Volume 9, Issue 1
Mariner’s Lighthouse
July—August 2009
2009 Officers Worshipful Master David A. “Dave” Heins 843.303.0805; regnar275@yahoo.com Senior Warden Thomas H. “Tom” Lewis, Jr. 843.708.5365 thlwm2010@gmail.com Junior Warden Richard C. “Rick” Ivey 843.343.6700 ivey.rc@gmail.com Treasurer John E. “Jack” Daniels, PDDGM 843.708.3456 jackdaniels07@hotmail.com Secretary Michael C. “Mike” Henslee 843.276.6768 mhenslee03@comcast.net Senior Deacon Thomas A. “Tom” McQueary 843.303.1442 Junior Deacon Mark Beasley 843.555.1212 acmeprototype@yahoo.com Steward James M. “Matt” Jenkins 843.819.6336 Steward Ashley Neboschick 843.408.6480 ashley.neboschick@navy.mil Tiler Dewayne Miles 843.296.6198 Chaplain Herbert S. “Herb” Goldberg PDDGM 843.766.3516; hstrudel@aol.com Marshal Lloyd F. “Curly” Christopher, PGMar 843.571.2709 after-burner@comcast.net Marshal Emeritus George L. Seyle, PSGD 843.766.5698 Historian O.M. “Skip” Owen, PM 843.556.4359; skipowen@knology.net News Editor Evan H. “Flint” Wiskoff 843.327.4995 ewiskoff@gmail.com Physician Carey E. “Doc” Capell 843.377.5088; capellc1@citadel.edu
Masonic History Masonry and Revolution. Throughout history empires have been overthrown, governments have toppled and regimes have crumbled. As in the usual history books these events are recorded as they happened, but less attention is paid to how they occurred and who influenced the events. Masonry has been intertwined with revolutions of the world and is evident by our history and our brethren who where involved. In most post antiquities history the root of revolution can be traced to intellectual brethren of masonry who believed that the status quo was illegal, oppressive and took a mans individual freedoms. In the American Revolution members of the fraternity did not advertise that they backed the revolution due to Masonry. As Masons are sworn not to participate in plots and conspiracies as an or-
L I G H T At the annual installation of Lodge officers the newly installed Worshipful Master explains the following required duties to the newly appointed Chaplain. In the discharge of your duties you will be expected to lead in the devotions of the Lodge at all Communications and public cere‐
ganization. Masonry was prevalent in the original thirteen colonies and many intellectuals such as Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock and of course George Washington where devout brothers. However they did not call upon masonry in the name of the revolution. However when bright and stout hearted men see injustice, they will act. It is merely coincidence that such men are often of the fraternity. Men such as our fore-fathers and men today enjoy the company of like minded individuals. The lodge was a place to discuss such issues or act from them. The Boston Tea Party was conducted by Members of our Massachusetts brethren . English rule was unjust to the free minded colonials. Masonry was acting in accordance with the general malaise and posture of revolutionary colonial America.
tion was well underway and their where nearly 40,000 masons in France on July 14th 1789 or what is now known as Bastille Day. These Masonic lodges where not made up of social classes that where traditionally sympathetic to the plight of the lower classes and the command people. With their weak King and in action of Nobility the budding Bourgeoisie class acted and where key players in overthrowing the monarchy. However as with the American Revolution many masons acted as French Citizens without the knowledge that many of their brethren where participated in the same struggle. Again Masonry was on the forefront of change and society building, however there was no Masonic collusion. Continued on pg 3
In the same era, the French Revolu-
monies. Masonry is not a religion, yet it is religion's handmaid, and we are sure that in ministering at its altar, the services you may perform will lose nothing of their vital influ‐ ence because they are practiced in that spirit of universal tolerance which distinguishes our institution. The Holy Bible, the Great Light of
Masonry, we entrust to your care. As Chaplain, for many years, I find the above wording to be a strict guidance that must be fol‐ lowed in performing all the du‐ ties of this office. I have to be prepared to give a prayer at many occasions, sometimes with‐ out any previous notice. Cont. pg3
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Mariner’s Lighthouse
W i s d o m Mariner Brethren, I wanted to take this opportunity to express my pleasure as regards our Masonic enterprises this Masonic year. We have been very successful in reaching out to our brethren in other lodges and forming lasting relationships with them. Particularly MacArthur
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Lodge in Goose Creek in which 12 brothers from Mariner attended our last visitation.
We have had 6 official Grand Lodge visits this year where the work conferred was most excellent. Officer participation has been great. We have many
coaching of new brothers and both the Senior and Junior Wardens conferred degrees that where wonderful to behold. David Heins works for AC’s Bar & Grill as Kitchen Manager. He is the Current Worshipful Master for 2009. He resides in James Island, SC.
officers about the lodge assisting in the
S t r e n g t h Years ago when visiting Lodge St Munn #496 in Ardenadam Scotland, I was told by the Past Master who had examined me and become a lifelong friend that if I had petitioned for membership in Scotland, I could have been initiated at age 18 instead of having to wait until I was 21. In those days that was a big deal because in America as well as Britain the minimum age for initiation was 21, so I asked why. Laughing he said: “Och Tom, because ye’re a Lewis!” I asked what difference that made. He realized the joke had escaped me, so he told me he’d made a play on words with my surname. He then explained the actual meaning of the term in Scottish Masonry was the son of a Master Mason and asked: “Tom d’ye no do the same in America?” I told him that was a Masonic custom that didn’t survive the trip to the New World and I’d never heard the term before. He explained that the son of a Mason (a lewis) could be initiated at 18 and that was the
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After all of these great undertakings, nothing is as fraternal and excellent as the work put into and the funds raised for Brother Tony. The Tony Boosinger fund was a
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sole exception to the minimum age rule in Scotland. Years later I encountered the term again in my Masonic reading and recently found this explanation on the “Lewis Masonic” website: “What is a 'Lewis'? A Lewis is 'a three-pronged iron cramp that is inserted in a prepared cavity in stone by which it may be lowered and lifted with precision'. The name comes from the Latin word Leuis, meaning to levitate or lift. In speculative Freemasonry a Lewis can often be found in a lodge, attached to a 'perfect Ashlar' - a finished stone - that in turn is suspended from a tripod or derrick. In Freemasonry a Lewis represents strength. The grip of the Lewis that lifts the stone is likened to the grip given to raise the
P h y s i c i a n s Swine Flu Update (15 May 2009). Swine flu is a new strain of influenza which has made thousands sick and killed three people in the US. In S.C., there have been 34 cases confirmed, but no deaths or complications. Swine flu appears to be milder than regular flu, is treated with the same meds (Tamiflu, Relenza), and spreads just like reguCarey Capell is the Head Surgeon for the Citalar flu through del, a military college located in downtown coughs and Charleston. He is a retired Colonel in the Air sneezes. Half Force and resides in Charleston, SC. the flu cases
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massive undertaking spearheaded by Worshipful Brother Bobby Pennington Jr. The assistance that was received on behalf of Tony from lodges across the state was humbling to say the least. The support truly embodies the glory of our ancient brotherhood and speaks volumes as regards the true light behind brotherly cont page 3
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candidate in the third degree. This, to many Freemasons, represents one's own ability to improve oneself and rise above one's vices and faults. A Lewis has also come to be the term used to describe the son of a Freemason. The reason for this is quite simple as is described in the explanation of the first degree tracing board. The duty of the son of a Mason is to support his parents in the same way a Lewis supports and lifts a rock.” So when it’s said in our Lodge that the duty of the Senior Warden is to strengthen and support the authority of the Worshipful Master, I think it’s a’ propos that this year there’s a Lewis to do it. Tom Lewis works for The Gel Corp. and is a life member of Jackson Lodge #45, Jackson TN. He resides in West Ashley, SC.
C o r n e r
in the US today are swine flu. Symptoms of flu (both types) include fever, coughing/sneezing, headaches, muscle aches and pains, and fatigue. Complications are rare, but can include pneumonia and respiratory distress. Although swine flu is milder than regular flu, that could change if the virus mutates this fall or next year. To stay healthy, the CDC recommends the following: • Cover your nose & mouth (with a tissue or your sleeve) when you cough or sneeze. • Wash your hands often with
soap and water, or use alcoholbased hands sanitizers. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth after contact with other people/surfaces. • Stay home if you get sick (especially with fever and a cough, or sore throat). See your doctor if symptoms get worse; medications work best when started early.
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Continued from pg 2 -love
and affection. The prayers and outcries from our brothers was immense and proved its worth. Tony is doing well and there is no coincidence that the prayers of our brethren and our faith in such influenced this in some way. For those brothers outside of Mariner# 2 that happen to read this newsletter, I wanted to make sure that they knew how eternally grateful I am for their support. It is this sort of thing above many great things that
make me proud to be Master of this Lodge and a member of this most excellent Ancient Fraternal Order.
Fraternally Yours David A. “Dave” Heins, Worshipful Master
Masonic History Continued from pg 1
ern part of Peru was renamed Bolivia.
The Colonial period was ripe with Revolution. While North America and Europe where embedded in such affairs, it gave rise to revolution across the world. Non so close as in Central and South America where well known Freemason Simon Bolivar was instrumental in gaining independence for much of the Americas in the Southern Hemisphere. After liberating Peru, The great “Liberator” as he was known was immortalized when the north-
In 1825 Russia being new to Masonic culture had a small revolution against Tsar Alexander I who had actually outlawed Freemasonry in 1822. The well known scholar Alexander Pushkin was among the new Masons who enjoyed membership as well in an organization of Masonic individuals known as the “Decembrists”
tory unbiased from numerous sources to maintain the integrity of the knowledge. If the brethren are interested in submitting history to this newsletter please Email me at ewiskoff@gmail.com Remember accuracy is essential and I will edit for such. Bro. Evan H. Wiskoff
-We will continue to provide Masonic his-
LIGHT FROM CHAPLAIN Continued from pg 1 I have given prayers, not only within the Lodge but at many occasions out‐ side the Lodge, e.g., at collations, at CCMA meetings, Master and Wardens meetings, Inspirational and Instruc‐ tional meetings, at Square and Level
RWB Tommy Blackwood current District Deputy Grand Master of the 2nd Masonic District wishes Mariner #2 peace and prosperity for the 2009 Masonic Year.
meetings, at some Scottish Rite meet‐ ings and of course at Masonic Funerals. The latter is the most difficult since I am standing in front of the family of the deceased and are listening to my every word. If the funeral is for a close Ma‐ sonic brother, it is even more difficult. A prayer comes from the heart and should be delivered with reverence and with sincerity. Prayers are an earnest request to the Great Architect of the Universe. Just recently a brother was found to have a brain tumor and needed an expensive operation. With the help of Masons from all over the state of South Carolina, finances poured in for him. Prayers were given by a
multitude of Masonic brothers during all the days prior to the operation, during the operation and after the operation. The operation proved to be successful and just recently this brother came to Mariner Lodge meeting and showed us his scar. He was so thankful to everyone for their monetary contributions and for all their prayers so he could survive such a terrible ordeal. Remember all your brothers in distress by offering your prayers for their safe‐keeping. Herbert S. Goldberg, PDDGM, PM Chaplain
Distressed Worthy Brother Lookout Below is a letter that was composed by both Bobby E. Pennington, Jr & Bobby E. Pennington III on April 25, 2009. Both are Past Master’s of Mariner Lodge #2 AFM. This letter has been sent to each lodge in the South Carolina with the permission from Most Worshipful Brother Barry A. Rickman, Grand Master of Masons in South Carolina. Worshipful Master and Brethren, The purpose of this letter is to explain the dilemma of a worthy distressed Brother Master Mason and to implore assistance from Ancient Free Masons statewide. Brother Anthony (Tony) Boosinger of Mariner Lodge #2 in Charleston SC is diagnosed with a brain tumor. He is 29 years old, married, and the proud father of a three year old daughter and a four year old son. He is in our employ since seventeen years old and now is a Master Plumber. Witnessing his growth from late adolescence into full blown manhood, I fondly remember his wedding and am delightfully watching the growth of his family. Tony is raised a Master Mason by the hand of my son, Bobby E. Pennington, III PM. His efforts to obtain financial assistance from the state and federal governments are thus far unsuccessful. The hospital will not allow the procedure to commence without prior financial approval. There are almost forty four thousand Ancient Free Masons in South Carolina. If each Brother is able to donate one dollar for Brother Tony’s medical necessity the expenses will be covered with some money left over for food and rent during his recovery. His illness is untimely and we here are all concerned for his safety and his family’s well being. His work is not done and his column is breaking. I know that there is strength in Brother Masons dispersed across our great state that will prevail. I humbly request that each Brother contribute one dollar, even though one alone is trifling in value. Together the dollar bills will provide the capital to save Brother Tony’s family from devastation. My family and lodge brothers love Tony and his family. Please accept our boundless gratitude for donations to pay for his medical expenses. Moreover, in your daily devotions to All Mighty God, please remember Brother Tony and his family by praying that the Supreme Grand Master shield and defend them from this terrible predicament. Respectfully submitted, Bobby E. Pennington, Jr., PM Bobby E. Pennington, III, PM Mariner Lodge #2 Make funds payable to:
Anthony Boosinger Emergency Fund c/o: Bobby E. Pennington, Jr. 121 Embassy Dr. Summerville, SC 29483
Tax ID for contributions: 26-4726064 Bobby E. Pennington, III is a Master Plumber at Winn-Penn Plumbing, Inc. He is a Past Master of Mariner #2 and resides in Summerville, SC. For any further questions you can reach him at bobbypiii@hotmail.com or his mobile number 843.343.8759 Bobby E. Pennington, Jr is the Owner and President of Winn-Penn Plumbing, Inc which specializes in Commercial Plumbing. He is a Past Master of Mariner #2 and resides in Summerville, SC. For any further questions you can reach him at mrpipe@knology.net or his mobile number 843.851.6629
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please tear off and remit with any donations that you are able to, so that the Mariner Lodge may thank you personally. Thank you. Name _________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________
State _____________
Zip Code ______________________
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~ Enclosed is a check from Mathews Lodge # 358 A.F.M., Greenwood S.C. for the Anthony “Tony” Boosinger Emergency Fund for one hundred dollars. Our prayers are with him and his family. ~ I read your letter at the lodge meeting last night. The lodge voted to send a check for $200., Also sending a check for $50.00 donation taken up at the meeting. ~ Myer E. Lewis Sect. Lamar Lodge # 284. ~ Enclosed is a check for $350. to assist Bro. Boosinger in his emergency need. During our business communication last evening we took $210 from our budget as $1.00 for each of our members. We also passed the hat and the brethren donated an additional $140. from their personal funds which we where glad to do. Please let us know how
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Brother Boosinger and his family are progressing. ~ Fort Jackson Lodge # 374. ~ Sinclair Lodge # 154 took up a collection last night and enclosed you will find the proceeds of the hat passing. Sinclair will remember Bro Boosinger in our prayers and deliberations. ~ -Edgar Cagle Secretary. ~ Enclosed are two checks for Brother Boosingers Emergency Fund. With Gods care, we hope and pray that he will overcome this illness. ~ Goose Creek Lodge # 401 A.F.M. ~ We at Fair Play Lodge # 132 are deeply concerned for Brother Anthony`s health and well being of his family. We are thus sending a donation for $100 to help with his health problems.
~ Enclosed you will find a check from the members of the McBee Masonic Lodge #313. We hope that your efforts to obtain financial assistance for Mr. Boosinger have been successful. We will remember Tony and his family in our prayers. These are just a few examples of the support that Mariner#2 has received on behalf on Tony from all over the state. Many letters received as well came from individual Masons as well as from their lodges. It is inspiring to see such an outpour of assistance from the brethren. If it where possible, we would include every letter from every supporter. But alas so few pages are available for such a huge endeavor.
“You haven’t lived a memorable day unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you!”
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July — Master’s & Warden’s Club will NOT be meeting. They are dark this month.
Collation @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm
July 9th—Business—Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Business @ 7:30pm
July 27th—Entered Apprentice Degree—Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm
July 20th—Master Mason Degree—Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston.
This will be conferred by our Junior Warden, Bro. Rick Ivey.
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August — Master’s & Warden’s Club will NOT be meeting. They are dark this month. August 13th—Business—Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Business @ 7:30pm August 17th—Entered Apprentice Degree—Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm
“God comes to us before we go to him”
This will be conferred by our Junior Warden, Bro. Rick Ivey. August 24th—Fellowcraft Degree—Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm Brethren this month’s schedule is tentative, please look for your Mariner Postcard in August.
“The caliber of a man is to be found in his ability to meet disappointment and be enriched rather than embittered by it.”
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E o It’s time for a little Masonic trivia. Each newsletter will have a few questions of Masonic trivia questions with the answers in next month’s newsletter. To add a little incentive email your answers to ewiskoff@gmail.com, those that have the most right answers prior to the next newsletter will be entered into a hat for a drawing for the NEW MARINER LAPEL PIN. Once again email answers to ewiskoff@gmail.com. This month’s ques-
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tions focus on Masons & Masonic Events during the Colonial Period 1. ~Who was the first Native Born American to be a Mason? 2. ~When was the “first lodge in Boston or “Holy Lodge of St. John” constituted? 3. ~What is the oldest thing in the western hemisphere of Masonic interest?
5. ~What is the earliest known use of the word “Freemason” in printing or writing in America? 6. ~What well known Mason and Patriot was killed at the battle of Bunker Hill? 7. ~When was the cornerstone of the capitol laid and by whom? (lodge affiliation)
4. ~What did masons have to do with the Boston Tea Party?
PARTING WATERS TWICE Everyone is familiar with God parting the waters of the Red Sea to allow the children of Israel passage and escape from the Egyptians (Exodus 14). But do you know, it wasn't the ONLY time God parted waters for His people. After wandering through the desert, they had to cross the Jordan River to reach to Promise Land.
God once again demonstrated His miraculous powers and stopped the river from flowing, so His people could cross on dry land (Joshua 3). Read about this and numerous others wonderful stories concerning the GAOTU by daily reading the Great Light of Masonry - the Holy Bible. By Secretary Michael C. Henslee, PM
Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.
the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. Exodus 14: 21,22
~That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, that is beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho. ~And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed clean over Jordan. Joshua 3: 16,17
The Mariner’s Lighthouse The Official Newsletter of Mariner Lodge No. 2 AFM The year 2000 Consolidation of: Washington #5, Friendship #9, LaCandeur #36, Walhalla #66, & Strict Observance #73
The next Regular Communication of Mariner Lodge Will be held on Thursday, July 9th, 2009 at 7:30 PM Collation precedes the meeting at 6:45 PM Please make plans to attend!
Mariner Lodge No. 2 AFM Michael C. Henslee, PM, Secretary 1323 Hermitage Ave Charleston, SC 29412-9221