Service Based RLC Spring Break Safety Tips! On the Road...
While Partying…
Leaving the country…
Stay awake behind the wheel
Pace yourself if you choose to drink
Whoever is riding passenger should also stay awake
Buckle Up
Make sure the registration is up to date
Avoid hard alcohol and other drinks that quickly impair judgment Remember that drunks=easy targets
Ask for a room above the 1st and below the 6th floor- Easier to break into the 1st floor and most fire ladders don't reach higher than the 6th
Remember your passport and keep it safe Don’t bring flashy valuables Read about the local laws of where you will be visiting
Be aware of alcohol poisoning, watch out for your friends
Hooking up…
Remember—not everyone is doing it!
Do not drink and drive
Go out with your friends, come back with them
Stock up on protection before you leave home, never rely on the other person to ―take care of it‖
In hotels…
On the beach…
Drinking and sunbathing can equal dehydration and bad sunburns Drink lots of water if
Keep doors and sliding doors locked
Use safes provided for valuables
Don’t let strangers into your room
Notice where the fire exits are located
Use sunscreen with at least 15 SPF and reapply often
Remember you can burn even when it is cloudy!
out in the sun
Spring 2012
TWITTER! Follow us on Twitter:
@bsuServiceRLC Use #bsuRLClife to follow the Conversations!
Decide before leaving what your boundaries are Be clear with potential partners about how far you are willing to go
Inside this issue: Upcoming Events
Quotes from Residents
Event Recap
Helpful Hints
Upcoming Events! March
Spaghetti Supper
30 Days Video: Muslims and America
Off-Campus service Event to Mass Audubon
Tie Dye
Off-Campus Service Trip!
Relay for Life
30 Days Video: Minimum Wage
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~Anne Frank
Quotes from Residents! RLC offers great encouragement to get involved and to stay involved after RLC is over because it shows the importance of service through experiences and the readings. -Melissa RLC is a good way to open your mind and get away from your normal lives and problems and see that your life isn’t so bad. –Alison and Jill RLC brings awareness of the social issues of the world today and promotes Leadership. -Jess Page 2
RLC shows you how you can make a difference in the world even though you are only one person. Serving the community gives you a great feeling. -Shannon
RLC makes me want to be a better person and change the world. -Katy
Service Based RLC
Event Recap! -Learned about Oppression being faced by the GLBTA community with a guest speaker
-Service Projects: Last Semester, we: -Decorated Halloween Cookies for homeless children
-Played BINGO while learning about services offered on campus
-Made PB&J Sandwiches for Mainspring -Made Activity Books for the Children’s Hospital
-Community Partnership: Last Semester, we:
This Semester, we:
-Visited Angel Cat Haven and played with the cats and helped clean up after them
-Decorated Luminaria bags and learned about Relay for Life
-Listened to Guest Speakers at Tent City
-Social Programs: Last Semester, we:
-Were taught how to make a resume by Career Services
-Hosted Movie Nights, watching movies such as:
Step Brothers,
Christmas Throwback movies
-Wrote letters of support to the Troops in Iraq This Semester, we:
The Ugly Truth
-Traveled to Gifts to Give to help sort clothing to be donated to low-income and homeless children
This Semester, we: -Decorated Valentine’s Day Cupcakes
Helpful Academic Hints! -Academic Achievement Center offers:
-Career Services offers:
Resume Help
Mathematics Services
Career Exploration
Communications Lab
Second Language Services
Internship Resources
Job Shadows
Tutoring Central
Writing Studio
-Information Technology:
Get help with re-setting passwords
Help with problems connecting to internet
Have a virus? IT can help remove it Page 3