June/July 2014

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Pocono Living M A G A Z I N E©

is published bi-monthly in the Pocono Mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania by

Pocono Magazines, LLC. 1929 North Fifth Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570-424-1000 pmags@ptd.net

Pocono Living Annual Photography Contest


GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Amanda Belanger Devesh Ramdeo

CONSULTANTS Dr. Jonathan A. Goldner, DO, FCCP, FCCM Suzanne F. McCool, M.C. Commissioner

PHOTOGRAPHY & ART Andrea Rimberg Andrei Protsouk Doug McNeill Lisa Newberry James Chesnick James Smeltz Marlana Holsten Matt Siptroth Vinzon Lee

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Brian Hardiman Dr. Jonathan Goldner Kathy Dubin-Uhler Pete Pappalardo Amy Leiser Suzanne McCool ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE Linda Zak ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mandy Cunard DISTRIBUTION Mike Shepard

Proud Members of


Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau The information published in this magazine is believed to be accurate, but in some instances, may represent opinion or judgment. The publication’s providers do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of amy of the information and shall not be held liable for any loss or damage, directly or indirectly, by or from the information. © 2013 Pocono Magazines. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the expressed written permission of the publisher.


Winners will be showcased in the October/November 2014 issue of Pocono Living Magazine. Grand Prize - Dinner for two at Marco Antonio’s, Stroudsburg, Pa Deadline: All submissions must be postmarked or uploaded by August 12, 2014. There is no limit to the number of submissions from one photographer. For more information visit www.poconomagazines.com “Bald Eagle” photography by Vinzon Lee

June/July 2014

What’s Inside 6 Big Pocono: It’s always been about the view

by Karen Layton

10 How to Get Your Car to Go that Extra Mile 12 Return of the Green 14 Your Trip to the Farmers Market 17 Restaurants, Diners, Bistros & Bars 2 5 August Craft Festivals 26 DIY Outdoor Kitchens 28 Budget-Friendly Travel Tips 30 Adopt a Cat Month® 3 2 Events at Pocono Environmental Education Center

3 6 Events at Monroe County

Environmental Education Center

Our cover features the Cattell Cabin, on top of Big Pocono. Photo by Doug McNeill



t is the early 1900s. Henry, a Philadelphia lawyer, has left the city and made his way to the Pocono Mountains. He is among hundreds, if not thousands, who seek a respite from city life among the cool, lush mountains, and the clear, cool lakes and streams. It is the heyday of the Pocono resort. Train travel has made the trip to the Poconos from cities like New York and Philadelphia an easy one. Dozens of grand hotels, cottages, and boarding houses spring up in the area to accommodate the increasing number of vacationers. Henry is a frequent visitor, and has come to appreciate the natural beauty of this place.


He now stands on the stark and bald Camelback Mountain. He has made the trek up the rugged, primitive route. A thousand feet up. He stands at the summit among the thick, tangled shrubs, among the huckleberry and blueberry. He surveys the land. It is scarred. Years of lumbering; fires, some sparked by trains running on the rails that skirt the bottom edge of the mountain; and the exposure to harsh weather has left this flat, barren ridge little to be desired. But there is something about this place. Something that makes Henry return, again and again. Something that Henry Cattell wanted to share.

[left] The little stone cabin, built in 1908, faces southeast towards the Delaware Water Gap and the Kittatinny Ridge. photo: Vinzon Lee.



It was during this time, that Henry Cattell decided to commission local masons to build a stone cabin at the summit of Camelback. So why would Cattell build a cabin on this desolate land? Anyone who has visited this place might answer this question with simply- “The view.” In the early 1900s, visitors who braved the rigorous climb to the summit were rewarded with a spectacular 360 degree view of the surrounding mountains, and nearby lakes and communities. From the summit these visitors could scan the horizon for views of the Pocono Mountains; the Kittatinny Ridge, including Delaware Water Gap, south to Wind Gap and Lehigh Gap, and north towards what is now High Point State Park; and the Catskills Mountains, nearly 100 miles to the north. By 1908, the cabin was completed and its door left opened for weary hikers who needed shelter. Many would stay the night: men would sleep on the main floor, and women, in the loft area. Some would carve their names and the dates of their visits in the thick wood beams. Over a hundred years have passed since Henry Cattell decided to build that little stone cabin on Camelback Mountain, and in those 100 years, the contours of Camelback Mountain, its 2131 foot elevation, and the 360 degree view would be the attributes key to the use and development of the mountain: as an early tool in local fire-fighting efforts, as a winter recreation destination, and finally, as Big Pocono State Park. Following Henry Cattell’s death, the land and cabin on Camelback Mountain were acquired by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and soon the 360degree view from the mountain’s summit would be employed in fighting forest fires.

[above] The Big Pocono Fire Tower stands on the summit of Camelback Mountain at 2131 feet, and has been employed to assist with firefighting efforts since 1921. photo: Friends of Big Pocono. [below] The view to the South and East from the top of Big Pocono. photo: Vinzon Lee



Friends of Big Pocono 2014 Schedule of Events To register for these events, contact Tobyhanna State Park at 570894-8336, or by email tobyhannasp@pa.gov

6/14/14 (Saturday) 8:00-9:30 AM Nature Walk. Spend the morning on a leisurely stroll along Rim Road as we follow the nature trail and look for the plant and animals species that make Big Pocono their home. Afterwards, join us for the Mountain Laurel Festival. Presented by volunteer interpretive guide. Meet at parking lot #2, Big Pocono State Park, Tannersville. FREE program. Registration required.

6/14/14 10:00-3:00 PM Mountain Laurel Festival. Join the Friends of Big Pocono for our signature festival. We’ll celebrate the blooming of the Mountain Laurel with music, food, friends, and activities. Event takes place next to the Cattell Cabin near parking lot #2, Big Pocono State Park, Tannersville. FREE event.

7/18/14 (Friday) 8:30- 10:30 PM Moth Magic: We’ll kick off “Winged Things Weekend” with this unique evening program. The night begins with a brief discussion of moth species andhabitats. Things get interesting when the sun goes down and we turn on the spotlights to attract these creatures of the night. Presented by area moth enthusiast. Meet at parking lot #2, Big Pocono State Park, Tannersville. Fee $5 adults/$3 under 12. All proceeds go towards future programming and improvements to the park. Registration required.

7/19/14 (Saturday) 9:00-11:00 AM Birds & Butterflies of Big Pocono. Join us for the second part of the “Winged Things Weekend”. Spend the morning spotting birds that


he summit of Camelback is situated on the eastern escarpment of the Pocono plateau. Geologic and glacial events helped to form the escarpment and eastward prong on which Big Pocono is located. This prong rises about 1,000 feet above the land to the north, east, and south. This became the ideal vantage point from which to spot fires located in area forests and communities. n 1921, a fire tower was built for just such a purpose. It was of vital importance in the spotting and prevention of fires during much of the 20th century. Today, the Big Pocono Fire Tower remains as one of the few still manned by Forestry personnel during peak fire season, and it has been designated as an historical structure by the National Fire Tower Association. Several decades later, the elevation and contour of the mountain would be key in developing yet another usethis one recreational. In 1950, what is now Camelback Ski Corporation requested the lease of the northern slope of the mountain to develop a ski resort. Camelback Ski Corporation still leases the northern slope today, and continues to expand the resort to offer year-round activities. Finally, in 1953, what is now DCNR acquired a 1,306 acre portion of the property to develop Big Pocono State Park. A year later, with the completion of the scenic 1.4 mile Rim Road that encircles the mountain near the summit, the addition of parking and picnic areas, and the construction of restrooms, the park was opened to the public. Since the development of Big Pocono State Park, the Cattell Cabin has been used for a variety of purposes: as an office, nature museum and education center, and caretaker’s quarters. Esther Motts manned the fire tower and the park office for many years, and soon became known by the name “Pocono Pete”. Esther’s passion for the park and knowledge of the plants and animals that inhabited it, became a draw for visitors. Pocono Pete collected and, through her knowledge of taxidermy, prepared animals for display in the cases that lined the

The view to the North. photo: Vinzon Lee. [left] View finders are available at the park for those who want a closer look. photo: Vinzon Lee.

inside of the cabin. The displays of birds, owls, foxes, rabbits, and other critters prompted questions from many local school children and visitors to the park. Pocono Pete was always at the ready with stories sure to entertain. Sometime after Pocono Pete’s retirement, the Cattell Cabin was vacated as an office and nature museum, and it has since remained closed. In 2008, the Friends of Big Pocono State Park was formed, and the re-purposing of the Cattell Cabin became part of the Friends’ mission. Today, work on the cabin is bringing it back to its former charm. Beautiful stone work, and hefty wooden beams that include the etched names of visitors from the 1900s have been revealed. The Friends of Big Pocono hope to have the cabin open and manned by volunteers within the next few years. Displays of local history and environmental education will once again be included in the cabin, and visitors will have a place to ask questions about the park, its trails, the unique environment and geology, and its history. Perhaps, in the tradition of Pocono Pete, visitors might also be entertained with a story or two. In an effort to return the park to its former status as a primary view destination, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, park management, Camelback Ski Corporation, and the volunteers from the Friends of Big Pocono and the Pocono Outdoor Club, have partnered to enhance, maintain, and promote Big Pocono State Park. A number of festivals have been held at Big Pocono in recent years, including the signature Mountain Laurel Festival held each June; and educational programming, like the Starry Nights programs, are once again being offered. Waysides have been completed and will be installed in the spring of 2012; new stairs from the view lot to the Rim Road have been constructed; and new trail construction and trail maintenance work continue.

breed in the pitch pine–scrub oak barrens, including Rufus-sided towhees, and Chestnut-sided and Prairie Warblers, and look for butterflies including swallowtails, monarchs, dusky wings and more. Presented by area environmental educator. Meet at parking lot #2, Big Pocono State Park, Tannersville. FREE program. Registration required.

7/19/14 (Saturday) 8:40-10 PM Starry Nights. Experience the night skies above Big Pocono. Get a telescopic view of the planets Mars, and Saturn, with its moons and rings, the Hercules Star Cluster, and constellations including Scorpio, Sagittarius, Cygnus the Swan, (part of the Summer Triangle with stars Vega, Deneb, and Altair), and the Dippers and Cassiopeia. Presented by local expert astronomer. Meet at parking lot #2, Big Pocono State Park, Tannersville. Fee $5 adults/$3 under 12. All proceeds go towards future programming and improvements to the park. Registration required.

8/22/14 (Friday) 8:00-9:30 PM Starry Nights. Experience the night skies above Big Pocono with telescopic views of Saturn and its rings, the Hercules Star Cluster, and constellations Scorpio, Sagittarius, the Summer Triangle with stars Vega, Deneb, and Altair, the Dippers and Cassiopeia. We may also get a view of the Ring Nebula in Lyra, and the Andromeda Galaxy! Presented by local expert astronomer. Meet at parking lot #2, Big Pocono State Park, Tannersville. Fee $5 adults/$3 under 12. All proceeds go towards future programming and improvements to the park. Registration required.

9/19/14 (Friday) 7-8:30 PM Night Hike. Learn to use your senses to experience Big Pocono at night. While we walk along the Rim Road, we’ll discover the critters that consider the night to be the best time to be out and about. Presented by area environmental educator. Meet at parking lot #2, Big Pocono State Park, Tannersville. FREE program. Registration required. Contact Tobyhanna State Park at 570-894-8336, or by email tobyhannasp@pa.gov

9/20/14 (Saturday) 9:00-12 noon Hawk Watch. Scan the skies above Big Pocono for migrating raptors. Cooper’s, Sharp-shinned, Broad-winged and Red-tailed hawks, Kestrels, and Bald Eagles have been spotted during previous watches. Presented by area environmental educator. Meet at parking lot #2, Big Pocono State Park, Tannersville. FREE program. Registration required. Contact Tobyhanna State Park at 570-894-8336, or by email tobyhannasp@pa.gov


Mountain laurel blooms are a big draw for visitors to Big Pocono, and are the inspiration for the Mountain Laurel Festival, held each June during the peak bloom season. [background photo: Marlana Holsten.] [top right] One of Pocono Pete’s many “critter” cases that lined the Cattell Cabin, and prompted many questions from local school children and park visitors. photo: Friends of Big Pocono. One of the interior rooms in the Cattell Cabin. photo: Vinzon Lee. The cabin and double rainbow. photo: Friends of Big Pocono.


Readers wishing to donate to the Friends of Big Pocono can do so through the mail or online at the following: FOBP, P.O. Box 14, Tannersville, PA, 18372 FOBP Website http://www.friendsofbigpocono.org/


oday, the draw of Big Pocono State Park remains as it has always been- the spectacular view. Vacationers from nearby New York, New Jersey, and Southeastern Pennsylvania frequently visit Big Pocono State Park as part of their Pocono vacation itinerary. Some remain at the summit and enjoy the view from the many picnic areas, others venture on to some of the 8.5 miles of trails, enjoying the easy-to-challenging hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding. Still others may drive the Rim Road to see the views from another vantage point. But no matter where one goes in the park, or by what mode of transportation, there is always a good chance the visitor will be rewarded with a spectacular view.

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One can only imagine what Henry Cattell might have envisioned for this land when he built his stone cabin among the thick scrub, at the top of this once barren mountain. But for certain, he was willing to share this land and this view with any visitor who might make the trek to the summit of Camelback Mountain. He would be pleased Big Pocono State Park affords visitors that same opportunity today. P


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We would like to thank the folks at Pennsylvania Recreation and Parks magazine and Pennsylvania Forests magazine, where this article has been previously published, for their permission to allow us to re-print it here in Pocono Living Magazine. And, a very special thank you to Mr. Rex Lord of the PA DCNR for his assistance in helping us to secure these permissions. Our thanks to Vinzon Lee, Senior Staff Photographer, for his fantastic photos. Friends of Big Pocono Board of Directors John Motz – Chairperson Cheryl Peechatka-Hoffman Ann Harmon Kathleen Hinton Karen Layton Betty Kruk Kim Ernsberger Randy Hoffman

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How to get your car to go that extra mile

or 100,000 Join me in Stroudsburg. Michael J Frailey Frailey Insurance and Financial Services (570) 421-7447 www.fraileyinsurance.com


oday’s car owners are keeping their vehicles on the road longer, and it’s not uncommon to find autos with odometer readings of 200,000, 300,000 or more. While increasingly common, that kind of longevity still merits bragging rights. So how can you reach the six-figure mile-mark? The answer is as simple as listening to your car, following a regular maintenance schedule and asking yourself these questions: n Does your car pull to one side when you’re driving down a straight road? If it does, check your tires for uneven wear that could pull your vehicle out of alignment.



n Do your brakes squeal when you are slowing down to stop? It’s a tell-tale sign they are beginning to wear. Your vehicle may need brake fluid, or new brake pads. Never allow your brakes get to the point that you hear grinding. That sound of metal contacting metal can mean costly repairs to the rotors and replacement of the brakes themselves.

n Do you hear a whine when you start your car? Belts and hoses don’t last forever, and that’s why it’s important to check them for cracks, tears and overall wear. Simple and relatively inexpensive repairs of a hose or belt could prevent catastrophic damage to you engine or radiator. While these are things you can take care of by sight or sound, you cannot easily see the inner-workings of your vehicle’s engine. This is why it is important to use products that will protect your vehicle on the inside as well. Premium synthetic lubricant manufacturer Royal Purple offers motor oil specifically formulated for high mileage vehicles with their proprietary additive technology Synerlec and zinc/phosphorus anti-wear additives. Available in 5W30 and 10W30 viscosities, Royal Purple’s HMX minimizes wear and restores lost engine performance, extends drain intervals, reduces engine deposits and provides superior corrosion protection. It’s no easy task to keep your vehicle on the road once you hit the 100,000-mile mark but paying attention to the signs your car may be showing you and protecting the main components under the hood will hopefully stay on the road for miles to come. P


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Bringing Life Back into Your Yard & Garden


pring season is a time of regeneration and renewal as you prepare to bring life back to your lawn and garden. Taking the proper steps after seasonal changes or severe weather conditions can prove to be the difference between creating a breathtaking landscape or an outdoor space with unsightly mishaps. By following a few simple steps, you can take pride in your backyard year after year.

Inspect and replace your tools of the trade The first step to creating an outdoor masterpiece begins with the proper equipment. You can’t very well dig, rake or mow with broken or dull materials, so now is the time to inspect each of your tools. Check your lawnmower and other garden essentials for signs of damage or rust. Making sure that your garden tools are in good condition at the start of the season will help establish the right 12 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© JUNE/JULY 2014

foundation for a successful planting and growing season. “The right tools can make all the difference in creating a lawn that leaves a lasting impression,” says Alan Luxmore, host of A&E’s hit television show Fix This Yard. “Arm yourself with tools that are not only durable, but easy to use. Complete watering systems such as LeakFree by Nelson, offer a turn-key watering experience from start to finish, allowing gardeners more time to revel in their landscaping successes.”

Bring new life into the garden Once your soil is permeable, it should be prepped for the upcoming planting season by removing dead leaves and plants that may have been left over from the previous season. Use a rotary tiller to break up and aerate hard soil. Once the old material has been removed from the work area and your soil is ready, begin planting your new plants, flowers, vegetables and grass. You can also help your trees, bushes and even certain plants have a more robust look by trimming them back to encourage new bud growth.

Establish a regular watering regimen One of the most important steps to maintaining a healthy lawn and garden is providing it with the proper nutrients. Using a hose for daily irrigation seems simple but without the proper watering set up, your efforts could be futile. A proper watering guide and the following tips from the watering experts at Nelson can increase efficiency and bring you one step closer to creating a yard with envious curb appeal. * Give your greens a thorough soaking once in a while to produce extended and robust roots. * The best time to water is in the morning, when the air is cool and moist. The warmth of the sun and the rising temperature gently dries the grass and the leaves on the plants. And since morning air is damp, you don’t waste water through evaporation. * Follow a regular watering schedule to discourage bugs by providing them with an inhospitable environment. Insects, with the possible exception of the water bug, aren’t terribly fond of water. * To be certain your lawn is hydrated adequately when it has failed to rain, the standard rule of thumb is to sprinkle one inch of water per week. * Use a complete guaranteed leak-free system such as LeakFree by Nelson in order to conserve water in drought conditions, save money and stay dry. For additional watering and gardening tips, and to learn more about LeakFree technology, visit www.facebook.com/ NelsonWateringAndGardening. P

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Eight ways to get the most out of your trip to the farmers market When spring arrives, leaves, flowers and robins aren’t the only signs of warm weather to reappear. Spring also heralds the return of farmers markets. A trip to the market is a great opportunity to indulge in fresh healthy produce and to expand your horizons by trying new items or preparing them in different ways. Here are eight tips to make the most of your visit to the local farmers market: n Note the hours and dates of your local market on your calendar. Set reminders on your smartphone that will alert you when favorite items such as tomatoes, peas, beans and strawberries come into season. n Prepare your refrigerator and kitchen for the season’s harvest. Clean out your fridge’s produce drawer, and stock up on items that complement fresh produce, such as salad dressings and seasonings that can be used to turn basic veggies into delicious meals. Make sure to choose organic options, such as Simply Organic’s Greek Yogurt Dips (great for broccoli and cauliflower florets). n While farmers market vendors will almost certainly have plastic bags on hand, take your own reusable bags or baskets to carry your purchase - they’re better for Mother Nature. If you’ll be buying perishable items, consider packing a cooler as well. Remember to place heavier items (like melons) on the bottom of the bag and lighter ones (such as berries) on top.

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n You’ll find the freshest produce and best selection early in the day. Setting your alarm to wake you a bit early could ensure you get the pick of the day’s produce. n Leave the $20 and $50 bills at home. Smaller bills will provide you with greater buying flexibility, and vendors will appreciate the change. n Scope out the entire market before you begin making purchases. Certain popular items, such as tomatoes, cantaloupe, melons, peas and potatoes will be available from multiple vendors. Strolling through the market first will allow you to compare prices and taste samples to ensure you’re picking the best and most delicious buys for your family. n Unpack bags as soon as you’re home and store each item appropriately. Create a menu plan for the week that incorporates everything you’ve purchased to help ensure nothing goes to waste. Don’t forget to incorporate snacks into your meal plan. n Every week, try something new. By all means, enjoy your familiar favorites, but also add in new items like kohlrabi, chard or broccolini. Not sure how to prepare something new? Seasonings are a great way to add flavor without fat. Spice-filled marinades or rubs are a perfect complement to produce. Throw your veggies on the grill to bring out the freshness. On its website, www. simplyorganic.com, Simply Organic offers numerous flavorful fresh produce recipes. P



Here’s a tasty recipe to try on your grill today:

Adobo Grilled Asparagus Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 8 to 10 minutes Total time: 15 minutes Servings: 4 to 6

Ingredients: Use organic ingredients where possible. 2 ounces slivered almonds 1 bunch asparagus, trimmed 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil 1 1/2 teaspoons Simply Organic adobo seasoning 1/2 teaspoon Simply Organic paprika Directions: In a dry 8-inch skillet, toast the almonds, stirring often, until fragrant and lightly golden, about five to eight minutes. Remove and pour the almonds into a small bowl and set off to the side. In a shallow dish, toss the asparagus with the olive oil, adobo seasoning and paprika.Preheat your grill. Real wood charcoal tastes best, but gas works fine. Avoid briquettes; they make food taste like lighter fluid. Aim for medium-high heat - if your grill lid has a thermometer built into the lid, it should read about 375 degrees.Once hot, lay the asparagus perpendicular to your grill grates and cook for eight to 10 minutes, turning once until fork tender yet still firm.Serve on a platter topped with toasted almond slivers.



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Photo: Vinzon Lee


Cherry Valley Festival On Saturday, June 14, the fourth annual Cherry Valley Festival will be held to celebrate the unique natural environmental qualities of the valley and raise awareness of conservation efforts underway. The Brodhead Watershed Association (BWA), a non-profit organization committed to enhance public understanding of conservation and water issues is organizing the event in collaboration with the Josie Porter Farm. The Festival, held at the Josie Porter Farm, 6514 Cherry Valley Road, Stroudsburg, PA., will run from 10 AM to 5 PM, rain or shine. This will be a fun-filled day with family activities designed for the participation of children and adults. Planned events include educational speakers, nature walks, farm tours, demonstrations, and environmentally themed vendors, arts and crafts. In addition, there will be: food and beverages available and a silent auction with proceeds benefiting BWA. Live entertainment throughout the day will be provided by strolling musicians from the Pocono Bluegrass & Folk Society. The festival is free to the public. Admission is free; plenty of parking and a golf cart shuttle service make it easy to get around. Directions and more information on the Farm and the Festival are available on the Farm’s website: www.josieporterfarm.com The Brodhead Watershed Association is a nonprofit environmental organization formed in 1989. BWA is dedicated to protecting and preserving water resources and the environment of the Brodhead watershed and the water quality of the Brodhead, Cherry, Marshalls, McMichael, Paradise and Pocono creeks and their tributaries. In addition, the BWA assists municipalities, residents, businesses and groups with protecting natural resources through education, workshops, seminars, public programs and stream monitoring.




Bistros &



Welcome to Pocono Living Magazine’s guide to Restaurants, Diners, Bistros & Bars. Have you ever seen the television series “Diners, Drive - Ins & Dives” on The Food Network channel? Yea, we have too, and it’s very popular on the cable network.

! E M O C L WE

It has inspired us to do our own version as an annual centerfold feature in Pocono Living Magazine©, complete with a map guide to find each business location. The next time you are thinking about where you would like to go for breakfast, lunch or dinner—a beer or a bottle of wine with a filet or some sushi—reach for this guide and try someplace new each time. The Poconos have a lot to offer.

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West to Snydersville & Kresgeville

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80 ©2014 Pocono Mts. Publications, LLC Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570-424-1000 This map may not be copied or reproduced by any means without written consent of the publisher.




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Craft Festivals

A Decade of Dedication, 10th Annual Festival of Wood, comes to Grey Towers National Historic Site in Milford, PA on Saturday, August 2 and Sunday, August 3. This popular family-friendly event offers a variety of activities and events that demonstrate the many ways people use and enjoy wood in our everyday lives. Unique wood crafts, children’s activities with wood, chainsaw carvings, educational exhibits, live woodland wildlife, films, tree pruning demonstrations, music created with wood and much more will be offered on the grounds of the historic estate throughout the weekend. There is no admission to the festival grounds and most activities are free.

The Festival hours are 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday August 2 and 10 am to 4 pm Sunday August 3, rain or shine. For a schedule of events or more information, call (570)296-9630 or email greytowers@fs.fed.us. Festival programs and site maps are available at www.greytowers.org.

Three weeks later on August 23 & 24, the 28th annual Pocono State Craft Festival will celebrates the heritage, beauty and quality of Pennsylvania Crafts at beautiful Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm in Stroudsburg PA. Crafts featured this year will include pottery, jewelry, metal, stained glass, wood, baskets, paper, leather, folk art, fine art, photography, and art-to-wear. Craft demonstrations will captivate patrons and bring to life the creative process – from raw material to finished product. . The farm buildings, animals and beautiful gardens of Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm will be open to give visitors a taste of a by-gone era on a Pennsylvania German farm. Additionally, patrons will enjoy the bluegrass and gospel music of the Lost Ramblers and the Dixieland sounds of the Dixie Gents. Festival hours are 10 am – 6 pm on Saturday and 10 am – 5 pm on Sunday, rain or shine. Admission is $6.00 for adults; children 12 and under are admitted free. There is ample free parking. For directions and a $1 off coupon, visit the show’s website at www.poconocrafts.com or call 570-476-4460. P



Outdoor kitchens: Tools and tips to do it yourself



utdoor kitchens are one of the hottest trends for exterior home improvements in 2014, a survey by the American Society of Landscape Architects reveals. If you’re considering creating a backyard kitchen this year, you may be wondering how much of the work you can do yourself in order to get the most out of your budget. Fortunately, many aspects of the job are within the abilities of the average do-it-yourselfer, and resources like rental stores mean you can easily obtain the tools you need to get the job done.

Getting started

PA State Inspection for Motorcycles Call for Appointment ACE TRUCKING & REPAIRS, INC. 316 CLAY AVENUE STROUDSBURG, PA


Your first step is to assess your outdoor space, decide where your kitchen will be and determine how much area you can dedicate to it. Will you start from scratch, perhaps creating a patio of pavers or building a new deck to accommodate the kitchen? Or will existing structures provide a starting point? Next, seek inspiration. Resources like Pinterest, YouTube, home improvement shows and outdoor living websites can provide ideas and insight into current design trends in outdoor kitchens. Gathering ideas can help you decide what elements your kitchen must have - such as a multi-burner stove and ample lighting for nighttime entertaining - and what might be on your list of possible features, like a wet bar or built-in seating around the kitchen.

Designing your outdoor kitchen Once you know where your outdoor kitchen will go and what features you will include, it’s time to start laying out your plans. Plenty of online tools are available to help you design an outdoor living space, including the kitchen of your dreams. You’ll need to consider many factors, including the dimensions and layout of your outdoor kitchen, materials you will use and how you will landscape around it. Popular building materials include pavers, stone, wood or composite materials, and each imparts its own look to your outdoor entertaining area.

The building process

Rental Association member store is a cost-effective way to obtain the equipment you need without a longterm investment of money and storage space. To find a rental store in your area, visit www.rentalhq.com. Tool rental can also ease another reality of DIY construction - the ability to work around your schedule and at your own pace. Renting tools means you can get what you need when you need it, without having large or expensive pieces lying around when not in use. Give yourself plenty of time to work on your outdoor kitchen, and don’t be afraid to seek help. Friends and family can pitch in on basic tasks, but some higher-level jobs - such as installing a gas line for a built-in range - may require professional help. P

While most homeowners will have at least some of the tools needed to complete an outdoor kitchen, it’s likely you’ll be missing others. Renting tools through an American CONTENT: BPT



ith a winter that never seems to end, families are aching to enjoy some fun in the sun, turning their attention to a well-deserved getaway. According to a recent Bank of America survey, 46 percent of Americans plan on hitting the road and organizing family-friendly vacations this year. But nearly half of these survey respondents, 48 percent, said the most difficult part of planning a trip is managing a budget.


• 60 acre lake with 300 campsites • Paved roads • Electric, water, cable TV hook-ups & wi-fi; 100 campsites have sewer hook-ups • 8 heated bathouses, store, laundry and propane • Boating, boat rentals and fishing

Fun, Affordable Vacations Travel Channel host Samantha Brown has trekked the globe and is an ace at keeping costs low while maximizing adventure. She shares a few budget saving tips for the millions of Americans looking to take a family vacation and ensure lasting memories. “When you start researching vacation destinations, it’s important to keep in mind that a good rewards card can help to offset travel costs,” Brown said. “I find that using credit cards like the BankAmericard Travel Rewards credit card gives you great flexibility in how to use your points to cover travel expenses ... more than just for flights. You can book your travel whenever, however you choose so there are no restrictions or blackouts.”

(no fishing license required)

• Indoor pool with 2 Jacuzzis and Sauna • Outdoor Pool • Swimming Beach • Lighted tennis, racquetball and basketball courts • Softball field (lighted for night use) • Game room, planned activities • Open all year • Woodall 5W rated

Destination, Destination, Destination The majority of survey respondents said they are headed towards easy to access, family-friendly destinations like beaches, theme parks and zoos. Sixty three percent of respondents said car trips are the preferred mode of travel because they are easier on the budget and also ensure that the vacation will be an adventure.

P.O. Box 850 • Marshalls Creek, PA 18301 570-223-0123 Reservations only: 800-345-1369


Save on Lodging, Park Admission Fees

P&S GARAGE Servicing the Poconos since 1975

Scott Dreisbach owner


9080 Franklin Hill Road East Stroudsburg, Pa www.psgaragepa.com 28 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© JUNE/JULY 2014

Families are increasingly looking for ways to stretch the dollar. Half of the survey respondents agreed that hotels and lodging generally eat up most of the budget. Search for ways to save in other places by being flexible with dates or traveling to locations that are off the beaten path. You can use rewards points you’ve accumulated towards lodging or airfare expenses. Some travel rewards credit cards let you use points to “pay yourself back” for any type of travel purchase through a statement credit. You can even use points to pay for theme park tickets and camp sites.

Budget-Friendly Travel Tips

Pay with Your Card Most families (77 percent) pay for purchases during vacations with credit cards. This not only minimizes the amount of cash or travelers checks you should carry, but it allows you to offset costs. Since most places accept credit cards, think about using a rewards card for big ticket expenses like gas, theme park admission and hotels. If you use a rewards credit card for those purchases, it frees up cash for smaller expenses and also accumulates points that you can use on your next vacation. Look for a card like the BankAmericard Travel Rewards card where you can earn 1.5 points for every dollar spent on purchases, every time. Then these points can be used to get a statement credit to cover your flights, hotels, vacation packages, cruises, rental cars or baggage fees.



Adopt a Cat Month® Brought to you in June by American Humane Association

Top Ten Checklist for Adopting a Cat

Thinking of adopting a cat? First, check out these helpful tips, gathered by American Humane Association.​

✓If you’re thinking about adopting a cat, consider taking home two. Cats require exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction. Two cats can provide this for each other. Plus they’ll provide more benefits to you. Cats’ purring has been shown to soothe humans as well as themselves – and they have an uncanny ability to just make you smile. A great place to start your search is online. Sites like petfinder.com let you search numerous shelters in your area simultaneously to help narrow your search and more quickly find the match that’s right for you and your new feline friend.

✓Find a cat whose personality meshes with yours. Just as we each have our own personality, so do cats. In general, cats with long hair and round heads and bodies are more easygoing than lean cats with narrow heads and short hair, who are typically more active. Adoption counselors can offer advice to help you match the cat’s personality with your own. 30 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© JUNE/JULY 2014

✓Pick out a veterinarian ahead of time and schedule a visit within the first few days following the adoption. You’ll want to take any medical records you received from the adoption center on your first visit. Kittens in particular should accompany you to make the appointment – even before the exam itself – so staff can pet the cat and tell you that you’ve chosen the most beautiful one ever.

✓Make sure everyone in the house is prepared to have a cat before it comes home. Visiting the shelter or animal control facility should be a family affair. When adopting a new cat with existing pets at home, discuss with the adoption facility how to make a proper introduction.

✓Budget for the short- and long-term costs of a cat. Understand any pet is a responsibility and there’s a cost associated with that. A cat adopted from a shelter is a bargain; many facilities will have already provided spaying or neutering, initial vaccines, and a microchip for permanent identification.

✓Stock up on supplies before the cat arrives. Be prepared so your new cat can start feeling at home right away. Your cat will need a litter box, cat litter, food and water bowls, food, scratching posts, safe and stimulating toys, a cushy bed, a brush for grooming, a toothbrush and nail clippers.

✓Cat-proof your home. A new cat will quickly teach you not to leave things lying out. Food left on the kitchen counter will serve to teach your new friend to jump on counters for a possible lunch. Get rid of loose items your cat might chew on, watch to ensure the kitten isn’t chewing on electric cords, and pick up random items like paper clips (which kittens may swallow).

✓Go slowly when introducing your cat to new friends and family. It can take several weeks for a cat to relax in a new environment. It’s a great idea to keep the new addition secluded to a single room (with a litter box, food and water, toys, and the cat carrier left out and open with bedding inside) until the cat is used to the new surroundings; this is particularly important if you have other pets. If you’ve adopted a kitten, socialization is very important. But remember – take it slow.

Barrett Paradise Friendly Library Cresco, PA 570-595-7171 www.barrettlibrary.org

Pocono Mountain Public Library Tobyhanna, PA 570-894-8860 www.poconomountpl.org

Clymer Library Pocono Pines, PA 570-646-0826 www.clymerlibrary.org

Western Pocono Community Library Brodheadsville, PA 570-992-7934 www.wpcl.lib.pa.us

Eastern Monroe Public Library Branches Hughes Library (main branch) Stroudsburg, PA 570-421-0800 www.monroepl.org Pocono Township Branch Tannersville, PA 570-629-5858 Smithfields Branch East Stroudsburg, PA 570-223-1881 Bookmobile 570-421-0880 x49

✓Be sure to include your new pet in your family’s emergency plan. You probably have a plan in place for getting your family to safety in case of an emergency. Adjust this plan to include your pets. Add phone numbers for your veterinarian and closest 24-hour animal hospital to your “in-case-of-emergency” call list.

the recipient is an active participant in the adoption process. Though well-meaning, the surprise kitty gift doesn’t allow for a “get-to know-one-another” period. Remember, adopting a cat isn’t like purchasing a household appliance or a piece of jewelry – this is a real living, breathing, and emotional being. P


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✓If you’re considering giving a cat as a gift, make sure

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Photo: Matt Siptroth

June & July at Pocono Environmental Education Center The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) is located at 538 Emery Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA. You can call them at 570-828-2319, or visit their website at www.peec.org for more information on their programming.

Wild Edibles Walk

Saturday, June 14, 2014, 10:00am-12:00pm. Nature provides food for us in the form of many plants. Join us on a hike focused on wild edibles. No collecting will be done within the Park. Call to reserve a seat in the van. $10

Family Fishing Wild Edibles Walk )

Sunday, June 01, 2014, 10:00am-12:00pm. Nature provides food for us in the form of many plants. Join us on a hike focused on wild edibles. No collecting will be done within the Park. Call to reserve a seat in the van. $10

Family Fishing

Saturday, June 07, 2014, 2:00pm- 4:00pm. Learn the basics of fishing and then try your luck on our ponds. We provide all of the equipment. Supervised children only, please. No fishing licenses required. Spaces limited. Call to reserve your spot! $5 adult / $10 child

Waterfall Photography Weekend

From Friday, June 13, 2014 To Sunday, June 15, 2014. Join Kathy Peoples, Professional Photographer & Educator, and learn how to pinpoint focus, blur the background, saturate colors, use Photoshop, and more. Relax in the Poconos while learning from an amazing teacher. Includes lodging and meals! Day rates are available. Call for details. $205 / $155 commuter rate


Sunday, June 15, 2014, 10:00am-12:00pm. Learn the basics of fishing and then try your luck on our ponds. We provide all of the equipment. Supervised children only, please. No fishing licenses required. Spaces limited. Call to reserve a spot. $5 adult / $10 child

Pond Explorers

Sunday, June 15, 2014, 1:00pm-3:00pm. Join us as we explore the ponds with nets! We’ll collect fish, macroinvertebrates, amphibians, and anything else we find in some buckets, for up-close study. Wear boots and plan on getting a little wet and muddy! Register early! $5 per person

Expedition River Trip with River Guides

From Friday, June 20, 2014 To Sunday, June 22, 2014 . An experience of a lifetime! Enjoy the summer solstice with a camping trip along the Delaware River! Spend Friday afternoon at PEEC, preparing for the trip and learning canoe camping skills. Canoe all day on Saturday and spend the night at a primitive campsite. No experience necessary – professional canoe guides

will teach you everything you need to know. Includes lodging on Friday night, meals from Friday lunch to Sunday lunch, tents, sleeping bags, and group camping equipment. Call for details. $260 adult / $195 child

PRO SERIES: Small Mammals

Saturday, June 28, 2014, 6:00pm-9:00pm. Learn from the experts. Join Dr. Howard Whidden, professor at East Stroudsburg University, for an-depth look at the mice, moles, voles and shrews of our area. Use live mammals and taxidermy mounts to learn identification tips. Includes evening study of bats and their echolocation calls. $20 ($70 for All 4 Pro Series Sessions)

Summer Canoe Paddle

Sunday, June 29, 2014, 1:00pm-3:00pm. Start summer off the right way! Paddle a canoe…and try out our new kayaks! Beginners are welcome – we teach you everything you need to know. Dress appropriately – you may get wet. Call to reserve a canoe. $5 per person

“Celebration with a Bang” Family Nature Getaway Weekend

From Thursday, July 03, 2014 to Sunday, July 06, 2014. Bring your friends and family to experience the best of what PEEC has to offer. Nature hikes, animal presentations, swimming, canoeing, fireworks, campfire and more! Price includes three nights lodging and meals from Thursday dinner to Sunday lunch. Adults $210 / Child, Commuter, Day Rates Available

Frog Frolic

Saturday, July 12, 2014, 01:00pm - 03:00pm. Join us for a fun afternoon at the ponds and streams! Learn about some of our frog friends as we gently catch and release these hopping amphibians. Wear boots and plan on getting a little wet and muddy! $5 per person

Moonlit Drumming

Saturday, July 12, 2014, 06:30pm - 09:30pm Master drummer Maxwell Kofi Donkor, is back for another unforgettable experience. Enjoy an introductory lesson and a drumming circle under the moonlit sky. Don’t miss this great event! No experience necessary. Call to reserve a drum. $30 adult / $15 child

Frog Frenzy

Sunday, July 13, 2014, 10:00am - 12:00pm. Join us for a fun morning at the ponds and streams! Learn about some of our frog friends as we gently catch and release these hopping amphibians. Wear boots and plan on getting a little wet and muddy! $5 per person

Summer Canoe Paddle

Saturday, July 19, 2014, 10:00am - 12:00pm. Start summer off the right way! Paddle a canoe…and try out our new kayaks! Beginners are welcome – we teach you everything you need to know. Dress appropriately – you may get wet. Call to reserve a canoe. $5

Nature at Night

Saturday, July 19, 2014, 08:00pm - 09:30pm. A summer evening is the perfect time to head outside. Take a walk in the woods, listen for frogs and look at the stars. Free for members / $5 for non-members

Summer Canoe Paddle

Sunday, July 20, 2014, 10:00am - 12:00pm. Start summer off the right way! Paddle a canoe…and try out our new kayaks! Beginners are welcome – we teach you everything you need to know. Dress appropriately – you may get wet. Call to reserve a canoe. $5

Gardening: Vertical Gardens

Sunday, July 20, 2014, 01:00pm - 03:00pm. Join the Pike County Master Gardeners for an introductory class on creating vertical gardens. This is a great forum for sharing gardening tips and ideas. $5


Wild Edibles Walk

Saturday, July 26, 2014, 10:00am - 12:00pm. Nature provides food for us in the form of many plants. Join us on a hike focused on wild edibles. No collecting will be done within the Park. Call to reserve a seat in the van. $10

Butterfly Walk

Sunday, July 27, 2014, 01:00pm - 03:00pm. Learn about the wonderful world of butterflies! Join David Trently on a search through the fields and around the ponds for butterflies and dragonflies. Call early – spaces fill up fast! $5

762 main street stroudsburg,pa 570.872.9088 www.verticalearthinc.com JUNE/JULY 2014 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© 33

What’s Happening

in the Gap Dutot Museum & Gallery Exhibitions 570-476-4240 or www.dutotmuseum.com Open Saturday and Sunday 1-5pm June 14- June 29 Riv11 – The Delaware River – A Big Picture Opening Reception: Friday, June 13, 7-9pm July 5-July 20 Women’s Show Opening reception: Friday July 11, 7-9pm

Founder’s Day Celebration in the historic Borough of Delaware Water Gap www.delawarewatergap.com Saturday, June 28 - 8am - 4pm The holiday celebrates both the town’s history and Antoine Dutot, the founder of Dutotsburg today’s Delaware Water Gap. This year’s event is jammed-packed with activities for all ages: Antique Car Show Art Vendors Appalachian Trail Town Dedication Ceremony Live Music Duck race in Cherry Creek Children’s Activities Steamtown Train

Fourth of July Festivities and Fireworks Water Gap Country Club, 288 Mountain Road, 570-431-0585 or www.watergapcountryclub.com Friday, July 4


Where in the Watershed Hikes: The Brodhead Watershed Association and the Pocono Heritage Land Trust are sponsoring a series of monthly “Where in the Watershed” walks to little known places throughout the Brodhead Creek Watershed. Where in the Watershed Walk #5 Summer Solstice on the Swiftwater Sunday, June 22 from 1:00 to 4:00 Join BWA/PHLT members/friends and naturalist Don Miller and BWA/SLP Member Peter Gonze for this first walk of Summer along the Swiftwater on the grounds of Lake Swiftwater Club (LSC). This moderate difficulty hike will be on level and sloped terrain both on and off trail around the lake, along the stream and into the woodland location of the historic campgrounds on Swiftwater Lake Preserve property. Depending on the weather conditions and water levels this may also involve some wet foot walking, so be prepared with appropriate summer wet foot wear. The Swiftwater Creek will provide an opportunity for participants to see and explore the wildlife found in and around this exceptional wild trout stream and learn of the effort involved in protecting and managing private open space lands and aquatic resource amenities. Participants should meet in the parking area of the Paradise Township Municipal Building on Rt. 940 in Paradise Valley (for directions call PHLT). * Hike is $5.00 per person ($3.00 per BWA/PHLT member) to be collected at the start of the hike. Hike registration recommended. To register for this hike, please call the Pocono Heritage Land Trust (PHLT) office or email info@phlt.org. Where in the Watershed Walk #6 Slaughterhouse Bend on McMichael’s Creek Saturday, July 12 from 1:00 to 4:00 Join BWA/PHLT members/friends and naturalist Don Miller and BWA member and Glenbrook Grounds Manager, Jeff Feick for this streamside and woodland exploration of this Stroud Township open space natural area on the edge of Glenbrook Country Club and the banks of the scenic McMichael’s Creek at Slaughterhouse Bend. This moderate difficulty hike will be on and off trail on both level and sloped terrain. Participants will see and learn some of the history of the namesake for this site, explore a limestone spine of the Godfrey’s ridge geology and identify numerous calcium loving plants and riparian buffers associated with this unique subwatershed of the Brodhead Creek.

Photo: Marlana Holsten

Participants should meet in the parking area of the Hickory Valley Park along the McMichael’s Creek on Hickory Valley Road in Stroud Township (for directions call PHLT). * Hike is $5.00 per person ($3.00 per BWA/PHLT member) to be collected at the start of the hike. Hike registration recommended. To register for this hike, please call the Pocono Heritage Land Trust (PHLT) office or email info@phlt.org. Chasing Wild Trout - Fly Fishing Basics For those interested in learning the basics of Fly Fishing. Presented by Don Baylor, and friends from Trout Unlimited. Time and registration information TBA When: Sat Jun 28, 2014 1pm – 4pm Eastern Time. Where: ForEvergreen Nature Preserve, Stroud, PA, United States


June & July Programs at Monroe County Environmental Education Center The Monroe County Conservation District’s Environmental Education Center, at Kettle Creek Wildlife Sanctuary on Running Valley Road near Bartonsville, offers many educational programs year-round. Visit their website at www.mcconservation.org or call 570629-3061 for more information.

Amphibian & Reptile Ramble

June 7 - Saturday - Join Environmental Educator Brian Hardiman from 10 a.m. to noon for a fun and educational morning searching for Kettle Creek’s salamanders, frogs, turtles, and snakes. We will learn about the habits of these fascinating creatures and submit our findings to the Pennsylvania Amphibian and Reptile Survey, a state-wide effort documenting the status and distribution of these animals. Cost: $5/non-member, $3/children under 12. EE Center members free.

Art Opening: Lillian Ventrelli Watercolors and Acrylics

June 7 - Saturday - Art Opening: Lillian Ventrelli Watercolors and Acrylics - When Lillian and her husband, Sal, moved to the Poconos, she was amazed by the natural and majestic beauty of the Poconos. This beauty is what she has strived to capture in her paintings. She enrolled in several watercolor classes offered through her community, and was hooked. In the past several years, Lillian has expanded her repertoire to include acrylics. Opening Reception: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Amphibians and Reptiles of the Bog at 1 p.m

June 10 - Tuesday - Join us on an official survey of the Tannersville Bog property’s amphibians and reptiles. Sightings will be submitted to the Pennsylvania Amphibian and Reptile Survey (PARS), a state-wide project documenting the status and distribution of these animals. Cost: $6/non-member, $4/EE Center or Nature Conservancy members and children under 12. Pre-registration is required.

Canoe/Kayak Trip at the Bog

June 12 - Thursday - Join us on a paddling trip into the Bog Preserve on Cranberry Creek. The program lasts 3 hours. Participants are required to provide their own kayak or canoe. Meet at the Bog parking lot at 10 a.m. Cost: $6/non-member, $4/EE Center or Nature Conservancy members and children under 12. Preregistration is required.

“Life in Swink Pond”

visit: www.GriswoldHomeCare.com

June 14 - Saturday - The EE Center will sponsor a family oriented program in conjunction with “National Get Outdoors Day” focusing on discovering the living creatures in Swink pond at Kettle Creek. There are many unusual life forms in a freshwater pond and we will have buckets, and nets for everyone to capture some of the fascinating aquatic creatures. We will discuss their life cycles and return them to the pond. Participants are encouraged to wear shoes that may get muddy during our search. The 2 hour program begins at 10 a.m. Cost: $5/non-members, $3/children under 12. EE Center members free.

Kestrel Field Trip

June 18 - Wednesday - The American Kestrel is one of North America’s smallest and most colorful raptors. Join Environmental Educator Brian Hardiman and Jacobsburg State Park’s Rick Wiltraut in surveying kestrel nest boxes while learning about the ecology and conservation of this beautiful falcon. Participants will observe adult kestrels while having the opportunity to photograph nestlings. We will meet at the EE Center at 8:30 a.m. and return at 5:30 p.m. Cost: $24/non-member, $18/EE Center member


and includes van transportation. Lunch, water, binoculars, and camera should be packed. Pre-registration and payment required and limited. Refunds will be given only if notification is given at least one week in advance.

Birding the Thomas Darling Preserve

June 19 - Thursday - The Thomas Darling Preserve has it all. At its heart there is a tamarack bog surrounded by a mosaic of wetland and upland habitats. Here the song of the lyrical hermit thrush competes with the boisterous white-throated sparrows singing, “Ooooooooooooh, Canada, Canada, Canada.” Join Environmental Educator Darryl Speicher for this morning of birding fun. Participants will meet at the Kettle Creek Wildlife Sanctuary in Bartonsville and travel to the preserve in the bus. The bus will leave Kettle Creek at 7 a.m. and return by 1 p.m. Wear shoes you don’t mind getting wet. Cost: $20/nonmembers, $14/EE Center members. Pre-registration and payment are required and limited. Refunds will be given only if notification is made at least one week prior to the trip.

2014 BioBlitz

June 20-21 - Friday - Saturday - The staff at the Conservation District is pleased to announce another in the series of BioBlitzes we have been conducting since 2006. The BioBlitz will begin at 3 p.m. Friday, and ends

24-hours later, Saturday, at 3 p.m. at the Austin T. Blakeslee Natural Area, Blakeslee, PA. A BioBlitz is a biological survey that provides a “snapshot” of what species are found on a given piece of property. It also serves to help increase the public awareness of the variety of life and overall biodiversity of an area. We usually hear the word “biodiversity” in respect to rainforests with their vast number of species, yet the diversity of life in our own back yard is phenomenal. We take for granted clean water, fertile soil, and air to breathe. Yet, these are all the result of working ecosystems filled with species that perform various tasks to help make this possible. What better way to address the topic then to invite people to become “Citizen Scientists” and share in our 24-hours of discovery and to experience the vast array of species that we can find on just one of the many open space properties in Monroe County. We hope you can join us at this exciting event

431 Main Street • Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Phone: 570-424-6431 • Email: rsr1@ptd.net www.readysetrunpoconos.com

Specialists in Running & Walking

Bird Nests and Fledgling

June - 28 - Saturday - Environmental Educator Darryl Speicher loves birds. On this walk he’ll talk about the breeding behaviors of our native birds as we look for nests and fledglings along the trails of Kettle Creek. This 1 hour program begins at 11 a.m. Cost: $5/non-members, $3/children under 12. EE Center members free.

SNYDER SHOES Photo: Marlana Holsten

& Shoe Repair

Made in USA 112 Washington st. • East stroudsburg, Pa • 570-421-0610 JUNE/JULY 2014 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© 37

History in Bloom

A tour of Stroudsburg’s gardens

Look for More to Come in Our Next Issue… July/August 2014

You May Also Enjoy the New

Pocono Family Magazine

The Monroe County Historical Association is pleased to announce the “History in Bloom, a tour of Stroudsburg’s gardens” fund-raiser on Saturday, June 21, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Gardens located in Stroudsburg’s Historic District and South Stroudsburg will be featured on the tour. The “History in Bloom” garden tour will begin at Bryant Park, which is located at the corner of Bryant Street and Park Avenue (Route 191) in South Stroudsburg. Ten gardens will be featured on the tour. Homeowners and volunteers will be stationed in each garden to share their knowledge, methods, ideas and materials used to create their unique garden. Experienced gardeners will be on-hand to answer gardening and landscape questions. Advanced ticket sales are available at the Stroud Mansion, 900 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA and cost $15.00. Day-of tickets will be available at the start of the “History in Bloom” garden tour at Bryant Park beginning at 9:00 a.m. through noon and cost $20.00 per person. Tickets for drawings of the newly designed Liztech “Thanks a Bunch “garden pin, a $25.00 Liztech gift card, and a basket of garden related items will be available for purchase at the Bryant Park site. Also, Weber’s Rimrock Gardens, 2217 Rimrock Drive, Stroudsburg, will donate a percentage of sales on the day of the event to the Monroe County Historical Association.

Available at Local Businesses and by Subscription Pocono Mts Publications, LLC 1929 North Fifth Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570-424-1000 • pmags@ptd.net


For additional information or to purchase your tickets, please contact the Monroe County Historical Association at (570) 421-7703 or e-mail mcha@ptd.net. The mission of the Monroe County Historical Association is to promote, protect and preserve the rich history of Monroe County. Visit our Web site at www. MonroeHistorical.org

In celebration of June being National Cancer Survivors Month

1st Prize:

“Jump for Hope” Tandem Skydive donated by Sky’s the Limit Skydiving Center

4th Prize:

“Pure Joy” Package donated by Pure Day Spa

A freefall from 10,000 - 13,500 feet while attached to an instructor with a two person parachute system.

Escale Beauty Facial. 30 minute Upper Body Massage. Classic Pedicure.

2nd Prize:

5th Prize:

Pocono Mountain Adventures Package donated by the Bushkill Group

A 2-hour combo pass with one zipline ride valid for 4 people.

A Kindle Fire

HD 7”, HD Display, Wi-Fi, 16 GB

6th Prize:

3rd Prize:

A Breast Cancer Ribbon Accessory

donated by Pocono Raceway

A bangle bracelet by Alexi and Ani.

Pocono Raceway Tickets

donated by Liztech

2 Terrace Grandstand Tickets to the August 3 NASCAR event.

To buy tickets, visit one of these locations: Jade Hair Salon, Inc., 21 North 6th Street, Stroudsburg Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, Rt.611, Stroudsburg Strunk-Albert Engineering, Rt. 209, East Stroudsburg Or request tickets online at hopeforstrength.com/tickets, or call 570-977-0872 Checks may be made payable to: Pocono Health Foundation

Join us at The Lounge in Bartonsville, Friday, June 27th, 2014 from 5-8 for Happy Hour including our signature cocktail “The Hope Explosion Martini,” a live DJ, “Margaret” the Pink Firetruck, more great raffle prizes, and other surprises! Plus! Marshalls Creek Chiropractic will be giving massages for a $10.00 donation to the Fund. You need not be present to win. All money raised going to the Hope for Strength Breast Cancer Fund. The purpose of the fund is to minimize the financial and emotional impact of breast cancer diagnoses and treatment. The Hope for Strength Breast Cancer Fund will provide up to $500 to both male and female patients of the Dale and Frances Hughes Cancer Center for basic living expenses. Basic living expenses include rent, food/groceries, gas, child care, utilities and medicines.

For more info, visit hopeforstrength.com “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.” JUNE/JULY 2014 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© 39

Pocono Living Magazine


Weight Loss Surgery at PMC

More than a new weight... A NEW LIFE! Laparoscopic and Bariatric Services Our Bariatric Services Team is here to provide you with Board certified surgeons and medical staff, the latest technology in weight loss surgery, and expert, compassionate care as you take your journey through this transformation. Bariatric surgery is proven to be more effective over time than non-surgical treatments and designed to ensure gradual and long-term weight loss. Should you qualify for bariatric surgery, our team will work with you from start to finish on your weight loss goals.

Different Types of Bariatric Surgery: PMC performs three types of procedures, each designed to meet your goal of weight loss. All procedures are performed through small incisions in the abdomen.

Your Bariatric Team Nicolas Teleo, MD Board certified by the American Board of Surgery and specializes in laparoscopic and bariatric surgery

Gina Santiago, PA-C Board certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants

Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Stomach reduced to the size of a golf ball Small intestine is bypassed and reconnected to new smaller stomach

Laparoscopic Adjustable Band Silicon band placed around top of stomach Adjustments made in the first year to aid in weight loss

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Stomach is cut and stapled, reducing it by 75-80% With a smaller stomach, the feeling of fullness comes faster

Education & Support PMC also offers education and support for those considering weight loss surgery or post-surgery patients. Our free monthly support groups are held at PMC usually every second and fourth Thursday of the month from 6-7pm.

Please contact (570) 426-2301 for more information.

Introducing the

Pocono Living Digital Edition

PoconoMedicalCenter.org/bariatrics 206 East Brown Street East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

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