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Annual Meeting November 29, 2011 9:30 - 14:00 Villa Valmer, Marseille

The third Annual Meeting of Founding Members and Partners of the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) was held on November 29, 2011 in Marseille, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by Founding Members. In accordance with the agenda: 1. Receiving the 2011 Annual Report The CMI 2011 Annual Report was presented and received by the meeting 2. Discussing the independent assessment of the CMI The independent assessment Report was presented and discussed. 3. Endorsing a strategic approach The Annual Meeting was presented and discussed the proposed Approach Paper for CMI 2.0. which was endorsed by the Founding Members of the Center. Ms. Inger Andersen, Chair of the Annual Meeting, concluded with the following next steps in implementing the decision on moving forward with CMI 2.0: - Maintaining the status of the CMI as an informal collaborative platform where the legal personality of each partner institution is kept and respected. - Clarifying how Founding Members and partners will bring forward a renewed commitment for the CMI within their respective institutions by February/March 2012. - Bringing forward the value added of the CMI whereby messages and policy options are put forth to both the Northern and the Southern countries of the Mediterranean, such as in the Trade and FDI report. - Developing a stronger common vision and support programs that are transformational in nature for the region. - Maintaining a certain degree of flexibility in the CMI work program as the Arab region and Europe are both undergoing rapid change. - Ensuring that CMI programs cover the entire range of countries in the South of the Mediterranean including the Mashreq and Maghreb. The next Annual Meeting of the CMI is foreseen to take place in a year’s time.

Annual Meeting November 29, 2011 9:30 - 14:00 Villa Valmer, Marseille Minutes On November 29, 2011, the third Annual Meeting of the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) took place at the Villa Valmer in Marseille. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Inger Andersen, Vice President, Middle East and North Africa Region, World Bank. Founding Members present at this meeting included Ambassador Mahmoud El Said, Executive Director of the Project Evaluation and Macroeconomic Analysis Center, Ministry of International Cooperation, Egypt; Mr. Alain Bifani, Ministry of Finance, Lebanon; Mr. Monkid Mestassi, Secretary General, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Morocco and Mr. Mohammad Chafiki, Director of Studies and Foresight, Ministry of Finance, Morocco; Mr. Remi Genevey, Director, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), France; Mr. Laurent Vigier, Director of European and International Affairs, Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations (CDC); Mr. Ambroise Fayolle, World Bank/IMF Executive Director representing France; Mr. Raphaël Bello, French Treasury Directorate General, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, France; Mr. Nicolas Frelot, French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs; Mr. Bernard Videau, French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing; Mr. Serge Telle, Ambassador, Union for the Mediterranean ; Mr. Philippe de Fontaine Vive, Vice President, European Investment Bank (EIB), and co-chair of the CMI Strategic Council; and Mr. Ahmed Benghazi, Axis Capital, and co-chair of the CMI Strategic Council. Members of the CMI’s Oversight Committee and program partners also attended the meeting. Other participants present at the meeting included Mr. Bill Schall, United States Department of Treasury; Mr. Joan Borrel, Ministry of External Affairs and Cooperation, Spain; Mr. Jose Luis Mombru, DFC, Spain; Mr. Francesco Leone, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy; Mr. Meinholf Spiekermann, German Technical Cooperation (GIZ); Mr. Sid Ahmed Dib, representing Algeria and Alternate Executive Director for Maghreb countries at the World Bank; Mr. Abdelsattar Issa, General Consul and Doyen du Corps consulaire, Lebanon; Ms. Cecile Molinier, Director, UNDP, Geneva ; Ms. Petra Menander Ahman, Secretary to the Deauville IFI Coordination Platform, African Development Bank; Mr. Ahmed Al-Salloum, Director General, AUDI; Mr. Christian Jouret, Advisor, European External Action Service, European Union; Prof. Jean-Louis Reiffers, FEMISE; Mr. Christian Averous , Vice President, Plan Bleu/UNEP; Mr. Joan Parpal, Secretary General, MEDCITIES; Ms. Pascale Chabrillat, Director, OCEMO; Ms. Ana Perez, IOM; Ms. Luciana Uchoa, UNIDO; and Ms. Vanessa Kuzay, City of Marseille. Annex 1 provides the participant list. 1. Ms. Inger Andersen, Chair of the CMI Annual Meeting, welcomed all Members, Partners, and participants at this third annual meeting. The high level of participation shows the commitment to the Center and the importance of its role in the region. There have been extraordinary changes that have occurred since the last Annual Meeting; the time is now ripe to see what is going well, what we can do better, and to put our shoulders to the wheel to adjust to the new regional context. The CMI is a platform for partnership, dialogue and profound discussion, and for study. It is a place for open exchange amongst many stakeholders—from government, civil society, academia, researchers, and the private sector. The CMI should have the ability to convene, to issue reports and to bring together northern and southern stakeholders around issues of importance for the MENA region.


The 2011 Annual Report highlights the 17 programs in 5 clusters that reflect the priorities of the region, the most pressing one of which is related to the creation of jobs. The independent assessment that was recently conducted by DFC provides an opportunity to take stock of the CMI’s role and achievements and to discuss strategic directions and implementation arrangements. The CMI is an extraordinary platform, an honest broker that can bring together policies, interventions, and different views. She highlighted the agenda: presentation of the Annual Report; presentation of the independent assessment; and discussion of the approach paper for ‘CMI 2.0’. 2. The Chair then gave the floor to Mr. Ahmed Benghazi, co-chair of the Strategic Council. Mr. Benghazi mentioned that this was the first annual meeting he had attended as he joined the CMI just after the Tunisian revolution. The CMI is a unique platform that brings together different profiles from the northern and the southern rim of the Mediterranean. The impact of the CMI should be assessed on its capacity to make things move in a concrete and measurable way. The programs led by the Center should lead to practical recommendations in specific fields as well as on more global issues. He added that the MENA region is at a dramatic turning point. The political framework is going through major changes that will impact the management of economic policies as well as the way North-South development policies are shaped. The cooperation between northern and southern countries of the Mediterranean has contributed to economic development of Arab countries but was based on weak political governance. The challenge today is to build development policies based on democratic processes. 3. Mr. Philippe de Fontaine Vive, Vice President of the European Investment Bank mentioned that over the past year, the CMI has acted concretely and delivered various programs. Four themes of major importance for the future have been identified: (i) employment and social protection; (ii) urban development; (iii) environment and water; (iv) knowledge economy. The mandate given to the CMI by the Deauville Partnership is important. This work will have large visibility and will therefore challenge the intellectual reputation of the Center. It will only succeed if it reflects the aspirations of the region and support the new democracies in their quest for employment and growth. The CMI 2.0 will give renewed impetus to this common initiative. Moving forward, the Center will need to be more operational, gain new legitimacy in southern countries, and be open, also to more European countries (Italy, Spain, other Northern European countries) and to new organizations, if possible by June 2012. 4. Mr. Mats Karlsson, Director, CMI, introduced the CMI’s 2011 Annual Report by placing it in its context: the Arab Spring and the fall of authoritarian regimes which underlines the need for more efficient and open governance, social justice, greater regional collaboration and better jobs, especially for young people, all of which constitute the raison d’être of the CMI. The CMI is not a start-up anymore but a more mature platform. CMI’s foundational programs are delivering results and the Center is now open to new subjects and to new partnerships. The mandate given to the Center by the Deauville Partnership to lead a work on trade and foreign direct investment in collaboration with the World Bank and the Islamic Development Bank will give it more visibility and more legitimacy. It also shows the aptitude of the Center to lead beyond program activities. The CMI is also starting new programs on knowledge-economy, social protection, and water scarcity. It will continue to be a collaborative platform encouraging knowledge sharing and joint learning for evidence-based public policies. CMI has also welcomed new partners in the past year. MoUs were signed with the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), the Amman Institute for Urban Development (Ai), and the Office de Coopération Économique pour la Méditerranée et l’Orient (OCEMO). It is also open to new country, as well as new partnering institutions such as the EBRD and research centers. 3

Forty-four knowledge sharing events were held in the past year, about half of which took place in southern countries. The CMI went from having 5 staff in June 2009 and the Villa Valmer houses 37, including 5 from OCEMO. It has also welcomed Mr. Zeine Zidane as a new senior advisor as well as several interns who will all be future ambassadors of the CMI. CMI works on its programs as well as on beyond-program activities such as the G8 dialogue between civil society organizations that took place in May 2011 and the series of high-level meetings of economists held to discuss knowledge economy, trade integration and investment needs. The reflection on CMI 2.0 should lead us to determine how much effort we want to put on the programs and how much we want to put on the beyond program activities. The CMI has made efforts to improve its communication tools. A new website with multimedia, video hosting, slideshows and pictures from CMI events has been launched, and many programs now use ecommunity tools. The CMI has a new line of publications, with four reports released since April 2010. The CMI budget, including financing from the World Bank, the multi-donor trust fund (MDTF) and contributions from partners, has increased from $18 million to $28 million over the three year planning horizon, reflecting increasing partner support. Expenses for FY 10-11 were of $11.4 million. After a slow start, the MDTF is now fully allocated. As requested by the MoU, an independent assessment of the CMI was carried out in 2011 with the objective of providing inputs for new strategic directions and implementation arrangements. Next steps include (i) signing a new MoU for the post-June 2012 era; (ii) agreeing on strategic approach for CMI 2.0; (iii) and defining the strategic content of clusters, programs and beyond-program activities. 5. •

The interventions and presentation led to dialogue: Mr. Monkid Mestassi, in charge of economic affairs for the prime minister of Morocco, said that the CMI should have more visibility in southern countries. Partners should be regularly informed of the ongoing work and important documentation should be sent in a timely manner. Mr. Serge Telle, Ambassador, Union for the Mediterranean, France insisted that the strategic approach of the CMI question the way states are governed. Economic and public policies are experiencing radical changes; the CMI should be evolving in such a space.

6. The Chair moved on to the second agenda item related to the independent assessment of the CMI. Mr. José-Luis Mombrú, Team Leader from the DFC group in Barcelona presented the results of the assessment. The work was carried out during two months and produced two main outputs: the assessment report and the strategic note. It aimed at assessing the extent to which the CMI is achieving its overall objective: “where knowledge and experiences are shared and solutions to common problems are identified and discussed”. The assessment notes that the CMI is a unique platform for communities of practice to achieve a level of dialogue which is not linked to financing situations and where Northern and Southern approaches become compatible. The Center has satisfactorily fulfilled the objectives it was set up to achieve. It has shown prompt reaction to the Arab Spring, which should lead to a re-positioning of its activities. CMI has also well satisfied Members’ and Partners’ expectations despite their differences. This is likely to become more difficult as donors will want to evaluate the added value of channeling funds through CMI compared with their own direct funding. But the CMI is active in a very crowded sector. It therefore needs to focus on its main competitive advantage, differentiating itself from other institutions offering similar products. The Deauville communiqué is an important event in the life of the CMI that will hopefully raise its political profile and further enhance its networking capacity, particularly in the Gulf and other Arab areas. At this stage, the assessors consider that CMI’s role should be one of coordinating studies and organizing events 4

related to them. The CMI will also need to decide whether it wants to go deeper into influencing trade and investment policies. Thus, as it enters a more complex environment, they recommend the following: • Develop an organizational structure and associated procedures to clarify the distribution of roles and responsibilities amongst staff and to increase the efficiency of its operations. • Conduct more events in the Southern rim which would help to reinforce ownership of CMI programs by stakeholders from the South. • Focus on dissemination activities at the program level in a targeted way to enhance visibility and awareness of CMI in the Southern rim. • Review the organization of CMI’s governing bodies to avoid overlaps. Consideration should be given to voting procedures for some key decisions at the governing bodies. Representatives of different segments of the society from Member countries and main partners should have a more balanced weight in these governing bodies. • Work on CMI’s organization and management, including preparing a mid-term strategic plan, hiring a “Secretaire General”, and developing an internal manual of procedures. 7. •

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In the following discussion, the following points were raised: Ms. Inger Andersen stressed three points among the many recommendations put forth by the assessors: o CMI should not duplicate work done by members or what has been done by others; o CMI’s products should be different from other traditional products; o Attention should be placed on improving the governance of the Center. Ms. Cecile Molinier, UNDP, suggested that that the strategic note should include partnership with non conventional stakeholders like decentralized bodies and civil society representatives and international organizations, as they will play a key role in the democratization process. Ambassador Mahmoud El Said praised the professionalism of the Annual Report and the work done by the CMI team. He also referred to the assessment report and said that the finalization process of the report should have been more transparent. However, it revealed several points that need to be urgently addressed. First, CMI should stick to its original mandate. CMI’s uniqueness and valueadded is not in its business arrangement or members but should be in its tools, outputs, outcomes, and impact. Second, he stressed that programs should be stream-lined and demand-driven, according to the needs of members from the South. Third, there must be a balance in holding activities in both North and South Mediterranean countries on one hand, and between the Mashreq and Maghreb countries on the other. He also stated that the approach paper was acceptable as a basis for intensive discussions in the coming weeks and that CMI should be given the resources needed and undergo institutional reform for better governance and performance. Finally, he referred to the report requested by the Deauville partnership be expedited in order to provide assistance to countries of the Arab Spring when it is really needed. Mr. Laurent Vigier, CDC, welcomed the DFC assessment in the present context. The CMI should have stronger anchor in southern countries and work to achieve concrete results for evidence based public policies. Ms. Zoubida Allaoua, World Bank, added that to increase visibility, the CMI should consolidate the ongoing programs and increase their outreach before extending to new ones. Mr. Mohammad Chafiki, Morocco, noted that the legitimacy of the Center was not in question. There is a need to clarify the identity of the Center. The Center’s first mission is to formulate a vision for the Mediterranean. Its role is also therefore political. The actual context should lead it to more institutional innovation. Mr. Alain Bifani, Lebanon, remarked that the Center needs to be flexible in order to be able to react promptly to change. CMI’s added value is its governance structure and its opening to the political priorities of both the Northern and the Southern rims of the Mediterranean. The CMI should aim at putting forward common positions rather than individual ones. 5

8. The Director of the CMI then moved on to the third item of the agenda: Towards CMI 2.0 and provided a brief retrospective as to the evolution of the CMI programs, institutional changes scheduled until March 2012, as well as CMI’s new strategic focus. An Approach paper has been prepared under the responsibility of the Oversight Committee to shape issues moving forward that has been discussed with CMI staff and with OC and SC members. The Approach paper is not about whether the CMI continues, but is about how it should continue. The paper lays out seven points: value-added of CMI programs, engagement with members and dialogue, governance, organization, program quality and impact, communications, and financing plan. As the region is progressively moving with newly elected governments, the CMI is committed to respond with dialogue and knowledge on issues of importance including: trade and investment, knowledge economy, green growth/Sustainable Med, social protection and social justice, urban development, local empowerment, and spatial equity, and civil society and youth. Ties with the private sector, civil society, new regional initiatives and partnerships will be sought building on each other’s comparative advantages. 9. •

Participants were then invited to comment. In the discussion that followed: Mr. Raphaël Bello, France, reiterated the support and engagement of France vis-à-vis the CMI in the short and medium term, including through financial support. He stressed that coordination was a key aspect of the CMI’s work, both with countries and with multilateral and bilateral development institutions. The identity of the CMI is still being built but the comparative advantage of the CMI rests in its ability to formulate advice to policy makers and in its ability to produce concrete analytical products in close coordination with countries. He offered France’s readiness to mobilize financial institutions to support the formulation of public policies. Mr. Monkid Mestassi, Morocco, recognized the key role of the CMI and stressed that Morocco was one of the first countries to join the CMI. This is a testimony of the significance its country gives to the CMI and to its work. On the $38 billion from the Deauville Partnership, he requested further clarification, and stressed that this financial support should not be tied to specific conditions for reforms from donors. On the trade and FDI report commissioned by the Deauville Partnership, he highlighted his country’s support on the preparation of the report but cautioned that this work is being done in a context of severe economic crisis in Europe. Trade reforms in Southern countries need to be accompanied by similar efforts from countries in the North, taking into account the new priorities in the South. He also stressed the important link between investments and growth giving the example of the food price crisis in Morocco, where the hike in food prices is forcing the government to be more reactive than proactive in the management and governance of its economy. It has put aside compensation funds from the state budget for the poorest segments of the population that are most vulnerable to sudden price increases but these funds take away significant resources to support growth policies, with implications in terms of fewer jobs and less growth. Mr. Sid Ahmed Dib, Executive Director for Algeria at the World Bank, while recognizing that the CMI is still a nascent institution, stressed the need for further work with civil society organizations. He indicated that further discussion was needed to find a balance between the stated CMI objectives of support towards the formulation of public policies and specific demands emanating from countries in the South of the Mediterranean for concrete outputs expressed during consultations held as part of the assessment work. Mr. Remi Genevey, AFD, pointed to the undeniable success of the CMI and praised the fact that it has been able to adapt itself to unprecedented new circumstances. However, the CMI should not be an addition of distinct programs; rather greater attention should be given to supporting linkages and synergies between programs as the value added of the CMI. In that respect, the Coordination Unit should continue to play its role in fostering more communications between programs. Mr. Carlos Braga, World Bank, shared with the audience his experience as former Manager of InfoDev and of the Development Gateway, two initiatives with similar characteristics to the CMI. He praised the new mandate on trade and FDI tasked to the CMI as a unique opportunity for greater 6

visibility for the Center but underlined the need to find a balance between taking on new tasks while retaining some flexibility. The CMI needs to agree on a “common language”, which incorporates priorities and demands from both the South and the North. Mr. Ambroise Fayolle, Executive Director for France at the World Bank, indicated that the assessment of the CMI was very positive and expressed satisfaction as to the CMI achievements during that period under the leadership of Mats Karlsson. He stressed that the CMI is an integral component of the World Bank strategy in the MENA region and encouraged the World Bank’s MENA Vice President to make greater use of this platform for future work as the Arab Spring reinforces the role of the CMI as a space for dialogue. Ms. Cecile Molinier, UNDP, echoed the above comment and praised the work done by the CMI and congratulated the teams for their achievements. The assessment confirmed the value added of the CMI as a network of networks and on its capacity to deliver results. The CMI needs to keep attuned to the needs of countries from the South, particularly in the new political context. Mr. Joan Parpal, Medcities, mentioned the concrete work underway in a few cities by the CMI’s urban programs. He stressed the importance of working closely with local actors, to better reflect their needs in CMI programs and to develop closer ties with Southern partners in the region. Mr. Philippe de Fontaine Vive, EIB, praised the work of the CMI and confirmed EIB’s involvement and representation at the CMI looking ahead. He highlighted the need to establish stronger relations with southern countries and partners in order for donors to justify a renewed commitment to the CMI, including financial support. With regard to the on-going political changes in the region, he recognized that Europe had its share of responsibility and that with the Euro debt crisis, Europe was an additional source of crisis for the southern Mediterranean countries. In response to the assessors with regards to the clarification of the governance of the CMI, Mr. de Fontaine Vive expressed the view that the Oversight Committee’s role should be strengthened to reflect its dual responsibility to supervise the Center’s management and endorse strategic guidance. As co-chair of the Strategic Council, he reminded the audience that the Strategic Council’s role was to give strategic orientations to the Centre and its programs. He also suggested that the CMI establish a closer relationship with civil Society networks such as the OCEMO. Mr. Mohamed Chafiki, Morocco, highlighted that CMI’s work can be a major reference for countries in the South on themes such as the Knowledge Economy. The CMI should focus its work on both rims of the Mediterranean, as this region remains one of the least integrated regions in the world. However, the challenge today is how to mobilize additional funding including from countries in the South with shrinking budgets. On the CMI’s work, the 5 thematic clusters remain priorities for the region and it is important to build a common language and vision around them with selected priorities. It is key that the CMI generates top-notch quality work while keeping a certain degree of autonomy in its work. Moving forward and given the current political changes in the region, he suggested that the CMI programs further take into consideration the critical dimension of fundamental and basic human rights. He recommended that the CMI programs draw more from the work of the OC members, ensure greater southern participation, and continue to build partnerships. Mr. Serge Telle also stressed the responsibility of the CMI to ensure that countries and actors from both sides of the Mediterranean adopt a common language and vision to avoid unidirectional policy orientations. It is yet unclear for now to know what economic model the new political parties will adopt. Therefore, for the time being, it is important to consider the entire spectrum of human rights and how this can be applied to CMI programs.

10. In her closing remarks, Ms. Inger Andersen thanked all participants for the richness of the discussion, including the presentation by the assessment team from DFC, Barcelona. She highlighted the uniqueness of the CMI as a network of networks with no political affiliation and as a platform for dialogue for countries and partner institutions around the Mediterranean. New key actors are also emerging in the region such as youth. She recognized the key issues related to the identity of the CMI and to its continuity in light of the desire that the CMI cover the many topics of interest to the region. 7

On CMI 2.0, she summarized the main conclusions of the meeting: 1. The Annual Meeting was presented with and discussed the proposed Approach Paper for CMI 2.0. which was endorsed by the Founding Members of the Center. 2. There is need to: - Maintaining the status of the CMI as an informal collaborative platform where the legal personality of each partner institution is kept and respected. - Clarifying how Founding Members and partners will bring forward a renewed commitment for the CMI within their respective institutions by February/March 2012. - Bring forward the value added of the CMI whereby messages and policy options are put forth to both the Northern and the Southern countries of the Mediterranean, such as in the Trade and FDI report. - Develop a stronger common vision and support programs that are transformational in nature for the region. - Maintain a certain degree of flexibility in the CMI work program as the Arab region and Europe are both undergoing rapid change. - Ensure that CMI programs cover the entire range of countries in the South of the Mediterranean including the Mashreq and Maghreb. She ended by saying that the CMI is truly a “hidden jewel� at the World Bank.


Annual Meeting November 29, 2011 9:30 – 13:00 PARTICIPANTS

FOUNDING MEMBERS - GOVERNMENTS Mr. Nicolas FRELOT Directeur adjoint Stratégies du développement Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs nicolas.frelot@diplomatie.gouv.fr

EGYPT Ambassador Mahmoud EL SAID Executive Director – Project Evaluation and Macroeconomic Analysis Center Ministry of International Cooperation melsaid@pema.gov.eg

Mr. Rémi GENEVEY Directeur de la Stratégie Agence Française de Développement (AFD) geneveyr@afd.fr

FRANCE Mr. Christian BADAUT Responsable du pôle Méditerranée / Afrique Direction des affaires européennes et internationales Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) christian.badaut@caissedesdepots.fr

Mr. Gilles GENRE-GRANDPIERRE Directeur Centre d’Etudes Financières Economiques et Bancaires (CEFEB) genregrandpierreg@afd.fr

Mr. Raphaël BELLO Chef du service des Affaires bilatérales et de l’Internationalisation des entreprises Direction Générale du Trésor, MINEFI raphael.bello@dgtresor.gouv.fr

Ms. Emilie LARESE Rédactrice au Pôle Partenariats pour le développement et financements innovants à la sous-direction des stratégies du développement Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs emilie.larese@diplomatie.gouv.fr

Mr. Emmanuel COMOLET Economist Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Ms. Nadia SARTAWI Rédactrice à la sous-direction des Affaires Economiques Internationales Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs nadia.sartawi@diplomatie.gouv.fr,


Mr. Ambroise FAYOLLE World Bank/IMF Executive Director afayolle@worldbank.org

Ms. Valerie SERVAGE Adjointe au Chef de Bureau Direction Générale du Trésor, MINEFI Valerie.SERVAGE@dgtresor.gouv.fr 9

LEBANON Mr. Bernard VIDEAU Head of the Africa and Middle East Unit Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement Durable, des Transports et du Logement bernard.videau@developpementdurable.gouv.fr

Mr. Alain BIFANI Director General Ministry of Finance alainb@finance.gov.lb MOROCCO

Mr. Laurent VIGIER Director, International Department Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations laurent.vigier@caissedesdepots.fr

Mr. Monkid MESTASSI Secrétaire Général Ministère Délégué auprès du Premier Ministre Chargé des Affaires Economiques et Générales mestassi@affaires-generales.gov.ma Mr. Mohammad CHAFIKI Directeur des Etudes et des Prévisions Financières Ministère des finances et de la privatisation chafiki@depf.finances.gov.ma


Mr. Henry MARTY-GAUQUIÉ Director Liaison with International Organisations EIB Group Representative in Paris h.marty@bei.org


Mr. Bruno LAPORTE Director, World Bank Institute blaporte@worldbank.org

Ms. Inger ANDERSEN Vice President, MENA Region iandersen1@worldbank.org

Mr. Carlos BRAGA Special Representative Director, External Affairs, Europe cbraga@worldbank.org

Ms. Manuela FERRO Director, PREM, MENA Region mferro@worldbank.org

Mr. Jean-Pierre CHAUFFOUR Lead Economist, PREM, MENA Region jchauffour@worldbank.org

Mr. Jonathan WALTERS Director, Regional Strategy and Programs MENA Region jwalters@worldbank.org


STRATEGIC COUNCIL MEMBERS Mr. Ahmed BENGHAZI (co-chair) Director General Axis Capital Tunis, Tunisia ahmed.benghazi@axiscapital.com.tn

Mr. Jean-Louis REIFFERS Président du Conseil Scientifique Femise jl.reiffers@femise.org

Mr. Philippe DE FONTAINE VIVE (co-chair) Vice President European Investment Bank defontainevive@bei.org

Ms. Zoubida ALLAOUA Director Finance, Economics and Urban Department World Bank zallaoua@worldbank.org

Mr. Serge TELLE Ambassador, Union for the Mediterranean Mission interministérielle Union pour la Méditerranée serge.telle@um-elysee.fr



Mr. Sid Ahmed DIB Alternate Executive Director World Bank sdib@worldbank.org

Mr. Joan BORREL Unidad de Mediterráneo DG Mediterráneo, Magreb y Oriente Próximo Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación joan.borrell@maec.es

GERMANY Mr. Meinolf SPIEKERMANN Program Director CoMun – Coopération des Villes et des Municipalités au Maghreb Coopération Technique Allemande (GIZ) meinolf.spiekermann@giz.de

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mr. Bill SCHALL Deputy Director, International Trade Department of Treasury bill.schall@treasury.gov

ITALY Mr. Francesco LEONE Assistant G8 Sous Sherpa Head of the G8-G20 Unit, Directorate General for Global Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs francesco.leone@esteri.it




Ms. Petra Menander AHMAN Secretary to the Deauville IFI Coordination Platform p.ahman@afdb.org

Ms. Marie DORLEANS Specialist in VET Policies and Systems Country Manager, Tunisia Marie.Dorleans@etf.europa.eu EUROPEAN UNION

ARAB TOWN ORGANIZATION Mr. Ghazzan SAMMAN Deputy Director magazine@ato.net

Mr. Christian JOURET Advisor European External Action Service North Africa, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Iraq christian.jouret@eeas.europa.eu

ARAB URBAN DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Mr. Ahmed AL-SALLOUM Director General alsalloum@araburban.org

FEMISE Dr. Frédéric BLANC Directeur Général f.blanc@femise.org

Mr. Abdullah AL-SUBAIL Deputy Director General alsubil@araburban.org Mr. Ibrahim AL-TURKI Executive Director MENA Child and Youth Initiative ialturki@menacpi.org




Mr. José Luis MOMBRÚ joselm@bcn.thedfcgroup.com

Mr. Hachmi KENNOU Executive Director hkennou@ime-eau.org

Ms. Shahla LASSUS Institut de la Méditerannée s.lassus@ins-med.org

Ms. Alexia SANTALLUCIA asantallusia@yahoo.com

Mrs. Malika ROUSSEL International Project Management mroussel@ime-eau.org

Mr. Jacques POIRSON jacquesp@bcn.thedfcgroup.com

INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Mr. Emmanuel VAN DER MENSBRUGGHE Director, Paris Office evandermensbrugghe@imf.org

DOYEN DE CORPS CONSULAIRE-MARSEILLE Mr. Abdel-Sattar ISSA Consul du Liban c_lib_marseille@yahoo.fr



UCLG COMMISSION MEDITERRANEE Ms. Laurence GRIETTE Déléguée Générale l.griette@commed-cglu.org

Ms. Ana PEREZ Head of the IOM Marseille Office aperez@iom.int



Mr. Christian AVEROUS Vice President christian@averous.net

Mr. Rami ABDELKAFI Senior Economist, North Africa Divison rabdelkafi@isdb.org

Mr.Sylvain HOUPIN Chargé de Mission shoupin@planbleu.org

MEDCITIES Mr. Joan PARPAL Secretary General Desurb@amb.cat



Ms. Luciana UCHOA UNIDO Office in Marseille

Ms. Pascale CHABRILLAT Director pascale.chabrillat@ocemo.org



UNDP Ms. Vanessa KUZAY Chargée de mission Direction des Affaires Internationales vkuzay@mairie-marseille.fr

Ms. Cecile MOLINIER Director, Geneva Office cecile.molinier@undp.org


Ms. Loraine FALCONETTI lfalconetti@worldbank.org

Ms. Anuja UTZ autz@worldbank.org

Mr. Jean-Eric AUBERT jaubert@worldbank.org

Ms. Nathalie ABU-ATA nabuata@worldbank.org

Mr. Zeine OULD ZEIDANE Advisor zzeidane@yahoo.fr

Mr. Olivier LAVINAL olavinal@worldbank.org

Ms. Mona YAFI myafi@worldbank.org

Ms. Jocelyne VAUQUELIN AFD vauquelinj@afd.fr

Ms. Catherine COVENTRY ccoventry@worldbank.org

Ms. Myriam BENRAAD EIB m.benraad@eib.org

Ms. Sophie MULLER smuller@worldbank.org 13

Ms. Cynthia FAURE cfaure@worldbank.org

Mr. Ibrahim AJAJA ajaja@worldbank.org

Ms. Salome DUFOUR sdufour@worldbank.org

Ms. Donia JEMAIL djemail@worldbank.org

Ms. Laila EL-SAEDY l.elsaedy@eib.org SKILLS, EMPLOYMENT & LABOR MOBILITY CLUSTER (SELM) Dr. Frédéric BLANC f.blanc@femise.org

Ms. Manjula LUTHRIA mluthria@worldbank.org

Ms. Adriana JARAMILLO ajaramillo@worldbank.org

Mr. Yann POUGET ypouget@worldbank.org

Mr. Sebastian TRENNER strenner@worldbank.org

Ms. Silvia MARCHIONNE smarchionne@worldbank.org

URBAN AND SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT (UD) Ms. Maryse GAUTIER maryse.gautier@caissedesdepots.fr

Ms. Candice LE TOURNEUR cletourneur@worldbank.org

Mr. Guy FLEURET g.fleuret@eib.org

Mr. Pierre-Marie VILLETTE pierre-marie.villette@caissedesdepots.fr

Mr. Xavier HOANG hoangx@afd.fr

Ms. Mathilde MOUTON mmouton@worldbank.org

Ms. Agnes WIEDEMANN agnes.wiedemann@giz.de

ENVIRONMENT AND WATER (EW) Mr. Sergio MARGULIS smargulis@worldbank.org

Mr. Hadrien MICHEL hmichel@worldbank.org

Mr. Gilles PIPIEN gpipien@worldbank.org

Ms. Lina TODE ltode@planbleu.org


Ms. Najet TENOUTIT ntenoutit@worldbank.org

Ms. Anuja UTZ autz@worldbank.org

Ms. Latifa BELARBI lbelarbi@worldbank.org



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