Administrational Guide 2019/2020 - full time

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Architecture Msc, Civil Engineering Bsc, Structural Engineering Msc, Electrical Engineering Bsc and Computer Science Engineer Bsc & Msc programmes in English

Gabriella MEDVEGY Prof. Dr. - Dean Dean’s office B125

Adél HEIDECKER dr.– Head of the International Architecture Programm Msc Office B327 Anett GROZDICS, secretary of Architecture Institution Office B327

Ildikó HORVÁTH dr. - Head of the Institute Electrical Technology Engineering Programme Bsc Office B240 Rózsa LEHOCZKY, secretary of Institute Electrical Technology Engineering Office B237

Judit PÁL-SCHREINER dr.- Head of the international Civil Engineering Programme Bsc Office B302 Attila FÜLÖP dr. - Head of the international Structural Engineering Programme Msc Office B345 Zita Mangné Kardos, secretary of Civil and Structural Engineering Office B313

Péter IVÁNYI Prof. Dr. – Head of International of Systems and Software Technologies Programmme Bsc & Msc Office B140 Péterné Regőczi, secretary of Systems and Software Technologies Office B139

Centre for International Programmes and Relations - Office B011 Tel: +36 72 501 533 ext: 23651

Ms. Réka SOMFAI – managing expert

Ms. Anna BEKKER- managing expert

Ms. Dóra MOSONYI – managing expert Providing help in non educational issues, Immigration Office, Health Insurance, GP, medical help, bank account,Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship, contact with foreign representatives and recruiting companies, Erasmus and learning agreement

Registry Office - Office B025 Ms. Katalin ZIMMERMANN- administrative assistant ; Phone: +36 72 503 650 / 23661 E-mail: Ms. Barbara SHAYO - administrative assistant; Phone: +36 72 503 650 / 23653 E-mail: Please take a number from the machine infront of the office, and take seat in the hall until your number will be called. Opening hours Monday: 8.30-11.30 Tuesday: 13.00-15.00 Wednesday: 8.30-11.30 Thurdays: 13.00-15.00 issuing student status certificate, enrollment and *course registration* link, transcript, discuss study related questions, student cards, Neptun errors, Neptun password

How to submit student’s applications(requests): Accordint to the university’s Codes of Studies and Examiantions, Article 3 (3): All applications relating to academic and study matters shall be addressed to the organ with executive powers and submitted to the Registrar’s Office, which shall promptly file the application and forward it to the organ or person in charge.

*RO will collect the signature from the heads of the programs or from the professors!*

Special provisions pertaining to the students of the Engineering and Information Technology Faculty

Late enrolment after the start enroll within 8 days after the semester has been of the training period started, CSE 38. ยง (3)

2.000 HUF

90 % Faculty Student Council, 10 % RO

Late enrolment after the start of the training period

enroll within 9-21 days after the semester has been started, CSE 38. ยง (3)

2.000 HUF + from the 9th day 600 HUF/Day, at most 11.000 HUF

90 % Faculty Student Council, 10 % RO

Submission of requests after the deadline

The fee is payable if the requests are submitted after the deadline indicated on the form (available for download from the faculty website)

1.000 Ft /requests

100 % Faculty

More information:

Registration period is closed at 16:00 6th September 2019 Course registration: until 16:00, 13th September 2019 Semester opening ceremony at 14.00 on the 2nd of September 2019, obligatory for all fresh men, dress smartly! Study Period (15 weeks): starts: 2nd September, 2019 (All lessons start on Monday) ends: 14th December, 2019 Exam period (5 weeks): starts: 16th December, 2019 ends: 17th January, 2020

!Please, calculate with your exams, do not buy plane ticket too early!

For more important dates:

- „credit points’” for each educational component / subject - Total credit points you have to collect is 30 credit points * semester

which means - Architecture Msc 300 credit points (15 credit points optionals) - Civil Engineering Bsc 240 credit points ( 12 credit points optionals) - Structural Engineering Msc 90 credit points (5 credit points optionals) - Electrical Engineering Bsc 210 credit points ( 10 credit points optionals) - Computer Science Engineer Bsc 210 credit points ( 10 credit points optionals) - Computer Science Engineer Msc 120 credit points (6 credit points optionals)

- There are no „years� , but semesters. The total number of

credit points shows your progression.

- Subjects are built on each other

- Curricula: contains the obligatory components and criterion

requirements for each semester. Please, find on our website: by clicking on your major

 Subjects from curriculum/Obligatory subjects: a course-unit

the completion of which is required from each and every student of the program

 Optional/Elective subjects: up to your decision, how many want

to take per semester. To reach the total number of credits, you need to collect required number of credits from elective subject by the end of the degree program. Please, check how many, in your curricula.

 All other subjects in the institution/Campus credit: other

Faculty’s elective subject, CAN COST MONEY, please read information from Neptun or from the concerned Faculty before register. If your Neptun/Payment/Finances already shows campus fee, there is no option to cancel it!

By the enrolment you automaticly accept the rules of the university. Course registration: the most important thing after you’ve enrolled to register courses, if you miss it you can not attend courses, get grades ect. Be carefull with deadlines, can cause charges! Attendence at the courses: if you miss more then 30% of a course, you can’t receive signature or a mid-term grade, which means you cannot attend exam, you won’t have grade. Reason for termination of student status: • you can passivate two semesters in row, at the 3rd time, if you are still passive, your student status will be cancelled • If you don’t finish your studies within a 1,5 times of the prescribed period More information:

There are two kinds of payment you can have: installments (made by the Central Registry Office) and transcribed items that you do for yourself. Installments can be: Tuition fee, penalty for tuition fee ( 6% per installment), dormitory fee, fee for a visitor in the dormitory/night. Course registration for the second and further time the student has to pay fee for the second and every further time registration for a course. (currently 500HUF/credit but maximum 3000HUF/subject and maximum 10000HUF/semester), for exam courses as well. Third and any further examination in the same course-unit If the student takes an exam in the same curricular unit three or more times he/she is obliged to pay the fee (currently 2500HUF) for the third and every further exams. Non-attendance at an examination If the student does not attend the registered exam he/she has to pay the absence fee (currently 2000HUF) More information:

Transcribed items can be: Service or Exam retake fee

Stipendium Hungaricum Programme Operational Regulations IV.10. Termination of scholarship status „IV.10.2. The institute may terminate the status of the scholarship holder by a unilateral declaration after consulting Tempus Public Foundation in the following cases: a.

if the student’s status is terminated based on section 59 of ANHE,


if the student – unless there is another provision in the institutional regulation – does not meet the requirement of academic progress declared in the Academic and Examinations Regulation or in the curriculum; the student does not obtain at least 18 credits on the average of the last two semesters where the student status was not interrupted. This requirement of minimum credit does not apply for the students of doctoral schools.

The higher education institute prior to the termination through unilateral declaration must: a.

inform the scholarship holder and Tempus Public Foundation after the first semester of the nonperformance of the above mentioned provisions and also must inform the scholarship holders 18 of the consequences, i.e. if the student does not obtain enough credits they will lose the scholarship at the end of next semester. „

More information: 1. 2.

 Setting your student

status active

 Register courses, book

exam appointment

 Checking status,

payments, grades, timetable

 Contacting fellow

students and professors

 https://neptun- ogin.aspx

Hopefully all of you have met the Neptun edicational system during enrollment. Make sure  your data (personal, financial, study connected, adress) are up to date,  your emails in Neptun - there is an e-mail system inside Neptun,

please check it regulary, most of the time the professors and us will communicate with you through that,  Your personal email - always have a current e-mail address in Neptun,

you will get a notification there too if anything happens in Neptun.

Indicate mistakes in a written form via email to or

You will collect credits for each educational component/subject. Curricula and course discription, please find here, by clicking major:


Registration occurs when a student’ legal relation starts with this operation, consequently it is typical for newly admitted students.

Click on Administration 1.

enrolment/ registration


Click on list


Click on „+” next to the term 2019/20/1


Choose log in


Choose „Active” and Save

There are two kinds of situation when you can accreditate your previous studies. If you are a freshman out of high school you do not have anything with accreditation. 1.

When you are joining to our undivided program which is Architecture. This program’s training duration is 10 semesters. BUT if you have any previous studies from Architecture for recognition do not hesitate.You will need a transcript of records and a course discription from your former university. Fill the Request for accreditation and submit it at the RO. *RO will collect the signature from the heads of the programs or from the professors!* The deadline is according to the be university’s Codes of Studies and Examinations „Article 54 (4) The student shall

entitled to request the recognition of the accomplishment of the academic requirement until the end of the subject registration (course registration) period.” Course description: -description.pdf Course codes:

When you are transfering from another university to our Bsc or Msc program.


You can accreditate your previous studies. You will need a transcript of records and a course discription from your former university. You have to fill the Request for accreditation form and submit those papers at the RO. *RO will collect the signature from the heads of the programs or from the professors!* The deadline is, according to the university’s Codes of Studies and Examinations „Article 54 (4) The student shall be entitled to request the recognition of the accomplishment of the academic requirement until the end of the subject registration (course registration) period.” Course description: 1)

Civil Engineering Bsc:


Computer Science Engineering Bsc:


Computer Science Engineering Msc:


Electrical Engineering Bsc:


Structural Engineering Msc:

Course codes: 1)

Civil Engineering Bsc:


Computer Science Engineering Bsc:


Computer Science Engineering Msc: r-science-engineering-msc-from-the-academic-year-2017-2018-180216093340.pdf


Electrical Engineering Bsc: l-engineer-181120194049.pdf


Structural Engineering Msc: l-course-descriptions.pdf

After you listed the subjects you can click on subject → Double click on chosen subject

Tick the checkbox next to the subject code ending -GY (means practice) -EA(means theory), -LA(means lab) In some cases you can see GY-01,GY-02… or LA-01,LA-02… These are different groups, taking place at different time or with a different teacher. Choose one to fit your timetable. Don’t take subject code ending VL or /V Click Add to shedule planner

Unfortunately Neptun does show days in hungarian abbreviations regarding subject registration and timetable.

H = Monday K = Tuesday Sze = Wednesday Cs = Thursday P = Friday

1. Day 2. Classroom

By clicking on Class shedule planner

you can check how your timetable is developing

 In Neptun you can check and print out your Gradebook

 Students are responsible for making sure all grades are registered

in Neptun by the lecturers, within the exam period. If your grade is not registerd, please contact the lecturer. You have 14 days after the semester closed, to complain about it at the Registry Office. After this deadline your grade will be lost. Also make sure you accept your offered grades in Neptun! If you cannot use Neptun over your holiday, please email us in advance to accept your grade instead of you.

 Transcript can be requested for free once in a semester, upon

request sent to the RO. ;

 Europass supplement to your degree will contain your transcript


Choose curricula from … then click on List

For fee paying students: From the 2nd semester you can pay your tuition fee in 3 installments (40%,30%,30%). The payment will appear in Neptun before the new semester starts. More information: *link

For scholarsip holder students: Keep an eye on Neptun/Finances/Payment - scholarship covers only tution fee.

If you have debit in Neptun: You are not able to activate your status, register courses! You are not able to book exam appointment! Lecturers are not able to register your grade!

You cannot pay in any other currency, it should be HUF or USD. To pay HUF in cash: Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (MIK) Address: Boszorkány út 2, main hall Opening hours: Thursday: 8:30-13:30, Friday:8:30-12:30 Pay cash in USD: Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development Address: Szántó K. J. u. 1/b Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00-14:00, Friday 8:00-13:00 To transfer tution fee: Bank account name: Pécsi Tudományegyetem (University of Pécs) Address of beneficiary: 7622 Pécs, Vasvári P. u. 4. Bank name: Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian State Treasury) Address of bank: 7621 Pécs, Apáca utca 6. SWIFT code: HUSTHUHB IBAN HU30 10024003-00282716-01110009 Bank account number to pay tuition fee: 10024003-00282716-01110009 Please add as reference: Neptun code, name (exactly how it is in Neptun), tuition fee *actual semester e.g. : 2019/20/1*

Plastic (permanent) Student Card You can find the guide here: *link. Please make sure your data are correct on every document you have recived because any mistake is going to make the process longer. Temporary student card (valid for 60days) It is necessary to be enrolled, your Education ID will appeare in Neptun. (11 charakters, all numbers you can see in Neptun : My data → Personal information)


!Important: only you can get it, personally with showing an ID!


When you recive that number, you can ask for a temporary student card from the Registry Office.

 Official website:

 Facebook page:

 Instagram: @engineeringstudiespecs

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