September 2024

Sorrento Convention Preview page 17
Letter from the President page 6
Member News page 11
HSE & CSR page 22
Innovation page 23

September 2024
Sorrento Convention Preview page 17
Letter from the President page 6
Member News page 11
HSE & CSR page 22
Innovation page 23
I became a regular reader of the newsletter when I was elected to the IPLOCA Board in 2013. Ten years later, I had the privilege to join IPLOCA as Executive Secretary.
My roles have changed over the years, but what has not changed is that I have been reading the newsletter to keep abreast of IPLOCA’s news ever since.
The first issue of the newsletter was published in February 2000. The first issue in this case refers to the “first issue of the new millenium,” as the numbering was restarted to celebrate new beginnings. The forerunner of the current newsletter was a black and white information sheet that evolved into a full-colour member news magazine full of informative content available as a digital issue.
The newsletter is our principal means of communicating about our members, initiatives, industry trends, the Annual Convention, Regional Meetings, HSE & CSR Workshops, Novel Sessions and much more.
In the age of information abundance, articles that are carefully curated with our members in mind have become more sought after and more important than ever.
I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed to the success of the IPLOCA Newsletter over the years, the editors, the Secretariat team, our members and contributors, our publisher and generous sponsors.
Here’s to the 100 th edition and many more to come!
Georges Hage IPLOCA Executive Secretary
The first issue of the new millenium, February 2000
The electric D120E horizontal directional drill (HDD) allows you to minimize maintenance, jobsite noise and environmental impact. Pairing it with an MR-series mixer and reclaimer provides high-capacity mixing and reclaiming capabilities, so you can maximize productivity, simplify transport and minimize setup time.
Connect with your local dealer at
I am pleased to welcome you to the 100th edition of the IPLOCA Newsletter! As we celebrate this major milestone in our Association’s history, it is worth taking a moment to reflect on the past 25 years. The newsletter has played a key role in building and maintaining enduring relationships within our community, enabling members to stay informed about one another’s businesses, get to know new industry professionals, and keep up with existing contacts. I am personally always interested in learning about the ventures of fellow member companies in the Member News section.
What’s the news at the Secretariat in Geneva? What events took place and what were the key takeaways? What was discussed at the Board Meeting? These are just some of the subjects the newsletter aims to cover. Articles delve into topics such as new technologies, energy transition, and, of course, the highlight of the IPLOCA calendar, the Annual Convention. I would like to thank our readers, contributors, sponsors, the current editor, as well as the past editors for having kept the community vibrant and engaged over the years.
It’s September, and in the IPLOCA world September means Annual Convention. We are on the starting blocks of our biggest event taking place from 9 to 13 September in Sorrento, Italy. I am delighted that this year saw a record number of people registering for the event. In Sorrento, we will have the privilege to learn about the latest industry trends from our riveting speakers: Diana Anghel, Mark Bridgers, Michele Caramuta, Peter Cox, Darren Matkin, Maria Sferruzza and Duncan Stevens. At the end of the convention, I will hand over the Presidency to current 1st Vice President, Yasar Giregiz. I would like to thank the sponsors of the Sorrento Convention for their generosity.
Regarding our work in health and safety, I recommend you read the new 2023 HSE Statistics Report that has now been released by the HSE & CSR Committee. We hope to see you at the HSE & CSR Workshop on 22 October and the Novel Construction Fall Session on 23 and 24 October in Lisbon.
An excellent Board Meeting and Regional Meeting took place at the start of the summer in Cairo, Egypt. A big thank you to Board member Saji Khoury of CCC and Executive Secretary Georges Hage for organising an informative Regional Meeting with member and non-member companies, such as PETROJET, GASCO, and Enppi participating. Our next Regional Meeting will take place on 4 December in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I am looking forward to seeing you in Sorrento.
Roberto Castelli, Bonatti S.p.A
IPLOCA President 2023-2024
Désirée Gianetti joined IPLOCA in August 2024 and will replace Caroline Green as Convention Manager when Caroline retires in January 2025.
Désirée brings a wealth of experience in event management in both the private and non-profit sectors. She holds dual Swiss and Swedish nationality and has a deep love of languages, fluently speaking English, French, German, Italian, and Swedish. Her passion for multilingualism is evident by her recent publication of four children’s books in seven different languages.
Before joining IPLOCA, Désirée excelled as an Events Manager for Digital Video Broadcasting, a standards setting non-profit organisation in Geneva, Switzerland.
6-7 June 2024 - Cairo, Egypt
Congratulations to our Accounting Manager Sébastien Goetschmann and his partner Dr Marie Bonnetain who welcomed a baby girl in August. We wish them all the very best as they embark on the incredible journey of parenthood.
IPLOCA President Roberto Castelli conveyed his thanks and appreciation to Board member Saji Khoury for organising a successful Regional Meeting in Cairo on 5 June attended by more than 70 people from the industry.
Bruno Pomaré, HSE & CSR Committee Chair, advised that the next HSE & CSR Workshop will focus on working safely with machinery. It will take place on 22 October 2024 in
Lisbon, Portugal. As very few incidents happen during welding, a welding operator will be invited to speak about the reasons behind the low incidence of accidents in welding.
Board members were encouraged to watch a series of pipeline specific safety videos available on PLCAC’s website. These 3 to 5-minute videos cover specific situations and include the lessons learnt from the incidents. The videos are available here:
The Committee has welcomed a new member, Emanuele Stallone, HSE Department Head at Bonatti, who replaced Giovanni Rivas.
Snam was selected as the new sponsor of the IPLOCA Health & Safety Award. The IPLOCA Awards Adjudication Meeting was planned to be held on 11 June in Geneva. The HSE & CSR Committee will meet again on 21 October and the IPLOCA HSE Workshop Fall Session 2024, focusing on the theme “Human – Machinery Interface,” will take place on 22 October in Lisbon.
HSE Statistics Forms had been received from 87% of Regular Members, at the time of the Board Meeting.
The Novel Construction Spring Session held in Windsor on 24-25 April 2024 was attended by more than 90 people, 20% of whom were women. The Novel Construction Fall Session will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 23-24 October 2024. The contract for the IPLOCA Members Technology Platform will be cancelled at the end of 2024. The Platform served as a catalogue for IPLOCA members to list their technologies and capabilities.
The Committee welcomed a new member, Dr. Somaieh Salehpour, Vice President, Technology and Strategic Marketing at Seal For Life Industries, who recently joined the group.
The Committee developed a plan for IPLOCA’s social media activities including a template for LinkedIn posts.
The Committee, heavily involved in the planning and organisation of the Novel Construction Spring Session, was pleased with the engaging industry presentations over the two days of the event held in April. Participants emphasised the urgent need to adopt digital solutions.
Building on the great achievements of the Road to Success app, the Committee plans to launch a new initiative to establish a “best practice” or “reference” document to assist members in taking advantage of the opportunities presented by the energy transition.
In the coming months, the Committee will primarily focus on two important events. The World Hydrogen Week, held from 30 September to 4 October, and the European Hydrogen Week, taking place from 18 to 22 November 2024. IPLOCA will mark these events with a series of online activities and host a webinar to debate both weeks’ activities. More
than 60 documents had been uploaded to the Energy Committee’s “Information sharing and exchange” webpage dedicated to the energy transition.
Roberto Castelli raised the question whether the two committees, the Innovation Committee and the Energy Transition Committee, should be merged into one single group or remain separate. Following a discussion, the President concluded that for another year the two committees would remain separate.
The Board was informed that at the first Board Meeting before the Convention in Sorrento, Adam Wynne Hughes will leave his position as Treasurer. Two Board Directors expressed an interest in the position of Treasurer, Bruno Pomaré and Andrew Ball. The Board elected Bruno Pomaré by secret ballot during the Board Meeting on 7 June.
The Board approved the following changes to the By-laws: “the Treasurer may serve a maximum of three consecutive years on the Executive Committee as a Treasurer.”
The Board agreed that the three consecutive years the Treasurer may serve on the Executive Committee is considered as separate from the maximum six consecutive years an individual may serve on the Board.
A total of 115 scholarship applications had been received and reviewed by the Scholarship Committee in 2024. Twelve students were chosen to receive scholarships. The Board reiterated that applicants and recipients must be affiliated with active, fully paid-up Regular and Associate Member companies. Applicants are automatically disqualified if their companies have not paid their membership fees.
As some students submitted their application without recommendation letters, the Board decided to make the rating scale public. In the future, one scholarship per region will be awarded to ensure that students enjoy equal opportunities. Candidates will also be encouraged to provide a complete application, including all required documentation.
The Board will make a decision in December 2024 about the number of scholarships to be awarded in 2025.
Executive Secretary Georges Hage was pleased to advise that within three weeks of registration opening, a record number of people, namely 373, signed up for the Annual Convention in Sorrento, Italy. The agenda for the Open General Meetings and Annual General Meeting on 12 and 13 September was
reviewed and agreed. Elections to the IPLOCA Board of Directors will be held during the Convention, and this year six vacant seats are available for Regular Members and three seats for Associate Members. Each candidate’s eligibility will be reviewed by the Secretariat. Sean McNally had resigned from the IPLOCA Board following his departure from PipeLine Machinery International (PLM). The Board approved that the 2025 Convention will be held at the Swissotel in Izmir, Turkey on 15-19 September 2025. The Board also approved Doha as the location for the 2026 Annual Convention.
Following a request from the Treasurer, Adam Wynne Hughes, the Board voted to reappoint the auditors, RSM Audit SA, for 2024. The 2023 accounts were being audited by RSM Audit SA at the time of the Board Meeting. The Board will vote via email on the IPLOCA 2023 accounts once the auditors have signed off on the accounts*. The audited accounts will be presented during the Annual General Meeting on 13 September in Sorrento.
*At a later date, in July 2024, the IPLOCA 2023 audited accounts were approved by the Board via email.
At the time of the Board Meeting, the IPLOCA membership status was 80 Regular Members, 108 Associate Members and 34 Corresponding Members.
The following membership applications were approved:
Allied International – Associate Member
Finn Corporation – Associate Member
RAE Energy – Associate Member
Steeltrade – Associate Member
TAG – Corresponding Member
is one of the drivers of the European energy transition. In its core markets of natural gas, electricity and hydrogen, the company offers its customers innovative and reliable solutions for the energy infrastructure of tomorrow.The basis for FRIEDRICH VORWERK’s six decades of success is the synthesis of stateof-the-art technology and the knowledge and experience of more than 1,800 qualified employees at 13 locations in Germany and Europe. This gives FRIEDRICH VORWERK the
Board members nominated eleven young individuals to be part of the new network supporting young industry professionals. The Board agreed that the official launch will not take place during the Convention in Sorrento.
Instead, NextGen representatives will be invited to the Convention in Izmir in 2025. The purpose of the IPLOCA NextGen Network is to help young professionals share knowledge and gain easy access to the IPLOCA community.
The next IPLOCA Regional Meeting will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 4 December 2024. A Regional Meeting in Tokyo, Japan will be held on 26 March 2025. Krakow, Poland is the chosen location for a Regional Meeting scheduled for 4 June 2025.
security of its competence and makes it one of the most efficient German companies in complex pipeline and plant construction for network operators, industry, municipalities and energy suppliers.
Harburger Strasse 19 21255 Tostedt GERMANY
T +49 4182 29 470
Allied International S.r.l. is a leading company in the distribution and stock of fittings in all material grades up to 120”, hot induction and cold forming bends up to 60”, welded/clad pipes up to 100”, as well as pipes, flanges and other related products.
Allied International is the Parent Company of the Allied International Group which includes top branded manufacturers of fittings (Tectubi Raccordi, Raccordi Forgiati, Bassi Luigi, Petrol Raccord, Interfit), bends (Tectubi Raccordi, Simas) and special pipes (Gieminox Tectubi Raccordi, BSL Pipes & Fittings).
Allied International S.r.l.
Localita Vascellino di Nibbiano 29031 Alta Val Tidone
T +39 052 399 1211
Finn Corporation provides quality equipment for ground and soil management projects. The company delivers on a commitment to innovative designs, exceptional equipment performance, and outstanding customer service with its HydroSeeders®, Bark Blowers, and Straw Blowers.
Erosion causes various adverse effects on land and soil, especially the soil’s ability to retain water and nutrients. The land becomes more susceptible to flooding and soil degradation when soil is impacted this way. As with any large infrastructure project, including the expansive areas where pipelines are installed, planting in the area is one of the most important steps to prevent erosion.
Hydroseeding is the most efficient method of establishing turf. Finn HydroSeeders® use hydraulically driven, mechanical paddle agitation and liquid recirculation to enhance the loading, mixing, and discharge operation.
Finn Corporation
9281 LeSaint Drive
Fairfield OH 45014
T +31 6 222 38 060
PROTEM USA LLC is the American branch of a French company specialised in designing and manufacturing machining and cutting equipment for welding preparation of tubular components for construction, prefabrication, maintenance, repair or dismantling. Founded in the 70s, PROTEM has expanded its business worldwide and opened a branch in Germany (PROTEM GmbH). The company provides various portable pieces of equipment such as tube and pipe machining equipment, including orbital tube cutting, bevelling and severing machines, pipeline machinery, highspeed bevelling benches (notably dedicated to pipeline prefabrication), flange facing machines and equipment for high precision machining works. PROTEM also provides tailor-made solutions thanks to its Special Machines Department.
29340 Industrial Way #402 Evergreen CO 80439
T +1 303 955 4862
RAE Energy, Inc. and its family of companies offers a comprehensive suite of services and equipment for both onshore and offshore pipeline construction and maintenance including advance and conventional nondestructive testing (NDT) methods, coating services, custom and mobile equipment solutions, and data management solutions.
RAE Energy, Inc. and its affiliated companies encompass several NDT firms, including UT Quality, Inc., Prime NDT Services, Inc., Argus NDT Inc., and Prime Inspections, Inc. RAE companies operate through several strategic locations worldwide, including hubs in Houston, Texas (U.S.A.), Aberdeen (U.K.), Batam (Indonesia), and Moscow (Russia). These hubs allow RAE to provide project management, training, qualifications, and equipment R&D, ensuring efficient and effective service delivery across various regions.
RAE Energy, Inc.
621 Primewest Parkway Katy TX 77449
T +1 281 578 6523
Steeltrade Srl is a fully integrated group operating as a supplier for the oil & gas, chemical, energy and water industries since 1981. Not only is Steeltrade a manufacturer and supplier of industrial piping, butt weld (BW) and forged fittings, flanges, insulating joints, valves, gaskets and special pieces, but the group also boasts one of the largest stocks in Europe of 254SMO for marine applications, as well as carbon and alloy steel, stainless steel, duplex and super-duplex and nickel alloys materials. Steeltrade manufactures and supplies a vast variety of materials from ½” to 120” in line with customer project specifications.
In over 40 years of experience, Steeltrade has built a solid network of suppliers who add to its production to guarantee fast and timely deliveries. Steeltrade is a reliable partner for EPC contractors and end users providing active and comprehensive commercial and technical support from the initial bidding stage to after-sales services.
Steeltrade Srl
Via Abruzzo 26 Loc. Cattagnina 29010 Rottofreno (PC)
T +39 0523 78411
China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd. (CPP) is constructing the Yangtze River crossing for the China-Russia East Route natural gas pipeline in China. Located 70 metres
Transportadora Associada de Gás - TAG owns the most extensive natural gas pipeline network in Brazil, spanning approximately 4,500 km and crossing nearly 200 municipalities in ten Brazilian states. The network includes 3,700 km of pipelines along Brazil’s coastline in the states of Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe, Bahia, Espírito Santo, and Rio de Janeiro, as well as another 800 km in Amazonas.
The company transports natural gas to cities and industries across the country, connecting supply sources to local markets. Operating with environmental and social responsibility is a commitment of TAG. The company continuously strives for operational excellence, ensuring the integrity of the transport network while always adhering to the highest safety and quality standards, and respecting the environment and society.
Transportadora Associada de Gás - TAG
Avenida República do Chile, 330 Torre Leste / 23 rd Floor - Downtown CEP 20031-170 Rio de Janeiro, RJ BRAZIL
T +55 21 2237 9800
beneath the Yangtze River, this project is the world’s most complex river-crossing pipeline installation due to its length, depth, and challenging conditions. CPP uses its proprietary CPP900 fully automatic welding equipment to lay three natural gas pipelines, each with a diameter of 56 inches and a wall thickness of 32.1 millimetres, made from X80M high-grade steel, in a “T” shape within a shield tunnel. The tunnel has an internal diameter of 6.8 metres and stretches horizontally for 10,226 metres. This marks the first use of fully automatic welding and foam concrete filling technology in a shield tunnel in China.
For this project, CPP has introduced innovations such as gantry cranes for tunnel use, a ground-based assembly line system, and high-precision pipe bending machines. Over 50 specialised pieces of equipment have been custom-made. Having completed the pipeline welding inside the tunnel, the team is now progressing with foam concrete filling and pipeline installation within the vertical shaft. The project is expected to be production-ready by the end of November
this year. Upon completion, this will be the world’s longest, deepest, and most complex river-crossing shield tunnel pipeline installation, advancing technology and setting a benchmark for future projects.
De Romein Group and STREICHER have a long history of collaborating on projects. It is due to this successful and complimentary working relationship that the two entities formed a joint venture (JV) to secure a long-term partnership within the pipeline construction and maintenance industry. The two companies were very proud to have been awarded, in April 2024, a place on a 10-year framework agreement by the leading energy infrastructure company Gasunie in the Netherlands. The De Romein-STREICHER JV is one of six contractors awarded a place on the framework, which will deliver the maintenance and reconstruction of existing natural gas pipelines, along with the construction of new pipelines for hydrogen, heat, green gas and CO2, and more. Over a 10-year period this investment in pipeline infrastructure will support the Netherlands in the energy transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy.
“This excellent framework partnership is also an important step towards achieving De Romein’s own sustainability targets. We look forward to a successful partnership with Gasunie and our fellow contractors,” said Wilko Koop, Managing Director of De Romein Group.
DrillTec Serviços de Perfuração, a member of the Conduto Group, successfully completed a challenging shore approach for the Santos LNG pipeline in Brazil. This project is a critical component of the Baixada Santista Gas Supply Structural Reinforcement initiative, aimed at enhancing the
natural gas infrastructure in the region. The Santos LNG pipeline, extending 8.5 kilometres, includes a remarkable 3,010.39 metre long shore approach. This section was developed and executed using Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) techniques, overcoming complex geological conditions and stringent environmental restrictions. The project, completed on 19 February 2024, involved the installation of 313 API 5L X-52 Ø16” steel conduits in a borehole traversing 81.09% rock, utilising interception and reaming to a Ø26” diameter. DrillTec’s innovative approach and adherence to international HDD standards ensured the project’s success.
The use of advanced drilling rigs, rigorous planning, and environmental compliance highlight DrillTec’s expertise in delivering high-stakes projects within sensitive ecosystems. This achievement not only underscores DrillTec’s important position in the HDD sector in South America but also contributes significantly to Brazil’s energy transition efforts by facilitating the efficient transport of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from offshore terminals to mainland infrastructure.
Gascontrol Polska has completed the main works commissioned by Polimex Mostostal in the “Construction of the CHP Czechnica-2” project. Natural gas will serve as the energy source. Project goals include a 61% reduction in annual carbon dioxide emissions, as well as 18x less nitrogen oxides, 77x less sulfur oxides, and 7x less particles emissions. The annual primary energy savings are expected to reach approximately 600.000 MWh. The CCGT (combined-cycle gas turbine) plant together with a peak-reserve boiler plant and heat accumulator, will have a thermal capacity of 315MWt and an electrical capacity of 179MWe.
Gascontrol Polska’s scope of work included the construction of a complete fuel gas installation for the CCGT, including but not limited to a high-pressure supply pipeline,
internal distribution pipelines for turbines and boilers, engineering and construction of a gas treatment station (52.000ncmh) and commissioning of the installation. The EU awarded subsidies for the project. The investor was Zespół Elektrociepłowni Wrocławskich Kogeneracja, owned by PGE Energia Ciepła of the PGE Group.
In March 2023, Gascontrol Polska completed a related project, the “Connection of the CHP Czechnica-2.” The scope of works included the construction of the DN500 MOP84 pipeline and gas distribution station with a capacity of 200.000ncmh. The investment was made by the Polish Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Goriziane unveils innovative Electric Beveling Machine
Goriziane E&C S.p.A., a leader in industrial machinery, has unveiled its innovative Electric Beveling Machine, designed to enhance efficiency and precision in metalworking tasks. This state-of-the-art equipment caters to the needs of industries requiring meticulous edge preparation for welding, such as pipeline manufacturing. The Electric Beveling Machine is equipped with a powerful motor and advanced control systems, allowing for smooth and consistent bevelling across various metal types and thicknesses.
One of its standout features is its versatility; it can handle straight, curved, and irregular surfaces, ensuring highquality bevels with minimal effort. Additionally, the machine offers adjustable bevel angles, providing flexibility to meet
specific project requirements. Ergonomically designed for user convenience, the machine ensures operator safety and comfort during prolonged use. Its robust construction guarantees durability and long-term reliability, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. The intuitive interface simplifies operation, making it accessible even for less experienced operators. Goriziane’s commitment to innovation and quality is evident in the Electric Beveling Machine, which not only enhances productivity but also maintains high standards of precision and safety. As industries continue to evolve, this machine represents a significant advancement in bevelling technology, underscoring Goriziane’s role as a key player in the industrial machinery market.
Hölscher Wasserbau’s key role in Germany’s energy transition
Germany is currently implementing numerous infrastructure projects as part of its energy transition to efficiently distribute renewable energy across the country. Key projects include the BalWin1 and BalWin2 high-voltage direct current (HVDC) lines, which connect offshore wind farms in the North Sea to the onshore transmission network. These projects are crucial for replacing conventional power plants and transporting wind power to grid connection points.
Hölscher Wasserbau is responsible for groundwater management in these projects, which is essential for the underground installation of the cables. By lowering the groundwater level, the soil remains dry and stable during construction. The extracted groundwater is treated and then returned to the natural environment in an environmentally friendly manner. Additionally, Hölscher Wasserbau manages the groundwater for the A-Nord HVDC project, which will transport two gigawatts of wind energy from the north to consumption centres in the west and south. This ensures the safe underground installation
of the cable. Hölscher Wasserbau brings extensive experience and innovative technologies to these projects, ensuring that groundwater management is sustainable and environmentally friendly. The company plays a significant role in the implementation of Germany’s energy transition and supports the goal of a sustainable energy supply. These projects highlight Hölscher Wasserbau’s importance as a partner in the realisation of new energy infrastructure.
Snam, the leading Italian operator in natural gas transport, has been developing the Linea Adriatica project. The infrastructure will support the energy security and energy transition of Italy and Europe. MAX STREICHER S.p.A. has recently been awarded a contract to build a compression plant in Sulmona, Abruzzo, and another contract to construct a section of the DN1200 (48’’), 75 bar, onshore pipeline between Cesena and Alfonsine, in the Emilia Romagna region.
For the construction of the gas compression plant, which will have an overall power of 33 MW and will include three turbo-compressors (11 MW each), MAX STREICHER will perform all civil, E&I and mechanical works. More than 96,000 inches of welding seams are planned. Due to the high seismic activity in the area, special design techniques will be applied to the buildings to ensure their structural integrity and safety, making seismic risk management one of the key challenges to be addressed during construction.
As for the pipeline in Emilia Romagna, the total length of the section of the DN 48” Cesena - Alfonsine is about 44 km and will include seven valve stations, 36 open-cut crossings, 45 thrust borings, two HDD and three microtunnels. The construction works started in June 2024 and both projects are scheduled to be completed by the end of 2026.
Significant progress has been achieved in the construction of the 58 km Zlobin - Bosiljevo DN 800/100 main gas pipeline in Croatia. This crucial infrastructure project is designed to transport natural gas from the LNG terminal on the island of Krk to both domestic and European markets. The Zlobin - Bosiljevo pipeline is engineered as a closed technological system, utilising DN800 steel pipes capable of withstanding a working pressure of 100 bars. Strategically laid underground, this design ensures operational efficiency while minimising environmental impact, with key aboveground sections placed at critical points. The pipeline is also ready for hydrogen transport, aligning with the findings of a comprehensive study highlighting Croatia’s potential to secure up to 3,000 kt of green hydrogen for export, in accordance with EU and Croatian decarbonisation strategies.
The project is set to be completed in 15 months with the help of more than 200 skilled professionals working onsite every day. To date, more than 32 km of pipeline has been welded, showcasing the remarkable progress and dedication of the teams involved. This project exemplifies MONTER - STROJARSKE MONTAŽE d.d.’s dedication to delivering comprehensive and high-quality solutions in the energy sector, reinforcing its position as a leading player in executing complex infrastructure projects.
Nesma & Partners awarded Aramco contract for Fadhili Gas Plant Expansion
Aramco has awarded engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contracts worth USD 7.7bn to SAMSUNG Engineering Company, GS Engineering & Construction Corporation, and Nesma & Partners for a major expansion of its Fadhili Gas Plant in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The project is expected to increase the plant’s processing capacity from 2.5 to 4 billion standard cubic feet
per day, in line with the company’s strategy to raise gas production by more than 60% by 2030, compared to 2021 levels. The expansion, which is expected to be completed by November 2027, is also expected to add an additional 2,300 metric tons per day to sulfur production.Nesma & Partners was awarded Package 6 for the upstream/downstream pipelines, which includes over 150 km of pipeline works.
Seal For Life Industries recent project used the fiberglass reinforced Covalence-Dirax field joint coating system for the girth weld protection of 3LPE coated pipelines. The pipelines were laid by HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling) methodology in the prestigious Ganga river crossing project.
The project is part of the Numaligarh Refinery Limited’s Crude Oil Pipeline project. Engineers India Limited (EIL) was hired as consultant. The Ganga river crossing, in the State of Bihar in India, has become the longest HDD in the country. The HDD project has been executed by Trenchless Engineering Services, one of the premiere HDD contractors in India. The entire project was accomplished within 76 days, 15 days ahead of the planned schedule.
The Covalence-Dirax field joint coating system has been protecting the girth weld from corrosion in India for HDD pipelines for more than 36 years.
Tekfen Construction appoints Serhat Pütürgeli as President
Serhat Pütürgeli, who has held various positions such as Project Manager, Regional Director, and Vice President at Tekfen Construction since 2003, was appointed as President as of 1 July 2024. Tekfen Construction, established in 1956, is an international contractor with major accomplishments in Turkey, the Middle East, North Africa, Caucasia, Central Asia, East-Central Europe. Its wide span of activities ranges from heavy civil works to refineries and petrochemical plants, including satellite towns, major industrial processing plants, pipelines and marine structures, power plants, electrical and communication works.
S.p.A. presents its new splash zone coating ENVIRAWRAP
The marine environment is known as a harsh and extremely corrosive environment due to continuous contact with highly aerated sea water and the erosive effects of spray, waves and tidal actions, which destroy any protective film that might be formed on the piles’ surface. In order to perform the best possible protection of marine infrastructures, TESI acquired the original ENVIRAWRAP brand from Strange Corrosion, LLC in 2023 and developed a new inducedtension polymer wrap, specifically designed to provide an easily installed retrofit encapsulation system for the cladding of vertical risers and piles in the splash zone.
ENVIRAWRAP’s unique features include easy and fast onepiece installation: no multi-layer or multi-phase procedure is required, and few tools are needed. Long term integrity: the wrap’s elastic memory properties create an inward force when mechanically tensioned around the pile. This
hoop tension force causes the organic corrosion inhibitor - factory blended into the thixotropic gel - to exude into the surface irregularities, providing both active and passive protection of the substrate. No ‘bare-metal’ preparation is required, only the removal of loose material and marine growth is needed. Easy substrate inspection: customers simply loosen bolts and partially open the one-piece wrap. After substrate inspection, users apply additional gel (if required) and reposition the wrap and tighten the bolts. The expected lifespan of the coating is over 20 years.
Recently, Vacuworx equipment was employed on a significant water and mine tailings pipeline project in the commune of Machalí, situated in the Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins Region, approximately 50 km from Rancagua, Chile. This project required handling of 630 mm high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes, known for their durability and flexibility.
To manage these large pipes effectively, the project utilised a variety of Vacuworx vacuum lifting systems, including one RC10, one RC16, and three RC12 units,
which were paired with excavators. The vacuum lifting equipment was rented through MCI Thermofusion, a Vacuworx equipment dealer located in South America. The RC10 unit was primarily used for loading and unloading pipes in the storage yard, ensuring efficient and safe movement of materials. The RC12 and RC16 units were used for the installation phase, facilitating the precise placement of the HDPE pipes. The RC Series lifters operated without issue, even at the high elevation of the mountainous Chilean landscape.
Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd. supplies innovative FJC system for offshore pipelay project
In June 2024, a Malaysia-based oil and gas company embarked on an ambitious offshore pipelay campaign aimed at developing three offshore gas fields in Southeast Asia. The project required the protection of 3,300 field joints on two new sour-rated carbon steel pipelines: an 18 km stretch of Ø10” and a 22 km stretch of Ø12”, both operating at temperatures of 109 °. The client’s objective was to find a high-temperature, cold-applied visco-elastic field joint coating system that complied with the international standard ISO 21809-3:2016. After a successful campaign featuring multiple rounds of rigorous testing and client approvals, the project marked the inaugural use of Denso’s Viscotaq™ Offshore Field Joint Coating (OFJC) system.
Exceeding all minimum requirements set by the ISO 21809-3 standard, the Viscotaq OFJC system was selected for its capacity to handle a maximum pipeline service temperature of 125°; enable application of the entire system in under 4 minutes; and achieve an average Shore 45D hardness within 5 minutes. This robust system, manufactured and supplied by Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd, aided the contractor in finishing three days ahead of schedule and realising savings of over USD 1 million, showcasing the technical capabilities and extraordinary potential of cold-applied FJC systems in the offshore pipelay industry.
The countdown has started for this year’s Convention in Sorrento!
Ten companies have been confirmed as hosts for the Business-to-Business (B2B) Meetings this year. These are: A. Lamb Associates, American Augers, Bechtel, Fluor, Gascontrol Polska, Herrenknecht, SICIM, Spiecapag, TESI and Vermeer. The meetings will be held from 14:00 to 16:00 on Thursday 12 September. Only IPLOCA members who indicated their interest in a B2B Meeting during the convention registration process, and who have received confirmation from the IPLOCA Executive Secretary, Georges Hage, will be able to attend these 10-minute one-to-one appointments.
Cyntech Group, CRC-Evans, DENSO, PipeSak, Sherwin-Williams U.K., TESI, Vermeer, Winn & Coales, and World Pipelines Magazine will be hosting Poster Sessions during the coffee breaks at the Open General Meetings on Thursday and Friday.
And not forgetting all the spouses and accompanying partners who will visit a local farmhouse on Friday morning to learn about the intricacies of planning a sustainable vegetable garden followed by a demonstration of how mozzarella is made and the secrets to making ravioli.
Platinum sponsors
sponsors Silver sponsors Platinum sponsors
sponsors Silver sponsors Platinum sponsors
sponsors Silver sponsors
…and some practical information for our registered delegates…
It is soon time to start packing! If you are not sure what to pack the Dress Code on page 6 of the convention brochure will guide you.
Daytime temperatures in Sorrento range from 25°C to 30°C in September. However, evenings are slightly cooler, around 20°C, so we recommend light clothing during the day and bring an extra layer for the cooler evenings. And of course, don’t forget sunglasses and sunscreen.
For those of you arriving on the weekend, we strongly advise you to check in at the IPLOCA Convention Registration Desk during the weekend on Saturday 7 September 13:00 to 18:00
and Sunday 8 September, 09:00 to 19:00. to avoid the queues on Monday morning.
A link with instructions on how to download the Convention App was sent to all fully paid registered delegates on 12 July. If you did not receive it, send an email to and we will send it again.
For those of you who were not able to secure a place on the tour to Capri and Positano, it is possible to book a private (group) tour directly with our ground agent Russo Agency. All information can be found in their brochure. They also have a tour desk in the reception area at the Hilton Sorrento Palace
at the Open General Meetings on 12 and 13 September 2024
Duncan Stevens, Performance Coach and Keynote Speaker
Duncan is a keynote and motivational speaker, the founder of the Influence Association and the author of the book “Effective Influence”. Having held senior leadership positions at major UK companies, today, he helps some of the world’s most recognisable brands, companies and leaders become more effective and more collaborative.
Diana Anghel, Culture & Leadership Consultant
Diana gained significant experience in crisis management, business continuity, and international security, collaborating with partners globally, before joining Caterpillar’s Safety Services to focus on upstream management and avoidance of risk through the implementation of proactive and innovative safety and security concepts.
Visible Management Commitment & Workforce Engagement in Saipem’s Safety Journey
Darren Matkin, Manager of LiHS Strategy, Development & Implementation
With a background in training and development, Darren has been devoted to the field of safety leadership and organisational cultural change for the past two decades. He is the co-founder of Saipem’s Leadership in Health and Safety Programme (LiHS), designed to transform managers into safety leaders.
Snam’s Projects and the role of the Midstream Value Chain for a Resilient and Sustainable Energy System
Maria Sferruzza, Executive Director, Engineering, Construction & Solutions
Maria joined Snam in October 2021. She has almost 30 years of energy industry experience, gained in Italy and abroad working for General Electric and Baker Hughes. She serves as a non-Executive Director on the Board of Italgas and as the Chairperson of Stogit.
AI Transformation: How and when Artificial Intelligence will Transform Pipeline Capital Construction
Mark Bridgers, Principal
Mark is a global consultant and investment banker to the engineering and construction industry and leads a Global Energy Vertical Market team. He works with global energy firms, pipeline companies, and local distribution companies (LDCs) to support the planning, design, and constitution of capital assets worldwide. He is a specialist in sourcing strategy, project management, risk management, and project cost management
Eni Natural Resources – From Exploration to Production
Michele Caramuta, Head of Development Projects for West Africa and Libya
Michele has over 30 years of oil & gas upstream business experience, having spent his entire carrier with Eni in engineering, construction, operations and project management positions worldwide. Currently, Michele is responsible for all upstream capital projects in West Africa and Libya.
Adapting the Pipeline Industry to deliver a Net Zero Energy System
Peter Cox, Vice President Onshore Upstream & Midstream
Peter is a recognised leader in the gas, carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) and emerging hydrogen industries. He served on the Board of Directors of the Australian Pipelines & Gas Association (APGA) for 15 years, where he also held the role of President. He is currently a Director of the Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre. During his 30-year career at Worley, he successfully completed multiple major pipeline projects as both project sponsor and project manager.
The laureates of the IPLOCA Awards for Health & Safety, the Environment and Excellence in Project Execution will be announced during the 56th Annual Convention in Sorrento.
These awards are intended to recognise those leading companies that are always in search of excellence, while being a source for sharing new ideas. We thank all our members who provided submissions. The winners and runners-up entries will be posted on our website after the Convention
For more information about the IPLOCA Awards and previous winners please visit
2024 IPLOCA Health & Safety Award sponsored by SNAM
Entries received:
- Bonatti S.p.A.
- On the Road Training
- The Blinking Protection Light
- Caterpillar Inc.
Cat® Seatbelt Reminder System
- Horizontal Drilling International
- Observation & Intervention Committee
- Safety Passport
Unveiling the Future with STREICHER Vacuum Crawler
- Michels Corporation
Human Performance Improvement (HPI) Program
- Nesma & Partners Contracting Company
Marjan Increment Program Onshore Water Injection Package 07
All My Safety Tools in My Pocket
- Sicim S.p.A.
Safe Prompter Trapdoor for Welding Tent s
- Techint Engineering & Construction
Health & Safety in Trip Plan Application and Telemetry
2024 IPLOCA Environmental Award sponsored by Shell
Entries received:
- Horizontal Drilling International
- Carbon Footprint Calculation Partnership with startup GREENLY
- Hydrotest Using Drilling Water
- Proactive Electrification Policy for Equipment Fleet
- Hochtief Murphy Joint Venture (HMJV)
For the Generations Ahead The Earth Friendly Concrete Initiative
- M. AlBarghash Co.
Land Restoration Strategies Promote the Creation of Greenery Ecosystems
- MontiWerkzeuge GmbH (MONTIPOWER)
Co2 Neutral Surface Preparation
- National Marine Dredging Company – Energy (NMDC Energy)
The Blue Carbon Initiative
- Sicim S.p.A.
- Earth to Earth
- Following Caesar’s Footsteps
- Spiecapag
- Wash Station 100 % Water Reused for Washing Pipeline Equipment
- Water & Emissions Saving Construction Initiatives in a Remote Class A Nature Reserve
- Techint Engineering & Construction
- EcoEfficiency in Pipeline Projects
- Flora Rescue Nursery of Local Species
2024 IPLOCA Excellence in Project Execution Award sponsored by IPLOCA
Entries received:
- Bonatti S.p.A.
Dry Gulch HDD Crossing, Pipeline Pullback Design, Engineering and Execution
- Fluor Corporation
DataDriven Geographic Information System (GIS) to Aid Efficient Pipeline Project Execution
- Gascontrol Polska Sp. z o.o.
Redeployable Modular Compressor Set
- Glavbolgarstroy International AD Intersystem Gas Connection Bulgaria – Serbia on Bulgarian Territory (IBS)
- Michels Corporation
Marica Road West HDD for Snowy Hydro 2.0 Project
- Nesma & Partners Contracting Company
Marjan Increment Programme Onshore Water Injection Package 07
- Sicim S.p.A.
Coastal GasLink Project: Overcoming Design and Construction Challenges Section 8 West
- Techint Engineering & Construction
Pipeline Data Management System Implementation
- Techint SACDE J.V.
Strength in unity: the challenge of building the GPNK in record time
IPLOCA is committed to the promotion of health and safety in all areas of its influence and subscribes to the philosophy that all accidents are preventable.
This HSE Statistics Report combines IPLOCA members’ health, safety and environmental statistics received for 2023. For the first time HSE Statistics Forms had been received from 100% of Regular Members. We encourage you to read it in detail and take appropriate and purposeful action for the future.
The number of fatalities has remained at a low level. However, the 2025 target of zero fatalities has not yet been reached, given the fact that two fatal incidents on worksites have been reported by our members. The good news is that the total recordable incident rate continued to decrease to below two, which is one of the lowest rates since 2003. Continuous efforts still need to be maintained to eliminate fatalities in the pipeline industry.
HSE & CSR Workshop
“Human-Machine Interfaces”
The next IPLOCA Fall Sessions will take place at the DoubleTree hotel by Hilton – Fontana Park in Lisbon, Portugal. The HSE & CSR Workshop will be held on Tuesday 22 October, followed by the Novel Construction Fall Session on 23 & 24 October 2024.
Workshop Programme
Tuesday morning will start off with presentations by industry specialists on Human – Machine Interfaces. In the afternoon, participants will be divided into small working groups, and each group will present its findings.
We all need to promote near-miss reporting and health & safety training, which have been below the target set in the past last three years.
The HSE & CSR Committee strongly encourages IPLOCA members to focus on these matters while adopting behavioural safety programmes which are considered best practice. It also highly recommends all members to focus on training and share industry best practices and case studies using the IPLOCA Shared Experiences Platform:
On the environmental incidents reported, the environmental incidents frequency rate has increased this year compared to the two previous years, but its level remains within the average of the past ten years. Fortunately, most environmental incidents were minor. With regards to the training hours, graphics show that the health & safety training frequency rate reached its lowest level in the last six years, moving further away from the target, whereas the environmental training frequency rate shows a rebound compared to last year. The rate is, however, also below the target. Management commitment needs to be reinforced.
The Committee is seeking to assist companies to adopt best practices by working together while providing training and networking within the industry so as to minimise the risks associated with the design, construction, operation and decommissioning of pipeline projects.
We encourage you and your colleagues to participate in both of these IPLOCA collaborative industry initiatives. Registration for the IPLOCA Fall Sessions is required and is free of charge. Please complete the registration form by Thursday 15 September.
The DoubleTree hotel is conveniently located near the city centre and is only 15 minutes by car from the airport.
We look forward to welcoming you to these productive work sessions. Further information on the Workshop is available on our website at: iploca-hse-workshop-fall-session-2024/
The IPLOCA Fall Sessions will take place from 22 to 24 October 2024 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Fontana hotel in Lisbon, Portugal, and include the HSE & CSR Workshop and the Novel Construction Sessions.
The detailed agenda for the Novel Construction Session will be announced mid-September and will be available on our website: where you can find further information including the hotel and meeting reservation form. The Novel Construction programme will focus on new technologies,
energy transition and carbon footprint. The session will be split into two days with some technical presentations on Wednesday morning. A workshop will then be held during the afternoon and the audience will be divided into small working groups for brainstorming. On Thursday the technical presentations will continue and the conclusions and results from the workshop will be presented.
If you would like to suggest a presentation for Wednesday or Thursday, please submit the title and a brief outline to as soon as possible as there are only a few slots available. Attendance at these Fall Sessions for IPLOCA member and non-member companies is free of charge; however, registration is required. We suggest you make your hotel reservation to arrive on Tuesday to allow a prompt start on Wednesday morning.
We are pleased to announce that twelve exceptional students, all of whom are children or grandchildren of IPLOCA member companies, have been selected as recipients of the 2024 IPLOCA Scholarships.
This year, we received a remarkable total of 115 applications from highly qualified candidates, making the selection process extraordinarily competitive. The Scholarship Committee, comprised of dedicated board members, undertook the challenging task of evaluating each application. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Gian Marco Dondi, Sean McNally, Kelly Osborn, and Adam Wynne Hughes for their invaluable contributions and tireless efforts in this important work. To reflect the international nature of our association and ensure a diverse range of scholarship winners, we awarded scholarships based on the highest scores from each region, totalling eight awardees. The
remaining four scholarships were granted to the highest overall scorers. This method ensures broad representation and inclusivity across our global network.
We are proud to present the recipients of the 2024 IPLOCA Scholarships:
- Alen Philip, East West Teaching University, Georgia. Medicine - The C.A.T. Group of Companies
- Anna Irwin , University of North Dakota, U.S.A. Biomedical Engineering - J. Murphy & Sons Limited
- Davide Miccoli, La Sapienza Roma, Italy. Oriental Languages - Bonatti S.p.A.
- Eloy Damian Gutierrez Rodriguez , TecMilenio, Mexico. Software Development - Arendal
- Emma Ryan , University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A. Mechanical Engineering - ITW Welding Products Group
- Gülvera Gündüz , Zurich University, Switzerland.
Medicine - Tekfen
- Joshua O’Neil, Edgewood College, U.S.A. Business
Management - Lincoln Electric Company
- Kaarthik Nair, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (BITS Pilani), India. Manufacturing - Winn & Coales International Ltd.
- Madeline Larson, Oklahoma University, U.S.A. Energy Infrastructure - LaValley Industries
- Matias Armengol, University of Edinburgh, U.K. Mathematics - TENARIS
- Yumna Abusalah , Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Medicine - Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC)
The Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada hosted its 70th Annual General Meeting & Convention in May 2024 in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
The Convention brought about a palpable optimism towards the future, beginning with an inspiring address by keynote speaker Cynthia Hansen, Enbridge’s Executive Vice President and President of Gas Transmission and Midstream. Hansen spoke about the pivotal role of the pipeline industry, stating that it “plays a critical role in enabling the economic and social well-being of people around the world by providing access to affordable, reliable, and secure energy.”
Kevin O’Donnell, PLCAC Executive Director, also moderated a compelling round table discussion featuring Stephen Harper, former Prime Minister of Canada; Joseph Mancinelli, LiUNA International Vice President, Canadian Director & Regional Manager for Central and Eastern Canada; and
- Zarin Tasnim , BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT), Bangladesh. Fashion Design - PEAL Engineering and Construction Limited
Congratulations to all our scholarship recipients. We look forward to witnessing their continued success and achievements in their respective fields.
Saji Khoury Scholarship Committee lead
Victor Swishchuk, Senior Portfolio Manager and Partner at Letko Brosseau. Harper emphasised Canada’s potential to become a global “energy superpower,” underscoring the nation’s abundant resources.
The panel delved into Canada’s significant role in addressing the global Energy Trilemma: ensuring energy security, maintaining uninterrupted accessibility to clean and affordable energy, and achieving environmental sustainability. The discussion highlighted the resilience of Canada’s oil industry and its capacity to recover and thrive in changing times, supported by the country’s strong democratic framework.
The Convention concluded with resounding success, showcasing PLCAC’s commitment to innovation, safety, environmental stewardship, and sustainable practices. The event underscored a strong sense of confidence in Canada’s ability to harness its energy resources to drive economic growth and support global sustainability efforts, and PLCAC is poised and ready to see this prosperous future for the industry become a reality.
An IPLOCA Middle East & Africa Regional Meeting took place on Wednesday 5 June 2024 in Cairo, Egypt. The meeting was co-hosted by Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC).
Topics included the energy transition, hydrogen storage & transportation and innovations in pipeline construction. More than 75 people from Egypt and the region attended the meeting.
The next IPLOCA Regional Meeting will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday 4 December 2024
An IPLOCA East & Far East Regional Meeting is planned for Wednesday 26 March 2025 in Tokyo, Japan.
If you are interested in consulting past, or attending upcoming Regional Meetings, we invite you to visit our website:
IPLOCA 56th Annual Convention 9-13 September – Sorrento, Italy
12 th Annual Global EPC Project Management Summit 25-27 September – London, U.K.
APGA Convention and Exhibition 12-15 October – Adelaide, Australia
IPLOCA Fall Sessions: HSE & CSR Workshop 22 October – Lisbon, Portugal
IPLOCA Fall Sessions: Novel Construction Meeting 23-24 October – Lisbon, Portugal
ADIPEC 4-7 November – Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2024 26-27 November – Amsterdam, The Netherlands
PLCA 77 th Annual Convention 5-9 February – Marco Island, FL, U.S.A.
DCA 2025 Annual Convention 24 February - 1 March – Scottsdale, AZ, U.S.A.
PIG - The Pipeline Industries Guild 67 th Annual Dinner 11 March – London, U.K.
Regular & Associate Member Election Meetings 12 September – Hilton Sorrento Palace, Sorrento, Italy
IPLOCA Annual General Meeting 13 September – Hilton Sorrento Palace, Sorrento, Italy
Member News for IPLOCA December Newsletter 31 October – Deadline for submissions
Thursday 12 September, Sorrento, Italy from 16:00 to 16:30
Elections to the IPLOCA Board of Directors will take place at the 56th Annual Convention in Sorrento, Italy on Thursday 12 September during the Election Meetings. Elected board members serve for two years with their second year also requiring confirmation during the Election Meetings.
Designated member representatives (one from each member company) should attend the 30-minute Election Meeting of their appropriate geographic region (Regular Members) or the Associate Member Meeting. If no-one from a company is able to attend the meeting in order to vote, one vote per member company may be made on a proxy form and must
be received by Georges Hage ( no later than 4 September 2024 in order to be counted. The names of the candidates for vacant seats are posted on: The Directors shall be approved and confirmed by a simple majority vote of the Regular Members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Sorrento on Friday 13 September. Appointment of Directors-at-Large and Directors to seats that still remain vacant after the Election Meetings will be made by the newly elected 2024-2025 Board during the Board Meeting held on 13 September in the afternoon.
By running for election to the IPLOCA Board of Directors candidates agree to fully support the organisation and its mission through regular attendance and active participation in meetings and events, including four Board Meetings a year that require international travel with their spouse. Please note that an absence from any two consecutive meetings, or a total of three meetings during the two-year Board membership term, result in automatic dismissal from the Board of Directors. A full list of the duties and commitments of directors is available on our website.
Vacant Seats and Candidates for the 2024/2025 IPLOCA Board
America North Dean Cowling 2
East & Far East
Europe Central
Kent Wilfur 2
David Lukas
Risal Mahmud
Giovanni Muriana Triberio
Marcin Przywara
year confirmation
year confirmation
year confirmation
year confirmation
year confirmation
year confirmation
Europe Eastern Yasar Giregiz Officer
Hakan Göral Vacant seat
Bruno Pomaré Officer
Europe Mediterranean
Europe Northwest
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Associate Members
Roberto Castelli Officer
Vacant seat Vacant seat
Andrew Ball Vacant seat
Adam Wynne Hughes Vacant seat
Pablo Brottier 2
year confirmation
Tim Zboya Vacant seat
Saji Khoury Officer
Leonardo Gravina Vacant seat
Gian Marco Dondi Vacant seat
Somaieh Salehpour Vacant seat
Gerben van der Veen Vacant seat
Hakan Göral, Tekfen Construction
Leonardo Gravina, SICIM S.p.A.
Wilko Koop, De Romein Group B.V
Adel Botros, Al Qahtani Pipe Coating Industries
Michael Fakhoury, Nesma and Partners
Benet Chan, Caterpillar Inc.
Virginie Colaiuta, LMS Legal LLP
Andre Decastro, Darby Equipment
Sean Haberer, Advance Technology
Jason LaValley, LaValley Industries
Somaieh Salehpour, Seal for Life Industries
Bill Solomon, Vacuworx Global LLC
Doug Bailey,
Roberto Castelli
Bonatti S.p.A.
President Director, Europe Mediterranean
Yasar Giregiz
F ernas Construction Company
1st Vice President Director, Europe Eastern
Saji Khoury
Consolidated Contractors Company
2 nd Vice President
Director, Middle East & Africa Scholarship Committee Chair
Kelly Osborn
U.S. Pipeline, Inc.
Immediate Past President
Adam Wynne Hughes
CRC Evans Pipeline International, Inc.
Treasurer Director, Europe Northwest
Georges Hage
Andrew Ball
J. Murphy & Sons Limited Director, Europe Northwest Energy Transition Committee Chair
Doug Bailey
Caterpillar Inc. Director-at-Large
Pablo Brottier SACDE Director, Latin America
Dean Cowling
Michels Corporation Director, America North
Gian Marco Dondi
SCAIP S.p.A. Director, Associate Members
Hakan Göral *
Tekfen Insaat Ve Tesisat Director, Europe Eastern
Leonardo Gravina *
SICIM S.p.A. Director, Middle East & Africa
David Lukas
AJ Lucas Services Pty Ltd. Director, East & Far East
Risal Mahmud PEAL Engineering and Construction Limited Director, East & Far East
Giovanni Muriana MAX STREICHER S.p.A. Director, Europe Central
Bruno Pomaré Spiecapag Director, Europe Mediterranean HSE & CSR Committee Chair
Marcin Przywara Gascontrol Polska Sp. z o.o. Director, Europe Central
Somaieh Salehpour * Seal for Life Industries Director, Associate Members
Bill Solomon Vacuworx Global, LLC Director-at-Large Membership Committee Chair
Roger Spee
CRC Evans Pipeline International, Inc. Director-at-Large
Speakers Committee Chair Convention & Board Meeting Location Project Lead
Andrew Stuart Winn & Coales International Ltd. Director-at-Large
Gerben van der Veen * PipeLine Machinery International Director, Associate Members
Gerben Wansink Maats Pipeline Professionals Director-at-Large Innovation Committee Chair
Kent Wilfur
Gulf Interstate Engineering Company Director, America North
Tim Zboya *
Bechtel Pipeline Director, Latin America
* appointed by the Board of Directors
update your listing
We are pleased to announce the planned publication of the 58th edition of the IPLOCA Yearbook in November 2024.
To make publication of the Yearbook possible we ask for your support and participation. You can reserve your advertising space by using the online reservation form.
Should you have an interesting article you would like to share, please contact:
Benjamin Media
Trenchless Technology
North American Oil & Gas Pipelines
10050 Brecksville Road
Brecksville, OH 44141
T +1 330 467 7588
Rob Krzys
President & Publisher
Bernard P. Krzys
Chief Executive Officer & Publisher
Gulf Energy Information
Pipeline & Gas Journal
Underground Infrastructure
2 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1020 Houston, TX 77046
T +1 713 520 4471
Advertising rates and specifications are published on the website . We also ask your help in supplying us with images of pipeline & offshore construction work, usage of pipeline equipment and other pipeline & offshore contracting related activities for the photo gallery. Please send your images with the project location and description to . The closing date for reservations and sending in materials is 30 September 2 024
We encourage all Key Representatives of IPLOCA member companies to take advantage of one of the features of our website, the Members Dashboard. It allows you to edit your company profile, published on the IPLOCA website and the IPLOCA Yearbook, update your company’s contact persons’ information and add IPLOCA Newsletter recipients.
To do so, simply log in via the link at the top right-hand corner of our website. If you have forgotten your password or wish to create a new one, click on ‘lost your password?’ Should you need any assistance please contact
European Headquarters
14 Gray’s Inn Road London WC1X 8HN
John Royall President and CEO E
Jim Watkins European Sales Manager E
Mediapoint & Exhibitions Srl
Pipeline & Gas Expo GIS Expo
Corte Lambruschini Corso Buenos Aires, 8 V° piano - interno 7 16129 Genoa ITALY
Fabio Potestà Director E
Palladian Publications
World Pipelines
15 South Street Farnham GU9 7QU Surrey U.K.
T +44 1252 718 999
Rod Hardy Director E
Chris Lethbridge Advertisement Manager
Elizabeth Corner Editor E
Liebherr pipelayers are equipped with a hydrostatic travel drive with infinite speed control and maximum drawbar pull. Together with the standard free fall device of the hoist winch and the fully integrated Load Moment Limitation (LMB) Liebherr pipelayers provide maximum safety for the operator.