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The Marseille Centre for Mediterranean Integration The Program on Transport and Logistics


European Investment Bank


The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration Transport and Logistics The EIB is interested in developing the concept of a network of EuroMediterranean logistics platforms in connection with the European “Motorways of the Sea” project. This network would consist of the creation of logistics platforms that would provide a raft of services bearing – by virtue of their efficiency – a quality label covering the whole logistics value chain (from training to the provision of administrative and management services). The objectives of the project are focused on the training provided and are intended to develop a training network in the logistics field covering the entire Mediterranean region, aimed at eventually creating a regional pool of specialists and experts that can be tapped by the EMLPs.


European Investment Bank


The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration Transport and Logistics Specific objectives: Develop a network for logistics training in the Mediterranean basin with similar curricula, with the aim of creating a regional pool of specialists to serve the needs not only of the NEMLP, but also of other logistical platforms and companies in the sector. Create networks of teachers and professionals with an interest in further training in transport and logistics. Provide support for the creation of the LOGISMED network.


European Investment Bank


The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration Transport and Logistics Deliverables: A study on the feasibility of creating such a LOGISMED training network, focusing on the creation of joint programs and mechanisms for integration into national training systems; High-level workshop with experts with a view to preparing and endorsing the feasibility study; Establishment of a network of training professionals in the Mediterranean framework.


European Investment Bank


The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration Transport and Logistics Objectives of the study: Identify the training needs for the three target groups identified in the study (operative professions, supervisory professions and players outside the logistics field). Identify and evaluate existing training arrangements and the qualified trainers involved. Propose the creation of a training network or the adaptation of existing training courses and their integration into a network. Propose an implementation programme for the network (content, organisation, schedule, investments, etc.). Identify the participants in this programme. Estimate the financing requirements as well as potential sources to meet the requirements of training centres, businesses and students/apprentices. Propose, where applicable, support measures for the implementation of this programme.


European Investment Bank


The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration Transport and Logistics Expected results: Development of a program of action for the creation of a logistics training network in the Mediterranean. Creation of a communication mechanism, via the Internet, for the members of the network. Feasibility assessment of a logistics training quality certification mechanism.


European Investment Bank


The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration Transport and Logistics Preparation workshop Experts workshop ToR Main Study Validation seminars Training Network Training Network Pool of experts Training Programs

Integration in national systems



European Investment Bank


The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration Transport and Logistics Preparation seminar ISTED Steering Committee

Experts seminar Main Study

CETMO Euromed Transport Project


Validation seminars UNIMED Training Network


European Investment Bank


The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration Transport and Logistics

March-Sept 2010

Preparation seminar

Sept 2010

Experts seminar ToR

March-Dec. 2011

Main Study

Validation seminar May 2011 OUTPUTS


Dissemination seminar

European Investment Bank

Jan 2012


The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration Transport and Logistics

Preparation seminar

Experts seminar ToR Main Study Validation seminar OUTPUTS


Who? “experts” versus “politicians” What (topics)? training needs at all levels? training needs at operational levels? Structure?

Dissemination seminar

European Investment Bank


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