Plymouth University Employer Liaison Brochure

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Plymouth is a truly innovative University, seeking to maximise opportunities through partnership with business, communities and translational research for the benefit of the city, region and beyond. We aim to embed a spirit of enterprise at the centre of our activities, enhancing our students’ experience and employability. With some 30,000 students, Plymouth is the largest University in the South West with a reputation for excellence in teaching and research, and a high-quality student experience. We are the only post-1992 institution in the UK’s top 40 for research, with 80% of work submitted judged to be either world class or of international repute. Home to one of Europe’s largest marine institutes, a cutting edge £18m centre will house state-of-the-art research and testing facilities. Working in partnership with nearly 20 colleges in the South West, and as a partner in the Combined Universities in Cornwall (CUC), Plymouth provides a variety of pathways to higher education. We provide business incubation space on campus, encouraging student and graduate entrepreneurship, and are at the heart of socio-economic regeneration and knowledge growth across the region through projects such as the Innovation Centres in Cornwall, our partner role in the Tamar Science Park, and our award-winning Knowledge Transfer Partnerships. The University has embedded sustainability at the heart of its philosophy and operations, securing a healthy environment, society and economy for present and future generations, and is one of a handful of UK universities to have ISO 14001 accreditation, the international standard for an organisation’s environmental performance. Through outstanding links with business and the community, we ensure our courses are innovative and equip graduates with the knowledge and skills sought by employers. We provide on average 12,000 industry placements per year, have an employability gateway at the heart of the campus and our Plymouth Award enables students to achieve recognition for the contribution they make to life at the University and in the local community, providing them with valuable personal development experience alongside their formal educational opportunities. Each year, nearly three quarters of Plymouth graduates from full-time first degree courses are employed within six months of graduating. Employment levels for graduates from Plymouth’s part-time first degree courses are even higher, with about 85% employed within six months of completing their studies.


“ The Employer Liaison Team are forward thinking and bring a dynamic, fresh and modern approach in helping their student’s bridge the gap between university life and the workplace. They deliver a first class service to employers like myself, and are supportive in meeting the aims of our company. We have a fantastic working and personal relationship with Plymouth University.” Martyn Flynn Talent Acquisition Manager

The Employer Liaison Team is the employer facing side of the Careers & Employability Service. Our role is to link employers and students through large scale careers fairs, targeted presentations, employability competitions and much more. We are aware how important it is to graduate recruiters that students are armed with the skills, experience and attitude necessary to make them stand out from the crowd. To help achieve this we actively encourage employers to engage with the University through a wide variety of events, sessions and interactive competitions in order for these skills to be developed. Our team work with a large number of graduate recruiters and individuals across various different sectors with the aim of providing a tangible link between employers and students. Our approach to employer engagement is flexible and collaborative; we are always happy to listen to new ideas about how we can work together.


Our careers fairs are your chance to meet students seeking exciting placement and graduate opportunities and who wish to explore the diverse range of career paths available to them after graduation. Last year approximately 5000 students attended the faculty fairs enabling our students to meet over 150 graduate recruiters. Our main fairs include:

 The Teacher Recruitment & Education Fair  T he Business Placements & Graduate Recruitment Fair

Five Reasons to exhibit at Plymouth: 1. Fantastic student engagement and turnout. 2. Targeted marketing techniques guarantee our students are informed of your attendance.

 T he Science, Technology and Engineering Placements & Graduate Recruitment Fair

3. E-brochures with a link to your website sent to all relevant students & recent graduates.

 The Arts Careers Showcase

4. Excellent customer service.

 The Health Sector Graduate Recruitment Fair

5. State of the art exhibition facilities.

5000 students attended our 2010 /11 fairs “Students were proactive and well informed about the event and the staff were really helpful!” Royal Town Planning Institute, 2010

Over 200 employers visited our campus in November 2010


“ Ever since I started at Plymouth University I’ve been encouraged, and had the opportunity to work with employers through competitions such as FLUX, Hot Seat and SIFE. That experience, coupled with my degree and placement has really prepared me for graduate employment.” Lee Fordham Sociology Student

Employability competitions have become a viable recruitment tool for employers across the UK. There are a variety of student employability competitions run by graduate recruiters. Plymouth University has a proud tradition of actively encouraging our students to take part in these competitions with many of our students performing well on the national stage. In addition to the competitions run by graduate recruiters we also run exciting competitions on campus for our students to compete in including; Hot Seat and FLUX.

Hot Seat


Hot Seat is a competition where students get the opportunity to be interviewed by a number of employers.

FLUX is a national student enterprise competition in which Plymouth University has a fantastic track record of competing in on a national basis. We have both won and hosted the national finals twice. Due to our success at FLUX on the national stage we have increased the size of our on campus competition to support as many students as possible. As part of our FLUX competition we are looking for employers who would be willing to commit a day of their time to act as a business expert in various different areas including HR, Logistics, Finance, Strategy and Marketing.

Students shortlisted progress through to interview stage. Each student has three short interviews before the top three students are chosen to be interviewed on stage at the grand final by a panel of experts and in front of an audience of students, employers and staff. An intense yet rewarding experience that provides our students with a fantastic learning and development opportunity. To ensure that all students are provided with the best possible experience, feedback is given to all who enter.

Work with us to:  Discover employees of the future  Promote your brand on campus  Meet our motivated and dynamic students  S hare your expertise and enthusiasm with the next generation of graduates  E nhance your personal and professional development

Feedback from our business experts who have taken part has been positive with many using the competition to identify potential talent. For this reason we offer the experts a chance to network informally with the participating students to discuss theday’s events and how the experience can contribute to their graduate success.


Presentations Raising your company profile on campus is a great way of increasing your contact with students and also a really effective way of ensuring our students think of your company when looking for their first graduate position.

Whether you are looking to raise your brand awareness on campus or provide our students with access to your skills and experience, our team are more than happy to arrange a suitable time and venue to ensure that you meet with the right group of students. Throughout the academic year we encourage employers to contribute to our student’s careers and employability education through a series of skills sessions covering a wide variety of topics. We are open to new ideas and welcome any you may have.

Mock interviews Our employer mock interview programme has proven to be incredibly popular with interview slots being booked up at a blistering pace. The aim of the programme is to provide students with the opportunity to be interviewed by experienced recruiters from different companies. These interviews provide you with the opportunity to share your expertise with students and possibly highlight a potential new recruit. Some of our interviewers have even progressed students to the next stage of their graduate recruitment programme on the strength of these interviews. We encourage all employers to provide the students with feedback.

Gateway is Plymouth University’s free online recruitment service working in partnership with the South West region’s universities and higher education institutions. Since launching in 2001 Gradsouthwest has worked with over 10,000 satisfied employers and currently has over 50,000 registered job seeking students.

Gateway is our high-profile Careers and Employability Centre at the heart of the campus, and your gateway to the University for all your student or graduate recruitment activities. It is open to students, graduates, businesses, community groups, prospective students and members of the public, and is intended to be a gateway between the University and the city. offers free advertising to all employers regardless of their size or location. Whether advertising to students, graduates or looking to relocate to the South West, you can be sure you’ll find the right person.

Gateway offers a welcoming and professional one-stop information and advice centre for all our intended users; and is well used by our students, graduates, staff, and employer partners.

Starting from only £35 + VAT you can also upgrade to an enhanced recruitment package ranging from e-shots to appearing on the front page of the website.

Employers can use Gateway’s modern and professional ged in not log You are candidates; whether it’s for environment to interview work experience placements, internships, or graduate recruitment programmes. Facilities include private, sound-proofed interview rooms, a reception service for candidates, internet access and webcam equipment in the rooms, and refreshments provided for interviewers.

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Many employers also use Gateway to host career or recruitment information sessions for our students and graduates, in order to boost awareness of their organisation and generate interest in their opportunities. name.

Flat screens and job display units within Gateway can also be used by employers to publicise recruitment drives, £49 vacancies, competitions or work experience opportunities; £79 along with the Gateway facebook page which is currently £99 followed by over 1,100 of our students and graduates.


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Whatever your needs as an employer or organisation, whether looking to recruit, work with, or meet our students, we’re here to make sure you have the best possible experience. Through our long history of working with employers, we’re constantly re-evaluating and re-shaping the best ways to meet contemporary employment demands through our collaborative approach. Whether you’re looking to recruit a small number of students on an ongoing basis or promote your large scale graduate scheme annually, we have a whole host of innovative methods to help you build long lasting, meaningful relationships on campus. Take a look around our social media pages, flick through our virtual brochures, browse our website and get in touch to work with Plymouth University this year.

Employer Liaison Team Plymouth University Careers & Employability Service 3 Endsleigh Place Drake Circus Plymouth, PL4 8AA Tel: 01752 587729 E: Visit:


Plymouth University Gateway

Plymouth University Gateway


As the enterprise university, we aim to give you the support you need, when you need it. Enterprise Solutions is for individuals, businesses and the community – it’s your gateway to accessing our entire range of expertise, services and facilities, and our dedicated team will help you find the right source of information quickly and easily. Whether you are a student or graduate looking for employment, an entrepreneur seeking to develop a business idea or a product or a business looking to recruit new talent or utilise our knowledge and facilities we can help! The Plymouth University offers: • Entrepreneurship & Business Start Up Solutions• Expertise & Research Solutions • Facility Solutions • Funding Solutions • Knowledge Transfer Solutions • Recruitment & Careers Solutions • Service Solutions • Skills & Training Solutions

“ The University’s incubation space has provided a low-cost platform from which to launch our new business. We are grateful for the access to expertise and additional resources. The supportive and collaborative working environment at the University is a great start for any new business.” Barbara Lees, founder of Fosi Originals, a skiwear company

“ I have benefited immeasurably from the internship at Zoeftig Ltd. It has given me the opportunity to apply my particular skill set within a fast growing business. I have been allowed to make a meaningful contribution to the business and to take To access the Plymouth University’s responsibility for my own work. Enterprise Solutions and to find out more: I feel that the experience I have gained Tel: 0800 052 5600 has further shown me how I fit into the E: commercial environment and what I W: enterprisesolutions have to offer as a designer.” or drop into LINK, 3rd floor Link Building, Richard Giles Drakes Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA Graduate intern at Zoeftig Ltd



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