Seven Principles of Disciplined Agile: Delight Customers: The principle advocates building value keeping Customer in mind. Con nuous stakeholder management for building decisions is the key strategy that supports this principle. Be Awesome: Focus on people. Empower the Doers and decentralize decision making. The key strategy is to Build a Team and provide an environment necessary for them to achieve their expected objec ves. Create generalizing specialist team – “T” Skilled individuals. Pragma sm: Look beyond Agile/Lean. Tradi onal communi es may have some great prac ces that are necessary for the success. Adopt and be open to tradi onal prac ces that are contribu ng to the success. Context Counts: Every person, team and organiza on are unique. Be context specific and evolve the strategy of adop on model based on context. Eg: Geographically distributed teams Vs. Co‐Loca on. Choice is Good: Directly leading from Context principle. The principle advocates providing a mul ple op on strategy to make a choice based on what is going to be best suited. Provide choices to make good decisions based on context. Using Prescrip ve frameworks is not the solu on for all problems. Go Hybrid!!! Op mize Flow: Streamline processes and adopt the strategy of “Enterprise as a Whole”. Work as per your choice but be aware of enterprise demands and align goals to focus on Con nuous Delivery. Prefer long term stable teams instead of using project‐based teams. Adopt Lean – Eliminate Waste! Enterprise Awareness: An enterprise is a network of many teams and my team is one of many teams. Moving from project teams to stable teams, it is cri cal to work across mul ple teams to be able to Delight the customer. Focus on technical debt which is one of the biggest wastes when we adopt Agile Methodology. Governance should be agile based on context. The key is to “Work Transparently”. As Project Managers, we are the Key Change Agents to build an environment and adopt the 7 seven principles of Disciplined Agile Framework to enable Agile Transforma on in your organiza on. For any addi onal queries feel free to write to your local chapter on For more informa on refer to: h ps:// on‐to‐dad/ Happy Reading!!! Sunita Gupta Feedback: Synergy Jan—Mar 2020 Page 6