2016-2017 Attracting The Brightest Talent Brochure

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WELCOME TO THE CAREERS & EMPLOYABILITY SERVICE AT PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY Plymouth University Careers & Employability Service is committed to providing a first class service to the diverse range of employers that are interested in working with our students, graduates and academic staff. We are particularly keen to support the needs of our local employers, whatever their size. Work in partnership with us to: • Explore ways to meet our students and graduates other than the traditional direct recruitment routes

• Advertise your vacancies and recruit quality graduates into your business

• Raise your profile and increase awareness of your graduate and undergraduate opportunities and requirements that you have

• Realise the benefits of the Santander Universities Internship Programme, providing high-quality, paid internships for students and recent graduates

• Identify talent at an early stage and maintain contact with suitable prospective employees

Why target Plymouth? Plymouth University is a truly innovative university, seeking to maximise opportunities to work in partnership with business and communities to support our teaching, learning and research. We have a strong research capability, track record in and recognition of excellence in teaching. Developing key graduate skills and attributes is so important to us that we embed them in our curriculum and extra-curricular activities. The 12,000 placements a year our students engage with showcases the importance we put on gaining work related experience. Over 26,000 students study with Plymouth, making us the largest university in the South West, so get in touch with our dedicated and experienced team to find out what service best suits your business need. Shirley Walker Head of Careers & Employability at Plymouth University


COME AND MEET OUR STUDENTS ON CAMPUS Employers always tell us how they are looking for so much more than a student with just a degree! Our comprehensive and innovative events programme helps our students to boost their confidence and develop core employability skills, attributes and awareness.

For employers, these events are a fantastic way to meet dynamic and enthusiastic students in a variety of settings. Visiting our campus is an effective way for companies from SMEs through to multi-national organisations to raise their profile on campus and diversify standard recruitment campaigns. Not sure where to target your campaign? Let us help you explore your options and advise you on timing your interventions to maximise your investment.

Top Tips Timing Your Visit Targeted Presentations Skills Sessions Meet the Employer





Networking Evenings


Employer Mentoring Programme


Plymouth Connect


Recruitment Fairs



FLUX Competition


HotSeat Competition Employer Practice Interviews and Mock Assessment Centres

13 14 3

TOP TIPS FOR SUCCESSFULLY ENGAGING OUR STUDENTS TIMING The most enthusiastic students will make the effort to meet employers throughout their university life, engaging with a variety of events. Make sure you think about targeting students early on, rather than just students in their final year! RAISE AWARENESS Use a variety of our events and services to promote your brand and raise awareness of your opportunities and requirements. IDENTIFY TALENT We can offer a wide variety of ways to identify and meet our students at an early stage and help you to maintain contact with them. RECRUIT We can help you to recruit a graduate through the Jobshop, our in house graduate recruitment agency but why not consider taking a student on placement, into an internship, summer or part-time job so that you get ahead of the competition in identifying talent.


TIMING The graduate recruitment season can be intense and a really busy time of year, so it could be easy to get caught out! Here is our annual cycle of events at Plymouth University.

Exhibit at the Placement & Graduate Recruitment Fairs

Meet some of our most engaged students as an expert at a FLUX Competition

Host a targeted Presentation or Skills Session

Help students to hone their interview skills at a HotSeat Competition Mentor a student to boost their confidence as part of our Employer Mentoring Programme

Raise your profile with a Meet the Employer drop in stand

Build your network amongst our students at a Networking Evening














Advertise your part-time roles through Student Jobs



Prime time to engage M

Enable a student to gain industry experience by offering a Placement Year










Recruit our graduates by contacting our in-house graduate recruitment team, Jobshop



Share your opportunities via Targeted Emails and Social Media

Provide Practice Interviews & Assessment Centres to our students or rent our space to host your own



TARGETED PRESENTATIONS promote your Presentations offer the chance to the students organisation and opportunities to nge a you wish to target. Our team can arra student suitable date to avoid clashing with students, timetables, promote your visit to our student liaise with academics to maximise ue with the attendance, confirm a suitable ven manage a use of audio/visual equipment and ndance. atte student sign up system to monitor

When can I get involved?

The prime time for presenting is: ember 2016 • Monday 17 October – Friday 9 Dec 2017 rch Ma 10 • Monday 6 February – Friday

Is there a cost? £75 +VAT

How do I get involved?

: Using our simple online booking form www.bit.ly/plym-pres



ployers A drop in stand works best for em course, who are targeting students from any We have wishing to recruit for multiple roles. two options for stand location: ts’ Union. • A prime location is in the Studen l of On average they will receive a footfal great 4000+ students per day and this is a in a way to raise your profile on campus busy environment. is • The Careers & Employability Hub yability where students go for their emplo s. sion ses appointments and drop in ts’ This space is quieter than the Studen to d stan r you Union but we will promote et. all of the students you wish to targ

We always welco me employers who would like to run a session an d help develop ou r students’ skills in a particula r topic. Previous se ssions have included: Making Your Applications Stand Out, Assessment Cen tre Success and C ommercial Awareness. This al so helps students who may be interested in w orking for you to de velop the skills you valu e and it’s a good way of building your audi ence’s knowledg e of your requirements. Plea se let us know of any sessions you would like to run and any suita ble dates.

When can I get in


The prime time fo

r presenting is: • Monday 17 Oct ober – Friday 9 Dec ember 2016 • Monday 6 Febr uary – Friday 10 M arch 2017

Is there a cost?

It’s completely fre e as you are providing training for our students.

How do I get invo


sing our simple U online booking fo rm: www.bit.ly/plym-s kills

When can I get involved? is: The prime time for a drop in stand ember 2016 • Monday 17 October – Friday 9 Dec rch 2017 • Monday 6 February – Friday 10 Ma 2017 • Monday 24 April – Friday 12 May

Is there a cost?

0 +VAT as they are a • Yes for the Students’ Union – £10 to the university. charity and separate organisation is free! • The Careers & Employability Hub

How do I get involved?

r your interest For more information and to registe plymouth.ac.uk please email employers.careers@ or ring 01752 587729

NETWORKING EVENINGS Networking evenings are a great way for you to meet with our students in a semi-structured environment. You can connect to other employers, recent graduates and students, promote opportunities within your organisation and help our students to develop their networking techniques – a vital skill they will need for employment.

What are the benefits for you? • Scope Talent meet with the best and most engaged students • Contribute to Developing Graduate Employability • Promote Your Company raise your profile on campus and promote your opportunities • Network With Other Local and National Employers expand your network and liaise with other professionals

When can I get involved? • Business Networking Evening Thursday 10th November 2016 • Arts & Humanities Networking Evening Thursday 26th January 2017 • Science & Engineering Networking Evening Thursday 23rd February 2017

• Health & Human Sciences Networking Evening Thursday 9th March 2017

Is there a cost? No! It’s free to attend and we provide dinner and drinks!

How do I get involved? Register your interest by emailing: employers.careers@plymouth.ac.uk Your invite will be sent out closer to the event.


IDENTIFY TALENT EMPLOYER MENTORING PROGRAMME The Employer Mentoring Programme works with students who are typically under-represented in higher education to promote diversity in the workplace and to raise aspirations and achievement. We link Plymouth University undergraduates with industry professionals, who will mentor them over a six month period.

When can I get involved? The programme runs from October – March and we suggest a one hour meeting per month. This is a very flexible programme, designed to fit around busy mentor and student schedules.

How will I benefit from the Employer Mentoring Programme?

Is there a cost?

Mentoring undergraduate students is a rewarding experience and could be a good CPD activity for your junior/prospective managers. In addition to working with someone who is hoping to gain an insight into your career area, you will have the opportunity to:

How do I get involved?

• Develop your coaching skills and reflective learning • Refresh your own view of work • Develop undergraduates’ interest in your sector and your business • Act as a positive role model • Increase your awareness of diversity issues • Gain a huge amount of satisfaction by ‘giving something back’


There is no cost as you are providing a valuable developmental opportunity for our students.

We are always looking for enthusiastic mentors who would like to take part in this mutually beneficial programme. We accept applicants from any job position in any industry and previous mentoring experience is not necessary. Full training is given prior to meeting your student mentee and support is available from University staff along the way. If this opportunity would be of interest to you or one of your colleagues, please contact the Mentoring Team by emailing mentoring.careers@ plymouth.ac.uk or ring 01752 582004.

ARE YOU A PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY GRADUATE? Plymouth Connect is an exciting new way to stay connected to your fellow Plymouth alumni around the world. Are you an experienced graduate with career insight and knowledge to share? Our current students could benefit from your professional experience, while you use and build your own skills. Perhaps your career is developing but you would like some advice on your next move and how to progress in your chosen career? Our alumni have years of expertise in an array of professions and sectors which can help you to move forwards. Maybe you would just like to reconnect with your old University friends or update your details online? Our exclusive new alumni platform, Plymouth Connect, is a great way to make the most of the benefits of the Plymouth alumni community! Register now at www.plymouth.ac.uk/alumni

Want to know more about the benefits of being a Plymouth graduate? From business start-up and careers support, to opportunities to network and discounts on postgraduate study, there are lots of reasons why reconnecting with your university is a great idea. Don’t miss out on the benefits of being a graduate, update your details today by registering on Plymouth Connect, emailing alumni@plymouth.ac.uk or calling 01752 588020. Find out more at www.plymouth.ac.uk/alumni


RECRUITMENT FAIRS Every year we run a series of recruitment fairs for students looking for the chance to:

Find placement and graduate opportunities

Meet a wide range of employers

Explore a variety of career paths

The recruitment fairs are the perfect opportunity for employers to identify talent at an early stage and to support your recruitment needs if you have:

Placement, internship and graduate opportunities

Multiple vacancies that recruit from a range of courses

Over the past recruitment year Babcock International Group has been welcomed by the Careers & Employability Service to partake in many events including FLUX, careers fairs and practice interviews. Partnering in this way has helped us to promote many of our career opportunities to the students of Plymouth University and we were able to offer nine students a place on our Graduate Scheme. We find the calibre of graduates from Plymouth to be of high standard and to be very well-rounded individuals. We would like to thank the team for their support and exemplar organisational skills! We would not hesitate to recommend them and Plymouth University to other employers in the area. Victoria Large Learning & Development Advisor at Babcock International Group


Our Recruitment Fairs are themed into two distinct areas and are open to all students across the university but are particularly marketed at the following courses:

Exploring Your Future in Business, Tourism & Hospitality

Exploring Your Future in STEM

Business Studies / Marketing / Accounting & Finance / Tourism & Hospitality / Shipping & Logistics / Economics / International Business / Events Management / Maritime Business

Computing / Maths / Earth Sciences / Environmental Science / Civil Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electrical & Electronic Engineering / Ocean Science / Biology / Chemistry / Biomedical Science / Robotics / Geography / Marine Biology

400+ students expected

750+ students expected

When can I get involved? • Exploring Your Future in Business, Tourism & Hospitality Tuesday 1 November 2016, 1100–1400 • Exploring Your Future in STEM Wednesday 2 November 2016, 1100–1400

Is there a cost?

1 Fair

2 Fairs (15% discount for attending 2 fairs)

Charity / Not-for-Profit Private Sector / Union / Association / Professional Body

£75 +VAT

£127.50 +VAT

Local Government or SME

£100 +VAT

£170 +VAT

Private Sector & Other (recruitment agencies, central government departments, executive agencies & non-departmental public bodies)

£300 +VAT

£510 +VAT

This cost includes: • A stand space in a busy, central location plus stand furniture, power and internet. • Refreshments throughout the day; breakfast pastries upon arrival, a lunch voucher for each stand representative worth £5.50 plus unlimited tea, coffee, hot chocolate and water. • Our dedicated Student Ambassadors and the Careers & Employability Service will be on hand all day to help set up and take down your stands as well as facilitating conversations with students. • Campus wide and course specific publicity including; a social media campaign, portal announcements, targeted emails, academic endorsement, an online and printed event brochure, leaflet and poster campaigns,

a strong presence on the events calendar and endorsement by our student Employability Ambassadors. • An advert in the event brochure to highlight the courses you would like to meet as well as where students can find out more about your opportunities. • Post-event evaluation to provide you with feedback from students.

How do I get involved? For more information and to request our booking form please email employers.careers@plymouth.ac.uk or ring 01752 587729. 11

FLUX COMPETITION FLUX is a business competition judged by industry professionals. This fast paced simulation game takes place over a full day and enables students to develop their employability skills and commercial awareness, by developing a business plan to resolve a current business challenge. Employers get involved as professionals who meet the student teams in the morning during scheduled business meetings, helping the teams to develop their business plans. In the afternoon students pitch their final business plan to the experts to show how they have incorporated expert feedback and fulfilled the brief. Experts are required from 1000 – 1800 and a full briefing is given on the morning of the event. This is a great way to meet dynamic and motivated students and assess them in a variety of work related situations.

When can I get involved?

Is there a cost?

Students take part in a faculty FLUX competition and faculty finalists go on to compete in the Plymouth University FLUX final to become the Plymouth University FLUX Champions. We also enter a team into the National Competition, which Plymouth has won five times in the past eight years. The dates for 2016/2017 are:

There are 2 ways to engage with FLUX, either as an industry professional or as an event sponsor.

• Faculty of Science & Engineering FLUX Wednesday 26 October 2016 • Faculty of Arts & Humanities FLUX Wednesday 25 January 2017 • Faculty of Business FLUX Wednesday 15 February 2017 • Plymouth University FLUX Final Wednesday 1 March 2017

As an industry professional you will benefit from meeting a dynamic group of students, networking with other businesses and university departments and raising awareness of your organisation. There is no charge to take part as an industry professional as you are giving your time to help students develop their core employability skills. Alternatively you can be a sponsor and use FLUX as a targeted opportunity to raise your profile on campus. You will also benefit from students, business professionals and university departments engaging in your organisation by developing solutions to your particular business challenge. If you would like to know more about the costs of our sponsorship opportunities then please get in touch.

How do I get involved? For more information and to register your interest either as an industry professional or as a sponsor please email employers.careers@plymouth.ac.uk or ring 01752 587729. 12

HOTSEAT COMPETITION HotSeat is our interview competition where students submit a covering letter and CV for a fictitious graduate position before being shortlisted and invited to interview. On the day students rotate between interview rooms, experiencing short competency based interviews with different employers. The interviews are scored and everyone gathers for the final to share their experience of the competition and for the winner to be announced.

When can I get involved? Students compete at their faculty HotSeat competition, where they undertake competency based interviews with Careers Advisers. The top three students from each faculty competition progress to the Plymouth University HotSeat Final, where they are interviewed by employers to determine the 2016/2017 HotSeat Champion. The date for the HotSeat Final is: • Plymouth University HotSeat Final Wednesday 15 March 2017

Is there a cost? There is no charge to be an interviewer for this competition. Interviewers are required from 0900–1800. If you would like to sponsor the HotSeat Final then we would love to talk to you! As a sponsor you would benefit from an enhanced profile on campus through;

This is a great chance for students to practice their interview technique, experience different styles of interview, make mistakes in a safe environment and receive valuable feedback from a range of employers. It’s a great way for your staff to get recruitment experience and to identify talent at an early stage.

• Inclusion in all of our press and marketing materials and on the day literature • A promotional stand at the event • Delivering a five minute presentation during the event final To sponsor the event you need to provide: • A fictitious job description for the candidates to apply to • At least one interviewer for the day • The cash prizes for the first, second and third place candidates. • Sponsorship of catering for the final

How do I get involved? For more information and to register your interest please email employers.careers@plymouth.ac.uk or ring 01752 587729.


EMPLOYER PRACTICE INTERVIEWS & MOCK ASSESSMENT CENTRES Practice interviews and assessment centres provide students with the opportunity to practise, review and develop their interview and assessment centre skills with industry professionals. This is a great way for you to meet our students on a 1-to-1 basis and for students to develop confidence in different interview styles and techniques. Your sessions can be broad competency based interviews open to students from across the university or can be industry specific and targeted to certain courses.

When can I get involved? The prime time for hosting a practice interview or assessment centre session is: • Monday 17 October – Friday 9 December 2016 • Monday 6 February – Friday 10 March 2017

Is there a cost? There is no cost as you are providing training for our students.

How do I get involved? For more information and to register your interest in hosting one of these sessions please email employers.careers@plymouth.ac.uk or ring 01752 587729. 14

RECRUITING OUR STUDENTS As well as taking part in events to meet our students face to face, we offer free to use recruitment services for part-time, placement and graduate positions. These are an effective way to promote your vacancies directly to the students you wish to meet and complement the on-campus opportunities such as hiring interview space.

Targeted Emails and Social Media Advertising Part-Time Jobs with Student Jobs

Work Experience & Work Placements Recruiting Our Graduates Rent our Interview Space






Enterprise Solutions


The Higher Education Achievement Report


Being involved in such creative and well attended careers events such as the ‘FLUX’ and ‘HotSeat’ competitions has played a big role in supporting both students and our team in hiring for several of our UK offices. We equally enjoy meeting students at the various skills sessions we run on campus, where students can gain greater knowledge of our recruitment process and learn how to succeed in key assessments such as psychometric testing and competency based interviews. Undoubtedly, we have a strong working relationship with Plymouth University and look forward to recruiting many more talented individuals in the years to come. Scarlett Seager West & Wales Student Recruitment Manager at PwC 15

SHARING YOUR OPPORTUNITIES If you would like to raise awareness of a particular role or opportunity within your organisation then you can send us your promotional text, images or documents and we can share this with our students:

Targeted Emails

Social Media

If your roles or opportunities are for specific courses then we can reach the students by passing your email to the course academics for distribution amongst their students. You will need to send us your email, ready to send and written for the student audience. We suggest it includes; information on the role/opportunity, some interesting information about your organisation, how to apply, the deadline for applications and who to contact for more information. You can include images with this as well.

A great way of reaching students across the university is by posting on our social media pages. We have Twitter and Facebook pages for the Careers & Employability Service with over 2000 followers plus individual profiles for Student Jobs, placements and the graduate Jobshop. If you would like to promote a job vacancy or another type of opportunity you will need to provide content written for the student audience and ready for posting on various sites. Images always make a post stand out so please ensure that any images sent to us are compatible with Facebook and Twitter.

When can I get involved?

Is there a cost?

You can send your request for a social media post or targeted email at any time throughout the year.

Part-time / temporary vacancies – The Student Jobs service will promote your vacancies free of charge, please see page 17 for further information.

How do I get involved? For a job opportunity please contact the relevant team with your information and images ready to post: Part-time / temporary vacancies – studentjobs@plymouth.ac.uk

Placement vacancies – Please contact our Placements Team with details of your vacancy and the team can promote your role(s) free of charge, please see page 18 for more information.

Graduate vacancies – jobshop@plymouth.ac.uk

Graduate vacancies – Please contact Jobshop, our in house graduate recruitment team who can advise on a tailored package for your promotion and recruitment requirements. See page 20 for more information.

To post useful information on our central Facebook and Twitter pages please email employability@ plymouth.ac.uk with the content ready to post. If you have a preferred timeframe please include this too.

Other opportunities – If you would like to promote useful information such as an open day, an article or a competition for example we will happily post these opportunities on our central social media for free.

Placement vacancies – Please see page 19 for placement email addresses



Student Jobs offers a free comprehensive range of recruitment solutions to meet your part-time staffing needs. We have many high calibre students who are looking for temporary, part-time and seasonal work to fit around their studies. Students can be a key flexible resource for employers and although our students study in Plymouth, many are based around Devon and Cornwall and are willing to work closer to home.

Our service provides: • The opportunity to advertise your vacancies through our on line vacancy system, vacancy boards on campus and social media • Targeted marketing to relevant courses and students for job specific vacancies • A shortlisting and screening of candidates on your behalf (useful for smaller recruitment teams or when time is tight) • Co-ordination of on-campus interviews, if required • Management of relevant feedback We also hold a part-time jobs fair every year in October and this is a great opportunity to promote your part-time or seasonal opportunities. This year the fair will take place on Wednesday 5 October 2016.

Really great event with students well prepared to talk to employers – bringing professional CVs & the right attitude for the work. Staff were also exceptionally helpful – can’t rate it highly enough. This is my second year doing student fairs & my 42nd event & both students and the event have been among the best I have encountered. We’ll be back in 2016. Katie Lowe Senior Talent Manager at Mash Staffing

When can I get involved? You can market your opportunities with us throughout the year. To sign up for the fair please get in contact as soon as possible as stands are limited.

Is there a cost? There is no cost for attendance at the part-time jobs fair or to advertise your part-time, seasonal or temporary vacancies.

How do I get involved? For more information contact us on studentjobs@ plymouth.ac.uk or 01752 587722 or visit www.plymouth.ac.uk/ studentjobs

Examples of vacancies we have had this year: Call Centre Operative Barista Promotional Staff Retail and Customer Service Administrative Work Stewards Seasonal Staff Telephone Survey Receptionists Marshalls Leisure Centre Workers Hospitality and Catering Laboratory Assistants Events Assistants Data Processors Health Care Assistants Ushers Care Workers Enablers Research Assistants 17



Have you considered offering our students work experience?


The annual Highfliers survey The Graduate Market in 2016 reported that recruiters fill nearly a third of their graduate positions with applicants who have already worked for their organisations, either through paid internships, industrial placements or vacation work.

• Simply put it’s when a student spends the third year of their course working for an organisation which has relevance to their degree programme. Depending on the student’s course the minimum placement length varies between 24–48 weeks and this can be easily checked with our Placements Team.

If you do not have a formal graduate recruitment programme then you could use work experience as a pipeline for future talent. Similarly if you cannot commit to taking a student on a year-long placement, why not offer a shorter period of work experience so that your business can still benefit from hosting a student before they start looking for a graduate vacancy?

Why offer a work placement?

Work experience is an easy, cost effective way of getting talent into your business for a fixed term without the commitment of taking a permanent employee. Work experience can be anything from a week to a few months (usually in the summer vacation). This could be the ideal solution for you to address seasonal peaks and to deliver short term specific projects or goals within your business. Our dedicated Jobshop can help you to streamline your recruitment process by finding a suitable work experience student, saving you a lot of time and effort. For more information please email jobshop@plymouth.ac.uk or ring 01752 587773.

So what is a placement?

• Students can bring fresh and innovative ideas to your business • Students can provide you with essential additional skills, helping you tackle key business projects • A student can bring enthusiasm and a new dynamic to your team • Future talent stream – how about bringing them back on a graduate programme?

What are the benefits to the student? • The work placement provides the student with a great opportunity to gain real-life work experience and invaluable employability skills • Generally speaking it helps make them become more employable at the graduate level and while students are putting their learning into practice, you’ll be benefiting from their talent

What support does the student require? • The student will require a line manager for the duration of the placement • All students are allocated a placement tutor from their faculty • The University Placements Team is available to answer any queries


When can I get involved?

Is there a cost?

A full placement year is 48 weeks but some degree programmes offer shorter placements. You can advertise your roles with us throughout the year but the key time for recruitment is November – March. The start date for shorter work placements is flexible and for full year placements students need to begin work before September 2016.

Apart from the salary you agree with the student, there is no charge for using the University Placement Service.

Faculty of Science & Engineering

How do I get involved? The best way to find out more information is to speak with one of our experienced Placement & Employer Liaison Advisers who can talk you through the process: 01752 586007 or placements@plymouth.ac.uk

Faculty of Health & Human Sciences Peninsula Schools of Medicine & Dentistry Faculty of Business

01752 585277 or fobplacements@plymouth.ac.uk

Faculty of Arts & Humanities

01752 585277 or foahplacements@plymouth.ac.uk 19

RECRUITING OUR GRADUATES If you are looking for recruitment support that is proactive and works with you to achieve positive outcomes, then look no further. The Careers & Employability Jobshop offers a free professional recruitment service to employers looking to hire our students and recent graduates. We can: • Help you to devise a recruitment plan and advise you on the best time to recruit our students • Help you create job adverts • Advertise your opportunities on our online jobs board • Search our database of available candidates • Identify those with the skills that you require and organise interviews • Provide interview facilities on campus

Funding available through Santander Universities: Through our partnership with Santander Universities we may be able to support your business with up to £1500 to part-fund the salary of a graduate intern. Our programme aims to provide SMEs with an injection of fresh new talent not always accessible by firms with limited resources.

When can I get involved? You can send us your vacancies at any time of the year. Simply click on the ‘advertise a vacancy’ button on www.plymouth.ac.uk/jobshop and upload your vacancy.

Is there a cost? There is no cost to advertise your vacancies to our students.

How do I get involved? For more information on advertising vacancies or the Santander funding contact us on jobshop@plymouth.ac.uk or 01752 587773. 20

RENT OUR INTERVIEW SPACE If you would like to interview our students for a part-time job, placement, internship or graduate role then you can hire our professional interview space and meet all of your candidates from Plymouth University, in one day.

When can I get involved? We can accommodate your preferred interview date to fit around your recruitment schedule but it is worth remembering that most students will not be in university between June – September.

Is there a cost? We advise it is best for the employers to directly contact the students, collate CVs/application forms and schedule the interviews as this gives our students a more realistic employer recruitment experience. If you do this and simply require us to book your interview space and parking then there is no charge.

If you wish for us to collate the CVs and pass them to you for shortlisting, correspond with the successful candidates and schedule their interviews as well as book your interview space and parking then we can provide this service at a charge of ÂŁ300 + VAT.

How do I get involved? For more information please email employers.careers@plymouth.ac.uk or ring 01752 587729.



WORKING WITH PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY THROUGH ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS Part of the suite of business support services offered through GAIN, Enterprise Solutions is your gateway to Plymouth University. We’re here to help you find the right support that meets your business needs. We regularly work with a variety of organisations, of all sizes across most sectors. Solve your business problems by working with the brightest minds and freshest talent. We can connect you to world-leading academics as well as technical specialist staff and equipment. Please contact us through our free phone number or dedicated email address.

For more information on the support and services Plymouth University can offer businesses view our online brochure. That’s not all – did you know you can also sign up to the GAIN digital exchange to start benefiting from a range of business tools?

How do I get involved? Speak to us: 0800 052 5600 Email us: enterprisesolutions@plymouth.ac.uk View our webpage and online brochure: www.plymouth.ac.uk/enterprisesolutions Register at: www.gainbusiness.com

THE HIGHER EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENT REPORT (HEAR) Over half of UK Universities now issue a Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) for their graduates to share with prospective employers. The HEAR is an electronic document, prepared and signed off by a higher education institution, which provides a more detailed record of a student’s achievements and experiences during their time at University. The HEAR provides details on the contents of the programme studied. This includes: • information on the name and level of the qualification

One section of HEAR that you may find particularly helpful as an employer is section 6, as it provides additional information validated by the institution highlighting: • additional awards • additional recognised co-curricular activities • university, professional and departmental prizes As such it can be a useful recruitment and selection tool for employers. For more information visit www.plymouth.ac.uk/hear or www.hear.ac.uk

• the programme aims • year by year breakdown of modules studied and marks obtained • final award classification after the programme is completed


CAREERS & EMPLOYABILITY WITH PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY CONTACT US For general queries regarding engaging students: employers.careers@plymouth.ac.uk 01752 587729 For graduate recruitment: jobshop@plymouth.ac.uk 01752 587773 For placement recruitment: placements@plymouth.ac.uk 01752 586007 For part-time recruitment: studentjobs@plymouth.ac.uk 01752 587722 < www.plymouth.ac.uk/employability f PlymUniEmp t @plymuniemp l Plymouth University Careers & Employability Service

This publication went to print June 2016. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. However, as our courses and services are regularly reviewed and updated, some details may change.

The University is committed to the promotion of equality and diversity. If you require this publication in an alternative format, please contact us on +44 (0)1752 58 74 56.

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