Introduc on to Agility for Project Managers
What is Agile: Agile is a set of principles for building a business solu on in which requirements and solu ons evolve through collabora on between self‐organizing, cross‐func onal teams. It promotes adap ve planning, evolu onary development, early delivery, and con nuous improvement, and it encourages rapid and flexible response to emerge. Agile itself has never defined any specific methods to achieve this, but many have grown up as a result and have been recognized as being 'Agile'. What is Project Management: Project management is the way a person organizes and manages resources that are necessary to complete a project. Now let’s re‐read these 2 defini ons together. Agile is a methodology and Project Management is applying the methodology to deliver business benefits through Projects. Agility is now the buzz word across all Industries, but its adop ons has been highest in IT Service Delivery Organiza ons. Moving to an Agile Opera ng Model is a challenge many organiza ons are facing specially the large corpora ons for the reasons very well known to this community of Project Managers. A project is not one func on or one team approach. Many func ons of the organiza on must work together at the same pace to build a stronger business solu on and “Deliver Business Value faster”. A comprehensive transforma on model must touch mul ple facets of the organiza on. In an endeavor to support the Project Managers and Organiza ons to adapt to the Agile methodology is called “Agile Transforma on”. There are many models available to help Organiza ons to smoothen their transforma on journey. One of such models is “Disciplined Agile”.
( D A D ) is a people‐first, learning‐
oriented hybrid agile approach to IT solu on delivery. It has a risk‐value delivery lifecycle, is goal‐driven, is enterprise aware, and is scalable. DAD provides a carefully constructed mechanism that not only streamlines IT work, but more importantly, enables scaling
(h ps:// The Project Management Ins tute (PMI®) is advoca ng DAD Model as DAD Framework helps us Be Agile and not Do Agile. The DAD framework helps the organiza on focus on cross func onal approach and enable Agility at the enterprise level. PMI® is the pioneering body for enabling enterprise solu ons.
Feedback: Synergy Jan—Mar 2020 Page 5