President’s Message Dear PM Prac
Welcome to first edi on of Synergy for this year – 2020!! As I look back at last year, it has been quite a happening year for the chapter. We had a few “Meet & Greet” events for our new chapter members. This series showed an increasing trend of par cipa on with each event and reached the peak of 54 a endees in one of the events. Similarly our AGM event has Manoj K Gupta also become a big success wherein par cipa ons over 4‐years has increased from 35 to nearly 135‐140 approx par cipants. The last AGM was a full day event with external speakers brought in on interes ng and diverse topics for chapter members benefit. As part of our thoughts to try and give back to community, we also signed MoU’s with two NGO’s to contribute and support their ini a ves namely: Esha – People for the Blind
Under the ini a ve launched last year, we saw nearly 40 of our members signing up for the Esha ini a ve. Objec ve of the ini a ve was to research on non‐u liza on of various online / free knowledge resources by Indian popula on inspite of availability of plenty of online, free knowledge resources available. These includes but not limited to DLI, Esha’s Online Library, Sugamya Pustakalaya, Na onal Digital Library etc but 70% of India’s popula on con nues to remain impacted as 'Knoweldge Have Nots'.
This is not an issue of adop on, poor adop on is the result of poor product design. These products have been designed with all knowledge resources based on user behavior of the 'knowledge haves' – people like us. Which is why project a er project is failing. Through this research, idea is to discover the knowledge acquisi on behavior of the knowledge 'have nots'. Robin Hood Army (Planning to launch this ini a ve formally in Q1, 2020)
By signing this MoU, RHA & PMI NIC are commi ng their inten ons and efforts to work together for promo on of global best prac ces on Project Management and also on opportuni es where in members of PMI North India Chapter can volunteer alongside volunteers of Robin Hood Army for their food collec on and distribu on drives.
Feedback: Synergy Jan—Mar 2020 Page 2