EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Sophie Yujin Choi | Lt.G of Division 18 | (604) 226-3615 Lily Du| Lt.G of Division 13/15/17 | (778) 953-3832
WORKSHOPS SESSION 1 Officer Training for Presidents and Vice Presidents Presented by District Governor, Dmitri Saberi
Officer Training for Secretaries Presented by Immediate-Past Lieutenant Governor of Division 13/15/17, Arlene Nguyen
Officer Training for Treasurers
Presented by Immediate-Past Treasurer of VanTech Key Club, Celine Co Officer Training for Editors and Webmasters
Presented by District Editor, Kaho Otake
Key Club 101 and Key Club jeopardy will be lots of fun for all members and non-members! There's always something new to learn about Key Club so come on down and test your knowledge! Presented by LtG of Division 35, Casey Braatan This forum will be a meeting with all chaperones of Canada Rally. Learn ways to better support your club and get insight from other advisors going through the same thing. Presented by Assistant District Administrator, Criena Sekhon
SESSION 2 Wanna show off your rapping skills? Wanna spit some fire? Wanna give us a reason to check out your SoundCloud? Come to this workshop to drop some bars!
Presented by LtG of Division 35, Casey Braatan
Learn how you can woo your crush and possibly meet your Key Club soul mate! Also learn how to use your pick up lines, and how NOT to use your pick up lines.
Presented by District Executives
Want to show some love and thanks to your club's advisors? Come over and create a thank you card to show them how much you appreciate them!
Presented by Division 13/15/17 Executive Assistant, Maggie Nguyen
SESSION 2 Drop in to learn and truly understand the importance of professionalism for the betterment of your Key Club and yourself. Discover tips and tricks on how to dress and dine correctly, how to behave online, how to improve on your social skills and more. During this dynamic workshop, be prepared to have fun all while polishing up to give a lasting and positive impression every time! But crazy about drama? Well look no further because @anthonyclu and @arlenebnguyen have the hottest scoop for you too. Presented by I.P Lt.Gs of Division 13/15/17 & 26, Arlene Nguyen & Anthony Lu
Learn how to fold Van Tech Key Club's famous origami roses! Van Tech Key Club has been folding origami roses to sell during Valentine's Week and DCON for years. All proceeds made each year gets donated to the District Project as well.
Presented by VanTech Key Club Projects Committee
Want to learn more about the Kiwanis Children's Cancer Program? Attend this workshop led by KCCP Experts. Feel the love and inspiration to help!
Presented by Kiwanis Advisor, Holly Murton
SESSION 3 Achieving balance in a crazy life is hard. Good thing you're here so you can learn how you can deal with stress! This workshop will help explore techniques to help overcome common life challengers. Also, learn new and creative ways that you can help support the new District Project (great for projects/fundraising committee members and club executives) Presented by Lt.G of Division 13/15/17, Lily Du & VanTech Key Club Vice-President, Presley Nip
Nervous about post secondary? Not to fear! UBC CKI is here to talk to you all about the college life and how you get involved with the K-Family after graduating high school.
Presented by Circle K LtG of Peach Arch, Tasfia Ahsan & CKI District Secretary, Ekanki Chawla
Did you know that there are more branches to Kiwanis than just Key Club? Learn all about the diverse branches of our Kiwanis Family. Discover the various ways on how to increase interactions to expand your family of service!
Presented by Immediate Past K-Family Relations Chair, Georgia Cato
SESSION 3 Afraid to speak in front of large crowds? Have other fears you want to conquer? Want to become a more well-rounded individual? Discover yourself and what’s right for you at this workshop!
Presented by Lisa McCoy
Even though it may be summer, it is never too early to start thinking about your clubs and your goals for it in the upcoming school year. Learn new tips and tricks on how to increase your numbers in terms of club membership and attendance at service projects. Find ways to encourage new members to join Key Club abut also how to excite old members into joining again this year. Set goals for yourself on the new year in terms of membership numbers and service hours then create a plan on how to reach this goal. Presented by Membership Growth & Reactivation Chair, Dennis Mach
Ever thought about running for higher office? Club Executive, Divisional Board, Lieutenant Governor, District Board, International Board? If you're grade 10 and under this is perfect for you! It may be intimidating at first but it may turn out to be the best decision of your life.
Presented by District Governor, Dmitri Saberi
FACEBOOK PNW Division 13/15/17 | @pnwkeyclubdivision18 | PNW District Key Clubbers
TWITTER @pnwninjapandas | @pnwkeyclub
INSTAGRAM @pnwninjapandas | @pnwkeyclubdivision18 | @pnwkeyclub