News from Geneva IPLOCA Secretariat Staff Soon to be Deconfined
Public Health told the press that an internationally coordi-
Working from home is no longer compulsory as of 31 May
plan will probably allow those who have been vaccinated,
in Switzerland. Swiss authorities have also promised to
as well as people who have tested negative and those who
introduce a coronavirus immunity passport by the summer
have recently had the disease (proven by serological tests),
which will entitle vaccinated people to various privileges.
to take part in certain activities. On a domestic level this
nated vaccination certificate would soon be available. As reported by ‘The Local Switzerland’, the Government’s
is likely to include attending events, playing sports and In a press conference held mid-May, Swiss authorities said
visiting restaurants, while at an international level it will
that they would put in place an electronic app compatible
include a QR code for travel.
with the European Union’s immunity passport “by the end of June this year”. The Head of the Crisis Management and
Switzerland has already indicated it will take part in the
International Cooperation Section at the Federal Office of
European Union’s COVID-19 passport project.
Webinars Update
Atlas Copco Rentals guarantees quality of service,
Informative webinars have continued to keep the
environmental care and personnel safety by a triple ISO
membership up to date on projects completed in
certification. They offer specialty rental solutions under
difficult circumstances, award winning innovations, new
several brands around the globe.
technologies, and associations working for the benefit of the pipeline industry.
Air & Nitrogen Solutions
Italians do it Better A presentation given by Paolo Garbi, Sales Director at Laurini Officine Meccaniche on 20 May explained an
Atlas Copco Rentals was invited to present on 8 April
unprecedented, tailor-made solution. In 2019, a customer
following the webinar given by Techfem on the Trans
contacted Laurini to excavate a trench in a seabed at a
Adriatic Pipeline Pre-commissioning Project in February.
depth of up to 3 m. The Laurini team decided to propose
New Allied Institution At the end of March a webinar was held with the Construction Safety Research Alliance (CSRA) which has recently signed an agreement with IPLOCA to become an Allied Institution. The CSRA, based in Colorado, U.S.A., brings together industry leaders and experienced scientists to concentrate on transformative construction safety research. It is the only industry-funded research group focused exclusively on advancing the science of safety and has approximately 50 member companies. The Alliance has made great strides towards the elimination of serious injuries and fatalities by enhancing the science
no charge, and also have access to the research materials
of safety. CSRA offers IPLOCA members the possibility
that are posted on the CSRA website that include field
to participate in their monthly Communities of Practice.
guides, white papers, and video presentations.
These are forums where safety professionals share best practices on certain themes such as energy-based safety,
Should you be interested in any of the benefits of this
challenges and opportunities. IPLOCA members can
newly formed alliance, contact Matthew Hallowell,
attend CSRA’s virtual conferences (organised ad hoc) at