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Workshop What emergency social measures for a successful transition in Tunisia? Reflections from international experiences June 14, 2011 – Concorde Hotel 06:00 – 06:45 Pm

Workshop registration, document delivery

06:45 – 07:15 Pm

Opening speeches (CMI, MFPE), presentation of speakers, experts and donors representative

07:15 Pm

Cocktail buffet

June 15, 2011 – Concorde Hotel 08:30 - 09:00 Am

Installation of the participants and moderator speech

09:00 - 09:45 Am

Tunisian introduction about the context and presentation of current programs in Tunisia (success and challenges)

09:45 - 11:45 Am

Session 1 : National, regional and local experiments of young orientation and insertion on the labour market  Argentine experiment, Alfredo Lazarte, BIT.  French experiment, Lionel Urdy, École de la Deuxième Chance.

11:15 – 11:30 Am

Coffee break

11:30 - 01:00 Pm

Session 2 : Employment policies in a transition context  Lessons of the international experiments of "public works" in Argentina, Korea and Colombia, Polly Jones, World Bank.  Main innovations in “public works” projects, and evaluation of these programs in Yemen, in Morocco and in Egypt: Marc Van Imschoot, BIT

01:00 – 02:15 Pm


02:15 - 03:30 Pm

Session 3 : Social redistribution policies based on assurance and solidarity mechanism  French experiences of activation of passive spending in the context of engagement of two parties: return to work incentive schemes: Nathalie Sipres, Pôle Emploi  Experiences of social transfers conditioned to employability or local economic development mechanisms: Ludovic Subran, World Bank

03:30 – 04:45 Pm

Session 4 : Land settlement policies allowing solidarity between regions  Decentralization of employment policies, related to the economic actors and regions, Luca Fedi, BIT  Mechanism of financial transfers between regions (FEDER, FSE) Vincent Le Dolley (to be confirmed) introducted by Robert Feige, EIB

04:45 – 05:00 Pm

Coffee break

05:00 - 06 :00 Pm

General debate about the relevancy of instruments presented in the Tunisian case

06:00 Pm

Closing speech

June 16, 2011 – European Union Delegation in Tunisia 08:30 - 05:00 Pm

Technical meeting in ministries

05:00 – 06:00 Pm

Output meeting between the donor partners and international experts (Berges du Lac II)

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