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Annual Meeting November 18, 2010 9:30 – 13:00 Villa Valmer, Marseille

The second Annual Meeting of Founding Members and Partners for the Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) was held on November 18, 2010 in Marseille, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by Founding Members. The next Annual Meeting is foreseen to take place in a year’s time.

Annual Meeting November 18, 2010 9:30 – 13:00 Villa Valmer, Marseille Minutes On November 18, 2010, the second Annual Meeting of the Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) took place at the Villa Valmer in Marseille. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Shamshad Akhtar, Vice President, Middle East and North Africa Region, World Bank. Founding Members present at this meeting included H.E. Abdelhamid Triki, State Secretary, Tunisia, and co-chair of the CMI Strategic Council; Ambassador Mahmoud El Said, Executive Director of the Project Evaluation and Macroeconomic Analysis Center, Ministry of International Cooperation, Egypt; Mr. Monkid Mestassi, Secretary General, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Morocco and Mr. Mohammad Chafiki, Director of Studies and Foresight, Ministry of Finance, Morocco; Mr. Remi Genevey, Director, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), France; Mr. Laurent Vigier, Director of European and International Affairs, Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations (CDC); Mr. Ambroise Fayolle, World Bank/IMF Executive Director representing France; Mr. Arnaud Boulanger, French Treasury Directorate General, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, France; Mr. Emad Shana’ah, Head of EU Partnership Division, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Jordan; Mr. Abdelsattar Issa, General Consul and Doyen du Corps consulaire, Lebanon; and Mr. Philippe de Fontaine Vive, Vice President, European Investment Bank (EIB), and co-chair of the CMI Strategic Council. Other high ranking participants present included H.E. Ilan Chet, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean; Mr. Sid Ahmed Dib, representing Algeria and Alternate Executive Director for Maghreb countries at the World Bank; Mr. Ahmed Al-Salloum, Director General, AUDI; Ms. Cecile Molinier, Director, UNDP, Geneva; Mr. Agustin Rebollo, Diplomatic Counsellor, Unit for the Mediterranean, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Spain; Prof. Jean-Louis Reiffers, FEMISE; Mr. Busatti, Director, IOM France; Mr. Mr. Henri-Luc Thibaut, Director, Plan Bleu/UNEP; and Mr. Emmanuel Noutary, Director, ANIMA. Annex 1 provides the participant list. 1. The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming all Founding Members, Partners, and participants, and introduced the CMI’s 2010 Annual Report which highlights the work done over the last year and maps out the goals for 2011. Over the past year, CMI’s 5 clusters of 14 programs have delivered a range of activities in the areas of skills, employment and labor mobility; knowledge economy, innovation and technology; urban and spatial development; environment and water; and transport and logistics. Many of these knowledge sharing activities have taken place in countries in and around the Mediterranean—in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Syria. The CMI is now at an important juncture to help cross-fertilize knowledge in the Mediterranean region and in MENA. Regional integration is essential to help foster job creation and the private sector has a very important role to play in this area. Regional integration also requires practical partnerships that foster a culture that is open and conducive to the generation of knowledge, to broad-based learning and to evidencebased policy discussions. This is the reason why the CMI was established as a knowledge platform rooted in the region and driven by its founding governments—Egypt, France, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia— along with the EIB and the World Bank. The CMI is the World Bank’s first investment of this nature, and complements its Arab World Initiative, which promotes regional collaboration in the interest of development. The Chair added that the CMI’s governance bodies are supportive of CMI’s efforts. It is the joint responsibility of all stakeholders involved to work together to ensure CMI’s success. 2. The Director of the CMI provided an overview of the CMI’s activities during the past year. The CMI’s mission is to promote joint learning for regional integration. In terms of governance arrangements, the CMI’s 2

Oversight Committee has met 5 times by videoconference and has reviewed CMI’s programs, its overall budget, including approach to the use of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund, explored the possibility of secondments, and also reviewed the emerging partnership with the OCEMO. The Strategic Council has met three times to date, and has reviewed several clusters, in terms of their value added, timeliness, and ownership. The Director noted that two members, Ms. Rima Khalaf Hunaidi and Prof. Ghassan Salame, had asked to step down from the Strategic Council due to new work loads. He thanked them for their valuable contributions and welcomed two new members: Mr. Ahmed Benghazi and Mr. Assaad Jabre, who would join, following a review by the Oversight Committee. 3. The Director added that the CMI’s budget, including the Multi-Donor Trust Fund has developed as foreseen. Staff at the CMI currently number 24, including a number of new senior staff. Outreach and communication efforts are in place, including the CMI Web site (www.cmimarseille.org) and Newsletters. Next steps include greater program outreach and dialogue, as through the development of interactive web-based tools, as well as increased use of French and Arabic. The monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework, as outlined in the CMI’s Program Charter, provides a useful guide for evaluation. The logframes for the 14 programs are at the core of the Center’s work. Key issues for evaluation include: (1) program justification, in terms of whether the CMI programs add value and are cost effective; (2) demonstration of their impact, by innovations in knowledge—both generation and dissemination; and (3) overall relevance and the extent to which the Center is contributing to convergence in the region. Moving forward, the main challenge is to ensure program quality through their delivery and the leveraging of backward and forward linkages:  Backward linkages: Are the programs anchored in countries’/partners’ strategies and activities?  Forward linkages: Will the programs impact policy and investment choices?  Transformative: Are the Center’s programs sufficiently innovative to help accelerate policy response to employment and sustainability challenges? He added that the Center is embarking on work on advancing toward the knowledge economy for higher economic productivity, also as follow-up to the 2009 Tunis Conference. Another pportunity includes working with the Office de Coopération Économique pour la Mediterranée et l’Orient (OCEMO). CMI will also partner, as opportunities arise, with the Union for the Mediterranean, the Arab League, and the European Commission. 4. 

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In the discussion that followed: Founding Members and partners of the CMI expressed support of the CMI. Ambassador El Said of Egypt first took the floor and congratulated the CMI on the quality of its 2010 Annual Report. He referred to ongoing and positive discussions on the CMI programs at the Oversight Committee which is fully supportive of its programs, as well as of the emerging partnership with the OCEMO. He invited the enter to Egypt for a bilateral dialogue. Mr Chafiki from Morocco underlined his support for the CMI’s directions, and encouraged programs to focus on the challenges and opportunities of Mediterranean integration, as this would be important for CMI’s evaluation. Mr. Philippe de Fontaine Vive, EIB, underlined that in spite of the challenges of integration, the Mediterranean region represents a real opportunity for Europe, particularly in the context of slow economic growth. The CMI can offer another window of opportunity to the Barcelona process by providing sound upstream analysis to decision-makers. He added that at the CMI, knowledge is on the move and that the knowledge economy agenda should be a priority. He also acknowledged the high quality of the Annual Report, and CMI’s communication tools, such as the Web site and Newsletters. This observation was also echoed by Mr. Ambroise Fayolle, World Bank, who indicated that the presence of the MENA Vice President at this meeting was a strong sign of the World Bank’s support to the CMI. CMI programs should be geared towards demonstrating concrete results. With quick wins showcased, stakeholders will be able to advise on how to ensure continuity and future orientations. Mr. Remi Genevay, AFD, remarked that it was heartening to see that all of the CM’s 14 programs are moving ahead. What makes the CMI unique is the content of its programs, partnerships between 3

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institutions, and the involvement of Southern partners. Looking forward, the CMI should put forward its results and conclusions, which would make possible an evaluation in about a year’s time. Mr. Shana’ah, Government of Jordan, also congratulated the CMI on its splendid efforts, thanked the Director for the valuable presentation, and expressed interest in knowing more about the membership of the OCEMO, as well as the nature of coordination with the CMI and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). Mr. Ilan Chet, UfM, underlined the interest of the UfM to move synergistically with the CMI, especially on issues of higher education and research. Mr. Laurent Vigier, CDC, remarked that the CMI is a practical example of success, but that success is not enough for the sustainability of the Center. Programs must also make the connection to the underlying economic and human dynamics, and be demand driven. This would be a key measure of CMI’s success, and would contribute to its sustainability. He added that the CDC has decided to support the OCEMO in terms of both the governance mechanisms, as well as the budget. An important issue is the extent to which CMI can expand during the time of financial crisis, as underlined by Mr. Philippe de Fontaine Vive, EIB. Given the constraints, especially in the context of the current crisis, the CMI should invest in information, innovation, and implementation of high quality activities to ensure its future. Care should be taken to ensure that cooperation between the North and the South takes place on an equal footing, as indicated by Ms. Hanaa Kheir-el-Din, Egypt. Mr. Sid-Ahmed Dib, World Bank highlighted that the programs should continue to remain demand driven. Efforts should also be made to deepen the dialogue and engagement with countries from the South of the Mediterraenan, at both the bilateral and multilateral level. Doing so will help the CMI to retain visibility in the Mediterranean and demonstrate its uniqueness and value added as a platform for informing and refining public policy choices. Prof. Jean-Louis Reiffers, FEMISE, provided a quick summary of the OCEMO, in that it would bring together two EU-funded networks: FEMISE and Anima/Invest in Med. The Office would support a network for economic researchers, private sector investors, and institutions of learning, creating a platform to further enhance economic cooperation in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Mr. Busatti, Director, IOM France, highlighted that the issue of migration is of central importance in the Mediterranean. He mentioned possible work with the CMI on the impact of migration projects in the Mediterranean, as well as the potential for work with the OCEMO in this area. Mr. Monkid Mestassi, Morocco, added that the CMI should endeavor to disseminate and mainstream more systematically its analytical work among knowledge-driven institutions such as the OECD. Mr. Arnaud Boulanger, MINEFI, congratulated the CMI on the quality of the work that is highlighted in the Annual Report. In 2011, he looks forward to CMI’s partnership with the OCEMO, which he hopes would be productive for both institutions. Many partners also affirmed their desire to work more closely with the CMI, as for example, the Governments of Italy and Spain, as reaffirmed by Mr. Paolo De Nicolo and Mr. Agustin Rebello.Mr. Meinolf Spiekermann added that the GTZ is considering opening an office at the CMI to work on learning network for municipalities. Ms. Vanessa Kuzay, City of Marseille, expressed satisfaction that CMI welcomes the support provided by City of Marseille for the Center’s operations in terms of office space and facilities at the Villa Valmer. She hoped that this space would help to maximize synergies with other neighboring institutions, such as OIM, Plan Bleu, MedCities, UNDP, and the OCEMO. The CMI has also significantly added to the debate on Mediterranean integration in the Marseille area with the organization of a Consuls Day event in October 2010 and the contribution of several CMI programs to the Semaine Economique de la Mediterranée in Marseille. Mr. Emmanuel Noutary, Anima underlined the role that the CMI plays and should continue to play in mobilizing local and on-the-ground actors beyond the traditional sphere, such as professional 4

associations, chambers of commerce, businesses, and municipalities, as through their networks, they can help to spread knowledge and maximize CMI’s outreach and impact. 5. The above discussion concluded the first part of the agenda for the Annual Meeting, which included the reception of the Annual Report. 6. Mr. Philippe de Fontaine Vive, Co-Chair of the Strategic Council (SC), then began the second part of the Annual meeting by updating participants on the strategic directions for the CMI. The SC is composed of academics, thinkers, as well as representatives from the private sector who are key champions in taking forward the CMI’s agenda. The CMI is different and original, in terms of three i’s: its identity, in that it is an inter-institutional platform for knowledge sharing; it is innovative, in that each program tries to innovate to retrigger the “Mediterranean reflex”; and its integrative in nature, in so far as it works to promote regional integration. The SC offered the following directions for the CMI: strengthen and consolidate the 14 programs and generate synergies; enhance external communications—the Co-Chair of the SC exhorted participants to become an ambassador of the CMI; and reach out to new partners, especially with a view to the 2011 assessment of the Center. He added that the SC would also supervise the independent assessment of the CMI in the coming year. This was followed by a presentation by the Director of the Center on the progress and challenges for the programs. 7. The Chair thanked Founding Members, partners, the Strategic Council, and friends of the CMI for their observations and support, which is taken to heart with great humility. But there is no room for complacency and the CMI will be hard at work in the coming year to show concrete results. She then summarized ten main points of the discussion: i. ii. iii. iv.

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The CMI should be demand-driven in its approach, responding to the demands of stakeholders, especially from the South. The CMI’s deliveries should be practical and project-oriented. Greater involvement of the private sector in the Center’s activities will be key to catalyzing the regional integration process. The CMI should endeavor to define the substantive nature of its partnerships with existing and emerging institutions, as for example, the Union for the Mediterranean and the OCEMO. Leadership and effective participation of the southern partners in the CMI and in the Strategic Council is important so that their concerns and support can be voiced. It is also important to have an open and candid discussion of the overall governance arrangements of the CMI. Continue to increase CMI’s communication and outreach efforts in the Mediterranean. The Center should continue to design, develop and deliver a range of activities that encourage the exchange of knowledge, that bring participants around the table, and that lead to effective crossfertilization of ideas among various stakeholders. It is important to continue to coordinate with the principal coordination agencies in the client countries. Reflecting on the fiscal constraints, there is a concern regarding resource management for the future. The World Bank is looking at the modalities of Reimbursable Technical Assistance. It may be useful for the CMI to look at this model for the sustainability of the Center. The World Bank is committed to the CMI, as evidenced by the participation of two of its Executive Directors. The Chair also acknowledged the high level Ministerial participation at the Meeting. In 2011, the CMI should reflect on the monitoring and assessment of its work. Looking ahead to the 2011 Annual Meeting, this would be the time when guidance would be sought for the future of the CMI, going beyond the current MoU which ends on June 30, 2012.

8. The CMI will circulate the minutes to the Members and the Strategic Council. After review, these will be shared by the Director of the CMI with all participants. The agenda, program, and presentations made at this Annual Meeting will also be provided as attachments. 5

Annex 1: List of Participants



Ambassador Mahmoud EL SAID Executive Director of the Project Evaluation and Macroeconomic Analysis Unit Ministry of International Cooperation melsaid@pema.gov.eg

Mr. Emad SHANA’AH Head of EU Partnership Division International Cooperation Department Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Emad.Shanaah@mop.gov.jo


Mr. Arnaud BOULANGER French Treasury Directorate General Arnaud.boulanger@dgtresor.gouv.fr

Mr. Abdel-Sattar ISSA Consul Général du Liban à Marseille c_lib_marseille@yahoo.fr

Mr. Rémi GENEVEY Directeur, Conseiller du Directeur Général Agence Française de Développement (AFD) geneveyr@afd.fr

MOROCCO Mr. Monkid MESTASSI Secrétaire Général Ministère Délégué auprès du Premier Ministre Chargé des Affaires Economiques et Générales mestassi@affaires-generales.gov.ma

Mr. Etienne VIARD Head of the Mediterranean Department Agence Française de Développement (AFD) viarde@afd.fr Mr. Laurent VIGIER Head of the International Department Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) laurent.vigier@caissedesdepots.fr

Mr. Mohammad CHAFIKI Directeur des Etudes et des Prévisions Financières Ministère des finances et de la privatisation chafiki@depf.finances.gov.ma

Mr. Bernard VIDEAU Head of the Africa and Middle East Unit Ministère de l'Écologie, de l'Énergie, du Développement durable et de la Mer bernard.videau@developpementdurable.gouv.fr

TUNISIA H.E. Mr. Abdelhamid TRIKI Secrétaire d'Etat auprès du Ministre du Développement et de la Coopération Internationale Chargé de la Coopération Internationale et de l'Investissement Extérieur s.etat@mdci.gov.tn




Mr. Philippe de FONTAINE VIVE Vice President European Investment Bank p.defontainevive@eib.org

Ms. Shamshad AKHTAR Vice President, MNA Region sakhtar@worldbank.org Mr. Robert L. FLOYD Operations Manager World Bank Institute rfloyd@worldbank.org

Mr. Henry MARTY-GAUQUIÉ Director Liaison with International Organisations European Investment Bank EIB Group Representative in Paris h.marty@bei.org

EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS OF THE WORLD BANK -REPRESENTATIVES OF GOVERNMENTS Mr. Ambroise FAYOLLE World Bank/IMF Executive Director representing France International Monetary Fund/World Bank afayolle@worldbank.org

Mr. Sid Ahmed DIB Alternate Executive Director for Maghreb countries World Bank Sdib@worldbank.org

STRATEGIC COUNCIL MEMBERS Mr. Abdelhamid TRIKI (co-chair) Secrétaire d'Etat auprès du Ministre du Développement et de la Coopération Internationale Chargé de la Coopération Internationale et de l'Investissement Extérieur Tunis, Tunisia s.etat@mdci.gov.tn

Mr. Gerd LEIPOLD Former Executive Director of Greenpeace International Amsterdam, The Netherlands Gerd.leipold@gmail.com Ms. Hanaa KHEIR-EL-DIN Professor of Economics and Former Executive Director and Director of Research of ECES Cairo University Egypt hanaaked@gmail.com

Mr. Philippe DE FONTAINE VIVE (co-chair) Vice President European Investment Bank Luxembourg defontainevive@bei.org

Mr. Jean-Louis REIFFERS Président du Conseil Scientifique Femise Marseille, France jl.reiffers@femise.org

Mr. Ahmed ABDELKEFI President and Director General Tunisie Leasing and Factoring / Tuninvest Tunis, Tunisia ahmedabdelkefi.tval@gnet.tn




Mr. Sid Ahmed DIB Alternate Executive Director for Algeria World Bank Sdib@worldbank.org

Mr. Paolo De Nicolo Consul Générale d’Italie in Marseille consolegenerale.marsiglia@esteri.it SPAIN


Mr. Agustin REBOLLO Diplomatic Counsellor Unit for the Mediterranean, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Marid, Spain agustin.rebollo@maec.es

Mr. Meinolf SPIEKERMANN Program Director CoMun – Coopération des Villes et des Municipalités au Maghreb Coopération Technique Allemande (GTZ) GmbH meinolf.spiekermann@gtz.de PARTNERS - INTERNATIONAL O RGANIZATIONS AGENCE FRANCAISE DE DEVELOPPEMENT

Mr. Ibrahim AL-TURKI Executive Director MENA Child and Youth Initiative-AUDI ialturki@menacpi.org

Mr. Dominique ROJAT Chef de Division, Formation AFD/CEFEB rojatd@afd.fr


Mr. Frederic MAUREL Division Eau et Assainissement (DTO) AFD maurelf@afd.fr

Ms. Pascale CHABRILLAT Head of International Cooperation and Mediterranean Unit pchabrillat@ caissedesdepots.fr

Ms. Jocelyne VAUQUELIN Coordonnatrice Programme AFD (DTO) au CMI AFD vauquelinj@afd.fr

Mr. Pierre-Marie VILLETTE Project officer – International Cooperation and Mediterranean Unit pierre-marie.villette@caissedesdepots.fr



Mr. Emmanuel NOUTARY Director emmanuel.noutary@anima.coop

Mr. Hervé de TARADE Grands Projets et Développement Intermodal CMA-CGM HO Marseilles Marseille, France ho.hdetarade@cma-cgm.com

ARAB URBAN DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (AUDI) Mr. Ahmed AL-SALLOUM Director General alsalloum@araburban.org


CONSORTIUM EURO-MEDITERRANEEN-FRANCE Mr. Loic OROFINO Project Manager loic.orofino@univmed.fr

INSTITUT DE LA MEDITERANNEE Ms. Shahla LASSUS Institut de la Méditerannée s.lassus@ins-med.org

EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (EIB) Mr. Philippe GUINET Technical Advisor p.guinet@eib.org

INSTITUT DES HAUTES ETUDES SUR LES NATIONS UNIES Mr. Pierre-Jean GIRE President pierre-jean.gire@univmed.fr

Mr. Guy FLEURET Senior Economist g.fleuret@eib.or


Mr. Manuel Fernandez RIVEIRO fernandm@eib.org

Mr. Pierre EWENCZYK pewenczyk@imf.org



Mr. François ARNAUD Chef du bureau d'information du Parlement european pour le sud-est francois.arnaud@europarl.europa.eu

Mr. Maurizio BUSSATI Director mbusatti@iom.int

Ms. Emmanuelle DEGUFFROY emmanuelle.deguffroy@europarl.europa.eu

Ms. Ana PEREZ Chargée de Mission aperez@iom.int

ETF- EUROPEAN TRAINING FOUNDATION (ETF) Mr. Mounir BAATI Operations Department Mounir.Baati@etf.europa.eu

ISESCO Ms. Maha MEREZAK Specialist of Human and Social Sciences merzak.maha@hotmail.com



Mr. Alexandre Sorrentino Strategic Foresight Alexandre.sorrentino@euromediterranee.fr

Mr. Joan PARPAL Secretary General Desurb@amb.cat

FEMISE Mr. Jean-Louis REIFFERS Président du Conseil Scientifique Femise jl.reiffers@femise.org


Mr. Frederic BLANC Directeur Général f.blanc@femise.org


UNDP Ms. Cecile MOLINIER Director, Geneva Office UNDP Office in Geneva cecile.molinier@undp.org

Mr. Harry COCCOSSIS Sustainable Development Consultant United Nations Environment Programme, Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) harry.voccossis@unepmap.gr

UCLG COMMISSION MÉDITERRANÉE Ms. Laurence GRIETTE UCLG Commission Méditerranée l.griette@commed-cglu.org

UNIDO Mr. Jean-Claude PLANA Head UNIDO Office in Marseille j.plana@unido.org

UNION FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN (UFM) Mr. Ilan CHET Deputy Secretary General Higher Education and Research Division info@ufmsecretariat.org

VILLE DE MARSEILLE Ms. Vanessa KUZAY Chargée de mission, Direction des Affaires Internationales Ville de Marseille vkuzay@mairie-marseille.fr

UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM/MEDITERRANEAN ACTION PLAN (UNEP/MAP) Mr. Henri-Luc THIBAUT Director, Plan Bleu/UNEP hlthibault@planbleu.org INDEPENDENT Mr. Zeine OULD ZEIDANE Former Prime Minister of Mauritania zzeidane@yahoo.fr


Ms. Myriam BENRAAD m.benraad@eib.org

Ms. Anuja UTZ Autz@worldbank.org

Ms. Mona YAFI myafi@worldbank.org

Ms. Nathalie ABU ATA nabuata@worldbank.org

Ms. Soumia DRIOUCH sdriouch@worldbank.org

Mr. Olivier LAVINAL olavinal@worldbank.org

Ms. Loraine FALCONETTI lfalconetti@worldbank.org

Ms. Jocelyne VAUQUELIN vauquelinj@afd.org

Ms. Silvia DUMITRU sdumitru1@worldbank.org


Mr. Jean-Eric AUBERT jaubert@worldbank.org

Ms. Nada TARBUSH ntarbush@worldbank.org

Mr. Tamer TAHA telsayedtaha@worldbank.org


Mr. Yann POUGET ypouget@worldbank.org

Ms. Adriana JARAMILLO ajaramillo@worldbank.org

Ms. Eva GAUBERT egaubert@worldbank.org

Ms. Manar SABRY msabry@worldbank.org

Ms. Aouatef KHEMIRI akhemiri@worldbank.org

URBAN AND SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT (UD) Ms. Pascale CHABRILLAT pchabrillat@ caissedesdepots.fr

Ms. Candice LE TOURNEUR cletourneur@worldbank.org

Ms. Maryse GAUTIER Maryse.gautier@caissedesdepots.fr

Mr. Pierre-Marie VILLETTE pierre-marie.villette@caissedesdepots.fr

Mr. Guy FLEURET g.fleuret@eib.org

ENVIRONMENT AND WATER (EW) Mr. Sergio MARGULIS smargulis@worldbank.org

Mr. Frédéric MAUREL maurelf@afd.fr

Mr. Gilles PIPIEN gpipien@worldbank.org

Mr. Guillaume MEYSSONNIER gmeyssonnier@worldbank.oRG


Ms. Najet TENOUTIT ntenoutit@worldbank.org

Mr. Guy Fleuret g.fleuret@eib.or


TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS (T1) Mr. Manuel Fernandez RIVEIRO fernandm@eib.org Ms. Geeda HADDAD g.haddad@eib.orG



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