40 6
201 r e b vem
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PME at 40 PME Newcomers
03 07
NEWSLETTER International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Message from PME President
Dear Colleagues from PME,
PME 40 marked a significant milestone in the history of our organization and Csaba CsĂkos and his local organizing team put on a conference befit of this milestone. The venue was spectacular, the academic program stimulating, and the food and drink wonderful. Joining us to celebrate this milestone were more than 450 conference participants from 50+ countries. And to commemorate the anniversary the launch of the 2nd Handbook of Research on the Psychology of Mathematics Education, which celebrates the research of PME participants from 2005 to 2015. Having now turned 40, PME is in very good shape. As an organization we are financially sound, we have excellent hosts secured for PME 41, 42, and 43, and we have already received a bid for PME 44. We have very good governance policies and practices, and good documentation of these. And our members and participants continually produce and present high quality research. This did not happen ex nihilo. We need to be thankful to my predecessors (presidents and all IC
PME 40 Reports
PME IC Reports
PME 41
Free Contributions
members) for the exceptional stewardship they have shown in caring for and growing PME in the its first 40 years.
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Message from the Editors Dear PMEmbers, Welcome to our November 2016 Newsletter! In this issue, we continue celebrating the 40th anniversary of PME and bring reports from the last conference in Szeged. Many exciting changes are happening in our community this year. To name some of them, we elected a new president
Peter Liljedahl and four IC members: Yiming Cao, Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim, Miguel Ribeiro and Lovisa Sumpter. Also, funding opportunities for special projects and regional conferences were initiated. You can read about these changes and much more in the Message from the President and reports on the Szeged conference.
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