Outdoor Education At Plymouth College we believe that extra-curricular
It is about challenge, it is about determination. It is about the rich
activities are central to the all-round development of our
reward of hard work and the ability to bounce back when you
pupils and we aim to provide as many opportunities as
fall down. It is, above all else, about ensuring that all pupils are
possible for pupils to enrich their lives both inside and
nurtured and encouraged during their time at Plymouth College
outside school. We are immensely proud of our Outdoor
and can develop interests, passions, skills and values that will stay
Education programme that encourages our pupils to get out
with them long after they leave the school gates as they enter the
there, get stuck in, give it a go and above all - have fun!
world beyond.
Outdoor Education offers something for everyone, and for some people it is everything. Outdoor Education enriches the lives of our pupils by allowing them to discover their own boundaries, comfort zones and find their place in the world. Developing the much sought-after ‘soft skills’ of leadership, collaboration, resilience and perseverance, we see the co-curricular life of Plymouth College as not merely being about enjoyment and participation but as an important mechanism by which our pupils can be equipped to make an impact on the world at large.