IPLOCA Newsletter 102

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Letter from the President

I am delighted to invite you to attend IPLOCA’s 57th Annual Convention in Izmir, Türkiye in September. Having grown up in the region, it will be an honour to host this one-of-a-kind event.

As you all know, our convention is second to none: it gathers industry leaders from all over the world to spend five productive days together amidst magnificent surroundings. There is no better opportunity for our members to keep up with old acquaintances, make new friends, discuss industry trends over dinner, or catch up while playing a round of golf. Our speakers will elaborate on topics that matter most to us, such as the energy transition, hydrogen pipelines and future leadership skills. I sincerely hope you will join us in Izmir. You will find more information about the convention on page 22.

Speaking about the convention, I was pleasantly surprised by the keen interest in our Regional Meeting for Latin America held in December in Buenos Aires. The event evolved into a “small convention,” attracting over 200 industry leaders eager to learn about the latest projects and trends in Latin America. I would like to extend my special thanks to our Regional Director Pablo Brottier of SACDE and IPLOCA’s Executive Secretary Georges Hage for leading the organisation of this outstanding event.

Join us at other IPLOCA events in the coming months including the Novel Construction Spring Session on 16-17 April in Palermo, and the Regional Meeting for Europe Central on 4 June in Krakow.

Another key date to keep in mind is the deadline for scholarship applications, which is set for 15 March. IPLOCA awards scholarships annually, valuing USD 4,500 each. Children and grandchildren of employees of our Regular and Associate Members are eligible to apply. These scholarships make a meaningful difference in the lives of many. Therefore, please share application information as widely as possible within your organisations, so that a handful of young people around the world get the opportunity to pursue their educational goals.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Best regards,

IPLOCA President 2024-2025

News from Geneva

IPLOCA celebrates 20 years in Geneva

Exactly 20 years ago the picturesque Swiss city of Geneva became the new home of the Association. Our HQ was moved from Ghent, Belgium to the shores of Lake Geneva in the spring of 2005.

Dubbed one of the “smallest big cities” in the world, Geneva is recognised as a city of major relevance due to the strength of its financial and international institutions. The most cosmopolitan of all Swiss towns, Geneva is also known as one of the world's most important commodities trading hubs.

The staff of the Secretariat, made up of five permanent employees, is based at our HQ, conveniently located near the airport. Feel free to drop by and say hello if you're in the area!

New IPLOCA Treasurer

The Board of Directors appointed Bruno Pomaré, Spiecapag Business Development Director, as IPLOCA’s Treasurer. He assumed his role after the Annual Convention in Sorrento.

The Secretariat welcomes Bruno to his new role and gives special thanks to the previous Treasurer, Adam Wynne Hughes, for his contribution to IPLOCA over the years.

Welcome to the team!

Alexandre Dafit joined IPLOCA in January 2025 as Marketing Manager and Convention & Novel Construction Coordinator. He holds a master’s degree in marketing management and tourism and earned an MBA in project management.

Alexandre started his career at Disney in the Food & Beverage Strategy Department. He then held hospitality and sponsorship positions working at sports events such as the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar, and the Rugby World Cup 2023. Alexandre is responsible for IPLOCA’s marketing tasks and its database. He works closely with the Convention Manager organising our flagship event, the Annual Convention.

He also supports the Innovation and Energy Transition Committees in coordinating the Novel Construction Sessions. Alexandre is a French citizen and speaks fluent French and English.

From left: Sébastien Goetschmann, Eszter Czirjak, Georges Hage, Isabelle Bourzeix and Alexandre Dafit

Board Meeting Update

5-6 December 2024

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The following highlights the main discussions and decisions made during the meeting.

Opening remarks from the President

Yasar Giregiz, IPLOCA Board of Directors President, conveyed his thanks and appreciation to Regional Director for Latin America Pablo Brottier of SACDE and IPLOCA Executive Secretary Georges Hage for leading the organisation of an outstanding Regional Meeting for Latin America the previous day.

Safety moment

Giovanni Muriana, HSE & CSR Committee Chair, who took over this role from Bruno Pomaré in September 2024, gave a presentation about the importance of reporting near misses in our organisations. A near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, hazard, or damage but had the potential to do so. A near miss often identifies a system weakness which, if not addressed, could lead to an injury in the future.

He emphasised that near misses should be viewed as opportunities to improve safety programmes and practices on job sites and in the workplace. According to the Heinrich Triangle, for every 300 near misses, there are 29 minor accidents and one serious accident. Near miss recognition and reporting is an essential component of any good safety programme. The Committee Chair concluded by saying that staff should be encouraged to report near miss incidents.

Annual Convention

The first morning’s discussions were focused on the 2025 Annual Convention. Georges Hage gave a presentation

about the convention programme. The Board chose the following theme for the 2025 Convention: “Delivering Sustainable Energy Infrastructure.” The Board decided to have the same format as in 2024, which includes three days of tours and two days of business meetings. The fee for a tour ticket will remain the same as last year, EUR 30 per ticket.

Conventions in 2026 and 2027

David Lukas gave a presentation about Convention and Board meeting locations. The Board decided to hold the 2026 IPLOCA Annual Convention in Athens, Greece. Boston, U.S.A. was chosen as the location for the 2027 Convention.

Minutes of the Sorrento Board Meeting

The minutes of the previous Board meeting were reviewed and approved.

HSE & CSR Committee

Giovanni Muriana, HSE & CSR Committee Chair, presented his report. The committee met on 21 October 2024 in Lisbon. Committee meetings will take place on 15 April 2025 in Palermo, 12 June in Geneva, and in Budapest in October 2025.

The annual HSE & CSR Workshop held on 22 October 2024 was run by Caterpillar’s Diana Anghel. More than 60 people were registered, however only 42 attended the meeting. Participants had the option to register for both events, the Novel Session and the HSE Workshop, by filling out one form on the IPLOCA website. In the future, registrants will be requested to fill out two different forms for the two events to avoid having no-shows at one of the events.

Giovanni Muriana encouraged Board members to ask their HSE staff to share best practices on the IPLOCA Shared Experiences Platform.

Energy Transition Committee

Andrew Ball, the Energy Transition Committee Chair, provided

the report of the committee. He mentioned that the Energy Transition Committee believed there was some overlap between their work and that of the Innovation Committee, especially in terms of their objectives and purposes.

Therefore, the committee asked the Board to evaluate the future and purpose of the Energy Transition Committee. One option was to break up the Energy Transition Committee, and the other was to have the committee take over the energy transition theme within the new Novel Construction Initiative and work closely with the Innovation Committee

Andrew Ball briefed the Board about the Global Hydrogen Review, which is published annually by the International Energy Agency. The report tracks hydrogen production and demand worldwide, and monitors progress in critical areas such as infrastructure development, trade, policy, regulation, investment and innovation.

Innovation Committee

The Committee Chair, Somaieh Salehpour, presented the report. The Novel Construction Fall Session took place in Lisbon and attracted 80 people. The next event will be held on 16-17 April in Palermo, Italy.

The workshop was divided into two sessions. A lead and a Board member supported the five groups working on five themes that included AI Transformation, Skills & Resources, Standards & Compliance Regulatory – Material Codes, Energy Transition, and Net Zero Construction. The committee planned to set up a hub on the IPLOCA website as a resource for innovation activities. The Board decided to name the new centre “IPLOCA NEST – The Knowledge Hub.”

The Board decided to maintain the separation between the Energy Transition Committee and the Innovation Committee. The Energy Transition Committee will take over the 'energy transition' theme and report their findings to the Innovation Committee. The Innovation Committee will continue to work on the other four themes.

Scholarship Programme

The Project Lead, Saji Khoury, gave an update on the IPLOCA Scholarship Programme. Following the committee’s review of the questionnaire, applications were scheduled to open on 15 January and close on 15 March 2025. The criteria for eligibility and the application form are available on our website.

The Board approved to finance 12 scholarships in 2025. IPLOCA awards scholarships annually, valuing USD 4,500 each, to help the next generation pursue their chosen field of study.

NextGen Network

The Project Lead, Saji Khoury, presented the report. He was proud to advise that the network gained seven new members since the last Board meeting, bringing the total number of members to 30.

Saji Khoury aimed to schedule an online NextGen Network meeting once a month. The first meeting, attended by 20 participants, was characterized by a very positive atmosphere. These meetings allow young professionals to discuss challenges - whether technical or leadership-related - and seek advice from peers. The network also aims to leverage the wealth of knowledge and experience within IPLOCA. The plan is to invite industry veterans to join the online meetings and share their career stories, offer guidance, and provide insights into the future of our industry.

Roberto Castelli, IPLOCA Past President, Commercial and Business Development Director and Senior Advisor to the CEO at Bonatti, was invited as guest speaker in December. The network invited Herwig Peschl, Senior Vice President of Caterpillar responsible for Global Construction & Infrastructure, to share his experiences and answer any questions during an online meeting in January 2025.

Speakers Project

The Speakers Project Lead, Hakan Göral, presented his report. The aim of the Speakers Project is to find excellent speakers diving into engaging subjects during the 2025 IPLOCA Convention. Eight potential topics and subtopics were proposed to the Board as follows: global trends, industry innovations, sustainability and climate, safety and risk management, leadership and workforce, project management and operations, technology and digitalisation, community and stakeholder engagement.

From left to right: Francesca and Roberto Castelli, Yasar Giregiz and Saji Khoury at Café de los Angelitos

Board members were asked to vote on the topics they felt were most relevant in 2025. The topics that received the most votes included global trends - energy transition, sustainability and climate - hydrogen pipelines, leadership - future leadership skills, and community & stakeholder engagement - building trust.

Membership & Communication Committee

The Committee Chair, Marcin Przywara, presented the report. The committee aims to find ways to expand IPLOCA’s membership. Board Director Michael Fakhoury carried out a detailed analysis of the current membership. One of the findings indicated that membership in certain geographical regions, such as Latin America and the Middle East, was rather low. Certain equipment and service providers were missing.

Andrew Stuart gave an update on IPLOCA’s social media activities, while Somaieh Salehpour briefed the Board about the “Women in IPLOCA” initiative.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer, Bruno Pomaré, presented his first report. He briefed the Board about the positive forecast for the

Regional Meeting

Europe Central in Krakow, Poland

An IPLOCA Regional Meeting for Europe Central is planned to take place on Wednesday, 4 June 2025 .

More information about Regional Meetings is available at: www.iploca.com/events/regional-meetings/

year-end results and the positive result for the convention in Sorrento. The budget prepared for the 2025 Convention was based on 190 paid registrations, and the same level of sponsorships as in 2024.

Bruno Pomaré proposed to increase the convention registration fee by 5% in 2025. The Board approved to increase the registration fee to EUR 2520 in 2025.


Eszter Czirjak, IPLOCA Membership Manager, presented the Membership Status Report. At the time of the Board meeting, the IPLOCA membership status was 79 Regular Members, 105 Associate Members and 34 Corresponding Members

The following membership applications were approved:

- Construtora Elevação Ltda . – Regular Member

- ENKA İnşaat ve Sanayi A.Ş. – Regular Member

- Manna S.p.A. – Regular Member

She thanked all Board members for promoting the Association and encouraging new companies to apply for membership.

Media Partner Agreement Renewals

An extension of the Media Partner Agreements for the next three years was approved by the Board. IPLOCA Media Partners include Benjamin Media, Gulf Energy Information, Mediapoint & Exhibitions Srl, and Palladian Publications.

Next Board Meetings

IPLOCA Board meetings will take place as follows:

- 27-28 March 2025: Tokyo, Japan

- 5-6 June 2025: Krakow, Poland

- 14 and 18-19 September 2025: Izmir, Türkiye

Regional Meetings

A Regional Meeting for Central Europe is planned for 4 June 2025 in Krakow, Poland.

Regional Meeting

Latin America

4 December 202 4

Following months of preparations by the teams of SACDE and the Secretariat, the IPLOCA Regional Meeting for Latin America kicked off on a beautiful spring morning in the Argentinian capital, Buenos Aires.

The efforts of the teams bore fruit when the doors of the magnificent Faena Art Center opened, and more than 200 industry leaders from the region and around the world walked into the former flour mill building to learn about the continent’s future energy projects and meet with local companies.

The success of the event was off the charts. Never have we seen so many participants attending a Regional Meeting. As the event reached capacity, registration had to be closed before the initial deadline. The energy and enthusiasm was palpable, and interest in business opportunities in the region was evident. The key to the success of IPLOCA Regional Meetings lies in the unparalleled networking opportunities.

Companies have the privilege of meeting with their clients, and people with influence in one place, on a single day over coffee or lunch, saving precious time and resources. In addition, the presentations and panel discussions allow industry leaders to learn about the latest trends and future projects in a specific region.

If you missed the event, don't worry! You can find the presentations right here: www.iploca.com/event/ iploca-latin-america-regional-meeting/

Watch the video

Sister Associations

IPLOCA Executive Secretary Georges Hage, accompanied by his wife, Myrna, attended the Pipe Line Contractors Association’s 77 th Annual Convention, which took place from 5 to 9 February in Marco Island, Florida, U.S.A.

IPLOCA President Yasar Giregiz, Past President Roberto Castelli, Executive Secretary Georges Hage and his wife, Myrna, participated in the Distribution

Membership Centre

New Regular Member

Manna S.p.A., established in Eboli, Italy, is a leader in the pipeline construction industry with over five decades of experience. The company specialises in the design, installation, and maintenance of pipelines for natural gas, oil, and water. Manna’s services cover all phases of pipeline construction, including excavation, welding (both automatic and manual), and pressure testing. Known for its innovative technology and strict adherence to safety and environmental standards, Manna operates across various sectors, including civil engineering and environmental works, ensuring reliable and efficient project delivery

Via Vito Santimone, 2 84025 Eboli Salerno


T +39 0828 364311

info@mannaspa.it www.mannaspa.it

Contractors Association’s 64 th Annual Convention from 24 February to 1 March in Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A. A meeting of the World Federation of Pipe Line Industry Associations (WFPIA) took place at the DCA Convention on 24 February 2025.

The Pipeline Industries Guild’s 67 th Annual Dinner will be held on 11 March at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London. For information on this and other PIG events please visit www.pipeguild.com

The Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada’s 71st Annual Convention is scheduled to take place from 25 to 28 May in Banff, Alberta, Canada. For further details and to review other PLCAC events, visit their website: www.pipeline.ca

The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association will hold its Annual Convention and Exhibition from 18 to 21 October in Brisbane, Australia. Check their website for further details at www.apga.org.au/events

The International Marine Contractors Association organises a regular programme of meetings and events all over the world including regional meetings and technical seminars. Further details may be found on www.imca-int.com/events

New Associate Member

Sawyer Mfg. Company is a global leader in pipeline and welding equipment, trusted by professionals in the oil, gas, and construction industries. Known for reliability and innovation, Sawyer’s product range includes beveling machines, pipe clamps, and other tools designed to improve efficiency, safety, and precision on job sites. With seven decades of expertise, the company focuses on delivering high-quality, durable equipment that meets the rigorous demands of pipeline operations. Committed to excellence and customer satisfaction, Sawyer continues to support industry professionals with solutions tailored to their unique challenges, wherever they operate around the world.

7799 S Regency Drive Tulsa, OK 74131 U.S.A.

T +1 918 834 2550 international@sawyermfg.com www.sawyermfg.com / www.sawyerfab.com

Myrna and Georges Hage at the PLCA Convention in Marco Island, Florida

on 100 Incredible Years!

On behalf of the IPLOCA Board of Directors and the Secretariat, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Caterpillar on reaching this remarkable milestone of 100 years! Here's to many more years of innovation and excellence! Congratulations to

Member News

Al-Qahtani and Saudi Aramco host technology seminar

Al- Qahtani Pipe Coating Industries has signed an exclusive technological agreement with Saudi Aramco Technologies Company (SATC) that allows the use of weathered steel slag aggregate as a partial replacement for iron ore as per Saudi Aramco's specification “01-SAMSS-012 Submarine Pipe Weight Coating.” Saudi Aramco Technologies Company organised a "Technology Awareness Session" with speakers including Mohammed Methel, Saudi Aramco's Principal Professional, Abdul Rehman Zahid, General Manager, Marketing & Sales at Al- Qahtani Pipe Coating Industries, and Nicolo Bovo, Head of Materials Technology at SAIPEM. The webinar was also attended by Al-Qahtani COO Abdul Hadi Tariq Al-Qahtani (seen here in the picture) and SATC’s CEO. The two leaders emphasized their companies’ commitment to developing and delivering the latest technologies that ensure a circular economy and environmental friendliness. Al-Qahtani Pipe Coating Industries highlighted the success of the technology and its experiences in the application of external concrete weight coating of pipelines ranging from 4” to 56” in diameter with a concrete weight coating thickness range of 1” to 4.5” over 510 kilometres of pipeline.

Allseas and Goriziane join forces to deliver cutting-edge pipelay equipment

Goriziane has been awarded a significant contract by Allseas, one of the world’s leading offshore pipelay and subsea construction contractors. The project entails the upgrade of the double joint (DJ) pipe-handling system aboard the renowned Solitaire vessel. This upgrade will ensure enhanced efficiency and reliability for one of the

industry's most advanced pipelay vessels. The contract was signed on 24 January 2025 - coinciding with Allseas' 40 th anniversary celebration. Goriziane is eager to bring its expertise to this exciting endeavor, while remaining committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions and ensuring the highest standards of quality and innovation in every project.

Bin Quraya Co. Ltd. gains ASME R and U approval

the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) R and U stamps. The R and U stamps are certifications related to the design, fabrication, inspection, and repair of pressure vessels and boilers. The ASME U stamp certifies that a manufacturer meets the quality control system requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). It allows manufacturers to design, fabricate, inspect, and test unfired pressure vessels. The ASME R Stamp authorises the repair and alteration of pressure-retaining equipment, including pressure vessels and boilers. Organisations with the R stamp must demonstrate proficiency in welding, materials, and inspection techniques. Bin Quraya underwent rigorous inspections before receiving the certification.

100 Years of Caterpillar

Over a century, Caterpillar has grown with its customers to help build a better, more sustainable world. Building pipelines, roads, bridges, runways and seaports is vital to our modern infrastructure system. Since the beginning, Caterpillar products have helped support some of the world’s biggest infrastructure projects. Customers rely on Caterpillar products to help them build countless miles of roads like the U.S. Interstate system to allow faster movement of people and products. They constructed the Panama Canal to improve the speed of goods and cargo in sea transport and help work on subsequent expansions.

Bin Quraya Co. Ltd. has been certified with

They built the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System under some of the harshest conditions to pave the way for progress. They built dams and bridges, including the U.S.’s Hoover Dam and Golden Gate Bridge, and the Three Gorges Dam in China – creating some of the greatest engineering marvels in the world. Caterpillar generator sets even helped power the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. Today, when customers choose Caterpillar products, services and solutions, they also gain 100 years of experience and expertise. Whether you are a customer, an employee, a dealer, a supplier or simply a fan, you are a part of Caterpillar’s 100-years-andcounting story.

CCC overcomes challenges at NEOM’s Green Hydrogen Project

The NEOM Green Hydrogen Project in Saudi Arabia, aiming to produce 600 tons of green hydrogen daily by 2026, faced several construction challenges during the assembly of its 110 electrolyzer modules. These modules, housed in five large buildings, required the delivery of 2,770 containers, which were offloaded, unpacked, and transported in a precise sequence. The installation of 2,200 skids—half inside the electrolyzer buildings and half outside—required accurate leveling with around 27,000

shim plates. Space constraints inside the buildings posed a significant challenge. As the modules were installed, the available space became increasingly restricted, requiring careful planning to maintain progress using a single 50-ton crane. Additionally, over 27,000 structural steel components, including walkways, ladders, and sunshades, had to be assembled and erected. The handling and installation of 32,560 electrolyzer cells was another key challenge. These cells had to be transported from the assembly building to the electrolyzer buildings using air suspension trailers and specialised jigs for installation with overhead cranes. The project also involved managing 16,500 piping spools and making 130,240 hookups between the cells and feed header lines. These challenges were addressed through detailed planning, sequencing, and the use of specialised equipment, ensuring the project remained on track despite its complexity and scale. The success of this assembly effort by the CCC Project Management Team showcases the meticulous coordination required to build a plant of this magnitude.


Elevação strengthens safety, innovation, and sustainability leadership

With 48 years of experience, Construtora Elevação stands as one of Brazil’s leading infrastructure companies rooted in the values of safety, innovation, and sustainability. A member of IPLOCA since 2024, Construtora Elevação offers advanced risk management practices to ensure safe operations, minimise accidents in its projects and assist 2,000 employees and the surrounding communities. As part of its growth strategy, the company hired dss+ as its consultants in 2023. Dss+ is a global consultancy firm, previously known as DuPont Sustainable Solutions, specialised in safety, risk, and operational performance. By leveraging data from thousands of sites around the world, dss+ has enabled Construtora Elevação to continue strengthening its safety culture, implementing effective strategies to reduce incidents and ultimately protect

lives. The Elev+ leadership training program, audited by dss+, reflects the company’s commitment to developing leaders who deliver consistent results, foster management excellence and innovation, while maintaining a strong focus on safety. These efforts have directly influenced key projects in 2024, during which the company built and commissioned over 200 km of pipelines. The company’s goal is to continue to be recognized for its exemplary governance, strong ethical practices, quality work, and unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainable development.

CPP successfully commissions photovoltaic power project in Benin

In December 2024, the Commissioning and Operation Company of China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd. (CPPCOC) successfully commissioned the 1.15 MW photovoltaic power generation project at pump station 07 of the Niger-Benin Crude Oil Pipeline Phase II. This achievement marks a key milestone in CPP’s efforts to expand its international presence and drive sustainable energy solutions worldwide. The photovoltaic system is expected to generate approximately 1.095 million kWh of clean electricity annually for pump station 07, reducing CO2 emissions by around 0.09 tons per year. Additionally, it will save an estimated 365,000 litres of diesel annually, yielding cost savings of approximately USD 365,000. It is noteworthy that this is the first large-scale photovoltaic power generation project commissioned in Benin, demonstrating CPPCOC’s expertise in managing the commissioning of photovoltaic systems. This successful project not only highlights CPP’s commitment to renewable energy development but also contributes to global climate change mitigation efforts. Through the successful delivery of this project, CPPCOC has reinforced its reputation as a trusted partner in project commissioning and laid a solid foundation for future involvement in largescale photovoltaic initiatives.

Gascontrol Polska performs hot tapping and plugging works on high-pressure


Gascontrol Polska sp. z o.o. - in cooperation with Gascontrol s.r.o. - performed hot tapping and plugging works on a high-pressure gas transmission pipeline DN700 (28”) MOP 6,3MPa in Nowa Sarzyna, Poland at the end of 2024. The aim of the separation of the gas pipeline section was to remove upwelling in the vicinity of the water ditch, thereby minimising the risk of damage during drainage infrastructure maintenance works. The main challenges of the project included a very short service lead time, an atypical pipeline of OD 720 mm - the majority of 28” pipelines in Poland are OD 711 mm - and strict HSE requirements due to the short distance to private properties in the vicinity of the worksite. The project was carried out in its entirety, including engineering, permitting, supply of materials, welding, mechanical works and crane services. The total turnaround time, from the day of signing the contract, was less than four weeks, which is a noteworthy achievement considering the non-standard nature of the project.

Gulf Companies completes engineering services for Zama field project

Gulf Companies announced the successful completion of engineering services for the Zama oil field project in Tabasco State, Mexico. This strategic oil field, operated by PEMEX in collaboration with Harbour Energy and Talos Energy, represents a significant milestone in advancing Mexico's energy infrastructure. Gulf’s scope of work included Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) for the complete onshore facilities, incorporating oil treatment and separation plants, integration with the Dos Bocas Maritime Terminal, and a storage capacity of 180,000 barrels. The Zama facilities were meticulously designed to handle a processing capacity of 180,000 BPD of oil, 55 MMSCFD for gas compression, 103,000 BPD for

water treatment, and 50 MW of power generation for selfconsumption, emphasising efficiency and sustainability. This achievement further highlights Gulf Companies’ extensive expertise in delivering comprehensive engineering solutions for strategic energy projects.

Herrenknecht’s E-Power Pipe used for sustainable pipeline and grid construction

During numerous pipeline and grid expansion projects, a large number of obstacles such as existing infrastructure, rivers or protected areas have to be crossed. In December 2024, Herrenknecht handed over the E-Power Pipe machine to Heitkamp Construction Swiss GmbH for grid expansion projects in Germany. E-Power Pipe is a microtunnelling method, which enables the precise and safe installation of small-diameter pipelines and protective pipes over long distances, at shallow depths if necessary, and within a distance of only 1–2 metres. The method combines proven microtunnelling technology with the subsequent pull of a prefabricated product pipe. Both pressure-resistant and non-pressure-resistant product pipes can be laid quickly, safely and precisely over long distances of up to 2 kilometres. A jacking frame in the launch pit drives the fully remotecontrolled microtunnel boring machine (AVNS350XB with jet pump) forward to the target pit using special temporary steel jacking pipes. Subsequently, the jacking pipes are retracted by the jacking frame while simultaneously pulling in the product pipe and grouting the annular gap. Thus, the borehole remains permanently and securely supported by the machine and the jacking pipes. “When planning bores, precision is crucial with some very low and some very high overburden. The longest planned route is about 1,600 metres long and it passes through challenging conditions,” says Philipp Kohlschreiber, CEO of HEITKAMP Construction Swiss GmbH. “Herrenknecht is currently the only provider of a suitable technology with E-Power Pipe and is the undisputed market leader in the field of underground drilling technology with extensive expertise.”

ISCO and HDPE expand eastern Nebraska infrastructure

Sarpy County, Nebraska is one of the American state's fastest growing counties, but geographical challenges have limited growth due to a lack of infrastructure. An undertaking 20 years in the making, this multi-phased project began with the creation of the Sarpy County and Cities Wastewater Agency. The construction of 19 miles (30.5 km) of sewer lines, made up of approximately 17 miles (27 km) of 14 to 36-inch HDPE dual force mains and three lift stations, is the first phase of the project that will eventually open up approximately 70,000 acres of land, making it accessible to development. The system is designed to accommodate 40 years of population growth, create over 4,500 new jobs, and contribute billions of dollars to the economy. The planning team paid particular attention to environmental, historic, and cultural impacts by minimising influence on aquatic resources, taking into consideration habitat for threatened and endangered species, and being sensitive to historical sites, archaeological sites, and Native American tribal interests. Utilising ISCO, and spooling sticks of HDPE together, not only sped up the installation process, but allowed obstacles and challenges to be handled with numerous horizontal directional drilling trenchless crossings and bored steel cased crossings for roadways and railroads.

LaValley Industries’ TONGHAND®S Exit-Side Wrench to arrive this spring

LaValley Industries has announced the upcoming launch of its TONGHAND®S excavator attachment, set for release in March 2025. The latest addition to LaValley's TONGHAND® Exit-Side Wrench product line, the TONGHAND®S roller arms handle drill rod from 3.25 to 5 inches (8-13 cm). Its powerful TongVise™ provides 70,000 lb-ft (95,000 Nm) of torque for making and breaking tool joints 4.13-6.75 inches (10.5-17 cm), and up to 8 inches (20 cm) with reduced

Photo credit: Hawkins Construction Company

torque. The TONGHAND®S was created to handle drill pipe at the upper range of mini rigs, and at the lower range of maxi rigs. Like TONGHAND® and TONGHAND®XS, the TONGHAND®S mounts to any excavator brand and uses the machine’s auxiliary hydraulics to power operations efficiently. Designed to reduce the need for manual intervention, the TONGHAND® product family delivers precise torque control with a single operator safely positioned inside the excavator cab. This setup minimises risks associated with manual tools and removes workers from hazardous zones on horizontal directional drilling (HDD) job sites. Along with safely handling drill rod around the job site, the TONGHAND®S can also handle subs, reamers, and other HDD tooling, in addition to product pipe. With the development of TONGHAND®S, LaValley Industries continues its commitment to safe and efficient infrastructure construction solutions.

MAX STREICHER S.p.A. implements EPC project for GNL Italia S.p.A.

GNL Italia S.p.A., part of the Snam Group, has commissioned MAX STREICHER S.p.A. with an EPC project for a truck loading system within an LNG plant in the municipality of Portovenere, Italy. As part of an extensive

project by GNL Italia S.p.A., the necessary infrastructure was created to transfer cryogenic natural gas from LNG storage tanks to LNG trucks. The LNG trucks are filled at the terminal and then transported by electric ferry, minimising CO₂-emissions and avoiding the transit of potentially hazardous vehicles through nearby cities. The technology used consists of a system built with a cryogenic process medium that needs operating temperatures below -168°C. This not only makes gas transportation particularly space-saving, but also safer. During execution special precautions were required, including the almost exclusive use of pipes made of grade 316 stainless steel, minimal flange couplings, suitable insulation, and drying of the pipes according to very strict criteria. MAX STREICHER S.p.A. started engineering activities in May 2023 and completed all activities in December 2024. The project was an important milestone because it demonstrated the capability to carry out highly complex work in the field of LNG technology.

PETROJET reinforces its position in pipeline projects in MEA region

PETROJET recently announced several new project awards in the United Arab Emirates including over 1,000 km of pipeline work, with a contract value exceeding USD 1.5 billion. With these new awards, PETROJET continues to reinforce its position as a market leader in pipeline construction across the MEA region, with over 40,000 km of pipelines delivered worldwide. Among the newly awarded projects is the pipeline package for “AIP5” part of ADNOC’s strategic initiative to boost oil production to five million barrels per day. Additionally, the “Wave Project” will establish a water transmission system to feed ADNOC Onshore plants with essential water injection, and the Buhasa CO₂ Project will involve constructing CO₂ pipelines to enhance oil recovery through carbon dioxide injection. This latter initiative aligns with ADNOC’s sustainability vision and its commitment to achieving a

zero carbon footprint. With over 50 years of experience in the energy industry, by leveraging innovative solutions and maintaining the highest standards of quality, safety, and environmental stewardship, PETROJET contributes to shaping the future of energy infrastructure in the region.

PipeSak installs over 25,000 PipeSak® weights over 880 km

PipeSak® geotextile pipeline weights continue to play a vital role in ensuring the integrity of pipeline projects. 2024 was an exceptionally productive year, as the company’s engineered pipeline weights and its filling service supported several significant projects across North America. PipeSak Inc. extends its heartfelt thanks to its valued customers, dedicated contractors, and industry partners for their continued trust and collaboration in making pipelines and job sites safer, more efficient, and more reliable. PipeSak Inc. supported over 550 miles (880 km) of pipeline projects with 24,651 PipeSak® weights designed to keep workers safe and secure the long-term integrity of these new pipeline projects. Notable projects include New Generation Gas Gathering (NG3) with 2,874 PipeSaks® across 275 miles of pipeline in Louisiana and Texas, the Panhandle Regional Expansion in Ontario with 1,466 PipeSaks® across 13 miles, Virginia Reliability in Chesapeake with 3,381 PipeSaks® across 48 miles and 11,355 PipeSaks® for S2 36" in Tyler, Texas covering over 100 miles. PipeSak Inc. was further excited to wrap up 2024 supporting the Louisiana Energy Gateway Spread 2 Project, which includes 120 miles of 42” pipeline and 5,575 PipeSaks®. The company eagerly anticipates new opportunities in 2025 to contribute to critical infrastructure projects, helping to build a safer and more reliable energy future.

project involving a 52-inch diameter pipeline with a 24.6 mm wall thickness extending over 76 kilometres. This marks a continuation of its successful partnership, following the ongoing work on the ESTIDAMA Package 3 project involving a 52-inch pipeline with wall thickness of 20.8 / 24.6 / 29.2 mm extending over 160 kilometres, as well as a 56-inch pipeline with a wall thickness of 17.5 / 21.9 mm and 37 kilometres in length. Thanks to Qapqa’s excellent performance, C.A.T. Group has chosen to extend the collaboration with the company as its Automatic Welding Partner. Qapqa currently has two fully equipped automatic welding spreads working on ESTIDAMA Package 3, along with single automatic welding stations for non-disruptiveroad-crossing (NDRC) works and free tie-ins. Qapqa is proud to play a role in ADNOC’s strategic projects and expresses its sincere gratitude to its dedicated welding team and valued client, C.A.T. Group, for the continuous expertise and support.

Renault Trucks achieves Gold Ecovadis Certification for 6th year

Qapqa signs contract with C.A.T. Group

Qapqa has announced the signing of a new contract with C.A.T. Group UAE for the ADNOC ESTIDAMA Package 6

Renault Trucks, recognized for its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), has been awarded the Gold certification by the independent

Ecovadis organisation for the 6th consecutive year. With a score of 78 out of 100, the French manufacturer ranks among the top 5% of companies evaluated. In 2024, the Ecovadis CSR rating agency evaluated 130,000 international companies based on 21 criteria grouped into four categories: Sustainable Procurement, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics, and Environment. For the 3 rd consecutive year, Renault Trucks achieved a score of 100/100 in the Environment category. This result recognizes the manufacturer's ongoing efforts to reduce the environmental footprint of its operations and the vehicles it puts on the road. Because road freight transport accounts for 7% of CO2 emissions in Europe, Renault Trucks, with more than 70,000 vehicles sold annually worldwide, fully recognizes its responsibilities and is intensifying its efforts to reduce the environmental impact of its activities.

SEAL FOR LIFE solutions used in Argentina’s Vaca Muerta reserves

From a diverse portfolio of solutions, SFL has delivered several product lines for the main pipelines, including the former Néstor Kirchner Pipeline, now called Perito Francisco Pascasio Moreno Gas Pipeline (573 km / 36” OD), OLDELVAL duplication project (525 KM / 24” OD) as well as other key projects. SFL’s HSS Brands, COVALANCE AND CANUSA-CPS, have demonstrated outstanding performance in protecting the field joint coating of pipelines. These brands boast a track record of successful operation on Argentinian pipelines for over 30 years. STOPAQ, a premium permanent corrosion prevention solution using Poly-Isobutylene technology, has been used in various applications such as valves and condensate lines. STOPAQ offers extensive opportunities for application, effectively addressing challenges such as surface preparation, difficult and critical geometries, and splash zones. With this product, these issues become irrelevant.

Sicim has been awarded a contract for the construction of the Wardenburg-Drohne Pipeline (WAD) – LOT 2 by Open Grid Europe (OGE). This contract reaffirms Sicim's pivotal role as a leading pipeline contractor in Europe and marks its return to the German market 5 years after taking part in the construction of the Eugal Pipeline Project and, prior to that, in the Opal Pipeline Project. Lot 2 of WAD will be executed by an integrated JV with the Belgian firm DENYS NV, leveraging the combined expertise and know-how of both partners. The 40-inch pipeline, located southwest of Bremen in Lower Saxony, spans 30 kilometres and crosses the typical wet areas of northwestern Germany. Key challenges include proper right-of-way preparation, dewatering, and sheet piling. The work includes two associated Above Ground Installations, pipe storage areas as well as the execution of multiple trenchless crossings such as 1 HDD (440m), 1 microtunnel (620m) and 21 auger borings. Upon completion, this infrastructure will provide the necessary capacity to transport regasified LNG from the Wilhelmshaven terminal into the German pipeline transmission system. All pipes are certified for hydrogen transportation. Construction is scheduled to commence in the second half of 2025 and is expected to be completed within a 15-month period, employing approximately 350 people.

SOCAR completes Iğdır-Nakhchivan gas pipeline project with strategic partner BOTAS

The Iğdır-Nakhchivan Gas Pipeline is a strategic and pivotal energy project connecting Türkiye and Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, addressing the region’s energy needs and fostering regional cooperation. Spanning 97.5 kilometres, the pipeline includes 80 kilometres in Türkiye’s Iğdır province and 17.5 kilometres in Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan region. Its construction, which began with a groundbreaking ceremony on 25 September 2023, attended by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and

Sicim returns to Germany for major 40” pipeline project

President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, was set for completion in December 2024. The project’s Türkiye and Azerbaijan section was completed and fully tested on schedule. This pipeline will transport approximately 730 million cubic meters of natural gas annually with possible expansion to 1.82 billion cubic meters of natural gas. The project addresses Nakhchivan's long-standing energy challenges caused by its geographic isolation and dependence on Iranian supplies. By connecting to Türkiye’s extensive BOTAS network, the pipeline enhances energy security for the region and deepens economic ties between the two countries. During construction, environmental considerations were also prioritised, including the planting of 1,500 trees in Nakhchivan to offset the project’s ecological impact. This initiative highlights the project's adherence to international environmental standards and its dedication to preserving regional biodiversity.

The Iğdır-Nakhchivan Gas Pipeline is more than an infrastructure project; it symbolizes the deepening strategic partnership between Türkiye and Azerbaijan, promoting energy security, regional stability, and sustainable development for the South Caucasus.

Steeltrade becomes key partner for liquified biofuels production

Steeltrade has been supplying cryogenic control valves for several Bio-LNG and Bio-LCO2 projects in the construction or installation phases across different European countries for the last two years. The valves have been specifically designed for these innovative applications, taking into account the challenging processes and environmental requirements, and are entirely manufactured in Italy. They are available in various sizes, materials, ratings (PN and Ex), and the actuators fulfil several different requirements depending on the system capacity, installation area, and process specifications supplied by the clients. Steeltrade expressed its pride in contributing to the delivery of such innovative and environmentally friendly technologies, aiming

to decarbonise the transportation sector across Europe, and potentially worldwide, thanks to the maritime industry’s increasing adoption of liquified biofuels.

TAG connects LNG terminal to Brazil’s largest pipeline network

Completed in 2024, the connection between Eneva's Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal and Thermoelectric Complex to TAG’s natural gas transport network in Sergipe State in the northeast region of Brazil involved the construction of a gas pipeline approximately 25 kilometres long, with entry and exit points, including the necessary access infrastructure for the integration into the existing network. The bidirectional flow of the new gas pipeline guarantees new supply sources in the integrated natural gas transportation network, offering flexibility and security of supply to the national market and electricity sector. It represents an alternative source of supply in the integrated network, contributing to lower transport tariffs and potential reductions in natural gas prices due to competition between suppliers in the network. The new pipeline allows the Port of Sergipe thermoelectric plant to receive and use natural gas from other supply sources connected to the national integrated transport network, increasing supply security and

competition in the market. The new gas pipeline strengthens Sergipe's national position in the development of the natural gas chain. TAG currently has more than 350 km of gas pipelines in the state of Sergipe.

Techint SACDE JV leads major pipeline projects in Argentina

Techint E&C and SACDE, in a 50%-50% joint venture (JV), are leading the construction of key infrastructure projects for the country's energy development. They successfully completed sections 2 and 3 of the Northern Gas Pipeline Reversal, finishing the project in August, ahead of the contractual deadline. The 100 km (62 mi) 36-inch pipeline, constructed in the province of Córdoba, meets the critical need to supply natural gas from the Vaca Muerta formation to the northern provinces, thereby reducing imports from Bolivia. Furthermore, the JV has finished constructing Module 2 of the DUPLICAR pipeline project, with only minor surface construction works pending. The work involved laying 254 kilometres (157 mi) of pipeline, which includes a 199-kilometre (123 mi) 24-inch pipeline and a 55-kilometre (34 mi) 30-inch pipeline. In 2025, the JV will undertake the most significant oil pipeline project in Argentina in the last 50 years, facilitating the export of crude oil produced in Vaca Muerta. The Vaca Muerta Oil Sur project entails building a 437 km (271 mi) pipeline with a 30-inch diameter, from Allen to Punta Colorada on the Atlantic coast in the province of Río Negro.

Tekfen awarded MGS Expansion Phase 3, Package 16 project

Tekfen Construction has announced the awarding of the Master Gas System Expansion Phase 3, Package 16, Jeddah Cluster Pipelines Project, aligning with the corporate objective of "Efficiently Meeting the Kingdom's Energy Demand." This significant energy project focuses on expanding the Master

Gas System (MGS) to supply sales gas to the Shoaiba and Shoqaiq regions by 2028, intending to address energy demands up to 2030. The project's scope includes increasing the sales of gas supplies to power generation plants in Shoaiba, South Jeddah, and Shoqaiq, as well as meeting the demands of industrial customers in the Southern region and scattered industrial and utilities customers in the Eastern, Central, and Western regions. The scope of work includes project management, detailed engineering, procurement, and construction, pre-commissioning and mechanical completion, performance testing, startup planning and warranty services, training support and assistance with commissioning. Tekfen expressed its excitement to embark on this project and to contribute to Saudi Arabia’s energy infrastructure development.


chainsaw trencher

tackles challenging terrain in Saudi Arabia

Tesmec is making a significant contribution to the Master Gas System Expansion Phase 3 Project in Saudi Arabia, aiming to convert several power plants from oil to natural gas, contributing to the country's drive towards a cleaner energy mix and its net-zero emissions goal. The challenge raised by the Italian company involves digging two parallel pipeline trenches of 150 km each, 2 m deep and 2.13 m wide, which will host a 56” pipe (142 cm). Tesmec provided a 1875XL EVO Chainsaw Trencher, the only solution on the market reaching trenching widths of 84 inches (213 cm) and depths of up to 24 feet (732 cm). This model was chosen because of its ability to tackle the toughest trenching challenges, making it ideal for large-diameter pipeline installations in hard, abrasive rock conditions. To identify obstacles within the underground utility network, a specific terrain assessment and feasibility study was carried out with the help of technologies such as groundpenetrating radar (GPR) and drones. Besides providing the equipment, Tesmec also offered extensive support through a dedicated team, covering all technical and operational aspects to optimize both work time and machine performance.

IPLOCA Scholarship

Applications are open for the 2025 IPLOCA Scholarship Programme

Each year, IPLOCA offers scholarships for students to pursue a full-time undergraduate degree in their chosen field of study. Since 2016, the scholarship has reached more than 160 students around the world.

We are proud to have helped students achieve their educational goals and to have contributed to the next

News from the Scholarship Project

Saji Khoury, Scholarship Project Lead

Last year, for the first time, the project team took matters into its own hands, reviewing applications internally instead of outsourcing the process—and we did a great job!

News from the NextGen Network

Saji Khoury, NextGen Network Project Lead

The NextGen Network is proud to have over 30 active members engaging in our initiatives. We have been hosting monthly calls that provide an excellent platform for networking and learning.

To tap into the vast knowledge within IPLOCA, we have also been inviting industry leaders to share their insights. So far, we’ve had Roberto Castelli, IPLOCA’s Immediate

generation’s start in the workforce. Should your company wish to promote education by sponsoring the programme, please contact Georges Hage, georges.hage@iploca.com

To be eligible applicants must:

- be children or grandchildren (biological, step or adopted), aged 26 years and under, of full-time or part-time (where required by country specific regulations) employees of IPLOCA Regular or Associate Members as of the application deadline 15 March 2025

- be students in their final year of upper or higher secondary school or currently be technical or university level students

- plan to enrol in full-time undergraduate study at a bona fide college, university, vocational, technical or trade school for the entire upcoming academic year

IPLOCA awards scholarships annually. The amount of each scholarship is USD 4,500.

We encourage all IPLOCA members to publicise this programme as widely as possible within their organisations.

Applications must be made online at: www.iploca.com/ committees/scholarship-programme/application /

However, we quickly realised the application process could use some fine-tuning based on lessons learned, so we have made updates to improve the process.

With 114 applicants last year (and even more expected this year), we are excited to once again award 12 scholarships. To ensure fairness, the top scorer from each of the eight regions will receive a scholarship, while the remaining four will go to the highest overall scorers.

Past President, discuss his career journey and offer valuable advice. We also hosted Herwig Peschl, Senior Vice President at Caterpillar Inc., who spoke about leadership and shared key takeaways with NextGen members. And there’s more to come - we have several exciting speakers lined up in the coming months! Beyond virtual sessions, we are thrilled that six NextGen members participated in the HSE & CSR Workshop and the Novel Construction Session in Lisbon in October.

We anticipate even greater participation at the IPLOCA Novel Construction Spring Session 2025 in Palermo in April.

Experience the Aegean Spirit

IPLOCA's 57 th Annual Convention in Izmir

Join us for an extraordinary gathering where ancient history meets modern innovation. IPLOCA's 57th Annual Convention will take place at the prestigious Swissôtel Büyük Efes in Izmir, Türkiye, from 15-19 September 2025.

Five Days of Discovery and Industry Engagement

The convention will follow our proven format, beginning with three days of cultural exploration before moving on to two days of focused business meetings.

Cultural Programme (15-17 September)

Your journey through this historic region will take you to two remarkable UNESCO World Heritage sites: the ancient cities of Ephesus and Pergamon. You will visit the serene House of Virgin Mary, the Library of Celsus, which is one of the only remaining examples of great libraries of the ancient world, the temple of Trajan, the theatre, the Sanctuary of Asclepius, the god of healing, and discover the charm of Şirince village, known for its local wines.

For golf enthusiasts, the Maats/Liebherr Golf Tournament will take place on Wednesday, 17 September, at the Kuşadası Golf Club. The 18-hole course, which offers a challenging game, is surrounded by centuries-old pine, plane, and olive trees, with spectacular views of Kusadasi Bay and the Aegean Sea.

In Izmir itself, you can explore vibrant museums and wander through historic bazaars.

Business Programme (18-19 September)

Under the theme 'Delivering Sustainable Energy Infrastructure,' our Open General Meetings will feature industry leaders and experts addressing crucial topics shaping our future: Global trends - Energy transition; Sustainability and climate - Hydrogen pipelines; Future leadership skills; Building trust through community engagement

The Business-to-Business Meetings on Thursday will continue with the successful format of focused 10-minute sessions with 10 host companies. We especially encourage first-time attendees to take advantage of this valuable networking opportunity. The business programme will conclude with our Annual General Meeting on Friday morning.

Supporting Future Talent

Following our established tradition, cultural tour fees will contribute to the IPLOCA Scholarship Fund, supporting children and grandchildren of employees of our Regular and Associate Members as they develop into tomorrow's professionals.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Companies can enhance their visibility through our sponsorship programme, arranged in different levels (Platinum, Gold, and Silver), which provides exposure across the IPLOCA newsletter, convention app, website, and during the convention itself. For details contact Isabelle Bourzeix, isabelle.bourzeix@iploca.com.

Mark your calendar!

Online registration will open on Thursday, 15 May 2025 at: www.iploca.com

We recommend early registration to secure your preferred activities.

2025 IPLOCA Awards

to be presented in Izmir, Türkiye

Would your company like the opportunity to be selected and recognised as a leader in search of excellence within the pipeline industry?

It is now time to choose which of your company’s significant initiatives or achievements meet the eligibility requirements to be considered for one of the following IPLOCA Awards. Deadlines for submissions are coming up in April.

Note that all entries should be focused on the pipeline industry and related work and are required to comply with the guidelines, including submission in the appropriate format, not exceeding the maximum number of pages and within the specified time frame. For the Health & Safety Award, entries are limited to projects launched in the last three years, while for the three other awards, the period is five years.

If you have any questions please contact Sébastien Goetschmann, sebastien.goetschmann@iploca.com

2025 IPLOCA Health & Safety Award

sponsored by SNAM

Submissions deadline: 4 April 2025

The Health and Safety Award is presented each year in recognition of members’ initiatives aimed at improving health and safety within the pipeline industry, such as:

- A unique innovation or initiative to avoid incidents

- A new and well-defined system, procedure or practice enhancing safety

- Implementation of lessons learned

2025 IPLOCA Corporate Social Responsibility Award

sponsored by TotalEnergies

Submissions deadline: 11 April 2025

The Corporate Social Responsibility Award is presented every second year, alternating with the Environmental Award and is in recognition of members’ initiatives which are aimed at improving the living conditions of the people impacted by the pipeline industry, such as:

- An initiative to address a specific need identified in the local community

- A programme or practice demonstrating the corporate social responsibility of the company

- A creative initiative in which a large impact is made with a small investment

- A long-term project, intended to be continuously supported by the company or another company, once the pipeline activity is complete.

2025 IPLOCA Quality Award

sponsored by SOCAR

Submissions deadline: 18 April 2025

The Quality Award recognises an exemplary achievement in improving quality of design, quality of materials and quality of execution in the pipeline industry and related work, such as:

- A unique innovative method or initiative for quality control programmes or test plans that improves project quality

- A new and well-defined system, procedure or practice enhancing quality assurance that prevents future potential failure

- An innovative implementation of lessons learned

2025 IPLOCA New Technologies Award sponsored by BP Submissions deadline: 25 April 2025

The biennial New Technologies Award gives recognition for a significant contribution to innovation in the engineering of, the provision of equipment for, and the construction of pipelines by virtue of:

Health, Safety, the

2024 HSE Statistics Required of All Regular Members

- A technological or engineering breakthrough

- A new piece of equipment, tool or construction supply

- A new type of permanent material

- Other relevant innovations.

For more information, such as guidelines, entry forms, eligibility and details on previous winning entries, you may refer to www.iploca.com/awards

Environment & CSR

On behalf of the Chair of the HSE & CSR Committee, Giovanni Muriana, we would like to remind our Regular Members that, as a condition of membership, they are required to submit their annual health, safety and environmental statistics to IPLOCA, such that aggregate statistics for the industry can be collected and monitored via the annual statistics report issued in September.

This information is also welcome from our Associate Members who have field construction activities. HSE data collection is crucial for IPLOCA to measure HSE performance through statistics and analyse results to identify the major causes of recurrent issues. For this reason, we kindly request you to submit your company’s statistics

News from the HSE & CSR Committee

In 2024, the IPLOCA HSE & CSR Committee made significant strides in enhancing safety standards and fostering collaboration within the industry.

The committee held three key meetings throughout the year: on 23 April in Windsor, 11 June in Geneva, and 21 October in Lisbon.

A pivotal event was the HSE workshop in Lisbon on 22 October, focusing on the Human-Machine Interface. The workshop saw excellent participation, offering a vital platform for sharing insights on new technologies in equipment used across the sector.

for 2024, no later than 1 April. We thank all those companies who have already returned their forms. The online form, along with guidelines, is available at www.iploca.com/ news-media/hse-statistics . Returns should cover onshore pipeline construction sites or offshore operations and all infrastructure-related projects

Important notes

Returns are confidential documents and are not shown or passed on to any third party, other than the HSE & CSR Committee working in collaboration with the IPLOCA Secretariat in order to produce the annual statistics report.

Regular Members must have submitted their 2024 Health, Safety, and Environmental Statistics Return and paid their 2025 membership fees to be eligible to attend the 2025 Annual Convention in Izmir.

The committee also finalised and published a new procedure on safety guidelines for tie-ins, now available on the IPLOCA website. This procedure is designed to support companies and provide clear guidance on best practices. The 2023 statistics, provided by 100% of Regular Members, further highlighted the collective commitment to improving health, safety, and environmental performance.

The HSE Shared Experiences Platform remains a valuable resource for members, facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration.

Moving forward, the committee has selected mental health as the key topic to address in 2025. The next committee meetings will take place on 15 April 2025 in Palermo and 12 June 2025 in Geneva.

IPLOCA remains dedicated to enhancing safety, well-being, and industry-wide collaboration.


Novel Construction Session heads to Palermo, Italy

Join us at the IPLOCA Novel Construction Spring Session 2025 that will take place on 16-17 April in Palermo, Italy.

Attendance at this event is free of charge, however registration is required before the deadline of 25 March. We recommend you book your hotel room before 7 March. After this date, the hotel cannot guarantee the special room rate or availability.

The agenda will be posted on our website closer to the event. If you would like to suggest a presentation, please submit the title and a brief outline as soon as possible to Alexandre Dafit, alexandre.dafit@iploca.com

News from the Innovation Committee

Somaieh Salehpour, Innovation Committee Chair

The IPLOCA Innovation Committee is proud to share its recent progress in fostering collaboration and driving innovation within the pipeline industry.

Through the Novel Construction Initiative, we successfully formed five strategic workstreams addressing key industry challenges: AI Transformation, Skills & Resources, Standards & Compliance, Energy Transition, and Net Zero Construction. Each workstream has established priorities and is setting the

News from the Energy Transition Committee

Andrew Ball, Energy Transition Committee Chair

The Energy Transition Committee continues to update and populate the IPLOCA website’s energy transition section with valuable information and news related to Policy, Standards, Technologies, Materials, and Research & Development within the energy transition market.

We invite all members to visit the website to explore these exciting and informative resources. We are also pleased to confirm that, building on the continued success of the key

More information, including the registration form is available at: www.iploca.com/event/iploca-novel-construction-springsession-2025/

stage to deliver meaningful outcomes for our members. Additionally, we are thrilled to announce the development of IPLOCA NEST – The Knowledge Hub. This upcoming platform will be a centralised resource for members to access valuable information, share expertise, and collaborate on innovative solutions that advance the industry.

These initiatives reflect our commitment to providing tools and opportunities that empower our members to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape. Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to bring these exciting projects to life.

Thank you to all members for your support and engagement in helping us shape the future of pipeline construction!

objectives set by the Innovation Committee during the recent 2024 Novel Construction meetings, and the decision to launch a new initiative focused on five key themes, AI Transformation, Skills & Resources, Standards & Compliance (including Material Codes), Net Zero Construction, and Energy Transition, the Energy Transition Committee is proud to lead the fifth theme, Energy Transition. As we enter 2025, we will begin transferring both existing and new documents to IPLOCA NEST – The Knowledge Hub.

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to the committee and all members for your ongoing support in enriching the website. We look forward to your continued engagement in helping us build a comprehensive collection of valuable information to support the energy transition.

News from the Membership & Communication Committee

The main scope of work and purpose of the committee is to promote IPLOCA to companies within the pipeline industry.

Current members of the committee include Marcin Przywara (Chair), Roberto Castelli, Andre DeCastro, Michael Fakhoury, Leonardo Gravina, Jason LaValley, Somaieh Salehpour and Andrew Stuart. We aim to achieve our goals by promoting IPLOCA on social media, primarily on LinkedIn, where we have increased the number of our

Upcoming Events


IPLOCA Novel Construction Spring Session 2025 16-17 April – Palermo, Italy www.iploca.com/events/novel-construction-sessions/

IPLOCA Europe Central Regional Meeting

4 June – Krakow, Poland www.iploca.com/events/regional-meetings/

IPLOCA 57 th Annual Convention 15-19 September - Izmir, Türkiye www.iploca.com/events/annual-convention/

Important IPLOCA Dates

IPLOCA Scholarship Programme 15 March – Deadline for applications www.iploca.com/committees/scholarship-programme/

Health, Safety and Environmental Statistics for 2024 1 April – Deadline for submissions www.iploca.com/news-media/hse-statistics/

2025 IPLOCA Health & Safety Award 4 April – Deadline for submissions www.iploca.com/awards/health-safety-award/

2025 IPLOCA Corporate Social Responsibility Award 11 April – Deadline for submissions www.iploca.com/awards/csr-award/

2025 IPLOCA Quality Award 18 April – Deadline for submissions www.iploca.com/awards/quality-award/

followers by more than 1500 since April 2024. We also aim to highlight women working in member companies, showcasing their career development, current professional roles and perspectives in the industry.

One of our main goals is to encourage new members to join our organisation. As we are living in a world of globalisation with mergers of smaller companies with larger ones and acquisitions of companies by "giants," we need to expand IPLOCA by including manufacturers and suppliers of pipeline equipment and associated pipeline services who are not yet members, such as valve, fittings & pressure equipment manufacturers, I&C providers etc.

We are also exploring ways to include in our Association small start-ups that develop innovative products and technologies.

2025 IPLOCA New Technologies Award 25 April – Deadline for submissions www.iploca.com/awards/new-technologies-award/

Member News for IPLOCA Newsletter in June 25 April - Deadline for submissions newsletter@iploca.com

Other Events

PIG – The Pipeline Industries Guild 67 th Annual Dinner 11 March – London, U.K. www.pipeguild.com

Hannover Messe 31 March - 4 April – Hannover, Germany www.hannovermesse.de

Offshore Technology Conference

5-8 May – Houston, TX, U.S.A. 2025.otcnet.org

Pipeline Technology Conference

5-8 May - Berlin, Germany www.pipeline-conference.com

PLCAC 71st Annual Convention

25-28 May – Banff, Alberta, Canada pipeline.ca

IPLOCA Yearbook


Is your company info up to date?

The Yearbook is much more than a publication; it’s a reflection of a shared commitment as members of the IPLOCA Association, a global community of like-minded professionals working together for the advancement of our industry.

IPLOCA Media Partners

As a benefit of membership, IPLOCA members have the possibility to post industry articles through any of our

Benjamin Media

Trenchless Technology

3554 Brecksville Road Suite 200

Richfield, OH 44286


T +1 330 467 7588 E info@benjaminmedia.com trenchlesstechnology.com

Rob Krzys President & Publisher E robk@benjaminmedia.com

Gulf Energy Information

Pipeline & Gas Journal

Underground Infrastructure

2 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1020 Houston, TX 77046


T +1 713 520 4471 www.pgjonline.com www.undergroundinfrastructure.com

All content from the IPLOCA Yearbook is also available online at www.iploca.com/yearbook , and additional copies can be requested at www.iploca-yearbook.com

Calling IPLOCA Representatives to update their company information

We encourage all Key Representatives of IPLOCA member companies to take advantage of one of the features of our website, the Members Dashboard.

It allows you to edit your company profile, published on the IPLOCA website and the IPLOCA Yearbook, update your company’s contact persons’ information and add IPLOCA Newsletter recipients.

To do so, simply log in via the link at the top right-hand corner of our website. If you have forgotten your password or wish to create a new one, click on ‘lost your password?’

Should you need any assistance please contact support@iploca.com

Media Partners, as listed below. Should you have an interesting article you would like to share, please contact: eszter.czirjak@iploca.com .

John Royall President and CEO E john.royall@gulfenergyinfo.com

Jim Watkins European Sales Manager E jim.watkins@gulfenergyinfo.com

Mediapoint & Exhibitions Srl

Pipeline & Gas Expo GIS Expo

Corte Lambruschini

Corso Buenos Aires, 8 V° piano - interno 7 16129 Genoa

ITALY E info@mediapointsrl.it www.pipeline-gasexpo.it www.gisexpo.it

Fabio Potestà Director E info@mediapointsrl.it

Palladian Publications World Pipelines 15 South Street Farnham GU9 7QU

Surrey U.K.

T +44 1252 718 999 E mail@palladian-publications.com www.palladian-publications.com www.worldpipelines.com

Rod Hardy Director E rod.hardy@worldpipelines.com

Chris Lethbridge

Advertisement Manager E chris.lethbridge@worldpipelines.com

Elizabeth Corner Editor E elizabeth.corner@worldpipelines.com

IPLOCA Board of Directors 2024-2025


Yasar Giregiz

F ernas Construction Company

President Director, Europe Eastern

Saji Khoury

Consolidated Contractors Company

1st Vice President

Director, Middle East & Africa

Scholarship Committee Chair NextGen Network Project Lead

Bill Solomon

Vacuworx Global, LLC

2 nd Vice President Director, Associate Members

Roberto Castelli

Bonatti S.p.A.

Immediate Past President

Bruno Pomaré



Director, Europe Mediterranean

Executive Secretary

Georges Hage


Andrew Ball *

J. Murphy & Sons Limited Director-at-Large Energy Transition Committee Chair

Pablo Brottier SACDE

Director, Latin America

Benet Chan * CATERPILLAR Inc. Director-at-Large

Dean Cowling Michels Corporation Director, America North

Andre Decastro

Darby Equipment Company Inc. Director, Associate Members

Michael Fakhoury

Nesma & Partners Contracting Company UJSC Director, Middle East & Africa

Hakan Göral

Tekfen Insaat Ve Tesisat

Director, Europe Eastern Speakers Project Lead

Henk de Graaf * CRC Evans Director, Europe Northwest

Leonardo Gravina SICIM S.p.A. Director, Europe Mediterranean

Wilko Koop

De Romein Groep B.V. Director, Europe Northwest

Jason LaValley LaValley Industries Director, Associate Members

David Lukas

AJ Lucas Services Pty Ltd. Director, East & Far East

Risal Mahmud PEAL Engineering and Construction Limited Director, East & Far East

Giovanni Muriana MAX STREICHER S.p.A. Director, Europe Central HSE & CSR Committee Chair

Marcin Przywara

Gascontrol Polska Sp. z.o.o. Director, Europe Central Membership & Communication Committee Chair

Somaieh Salehpour * Seal For Life Industries Director-at-Large Innovation Committee Chair

Andrew Stuart * Winn & Coales International Ltd. Director-at-Large

Gerben Wansink * Maats Pipeline Professionals Director-at-Large

Kent Wilfur

Gulf Interstate Engineering Company

Director, America North Convention & Board Location Project Lead

* appointed by the Board of Directors

Back row left to right: Kent Wilfur, Marcin Przywara, David Lukas, Henk de Graaf, Andrew Stuart, Dean Cowling, Pablo Brottier, Hakan Göral, Gerben Wansink, Jason LaValley. Second row: Michael Fakhoury, Leonardo Gravina, Wilko Koop, Andrew Ball, Somaieh Salehpour, Andre Decastro, Giovanni Muriana, Benet Chan, Risal Mahmud. Front row: Roberto Castelli, Bill Solomon, Yasar Giregiz, Saji Khoury, Bruno Pomaré, Georges Hage.

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