� a'm� of lng�ecture o� .. t.�e test): The secretary Is making out words: . ��V r pl'ohahl\' pro\'ok('d' ninr(' thollght llnd ('ontaincd morc trll�h v;peak the Question for £he te'St- Is th.ere any Questlona. anyone 'fI'O\Ild like to Mr. Edwards: I kOI1W. I'm mftr· thun il� nuthor had inl<'nd('d or ('xl>cded. AIt1u\lgh till' ;e 0w he. co ege- keu:Uo�):ce LIEN & SELVIG ' . ried. too. writ('I' tonk a c)'nieal and JX'rhaps insulting attittl(k\ toward COIl� ed:�::n� Not��;: .�: ask? Jlr<'Sc-nt�cluy d"iliz'alipn , II(' happily stJmllleci IIJl ·what S('{'IllS 'at the man who finishes giam�ar �n Palo. 'Who Is the aecretary? Emma K.,&1and tella us that " mporiers' Of Nor­ :: I\� l(' spirit of thc nlilinns to(lay, espcl'ially tl ut1'ing tinH' :::� ��: I: h Ueant, ln !.he Halo ,,'cgian Cod Liver ; a�� a :tr:�?ca�� �u� CommontJ y ,Oil He endel.l\·orpd to bring Oll,t Ihe fad Ihlll it Ihe so. ,...·here 115 the man wha. h$S go�e ::�: ;ou busy?" l'alled ei\'ilized Ilntio1lS Ihnl had im'enl<'Q nil til<' horrible Cor. Tacoma Avenue &: 11th t. "No" _...-T-; acolila, ;wuh. S 1lI(;t1It�ls of d('slruelion·.' line knows, 'I is nil so 'ridkuG' , "Th�n let's to class." . til<' Ilrepara!iuns nations ure - making ICMlay,·tlU' wrih>r s opir!". al�pus ll' eaturcs DeU't'tr)' ion is j{lstifiahlt,. . is the {'i"ili7.t'd counlri!'s which Hr<' l'lU- ""anderin&' &boat the the The �st Joke we ha\'e h�fU'd for ployinlo( the most terrihle war taefies. .tht;. l'ountrit,s claim- ' noUced: a monU\ ""as told by Mr. Bardon to . in�. til he just n lillie alJo\'c Ill< Il\·erag!' of gtrla: tlcseemathat I .......,.<I".,"... ' .".: : ••., • • � I'-----"!"'--., Berdi e ueu plodding Indus- aa smaucrowd ·ent tothe depotto secu� l · \\'Il\' should this Iw so',' >\Vhy should Ihl' civili7.{' l n;i. trlO�IYnto\\Knll 'Ilrd chapel-Apes KlIp· a farmei\\ r c chickens rate ordered. of he had liulls lIsC the wonderful k11Owledg� of science for improving n a The Studen ts do lilelh�)ds of tI<,s.t�t!ct�on� �o nne knows. is also ridi{'�I- :�he :!e�� =::I:kl�!��ms the \\"ElY home the crate the he�s�r;:�� �e fa t a t If.!� a,: ,;:; gtrls, fl\l up now while water ' · say they hav� never In : butdwas :�:��11��s �. f<,��� :h�r:\i� �:<ji�� t1����� i;���)I;�r�!�:��.�I I l ( rounding up tweh'e of them. liS reali.z�' I�ow 1;.ItCl'ly stH�, int{'lIig�nt , Ihough S(\lr-('l'nt{'�ed. ��a;;;;A:�ke!�OS�::� been in Tacoma unextremely' disgusted and wrote to hUlllll1l1ty sonl('llIl� qm })('. A �HaroI� "':,00' ��eemsel!�rs wl�oalne ar:.ogry The ..I)o\'e quolation is l�eriailily f�)(KI f�)r th()II�hl. Hea(1 :���. �:; less they have eaten ry. it a"u�n, "The ChineS(' lire an lITwivjlized .nalioll. Tll<'Y 'Vl' studies rail behind. at fnr 1.0 y!'urs nnw, and IHI\'CIl't poisOl)cd Mortel\8On talking to Rllth Brown In hc('n \"�'nginJ,( ��:�'" war �ow. 1}Iai you'\'{' r('ad it a�ain, what do you �:�nll�;���!:::�:::;: �� e Brighten horit up the f Carlyle', Calelerlti . �II';�le I wasn't up yet. Olga-8ankeJ Johna few flowers or '\ nice m t I t \"Ilat game Ilml with (:oll�(' ()f ')uge l S ound. :::�,e :���.ap. ;��t ��� : nl�: blooming plant . Fl!lwers 'll """" it IIJl, t<'lIl11. hit. Sankey, ' Mildred BeTVen'feellng for everybody and every­ DAHL GROCERY COMPANY l()I;l ""Ithout Anna Ari'es aroundMember e thing Ted. E"j nth walking do... to the Dig ana Profit post ...1thout a girl. Where ' United Purity Stores Di� a lit, (it'eIK'r and !HlII forth H ti II 1(' IllOt(' Iiurd kicking Seamoru Flo�er �;�O;:�:� \!o'er"U\�� a�. T� Phone Mlldisoll 3818 R-5 . Parkland�sh, l.alf. fift<'<'11 dimes. thirly ga t'l�rn('Ct� On,<' dollnr. alU g Shop nll'kics, or one hUlldt('d fifty I ar<' dcmalHkd. \I a\'ht, I g: crackl��k� (n h I 11th & Broadway c� a hilf or dwck would 1)(' I)r <' hl(' Oil �'nllr purl. hul Ill ' a Z wny unc dollllr alHl half in form or ntlwr is t(''h!s :ew car��red qucsled. to .catch a street ca.r-Mr·I ; "'hy .oll' holdup? It 's no robh('ry. 1'hlll dollllr lind a running !o;;iOOiOLFiO;;;:-iiiico=:.;=-...= .. -..;= ;; :-;;;= ; ...-n;;..... 1 "IIp: hurrying to U\e post omceH hulf is going inln I)f th<' hiJ,(B<'.st and Iwst in\'csllll('llts Coach Olaon roundln, up the tennis I "PIONEER" thnt you · will <'\'er mak<,. lind thaI's Ih(' Annual. tournamenters for baseball practice. YOIl will glory in St--{'ing yuur pil'lur<' or nlillH' ill pril.1L Ho... he can �o It Is more than we PARAGRAPHS lind ydll will llppt(·t·iule til(' memori('s Ihat thl' annual hrill�s · see t I (' t ) --�r :;����s �;lt1� l ��l�I�<'�� �\':��!��\'��rj�IS�· :I�:�1;!l��� :�ik :���II� �- t======� Oilr defects ur<' ustial­ Let us do your developing and J IIsl think of til{' emlmrrnssil}(,llt if, itt tlH' end of till' Iv l'urricd hehind our l!'till. you gin' til<' sam!' old thllt you f()r�ot to gd,�,n printing. Crystallke way. liacks; t h il t 's w h \. IIIIIIUIII, You and l'\'en' on<, ciS(' will kllow Ihllt \'011 had . otll{'r p<,()plf'\<;('(> Ilwlli. DALE DRUG CO. BROO , ' K . t'hant'l..-to si!-!Il and dftln t tllk< it. MadlAoa H5·R·3 Oig d('cp and supporl til{' book YOLI fought for. toolh ---und nnil. to haw' Ihis \'('IlL . -AHLEBT I' "






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· ':" The Peak 01 Quality" SOIll(' un ' lOwn wriler hus truthfully said Ihal ' 110 Ii'���t 'here mnn who is steadily and �i "pl'rsislen will "wind up", but it is absolutely certain Teiepbone Ya1J:x � WEST COAST OaOCEllY CO.. TACOIIA t his \ i h DIdrriIGn ia � . ��w��GN ..�;�:�;�P���· I:II ��e��i� t�!; ��:f�:��e is Bn ' honest l c e it a :!�n��c::;ili�� ��,�:I���.:� �l�d 3�;��� s�c�:�' �b��i��d'7� 1113 tn, �sQ�� aoornm, .lIIUKLLD �t,c:!. WASH such a quesl is qualified and modified ly by th� am�h mt l t; ==== === == :: =�1 = :: (If sincere energy put into it. II ;;��;;� ' ·· ' ' In attempting an�' well-defined purJlo one iuust � � ...'.. ,. ' r partl... l'omc two influences. habjl 'and c.ustom. TIley' r--I.I IiIl PUG&r S0UND S ,,_ ,C,_..., te...., etc. obstacles' to cI<'ar 'thought and success 'than any \'c l�tiun uf the hWlian mipd. l\Ian is so thoroughly NATIONAL Any Time, Any Place and is such a ser.\'snt to 'habit ----< lJy cir�umstunc� BANK clement of originality seldom enters into .Qur race T...CO...... BUS COWI!A.MY . l'esS, When anything is to be done there is always 'ao apCaD Mr. L,ou· Mabl lUI . 1 1 H) Pacific .Ayc. a e ttl Yellow CallI A�a' . JJauap Scmce , ·tt��:td��� j� ��tQ�!rs� i� ;���: .t·e ':�.O��a;l s:n�a��t fre<luenUy it is not the �st one: lliere wilfalways be room in .tl�e �phere of human endea\'or for real .originalit): OYER $1,000,000 ' pur()Qlle. , . ; Com/>irwd Ca"ilal; Surp/IUI ·and UndivUled Pro/ito . Custom has be� a path. and habit makes ·t'hat path easy, No other course can be.m, easY,except with much labor. originality and p'tu:p�. But 'this. m'eans the .creation -. ..--....-. .. of another habit" . Pur.,ose



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Broadway., al-� Ilh -


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L�' !X>�E.


:'- �_l·1 C9Uece nown.lI·'ranabe. ::

i • 'Student Op . nion' . ,,* ::aow: Camp..... Local.





Are. Doing What Others --.


:: .' Cheroba"�



of Partland. hekS 11& &tin . ' . ' of the xhoot pubUeaUOn. 11te paper .... Dnlr and Pt.: How CI)!pd . ' school runcUon -=-= • .- ..,. ��-.:;:. The men's debate, tum Ma Inc w�a.Y A rtl a U&l!be� e . at Rulet SOUnd one. flnt IIiCOrt'd IWlCOI'dlnc .w make-up, I . m&nJ' £Uter that Uoo of tlrf'koe� t! he dr� o �._ properl$ without !be lh.I.t 'nle rtrI' � Club hekl Ie. recu· os n n, .. ' part In t.-o reneral appevance and form, In rm aShamed to loot • Euter-t/!.mn, m l d t t orpnlu.tlons? Ita There (ro rp:nc 1&&tlon " duru; 1 '30 a e meet m . U l lut e found . Bee- !n the '!V�.,. ftl\lrC. �lston debates on ItA; recent de- .hlch UWe fault . "" held In � ��d 11n ,WOUld be no �p. sptrlt, or ..hole- tar te � 8h� ondl1. the c;ontoeht., IOQPe'; �b'U<:ture. M,. poor rooDUnate, Anna Amud. The ne.� ortlcen are :::0-&" h� Interest Ih school ute. If It It wasn't pepp)' &lnce the wor� bate tour. Sam Crippehl!n and composlnl l team. won and qu"l1� of Ule ne1ft 'II'1t1n 1 ,.ftre .... terrible akk' with • cold and of our .chaol wtth their sana 'aM wit had rar Norton president. Mr.. Ralph- were . not tor • . d II!dI� poor AriltoUe I<'t elicited &nd. Sll!nt d;eclsion ...lhst the ColoradO � �. The I'p(rt PI&C'II!., aernCl De Shl!n1.lI" vl� president . Poln. J clUb;' refreshmentS Club' haa' cert.ainlJ' bylicious �&then' CoIlf',1! .t Oreely. Co�n-. •tiy Ben:lbll!Cole.n�.ten potnta: ou, of her • lilly. bu1 he all!nt l\ too lOOn. X�vllr aeeretarJ· Mn'' Co1. t · U. s The Onunatlc the hoetHlea I\farpret Porath do. dil!b&tII! with the Un.lvl!nll, � tll! .-Hor-th�e.t Vlkln, c.uae� &llJ1,i apln. ed In Ita: PW'p(l8ll! th lCJ yur. u Tbelm � Hwaod. and Hordyse Hen: of I>II!The urer. Mrs. NO " and Mrs. x��� uecll!ed nve.r was ,Iven no decision. b�� .·ere elteted de tes to lhl! stat� In, fOlp1er�"'l!ars. There wu a 'I�rre drlcbon. 11\1& told. me .he lOt up I.' 3 o'� ' the tra.'feltna tll!am IoIt,to the Un.- Nord.l Hustad. a wholesale ,rocer clock this rnotnln. aml·that ahe oonve:ntlon to held In 8eatUll! ' t ;,mout for the first ofIlll!etlnJ. Be'one fell!ls more Lut Friday. Thora Raamuuen vl!rslty of �yomln' by ••' one-Judll! 01 La Cf'OI\1R: Wtsoonsln. l-I�nted 'wu 1Of\n.t. to take a knap u ahe M.y. The del atea to thl! COu:n� ctlUSll! of dra�aUcs Il VOtll!. Art Martin the manacer LulMr C01l� ....Ith a ,1ft of money hu been up for> 12 hours: I told con\'enUon held in Roy I. M I!nthU3lasllc nd �r to. I!ntu Into went to B6ttle ... . del,..te of the 01 , DaUlhten of the Reformation to the the teI.T·-P\IId Bound' Trail. for . new athl�Uc field,' her 12 hour. by�lhe clock only mf'J'lt Xavlf'r, loin. Norton PoIrs.. ;herri�' other SChOOl. activities. u ca y t1 I t tuen. Mrs, r_ ' have a be�= :I��'::�e�� :I�:� 8 �;����: ��nal: W�,dorf COIJ� is =. :n� �:.M��t�. � �:�UI�": :::.;� I� ta�� ��:�� � ::r�fc::�= � devel . I . lo,-of grit and hard 1VOrk to be- clety .t the buainee&,mll!eUfII' held e�m�f'It drive, Mr, :Heoward ent bueball "M&mond ' On a site 'mll)!l .-ne of aprln,?-e.UI thl!(re com� I. good d�bater, It cre.tes &elf· In fbe mCK'nlng: In the &!temoon.ahe =,v ��::'=�cia::,� , W�I� which it • n.tu�1 s�um. 'I'!lII! Mr, Clarence Elilnpon, an lO,iowfully cute and sreen" Ta_ confidence .nd • perlOnal �IaUon- We an Interutinl rePG:R on chu�h plo?'et! at the SwUt Creamery In em" his wO , . fl!w daya before '1'1<i;Iron will be lurround� �y . One of, our little P'ruhmen ill start rkpe tile OOMCI�eM, The dl!llI!p-tes EUter. .An ap met with • IJII!rlous accident ship betWll!\"rJ fbe �tudenta and � k of clodnock·need ,,!,hen ahe walb. one ll be m ade to quarter-mile runntns t al wi . ente�n� at a dinner ,h'en .t ral8II! • fund of 'I� 000 put of e;a, which wUl ba.e. m-yard knee ..ya that achool. last wrek when he crushed hli 'TlI let 1'0\1 ahead UUt at Re Stub'a church. . Anothl!r orp.nlutloO: which offenl hand badlY; that It had tolen w1.11 be uaed ' to ' �� off the atrail�twI.y, Only temporary bleach- Ume It you le� me 1Ih� ne.xt Ujne." be which -unlimIted opportunltlea amputated, He had Just been profor each and enl will be bum toi- thl! preSll!n't. As My roomate on the choir t.z1p w.. Mrs. . ltrek1ler Indll!b�nll!U of the InaUtution. The the pr moted. to 1VOrk a new butter cutting eVl!ry ,Irl of P. L. C. is D. b.. R. At Mi.u SUXtud and the eaent field mars the campus Elyt,r.;. ahe'a nice. but· &he'a tlnda portion w:l1I be Rt ulde ... hOlt.euea to m�ch1ne a abort time before-1hl! the mll!e�1np or this orpnluUon the Parllan .:! �ter a permaneilt. end�ent fund. The �naw.rQ' both flel� .nd tfaok will dum. She thel't &he could handle. nlna Frtda lu' ,en �IUb �ma 001· Y from ,lrls cldent too.k place, thl! hlah school and !he glrls �pUon �m. • IlU-t 1mp'r8vement,-Decorah the cute UtU" CUPI. t.h.t.t. � lady had, be Ume sPl ·crIUcal. the is 1830 of 1nl' Ieee dl.lslons come.lnto contact with like �e h.ndlts thHe bt, cUJ» �n:. for' Waldorf COliere. The ou.toome PubUc Opinion. . '' -. .t-.:hOol---:e1l-ahe busted It I Wet!, Mrs. Es�l!r Ouls and hl!r , two one anothl!r. ruultlnl In . better un_ cit 1h1a ·cUn� will determine . en. 0( POrtl&nd. OladestYl ofL&nI chUdren, Vlrgtnla .nd JunIOr ha\'e dl!nt.ario.lnI, In this orpnlutlon Miss u abe had drunk all the coffee and whether or n�t the Instl\uUon Ww lut l!lyn E e U Chape I 'r.. Ik V lend,lU wu � to tll!1I thf' lady'ahe had 'moved Into MnI, Sal.ter·a 'home �h members is encourqed to take ely be continue able to effecU Ita v .'hlch Uley ....\II ·kll!ep up this t'um : part I.Il the mll!etin,. either In the �� 1 contribution. The PrNent e�l_ "Fauier, IMo thy h&nd:s I com. busted 'the .cuP. &he held 1\ torethll!r UIl�no� loollinl then she mend my �Irlt." , f'1 meL during the .bsence of the own- Sll!t Ptoenm or In the gl!neral dls- Rev .od Mn .... and family mf'nt Is 276 studenta. ; e ---:;:; f'1"II -stuck it uodll!!' chair so It loollec:l cusslOIU Each girl takes prldl! In -The Lobbyist. With these words the e� h.t.& like I had did It She got pn a bus come for Jeaus upon Ule croea Durcontributing something to the regu- :�:t1:�thFri:I:�a .it::no:!.ter the [' j ,� ,orn home laat Jl'rtday and I sueThe Parkland Improvf'ment Club lar monthly mll!etloga Concordia College 611!nlors pledged Inl thoee hours from twelvl! to ahe met Tuesd.y evening April 6 A The Delta Rho Oammas �rtalnlY Berdine Knutun thl! luest of ,llS each for thll! nul 8YIn construc- three even n.t.ture hiding It s tho t ahe had her mot;lltt,worth program consisted of !lll!veral muslc- have not lacked cooperatl� .nd Miss Clar. Myhre of Bremerton last lion fund This 'Is the aecond Ifad- race from the tll!rtlble spectacle of of ride cause ahe sot off too !lOOn d th al numbers by four Camp Lewis achool splrlt since thl!Y ,,:ere org.nIl!& I. to aupport the proposed the cr0S3 uatlng �: ::�:cC:� �� �':: :: .150 000cll.8l soldiers and a speech deilu:red b) Iud TIll! ortlCll!rs have proved them- Monday and Tu d y gymnasium TIlls amount The ....ords Father Into thy hands �� hl! bus .nd ret her coat. ahe told Bertll Johnson county prosecuting) selvea capable and the rank �nd file Mrs Robertson of SeatUe vlslted l1 pledge of .pproxlm.telY thl! same I commend my spirit s�en In a me that •she got ablen mlndll!dsocount attoml!Y have donI! thl!lr part The Ilrl who 'Altf Cornl!lIa Mohn last �k-I!nd from I!ach III!nlor will �ke total loud voice wen unusu.l tor one dy- of lIv1n wl�h me (a- -ahe -as that proml5ed by the clNS of 1929 Ing the death of cruclrtxlqn The a-Un l waswll!ek SUUlI!!ted the formation ot this club the word she uaed In' Mr and Mrs H Snuwr and son certa10ly had a bqght Idea Mrs Haugl! Ml'S Wl\lCh amounted to '12500 The one drln, 'Aas usually too :.I!.k to stll!ad of lIv n ' X.vler Mrs 1 Qeorg1! ha�e moved Into their new Now, day-roont boys why not l.&non Mrs Ramatad, and Rev Junior etua alao Indicated that their makl! .n utterance �ACCOnn-rrtZ fllfll!TS J)m I.bout 40 home on Mc!<tnlll!:y hili In Tacoma, start now. today. with a almUar or- avar& attended the conVll!nUon Of ) pledge .� Ume of If.duaUon .-til � Jesus ... not Mhamed. afraid. or- hours In my work I'm Mrs Snuner. form�rly l�ga EII- g.nWltlo ? Elect rour offloers, Why -the Women'a Mluionary 'confec:ll!r- made to t � lum fund, W�th embarrUlled to cry out !.ho6e prec- iOnna .�hlnd e.lY m n as � ..,d make It up work , hard Inpon, attended school here In 1924, let the glrl day-studl!nta: get .hll!l� .Uon In Seattle last FrldI.Y. the badtlng of these orpnlr.atlolU lous I...t words tatl!n from the tonIte .' . -It III ellPII!C t:ed that the proje(:t ""II thl�y-flrst psalm, He died a mar_ yOU: .e -TIle school might 30mettme nll!eO . nd me somoll! so . Monday evening, April the yoOr support, You should to be Emma Kaaland entertained &· 1 be • reality within two or three tyr s ""th the word of Ood on I iome I.nnoun menta for Hili 1I'r .nd the peace ,of Ood In HiI ' ....hen Iby .nca Jo:rgenson the wrek-end before ytan. TrInity Luth�ran Church ml!t at the re.dy when that tlml! comes. nd gnduate I .In·t sot. any e Conc I. o t vacaUon .t her home In Burlington. e to :; � �� �n � :: , :�:!;t; �:::� �:;Sa:::. :��=;!:: �:�a m:�:-":!t.;,�� �th� � :�; J� �:;;; I'an���: n �.��:: :;��. The Northwest Vlklnl ....on aecond thou forsate� ml!?" " "C�d:C� the so-called tradIClions of the �� that you takl!WthisInIn the . . .... .. .. .pples I lJUeM I ret alone on d n h th e Blblf'," / right spirit. We know thI.t ll yo� Daily Diary them UII I III!t money to buy . ::!s�h�d :t �:�:: ��e:'er:t�� ..�;he:.� :�y ::�� � �m'::; ca .. . . ln . o c A prellmln.ry ' anno�CII!ment. ::::ne of ::�l1 : :!,�:� ��·�·;; ;;:�: ·� ;�·; ·�:: .·�;�· This�15 the aecon'd Uml! thl! Vlklnr my spirit, dies well. ;��t qult 'II'1U1 n, 50 I eat. , e lion. the Edwards family havl! start- :,�tea'7."���e:�h:o;�:D�n��� ua�":��h ':::vC: f' C::I :�IU�d�: ;n:;,�e;;f�;� benefl� by It, M, p. t y���: :;;� thl!n d0:V� my work. I ed lI!X�aYat�g for the nl!W home, , . . :� fourth, The Judlll!l for th,e con- WI! ahould not 100«. upon the crOll that the population of Parkland Your' When a thl! house warming, .nd may ed teat wl!n III!llI!Cted from amon, peo- to admlre It. but to embrace thl! has doubJed I the past ten ye&ra YOUNG PEOPLE TO embeUTelt L1auChter. HA VE C'ONVENTION I ....e oome? Gel your h.nds �Ieall. . pie of ""de experience In the field of Ch�t who died upon It. It hal I.oo� �denta .t preSent, ' Cheroba :Becund . the washl!d d you hear We Coach? , Page from (Continue . . -dishes this morning for the flt'St I • Mr. and , Mr4, Saturday eVI!n ng wW be unusu_ Il ume 's l dep.rture" Ite ' !,, your since & r Ehrlichman 1 mheller. u D ThEa.s�1 :"::'d.u ALUMNI NEWS' rJ -Intll!resting to fril!n1is of PacifIc I School Books,.8 1i(f WhIte . 1.0':' ""e�· dlnnerm ��:: ��ta ; '��� ally Luthl!ran Co'legII!. for .t that tlml!l April II- Bellingham prospers ! Christlnl! Knutzen Eliot Mlk� In"e. tmenl Securilie. ' home f Mr DI paren , Mr. Pi-eat SUpplie8� ColIl!ge choir nnglesta.d will ' b e All Pacific Luthl!ran A. dent a '29. O�. '25l, Lelllh on. kel and and M':s, S' �lnderlt:. the. main apeakl!r. The enUre pro- I studenta: blow thl!mselves to shoe Walter Prench. '25l. will tll!ach again 111� Pacific ",VI!, Phonl! Main 8t \Vaterman, Sharrer, CO(Ikiin M Vl!mon �n. a 'studl!nt �-:e ��rmSa���c:�I!�:be�IIIln� : ��:ets. ha�;:o�a, toan�1 :�.�e��� at Yl!lm next year: � ::e U d :� a�irU:tl":t�� h�m;Vo��g:� speeches npresenting ,and booIIUng school studl!nta: of �nd floor, Mall! Wohlni.ach�r. '29 and Ire'ne PARKLAND �ARAGE wood Portable'Typewriter -_ h a Mrs. H. L. Dahl. Sunday. AP;n 20. �!� �::e=O;:=O:�lI e wlu JOhnny?, . .... ae, i :��:m::lh 7:;� ::Ils tl : l! :� A. J' teU Co. ' -eg Sll!r- April 14-Dld the thundering herd Jhe Sunday mornlni Pierce COunty grade achool track ' Oaa, 0Da .... A-nn Booluelll!r.-8tatlooen Agn S 011.llSO. a fOrtnl!r stud�nt of conduct begtnn1ng at 10:30 or 11:00 law.kcn you. too? By t....o-thlrt)· m�t held on the Paelflc Luthenn . 1IOtil\-i Pac. AVI!. WaJn 2I'J'O C.,Pet.non J. P. :uf': : �nv.lesclnJ from .n ovires 'clock. Precedtng the III!rvioe on I that moml�. mOlit of thl! "slay-.J- College baseb.lI diamond Saturd.y. hlc abe underwent Sll!V- Sunday forenoon a new model Sun· homf'S" 'h d heard "II I.bout the I April 19, . � ::1 weeks 1.10= : ;;;;;;;;;; day SChool will be 10 lII!:MIon. ThIs ,marvelou.s time tl\at the choristers I -ul PRINT AND DEVELOP YOUR KODAK F.lLMS Luther Lf'agu-;:; at �e regular :� !d�e�:=� to botll vlsl- �-:�re�k ��.�:� ;'7::yn�:�� I SIg�: :::;ac�J�"::;:· .:'�nh� WI!WE rdlnary an wlll fill try at the in to k carry everything oe t1.t,I1 (! . tl. tlml! on April 20; Walter Young and On Sunday af�moon. a Chotal ed In sunly made IllOund as th,ough thf' Anacortes w ha ���� U ·, dO�� �V:: Hlih School. ' as dele- unton of about 200 voices. repreaent- l there ""erl! lots of added pounds. , ... � ..:rl)USG=:t!:lI get It. , ... ....,. ..... . !! ...... , Arthur Olson were elteted ') co v n �J Ing F part -In take many eagues. will L rank W. Peterson. P. A. '08. Is PARKLAND MERCA�i � COMPANY :Cl�C�trl � � ::�I! a musical program ��� . The League hav_ April IS-After a�l. there ls no be�- the ' newly appointed �L,nclPII.I of I��� ���������������� 10 Bremerton.. M.y 9. I� and 1 1 AltII!r the b�lnellS mell!tlng a pro- :1 ���er:7=� �:� :�f':��� f;�uon::re�U J':c:� o:}� :!��;��:�::::,Iemen r h y � cot. l , gram, consisting of a vocal 5010 by tennin't<i by mulUplying the num- my. J ust moth �ls, drop Theodore EvJenth. II. readln, by ber Of miles travl!led by the number from the top the (would-be top J ,Monl'Oll! Langlow it Is dlrll!C· RAINBOW Viola Ta".. and an Augsburg Con- of voices f"?m Il!aCh choir. TIll! 'coats. any kindcoats of" coata, Just tor ' of the F1lnt Jnr:lor· 'CoIII!III! fell6lon dlacusslon led by Arthur 01- League winning thl! cup three auc- they're coata accordlol HAWK�EYE to Mr. capella choir, PUnt. Michlaan, lIOn, wu given. cesalvl! yl!anI retalns Jt penn.t.nenUy. Hauge and ties. What price II. nice I "' ,... ,... ,... � ,... ,... ,... ,... .. CAl'fERAS' -Another u1ote�Ung f,,!=t ' about smile? Bome looked so amlley. you ! ;; ." (Eastman Make) d ' a "' n co OD Is� � ��� ! v,'anted to smll�loud. HANSON:'S so�e�u� s;'� f� :d :;= :�ven ,'�' Jewder nlvaJ in the Pulll&nd schooL Frlday, be5t of be used at the 16-8lnce Mr. Beck ..ya Wateh Repairing In Gay Colo" 25. A le!,ture of loterest to pa.renta: convenUon. Jh.rpret Wall. heAprU a Speeialty mendoesn't want his' � friendi' Is an�lt 10 art. circuIt pres1d . 257 SO. 11th St, of the North Puget tloned $ 1 .25 "p I don't know what to say. , "", ., = . BId& � Sll!Win. and manual train- SOUnd Youo. People's Luther :;; ' t � "' ;; � C!'\d ;; "",:, ""' 1 ,= lI!!! an1.v � = Oh y�1 Euter vaca.Uon .' lnI, as well � the10thl!r work done Le&eue. baa requested tb.I.t. t J t • "'amln&' to the_ bwUues to 1 � .... dw1na: thl! past school year ntesl5 be can1.ed on in the 1nd.I lave them a trip down here 'Byeco � � There wUl be a Nne Pf'OI1'I.Dl fol- vidual leaau tbe ei1d tb.I.t In- bYI! and have. a nice Ume Arl', Barber Shop »O....ed by ordinary c&}'1lIval enJoy- t.erII!st wU1 be used in oompoe; Brookdale " ment and refreahmenta. nua u- hymns She that thOle AprU 21 Everybody � at f the con ��!ea��eaJlun:::::' Ho_h t um � ;:: : :;= �. a e � = !!oo� �!�: n ' =�\� aIlJ'










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. H�me .ol the Belte�






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for boar<i during 'sUnI!11er school no\\'

JACK'S GRiDDLE oo "'Ibe,.� oUbe be.t for � -.t Oood con..





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16. ends Ju,ly 25 FuUy Accredited


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a eun1culum •

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PHILIP-&' BAtro•

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.. . PAGE

�6t A D · l .A· t O R' S P O R T S .





Ediled by Haiola



' wiD First Game On Diamond For ason's S��t I o 3I 2 I

. . 'PUf!;01 S:':;;d

. .



' S PO R T . SLA N T S .


;;:'gi��I :raoDI 1,- ,,"us Ii,;. ,,."�k. h",-,. 1'(",," Ie'"

Ba8eball ·Rec-<Jrd of ' } Gladiators

.. 1m Th,e" .-I,...."


Second Chance To Mark Win

""" ,-0"


i" . Ih.,�

I think a word O�Rh� �� be right .here. about On of the mQllt thrilling 'baseball JD',"",n · l "' t e g 38 f �s ra �e Ia:O::�w=�:� i :�ng t a'! :i�: � t :'( t::' c'o� g: � neased :v�I�:� last Wtdnesday .when the three hila and two r).lns without lOo much support from . ��:� :�n��;�;��to::,;;: rest of the team is a man'elpuiJ feat. by a 3 to 2 count. Both of the r�lIls made hy Ihe Loggcrs wcre I The game .. fNtured by a pitch. Ing duel bet"li'een �ey John. ' rt',sllonsihlc 10 erru rs. If. Pcl t ihon e had not gotten to ·of. the Gladiators and Pettibone UI1 U\'crthrow uf h'r he hod singled. he woufd IIc,'cr ::�!u:.:e:a:e::t=� :::� scored 011 l'h.llllllwr's si n�r . And iflwo errors hlld not . . four e�NI being 11'glstered tor mlltll' u£fer (.al"1.'III'O !mtl 1)('('11 for.ced ul secon d. by "'.""11. 1 ...... the Parklanders and' two for the till' luller wO ild lIt'n'r hU"'e sl·orcd. Loners. � the t�lrt:I inning the flrell.'orlu But there il:! that ine\"itabfe "if," You did fine work :�ted� Ba��� ��': �bo��eg�� � an� we1re pro�d of �'ou: \V� oughl to get a game' he n e nl\ erslt. of \Vashrngt \"arslty t . .. C. P. S, played Singled to center field and \I.·ent U ' ): 0!"l :second on an o\·erth'row. He then last Salurday, . \ . scored on a 5ingie made by Plum· . ::\"o\\:'- lt'I's tukl' a look ut our rUlls. \ ilh the oxeel " i"" I "","lbl, pinc�·hlltlng for I.e mer. \I.·�o ont', -rlw \" wct(' all carncd runs. i Peruke. .,"!ohnson then �ighlened up Iff IhJ firsl and held the Logg�rs in Check for I wlwil Plummer mtsjudgcd his fly Itl n . th s Sl'Clllltl nnll CUll\(' in "(til lil1l�'I)" hit II)" . �: ��:d�::o� al: 5O)rC(I In . the I third Inning. Mon�n got an in· 1 The 'n th f u th ' n . I{ ·th h'ts l. � field hlt �ut 111.' :- caUg t stea nl! in two r��� an : t:e �epl�ci:,� �f �:�tib�ne b) � � d s <:. P. s. iii the bo x. Il·alo c�me thro�gh with ..n",·-.... .. 1 �;n;h ��JUdg:: �Is ��. U' �� smgl �n Collom II long tnp to. and . stole second and galloi>ed h�me on at th�8 stage9core� .f the gable that Coach Mde Nyman's sharp single to left field. pllt I! lummer oIn the box . . The LoiI"gers. scored &gain In tr...e fourth Inning after Oane", had . struck out. Tomko placed ,a..pretty It did no tlo mudl gOIlt! ttl pul PaUllllll'r ur HI single betu'een tt!-Ird and short\but el"I' in till' IlUxl III this nitil'ul mOll)t'nt ht'l'(H 1Se , I was forced at second by MaJLca. dOllhk in his svsh-m Ihul h(' li ud tu /otl't out. On Maruca lheh gained seeond..,base on hall p ildwd, sur�k(')" 1(,III1('d 011 it und smnshl'ti Ilill an o....erthrow. stole thJId, lind scam· Iwo-ilasl' hit to It'ft-t'cllh'r fi('ltI, which st' ur ('11 Curl. pered home on another error. John­ son then pitched good ball and dui Carl Collom and Sankey' Johnson were the two not allow. the Puget Sounders an· shinding hifte'rs of the day. each getting two hits out of oLher hit for the 11'mllfntler of the time!l at bat. made a triple and a double. while Carl ' g . �� cn'dlators sco� twice In the is credited with n. double and a single. fourth .inning to put the game on Sit)", "\\,(" r(' ull proud gUIl,L!, om·t. morl' Ice. Ben Palo started out with \'0 1 . AlIri,L!ht. ))n vou r lK'st to 1Il'1 1 BeJlarmiJ1l'. J.d's huvl' a Int 1 e l f 1 �1l:!Co�:� ��d �!�:�1�� Il :�:� �;�:I;:�:'I ;::� ;;�:I';l1f:���:11 I,ll:' �11�;:i�.\��17�;�I�� lt:(tii��(III�lt;I!:� klU)\\' I l lu l triple t.o deep right field. At thL� stage of the game Coaeh Rite. men· t hink should \\'1' han- little WI'St' hen' thai ��::! t�:t�:::��' �.�t�d �l::''::r� tll'd i� nh'd 10 COU('h Clifford Olsnn. so IWf{' got's: TS�HUNKO'S The Golf BalJ . Sankey Johnson greeted Plummer . Ho� or Flowers �n the first ball pitched with long pest; baffling is ball golf The s favorite nower shop' Tacoma' double to ecnler rteld. This put the It picks a heel-print for,its nest. So. Pacific Av�nue at 50th Gladiators In the lead by a 3 Ie 2 raps. sundry it give you when And PHOl:lE8: Mad 514-Mad. 515 score and e.nded the scoring lor the It likes to scuttle into traps. rf'malnde,r of the game The score: ball doesn't like dry land. golf The �::�ou tum When y.:�rE!� � Colle� of P�et SOQnd It much prefers t�e pond. 'or sal\,d ; , you"..", to A,BR Jl POA E It hales the fairway's "el\'et ·Iea. Oynn. 2b 4 0 0 3 � P��� tree. some behind hide to likes And s � !ee:ir LePenske. c[ , .52 C<>mm"'. St. yPld,llt, Bldg. Plummt'r. \:C-p 2 0 It' much prefers some marsh ' or whin Kenrick. If To any place that's near the pin; Ganera. rf It must like haunts where trouble grows. Tomko. 3b For that is where it always goes. Maruca. � 2 0 0 10 (With upuiogit's 10 ( ,rim t l lld Ilin'.) . Grant. Ib O O 9 Baker. c I 0 Pettlbane, p-et CUUll' on )"uu l'ntrull.l s in Iht' tl'lmis tournamcnt IIlld gel I 0 0 0 'Oillesple yuur matches pla)"('d orr us soon liS po.s sih l(' ! In Ihl' hi.slory uf tilt' sehoul. the annual 1t-1lI1is elimination tourn amen t has , su leI's u opera te with the commillee in Totals "Batted for Maruca In 9th. radllc Lutheran Colleee Every Page AB R H POA BetWf PrtnUnr of a memory book III full of mean' Siegel. 1b 4 1 0 10 0 Ing and Importance. College stu­ STl'DENTS !! 1 Nyman, 2b Keystone Printing- Co .. Ine. decta love to keep U,---and bow 4 0 0 2 0 0 Padness, cf they W1Jl treaalir1! It later! 'len hcllic An MIlln 3'JSf 4 1 1 2' 0 1 Palo. ss Get Your Shoes TACOMA Coltom. 3b . 3 1 2 1 1 !!�::�f ���uve � Johnson: p . ....3 0 2 1 O ' at · the . ' � 3 0 0 0 0 0 ----''''---� Percival, rf Quale, If .. .... . . .... .3 0 0 0 0 0 l +SHOE �OODYEAR . c ....... . . . 3 0 1 . 9 0 . MOnso:l. Th05tenson. c :....... .0 0 0 0 0 0 . REPAIR SHOP � -:; -; ;:;. -:; � :.................i Q:38 COmmerce' c.;&. Werner &; reneral repa1r1ni



t�� � �

FINAL DATE SET I P"slilllleirs Face · Heavy Schedule' . FOR. FIRST MEErS . /For ' This Season On .aeeount of the" rain)' weather .'

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. P. L. C


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, ' 1; Earned /.ruDJJ-t-Ot. ' .JobnMm, O. W1nnlDa" ptt.eber--,J.olmioa.. Loa1n&: pitcher, PeWboDe. .1�, � 1D-NJman.

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Saga Clears Over Seventy Starts First DevelOpment MOTHE R Dollars on Big School Ca�nival w�' "' " "' � is Wt'ek Th i Home dent's Pres ith W OO ''. ''' .. " " ' ' I ''''' Bh on ho II nd bY Y d wond n or l I


g Commillee DoI Buildin iJ1g ll8' Utmost �tart

Gate Receipts To ta1·$95 . ! " THE lUILLIONAmE" f'rlendJ and comrades 'bout me say, When yaure scorned by all the re8t PEP GIRLS GUES1'S where h13 tt"ioughta Number �n Attendance �� , TO SH�W �IAY 31 Wonder roaming Y� :ay wander In strange coup- AT GA M MA PARTY , For AffaIr Is Large (or I ' �¥ The} re on dear one "Tr.r away -tr te m�y be or rich or poor You Dell. Rho Oammaa gave a lo4ay - Program th: �:�:; �;,:3�1:'��: M��::'


. ; DorDlitory ResIdence d Laboratory Soon An ... Day party for the Pl'p Club Friday ,

-a1re • which will be given In the col- Ye� my thoughts did rest on But at home a hearty welcome, After aU expensea have been paid lege When you come 1f1thln the door A.r��rnbon. May 2. In the �hurch "Work .on the prealdent'l resIlJlOther gymna.alum The cut met for �at dear friend and comrade true the Sap ltaff will have over $'l'000 the tlrst time FrIday &U'ment, The pl!rpoSe of thia par. d�ce will probably ltart thla �k." and again on . Y ', no' � C:�loU ·h,',',r�ed y e i Mond e �r::u,:;:n�hi��:'ld:: RY. ty waS to crea� a �n4 �tter' IsTl,::.. " 10 ' ', hom' yvu do' n ,,'. ':''Ilnl ,· OO ? �: � � ��! � l vi I����:h: : �: )0 I "I, �I:r =:�:Ym::g��� . ng r . Th . The fOllowing Ia the'cut: Oldeon ... _...... ..... bond ot friendship among th� gtrlB adde<!. "The matter a squa,n;ly'y .uP H mother a th luting love For Is Old yn h n e B R ' ; ,', "� n ' 'nm, there � : Who Is pride weak" of the Colleae. , with "" ��:�� =p!��':s�� :H'h,' yn � to the building eomm1t!fe now, and h te en� . And she s walung for you there ,.,.hlre the total e:ll:JM!.nses amounf.ed Heath. . The room wu artlatleally decor- b ·commlttee a doln! all It can to -- Ebe�le; .onald Who....II. forget that mother dear, ' Come on! wa ward son and daugh_ ated In orchid �nct' white. under the tgetatthi 0,Johnny. 10 appro:ll:lmately $255(1 leaving Heath. Dorothy ngs started." � committee � � rner Q��; R . sJlghtly � spring When or gla(lDess Joy t e and mote than 170.� to, deposit Heath. '4=rge Cronq��, Fred ctlreeUon of Ir.ene Dah l. The table- � of H. E, �nder50n. B. L. ter'' in the bank. . cloth.!: were trimmed with strips of Klrkebo and Pres. "nngelstad, Mr. Lawlor. Stanley BerentsOn: Aunt Comes around aga.ln each year? Mother does not live .for aye, orchid cr�pe paper. Big jbouquel:& leav� for Norw.ay �!1 May A r o le l e you tell ·me. wandering d!lugh� U-t us s�w her that we love her. of iIIacs and orchid candles In pink Kirkebo 22. , and his place will be rllled by ed t�: a:.��:;albe� �� e:����;' �:tl� Pr���!�' EI�:rn;:Ok�:�� CF �r. Let ll$ Wl1� to her today. and white u.ndle-holders\were an someone who wiU probal:lly be program. TIlough the admls.slon Dorcas, Viola -rrw. , n Ch=�::nJ::'�U; meetlng l -: , ���oYc:� ���::h::::"!f':�ther. r.:t· us tell her h?w we Jove her. ad!e�r:t:ee:� . ���y�.�� o;e:is��:e::��� by ��ma. Whether you have grlel. or Joy? U-t her know how high she 'lI rate ; glris In charge of�rveQ stands brobght' the total receipts AII-Scbool Play When the residence is completed. Magda Sivertaon us put it off no longer, . and Alma Orand I.' Included gelaUn the house and lots will be valued at higher t"han those In charge of the H ' ' I Ac tmg ' Mother always understancls you. ' Let Lest It prove to be too l&tf. ruit salad. crackers, punch. lee 110,000. The upstairs will not. be finas Rea f ,.frau had expected. I -Warner Quale. cream, and c:ake, 'Mother always knows .what·s best. Ished till .later. U It Pl'elef1t there The staff Is working hard on the The lollow!ng program wu pre- �: l)�enh=,:o SpeMv: t�e::er:: yearbook and ",,111 have It flnWled s man Audi�nce See.s One or . sen In a few weeks, a�rd�ng to trene Best I reseniah ons Concert t.e6": Yells to the Pep Club , built with' the 'I.d:-:hat· the con' Tour of Blennlal Mee.llng Welcome ' O( School Dahl , , edltor-in-chlef,. IU t.h1lI ,is th\ " structlon will be pennan�nt and will tlrst annual to be publlshed at �} . .. ....... .....Mldred CaTd hoUBe the coliere . prHidenl:& for cllic Lutheran College. the ta.s,\...has Sh01lo1ng to one of the. poorest au- M'Iddle West for Of Young F0lks Planologue ,"Love" e mbled In the colass been e.pee1al1y dU!icult. Jt wu or diences ever . Students Next Week-End P. �rothy Lehmann many years to come. tu , L. Cthis' reason that the stat! prmnted I�e a:�,lto:�a:�n: o��� �t ' ,BUI"Ilar Skit .. Olenda Water W!:le���:� :�I �� :!:u:� t c 'h ,carntval In orner to raise the Ph�ran � , ." Make Appearances in Die- Concordia College President Marjorie MCGo'em and Orace dlrecUy aerilu the strfft. aorth trom co�ge ' , nted Sat- Toferent needed tupd$.. Churches; 'fra\'el To Delh'er Key Note Ad , Card I .,e cliapel. The lIOutheaa:t corner of " ' , , 'nl] ay rir;; The program consisted of a read- � eve n!; _;-Ph t . s,,�a: By Means or New dress; to Visit Navy Yards Plano SOlo . . .. . .. , .Nelma, Oulleson t f buUding will be '15 teet frOm lng, "Over � Telephone," by Ruth h a�nuaI I � w('uldp doy, ampl!' Ford Sedan Of Bremerton ""-- ___ E:-!.t :t:: r _ 'oa :'1�_ 2;Jew_.iC:J.... . ....Hi&: ea :l' �t. -board JaebliIsotr,"ll one:'�d. plif,"Ri!wv trusteeS declded -:on::---- �,.. . Klplln ." by dramatic club mem- credit lO a trained th�plan drew A concert of the Middle W�t The 1930 biennial convenuon of Stixrud. Mrs. Kreidler,. Ruth The t of lOur-t' bers; : clos-dance. 'by Dolores Roe laughc. after laugh from th- 06e cwhol la planned by Henry Holm-Jensen In I' the North Pac1tle DI.!ItrteC , of the' . Brown . ����";: =':::!n'�r's: �e;:;; V b a n e N t nna ls n ts I Y �� �:;� �:l �l� :/���e: ��. 110=: ;� V��' A ! �=: ��e!nO:n� ����� ��e��.�..:·.�����.::n::�=: �:r:= �I:: I;�=:"u! ek �: for pr i:: g. �� :;� :�; ::�::n l' Mr. Holm-Jernen plans to give !washlngton, FrIday, Saturday. Sun· Address by Preslden� of Delta Rho do. The flm unit Hokenstad; a skit, "The TraP." by y.eThe the proposed story was the life portrayal about sixty concerts during the per - day. Mg.y 9-1(1-11. The opening ses Oamma .... ,.................!.Ieta Hinderlle donnltory for girls'Ofmay members of the dramaUc club ; and aiso be m le d y nlver l e el e t O of June to the v n n d Re a v b : !.':!h�=:�u!��� l! sU ��:y. �a� ��I���I��t1�:e��� :�t!� ;a� o� :u�� :��nW�e �� �:::n1.';::; �; C���,. ��E�e: �o�:� U� ::����p �� �TIn_ maid for her slster and mother. The party. Including MrS: Holm- wUi hold a ,reeepUon lor Yells and SOngs led by geilltad received a IplendId contrtbuThe story has a happy endIng when Jensen as well, plan travel IIi a gat�. visitors. and, pastors.aU D�eler.. J. More ' Ruth Norgaard and Ruth M11- tlon to the deveioPmerit'· usoeta-' B:��' Choose Reve'Iat·Ion the father "puts down his Pfoot" in new Fqrd owned by_Mr. HOlm-Jen- N. Brown, president of Concordia " · tlon, An old genUeman In North . d ard defiance of the envy poor atsy a l sen. Thls wU� make traveling from College, Moorhead, Mtnn., wiU de'. oakota tlrst contributed ,100 and Verse or Therne being Gver-looded. Th06e taking place' to place much more , mpld. liver the InsplraUonal key-note ad,flater subscribed $1.000 more to be . parts Ruth Brown, SIgrid An- Definite plans u to the concert dre5ll. , , .Anderson Talks paid at -the rate of $50. a year and . Young People s Lulher League derson: Ruth Jacobson. Eleanor stops ,",a'le not yet been made. but Three sessions are to be held on In�r�t for 20 years., . Holds Tv.:elith Annual Loft�u.s, Fred Lee. Walter Young. hhey plan to through Idaho, Mon- Saturday. The forenoon session, On League Work larence o k Monson Meet In Everett . rt l n e a � :�a� I � �� �� ' : �:I�: � = �r: =��l !t:�y�:�ed b�"= �� �: -" ' ' PI!ESIDENT CHOOSE� e: I�� . or Various The North Puget Soun� Clrcult Because of the small audience the From M.lnneapo� they Will go to 01 Tacoma: an address by Rev.,P, B. Traces �18tory CLASS COMMrr,TEES ot the Young People's Luther League receipts fi"om Young Peopje,s Clubs field sec the play were un.: Sioux City. Iowa and thence to Anderson 01 Minneapolis, At II senior meeting-held M"Qnd&y, held' Its twellth annual convention I ll$ually small. Omaha. Nebraska. Coming back retary an� InsUtute director of the or Churc.hes ¥Boy I� th� followhl8' cobunitt.ees . on Aprtl 25-2'1. In the ce�tral LutJ:Iagain from Nebraska. they plan to InternaUonal Young �Ple Luther . were chcun by the prealdent George -e v er s N d d :r:: ;t;� ':!e =�'f t:::: CHOm RESUMES ��k, -:�e� th!;u;�l ��: a :�:: ���;� �:'=;;;��= U':,d!' !i �� s;�:u:e' ��:; er:=i:commlttee: � Wle Hold Fast to Your \'entlon theme, " CONCERT WORK In the new audJtorlwn construeted the preliminary bualness sesalon. Luther League of the Norweatan fch.), KenneQ!. Horat and Reynold BBptl.smal Covenant." A1t1r a abort vacation. the choir there near the geyser basIn. During the noon hour .the. delegates Lutheran Ch�h of America, ad- JacobIK!n. The delegates and visitors to the has �umed Its work.. It has �wo Mr. Holm-Jen.sen has written to will have an opportunity to v1sIt dressed the student body durin&' the Clue Ollt CommIUoee: ' Arthur rIday evered convenUon reg\.II� F conce� schedUled lor the near fuNorwegian, DanIsh. Swed1a:h. anet the Bremerton NaVy Yard!!. chapel hour Tuesday. May a, He OlUn''feb.)·,. Mabel £r1cbdn, Elvira ' . Ding. The flnt sesalon of the ron ture. The Ilrst of these a to be given Oerman _ Lutheran chureh�. The The final bll4lness SessIon will be spoke on the hiatory of the young Hokell.\ , : '. venUon opened at S'p, the same In Seattle, Wednesday evening, May concert wUl be sponsored by �e or- held at 2:30 p. m,.'Saturday. Alter peopll!'11 movement In the Qnlted ctui Play Committee: Inga Clop_ hymn singing and invoa: ni bt. with ganJzaUons within the churches-this there will be two..addresaell . oDe States. rtUa talk the flnt ot a (ch.), Gerhard Molden. and lerud I eaUon by Rev. Vinje, of Everett. bined tiut;4eran ehurch� the organtiatlons lirst � a by Miss Margaret W� 01 VIetor1&, �rles of three. to be -given by Rev. Stan DallL Preoeedlng the address 01 welcome The com " guarantee of a certain amount for B. C" and another by M1sa Adeline Anderson, Class HI5tot1': Hugh Tallmt (ch'). Seattle have arranged' for a'con� expense given by Kr, Richard Re1nhertsen, In Bchulberg 01 Portland, Oreroo. Rev. The speaker, brlefiy traced th1a to the part�. MIkkeLsen and Ella wwwn... In Rev, Stub'. cert to be the choir 01 Qitr��v1or's Lutheran church Thegiven B. AJ:lCleraon wtll conduct round- }'OWlC PeOple'. movement durin&' a . Nlgbt ProgI:am; Beul� Jor- . wU1 eat' an early The name chosen by the sroup chqlr . "ehurch of Everett una: "Be:alde BUll dlnne:r 'and make the' trip on a ape_ under which the� will travel 111 table dIa:cusa:I� anet quesUon-boJ: .. period of fllty ' years, � gen,son (eb.), PlOl'ellee WaneD, John t · returning the same evening, Arl�. In travel1I11 they. :wW be the · cJ�' part 01' the t.'temoon about 1880. He menUoned.. in con- O�rdlln and Dorothy Bodley. waters," Then J4Isa J,{� Wall, CIrcuIt p�etent, responded. clalhbeus.lII.'COh -----;.-lB to be I1ven mown u Luth- sesalon. Th� Saturday eveii1nr sea neetlon ttfth It the .Clu1st1an. En-. d concererttlie . far the eoovenU';'D' The choir ,of InTBreiiie eric COllere· The .school hea.rtUy mon wtll Inc!ude III!- address by Dr, deavor. Epworth Le:ague,;" Bapu.t "The Patsy" Shows wh e ' annual dIs- backs' Cb ' . Lutheran � sana: OUrSaviour t..hIs . amblttou.s undertaktda: J. N. Browrr.·ala:o ooe by Rev. O. J. YOWl&' People's lJilIoa, Cbrlat1a.n ' • I>f:ot.b Y f tI ven trt t the ·Ordal. Music' numbers lor the Sat- Youna: People's lJnJon. Walther Lea: MHe Bleeps," followed by the Intro� eoo 0 �� .' In ",Tacoma Church d th lor It a'a means of aequainUng (Cont�u.ed on Pare 2. Col. 1.) gue. and the Luther Lequ�: , . .;:: .::.;� L. C. � = =: 10 , : and :1. on: Middle �at with p. :; :e�-�� C;:t�: �� !e:�" :� J41a xn.g;borr Bolstad. '29. Fh�r will:leave vuy .early in �e In tJ'acina the YOUD:l people's work � ptiat chureh.. 'I'hII La the . etven of immediate cburc� body, Rev. all-aclloBa order to give a concert fORMER a:acred STUDENT WINS FAME ....S ol play that t, "'The ·.Vlr;t,orlods morntnrontil the praeuttid .:, YOWlfr e t . 8. S. New YIX't, he �_ U �:e . at _ loCal .the by .� =ted a short time aco In �e eoUere a!oJ�hurch," A:nd � DIRECTOR OF INFANTS' ORCHESTRA Peop,le s Lu�r ��- dltorIum. AdJiua:a1on . wb1ch Is stationed in, the .Bremerton for the Navy tweli:ty-f1ve o l .... leacue 'preceded a reception !sed only will n y CQPCert th1r:tee reeuIar The Yard. Nfl qQ. Pres1- nts will be cbarJed. for. the play aM v1stton: .. ' de . -. PrIeta, �fore the assembled COD ' KUI Moldrem, who v.:aa a .!:tudent old, has brou&bt international fame dent 'I1nge1s� ..... the tint �- ce �lI!COnd aeaaI� opened nine be givenlater that day. of PacIfic �l:h.eran ACad.emy �t to Eureka. Hundreda of letters tary. for the Ol'J�tIon, and Dr, will,. be, other eaIlI . o'doet, saturday mom1nC. OflorIe venUon of lh will n Brown of lADe '30 d1Be'UDed l'Holdlnr lut Both , eae eo eert. If: twelve yean ...0, baa attracted OOD- from mUl1e teachers. aebooll of coaeord1a � ..... the Ie. the a:howtnr of thll elnel' three' . In fIrst president. Today there are act comedy. tbro� � Means of Orace," 'the amona: !:he- moat in� the a1derabk atf.enUOIl throuih h1a dI- mua1e, chambers of aeeood put of the eonvmtkln choir, baa presented, and It 111 bent rectlna" CJ!. .the· � 'Thompeoa Eaatern dUes, IIll!i nat1Onal!1 known over 1.800 Lu!be.r Leacues embracthem the .mOlt "Baby On:hMtn. ot E'UrHa, calltdr-. mapKlna. have' made their wa,. to lnc a membe'ra:b1p � � t.beDH! 1\$'" All J,{. Krubel. North OIl making . n1a.. 'Ibe ' lJterary D!pst., for _Feb- EwT� tnqulrtnr about the· Rev, And�n lilted: ,the OODyen� � p�t, apoIr.(, and luI. ' CaIendar . . . t he lJD1oD. )(.a� 7......cbcUJOto IlnI' � a.we. Btudent.. e Lutheran 1 , an UoD:a a� demand in are IiclanL about artiel � ruary 5, eoat.a1na Rev, A. J,{. Vln.)e cloeed · the f(rmaJ ONE-ACT PLAYS tb1a 0I'ehMtra. It sa,.. in 1*J't: atterDooo teas. lodIe meetmP. tJ;le .scholuahlp fund far the amIOIM! act pia,.. to be pnMDted ' the .-kID with • repah of · . ' .' of . ::Dulutll eoaftDUon. · . TO BE GIJ'EN "About twelve monUll a:co.# a H. �urcha, 'and ,l�n dubL' . narte., tbe boepl�:..a; �, at � LutbienD Church . in 'l'IIocloPL '. .AD lDter'eIt1nI' 'f1dt to the Everett ' "Too Buay," and "Not Qulte SUCh Tbompacjr;l _and .0, W. Tbompeon. of "Not a a10ck � of tJie nIneteen mIaIdoo IU�, � puhUcat,loDa - . ' mID � the... \h:Ird aM- • aoc-" w11l ,be liven at tbe,�- Eureka, with the aid of KarJ .Kol- .... able to re.d. ettber 're&I!1DI' « ..· the 1Pft� aeh1evement. of tbia 'Ma,. t-:-Y. P; Lr- 1.. CODvenUoo at 1IremerWD cipeDa. " the ftudoa � bepD lab Lu� Cburch 111 Tacoma. drem, v1ol1lJJA . aDd tNcbe:r, CCIl· muk � t.bey bepn pndk:1rC.. orpnIaatloa.. . ::rot" . -' tbne, .�SaturdaJ afterDoCA. Ka),·:'l.: 'l't»ere baa been .but a abon ci!:I� Idea.of � fonnaUcD of 'l'be mo.t d1meult.P,Ut � &be fIIlIite. �t daM of tbe ehapeI bOW' KaJ 1O-P,1l.. C. buet.ll team_Y!. . . . It,n,-C, It. IIalm1n. of �" tJm:.e to· prpeare tbeIe � and a I:!!aby orchestra tp lntereat"tbe J:al'- etfOl't ... t.e.ehlnI t.hIeI tbe � tbe eI!* I&Df!: two nwhIIeJs. .- " -0;, of w, � .t �, . I&Iioa ciI VaDcouftl', B. C.. led \be eftI"J' mflIIIber of tbe ea:. bM-wcn.--eat. In IIvtne � � a-mull- aeftoD Iet.ten Of tbe &l� to kIm- Inc p6eturM .. . taken Of �_ Cbolr II&)' ll�. DQ. . . Uty DOtM AI (be mUllcal � • .aJe, It the cal � ed.ucatfoDIib&tDI � Of � � eel €GIlwa.Uoa b1 ea. at �� _'oDCL� I! number � f��_U the1_� _taL _ - . tI;Wl:-memben:--oI-Uaeae. -"TQda YU!&t--�-� ...� and tbe,ftl"lUournumi!nla �.: �_ ... - ....� MIa Intp! or - tile W)Il...n : triO . _ � tiiiii tbe �I to tbe maiD KaJ ·1&-P. .1.. C. bIIeWI �� 01 BdlIoa. eant1Dued eutI &re _ � .� c:batr. �� .!-!D7 �� raD8inc rna them to oount. � to �- pudz:ii , - ." � ' - �, Up- $O � fMn_ "' � .be ' .. s, Col, 'a)-�D � , .. . ' ,











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want to. opport IIn1 mon:o mone,.unity to aend ' lOme. Your. kn'lnl dauat\ler.? · JUst .. -mi��le-t'll 10011: In nlJ' . x� lee If anythlnl has hapU'Iem. . Pt'ned. Oh yu! lut Priday nile I tThem aln' , , �t.r h":nn,")', e. . ' · ..�nt.thru .. bll: boIll that lo.nlake klsaHl CHEROBA �ohruJon-�J: SECUNDA I t s lint trip to AJau:a. It sure was En'"t.cred U M!COI1d-clus matur·al'"the Post 0ff1c:e at Tacoma, Wash.. bll bot.t. and It-had onl, tWQ rormglon. und�r the Act of CO� of Ma.."'Ch S, �tr"t ExlraL nen-one In front and one behtnd. . Subscription P:iot $1 �r �OOl )'Ht-Ad\-ert1s1nl.·Rates on Up In the fro\lt It had two b�hook� The only elCtru "e can think of hallglng .out of the bot.t, I ILSII:� the today are thO'!e on Johnny �achrt. steward..ales If them ( hooks to �'� car·.and the mone), STAFF Haw! H....! Ht-ard t.he latest? Ofoar Milo and Pa. . Editor EDITORIAL ..'Ith; blbut he said Nol dldn·t hA."e Aftl"r the carnlvlll.. �n Ghief�t.Al HAOENESS. ""ILS en�res.. They had radios . Nelther" h ave Associate Itor - '. . . .. Stella Borboe · �tV:;·��::a:�e!�: p;��ouo �I�':�r t����!n�� no·the teacheri are ·(rald Mll"gI.t.Te Hol:nberr: andJ;larold ViolaOray Taw Scientists lnlnrell Johnsqn. and You 'cOp}' Editors t�!Ie-erage :em��� get out and play In·the will Sport! Editor Pmf E(h"ali:ts that � mUe man . Imtnd of balMoment Olenda Waters. CoraVlltaand Inp. Ooplerud Slnk.·ell N)'I1\an be!ng h�lIed ILS the) pile lots of ""ork 011 , II.!ked If · where Featu�s . to e�. blellS hl.!l go· Ind steers ride. hAd rome Mr. Reporters ! atherlne'OOuld. Nord� Hendrickson. Emma Kulan� the �test genluaes Of. tht Iu\. �ave to sta}' up .tl11 one and .....·wants."· Well,holTU:. little cut�l the . had bed rooms 5d.'ardl an! ' Mlrie Vandll1burg. Ruth �orp.ard, QrI.!Itlne Johnson and Bena Johnson decade. It they ..ho jU31 In- o cloc" to Itudy I' m alread}, black he .'hat In different colorS. but the . ' the. eyes. If I stay up and Ida Hlnderlle called !l-l,l 'iiiiiii� i ==���iiiiiii . , vented the p� or u.�lnl the around wf\ythe.:n they!ldotatethatroomdumb I I BETTER BUSINESS DEPARTMENT . J holes In dOUihnu{f to sturr baker·s �tudy �uch longer HI tum all black GRADE Uk�: none' o f them \fILS named I!halts and aDd d t d oerh� �Old� �;: it��t :�r:::��� : :=�taft ga,·e a carnival Bu.siness Manl\ier F.mhlalnp � uy! illey had Cireulatlon Manager uth nlte It purty and other J . ·had a P!"OlTBm, round windows. JETLANO & I·ALAGRUTI to direst but\also makes too. First they easier much· .acobson - RGeorge Ad\'ertbing Manager ane L IU2 Pacifi c A)o'enue "portcall holes"em Beqca JO� It much lighter Thus he house- ia),! an� I. couple of Typist TACOMA I t"em why they wife 11111 be sp� much drudgery p Faculty Ad,' \se rs .:�_ / and :0. J. Stuen Where Mil" must carry the bread for �'I.!I '0!l the procram but Hon, J. ======= 11. dlstaM! or or 252· feet. :�h�:� �=ruc:��';!t�:ge ::;1 WILS that you larr!d.out loud at mel.TIley YO�lr Color Hellman:' Prof, ( t&lkln, ,In the chapel while f n.s e,·erythln. from I. rllh iX!nd tn Pucific lpeaklng m·urk Ihe entrance Oil tlu':11gull'S ,,'rith-nColll'/.W· fortune·telI1'ng · booth to> ,;',,�::;; ��::'U;::' thl$ momin,? t have baby Luthl'rnn '(' thl'Hintwurds-"Hllild Chnrnci('r:' for galier},. That nl I U"�""·.·."�' m"'" Ollen: It t.'ouldn· :\Iorl' illll)t\I'lnnt than hll\lk�II'llT1J(' or kntlwlrdgt, I'nin/.!premier lH.'(," beenATthur a}'big jslp.tand �ar ; I net'er talk In my sleep.. thing ohjt,t,tin'of sl'i(-' :lIId tlf Ihi� IUIlj.(llftgl' is dlarndl'r, Ih:)' madeO U , sdltlol II Christiun inslitulion is to I.wlp ill' · shul('nls .!millJ And here·s a poem dedicated to that you couldn t tOS3 the ball sironI-(. asupright·Chrislillll chllrnl"i('rs, baby and see enuf,ttoh hit the �lgger IId·ul'(' Ill' i�kllis mllllOf\S and millions and-:-. ·hun· Fol' this 1'('11$011 II\\'IllCollt'gt' daily plan's . O�d e nigger baby \\·al aUve and 11ms, .w!ti w(' leo ,·(' dred$-an� mllliom and., III inspif't, tiS LIEN. & S�L.v IG and SlIili(' allll' sori/oInlhlII\'C' .Iiving. "'ouldn.t ltiond Itlll. thee of tis My auto., 'r mll.v Short ; · ol O Ihal Sdl mt( almu nul' 1)(' shttuld wc . l . .... . . 1m-porters of Nor­ rood to po"erty, lit' jus.\ly prout! of u�. h ee I hant. Of 1.('1 tis.\'il"ltWS IIwl'durl' hcgin10 ht'Illake l'(' ut) sdltlol .t wegian CciH Liver t blew a �pUe of dough. Ihe l1luny "·l' ,pilln Jmrt nfIun\ll·"pl'al'lin' r'arg{'rdtlil:,· lift', On Oil )·ou three years ago; I.el us n:nlt'IlIIll'1" Ihlll sm:ill kindnesses. l't)llrt(>!l il'�,.'lnd l· t lllre No u o t Sil. se f "" t" d III)" , r)" (' (',· in si(It'rnliuns l·ol1slanlly pnwli(l'(1 our ( su nl lif Cor. TaC;'!'c��:�n.:.!.!.. th S�, · · �n�\\�: ':; �untr)'Slde. 1.�\:���;·;1�����:�:ll�� �1:\�I(l�:��:�)';::�I�r\1:lt::A�h :�S!��;:i; k�I:I���:��� Thouo�u:ere :::l ."" 1111:ryour 1IinhitiollS with iwlpfulm's=" IlII your Ill'll' with clt'l"t'r. Y " my joy and· pride. tllilllll�tll1, al1ll l', ':. 1 : . wil� l�u,,::, �_:r��� ltl l)(' P1'11LUI Ilf ,: ·lltl. A Ih;:V% �1�;· gaUd)' hue. tires bright ne\\·. nl�e )'OU Hl LIltll·h wOl'k tn tin. I.('I �� !llil·k Thy no,,· til IIIl'Onh' ·te. out of true j;)h,fOil!' 11101'(' w(·t'ks nl The Sluden". do InButevery " .. y o�� :����d klloc�. . �od �ork . �:�::a say they, have never I I l' I a I \ ll Sal Ll�!::L;� (:'���':�;I��', ri�::���ft Y:L:;��:'��:!l tl:�uILI;�� :s�·'t\ ;::,i ·���llt:�� F'o;a���t�e�:;.eb torn. been in .Tacoma un­ wllt:re Ih(' studenls 11I1�1I�·LIlty nl· t ' sU lpnrling tiwil'" htlw yt'llr:hnuk. ayed arecough the seats alldthe'i.ohorn, rn. l less they have eaten Only Ihe Sa�u shiff IItHI fnl'LlIt�· j,h'isors will knn\\ I11LLl'h tFt'WhOOI)lng affects do believe, for e\'er)'body and every­ IIml :\u�\' �7n.oo did. al Thy perfume I.·ells the breeze . SUhSl-rpi. t.itllls. CalifornIa Bldl., Tac:oma I , leI's gn ufter SUIIl(' thing, \\'hlle good folb cough and "heer.e Entrance: PaeUlc St. . WI.,.Commerce Carlyle', CO{iler/G and Thre(' i n -' 'frtllll sll'ulI/l 1(,III1)S . .\1'1' IhtlS{' As ':·e pa.s8 by. Seamom Flower " " Ilald (or th� a pr1�. , ··�----rnr St·llftlrm('1T g�,! . ITwould bu), a mansion twlee. ,.. Now they are yelling · ' I ee" Whal Will You Do? "'"Onder why. trrlp: DAHL GROCERY CO�IPANY the pip motor hh have !I':'· tilt', Thy llJighl w(' )l'olK'I"ly wurri('s by \\'11('11 arc l Member Thy sparlt 1'("111('<1)" uSC'd Ii)" S1I1l1i.ldIK'l'pll'xill/o .lolpISOIl.l IIw-"lllincut EU/ollish !Iulhnr And thine. the ",·oe Isplup United Purity Stor� ;.. " nway 1\ who hruslw(1 hy sll�·il1g -""· hul prtlhl(,1ll chILls. too. ha'·ande suffered I.Fatigue il Hut IInw?" "PIONEER P�rklond. frol11 I11llk£' !lix l110nlhs Ihnl cliff('r"Ill'(''C'rwill Phone Mudison 3818 R-5 Ills. · t Ihall Endeat·orlng kindred t'n'l'ydu:, In Iht· re#{ulul'would ll(" .tu S!.'huol itwurk. wuultl PARAGRAPHS he bllil. t. pay to ,1I if h1lP(I)(ulips 1ll('l'l LIS ill uur. IO·llpply \\'hal ' mine. , Illtllh-I' \\"Iwllll'.· gl'l this Sinct thou I!.-ert "It l'l'lllly !lhuuld sny)", lessun IK'l'III1�' il \\"1111 ' 1 mllk(' pll rlil'it, of OOlle II my bank roll no". . , III' lIul.doesn psydllliu/-! (' this pusition 1'60 more ·t "'·OQld choke a cow. six Illnntlls hell("P." wcIoltlnl!a,klowards tlifft"'e!ll'(' Our dcft't'ts L1suul· once . efore, Wt' shoLl.!d tiC'llrin' tI\lrSC'ln's of ShnL\lcI Jlef;llil(' I� l·urriC'd' h('lIind oLlr Yet. hadb I the '"mon·' Blain. illn' fiwhid. StllTt'SS II sur('s\ Itt ' t TIlt' ill hN·oming is of It)tu wnrk. hucks: t h u t"s w 11 ,. l'lltluSt:' 11 tll'finil(' ohjt:l'liw IIIlt-I kN'p uur {'yt'S slt'atlily fixed .I'd So help me John, Amen. . olllt'r pctl p l 1' tllt'lli. . buy car agaln ufltln\\'it.oul<ln'l ii IlILLl:h h('lh�r Itl strike 11 happy 11WdiU II ? And -�.om••mo"· , h{'\"0111' work. no all ''·tllI {·IIIl. I.t'l Ihl'. l'II'St ilrJ '1 wurl'\" ahoul ' 1>011 !,����� """I:ii""i P I'PIItI�Ii,� R guo hut smi'l(' 1111 the lime, Dr. Archie G. Hick-, STATIONERY DENTISTRY S� pplle8 11th Floor Tac:oma :----- Pub�

Dw1nC the Bcbool Year Ottklal hbkaU«o 01 'ne "-latH �tWeDta PACln LUTRE.aAN' COLLEOZ Printed by OOmp&!l1. 12$ hdflc Aft.








































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duct a Luther League At 11:00 a. m. festivil be held ,,1th the Rt. Rev.

TelephOne Maln &000







....... 'or portl.., Specl.. .1_ cl ..... I••••, .Ic. . Any Ttme. Any PlaCl


ec dlstrtct newl)· tIi'hlch·elthetedconvenUon be ,athered. , nils final IPplal Is league ..1lh1n the ctl5tric:t \Vi.lson Bros, Raberdnshel1'


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minimam. 60c per month including 100 ea. ft.


· . W.ur furn

For further iDf'onnitfon apply £ . E. B. ELLINGS,ON. Mgr. : •.


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-v Gr GV . 't.j. I .L9 JIL ___ . ",. N'� RelHlricbra Olrl'. Club II.!J ftt'\l' 1 H&n'l!J tp , ar m�tlna on Thursda,.. �. A�e

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Oll, " 1fokllnc rut thl"OUlh Pra7er." A talk by ac. Oorutanee IIoIan1

He , "se..uWu.l a..riOur�" 'and " Wondt'OWl Th1nis tne ' lord .llath � netIftod: r all I . ��,e�p�=rsH:e�:�·:;:� e." VOCal and inAlru';;entat .en. . I h� �� d:: 0�=-.I\ �:'� K.n.�n blUna viciously on elln Mialon': follOWed MIM Oindal'. eemble n�bel'l and IncidenLal . d""'hl, us t.d. . " \'Iota . l renU 'rht' Pep ht'ld MIs M&l"pnl hostess �,' ,nJ !t dil )' lut.ocraphin& . "'emory dLscusai�. . . A :�:c..�� �!u::'nc�� April 24: Miss I . � during the Thll 1,0; ... t.d .., .. summer hOtel; � poor lillie apilie-TN E.knlli!J ptrhl" the most Int�rMt� ' aH dbo;:uNion on the COllYenUon theme The girls dtdded to IP� the Delta j EM�r \lIIcaUon at her home in Se- nc,tlonlst.ll are stili a"'.hill&' . . book of on!' of our ralr freshman, I slon .'U In lhe-.rorm or a � PaCific -HoIdlnl �t 11'II"OUIh the M1nlaU'J' ' When )"00 passed by the laundry normal gtrls-Kathmne GotIld and I,.utht'ran Col.I� NlahtH s.turday of Bone ' ... then preaented by Rho oamm lPrls a lea on May 2 atU!' , ' .'indow, did rou notlee that Fred ...... thl' 'II·ont bflinnlOi at '1 30 Arthur PTol A " M' of &Yerett Dl'lIcloU!l ref sh m�nta Iliere Il't me put It In) l evenlOi Ol5cn opened the procram Ililth de- Rn VinJe hu hung out his mlO(lle? of Eftreu.. elc.ed. the takinK th�lr dtJly 1 mta n semi- Iitltion Mr and Mrs B nnglest&d d an by thl' h M1� Berdine d �E ... followed by a sona con\�nt1on with an InSI)I"nl prayer We Aprtl d.nftdAy, t3 daU) Ili ' !l lk to the Fountain of Khutaon Edna Dagsland Stella "Uihter Marte of 6ilvtrton Ore- Nobody did anything the cOllege quartet. A plano solo and bentdlc�on Yooth-Hanld JohnlOn enlert by he Prest home r 1 ��:� � l �� by 8010 a and soprano b' t====;: J01"\nson and Emma KjL&land the glrla rectpLion room with : I COra V ata �or severaI �a,s IMI TbarMIay ApriI :t4 t Long "alb a�d slla"ht meals ftddles�llder his arm lOne or our I :��I�t:�=.s'll�; ::-:t b��� I -l ",g )oonr musiCians you I -iltad enUUed Helpin. Othel'll to A group of rrlends surprised Ber- I �t TAC...O l'lA IshOl"t but certainly numerous) aI'- _."l '�_ I Tt�lad hulT)'- .. ger Jacobllon lut Frldar evening at Miss Kathl'rine Gould I'nurtaln_ r to be becomll1l '�ry popular Ing onpTf'shh:nt Hold Faat T'hn:!.u&"h Christlan Edu- TITLE COl\II�ANY I n d ed Comella Mohn Sigrid Anderson Olli hl.! lp8.rtml'nlll "hep the)' cam . Quartet =�s �; cation A number .,y the e:��: � . Zaehri.��\. . ... rence Monson, .nd John Z&ch· 1 ' Frid.a)", help him celebrate h1a birthday. The Cla April 15 Jaunt, to Ihl' College Inn_NArtalocK_ c)osed �e BaturdaYZlnngg. 8eMlon, ABSTRACT OF TITLE · )""OIJng �!f "-I'rt entertained Uhtll ��o��r :::; : ::��� e M l l eson a spectator to I ... " Tallent and Anna Aamodt talk� ;' �� � ��: Anna. TITLE INSURANCE o . In In the hall being chaperoned 8u � d ' e he�d �:� lIome Chleaeo gun play . on Ihe .�� . by vln� serrice. bcp.n nat lQ;\IO tlli'el\e o'clock. ..-hen a dt'lIc1ous cation. On Saturday John tooIr: the Spanaway a m 11011 Paerile _ Banter1l Trial �baN S cial. - Mn.. Hlndft"l\e lunch" pe sen-ed. ThCl8e sho at- party Y V j the �I'r to conduc Re in e an. ted the lII'�� :a;� for' oo.nference .-Ith Mr, and· tended 'II�re : Ida HlnderUJ. Warner other country. ·. Sahlnla,., April U Rev. W. H. Heuman. of P. 4 c.. ALMIN L. SWANSON, . Quale,. lrene.. Dahl, Ne , )(t{" SI.z, Earl · Heard at ''The Pat4,.·': "Why . an Insplrinc lII'rmon. loa: WESLEY LANOLOW. }"ercll'&l,. Santy �ohnson. Ruth Ja- Edna Dagsland rts.Ited her horne o�r ·splUed milk: there's enough . ··OJvl", Clod· Hls Chan.ce'· ..usthe 'nue ·�amlner cob8on, . Berdine Knutsen. Edna in Portland over .the k ·end. ( water In It already:" Huh! Sounds rna kla d N . theme.. . . . of. the convl'n- rt:=====::::;=: � l D a g s l a n d. Nord)'llt Hendrlcw"' like the dinlnl to me. · r . r . 11 euJ S The final 8HIIon : =:; 1 · 1 i Mr. and !.In. Li.she ess vtalted · n s:: tu1son . TI'd h. EvJl'n and l alterm �� Mr and MI'II Tom Thompson of lion bep..n at 2·30inonheSunday MOnda" April ZI I th Ned '"I ra CUblsh and Jack Ush- .... NomlnaUons now In ordl' r foc PorLl.nd Oregon spent a few da,.. noon. and. t rorm or a .Suils Cleaned' and �('5$ Sunday Mar 4 horal union concert Well known Pre88ed a traffic cop on the highway golng "-Ith rl'latlvt"S ht're In Part.1and Cchoir Th. Dorm.. U on t'nlertalned the I -were ably preaentfd the klckinr post and ' the pathl!t The)' comlnufd their trip to 8eatUe, by thenutnbel'll Club slth a bonfire and .1enle Sunda} April 21, Mr Aamodt 'to jAI !, Pep O union n No Oa l wood - lHarold ';!;here they visited their daughter, l FOR 90e pe " t h 'll( Th)" t lead n to the roast last Friday e\enlng Circle I \1sIt«\ ",1th h1a daughter Anna on Thelma Thompeot" a teacher In the or Bea.uty . Pratae the Lord 0 My Ca.h and Carry games lI."t"re the rhler entett&lnment his ",a} homl' from a Swl'dlsh Luth- Ora)' s 3Ulil'stionJ SeatUe public schools The three n I ed to I W � P':.C;:d�·Dc=te:: all ::'13 t�: ���I: ����:;' ��a�Oa::'::"::!d I��at�lte t�ne Do !:;':; ���IIli�th a fork? dro�e Into til; Parkland Chlldnm s In.tant Home E\ereU where they lur· table our practice Let here manners � "Quick aervlce-:-�o delay'" , :1\8 lh�� !�� �tt1�::h� MtlI A W Ramstad I'ntertalned :�=:11h ��::�inQJ:'r��:�:lnt -i M Iliell as at home Fountain M PARKL·ANO· LAUNORY the Daughlers of the Reformatlo� Wf'dneMlay, April 30 Service Tl'c l ephone Madt.on 145-J-I motored back Portland to ;:y r o e ! Milk I���!,a�iMilks ���� A� l�; �:�n:��ngl�� re;.IIr��. ��':: ���: ��� tk�:)�I�:�:,�h:�,��'7�;S������r: Monday fOornlng. ' Thora RL<lmussen w-" elected pres· Walter Frenct-. · "29. and n. Myron Just gottA:'n lht' bap and filled them .. Ident for the ensuing ytar. "A re- Kreidler. '26, ,,:Islted SChool to a.t;, ",·Ith ...'lIler . and then-Ili'ell. Benny-. Drumheller E hrli chman & �ade ... they m�uld be de. Sclfbol Books and , n l me and camlv l White Ma�kenzie'. lor Drufl' . �::n�yl;;nS:!����.��� : �����rs; � Just .n!�:�:�: ��a:! Pardon . '. Supplie8 24th aud Pacific Inve.tment Securltce, stad took a picture of the group UJI. It·s anothl'r month and May ,\\'otl'rnum, .Sharfcr. Conklin · whk:h will be used In the boot of The Main 7390 executh·e board of the Alum� day. , 111� Pacirtc A\'e, . Phorie Main II I Fountain Pcn!l� Sets the history of the local organlzatlon. As.soclaUon met hl'rI' Sunday, Friday, May The program cons1ated of pot'rN by May 4. to organhe . Auth�rizcd Dc·oler Under­ • "!j for thl' �Ingl Ye. ed alm05t flOOrI'd by brlc a Emma Kaaland. .n� Anna AJvnoJ1t; )�ar. Marth. HJermst&d. wood Portable .Typewriter """1 brae that eruhes throuli;h window . 'pARKLAND GARAGE a plano 8010 by Nelma oUllleson� ell'Ctt<! preaidl'nt; ·Prof. O. J."28.Stuen. HANSON"S of the Special.·ay i A, Vl,ell Co, t b e:::;,,:=\-:: cue of eut-gIMal . tatl � �r1es ·0::':... =�� �t;;:. ��� � =�=�: Walch Rep!� a Sp.eclally m � =��:� o�� 28'ftI rl'port by Thora Rasmy.:ssen on the demon '26, Treasurer; SOlveir fbnC 2.5'1 So. 11th St. MISSION SOCIETY MEETS . c:onvenUon of the Daught.erl or the nlng. '21. recording aecretary; Prof, The mI.ssIon SOCiety met Wl'dnes. 1de.! fFldelltJ B Reronnation held In &-attle. De- Ph. E. Hauge, raculty representatlvl', da)· e\"eninr, April 23. The p� I ........ .. � ����....= =::WE PRINT IIctous tff�ment.s "'�rI' then servJ' ' . comlsted of a plano solo by Dorothy AND DEVELOP YOUR KODAK FILMS ed by the hCX'ltess. � Slella samuelson. '28. who has Ebersole: a dlscus.slon on "Church W. "'1,10.,."""" ••••"' n n, !"""�_1h,,"llw"I II ' ll".h O"' 1111n• '," I,.wanta. been uachlng in Fallo�, Montana, ConsciousneM." by Thora Ra.m\��don h ,.� •h,l Art', Barber Shop I • o n , . .nd . Prleee aad Q1I&lIty AIW&)'I GlIlU"aaU:ed . • ·' Brookdale � -r.t.t-{'i(-tl:*r 'iie iUl;-if-·�" 1I.t-hr.-tRmm ·sen; a \'OCal solo- by Stilui� ) . \·ery gild PresIdent nngeLstad ln Parkland, sunday, May 1 1 . ent3Qn, accompanled by Cora Vista; � � ' PARKLAND . 1'IERC.ANTILE CO�PANY . back .t school again . Dr. 'nngel-and a talk by. Professor Hong. � stad had been In the Middle West Miss Olga Ken spe t EaJiter vaca- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . "';.� n . for several weeb. ,. Lion vlsltlag friend3 In &-attle.· ..,. S A V E 81.50 PRETTY COLLEGE CO·ED FINDS FUN lIuy Yonr Nexl "a ir of Shoe. or Oxford. at GALORE AT HOME OF MISS C.4RNIV AL "LINDQUIST LILLY'S" \..'" I SPECIAL TWO·TONE OXFORDS Seeing as h01l/" all .the dignified I've.ryt.hi"" Including big sUcts ofl e ac l t 55.00 '1' · :��g:::ui� ��d. b:Ug� m:a:aU; !7!'Z�=e:t!� ��I�\:I'� :�� I to my childhood, and then J thouaM ter tl\.&n the sweet-toothl'd t..1ds. that maybe aIler all _hen )'OU went Don·t chew? lDon't yo..11) II: 0\..' U4 yourself, you was a human bean. \Veri' all scared lite babies Also. h nd the teacher"l the same way. too when you went to ParadIM; And all the older people' that were Alley? I I had to hold on tI,ht there . mlUfd and "'�re happy. I to hLs hand so I lli'OUdn't fall. Beine 11 o l v t n soO:uc:�u� ��� :, :\h! �� I =: ;:: : w:�����lI::; I?acific Lutheran College , a r It ? t SO . Parkland. �aah;nKton I R�obES BROTHERS :: : �n� 1U::! I ::v:. ;:; � n)�� ::\I: ���e ::t:: to Alinutllu:cs its rf ' I . =: ���. ���;;a=� �: :� ���: o� ::;: �o� \ SIX . WEEKS at me, thinking as how I .:as two golnl Ili'ith now. or anyUllng eiS61 dumb to know where to throw the U }'ou do. I bet I know who told SUMM�R SESSIOlS You can sill et7 ball. But than onee where their Ig- you . The fortune tA:'lIer! Well, any. 0PPIiS June I ii. cnd� July 2[) noranee warn't no bliss to me. nO- �"ay. shl' �Id me I'd always q�t III I y,TlUng when I was through-ao . Fully Accredited , how! Ml O W DRY Speat..1nl �ut nigger babies re- that's .'hy th1a is the end. The Summer Session I.a: designed to lqeet the tollowlng needa: . To enable Liberal Arts or Normal .tudenta to S. , mincls me of the cuu lItle -S . I . I. AM" c. , dre5lit doll I sot from a boy who �o":�����·nta to oo)'l tlnue . - a .curriculum fl.shed It from the pond. II be&un. . I.lnad, For on y a e k �a�! ����rtment re=g� :.;� �I�,:: ��:� �:O� r n ��� �!�. or�l.nt'o GOLF TOGS you know, somebody told that wrlu PPHILIPrmatk>n E. HAUOE I looted like It, or 1t1ooked like I. Reilltrar or vicy veray. Sot J ratber mUch KNICKERS � thrtlled and happy for about a �5 to '""'9 _ ., ' , Spea.k.I.n· about babies. mnlllda '\ me that l1)..i.ybe they like to eat! �WI\�TERS . $4.75 to. $6 ='th���: ::c�� :: . YOUR EDUCATION a But then aa ·.to ,.-..n� Get Into Some GOLF- HOSE Of These ' 'is' n.ot complete without some . Picture Frames to Suit $1 to $2.$0 . . f.. Your New SIJring . Taste. "'Frames In An kno�l�dge of life inllurarw:e and whal our ·"Sjlecials"­ Sizes� SPORT BELTS �iII d o for you. They provide an Income for your laler .







llerl't<!j .. to















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10 see




m was





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Good eon..




they are craV�Det· led 10 'keep oul the '. wind and rain ' tliey're. t w e e d' 8,. raglan style; in tan �nd gray


.1J commeroe ,

11:M Pac1tle

. .



M£eeA RE8GfA;�'T -. _




'w- are 35' to 42 . � '


• ••








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�un Jqu�'St_Lt'l1:y ' ;;:;:::�::�::::��;;====;:;;:;;:;�I �;;;;;;:; �� ::; �;I�;�"���I�'";d�fi�"��;;;;;:::;;;�;




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I r

� .....

In life...


lnfor:naUon on ReqUHt (SLate Aiel .

Lutheran Brotnerhood ' .CLep.I

� lJIe �'


_'+ �i.F.oJlTRESS Of PItQTECTION: �-K �L Bant..BIda. 1IlnneIPC; I l1I. M1nn. ,









. / I '


PAGE :roqu.R

Jaysee's Defeat Counlf Strai ght Wins(_for '-""""" '"V

' DR. H; L: MONZINGO , DmrrnST&� 1312 M.alN



Ot�:l� f�:; ���p� Paettle Lutheran Coli. bue­ ball team � the fi1"lt three f


Playing for . Teams Marks W·holfl! Game;' . Final Scol'e 9·5: Johnson

),ItJn 3810



Is A-lai�8tay

...... :..... 7

Th� g&nlt" rather the Lutheraw malting .their opponents. two. The had' the best of the 1����:�, �r��thlrteen and held me \ialtors to eight I The -Jaysee hurlers. Nystrom and A1tha"ust.r. did not fare so ,,"ell, as able to garner f"'.. the Gladiators j I , fifteen hlu oft the pair. with -' six men being struck out., The utheram drew first blood In the ·fasLt 01 the first Innlng. Nyman to start the canto and ",'eni ,.."1llked to second � Palo's pt'etty bunt down third base line. He then scored on Coltom's Umely single . . with Palo ad\'anclng to thlrd. John­ son's grounder to shortstop by Bradley. which resulted . muffed In the scoring of Palo. Coltom stole seeond.'but wl\8 foreed at thlrd bue on ThOlltensOn'l5 rollet to the sate at. "Itcher. ThOItell5On first and Johnson �t uwnd.

.... '" ".. ".. -""


. ,:.. 12 ...:10 .... e



... 000 000 .000 .000 .

.... '8 ..... .....,. ...


�ntson KIl'Chhof .. 'Total �.,. .


. . ....

. ....


0' .









tf����;;::����:;����� Parkland Barber Shop "


C�I�O�Ih:��· ;


Geo. 'Knudtson, Prop.

_ _


WholeSale Plumbing', Steam and Mill Suppliea ...,

, '39 5 8 24 12 SCOft B1 JDDlDp .... .. ..0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0-

on thfft hJts. lngerham walktd Centralia start the Innine and went to'Second Hits on James' grounder to shortstop, p, 1.. c, Jolbt then doubltd to bring In two Hits .) ..

Palo. Thost.enaon and the pme flnaJ ' lOt �hen the r1eht tleld Une and N�'I itDa"le,'

.,.... N�,



Ib ....... _.


Perfect Guaranteed

AJl a B PO A

......3' l O IS 0

..5 2 :1 ' 3 5 ' Colton. '3b ...... ..._...5 0 3 ,0 2 JobDIIon, P ................ 3 Palo. .


...... '



IIODIOD, 2b ..._ .........3 1 lD.rcbbo1', '2b .........0 0 , 0 Quale. 2b. SChIermaDn,' It .......... 1 2

_ .

at �e .

... """".""", a: .. ...;;;.

=,ta:�� ��bDw


lng and lmport&pce. 'Collep stu-

.ttrt.cUl'e and

It makeI the IDOIIt � sat1&factory



,. CO. :

Main ea

. �.

llosSo's G�e



y l quicdy


We sugges, SPiLDmo.. l'orSpalding ,"&;,.,.,,4,matciIed clubS. Apd Spalding patents ,:over the 6.oe point•.



_,,"'4 'hi�-fiir our bag. as possible. We sell clubs. as them in sets or one at a time.




B. D. BAIZa Pac. Ave..

We Apprectate Your . . Polio,..... .


E"ery Page . of memory book II full ot mean

· on golf -



some good at/nee


I{;,.a,·ao.le.,d $30 value $1 7.50 $1 9.50 $22.50 . Values 10 845.00 $24.50 $28.50 . $32.50 ;

Coltom.. W&II run. "'br the tint ot t.he Rventh 1nli1ng ¥ bit . � " .Jolly toul . on The acDft: ....... ...... �


That the Big

. ..

Pndfi't!, Avenue


pr)()nc Broadway 3171

Spalding Kro-FIitl: Related iran. ate the same in pi �, lie and Iwioging ulca weight-so iliat an entire Blaster ollly one 'swing. ��. each.



Kro-Fl;te .


you ·

&'ts:· � Qf 6. ,»-of 9. ",:

Iroo. in Registered



Spalding Syme,trlc fro;" are.made the same idea. 'J .!lO eacII. The 5 ........ • . tiaLuous anly ,17.;0. .


. :.Iw..... ...;,iM,po·....j<r"t/,.__ l.... -.. ""' ...', ..... it ,."rid __:..: ,.,." r

4.1li l � f3J·G �

ti· �

12� I) ·W 4 � I: . -, C O . <;J�'"

.. ..


.1 '


Meet ter Decide " Important Plans Of P. L. C.

To Petition Joint. S�'�Od for �ooperation. �(Urit�, of This CollejCe; Start Building Work

Wins Presideniial Race ' · !t "General Executive Electiori



Bremerton J\lf"f"t . .Of Luther Le�gu.

T�t' Plact's . For ,Next I --Yroung NerJ(Rard.




A Jium�r of students (f'Om Pacific Ola' HqentM will ]Hd the BtuLuth(ran Colitee. either as deltpLH dent Body of Pacific Lutheran.001· from dlfferent,!tagutl or M vWtOt"l. l� ntllt year Its prf'Sldent. The n t tn h ��� :�� ���f�� ��;:� ��:.�! other offlctrl eh�n �t . lht ren.t Bremerton. WMhlni19'l. era! election Yf1!lter:day were: Vice II, 10. and 1 1. president. Earl PtrclvaJ: �retary\ A rt«pt./,pn , In tht form of Ruth Nor,urd ; tr�asurer, P'red "­ program and · �rr"hmtntl fumlah· 8chef'l ; �rleant t.-.nru. W.alttr · ...... ' :!eb�:I�.]:�1 ::��' :�� h;:t: Y�ng. Haavlk. pr«ldent of the' . EArl Ptre;!val took the aec:ond on Friday evenlnl. May 10. Afttr highest ot volts tor presl­ the rectpUon the epnventlon start dent andnumber @:elstad and Re"·. R. Bogstad wu elec:ted v1ce preal­ ed with the main address by Dr. J. .dent. The �malnlnc candld.� In N'. Brown. prWdent ot COncordia the ·ra« we�rPrH1dellt, Id. HlnCollt'&e and convention speaker. . for a. Ume. he . dent of the Joint S}'llod ot Ohio. n«mdTlngelstad. aeasion. Baturdfy c::;�e�r:�';:;;:' :e� =;:� I I -Photo he not ... . ealthy. . by Ha rt.eoolt : mornl�l. ot Kent. . E. Rev Ludv,1,. president of the North. :: coruequenees tollOW'1 Abo,¥e I. plctar-ecl 01&1 HII,.enru, opened the theme of the conven(ton. arms· Bankey Johnaon. .«tern Dtstrict ot that_ s)llod . and j . Trtbun;" lI{ld the plot 1.11 completed with newly tieetecl prnlclent of .the "ChritU.n 8ttwardshlp " by hill talk' Olal HacenfU will take warner ' . ' -Courtes y Ne of Mr. W. H. Hellman. of hls IIChool' uale's place u prWdent of .Uie . i Student Body.. Lydia Sthll'1Ml. pop1llar DOI'� little IIg1!t roman«. "SteWardship' of nipe." Alter cothla QStudent BodY: Irene Dahl ha,I �� tor the p� of K'CurllUt'. ))06- l, Rtynold Ja�n. u Old�. la l hi �Yln, r-Itk Ille memberll of the n- vice president. Emma Kaal�, s pported by Evelyn 40Ium ." . �E-LSON HONG TA KES . meeUnl N.vy sible. t.he cortUnuaUon of Uie support Lathf'VI Collep. vla.lted B�merton the venUon t.! e Y n . ����:: d=��O:�rc!!�:::t" �; ' .. -� �.f»' ..-blCb th��y (yl O E DlTORSI1 I 1' ��'be business meetIng. Saturday =� SP RTS Be=et by ballot. The __ given this Instltbt10n during the Oordon Htath. and Eurenla CrOlbyj .-, The election ��:= a·fttmoon. the following Officer MISS Stlxrud to pa.tlt }'e�. · commJttee submitted omlna�lng . whom of all attended Heath. who Adeline Hong. Aunt R. Neiaon M. A. Rev President. elected: were . As a �s'u1t of this meeting the , . relative, of Oldeon. Viola Ta,.,.! paclflc LuthfOra.n Aud�my In IDI8, K,-,. bel ; vl« president. Mr. Ph. !'tveral n�mes for eae;h office. In· . Teach In Seattle artDorc.s. EIl'fOra Hoke�tad II!i·Lot-l hu accepted a position u spm:t.s F.. Hauge ;. &ee.retary, MI,sa Elvera formal votes were taken for eac.h toll0v,1nl points have been rtCom- 1 mendtd: that the NorthV,'e5te� � 70 ',�a�'� P. L. C. ,.\ Her Three �Pr�!.II:·r ��dnl�r:::n=rlIO� ! ��t�! � :: :�cO;:;:f��� J�:::: !:o�:;sta� a': ��W::� M:r �� ;;�I:e���� I e ai Milar rp ber of candidates ��= Dl,strlct petition Ill.e Jotnt Synod tol \ears �ormal the fot :� Blanch�tte compiett the cast. I principal ot the high school depart- afte rn�n seaa to .three��� Ma lon �t u1de an annual appropriation 'ot: SU�80r MISII Stlxrud and Mr. Hauge are ment of thl5 school and faculty of president . and v1ce prHIret Wall. who spoke on "Steward. office of offlua the lor two to and dent \'I50r of the Mooring Mut. COfI.chlng the play a� le8$t $2.'600 lor PaCific Luthen.n I MIss L)"dla Stlxrud. ""fOil-liked ship of 'talent." etary. lreuurer and ser�.nt-at.Colleg,:: that the North'9o'e�tem DIa- · mill slIpf'rvlspr. has RCCfOpted a ' Re.v. O. J. Ord.1 conelud'ed the dls- &eC1: . -e;UII ely. v t1 respe . a . . , <: � "ChriStian wlth thetheme onOf l PARTY WETTER BETTER, If NEJ'ER Irlct throw. open Its �tlON I sltloo · ln Uie f3H;ttle publle; f :�: �cl�:'���F C:I:;'�,��T '�': ��:x::''::-:�ugh< w, ,, �'n. ,. tx>U?I��::?�' hln?�.n t f e rs I . ChOir sang. The tlnal bent'Ulction serve as p�ldent of .the 8tof�ent 1I'ondtrful!" and whathot. man kno.,,.s what It's :':t: :�.: f :'��e:� ;n �:�:! ��;� '9o�;k :..s �nac::�I;:'ct!: "' . fie hu been prn.ldent the and It Isn·t going to spoll HM'lng started �t from th� &Chool wa.a· pronounced by Rev. Thf'O. 'HO- Bod Luthe"", Coiltit'. It oonsldert'd! pt'rvlsor she has coachtd claM. editor· of Ille Moor· freshman . " Sue; Urne h was the sen8 2: v,' . studentll 4� »tltd t ltt), In two kenstad. advlsable--�V a propf'rly �ual- : 1t.t1<:s and ha.a had charge of e for ope aemester. a mem· Ing students at rented busses of the College . and all a"allable prllfIed Joint B!: pastor on the' Rtics. ber of the sc.hool's affirmative men'.. Redondo last FrIday evening. the and food cars. vnte party, picnic leaching �taff of Pacific LuthfOranl "I ha"e taught three yearll depate ':tam and a .delept.e to the I Mftny I5OPh(>mO�B and senlorll all arrlvtd �fely w-lthout any M akes $215 G·ft IIt'&'t. that the l oInt Synod ha ve ftnd l am \'ery 50rTY to Jeave. I the tb voIced approval of the wet Plcnle;' c:I�ent.a at Redondo Beach. the des· . · Pres& ConfeUnion e r-enct ofCOI:IvenU� l6t uan To Fund ent Students' Stud. expressiON reaembllng: UnaUo�. Here eight boata. renUCI by :d��e ;r::�t�:f :: =� 1 :�: ::ys�e;:u;:";.�: :':�g . M ch . n l over er the a aited I t u � . ohnso f060� D eq Ool n . J ' n v,' Joh . Arn r. ��::�st.a � j�::I� : � ' �: � ' � hoa�� in f . ::: ; ::�: :n���=�: n��g :::!C ;;:��� �::�� to the present Spokane CoII�e leaving th.l..s school Is foc- the Ma}·be It was raining (some of Uie ::��:�a�t�:a�n�I�;"� :�rv� Add 1:8 Bo�k8 to COmmittee. be cre.ted and Instruct- i ot being ,,1th her mother. Is· time maybe It was cold. but may- 'as the' nucleus for a student" Library I D Month· League Work ed to funcL!on hi'the Interest of Pa-I bei'n III tor some Ume. I til' w.e have lOme hardy swimmers In nd. -- : c:lflc LUtheran Collece ; and that the The students at P. L. C. TOplC 0f .S peaker l our midst. "COld or not. that �.ater FuAlumni of the Collece at ·Illelr last During the lut monlll 1'l" booU o O a c to e ���Lu�= �u: : ::=!;:;� no�nl�:ms�� . Re\'.nAnderson :� �0:e ::;�� ��t �:; �e;�!I:=�� I�t �::� v1er. �:n· Thesis �.::!:: tO�= :: Gives�eping POinter8 1 :::C:e of studenta and In every '9o'ay thaI 1 but also a efficient t.eac.her ults. that Profeuon. 8wen Organiz ing o Ul1I orr� n fore I ' e Ther tuturll! near . co '90111 be nductve to·the proper de-'j <"OaCh and INves with the Donned !n a blue bathlnl sult. An- gant:ratlon, Dr. JO�'s tund will a� xa�r prePared for}beii- MM� Wi{ Alh' e Churoh rk. velOl;lDlen; of Pacific LuUieran CoI- '9o'Ilih« of the studenta and fae;ulty acq� . na' Mlkkel.8en stood on the neat support. Other frleru1l ter's decree haveAtalao l)een . Jete· Rev. F. B. A:nd�rlIOn. In h1a ad-l waiting for enoua:h nerve to Jump fiofndUiestrong . for succ:ess In her new position. . preaent the will perhapa aid In Ita by Uie libn.ry. Other developmentJ are also beJ.r:ll I before the Btudent body dur.jlnto the Icy wattr. Walttr 'YOWll' development rtana are Iryin, to",pt ·thel1l.of. all made. The . leWIa. for � president'.. Hartley Gree18 ....... Inl Uie cha�1 hoon on May 7 and 41n hla street e;lothes. by the ....y.. >. An Inureeu� fact to. note Ia that I the- P. � C. fa.culty that ha.,e eltbu residen� and tl'ie exact loc:aUon of a. spolr:e on �nIor and junIor Luther sensing her pll.aht, plJanUy ,troyt; Dr. Joh.naon', C:QptribulJon 11 th£, )(uters or doctor" � 8uch .'p L C St��nls . . Leque work. . by the boUse wen de to usiat her. Oently he pushed,. part of the medical fee be a COUec:tiOD will � value to ' _Itu-. day. Mr. buiJd1.nIenoo comm.Ittte On Capitol VUlt The lpeaker-- gave aevera} ·s\1&'- roulhly Ille srabbed hIm and tri receive. .. paymll!Dt for hi& services denu of the ColllI!Ie. of baa been WM•. they . pt�: O�I -obl H1a dotha .t Padlle; CoIlete. 'The re1natnder Amonl the latel'y w:qu1red booU A group 'o( 'tudent. from Prof. geetlons as to senIor . ! � o tJy dried. for he wore t to ��dbooC of Nature 8tudy.ri·. l :;:��= �. � eI=I� 1 �-:'!,:: :: � w!: a:� ' � �� �=n��:;:� :d H. .E. And� ::I�� . �:!:� .' . At &:30 the bWllQ' atudenta were ' e .' eomatoc:k; "BUlinsa Jobnqt'ment. e;ha1nnan of the �ttte jOUnleyed to Olymp1& .nd ab:leen or seventeen. definite ' . ey WhIte; "8UrveY of Andmt H1ItoI7," The comrn1ttee baa resolved to c:ar . shoolt hands: with HI.a EKceJ.]enC)'. mm.�p lilt ahould be kept'. and 1 DW'dled lnto the lodie where a . ry �t the 'unes!-'OJl5 of Architect , Governor :H..rt.tey. Thursday after- 'the'membera abould DOt be allowedldellCloUi mHJ awaJted them. · Join:. ChoU' BU8! With I.alItDer; "Antbropoiop aDd ¥o:!A. AlUWISeb with pa1nIt.ak1dc cue About t:hi"y .tudent. aWle to drop out of the 1&,ue too early.I Hlnderlle. the COUtee coot. helped We,'! Boas; "Dancer SpoU 10 VaAOU8 Concerts . In order that be may ddinlt.ely st- I the trip to the e;apltol city. goW in It it much better ·to kll!ep liI. the refreahment commJ.uee, wbkb the WorJci Pop\IaUon." w. . P.. abllsb 'his reputat1oll,'� the West. by l .ulomobllel... with small poup of ·. 1oteftsted conaIated. ot .lda Hlnderlle. ·EftI)'D Three 000C:6ts bue berm TbompMlD; A complete let of La meam of hfa first buiJdinI projec:t .Wben the delepUon arrived In mll!mber. than to a 1arre n - Olaon and Karle Van41nburt. . the dlotr 1ut two weeki. Alter'a works. CCIlIIatinr at 12 under hls d1l'fIcUon .t PacII1c Luth· pl�pla they were taken �ucb bII!r of unlnt.erested mll!mber.. um The Alter dinner OlaVHqe�, pre- an HoI'ly dinnef· the cbor1Iteri tn- volume&. bet1di!!S flft otber Yolwnes . eran ColItee.. the new bu1Jdlnl and saw the fif- lpeaker sald. tba.w.t ..... much bet- aident Of/the frea.bma.n cl&u. called veIled to �tUe, �y ri'al1nt' 01 �b wrtUnp. on lila), 12 � 13 J. O. OuibraD-'d-dollar' tablea. the al- tel' not to 0Rr'0i'pnlae. 'Ibe.leader· for .eveftllmpm:nptu taIka. Warner May 7, to cift CODCt'I't In. ReT. �EcooomJc and 80cIal H1at.orJ of. � 01' � and O. R. Bau- most two-b� �IJar_ CUIP� &hip abould not be chanced too Quale aDd stanleJ'. Bft.en� AIIC Stub', cburcb, uDckT .the . •\IIP6CIiI Mid� �� .�; . . tell or AbII!rdeeD were here and made aDd YWIoua otbefo..arUcJea of interest. otten. two vocal duet...: alter whkb K1kired of tbi combiDed LutberaD cburcbeI. MWor1d', True 1DAary'"'1o '( YOI� ' :=� .:u= � : ���.: ==. the p in JdlL . . :.;:"'(!nrC::f:': :: :::=:t =u:--:.wt:'uu_ 1GD'Ibe�:a:..��: Card led crou Year. They found � ftnaDdaI !"K- ful capitol buI.Id.InI' In' wblcb they abou1cs �ye a � coocert.. 'Ibe cboU uO' l!PI- at the .eIIa" In 3'YOIum.-, ReT� BuDUel 'Pel_ .en. 10 exoelle:nt CODdlt.loa. PreII- bad been. of actIvity. ln wtitch!.beacUv1u:h.ue .." . convention .ln Bremertpn.. 1ft)' U. knra; m.t..)' 01 oreece -.&p 12 '1'01The II.� � diDt. 'l'1np1Itad and an. T. �O. Aite:r tbe IJ'OUp � explored !.be not· ctrawn out_ W!t!i they beccme on Bunda7, KaJ l.... _tbe J � umeiJ. O�; mstGr7 ol ... III I ""erI . 1" � .-..... ��r. �u: = �,U:O��callto�: :!.s�..�·tO� = lite _a1ten. ., tM .... :m:�.�un;b.� �-:'tO=:=;�_ 0. J, t:........ � _ lIN co.-.entklo ol!.be N� Luther· old flieDd of P1"ot. Bardon. 00ftmcI' tbt7'. are 10tereated in.tboIe tb1nia and I .ueeu. � TbI na\ of JtncIaIId in t.. ii:Ibaao-. GreeD ; :: ::!..� �21!i ='a =�of-::"'�: w�=�to:�� .=-...! =:: ......ktu =!::::.�l:=::M Iood � Hat P'l1daJ tbe daatr ' � � u.. u.:. .,. � (D .Cl'edeqti&ll ocmm1ttee eroor who bad beld. . oUkz In� be polaWd ' at tbe�H'IJ.tkID- \ . . �. � at AbanlIeD,. l� � � � � state. . '<r� . �c-Ua� " Pap �I .' . . 8e\'eral decisions 'UlAt 11'111 have an Important bearing on thfO futurt I. of Pacific 'Lutheran College v,'fOre the result of meeting bet'9o'een rep­ TTSentath·t!I" of the College and th� of the Joint �}'nod of Ohio. held at

I 1

























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outu:.t'ibereWInI_Unej s. �




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', '

�lty Adv18e"

The St.,.den.. do, , say they have never

lI'or th�se many friends th� Moorl�8 MILS! starr has .. btl!: " Thank You."

Pitt'll", It you can: Eugenia Crosby In klndergllUn. . I",oe McCulloch saying crazy, you btl bum . . Xavier ..1thOl.lI any Irene Dahl speaklna about Utept the 8&&-..-

\\'t.� wundl'r whC'lIwr it WIIUltlll', lit, pos.;ihh· 10 dislrillull' IIdiviti('s n IiIl ll' lIlort' ('\"('l1h' thrill/ghoul lilt' \"t'llr. As nlll. cliliulis IIrt'." 'hl'TIIi('IUher fur ill(' 1IIC1IlIl.1 uf ;\IIIY illld l'urly JUlie" is S(l lTllwd('d sllIlu' l hill)!S nut! SHill!' (X'rsnns IIIlIst SlIff('I"


time "'hen no one 1...ants the tennls courts. In .eo te pora�y .'II Ann/,:.\ It. I'h .. he� :obod) h: . ::;: out the Moorl", MlIo!It office. Th�h:�tt",��:�15 foollshn� for an-

Hats Of/!

contrar;t:o- .: !ftmingly groil.1ng opinIon throughout the country (hat SChool splrtt IsCt dlsplaye<l by participation In ..thlctl� conte.ts. Paclllc Luth�n cor �e sludenU appear to br turning thl!lr thoughts and ambitions In andther dlreetlon. They believe that ""hile e o e ::i :;I�l �: ;�e���:��:\r:: ;::�. ��ese are only �:rn;�I :rb::",. IiOml' of �the phaaes of school spirit. The gro""lng attitude at our sc�ool III that th� basis of true school spirit at Our College �hould be. and !.s. found In motto. ""Build for Character," RJ;ld thAi character 15 built more by the dally chapel exercises than by IIny other agency, The Student Body hi to be CQIllmended for It:!! earnest endeavor nce h f re m W� '; �,; �::� :;f�� ::o::�I::� :t;:�U;tI� g, !���C:R;:;�':t:�� ;:,�:; In obtaining 100<:; \'oluntary chapel attendance. ---Georte Lane.



J.t'I's SlIP I)(I';).. "TIl(' )Iilliolluirt'." s('nior l'nss plu�:. I als,"." WI;' did ' TIU' P . \ . :

!l'r Ihull




th.t the,


(or e-..erybody and every­ thing

Seamom Flower Shop � ok


sorneUmes too much. =;:;:;;;;:;;:;:;;;;'i:i"= I A, EJIw1ll Ertctaon When 501es trouble you turn . youryourttel» .to Pioneer Shoe Repair The)' ww heel you too



OI���I �====� I

weren" oat �t.


152 Coirunen::e

blooming pI8�t. Flowe.:s

P1deUt)' Blda,


All\" clellli (ish l'UII rluut do" il slream, hul II lukes u lin- IIII(' In swim up.

This ' " blY the most Important student acUv1t)' Phone I4a1n 1.... 19.1!!;'!E R of the school mI'. For this reuon I�.uld be .dvlsable to elect next Dr. Archie G. , ,STATIONERY )'Ht". edit« and bualness m.ana,er now. SInce a great deal of re­ bBNTIsTBY aponatbUlty Ia place1!. .upon these. two persons. they must be' capable and , &.on- Datal Plata School SuppilH o e o e l em as :�e!:: �� :!tl� ,t:eO:t !:,�:b �O::h)'� ': �u�� . RU5t BId(. lit. Ploor Tacoma There are only Ie", days in which to coo.i1c1e:r . thb ·matter. \'Ie should �In to �lnk of' -14l..Ic1red , TeleptioDe Ka.1n SCIOO K:ARL A. ANDERSON

�b � '



the field


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Wilson Bros.


, fill

111�12 P«ific Ave.


, IBD'I' MJn'AL ""OaKS ' II11a.I.D. rtJalfAcas ' , TACOMA. WA8H

B..a.ZN8 fo.VE.

TAa • QUVD. aoonNQ,

S�.. i.-.. ,... ioartiA




.... MY , ..... .WI Call iIr. L,.. · ' c.a. . . . � . . . BanaP: ...... . JIAIN . a .

.I_ cl.... __


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AD,. TilDe, Any P1aee .



FOOD PRODUcrS "Th� P�;'k 01 Qrugity" WUT COAST oaocar .CO., TACOJIA ..-t .. ....


-OVER ,l ,OOO,OOO , Capilal: Sur",,,, al!d Undl,,� I'ro� ,


11th ·


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Broadway al




' /


Daily Diary

! lC


alUpus Fcaturcs !

- l 'Lealflle Work Is I �a... of Comedie. Make Pre.enlalion!J Topic 0/ Speake r '


. -Ruth Jaeob8on impired by the W .II"",1l& �e �-,.. the � (21 . - - - ......::, - - D V - Gr -. - ___ hymn t F"aw Down and 00 Boom ' • 1?pM1.� _ttmI e1uses of )'OUrii' peopl� "!"It., th� �ye",i members ot the L. C atocid" to pro� Nn"ton s theor) .. the be.ekbone of tho! churth DnlmaUe Club are Ineluded In the who I ' q.ale ....lItlllJ 011 crutchtl 8teOnc\. thOM ..00 come to church Mayd.. of the lhn!e OIIlf'.".ct plap, I -::.,.,-� =-y hlna: a -hY !Jut ottUionaUy and third thoM- ahlch !-I"t to be prteented at MIM "E\'clyn Solum spent I..,., tht M..'\y circle rnemben. Mrs. A W .1\S:�; := ::,.u;:. O:� t;-:�O:� -Hcrt's "',�..�amer 1\ bout t . t the COutee ...-e-ek·end at B�rton vlstt1na: D- Ramstad Mrs Phil E H.� color for SlnlJioc In the Rain sophom� nom'lal studtnLl _lUna who did btlOill and should bf;10llI e \era Hoktnstad h Ed ....rds and Mra Clifford WNftetda,. May _n any more rot� =n�)'Itte�� for a conference with Mr Ha.. - but who are n�ft!' �= . n�� he n�u" .'Ot'k' or the Junior leque ls to Alice Kin, In ... Obon Christine MIM Thora__ .nd =h�lK"an: !:�;r PHlrt'ft; �:�:n t��I�. The � �rd! I th m� membera o� the rlrat JobnlJOn and. M.bel Erlclbon Viola Knudson .ere the est.!! of Th.e Intant. son of Rev and rJn concert-thls time to �ttle o\-er the lot on .hleh U,e �Sldent! elmu--"e Mo l drop Stella Johnaon In Burll out e youtlf � Harold Oray E�lyn Monson PalthlB T Snre was bapUzed �nday. r n.....y. .. May a. beln, bullt Mr 1 , Jl Elntltrom �otns ditto- - or chUTl:h .wk the flrat and second mer Storlie. ,Ruth N"O!"Ia'll.rd and i .-eek-end. On Saturda)' the &1rls May 10, In the 'Trlnlty Lutb� Mr. Edward's plano pupils save . 1 Residence t!1e �hurc.h by Reverend John Xa'ritt. very &"OOd �Ital at the chapel. Old. CS� ....�nt to Belline:ham and onnie .Mohn and. S� A ndenen I y8ra after conrirmaUon ·than .� �Imar Mortensen COtIlpo$t the cut . . May ·Dt.)' parade. The sponsors ror the child were Mr. you _ the one that, htt not �OIether-S"'IJ Wan,en sadly an)" other Ume . .Ttfe· supervlsion Of or "T�e ExCha�." r t l h Berd�e Knu�n and Edna Oqs- ;:ri=�:e� �:: !�R�:.,.,,::' het.rt'? �y. MaT o�U:��: ro: �:::ya �� ;n ::O:���I u==�=� J :�. �:ete;��c� �:��=:=::�d�O:I d e B e h In · : ::U::i !�� :l:�' !,::�y: May n. �e public �. In=�.�:: �t M�� ='a�n: l :ae ::�1�:.preRnu.! Ta.. ":ra���� :��n�d I�F:i�:';:�. '; :: a;:��:�=�� �t�:r =� convention. "" h washeld there. Xavier. ftre enterta.1n� at cl:1nnttl Mra. Haup's vocal pupils ""'e a Rill- TnT)' n� I'ttUhc Intoa mlKhler! Ue In le the uni If J &f aes . poM1b�i The third one-Kt play. ''TaI(L'; . at th"! home Rev. and Mra. T. �. redial thl! evepln,. Gu� they did -Da&n1" Hjennstad not worrytna: those who ..i.l.or l be conrtnned tht- ....hlch cut InchHles Ste\la Borboe . . Mlaa IJlllan Anderwon. Of &-attle. Svare. y heart lett to 110". aboUt her hair beln, combed-F'red I rollowin, year, thOlll! w60 wert con- and "Cllrtord Mesfofd wtfl be ttftn hI'' ! an a forme-r Paclflc Lutheran ColSaWnlay, Ma,. 11. . Walkr not carTyln, a bdet Urmed the previous rar. and lhoee as a cur\l1n railer or between-Kt Ieee student, vtstt.e<l friencb here Wedn�ay . afternoon May ealUnt the rotl In hls eon- .·ho have been conJlrmed for ·t1l'O skit at the senior Clau play on May The bUeba.l1 bo)'s went to Seattle Mr. lut Wednescl.a:y. ¥J.i' � Harvel.. a student of and' played the Onlven1ty rresh- temporar), ClvUizit.Uon dUll In I� yean. the students Rev. !'ndtt, -Paone Luthel'"l.n COU.' ,.,... bapt· men. to YOU that you I �iiii� , ' then ten mlnule$-The wrlw,r or thls ..Ierd. :'It 'ri�l ii iiiiiiii ii iiii ii iiii ii iiii ii ., ii t Mr. and Mrs.. Porath and family I 1Di!d by Rev. T. 0. Snre In the .l'rin. e r andI! know l'\'IMNlaY.. . It. .Lofu.� column not. �.In, eal� ."Garfleld." cons1d of Portland. Ore.. v1!tted wtth their lty Ll:ltheran . Church. which ·was Mra'.. Kmdler hadMa, . work. The ruture our Leaf\l church!• ' . to pun1ah !!lOme .. . daU(hter. Mal:p.ret, · on Mother·s I beautifully d"teorat"ed with d�. hl'h Kh� ttrl! who now h�ve nOt d�nd the does on STl'DEN TS1 ! CHAPEL TALK Day. __ , n :� :�I�:�: onlO be��e·w!O: �T.��s�� �p��-: �:Ia,. 'hl"de ..� seek' on the cam- "To the law and to th! test!m�y: " !: to thla ' lhe other.l!Wel�not �t Your Shoes Repaired � � « MLw IC:a HlnderUe had Mart� t uklll sl.&d.. Mn. 1.. Kreldltt. Mr. · P. J. O'h l Ohr Dtd;)"OU _ that beaut!- I f they speU :'Iot accordl!\(. ;:���.� because p\ere Is no lI,hll much of you when' we aU: to \ !d'I". J. 0. ful �oon? By; the ....y. wherevandln}nl1J: and Evelyn Olson u Bardon. Mr. L. at the ? Even the library wu' her 1JoIbc.s!, Thunlday e�nlns. . Ed"".rds. M1Mes Agnes IOlppeTT. everybody to out and lend )'�ur support to ' . . �en'''' ·l:!ulldln, ls to be erected I Christ thro\llh yoUr chuTl:h. You. l Theola Anderaon.. and S. HJerm. ; deaerted. . TlIncla,.. May l l. I an aTl:�lteet mues out the . plana. have no bluer advertlsemen.t for GOODYEA � SHOE atad. alld Mbs Harvey's aunt, er n t . . Par�tand News . �rP��0r. and Mr. P. L. 8chultt. " : :��� : t:�s ::_:=�!u�o:: l �:� �: a�:�U� :o� :u;::; �:ra��I�e·t:�t.!���Il����:pc;:,: r ho s n REPAIR SHOP h o m I l -1 :�:: ��� n�:e:��� :I::,�� ';I�e communlt)' to .hleh you I COmmeTl:e C R Wemer Thursda)' af�n )May 1:) re- h �'l WednHda, May Mr and Mra Art Swlnland motor- laUves n, .ould r together v,1th membera of The' Pep Club had the peppiest line what kind of a bulldlend to ri e be ? It Vt"ould p�y on a ' �--Ladles Aid of Trinity Church meeting-it Is ' dreadful to nnd It bblsh :';ll PI:) ��: g:�::I: .:� :u:: the heap .. ,tl,\e a rare.ell p&rt) to Ole man) shrlnkln, violet.!! sally Wan- l1I & eas Bull ...00 will soon lea\e rorhnce gen got dumped Into the bath tub God. has pl&n$ for you and me Hart Schaffner ra J:;;;ru- d. Mra LarUed 00 1 B00 iik88 and ' S C11 Pl i - on the Gold. Star Mother Pl.lgTim- bfcause she '1I-ouldn t do something We are HIs rnl..SOtU. Now are we Marx Clothes a rr!� ':rt are The pleasant enterttJnment DId. )"OU _ Mike s CO&tume? Ubi "loins to follow Hl& meuureemnt.!! ���:�artem:'h�� blrthd Supplies n P p I u h rn,nd• •no ..,,,',,. 1""" ''''nd· ;:.�%� .�::' :'::' ;:'�;;;':':� :u::: .. """""", ",, ''' .. ... I �o�b.:;-:..:; :.::,'=� :.;. I Wole,",.n. Sh.rrer. Conkltn I Fountalll Pe � ..& �b �� t���yanW:;hi:::en'":r � Brookdale . Seek ye first the klnIdom of God " Thu.nday, May -and around It tum aUy " but .. and cries u u Aulhf}rlZec..I Dealer Underblood-eurdUn, Thos-t Mn.. H P SaIH and Mr and' this of thin,. the tlrat ye seek sa), nliM Monda� Mn 12 May t\enl!\( In the middle of the Mrs Ed I \\()O(I Porlable TypeWriter Norto and da ht« r• I;"arkland. and her t.·o from these fQO\Lsh sophs who ....'Ot'ld. r; K� M u. s�i Parb 'Of....e. � M . ct!a baptized In the TrInity Insist upon.Junlltlf the beds! A. r..ell Co. It not the- wKlth. the po5Itkmil KLOPFENSTEIN'S KI7t'leson, :"v. and :;;.. ;- Scott children =u:.�r.-8tat� 28'70 M ' Luthen. ychurch by Rev. T. O. Friday, ay 16. or the.amount of worldly hapPln� 1 . n:lil Brtludway !)37 and children, Mrs. Petra GlaMo and are. . '" 1iKKI .% . . daughter. Agnes Gluao. . � E:!���ya��::so:;: :;1;t�!�1 =:8l:l� C;;::t ';�i :���� ell , was .·ell tUen care of beeause. ... of achle\"ement In our' lIvN, May Mr. and· Mra. John Tenwlck of . washuce. each one of UI folloW God's own W IN AND DEV'ELOP YOUR KODA K FI LMS Aberdeen , spent the week-end at Wtlh the eAlum fl . -the fade-oul . plumb line and follow the plana I We tryE toPRcarryTeverythlnr the home 'or .\,Ira. TenMek's slater SlgrJ, HJematad. Is In Port. In stock that will fill the ordinary w.nt.ll. that th� ar,chltect, 00d Him5eU. hat It .., don't h�ve what you need ,tell a d we will ,et It. Sanitorium at - t,,{!I. T.hf'spians Present --.J.ud �. ''vr�w, Mr. and M'ra urid �n lives 1 1 , t John xavle��'� . .", under the care of :,on. w n .A : d Play� l � o T �-: ct O e :::f:'t ��� � �: ;. ;��:� "' 1 : I PAR�L D l\IPANY -The Suburban Study Club held IU -I An Intemu.! -::dlence ·enJoyed I I a y m e �=�=��� �� r e t f a ���� or'�e:. �n��:: :� �: te:::':: �OI�ale�'I:O�::n�� �: P:!et�� :':If � ��'�e:; �� :M k r!:��=�! :� E l t S A V'E 81.50 )' Villa. De Vee. Tuesday afternoon. expected home Saturda . May 24. lepteYsoramat 8TUDENTR i Ic CIub at the S,.;'edlsh- 1 SPECIALMayPRICEtoTO __ June May 20. Buy Your N:ext Palr'of Sh�1 or Oxfords at u e Ch rch �coma. on t 80NN.-\..DELE BEAUTY , -J?aimar Harenes.s. '29. Is now at � :: = i "LINDQlJ.IST LILLY'S" y � :' SHOrPE Miss Emmy Coltom presented htt her home In Tacoma . She has been �lca� n::be�' hel� to make I . plano pupil! In a re<:l\al held In the .attendlng the Unh·en.lty or Callfor- u .!hthe SPECIAL TWO.TONE 'OXFORDS . dell hUul O . U ... u.. .. .. m. Refreah TrInity Lu�heran'ChW"Ch. Wedn�- nil. I 15.00 :enu. con!utJne:P";;, .strawberry · __u__ v 'l1 . � :� ;��e:��re�;dP;;'� Clarence "Shrtmp". Ericben, "" I::��d�:n:d,,�:r: �:reC:t�ed -to PARKLAND GARAGE '1 J Felker. Helen Olson.. Adelia Hart- who be remembered for hla The cut or "Not Quite. Such a L o:.......� __ . . h u e J J. C. Pet6naD ::. r�:t!:ld����d �: :':o·�t ;u7:u::: �: �h���� �=�. =:n. OfC:�:aIO:=:: 11 th tllUl Pudfh: · :':. M��t�a:�·ax.e:�:� � �:::'�:!��aIH��=I:. to take up Eleanor Oahlbert. and En1n' �- I · ······�····· ;;:;;;�;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;�;;;;;;;;;;�;;;;:;;;�� Th n 'Dorothy MeOlmpeey. Eleanor Ha. __ I Drumheller. Ehrli�hman & :��. �:: �m= 'V:;'KnUd� White. ren, Charles and Marte �I, A daushter. Mary. "· �o Mr. son. Pacific Lutheran College JcqeNOn and. Olent1a Harold ��re, ElI�beth Stuen. La... and Mra. Rude saturday, May WatersGladys' )I Parkland. Washing:ton .'ere Included In the cut of Inve.tment Securitie. J d o dlth Faa· "Too Buay." ra t U :S � ���%! UI5 Paclne Ave. Ph�'ne Main d r\nnUUlll'('S it!4 n��::� =��I::' �e:: �!. . = � Char1ty W$b. Fran- . Alice Ramstad, . SIX WEEKS

I"' 0 £.) I


.......I I �."


_ _ _





















































oruI Th'tma







nI::I1;;::;;;;::: 8




n .


,unuqUtst- t"fY



Imtant Fountain . Service




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' eoq


e c n ��Cre� :e:�:�h= �:t.!!r:;! a�i'::�r :; :���:::.�!:n:; the home ot Mra. Albert Burt, a ....·orkmen. -Xavier. former Parkland rea1dent, In Ta-


I� I

















puton 80 1

1 MI'I;'I '





t I






Opelill .I m·ic lH. ends Juiy :lr, SUMMER SESSION


Watch Repairing a Specialty

Z180.11UlSt.l (MdaUt, Blc1c.

Fully Accredited





The Summer Beaston I! destcned to m�t the followlb, needs: . . To enable. Liberal Arts or Normal student.!! to �ou;e!b�;-���"nt.!! tQ" CO�ll.nue a curriculum . &treadyotter be(un. work. In the Normal Department re­ quired. tor the renewal of certltlcat.ea. Por Jritonnation write PHILIP E. HAUGE Rell.trtn 1.




YOUR EDUCATION The Tl1DIty church Gulld, ..hieb met lut Thunda,. eftnlna: in chu.n:h puloB. '..... er.tetUJned. by

ill All

" . Picture Framn to Sqit Your Tute. "Frame.






815 � A� � JII&l!l �

tbe 1eMt..

JACK'S G RIDDLE . ""'Tbe __ 01 \be _ ,.

1J"!�tn1rP' rIl � J\�I'� I">� \� '!"'1, �\-..



' ' " , and a ng aQp�t nOw ' " midn;te �tl . . . crammmg. . .ft, nal exams . . , we wuh you success " , /ilnd' the .seniors . . , parties ' " , . Saga . . , baccalaureate. : , and at· Ian commencement, . . w� congratulat� you' III

. 111




will do for you. They provide an Income .for your la�r In life.


{S�t· } · •




. is not �omplete without .ome

knowledge .of. Ufe imn.i.rance and what· o.ur WSpeclalt"


Infonna.i.� ·on 'Reqlletlt (State Ace)

Luthercm 'Brotherhood . (LepJ � We �)



" C:

B .� �.!!.-:- J� � I § �=� '� ' T=_ '=;:: W=uhiacIoa ' :i:�'=7= c=;::==RINTIN 16== Podfi =,= o!.:-'.. ,= , ;:'=l � =:: "'� � � ; __ '..;� == =�'_ "'_'oi'_';...==_-_po�"';i; '_ � =� ::'� ��_K�_ ::: =� � l lb_�



' / I '


8,, " ' ot,t,.

Week's Schedule For BaSeball Nine Has Three Gaines . --

' e 8 1�!I�;�:' a;�n�:N �J:;ior �



4) .,ta HU · ,



UniversitY Frosh Have Hard Battle

GIRdlRIO," �;:;'-7 Ilel In 8aGame W,lh SeaUle seb�IR )er& .


10 I


Th. Ih.

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""::: :',""=�t":. ::� :':"".,::,::'ir':."'::


��:,"".:'*' :::.;:' .:."!:'! ::; In �he Eeonom� and BwlnMII Ad7

B�' Har.old Gra) l� ' J:-n:: :; �::ntra��I�=::'UMrhe�'_ PUKelor Opponents Sound on List Bchlermann " 'r u,.e ,Playfn, .. brand ot.,pe.11 "Which . alnea l l ll S It l i I t d;:!:tt:e�hil lt :: :' �=�en:::. lh . , r :� ��, : �d�� �:::�:!: � n\ ��,;�t \ �"�� l � lIs, � ; l � l : � I =�� C:I� \1:��\"!�t�:� \l�'l�:lll � lFricluy 1! ��,�':' 1w�h l I will ht, Illuyt·t! In- the deddl!li 'acton' of It ri the = :-" �. tate eha:'p of ::.. : !� : · lng oft Ame can � _ ' � � III(' ;:;:� �� h f ��� · I1nnll1l of r.lill supr�m at Pacific th 10 . ���: ;:'� : �.�'�e:� O . trln Colltgt· thill ",·eelt. for the AlthouKh JacobeOn 10 they. played good ""hen ball' lea ' against the \defeated Hm the Unh' e rsity .. 10 Quale . nine lam" schtdulN for o( .\V.�hington Frosh, the Gladiators lost thiii game by a by ka '1 to Rev, Carl to aksscore outpJayed. but'. had all the . They 'Wednesday Thursday· and of the 1.'11, d :e��� them.weracc� slightly i _ror the score �. . .� against afternoons. ' In order to make o�r;: �� Fadneu , ::u:� :OC:�r=; taln that thlJl schedule "'ill live the, � Kirehhof tht, III !I'UIIIS Ihrt'c II ' the m�n enough ",·or\l: to \l:«"p them bUll . Clst tllU', 8t.. Paul. _ 1" '5' Total all three gan)" ""iII be' pla)"td. . �1 ��lIiIlSI. Cnlldl Olsull's ,hn�·.s tlt'rt:l�t�·tI ';'Iw, �:tJlIl'"l' IIf PU�l'JI Ihn't· II Itl st.·Uft', frQl'n home. The Qladlaton alUon of the of !1 ��:In read)' defnted Illl ,thr� of these C('lilrnlin.lo lht' EXCHANGES . �:�II� O.!..lh�=,�= ., a.utn,gat(ons but by �at ""ere Arter that dereatshould at thetakehands o( ihe �hington . too cl� 10 be' any luarant� of lhe Gladiator boys' 14. of Pa- convention pr.-nJ.ed,to the had been a nip and tuck Rev. A. w. the Rellarmme Lions I �hort .0rder-�·e8. the \1cto�n the romlng clashes. ohn.�n '·'�� , """ h, �:hl�;:ra;av:o e College or Pu�el S,Gund tORgers n J ." I � �or�!::' � '- �· MM'".,' 2.'� � . , Ylda�_� u h hU ll)ilhl-Ir Urn game of the sesson' next lime w(" pia)' them. . Rev hu .n,.,-itten both pllchera getllne al- In chaPt'1 lut Frldlty morning number of pla on th home field. the Lut - l tr ing ast, the In y E Joh� IUPPort.. n I t, r Per-ftct . IIlt' w l most II � t ;IIS l Iltt ' l whlch have been published � t' to nOlle out their e�y�manaa�. out.&tandlng player for the OJad- raise approprlaUons for . fi('lel. "'itlt lilt. II('\\' ;'\ .Iut·ohst'll. till' Itox, the 8tudent.N Hla· "American � ullcl ' .l ohliSOIl lators. limiting the HUJlklea to eight Lutheran GOllege. explained most re«nt friendly enemies from the Conege Hnd CUIlIlIll tilt" h of Puget $Quod. ·to It an I t l e. lk should alt'W shlllIn the M. .n:h UI i l l appe.nd. " Jerusalem. lin �-:Plel ;�! c: ���I.".:� �a::� � � ���JI1I�!"tt��� ��r: o: �hl; t n la rtant poaIUon In the po mainstay the Felt safetleJI. n e \ se\' y --Coll ete Chl�. �/ i ' e�t' the pla Kames our b ed ;;"��7)� �:I� �: �p:; ���: t�� teRmIJe�ides pitching 'lo' the plale :':�i i�_iii am of the ChU home (<<,am. Jltrlklng out p rthere 0ltting eightis ahii.lit'�oout has goHenThis , Johnson iii( ]5 trips JllIght t)(tent but that ex�nt at :re seve;"7�t . t\\'enty-on'e men, and holding t;:c \ nl( 1I\ bl d eraKe o ai .\·ery slight �hat anything mllY an o r e ' an in e ' . uat.ea t���;g a: �\fI'� 86 [ to-M'\'IIeI' si::llt red hit". ' ". n:pected , Wednesday. 'Plummer ""iJl Il'lIKUt' , p�� H , L . �ZINGO , . . M nl e enge . The score.. . . � probabh' pitch for the Taroma col-. l�, 'f US IHHldu-slotlktil' til('al Sl'lIStll� wi'na:. !,llIy�,tI a w('t'k faJ.!irstu- HitsP. L. 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0-1 1312 WA8HINO=!��. &cause the games follow tach illh'I·Sl'h�lllIsti.\· l·Olti tHl lhl' lath'l·,s l'tHlrt . I (.hltlilllcH· Hitsof other so Rlbosel:,:. COftCh Olson hll.!i lutlllY \\' llh 1.III 1 ( , l l 002020 IIis, not )et d�lded "'ho \\111 pitch C�ohmon llll' lI TBatteries I/O \\(·\t'r l\\o ltlHlls Ilgllinst thl" \arlous nlnea Coltom ' of W -Yelt hosten n Iht,I Sluns \\h('11 Palo and Johmon all ready to Bergrenso II � lillt h 'Inllit'II I do their atuff on the mound and areI , ; 11SUil :�e R��'7�e c:::: t.o action In I t.& 'the lennbadls elimination tournament has l.Ilso suffered 0":' If lhe Qladlators.and Bellarmln I -to the theweathe I>It.e lat("� malchesou�,should Uona play half "'ell agalnat eac�n� nemxatr....lime thiSbutpaperallor comes Now Pla) ("sd oI(!f �y other. 1Ii'hen they cluh 'FhUrsdlly loo her t I wIII. . �ld�n I !'t (" Thostens«?n. Ny the el g . k . Ilfttrnoon. they dhf a couple \\·eek.s champI Onship men s stnlCles. In -th(" Singles. II Ilgo th m. t c leal baseball f . . Th" t:.: �� if either Ruth Brown Paulin(" Larson will walk with sno�ld �o �/;'tlSf!Sd nines g'et t08elher on the �lIar- (Irst honors. .' mine lot tomorrow to Iln15h the blt..�III;thllllll' look ' UII til('. Hilt! h,I!Sl'llIIlJ ( ter f�ud ",'hich on the Park- . hrlllM land diamond "'hen they met for the . By '01&1



baSe �




F'I14!1 cr":,





Alln.Lwl lu'r lItlW, Purklni)d huys 1.('1 ils lukt, II leMlk till'



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Cbufeh C»unctI iU¥l \be




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Rarmtad is




. - s. S.

It' I II II S 1111('011.




App�' Yo�r Pttronap

, R�'s Garage



. _

... ........ article. by \he..

Lutherap. article, "An EuteT 11:\








1I1t'1I, WI'





11 1M 10 you

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IFor Comll!encement ,


�� l rF====n I


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Bo_ of n,nnn

.......... .. ....


be held 1n lIlnne&-




ncom.'s favorite n01li'er Ihop

, Neal E. Thorvn O"" T...-, --





P L. U

Luther Theolopeal , KInD OD )larch . n, .t

meeUq Of'the Board 0( Educe.;



. 8em1nary .. ..



====.;��C;H�UN�K=,O�.� s ==:I � .. , a...a,.

w«1t t.t (be be·


t t : :��:ha:�:m:�.asse;:�rIC�:th= Ra'illU�t . "'ielde� .� Colleii:e 2. Bellarmlne I. LO.'ie Hard-Fought f r n t l\tatcht>S to Abe... , ��rt� P;o:� ::\.; :�:� �:�:t��:; ta l a a " :.�en t��ll r�;:� �e� :a:. =�:� Int their flrst�rschOlll.!itlc squad � willing to sPllre an}, peti ion of Ihe M'll.5On. Pacific pllins In \'anqulshlng the otht'r un- eran College racket ...Ielders le$.5 thty ha\'e rompll"k'ly reformrd hard-fought match' Am�rican Plumbing & Sleam Supply' Co. schOOl on the Uncllln courts of late. Wholesale erhard Molden. numbe'r one Though It Is not Ilbsolutely cer- ofGthl" Plumbing. Steam and Mill Supplies qua�tet, lost to (Rln, who will start fOC' Bellarmlne . Hull ofLut!lerRn tlHIX-l() Plldnl' An-ll lIe' l'hUlIl' l\r\llltlwlI�' ';11 7 1 Uncoln 6-2. . Bud , McDougllll Uon mound 1Ii'1lt' derson of Parkland eVl"ned 6 4 ·lhe probably acUon flnt. He pitched outdro\'e Sc�tt of ii:ood ball against the LutJ\erana In "'tohenthehetune -3. The the first. gam Rnd "'111 not be' Rny fought �at.chofof1-5; the 6day too eas), to hit.e. played bet,,·een Bill Nyman FrldIlY. the �am Joum."l'S to Gen-, and Palmer Eilltad of of tl"lllla to tab on the Ja')see-s. When Tclflc he, Uncoln star ·...on t :�� t���O�:;:t= c:�::t�:�� ��� 6:��6� !��:�:k':ne: . .. , . ! ...�.l"""'� . ��! :ilIal�07 ;'an:r:;��k;�=:: :�n.wn. tht former ..1nnln( Gym Suils and Shoes and the C"ntrali s will be out to l The first doubl"' malch Dark Blue Cheviot5 that the same thing doesn't out the 8uperb net playln, of Polo Shirts and Slickers . . e .. at M;t/n;ght Blue Serges �r��; 1-:�7�tl: Al�:"-;S � ::k�:�, �:71:n�I����, KIMBALL SPORTING G�DS CO traIla's best mound be'L. In the lint Fancy Blue 110'1 BROADWAY rame and ..111 probably have to fac;.e him again. Herringbones .


as edltor 01 1(1mX'. bu• . m.anarei of the Kelda, and u

B: YlvlaUet, hMd rellJioua � 0( �•


of \.h"

hi' 111('1 1 11111 Wt'l't' tII11 1 'I a\'t't! II\' I llt'il' 1lI 1l 1'('-('XIK-ri\\t IIrt Itluk l l1� fur (Jllr 10 t l U st' 1I,1.l11l1l 1II111t1i th('11 ( 1 I II It' 1111 Allclersoll, ') 1111111.

"Iun'd �tI(td






IU t tl oJlPCJlI('nls I t \t'rst' sklllol!)\I\1 dill l id J 1t �




Ih(· 1·I'lllainillJ.! ,I.l1I1II('S.


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st:� ht; ' ;I ;t' 1 t'lIl11b inuli , (,r illllt'l' J !urd(,I , .



I score.

111111 wun wc hl1\'t, rU11

rill 1111' 1(\'

:.00 400

2 ' 200 2





By Delmar Mot1emon


rUlls Itl I\\'tll' 11II l('

I .

l.iill C:lIl1rt ,






sdu.'dulpci Ikllllrminc ftlr Ilist lIIurruw w('u t ill'r Ix'r ll1i tl C . · .





'• .• . ... � .. .




Ever'y Page


ot a memory book· .. tun ��:n::' I� : t.bQ[wtll \nUure,lt I&toerl . ' It mue. tbe moK attnetin and .•uarlldorJ of aD I1rta.

, 'Graduation

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If you bring thi� ad wilh­ you


If High Quality Merc:handlH� Lowest Fair Dealinaand Service WillPOl8ibll"'Prices. Get It We Cltft 'Count on,You for a CUltomer. . MERRICK, & RACE 1151 BrO&d1li'ay Two 8tmft JEWELERS 1201 , CREDIT

At Your Service

Pacific An,

WANT 'fO BEST �ou· can. do Itlin one of our YOU'LL



With E.'ra TrouHra '

GRADUATION GIFfS Kod"," : Pens . " Pencil.

$30 to .$45 "ARROW"

White ,Shirt.

$1 .95, $2.50, $3.50

Cheney TIes,' Holeproof ' HOH. Straw Shon. ,, Golf Top Bata,

DICKSON ',BRnS. -ro.

1 13·'

Paci(j� �ven-U;---:--





'- .


���==����/ -{' Sehool 'Wins . ' Unallimous. '. Endorsement �in Eas1 "" I .

Saga Wins Entire Approval . Stu4e.Jit At Fitst Showing



------�--�----��-- --------. --TROPHY CUP. WINNERS H . F. Run.t to Give

Lutheran Church . Main Address at Pledges $17,500 Exercises T�nighl . As Surv ival Sum',

C1<16M Wtll Reech'!; Bflurd Rello ht'!! (0 �upport C'• rnouatinl{ � . I" Ip 1omas I n' i\ uditorium;" (Jpl1eKt' 'in Mllinlenanre of



HiRtorl of S('hool T�ld in l'torf)m d Pictures; I.auded I. ...(!l �1 '�! :�� 8 / 14 �.���ful in r



'"resenl A('cfedited Slnn'dinK

I l t l I m���� :l1; :;l �1':CI:� :�' t�! :l�n�; Sll�\�:v:� �� :AllC I��C t��'��:::IC������ __ ]930 ..... Lll I){' held In lhe cOIl�gc AII- Will! mnolcd IH the Ct)lIvcnUOIi �r l l , :\IJ�:::::��n��:;LI�� �le�;��JJ�:SILJ�:�;;� �;�t��:�:� ��\n�l��;:l��: ' �hool�, 'I'm dtUvtr the lI.,ddreSS of t'll tht' folLoII'lnl!: rl'.';Olullong wt'r� the eVl'lllng. Previous to 11111 pr('5("nt III �lIjm ')usl)' adopted all MlI.Y 28: of .. l't�n::IIo.s Pacific �'eran CoiL 110« t on, Mr. Hunt, \l'lIoS prlnclplil . the StAd11ll1l High &;hool of Taco- i legl' Is now th(' only LulherAn sehoul !lH' for lllaTl�' �·ear�. l of 1M lylX' In lh(' We�lt'rn 40'"; of thl' 1n'11I.' Dahl. \;I. AnnA Mlkkl"ben. . . . Other' f;peAkerfi of the el'enlng wlll ' Unit('d Statl"�; alld If; servin, th� ------ --. ' Rel'en'nd Theodore Hokenstad Icause of ChrL�L III a home 1niA.'loB . ,\ 1 FRED HA UGE S . ... � fathcr of ooe of the graduates. "'ho temtory In ",'hlch 1111 cndowment � ....111 . gl\'c the In\' ation: President fund of 1290,000 ha... bN-n pledged C HA l\1I110N SEER s • O. A. Tlnge....tad.�"'ho wHi deliver And .....111· be in procw of colledkm \, __� e addreNi of '..elcome: and Rev. for another.t,,·o )'(':In< or mort; a�d FOUND-P. L. C:s grt"ate�l footGopler,id, I n"hl Hepn.'st'nt ball. bA..ketball, bl'l.',eball. or what Cnrr�' O�t h'�' erend O. L, Haa\'lk. whC! will sl�ak· ' W h",,,u the pro.o;pec.tll'e dtve.loll· ' , to Ihe lIudlence all behalf of the' ment of our Ifllit natlonnl (fonUl'r hl\\"l' rOIl. fan Al Haug('. normal I'lllnting ; Intere!lhng College . -\ i\l lkkelS<'n, ::�:; ��; : ��� �A�t���L�;��_ 1 __ �('h� I, High student tlold� tht ISlO r('Cord for at' Program Folio" R Boord 01 Tru�tee< of the College lm�fi upon our Church till' re� a h I('ndhl8 1I10re athletic eonll'sL. lhan fltl Ethel ::;Unllelle a freshman ponslblllty of deleloplng nn educa11I-chl('f II;tne Dahl 1 Irl'llt' Dahl Anll'" M!kkt'l<;()11 Juhn lUll oth('r student In PAcific Luther· Gradu Ile� of Pllclfic t.uthl'rnn In the No�mal Department of the LIonal Inslltutlon that .'\hall by tht' ! The Sal:� .., 11.II 1II1n(' mllhe!< IS IGoilierud and Frtd &hr-('I ara tilt lUI Collr!!:(' This ma� nOl allpt'ar Co)It'!!:(' IJreiWliled �H'ral Int('rt'!<ting !>C1;t001 "Ill play the proces.�lonal grace of Ood be a tOIl('f of filrength a hlslllr .,f Pacific LUlhe an CoI' �tudel)lS ehosen to hale theIr nflLII('!< 10 be so 1j:l .;"a\ an honor but suent talk.� and musical number� at Ihelr" marCh before Lhe opening hymn Is on lh" walls of Zion which till' I (' tConUnuf'd 00 Fa �� I n I f t r I l r I Ot Lutheran Church Is called /ul>On to ann unc d J �� o e , 1 ::::":�IC� ":� ::se��� t� :�� ()��P �� �\: :!I':rl"�� :;� �,.:,:� ,���'>lI .':�!�::s.:�!!:�ll.;�.::�:. rc 0 I CollegE' by Ih" CIMS of 1925 lr('IlC He dld not ll.l",aYS do as mueh yel1- ] lum at 7 30 p m Wber"illl I e I\C c following numbers the Ilrk 67 and John all' Kraduatlng trom the hI!!: IV' I\Qme ort(,11 do but he figured The tradItional plantinlC ot Ivy M'"ke Me 0 Lord Ood Pure by The- NOr"eglan Lulheran Church of _ !COl1ege department "'hilI.' AnllR nnd IhaL his presence at the gllml"ll help· \\1\., carried out thlll lear by Pauline BrahlllJl , From Heaven Above by America Is the o.....ner of Pacific Lar!;()n "ho planted the Ivy aboul Chrlstllll1M.'n III1d 0 Praise Ye by LulherRll College :md hu by Lhe Fred ,afe graduattng ,lrolll high cd ___ adoption lind prO/lCeution of a de"\l E'llty tCt"L SQuth of the ma in en· TJ;Chalkowsky I !oChoo' The ijul"pOsr of IheSl' cups IS Haul!:(' i\.IIll all Ihe football games 1trane(' Lars;::est Numher In Hlston of Il ln promote thorough scholarsltlP alld "hlle Fred Walt('( (I.R\e thl! vt'lopment prOlJram for the &('hool all bUI Illr tll O baskeL ball gRmes Arlolher musical number In th.... definitely S h 00I I a\�!lI I' . I� C• faced lI.nd accepted thl' .. i o h p among the �tudell\S thaI \\('r(' pla\ ed In Or goll and all 11) oration In IIhlch he staled I l;ood fE' 1 \\" ! : (' T IS ear WI' plant_ lhts Iv} not merely III form of the vocal 5010 Thought./; rc:sponslblllty and hM through the . ......... thtrefOre at Lhe I'lld of l"aclt l eal the bMf'ball gAme5 I 1 Have Wings by L1za Lehman, !"ill I ' a b : a mRller of tr dlUon, f?lIo,,:ed Pacific , Lutheran Collegc Developthis there an' engr1lled on Ihl" re�pl'l'til'{' ) k n . Si>:t}'.sel'en s;:;:;t5 comprise � menl AMtlClatlon, provided " !!at\li· rcups the names o� thl' boy and lilT! formt'r clRsses, but out of esteem and I �Ol�� : �r::::a��� :��: n��� year's graduatJnll: cla.."Ii. the .Iargnt I graduate , -,.. .,.. factory device for carrying thL� pro�t,l.o our·Alma Mater whleh we who ha cxerled the !x'st el't'r to le;'I't' Paclllc Lutheran Col.l mfluenceson thl'ir�1! an' about to leal'e, H is the hope OJ of the high school graduating c1aM' Rram thmugh to llucccM. God ,,· IlI· clJU,.�mlllei'i. ! Ing' and legt'. Of this number. fourteen arel Those ""ho r!'Ceil'l' .thl� dlf;tlnCtlOn dlplo· of presentation 1 this da.-.s lhat thili h'y )l5 It gTO"'S mAfterby the 0 h Ube I I f Preslden� Tlngels.tad, Re· . �'hl' rea.• the prOllp{'(:t1vc fC'd('rn___ . l litroughoul the coming yean; ""HI ,be lUl rc chosen by tht' fllcu.ILY The Rlris :al. ��. t���:�:���: aitn' f:: �h: Nor will pro erend H. ermstad H A � 1. fitllng reminder of lhe CIR. cho.<;("o on tht' 1ja. IS of woman· H . I, P. PflufJ,::er ' � Ih'ers l il ... � 0 " , . J lion of Luthera'n �}'nods mllkef; thc from tht' High-School departments. hlles.�. h Rlth. and scholnr�hIJl. Wllli(' e\" . " nounce the benediction, . nted as ""cll R.!i the po6IIlbUlty .of l" . �ermon on "Spiritual ' , 1930 The graduates a�: 4 fe�r J�Ph 0. .. E�",'ar� I.I �h lng the bo}"s the lacult} maintaining Pacltlc Lutheran COI- ... � 1 Light'" � LI� A.n.�: . . � � } (' Perc Count Oard pla ed I r} 1('11<' grealer and more lIpJ)arent; and .; b . Loi dt"ClS�on on Ihe st.ud nt � ('l111 b} }... 1 I Arthur- St.nlt'}" Berent50n, Sigurd I ��rd I\.� the IlrOCl'Mlounl. whU . Gralngl'r. · clean . fJl 1930 pla to 01 Whuea.!l th. appropriation alrea.dy rmon port. :<t Tht' l barcalflur(,flle � ' � � · ' r _ f; a . l'I'CO l Roo6 e j manshIp, and scholA.�lle· Rblllt)'. Andreas l)jelde. Carl Ed,, \,rl I'ott'd by the Norwegian Lutheran ", ' ga\"e to thl' graduating claM II. Il('W 1spectators Rnd gradufltes marchcd In I I'elt Colto�. In�ne Alletta Dahl. In. ' ___ . Church of Amerl�a 1110.000 a year I cnnct'ptlon. a nt''''' 1l0deroStanding of the auditorium. ga MAria Dorothea Goplerud. John "'Ught."' " TIlete Is IIghl: there L� I E\"erYOne a$f,('mbied, oeorge Croll� , , , for 19Jr and i9321 1s lnadequate and ) , Carl Perc}' Ooplerud. EII'era Hl de. e dflrkn(':t.s. All If; darklleM. though, quL�t. maslt'r ol ceremonlell nl�, Ahe_�deen I resentahon �loses placcl'l an annilRI operating deflclL of. garde Hok('n�tad. J. Rt')11OId Jacob, h . ClflM. Su('cessful Yellr, \ V,t 116,000 111 pro.o;pect.&, while, on the UllieM OM has the "'.splritual IIghr· l pre�ldenl of lh(' ..nphomorr 1'On, oeorge Lane, Jr., Charle8 Ar- : Of Help or SolOists thelil' wordS of weleome: other hand, the presenl !,ccredlle(1 whleh com('.� front tht' Savior. Jcsu� �pok.e . --.:::... --!hur Olsen, Wa-rner Raymond QualE' 1 statu., of the In.�tlt,utlon cannot be ' Our LaId:" This. In main, wll.� . The graduating clal\S of 1930 ell· . EI'elyn .Oel1('\'lel'e Solum, Palmeri SIl(\.('{"tl ol Ihe nornllil �rRduate� Chrl�t riday conc at Aberdeen r , (' th(' tellt of Rt'I', J. P . Pflueger. of 51'- tend to you. frl(lnd� of PacUlc Luth A t f malntaln«l If further dcttclLoi al,): Oliver Storlie. Hugh A. Tallent. .. .. . !i tu,,(," alread) bfi'n 1)lacC<l. Rccordln!: atlle, who' pn-ached the baeealaure. l f'rall COllege. a most cordial greC'ting. !'l Ight, May 23, closed. a. very SUC- lncurred: SormaJ: you to lhls e\'enlng'� ceMful chOir season. Tt�e choir hall & I t Resolved, th i 10 Mr_ Ph. E. Hiluge, deAn of ale J;CrmOll last Sunday in lhe COl· Rnd ....l'lcoml' . . aL the N6rwCiIall Anna Berthll" Aamodt. Cracc EI't'. of ceremonll"ll which 111'111 mark. our' flil ' presented many concerts In varl0U5 Lulhc:ran Chureh 'of An;erlca en­ Irn Card. George Lloyd Cronquist. thc Normal Department. Margaret_ lege. chapel. According to manythl' s and � a result t;'f these hall coura ;e 11.$ members cverywhere to al opportunity to ellp�1l8 oUfllelvCS town present Helt'll Eugenia Crwby, Edna SerinR Holmberg w\JI teaeh In the � the seniors who werewere le c v :ro�g���:� tConUolt('d. on Fa,e 41 InmOSL support Pacific Lutheran COllqe by Ords ?f speakt'r the "" . Dagsland, Doroth)' Mary Ebersole, ! vJUe system. haling chlrge of the IIplrlng d t�: =�ge . =ht'�� prayer po I to them who were 50 soon to- " s, by ;ICLoi. and by jOlnlng the Ec1n.I. Blanlca E rb Maraaret Flint 1 camp hool. Dorothy Ebersole and repn::sent.5, ollege Oel'tlopment AMoclatlon, whOII('; . se 1 ltal'e Lutheran' Pacific C t Dag� . . Leona Forsberg, s�e Miriam The concerts. COO51sted of eruem- sJoran 1.1 'At lellllt a dollar at !ellllt Cr05b)' "ill hal'e cha� of ga\'e to each a feeling that he OOlJld . mar Ht'lmdahl. Maf'iaret Holmbera.1 Eugenia o sopr sel e lio choir; the y an ana' a yur: ..and wlloee present ec M I;; ttl knowing that this school S Berger Jaoobson, Christine Jonetu. 1 the rtrsL. second, and the fourth and IlOilo' I('al'e solos by Anna Mlklct'lsen, and violin m�mben.hlp 1s.4.2&4: and ___ • • • pe Jobnson:' Sena Laurena Johnson. lifth gra.des rv;pec:lively. at Vaughn. ·had hel d him In k.nowlng this ' tt. by Wallll Kerr. Cora Vista w." I!&e �t f'.,-tbtf' .nohed, Ul.It, 111 • . l:hat the unlor clJUiS play. "The so Selma Beanea Jorgel}iOn, Helaa l Qrorge Cronquist .,,111 be principal " llght," the w The t. mpani s �oir aa as- calie the support from other Iiources � Pre.!l�l Tlng('lstad w�lCOllled the Millionaire," held in the �lIege Au· Oladys JOf'tCIlIOIl. Emma JOSt''phlnt' I of the CTescent Vall e)' 5C t Ol� seniors sted by Mrs. ClUford Obon, M- should prove' Inadequate :for � and the friends present and dltorium la&l Saturday t'v�nlng WIl.S sithur Kaaland, Agnt'S Helene KlIppen. Ru. u Holm·Jeruen maintenanCe ot the present a,cc;.. Ol and In son, be agsland �_· ' Edna Harbor J Pa suc:ceis, D any one ot tht' num· Wl : led' the opening prayer. The num- a �at by Agnes A. loofftn. Marjorie Loul$C who sang incidental solO.!!. Much <i statUll of Pacific Lutheran MCGovern, Irenc PennUJa Mc;CuJ- the PlellS&llt Hili school II East ber on tht' pl'O(lram "'as a \'ocal sel. erOia tnllul.!lllIIItic .!jj)CtC at.ors "'iii eredlt !.!! due Prof Edward.!! who dlte the · of of ' the Trustees CoIleg�. Board t.61aled & �Ipt. read R8Tff, Oate 1)' Lost "The Hoim-JelUlen, by, !'Clion has. '" loch, Margo E, Manley, Gerhard AJ. StaRlnJOCl. ; �e Hay School I I hill! "'orked faithfully to make cholT Nor"'CIII�n Luthera'n Church of Am- . ximately $108, All expenses ! fred Molden, Martha E11t'n S\%.Ier, engaged Leona t'orsGera. Miriam Chord:' Pollowlng lh!.!! eame the pappro a SUcce511 It haa been. • erica be authorized. on recommen$75 season the ald. about hill! class &enlor. Be; Ptlueger. 'Rev. by &ennon main 111 .,, i In teacher iola Se�a Frida primary be lyn,Taw, Hlt'mdah Tayet. V M o l n n t p I I h I n r er el t . h :l;::!:O;��� :��� =:�: ;� ��::�c; =p:::��;: �::� � ��:� ;;=ce O=� �� WI� : 5p��;�i :r:; ::d'sl �r:� Ce:n: O::OI:� �� �� �:��.�:I:: '�:o: = ��;�� 1 Cor:: [ a stU! more complete sellllOn nellt su!flelen� to .avold operatlnQ: deficits . beth Lelshton Warrcn, Edltb Olenda Crescent Valley sehool .at Pearson ; cliolr Mng tWO ilelecttdns. "Olad· In the Cla.s5 trell.'!ury, gocs toward year, This year �e c_holr made ,many at PacifiC Lutheran COllege, durtna . Waters,'Ella Sherrill W1Ull.m.5. Irene McCuJlock has a princlpalahlp M)lIIe Radiance" arid "BeautUuI Sav.· buying a gift for the In this, one of the mO.!!t succelllltul short trips and one tour of any the next biennium. It belng the pur· .J ' . H1Jh Seb.: . at Puyallup; Viola Taw will be at for,"' 01 the )'t'ar, comedy and length. On. the tour north, Stan_ po8C' of the Church by this l'Csolu· Dorothy Roma Bodley, David Mer. the LI�rty Bond school ; Oerhard The cbapel was beautifully decor- pl'O(lralllJl forthJaua;hter and' wqod., F1r, Everett, Bellinlham, and tlon \4 usure the Uninterrupted lin Ch&mber1a1n, Joel Stanley Dahl. Molden 'llill the IIfth and sixth ated with cut flowers. At the feel of romance broua;ht applaUM.' from the m()l;t scr1oo8 per- Lake",'ood heard ·the eholr·slni· ne lun1val ot thla setlooi lit �rder th;"� Mabel Allee Er:Icluon, '.Theodore tIl. grades at Or\.ll1a ·' COra V1Iita t.eacbct the statue of'our Savlor waslUIa basket ehori.!l�n. &ani- at �e. Luth('l' Lea- ¥Ic District may cheerfully pro· present. son. Presl· colon.. hose of . lyrin81111 . w �d EvJe;nth, John J.--Gardlln. I:t&. 1IVtCromwell RhodtJ the sehool: tw., n on'J.n Bremerton and' mote the further de",loj)mmt of Pa· therine Gould. [)qny Edel Beraleo\ l:ake �001 hall eni'aged Fi1da tiy; dent nnadstad broUiht out. stand . IJ:orolhY Eberaore LU Blanchette gueveCo ve'lU Huth, a mlschlevoUll chUd; Eurenla p �cert.a. In BeaUJe, CHa: �- cllk, Lutheran Collcee, and It beln;' . , Hjerm.stad, 601Veli..Johan!a fljerm. �t; PloIenc:e Warren -hall the pnnel. for Immortality and purity. d Aberdeen l1li weU � the the unclerstandinl of the Church an l1li crippled old Aunl Adeline; ltad, Paul Henry Holm.Jensen. paisbJp or the Ellul Plain ac:hool at The whole pi"op"an'l coincided Cro6by ' � 1D .that luch' annual emcrre:ncy app�-"'" �t!1-.Alv1n Honl, HanJd. Valdl.1 Loveland; Olenda Wtten wUl be beautiluJly with the ' thet:p.e. of the Stanley Berentaon II.'! Uncle J!Ted unual �pllmentary prlation uwl in no cUi: _exceed · . lhe'COlllnI school cvenlni. As.the congrepUon began Lawler; Warner Quale II.'! l0hnny Parltland and Tuloma. mar Jobnaon. Pauline. Relnetta e h r r s I t ; '�='�uUon is un.tedly the . :: : � U: l Ch::r ::h;;� :����:� : U :!1, �� : ::. �= �t>l�= "::;. �� !��::-:: ��::� :.: ���rt , ::0. puftly accidental. It probablJ" �UICd Oideon', heart; Reynold Jacobaon .. ·e.Jjj)ete to "retUrn nixt yeu,' It Ia �t aM II10It tmportant sinale , Sopb1a M..Otkelsm. Cornelia Sirke. school'nUT Poulabo. year', �vclopment. It laDd.MQb.n. Inp. M&rte 01100. �. ' Tbese sixteen compose half ot the mu;eh thoUi'ht on "Spiritual . Lia:ht� the mory ILinI! dbcoveret, qldeo',l hoped Ulat a 'ucCea&l� .$botr wW .v�nt In the" rtct WUI.iam Scheel, John AJ.vcne clu5.. ' The rema1nini will have po- iU!d &t'emed ,If make k _very fltt1n(r: Heath: Oeor(le �ronQuu;t l1li OOroon a.g� carry � Ita � of _br1nl1na: �ana tblt P&c.1lk: Lutheran collece ' .. to the ,publlt � ICeaUr. ... _ ....e ,l) : • . (CoaUa�,o.D Pare 11 endtn; for \.he baccal&ure�te IiCrv)ce. SchIimnann, Vk:tor JulIus·Skov. by pen fall., . . ' . .. .. \ ' ' . ' , , " -. � , � . �


Students I Ideal . Award Rp.celve


· ·



---'l1 ""'- - a u o Gra ate In SenIor Class


I Plac

Graduates Normal Class


�' ,� �

ieacher'at �

' P' resent Senlor Class Exercises



�bei; l







BaccaIaureate Is . · .t Many Insplrlng








Inleft'slin)!, I'ruJ!'ram III Planned

. ':Hf'lIuUful �;olld nil l'�l)('Ct!'. . . lions," WAS �hl' �nt(m(,TlI ('Xl)rt'Sq-(\ c r n l �����.. :�� :C����: ;I=�;;I�I· �:l �:�: ! . distributro At II o'dock MOnday' ) mornlnl:, EI'tr f;lnce II. mob of ealll'!' i !<tudtnt.o. Rnd faculty ml'm!x'r!< ha\'t' , !<Il'Rrmt'd lI�ut Iht. tabll' whl'rt' thl' lI.nnull.lf; wcrr !x'mg. hllndOO out. Ad. dlti6n,,1 sub.�rlptiom. t6 thi- book ! ha\"(' bM>n pouring 111. accordmg 10 I the drculR'tlt!h mJl.nageL Il'ho MI'� thaL 1111 thl' boo�s will soon bt' .';Old. Thc book , "'hleh Mr, L. Bro"·n. a , promin.ent Tacoma engral'('r. alll.l l,. :luthont). on annua ..... AA),,, I... thl'.. ' brill 011(' of ILoi lllze In the Northt;l""t J � L a crtdlt to Pacific Lutheran and I! I I I



ChOir , Presents _ FInal Concerts



_ _ _ " The MIIIlonalre I Great S�ccess







, .


arltr '-ooring ' Slast

. :/

Joint Chautauqu8 . On P. L. C. Campus

0tI\daI hlllIea*'- II '!'be � st __ea pA.cIp1c· LtJ'I'BDA.}( COUZOI!: Prtn\ed bJ "ohMcm-Oox COmpulJ", '118 Pacltle "'�. . Pubblbed ..Bt-WMlJ_ Dw1DC \be Seboof Year

. En\ered

.. .ec:ond-dul' matter at the of �

Incton. urickr the Act






j •






July 6. E\.ooralr






WI tHl







PI»t Offk:oe at neoma...Wuh· ot Wt.r'dl S. 1m,

A joint Chtl.u.tlluqua .l'ill � plans made to make this EDITQItIAL STAFF Joint S}nod I 'Auglistltn" Editor In lef-OLAI BAQENESS U«ellS Th�S)'tlOO and the AsIocIaU Editor - - - Stella aorboe Ilan Lutlleran Church or Ameri(a, eo.. £dltors\> Ro1.mbera: fond Viola Taw 1IlII llIbe represenlci1 8porU EdJtm Barold. Oray qull Feature8 Qlenda Watf'fa. Cora Vista andInfra Qoplinld nThr speIIlu!M1 rorE thehrChlu,llau clml�; W . . Sc Rmm from Reporters .' Kllthtrlne Ckluld. Nordy.w Hendrkkson. Emma.. K....llI.nd· I utltr P . O. Se�1I from Marie Vandlnburil;. Ruth Norg rd, Christlnc -!,ohn.son. Sena Johnson and B , PA.; T rIda HlnderUe ?��:���I��r�;:d��in�. . SO " BUSINESS DEPARTMENT e ..���: :OJI:��:"��a� �::� Busln� Man�r i I Gerhard Molden m:. - Ruth J� "'orth ,,·hlle. In ord�r � mAke It so. Clrc\IlaUon Man.,er O«nye Lane boys'" and girls' t:nca!ll pmtnt, a Man"lcr " Seanea Jo� "Sund"y School h�Utut�. A .Luthel Typ"i.t F'acult). Adviwra N. Hona and O. J. Stuen !:'l�. :������ "an:��:I: :h: ':� hl\"� �n Pro\'ld� In addition u: GODSPEEb th t , e s. This 'TlIr:s l'UlIlIlIt'Ill'(,I1I(,Il t"(,lH'tl"iS('S will S('(' Iht, Ilir/-!:<""S I ;I:�:� AC:;: � "'" : :l:�:IO:e��I� ,:!nHllllllin� duss ill ttiC' history of Ih;:'I :okhllol.. As C'twh 011(' nf pro\'lded In tfl� College b'ufid. mg Ihis j.!fI\UP ,lIl"("('pls Ih(' l'('rlifit'lllt" Ihal is h;� rt'w!ltd for til(' In tents !let upon th� campus wllrk dUIl(' h('r(' , ht, will tl\1 sn wilh Ih(' (('dill/-: Uml ht' is. ; 11 "" 1\1 bf' !len'cd (or thO!le "'ho do not WilY, ht('!lkillJ.l rt'laliolls with I 'lIl'i fil' l.uill('ntll ColI('W'. 'nlis ""\lIh to boArd th,eril!leivts. "hkh is only II 1llll\ln�l 1111(', will S('ml IlItIIJ.l of 1"('- With somelhln" (or l'\'eryone at thml/-:hll" jp/ l!lowll illio th(' h(,lIrl of mor(' Ihan 011(' sC'n;or. II all Unit's. the Chautauqua promtses gl "C'I ,h is 11111 (,lIs,.-,J{or II silitielli In hl"(,lik HWII\" from Ih(' schuul 1111 \ fo be a �ucceM. Local pR.Sto\'3 arc ' urged to M'nrl rcprc5('nU!.tI\' � fron: fnull Ih(' 'fl"it'ncls h(' hilS \(';lrllt'd 10 10'\"(, as h(' hilS lo\"('cf Ill) e · olhc'1" :'I\'IlOul ur./.l:rnup of l"olll lluniolls. It will 1101 h(' II liJ.!hl I h('lr,collgr('gatlons to \'Aca�lon task' for him 10 fnr/-!:('t Ihis ;nslilul;oll Ihal he hilS leul"lH'd 10 th(' cl\a utauqua. ---look UpOIl iii II rt'n'l·t'ul and allll()�1 sat'n'd liJ.!hl. I\ul , whil(' Ilwl'(' will 11(' a r(,l'li)l�! Clfitlislllll�' ImJ IC'H\" in.J.I. · f.;A.G A WIN� APPROVAl, lContlnued from I'alte Iht, sdlOo1. \lWrt' IH'i'cl lit' 110 ' kurs sll('d as Iholl/-:h \IllS _

InaanlrY he


...Ined \Went,·f\Ye poundI. Then I pudneer bUSted a toNIl trJ­ thin" rilh\' to .." _hen JOU eome he� for please brin. lOme mone, #an utra bll aU·da, .lye OOpp�. Jo1"!imr, �. . aws Stanley, and Anna. and and W4ll'fl�r and M�. Hau� antt- 'Ot\!--everybody wet-It wu teat week when runny-....�JI-the,. all wronlsample ...hlt h.,'f! caUl t did I1t 111 tell you how I did It5 the _hole year. re- 11_1 toot. the two Ute like the huh we ,et on tied the doomobll and ; :.: _,_;1-._ III the wholr week review l in our Inm!lum Then I 1"11 have to look wp In the IIlove!I on Ih� 'floor "nd Zoo book 'to IVho did · thl np l)()Ppcd th� kid.!! thot It :�I:h:�;h�lnz!.�=.�� they cal l :c:t!��bT�:' "'ere a�fU11Y s) Oh tts.! Lou or things haPI�ntd. .....11 the k,lds are g�tUni nell' ee e d gr t b m : nl: th��:�o��f:d a"��;::: ��t �:�." :�� U:n� �:� gram. And ·cause·EleAnor L. .ouldn·t, d�M-that·s more " �"'O""�" be on .th� prOanm. the Ilrls w�� don't you thlnk7 . going to dump hf:�: .and JUII.t CAuat And !lfty! thllnks ·Inlmt'n..qo ly u n to Y :��n��a�� ��I� :,�� g:: o:�':�� :�t ��I,f��;a!:�h. 8�a"'l th�",h' 'h" h04 " nd'; ...... • lt I!! JUllt superriu�. m, ,h n, " ," 'h. ... .nd 1n!ne· Dahl trltd to du:nped her. Mr.. Rrl!dler IItU� skol.dlng. We . mutch notoW that poor Mr. said he was grtaUy d�turl)ed. 1 put 81m "'We o( the . . LIEN '& SELVIG Importers 'o f Nor­ "" wcgian Cod Liver Oil . Cor. Tacoma Ayenue ·& 11th' St. . Tacoma. Wuh. =_

8ublicrt� price Ii Ptt 1Cboo1 JMr-, Ad� Rates on RtqUftt on the CoU�� Cllmp\�" June .



a!wt'7n� .' ::�a:'\ = 'L�elth7:ArlIt-oUe-Wi .nook up . and rot














••••. •









will IK' Ill(' fi1l111 parlin/-: ",hidl w i l l S('\"t'r all Imuds l)('lwt'I'1I Ft'H netherJ lilt' sdlOlol alit! IhllSt, �rll(hllllill�; for f(nuhmtioll should 1101 :1I1t1 dot'S 1101 111('1111 IIII' h tl'akinJ.f of III(' honds Ihal holtl u, tn "ur sehon\. This hilS 1ll('n'Iy h t't' ll Ih(' sut! hnl fals(' illl lll:t'S'· �i,," .�hlll Inu IIlliny /-:tlll tIUlIl('s Im'"(' Iwld nr l·ulUnlt'lll·t'III('lIt c'Xt'rt·IS('S. C:tlmnft'.,IU"('n�t'nl is hlll l� hHIIll'hin� nut Oil lilt' S('II 01" lirl'. InsuiuUon� Tht' dedication �ads The Sludenls do • Yutl S<'llinrs nrt' 1(,1�.\"iIiJol hUlllc' 10 snil tlut till Ill(' /.(tI'lIl 1111- (olio....!!; ""In or:der that this God o' k nowll s('a I If a,l\"t'nlurt'. Tlwrt, will ht, Irillts; Ih('rt, will h ' ruth might nen'r be l0/5t sight or.: ;';'�;;;;;;i�;;. c �ay they have �ever '�I:��:��\"�l\ :11�.t,�Ic� III_II�:'!.:?::�;�I��I'I:111 1:::1:� �I W!;1:��IW1�: �t l��III�\��': :dgro::I�:CPI�::�re��th�:I�:g��UI'�� heen in.Tacoma un·' 1)(' ·hhlt' IIn�1 Stllllly. Bill ulwuys til\' sp!ri!)of lIuil hU.lIll'" wiil them_"" lt h the hope thlt Lhe (alth j.!1 1 wilh Y"U, j.!uiclill/o!. pro!t'I·lin/.(. aIltIJ!y.r pill� you ill whul· thc)' thUA placed In their posterity )(,88 they have eaten ,'Y('r you do. :\it'lIlUrit,s 01" il will cht't'r you anti liJolhlt'll y01l1" may clldu� through the ages-"'·l! .. umbly dedicate Ihl!! flnt Saga.". hurcll'll. \\" hul il luis luuJolbl willll('lp ynu 10 prl'SS forwun\ ai, Onc look lit lh(' cover of the 1lU• . with II IWII.I'I full of (·tHII·Il�C' lIlHl hopl'. . .t n I l lt I s C c t ' Cnrlyle'. Ca/eteriG . sa ils (i;::i, ��;:: ' ·��t!,;:: t!f'�';.::: �l:�'� ;�:.:�.t� )Y�'J :;� l�;� cl;�II·tt��! : ,;· ':t;:: ,��:: �C��:�:ln�OerCO;�\" ;: =: � , _ wh('('1. UIle! Skl'l" out Oil \Ill' tlCl'p. . ,'ul as you /o!o, n�l"ry wilh g�. ,...·0.. swHt and haughty Vlk· you tilt' ]l1'('('iotls t1H'III,.tit'S lhal will llt'lp 10 IIlllkl' youl" jour- Ing. �hlps. >"Ilth �Il!ls all set come lH'Y SUl'l't'ssfll!. HC'lIlt'lll hl'r Ihl' I"ricnrishiJ)S you fnrl1l('t! hc,I"t, ; �Alhng gAny upon the crCM o( the 1'1'1II(,lI1hcr Iht, hiJ.!h iilt-als yCitl W('rt' luuJ.!hl; rt'IlH'lIIh('r Iht' "",!!.,,· e. Benl'AUl Ill!' pict ure Is the .D�HL GROCER Y COMPANy Illlllly Iril flilifllls of olel PUt'ific rl'lIIl'lll ht'I' Iht' dusSt's 1I1lt! tht' Luther CORt-of·Arms. sonl('thlng rtf Member inslrul"\ors you I{'!lrnl'd 10 ]0\"('; r('lIl1'miJt'r tht, dUI IM' 1 t';Xl'l"' t.hll no oth('r AnnUli! In the country 1 t • United Purity St O rf'� ('ise's, ant! slnp In rt"' ulizt' IIlt'ir infinih'-"'nllll' 10 \·uu, 11'111. lasl hAS used 01 It... Inn UAI cover. Pholll' Mfldi�oll :lX1R n·:i . Parkland . Wa�h. of 1I11: �('mf'lIll}('r us who r('tnnin h('r(' fur y sliol"l' w hi�(' Itlil/-:('r' l The book'lr Is divided Into �\:oI: a few flowers or a nic� . \\ C' t('/-:rl'l 10 S('(, ·tlU f.!o, for you will Il'u,·t' a IlIM:, 1'lIlpl y p II. r t .5: prologue. administration. � hloomin� plAnt. Flowert' !'>pal'(, Ihal lIolhillJol will Iw nlll(' 10 .fill. nul our hl'sl wislw:>; cla...."l'!!. orgAnltAUons. athlrtlcs. and g I h t I u I l I ' ' I ;;1 ,�� �l �; �; Ilr ��:rlt\��i::� I;;,��:::: �I:I::S �:: '��·II ;:s ;::: � ::� ��::� �� ��:�$ cl.s":��\':r��. �?;;�:� ::: a����� ror I" '('ryllooy nnd l'�'('t):thing \\'(, shall nlstJ soon lak(' til(' Slllll(, jUtltlll'Y, alld �·tltlr Stll"l"t'SS UcaHy Illustrated. III all. the book t I� will ! :j l � Seamoru Flower : rl l���� Ihl' pn.l"t'clill/-: pnragraphs l'an ht'st ht, SUIlIIIIl',1 �:c� : :ta�:'f'�"n�:'h���i:e::t��; : tljI in Ihl'S(' f('w wurds, '''Iklll('I1IIH't I'al'ifi(' l.uilll'l"all C"I· thlt It I.<J tho:' rtrst annual pUbllsht'd Shop at th(' school tth AE Broac!.waJ kgt'o (�CltljlhYt, ! C ;oud I.uck ! ( ;mb!,c,t,, \ ." OI:1i I lagt'IIt'ss \)



�: �

Tilt· :,\j,u lI"in).! :'\Iast is a/-!:;Iin l·tlllling 10 Ih,' I'lltl of II \"t'I":' lt t t f H " " i.�;, l:�� . �;��i:·�g UII C'X I �'f"illll'lll a f,'''" Yt'III'S ago Till' :'\Iast has Il<'colll(, 1111 t'siahlishc'd fadol" in tht' .d('\"l'iopl I H'nt of tilt' sC'llt1�l� 1.1I1t1 hilS ilst'lf kl'pl sl('p wilh lilt, c\C'wloptllt'lil. I lus �"('ur 111(' pUfM.'r has IIt'I'1l c: "lar�t,cI, alit"lt :V10.OII ,,"orlh of huoks on journalism 1111\'(' 1 1('(' 11 PI"l'St'lIlt'eI I" Ih,' lihl'al"Y, n 1',HlrSt' ill nl'\\·swrilinJ.! gi\"l'1l III til(' shirr. IInel fin· ;UIl"ially. Th(' :\ll\sl fintls ilSt'lf at Iht' t'nd of till' \"C'III' 011 !lit' I" if.!ht sid(' of Iht, It'd�t'r without allY aid from outs'iel" SIlUrl"t'S, To 1111 Ihuse' who hun' IIssisil'd ill IIllikill/-: Iht" "('111" II SUl'('('SS W(' wish III ('xh'nti Ihunks, to our ath'(,I'lis('ts 0111" sub· �rillt'rs fur tiwir support , hul mosl of nil 10 tilt' Shiff, who so loyally and ulIS<'lfishly IUI"(' wnrk('t! to M:iw us 11 pa lX'r. Wllft�· of a �1"l'IIIC'r P. L. C. n. .I. StU(,Il.

, ,


lind W('II lik I inslrudors :In' Il';I\"illt-(. l'adlit' I.\lIIU,tIItl· ( :cIII('/-:l' Ihis ,'t . 'Z . :'\I!ss I.:-·tlil.l Sth:tud. StlP('r':;1�lIr nnd J.l:irls' dlhlt'lil' l'HlIt'II. I� It'II\'I II/-: 10 lI(,l'('pl 1I ' I )UsitiUIl in I ht, IHiblit' Sl'lwol systC't11 tlf S('ultlt'. Prnf{'sSut 1 I('lIman, ,il-an tlf mcn and inslru tlr in EII�lish and nibl", is alsu It'a\"ill� fhi" war to assume Ihe pr('sid(,IIl'y uf Hchrun Cullcj.(C' in HdH·oo::\eh. Bulh leae el'S haw' rt'lldetl'il a wOllllerfuh�('r\"il'c and ha\"e heNl a \"alua Ic os. '>C,1 It) nut l·OU('.J:ll> TIl{' sludcnls and fscully dccply-rcJl:rct Ihcm I('�\"('. Th('y arc t'nlcriflg Hl('ir fulutC' positiulls ' h�\"tnJ.! ;:�::;::: ' :: , I�:::��;"�I:� :: � �h h ul. an wc w i ll ti ' " ' . "' � Twn \ Irnlllill�'ni









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A 11:-' rlcHcl fish ('jill flnul elowil slrt'III11, hut il tak('s II livt' .oUt' 10 swim up.

... BUS CO... ..... M".

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m��Q ' . Baapp Semce

�HET.��!�J�ANY· ,,(

HEADQUARTERS FOR' YOUTH Ap�el for CoJlege omen and Men .




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School Supplies




���������� I

The ""Saga" will prob�blY be more Intcrest to th(' allunnl 0( �: Collrgl' than to �ny one else. Not only Arr the previous Y(,llr.s at Pacific LutherAn COIll'gc rC\'\l'wl'd on' thl' II"rlU(,lI P:lgl' but by picture!! "'1'11 Thf'rr nrc plctu rc� of the roof part) of 1902. thc P. L. A. bR.Sketbll.l1 chal\lp� or 1906. the Illanllng of thr kIcking pOll\. and :;cores of frMures Of to All)' one who hR.S had allyti)lng to do with thc school . If tho:' flrs.l 1.lI.5ue of the " Sllga"' 1.\ Rny IndlClltion. Lhr pUblishing of ytarbook will become an annuai �\·o:'.nl 'at Pa.clflc Lutheran Collcgl'.

hC:. . •

. / � · Ii ""JN , � �� � . · /IIIi .l . ��







I , ::!�1=.. ;1" . [ WEST COAST GROCER1' CO" TACOMA DktrinlGn


� III JI�lcific .Avc,

OVER $1 ,000,000 Combinei' Cal}ita', S� rp'u, and Undivid.ed .Pr;o/it. .



oO " G

'I I


....! .. · D. WAmflNOTON P'C""C L CC� � · P� P' nau. . �==;======= � � == == � == � � � � � � � � � 9 � � � � � � � � � == == == � == == � � ;: � � � � � � � � � = ; � '� O � == == == == == == � � A �� CRuIt� H TnND.o'NCE ' . CHAPEL "" Pror. It. J . Beck .AI etec:led Stu. TAl .K


� Features Campus ....


dent BocIJ' ad.,.' It an electiOn ' . 1�' la obnOUl �.t.. thf'OUlbout thf' .. n in en n e lh e t . �:: ���=bJ· ::� 1\.It� !e t��:/\- l t � .((lmf' .W � ..-. UM �·� tbe �;!� t1:.::rU:·;I!n�a'lt� �:: _ GV'. . . had In .driller. students. There may be, \t Umes " And lh�)' _t and did nt. "HUII � �. ___ . nlld for not �nt present said. l-enl), 1 sa! "nld .roo. . of . . at ebun:.h wrvt«s. ho V'ft". thert you "'tilth teth w1th me IhfJI be. M.It4t'ed caf1l npt trJ'tnll toh let n f a nt d .. �� d : -:l :;:Us·t � �.�I::n =;n� lOm)., bt twp ���\� �It bie �t;: ::: Ol' btln, .. l:;� ;!.�� ;; :��� ��� Pareland,-Neivs ey ful. n to drnta' and hiends. At their homes Th'e gradua!.l°r exerctses of ' the' !:"eryone must , rtal1Zlt 'thin It and say unto Hlm one by one' la ttl"ln, a ,1ft f�m the Nonnal Stu- �' . . . . � - . . " work. nonnal Sun'day, the church that makes him a line Is 1? arid an�her II&ld ' la \I It I denta t:hapel-NIce 1. The ruesta. spent Pirtl n h d tu�enta. ' Ml� SUx'1'd d!'!len'ed e part ?f the afternoon at lda Hln- Th�a� �:!��g.School ,.,�rtIn the l Chrllltian charac�r and'alds him In " AJ:.ld He. answered �nd aald unto t.!'at: Ma, 22. she hM done much for . the Indlvtdual. The derlles- pl.ying pml!5 ffter they .udl them. th.t It Is one consc:�nUoua of the twelve, «1!11 . school-- -Sat1J' Wa�n and had eaten the rtnt cou 'of their d'rOarium. pf the nineteen entl� IUe of ChrisUan Is ba8ed dlppeth ""Uh me IQ the dish feeling 1o8t without-well, lunc� Irene took the p to het' � �:es = an Important part In upon the foundaUon he hU attained "The 80n Of ' man Indeed �otth ' M Kn.uon on.e. In e.rly youth. Without religion and It IA \\Tltlen of Him. but to lbit. YOU know who me'Y'�h elif·. home "'here they. ""ere rved sher� Thert ""ert 'St� :I:'I-=m� Chrlllt man m.y exJlt but It Ia 1m· man b�' whom the lIOn of man II I fMil OiMn wearlnl h.M ne... luther bet and ""afen. Those present ",�re . b ' th u =: ad to be able to kN'I' e el ' ac ou,M -Y�;)U k poIII'Ilble for him 10 live. Anna Mlkltelsen. Marie V.ndln- d� :.:; �����:. :�c :lcom �tray�! Good ",·ert.Jt for that man J flrm no COIlch-Oo raIhJ .Ebfonoko .. � A man "'ho kno"'l not the differ- I� he had neverIIbeotn bam." mOl Il ",'�h' bu.... J",dna Daplantt. Berdine Knut. "'ho' also presented :he IIC��w� lng compliment.!! on her acting t This seenf' one of the �n. Il"}p Ooplerud. Emma K�I.nd. a bH.utltut ' pl�ure from the c1 . ' ence bet ..-een rllht .nd WJ'Ol\I, l Play-Mr. �r: one w.hO U.Inot kno.... Is dlArtspt'Ct.· �erue In fl.1I dramaU� hillory. tl Wal' In nthe Senior CaM . 1LIIIo Viola T. . MIriam Hlemd.hl. Ruth The' clus "'11\ �ad b "AC� T'()N · ed by hil · fellOW men. Hla mon.l iI the IMt paMOVer Chrbt 'would eat de not surrounded br fl hon of ?" Jflrob!len. EvelYJ\ Olaon. Sylvta Lu- son f II 'tel. b th r trill Erick F.d..-anh ,.,·taring 'his ne.. Bertha ·Olson. Irene Dahl. Ida el"� �r: es YbY �1lft.:�I: the. of th�,IOWeJt form and hts soul: 1a ""lth' Jill dl&elpl�, for. He .....a tOlill ed&-Mr. iftnt Tlnrebtad rf'lu�- .SIJECIA I.J! Y n loel. On earth. t':l.e church and the to leave'them for awhile to be de.1t derbY-'PrnIIChool 110101�re sunUI� Hlnderlle. .Berger .;facob&tn. John L.a.Mly t\..oho '"OCa1 aftu II short�· mlnlste� Word. of god are t.he only "WIth accordJnl to- the proph�IH 0.( Inl to the .Zukrison. John Ooplervd. Warner the mUsIc director of the. 8C�. meaM ' wHich men can learn to the Old ' Tealament. JesUi made IItnee-Welcome back. Dr. Tlnlelllta� Qual�. Millard Quale. Sankey John- MIM 0 011 hO � aoeom- p�pareb)themselves foc eternal lIIe. 'kriown to th�m that one of them John 7AC'h n..not -.,,·f'-.rln@: a Iletl· Ted EvJent.h, Btanley Bertnt5on, panled �n Ih�� .lIOn. � n : p b y mother, er l . , Each one uked. sult.-SanlteJ Jahnaon not tellJlilng �e co�mand of Ood._ " Remembe� would betray ·Hm Carl Anderson. Gerhard Molden. MnI. Gilmore: the day to keep It Holy.' "�rd. 1s It n" Each one felt that the tlrl5-A r_p:lr of our Ilormni Girls' Swim Suits C�roI. 8va�. .Harold Gray. Olal H.� /After presentation of the dl- mould ne\'(�r be . sllgh\t'd.-Lut.her he might � Ihe one "'ho ""ould .be· IIOphomore jJlrl'l rxplorlng. t�e PoIIII· geness. AUf-e:d Bond. Edwin �Inder- plomu. the ellht pupils l"K'tlved en- Ect). tray Him. Not a single one of us �In of .Youth. . lie, Henry H.h'OrSen. $2.85 . manshlp . .rds, and twenty:; our o. .( t E"� lyn . Olson and Marie Vandin· ;��� �=d!��w���fI:�:" �� o�u: �����: I t----.:.....O"':'---� I I RC HOO IS ENDORSE)) ������ :� � a:; ��: n burg en�rt.lned a fe"" st.udenta .t eating perfeet at\c.oooallCe f;'" �e IContln lfri fram Pare I) or other hu denied our � �r. Wool liwlm �uflll III hel"'y rib TACOI\IA an . Infopnal. party. ThunMlay. May year. . wilt lIurvh'e apd wtll eont�nue to CIU' Wl]�nevf'r ,.,·e sin. we flre actually . IPlch art the r�g\lll\t ql\allty of a � p�nt ""ert : Anl\ll. Mlkrio)' on Chrllltian eduC1ltlon on th., Inlultlng. betraying. or denyinr Him. TITLE C01\IPANY much hllh�r prIced sull. They ke�j�elen OLllon. Nelnla Qulle· The Tr1nitr -Oulld "'U en�rtalnf'd pacU!c . cout;. The church has spok· II 11! 1 ",'ho have flone that whIch II I ..JHlnderlle, Ruth Brown. b�' Mrs. O. J. Sluen at her home' In en In terms thflt flnanclai Alencies. not pie�lng In Thy IlghU" Let us 50n, ld. ABSTRACT OF TITI.E ' 'plaln or 'Ith ��rlped top and Oordon. Atchley. Al Hauge, John. Pfl rkland Tuesd.y prvence 01 our e,'enlnl: M.y 20. aecrtdltllttoll fluthorl�les. and frlf'nd� I every . dflY .Inthatthequestion. TITLE INSURANCE btl&. Then let ZAckriMm. an� .Sankey Johruon, Mr. and Mrs. Bernh.rd Bflnder. �he College. present And potential. Muter - uk us have the courage to ino.. that 1109 Pacific - Bankers TrUll. . -RhlXle.� Swim Shop. are visiting friends and relaUv" n �t �s�t. MT1I. E. Ttngelstad Of. Kent. Wuh· IOn . Mr. Bflncl,flf50n' Uliether llrlnll the convrntlon the church onl�' He can comfort flnd forgh'e Parkland In ALMIN &WANSOfl{. ' Third FIQo,... L. mgton. entertained a gr:oup of Pa- with his three - brotbeT1l RudOIPh 11 15() re50lved thaL the work of Chrl�. �flC Ltlthe n College studentJI fr:n Lyal. C! 'O ; t�1l ee f:' d ucatlon at hitherto CArried on WEBLEY LANGLOW. Gt rge, ltave thlI w k fo� �EN-I()R PI.A\' SUl:r.;s� ' llverton. ;regon. at a dinner at er Alukaan when!' Tttle !:Xllrnlner ( ',mtlnutd fram PaIr II . I PaelHc Luthlind College Spdkflnt II/or 1.1"111 they for k . I eral monthl'. ) e 1��; ::;t=:I;:��I�:�O�n��; "I.'Rth. \he �If-�rtlng COU"KI' '· :�n:�r ��� :��!: '".:� :::� ::;� �' __� Men's Swim S'uits � dondo Beach and ot.her Int.erntlnl On Wednesday aftern� May 21. �::� ��1a tral � of �ood 111 and an ' Prellldpnt: E;,!"pra Hokf'llStfld thl.' melln , P!.!£es. Tho.� pre�nt .."t;re : lnp MH. E. H. Ryn: and her daughter ('ni,u1lPl1lr\'lt.lllfe of th., Il.,id which thl,; old frll.'nd. LotUr . Prlngl!". all Jlf'r· Suit� Cleaned Rnd . $:1.4'5'" C t I f. rt n f rh I IRll lI . u fO�'�I.�·e�. �hort olll'-act 'coml'<l�" j Pres8ed ��=d3�0�:r:=���i�I�;;::' ' ;:! ::s;..:::� a�� frit��: o� �� �� � oo'i �_ r�ilf"(" y eR l ' d po for ,went)· ! Ooplerud. "nd Helen Ttngell�d. theran L..(U�· Aid aL their home �:::;'� m�Unll of UII.' PAcific Dis. I.'xcUed RnlUl'of'"d Illughter FOR 90.. Irlct at MlnnrflpoUII. on Ma)' 24� "':'" :��I��� �:�'.;lr-' l�ill��:�I���'�: r MI:<li Evell'n-� hM her In Brookdak. flnlt quality! In plllll' colorS" or h and Carry ����� ��::I�U:�� t�t;:: �C"C:"! _�klt � rnflcU'd b)' Slc.ollR Sorber 18 C(lerIlCenCDl5ra MiM . Pol\}' Langlo. �. of M':.. �nd of White es w ali P the 'f'v,'OlIOme model.!- with striprd Bflnta Barbar California. ,.,·ho will Tacoma\""ert dlnnf'r guesta of Mr hl.'ld on thl.' College eRmpUli th. �l and Cliffordf' Mtsford. La.ndry Catomen '151t here durtng the rem.ining and Mn) Alvin Lehmann at thel; 1ummer endor�. The de-vrlop· The Coll ge orcht'Sl rfl provld4 tol' fllld belt. Special! N c . school days. home In PflriLIand lut s�nd.y' . I ment plans "'ere RI!oO r-ndor5e<i Rgaln. suitable music befo", flnd after the "quit:k ser\'i e-. o d�lay!' . _Rhodl.'l Store for Men. I . I'ARKLAND plfl)" lind bet"'er-n th(' M'COnd attach�: third . LAUNDRY' Renrend T. Hoken.� .of Bre. On May 14. Marie Antoruon and but thl! follo"'lng motion acLs. Flnt Floor · colleJ.� main Mr. Haulle and MIllS' Btlxrud Telephone Madlson In·J·t merton . visited ..1th his da� Art Norlin "'ue united In marrl. " Kno"'lngI� that thecondition. be It gOOd buUdlnl In � · Eh'era lut FrIday. 1 . by the Rev. T. 0.. Svart. e cerecoacht'd the c�t for lICveral ttk:l I +: !!! fl mOJ\Y took pl e at the home of· the hert�)' rellOl\'ed thllt In futun" de\'el- prel'lous to the prelltntation. . ;::: ; :; ; ���III!!!!!II!I G rg n s k.end 1 n ILM S WE PRINT AND DEVELOP YOUR KODAK F ..... . '���·����n :'I\� =����I�\\(:! ���:�� : 1:���n�":' I��� :e::� �= GARAGE a( : :o!: 7n �;��:.""eC We try to carry everything In ltack th.t w111 fill the ordln.ry ".nt&. PARKLAND �jblt A� monument of Ollr first cn- . "1M ..,..,. I f �f' dO��:.v�:aQ:!Wt;�.,;;eJ� "J::!:�lIl get !t : MIM Nordyllt Henncuen spent in Ta.eoma. df'lll'or for higher Christian educa. f .end visiting friends In Bel· et U A :���.::� P E�� to����:. ��e�or:�e ��,��� UO;��ee ml.'mbers of lhe BoRrd of ! .RKLAND MER�TILE COMPAN Y ".., � � c. -: t.t. : :.o �"" . in&- per partnta. Rex.,e{1!nd· and Mrs. Tru�tl.'e� .....ere rer-Ieded : Reverend , ,MIJ:S OlgR S"·lInllOn. of Enum l...... F. Mommson. R. Boglltad. of EIIgl.'ne. Oregon. Mr :��t"" '·lth Eleanor Dahlberg lut Ehrllchman & 1M, H. Fordr. of E"enotL WII..�hlnl� Drumhen�r,Whlt� . nd. Pacific LUlheran College lind Mr. J. Gulbransen. of ; ' Parkland. WlUlhlnlirton '..... . g h h o " MLM Mildred Card and Mllill Stella With the e..Alumni ::1:.::: ::�I:;: �� !��. ::�� :�: In estment Secu.rities AIIIHlUIll'('!i j l � U 81 ·W.ln Phone Ave. ·r acifiC 1I1� I RA'� �rt'�n·· . . n r· Gulbran.'IC' Mr. P ::�t::W-;:Ch� �!������ ��: E"Rllli Cllrl�n, tI'ho hlUl ""' end L. J. Ploren,of Poulo;bo. Wa.�h· SIX WEEKS eh a H t en fll rll.'Cted to f�1I" the-place HANSON'S SUMMER SESSION :r::O;�If�; :�:;;o:; ���� ���::�I � �:I ;..�tu��: �� ofInllOn. eve , . . 1l! a to h:' ed tu ."hert v . com n: rn .IUIl(' 16, ('nds . l ly �., 0Pl',lS 111 ml.' e t � :;'; .;::� �;�; d ��;��� ... e H.rald�. company In Mr. Repairing a Sp�ci8lty . "'Ith his pa�nu. will lea'� for Mon. a fe..· days before leavlnl for Aluka. Thursday. June �. to o...anlz.e fin- Wal�h 2$180. 11th st. Fully Accredited I y (]I'\deUt BI�'.) IInclRt effbr\.ll for the summcr.' treat. June �. On J�ne 9. they a�e LIllian Gardlln. for. TIle Summer Seliliion 1s deslgnrd to meet the follo lng nt'tdl: ' Mid to Iceland on the "Montcalm.� mtr To enable Liberal Arts or Normal Itudenta to .o(tudent.�. IIrt vllllting at Collele . L C. Smllh Corona Thry 11\ leave Iceland July 9. for during begin thelc training. . commencement �k. Typewriters � e Scotland. On lhf'lr trip they will !in;:y :::;�. �tudenta to continue ,. curriculum om� Supplies p 11�1t L9ndon. Paris and other Im t tions ��n '�nt out Arl'. Harber Sho & renera 3. To offer work"ln the Nonnal Department reo l repairing , fOl)(,lIn cltle� and "'11\ 1101110 see Ober- announcing thr wedding of Mw Lu. Brookdal� qulred for the renn,al of certlflcateli.. I ammergll.lI "'hllt In GennRny. HAr- lu Qopil.'rud. of Slh. rrton. Onogon. to 1 ac.H.AD.e.BAKER CO. For Information ·."rlt.e . aid 11\ ItaI'e HII"re. Ji:tanee on lh� Mr HRrry TRnnerud M.a1n 1M2 . PHILIP E. HAUOE . of Bend. Ore- 9 4 P l' � \ ==;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..:..-..::������� .. � "LA OriWIC" July 31. for the United 110 ;. on SundRY. June 8. Rel trar Stiles. ' ! Heltn WrslbY. '29. who hIlS bei'n i MEeeA . RESc:rAURANc:r · Mt. and M� U�hernl.'"l'l' \,Islted iA'achlnll Rt Hooper. WlUlhlnl ton. the ' . . Open All N igh t ....!th th!!lr dllulhter. Nedra, and lIOn. past year. ha.x re:turned hrr homc Rt DuPont. Wuhlngton. JRck. lut TUesday. 13' h .l c o m !,, e rce T R'· O U R ANN E X MI5S Jda K�of BurlingtOn Ethel Johmon. "29. haJ' returned _ : ::::: : : : and Christine KnuL50n. of to her home In Taco�a artva suc� ::::: : ::::::: :::::::::=::::::::: :::: ::::::::::::::::( Yelm. "lilted with Emma Kaaland Cl'Sliful year. of �aehfu& .1. Owllo. 1: Washington. last Thunday. These Mr. flnd Mrs. Martin Tlngelatad. Walter Fre�t Oyn, and of salem. Oregon. lulted ,,1th their Pete f'lott will leave June 10, for daughter. Helen. lut eek-end. Sunny Potn� .Alaska. SMART Cla'rf'nc:c and ,C.rstdn SWIMMING Knlloplulld and Arnold Th06temon ' � Icft Thursday morning for F' . Ba)'. Alan. !Io·here they 1II 6pend GRADUATI N SUITS . $17·50 their summer. . GIITS �ive Geor,e Cron�W Nyman and $19.75 $24.85 Millard Quale leave June 10. for Ketc.hl.kan, AlaIka. Kodak. Doctor Sun a Chance � With TUJO Pairs leave June 8. Prof. A. J. for' hIcaco. ltUno1l. where he will SIIO.I/er &- Parker Of Pan" ell.t.erC the Chtcq:o �nj;'era1ty !� "t.he summer quarter. Pe,.. . & �encil. Bull.ll are approprlat.e for re�-� Field Gta..;� rraduatlon .nd suitable f�r. lo.n. " service .fterwa��. Blues. Bro.WN. , . y:��T!!te,:i:;: ::. �:lln '& Hinoc"",,,, . Oxfords and rich lubclued dfe<:ta.. 8i MAke tOUT .IeIeCUon n�wl THE HAMiLTON STUDIO 915 Pac1fIe ATeDtie � K&1D 3tSi •

, -G£ . � J - 0 � e �1- B . . . .






















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Good Coffee '










SHAW . SUPPLY · CO, -INc. . · lOis Pacific Ave.








lilll .














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---_. __ --. -

Graduadon Suits

�Jthcr Suil:i �2a 10.$35'







WASHINGTON HAKOWARE CO. . . \ Ta���\.,!,ii.h. 924 Pllcific A ve.







Lose Majori�f


Games Played in , ' Last Two Weeks , ', --.'



Th' ,;;i],w' , " 'h. -p'''' Activity' Letters ' " ' oUldal bai:UI'll aver_ae of �he Pa. Given in- Ch�lI clfic L�e....n Collegfl bueball

_Q." "


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� stuMnt.s of Paclfic_:OOJIe.e.

"INring the ensuln,

m 'h ::::�:,":::.: �:�:,::p�:.::,: '� � .. "'. ",. Stiuud and C�",h Ol,on 'u P]aYf'T Pet. during OUT ye,,"" at OUT M:hooL On 'AB � Rt"Ceive Gi(ts From 1 6 h t Studenl� ��=an":: �:";!,:� :; ���:�e�.:c,!�� . 26 . .3 8 , .Plll

' S L. n a;· Harold Gra)' (\�in in �b-:l� �h�': 'C:n:' ..... Oelntt'. football. basketbaH b",�· Defeat of Centralia Betters Re�ora baU. and t('nnts It'tters'w�re awardNi . "1 l 1.ltl�·f'tI ·IIH · l bY Presldrnt nngel1;�d al the ch\"p. ' ' " ' .I�slt.1 �lIl 1rd.n1 y l'�'hell Iht'. .\I'im�ily �Ir JI\i�.I sdmul I Ol��::! t:�=I��·:'::�la�� �(:I����;l �'I::�U�\ ( ;� f��:�:�;��, L�I :�II:r::�I'��::II��� '��.l��k i):�::;j.!�;[�:� l ei exerclsn ' yesterdRy. P�sldent they ha\'e lost lI ·duS('. THkin".. n.r .vthill.l£ in.! u (·ullsid"rutiull. Ih(' IIthl('\('s ��gelstad Introd� C'IIch aclivlty � five ga��. or .1I"hlc . nted ·the Rwards I d ��� :�: :e;h!::e :��ngh: ;:�IJ�����t.�l'!:r'�:)lII�I:..t' 111111 sllt·�t:ssflll Y-USIlIIS in Ii�t, diff�.n'nl :P:::::a ;t:I;r;: �H88



Pl'OII'ra,!, ",e

0 and all you fTN-nds for 'Wonder-. <;\ " throulh Pa- -" : l!O ��;:S:ll :: ful opportunltlt.'l'OfCered "28 .21 6 . Ci�� :�h;�n �.I:;; -In the pro_COllom n 31 o h Nyman .210 gram "'e�: Arthur Olsen. Glenda _. 38 .. . 6 Sydo..... Jottn Ooplemd. . ..166 125 Waters, co,.. ViSta. .... 16 cobson ' Percival t.yI .. Theodo E 20 2 _ .(190 :����lre��k:��ri(' Ja LAn:. �:� been all Tlgh t. but the fielding hq . " h ea O -hi.") . S.-o . Those winning deb"ate letters were: :��t.son :: �: :: �:� ���::� :"��:;� �6 � the lar n r h d n uth Ja uth Nortaard. R CObSOl;� Terry .000. O. A. TlngelstAd. As the 'closing · clirr!�: �_ �\��� \\�� �� d:�� :�r:::;:-a�i; wr:��t:�:�a�'� R :�n::��' :;C;:�n�!�� 8 ,000 number. the graduating clM,'l .SAng On May 2 1. the Oladlators illVadM pulling this - schodl on the SPOl'ts m;tp or .Washington � . A I· ,vIola Ta.w. Marl� VlIlldlnburg. 01111 Siegel .. ' o er ,ll.Ild lOst to the' College of PIlget though the won and lost columns maY 'IIwt .show more than H�ge�es:s. Fred WRiter. Reynold Jl'- �:�es.s :: :a� c:��:� :r:;��� ln�h:�� a n i Yt:r�� �;�j,: :��:,:::�::;., .1nn", /< ,,;hhol 0 ,000 .om, " W'm" Q,," �"��:��'�: a.,:,'O"':,, = �,� � /Wr:·:�: :';�::i�: i � \��:�t:';t1n ':,��; r:.:�i r��::' n 'd:� ' , :::t �hal boys have played .sucl) clean all in 'nll t.heir con -. :��::�::::L;:;:. �a:::I h l n M' to b ��� :�t:::ll� ��,: �e ;:�� a�:� ts MARIE VANDINRURG IS I ��.r;�� P EP. S HOWS I N I.AST by making 14 errors to thelr OPRDn. MEETING 0'" (;I .{)R NEXT YEARlS PRESIDENT-So'nlll CrOsby. Martaret Holmberg.. enls iouI'. Palo "nd 'JOhn&on both I .el liS take' II il lilk 111 0111' spCWIS l"alt'IHlar shu'ling ""blh Eleanor Lorthus. Eleanor Dahlberg. Th(' rlnal ' meetlng or the Olrls' Marl(' Vandlnburg. an acuv� mem_ made hils and ...'e� "the oot- lust St'pftolll ll'l'. AItIHlllj.!h WI' WOII hul 'h alf or tht' six �III1H'.S AII� Roe. Thora Rasmussen. Evelyn �p Club. h�id lM;t Wednesday even. btor or Delta Rho' Oamma. w� ' . presldt!nt for . Ule comln, .o;tandlng playt'n ro� the OIadlatora. plll:n'd, 0111' ldt'Vell WIIS ('0!!t'Ji"t'rt'cI 011(' �'f t.hc:· ht'sl of i ts dllss Monson. Cornelia Mohll. . . proved' to be ' the pepp'iest of electt>d LcPernke showtd up well for the iii IIIH.! 'urutllid 'l'm·lllI1l1. ( .lIllt'h ()isCIl1 chd llot hllvc' lilly Inlt·k· Vars it)\ football l('tkrmC'n wc. u': Ing them all. Mrs. Krtldler lind Miss yell¥ at a mc-eting hekf" May 28. O�her rs. I I ' ' e l f o U;!: fOI;O\\',ng day at Athlt'tic ����:,ln�r-I��:;�l .II;II:;�t,���I I�('!:��::ui ::rl:\"1�\;::�1. 1:11;;I'll��C.�::'I� I��:� �:�n��O�:II�j��mc:�:.ft�ka�!:-, ��:r::�b::r: e�:rt�::tn� lh: :t:� �:!�;�S �=� r��:r����;� .. \\�;::1 ' . Park. the Lu!hl'rB.ll.' dropped .. hard· Ilext s('Uson. LyaJ .SanderSon. Arnold ThostC'nson. Ing room by Eh('ra HOkenstad. Eve. Oral"!de ; Ireasurer. Dorothy ..Leh. ---'- So S.fougM plile to the Bellarm.lne liom . . yell It'ad�r. Mildred �ard Sank'ey Johnsoll. William Mllwn. Iyn Solum. and Belillca jorgenson. When basketbAll S('ason r.oJled around. ,Mentor Olson Wa by a 2 to score. Th(' pme exrneT qt;alc. Oeorge Cronquist.. Place cards were used. and the girls clo.o;e throl/ghout. wllh had gel ernl lettermen. ltPd although' the Gladiators dropped Walter Y�ullg. Earl Percival. Stan. discovered Wh�t funny names they CHA ! lEL (a.EANINGS \ . ceptlonally buth learns making 2 hits. Tht' P. L. t�(jrsl' two Kames. the�' won elel'en or the n_ed rourteen lC'y ·Berenison. Fred Schet'l. t\lvC'n� have when written backwardS. There IS only one wly that a C. team agflln showed poor fielding JIR,� l ed. which-is an exceptionall�' good record. The reco-rd �f SchiermRnn. BergC'r Jacobson. Thora' Rasmussen was gIVt'D a prize handicap can be removed In IIf(' and .. season sh'Ows I�al Olson's men won I I and lost 8 8 ' basketbail letter Vdllilers for 'hlrYing -\ they mRde 5 ('rrors to the Uorn' the"-\'hple the funnlt'st. While the Ihllt IS by the grace of Ood. · 1. which provt'd the deciding factor ti �ames. Se'"r.ral trips were made h�'. the le;tm, th-t·far.the; \\'ereov� Carl the -Hauge. Coltom. Sank('y , Johnson. dclicloU!i luneli was befng servt>d. In the game. Paio and Johnson being to .Astorla. Oregop. Mltny of thiS year s lettermen wd William Mitton. by Ruth In tr",ing � make oo! religion for. Ben PRio. Wilbert gue�t.s rdwt're entertained �ho\\'l'd the best r?r the Oladlato!"S be ha�k next year_ Norgafl . who read a selection; by mal. eloqu('nt. and !'Jew. we often . Thostenson. . . Rober Arnold NymRn. t . S. S. In this gRm(' also, F. Ruffo was the . . g g-}I Haney and Agnes. Klippen. .0;1>011 !he-message of Christ. .- fllllslu'li . .til{' J. . . -- Monson. John' Oardlln. Clarencc Pe rt'('orlll-i 01 tlli' I�as,·rfllll stillson .lUS� �Iar of tht' opp06lng team, show� who i>f'rforme<l a stunt. Rnd by Ruth -Xavier.'] . l mAlvene t'n whoSchlermRnn. ' rece ived' em� Brown, who r{'lld a selection 'The ,.lRnd On Ma�� the 23. the Gladlaton that tht' I'lirkialld 111('11 \\'011 fOUl' II rnl IlIsl fin' of Iht, .l£IIIIU'S Monson. Baseb �ho\\'t'd a re\'('r5ll1 of form to defeat pla YI'II: The 1t':"11 did \\"l·ll tlUl"il.,g till' ri�SI. pHl"l lIf thc' .sl'lIson. blems a;.!: Arnold ThoslenSOIl. Sall- ilrLs tht'n retired � t�e girl's �t'Cep"\ I tht' Jaysees of Centralia Junior Col- t .('fl'UIII�g lilt, �. II1('�1' of P.lIW'1 Sound nlrslly, Ikllal"!!l .. HIl�i were t'nlert.alned with Johnson: Wilbert Siegel. W'II- vtlonRIroom�nd >... BUITER.NUT lellc at Centralia by a .. to 2 count. LC'lll,r1l11ll .Itllll0l"I <.ollt·j.!t· IIdon: they losl II galllt·.\ I.IH',\· 1111 key OOlos· by Mildred Nelson lind OC wm. bert Palo. COl Bcn CRrl Ny,ptan. ' D HE B ' A ( The game �'as about evt'nly played II Imd slump, I hou�.h. rl"fIIll \\"�lIl'h Iht:y .t1t'\"t:r S ·t'llll'd to . Berger JRcobson. Elv('ra' Hokenstad. Coni. delighted Monson Clarence altho�gh the Gladiators had a little \'O\'('r, as Iht,y 1 11Io;[ If\"(, of 1iIl'.SI::' n'lIlal11l11g "gUllu's I'IIIYt'd. Eflrl Perl;lval.. Stanley Berentson. the girls by t.lckling the Ivories for Rklh As Butler . Ihe edge on their oppone�ts. Thert' S. �. h,m E H " d h a Warnerh. Quale SWEET AS A NVT rn \.C'n- ' " " d·,n"·,"'h'" ,',',';,", " h',','., Y,',r�� "-':UbtorSchlermann. Right .he�e should be menhon�d the fart (hal �I�'e of the AI1/ene were several .errors madt' by both A os T old Nyman. t teams. which accounted for most of athletes of thiS school, won letters In tile three major spo.rts_ son. Rnd Herman Ande rson rcc�lved ""ell address. to the club and wisht'd -;=::;;::=::::= �he ·runs . The Lutht'rans also out.-- rootball. basketball. and baseball,. .The men who have achle\,it a peppy next yt'Rr. ; ... le tters . hit the Jaysees by 4 to 2. Th06tenson' e'd this djstinction this year an�: Wilbert Nyman. IJernar�1 tennis DR. H, . L. MONZINGO tnRnflgt'f. Fred' Lee proved to be the best player of the Palo. Arno ld Thostenson Sanke�' J hnsonl and A."·ene Schl ' andThetheRthletlc TENNIS Tt:A,VI LOSES t � ' Hor yell IC'Rd"ers, Kenncth DENTISTRY l day or P. L. C.. ....hlle . NiSbet played cr�ann. �his makes t�e sports' � (�ook for 'ne�t year e�· and Oeorg t ennls tea The C. m.'· I� to C' Lane. were also glV�n a good gam(' �or the homt' team. pecmlty bright. as all With the 9cep.hon of possIbly one. of It'tkrs In appreciation Lincoln players by close sco�s in 1312 WASJqNOTON BLOO. or their serv- the Arter three comparatively clO!!e these pllt�'ers will he back f!!I next year's leaJl s. Good work. Ices Tacoma WR8h, the tennL� gam('s played SRturdll)" - MRLn. 261.!' gRmes. the Gladiators seemed to men! _ �����!"""'!!!"'" �� _ Wilbert . l wt're: 2 ng l , of' the Nor- May 4. Those plll}' in behfllf Brown R�th lose -all torm and kno,,":ledge of the TIetJen, O:crhRrd Herbert Nyman. . . S. S. . s resented p ' mal Mi . Lydia studenW; s : game of bMebali lind o:r�ped two I a k lllj.! all/Ill 1.111. I'U( l�Jl" l.ulh{'I·all ( ..lJlk�t· has 1m'll \'{'I'�. StI�rud with a string of crystals to MOlde:n. and Herman Ander.l�lIl. ' . ", o . ���;e� �� ·�,�:�IC�� �k:c �e;' L�� 6�l"��S;�,��s6��I�����t�I�.��U'���t����:;��I;�I;i l·,�; i �:��I�iIIJ�f);j;� �;:;:�� �:j�o��Pf:I;:�: for all . depeaU UpOn. PictorWr f a y h ��l�� l aken . t' pari Collom. president of'thC' Let.- Parkland Barber hop & appC� . lYe � a ;9 �: : :n� l� : h S . S. �� :..::e�� s artists capa-' ' rly clo ra .The game wtti; J game. s.: So -long until next fall! Confectionery �I��:�� ���'. �r�:.�: �c�: until the 'ninth Inning. \\'ht'n thc - Ie of illustraling . a token of appreciation of the bO}.s Geo: Knudtson.. Prop. your ·�rl"i.", 10 he had coached. . �e�:7 :c:�: l!r:�S : �I��� ��� '. , your JWfJ!it. \ __� gam('. During this Inning Johnson. . Dal'ly Dl'ary Palo: and Collom . all pitched un.tll Tu�",.. May Tur'3day, lUay 27. American Plumhing & S team S uppI y C. o. Johnson �turned to the box for a T ElMtraviRt Co 8Q)DUI _ goc.'; Kld� f�1 lazy. and cv'erybocly Sf'(1)nd time befort' th(' last PIlget 0111.1 Is climbing up In the world Wholesale .a.ven- ji..... . luck! Voting seems to be Just liwlmmlng. The dear alumni are all SOund mah could be put out. John· good Steam and Mill Supplies Plumbing. 7 :} ;'Il\ t, i ' baek trailing mater. who noth a alma WflY eut r e their tc? finding of for best the ( played yman I hl ll IJI" I WIIY 1 1. �on ami N . J!NIX-JfI I',wif il' A\' c;'1111I" go to chapel today. Nopcs, no Wrrtne!lday. May P. L. C. \\'hlle 'Spadafore pitched a dldn·t rl'st for the wicked! Harald Johnson st'nds Chocolate good game, for hls team. STl'DENTS!! )mddlng to Cher�a Secunda by alr Wednl'$day, M"y 31. On May 3 1. Athletic Park. tht' .. T(l(� Parklanden l05t another Indifferent E\·t'ryone Is rushing around try- mall. B}' appeal'ances In the library l . gRme to the f'ro6h or \he Unlvt'rslty. Inl!: to do a !\CmeSll'r work In R couple Get Your Repaired 29. May Thursday, of Washington by a 22 to 0 count of days. Bcd Jug.gllng ts still .In And the mC"mory books! Anyont' IS .' � � The yea-;:nbga de nine runll In vogue find one girl got Just awfully liable to suffer. with wrlter's cramps. . at th e mlSnWc.,fI(' u uptlrior f Ihe second and n e In the third in- wet-but. how can one tell why she. What with all these lests memory . . ACOMA WAS H . T t i t the game Wq IIkl's one-horse piDwer charlot books. et�. nlng. find after� · GOODYEAR SHOE . .-I comparatively cvcn? played. Jolley when .her mothcr forgot to kJl her? • ." .� .;. a'-=.�. r..,1-=tmm-=:;• .u.c::m:-.::r: Friday, May E • played tht' best for ht' F'tooh. gt'tting . l'nul"5day. May 2!. " for " Time senlor�. out and the ' . REPAJR SHOP Shoes and ym he Suils slx pla trlps G ou� to . of f!=lurhlts t t� The students arc. beginning to C' '?I waltlni. . . and Shckers ' Collom. Johnson and PalO showed 1'011111 thc hours until 1hC' time "'hcn r 'st?-paUcntJy . Polo Shirts 938 Commerce C�R. Werner cia Ma 31 M wcll [or Ihc LutherRn" . they shall or , hnr the the "click" " Slgn sa;:!>. �;gTi �y �ga." , al . . "It" ' Th, '''''',. PORTING GOODS CO. . KIM � . Hlt.� RUIl: Evcrybody is stili studying for ' . 'tO'J.-BROADWAY 'tm . .... • P. L. C. 6 thOl'e bcIO�e;: � : e:: ��. exams. . .7 r.'· ] "" "a1m.lm ___K!;mIb�l.aL-:tE Iri1fta�t " C. P. S, School Boob and d: y . Fountain Soon many of our dear song birds . . �. S�pplies P. L. C. n v t n I PATRONAGE YOUR V WANT e WE S�rv . � B('nannlne "\ � ��/l �::::er� �h:: ::�� % A::� \Vnlet/ i ion. Sharrer. ConkJin . Pri e h i If High Milk Shaktl!. Malted Milks deel . and wlll·come home lLIrain. Fountain b Pens & Sets �:i:�t��ri� :;: �r!i�:WilrGS:: �� � 8. .. Authorjzed;Dea Ice Crea� 8od.a.s. P. h C . . l Monday, lIIay le� Under. We Can Count on You for a ·Cu8t�mer. 2 =;u�:�� :;eth�::j��n::�: Made as they should be made Ccntralla wood·Portable Typewriter I th MER'RICK & RACE C. P. S. 19 ""!tp. f)1eir education too I�Dg. Mackenzie', lor Drug. .4.. yueUCo. CREDIT AJEWELERS P. L. C. .: I a dI i i Bfaad ,,"ay T O S 1 I Kain � iMXHi Pac. AV,. Main ' ll 73 ' 20 Boobellera,9tatsonera ' " " ' "' ", . 'l ! � "" ' w ; � � ; ; � ; ; � ; "� ; � ; C�!�C � .'� ;���� 'II� ' �� �; 2� ;� 22' 11 � ' j��8.';n�� ! � � � � � ;; iI •






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