Cultural Puzzle - Erasmus Blended Intensive Program

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Cultural Puzzle Erasmus Blended Intensive Program Dr Tamás Molnár

Cultural Puzzle

Erasmus Blended Intensive Program

& edited by: Dr

University of Pécs

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Pécs, 2023.


© University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Responsible publisher:

Prof Dr Gabriella Medvegy

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Written & edited by:

Dr Tamás Molnár DLA Habil

Institute of Architecture

Design & photo:

Dr Péter Paári DLA

Institute of Architecture

Proof reading:

Marcus Juby

Centre for Foreign Languages for Technical Purposes

Press & binding:

Sz. K. Stúdió Kft.

ISBN (print) 978-963-626-092-7

ISBN (pdf) 978-963-626-093-4

6 Content Content Preface 10 Dr Tamás Molnár 12 Prof Dr Helmut Hachul 14 Prof Dr Reinhild Schultz-Fölsing 14 Dr Hrvoje Krstić 16 Dr Dina Stober 16 Basis 20 Task 28 Programme 34 Workshop projects 40 Upside-Down Garden 42 Stretch 46 In & out 50 Follow-up projects 56 Mystery plot 58 Stretch 66 Follow the line 72
8 Impressions 01



Dr Tamás Molnár

University of Pécs Pécs, Hungary

The Institute of Architecture of the University of Pécs Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology organized an Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in the autumn of 2022. The Erasmus BIP represents a new type of higher education cooperation between several institutions with the main aim of encouraging international cooperation both in person and online. Our international workshop experience dated back to 2010 when numerous universities participated in the Temporary City program under the framework of the European Capitals of Culture. We also participated in several Erasmus Intensive Programmes organized by the Fachochschule Joanneum in Graz.

This year was the first time that our Institute of Architecture organised an Erasmus BIP, and it involved the participation 8-8 3rd year students of architecture from the University of Pécs, University of Applied Sciences and Arts FH Dortmund from Germany and the Josip Juraj

Strossmayer University of Osijek from Croatia. The Erasmus programme supported the organization costs of the BIP as well as the travel and daily expenses of the international partners.

The task of the programme was dealing with an interesting site in the Pécs downtown. The historical Klimó Collection of the University Library is housed in a beautiful classicist building in Szepesy Street. There is a large garden belonging to the library that was the main design site for students. The name, Cultural Puzzle, was given to the programme during one of the first discussions with our international partners, after Prof. Dr. Helmut Hachul from Dortmund expressed that the downtown of Pécs represented generally and architecturally a cultural puzzle.

The programme started with a five day in person workshop between October 24-28, 2022, where students worked in international groups comprised of one student


from each participating country. At the end of the workshop week, the final presentation of the eight student groups reflected the different characters of the students. The international jury which consisted of the participating professors, Prof. Dr. Gabriella Medvegy, the dean of our Faculty and Prof. Dr. Bálint Bachmann, the head of the Marcel Breuer Doctoral School, awarded prizes to the best groups. The BIP continued with online consultations and ended with an online presentation in December. The experience of continuing the design work online after the in-person workshop was a unique opportunity for the students to learn about efficient collaboration remotely, and the final presentations showed that some groups were able to work as effectively online as they had in person, while others found it more challenging.

International programs like this provide real-life experience for all participants, teaching them how to work effectively in teams with people they may not have known previously. The different national and social backgrounds of the students ensure different perspectives and ideas, which can be valuable for the professional development of the students. Additionally, these programs are

great opportunities for students to form new connections and friendships with people from different countries.

It is hoped that the architectural projects developed during the Cultural Puzzle programme will have a positive influence on the University of Pécs’ future plans for the Historical Department of the University Library and the garden in Szepesy Street.


Prof Dr Helmut Hachul

University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Dortmund, Germany

University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Dortmund, Germany

Pécs! Finally!

Early 2020, students from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts are on their way to hold a joint workshop with the University of Pécs in Hungary. Then Corona arrives...

End of 2022 - Pécs, attempt number 2: It works! Finally! As the horror and impact of the pandemic gradually fades, it is thanks to the initiative of the University of Pécs and the Erasmus programme BIP, that Dortmund University of Applied Sciences can travel to the former Capital of Culture with a group of eight selected students. The exact location in Europe will be revealed differently to the individual path of each individual traveller...

What is on offer on-site? A beautiful city with outstanding architectural heritage, a lively cultural landscape, and affordable excellent gastronomy. This week we are participants in the workshop, joined by an equally large group from the University of Osijek in Croatia. We give input, have discussions with the mixed groups, which is the target orientated concept for the project, “Secret Garden Pécs”. The various perspectives - seen through the eyes of architecture, civil engineering, the user and the guest, as well as the cultural glasses from Pécs, Osijek and Dortmund. The English language is no problem, what is challenging is the adjustment, the balancing of arguments within the groups.

Prof Dr Reinhild Schultz-Fölsing

Through a series of carefully chosen and expertly organised trips, we visit important points in the city, in the surrounding area, gain impressions.

At the end of the week, the concepts are finalised, presented and awarded. Back in Dortmund, digital video units with the groups complement the further development of the concepts to the final result.

At the end of the competition, there are three winning teams. For the project, however, all of us are winners. We exchanged our willingness to take risks for a bouquet of impressions, experiences and friendships. Pécs: Thank you! And: We will see each other again. Probably with Osijek, hopefully via Erasmus BIP...


Dr Hrvoje Krstić

Osijek, Croatia

Dr Dina Stober

Osijek, Croatia

Since 2016, the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek has been conducting undergraduate studies in architecture and urban planning, which have been completed by six generations so far. Initially, the programmes offered relied on external cooperation with teachers from Zagreb, Mostar, and the mobility of teaching staff to Ljubljana, Mostar, Pécs, Novi Sad, Zurich, etc, to ensure the quality of teaching, research and education. This international experience has enriched both the research and teaching oeuvre. The invitation from the Institute of Architecture from the University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology to

participate in the Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in the autumn of 2022, enabled a greater number of students to participate in the international multi-day programme and to establish stronger connections between the universities of Pécs, Dortmund and Osijek.

The pedestrian streets, the historic core of the city, an undiscovered garden, international collaboration, as well as the visits to key cultural destinations in Pécs and the surrounding area, organized by the

Dr Tamás Molnár and the Institute of Architecture, presented a challenging and attractive urban task for students from Osijek, who responded to the competition and

Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

applied for Erasmus mobility for the first time.

We gave presentations to students that were related to our research interests and urban planningenergy efficiency in urban areas and the historical genesis of Osijek. We thought that it was important to raise awareness that around 65% of global energy demand is generated in urban areas, and that urban areas are also considered responsible for approximately 75% of carbon dioxide emissions. In the future, large urban areas will need to take measures to deal with the growing energy needs of populations while maintaining and improving a healthy environment and decreasing climate change. The urbanization process should be seen not only as a thermal risk to the population and the environment but also as an opportunity to expand green areas and implement new green solutions. Therefore, it is recommended that urban landscaping and new green solutions be implemented primarily in the warmest urban areas. Currently, cities are mainly focused on improving energy efficiency, but the next step towards sustainable energy management will require a significant increase in the use of renewable energy. Achieving energy efficiency is an important precondition for the

implementation and greater use of renewable energy sources. Using principles of nature-based solutions (NBS) provide possible solutions to these problems. NBS is the measure for urban ecosystems restoration and rehabilitation and is presented as an instrument for urban heat island (UHI) effects mitigation. Numerous studies have been published on the importance of green infrastructure as a tool for improving urban areas, and we presented key evidence and case studies so students could incorporate this into their urban solutions for Szepesy Street.

Our visit to the University of Pécs, also allowed us to see the technological results they have achieved, where we can see common topics and areas for cooperation. A large 3D print centre with state-of-the-art technology and a doctoral study programme in architecture are opportunities that we will try to use for our additional education, and more intensive cooperation through cross-border projects and joint teaching activities.

18 Impressions 02



Pécs is one of the oldest towns in Hungary and one of the richest in listed historical monuments. It serves as both an administrative and cultural centre of the Transdanubian region. The city has a strong cultural importance for Hungary in music and fine arts. The current population is around 138 000, with a significant proportion made up of German and Croatian minorities, who play a determining cultural role in the life of the city.

The history of Pécs goes back to the ancient Roman times when it was called Sopiane and served as the centre of the province of Valeria in the Roman Empire. The main historical site of the city is the early-Christian cemetery where numerous burial structures originating from the 4th century can still be seen. The cemetery has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2000 and is the largest early Christian burial site east of Rome. It is unique in that there are many different burial buildings and chambers within a small area. Some of the burial buildings, such as the Peter and Paul Burial Chamber, the Burial Chamber of the WinePitcher and the Early-Christian Mausoleum are also beautifully painted. King Stephen I founded the Hungarian state in 1000AD, and the bishopric of Pécs in 1009AD. The religious centre of Pécs is still

located around the Cathedral and the Bishop’s Palace. In medieval times, the city was called Quinque Ecclesiae referring to five churches. The first university of Hungary was founded in 1367 in Pécs. The remains of the medieval city wall can still be seen in many parts of the downtown area. One special part is the round bastion called Barbican at the former western gate of the downtown. During the Ottoman occupation of Pécs the main square was radically changed. On the order of Pasha Gazi Kassim, the former St Bartholomew church was torn down and replaced with a mosque. This mosque was


extended in the 1930s according to the plans of Nándor Körmendy and now serves as a Catholic Church in the downtown.

In the 19th century, the city of Pécs became an industrial city with the founding of numerous factories, including the Zsolnay Porcelain Factory, a leather factory, and even a sparkling wine manufacturer established by the Littke family. The eastern part of the city became a centre for coal mining and the western part had a Uranium mine. New urban areas were built for the large number of mine employees, including the Szigeti-district and

so-called Uranium-city. In the southern part of Pécs “gardencity” was developed that meant for the first time, a real suburban zone with detached houses and gardens. The area south of garden city was developed further with the construction of large numbers of prefabricated blocks of flats. At the same time, the city was spreading towards the Mecsek hills as well.

2010 marked a special year for the city, as together with Essen in Germany and Istanbul in Turkey, Pécs was designated one of the European Capitals of Culture (ECoC). In connection with the ECoC several construction works were carried out in the city, including Széchenyi Square, which is the main square of the city, and other neighbouring public areas. The basic requirement for the renewal of the main square was to preserve existing values and to extend them to create a more usable public space. Water was introduced as a new element in the form of pools and fountains. The main square is well frequented by the city’s inhabitants day to day

as well as being used for numerous public events. However, there is a lack of green areas in the main square.

The design area of the workshop is located in Szepesy Street. This street directly connects the main square to the Museum Street (Káptalan Street) and, further on, to the Cathedral. The street is a low-traffic zone that means that only residents, loading and emergency vehicles can drive into Szepesy Street, making it a pleasant and safe area for both pedestrians and cyclists. The area is mainly composed of public buildings on the eastern side of the street, starting with the Archaeology Museum, then

a hotel, and finally a nursery and elementary school. There is only one private house. The western side of the area is characterized by the Vasarely Museum to the north and to the south it is defined by the building housing the University’s Faculty of Health Sciences, with the project site located in between. The project site and building belongs to the Historical Department of the University Library. The building housing the historical collection of books was designed by József Piatsek in 1830 and it is one of the most beautiful Classicist buildings in the city. When it opened in 1832, this was the first public library of Hungary and housed a collection of books that

was originally established by Bishop György Klimó in 1774. There is also a large garden that belongs to the library. These inner gardens are one of the hidden treasures of Pécs, and historical maps from the 19th century show many green areas around buildings in the downtown area. Some of these former private gardens are now open to the public but most of them not. The garden of the University Library is one of the largest among these green areas, and due to its proximity to Széchenyi Square, it could be used for different purposes, extending the public services that are already available in and around the main square.

26 Impressions 03
28 Task

The workshop focuses on the large, green garden area of the University Library building and Szepesy Street. The main square of the city is Széchenyi Square to the south, and another important area of the historical downtown is Káptalan Street, which has the nickname Museum Street, due to the large number of museums located in or around it. Most of the museums are part of the Janus Pannonius Museum as well as collections belonging to the Bishopric of Pécs.

Two roads connect the main square and the Museum Street. Nowadays, Hunyadi Street is primarily used, even though the footpaths are relatively narrow and there is car traffic. The other connecting axis is the Szepesy Street that has a similar pavement to the main square. The stone cladding symbolises that this small street belongs entirely to the pedestrians. Unfortunately, the Szepesy Street is not really used by the people who are crossing the downtown. The street is generally quiet, even on hot summer days. There are rarely cars using the street. There are public buildings along almost the entire length of the street. The 19th century Classicist building of the University Library, designed by József Piatsek, is located halfway up the street. The building houses the so-called Klimo collection that

is the historical library collection founded by Bishop György Klimó in 1774. The history of the University of Pécs dates back to 1367 and the university is planning a University History exhibition in the building in the near future. The garden of the library is only occasionally used, for instance, during the Light Festival of the city. Previously the employees of the library tried to establish a herb-garden and later there was a plan to have different urban furniture in the courtyard for reading. The other building facing the garden is nowadays used as a storage room and a maintenance workshop. This building was originally a greenhouse and also the bookbindery was located here at one stage. The plot has an entrance from the library building but it also has a separate entrance from the Szepesy Street too. There are many challenges but also many possibilities associated with this location.


Main questions to be answered by the design proposal:

• What kind of architectural intervention would encourage people to use Szepesy Street more frequently?

• How can the visibility of the University Library and its courtyard be increased?

• How could the courtyard of the University Library be turned into a lively place that is used almost continuously by the students, lecturers and community?

• Could the courtyard of the University Library be a place where the important partners of the University have their own area?

• How will it be clear that the courtyard is open and accessible to everyone?

• Is there a possibility to design a new museum axis that connects the already existing museums with each other?

A good final project can turn out to be the right element of the Cultural Puzzle of the historical downtown of Pécs.

32 Impressions 04
34 Programme

23.10.2022 - Arrival

Arrival to Pécs

24.10.2022 – Introduction, lectures, site visit and sightseeing

25.10.2022 – Lectures, group formation and sightseeing


UP-FEIT Dr Tamás Molnár, chief organizer

UP-FEIT Prof Dr Gabriella Medvegy, dean

UASA-FHD Prof Dr Reinhild SchultzFölsing, vice-dean

Prof Dr Helmut Hachul

JJSUO Dr Hrvoje Krstić, dean

The downtown of Pécs and the project area

Dr János Gyergyák

Guest lecture of FH Dortmund

Prof Dr Helmut Hachul, Prof Dr Reinhild Schultz-Fölsing

Walk to the project site

History of Pécs

Dr Krisztián Szigetvári

Guest lecture of Josip Juraj

Strossmayer University of Osijek

Dr Hrvoje Krstić

Group formation

Basic discussions about the task

Travel to Orfű by bus

Sightseeing in Orfű

26-27.10.2022 – Workshop teamwork

Teamwork of the student groups

Consultations with the lecturers

Sightseeing in the downtown – EarlyChristian Mausoleum (UNESCO

World Heritage), Cathedral and Cathedral Museum

Guide: Dr Tamás Molnár


28.10.2022 – Final preparations, presentation, evaluation

Final preparations of the presentations

PowerPoint presentation and a single poster

Presentations of the groups

Evaluation by the jury Award ceremony

29.10.2022 - Departure


Departure from
08.11.2022 - Online consultation 1 22.11.2022 - Online consultation 2 06.12.2022 - Final presentation
38 Impressions 05

Workshop projects


Leonie Pap-Nehme, Ante Šimun Medić, Nagy Szabolcs

1st prize

Upside-Down Garden


Creating the path sy


Visual Design


45 ……. …..

Dora Raić, Tugce Sahin, Irina Zaretskaia

2nd prize






3rd prize

50 In & out
Tsetsgee, Clara Preker, Tina Mucić



- interiorityandexteriority




54 Impressions 06

Follow-up projects


Ajtai József, Elshani Blerina, Lipovac Leon

József Ajtai, Blerina Elshani, Leon Lipovac

1st prize

mystery design team 2022

Mystery plot


The strength of the idea is achieved through the usage of a formal geometric and simple detail design. The garden entrance points have a height difference of over 2 meters between them so the southern approach is resolved with a pathway containing 5 ramps with a slope of 8%. That pathway is paved with concrete blocks (50 x 50 x 6 cm) and bordered with grass and plant covered cassettes terraced at a height of 50 cm. The user is guided towards the feature wall, built from translucent concrete blocks and designed in a way to make a visual connection with the neighbouring “secret garden”. The plaza provides an endpoint to the pathway, an area meant for various functions such as an outdoor cinema, library banquets, and other events compatible with its area. The concrete pavement dissolves into grass concrete blocks bordering and covering the “In Between” zone. It is identified through the composition of its volumes – wall elements and benches. To provide a sense of discovery and creation, users can manipulate the spaces into introverted and extroverted areas, or even an exhibition path. It is possible through the translucent concrete wall elements, which hold retractable perforated


Situation - ground floor 0 25m 5

Flower House bookbinding workshop - entrance hall - study area

Entrance building entrance hall - auditorium - sanitary room

The zone In Between open plaza - everchanging spaces - terraced seatings

Entrance zone pathway of introduction - connection

Tissue that connects bicycle parking - linear water element - seatings


aluminium sheets, coil coated as a finish. Both elements vary in length, width and height – according to the composition and their usage, such as niches for holding books. Benches are designed with a full body made of prefabricated concrete shells, covered with 3 cm thick, oil-impregnated wooden planks as a seat cover. This zone connects with the Flower House and auditorium building through a terraced landscape, with each of the three cassettes being 40 cm tall. Their edges are covered with the same wooden panels seen on benches, allowing them to be also used as seats – making it a leisure area concentrated as an extension of the activities inside the Flower House. This area also contains modular tables (100 x 100 x 40 cm) with light steel construction covered with wooden panels and placed on grass. What can also be seen throughout the project is the green area’s uniformities from the entrance to the Auditorium and Terrace. The continuous convergence and growth of green space transitions throughout the plan, concluding with a green wall of climbing plants on the facades of the buildings.


The Flower House on the site does not serve its intended purpose,

so as part of an adaptive reuse project, the building was given a new purpose. We decided on an educational theme as there is a school at the end of the Szepesy Street, and the school is known for holding classes in the library. This way, a space could be provided which separates younger children from the university students, who could then do their research in peace. In addition, we are not destroying a building that is likely to have as much cultural significance in the garden as the library.

Under the project the workshop is divided into two parts: the building’s left part focuses on manufacturing, where people can learn the process of bookbinding. The area to the right is for other classroom activities. There should be a space in the central area on the gallery level that is a leisure area that can be used by anyone for taking a break.


The whole project is indirectly highlighted from the street, with a pair of new buildings on opposite sides of the library, a new entrance leading to the square, and a new public building.

These two buildings are aesthetically similar to each other and thus contrast with the other


library entrance from the garden concrete pavement (50 x 50 cm)

ramp with an inclination of 8% concrete pavement (50 x 50 cm)

grass cassette concrete border (50 cm height)

planter cassette concrete border (50 cm height)

entrance wall element translucent concrete (in blocks)

bordering wall element concrete with three openings (50 x 50 cm)

a a b b
Ground floor - entrance zone
10m 2 Section a-a
forming introverted - extroverted zones forming an exhibition corridor
The In Between zone plaza forms into outdoor cinema

buildings on the street. The Baroque façade of the library between them is particularly striking. The building complex draws attention to the otherwise unfrequented Szepesy Street with its striking streetscape-disrupting appearance. Full development of the street frontage will not only create a new public building but will also solve the architectural morphology problems of the street.

As the library is under cultural heritage protection, special care had to be taken not to break the cornice around it. The facade is made of anthracite coloured Perfalz coated aluminium (0.7 x 500 mm), and also decorated with ivy. This contrast in colour highlights it from the existing buildings in the street.


Auditorium - Flower house - garden connection in situ concrete terraced seatings on grass wooden cover on concrete retaining wall (42 cm height)

modular tables

wooden construction (100 x 100 x 42 cm)

the In Between zone modular spaces in concrete - grass blocks (50 x 50 cm)

wall element

translucent concrete in blocks (dimensions vary)

retractable element inside the wall perforated metal sheet (dimensions vary)

element for sitting precast concrete with wooden top cover (42 cm height)

plaza for various activities concrete pavement (50 x 50 cm)

Adaptive reuse project of Flowerhouse

The flower house on the site does not serve its intended purpose, so as part of an adaptive reuse project, the building was given a new purpose, which we chose it to be an educational direction as was already mentioned. This way, we are not destroying a building that is likely to have as much cultural significance in the garden as the library.

The project of the Workshop devates in two ways: The building’s left tract’s purpuse is the manifacture area, where people can learn the proccess of book-creating. The right tract of the building is for other school classroom’s activities. In the central area on the gallery’s level there is a leisure area that can be used by anyone.

a a b b
Ground floor - In Between Section a-a Section b-b
0 10m 2

The lecture hall can be found on the ground level of the building, which can be entered through the hallway from the entrance. This hallway isn’t just a connection between the rooms of the buildings but also provides access to the terrace. The lecture hall has raised wooden seating steps that allow more than 40 people to fit in this area. On the first floor, there is a conference-room for the

employees of the library, and on the left side of the room there is a door that leads to the roof, which also provides access to the back garden.


Dora Raić, Tugce Sahin, Irina Zaretskaia

2nd prize



The first step of our design phase was to analyse the location. This step was incredibly important as it allowed us to familiarise ourselves with the place. During our analysis, we found out that in summer Széchenyi Square has a number of sunshades stretched between the buildings. These sunshades, made of fabric, are an ingenious way to protect the popular square from the sun, and we wanted to continue this. We also noticed that there are not many places for students to relax and lie down. Since the garden is very close to the Mosque of Pasha Gazi Kassim and Church of Gyertyaszentelo Boldogasszony, there are many tourists in summer.

Since the garden can only be entered from Szepesy Ignác Street, we wanted to include the street in our concept. The passage will have a diagonal arrangement of fabrics, which will serve as an eye-catching feature to draw the attention of visitors. The colour selection of the fabrics is in a range of natural colours to blend in with the buildings, books and the garden. To connect the whole thing with the library, we wanted to print quotations from respected authors on the fabrics. The quotations would be written in English to cater to the high number of tourists and international students visiting Pécs. On the streets, we will provide bicycle parking and


seating to encourage people to ride their bikes more. By the two entrances, the fabric will lead from the street to guide the visitors into the garden.

The atmosphere of the garden should be cosy and welcoming and accessible to everyone. We want to have a place for students to study and relax. Families with children will enjoy themselves because there are areas for climbing and sitting. Book lovers can go to the library to check out books and read those in the garden. On hot days, we provide beanbags so that visitors can sit on the lawn as well. The sunshades serve as sun protection on hot days, but also as weather protection on rainy days. The structural concept is the following: steel rods are sewn into the perimeter of the fabrics to ensure their stability, all additional shade sail joints are connected to those rods. In the street, the shade sails are fixed onto the walls through snap hooks, tensioners, and wall anchors. In the garden, a scaffolding substructure is built, being relatively light and not solid, it does not interfere with the light fabric concept. At the same time, the scaffolding frames can provide sufficient rigidity for the shade sails the hammocks, and the climbing nets. The frames are fixed to the ground by small concrete pad

foundations and steel plates and utilizes common rigid and swivel scaffolding clamps. The tents, hammocks, and nets are joined to the scaffolding by snap hooks, tensioners, and steel anchors.

We wanted to turn the flower house into a workshop and coffee shop. To maintain a connection with the library, there will be space for bookbinding and making notebooks. The interior will be filled with hammocks, which will play on our fabric theme in the garden. The flower house will also serve as storage for sunscreen fabrics when needed.

Since we want to make use of the garden all year, we made an analysis of the four seasons. After researching the temperatures for each season, we found similarities between spring and autumn, where the temperature ranges between 10-22 degrees Celsius. From March to May and September to November conditions are ideal in the garden, which is great for studying, relaxing and reading. The selected fabrics for spring and autumn are weather resistant, waterproof, easy to maintain and have a special coating which provides protection from dirt, oil and grime.

Summertime includes the same activities as in spring and autumn.


Then the sunshade provides a pleasant stay in the garden to study, read or spend quality time with friends and family. Thanks to the mobility of the bean bags you can find your own spot in the garden, and on top of that, the bean bags are also weatherproof and easy to maintain. In summer the fabric for the sunshade has a looser weave to provide some protection from the sun while also allowing air to circulate.

Since the temperature ranges between 2 to 8 degrees Celsius in the winter, we put aside the usual activities and opted for shortterm visits. To make the stay more

attractive, we want to replace the sunshades with strings of lights to create a cosy atmosphere. Taking into consideration that the Light Festival takes place in September, we wanted to expand on this idea and offer it in winter as well. Pictures of different artists, quotes from poets and colourful patterns can be projected on the walls of the buildings.

Spring Summer Autumn MarchAprilMay June -July-August September-October -November 10,3°C20,9°C 24,1°C -26,3°C 8,8°C -25,9°C Spring Summer Autumn MarchAprilMay June -July-August September-October -November 10,3°C20,9°C 24,1°C -26,3°C 8,8°C -25,9°C

Saruul Bold, Jaap Wegner, Loni Likar

3rd prize

Follow the line


The programme consists of a series of leisure facilities for hikers, tourists, students, and local habitants to get people out of their centralized box and return to nature. It will also be the theme of the future era. For example, by leaving behind concrete and other materials that are most suitable for densely populated life so far, and returning to wood, paper, and natural materials is also a way to return to nature. Adding natural elements in the building as much as possible can give visitors a feeling of being in nature.

Each feature of the garden is strategically placed to showcase geological or architectural features, drawing visitors to explore the path to the flower house and appreciate the beautiful views of the garden. Doing so enhanced the community and brings new energy to the locals.

The design of the project is inspired by topographical waves and lines, the two forces that can attract people towards the secret garden area and make the garden a more lively, functional space where architecture and nature converge. Creating 2D topographical lines as elements that gradually grow out of the ground and turn into 3D functional elements provides a personalised, therapeutic, and rehabilitative experience

74 Káptalan St. Széchenyi Sq.
Hunyad i János S t .
igo Tot Museum
Zsolnay Museum Vasarely Museum Schaár "utca" Museum Archeology Museum Renaissance Lapidarium

directly connected to nature. Reversing these features through scripting forms various spaces, lights, and shade for the users to experience the garden through the interpretation of the architecture. The line elements on the ground could act as the pavement or as pathway between green spaces. The architectural monument uses a rhythmical design, incorporating the existing trees and highlighting their position and interaction between their surroundings to provide a wide range of spatial qualities that reflect the diverse visual needs of visitors. The architectural installation “Wooden Line Stream” is located at the entrance of the garden. It is made up of wooden strips that are connected by renewable and reusable components, showcasing our team’s philosophy of “natural architecture” and ecological protection.

The flexibility of wood and gravity create a balance, creating a curve of fluid lines, floating in the air. The installation, “Wooden Line Stream”, starts at the garden entrance and serves to help unleash imagination. The series of wooden strips form “curves” with varying amplitudes and curvatures, extending into a gentle spiral. The flow of the line depicts the swaying spiral, reflecting the scattered light and shadow on the ground.

Blurred Boundaries: The physical architecture provides a range of spatial qualities separated by boundaries that allow some form of interaction/group connection, and further enhance the private zones.

Construction: The seating areas are formed by aligning multiple singular wooden modules. These are 50mm wide and spaced 50mm apart at the closest point, forming a seating area without the need for a plank to sit on. The modules are made entirely from birch, specifically chosen for its flexibility, that allows the organic shapes of the modules. The modules are hollow to minimize material use. The interior structure consists of vertical, horizontal and diagonal battens connected by screws. The vertical and horizontal battens are 50 by 30mm wide, the diagonal battens are 30 by 30mm wide. The modules are elevated 5cm above the ground to prevent direct contact with the ground and minimise dampness and rot. The connection to the ground is provided by five post anchors made from galvanized steel, which sit in concrete pads that form rings going all the way under the seating areas. A ring of gravel is also placed underneath the modules to prevent grass growth and allow for adequate drainage and air circulation. A 20mm thick bent plank, coated with a water

D e s i g n i d e a

repellent varnish, is placed on top of the construction and riveted onto the planks. The sides of the module are cut out plates, which are 10mm thick and also riveted onto the construction.

Flower House: The existing flower house can be transformed to the Workshop Café, and by extending the front of the house, the two functions of the monumental

to see beyond their immediate surroundings, communicate with others through various levels of connection, enjoy their environment and educate themself in practical and artistic skills.

The concept of the flower house is to create a relaxing area in harmony with the overall garden theme. This space is designed to be an extension of the garden, where

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exhibition space. This first space that you experience invites you to explore more. The spiral staircase is partially hidden by hanging flexible panels attached to the ceiling which make up part of an exhibition with hanging artwork on them. The space between is framed with pedestals featuring 3-dimensional artworks such as sculptures. From the entrance, visitors can choose to explore space on the right or left side of the flower house. The left side is an extended exhibition space with bigger hanging panels that helps guide visitors through the room. On the right side there is a combined cafe and workshop area, which is suitable for creative work and also a pleasant place to relax and drink a cup of coffee.

depending on the type of exhibition. These panels are one meter off the ground, guiding visitors to move in a certain way. The entrance of the flower house has the same hanging panels, suspended at a height of about two metres, allowing visitors to pass below them while viewing the hanging art from the gallery. In the corners of the middle room, we have classic pedestals for additional artwork.

The exhibition area in the flower
C o n c e p t v i s u a l i s a t i o n
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Participating universities

University of Pécs

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology


Fachhochschule Dortmund

University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Faculty of Architecture


Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Faculty of Civil Engeneering and Architecture



Participants by university


Dr Molnár Tamás

Gombo-Ochir Enkhjin

Dr Hachul Helmut

Dr Schultz-Fölsing Reinhild

Dr Krstić Hrvoje

Dr Stober Dina


Ajtai József

Bold Saruul

Grósz Anna Boróka

Ahmad Osama Malkawi Osama

Nagy Szabolcs

Takács-Győrfi Emese

Tsetsgee Naranzul

Zaretskaia Irina

Borrmann Linda

Elshani Blerina

Hermes Annika

Pap-Nehme Leonie

Preker Clara

Sahin Tugce

Sturm Elias

Wegner Jaap

Likar Loni

Lipovac Leon

Lovrišec Ana-Maria

Marjanović Martina

Medić Ante Šimun

Mucić Tina

Raić Dora

Vrbanac Sara


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