Table of Contents 6
1.1 Foreword
1.2 About DEPO2015
1.3 Usage of the DEPO2015 premises
1.4 The area of DEPO2015
1.5 The depot in relation to Pilsen
1.6 Pilsen in relation to the region
2.1 Makerspace
2.2 Creative Incubator
2.3 Coworking
2.4 Events & Conferences
2.5 Creative spots in Pilsen
3 Art and community
3.1 Exhibitions
3.2 Artist Residencies
3.3 Czech-Bavarian cultural platform
3.4 Community
4.1 Festival of Light
4.2 Hidden City application
4.3 Events
5.1 Contact
5.2 Partners
CENTre for creative enterprise
THE future
DEPO2015 courtyard
1.1 Foreword
Just as Pilsen has opened itself up to Europe
company depot, and to wrap it in an interesting
during 2015, DEPO2015 now opens itself up to the
cover in the form of contemporary art, interactive
Czech Republic and Central Europe. For me, it is
exhibits for children and a variety of events. Would
a living space in which I feel good, as do scores of
you fancy a philharmonic orchestra, a mini-festival
its visitors and users. Yes, that‘s right, users. These
of rock bands, the presentation of a series of new
involve both amateurs and professionals in such
model cars or perhaps a wedding celebration? It is
fields as the creation of graphics and mobile applica-
all available here under one roof.
tions as well as traditional crafts which are currently experiencing a great renaissance. These include
DEPO2015 is an open space suitable for bold,
metalwork, plastic and paper recycling, sewing
fresh and original projects of the 21st century,
courses and more.
balancing on the precipice between alternative and mainstream.
Our goal is to establish the right conditions for the development of creative industries in the beautiful industrial space of the former public transport
Jiří Suchánek, Director of Pilsen 2015, o.p.s. (Pilsen 2015 public benefit organisation)
37 / 78
63 / 203
71 / 212
183 / 727
entities / people from
entities / people from
entities / people from
entities / people from
film & video industry
design industry
architecture industry
advertising industry
1.2 About DEPO2015
DEPO2015 is a living space where business and
intensely intertwined with the involvement of the
application in the market. To make this possible,
The year 2015 has been an opportunity at DEPO2015
culture are combined in innovative solutions.
public, be they clients of individual courses or visi-
public officials must promote innovation, experimen-
to present leaders from the world of design,
tors to cultural events, the café or the Community
tation and collaboration to a far greater extent. This
high-quality musical productions, interesting com-
is in particular necessary in five main areas: support
munity and interactive exhibits, and much more. In
DEPO2015 is a place where art, technology and society meet. This overlap between the worlds of art and
for skills and craftsmanship; access to financing;
the following years, we would like to give DEPO2015
business has transformed the space of DEPO2015
The heart of DEPO2015 is formed by the Centre for
access to markets; internationalisation; and
users a chance to present projects they are working
into a one-of-a-kind institution. It is a space open on
Creative Enterprise, which interconnects culture
cross-sector cooperation. These are the priorities
on, whether it be an interactive exhibition, a design
an everyday basis, which serves for work, ongoing
with business and creative industries. DEPO2015 is
of the European Commission in the field of creative
(product, fashion or graphic), architecture, film,
educational activities and the sharing of art. It is
a place where start-ups and well-established com-
industries,” said the European Commissioner Tibor
music or visual art. All under the brand name
a place serving as a base for professionals, such
panies alike reside, work, create, present themselves
Navracsis in his opening speech at the European
as graphic artists, designers and entrepreneurs,
and do business together. Start-up companies and
Creative Industries Summit in May 2015.
but also as a space bringing together enthusiasts,
studios have the opportunity to undergo a training
the general public and the nearby community of
programme with the assistance of professionals
DEPO2015 is also an open cultural space, which is
from cultural and creative industries in order to kick-
essential for the development of new ideas and the
start their business plan. They can utilise a shared
enhancement of the attractiveness of the area for
DEPO2015 is a key outcome of the Pilsen, European
working space and an open workshop for the manu-
people residing and working at DEPO2015, as well
Capital of Culture 2015 project. Just as the ECCE
facture of prototypes, or rent a studio or office.
as for the general public. The cultural programme
(European Centre for Creative Economy) was created
allows creative businesses to also practise their
from the project RUHR 2010, and LINZ 2009 sup-
“Despite the crisis, the creative economy has grown
innovations in other fields of so-called “basic
ported development of the centre Ars Electronica,
by 4.5% and currently employs over 8.5 million
research”, and then to put them into practice
Pilsen 2015 is looking for a way to respond to the
people within the European Union; nevertheless, the
in the form of “applied research“.
challenges which Czech society faces. The aim of
potential of cultural and creative industries remains
activities in DEPO2015 is to develop talents in the
in many aspects untapped. In order to support and
field of creative industries through educational
strengthen creative industries in the EU, we have
activities, thanks to its three-dimesional and tech-
to do more. We need to increase our capacities
nological setting. Activities in DEPO2015 are also
and facilitate the emergence of new ideas and their
1.3 Usage of the DEPO2015 premises
The premises of DEPO2015 consist of two varied
also dedicated to exhibition activities. In 2015, the
smithy currently serves as a smaller exhibition
Building SO01 is primarily home to the Centre for
halls containing larger and smaller spaces suitable
Pilsen Family Photo Album exhibition was installed
space, while another room here stores technological
Creative Enterprise, which contains the coworking
for holding a wide range of activities. The centre of
here consisting of photographs taken in Pilsen and
equipment, such as a 3D printer, a plotter and
space (shared offices), the makerspace (an open
the complex is constituted by a spacious former
borrowed from Pilsen inhabitants. The space of Low
a laser cutter.
workshop), offices and studios for rent.
“hall of heavy repairs”, which is now called the
Columns also hosted a playful interactive exhibition
Greenhouse. This space is convenient for holding
dedicated to children called the Time Machine.
In building SO01, known as the Bus Hall, there is
Even the courtyard between the two buildings has
a multifunctional space with an area of 760 m2,
formed an important and live part of the complex
presentation events, for presenting products and especially for design. An example realised in 2015
The brightest space belongs to the café, with its
which is acoustically designed and equipped
in 2015. From the opening of DEPO2015 at the end
is the exhibition Domus, presenting the best of
interior offering a reminder of the time when the
with new sanitary facilities. This hall hosted
of April 2015 until the end of 2015, this is where
Czech and world design within the framework of
depot served as a repair shop for the fleet of the
performances as part of the Prague Dance
we are presenting 16 works by the artist Čestmír
the exhibition called DOMUS Design (in cooperation
public transport company of Pilsen.
festival in Pilsen (featuring the renowned Sasha
Suška within the exhibition called RESTART. The
Waltz & Guests, among others), as well as the
courtyard has hosted many cultural events ranging
with Designblok). The industrial atmosphere of the hall, along with the jewel of design represented by
The former body shop in building SO02 constitutes
International Festival Theatre (featuring (A)pollonia
from theatre and musical performances to several
the “Greenhouse”, has proven a lure to organising
a multi-functional space suitable for conferences
by Warlikowski). Furthermore, the hall played host
successful projections at our open-air cinema
one-time site specific events which emphasise the
and the presentation of live art, such as theatre,
to the puppet performance Skupa’s Pilsen, and it
held this summer.
attractive environment. Such events include, for
dance and music. The name remains the
was a venue for concerts as part of the festival Rock
example, the Design Thinking Festival conference,
same: the Body Shop.
for People Europe. In 2015, the Bus Hall has held
which facilitated meetings of entrepreneurs with
dance and theatre performances, concerts, markets,
creative individuals and artists presenting possibili-
The adjacent hall of the former paint shop functions
shows, parties and many other events which would
ties for cooperation. The space of this hall, together
as a studio of the Pilsen artist Benedikt Tolar. Other,
otherwise have sought an adequate space for their
with the exhibition Domus Design, provides a stim-
mainly foreign artists involved in the Open A.i.R. pro-
realisation in vain.
ulating atmosphere for similar meetings and the
gramme work in the former upholstery workshops.
creation of joint projects. The smaller rooms in building SO02 are used for The hall of the Greenhouse in building SO02 is
workshops dedicated to children, which take place
adjacent to a space called Low Columns, which is
concurrently with long-term exhibitions. The former
The initial appearance of the exhibition space Low Columns
Low Columns now
1.4 The area of DEPO2015
The creative zone of DEPO2015 is a unique industrial space. Take a look at the detailed map.
1.5 The depot in relation to Pilsen
DEPO2015 is situated only a stone’s throw from
DIRECTION karlovy vary
the city centre and is close to important transport
Karlovy Vary — 1:00
junctions. See for yourself.
Chemnitz — 2:40
Regensburg — 2:15
Public transport — 20 min
Nuremberg — 2:45
Public transport — 20 min
On foot — 40 min
Prague — 1:00
On foot — 60 min
Dresden — 3:00 cITY CENTRE Public transport — 12 min On foot — 15 min THE RAILWAY STATION Public transport — 20 min On foot — 15 min
UNIVERSITY CAMPUS Public transport — 30 min On foot — 60 min
1.6 Pilsen in relation to the region KAR
Pilsen in the context of surrounding cities.
1;00 HRS
1;00 HRS
2;00 HRS
E 3;00 HRS
1;45 HRS
2;30 HRS
2;00 HRS
3;15 HRS 2;50 HRS
Design Thinking Festival
CENTRE FOR CREATIVE ENTERPRISE The heart of DEPO2015 is the expanding Centre for
and the studio COOK Design which seeks to create
Creative Enterprise, which connects business with
a bridge between graphic design students and
cultural and creative industries. It is a place where
well-established companies.
both start-ups and well-established companies are located, working, creating, presenting themselves
The Centre further offers the possibility to rent
and doing business together. Individuals, groups of
a place in a furnished shared office (coworking), to
enthusiasts and aspiring entrepreneurs with fresh
utilise the technologies provided in a meeting room
ideas and the desire to realise them can utilise the
or make a prototype on a 3D printer.
shared working space and the open workshop for the manufacture of prototypes, or rent a studio or
“Furthermore, in DEPO2015 we organise events
an office.
where you can meet new coworkers, clients and people who are willing to share their experience with
Thanks to the Centre for Creative Enterprise, the
you. We regularly organise the Pilsen Business Boiler,
most interesting ideas can be transformed into
where we meet up with people associated with the
a business plan. Those with innovative ideas have
crowdfunding platform Everfund. This year in June,
an opportunity to go through an education incu-
we hosted the first Design Thinking Festival in the
bation programme. This means in practice that
Czech Republic. We offered participants inspirational
aspiring companies gain the knowledge needed to
lectures and stories of companies from the Czech
start their business with assistance and mentoring
Republic and abroad which gained a competitive
provided by professionals from cultural and creative
advantage thanks to their interconnection with
industries. Examples of companies which have
creative individuals, and thereby succeeded,” says
undergone the incubation programme include
Michaela Mixová, the Creative Industries Manager
the local manufacturers of furniture Designed &
of the Pilsen 2015 team.
Crafted, the young creative studio Remembership,
600 000
companies took part in
meetings to present
people working in the
CZK collected through
the Creative Incubator
ideas of EVERFUND
co-working space
the crowd-funding
platform EVERFUND (12 projects realised)
2.1 Makerspace
2.2 Creative Incubator
Makerspace — a workshop open to the general
The Creative Incubator is a three-month training
participation in the programme is the Ladislav
public — a unique concept in the Czech Republic
programme which helps young talents to start their
Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art in Pilsen. The
inspired by foreign FAB LABs. It is comprised of
businesses and supports cooperation between
faculty, as well as the city of Pilsen, often faces the
small city “laboratories” and production workshops.
Pilsen companies from different sectors, such as
fact that graduates of art disciplines leave to seek
engineering, science and research. The programme
work and realise their ideas in other Czech cities or
“We are uncovering the forgotten Czech skill of
is designed to help the participating groups to
abroad. The programme of the Creative Incubator
craftsmanship, the beauty of crafts and possibil-
proceed from an idea to the creation of a product
may increase their opportunities to start businesses
ities of new technologies. This is all popularised
or service and then on to placement on the market.
in Pilsen and to develop the professional contacts
by unconventional workshops and courses for
It is unique in the way it focuses on the needs of
necessary for long-term cooperation.
the public,” says Ondřej Kašpárek, manager of the
creative industries. Training courses concentrated on
Makerspace workshop.
basic knowledge and the skills required in business
The first cycle of the training programme held in
are led by lecturers who are themselves involved
July 2015 was successfully completed by 6 creative
Makerspace is equipped with a metal and wood
in creative industries, who are familiar with their
teams in the fields of graphic and product design,
workshop, a sewing workshop and a design work-
specific needs and important contacts. Participants
event tourism and services offering the use of crafts
shop as well as 3D printers and CNC cutters. In
thus acquire knowledge of financial management,
and new technologies. The teams left with prepared
addition to courses in the aforementioned fields,
strategic planning of a company, branding and HR
business plans including financial balance sheets,
membership allows hobby handymen, as well as
management. They are accompanied throughout
the national and international contact details of
professional craftsmen and designers, to share
the programme by personal coaches. At the end of
creative professionals from their respective fields,
a wide range of professional machines offered in
the three-month programme, teams leave not only
connections with potential customers and even
Makerspace. Users can inspire one another, create
with new contacts and knowledge, but mainly with
promises of jobs.
synergies and share commisions. Makerspace
a workable business plan!
enables them to rent only such machines as they actually need for the time they need them, instead
Although the programme is open to creative
of having to invest in acquiring them.
individuals from all over the Czech Republic, an important source of talents and applicants for
2.3 Coworking
2.4 Events & Conferences
Coworking is a modern and cost-effective way
Design Thinking Festival, Everfund Offline,
of sharing open equipped offices. In addition to
Pilsen Business Boiler, UX Monday and more
a kitchen, a rest zone, working tables, a printing centre and projection facilities, it offers an opportunity
DEPO2015 hosts conferences, regular discussions
to get acquainted with interesting “co-tenants” from
and networking events connecting creative individu-
various fields, and to benefit from potential coop-
als and ideas with businesses. In June 2015, around
eration. Those who rather prefer their own office or
230 entrepreneurs, designers and other visitors
studio may find their place on the first floor above
from the Czech Republic and Europe attended the
the coworking space, where there are 6 offices avail-
first Design Thinking Festival ever held in the Czech
able for rent. Since they are already fully occupied,
Republic. A theoretical introduction to the topic
their number will be increased in the future.
was followed by stories of companies which gained a competitive advantage thanks to design thinking and collaboration with creative people, as well as practical workshops. The Centre for Creative Enterprise presents creative projects to the public that are seeking connections with the right people and help with project implementation. This is realised through events such as Everfund Offline and the Pilsen Business Boiler. The DEPO2015 café is a meeting place for a variety of professional groups. One of the most active groups is the team of UX designers from Pilsen, who regularly prepare a series of lectures and workshops called UX Monday.
2.5 Creative spots in Pilsen THE NEW THEATRE
Pilsen is bejewelled with a variety of creative spots. These places support the city’s genius loci. Their
cooperation should be our long-term goal. THE GALERY OF WEST BOHEMIA IN PILSEN
ART AND COMMUNITY The general objective of the project Pilsen, European
Warlikowski — these are just a few examples of
Capital of Culture 2015 was to open Pilsen up to
European artists who have inspired DEPO2015 this
Europe in keeping with the motto “Open up your
year. Achievements in the field of creative industries
Pilsen”, and to prepare a programme on a European
worth mentioning include collaboration with Bayern
scale which at the same time would actively involve
Design, Designblok, FAB LAB Strasbourg and top
local organisations and the public. One of the
Czech companies which have succeeded in the
four main topics was the interconnection of art
European market.
and technologies. DEPO2015 supports the local community through DEPO2015 therefore represents the fulfilment of
an innovative programme which actively propels the
these goals: it creates a unique environment for the
public into action, but also by supporting students
interconnection of art activities, businesses, creative
and talented individuals through accompanying
industries, and new technologies and crafts, as well
programmes for schools and the provision of
as for the intensive involvement of the public.
suitable office space to aspiring companies. The premises of DEPO2015 provide the backdrop for the
DEPO2015 has a European dimension not only due
non-profit organisation Foster the City, which was
to the fact that it follows the trend of transforming
created directly from the European Capital of Culture
industrial buildings in order to put them to new use
project. DEPO2015 is also beneficial to its nearest
and develops an emerging network of shared work-
neighbours, who are not necessarily interested in
spaces, such as shared offices or FAB LABs, but also
the artistic programme. People from the surround-
thanks to the involvement of top European artists
ing areas may utilise, for example, the Community
and domestic creators at the European level. DOMUS
Garden, cooking classes or the children’s
Design with Werner Aislinger and Maxim Velčovský,
corner in the café.
Čestmír Suška, Jan Mikulka, Sascha Waltz, Krzysztof
4 000
65 000
beehives and
exhibitions including
visitors between April
12 flowerbeds in the
17 large-scale objects by
on the website
and July 2015
community garden
Čestmír Suška
3.1 Exhibitions
3.2 Artist Residencies
The premises of the Greenhouse, the former “hall of
attracted more than 14,000 spectators to the Gallery
Artist Residencies involve programmes and places
Thanks to regular meetings with artists at the
heavy repairs” and certain other spaces are used for
of West Bohemia in Pilsen), and will introduce an
intended for the international meetings of artists.
residence and visits to their studios and workshops,
exhibitions. With regard to the specific character of
interactive exhibition about the story of the emigra-
They offer a space for residents to create their their
members of the general public are able to become
the site, the exhibitions are thematic and non-tra-
tion of the Stod population to New Zealand. Their
own work, and facilitate contacts between local art
acquainted with the way modern art is created and
ditional in the sense that they combine media and
story is not only dramatic, but also very relevant to
circles and creative types from all around the world.
to find out where artists draw their inspiration from,
genres, and seek to reach out to the public to facili-
many aspects of today’s world.
The purpose of this artist residency programme (the
how they progress in their work and why. People
A.i.R. Artists-in-Residence programme) is to promote
are not just mere passive listeners or observers,
tate their participation. The exterior of the courtyard provides a unique space for monumental outdoor
The outdoor spaces will be dedicated to what is
cultural exchanges and spread public awareness
but actively participate in the creative process and
exhibitions. Custodians have the role of guides who
characteristic to the depot — an exhibition of means
about the diversity of artistic creation.
resulting works.
are not familiar with the command “Don’t touch!”
of transport. The main goal of the artist residency programme
The OPEN A.i.R. programme closely cooperates
OPEN A.i.R., which is realised within the framework
with residency programmes and centres in Slovakia
In 2016, the programme will dramaturgically build
of the Pilsen — European Capital of Culture 2015
(Košice 2013), Poland (Wroclaw 2016), Germany
on the existing one. The team of Pilsen 2015 is
project and is held in DEPO2015, is to open up the
(Kunstverein GRAZ e.V, Regensburg, Kulturforum,
preparing a long-term exhibition with the theme
Pilsen cultural scene and exchange ideas, creative
Potsdam), the Netherlands (Motel Spatie, Arnhem),
of plastics — from the material and its aesthetics
experiences, procedures, techniques and contacts.
Japan (Youkobo ArtSpace), France (CEAAC,
to the issue of waste and recycling options. This
The programme strives to accommodate domestic
Strasbourg), Hungary (Pécs), and many others.
exhibition will provide a space for design and
and foreign artists and to send Czech artists abroad.
Exhibitions are also open on Mondays.
technological ideas, and will be suitable for various age groups of visitors. In addition to this exhibition,
The residency invites various artists from different
Pilsen 2015 will aim to build on the successful exhi-
fields, mainly visual art, new circus, digital art, new
bition of Maori portraits by Gottfried Lindauer (which
media, community art and literature.
Maxim Velčovský
Installation by Jiří Příhoda
3.3 Czech-Bavarian cultural platform
3.4 Community
Czech-Bavarian cross-border cooperation has
was established even beyond the framework of
European Neighbours’ Day, Volunteering,
engaged volunteers, has surpassed the average
become one of the most visible achievements
the scheduled Regio projects: the Design Thinking
Community Garden, Bees
amount of volunteers involved in other European
of the Pilsen — European Capital of Culture 2015
Festival conference with Bayern Design; the Bastl
programme. This has been made possible thanks
Festival focused on crafts and new technologies with
DEPO2015 is a committed cultural institution which
has revealed that volunteering is both motivating
to the close proximity of Pilsen to Bavaria and the
Nuremberg FAB LAB; recycling workshops at subur-
is open, and which cares for its surroundings and
and inspiring for our participants.
popularity of the European Capital of Culture brand
ban camps for children in the German language, etc.
a good coexistence with its neighbours. Companies
in Bavaria and throughout Germany, as well as the
The City of Nuremberg even sent representatives
call these activities social responsibility; DEPO2015
The successful community event European
quantity of organised events which were able to
from its art and music scene to the opening of
considers this approach a natural part of its
Neighbours’ Day has been held during the past two
be realised thanks to the support received through
DEPO2015, which was held during the Bavarian
years, each time with an attendance exceeding
the programme of cross-border cooperation Target
Culture Days.
3 (within Regio2015). It has included nearly 100
Capitals of Culture. Our research among volunteers
5 000 visitors, and with more than 1 500 portions DEPO2015 provides an opportunity to the volunteer
of shared dinners prepared by neighbours.
events with a total budget of EUR 777,917, which
Since its opening, DEPO2015 has been welcoming
programme Club of Guardian Angels 2015, which
have been implemented in cooperation with the
visitors from Bavaria on an everyday basis, be they
was established as part of the European Capital of
DEPO2015 also offers the Community Garden, where
Bavaria Bohemia Centre in Schönsee and the City of
organised groups, business trips of officials and
Culture Pilsen 2015, and which has helped to involve
anyone who so desires can establish a bed and
Regensburg. It has covered a varied mix of genres
other bodies, artists or creative individuals. They are
more than 500 volunteers in the implementation
grow their own vegetables and herbs. In 2015, we
suitable for different target groups (including dance,
interested in the exhibitions, as well as the com-
of the projects organised.
harvested our first tomatoes and peppers, and for
concerts by a world-famous boys’ choir and rock
bination of artistic intentions with crafts, creative
bands, authors’ readings, art workshops for children
entrepreneurship and business. Visits from Germany
Volunteering in culture — a continuation of the
new plant boxes, but also a new irrigation system
and more). The entire collaboration culminated in
do not simply mean a one-time inspection of the
Club of Guardian Angels — is a service for cultural
and three beehives.
the Bavarian Culture Days in Pilsen held in April
site, but they represent a first step towards further
organisations in Pilsen which leads to an improve-
2015 under the patronage of the Bavarian Minister-
cooperation in the future. Specifically, future plans
ment in the services for spectators, engages the
President Horst Seehofer. It was attended by around
involve Bavarian Culture Days 2016 with a week-long
public in active participation in cultural events, and
25,000 people.
cultural programme, as well as year-round smaller
works with the audience. Thanks to the know-how
cultural exchanges and workshops. The objective
and experience gained by the team of Pilsen 2015
Due to the considerable interest of Bavaria in the
and the real goal is to build on the successful
during the years 2013—2015, implementation of this
programme of the European Capital of Culture
cooperation in the future and cultivate the Czech-
programme is much more efficient and cheaper.
and the emergence of DEPO2015, cooperation
Bavarian cultural platform.
The City of Pilsen, with more than 300 actively
the next season we have already prepared not only
TOURISM In addition to being a site for culture and craft
DEPO2015 has held several larger and smaller music
workshops, DEPO2015 has become a popular tourist
and theatre festivals, such as the Ladder, Rock for
destination. Visitors are attracted by the industrial
People, the Dance Prague festival, Skupa’s Pilsen and
atmosphere of the place, the outdoor and indoor
the International Festival Theatre.
exhibitions and, above all, by the great events. During the first four months from its opening until
More than 20% of visitors to DEPO2015 are tourists,
the end of July 2015, DEPO2015 welcomed around
mainly from the Czech Republic and Germany, but
65,000 visitors, many of whom were attendees at
also from other countries.
the Festival of Light and the Rock for People festival. In just one weekend in August, when the giant
DEPO2015 has attracted foreign audiences to key
puppets of Carros de Foc were presented in Pilsen,
events designed with not only domestic viewers in
the complex of DEPO2015 was visited by more than
mind, such as the Festival of Light, projects asso-
30,000 spectators.
ciated with the community and the digital project Hidden City as well as the festival Rock for People.
DEPO2015 provides an impressive, informal and, at the same time, convenient facility for conferences. Since its opening, it has hosted the major European conference A Soul for Europe and a meeting of entrepreneurs and designers, the Design Thinking Festival, as well as smaller networking events.
30 000
40 000
music festival ROCK FOR
designers and
visitors passed
visitors in 2 days during
entrepreneurs at the
through the premises
conference DESIGN
in 3 days during the
4.1 Festival of Light
4.2 Hidden City application
The principle of the festival is simple: unusual,
The Hidden City application was created as a digital
inaccessible places or places used in an unexpected
tourist guide thanks to cooperation with the associ-
context are brought to life for 2 nights through light
ation KVAS. For over a year, we collected the stories,
and sound installations of works of contemporary
records and memories of Pilsen residents, historians
art. Unusual hours, remarkable places and artworks
and anthropologists. Using these resources as
which often react to the audience via new technolo-
a foundation, we established seven walks though
gies attract a large number of spectators.
Pilsen. The entire project is complemented by the Pilsen Family Photo Album exhibition, the Guide
Pilsen’s Festival of Light is still small when com-
through Hidden Pilsen, and an online map with
pared to the Prague Signal Festival, White Night
stories. All of these are available on the website
held in Košice and Paris, or the Riga festival Staro, through mobile applications
Riga. It thus provides an even better opportunity to
for iPhone and Android, and at an exhibition in
explore diverse corners of the city of Pilsen. It also
DEPO2015 which runs until January 2016. These
provides space for young talents who can take
services offer visitors an opportunity to feel at home
advantage of participation in the Festival of Light
in Pilsen, as if they had good friends here, without
as a springboard for inclusion in the programmes
missing any interesting corners, stories
of larger festivals. This further corresponds to the
or events in the city.
spring term of the festival, which enables joint co-production installations created in Pilsen to also be introduced at autumn festivals in other cities. This term also helps to extend the tourist season into this less frequented period.
Festival of Light
4.3 Events
Music Festival, DEPO Street Food Market and more DEPO2015 has proven to be a suitable site for an urban version of the festival Rock for People Europe Europe. Man can not live from music alone, though; therefore, we plan to utilise the complex also as a venue for markets and other similar events. The first DEPO Street Food Market is set to take place on October 28, 2015, with this being expanded into a series offering markets focused on fashion, literature, design and much more.
Rock for People Europe
Rock for People Europe
THE FUTURE The long-term goal is to maintain and develop
ECCE in Dortmund, the multimedia incubator in
DEPO2015 as a reference to the European Capital of
Halle in Germany, the Centre for Cultural Enterprise
Culture Pilsen 2015. This originally industrial space
in Turku in Finland and many more. All of these
provides a backdrop for the development of cultural
centres have in common their joint effort to reduce
and creative industries focused on design. DEPO2015
barriers to cooperation among cultural institutions,
will uniquely connect artistic activities with the
local businesses, universities, investors and public
outside world in the coming years. It will maintain
administration, and to promote business and entre-
and develop European cooperation, mutual inspira-
preneurship. These goals are the main ideas of the
tion and links initiated through the European Capital
European Capital of Culture project, which will live
of Culture Pilsen 2015.
on in Pilsen through DEPO2015 even beyond the end of the year of culture.
The goal of the activities implemented is to enable DEPO2015 to function in a similar way to numerous well-established centres promoting cultural and creative industries within Europe. Some of these model examples include Tabakfabrik in Linz, which is “an artistic, cultural and social living laboratory, a platform for innovative and progressive projects focused on interdisciplinary collaboration and, in particular, an organisation aimed at the support and creative cooperation of local organisations and small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of creative industries” (Marková, Slach, Hečková, 2014, page 38). Similar to DEPO2015, Tabakfabrik in Linz is an output of the European Capital of Culture project. Other examples of cities supporting the functioning of such institutions include Tartu in Estonia with its Centre for Creative Industries, the aforementioned
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