PME Newsletter January 2015

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December 2014 / Jan nuary 2015

PM ME EN New wsllettterr Interrnationall Group for the P Psycholo ogy of Mathemat M atics Edu ucation

Messa M age frrom PME P E Presid dent Barba B ara Jaaworrski Deaar colleaguees in PME,, it is my plleasure to w wish you a very hap ppy new yeaar and all th he best of peace p and j oy in 2015. This issue of o our newsletter is broug ght to you ffrom a new w edittorial team.. Maike Vo ollstedt (Geermany) con ntinues as editor e and d she is join ned by Keith h Jones (UK), a curreent memberr of the IC. The retirin ng editor in Cynthia Nichol N (Can nada) to wh hom we express our wh holehearted d thanks for her wond derful work k in editting our new wsletter ovver the years – thank yyou Cynthiaa! I welcome the tw wo editors and thank them very much for this t issue of our o newslettter.

In nside th his issuee TPG G Report


Standding for thee IC


Younng Researchers’ Day at PME38


E38 reportss PME


PME E 39, 2015

27 7

Collloquium – a new w presentation form mat

0 30

Ourr PME con nference this year takes place in H Hobart at th he Uniiversity of T Tasmania, Australia. The themee is Mathem matics

Meessage from m the Editor E rs Welcome W to our Decem mber 2014 / January 22015 Newssletter. In th his issue wee bring repo orts from PM ME 38 and d the cordiaal invitation n to PME 339 in Hobarrt, Tasman nia. In addittion, there is in nformation about stan nding for thee IC and th he new PM ME handboo ok. Th here were cchanges in the PME Newsletter N tteam: We have h to say y farewell too Cynthia Nicol N and th hank her forr her great engagemen nt for the N Newsletter in i the last years y – and we welcom me Keith Jo ones of Enggland in thee Newsletteer team. En njoy readin ng the New wsletter! Tak ke care. Keith K Jones ( and a Maike V Vollstedt (

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