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Wednesday, March 4, 2020 • Kenai Peninsula, Alaska Wednesday, March 4, 2020 • Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
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Call protecting ‘investment’ in schools Call forfor protecting ‘investment’ in schools House bill would drastically reduce PFD
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Dog musher School board asks to add bond and requested that the assembly move community and educational needs,” the requested assembly community and educational needs,”said. the to putthat thethe bond proposalmove on the ballot. school board’s resolution School board to add bond to fundasks improvement projectsand to to put the bond proposal on the ballot. school board’s resolution said. District Superintendent John O’Brien About a quarter of the district’s what organized the House, couple years, ” Johnston said. By Peter Segall hurt in to fund improvement projects to ballot. District Superintendent O’Brien About a quarter ofyears the district’s announced and the John bond proposal was in 50 older, we also believe it’s whatschools “Weare need to getor back towhile oper-80% Juneau Empire ballot. announced bondatAlaskan’s proposal in schools are years are or while 80% thethe works the Feb. was 3are school board of 50 schools than 30 years old. crying out for ating asolder, amore government and crash with By Victoria Petersen Theus and district met Identified projects span the of works atHouse the Feb. 3borough school board more than 30 years old. Co-chairs themeeting. to do,” Kopp saidofinschools a pressare an operating body andacross to do the districtwide together to develop the met list of school By Victoria Petersen meeting. The borough and district Identified projectsThere across the Rules committee Wednesday conference. “This is the prin-peninsula. that we span needare to two address the snowmobile projects at athe Feb.list 4 joint work session. projects, one ofdistrictwide which will address peninsula. There are two together to develop of school submitted a bill that would ciple the House organized dividend.” Peninsula Clarion Peninsula Clarion
to ensure the “secuThe school board is asking theprojects Kenai at a “We’ve crossed the billionprojects, mark aged Feb. 4 joint workover session. one technology of which will address
limit the to amount stateoverin around, not overdrawing therity challenges Kopp said that under thisand ANCHORAGE — A is dog Peninsula Borough Assembly put a the in valuation assets for our schools andtechnology schools face today” The school board asking the Kenai “We’ve crossed the billion mark aged to ensure the “secucould spend on the Alaska earnings reserve and paying a bill, funds in the Constimusher participating in million bond package this is an important bondand that directly upgrade building Peninsula $30 Borough Assembly to puton a theinOctovaluation in assets for our schools rity challenges schools face automation today” and controls Permanent Fund dividend. we can afford. ” building tutional Budget Reserve an$30 event near Galena was ber ballot. The bond money fund to prevent system failures and reliable connects bond todividend thethat protection of that million bond package on the Octo- will this is an important directly upgrade automation controls House Bill 306, sponsored Kopp and Johnston both wouldn’t be drawn injured when she was projects school in our community, ber The bond moneyinwill fund buildings connects investment to the protection of that ” school to preventheating systemsystems. failures and reliabledown by Reps. Jennifer Johnston said this”Tauriainen bill was heating meant to Building to critical levels until struck by aprojects snowmobile. across the board member Jason said at systems. control systems are2029. outdated capital in district. school buildings investment in our community, school During Monday’sand Kenai Peninsula Monday’s boardthe meeting. havesystems “exceeded useful life” at Chuck Kopp, Anchorprotect future of theand Kirsten Bey, 64, of Nome, Under Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s across the district. board member Jasonschool Tauriainen said at Building control are their outdated Borough School of Monday’s Educa- who The $29,940,000 proposal Central School, Permanent byhave notKenai was flown Galena to District ageBoard Republicans chair proposed budget Duringfrom Monday’s Kenai Peninsula school board meeting.bondFund and “exceeded theirHigh useful life” which at Skyview tackles 19 school projects areand tion meeting, the school board passed Middle School and Nikiski Boroughwith School District ofthe EducaThe $29,940,000 bond proposal Kenai Central High School, Skyview drawing the ERAthat down Fairbanks what AlaskaBoard Rules Committees, allocated funds for aMiddle/High PFD of VICTOrIA PeTerSen / PenInSuLA CLArIOn FILe a “priority and to School$3,170, a resolution identifying capital projects Damage can be seen VICTOrIA in a corner on the insideCLArIOn of the Kachemak tion meeting, thecalled school boardwould passed tackles 19considered school thatending arecritical Middle and Nikiski Middle/High State Troopers split the annual draw projects effectively the annual would have drawn the PeTerSen / PenInSuLA Peter Segall / FILe Juneau Empire and improvements district key infrastructure SCHoolS, A3 can Selo School inaNov. 12, on 2019. a resolution identifying capitaltofrom projects considered a “prioritydebate and critical to for both Damage be seen in corner the inside of the Kachemak “significant” injuries. thebuildings earnings maintaining reserve surrounding the size CBR down toSee $540 million.Page Rep. Jennifer Johnston, R-Anchorage, speaking with reporters and improvements to district buildings maintaining key infrastructure for both See SCHoolS, Page A3 Selo School Nov. 12, on Wednesday. Johnston and Kopp Bey on Sunday night was account of the Permanent of the dividend. Additionally HB 306 would in Rep.inChuck Kopp’s “The dividend has hijacked create a Permanent Fund are co-chairs of the House Rules committee and submitted a bill participating in the Serum Fund between 80% for state services and 20% for PFDs. a lot of our conversations Run. After leaving Ruby, that would limit the amount the state could spend on the Alaska “This bill is consistent with here in Juneau for the last See PFD, Page A3 Permanent Fund dividend. she was hit about 5 miles outside of Galena. Another participant in the Serum Run transported her to Galena by snowmobile. Troopers received word of the crash Monday. The driver of the snowmobile who struck Bey later contacted troopers and is cooperating with the investigation, troopersBy said. Peter Segall
Biden resurges Super TuesdayDeath BudgetBiden Death resurges on on Super Tuesday Budget Biden takes 9 states, Sanders notches win in California toll from OK’d Biden takes 9 states, Sanders notches win in California toll OK’d City looks from California declares statewide without virus without for new virus PFD emergency after virus death revenue, PFD reaches 9 reaches 9 Police release investment names of 2 killed Juneau Empire By Peter Segall
By Gene Johnson Alaska House of Repreand Carla K. Johnson By Gene Johnson sentatives Alaska House of Repre-members and Carla K.Associated JohnsonPress passed a budget TuesAssociated Press sentatives members By Victoria Petersen SEATTLE — Tensions over how afterTuesan hourslong passed a day budget to contain the coronavirus session on the floor, and Peninsula Clarion SEATTLE — Tensions over how escaday after an hourslong lated in the escaUnited States will now go to to contain theTuesday coronavirus session onthe thebudget floor, and as the death toll climbed to nineitself and the Senate. The city of Kenai it keeping the budget will now go to lated Tuesday in the United States lawmakers expressed doubts about the The budget included busy. Kenai Mayor Brian Gabriel ANCHORAGE — The as the death toll climbed to nine and the Senate. government’s ability to ramp up testroughly $4.5 billion of andexpressed City Manager Paulthe Ostrander two people killed Monday lawmakers doubts about The budget included ing fast enough toof deal crisis. state dollars, presented a State the Citythe address in roughly a head-on crash onof House government’s ability to ramp upwith test$4.5 billion All of the deaths have occurred in Finance Commiting fastat enough to deal withKenai the crisis. dollars, House Wednesday’s Chamber thestate Seward Highway Washington state, and most were resitee Co-chair Rep. Neal All ofLuncheon, the deathsand havewalked occurred inaudience F i naafather n c e and C odaughmmitthe were dents of a nursing home in suburban Foster, D-Nome, told Washington state, and most were resiCo-chair Rep. Neal through theofcity is focused ter,teeAnchorage police Seattle.everything The number infections in the body, which was dents of a nursing home in suburban Foster, D-Nome, told on — from looking at cutting announced. the U.S. overall climbed past 100,costs scatroughly the equivalent of Seattle.within The number of infections in the body, which was hall new for Paul Matson, 66, and tered city across at to least 15 incentives states, with 27 the governor’s proposed the U.S. overall climbed past 100, scatroughly the equivalent of local business owners.alone. Lea Matson, 25, diedin inDecember. the cases in Washington budget the police governor’s proposed tered across at leaststarted states, 27 in the Gabriel thewith conversation crash, said. “What is15happening now “This budget does not cases in Washington alone. budget in December. United States may beginning fundwith sending with a discussion onbe thethe city’s budget. Patrol officers the prisoners “What ofis what happening now inabroad, the ” said “This budget does is happening out ofDepartstate,”not Foster said. On the revenue side, about 54% of Anchorage Police United States may be the beginning fund sending prisoners AP PhOTO/ChrIS CArLSOn) Dr. Nancy Messonnier ofcity the Centers He highlighted some money coming into the is from ment shortly after 10:30 of what is happening abroad, ” said out of state,” Foster said. Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a primary election night campaign rally for tax Disease Control and Preventhings it does fund, sales revenue from the 3% sales a.m. He Monday responded AP PhOTO/ChrIS CArLSOn) Tuesday in Los Angeles. Dr. Nancytion, Messonnier of theinCenters highlighted some noting that China, criminal prosDemocratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a primary election night campaign rally tax inside the city. saidwhere there to things a call of aitincluding crash Mile for Disease Control andGabriel Prevendoesat fund, the outbreak began more than two ecutors, Village Public Tuesday in Los Angeles. has been a “steady upward trend” in 102including Seward Highway near tion, noting that in China, where criminal prosmonths ago, older and sicker people By STEVE PEOPLES and WILL in California that ensured he — and for America’s future, were battling for Safety Officers, public sales tax revenue. Bird Creek. Stafanie Dazio/ Associated Press the outbreak begantwice moreasthan ecutors, Village Public his embrace of democratic socialism delegates as 14 states and one U.S. are about likelytwo to become radio and the Alaska WEISSERT LosBy Angeles Eric Garcetti speaks in at California a news— conference that announced six new cases ofwere thea series coronavirus “We’re seeing growth in are thatyounger regard,” Investigators STEVEMayor PEOPLES and WILL that ensured he — and that for America’s future, battling months ago, older sicker people Safety Officers, public System. territory held offor high-stakes Associated Press would drive the Democrats’ nomiseriously illand as those who MarinedeterHighway in Los Angeles County, where there wasfor one previously, the steps county ofU.S. Gabriel said. mined sportAlaska util- the have are about twice as likely to become his embrace of democratic delegates asof14the states andHall one radiothat anda However, the WEISSERT nation fight thesocialism foreseeableon future. elections that marked the most signifiand healthier. Most cases have been bill been confirmed in downtown LosAAngeles Wednesday, Associated Press — —on would drive thesuddenly, Democrats’the nomiterritory held series of high-stakes seriously mild. ill assaid those He thewho cityare sawyounger $244,238,321 in ityMarine vehicleHighway driven north WASHINGTON resurgent Joe And Democratic cantaday of voting in the party’s 2020 passedSystem. by the HouseAdministration did However, the into bill nation for the foreseeable future. elections that marked the most signifiand healthier. Most cases have been totalThe taxable sales for the city ofapparKenai by Paul Matson slid Biden scored victories from Texas tofight Party’s presidential field, which presidential nomination fight. nursing home outbreak not include an allocation WASHINGTON — ADazio resurgent Joe Tuesday, And suddenly, the Democratic dayemergency of voting intake the party’s mild. last by for thean House did ByMassachusetts Stefanie six new cases, including a medical an declaration would year.seeded the first case in North thepassed southbound lane and on Super featured more than a half cant dozen It could weeks 2020 — or months ently Alaska Permanent Biden scored victoriesaPress from Texas to Party’s which presidential nomination outbreak apparnot include an allocation Associated screener at Los Angeles Internahelp — them forone a possi“Thathome kindauthorities of number, that’sAsignifistruck a pickup. revitalizing presidential bid that was presidential candidates a field, week ago, transformed for theprepare party fight. to pick of them toThe nursing Carolina, said. Wake Fund dividend, leading for anMatson Alaska Permanent Massachusetts on on Super Tuesday, featured more than half dozen It ble could takeon weeks — orDonald months theresident firstwithin case inthe North teetering the edge of disaster just Airport, into a two-man contest. take President Trump in seeded County who had visited the several representatives to tional werea confirmed. outbreak. California has 53ently cant spending city, ” Gabriel Paul died at the revitalizing a presidential bid aBiden week and ago, transformed for the party to pick one of to Carolina, authoritiesstate said. A Wake FundLea dividend, days earlier.— ButCalifornia’s histhat rival,was Berniecandidates SandSanders, lifelong—poliWashington nursing home tested call theleading bill incomplete. LOS ANGELES The measure made California confirmed cases ofthem coronavisaid. scene. Matson was teetering on edgethe of biggest disaster just into a two-man contest. takerus. on President Donald Trump in said resident had visited the severalinjured representatives ers,the seized prize with a win ticians with starkly different a visions positive but in isolation at home “We See TuESdAy, PageCounty A3 first coronavirus fatality — an the third U.S. state to declare Gov. Gavin Newsom The citywho isisalso working withand the critically anddecided trans-to we want call the billthe incomplete. days earlier. But his rival, Bernie SandBiden and Sanders, lifelong poliWashington state nursing home tested is doing well, according to the North PFD to be an approelderly patient who apparently state of emergency, after Wash- the emergency proclamation is borough, and other municipalities ported to a hospital, where ers, seized the biggest prize with a win ticians with starkly different visions positive but is in isolation at home and “We decided we want See TuESdAy, Page A3 Carolina office. priation,” Rep. contracted Ben the illness on a cruise — ington and Florida. Hawaii joined intended to help procure suppliesis doing across thegovernor’s state,totothe collect sales tax shethe died. well, according North PFD toCarpenter, be an appro-R-Nikiski In suburban Seattle, 27 firefighters prompted the governor Wednesday them Wednesday, with no cases revenues from online vendors. Some Two adults and a child Carolina governor’s office. priation,” Rep. Ben and paramedics who responded to “But we’ve left it to declare a statewide emergency as there yet and the governor saying See virus, Page A2 of those vendors, like Amazon and in Carpenter, the pickupsaid. were transIn suburban 27 firefighters R-Nikiski calls atSeattle, the nursing home were tested out of the appropriating Netflix, already collectusing sales and ported a hospital withit and paramedics whoTuesday responded to atax said. to “But we’ve left for the virus drivedocument.” itsystem to the city. The to collect what calls atsend the nursing home were tested outpolice of thecalled appropriating thru set up in aeffort hospital parkThenon-lifebill passed 23-16 all onlineusing vendors will formally threatening injuries. for thefrom virus Tuesday a drivedocument.” By Rachel D’Oro concerns for his health, a spokes- hospital bed with the words, “Curve ing area. with Carpenter and other launch Winter conditions thru system setinupApril. in a hospital park- Kevin The bill passed were 23-16 Associated Press woman for the Iditarod told The ball.” Thirty-year-old firefighter members of the House By Rachel D’Oro concerns Associated for his health, a The spokesing area. Grimstad with Carpenter and other minority hospital the words, “Curve When it took comes a factor in theRepublican crash, police caretoofthe twoexpendipatients Press. race will start bedAwith separate Facebook posting from Associated Press woman for the Iditarod told The ball.” Kevin members caucus of the voting Houseagainst the tures offirefighter the said. Jan. side 29 at Life Carebudget, Center inOstrander Kirkland. ANCHORAGE — Emergency Sunday north of Anchorage. his kennel, Husky Homestead Tours,Thirty-year-old Associated Press. The race start separate posting from took care of two Republican Bysurgery Beckyhas Bohrer chief medical officer, Dr.will Anne Zink,at Athe prioritized for people considered atGrimstad said the city is looking at He is among 10constantly frompatients the Kirkland Fire bill. minority Following the vote sidelined a four-time Messages left with King saidFacebook King began to feel ill Monday Jan. 29 ways at Department Lifeto Care in Kirkland.Last caucus voting against the was the ANCHORAGE Emergency Sunday north of Anchorage. kennel, Husky hospital and his cellphone were who developed sympon the bill itself, winner of—Alaska’s famed Iditarod night an IditarodAssociated Press briefed legislators Wednesday onhis not higher risk shortly ofHomestead beingafter ableTours, to spread beCenter more efficient. year He is among 10after fromcalls thean Kirkland Fire facility. bill. Following vote Messages leftZink withurged King calm at theandsaidthe King beganShe toevent feel surgery has sidelined four-time returned. to the nursing vote tothe draw funds from affiliated inMonday Anchorage Trail Sled Doga Race days before he immediately preparations. illness. saidillshe has spokenand thetoms city started efficiencies initiaandand his encouraged cellphone were not posted who developed symp- to evalon the bill itself, was the winner ofwas Alaska’s Iditarod afterinan Iditarod- stateDepartment to famed compete in his 30thhospital race. The 64-year-old musher a shortly JUNEAU — set Alaska raised its level kindness people tonight with colleagues Washington tive, which asked employees returned. to the nursing facility. vote to draw funds from Page Trail Sled Dog days beforeTuesday heas immediately event intheir Anchorage and Pagetoms See CHAmP, A2 after viRuS, Pagefirst A2 JeffRace KingWednesday withdrew over picture himself Facebook intoa learn See budgET, A3 of preparedness get flu shots, toof help keepon the state’saffiliated from experiences. uatecalls their every daySee tasks. In the was set compete in his 30th race. The 64-year-old posted a cases oftothe new coronavirus have limited capacitymusher health care system The Alaska health department year of the initiative, Ostrander said, See CHAmP, Page A2 See viRuS, Page A2 Jeff King withdrew Tuesday over picture of himself on Facebook in a See budgET, Page A3 Juneau Empire
in Seward Highway crash
4-time Iditarod champ sidelined 4-time Iditarod champ sidelined State: New level of awareness for COVID-19
Highway renovation expected to bring forth Index ‘Carzilla’Index
Local . . . . . . . .
Opinion . plan . . . . . . ANCHORAGE —A Local . . . World . . . . . . .. A3 to Opinion reroute.Alaska highway. . . . . . . . . . . . A4
emerged on the West Coast, including in Washington. . . State A3 health Commissioner Adam .Crum . A4 told reporters the new level . . A5 of heightened awareness involves . . A6 analyzing where officials are in their . . A7 we’re ready By Becky Bohrer .plans . A8 and making “sure for go time. ’ ” Crum and the state’s Associated Press . . A9
from being overwhelmed. has said steps one can take to help the city produced a one-time savings Crum said the Dunleavy admin- prevent contracting the flu or a cold of $29,000, annual savings of $63,000 istration is working on ways to help also help prevent getting COVIDand more than 1,000 employee hours. people get early refills on prescrip- 19, including washing hands often, “All city employees are essentially tion medications in case those are avoiding people who are sick, asked to look at how they do things, needed as part of individual prepa- avoiding touching one’s face with why they do them that way and if rations. Zink said tests for COVIDunwashed hands andexecutive staying home and Export Authority last year entered Tom Boutin, director of travel expenses. A3 19 in Alaska currently are contract being with when sick. into the sole-source the authority, told a House subcomBoutin toldSee Therevenue, AssociatedPage Press
Penney ending contract, had become a ‘distraction’ Penney ending contract, had become a ‘distraction’
Food . . . . . . . . World . . . Sports. . . . . . . .. A5 . . . . Food See . . news, . Classifieds . . . .Page . . ..A2 A6 . . . . Sports. . . nation . . . . . . .. A7 . . . . Some questioned mitteeexecutive last month he never he spoke with Penney Tuesday after and ExportPenney. Authority lastlawmakers year entered Tom Boutin, director of spoke travel expenses. By Becky Bohrer Classifieds Comics . . . . . . .. A8 . . . . . A10 JUNEAU — The grandson of the contract — which was to help a to Dunleavy about Penney or the the APThe inquired aboutPress the contract’s into the sole-source contract with the authority, told a House subcomBoutin told Associated Associated Press nation . . TV . .Guide . . . . .. A9 . . . . . A11 a prominent donor to a group government industry development contract. Boutin signed the contract status, and he said Penney confirmed Penney. Some lawmakers questioned mittee last month he never spoke he spoke with Penney Tuesday after Comics . . . . . . . . A10 that supported Alaska Gov. Mike team in its efforts to boost jobs and with Penney. he had terminated the contract. Check us out online at JUNEAU — The grandson of the contract — which was to help a to Dunleavy about Penney or the the AP inquired about the contract’s Local . . . . . . . . . . A3 TV Guide . . . . . . . A11 Dunleavy’s Tuesday that diversify Alaska’s economy — and Boutin The contract included options for and Penney, an email, said his partica prominent donorelection to a said group government industry development contract. signed the contract status, he saidin Penney confirmed Opinion . . . . . . . A4 To . subscribe, he has opted of his controversial the Republican three, one-year extensions withhe costs had “become a distraction that supported Alaskaout Gov. Mike team in itswhether efforts to boost jobs andDunleavy with Penney. had ipation terminated the contract. us out online NationCheck & World . . . atA6call 283-3584. contract withdiversify a state Alaska’s was involved in any—way. is contract not to included exceed $441,000 June in leading to asaid challenging Dunleavy’s$8,000-a-month election said Tuesday that economy andPenney The optionsthrough for Penney, an email, his partic-environSports . . . . . . . . . A7 corporation. a grandson of Bob Penney, who wasone-year 2022. extensions Under terms ofcosts the contract, ment for my colleagues. I believe in To subscribe, call 283-3584. he has opted out of his controversial whether the Republican Dunleavy with ipation had “become a distraction Classifieds . . . . . . . A9 By Becky Bohrer Currently, work-eligible, able-three, had acosts statewide waiver, O’Brien said. thework Alaska Food Coalition, said Clark Penney saidahe’d a a major donor toPenney a third-party group from July 1, 2019, through June ofto the the team and I are doing in $8,000-a-month contract with statebecome was involved in any way. is not to exceed $441,000 through June leading a challenging environTV Guide . . . . . . . A10 Associated Press bodied adults between the ages of The U.S. Department of Agriculthe plans don’t help people when distraction. that supported Dunleavy’s 2018Under 30, 2020, were not to exceed $132,000. corporation. a grandson of Bob Penney, who was 2022. terms of the contract, ment for my colleagues. I believe in Comics . . . . . . . . A11 18 anddonor 49 who no dependents in explaining the federal rules they worries The Alaska Industrial Development election. included $8,000 a month and Seeand PENNEy, A2 Clark Penney said he’d become a a major to ahave third-party group coststure, fromThat July 1, 2019, through June the work thelose teambenefits and I are doing in Pagethe JUNEAU — About 5,000 Alaskans that cansupported only receive three months change, states had taken advan- change could further strain food Arts . . . . . . . . . . A12 distraction. Dunleavy’s 2018 of 30, 2020, weresaid not to exceed $132,000. could food stamp benefits under election. food stamps in a three-year periodThattage of “weaknesses” in regulations to banks already facingPage highA2demands Thelose Alaska Industrial Development included $8,000 a month and See PENNEy,
Check us out online at To subscribe, call 283-3584.
State prepares for changes in food stamps program new rules set to take effect April 1, a state public assistance official said. Shawnda O’Brien, director of the state Division of Public Assistance, said an estimated 80,000 people in Alaska received food assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program as of January.
if they don’t meet work or work program requirements or fall within an exception, such as being pregnant or medically certified as unfit for employment. States have been able to seek waivers in areas with high unemployment or limited jobs. Alaska, until October,
seek waivers. The new rules tighten standards for states seeking waivers. The Trump administration sees the planned changes as encouraging more people to work. But Eve Van Dommelen, policy and advocacy manager with the Food Bank of Alaska and manager
in parts of Alaska. “Implementing this rule doesn’t help people get jobs. It just means that when they lose those food benefits, rather than being able to spend time looking for a job, they’re See stamps, Page A3