Plus+ May 2016 Issue

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E SU IS `S EN M W O May–Jun 2016

What They Don’t Tell You about Pregnancy and Childbirth WITH AMALINA JAAFAR




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Going the Distance



Melissa Woo:

07.08.2016 J E R U D O N G PA R K A M P H I T H E AT R E

3km 5km 10km






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May–Jun 2016


+Health 6 Keep Yourself Feeling Young and Healthy

+Event 10 Save Life by Giving Blood 12 Running with a Purpose, for a Purpose! SheRuns 2016 Charity Race

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Content+ 38 5 Common Financial Mistakes New Parents Make 40 Moms’ Guide: 6 Ideas to Help Use Your Free Time to The Fullest! 44 Mummy’s Day out With a Tiguan


44 +Life Inspired 18 What They Don’t Tell You about Pregnancy and Childbirth 24 Sri Anne Masri: Juicing the Moment 30 Melissa Woo Going the Distance

+Lifestyle 34 Known Secrets to Help Working Mothers 36 Mothers Looking for Inspiration Do Something You Love!!

30  PLUS 3

May–Jun 2016

+Publisher Info

Dear readers, I

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t is fitting that we bring you our Mothers Day issue this month. Mothers tend to be forgotten, under appreciated and taken for granted when in fact, their selflessness, sacrifices and hard work should be celebrated every day. Their naturally nurturing and caring instinct finds many mothers putting everyone’s needs above their own and neglecting their own health and well-being.

financial mistakes new parents make and how to avoid them.

In our tribute to all mothers out there, we feature quite a few articles with tips and ideas for moms to make the most out of their very scarce free time, to keep feeling and looking healthy, to find inspiration and reignite the passion and dream they put on hold for their children, and for all the working mothers out there — to achieve an optimum level of work-life balance.

Last but not least, we feature the very inspiring Melissa Woo, a mother of two who started her professional running career a bit later than most but has grown in leaps and bounds, establishing herself as one of the top long distance runners in Brunei. Read her story and be assured that it is never too late to dream or hope, but it is always too early to give up.

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Being a mother means constantly worrying and thinking about your children’s future. Great Eastern Life is able to help secure your child’s future and kindly shares the five most common

+Publisher Nexploit Services +Editor-At-Large Plus Team +Talent Editor Elizabeth Sim Syazwana Souyono +Proof Reader Monica Lim +Marketing and Digital Content Nursadiqin Misir

Amalina Jaafar shares her personal experience with pregnancy and childbirth and what they don’t tell you about these life-changing events. We also speak to Sri Anne Masri, the founder of the Brunei Detox Bar, on how and why she started her juicing and clean eating journey, the benefits involved and soak up her advice on doing the same.

Many thanks and happy reading, The Plus Team

Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (Brunei Darussalam) Health Promotion Centre (Brunei Darussalam) Fitness Zone Royal Brunei Airlines Progresif Cellular Sdn Bhd

+Publisher information Nexploit Services Lot 4169, Kg Serambangun, Tutong TA 2541 Brunei Darussalam Email it to 

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+Get interactive with Plus Magazine +Graphic Designer Anna Thien Oleh Melnyk John M. Rey +Photographer Jerome Wong Aron Tan’s Studio +Featuring Melissa Woo +Contributors SyazwanaSouyono Shelley Ann Busque Joana Tan

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Ministry of Health (Brunei Darussalam)


Plus Brunei

Plus Brunei


Keep Yourself Feeling Young and Healthy 6 PLUS May–Jun 2016



t is not unusual for many mothers to stand in front of a mirror and see a complete stranger staring back at them. That stranger may resemble the person looking into the mirror, however, that strange reflection looks tired, old and stressed out with big eye bags under their eyes. Most women go through this phase, and with time, they forget who they were before they had kids and continue letting this stranger take over their body. But why let that happen? Being a woman whose natural instinct is to nurture doesn’t necessarily mean you always need to put others first and never take time off for yourself. Find the real you, be that healthy young women you deserve to be and stay healthy. It doesn’t take a lot to take care of yourself and a little attentive look at this list will help you realize how little you need to do to take care of yourself and feel young and healthy from the inside! 


May–Jun 2016


FOOD HABITS You need to be healthy inside to feel and show the results outside. The wonders that occur when you take in fresh fruits and vegetables and if you prepare a freshly homemade meal are incredible so start opting out of those heavy calories during takeout weeks. Always start your day with a glass of water when you wake up and start your daily activities. Throughout the day, always try to have rejuvenating fruits and vegetables that are good and healthy for you. Less oil in meals and careful intake of fats and carbs will show you the difference from your very core and encourage you to do more to keep yourself feeling healthy and young from the inside.

STAYING ACTIVE Staying active is very important in the road towards staying fit and healthy. Being an active person and always being spontaneous always has a positive effect on your nervous system, creating the state of mind of being young and healthy. You can also take part in some small physical activities every day to keep your muscles toned and used to doing work. This will make you feel fit and eventually more energized throughout the day.

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Staying active can also lead to bonding time with other members of the family with whom you can exercise with, as well improve your state of mind. Positive reinforcement is everything when wanting to feel healthy, fit and young!

QUALITY TIME As much as it is important for you to spend time bonding with your loved ones, it is also important to give yourself some space and have some alone time. Let yourself loose sometimes and enjoy what you want to do. Have a relaxing bath, read a book, enjoy a lunch treat by yourself or perhaps go out for a walk and enjoy the weather. You need quality time, and you need to clear the thoughts in your head. Sometimes, tiny little breaks go a long way and leave you with a fresh and healthy mind, keeping you forever young at heart.

SLEEPING HABITS You can choose to believe it or not, but even scientists believe that sleeping has an effect on a person’s overall mood. If you have bad sleeping habits, then it is bound to disturb you in the long run. Set yourself a schedule and go to bed early and wake up early enough to find yourself watching the sunrise. Waking up early makes your

day a lot longer and helps you work efficiently. And once you are used to this change, you will feel how helpful it is to keep you stress-free and furthermore, it gives you more time to do things. A healthy sleeping routine also aids in maintaining your mental stability; a good night’s sleep will help you be brighter and happier throughout the day.

LOOKING AFTER YOURSELF No matter how irrelevant you think taking care of yourself is, you need to. Your work is quite important and so is maintaining your own self. Buy some relaxing crèmes and lotions and body wash that will sooth your muscles. Use them regularly. They don’t have to be extremely expensive products that will cost you a lot of money; they can be from the local drug store. The idea is to make you feel important enough to feel looked after and taken care of. If you see yourself gaining some extra weight, then start a new diet. If you find yourself busy with too much work, take a break. If you find yourself in a messy world, clear it up. Let yourself relax and enjoy the time, take the steady way out to a healthy lifestyle. Just breathe. Keep yourself organized and you will see how much it helps you feel positive and rejuvenated.




n the 21 st of April 2016, Plus+ Magazine and Piccolo Café organized a blood donation drive in collaboration with JPMC, Rano Adidas, Fitness Zone, Brunei Timber and Nails and Wax. The event was a great success with over 63 participants but only 36 donors were able to donate blood successfully. The other 27 were not able to donate blood due to a few factors such as currently being on medication, having low or high blood pressure, and having low hemoglobin. These are some of the most common deferred reasons. There is a need for donors to understand the various procedures involved to ensure a successful donation takes place. Furthermore, donating blood has a myriad of benefits towards the health of a donor, and we are happy to share them here:

2. Get a good night’s sleep. 3. Drink an extra 16 oz. of water or non-alcoholic fluids before the donation. 4. Eat a healthy meal before your donation. Avoid fatty foods such as hamburgers, fries or ice cream before donating. 5. If you are a platelet donor, remember that your system must be free of aspirin for two days prior to donation. 6. Remember to bring your Identification card.

9 BENEFITS OF BLOOD DONATION Here are some of the benefits of donating blood. 1. It feels great to donate! 2. You get free snacks (juice and delicious cookies).


3. It’s something you can spare – most people have blood to spare and yet, there is still not enough to go around.

1. Maintain healthy levels of iron by eating iron-rich foods such as red meat, fish, poultry, beans, spinach, iron-fortified cereals, and raisins.

4. You will help ensure blood is on the shelf when needed — most people don’t think they’ll ever need blood but many will.

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Event+ of the study showed that the group of blood donors had lower iron levels and a lower risk of cancer and mortality. 8. Burns Calories People burn approximately 650 calories per donation of one pint of blood, according to the University of California, San Diego. A donor who regularly donates blood can lose a significant amount of weight, but it should not be thought of as a weight loss plan by any means. To donate blood, the American Red Cross requires donors to weigh at least 110 pounds and maintain healthy iron levels in the body. 5. You will be someone’s hero – in fact, you could help save more than one life with just one donation. 6. Preserves Cardiovascular Health Blood donation reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers found that participants aged between 43 to 61 had fewer heart attacks and strokes when they donated blood every six months. In a study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that in a sample size of 2,682 men in Finland, those who donated blood a minimum of once a year had an 88 percent lower risk of heart attacks than those who did not donate.

an increased risk of cancer and aging, says a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Researchers followed 1,200 people split into groups of two over the course of 4½ years. One group reduced their iron stores by blood donations twice a year, whereas the other group did not make any changes. The results

9. Provides a Free Blood Analysis AND health check up. Upon donation, donors are tested for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, and other diseases. They also check your blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature, hemoglobin level and health history.

7. Reduces The Risk of Cancer The reduction of iron stores and iron in the body while giving blood can reduce the risk of cancer. Iron has been thought of to increase free-radical damage in the body and has been linked to Organized by:

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May–Jun 2016





irst launched in May of 2015, SheRuns is an all women’s charity race dedicated to bringing awareness to aid organizations. Empowering women to become involved in their community and increase their fitness level, SheRuns 2016 was backed by Plus+ Brunei as the official magazine of the race.

The inaugural race had over 2,000 participants from all walks of life, and the 2nd annual SheRuns charity event was held in May 2016 and broke that participation record. The female racing community was represented by 16 different nations, including Brunei. As they

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made their way towards the finish line on a sunny & bright Sunday, the racers finished with a purpose, for a purpose. The SheRuns 2016 event benefitted two charities — YAYASAN KANSER KANAK-KANAK (YASKA) which is a non-governmental organization that provides support to children diagnosed with cancer and their families, and Special Olympics Brunei Darussalam (SOBD) which is a non-governmental organization that aims to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition to children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

Plus+ Brunei believes in the SheRuns 2016 purpose of bringing awareness and support

to children with cancer as well as to children and adults with intellectual disabilities.



May–Jun 2016


Ministry Of Health

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+Life Inspired

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Life Inspired+



May–Jun 2016

+Life Inspired


hildbirth truly is a miracle of life; the mother-to-be glistening with perspiration and delicate strands of her hair trembling with every push, then with one final thrust her screams are replaced by the melodic cries of a newborn. Tears of relief and joy roll down the proud woman’s cheeks as she embraces her child, all the pain was forgotten as she gazes into her baby’s eyes and glimpses into the beautiful journey called parenthood. That’s how the movies play it out to be and if you’ve ever been gutsy enough to watch an actual childbirth video you’d soon realise how grossly inaccurate that scenario is, plus all the other things that happen throughout the pregnancy and even afterwards. First-time mummy, Amalina Jaafar, 26, was kind enough to share the raw gritty details of her labour and things that really surprised her about the whole experience. Since she only had her baby three months ago, everything is still (painfully) fresh! First off, we’d like to clarify that this is just the experience of one woman — obviously, the process will vary for different women and with countless different variables, so do keep that in mind.

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has about halfway to go to reach her pre-pregnancy weight.

This is pretty much a given when there’s a mini person growing inside you but even though mothers expect this straight off the bat, once it actually happens and they can see the drastic changes to their body, it is quite nerve-wracking. This change definitely distressed Amalina who has always struggled with her weight.


“When I found out I was pregnant, I knew I had to change my mentality that the weight I was putting on was not all fat, but it was not easy. The kilos kept piling on and it felt like a battle between my weighing scales and me. I didn’t feel like myself anymore because I was the biggest I had ever been and never thought my weight could skyrocket within 9 months.” She gained over 20 kg (more than the doctor recommended,based on her BMI) despite her eating habits staying the same and discovered that shedding the baby weight is definitely harder than she anticipated.Even though she has been exercising and eating right for the past 6 weeks postpartum, she still

You always hear about pregnant mothers complaining about their feet being swollen and aching due to carrying that extra weight but most people don’t realise that literally every part of your body gets swollen, especially towards the end. Your fingers and even your nose balloons up! This is due to water retention and increased blood volume in the body. Just another thing to add to the list of weird and wonderful things that happen to you during this time.

YOUR LABOUR STORY MAY BE VERY DIFFERENT THAN OTHERS When people think about labour, it’s usually along the lines of water breaking, contractions then screaming baby but things may play out very differently. For Amalina, her experience was something she never really expected until the moment itself.

+Life Inspired “It was a waiting game for me and definitely not like one of those dramatic scenes you see on TV. I was waiting for the contractions to come, or braxton hicks as they call it (false contractions in preparation for the real birth) but I never experienced a single contraction during my 40-week pregnancy. I was expecting some signs of labour towards the end of my pregnancy but didn’t experience any”, Amalina shared. At her 40th week, she was instructed to admit herself into hospital despite having yet to break her water and not being dilated. In the end, she had to go through labour induction, which involves the insertion of pills to encourage dilation and hormonal drips to get her contractions going, to basically force the baby out of the womb. It took her three days to reach full dilation (10 cm) and before then, she hadn’t even heard of labour induction!

SOMETIMES YOU’LL FEEL LIKE A VENDING MACHINE Despite all the advances in technology, unfortunately, the only way to check the woman’s dilation is still by prodding her insides and what some people may not realise is that everyone (that’s authorised) at some point of your labour will have had their fingers inside you. Amalina explained, “I felt like my dignity was lost when a number of doctors and midwives kept on poking, shoving and prodding their fingers inside me. You feel so exposed! I know they are professionals and I am not a prude but I wish there was some other way to check for dilation you know? Brunei is blessed to have only female doctors and midwives because if it was a male doctor, I’d probably have given birth myself! Ha!”

CONTRACTIONS HURT MORE THAN THE ACTUAL BIRTH Amalina described the pain of contractions as having your insides

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shoved into a blender at full speed, which is probably a bad time to find out painkillers don’t always work. Despite having been injected with the painkiller pethidine and provided with gas to minimise the pain, she still felt it. “I thought the pushing bit was hard and more painful (because people always say that it feels like pushing the biggest poop of your life or a watermelon or a truck out) but you have to have all the energy in the world to push a baby out. When I was told that it was time for me to push, I looked at my husband and said “The time has come. Let’s do this”. I just wanted to get it over and done with so I shifted my focus and in less than 10 mins, my beautiful baby girl came out.”

HERE COMES THE PAIN The pain definitely doesn’t end once the baby pops out, in fact, it would take about 6 weeks or more for everything to heal, depending on whether you’ve had a natural birth or a C-section. Amalina, who had a natural birth, struggled to walk and sit in that time and trips to the toilet were also a nightmare. Nobody really tells you that going number two after giving birth would be the worst toilet trip ever, but now you know. The experience has definitely opened Amalina’s eyes to the struggles that mothers go through and it has escalated her respect and appreciation for mums, especially for her own mother who birthed seven kids! However, that doesn’t mean she’s raring to have another baby after the birth of her little Kamelia. “Having my baby is a blessing and of course, it’s worth the pain but that doesn’t mean I would want to go through it again. I am still traumatised by childbirth and I am still trying to adjust my life as a mother — something that I never thought I would be at the age of 26. But God has his plans and if God wants to bless

Life Inspired+

FEATURING: Amalina Jaafar ARTICLE BY: Syazwana Souyono PHOTOGRAPHER: Iqbal Caesar

me with another child, I am happy to accept. Who knows, one day I might forget the pain of childbirth and my mind would change and I would want more kids?” Her advice for aspiring mothers out there? Make sure you are physically, mentally and financially ready for the whole experience before deciding to have a baby. When things seemed to get too overwhelming, Amalina’s mum would say to her, “fight the feeling of being weak” and push through for the sake of the baby and yourself. As for fathers-to-be, “Your wife will be in a hormonal rage so be nice to her, treat her well, massage her, if she cries or gets mad for no apparent reason, hug and kiss her till she feels better. Compliment her, shower her and of course…let her eat!!!”


May–Jun 2016

+Life Inspired

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Life Inspired+




May–Jun 2016

+Life Inspired


he most successful people in life are usually those who manage to stay positive and spot opportunity in the face of adversity. In the case of Sri Anne Masri, 43, when life gave her lemons, she decided to make lemonade (literally and figuratively)!A health scare three years ago brought her down the juicing path and this eventually led to the introduction of her brand Brunei Detox Bar in April last year. Their vibrant cold pressed juices with concoctions ranging from beetroot apple and alfalfa lemonade as well as healthy meal options can be found at their shopfront located behind The Centrepoint, Gadong. The mother of five also encourages her kids to drink their greens and stresses the importance of instilling good eating habits at a young age. What was your inspiration to start juicing and eating clean? Simply trying to be healthier and nutritionally balanced as we aged inspired me to start juicing and adopt clean eating habits. It’s scary what’s happening around us, our loved ones getting degenerative diseases and so on. It’s an eye-opener for my family and me and we realized the importance of being healthy and nutritionally balanced through juicing and clean eating. Life is much more than eating processed and complex food. What compelled you to start the Brunei Detox Bar? The Brunei Detox Bar came about when we decided to change our lifestyle for a healthier one. Everything starts from home. Initially, it was based on family affairs; we decided to share our healthy lifestyle and food with our friends and relatives who were supportive in realizing the need of having good, palatable and nutritionally balanced food. So after much encouragement from friends and families, simultaneously there were opportunities that cropped up; we decided to set up Brunei Detox Bar brand through Amali cafe at the Centrepoint Hotel in Gadong. Have you always been someone who was into health and fitness prior to establishing the business? Health and fitness in moderation because work and family life is a top priority. Only for the last

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three years did we decide that we needed to balance it out and focus a bit more on trying to be healthy, stronger and more engaged in healthier diets. We signed up for multiple runs locally and internationally, just to keep up with the phase of life. I think it’s important to keep up the healthy phase as we age because we never know when our body will start to break down on us and by then it would be too difficult to repair; thus limiting our lifestyles and movement. Hence to prevent this, we always try to be a healthier and better being than what we were before. Basically, it’s more towards a healthier long-term lifestyle change. What are the benefits of juicing and how soon can you spot the changes in your body and health once you start? There are lots of benefits through clean eating and juicing. Simply put, feeding your body with all the poly nutrients and vitamins that it’s been deprived of daily from processed food that surrounds us. People think that when you eat clean and healthy you are simply trying to lose weight; that is absolutely not true. Clean eating promotes a healthier and more energized well-balanced body, which is far better than dieting. It gives you the correct amount of protein, carbs, fats and fibre and it rejuvenates your body naturally from within. When we eat a well-balanced diet, our body will work at its best. We sleep better and are more positive and creative in our work regardless of age, and it’s this overall enhanced sense of well-being that keeps most of us healthy and strong. You are what you eat. Look at yourselves in the mirror daily and never give up; the changes will come when we start to feed our body with real food. Usually, we can spot the changes within a month of juicing; your body begins to adapt to the changes, you will feel much more energetic, lighter and lose inches from your midsection. The biggest change will be your skin; it will look more supple, glowing and fresh. However, the equation to a healthier being is not just better food, it’s moderate exercise, a good 8 hours sleep, hydration and if possible LESS Stress.

Did you or your family members find it difficult to transition to healthy eating? It’s an interesting journey actually, which started with my husband and me. We decided to do juicing daily because we didn’t want to take our prescribed medications. Through a lot of research, we thought if we ate lots of fruits and vegetables daily and enough of protein and carbohydrates, we can be freed from taking our prescriptions. Hence, we tried a few months of juicing religiously every morning and together with exercise we saw the changes within us. Our Body Mass Index (BMI) improved as well and that motivated us to stay on and actually make the leap. Over a period of time our cravings for sugary food lessened and by the time we knew what was going on, three years flew by and we are still in it. We do go out and eat “processed food” at times but in moderation. We don’t buy carbonated drinks anymore at home and we’ll try to avoid fast and processed food for the children most of the time. Did you ever struggle to get your children to practice juicing or eating better? How do you encourage them to eat well at home? I have five children, ranging from the age of 10 to 18 years old. It was not that difficult to encourage them to adopt clean eating because since they were young they were not encouraged to eat fast food. So it’s easier to introduce clean food because it’s not something new to them. We are also thankful that through increased knowledge and media, they see what processed food can do to their body and overall health. I think this is critical in guiding them towards more informative topics of clean eating and juicing and why taking processed food and excessive sugar can be harmful to their body in the long run. They have seen illnesses and how they affect families first hand, it’s always traumatic. They love getting involved in the business of healthy food as well and at times, they will put in their ideas and their taste preferences on the cafe menu. I hope they will grow and adopt the clean eating lifestyle

Life Inspired+ because having real food (fruits and vegetables)is actually so much easier, especially when traveling overseas. Having said that, they do have a taste for processed food when they go out with their cousins and friends, just not at home. It’s a constant battle during transition time and sometimes we just have to be firm and keep on offering a clear and concise explanation to the children and be patient. Do you have any advice for mothers out there who have children who refuse to eat their greens? My children love their greens; I think this has to be encouraged from the infant stage. If I could turn back the clock, I would feed my children more fresh organic raw food and no processed food. To me, eating raw food has lots of benefits; knowing it’s free from all the dangerous chemicals and additives in our daily food and what it can do to our body in the long run. In terms of getting your children to eat their greens and fruits, start with the ones they like. At the end of the day, I think children learn by observing their parents in developing good eating habits.

Any words of encouragement for those thinking of starting clean eating/juicing and/or struggling to stick to it? Wow, first of all, we have to ask ourselves, what is the ultimate reason to adopt clean eating? For me, the results will always be positive; healthy, happy, energetic, younger and more vibrant. We need to enjoy life without being constrained of our movements and consumptions. What else can we ask for? We also tend to lose weight and when we stick to eating well, we can be free from our ailments in the long run. Remember, it’s a lifestyle change, not a one-time diet program. People always say, how do I start? Well, start transitioning slowly by cutting out the unhealthy eating habits, especially high sugar and polyunsaturated fats in our diet; be knowledgeable of what you are consuming, look at the labels, drink lots of water, eat whole foods and most importantly, listen to your own body. Then continue to increase towards greens and fruits and less of processed food. At the end of the day, your palate will change and you will no longer crave for that unhealthy stuff you’ve been consuming. It’s a choice.

It’s never too late to start eating whole and raw food, start juicing daily and let your body heal by itself. Do some exercise, sleep well and lead a less stressful life. At the end of the day “we are what we eat”, there are no excuses in trying to be healthy. It’s a choice that we make daily the minute we wake up. What we feed our body with, we will be bear the benefits or consequences. Ultimately, having a healthy body, free of ailments results in mental and emotional cleansing, which is priceless. So if we can be healthy, happy and energetic, why not? The rest we just leave it to God the Almighty to decide. Any exciting plans for Brunei Detox Bar in the nearby future? We have a few plans in the pipeline for opening more Detox Bars and providing healthy food options and juices that are better and more palatable. Being creative helps a lot in driving this business and we hope we can have more patrons as we improve ourselves. We are also trying to go into the field of natural beauty products, which we are in the midst of researching and product testing.


May–Jun 2016

+Life Inspired FEATURING: Sri Anne Masri ARTICLE BY: Syazwana Souyono PHOTOGRAPHER: Aron Tan’s Studio

28 PLUS May–Jun 2016

+Life Inspired



t’s early on a Sunday morning, and while most people are still deep in their slumber and thankful for a day to sleep in, one woman is lacing up her shoes and preparing for a 20 km run. This may sound ludicrous to some but that is the level of focus and dedication put forth by Melissa Woo, 40, who despite starting her professional running career at a later age than most, has established herself as one of the top long-distance runners in the country. She has made history by being the first female Bruneian to finish the 100 km The Most Beautiful Thing (TMBT) Ultra Trail Marathon up Mount Kinabalu in 2014 and this mother of two definitely isn’t planning to slow down anytime soon. First of all, how did you get involved in long distance running? I picked up running after my kids started school and my doctor warned that I had high cholesterol levels and needed to change my

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lifestyle.Thus, I picked up running as a recreation and joined the joggers at the stadium in Bandar. Very soon I met a group of runners that encouraged me to become more serious. They supported me, gave me tips on running schedules, type of shoes to use etc. To my surprise, they registered me for a 21 km run only a month after I picked up running. I took the challenge and started training very hard since the race was 3 months later. I surprised myself by finishing my first 21 km race in the Top 10. This made me do several 10 km and 21 km races between 2011 and 2013. It was then time to challenge myself further and I decided to try my first ever full marathon (42 km). At the time, I thought that this would be an impossible challenge, but I started training hard and was encouraged by my friends. In 2013, I finished the marathon in Kuala Lumpur in 4 hours and 44 minutes, which surprised everybody and most of all, myself.

Motivated by the good results in Kuala Lumpur, I continued to run a few more marathons in Singapore and Kota Kinabalu. In early 2014, one of my friends was looking for a partner to join her in a Trail Race. As it was a new challenge and I had never done trail running, I started training for the 100 km TMBT Ultra Trail Marathon. This was the first time I did trail running and I trained for about 7 months, with weekly runs about 70–80 km on various locations like normal runs and trails in Brunei to be ready for the trail race that would take me through the jungles of KK and up Mount Kinabalu. On August 16th, 2014, I started the race with my dear friend. Right before the race we doubted if we could even finish this huge challenge and started to regret signing up, but we gathered all our strength and started. The race was tough and it felt like it would never end. It was also a mentally heavy race where you lost your temper and

Life Inspired+


May–Jun 2016

+Life Inspired

32 PLUS May–Jun 2016

Life Inspired+ start doubting yourself but afterwards, I really grew mentally as an athlete, as well as in life. After 28 hours and 34 minutes, we finished our first 100 km at the top of Mount Kinabalu exhausted, dirty but extremely satisfied and proud that we made it! I was the first Bruneian woman to finish the TMBT 100 km race and it made me realize that I can do a lot of things in life and lifted my confidence. We decided after the suffering from this race that we would never do it again but in 2015 we did register again for the 100 km TMBT race and I improved my time to 28 hours! Running and challenging myself makes me happy and it brought me a lot of friends. I use running to reflect on things that happen, I use it to stimulate myself but most of all, I run because I love it. Which of the competitions were the most memorable and/or challenging for you? I think that all trails and runs are challenging. They all have their memories and bring new people and experiences. But my first 100 km in KK is where I have the best memories,I will never forget the emotional and physical challenge I faced in that race. I remember the pain, but most of all the satisfying feeling of overcoming the huge challenge. Are there any upcoming events which you will be joining? This year I registered for the 100 km Borneo Ultra Trail Marathon (BUTM) in Kota Kinabalu in June as well as a 50 km in Cameron Highlands in October, and if I can register in time I will participate in The North Face 100 in Hong Kong this December. Tell us about your family life, are your children influenced by your position as an athlete?

FEATURING: Melissa Woo ARTICLE BY: Syazwana Souyono PHOTOGRAPHER: Aron Tan’s Studio

I married my husband, Walter Chong in 2001 and together we have two beautiful children, Ian (13) and Phoebe (10). His patience, support and encouragement have helped me reach where I am today. My children are proud of me, and see that

through challenging yourself you can reach your goals. I do not push them to become athletes, I prefer them to make their own decisions. Ian is a good trail runner and joins me sometimes, Phoebe is an excellent swimmer and I support them in what they want to do in life. How do you encourage your children to lead an active lifestyle? I try to be an example for my children, without pushing them to do what I do. They have their own characters and hobbies. Both Ian and Phoebe love sports and I always support them to challenge themselves. But they are also children that have their daily children things like gaming and YouTube, which is also part of their development. My children support me, and together with my husband they are my biggest fans and supporters. Any advice for mothers who want their kids to be more active, especially in this age of technology where kids would much rather play with their smartphones? I believe that as a mother, you need to give encouragement by being an example. I cannot encourage my children to be more active and not practice this myself. Children look up to their parents. For example, they always want to become what their parents become. So for me, running and sharing my experiences during these runs encourage my kids to be more active as well. As a mother, life can get hectic at times; do you have any words of wisdom for mothers to continue pursuing activities they enjoy? Happiness comes with following your dreams. As a parent, you have more responsibilities but following your dreams and hobbies can always be combined with your responsibilities as a mother. If you don’t follow your dreams and happiness, how can you support your children to do the same?


May–Jun 2016




others already have a lot to handle and it takes over their whole life, and if that mother is working then there is no doubt that they neglect a lot of things and multi-task to balance both work and personal life. Over and over again, mothers find themselves caught up in both and end up losing focus and stability in their own lives. Here are some secrets to enhance your working life to the fullest and enjoy motherhood at the same time. You get the best of both worlds!

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NUTRITIONAL TIPS Mothers need nutrition just like their child. They neglect smaller issues about themselves in order to make room for other things they find more important in their lives. Life is hard, but mothers need to keep themselves healthy and fit in order to work proficiently in both scenarios. A healthy diet should be maintained when a mother is working, and that includes a steady intake of glucose into their system via the

nutrients they take in. Glucose will help keep brain and muscles cells working properly to ensure optimal management of their life. Good sources of carbohydrates are starchy meals like rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, glucose water and such. It is best to maintain a balance of all the nutrients, keeping up the requirements for protein, fiber, and minerals. A healthy diet will guarantee the proper functioning of their bodies ensure that they achieve the fullest in both arenas.

Lifestyle+ WORK TIPS Mothers get caught up in their children and their activities, but it is important to remember to keep the child and their stories at home and not bring them to a professional working environment. Staying professional in the workplace is most crucial if they want to prove themselves as a reliable employee. There needs to be a balance of working time and personal time and it needs to be carefully monitored. They need to be able to set up some boundaries to help them move around if the job requires so that their employers know that they are serious and responsible enough to make strong decisions. Being organized in a professional workplace is also very important. Mothers are always in a rush but this doesn’t give them an excuse to be messy in their place of work. Keep a clear desk

with organized files and stationery, which will prove to be very handy and help to finish work more efficiently.

some things a child will only share with their mother and sometimes mothers are the only ones who understand.

Last but not least, taking up different clients and increasing workload is the best way to climb the ladder at any profession. On the other hand, they need to learn to say no and stop being carried away by peer pressure. After all, they are only human and they know how much they can take, they do have two lives to handle. Saying no to certain things doesn’t make the employees bad; it just shows that they have priorities and a strong sense of management.

Spend some bonding time with the children by setting aside dates and times to play with them and teach them new things.

LIFESTYLE TIPS The profession is important in most people’s lives, and career-focused women are often admired. However, working mothers also need to spend some bonding time with her children as there are

Get your children gifts and surprises to let them know you think of them even when you are away, however, be careful with a number of gifts you introduce to your children because you want them to feel cared for and loved but need to be cautious about spoiling them. Spend time with your better half and discuss family programs together, so that the children know the love of a family and bonding even though their parents might be away for work. Always try to keep them comfortable with people by interacting with friends and family more often.


May–Jun 2016




o many mothers sacrifice their dream jobs, education and so much more when they have a child. Having a child puts life on hold for many and by the time they are free of child duties, they feel misplaced and have nothing to do. For all those mothers out there, all is not lost. Motherhood is a precious gift that women should embrace rather than see it as a burden. It is the gift of making another being and carrying it around for nine months, not to mention nurturing and caring for said baby until it can stand on its own two little feet. No words can express the right amount of appreciation required for all the mothers and women out there. Just like everyone else, mothers have a burning passion inside of them and that passion will never get out unless they are willing to try. Things might seem absurd in the beginning, and the plans you make now might look far-fetched and impossible to achieve. But you will never know unless you try. You will regret the things you didn’t do rather than what you did during the final moments of your life. So why not live your life to the fullest. Give your inner goddess a chance to reign, and if it doesn’t work out, you will always have a loving home to go back to where everyone knows your worth. Recognize your talents, look into these little tips and find your inspiration towards success.

KEEP A NOTEPAD Notepads are little inventions we take for granted; the best ideas often come from scribbles on a notepad. Jot down your ideas, favorite things, to-do lists and others that you might want to keep in mind. Fill up those

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blank pages with the things you love, and scan them from time to time. Doodle, sketches, quotes, pictures, anything you want can be in it, as long as you think it is worth keeping. Notepads often remind you of things you like and things that might have escaped your mind in the flow of time. Setting yourself around delightful materials, hobbies and wishes will help you find that spark inside of you that will give you that little push to find the real you.

LOOK INTO PICTURES AND QUOTES Positive reinforcement is always a good boost of self-confidence and they make people realize their selfworth. We, in this day and age, are quite lucky to have access to the Internet at any time of the day to be able to look at the wonderful creations and achievements of others. This brings out so many different possible ideas and inspires people to do more. Quotes and pictures are worth a thousand unspoken words. You will be mystified by how some quotes can touch your soul and bring out the best in you. Sometimes they help define the exact situations you are in and sometimes they make you understand a whole story in a sentence. Subscribe to some pages which will give you that daily boost of positivity and make your life worth remembering. Dig deep into your soul and find what you love and what you want to do with life.

RESUME YOUR HOBBIES Remember the last time you did something you loved doing for

a really long time. Perhaps you wrote, perhaps you sang, perhaps you designed your own clothes during your teenage years or dabbled in something related to beauty and nursing? Passions are endless and this entire article will fall short if one decides to write them all down, and so are the possibilities of creating something unique. Re-start that hobby of yours which you let go for life, and live those moments again. Live in that same dream and passion and think about what you want to do. Create something, join something. Inspiration is lurking around everywhere, sometimes you just need to rub your eyes and look for it, it might be there right in front of you and you didn’t stop to notice it before.

STAY POSITIVE When you want to do something you love, there are bound to be a few complications. There are going to be times when you feel like giving up and feel that your ideas and career are not worth pursuing. People talk, and sometimes they get on your nerves and slowly break you down. However, you need to grow past that. If you are doing something you love and not hurting anyone in the process, why give up? Stay strong, focus and move on with yourself and life. People throw stones at things that shine because their light isn’t bright enough. Let your passion carry you through all the hardships. Stay focused and stay positive! Don’t take into account what irrelevant people say and do the things you want to do.



May–Jun 2016

+Personal development






Analysing your cash flow — both in and out — can help you identify where you and your partner can save and spend more on for the family’s benefit. Take into account you and your partner’s incomes, the cost of necessities and also other variables. Remember to budget for start-up expenses such as hospital bills, buying a stroller and setting up your nursery, plus one-off emergencies and ongoing expenses, such as diapers, baby wipes, and regular doctor’s visits. With this breakdown, you can see where and how much you can save and spend. Allocate more money to those areas where you can potentially reduce expenses. For example, borrowing or buying secondhand goods from friends will save your startup costs and buy nappies and wipes in bulk will cost you less per item. Joining a mothers’ or parents’ group is a good way to build friendships — your peers may be able to pass you some cost-saving tips and share baby items, too.

PASSING UP ON 2OUTINGS DATE NIGHTS AND WITH FRIENDS As you total up your monthly expenditure, you may be tempted to skip date nights and outings with friends to avoid chalking up bills

from pricey dinners and the added cost of a babysitter. But the costs of not keeping up with our relationships may far outweigh the bills that you’re signing. Research has shown that keeping up the romance and connection you have with your partner and the ties you have with your social circle matter to your health. For the last 76 years, Harvard Medical School has been conducting the Harvard Study of Adult Development. The longitudinal study tracks the lives of 724 men and checks on them each year, asking them questions about their careers, lives at home and health. The fourth director of the study, Professor Robert Waldinger, revealed in a TED talk last year that the biggest message that emerged from the study so far is that “good relationships keep us

The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited Unit 17 & 18, Block B, Bangunan Habza, Spg 150, Kg Kiarong, Bandar Seri Begawan, BE1318, Negara Brunei Darussalam.

healthier and happier. Period.” As the study subjects aged, the researchers found that those who maintained connections with family, friends and the community at large ended up healthier, happier and enjoyed longer lives than those who didn’t. Now that you have a baby in your life, you don’t have to ignore your social life completely. Instead of the pricey dinners and long nights out dancing, perhaps suggest that your friends meet up for a daytime picnic or meal at your home. Time it around naptime and keep costs down by cooking the meal yourself or making it a “pot luck” meal where everyone brings a plate of food. That way you’ll save on babysitting costs and your friends will also get to know your new baby and understand the shift in your lifestyle.

Personal development+



It’s a lot easier to put expenses on your credit card when you find yourself having to make constant trips to the store for diapers and other baby supplies. However, note that, compared to using cash, the use of plastic increases the inclination to spend. In an NPR podcast interview covering why people spend more using credit, Professor Robert Frank, an economics expert from Cornell University, explained the psychology underneath these spending methods: “When you fork [cash] across the counter, parting with it is just a more vivid sensation than the abstract act of signing a pledge to pay sometime later in the future.”

Now, don’t cut up your card right away. Try using cash for small-ticket items as much as possible for a month, then compare your spending with last months. If you are tempted to use your card, Professor Frank advises, “You just have to set up rules for yourself and ask yourself three times, do I really need this? Can I afford to pay for it this month, and not roll it over? If you ask yourself all those sorts of questions before you buy, you’re less likely to buy if you can’t afford it.”

PROTECTING 4 NOT YOURSELF FINANCIALLY But one thing you should not wait to purchase is life insurance.

ABOUT GREAT EASTERN Great Eastern is the oldest and most established life insurance group in Singapore and Malaysia. With S$68.1 billion in assets and over 4 million policyholders, it has three successful distribution channels — a tied agency force, bancassurance, and a financial advisory firm, Great Eastern Financial Advisers. The Group also operates in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Brunei and has a presence in China as well as a representative office in Myanmar. It was named Life Insurance Company of the Year at the Asia Insurance Industry Awards in 2011 and 2013 by Asia Insurance Review. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited has been assigned the financial strength and counterparty credit ratings of “AA-” by Standard and Poor’s since 2010, one of the highest among Asian life insurance companies. Great Eastern’s asset management subsidiary, Lion Global Investors Limited, is one of the largest private sector asset management companies in Southeast Asia. Great Eastern Life has been in Brunei since 1975 and we are the only foreign life company that has

acquired our very own office building, a statement of our commitment in Brunei. Great Eastern is a subsidiary of OCBC Bank, the longest established Singapore bank, formed in 1932 from the merger of three local banks, the oldest of which was founded in 1912. It is now the second largest financial services group in Southeast Asia by assets and one of the world’s most highly-rated banks, with an Aa1 rating from Moody’s. Recognised for its financial strength and stability, OCBC Bank has been ranked Asean’s strongest bank and among the world’s five strongest banks by Bloomberg Markets for five consecutive years since the ranking’s inception in 2011. OCBC Bank’s key markets are Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Greater China. It has over 620 branches and representative offices in 18 countries and regions. These include the more than 330 branches and offices in Indonesia under subsidiary Bank OCBC NISP, and more than 90 branches and offices in Hong Kong, China, and Macau under OCBC Wing Hang.

Getting a plan that covers your bills in times of unfortunate events is not just a way of protecting your finances, but also an investment in the future of your partner and child — people who depend on you through this journey of life. While you are looking into this investment, it’s also a good idea to think about an education savings plan for your child that can pave the way for your little one’s future and achievements.

NEGLECTING YOUR 5RETIREMENT SAVINGS AND PLANNING Even as you are putting money into a savings fund for your child, don’t forget about your own retirement, no matter far off that seems now. Committing to a retirement savings plan builds up your nest egg in a reliable manner and ensures that you can receive an income for life. It’s good to set aside savings in a separate bank account, but a structured wealth accumulation plan offers, even more, value by growing your money while giving you the flexibility to adjust your investments to changing priorities in your life.

GREAT IS TO BE ABLE TO SECURE YOUR CHILD’S FUTURE TODAY It is never too early to start planning now for your child, especially with the rising education costs and uncertainties in life, prudent financial planning becomes fundamental. For more great tips on health and wellness, head over to livegreatreads Start a conversation with your Great Eastern Life distribution representative today. +673 2233118






ou moms work all day from dawn till midnight and repeat this cycle every day of the year. It all starts with caring for your children’s needs, looking after the family, doing regular chores, maintaining your work standards and so on. These tasks might be taken for granted by everyone in your life and including yourself. However, it is something crucial that binds the whole family together, makes your house a home and your life worth living. But there will be times you find your mind blank and have nothing to do or look forward to, and you deserve to make the most of those times to yourself! Here are a few tips you can keep in mind for those days and use your leisure time to the fullest.

PAMPER YOURSELF You are working all day at a fast and forward pace, so sometimes you need to be a little selfish and give yourself some me time. Light up a few of those scented candles that you have put away in the bottom drawer since last Christmas as you thought you would never use them. Set the mood, put on some relaxing music of choice. Draw yourself a warm bath with some favorite bath products and enhancers. Let yourself go and relax, let the warm water soothe your tired muscles. Everyone needs to let go at some point and have their minds completely empty for an hour. And it is almost a hundred percent guaranteed that you will come back refreshed, much more relaxed and lucid than before and ready for the day ahead.

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CATCHING UP WITH THINGS Don’t get the topic wrong. This doesn’t mean that you need to Google “latest trends” and look up celebrity lifestyles or rumors. There are a lot of things mothers neglect in their to-do list, for some kind of work or other that always seem to come ahead of those little wishes. In the years that pass, those wishes seem to pile up and collect dust with no time to cater to them. So here is what you need to be catching up on. Make a little list of the things you want to watch or read but never have enough time for. During your free time, look into this notepad and watch an episode or two. Read a few pages of that book you wanted to start so bad. Once you start, you will see that even you can make time for those little packets of joy that bring you pleasure amongst all the chores you need to do. Catch up with your heart and just watch the positive change take over your life.

TAKE A WALK Here the choice is yours. You get to decide where and for how long you want to take a walk for. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a walk; you can also go for a drive. The main idea is to go outdoors and take in the view, no matter where in the world you live. This is always a great way to pass your time as well as explore the world a little. Go into a café and sip a nicely brewed coffee with that

slice of cake you have been avoiding because of your diet. If you want, you can also take a loved one along, this is a great way to bond with your children or better half.

TALK TO A LONG LOST FRIEND After college ends or you move from one place to another, everyone makes those promises of staying in touch but eventually with time, those promises seem to fade away and no one bothers. Everyone regrets it, but there is so little one can do about it. However, it is also said that drops make an ocean and why not give it a try? Call up that friend whose name comes up in your stories but you have lost touch with in the long years, after all, why not? You are free at the moment aren’t you? It doesn’t have to be a three-hour conversation or a dinner invitation but calls them. Say hello. Relive those past moments even if it’s for a few minutes. This will make you feel so much better through the entire day and who knows; maybe they also needed that little bit of positive energy and are more grateful than what they would show!

LIFESTYLE VIDEOS There is always that little sense of longing when you watch those perfect TV commercials with the beachside homes, perfect home wares and furnishings and just the amazing look of it, which seems so



May–Jun 2016


much more expensive and designer oriented that you might feel is too far from your grasp. However, these videos will prove you wrong and make you realize that little effort goes a long way. YouTube features various channels where the users upload home ware hauls, decoration tours and basically all kinds of lifestyle videos and so on and they show you the names of stores they bought these items from as well as tips on inexpensive DIYs. This helps to open up so many different ideas you might have been searching for, whether you want to shop from the high street or high-end shops, they give you genuine advice and what could be a better way to spend some leisure time on your hobbies?

KEEPING A JOURNAL Journals and diaries might seem a little far-fetched and boring to some, but everyone should give it a try. You can keep notes on anything and everything. A blank piece of paper

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and pen does wonders, it gives you so many possibilities to write on and you can fill it in any way you like, it doesn’t always need to be relevant and you won’t need to stick to a certain format either. Hobbies,

wishes, dreams, memories, and so much more; you can put down whatever you want and then relive those things in the future. It will be something worth having and a great way to pass the time.


44 PLUS May–Jun 2016



one for now the two-seater days. Now that I have a small family I need a car that can accommodate our future footprints. Determined not to lose my street credibility there was one obvious choice — The Volkswagen Tiguan. I had no clue as to the specifications of the car. As with most other mums, I’m sure. I’ll leave that to the husband! I was told the car has a lot of “power” for the size of the engine. This one went straight over my head. I wanted something that practical but stylish and the Tiguan ticks all the boxes. The first thing that hits me when I opened the drivers’ door was the unmistakable smell of top grade leather that covers the seats, steering wheel and the gear shift knob. The second thing that catches my eye is the panoramic sunroof. Not that I have time to look out at the beautiful sky (or stars). As a distraction, this helps especially having a toddler on the back seat. And he defiantly

agrees! This car has lots of bells and whistles not forgetting the all important hers and hers vanity mirrors in both passenger and drivers sun visors, essential for those girls only nights out. My Goal is to have comfortable and easy drive but by no means boring. Life with the little one is already hectic so I try to minimize it whenever I can. The car overall is comfortable to drive in. It is compact and has high seating positioning. The entertainment system, on the other hand, is fantastic- love the touchscreen. And the park assist is superb! It’s so easy to park in small spaces, which is so common here. Additionally, the car has a tight turning circle which comes in handy when doing laps in the car park trying to find that perfect parking spot (if you can find one). I would bring my boy out to do daily errands and get some of that ever essential shopping done. Strapping him in his car seat


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using the ISOFIX is very convenient. The folding table and storage pockets on the back of the front seats are great for keeping the little one entertained, a life saver for any mommies out there. One feature it doesn’t have is of those glass screens that pop up at the touch of a button. Would be great during those screaming tantrums us mums experience from time to time. Sunday morning up at 6.30am the road is calling after loading the car up. It has enough room in the boot to squeeze in all the necessary kit for a trip to the beach, not forgetting the essential bucket and spade. I turn up the music (on the road to nowhere) after a few light touches on the screen of the entertainment

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system, we pull onto the highway. I put my right foot down and immediately notice how surprisingly nippy it was! We were up to a very steady and smooth 100km/hr drive before anyone can say “Are we there yet?”, we had arrived. We pulled off the road onto the grass. When the front wheels hit the beach, the Tiguan handled the soft sand effortlessly. The car is also fitted with heat-insulated glass on the side windows which is great for the mostly sunny and hot days. Venturing out on a wet and windy afternoon I found the Tiguan handled those occasional surprise puddles of surface road water without fault. The


rain sensor turns the windscreen wipers on automatically enabling me to concentrate on the road ahead. This baby also has automatic headlights activation (a necessity for me as I always forget to turn my head lights on at dusk) and ‘leaving home and coming home’ functions. This is one clever function I like, when I arrive home late at night, pre-programmed lights will stay on for a short while which provides essential lighting on the pathway leading up to our front door. Some of the other safety features of the car which were key to our final decision to buy this car are the Fatigue Detection System (as the name

applies, detecting fatigue), curtain airbags for front and rear passengers including side airbags at the front, airbags for driver and front passenger with airbag deactivation for the front passenger seat. This particular function is fantastic for long journeys when I’m traveling alone with the little one. I can strap his car seat in the front next to me! Overall, the car is what I need. It’s ideal for small families, like ours. I’m certain we still have room for another little one in three years time… or maybe five! Jacob’s Mommy BSB


May–Jun 2016




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