LOGISMED A Euro-Mediterranean network of logistics platforms
LOGISMED Seminar Barcelona – 23/24.11.2010
Manuel Fernández Riveiro Senior Transport Economist
European Investment Bank
Index Euro-Mediterranean network of logistics platforms 1. Introduction 2. Main findings 3. The network Principles Stakeholders 4. Follow-up actions
The Feasibility Studies The program on Transport and Logistics (CMI)
European Investment Bank
Euro-Mediterranean network of logistics platforms
European Investment Bank
1. Introduction The study needs to be viewed within the framework of EuroMed partnership. The main objectives are the following: To provide a diagnosis on the logistical sector in the Mediterranean third countries. To demonstrate the interest and feasibility of a logistics platform network. The study on the logistical platforms allows to complement the diagnosis of other studies EuroMed: EuroMed Main Contract, Euromed Infrastructures. Developed by
European Investment Bank
2. Findings
The Euro-Mediterranean logistical platforms (EMLP) will facilitate international transit and will help better organise internal traffic flows. EMLP will be able to help reorganise industrial, storage and transport zones in urban areas, which are often saturated and not well planned. Enhancement of the overall performance of the logistics sector, reduction of costs of international transport, improvement of environmental efficiency. Improvement of staff skills through a training programme tailored to international standards, hence better productivity and improved working conditions for employees. Improved reliability of transport to consumer markets, enhancing the competitiveness of manufacturers in the MPC.
European Investment Bank
3. The LOGISMED network General principles
The LOGISMED network is based on four pillars: A certification strategy providing: a common model for the implementation of EMLP; global marketing; efficient relationships between the EMLP and the platforms of the EU. Private management of the EMLPF: contractual and flexible PPP system. Shared training activity. Common monitoring (observatory, communication, research).
European Investment Bank
3. The LOGISMED network Structure
National Authority,
PPP type contract
Manager / promoter entity
Users 1 Users 2
European Investment Bank
Users 3
4. Follow-up actions
Feasibility studies Syria Morocco Tunis Egypt The program on Transport and Logistics (CMI)
European Investment Bank
The feasibility studies
European Investment Bank
Feasibility Studies (i) Objectives: Validation of the project locations proposed by the relevant National Authorities. Assessment of alternative sites. Evaluation of potential traffic and users: traffic forecasts for the logistic platform, including estimates by the types of goods. Definition of the facilities and services to be provided by the logistic platform: warehousing; buildings for other services (bank, post office, training centre); maintenance and mechanical repairs facilities; internal roadways and footpaths; railway and intermodal services; green spaces; parking or open-air storage areas; wastewater and storm water treatment facilities; waste collection premises; etc. Identification of the institutional conditions for implementing and funding the project. Analysis of financial impact.
European Investment Bank
Feasibility Studies (ii) Expected results: The Preliminary Design and a Master Plan for the development of the logistic platform. The Baseline Environmental Impact Assessment. The Economic and Financial Assessment of the proposed solution. The definition of the Institutional Framework for the implementation of the logistic platform.
European Investment Bank
The Program on Transport and Logistics (CMI)
European Investment Bank
The Program on Transport and Logistics (Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration)
The objectives of the project are focused on: identifying training needs in the logistic sector and; providing solutions to meet those needs, eventually creating a training network in the logistics field regional pool of experts that can be tapped by the EMLPs.
European Investment Bank
The Program on Transport and Logistics (Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration) Specific objectives: Develop a network for logistics training in the Mediterranean basin with similar curricula, with the aim of creating a regional pool of specialists to serve the needs not only of the NEMLP, but also of other logistical platforms and companies in the sector. Create networks of teachers and professionals with an interest in further training in transport and logistics. Provide support for the creation of the LOGISMED network.
European Investment Bank
The Program on Transport and Logistics (Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration) Deliverables: A study on the feasibility of creating such a LOGISMED training network, focusing on the creation of joint programs and mechanisms for integration into national training systems; High-level workshop with experts with a view to preparing and endorsing the objectives and approach of the feasibility study; Proposal for the establishment of a network of training professionals in the Mediterranean framework.
European Investment Bank
The Program on Transport and Logistics (Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration) Objectives of the study:
Identify the training needs for the three target groups identified in the study (operative professions, supervisory professions and players outside the logistics field). Identify and evaluate existing training schemes. Propose solutions: creation of a training network or the adaptation of existing training courses and their integration into a network. Propose an implementation programme for the network (content, organisation, schedule, investments, etc.). Identify the participants in this programme. Estimate the financing requirements. Propose, where applicable, support measures for the implementation of this programme.
European Investment Bank
The Program on Transport and Logistics (Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration) Expected results:
Development of a program of action for the creation of a logistics training network in the Mediterranean. Creation of a communication mechanism, via the Internet, for the members of the network. Feasibility assessment of a logistics training quality certification mechanism.
European Investment Bank
The Program on Transport and Logistics (Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration)
Preparation workshop Experts workshop (Barcelona 23/24 Nov) ToR Main Study Validation seminars Training Network Training Network Pool of experts Training Programs
Integration in national systems
European Investment Bank
The Program on Transport and Logistics (Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration)
Preparation seminar EIB/ IEMED Experts seminar Steering Committee
Main Study
CETMO Euromed Transport Project
Validation seminars UNIMED Training Network
European Investment Bank
The Program on Transport and Logistics (Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration)
Preparation seminar
March-Oct 2010
Experts seminar
Nov 2010
ToR March-Dec. 2011
Main Study
Validation seminar
Sept 2011
Dissemination seminar
Jan 2012
European Investment Bank