Cover Story Zimmerman Family: POA Love from Birth Eric fell in love with ponies from the very beginning. His first word used for everything other than “mommy” and “daddy” was “Dixie”(the late Rocky Dawns Spirit). Along with his toy tractors and trucks was his huge assortment of ponies. His first ride was when he was only 3 months old in the snuggie with his daddy. His first leadline was at 10 months old during his first Turkey Circuit. It was safe to say he was hooked. He has had a blast showing ponies, raising and training babies, and trying out new things to push his limits and abilities. From the breed pen to speed shows, dressage, jumping and many trail rides he has done it all. He has had many companions along the way that have guided him and molded him into the rider he is today. At just 2 years old we brought him home a mini named Sadie that toted him everywhere and bucked him off when deserving. Double Tough Investment, Skipping With A Rhythm, and Silver Siri Plaudit Bars packed him for leadline and started him on his way to riding by himself. At age 4 Eric informed us that he was no longer doing leadline and we started the transition into walk/trot. Silver packed him around that first year. Taking care of him, building his confidence and showing him the way. He was a great buddy to Eric as he had been for all his previous riders. Lameness forced Silver to retire and we had the opportunity to bring home Miss Crystal Snow for Eric to ride. Crystal taught Eric patience and perseverance. She was in her 20’s and set in her ways after being retired to raise babies for a few years it took she and Eric some time before they were on the same page. His little legs could barely reach below the pad. At 6 years old he trail rode Crystal, hand galloped a hunter pace, and traveled all the way to Texas for his first Reichert Celebration and brought home a reserve highpoint title. You could find Eric in the dark riding Crystal bareback. Night blind Crystal would take care of her crazy boy who is legally blind himself. At 23 we knew Crystal’s time toting a daredevil little boy would be limited. We took a leap of faith and gave Rick’s junior pony Too Blonde To Boogie to Eric. Eric was 6 and Blondie was five. They jumped into the walk/ trot pen full steam ahead. He taught her to neck rein when she turned 6 and started gaming her. In 2014 they ranked
in the nation in 6 events. They brought home the 8&under highpoint title at the Congress and continued to grow. 2015 Eric decided it was time for he and Blondie to move onto 3 gait. They added jumping, trail and reining to their resume. The bond between the two of them is amazing. Along came Emma in 2013. I remember Eric saying “Momma I hope she likes ponies too.” At 2 weeks old, she made the trip to Iowa to the Futurity, and we survived. Her first ride was aboard Miss Crystal Snow at a few months old. The spotted fever had taken a hold of Emma as it had her big brother. Her favorite word to this day is “Beau” (ZNZ Spectacular Equity). EVERY toy pony, every pony she see’s has been and still is “Beau.” We knew it would not be long and she would need a pony of her own. We were blessed with the opportunity to by Emma her very own perfect pony. Impulsive Zippo was delivered on Thanksgiving Day to the Turkey Circuit. The look on Emma’s face was priceless when that silly pony stepped off the trailer. She sat on his back and kissed him over and over. We clipped him, banded him and put him to bed. The very next morning we dressed this new pony we had never met in the most ridiculous costume. We dressed Emma, sat her on his back and in they went into their first class together. Emma was only 14 months old and Buzz was 5. He gingerly walked with his tiny tot perched on his back. Although most ponies are still called “Beau” by Emma “BUZZ” is who she calls when she wakes in the morning. She would live in the saddle or dragging that pony around day and night. It has just started for these two but we can’t help but be excited for their future together. As we pack to head to Emma’s first Congress riding in leadline, I can’t help but think of the wild ride it has been. The many lessons hauling each week, hours on every pony and horse in the barn, the miles and miles of road traveled. We wouldn’t change a thing. We are so proud of Eric! His work ethic and dedication to his ponies and his desire to teach his baby sister is so special. He has met so many friends along the way and even more role models to look up to. Good luck to everyone at Congress! We look forward to seeing you all.
rma The Zimme
- POA May/June 2015 -
Pony of the Americas Subscriptions, extra magazine copies, breed registrations and memberships, bookkeeping and point information can be obtained by contacting the POAC, Inc. office. Chief Executive Officer: Joyse Banister poac@poac.org Registrar: Vicci Craver registration@poac.org Show Department Administrative Ass’t: Kelly Gideon showdept@poac.org Bookkeeping: Stacey Stewart accounting@poac.org POAC Executive Committee: Diana Peaton - dpeaton@cox.net Scott Shingleton - shinglepoas@aol.com Beverly Tabor - beverly.tabor@nttdata.com
The Official Publication of the Pony of the Americas Club, Inc. Volume 60 - Online 4 - July 2015
This Month’s Features Cover Story: Zimmerman Family 2014 Medallion Winners Supreme Champion Where are They Now? 2015 International Futurity
Departments Bits and Pieces CEO’s Message Pony History Youth News From a Judge’s Perspective Select Sire Futurity Stallion List Owner’s Directory Coming Events
POA is published bimonthly by the Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc., 3828 S. Emerson Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46203. Subscription rate is $40 per year ($52 per year outside of the United States) Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, IN 46203 (ISSN 0882-9624). POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc., 3828 S. Emerson Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46203. POA is the official publication Of the Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc. Photos/ manuscript submissions are welcomed, but POAC, Inc. is not responsible for any submissions while in transit or in their possession. For return of any submissions, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Send all correspondence to:
Inside Cover 6 13 15 16
2 & 35 3 11 15&39 24 25 31 36
Forms Medallion Applications Membership Application Select Sire Futurity Bid Form Select Sire Futurity Nomination Form Owner’s Directory Insertion Order National Futurity Nomination Form Youth Promoter Application
Featherlite Tioga Territory
Elizabeth Murray 1100 E 5th Street Anderson, IN 46012 poamageditor@gmail.com
8 12 29 30 33 34 40
41 42
POA reserves the right to refuse any advertising or copy it feels would not be in the best interest of the membership of the Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc.
Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc. (317) 788-0107 Fax (317) 788-8974 Any “Letter to the Editor” published in the POA Magazine submitted by our membership does not necessarily reflect the opinion of our National Office Staff or the POAC Board of Directors.
- POA May/June 2015 -
and Pieces
POAC Office Fax Number (317)788-8974
Membership Reminders
Remember, you must be a National POAC member to conduct any POAC business (except transfers). You must also be a member if you participate in the POAC approved Regional, Classic, West-World, Congress, and International Futurity shows. Be sure to refer to the POAC National Handbook for exact membership requirements. You can find the POAC National Handbook online at http://www.poac.org/ resources/forms/index.htm Effective July 1, 2015, all exhibitors must be a current National POAC member before earning any national points on any pony they exhibit at any POAC approved event.
Inspection and PHC Reminder Only those ponies that have been advanced from Tentative to Permanent
Registration AND whose papers have been processed and received by the owner may be inspected for a Permanent Height Card. Ponies cannot be inspected for Permanent Papers AND their PHC at the same time. Ponies cannot be measured for a Permanent Height Card until they have received their Permanent registration papers back from the National POA. Remember that PHC’s can only be done at Regionals, Congress, International Sale, West World, and any other POA approved show that has advertised in POA Coming Events that they will be offering PHC measuring and inspection and will have the inspection team required for Permanent Height Cards.
Sale/Futurity Late Nomination Notice If you late nominate for the Fall Futurities for Yearlings and Older, you will pay a one-time $50 late fee per class. No yearling and other futurity entries will be accepted after Sept. 5 for the 2015 POAC International Futurity except for any Maturity and Non Pro Classes offered. Select Sire Futurity entries can be made until 24 hours before the futurity show begins. Broodmare Class Information The Broodmare Class will be open to Tentative or Permanent registered mares that have had a full-term foal in the current or previous year – Rule 91.F General Halter Rules – 2014-2016 POAC Official Handbook Supplement #1 Effective Jan. 1, 2015: Maximum Height Chart
• Weanlings – 47” • Yearlings – 53 ½” • Two-Year Olds – 55” • Three Year Olds – 55 ½” • Four Year Olds and Older – 56”
National POAC Office Welcomes Vicci Craver as New Registrar The POAC National Office is pleased to announce that Vicki Craver of Indianapolis, Indiana has taken the position of POAC National Registrar, replacing Katie Schrader. Vicki comes to the POAC with years of experience with our breed and now has grandchildren riding POAs! Welcome, Vicki!!!
- POA May/June 2015 -
From the Desk of the Chief executive Officer An Exciting Time of Changes for POAC…
JOYSE BANISTER Chief Executive Off icer 3828 South Emerson Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46203 317-788-0107 poac@poac.org
Changing software can be very challenging for an office, but changing software in all four departments at one time has proven to be quite exciting for POA!!! Here is the status of the four departments at this time with regards to the software… Registration Department --- This department was the first to receive new software and we are fully operating with the program now. We still have some “bugs” to work out, but overall we are thrilled with this new system and especially the look of the new registration papers that have photos of the animal along with the actual transfer form on the backside. For Permanent Registered POAs, the two photos on the paper represent one tentative photo and one permanent photo. For Tentative Registered POAs, both photos are the tentative photos that were submitted. All of the registration papers are now white because of printing photos on them, and the front side will have a colored bar at the top if they are ID Pink or ID Blue, and will have a black bar if they are Tentative. It is very important to send in the best photos possible of your POAs since they now will appear on the registration papers for all to see! Show Department --- Kelly is now starting to put show results into the new software specially designed for POA lifetime and annual points. This is a project that is on-going because we have multiple tests that we continue to run to check accuracy of points and tabulations. As soon as we are able to get all of the show results into the new system and get the “green light” to proceed, we will post Year End Point Standings on the National POAC Website and alert everyone on the POAC National Facebook page. We thank everyone for their patience while waiting on these points…we would rather take more time and test the new software properly than to rush and publish incorrect standings. Accounting Department – We are just starting to convert our accounting department over to QuickBooks from Peachtree software. Stacey will be entering all of the income received in 2015 from January 1st to current into the new system over the next several weeks, but will maintain the Peachtree software as reference also. We are excited about this conversion because the reports should be more “user friendly” for the Board to review, and the entry will be more efficient for Stacey in the POA Office. Membership Department – This software has also been re-written for us so that we can better track our memberships, as well as link them to the registration and show departments when processing show results and registration paperwork. It is extremely important when you submit your membership renewal forms that you list all of your family members that will be showing or registering ponies, with birthdates so that we can enter this into the system and get a member number assigned. Once all of these new software programs have been in operation for a few months and we can get the “bugs” worked out of them for our specific needs, we will truly have programs that with improve the accuracy and efficiency of our departments and be able to serve our members with better quality reports and information. Thanks again for your patience with this huge project here at the POAC!!!
anister Joyse BPOAC CEO - POA May/June 2015 -
2015 Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc. Board of Directors Diana Peaton, President 965 E. Melody Drive Gilbert, AZ 85234 (480) 497-9551 Dpeaton@cox.net
Kathy McKenzie 1820 Sleepy Hollow Edmond, OK 73034 405-812-3657 Mckmuench@gmail.com
Karen Meyer 837 Govern Circle Eagan, MN 55123 651-210-6373 karen.k.meyer@comcast.net
Kristen Fears P.O. Box 221 Justin, TX 76247 (817) 800-5174 kmfears@yahoo.com
Scott Shingleton, Vice President 5998 E 700 N Shelbyville, IN 46176 (317) 694-5262 shinglepoas@aol.com
Ken Tearman 2519 N 700 E Franklin IN 46131 317-494-1883 kentearman@centurylink.net
Judy Katzenberger 5893 Hwy. 186 Vesper, WI 54489 (715) 459-2760 jnfarmpoas@yahoo.com
Carol L Davidson 33855 Coakley Rd. Lebanon, OR 97355 541-258-7541 carol001@centurytel.net
Dawn Walther 8602 S. Flint Road Pearl City IL 61062 815-541-9637 dawnpoamom@yahoo.com
David Brewer P.O. Box 446 Monteagle, TN 37356 423-280-3730 morningstarfarmpoas@yahoo.com
Janette Arends 23743 I-76 Access Road Hudson, CO 80642 (303) 536-4476 arends4j@aol.com
Beverly Tabor, Secretary/Treasurer 205 Locust Hill Drive Churchville, MD 21028 (410) 734-6944 beverly.tabor@nttdata.com
Youth Advisory Board
Other Representatives:
Shelby Brenner, MI
Vice President Secretary
Connor Collinsworth, MI Ashley Corn, IN Kelsey Smith, GA Lainie Wheetman, GA
Youth Advisors: Charlene Shingleton, IN
Alaina McKenzie, OK Sable Tearman, IN Whitney Reynolds, MO
• Liz Otten, MO
Mission Statement: The Youth Board aims to act as a liaison, providing an avenue for concise and effective communication to the national POAC Board of Directors, reflecting the concerns and ideas of the youth members. It is dedicated to providing a voice for youth in important issues facing the POA breed, as well as promoting better relationships among POA youth. Nominations for the Youth Advisory Board are due on November 1, 2015.
Suspended Persons 2015
As per written notice issued earlier to the individuals and/or entities listed, the following POAC members have been suspended from all membership privileges and benefits until further notice. A complete list of suspended persons and entities is maintained in the POAC office, along with the responsibility of each member, pony owner, or those involved in transactions with POA ponies wishing to contact the association concerning the membership standing of a particular individual or legal entity. Martin & Debra Abrams, UT Derek Anderson, SD Allison Ball, IA Jan Pennington Black-AR Robert Callen, CA Madeleine, Gail/Michael Coleman, OR Melanie & Elisabeth Conde, FL Taasha Cooper/Wyatt Phillips-OR Colleen Francis, IN Bert, Denise & Rhonda Dato, WA Marilynne Del Rio, ID Marie Zurcher Gardner, ID Crystal Grife, IA
Penny Gum, IN Tina Halverson, CA Courtney Hazelton, MA Michelle Howard, OH Robert/Kathy Kimzey, IA Rachel Lantz, WI Stacy N. Long, MO Kim & David Lubarski-MN Cyndi McClendon, IA Dianne/James McGee, TX Sharon McGeein, VA Dottie McLeroy, KS Alison Muzyka, OK
- POA May/June 2015 -
Margaret Norris-ME Xena Pusek, WI Janet Putman, TX Laura Restivo, TX Deborah Rodrigues, RI Brandi Schiffman, UT Deb Schulte, SD Karen Shay, ID Brian/Jean Smith, MN Jennifer Stahl, MI Leslie Vahsen, OR Chloe Waddle, OH
As of 7/1/2015
Pony News
Win a POA Texas 4-H Essay Contest Texas Pony of Americas Club is pleased announce the 2015 Win A POA 4-H Essay Contest. This is a statewide 4-H contest open to registered Texas 4-H club members between the ages of 9 (or entered in the third grade) and 16 as of August 31. The purpose of this contest is to acquaint 4-H members with the Pony of the Americas breed, horse ownership and care in general. The winner will receive a registered POA, halter and lead rope, a Junior Membership for a year in the Texas POA Club, and various other donated prizes. “Texas POA is very excited and pleased to offer this contest to Texas 4-H members. It’s a great opportunity to connect a youth who desires to train and compete with their own horse with a quality pony and youth oriented breed organization,” said contest coordinator and Texas POA Vice President Julie Hinz.
Pat Burton, a National POAC Director, Texas POA Director, and professional farrier, will personally choose the young pony to be given through the contest. In order to enter the contest, 4-Hers must complete an essay, questionnaire and something creative, as well as provide a letter of recommendation from their 4-H leader. Deadline to enter the competition is October 15, 2015. Please log onto the club’s website at http:// www.texaspoa.com/4hessay.html or email 4-H Essay Coordinator Julie Hinz hinzjulie@hotmail.com for a complete set of rules and entry form. The pony will be awarded during the Texas Pony of the Americas Club Turkey Trot IBC Show to be held at Navarro County Exposition Center in Corsicana, Texas, November 2122, 2015.
POAC National 2015 Scholarship Recipients Congratulations for being selected as recipients of the POAC National 2015 $1.000 Scholarship!!!
Whitney Reynolds, MO Sable Tearman, IN Harley Heard, OK Shelby Brenner, MI
Upcoming Magazine Deadlines Month To Publish
September OCTOBER November DECEMBER January FEBRUARY March April May JUNE July AUGUST
Must Be Received
July 15 August 15 September 15 October 15 November 15 December 15 January 15 February 15 March 15 April 15 May 15 June 15
Deadline For POA Show Applications
Show Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sep - POA May/June 2015 -
Publication Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug
Approval Due July 5 Aug 5 Sep 5 Oct 5 Nov 5 Dec 5 Jan 5 Feb 5 Mar 5 Apr 5 May 5 June 5 5
2014 POAC Medallion Winners
Invitaton to Look Courtney LaBrie, IL Showmanship
B Lookin Super Fancy Charlotte Ballard, OK Adult Driving
DWR Sit Back Cadillac Courtney LaBrie, IL Hunter Under Saddle
TC Tigers Inntimidator Maddie Condliffe, FL Leadline Horsemanship
B Lookin Super Fancy Brian Ballard, OK Cloverleaf Barrels/ Flag Race/ Showmanship
- POA May/June 2015 -
2014 POAC Medallion Winners
Crusader Moon Dust Bethany Sims, TN Bareback Horsemanship/ Huntseat Equitation Showmanship/ Western Horsemanship
JBJ’s Obvious Kidd Tammy Virzi, IA Halter
Rocky Rise N Shine Kimberly Eigenberger, WI Adult Hunter Under Saddle Adult Western Pleasure
Aka SkipN Tense Traci Weston, FL Halter
Pal Son Of A Bounce Laura LaBrie, IL Huntseat Eq Over Fences - POA May/June 2015 -
POAC Medallion Application
$15 Nomination Fee Per Event Deadline: July 1
Performance Classes
Timed Events
Adult Driving Competitive Trail Riding Costume Dressage Endurance Riding Hunter Under Saddle Hunter Hack Hunter Over Fences Open Jumping Reining Trail Western Pleasure Western Riding Youth Driving
Cloverleaf Barrels Figure 8 Barrels Flag Race Go Go Race Handy Horse Keyhole Race Pole Bending Scurry Race Single Pole Straight Barrels
Equitation Classes Bareback Horsemanship Hunt Seat Equitation HS Equitation Over Fences Leadline Horsemanship Showmanship Western Horsemanship
In-Hand Classes Halter
Novice Events
Please circle all divisions you would like to enter. Only one pony/rider combination may be nominated per form. If you wish to nominate more than one poy/rider combination, please duplicate this form or request additional forms from the POAC National Office. Pony/Rider combinations must earn at least 100 points in each nominated event during the calendar year. Contact the National POAC if you have any questions regarding this program. You must be a current POAC National Member to nominate for this program.
Pony Complete Name: Registration #:
Pony Age:
Rider Ph #:
Rider Name:
Rider DOB:
Pony Sex:
Full Address: Signature of Applicant:
Amount Enclosed:
Mail Nominations to To: Pony Of the Americas Medallion Program 3828 S. Emerson Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46203 8
(payment must be enclosed for processing)
Rider Code: (For Office Use Only)
- POA May/June 2015 -
Open Show POA, Inc. Medallion Application
$15 Nomination Fee Per Event Deadline: July 1
Youth Performance Classes Driving Competitive Trail Riding Costume Dressage Endurance Riding Hunter Under Saddle Halter Hunter Hack Hunter Over Fences Open Jumping Reining Trail Western Pleasure Western Riding
Youth Timed Events Cloverleaf Barrels Figure 8 Barrels Flag Race Go Go Race Handy Horse Keyhole Race Pole Bending Scurry Race Single Pole Straight Barrels Texas Rollback
Adult Performance Classes Driving Competitive Trail Riding Dressage Endurance Riding Hunter Under Saddle Halter Trail Western Pleasure Reining
Please circle all divisions you would like to enter. Only one pony/rider combination may be nominated per form. If you wish to nominate more than one poy/rider combination, please duplicate this form or request additional forms from the POAC National Office. Pony/Rider combinations must earn at least 100 points in each nominated event during the calendar year. Contact the National POAC if you have any questions regarding this program. You must be a current POAC National Member to nominate for this program.
Pony Complete Name: Registration #:
Pony Age:
Rider Ph #:
Rider Name:
Rider DOB:
Pony Sex:
Full Address: Signature of Applicant:
Amount Enclosed:
Mail Nominations to To: Pony Of the Americas Medallion Program 3828 S. Emerson Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46203
(payment must be enclosed for processing)
Rider Code: (For Office Use Only)
- POA May/June 2015 -
- POA May/June 2015 -
Looking Back at POAC History
- POA May/June 2015 -
Membership Application and General Order Form Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc.
• 3828 S. Emerson Ave. • Indianapolis, IN 46203 • 317-788-0107 Fax: 317-788-8974 • www.poac.org Name ____________________________________________________ Date ________________________________________ ( N O FA R M N A M E P L E A S E )
Address __________________________________________ City _________________ State ___________ Zip __________ Telephone: Days ___________________ Evenings __________________ Email ___________________________________ Family Members:_______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the POAC. National Membership in Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc. is a prerequisite for conducting registry business, with the exception of Transfer of Ownership. Membership entitles you and your immediate family to voting privileges, nomination and election of members to the National Board of Directors, eligibility for National Year-End Awards, and participation in POAC Regional Shows, Classic Shows, National Congress, and International Futurity events. For voting priviledges, membership must be post marked by April 15 of the current year.All POA State and National Officers, members of State and National POA Boards of Directors, POAC Approved Judges, State and National Inspectors, Show Chairmen, and POAC liaison people working with Open shows, and National Committee Chairmen must be current POAC National Members. To apply for membership, complete this application and sign below. Send this form with appropriate fees to the POAC National Office. If you have any questions, contact the POAC by phone at 317-788-0107. You can also find much helpful information and most of our forms on our website at www.poac.org. POAC reserves the right to change fees at any time.
POAC Membership: POA magazine subscription included ............................................................................. $70 (required to process any paperwork, voting rights, points, year-end awards & to show at the following shows: Regional, International, Classic, World - type & National Futurities) (POA magazine subsctiption run ftom March 01 - February 28) POAC Membership only - no magazine subscription included ........................................................................ $50 POAC Associate Membership (Judges & Organizations ONLY) .................................................................. $35 (not included: voting rights, points and POA magazine) Junior Membership*** ...................................................................................................................................... $25 *** (Only for a youth showing a POA owned by another family with current membership, at the Regional, International, Classic, World - type or Futurities) Family Name and State ________________________________________________ Magazine Subscription only (no membership) ................................................................................................. $ 40 (POA magazine subscription runs from March 01 - February 28)
Outside USA $82
I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations of POAC, Inc. as listed in the current Official POAC Handbook; and, I ascribe to the goals and purposes of POAC, as detailed in the Official Handbook.
Signature _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Please add appropriate membership fee to these rates) Jan 1 - Sept 30 of calendar year foaled ID or Tentative..................$30 Oct 1 - Dec 31 of calendar year foaled ID or Tentative ..................$40 During yearling year ........................................................................$50
Duplicate certificate ........................................................................$20
During 2-year-old older year............................................................$70
Lease-filing fee ................................................................................$10 Name change....................................................................................$50
ID to Tentative..................................................................................$20 Transfer from Tentative to Permanent ............................................$20 Transfer from POA to ID ............................................................ .. $20 Change stallion to gelding.............................................................. $5 Annual filing fee, Stallion report ....................................................$30 Transfer of ownership ......................................................................$15
Five-generation pedigree..................................................................$25 Late or amended stallion report ......................................................$15
Permanent Height Card (good for all POAC shows) ..............................$25 POA Magazine (sample issue) ............................................................$ 5 Point Summary - Lifetime 2yr Detail ..............................................$35 Point Summary - Lifetime ..............................................................$15
Point Summary - One Year ..............................................................$10
Gelding ............................................................................................$100 Mare ................................................................................................$150 Stallion ............................................................................................$500 Mares with unknown pedigree........................................................$100
Proven Producer Award....................................................................$10 Registration of farm name or prefix ................................................$25 Reinstatement of pedigree................................................................$10 ROM Award ....................................................................................$30 POAC Stud Books Per Volume .......................................................$10
(in addition to regular registration fees)
POAC RUSH FEES 21 business days .............................................................................$35 8 to 20 business days ......................................................................$100 7 business days ...............................................................................$150 All Field Registrations ....................................................................$35
OTHER FEES Research fee (minimum 1 hr.)..........................................................$25 per hr.
Progeny Listing ................................................................................$10
Rulebook ..........................................................................................$ 5 DNA Test Kit ...................................................................................$40 HYPP Test Kit ..................................................................................$65
- POA May/June 2015 -
Rev. 2/15
POAC Supreme Champion
Legally Blonde and Tanessa Cowan In 2005, three young girls fell in love with a palomino filly owned by Tom Matlock. The eldest, Alexis, sold a cow, Tanessa sold a pony and the youngest, Jessica, put in enough for the tail. Together they bought Legally Blonde, a 2003 mare sired by The Impersonator, out of Real Treasurable (AQHA). Growing up on a ranch, the girls rode nearly every day after school. They worked cows with the cowboys, spent long hours on the trail, swam the horses in the ponds and showed English and Western at open and 4-H shows. When Alexis was younger, she had been thrown off a neighbor’s horse into a fence and refused to ride. So her parents were quite surprised when she came home from a friend’s house and said ”Guess what? I rode a pony today! And if you get me one that size I’ll ride!” The pony was a POA named Strawberry. A paint pony that size was found and Alexis started riding again. Next she moved on to a Quarter Horse, but in the meantime, POAs had been found for Tanessa and Jessica and the family decided everybody should show a POA. At the Fort Worth Stock show, the girls saw Legally Blonde. She was an International Futurity Champion in in hand trail and for sale. They went to the Matlock’s and Tanessa trotted her around the round pen bareback with just a halter and declared she was really smooth to her sisters and Blondie moved to the ranch. Their mother rode and trained her, and also fell in love with her, but for some reason, Blondie and Alexis didn’t click. She continued to show her Quarter Horse and sometimes her sisters’ POAs in different age groups. Tanessa had another POA at the time she was showing, but everyone thought she could do more with Blondie. It took some convincing, but once she started riding her, the other pony moved on. Tanessa disliked halter and showmanship and going for high point wasn’t on her radar until she was older. The pair eventually was high point at the Western Classic, the International and the Reichert Celebration. They won the Texas Futurities in Trail and Reining. They didn’t show at the International until 2011, Tanessa’s last year to show in youth. So far her experience in showing speed had been just going in the classes for points. She decided to go for high point halfway through the show and the Friday night before speed was the only one on a horse in the arena when she saw Johnny Brown in the stands. “Any advice?” She asked. “Have you ever done speed before?” “Uhm, not really. “ “That could be a problem, “ he said, and the big surprise? Blondie was fast! Mr. Brown coached her through the games and winning the last game of the show, handy horse, she won the high point. In the team’s last District 4-H show, Tanessa showed working cow in her English shirt with breeches under her
chaps and changed tack to show hunter under saddle and western classes. Tanessa and Blondie won trail and Jessica won ranch horse trail on her POA at that same show. So just out of curiosity, they sent for her points. Too bad Tanessa disliked halter so much when she was young, because it looked like all Blondie needed were a few grands or reserves for Supreme! So with Tanessa in college in England, her mom hauled her to few Texas shows and with one more to go, Tanessa got back from Oxford to show her one more time and with that Reserve Grand Championship became a Supreme Champion. Legally Blonde has done more than most horses dream of. She has been competitive from jumping to speed to horsemanship to trail to working cow to ranch horse classes and even team penning against all breeds. She can be pulled out of the pasture at any time to work cows on the ranch or give a kid a ride. Tanessa says she’s a lot like Mary Poppins—practically perfect in every way.
- POA May/June 2015 -
Pony Interest: Where Are They Now?
Sunni Chernega
I started showing POA’s in 1988 and had the privilege of showing Accent’s Joker, Bonanza’s Gold and Suncrest Big Mac (the love of my life) during my youth career. My family did not miss a POA International (now the POA Congress) between 1990 and 2005. I also showed several ponies in 19 and over until I moved to Atlanta, GA and bought my first quarter horse. Since then, I have won the Quarter Horse Congress 3 times with 2 of those wins on my current horse, Nearly Chocolate (pictured). We also had a top 10 placing at last years AQHA World Show. I have been blessed with good ponies and horses, great parents and an extremely competitive sister that pushes me to be my best. However, POA offered our
family more than just a place to compete. I feel so fortunate to have started my show career in such a special organization. Our POA friends are family and while I don’t currently have a POA to show, I will always feel like I am part of the organization. Sincerely, Sunni Chernega Animal Land Pet Movers www.petmovers.com Pictured are: Right: 1998 riding Suncrest Big Mac Left: Sunni and her current horse at Congress.
POA Points Designations Clarification I know that Point Designations can be really confusing, and now that we have added more classes to our show bills, it is even trickier to remember when to compete a POA Designation Form! Here are some guidelines to remember… • Complete a designation when the same pony goes in two different age groups of the same event (including the 19 & Over Classes). LEADLINE CLASSES ARE EXEMPT FROM DESIGNATIONS … For example, if the same pony goes in Western Pleasure 14-18 and Western Pleasure 19 & Over, a designation form must be completed prior to the show to indicate which class will count for National Points. If you have two youth that are sharing a pony, and goes in 9&Under AND 10-13 Hunter Under Saddle, you must complete a POA Designation Form to indicate which combination will receive National Points. • If a pony is ridden in Novice and age group divisions of the same event, a designation must be done. For example, if a pony goes in Novice youth Western Pleasure w/j/l and Western Pleasure 9 & Under, Western Pleasure (3 gait) OR 19& Over Western Pleasure, you must designate which class will receive national points. • You do not need to designate between the JPFC classes and age group classes at the same show. • If you have elected to compete for High Point Rider (Multiple Pony) at the POA National Congress, you will need to complete a POA Designation Form if the Rider is showing more than one pony in the same event at that show, such as games, trail, etc. Both ponies will still receive national points, but the points will not count toward this specific High Point. A Point Designation Form can be found on the POA National Website under Resources/Show Department Forms…you can print this form and have it completed before you go to a POA Approved Show to make check-in a bit easier!!! Good Luck!
- POA May/June 2015 -
Youth News
Wisconsin POAC Participates in Midwest Horse Fair By Brooke Magnus My name is Brooke Magnus. I’m the 2015 Wisconsin POAC Princess. I am from Neillsville, WI, and in the 6th grade. I was very fortunate to participate in the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison, WI, April 17-19. Horse Fair (or as I like to call it – “Pony Fair”) was held in the new Alliant Energy Center buildings where the Midwest Regional Show is going to be held on August 7-9. It is an awesome facility! The group representing WPOAC at the fair was: Jase Katzenberger (WPOAC Prince) with JN Myte Diva, Mya Katzenberger (WPOAC Tiny Tot Princess) with JN Just a Gold Rush, Lauren Perry (WPOAC Queen) with Smoky Hollow Dot Com, Layla (3 years old!) and Lisa Hirschman with JN Tobe Crowned in Roses demonstrated leadline, Dawn Durham with Sheza Hot DZ Weedo demonstrated in-hand events, Sara Durham with CV’s Crystal Ring, and myself – Brooke Magnus with Zippos Classic Lad. Our group was made up of all but one youth. No other breed at horse fair could claim that! Our coordinator for the group was Lori Helmer who volunteered MANY hours at the booth by our stalls. When we arrived on Thursday, we all washed our ponies and got them ready for the fair. I swear that I got wetter than my pony! We were blessed to not have the usual “Wisconsin Weather” which made getting ready much easier! We got to practice in both in the Coliseum and in Pavilion 2. Friday is when the real fun began! At 11 a.m. the POA group rode into Pavilion 2. There were so many people watching us! I had a great
Kris Magnus, Dawn and Sara Durham, Brooke Magnus, Lauren Perry, Layla and Lisa Hirschman, and Jase & Mya Katzenberger.
ride, and I did what my mom calls “The Princess Wave”. Our ponies were invited to be a part of the Judging Competition at the fair. About 200 people (a mixture of 4-H, FFA, and other youth and adults) “judge” classes and the results are paired by the official judge’s tally. It was great to have three POAs in the western pleasure class to show off what good movers ponies can be! Saturday was a day full of talking POAs. The Midwest Horse Fair had a record breaking 61,000 in attendance! While at the booth and throughout the fair, our group talked with people who had just bought POAs and we encouraged them to come show with us! Others we talked to had a POA as a kid and some were in the market to buy. We also talked to middle age people who were looking for or considering buying POAs for themselves - POA May/June 2015 -
due to their size, versatility, and temperament. Others had no idea what POAs are! No worries. . . we showed them! On Sunday we got to ride in the big Coliseum. Our group had an awesome demonstration of In-hand, Hunt Seat, Western, and trail! The ponies were so well behaved! Midwest Horse Fair went so fast. At 5 p.m. and we were all ready to go, all except one thing- the truck keys! We searched the area for 2 hours. Then we called Dawn Durham’s husband to come rescue us. One problem- he was 2½ hours away! When we finally got home it was not Sunday anymore! The last problem- I had a huge test next day at school! Oh well. . . at least we got more time at Midwest “Pony” Fair!!! 15
2015 Pony of the Americas International Futurity
September 30-October 2, 2015 7:30AM National Equestrian Center, Lake Saint Louis, MO
Tuesday, September 29, 2015:
Thursday, October 1, 2015:
Trail set up 1pm Trail Practice Starts at 3pm
Main Arena 7:30am: Select Sire Futurity Weanling Fillies Yearling Fillies 2 year old Fillies 3&4 year old Mares Yearling Geldings 2 year old Geldings 3&4 year old Geldings Select Sire Futurity Weanling Colts Yearling Colts 2 year old Colts 3&4 year old Stallions Most Colorful
Wednesday, September 30, 2015: Main Arena Side A- 7:30am: JPFC 2 year old Trail Non-pro Trail W/J/L JPFC 3&4 year old Trail Maturity Trail Main Arena Side B- 7:30am: Yearling In-hand Trail Non-pro Trail W/J 2 year old In-hand Trail
Break (drag arena)
Break (take down trail) Main Arena Following Break: Yearling Longe Line 2 year old Longe Line Break (drag arena) Main Arena Following Break: Non-Pro Western Pleasure W/J JPFC 2 year old Western Pleasure Prelims Non-Pro Western Pleasure W/J/L JPFC 3&4 year old Western Pleasure Prelims Maturity Western Pleasure 2 year old Incentive Western Pleasure Reining First Go
Main Arena Following Break: Hunter In Hand Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle W/T JPFC 2 year old HUS Prelims & Final Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle W/T/C JPFC 3&4 year old HUS Prelims & Final Maturity Hunter Under Saddle Pleasure Driving Reining Second Go Friday, October 2, 2015: Main Arena 7:30am: Yearling Longe Line Sale Incentive Break (drag arena before finals) Main Arena Following Break: JPFC 2 year old Western Pleasure Finals JPFC 3&4 year old Western Pleasure Finals Saturday October 3rd: High Point Presentation Sale
- POA May/June 2015 -
2015 International Breed Promotion Sale
EARLY CONSIGNMENTS Continued for 2015, we are accepting bred mares from POA approved breeds (current POAC Handbook page 60) in foal to registered POA stallions AND also accepting ID Blue and ID Pink registered POAs. Advertising on the internet, at the POA National Congress, flyers at fairs and much more!
Early Deadline July 1, 2015
Sale Consignment form is on the next page. Request for preferred catalog “Lot #” will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis for an additional $25. This is available only to Early Consignments. A copy of the application for registration along with photos and consignment form will be accepted by July 1 for 2015 foals being consigned early. Consignment form, registration certificate and updated photos for the ctalog can be sent to the National Office by the July 18 deadline. A drawing will be held at the sale for one (1) stall refund, a $65 value, for early consignments only.
2015 Premier Select Weanling & Yearling Incentive Program Consign a weanling or yearing to the 2015 sale to be part of this up-and-coming program.
Weanlings will be eligible to return and compete in the 2016 Yearling Lunge Line Incentive. Yearlings will be eligible to come back and compete in the 2016 2-year-old Western Pleasure Incentive.
International POA Futurity Show Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2015
International POA Sale October 3, 2015 Lake St. Louis, Missouri - POA May/June 2015 -
2015 International Breed Promotion Sale National Equestrian Center - Lake St. Louis, Missouri - October 3, 2015
Please read and complete both pages. If additional forms are needed, contact the National Office or use a photocopy. *Any consigned POA that does not go through the sale ring may be assessed a $1,000 penalty, subject to an appeal to the International Sale Committee.* l. Only registered POAs owned by active POAC members in good standing will be accepted by the Screening Committee. No substitutes will be accepted. Ponies sell according to catalog numbers. Each POA is the responsibility of the consignor until the auctioneer pronounces it sold. At that time, responsibility will shift to the buyer unless the owner immediately announces, “NO SALE” 2. A picture of each POA consigned to the sale must accompany the consignment form. Please send good, non-retouched pictures taken during the current year. Consignment forms that are not accompanied by pictures, or that are accompanied by poor pictures, will not be accepted. A brief owner’s statement (100 words or less) also must accompany the form. The Screening Committee must rely heavily on this statement, on the pictures, and pedigrees of each consignment. The final screening will be made at the sale. Please bring quality POAs that are within the height limit, have good POA color and are well groomed and fit. Ponies should be in show condition. 3. The Screening Committee has the power to screen and select the best POAs, keeping in mind a balance in terms of age and sex. The committee will also consider color, breeding, show records, and the height limit. At the same time, it will try to accommodate as many consignors as possible. 4. Send a good quality photograph (with a contrasting background) along with the consignment form. If the photo is of a Reference Sire, also send a Reference Sire statement. 5. No pony will be started for less than $200.00. If no bid is received, all fees are forfeited and the seller must NO SELL the pony. If the pony later sells on the grounds, the NO SALE fee will be applied to the commission. Commission will be charged on lease purchases made as a result of the consignment to sale. Ponies that are not consigned to the Lake St. Louis, MO International Sale or Futurity, cannot be stabled or brought onto the grounds without
prior arrangements. Contact Liz Otten at 636-7519977 to make prior arrangements. The owner of any pony that is on the grounds, whether or not it is consigned to the sale, will be required to pay the Sales Commission if a purchase results from a pony being on the grounds. 6. Each lot that is consigned with your consignment form must be accompanied by the pony‘s registration certificate, a breeding certificate (if the pony is a bred mare), a signed transfer form, a brief owner’s statement (100 words or less), a brand-inspection report, and a photograph of the pony. Also include a Reference Sire Statement if you are listing a Reference Sire. If your entry is not selected by the Screening Committee, all materials will be returned to you. 7. Bring separate health papers (these should in clude temperature reading and the result of a neg ative Coggins Test taken within the last six months) for each pony brought to the sale and deliver the papers to the Inspection committee. 8. ALL PONIES WHICH ARE CONSIGNED AND ACCEPTED MUST BE OFFERED FOR SALE IN THE AUCTION RING! You must provide a good halter and lead rope for each pony that is sold. Consignors of ponies sold at the sale will be paid beginning at 2 p.m. 9. Ponies must conform to the requirements listed in the current Official POA Handbook. Mature ponies under 46” or over 56” may be screened out. 10. The seller will pay transfer fee at the time of settlement. 11. A “NO SALE” must be made clear between the seller and the auctioneer before the pony leaves the ring. This is the seller’s responsibility. 12. If a pony accepted for the sale is sold before arriving at the sale, the consignor must pay a 10% commission. This practice is discouraged, however, because this is a catalog sale, with a limited num ber of entries. If you consign a POA, bring it to the sale.
13. All papers on each pony must be up-to-date including stallion to gelding and tentative to permanent status, or a minimum rush fee of $35 will be billed to your account in addition to regular processing fees for each pony. 14. Consignments close July 18. Entries must reach the National Office postmarked on or before that date. Consignment fee must accompany the consignment form. 15. Any POA tracing to the AQHA sire Impressive must verify HYPP status prior to sale. 16. Catalog ad rates are as follows: $100 for full page, $60 for half page, $35 for quarter page and $25 for business card size. Contact the National POAC for more information. Ads due by August 2, 2015. No “pony for sale” ads, except those consigned to the sale. 17. All weanlings/yearlings consigned are eligible to enter the Incentive classes. Write YES or NO in the box provided on the consignment form. By writing yes, owner agrees to pay 2% of the selling price into the 2016 IF class. The pony may not sell in the barn for less than the highest last bid in the Sale ring. By marking the box, it WILL NOT make your yearling eligible for the 2016 class. You MUST (no exceptions) also complete the 2-Year-Old Incentive Fund form and mail it in with the completed consignment form. 18. No outside bedding allowed per facility rules. Must use 2 bags per pony stall reserved. 19. Transit stalls are $100 pre-paid and are available in a separate area from all sale and futurity stalls. ALL TRANSIT HORSES MUST USE THEIR ASSIGNED TRANSIT STALLS. No transit horses will be allowed to be sold during their time on the grounds, and they are not permitted to be ridden or lunged with the POAs in any of the indoor rings on the grounds. All transit horses must present current health and coggins papers before being stalled. Owners of all transit horses must provide the name of the responsible party caring for the horse while on the grounds, as well as the name of the purchaser and hauler.
I hereby consign the listed animal(s) to the sale. In consideration for being allowed to offer my POA(s) for sale, I hereby agree to release officers and members from responsibility for any and all damages and injury that may occur to me, my family, or my animal(s) at the fairgrounds. All cataloged ponies present at the sale must go through the sale ring. I understand that if l NO SALE my POA(s), I will still be responsible for paying the passout fee. I further agree to pay the 10% commission on the purchase price of any pony I sell at the sale (whether it is sold privately on the grounds or publicly through the auction). I understand that the order in which ponies are to be sold will be determined by the Sale Committee. I agree to abide by all of the terms and conditions listed above. I understand that the inspection that the committee will make during measuring is merely a courtesy and that it is not intended to determine soundness. I understand that the responsibility for soundness is determined by the buyer and seller. Should a prospective buyer request that a licensed veterinarian perform a complete examination (at the buyer’s expense), I agree that I will present my pony for this examination. The owners of animals which are not in the sale or entered in the Futurity cannot stable those animals at the National Equestrian Center without making prior arrangements. NO Exceptions. By signing these consignment forms, I agree to abide by the sale rules and regulations set by the POAC, Inc.
Name of Owner/Authorized Agent: Full Address:
Phone Numbers:
Email: Please read and complete both pages of this form 18
- POA May/June 2015 -
2015 International POA Breed Promotion Sale National Equestrian Center - Lake St. Louis Missouri - October 3&4, 2015 Continued for 2015: Accepting bred mares from POA approved breeds (current POAC Handbook page 60) in foal to registered POA stallions. Accepting ID Blue and ID Pink registered POAs
10% Commission on all sales Consignors must be 2015 POAC National Members Papers must be current
Consignments must be received in the POA Office on or before July 18, 2015. Early consignments are due July 1, 2015. Pass out fees: $50 for $2,500 or less, $100 for $2,500-$5,000, $150 for $5,000 or more Papers must be current. If papers are not up to date, including stallion to gelding status and tentative to permanent status, a $35 fee will be charged per pony in addition to the consignment fee. Six-year-old POAs must be advanced to Permanent and have a Permanent Height Card (can be obtained during inspection at Sale/Futurity.) Bring separate health papers and Coggins papers for each pony, including temperature reading. Ponies will not sell without negative Coggins Test Report dated within six months of sale. No outside shavings will be allowed per facility rules. Each pony stall has a 2 bag minimum. Contact facility directly to purchase bedding. Pony Name/Registration #
Consignment Fee $115
Early Arrival $20/Stall
Tack Stall $65
Incentive Weanling/Yearling
Reference Sire $50
Lot # Request Early Only $25
Total Fees Due
Grand Total:
Did you include the following with each consignment?
Original Certification of Registration Signed Transfer Form Breeders Certificate for all mares in foal Veterinary statement verifying mare is in foal Verification of HYPP status if Impressive breeding in pedigree
Brief statement for catalog (less than 100 words) Signed Weanling/Yearling Incentive form for 2015 eligibility Consignment Fee and all additional fees Good quality recent photo for catalog (no proofs accepted) Completed and signed Sale Rules page
Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent: Phone #: Email:
By signing this form, I agree to abide by the sale rules & regulations set forth by the POAC, Inc. that can be found in the POAC National Handbook and in the Sale Consignment Rules on the backside of this form.
Western Pleasure & Longe Line Incentive Classes
Notice to 2015 Sale Consignors
2016 Western Pleasure & Longe Line Incentive Classes to be held in conjunction with the International Futurity Show in October 2016.
Open to any Weanling or Yearling that is consigned to the 2015 POA International Sale. The POA consigned to the International Sale must be presented in the sale ring. If the Weanling or Yearling does not sell in the ring and later sells in the barn, a transfer must take place and all appropriate fees must be made in the sale office to remain eligible. The pony may not sell in the barn for less than the highest bid in the sale ring.
Owner Information
Buyer Information
to remain eligible:
to remain eligible:
Seller agrees to pay 2% of the selling price.
To remain eligible, there will be a $100 sustaining fee that must be paid by the new owner. This fee is due by July 1, 2016.
The 2% fee will be deducted at the time of settlement at the sale. This is NOT a mandatory class that consignors must commit their yearling to. This form MUST be completed and sent in with your consignment form. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Circle one:
2016 Payback: 50% • 25% • 12% • 8% • 5% One entry per form
• Yearling Longeline Incentive Class, 2016 • Two-Year-Old Western Pleasure Incentive Class, 2016
Cataloged Pony Name:
Foaling Date:
Day Phone:
Date Consignment Submitted:
Registration #: Consignor’s Name: Full Address:
Consignor must be a 2015 POA National Member to participate in this program. By signing above, consignor agrees to all of the above terms and conditions and agrees that once this weanling/yearling has been consigned into the 2015 POA International Sale, it will not be withdrawn from the Incentive Program. 20
- POA May/June 2015 -
2015 Adult Maturity Entry Form One entry form per pony/rider combination Exhibitor Name:
Date of Birth:
Address: Cell Phone:
9&U 10-13 14-18 Adult
Pony Complete Name:
Registration #:
Foal Year:
Owner Name:
Maturity Classes
Check to Enter
Class Fee
Office Fee
Maturity Trail
Maturity Western Pleasure
Maturity English Pleasure
Class Fee Subtotal:
Type of Stall
Cost per Stall
Number of Stalls
Total per Stall Type
Stall Fee + Venue Fee
Tack Stall + Venue Fee
$ Stall Subtotal:
Class Subtotal: $ Drug Fee:
Grand Total:
Adult Maturity Late Fees Entries postmarked after September 1: $125 class fee + $10 office fee = $135 Entries received at the show: $150 class fee + $10 office fee = $160 Entries close for all Maturity Classes at Noon the day before the class is scheduled to be held. Mail Entries To: Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc. 3828 S. Emerson Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46203 Due September 1, 2015 - POA May/June 2015 -
2015 Adult Non-Pro Entry Form One entry form per pony/rider combination Exhibitor Name:
Date of Birth:
Address: Cell Phone: Pony Complete Name:
Registration #:
Foal Year:
Owner Name:
Exhibitors must sign and submit the Non-Pro Eligibility Agreement with their entries. Check to Enter
Adult Non-Pro Classes
Class Fee
Office Fee
Adult Non Pro WJ Trail
Adult Non Pro WJL Trail
Adult Non Pro WJ Western Pleasure
Adult Non Pro WJL Western Pleasure
Adult Non Pro WT English Pleasure
Adult Non Pro WTC English Pleasure
Class Fee Subtotal:
Type of Stall
Cost per Stall
Number of Stalls
Total per Stall Type
Stall Fee + Venue Fee
Tack Stall + Venue Fee
$ Stall Subtotal:
Class Subtotal: $ Drug Fee:
Grand Total:
Adult Non-Pro Late Fees Entries postmarked after September 1: $40 class fee + $10 office fee = $50 Entries received at the show: $65 class fee + $10 office fee = $75 Entries close for all Maturity Classes at Noon the day before the class is scheduled to be held.
Due September 1, 2015 22
Mail Entries To: Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc. 3828 S. Emerson Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46203 - POA May/June 2015 -
Adult Non-Pro Eligibility Requirements 1. The Adult Non-Pro must be 19 years of age or older as of January 1 of the current calendar year, a member in good standing and meet the eligibility requirements listed below. 2. The Adult Non-Pro may show in regular Futurity and/or Maturity classes at the 2015 POA Futurity show. 3. Ponies shown by the Adult Non-Pro may be shown by another exhibitor in regular Futurity and Maturity classes at the 2015 POA Futurity show. 4. The Adult Non-Pro may show any tentatively or permanently registered pony. (Any age pony) 5. Exhibitors who have received remuneration for any of the activities listed below within three years of submitting the Adult Non- Pro Agreement Statement are not eligible. a. Showing (performance and/or halter), judging, training, schooling, instruction of any equine discipline and/ or conducting equine related clinics or seminars, performing any of the above listed activities for the applicant’s family or family business, Performing any of the above listed activities for the applicant’s employer, employer’s business or family member of employer, received prize money in Equitation or Showmanship classes. 6. Exhibitor eligibility is not affected by receiving remuneration for the following a. Writing of books or articles pertaining to equines or the equine industry, accepting payment for stewarding, announcing or show management, having the occupation of veterinarian, equine acupuncturist, massage therapist, farrier, practicing equine law, owning or employed by a business that sells equine insurance, supplies, nutrition, veterinary supplies and medications, apparel, tack and equipment, hauling, breeding or boarding stable, providing the service of clipping, braiding, banding, certification as an instructor in equitherapy by North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA) or similar organizations. The excepted instructor shall teach only students enrolled with an approved organization or prescribed such rehabilitation by a licensed medical doctor.
Adult Non-Pro Eligibility Agreement I, ________________________ , agree that I am 19 years of age or older as of January ! of the current calendar year and a member in good standing with the National POAC. I have not received remuneration for showing (performance and/or halter), judging, training, schooling, instruction of any equine discipline and/or conducted equine related clinics or seminars for 3 years prior to my application to participate in the Adult Non-Pro classes at the 2015 Futurity Show. I have not performed any of the above listed activities for which another person in my family or corporation controlled by my family received remuneration for above listed activities for 3 years prior to my application to participate in the Adult Non-Pro classes at the 2015 Futurity Show. I have not performed any of the above listed activities while accepting remuneration for employment in another capacity for an employer or member of said employer’s family who owns, boards or trains the involved horses for 3 years prior to my application to participate in the Adult Non-Pro classes at the 2015 Futurity Show. I have not received prize money in Equitation or Showmanship classes 3 years prior to my application to participate in the Adult Non-Pro classes at the 2015 Futurity Show. I do not hold judging credentials with any equine organization or receive remuneration for judging either in the form of a salary, perks or as reimbursement for expenses for 3 years prior to my application to participate in the Adult Non-Pro classes at the 2015 Futurity Show.
Adult Non-Pro Signature:
Printed Name:
- POA May/June 2015 -
From a Judge’s Perspective by Duke Neff Some really interesting news from the industry, and we’ll start with the PINTO news that, according to DARRELL BILKE, all Pinto judge will have to work at least one show every year or two....this is in line with the industry concept to keep judges who are “current” about trends, rules, concepts and professionalism in the pen......and eliminate some judges who have not been active. The Paint Association did a similar thing earlier in the year....some judges were removed from the active list. The Appaloosa breed also made a major change....now a judge who is approved by virtually any association of group can, with proper processing, judge two Appaloosa shows. This means, again with processing, POA judges may judge an Appaloosa show.... and do it actually twice in a time frame. This change for the APPS was designed to allow Regional Appaloosa clubs to retain area judges at a lower cost and therefore increase the chances of profit at the shows. It would seem to open
the door to questions about creditability.... but we will see. A couple of early season notes: worked a combined AQHA ,APHA, Pinto, Buckskin and open show for Gayle Bieganowski in Carthage Missouri. Clint Fullerton did AQHA and Buckskin, and I did the rest plus Buckskin....show had over 150 stalls rented and we finished at about 10:30 at night - running a show like that isn’t easy, but Gayle Bieganowski can sure do it...AND the whole event was a success and made money. Similarly, did a PINTO and OPEN show in Oregon....and it had over 1100 entries in three days....so here is the point....combining a couple of events, in terms of costs and management....looks like the trend of the future. Can fill stalls up pretty quick that way.
HEARD more good things about the POA WORLD SHOW in Lake St. Louis...that is really a nice facility....easy to get to....lots of good places to stay and eat close by....and several covered arenas....will be headed there to visit with some of you at the SHOW.... and sure hope I run into MIKE SHEPPARD...been a good friend for LOTS of years! Don’t know....obviously...where you are as you read this....but sure hope your gas prices are like the ones here...we are still at about $2.20 per gallon in the Kansas City area. The low gas prices could really help our soon-to-arrive show season. Diesel is about $2.50 here. Finally, there is something special about spring, and kids, and horses....a new show season...new friends....time to travel...if in fact you show! A great time of year....so reach out...make a new friend and enjoy. It is that time of year. --Duke Neff 816-809-0709 dnhorsejudge@gmail.com
Additions to the POA Carded Judges List Lisa Ligon 3000 Glenwood Court Aubrey, TX 76227 903-870-6420 Lligon126@aol.com Cards: AQHA, APHA, ApHC, NSBA. Kris Lynn-Heschke Fleener 2384 Poplar Ave Duncombe, IA 50532 515-368-2131 turninfly@hotmail.com Cards: 4-H Tricia L. Mozingo 4319 Brixton Road Chesterfield, VA 23832 804-833-4855 cheeryacresminis@yahoo. com Cards: OHSA, WCMHR, ACTHA Kelli M. Wainscott P.O. Box 96 Williamsburg, MA 01096 413-695-8343 kellimarie43@yahoo.com Cards: 4-H, Open. Marlo Byars 5814 W Conservation Drive Frederick, CO 80504
303-772-0830 303-817-3879 steparrowacres@aol.com Nick Carden 2655 NW 100th Street Ocala, FL 34475 770-354-0558 nmcarden@gmail.com Cards: PHBA, ABRA, ASHA
Sarah Bonini 4 Hillside Road Southwick, MA 01077 413-531-2111 dressarah@comcast.net Cards: OHSA 4-H Amy Franks 68406 39th Street PawPaw, MI 49079 269-657-6982 269-303-4482 afranks@portageps.org cards: 4-H
Kristin Fuhrmann 181 East 44th Street P.O. Box 406 Riverside, IA 52327 319-431-2735 kvm1912@yahoo.com Cards: 4-H
Megan Gogerty P.O. Box 544 Iowa Falls, IA 50126 515-460-5031 megan.gogerty@iavalley. edu Cards: 4-H, Open
Dana R. English P.O. Box 1111 Whitebright, TX. 75491 469-667-4551 Cards: AQHA, APHA, PHBA. Kathie Crowley 10978 N. Territorial Road Dexter, MI 48130 248-207-7222 Kathie.crowley@yahoo. com Cards: IBHA, NSBA, PHBA, ABRA, 4-H
Kathy Krukow 1644 Easton Ave. Waverly, IA 50677 319-529-1986 319-290-7191 Cards: 4-H, Open Stephanie McConnell 5185 Depot Street New Trenton, IN 47035 812-623-0547 513-623-9292 mcconnellperformance@
yahoo.com Cards: AQHA, IBHA, PtHA, NSBA, PHBA, ABRA. Linda J. McKenzie 4437 Webberville Road Webberville, MI 48892 517-468-3963 517-488-7472 Lindam2@tds.net Cards: 4-H Catherine A. Peterson 68335 Peterson Road Niles, MI 49120 269-240-7182 jeffkatiepeterson@att.net Donna Zimmermann 10325 George Smith Road Lithia, FL 33547 813-737-4500 813-363-1535 Ponieswithrhythm@aol. com Blaine Burt 3685 Hamlet Ave N Oakdale, MN 55128 770-880-8641 blaineburt@hotmail.com Melissa Lalli 40 Cady Street Ludlow, MA 01056 413-218-1681
- POA May/June 2015 -
Cards: Open, 4-H Kimberly Jo StoutBrown 5959 Heritage Lane Oakley, IL 62501 217-620-0188 Cards: OHSA Angie Peters-Hughes 3872 County Road 3504 Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 209-304-9171 frombeginnerstowinners@ gmail.com Cards: CSHA, Open Add Email for Judge Jaime Gray is: JaimeW_Gray@Yahoo.com Paul R. Huettl 1141 Pleasant Valley Road West Bend, WI 53095 262-707-4738 parayhuettl@aol.com Cards: ARHA, WSHC, WIHA, 4-H Jerry Laumer 1290 County Road I Oshkosh, WI 54902 920-232-0880 920-232-0990 jlaumer@charter.net Cards: NSBA
2016 Select Sire Futurity POAC makes no guarantees, refunds, or negotiations concerning a donated service, or any information provided in this list regarding color, height, shipped semen, etc. Call the stallion owner regarding these matters before you purchase a stallion service. All purchases must be made by July 31, 2015. Refer to the current POAC Handbook for Select Sire Futurity details. NOTE: Stallions crossed through below have already been purchased.
- POA May/June 2015 -
Stallion Name Alabama Kind Of Impulsive KS’s Handsome As Bond KS’s Jammin With A Ghost KS’s Naturally Nifty California LVO Four On The Floor LVO Respects Poco Bien Canada Avalon Ima Domino Doc Colorado Diamondized Florida Clayhill Lazy Loper Speaker Of The House Suddenly On Fire TC Impulsive Weedo Georgia Leos Gold Peppy Iowa Bostons MacCloud CHR Tigers Tough Eagle Docs Macho Man Docs Ruff N Tough Docs Ruff N Zip Dun N Dirty Dutch Golden Choccolatey First Impulse Hes One Tough Bud His Dirty Dealer Hot Chocolate Hunter Ima Impulsive Star My Lucky Zipper Pal George Jones RPRs Impulsive Superman Silent Sham Suddenly Sid Sunbright Skip The Dance The Midnight Special
Breed and Color Description (by Owner)
Height Fee Shipped Semen Location
POA - Chestnut leopard POA - Sorrel, blanket with spots POA - Sorrel fewspot POA - Chestnut roan snowcap
KS’s Pony Farm KS’s Pony Farm KS’s Pony Farm KS’s Pony Farm
256-974-0400 256-974-0400 256-974-0400 256-974-0400
ksspoas@gmail.com ksspoas@gmail.com ksspoas@gmail.com ksspoas@gmail.com
54” 52” 54 1/2” 55”
POA - Palomino POA - Bay few spot
Purchased by Linda Beagle, CA Purchased by Linda Beagle, CA
925-862-2965 925-862-2965
thomasjoan@mac.com thomasjoan@mac.com
54” PT Yes 54” PT Yes
Appaloosa - Bay Roan with Spots
Jocelyn Kish/Topspot Stables
350 No
ApHC - Chestnut Roan with spots
Barbara Klein
POA-Bay snowcap with blanket POA - fewspot leopard Robert or Tracy Keen POA - Chestnut with frost over hips Purchased by Donna Zimmermann, FL POA - Bay Purchased by Donna Zimmermann, FL
727-647-5662 863-990-6893 813-737-4508 813-363-1535 863-990-6893
pamskeystone@verizon.net tcpoas@embarqmail.com ponieswithrhythm@aol.com tcpoas@embarqmail.com
52” 55” 53” 54”
500 FL PT No PT No PT No
AQHA - Palomino
Anita Hendrix
770-562-8213 56 1/4”
POA - Chestnut few spot POA - Chestnut few spot POA - Chestnut few spot POA - sorrel with blanket POA - White few spot with sorrel points POA - Dun with blanket POA - Palomino POA - Chestnut marbelized roan POA - Sorrel snow cap POA - Bay few spot ApHC - Chestnut with blanket and spots POA - Few Spot POA - Chestnut with frost POA POA POA - Bay Leopard POA - Few spot POA - Bay leopard POA - Black with blanket
Dean Damman 641-227-3845 ddamman1@hotmail.com Purchased by: Shelley Peterson, IA 515-291-0899 kristin.wilson@fbfs.com Purchased by Brandi King, IA 563-419-1251 563-382-3806 tdsdvm@yahoo.com Dean Damman 641-227-3845 ddamman1@hotmail.com Chuck & Maxine Shekleton 563-536-2249 563-880-0613 shekleton@neitel.net Bob Roseland 641-751-9021 rosebokay@iowatelecom.net Anne Dykstra 563-380-4357 annedykstra@gmail.com Leo or Lee Ann Haack 319-668-2986 leeann.haack@gmail.com Dean Damman 641-227-3845 ddamman1@hotmail.com Purchased by Verla Neifert, IA 641-479-2218 rosebokay@iowatelecom.net Orlen Stolee or L.Roseland 515-893-2317 57” Purchased by Eric/Brittany Zimmermann, FL 641-344-6356 tpg1960@hotmail.com The Pony Farm 641-919-3741 ponyfarm1@aol.com Wilson & Sons 515-291-0899 55 1/4” Purchased by Jackie Guthrie 563-940-8116 jtdrish@gmail.com Bob Roseland 641-751-9021 rosebokay@iowatelecom.net Orlen Stolee or L.Roseland 515-893-2317 54” Alicia Slapnicka 515-451-5764 pastimeperformancehorses@yahoo.com The Pony Farm or Jessica Drish 641-919-3741 theponyfarm1@gmail.com
56” 51” 52” 50 1/2” 51” 56” 55” 55 1/2” 552” 53 1/2” PT 53 3/4” 54” 600 54” 54” 300 55 1/2” 54 1/2”
PT No 500 No 325 No PT No PT Yes PT No 500 Yes PT No 300 No PT No Yes IA PT Yes PT Yes No IA PT No PT No Yes IA 400 No PT No
No No No No
2016 Select Sire Futurity POAC makes no guarantees, refunds, or negotiations concerning a donated service, or any information provided in this list regarding color, height, shipped semen, etc. Call the stallion owner regarding these matters before you purchase a stallion service. All purchases must be made by July 31, 2015. Refer to the current POAC Handbook for Select Sire Futurity details. NOTE: Stallions crossed through below have already been purchased.
- POA May/June 2015 -
Stallion Name Breed and Color Description (by Owner) Owner/Lessee Phone Email The Silver Kid POA - few spot with black points Dean Damman 641-227-3845 ddamman1@hotmail.com Wudin Chus Silver N Gold POA - Few spot The Pony Farm 641-919-3741 ponyfarm1@aol.com Illinois Gotta Good Impulse POA - few spot leopard Mike,Kathy,Brandon and Tyler Barringer 217-877-1092 or 217-519-2918 Truly On An Impulse POA - Leopard Mike,Kathy,Brandon and Tyler Barringer 217-519-2918 or 217-877-1092 Truly Pre Approved POA - Palomino Mike,Kathy,Brandon and Tyler Barringer 217-519-2918 or 217-877-1092 Indiana A Sudden Zippo AQHA - Sorrel Purchased by Ken & Kay Tearman, IN 317-691-4096 mcdesigns11@yahoo.com CR Star Kid* POA - Chestnut leopard Purchased by Sarai Banister 317-919-2352 sarailynn@yahoo.com *Shipped Semen Only - No Live Cover - Collection and Shipping Fees paid by purchaser Dun Up Snappy POA - Buckskin with blanket and spots Purchased by Cherie Walton, IN 317-691-4096 mcdesigns11@yahoo.com Handsome Hollywood Star POA - Palomino with blanket Purchased by Monti Byers, IN 765-592-0173 montijbyers@gmail.com KSs Notorious Ghost* POA - Sorrel fewspot C.Todd or Missy Corn 317-691-4096 mcdesigns11@yahoo.com *PSSM N/N KSs Sonny Dee Dash POA - Chestnut snowcap Richard and Lynda Corn 317-535-4224 317-490-4820 rcsnaffles@aol.com MM Mags Son Of A Gun POA - Bay with blanket Linzy Zahm Lahr 260-519-5433 ljpoas@hotmail.com Santee Shiek POA - Sorrel with blanket Purchased by Samantha Emerick, IN 260-519-5433 ljpoas@hotmail.com Step Into My RV AQHA - Palomino Lisa Pryor 765-524-9002 pryors777@gmail.com Tribute To Hollywood POA - Buckskin few spot Purchased by Liesl Nowlan, IN 260-519-5433 ljpoas@hotmail.com Kansas Azure Skies Wonder Look POA - Bay Leopard Dale or Pamela Bowman 785-305-0427 wildfirepoas@yahoo.com Dbl Ds Cadillac Gold POA-Paolmino Snowcap 620-921-0307 mfspoas@hotmail.com Dueling Guns Appaloosa - Bay leopard Staci Mitchell, KS 816-304-2667 sropehorses@gmail.com Dutch Colored Impulse POA - Bay Purchased by Rikki Whitby, KS 913-302-9686 ponypoa@aol.com He Is A Hot Score Appaloosa Purchased by Jeremy or Julie Stiebens, KS 816-304-2667 sropehorses@gmail.com Salty Stole The Look POA - Liver Chestnut Purchased by Suzanne Nichols, OK 620-662-2309 jbug97@hotmail.com Strike On Stone AQHA - Red Dun-Gold Champagne Dun Dale L or Pamela K Bowman 785-305-0427 785-966-3922 wildfirepoas@yahoo.com Maryland Pal Baja Bandito POA - Chestnut with blanket Purchased by Michelle Tauson, MD 410-979-4311 mdtauson@yahoo.com Michigan Chocolate Jet Set AQHA - Black Purchased by Sarah Eckert, IN 517-223-6799 terilyn.noyce@gmail.com Chocolatey* ApHC - Dun with blanket (heavy dun cha.r.) Purchased by Andy & Brady Chestnut, MI 973-534-1918 schmidt.noelle@gmail.com *Collection/Ship for first shipment of semen - Fee $500- Sires Duns, Blacks, and Gruellas Driftwoods Silver Tab POA - Few spot with sorrel points Renee Knipp 616-862-4171 renee@firesidefarms.net GSP Clues Blues POA - Bay snowcap Purchased by Leola Denmore, MI 517-223-6799 terilyn.noyce@gmail.com My Impulsive Buddy AQHA - Black Ben Sosinski 517-788-8018 blsosinski@voyager.net Nicks Spittin Image POA - Leopard with buckskin spots Harry or Janis Chestnut 269-673-8115 or 269-744-0011 hchestnut@charter.net Nite Time Invitation POA - Brown black with snowflakes Harry or Jan Chestnut 269-673-8115 hchestnut@charter.net Pal Ace POA - Sorrel leopard Purchased by Stephanie Bella, IN 517-223-6799 terilyn.noyce@gmail.com
Height Fee Shipped Semen Location 54” PT Yes IA 52” PT No IA 53” PT No 53” PT No 50 3/4” PT No
57” PT Yes 50 1/2” PT Yes
54” PT No 53 1/2” PT No 54” PT No
54” 55” 54 1/2” 59” 53”
PT No PT No PT No PT Yes PT No
51” 53.5” 58” 54” 59” 56” 60”
PT No PT KS PT Yes 400 No 750 Yes PT No PT No
500 Yes
58” PT Yes 61” 1500 Yes
551/2” 51” 56” 56” 56” 53”
PT No PT No PT No PT No PT No PT Yes
- POA May/June 2015 -
Two Eyed Sonny Minnesota Guaranteed Equity Ima Few Spot Dream Missouri A Trace Of Impulse* Wils Certified Royal* Oklahoma Dutch Chocolatey* LB All The Rage Pal Cavalcade Salty Array Santee Skip N Skip The Big Shooter Oregon CA Secret Impulsive Star* Chex In The Mail 002 Docs Poco King Peppy Eagles View Takoda Impressive Agenda Indys Unzipped Jaz Poco Blueseal JE Pistol Pete M&Ns Leo Bar None* SBF Docs Siri Plaudit Zippos Lazarus Gold Zippos Skip Bar South Dakota A Stars Journey Romancing Time Santee Encore Santee Garcia Santee Highlander Santee Hotroddin Zippo Santee Red Hotrodder Santee Review Santee Santiago Santee Senator Santee Skip On Santee Tesoro Tennessee JBJs Lookin Bright Eyed Santee Skipn Twist
POA - Sorrel with blanket and spots
Purchased by Marta & Robert Yeakey, MI 269-781-3656
54 1/2” PT No
POA - Few Spot with sorrel points POA - Black few spot
Purchased by Scott/Charlene Shingleton, IN 507-373-0128 Purchased by Ronald Meyer, MN 507-236-3174
meyerronald@yahoo.com lkrome@frontiernet.net
55 1/4” PT No 52 1/8” PT No
POA - Chestnut with Blanket Purchased by Leo Haack, IA *Shipped Semen Only - Collection and shipping fee paid by purchaser POA - Sorrel roan w/blanket to withers & spots Janice or Ben Spears *Proven Producer & ROM(H)
54” PT Yes
350 No
POA - Dun with blanket *Shipped Semen Only - No Live Cover ApHC - Dun with blanket POA - Chestnut few spot POA - Sorrel with spots POA POA - Bay with blanket
Daryl or Keri McDaniel, OK
500 No
Purchased by Spencer Livestock, OK Purchased by Spencer Livestock, OK Lynn Puffinbarger Julieanna Coombs Spencer Livestock
405-201-9127 s_rbiggs@yahoo.com 405-201-9127 s_rbiggs@yahoo.com 580-596-2409 54 “ 918-366-9759 tulsahorsetrainer@gmail.com 405-201-9127 r_sbiggs@yahoo.com
56” 56” PT 56” 52”
PT Yes
541-258-7541 541-258-7541 541-258-7541 or 541-401-1488 541-258-7541 541-401-1488 209-556-8009 541-258-7541 541-258-7541 or 541-401-1488 541-258-7541 541-401-1488
carol001@centurytel.net carol001@centurytel.net carol001@enturytel.net carol001@centurytel.net fewspotacrepoas@yahoo.com carol001@centurytel.net carol001@centurytel.net carol001@centurytel.net
56” 56 1/2” 52” 55 1/2” 56” 58” 52” 49”
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
209-556-8009 or 541-367-4725 503-590-5402 209-556-8009 or 541-367-4725
fewspotacrepoas@yahoo.com pictperfranch@yahoo.com fewspotacrepoas@yahoo.com
52” PT Yes 55 1/2” PT No 56” PT Yes
POA - Sorrel with blanket Russ & Carol Davidson *International Winner Yearling Stallion AQHA - Black Russ or Carol Davidson AQHA - Grullo Russ & Carol Davidson POA - Black snowcap Russ or Carol Davidson, OR AQHA - Dark Dun Russ or Carol Davidson POA - Dun snowcap Pam Barlet & Bev Routon AQHA - Grulla Russ & Carol Davidson POA - Fewspot chestnut Russ or Carol Davidson, OR POA - Bay leopard Russ or Carol Davidson *International Most Colorful - ROM Halter & Most Colorful POA - Bay few spot Bev Routon POA - Chestnut leopard Tirzah Cross - Picture Perfect Ranch AQHA - Sorrel Pam Barlet and Bev Routon AQHA - Palamino AQHA - Black POA - Chestnut with snowflake blanket POA - Sorrel leopard POA - Buckskin with blanket POA - Black POA - Sorrel POA - Chestnut leopard POA - Chestnet fewspot POA - Leopard, white with palomino spots POA - Sorrel Leopard POA - Sorrel leopard
Gene or Carolyn Carr Purchased by: Lori Krome, MN Gene or Carolyn Carr Gene & Carolyn Carr Gene or Carolyn Carr Gene or Carolyn Carr Gene & Carolyn Carr Gene or Carolyn Carr Gene or Carolyn Carr Gene or Carolyn Carr Gene or Carolyn Carr Gene or Carolyn Carr
605-783-3832 605-794-8291 or 605-690-1940 605-783-3832 605-783-3832 605-783-3832 605-783-3832 605-783-3832 605-783-3832 605-783-3832 605-783-3832 605-783-3832 605-783-3832
santee@dailypost.com madsen@itctel.com santee@dailypost.com santee@dailypost.com santee@dailypost.com santee@dailypost.com santee@dailypost.com santee@dailypost.com santee@dailypost.com santee@dailypost.com santee@dailypost.com santee@dailypost.com
56” 63” 55 1/2” 48” 56” 54” 54” 56” 54” 56” 56” 55”
No No No No No No No No No No No No
POA - Sorrel fewspot leopard POA - Chestnut leopard
David or Heather Brewer David or Heather Brewer
951-592-7627 931-592-7627 423-280-3730
morningstarfarmpoas@yahoo.com morningstarfarmpoas@yahoo.com
55” PT Yes 53 1/2” PT Yes
2016 Select Sire Futurity POAC makes no guarantees, refunds, or negotiations concerning a donated service, or any information provided in this list regarding color, height, shipped semen, etc. Call the stallion owner regarding these matters before you purchase a stallion service. All purchases must be made by July 31, 2015. Refer to the current POAC Handbook for Select Sire Futurity details. NOTE: Stallions crossed through below have already been purchased.
- POA May/June 2015 -
Stallion Name Breed and Color Description (by Owner) Owner/Lessee Texas A Solar Eclipse POA - Bay with Blanket Dwayne or Jayme Senkel By Design* POA - Chestnut few spot LuAnn Furlong *Shipped Semen Only - Collection Fee $550 to be paid to Stallion Owner - No Live Cover CHR Hez Tuff E Nuff POA - Bay leopard Purchased by: Elizabeth Murphey, TX JBC Heza Salty Dude POA - Sorrel Angie Wallis OBR A Sudden Good Bar* POA - Bay leopard Patty Koehler *Collection Fee $300/Shipping Fee Not Included OBR Impulsive* POA - Sorrel Patty Koehler *Collection Fee $300 - Shipping Fee Not Included OBR Perfect Design* POA - Sorrel with frost and dark spots Patty Koehler *Collection Fee $300 - Shipping Fee Not Included Pal Casey Jones* POA - few spot Purchased by Andy & Brady Chestnut, MI *Shipped Semen Only Saqlawi Nyte Stalker Arabian - Black Angela Wallis Set For Life AQHA - Black Purchased by: Dwayne/Jayme Brown-Senkel, TX TNE Hez Dynamite POA - Few spot Dwayne and Jayme Brown Senkel TNE Too Real POA - Chestnut Dwayne or Jayme Brown Senkel TX’s Chip N Array POA - Few spot Lynn Puffinbarger Zippos Gold Rolex AQHA - Sorrel Richard or Charlen McBride Utah Impulses Gold Loper POA - Sorrell Mike Gardner RY Diamond Equity POA - Chestnut snowcap Mike Gardner Tribute To Prince POA Mike Gardner Zip N Gold POA - Chestnut leopard Mike Gardner Washington Classie Starlight AQHA - Black Purchased by Mamie Wheeler, WA Wisconsin AKA With Intent To Win POA - Chestnut Purchased by Lori Helmer, WI Docs Chocolate Impulse POA - Bay with blanket Julian Nemmers Docs Diamond Dude POA - Sorrel snowcap Lisa Hirschman and Patty Jacobson Kid O Bounce* POA - Sorrel fewspot Purchased by Vicki Roline, WI *Shipped Semen Only - No Live Cover Kid Os Seventh Heaven POA - Chestnut fewspot Purchased by Bonnie Shepherd, WI RU Triple Tough POA - Chestnut snowcap Aaron & Holly Deschenes Tribute To Intense POA - Palomino with blanket Purchased by Michell Pinkham, WI
Height Fee Shipped Semen Location
940-524-3596 940-322-9328 972-979-2477
tnepoa@yahoo.com gamspec@aol.com
53 1/2” PT No 49” PT Yes
903-849-3844 903-283-6522 chimneyhill@hotmail.com 903-498-7580 nytelife7@yahoo.com 940-365-9493 53 1/2”
51” 50” PT
PT No 300 Yes Yes TX
940-365-9493 53 1/2”
Yes TX
940-365-9493 53”
Yes TX
500 Yes
903-498-7580 817-447-2371
nytelife7@yahoo.com oaksqh@aol.com
57” 300 Yes 62” PT Yes
940-524-3596 940-632-7526 tnepoa@yahoo.com 940-524-3596 or 940-632-7526 tnepoa@yahoo.com 580-430-5054 52 3/4” 817-447-2371 oaksqh@aol.com
55” 52” PT 60”
No No TX Yes
801-592-4095 801-592-4095 801-592-4095 801-592-4095
mike.gardner@nebo.edu mike.gardner@nebo.edu mike.gardner@nebo.edu mike.gardner@nebo.edu
55” 53” 55” 54”
No No Yes Yes
55” PT Yes
608-697-1483 kreierkountry@hotmail.com 608-748-5084 54 3/4” 303-859-5725 lisamirschman@gmail.com 641-919-3961 jguthrie0234@gmail.com
56” PT 56” 49 1/2”
300 Yes No WI 300 No PT Yes
608-697-1483 608-234-2696 608-697-1483
51 1/2” 300 Yes 50 1/4” 400 No 55” 300 Yes
kreierkountry@hotmail.com reverievalleyfarm@gmail.com kreierkountry@hotmail.com
2016 SELECT SIRE FUTURITY STALLION BID FORM Purchase the Stallion of your choice by sealed bidding…Must be postmarked by February 1, 2015. Minimum bid is one-half the advertised stud fee or $200 (which ever is greater). • POAC requires all stallions used in the breeding program to be DNA tested. • All sealed bids through February 1, 2015, are processed by the highest bid received. If there are duplicate winning bids, the bid with the earliest postmark will be the winning bid. • All bids remain sealed until February 10, 2015, at which time they are opened and processed. • After the bidding phase is over, all remaining stallions are available on a first come-first serve basis through July 31, 2015.
Select Sire Stallion Service Purchase Form I would like to place a bid for the 2015 breeding service of: Sire Owner’s Name: State: Enclosed is my check for $ to cover this 2015 Stallion Service. Purchaser Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Daytime Phone Number: E-Mail Address: Mail To:
Pony of the Americas Club Inc. 2015 Select Sire Futurity Purchase Form 3828 S. Emerson Avenue Indianapolis IN 46203
Conditions --- Matters such as mare care, location of stallion, guarantees, re-breedings, etc. are between the stallion owner and the purchaser of that stallion’s service. POAC makes no guarantees, refunds, or negotiations concerning the donated service. Call the stallion owner regarding these matters before you purchase a stallion service. All sealed bids must be postmarked by February 1, 2015. After sealed bids are processed, all remaining stallions may be purchased by the first postmark received until July 31, 2015. Please mark the front of this bid envelope “Select Sire Futurity Purchase Bid 2015”. Do not send any other POA paperwork to be processed in the same envelope with this bid. To insure proper applications of payment, THIS FORM MUST BE USED.
- POA May/June 2015 -
2015 Select Sire Futurity Nomination Official 2015 Select Sire Futurity Mare Nomination Form
Late mare nominations accepted until foaling for $80; after foaling $250
If your mare is bred to one of the select sires, fill out the Mare Nomination form at the right and send it along with the $40 nomination fee. If you purchased the breeding service through the Select Sire Stallion Service, or if you donated the service of one of the listed Select Sires, you are entitled to nominate your mare at half; therefore, you would send $20 with your Mare Nomination Form. Any additional nominations from the same owner are $20 each. Mare Nominations must be postmarked by December 1, 2014 to make foals eligible to show in the 2015 Select Sire Futurity. All stallion service fees, nomination feed and sustaining payments for mares and foals go into one pot. Except for sustaining fees and entry fees, which are based on the number in each class, the purse is split equally between the filly class and the colt class, regardless of the number of entries in each division. Each purse is then divided, with 80 percent being paid to the owners of the top ten foals and 20 percent being paid to the owners of the sires of the top four foals. For maximum fairness, a three-judge system will be used.
Dates to Remember: December 1, 2014 Mare Nominations Due to include • Regular Nomination Fees of $40.00 • Nomination Fees for donors of stallion services and purchase of stallion services $20.00. • Additional nomination form from the same owner $20.00. June 1, 2015: $20.00 Sustaining Fee Due September 2015: $20.00 Entry Fee Due $10.00 Office Fee $15.00 Drug Fee + Published Stall Fee
Name of Mare: Breed:
Registration #:
Stallion Owner: Stallion Name: Registration #: Mare Owner: Address: City/State/Zip: Email: Nomination Fee Enclosed: I understand there will be no return of payments unless the Futurity is canceled in any or all divisions. I agree the Futurity Committee reserves the right to reject any entry or bar any entry from competition for failure to comply with the rules of the Futurity of POAC, Inc. I assume all risk, personal and property, and will, in no event, hold the futurity, the fairgrounds or POAC, Inc. responsible for damages caused to or by entries, their owners, or any other attending parties, I am a member in good standing with POAC, Inc I have read the complete rules of the futurity and will abide by them.w
Social Security #: Send your NOMINATION to: Mare Nomination - Pony Of the Americas, Inc. 3828 S. Emerson Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46203 ENCLOSED :
q q
Completed Form Check or Money Order payable to POAC, Inc.
Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc. • 3828 S. Emerson Avenue • Indianapolis, IN 46203 Phone: (317)788-0107 • Fax (317)788-8974 • www.poac.org
2015 Owner’s Directory Alabama
Kenneth & Pat Steele, Lydia Gove, Trainer 612 County Road 169 • Moulton, Alabama 35650 Ph: 256-974-0400 Email: KSsPOAs@aol.com • Website: www. kssponyfarm.com Standing: KS’s Jammin With A Ghost ROM(H), Kind of Impulive ROM(H)-Int’l & Futurity Champion, KSs Heza Nifty Twist-Int’l Champion, Alias Ghost King, ApHC Int’l Futurity & Supreme Champion Producer, KSs Twenty X Dash Show Ponies, Family Ponies & Quality Young Stock for sale.
Cliff & Joan Thomas 8225 Turners Lane • Sunol, California 94586 Phone: (925) 862-2965 • Email: joan@littlevalleyoaks.com Website: www.littlevalleyoaks.com LVO Four On The Floor - International Grand Champion Stallion LVO Respects Poco Bien - International Champion National Inspector • Breeders of quality POAS!
Colorado BDK POAs
Barbara Klein 5800 E. County Rd. 66 • Wellington, Colorado 80549 • Ph: 970-225-9457 Email: barbkleinpoas@yahoo.com Standing: Diamondized ApHC-57” WP & HUS point earner, Producer of halter, WP, longeline & futurity winners
Nancy L. Strunk 4111 N. Rising Road • Champaign, Illinois 61822 Ph: (217) 778-3010 • Email: nlstrunk@aol.com http://www.illinipoas.com/ Breeders of Illini POAs
Bob & Leslie Zahm • Travis & Linzy Lahr 254 North Warren Road • Huntington, Indiana 46750 (260) 519-5433 • (260) 740-741 • E-Mail: ljpoas@hotmail.com Website: www.zanimalcrossing.com Standing: Tribute To Hollywood MM Mags Son of a Gun
POA’s, Zebra, Miniature Donkeys, Miniature Herford C a t t l e
The Corn Family 240 N. Front Street • Whiteland, Indiana 461849752 (317)535-4224 • Cell (317)490-4820 • Website: www.SnafflesStore.com Email: SnafflesSales@gmail.com • Facebook: www.facebook.com/SnafflesStore Horse/Pony Apparel, Tack, Supplies and Silver Specializing in POA Size Equipment
David Mulheim 3870 Harbrook Avenue SW • Navarre, Ohio 44662 (330) 832-3282 • Cell: 330-309-1973 • Email: birdvalley@aol.com Standing: Ima Peppy San Cutter, AQHA – Grandson of Peppy San; Great Grandson of Colonel Freckles POA Cross with Foundation Working Blood AQHA
Ken & Kay Tearman & Tara Simes Franklin IN 46131 317-494-1883 765-318-4778 Breeder of Top Halter & Performance Ponies Training Also Available
Susie Drish • Barb Hood • Jessica Drish 2835 239th St. • Fairfield, Iowa 52556 (641) 919-3741 • E-Mail: ponyfarm1@aol.com Standing: RPR’s Impulsive Superman, The Midnight Special, My Lucky Zipper, Wudin Chus Silver N Gold Quality POAs for sale at all times.
Janice & Mike Spears 6140 E. Loy Martin Rd.• Ashland, Missouri 65010 Ph: (573) 999-1014 • Email: janicespears@gmail. com Web site: www.scponyfarm.com Standing: LA Little Bees 48” ROM(H) and Wils Certified Royal 51” proven producer. Quality POAs all ages for sale
David, Rosslyn, Blayne, Chelsea, Kelton, Maguire and Kennedy PO Box 673 • Chickasha, Oklahoma 73023 Ph: 405-202-6311 • Email: s_rbiggs@yahoo.com • www.spencerlivestockok.com Standing: Pal Cavalcade, LB All The Rage, Santee Skipn Skip & The Big Shooter Pony Of the Americas, Quarter Horses, Appaloosas & Show Cattle
- POA May/June 2015 -
Millard and Nancy Fisher 2830 St. Rt. 229 • Marengo, Ohio 43334 Ph: 740-747-2665 • Cell: 614-206-4162 • Email: hinfisher@aol.com Standing: Congress & Futurity Champions in Halter, Longeline & Western Pleasure Young stock for sale for your next JPFC project
Bob & Tirzah Cross 17865 SW Cooper Mtn. Lane • Beaverton, Oregon 97707 Phone: (503) 590-5402 • Email: pictperfranch@ yahoo.com Website: www.pictureperfectranch.com Standing: Zippos Lazarus Gold Raising and breeding quality POAs. Put a PERFECT in your barn!
Pam Barlet, Bev & Jim Routon 40204 Mountain Home Drive • Sweet Home, Oregon 97386 Phone: (541) 367-0834 • (209) 604-6242 • (541) 367-4725 • (209) 556-8009 Email: p_b_ranch@yahoo.com • fewspotsacrepoas@yahoo.com Standing: SBF Doc’s Siri Plaudit, Indys Unzipped Young quality stock available. Affordable horse hauling. National Inspector
Gene & Carolyn Carr PO Box 25 • Hayti, South Dakota 57241 Ph: (605) 783-3832 • Email: santee@dailypost.com • Website: http://genecarrhorseranch.com Standing: Santee Senator, Santee Review, Santee Vaquero, Santee Tesoro, Santee Legend, Santee Highlander, A Stars Journey AQHA (grandson of A Sudden Impluse), Santee Hotroddin Zippo, Santee Red Hotrodder, Santee Encore, Santee Skip On, Santee Valdez All Around Champions that excel in halter and performance with great dispositions.
NR Stevenson PO Box 461 • Godley, Texas 76044 (817) 243-8983 • (731) 441-4767 • Email: dragondensPOAs@aol.com Standing: Chocolate Jet Set (AQHA), Last Spanish Array (AQHA), TMDS Two Eyed Rawhide (POA), Dragondens War of Roses (POA), Dragondens Reality (POA) 50 Years Breeding for POAs that Perform.
Patty Koehler 251 Fish Trap Road • Aubrey, Texas 76227 • (940) 365-9493 Standing: Premier Stallions: OBR A Sudden Good Bar, OBR Impulsive, & OBR Perfect Design. Raising Multiple International Champions in Halter & Performance. Get your next Champion from OBR!
David & LaRena Phillips PO Box 145 • Lone Oak, Texas 75453 Ph: (903) 662-5087 • Fax/Barn (903) 662-4252 • Email: info@phillipsfarm.com Website: www.PhillipsFarm.com Standing: Standing: Santee Cortez (POA), Santee Statesman (POA), Zippo Pine Bud (AQHA), Whatamos (AQHA), Zippos Royal Spirit (AQHA, APHA, PtHA) Raising quality ponies and horses for youth and amateur all-around. Show and performance stock always available. Contact us for your next prospect!
Larry & Jackie Guthrie, Nicole Blaeser 6162 County Road C • Bloomer, Wisconsin 54729 (715) 720-0234 • (715) 568-5836 • Email: jguthrie0234@gmail.com Website: www.jbarjpoas.com Standing: Kid O Bounce, My Lucky Zipper, & Zips Invested Chip Breeding, Showing, Sales “Where Champions Are Bred”
Larry & Bonnie Gibson 8444 West Cameron Street • Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54703 (715) 874-5267 • Email: lbgibson@wwt.net Bred Mares Only
Ernest “Rick” Niemeyer or Debra Niemeyer 1850 60th Avenue • Hammond, Wisconsin 55015 Ph: (715) 684-9393 • Email: wiscowboyrick@aol. com Website: niemeyerswannabearanch@webs. com Standing: Jamaican Scotch, RC Tough N Salty Show quality POA foals & youth ponies
Julian & Ruth Ann Nemmers 3074 Co. Rd. Z • Hazel Green, Wisconsin 53811 Ph: (608) 748-5084 • Email: docandruthie@ frontiernet.net Standing: Docs Chocolate Impulse Progressive bloodlines, longeline, & western pleaure bred prospects for sale
Karla Clapper PO Box 118 • Bairoil, Wyoming 82322 Phone: (307)324-5302 • Cell: (307)321-0087 Email: reddesertpoas@wbaccess.net Standing: Plaudits Action Man #42064
Canada Rainbow Ponies Ranch (RPR)
Cheryl Arndt Box 101 • Pierson, Manitoba, Canada Romiso Phone: (204)634-2430 • Cell: (204)522-0081 Email: carndt@mymts.net Website: www.mts.net/~carndt Standing: Jewels Gold Quality family ponies, show quality, young stock for sale
Advertising Rates
Online Issue
Advertising Rates Cover Center Spread (2 pages) Inside Cover Full Inside Page Two–Thirds Page One Half Page One Third Page One Quarter Page One Sixth Page
$200 $150 $100 $75 $60 $50 $45 $40 $25
Note: Specific page or location placement for additional 20% fee where available. All online advertising is the same price for black and white or color. For additional rates, see POA Magazine Advertising Rates box.
Print Issue
Wisconsin DOCS POAS
- POA May/June 2015 -
Center Spread $1,000.00 (2 pages, Four Color) Center Spread $500.00 (2 pages, Black + 1 color) Inside Front/Back Cover (4 Color) $425.00 Inside Front/Back Cover (B&W) $200.00 Inside Front/Back Cover $300.00 (Black + 1 color) Full Inside Page (Four Color) $375.00 Full Inside Page (B&W) $150.00 Two–Thirds Page (B&W) $130.00 One Half Page (Color) limited $200.00 One Half Page (B&W) $120.00 One Third Page (B&W) $100.00 One Quarter Page (B&W) $90.00 One Sixth Page (B&W) $60.00 Stallion Directory Annual $275.00 Magazine and Website/month $25.00 Owners Directory $120.00 Classified Ads/Per Word $0.50 **Advertisers may request a specific page or location for an additional 20% of the space charge. Restrictions apply!!
2015 Owner’s Directory Insertion Order $120 per year (12 consectutive issues) • Ads will appear in the POA Magazine and on the POAC Website Ranch/Farm Name:
Owners Name: Address: City
Phone Numbers: E-Mail:
Stallion(s) Standing: Specialty:
BILLING INFORMATION: Owners Name: Address: City Phone Number:
Payment Method
Deadline for receiving Directory Copy Month To Publish March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 January 2016 February 2016
Check enclosed Check # VISA Mastercard Card # Exp. Date: 3-digit code: Authorized Signature: Cardholder’s Name: Cardholder’s Address:
Must Be Received By January 15, 2015 February 15, 2015 March 15, 2015 April 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 June 15, 2015 July 15, 2015 August 15, 2015 September 15, 2015 October 15, 2015 November 15, 2015 December 15, 2015
Send Payment and directory information to: Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc.
Phone: 3% fee charged (minimum $5) for all credit card transactions.
3828 S. Emerson Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46203
- POA May/June 2015 -
2015 National Futurity Nomination Form October 2015 - National Equestrian Center - Lake St. Louis, MO
The POA National Futurities are open to any tentative registered POA that meets the current POA show and futurity rules. Ponies participating in these futurities need not have been nominated to or participated in the Select Sire Futurity. If a Futurity class does not have full entries to place the final winners as outlined in the current POAC Handbook, the vacant prize money will be divided equally by the number of winners that placed in that class. Monies will be mailed from the National POA Office. Pony of the Americas Club Official Show Rules will apply. For complete futurity rules, please refer to the current POAC National Handbook and supplemental attachments. All nomination forms and complete fees not postmarked by the due date are tripled. Payments must be postmarked on or before the deadlines. Metered postage not accepted as proof of mailing date. All Owners, Lessees, and Handlers must be a current POAC National member to submit any National Futurity Nomination Form. Once a Futurity Nomination Form or Sustaining Payment is received to the National Office with complete or partial payment, no refunds will be issued unless the Futurity show is cancelled. Any Owner of a POA participating in the Futurity Show that sells while at the Futurity must pay a 10% commission of the selling price to the National POAC. It is the owner’s responsibility to contact the POA Futurity/Sale Office to make this payment. Current health papers and coggins test papers within 12 months are required for all futurity ponies and must be presented at check-in.
ONE PONY PER ENTRY FORM - This form must be complete or it will be returned unprocessed Pony Name: Reg.#: Foal Date: Pony Sex: (circle one) S M G Sire Name & Registration Number Breed: Dam Name & Registration Number Breed: Owner/Lessee Name: Phone: Alternate Phone Number: E-Mail: Complete Mailing Address: Handler/Exhibitor Name: If prize money is won in any of the futurity events, who will receive the check: Owner Handler/Exhibitor
CLASSES TO NOMINATE --- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: Yearling Longe Line JPFC Two Year Old Hunter Under Saddle Yearling In-Hand Trail JPFC Two Year Old Trail Yearling Halter Pleasure Driving Most Colorful Halter JPFC Three & Four Year Old Western Pleasure Two Year Old Longe Line JPFC Three & Four Year Old Hunter Under Saddle Two Year Old In-Hand Trail JPFC Three & Four Year Old Trail Two Year Old Halter Three and Four Year Old Halter JPFC Two Year Old W. Pleasure 19 & Over Reining ___Hunter In Hand
IMPORTANT – READ CAREFULLY - Once your nomination form is received and processed, you will receive a futurity packet with your sustaining payment forms. It is your responsibility to send these sustaining payment forms in by the postmark deadline to avoid late fees. You will not receive any reminder notices by mail after the initial packet is mailed to you.
2015 FEES
Due by March 5, 2015 – Nomination Fee of $20 per class checked above: # Classes: ______________ National Membership (Owner or Handler) if not a current 2015 Member @ $50 each:____________ $70 with magazine subscription:____________ TOTAL MONEY ENCLOSED: $____________
I understand there will be no refunds unless the Futurity is canceled. I agree that the Futurity Committee reserves the right to reject any entry or to bar any entry from competition for failure to comply with the rules of the Futurity or POAC Inc. I assume all risk, personal and property, and will in no event hold the Futurity or POAC Inc. responsible for damages caused to or by entries, their owners, or any other attending parties. I am a member in good standing with the POAC Inc. and I have read the compete rules of the Futurity in the current POAC Handbook and supplements, and will abide by them.
Signature of Owner/Lessee Date:
Official Form
SEND YOUR COMPLETED ENTRY FORM TO: Pony Of the Americas Club, Inc. 3828 S. Emerson Avenue • Indianapolis, Indiana 46203
- POA May/June 2015 -
and Pieces POAC Office Fax Number (317)788-8974 Things to Know For 2015 State Club Shows
The National Board of Directors voted to accept the following rule change: POA State and Chapter Clubs may have no more than three shows of any combination of show types in a weekend (four for a holiday weekend). A Pony Rama counts as two shows. • Hunter In Hand – The National Board of Directors voted to accept the following rule change for 2015: Two Year Olds may have the option of showing in a halter or bridle. • Leadline Games – The National Board of Directors voted to accept the following rule change for 2015: Leadline games are designated walk-trot only. Executing a canter more than three consecutive strides is a disqualification.
Reminder about Youth Novice Program
D ates T o R emember 2015 National Congress July 9-17 in Tulsa, OK
Mid America Regional
July 24-26 in Lake St. Louis, MO
Mid West Regional
August 7-9 in Madison, WI
North East Regional
August 15 in Glen Rock, PA
North West Regional
August 29-30 in McMinnville, OR
2015 International Sale and Futurity Sept. 30-Oct. 3 in Lake St. Louis, MO
2016 POAC National Convention February 25-28 Marriott Minneapolis Airport Bloomington MN
If you are interested in participating in the Youth Novice Program, be sure to read the eligibility requirements on our POA website, www.POAC.org, and submit an application for your Novice card … you must allow at least two weeks for processing before you will receive your card. At all National Events, you must have prior approval by the National POAC before you can participate in any Novice event. Call the National POAC if you have any questions about the Novice Program. Attention Show Secretaries and Club Officers When planning your show schedules and awards for 2015 and beyond, make sure you use the new age codes that will be implemented by the National POAC effective January 1, 2015 which include –6&Under, 9&Under, 10-13, and 14-18.
One Source For All Your Printing
Western Newspaper Publishing Co., Inc. Complete In-House Printing, Binding and Mailing Services Graphic and Design Top-Rated Customer Service 537 East Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Phone: (317) 636-4122 Fax: (317) 636-4180 www.westernpub.com Printing for the POAC for over 20 years!
- POA May/June 2015 -
Coming Events July 7/4/15 SD IBC-H Swiftel Arena 824 32nd Ave Brookings, SD 57006 Contact: Kelly Wilson 26757 County Hwy 35 Worthington, MN 56187 507-360-6201 Judge: Jane Hommel 7/4/15 CO IBC-H Boulder County Fairgrounds 9595 Nelson Road Longmont, CO 80501 Contact: Janette Arends 23743 I-76 Access Road Hudson, CO 80642 303-536-4476 Or Pam Klein 713 Blue Mountain Drive Ft Collins, CO 80526 970-282-3696 Judge: Barbara Pettitt Stalling available. 7/5/15 CO IBC-H Boulder County Fairgrounds 9595 Nelson Road Longmont, CO 80501 Contact: Janette Arends 23743 I-76 Access Road Hudson, CO 80642 303-536-4476 Or Tammie Wick 918 Aurora Street Ft Morgan, CO 80701 970-370-2340 Judge: Kim Madsen Stalling available. 7/5/15 SD IBC-H Swiftel Arena 824 32nd Ave Brookings, SD 57006 Contact: Kelly Wilson 26757 County Hwy 35 Worthington, MN 56187 507-360-6201 Judge: Darrel Hersom 7/9-7/17/15 POAC National Congress Tulsa State Fairgrounds 4000 East 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 Contact; POAC, Inc. 3828 S Emerson Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46203 317-788-0107 www.poac.org 7/23/15 MO Promo National Eq. Center 6880 Lake St Louis Blvd. Lake St Louis, MO Contact: Liz Otten 2216 Krenning Road Beaufort, MO 63013 636-751-9977 Judge: Andrea Koehn 7/24-7/26/15 Mid America Regional National Eq. Center 6880 Lake St Louis Blvd.
Lake St Louis, MO Contact: Liz Otten 2216 Krenning Road Beaufort, MO 63013 636-751-9977 Judge: Holly Deschenes, Mike Swain & Mike Sheppard
100 N Lyon Blvd Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Contact: Traci & Charlie Olson 3549 Co Rd 9 Cottonwood, MN 56229 507-828-4100 Judge: Myron Andrews
7/25/15 SD IBC-H Windom Arena 1480 8th Ave Windom, MN 56101 Contact: Raquel Harder 3022 240th Street Winnebago, MN 56098 507-236-8923 Judge: Laura Gradert
8/2/15 IA B&P Kirkwood Com. College/IA Eq. Center 6301 Kirkwood Blvd. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Contact: Mike King 2352 Old Lincoln Hwy Lowden, IA 52255 563-941-5241 Judge: Jayne Ferguson
7/25-7/26/15 WA IBC-H Silver Buckle Ranch 11611 NE 152nd Ave Brush Prairie, WA 98606 Contact: Mamie Wheeler 5212 NE 237th Ave Vancouver, WA 98682 360-597-6322 Judge: Dawn Spencer Summer Spotacular
8/2/15 MI Promo Michigan State Pavilion 1290 Anthony Hall East Lansing, MI 48824 Contact: Diane Kamps 3266 46th Street Hamilton, MI 49419 616-260-5779 dkamps@frontier.com Judge: Amy Franks
7/26/15 SD IBC-H 1480 8th Ave Windom, MN 56101 Contact: Raquel Harder 3022 240th Street Winnebago, MN 56098 507-236-8923 Judge: Jay Dailey
8/5-8/6/15 WI Promo Alliant Energy Center 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way Madison, WI 53713 Contact: Kim Turner N5012 Hwy G Lake Mills, WI 53551 920-728-4070 Judge: Todd Foltz
August 8/1/15 IA Ponyrama Kirkwood Com. College/IA Eq. Center 6301 Kirkwood Blvd. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Contact: Mike King 2352 Old Lincoln Hwy Lowden, IA 52255 563-941-5241 Judge: Andrea Koehn & Liz Otten 8/1/15 MI Ponyrama Michigan State Pavilion 1290 Anthony Hall East Lansing, MI 48824 Contact: Diane Kamps 3266 46th Street Hamilton, MI 49419 616-260-5779 dkamps@frontier.com Judge: Karen Waite & Steve Hoffman
8/7-8/9/15 Mid West Regional Alliant Energy Center 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way Madison, WI 53713 Contact: Kim Turner N5012 Hwy G Lake Mills, WI 53551 920-728-4070 Judge: Kathleen Zelnio & Jerry Laumer 8/8/15 MO PR National Equestrian Center 6880 Lake St Louis Blvd Lake St Louis, MO 63367 Contact: Casey Ivey 20652 Oakwood Drive Blackwater, MO 65322 660-429-9128 Judge: Jake Weaver & Lynette Patridge-Schnieder
8/1/15 SD B&P W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds 100 N Lyon Blvd Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Contact: Traci & Charlie Olson 3549 Co Rd 9 Cottonwood, MN 56229 507-828-4100 Judge: Jean Andrews
8/9/15 MO B&P National Equestrian Center 6880 Lake St Louis Blvd Lake St Louis, MO 63367 Contact: Casey Ivey 20652 Oakwood Drive Blackwater, MO 65322 660-429-9128 Judge: Carrie Ann Fryer
8/2/15 SD B&P W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds
8/15/15 IA Ponyrama North IA Fairgrounds
3700 4th Street SW Mason City, IA 50401 Contact: Molly Grosse 2711 Joplin Ave Denver, IA 50622 319-984-5366 Judge: Matthew Saterbak & Alan Reike 8/15/15 North East Regional Spring Valley County Park 9777 Crest Road Glen Rock, PA 17327 Contact: Lisa K. Vaught 602 Richmond Street Perryville, MD 21903 443-907-8405 Judge: George Blain Show starts at 8am. 8/16/15 IA Promo North IA Fairgrounds 3700 4th Street SW Mason City, IA 50401 Contact: Molly Grosse 2711 Joplin Ave Denver, IA 50622 319-984-5366 Judge: Jill Paxton 8/22/15 IN Ponyrama Johnson Cty Fairgrounds 250 Fairgrounds Street Franklin, IN 46131 Contact: Charlene Shingleton 5998 E 700 N Shelbyville, IN 46176 317-694-2632 shinglepoas@aol.com Judge: Randi Hopkins & Danny Clark 8/22/15 WI Ponyrama LaCrosse Cty Fairgrounds N4985 County Road M West Salem, WI 54669 Contact: Leah Brix 2534 Babcock Street Plymouth, WI 53073 920-892-6964 Judge: Matthew Saterbak & Michael Saterbak 8/22/15 CA IBC-H Pepper Glen Farm 3563 Pedley Norco, CA 92860 Contact: Stacy Lair 8/23/15 WI B&P LaCrosse Cty Fairgrounds N4985 County Road M West Salem, WI 54669 Contact: Leah Brix 2534 Babcock Street Plymouth, WI 53073 920-892-6964 Judge: Wendy Curelo 8/23/15 IN B&P Johnson Cty Fairgrounds 250 Fairgrounds Street Franklin, IN 46131 Contact: Charlene Shingleton 5998 E 700 N Shelbyville, IN 46176
- POA May/June 2015 -
317-694-2632 shinglepoas@aol.com Judge: Shawn McDaniel Limited Stalls please pre enter. 8/29/15 UT IBC-H Arrowhead Stables 897 S. Angel Street Layton, UT 84041 Contact: Kris Winter 2255 S. Bluff Road Syracuse, UT 84075 801-644-1946 Judge: Larry Winchell 8/29-8/30/15 NW Regional Yamhill Cty Fairgrounds 2070 NE Lafayette Ave McMinnville, OR 97128 Contact: Mamie Wheeler 5212 NE 237th Ave Vancouver, WA 98682 Judge: Jaime Gray September 9/5/15 OD IBC-H Penmerryl Farm 273 Penmerryl Drive Greenville, VA 24440 Contact: Kris Jarvis 447 Tinsley Drive Radiant, VA 22732 540-672-5408 Judge: Wendy Snyder 9/5/15 MI Ponyrama Allegan Cty Fairgrounds 150 Allegan County Fair Drive Allegan, MI 49010 Contact: Diane Kamps 3266 46th Street Hamilton, MI 49419 616-260-5779 dkamps@frontier.com Judge: Ron Strefling & Tim Kruithoff 9/5/15 IL IBC-H Rawlings Arena 24865 IL State Rt 122 Delevan, IL 61734 Contact: Dawn Walther 8602 S Flint Road Pearl City, IL 61062 815-541-9637 Judge: Lisa Leach 9/6/15 IL IBC-H Rawlings Arena 24865 IL State Rt 122 Delevan, IL 61734 Contact: Dawn Walther 8602 S Flint Road Pearl City, IL 61062 815-541-9637 Judge: Debra Hamilton 9/5-9/6/15 WI Double Ponyrama Jackson Cty Fairgrounds 388 Melrose Street Black River Falls, WI 54615 Contact: Patricia Jacobson W8599 Oak Ridge Road Black River Falls, WI 54615 715-284-5485
Coming Events Judge: Pam Whitfield, Ginny Larson, Jody Zamzow-Woller, Jody Zuelsdorf 9/6/15 OD IBC-H Penmerryl Farm 273 Penmerryl Drive Greenville, VA 24440 Contact: Kris Jarvis 447 Tinsley Drive Radiant, VA 22732 540-672-5408 Judge: Tamla Nichols 9/6/15 MI Ponyrama Allegan Cty Fairgrounds 150 Allegan County Fair Drive Allegan, MI 49010 Contact: Diane Kamps 3266 46th Street Hamilton, MI 49419 616-260-5779 dkamps@frontier.com Judge: Christine Maynard-Zecklin & Robert Milks 9/7/15 IL IBC-H Rawlings Arena 24865 IL State Rt 122 Delevan, IL 61734 Contact: Dawn Walther 8602 S Flint Road Pearl City, IL 61062 815-541-9637 Judge: Kerri Kyle 9/12/15 IN Ponyrama Johnson Cty Fairgrounds 250 Fairgrounds Street Franklin, IN 46131 Contact: Charlene Shingleton 5998 E 700 N Shelbyville, IN 46176 317-694-2632 shinglepoas@aol.com Judge: Rick Walters & Ron Rhoades Limited Stalls please pre enter. Potato Bar Dinner 9/12/15 Sooner Double IBC-H Grady County Fairgrounds 500 E Choctaw Chickasha, OK 73728 Contact: Kathy McKenzie 1820 Sleepy Hollow Edmond, OK 73034 405-341-3547 Judge: Andrea Kohn and Liz Otten. 9/12/15 MN Ponyrama MN Eq Center 24621 Gilmore Valley Road Winona, MN 55987 Contact: Kimberly Eigenberger 1824 Charles Street LaCrosse, WI 54603 608-558-1575 keigenberger@gmail.com Judge: Mark Baus & Joe Rowe 9/12/15 TN IBC-H MTSU Livestock Center 1720 Greenland Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Arena 90909 Prairie Road Eugene, OR 97402 Contact: Terri Hoellrich 84553 Pheasant Lane Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 541-554-5085 Judge: Traci Durell-Khalife, Chris Bergseng & Laurie Taylor
Contact: Heather Wysong 3109 Hawkins Road Westmoreland, TN 37186 615-804-9583 www.tnpoac.com Judge: Marvin Butler Pre entry is appreciated. 9/12/15 UT IBC-H Spanish Fork Fairgrounds 475 S Main Street Spanish Fork, UT 84660 Contact: Kris Winter 2255 S Bluff Road Syracuse, UT 84075 801-644-1946 Judge: Steve Hatch 9/13/15 MN B&P MN Eq Center 24621 Gilmore Valley Road Winona, MN 55987 Contact: Kimberly Eigenberger 1824 Charles Street LaCrosse, WI 54603 608-558-1575 keigenberger@gmail.com Judge: Tina Langness 9/13/15 TN IBC-H MTSU Livestock Center 1720 Greenland Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37132 Contact: Heather Wysong 3109 Hawkins Road Westmoreland, TN 37186 615-804-9583 www.tnpoac.com Judge: John Ed Tabb Pre entry is appreciated. 9/13/15 IN B&P Johnson Cty Fairgrounds 250 Fairgrounds Street Franklin, IN 46131 Contact: Charlene Shingleton 5998 E 700 N Shelbyville, IN 46176 317-694-2632 shinglepoas@aol.com Judge: Stephen Nicholson Limited Stalls please pre enter. 9/13/15 Sooner IBC-H Grady County Fairgrounds 500 E Choctaw Chickasha, OK 73728 Contact: Kathy McKenzie 1820 Sleepy Hollow Edmond, OK 73034 405-341-3547 Judge: Kristina Hedrick 9/17/15 KS State Fair KS State Fairgrounds 2000 N Poplar Street Hutchinson, KS 67502 Contact: Linda Cherry 20225 W 55th Viola, KS 67149 316-794-2020 Lindacherry198@gmail.com Judge: Michael Swain 9/19-9/20/15 OR Triple IBC-H Oregon Horse Center Prairie
9/20/15 MD IBC-H Location needed Contact: Denise Becker 10709 Par 5 Lane Berlin, MD 21811 410-688-4514 Judge: Holly Deschenes Call Ahead Stalls are limited. 9/26-9/27/15 TN Double IBC-H Ward Ag Center 945 Baddour Pky Lebanon, TN 37087 Contact: Denise Sims 142 Emalee Lane Pikeville, TN 37367 423-447-2848 www.tnpoac.com Judge: Georgia Rees & Paula Gatewood Pre Entry Appreciated. 9/30-10-3/15 POAC International Futurity And Sale National Equestrian Center 6880 Lake St. Louis Blvd. Lake St Louis, MO 63367 Contact: POAC, Inc. 3828 S Emerson Ave Indianapolis, IN 46203 317-788-0107 www.poac.org October 10/10/15 Sooner Ponyrama Pontotoc County Agri Plex 1710 N Broadway Ada, OK. 74820 Contact: Kathy McKenzie 1820 Sleepy Hollow Edmond, OK 73034 405-341-3547 Judge: John & Debby Letham 10/11/15 Sooner Promo Pontotoc County Agri Plex 1710 N Broadway Ada, OK. 74820 Contact: Kathy McKenzie 1820 Sleepy Hollow Edmond, OK 73034 405-341-3547 Judge: Craig Bright 10/17/15 TX IBC-H Flying Dollar Ranch 230 Chambers Drive Italy, TX 76651 Contact: Julie Hinz 237 Chambers Drive Italy, TX 76651 469-337-9413 Judge: Clare Purdy 10/17/15 IN Promo
C Bar C 253 W Stardust Road Cloverdale, IN 46120 Contact: Charlene Shingleton 5998 E 700 N Shelbyville, IN 46176 317-694-2632 shinglepoas@aol.com Judge: Liz Otten High Point Weekend Halloween Show 10/18/15 IN B&P C Bar C 253 W Stardust Road Cloverdale, IN 46120 Contact: Charlene Shingleton 5998 E 700 N Shelbyville, IN 46176 317-694-2632 shinglepoas@aol.com Judge: Kerri Kyle High Point Weekend Halloween Show 10/24/15 MN Ponyrama MN Eq Center 24621 Gilmore Valley Road Winona, MN 55987 Contact: Kimberly Eigenberger 1824 Charles Street LaCrosse, WI 54603 608-558-1575 keigenberger@gmail.com Judge: Kristen Fears & Megan Sacia 10/25/15 MN Promo MN Eq Center 24621 Gilmore Valley Road Winona, MN 55987 Contact: Kimberly Eigenberger 1824 Charles Street LaCrosse, WI 54603 608-558-1575 keigenberger@gmail.com Judge: Lita Hottel 10/31/15 OK IBC-H McClain Cty Fairgrounds 1715 Hardcastle Blvd Purcell, OK 73080 Contact: Daryl McDaniel 14350 S Douglas Blvd Guthrie, OK 73044 405-514-8124 Judge: Jake Weaver November 11/1/15 OK IBC-H McClain Cty Fairgrounds 1715 Hardcastle Blvd Purcell, OK 73080 Contact: Daryl McDaniel 14350 S Douglas Blvd Guthrie, OK 73044 405-514-8124 Judge: Debra Letham 11/7/15 IL IBC-H Rawlings Arena 24865 IL State Rt 122 Delevan, IL 61734 Contact: Dawn Walther 8602 S Flint Road Pearl City, IL 61062 815-541-9637
- POA May/June 2015 -
Judge: Bill French Wahl High Point Weekend One pony/One rider & Eq High Points 11/7/15 TX IBC-H Top Rail Cowboy Church 262 Horsemans Road Greenville, TX 75401 Contact: LaRena Phillips P.O. Box 145 Lone Oak, TX 75453 903-662-5087 Judge: Alison Walk Great daily High Point Awards 11/8/15 IL Promo Rawlings Arena 24865 IL State Rt 122 Delevan, IL 61734 Contact: Dawn Walther 8602 S Flint Road Pearl City, IL 61062 815-541-9637 Judge: Roger Howe Wahl High Point Weekend One pony/One rider & Eq High Points 11/14/15 OK Ponyrama McClain Cty Fairgrounds 1715 Hardcastle Blvd Purcell, OK 73080 Contact: Daryl McDaniel 14350 S Douglas Blvd Guthrie, OK 73044 405-514-8124 Judge: John Letham & Meredith Michaud 11/15/15 OK IBC-H McClain Cty Fairgrounds 1715 Hardcastle Blvd Purcell, OK 73080 Contact: Daryl McDaniel 14350 S Douglas Blvd Guthrie, OK 73044 405-514-8124 Judge: Mike Short 11/21/15 TX IBC-H Navarro Cty Expo Center 4021 W Hwy 22 Corsicana, TX 75110 Contact: Julie Hinz 237 Chambers Drive Italy, TX. 76651 469-337-9413 Judge: Deb Jarvis Texas Turkey Trot 11/22/15 TX Double IBC-H Navarro Cty Expo Center 4021 W Hwy 22 Corsicana, TX 75110 Contact: Julie Hinz 237 Chambers Drive Italy, TX. 76651 469-337-9413 Judge: Pat Trebesch & Jeannie Young Texas Turkey Trot
Pony News
Horse Show for Windows and POAC Show Results Horse Show for Windows (HSW) by Funnware has worked very closely with POAC to ease the POAC show results submission process. Here is a quick reference list of what is required and how to obtain the electronic files. POAC has a yellow cover sheet included in the show packet they send to the sponsoring club. This sheet is a very important reference source for the show secretary and POAC. Use this sheet as a guide when compiling the materials in the packet. We will start with that document and do a quick reference list: 1. Yellow cover sheet. This page requires important information about the show. It’s an excellent check list guide for compiling information and ascertaining financial responsibility for the show. It needs to be the top page of the results package which will also include original copies of…. 2. Inspector’s sheet. The fully filled out and signed list of pony measurements and information, 3. The judge’s cards, must all be signed and the number of entries in each class entered on each card. 4. Membership forms and payments for memberships purchased at the show. 5. A Master List print out from HSW must also be included. This is obtained as follows: From the Main Menu (that’s the screen with the outline of a horse and rider) select a. Reports b. Back number list [H.] c. Current Show d. POAC format e. Print/Export. Verify that ALL information in filled in on this report. Use entry forms and the Inspector’s Report as references. Adjust and reprint as necessary. 6. A print out of the results from HSW. This is obtained as follows: From the Main Screen select a. Reports b. Information for Publication 38
c. If just one judge, select Master show ONLY. If this show has more than one judge, select Subsidiary shows ONLY NOTE: As a personal preference, I like to include some extra information for the information of my readers, so, I will also make sure that the following are also selected— back number, rider’s name, Showbill number, place, show date(s), # shown, Judge’s name. d. Print/Export. This is also the best report to use to verify the accuracy of the input of results by comparing this report to the placings on the judge’s card. Adjust and reprint as necessary. While in HSW, you will also want to save copies of the above mentioned HSW reports. The best way to do that is, before clicking on Print/Export, make sure you go to the bottom right of those report screens and select .pdf as a print option. Then save the report to your computer or to an external drive. The final and equally important report is the Association Disk Creation. This .txt file can be e-mailed directly to POAC to showdept@poac. org or it can be sent to POAC on a CD or thumb drive. Either submission method is acceptable with POAC. If I send this file to POAC on a CD, I also burn on .pdf copies of the Master List and the Information for Publication reports. The Association Disk Creation report is obtained as follows starting from the Main Menu: a. Utilities b. Association Disk/File Creation c. Scroll down and select Pony of Americas (POAC) d. Choose the destination drive you wish to create the file on, i.e. C:/ is your hard drive, floppy drive is most commonly the A:/ drive, etc. e. Choose the Destination directory that you wish to create the file in – the default is the directory your database is in. I prefer to have a - POA May/June 2015 -
Reports file either on my computer or my external drive in which I store copies of all the above mentioned reports in. f. Default file Name, the default file name is the name of the file that will be produced for the association. This is pre-determined by the organization and generally shouldn’t be changed. g. Create. Click on the ‘Create’ button to start generating the file(s). If there are subsidiary shows attached to the master show, you will be prompted between each show in case you need to change the medium you are creating the files on. Once the files(s) starts being created, an ‘Abort’ button will be displaced for cancelling the disk creation. If the file already exists on the disk or the drive, you are asked if you wish to overwrite the file of append to it. In the case of a new set of shows, definitely overwrite it; in the case of subsidiary shows, you can append to it and send the one file with multiple subsidiaries information. I recently visited a regional show and realized that there is a very common misconception amongst the exhibitors. The results packets and reports do not contain any information on fees or points. What this very important tidbit of information means is that if you have an error in your weekend points tabulation, it absolutely does not affect the tabulation of their national points. In addition, POAC does not receive any information on Open classes. Entries and placings of the POAC approved classes are the only thing that is sent to POAC in the end. All entries should be put into the show and are reported to POAC regardless of placing of it the rider/owner is a POAC member. The national office will verify membership and award points only to those who are valid at the time of the show. This may include entrants who purchased memberships at the show.
Youth News Hello from Tennessee By Kelsey Wright Hello everyone! Our TN club has been very busy the last few months, we have had our first show and our first POA sale already. Our club had a wonderful first show for the 2015 season with a double judged show April 25-26 at Clearview Farms in
Shelbyville. We had a great turn out with many new and returning faces! I also want to congratulate everyone who helped bring our first POA sale to life in March and to congratulate everyone who took home a new pony. We had several nice show ponies sold and we hope to have the sale again next year! That’s not all
the TN club has been working on lately! We are also preparing for the South East Regional show hosted by the AL club. It will be held at Miller Coliseum in Murfreesboro, TN on June 19-21. We hope everyone is gearing up for the upcoming show season and the South East Regional! We hope to see you there!
Good News from Colorado By Abby Kelts I’m happy to report I passed my Level I 4-H written test in Feb. and the riding test in April. Also I was inducted into the National Jr. Honor Society this spring. My sister Maggie passed her 4-H safety test in April. We learned good stuff at our POA clinic in Brush, CO. We moved 2 of our POAs to our barn at home after Easter and we got to ride more often. My youngest sister Katy will show in her first Leadline classes at the West World & Rocky Mountain Regional this June. We hope to see many competitors coming to Longmont, CO, for these shows. My friend Cameron Andrews who won the Sportmanship Award last year has a 4-month old baby sister. She was very ill in the hospital ICU in Feb. and March in Ft. Collins. Thankfully baby Joslynn Shipman is ok now. Bonnie Alexander and her POA Molly have done one 4-H show and attended a few clinics. Bonnie will do walk-trot this year as she and Molly adjust to the 4-H program. At their first 4-H show in March, a number of people asked about
Molly--how old, where did they get her, is she a POA or an Appy, how much training. When they found out she was only 5, they were very surprised. Alexanders are doing their best to promote the POA breed in Boulder County 4-H. Bailey Shumpert attended the Holland Lop National Show in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her rabbits placed in the top 10 out of 100 entries. She raises show rabbits for 4-H members as well as breeders. A new ponyrider combination will be Bailey - POA May/June 2015 -
Shumpert riding Lough Downs Diamond Lil (aka Lilly) in some classes and still riding her POA Skippy in others! We welcome the Clark and Joan Wilson family from Wiggins ,Colorado, who purchased LVO’s IMA Loping Fool (aka Chloe) from the Megel Family. The Clark’s great granddaughter, Rozie Bell, plans to show Chloe this summer. Photo this month is Ruff & Tough Pizzazz (aka ZZ) and J. A. Cadie Sue at our Kelts home in Pony Estates. 39
The purpose of this award is to encourage and reward youth for promoting their ponies to others who are not in or are not familiar with the POA breed. An award will be given to the youth who best promotes the POA in 2014. This award is open to all youth 18 and under, the youth does not have to be a national POA member. The award consists of $200 cash, a free family membership (with magazine), and a one page picture and write up about the youth and how they promoted the POA’s outside our breed. Name:__________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Parents Name: ___________________________________________ Phone number: __________________________________________ Email address: ___________________________________________ Requirements: Submit this form, an essay, and pictures describing how you have helped to promote
The type of promotion can be, but not limited to: *Showing in non-breed shows.
*Using a POA for riding lessons
*Doing a presentation on POA’s to a non POA group
*Setting up exhibit about the POA’s at fairs, library, or other non POA audience *Inviting a non POA rider to share your horse at a show
Or any other creative method the youth may use to promote the POA breed The essay should include details of how you promoted the POAs, how many people
were involved, and any results of your promotion. The essay should be no longer than 3 typed pages and no more than 6 pictures. The application packet is due December 31, 2015
Submit by regular mail or email to:
Joyce Banister
3828 S. Emerson Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46203 poac@poac.org 40
- POA May/June 2015 -
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