CMI / UD4 Barcelona Workshop
Organization, Coordination, Regulation… What Authorities to Implement and Support Urban Transport Policies?
Thierry Gouin CERTU 18 Oct. 2011
Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement Durable, des Transports et du Logement
Some thoughts
Who should implement and support the urban transport policy?
What is a « good » Urban Transport Authority?
What are the lines of work to propose to Mediterranean cities (elected people or technicians) who want to create or develop their Urban Transport Authority?
What are the important questions to ask (institutions, territory, skills, decision-making levels ...)?
What are the possible answers and the conditions of their implementation and success?
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3 local feedback
Barcelona / Xavier ROSELLÓ (Deputy Technical Director, ATM Barcelona, ES) Izmir / Aysin YETMEN (Deputy Director Planning and Transport, Izmir Municipality) Turkey, Syria, Jordan / Safak HENGIRMEN (Coordinateur SUMPA-MED) et Bernard CORNUT (ADEME)
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1 global point of view
Christian Bourget (Ministry of Sustainable Development, France) Experience in the North The French « Model » of Urban Transport Authority Experiences in the South (European Twinning Projects) Tunisia, Jordan, Israel…
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3 key-questions
Testimonial : Mohamed MEZGHANI (Adviser to the UITP)
3 key-questions: 1. What should be the institutional and regulatory framework of urban transportation best able to accompany (and anticipate) the evolution of urban mobility? (National vs Local, regulation vs deregulation, public management vs liberalization)? 2. What should be the responsibilities of the organizing authority: transport modes, planning, integration, interface with other public institutions? 3. What should be the structure of the organizing authority? What means and resources?
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Thank you
Thierry GOUIN 33 (0)4 72 74 58 23
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