Sunday, July 30, 2017
Introducing our subcamps PAGES 7&8
Tomorrow’s legends arrive PAGES 4&5
Get the party started Poacher 2017 kicks off in style
by Holly Sloan
Last night the 5,500 Scouts and Guides from 24 different countries came together for the opening ceremony,
to declare the 10th Poacher International Jamboree officially open. This year marks the 40th year since Poacher
began back in 1977 and judging by the opening ceremony, Poacher 2017 is expected to be bigger and better than ever!
2•Sunday, July 30, 2017
Daily Arrow
Your daily dose of useful updates from Poacher
Get in touch
We would love to hear from you all about what you are up to throughout the week. You or someone you know might be celebrating a birthday or a special occasion. You might know someone who has been to every Poacher International Jamboree - it would be great to speak to anyone who has. Email your news to newspaper@poacher. org.uk or drop by the Poacher FM studio and fill out a form.
Poacher FM
Tune into Poacher FM on 87.9FM Sunday, July 30 7am-11am: Breakfast 11am-12pm: The Takeover (participants’ chance to be on air) 12pm-3pm: Lunchtime 3pm-6pm: Afternoon 6pm-7pm: Poacher Today (recap of the day with your messages!) 7pm-9pm: Musical Madness (the best of show tunes) 9pm-11pm: Absolute Legends (greatest hits from 60s-00s)
What you’re talking about online
@hollymsloan on Twitter: Enjoying Poacher fm as I join the traffic to get into @Poacher2017 #Poacher2017
@beckarunning on Instagram: Met this day last year at a jamboree and here we are again doing this one together
@Diane676 on Twitter: 40th Leicester are ready for the week!
Hol Louise on Facebook: Sporting some Poacher 2008 stash as I packed today. Travelled back to the shire from Norwich and cannot wait for this week! #Excited #5thpoacherrunning
We asked how people got to Lincolnshire Showground How many different methods of transport did you take to get to Poacher 2017? 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1
Which method(s) of transport did you use to get to Poacher 2017?
Bus/ Coach/ Minibus
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Ready and raring to go by Holly Sloan
The main arena was a spectacle of bright colours and energy; eager young people, leaders and staff excited for the week ahead. We were guided by the amazing stilt team and the camp-makers who showed every nationality represented by the flags on their backpacks, and listened as the presenters explained the legends theme. Chatting to entertainment manager David Hayes – or ‘Daisy’ as he is better known – he described the opening ceremony as a ‘a loud, ruckus prewarm up’ to get the participants ready and raring to go, and that it certainly was. One of the acts welcomed to the stage was singer Kayleigh-Ann Walters, who got the participants pumped up with her covers of two popular songs and her own single ‘Let it Out’. The arena was an array of participants and staff smiling, dancing and having fun listening to her upbeat music. Discussing her involvement in Scouting
and Guiding, KayleighAnn talked about how she released a single three years ago called ‘Let it Out’, a charity single for Scouting. “Lee Evans [one of the presenters for the opening ceremony] was at one of the events where I sung Let It Out at Westfield in London; he got in contact with me to see if I would perform at this event and I said I’m happy to do it!” Kayleigh-Ann has performed at several Scout and Guide events, including Guide camp Wellies and Wristbands. “I also take part in Handsworth Gang Show and I run a dance school for the Girl Guides.” Kayleigh-Ann also told us it was her first time at Poacher. She said: “I’m so excited to be here. It’s my first time at Poacher and it looks amazing! I said to my family that I wish we could stay and do the whole week. You can also buy the single by Bright Sparks Project on iTunes for 79p. All the proceeds go to Scouting.”
The opening ceremony was also joined by Father Gavin, one of the camp chaplains working with the reflections team. During the ceremony, he inspired the audience as he spoke enthusiastically about Poacher and what the Scouts and Guides will get out of this years International Jamboree. Talking to us about what he thinks are the best parts of Poacher, Father Gavin said: “Most of all they can make friends with participants who are international, and make friends with people who they have never met before. “Poacher is about all the Scouts and Guides coming together as one group of people despite being from different villages, towns or countries. There is so much for you to do and there is something here for everyone. No one will be bored this week at all!” After feeling inspired by Father Gavin, Floss, 13, from 2nd Middle Rasen Guides and Aaron, 13 from 1st Cranwell RAF Scout Group where
Singer Kayleigh-Ann Walters gets the crowd pumped with Let it Out
invited to declare Poacher 2017 officially open! They stood together to represent both movements, welcoming each-others organisation to the camp and presenting the vision of unity we, as they said in their speech: “We are here from different movements, Scouting and Guiding, but we are all here as one. There are 19 ways to tie a friendship knot in your necker, but they all end up the same way, with a friendship that can last for years.” During their speech, the view was a
spectacle of Scout and Guide flags rising up the poles behind them, having paraded through the middle of the arena. The audience erupted as Floss and Aaron began the countdown from five, and the words ‘We declare Poacher 2017 open!’ bellowed around the arena. We spoke to them to find out what it was like to speak in front of 5,500 Scouts and Guides. Floss told us: “It was quite nerve wracking but I think it was a really good opportunity because we got to introduce ourselves and I think
it’s a great thing to say you’ve done.” Aaron said: “I feel honoured because now everyone knows who we really are, I’m going to walk around the site and everyone will be like you’re the person who was on the stage.” The 0pening ceremony finished with a DJ playing a fantastic variety of music. The participants and staff left with a spring in their step, enthused by the excitement the rest of the week is yet to unfold...
Floss, 13, and Aaron, 13, who officially opened Poacher 2017
4•Sunday, July 30, 2017
Daily Arrow
Welcoming the world
Sunday, July 30, 2017
to a legendary Poacher
6•Sunday, July 30, 2017
Scouts here from around the world
by Jake Dixon
Scouts and Guides have arrived at Poacher from all corners of the globe. Ciara and Louise from 1st Meath Dunboyne Scout Group in Ireland are looking forward to “the Poacher Experience” and can’t wait for the activities to start. They are particularly looking forward to the segways and the flying trapeze. They had a three-hour journey to get here and had to fly on a plane to Manchester Airport where they boarded a coach which brought them to Poacher. Martyn, a leader from 1st Biggartinto Scout Group, had had a five-hour van drive to get to Poacher. His Scouts hadn’t arrived but the Young Leaders were looking forward to the “activities which involve engines”.
Here’s where you have all come from: Australia Austria Belgium Canada Egypt England Finland France Kenya Holland India
Ireland Isle of Man Middle East New Zealand Northern Ireland Poland Russia Scotland Spain Sri Lanka Tunisia USA Wales
Samantha and Julie from Troop 40227, a Girl Scout Group from Kansas took 11 hours to get to Poacher. Saija and Aino, both 15, are from Kajaanin Korvenpojat and they are camping on the Storybook Legends Subcamp. They heard about Poacher online and decided to leave Finland and take a three-hour flight to London. 24 hours of trains and tube journeys later, they are here at Poacher and ready to get stuck into the “adventure, activities and making friends.” In particular, they would like to “try ice skating and visit the water village” Isabella, Jemima, Lizzy, Rachel, Taylor and Natalie are some of the Australian Girl Guides who have travelled here from all corners of Australia and
have been brought together at Poacher 2017. They had a seven-hour flight from Sidney to Singapore where they stopped over for nine hours and then had a 14 hour flight London. From there they had two train rides to get them to Lincoln where they had a final bus journey which brought them on-site. Now that they are here they are looking forward to “the activities, like caving and freefalling” they also “love meeting new people from all over the world and especially love hearing their accents.” They would love you all to go over and see them on Storybook Legends Subcamp where they have hundreds of badges which they are willing to swap.
Daily Arrow
Irish Scouts making friends Scouts and Guides from twenty-four different countries are attending this year’s Poacher International Jamboree, including Scouts from 27th Galway, Ireland. As you can imagine, their journey was not a straight forward one, needing three different modes of transport in the early hours of Saturday morning. We’ve been speaking to Niamh, 14, Ava, 12 and Aoife, 12 about their arrival. They said: “We were at the bus station for quarter to one in the morning, we got to the airport for 3am and we were waiting in there for hours. “But our flight was earlier than we expected and it only took us half
an hour.” They then got on the bus at Manchester, and drove two-and-a-half hours to Lincolnshire. They spoke about how excited they were. They said: “It’s something different, we don’t really know what to expect but it will be worth it.” Discussing with them what they were most looking forward to during the week, Niamh told us she couldn’t wait to try new activities and making new friends. “There’s people from different countries and nationalities which is really cool and interesting,” she said. “We’ve brought hurls, which is a big sport in Ireland, to make friends.”
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Challenges galore at Historical subcamp by Jake Dixon
In contrast to their name, the Historical Legends subcamp team certainly aren’t behind the times. The team were all ready for the arrival of the participants at their Camelot headquarters with an excellent admin team set up and prepared to battle with an army of Scouts and Guides. The preparation wasn’t without its complications though. There was a lot of last minute running around and a near catastrophe when they ran out of paint! Fortunately, they were able to borrow some more and seven cans later the field was set. The subcamp team are
putting on a variety of activities for the participants to get stuck into over the week. There are two giant dragons to be won. One of these is for winning the points challenge and although ways of gaining extra points are being kept under wraps for now the main method of earning points is to take part in Camelot’s Cannonball Collection Challenge by collecting the colourful cannonballs from around your pitch each morning and returning them to the subcamp HQ. The other dragon can be won in the subcamp’s Search For Merlin challenge where they are hoping
The Historical Legends subcamp at their Camelot headquarters to find the next best magician. There will also be a jousting competition. Make sure your leaders have a go and prove themselves to be King Arthur.
Annie and Charlie from 1st Wellingore Scouts are ‘really excited for Poacher.’ They can’t wait for the drone racing and are also looking forward to
Camelot’s Cannonball Collection Challenge which they really want to win so they can take the dragon home. accepted.
Famous names and a mannequin in costume at Movie Legends subcamp by James Traynor
It’s all ACTION in the Movie Legends subcamp. Walking down the red carpet into the headquarters, you feel like a VIP, hobnobbing amongst the Walk of Fame legends such as Tom Cruise, Ellen DeGeneres and Angelina Jolie. The glamorous subcamp team have been preparing for weeks, sticking, gluing and carefully building their gateway. The equally glamorous mannequin ‘Slack Alice’ greets you as you enter the hub. Alice will be dressed in different themed costumes every day including
Disney, James Bond and Minions - themes which will be paired with daily subcamp activities, so head along to the headquarters to see what is happening on each day. Jo, from the Movie Legends subcamp team, is organising a daily themed run. The theme will change daily and is hush-hush but she did reveal today’s’s theme is Run Forest Run. Anybody can head down at 7am every morning and meet Jo outside the headquarters for a run around the site. Sam from 27th Lincoln Scout Group on Movie
International feel at GDV by David Parker
There are four zones to see at the Global Development Village with three activities on offer. Visitors to the GDV can do as many activities as they want to in one visit or can revisit later in the week. At the end of each zone visitors will get a sticker and a stamp. Collect all stickers and stamps to get the badge. The GDV will be open every day from 9.30am to noon, 2pm to 5pm and 6.30pm to 8pm. The GDV is encouraging people to bring them recycled items to help with one of their activities. They will accept cardboard, cleaned plastic food containers, egg boxes and milk cartons but not glass or tins. They will also be making camp gadgets from newspaper sticks and will need lots of recycled newspapers. The village is also looking for old magazines to turn into scrapbooks.
Foodbank collection
The Movie Legends subcamp features a walk of fame Legends subcamp is very prepared for this week. Along with a costume of his favorite Movie Legend, Darth
Vader, he has Batman, Superman, Ironman and Santa as well as some more he can’t even remember! He said
he could not wait to get dressed up but also was looking forward to the water activities.
A subcamp is collecting food to help people in need. The Historical Legends subcamp is collecting food for Boston Foodbank. A foodbank collects food and everyday items for people who are in crisis. Please donate any food you have left over, or are willing to donate, to the Historical Legends subcamp this morning or on Saturday before you leave.
8•Sunday, July 30, 2017
Daily Arrow
Legends ready to have the time of their lives
by Abbie McFarlane
Comic Book Legends Olli and Isaac from 1st Welton and 20th Lincoln Scout Groups are looking forward to dressing up on their subcamp as superheroes. The duo also admired the ‘awesome’ subcamp gate and ‘pretty cool’ Bat-mobile which are at the entrance to the subcamp. The Scouts are looking forward to the waterslide the most. From 28th Northhampton Guides, Lucy is looking forward to embracing her inner superhero with a red cape. Lucy and her new friends (or sidekicks?) are representing Northhamptonshire Guides after meeting at Pre-Poacher events. Subcamp leader Andy
told us about the two-and-a-half years of planning that had been put into the site and the impressive Subcamp gate. Inspired by Spiderman and his superhero friends, the gate was built by Paul Derrick in his front garden and then recreated here at Poacher. Soon the inside of Comic Book Legends headquarters would be covered in capes from each group representing their own county and later a day of ‘pants over trousers’ will bring out the true superhero in them all. Andy said he was looking forward to everyone mucking in and creating fantastic memories for young people.
Storybook subcamp ready to welcome you all with a big smile Story Book Legends time at camp for the are you sitting team: be happy, polite comfortably? and helpful! After five attempts at Camping on the Story the Story Book Legends Books Legends site, subcamp group photo Jake and Marcus from they were ready to 1st Cranwell Scouts welcome campers onto are looking forward site with big smiles. The to all the activities team told us about their Poacher has to offer, in Robin Hood-themed particularly all the water site with a tree trunk sports. photo backdrop and American Girl Scout then a story book corner Samantha and leader complete with cosy Julie from Troop 40227 bean bags. Camp leader of Kansas Heartland Sharon and her deputy say they like the Sarah shared their subcamp’s yellow brick orders for the rest of the Your newspaper was brought to you by:
road feature most as it reminded them of their home. After an 11-hour journey, which included a nine-hour flight, they looked happy to have their tents up and ready for tomorrow’s adventures. Guides from 2nd Coningsby, who are also camping on the Story Book Legends subcamp, are most looking forward to the evening entertainment with fancy dress and everyone enjoying their week.
Newspaper Team Leader - David Parker Deputy Newspaper Team Leader - Sarah Paget Reporters: Holly Sloan, James Traynor, Hamish Arnold, Jake Dixon and Abbie McFarlane.
Photography Team Leader - James Hage
World map on page six created by Freepik.
Photographers: Graham Sprought, Stephen Way, Ellen Tack, Evie May, Victoria Lamb