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Media Monitoring Following the CMI Annual Meetings November 29, 2011 Villa Valmer, Marseille

Media advisory through the press Website SEMIDE-EMWIS Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector

Title, Link and article Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration Annual Meeting http://www.emwis.org/thematicdirs/events/2011/11/marseille-centermediterranean-integration-annual-meeting

The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration is organizing its Annual meetings on Tuesday November 29th 2011 at the Villa Valmer in Marseille, France. Inger Andersen, World Bank Vice President of the Middle East and North Africa region will chair this important event. This year’s Annual Meetings will discuss Trade and Investment in the region. Ministers from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia as well as partner organizations such as the European Investment Bank, the Islamic Development Bank and the GIZ have confirmed their participation. The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) strives to facilitate access to best knowledge, enhance sustainable development and converge policies towards greater integration. It does so by creating opportunities for leaders in government, civil society, academia, and business to generate, integrate, share, and apply policy-relevant knowledge and analysis. CMI provides a platform for the formation of communities of practice focused on the Mediterranean region’s core development issues. These communities tackle critical challenges, and seek practical solutions to enhance the prosperity of the region. The CMI was created by a group of Mediterranean governments—Egypt, France, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia—along with the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the World Bank.


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