Volume 10, Issue 2
Summer 2010
2010 Officers
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Worshipful Master Thomas H. “Tom” Lewis, Jr. 843.708.5365 thlwm2010@gmail.com Senior Warden Richard C. “Rick” Ivey 843.343.6700 ivey.rc@gmail.com Junior Warden Thomas A. “Tom” McQueary 843.303.1442 tate.mcqueary@gmail.com Treasurer John E. “Jack” Daniels, PDDGM 843.708.3456 jackdaniels07@hotmail.com Secretary Michael C. “Mike” Henslee, PM 843.276.6768 mhenslee03@comcast.net Senior Deacon Mark Beasley, PM 843.469.2577 acmeprototype@yahoo.com Junior Deacon James M. “Matt” Jenkins 843.819.6336
Steward Ashley Neboschick 843.469.3171 ashley.neboschick@navy.mil Steward Cameron S. Woody 843.408.8983 woody.cam@gmail.com Tiler Steve Hiott 843.819.5002 stevehiott@bellsouth.net Chaplain Herbert S. “Herb” Goldberg, PDDGM 843.766.3516; hstrudel@aol.com Marshal Lloyd F. “Curly” Christopher, PGMar 843.571.2709 after-burner@comcast.net Marshal Emeritus George L. Seyle, PSGD 843.766.5698 Historian O.M. “Skip” Owen, PM 843.556.4359; skipowen@knology.net News Editor Evan H. Wiskoff 843.327.4995; ewiskoff@gmail.com Physician Carey E. “Doc” Capell 843.377.5088; capellc1@citadel.edu
William Cody (Buffalo Bill Cody) was raised to the celestial temple on January 1917. 10th After a temporary internment he was put into a permanent Granite Tomb above Lookout Mountain in Colorado on June 3rd 1917. The procession to his internment included over 3000 automobiles and many were seen in this procession in the Masonic White leather or Lamb Skin apron that marked their devotion to Brother Bill. The turnout was no small surprise. Besides being a Master Mason, Brother Bill’s name was synonymous with the world fascination with the American Wild West. He is considered in history to be one of its greatest tall tales. Such outlandish bravado was spoken about or on behalf of Brother Bill because he truly was larger than life. Is it really no
Did you know that Mariner Lodge will be ten years old this year? Those ten years seemed to have flown by. It's like only yesterday that five lodges were having problems with attendance at meetings, problems with obtaining members to take an office which resulted in many Past Masters having to sit in the
surprise that he was a Mason. History is made up of Masons who walked in the light of our creator as Brother Bill did. It is unfortunate however, that upon his grave on Lookout Mountain, nothing is mentioned of his Masonic pedigree. This article will bring more light to Bills Masonic heritage, we all know about his exploits as a great American, but few you of his immersion and the level of it in our Craft. Born in LaClare, Scott County, Iowa, February 26, 1846, Buffalo Bill was destined to become one of the most famous members of our ancient and honorable Fraternity. At the age of 23, he petitioned Platt Valley Lodge No. 32, A.F. & A.M. of North Platt, Nebraska. On his 24th birthday he was elected to membership. He was initiated an Entered Apprentice on March 5th, 1870, passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft on April 2nd, 1870, and "raised" to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason on January 10, 1871. At the age of 40 he petitioned Eu-
phrates Chapter No. 15, Royal Arch Masons, of North Platt, Nebraska on September 1, 1887. He was advanced to the Degree of Mark Master, inducted into the oriental chair and received and acknowledged a Most Excellent Master on November 14th, 1888. He was exalted to the Royal Arch Degree on November 15th, 1888. Within two months thereafter he petitioned Palestine Commandery No. 13, Order of Knights Templar, was duly elected and received the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross on April 1, 1889 and on the following day received the Order of Malta and was dubbed a Knight Templar. He petitioned Tangier Temple of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of Omaha, Nebraska on March 22, 1892, and walked the "hot sands" three days later. Cont. page 2
chairs and problems with their finances. Well the results of the merger of those five lodges created the Mariner Lodge No. 2 which has developed into an outstanding lodge. It has a wonderful reputation throughout the state. Degree work is always of the highest caliber and there is a continuous supply of applications
from those wanting to join. Comradeship prevails and the attendance at each meeting and degree work is always large. On degree night all the officers wear tux which gives the lodge an appearance of distinction. A list of candidates is read at each meeting and in the past 10 years we have had degree work every Cont. page 3
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Mariner’s Lighthouse
W i s d o m
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Brethren, “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times”. That’s the starting words of “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens and it describes our Lodge’s first quarter pretty well. We’ve had some wonderful degrees and some excellent meals this quarter, accompanied by some really good fellowship. I have always heard that nothing happens until someone gets excited. The Lodge as a whole seems to be carrying over the excitement from last year and pulling together as a team. Our newer members are excited by Masonry, and our veterans are getting re-ignited by the fire burning in the newer members. Our degrees are exhibiting good ritual recitation end excellent force of delivery which translates to powerful degrees delivering a powerful impression to our candidates. It’s a wonderful thing to see and experience, especially from the seat in the East. To make it even better, some of our sister Lodges in the area are getting excited too. Over 70 brothers from 15 different Lodges in 5 different districts including 5 Grand Lodge officers and 7 sitting masters were present at a Master Mason degree in Goose Creek in late March. To have that kind of attendance at a degree when the Grand Master was on the other side of the state is amazing. I think this Freemasonry thing might be catching on.
Tom Lewis works for The Gel Corp. and is a life member of Jackson Lodge #45, Jackson TN. He is the Current Worshipful Master for 2010. He resides in Charleston, SC.
Unfortunately life has a habit of exerting gravity on you when you get flying too high to bring you back to earth. Our Lodge came back to earth with a crash on March 26th when a pickup truck turned left in front of a motorcycle ridden by our young brother Tony Boosinger and Tony was raised to the Celestial Lodge. What made it even more poignant was it was less than a year since Tony was snatched from the jaws of death due to a brain tumor. You always hear of “unintended consequences”. Tony’s plight last year brought Masons all over the state together to see that Tony got the surgery he needed. The response was gratifying and humbling. We all got a chance to rediscover what Masonry is supposed to be about last year thanks to Tony. Suddenly Masons across South Carolina knew his name and were praying for his recovery. Tony stopped being just our brother in Mariner – he belonged to the entire state. Tony got the surgery he needed, it went very well, and Tony was back at work and well on the way to a full recovery. And now in the blink of an eye he’s gone and all we could do for him was
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E a s t !
support his family in our mutual grief. You might wonder if the presence of 25 Masons at his funeral mid-morning on a weekday and at least that much the night before at the visitation had any real effect on the terrible situation. It did. Pain like that is lessened by sharing it. Tony’s family knew we shared a part of their grief and amazingly that helps. That’s what Masons do. Masonry teaches us by the mosaic pavement that life has its good and bad times. From time to time it seems that one outweighs the other. We just have to cherish each other during the times of the white tiles to have the strength to survive the black tiles. So as we pass into the next quarter of this year, let us all remember why we became Masons and why we stay Masons. Let’s look forward to more good food and good fellowship as we reveal the beauties of Masonry to younger (and not so young) men. Let us make the most of the time we have. After all, we’re all travelling on that level of time to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler ever returns. And no one knows when each of us will get to his stop. Respectfully and Fraternally
Tom H. Lewis, Jr. 32° KT KRC WM Mariner Lodge #2 Charleston, SC
C o n t i n u e s !
Buffalo Bill was made a member of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States of America in the Valley of New York City on April 4th, 1894 having joined the Lodge of Perfection (4th-14th Degree), the Council of Princes (15th & 16th Degrees), the Chapter of Rose Croix (17th & 18th Degrees), and the Consistory (19th - 32nd Degrees) all the same day. It is plain to see that Wild Bills name goes hand in hand with Western expansion, and with it the expansion of our glorious brotherhood. Atop Lookout Mountain, one can see the paths that many took to discover, explore and conquer the American West. It is a fitting place for Brother Bill’s mortal remains to overlook these trails that he blazed. I wonder, “What would it have been like to sit in Lodge with so powerful and flamboyant a presence as Buffalo Bill”. I am sure it was both amazing and entertaining. I can think of no better two words to describe Brother Bill than these. ~Evan H. Wiskoff Special Thanks to William Herbert "Skip" Boyer, 32° for his great article that inspired this one. http://www.srmason-sj.org/council/journal/aug99/Boyerbill.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_Bill
Volume 10, Issue 2
M u s i n g s
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A f t e r
Brethren, In my view, the third degree performed in Mariner Lodge on April 26, 2010 was accomplished in a most professional manner. The outpouring of support from our own members, as well as from several sister lodges inspires me to strive to do the best work I can. The willingness to participate, and the initiative to achieve
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the highest of goals by the brethren proved once again that we are a sturdy team in our lodge community. I consider myself quite fortunate to be a small part of such a vast membership of nearly endless resources we can easily tap into. Personally, I owe a great deal of gratitude to our WM Tom Lewis for allowing me the opportunity once again to dust off the hat and reside in the East for an entire evening. Congratulations to our three newly raised Master Masons, and I applaud the effort they applied toward their proficiency. I'd like to say a very grateful thank you to Most Worshipful Gerald L. Carver, PGM and to our current Senior Grand Warden
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RWB David J. DeChant for their participation in the degree work. Congratulations to our new District Deputy Grand Master RWB Bobby E. Pennington Jr. He certainly deserves this high office. I'd also like to thank everyone else who gave it their all to make the degree an absolute joy to confer. With dedicated men like this in attendance, Mariner Lodge is surely on its way to a successful future. Mark Beasley, PM Senior Deacon–Mariner Lodge#2
The prostate is a walnutsized gland at the root of the penis which wraps around the urethra (urine tube running through the penis). Most prostate symptoms start gradually: you may need to get up more often at night to urinate, or empty your bladder more often during the daytime, or have trouble starting the urine stream, or notice dribbling after urination. These symptoms are usually caused by a condition in men over 40 called BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy) … enlarged prostate. Almost 50% of men over 60 will have BPH, and 90% of those over 85. Because these same symptoms can also indicate more serious diseases, such as bladder infection or cancer, you should let your doctor know if you have symptoms so he can order the appropriate tests to identify the cause.
After your doc asks about your symptoms, the next step is a rectal exam. By putting a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum, he can check the prostate gland to determine its size, consistency and contour. He can also check for microscopic blood in the stool (a sign of cancer). He may also ask for a urine sample to identify infection and/or a PSA blood test to check for prostate cancer risk. The PSA test is a bit controversial since it isn’t a perfect test, but it will sometimes pick up prostate cancer when used in conjunction with the rectal exam. Unfortunately false positive results cause a lot of anxiety and may even prompt an unnecessary ul tr a so u nd te st o r a b io p s y. Once your doctor is reassured that you have BPH, he may suggest that you wait to see if your symptoms improve on their own. But if your symptoms get worse, he may recommend Saw Palmetto tablets, found in health food
F R O M T H E C H A P L A I N ( C O N T . )
stores. This herbal remedy (normal dose 320 mg/day) helps many men with BPH symptoms. Please give it several weeks to make a difference, since herbal remedies always take time to work. Alternatively, prescription meds such as Propecia or Avodart, work for many men, also. These are pretty expensive, unfortunately. One final option is a minimally invasive procedure (not surgery) using heat to reduce prostate tissue that is pressing on the urethra and causing symptoms. This procedure can usually be done in your doctor’s office rather than at a hospital. The last resort, if nothing else works, is surgery, which is usually done through the urethra, leaving no scars. Surgery does have some risks, such as bleeding, infection or impotence, but the risks are generally small.
Carey Capell is the Head Surgeon for the Citadel, a military college located in downtown Charleston. He is a retired Colonel in the Air Force and resides in Charleston, SC.
month, mostly twice a month. With over 500 members of Mariner Lodge, we have many that have never attended a meeting since the merger. Wouldn't it be wonderful for at least one quarter of that number attend a meeting? We would run out of food at the collation and there would be standing room only during the meeting. If you are unable to drive at night or have some type of disability, please let us know and we will somehow see that you can attend. So come on out and enjoy Masonry at its highest. See you there. Herbert S. Goldberg PDDGM, PM
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Mariner’s Lighthouse
That Column of Strength in the West As time passes in 2010 and we move into the 2nd Quarter, Mariner is far from slowing down. There are many things that the Lodge must inform and update everyone on since the last newsletter. Membership – I challenge and encourage each Brother that if you know someone that would fit our fraternity, invite them to a dinner amongst us. The excitement and motivation that the Lodge is exuding is something that cannot be tempered. Invite your friends and let them see a glimpse of what has helped you become a better man and mason, is part of your life, and that you enjoy so much. Let them decide if they would like to become a part of our fraternal family. If we can successfully have two petitions for membership per month, theoretically that is 24 Candidates a year. Realize, I am not stating Quantity over Quality. Simply that Quality will come from someone you personally know on a deeper level, and not just an acquaintance. The quality of Candidates this Lodge has seen so far this year is outstanding. Almost all were friends of another mason who joined prior. It is said that a Lodge can assume that it will only retain 10% of members raised in respect to become active in a Lodge. So far, all our Candidates have come back this year and either sat in Lodge, presented Working Tools, or stood Master Mason Proficiency. For those that say there is nothing for them to do at Lodge, I disagree. There are plenty of things to do in Mariner these next years. By-Laws – Enclosed with the Newsletter a copy of our current ByLaws is provided. For those that do not have a copy or have never seen one, I hope this helps. The By-Laws Committee (WBro Charlie Snyder, Bro Rick Ivey, & Bro Steve Hiott) is working diligently to update our By-Laws and has a lot of positive ideas and recommendations. At May’s business meeting, the Committee will discuss the potential ideas that it sees necessary to take Mariner to the next level and further cement its future prosperity. Some of the ideas that the Committee will discuss are: 1) adding definitions to the By-Laws, 2) further explanation of the Jewish Sabbath, 3) adding Supernumerary Officer positions, 4) defining the Wardens should confer a degree, 5) proper records for Junior Warden collation costs and Lodge advancement, 6) Treasurer responsible for a budget for Lodge approval, 7) and an additional standing committee, Committee on Budget. The By-Laws Committee hopes to get enough feedback, both positive and negative, prior to June so the Committee can address any concerns. This will eliminate having to go back and rewrite the recommendations for adoption multiple times. I invite every Brother to join this meeting to share your input. Friday May 14th from 1PM to 5PM and Saturday May 15th from 8AM to Noon – WORK DAY – One Lodge office room has successfully been cleaned and now can actually be used to sit in and conduct Officer Meetings, as well as maintain our Lodge supplies. We have a second Lodge office room that needs serious work. Mariner also has TWO EMPTY display cases in the front of the CCMA building that can display our Lodge history. Our Lodge possesses five tall filing cabinets between the two Lodge offices, which is perfect to dedicate one filing cabinet per Lodge. During these two days we will try to empty the office room and give it a good cleaning, as well as organ-
ize the archives by the five Lodges and fill the filing cabinets. While organizing the archives, we will also go through and label some history to display in our display cases. As a younger Mariner Officer, please, brethren from the five Lodges come out and help us label and display this history properly. Conferring Degrees – Congratulations to our SD WBro Beasley for dusting the cobwebs off his Master’s hat and moth balls out his jacket pockets. His conferring of the Master’s Degree in April was excellent. He delivered most of the degree with a sense of ease that other officers should try and pay close attention to. May 17th our JW Bro Tom McQueary will confer the Entered Apprentice Degree. This is the first degree he has EVER conferred. Please if possible try to come out and support him and the Lodge. Let’s show him how much we really do appreciate all the great meals he’s been cooking, by seeing this degree. Later this month on May 24th, as a first, I will confer the FellowCraft Degree. Lectures – If I wasn’t able to write about a Lecture that was delivered by Mariner Brother, I would be wondering what happened to Mariner and which Lodge ambushed and stole me. It gives me great pleasure to congratulate Bro Steve Hiott. This past month he received the 2nd Degree Lecture Certificate. Earlier this year he received the 3rd Degree Lecture Certificate and has assisted other Lodges in Charleston by presenting this lecture for them during their degrees. WBro Bobby E. Pennington, III, has already stated that he is willing to assist the Lodge and any Brother that wishes to learn and perfect delivering any of the Lectures. Brothers, I recommend that you take him up on his offer, you will not regret it. Master Mason Proficiency – Another One Bites The Dust – Actually 2 Brothers. Congratulations to Bro Wesley Oliver and Bro Mac McSwain. Bro Oliver stood proficiency as a Master Mason, and came back to conduct the Master Mason Proficiency Questions for Bro McSwain the following month. How many more will stand proficient before the end of the year??? Who knows I might find some time to tackle it? Outdoor Concert – With pleasure I am able to announce that I have secured 24 tickets to O.A.R. This is of my own doing and I am offering this to lodge brothers. They will be playing at the Family Circle Center on Daniel Island, Aug 14th; gates will open at 6PM. Tickets are $40.00. All the seats are in Tier 1 (along the left side of the stage), Rows 3 and 4. Please feel free to email me (ivey.rc@gmail.com) or call me, but these tickets are first come and first serve. What better way to spread Brotherly Love amongst the fraternity than with music outdoors during a warm summer’s eve? Last year their concert was phenomenal and I imagine this year it will be just as great. I already have at least 4 Brothers and their significant others going. Can we have a whole section of Brothers at this concert?
Fraternally Yours, Richard C. “Rick” Ivey, 32 Senior Warden, Mariner Lodge #2 Rick Ivey owns Secqurance, LLC a local computer/network consulting company. He is pursuing a Master’s Degree from Iowa State and is active in the community for Veteran’s Benefits. Both he and his 12 year old nephew reside in Goose Creek, SC.
Volume 10, Issue 2
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That Column of Beauty in the South What a wonderful quarter to begin this year off. I would like to inform you of some accomplishments and the data that is aiding to the success of Mariner. Remember that the Officers of the South sat down to develop a core menu plan involving a quarterly rotation. The first quarter is finished and rotation is in effect. The next planned meal, White Chili with Cornbread was a success the first time around! Brother Bill Warner who was just raised April 26th has contributed his personal cornbread recipe for this next meal. The efforts of the Stewards, Ashley Neboschick and Cameron Woody are nothing more than superb. We three are smack in the middle of career development to support our future and families; but have successfully balanced that, with our devotion to Mariner’s future which is equally as important to us. Gentleman, I am proud to say that as a Lodge first quarter spending was only $42 dollars. What?!?! Gentlemen, the number is correct. The meals were all selected based on fairness to all, freedom from religion specific meals, and cost effeteness. None the less, everyone’s acceptance has made this happen. All meals were excellent in taste and enjoyment. Even better is the increase in fellowship that has taken place. Guest’s numbers are up and Mariner Lodge attendance is top notch. We also have an unsung supporter as well. The desserts you have been enjoying are being provided by Shannon Hewitt, our dedicated baker this year. She has performed exquisitely! She also developed a dessert menu based on our plan. The coordination with the officers and her make it seamless. Most know her as Worshipful Master Tom Lewis’s daughter, but we’ve all seen her during meals as she sits with us and enjoys the company of fellowship. With the amount of excellent work being done inside the Lodge it is no wonder the numbers are excellent. The work of all the newly made Master Masons only ensures the legacy of Mariner. I especially appreciate the Birthday cake brought in, personally, by our Worshipful Master. I can’t think of any other people better to spend my birthday with next to my family. Unfortunately, we as Mariner lost some brothers this quarter and brought frowns upon us, but smiles as we celebrate their life as we get together each evening. I can only hope that the brethren continue to join in masses as before. Brethren continue to visit and view with delight the proportions with connect this vast machine. May 13th Business – White Chili with Cornbread May 17th Degree – Chicken and Rice May 24th Degree – Flounder Au gratin with mixed vegetables
Fraternally Yours,
June 10 Business – Turkey Tetrazzini June 21st Degree – Chicken Veggie with Brown Rice June 28th Degree – Beef Yakisoba July 8th Business – Meatballs in Gravy with Butter Noodles July 19th Degree – Hawaiian Smoked Sausage over Rice July 26th Degree – Linguini with Spicy Shrimp Sauce
Thomas A. “Tate” McQueary, 32° Junior Warden—Mariner Lodge #2 Tate McQueary works for Cummins Turbo Technologies as a New Product Introduction Technician. In his spare time he enjoys hunting, going to NASCAR races, cub scouts with his son, and spending time with his 1 year old daughter. He currently resides in Goose Creek, SC.
Congratulations to our new District Deputy Grand Master of the 1st Masonic District!!! from Mariner
Right Worshipful Brother Bobby E. Pennington, Jr.
“Our society is exceptionally fortunate for the existence of Free Masonry, which is deserved by the example of friendship and brotherly love you generate. Thank-you for being my Masonic brothers!” ~RWB Bobby E. Pennington, Jr.
These photos represents RWB Bobby E. Pennington, Jr.’s installation as DDGM at Grand Lodge’s 273rd Annual Communication.
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Mariner’s Lighthouse
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May 12th—Masters & Wardens 12th Club of the 1st and 2nd Masonic Districts—Will meet @ the Fish Shack on Sullivan’s Island. Collation @ 1830; Meeting @ 1930. All Master Masons are welcome. Collation will be Annual Fish Fry. May 13th—Business— 13th Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Business @ 7:30pm.
May 14th 1pm to 5pm May 15th 8am to Noon—Work Noon Days—Cleaning out one of Lodge office rooms, cataloging old archives, and displaying historical items in our 2 display cases. All are welcome. More that help, the faster we’ll be done. May 17th—Entered Apprentice De17th gree—Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @
J u n e June 10th—Business— 10th Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Business @ 7:30pm. This meeting we will be reviewing By Laws Committee’s recommen-
6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm. JW Tom McQueary will confer. This will be his first time conferring a degree. May 24th—FellowCraft Degree— 24th Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm. SW Rick Ivey will confer this degree for the first time.
C a l e n d a r
dations. June 21st—FellowCraft Degree— 21st Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm.
June 28th—Master Mason Degree— 28th Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm.
J u ly July 8th—Business— 8th Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Business @ 7:30pm. This meeting we will be 2nd reading of By Laws Committee’s rec-
2 7 3 r d
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degree has yet to be confirmed.
July 19th—?Entered 19th Apprentice Degree?—Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm. This
July 26th—Master 26th Mason Degree— Located at 1285 Orange Grove Rd, Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm.
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LtoR— 1: MWB Rickman taking obligation of office. 2: MWB Rickman presiding in the East. 3: RWB Pearson, DeChant & Rogers taking obligations of offices.
Volume 10, Issue 2
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Ask about our cheap AD space. Help support the cost of our Official Mariner #2 AFM Newsletter. Contact ivey.rc@gmail.com for more details… Know the businesses brothers are in. Decide whether that brother and business can fit your needs.
Want an email of all LowCountry Masonic Events??? Email thl@gel.com and ask to be added to “The Lowcountry Trestleboard” Charleston’s only weekly Masonic Event Email.
Mariner Lodge No. 2 AFM Michael C. Henslee, PM, Secretary 1323 Hermitage Ave Charleston, SC 29412-9221
The Mariner’s Lighthouse The Official Newsletter of Mariner Lodge No. 2 AFM The year 2000 Consolidation of: Washington #5, Friendship #9, LaCandeur #36, Walhalla #66, & Strict Observance #73
The next Regular Communication of Mariner Lodge Will be held on Thursday, May 13th, 2010 at 7:30 PM Collation precedes the meeting at 6:45 PM Please make plans to attend! Bring a Friend!