Ud4 wk3 program en

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CMI – Program UD4: Sustainable Urban Transport

What tools to support changes of the sustainable urban mobility in the Mediterranean? Governance, planning and financing

Workshop - Barcelona 17 - 20 October 2011

Palau de Pedralbes Avinguda Diagonal 686 - Barcelona

Draft Program Release n° 2.3 (07 October 2011) Yellow: need to be confirmed

Release 2.3 - Last update : 07/10/2011 Monday, October 17, 2011 During the day… Free tour by walk in the old city's historic center to figure the multimodal approach (a map and a proposal of interesting points will be given to each registered participant)

6:30pm : Welcome and cocktail at the City-hall of Barcelona (address: Plaça Sant Jaume) - Registration 7 :00pm : Opening Speeches - Mats KARLSSON, Director of Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) - Yigit ALPOGAN, Deputy Secretary General for Transport & Urban Development, Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) - Marie-Pierre NICOLLET, Head of Mediterranean Department, AFD - Joaquim FORN, Deputy Mayor of Barcelona Presentation of the program and issues of the workshop : Xavier HOANG, AFD

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 – The governance of urban transport in the Mediterranean – Opened and Chaired by Mr. Abdellatif CHADALI, Governor Director of Planning and Equipment, Ministry of Interior, Morocco Opening 08:30am

Session A.1 09:10am Introduction : Gabriel JODAR (MEDCITIES) 9:15am Organisation, coordination, regulation… What authorities to support policies of urban transport?  Questioning – Thierry GOUIN (CERTU)  Presentations : - ATM, Transport Authority in Barcelona - Xavier ROSELLÓ (Deputy Technical Director, ATM Barcelona, ES) - Integrated Public Transport in Izmir (TUR) – Aysin Nalân YETMEN (Head of Transportation Planning Department, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality) - Algiers (ALG) - Rachid OUAZEN (Director of Transport, Wilaya Algiers, Alg) - Irbid (JOR) - Nafez SHATAT (Director of studies and planning, Irbid Municipality) - Thought about the French “model” of transport authority – Christian BOURGET (Ministry of Sustainable Development, Fr)  Testimonials – Mohamed MEZGHANI (Adviser to the UITP)  Conclusion

Session A.2 11:30am Face of changing operators, how to ensure the effective and coherent public transport service?  Questioning - Gabriel JODAR (MEDCITIES)  Presentations : - International experience of a private public transport operator – Alain DESCAMPS (Head of Iberia-Maghreb department, Veolia Transdev, Es) - The “fundamentals” of delegated public services - Bernard Break RIVALTA (President SYTRAL, Lyon, Fr) - Execution of the transport public services in Morocco – Hassan NOUHA (Head of Division “Regulation and Control”, Ministry of Interior, Mor) - Jean-Charles CROCHET (World Bank) - Informal transport and integration in public transport in Sousse – A representative of Sousse Municipality, Tun  Testimonials – Xavier GODARD (International expert)  Conclusion


Session A.3 5:00pm: Special Session 2:45pm Citizens, taxpayers, consumers, users: how to involve the population in developing and implementing policies of urban transport?  Questioning – Thierry GOUIN (CERTU)  Presentations : - The “Mobility Pact” in Barcelona – Clara de Ysaguirre (Director “Mobility Pact” and External Relations, Barcelona Municipality, Technical visit of the center of ES) maintenance and control of the - Interaction between citizens and Nantes public transport actors Barcelona’s tramway (Sant Joan – Christine LASSALLE (Sales Manager of TAN, Nantes, Fr) Despi) - The case of Quito - Sandra BONILLA (Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, EC)  Testimonials – Jean-Charles CROCHET (Senior Export, World Bank)  Conclusion 4:45pm – Conclusion of the day, Mr. Abdellatif CHADALI, Governor Director of Planning and Equipment, Ministry of Interior, Morocco

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 – Transports Planning Tools – Opening by Mr. Antoni POVEDA, Vice-president of transport and mobility, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Es Opening 08:30am

Session B.1 9:00am To the organization of urban transport to the consideration of environmental and social issues: what planning for what objectives?  Questioning: the type of planning – Florence SAINT-PAUL (CETE Sud-Ouest, FR)  Presentations : - Practices in North – Florence SAINT-PAUL (CETE Sud-Ouest, FR) Break - Practices in South – Eric HUYBRECHTS (IAU-IDF, FR) - Practices in East – Rami SEMAAN (Consultant, LEB)  Illustration : the case of the metropolitan area of Barcelona Pelayo MARTÍNEZ (Director of Transport and Mobility AMB, ES)  Debates and conclusion

Session B.2 11:30am – From mass transport projects to mobility planning: what integration? How the projects are coordinated?  Questioning – Marine MILLOT (CETE Méditerranée, FR)  Presentations : - Case study: the tramway on duty for the strategy of development - Frédérique HERNANDEZ (University Cézanne, FR) - To a new bus network in Barcelona (BRT) – Luis PELAEZ (Planning Director TMB, ES) - Tramway of Sfax and « PDU » - Riadh HAJ TAIEB (Technical Director, Municipality of Sfax, Tun) - Planning documents needs for mass transport projects – Alicia CASART (Consultant Agency ALG, ES)  Debates and conclusion


Session B.3 05:30pm: Special Session 02:30pm – Assess for change: how to monitor and evaluate planning documents?  Questioning – Benjamin FOUCHARD (CETE Méditerranée, Fr) Technical visit of the center of  Presentations : maintenance and control of the - Analysis of the PDU of Toulouse – Nathalie de la FOURNIERE Barcelona’s tramway (Sant Joan (Toulouse Town Planning Agency) Despi) - Transport Planning in Casablanca – Nadia BOUHRIZ (Director of [English speaking group] the Tramway of Casablanca, Mor)  Debates and conclusion --- or --3:45pm – Session 4 : Roundtable on urban transport planning – Animator : Ms. Florence SAINT-PAUL Elected representatives : Mr. Eduard FREIXEDES, Barcelone (ES) - Mr. Piero SASSOLI, Sienne (IT) - Mr. Joël CARREIRAS, Toulouse (FR) – Mr. Mohamed IDAOMAR, Tétouan (MA) – Dr. Nader GHAZA, Tripoli (LEB)

To be confirmed [xxx]

Thursday, October 20, 2011 – Financing the urban transport Opening 08:30am

Session C.1 09:00am - Introduction / Questioning: Géraldine BONNET (CERTU, Fr) 09:20am Innovating funding source for urban public transport- Mateu TURRÓ (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Es)  Presentations : - Example of financing an infrastructure of urban transport by land value : The case of Istanbul - Mustafa ILICALI (Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Tur) - The conditions for the private sector participation to finance infrastructure in urban transport. The case of the Tramway of Barcelona – Javier VIZCAINO (General Manager, TRAM, Barcelona, Es) - Financing with new taxes on car used - Jorge REBELO (World Bank)  Debates et conclusion

Session C.2 11:30am – Roundtable: The requirements of International funding agencies and other development agencies to finance investments in urban transport. What requirements on the project quality? Which guarantee in case of innovative financing sources? - Xavier HOANG, AFD - Jean-Charles CROCHET, World Bank - Lino CARDARELLI, Union for the Mediterranean - 2 granted cities


Session C.3 12:30pm – Special Session : Presentation of the experts network in urban transport of the Mediterranean cities (RAMUD)  Presentation of the cross-border cooperation program in Mediterranean IEVP CT MED of the EU – Yosr NEHDI, Project Manager, Technical Secretariat of this program  Presentation of the project RAMUD and the experts network – Angel LOPEZ (Manager of Mobility Services, Barcelona Municipality, ES) 01 :00pm – Book review – Thierry GOUIN, CERTU 01:10pm – Technical synthesis of the workshop and followup for 2012 – Xavier HOANG, AFD

Closing Ceremony 01:30pm : Closing Ceremony - Assumpta ESCARP, Vice-president of Environment, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (ES) - Yigit ALPOGAN, Deputy Secretary General for Transport & Urban Development, Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) - Ramon SERÓ, General Manager, ATM Barcelona (ES) -

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