NEWSLETTER International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Message from PME President Dear Colleagues from PME,
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PME 41 was a great success with over 513 participants from universities in 51 different countries. Berinderjeet Kaur and Ho Weng Kin, and their collegial team, did a wonderful job hosting the participants of PME 41. The conference venue at the National Institute of Education, with its delightful blend breezeways, the open-air cafeteria, and high-tech air-conditioned presentation rooms created a marvellous atmosphere for us to engage in our scientific work. For the social program Berinder and Weng Kin made sure that the best of Singapore showcased. From the excursions, to the river
PME 41 Reports
cruise, to the conference dinner, all the views and atmosphere were amazing. And the food, all through the conference, but especially at the conference dinner, allowed us all to experience the best of all the cultures that make Singapore such a multicultural and harmonious country. With those strong and abiding memories, it is already time to start looking forward to PME 42 and all the wonderful experiences that Ewa Bergqvist and Magnus Ă–sterholm, and their team, have in
PME IC: Reports
PME IC: New Members
PME 42
store for us. The conference website is already active and can be found at As the President of PME, one of my most joyous duties is to open the PME conferences. (continued on page 2)
Message from the Editors Dear PME members, welcome to our November 2017 Newsletter! In this issue, we remember the PME 41 conference in Singapore and bring reports from across the conference. Our thanks go to all the colleagues
who organized group activities at PME 41. You can find their reports in this issue, along with the experiences of some PME members at the conference. Many exciting developments are taking place in our community, including the decision to hold the first PME regional conference in Chile in 2018. You can read the advance information on the Chile Regional Conference, and much more in the message from the President and the reports from each of the Portfolio Groups of the International Committee (IC).
(continued on page 2)