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PROGRAMME Monday 14th March The objective of the first day’s round tables will be to establish a balance sheet in terms of strategic approach, results evaluation and difficulties encountered. Cities representatives and donors will share their experiences in terms of benefits to be drawn from this strategic urban planning as a prelude to development programmes. 08:45

Reception - Start of registration


Opening of the conference  Welcome remarks, Mr. Jordi Hereu, Mayor of Barcelona  Mr. Mats Karlsson, Director of the Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI)  Dr. Rafiq Husseini, Deputy General Secretary of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM)  Mr. Senen Florensa, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Government of Catalonia; President of the Executive Committee, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED)


Urban Development Strategies in the Mediterranean Context, Challenges and Perspectives Presentation of the report prepared for the conference. Medcities and CMI


Coffee break


Session 1: Presentation of the different approaches of urban development strategies (UDS) and a critical analysis of these approaches Several institutions have developed strategies and proposed funding to promote new multisectoral and participative approaches for local authorities in developing strategic plans. These institutions provide technical assistance by developing a methodological guidebook to better understand the whole process. The objective of the session is to provide the participants with these existing methods and to review the strengths and weaknesses of these tools. While they may vary from one entity to the other, the objective is clearly similar and quite a few success criteria are common to all of them. Some institutions using these methodologies have initiated an evaluation process and will be asked to share with the participants the preliminary results, highlighting the impact of the process, and the need for changes and adjustments if and when needed. The session will be introduced by the City Manager of Durban, head of the UCLG Strategic Planning Commission. Michael Sutcliff will present the role of this commission in raising awareness of local governments on City Development Strategies, the expectations of the cities regarding the network, and the assistance provided by UCGL to the cities. Coordinator and Moderator of the session: Mrs. Maryse Gautier, CMI Participants:  Cities Alliance: Mr. William Cobbett, Program Manager  Medcities: Mr. Joan Parpal, General Secretary  CIDEU: Mrs. Maravillas Rojo, General Secretary  UCGL-Durban: Mr. Michael Sutcliff, head of the UCLG Strategic Planning Commission and City Manager of Durban  OECD: Mr. Adam Ostry, Adviser  League of Cities of Philippines: Mrs. Evelyn Uy, Mayor of Dipolog






Session 2: Round tables on the assessment of the different approaches, their contributions, and how they complement each other Session 2.1. Viewpoint of local governments: What are the conditions for a successful UDS? Local strategic planning requires the adaptation of the methodologies to the cities specificities, needs, and capacities. A successful local development strategy is achieved if the city can transform an urban, social and economic situation, complying with the decision makers’ objectives as well as the inhabitants’ objectives. The objective of this session is to better understand the viewpoint of the local authorities which have developed successful initiatives and to identify according to their experience, the key factors of success. This discussion will facilitate the identification of common elements which could be used for future experiences. The necessary conditions will be highlighted to implement such an initiative. Coordinator and Moderator: Urban Strategic Plans Expert, Mr. Manuel de Forn Participants:  Malaga Municipality: Mr. José Estrada, General Director of CIEDES Foundation and Director of the Malaga Strategic Plan  Sfax Municipality: Mr. Riadh Haj Taieb, Technical Director  Urban Community of Tetouan: Dr. Mohamed Idaomar, President  League of Cities of Philippines: Mrs. Evelyn Uy, Mayor of Dipolog


Coffee break


Session 2 (continuation) Session 2.2. Viewpoint of donors and networks: what value added does a UDS contribute to urban development? One of the objectives of UDSs is to help local authorities to define a development strategy which will benefit from the support of the project partners and to better plan their needs, resulting in a mid and long-term investment program. Urban programs, financed by donors may be either sectorial (urban transport, water, sanitation, etc.) or multisectorial. Urban services may also impact on other services such as education or health, or may contribute to promote local economic development. The session will bring together financial institutions and city networks in order to discuss the extent to which UDSs help local representatives in the decision making process to establish priorities regarding investment programs and reinforce their position to financial institutions. The session will also highlight the relevance of the choices and the efficiency of the programmes developed on the basis of this strategy. Coordinator and Moderator of the session: Mr. William Cobbett, Program Manager, Cities Alliance Participants:  World Bank: Mrs. Alexandra Ortiz, Urban Economist  Agence Française de Développement: Mr. Thierry Gonzalez  GIZ: Mr. Meinolf Spiekermann  UNDP/Art Gold: Mr. Giovanni Camilleri, Programme Coordinator of UNDP/Art Gold  CIDEU: Mrs. Maravillas Rojo, General Secretary


Summary - account of round tables  Mrs. Maryse Gautier, CMI  Mr. William Cobbett, Cities Alliance  Mr. Manuel de Forn, Urban Strategic Plans Expert


End of the programme for the day – Bus to the Barcelona Council


Reception – Diner at the Barcelona Council

Tuesday 15th March Cities are facing new challenges linked to environmental constraints, to the imperative of good governance and the demand for economic and social results. The objectives of this journey will be to explore how the new generation of strategic planning should adapt and evolve.


Session 3: What are the solutions for funding investments linked to UDSs (projects, infrastructure etc.)? Implementing a strategic planning approach will facilitate the development of investment programs based on a solid and structured approach. These investments will have to take into account future demographic growth, which will remain strong around the Mediterranean basin over the next twenty years. Financing resources have already been identified and will be presented in this session. The panellists – representatives of five institutions actively involved in financing strategic urban projects – will be asked to explore new financing ways to face the growing demand for investment expected over the coming years. Coordinator and Moderator of the session: Mr. Guy Fleuret, European Investment Bank Participants:  Multilateral and bilateral Organizations EIB/FEMIP : Mrs. Mariana Ruiz Alvarado, Urban Economist  Financing of private investments Agence Française de Développement: Mr.Bertrand Nora Inframed : Mr. Frédéric Ottavy  Private operators in charge of financing operations of urban renewal Solidere: Mr. Angus Gavin, Director of Urban Development Department and the Urban Development of Solidere International (SI) City of Agadir, Mr. Tariq Kabbage, Mayor International Urban Development Association (INTA) : Mr. Michel Sudarskis, General Secretary


Coffee break


Session 4: Parallel thematic workshops Session 4.1. How should the UDS adapt to the new economic and social challenges? One of the objectives of Mediterranean cities is to become more competitive (strengthening their attractiveness and facilitating business) to promote jobs creation. Social inclusion is also part of the cities competitiveness. On one hand, in the Mediterranean region, the on-going outsourcing has to be analyzed in order to identify the reasons of this process and its social and economic impacts. On the other hand, local economic development rely on tools such as PPP (Public and Private Partnership). Coordinator and Moderator of the session: Mr. Francesc Santacana, General Coordinator of the Barcelona Strategic Metropolitan Plan Paricipants:  President of the Urban Community of Al-Fayhaa and Mayor of Tripoli (Lebanon): Dr. Nader Ghazal  Izmir Metropolitan Municipality: Mrs. Ladin Yildran  ASCAME: Mr. Anwar Zibaoui, Presidency Coordinator  City of Agadir: Mr. Tariq Kabbage, Mayor  Barcelona Council: Mr. Josep Miquel Piqué, Managing Director of 22@Barcelona

Session 4.2. Good governance: multi-level participation and institutionalisation of the strategy. The challenge for the UDSs is to give a decisive role to local authorities in developing their cities, while maintaining a close collaboration with national government. Furthermore, experience has shown that active participation of the private sector and civil society lay the ground for a long-term successful conditions, not only in designing development strategies but also in implementing it, notably within PPP initiatives. Coordinator and Moderator of the Table: Mr. Meinolf Spiekermann, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Participants:  Expert: Mr. Mohamed Szouafi, Member of the Royal Commission for Regionalisation of Morocco  GIZ expert: Mrs. Ingrid Schwoerer  Ministry of Local Development Egypt: Mr. Khaled Abdel Halim ,Decentralization Director  Special Advisor of the Wali, General Director of Local Communities, DGCL Morocco: Mr. Youssef Jaafar,  Fund of Palestine Municipal Development: Mr. Abdelmughni Nofal, Director  Municipality of Barcelona: Mr. Mateu Hernandez, Responsible of the Economic Development Area of Barcelona Municipality  Municipality of Sfax: Mr. Riadh Haj Taieb, Technical Director  Municipality of Ramallah: Mr. Mahmood Abdullah, Deputy Mayor 13:00



Session 5: Parallel thematic workshops Session 5.1. Addressing Climate Change and providing a fair environment To ensure a sustainable future, initiatives addressing climate change rely on local capacities and local strategies in line with global environmental strategies. From reduction measures of greenhouse gas emissions to the policies of adaptation to climate change, action is founded upon the complementarity of local skills and means with national/regional/global sustainable development strategies. In terms of social and territorial equity, it also involves to connect urban areas and social sectors, even disadvantaged, to essential urban services in order to improve quality of life (drinking water, waste management, public transport, sewage, while guaranteeing individual environmental safety (flooding, air and water quality, etc). This session will focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives as well as actions that aim at improving environmental services dedicated to vulnerable populations. Moderator of the session: Mr. Emilio D'Alessio, Member of Italian Local Agenda 21 for ICLEI – Local Govrenments for Sustainability Coordinator: Mr. Adrien Labaeye, Project Assistant, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability Theme 1: Reducing the urban ecological footprint and improving quality of life in the era of climate change  Local public policies dedicated to climate change mitigation Diputació de Barcelona: Mr. Ferràn Valledspinós, Head of Environment Department 

Urban mobility « Sustainable Urban Transports » Programme of the Centre of Marseille for Mediterranean Integration : Mr. Xavier Hoang, Manager of the Programme led by AFD

Theme 2: Anticipating the risks in the era of climate change: Disaster preparation and adaptation to climate change  Adaptation measures in a costal city – The case of Tunis Egis Bceom: Mr. Yves Ennesser 

Urban water reutilisation Mr. Carles Conill, director of the Barcelona Metropolitan Agency for the Environment

Theme 3: Towards a Better environment for urban equity  Better urban environment for the vulnerable populations Dr. Khaled M. Abdelhalim, Executive Director of the Local Development Observatory (LDO), UNDP Technical Support to the Ministry of Local Development Programme of Egypt

Session 5.2. in territorial planning (medinas, large urban operations) at agglomeration level The session will sensitize the participants to the need to consider specific districts, which the renewal need requires specific approaches (historic centres). The Mediterranean Basin there is a certain number of projects aimed at tackling either districts facing new urban growth or the renewal of city centres. These projects have adopted their own approaches which present common points with the overall UDss. . The session will focus on the adequate integration of district specific objectives to the whole city urban development. In other cases a UDS approach may have been implemented at a district level, as in Aleppo medina where it was particularly adapted to the medina context. In Aleppo, this methodology represented the first step towards a process extended to the whole city, The Aleppo case turned to be also relevant to develop the participative aspect of the strategic planning approach. The session will also be the opportunity to inform participants of the creation of a network of urban developers established by Euroméditerranée and the CMI (Marseille Centre for Mediterranean Integration) in the Mediterranean Basin.

Coordinator and Moderator of the session: Mr. Thierry Gonzales, Agence Française de Développement Participants:  Orascom, Mrs. Myriam Bakhoum  Société de Promotion du Lac de Tunis : Mr. Tarek Bouguerra  Mr. Thomas Pritzkat , GIZ advisor, Sustainable Urban Development Program of Aleppo  Mayor of Tripoli, Dr. Nader Ghazal 16:30

Coffee break


Summary of the second day thematic workshops  Mr. Francesc Santacana, General Coordinator for the Barcelona Strategic Metropolitan Plan  Mr. Guy Fleuret, EIB  Mr. Emilio D'Alessio, ICLEI  Mr. Thierry Gonzales, AFD


Session 6: Outcomes and Perspectives This conclusive session will allow the participants and the local representatives to focus on the urban challenges which will be presented during the two days conference, and to present their propositions towards a new approach of city strategies in the Mediterranean region. The organizers and partners of the Conference (Medcities, CMI, Caisse des Depots, World Bank, Cities Alliance, GIZ, CGLU, PNUD, etc) will seize the opportunity to strengthen their support to the Mediterranean city strategies and to unite their experiences in order to support voluntary local authorities to initiate this new generation of city strategies. Coordinator: CMI (CDC and World Bank) and MedCities Animator: Pascale Chabrillat, responsible for the Mediterranean and International Division, European and International Affairs Department, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations Participants:  Mr. William Cobbett, Director of Cities Alliance  Mr. Joan Parpal, General Secretary, Medcités  Mr. Meinolf Spikermann, GIZ  Mr. Giovanni Camilleri, Programme Coordinator of UNDP/Art Gold


Closing session  Mr. Laurent Vigier, Head of international and european affairs of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations (CDC) (TBC)  Mr. Francisco Narváez, President of the Metropolitan Entity for the Environment of Barcelona


Conference Bus to Mies van Der Rohe Foundation Presentation of the Mediterranean Cities Programme - Cocktail

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