March / April 2016

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Pocono Family March/April 2016

The Pocono Mountains’ Magazine



Kids: Taking the Lead in Sportsmanship Women: Earning Your College Degree Caring for the Elderly

Pocono Magazines

Pocono Magazines, LLC PublisHing

Pocono Living Magazine© & Pocono Family Magazine© 1929 north Fifth street stroudsburg, Pa 18360 570-424-1000

Pocono Living Magazine and Pocono Family Magazine, two regional publications filled with articles, features and photography exploring and capturing the real Pocono Mountains living experience. Our publications can be found at many locations throughout the Pocono Mountains region, and are available by subscription.

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Photography by Marlana Holsten

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What’s Inside

March / April 2016 4



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Photography by Marlana Holsten


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Travel tips to Make Family road trips smooth sailing

Finance Millennials: tips for How to invest

Education How Women Can earn a College Degree...

Home & Garden it’s national Cleaning Week: room by room guidance for Conquering the task simple tips to a Complete Closet Makeover Your guide to a successful rummage sale

Family taking the lead in sportsmanship

Food Wake up the Weekend with brunch

Pets Make your new House Feel like a Home bath time training

Healthy Living simple tips to a better You

Over 55 to infinity and beyond Caring for elderly relatives

Community the Poconos outdoors

Parting Shot “Cattails in a Misty swamp” On the Cover: Photograph Courtesy of MORGUEFILE. march / april 2016 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© 3


Photo Courtesy of © aFriCa stuDio - Fotolia.CoM

Tips to Make Family Road Trips Smooth Sailing 4 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

Hitting the road with the family? Experts say there’s no reason to view the journey itself as a pre-vacation chore. “Travel doesn’t just have to be about getting to where you’re going,” says Tara Trompeter, managing editor at Autotrader. “Family time in the car can be a great opportunity for making memories and a little bit of planning before you get on the road will go a long way toward filling the experience with more fun and laughter for everyone involved.” To keep road warriors comfortable and content on their drives, Autotrader editors are offering some of their top travel tips:

4 Prepare your vehicle. Do a quick check on the essentials before you head out. Check the wear and pressure on your tires, and be sure your fluids (oil, coolant and wiper fluid) are topped off.

4 Make it an adventure. Just because you have an ultimate destination doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy fun stuff in between. Check your route for family-friendly stops along the way, such as a zoo, park or even toy store to give kids something to look forward to while breaking the trip into manageable pieces.

4 Keep little ones engaged. Technology features like built-in screens and DVD players can be saviors on the road. If your car doesn’t come equipped with these, consider bringing along a handheld device on which little ones can play games or watch videos. And if technology isn’t your thing, remember that magnetized board games and word games can work just as well.

4 Bring snacks. Greasy food isn’t the best for staying alert — or feeling good — while road tripping. Instead of relying on fast food, bring along lots of small, healthy snacks to keep kids (and adults) content. Great options include fruits and vegetables that are easy to eat and fuss-free, like carrot sticks, bananas and apples. 4 Have patience! Between road congestion, frequent stops and bad weather, travel time can take longer than anticipated. Allow and plan for extra travel time, and you’ll have a better chance of arriving safely and stress-free.

4 Consider an upgrade. Before setting off, consider upgrading your old gas-guzzler to a new one that’s energy efficient and comfortable enough to make the long journey with the family in tow. To help, Autotrader rounded up a list of 10 fuel-efficient family cars that boast affordability, roomy interiors and a fuel efficient 30 miles per gallon on the highway. Among their picks are the Ford Fusion, Honda Accord, Honda CR-V, Jeep Cherokee, Hyundai Tucson, Kia Optima, Mazda CX-5, Nissan Rogue, Subaru Outback and the Toyota Camry. With the right strategies for happy travels, you can begin your vacation the second you hit the road.  To learn more, visit article: statePoint march / april 2016 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© 5


Photo Courte sy of © Jol oPes - Foto lia.Co M

6 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

Millennials: tips on How to invest for a brighter Financial Future The majority of Americans say retirement investing is a priority, but more than half consider Social Security a top-three source for funding retirement, and 40 percent of millennials expect Social Security (along with 401(k)s and pensions) to fund their golden years, according to Capital One Investing’s Financial Freedom Survey.

“With the future of Social Security uncertain, all Americans, and millennials in particular, should be proactively planning for their financial futures,” said Yvette Butler, president of Capital One Investing, a full-service brokerage. “There are consequences to sitting on the sidelines, most importantly a smaller nest egg in the long-term.” Capital One Investing found 93 percent of millennials say that distrust of the markets, lack of knowledge, little understanding of pricing and costs, and general complexities make them feel less confident about investing. “Now more than ever, the onus is on the individual investor to plan for a financially stable future,” said Butler. “The industry needs to offer millennial investors educational tools and transparent products that will support them as they do so.” With that in mind, Butler offers several ideas that may help younger investors establish a straightforward financial plan they can stick to.

u Start early: The earlier you start planning and investing, the better. Once you have an emergency fund saved, you may want to consistently contribute to a diversified retirement account to try to maximize your long-term gains. Even small amounts invested today can add up over time. Tools like the ShareBuilder Investment Plan enable you to invest a set dollar amount and buy fractional shares of stocks, ETFs and mutual funds.

u Go online: An online investing account is easy to open

and doesn’t require a lot of cash to get started, and online investing and mobile apps give you increased on-the-go flexibility. Low-cost portfolio building tools that take into account your investment horizon and risk tolerance can also help develop a strategy that works for you.

u Get educated: From stocks and bonds to mutual funds,

ETFs, IRAs and 401(k)s, there are a lot of strategies and vehicles out there, and it may seem overwhelming at first. In fact, according to Capital One Investing’s survey, more than half of investors of all ages say their lack of knowledge and experience in investing hinders them from feeling confident about taking action. You may eliminate this barrier by exploring free financial resources and educational tools that can help you sort out the facts and learn about tried and true investing principles.

u Ask for help: A trusted professional can offer unbiased

advice, and may help you develop an investing strategy you can follow and adjust, while instilling confidence about your future.

When it comes to establishing a financial plan, stay motivated by determining clear goals, and don’t forget to pat yourself on the back as you reach various milestones. Remember, the work you do today should pay off for years to come.  article: statePoint

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8 PoCono FaMilY MagaZineŠ march / april 2016

How Women Can Earn a College Degree... Without giving up their family, job, or going broke By Kimberly Blaker

o you’d like to further your education, but with a job and a family, you don’t know where you’d find time for the commute and classes let alone to study? Even if you could, there are the everincreasing costs for classes and books to squeeze into your budget. Fortunately today there are many ways to overcome these obstacles.


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To get started, read What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard Nelson Bolles or Who Do You Think You Are? by Keith Harary and Eileen Donahue or check with a local institution for the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator test to discover your interests and

march / april 2016 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© 9

Photo Courtesy of PiXabaY

Make a pact to limit volunteering your time until you’ve reached your educational goals.

strengths. Next, list your educational goals and discuss the importance of them with your partner to gain his support. Finally, research institutions to learn which offer the courses, degree, and options for earning credit that suit your needs. Most can be found on the web, or in a resource center at a college nearby. Non-traditional college credit Many accredited colleges offer a variety of options for earning nontraditional course credit, which should be sought first, to save time and money. You can earn SelfAcquired Competency (SAC) credits (may have different name at various institutions) for a wide range of skills and life experiences. This requires compiling a portfolio for faculty evaluation to include but not limited to on-the-job training, work and volunteer experience, workshops, and seminars. If you served in the military, you may be eligible for Military Service Credit for education you gained through schools, experience, or service. Credits for College-Level Examination Programs (CLEP), Advanced Placement Examinations (AP), and Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) are also available. Check with your institution before enrolling since credit may not be awarded following admission. If you’ve completed any noncollegiate or in-company sponsored programs or courses, find out if they are any of the thousands reviewed by the American Council on 10 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

Education (ACE). If so, ask your academic institution if they award credits based on ACE recommendations. Credit by examination can also save time and money if you have knowledge in a particular area or if you study and test well. Correspondence and online courses Independent study programs offer a couple options. Online courses can be taken in the convenience of your home. These usually require attendance (at your computer) at specific times. Correspondence courses are a good option for many because there are no schedules and usually allow six to eighteen months for completion with extensions up to one year. Evening and weekend courses as well as accelerated programs also offer some flexibility. How to pay for tuition and books There are many options for financing your education. The Federal Pell Grant is awarded based on financial need. The maximum award amount for the 2015-2016 school year will be $5,775. Another grant based on financial need is The Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG). The Federal Work Study program is awarded based on financial need giving students the opportunity to work on campus to help cover education costs. The Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan, and Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan are all available with different eligibility requirements, interest rates, and payment terms.

Colleges that Offer Independent Study Before enrolling, make sure credits are transferable and that the institution is fully accredited.


Indiana University’s School of Continuing

Studies, Independent Study Program.


Eastern Michigan University, Distance Education Program.


Ohio University Lifelong Learning Programs, External Student Program.


University of Colorado at Boulder Independent Learning Program.


Upper Iowa University, External Degree Program.


The University of Texas at Austin Continuing and Extended

Education, Distance

Photo Courtesy of PiXabaY

Education Center.

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If you’ve completed any noncollegiate or in-company sponsored programs or courses, find out if they are any of the thousands reviewed by the

If you are a single mother, you may qualify for grants and scholarships available to single parents. Ask your academic institution what it offers. A wide variety of other scholarships are also available. Check with your institution as well as a scholarship guide or online scholarship search.

American Council on

Ask your employer if it offers reimbursement for college courses. If the classes pertain to your job, your employer may cover the costs.

Education (ACE).

Finally, don’t forget the HOPE Scholarship, a tax credit available for eligible taxpayers, totaling $1,500, and the Lifetime Learning tax credit. Certain requirements and restrictions apply. Coordinating multiple responsibilities Like most women, you probably wear many hats. But with a little planning and finesse you can develop workable solutions to allow time for your studies.

Photo Courtesy of PiXabaY

Make a list of ALL your responsibilities then cross off anything unnecessary. Where can you save time? Do housecleaning every ten to fourteen days rather than weekly. Skip cleaning anything that isn’t in dire need until

12 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

the next time. Straighten up main rooms only on a daily basis. Others can wait. Make a pact to limit volunteering your time until you’ve reached your educational goals. If ‘no’ isn’t in your vocabulary, create reminder cards to keep by the phone and in your purse so you’ll be prepared to say ‘no’ at all times. Assign your children some additional chores Discuss the importance of furthering your education with your partner. Ask which responsibilities he would be willing to take over until you’ve accomplished your goals. Trade babysitting with a friend, neighbor, or relative for some quiet study time Set a schedule with your partner for watching the kids so you can study at the library. Ask your employer if you can take shorter lunch breaks and leave earlier or to allow you fewer but longer workdays for an extra day of study each week.  Kimberly Blaker, of Arizona, is an author and freelance writer. Her articles have appeared in more than 200 newspapers, parenting and women's magazines, and other publications throughout the U.S.

Resources for Financial Assistance





Visit FinAid! for a scholarship search and loan information at Visit Fast Web for information on colleges and a scholarship search at For federal grants and loans request your Student Guide by calling (800) 433-3243 or visit sources Visit the U.S. Department of Education for information on tax credits at pes/tax-benefits

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Home & Garden

14 PoCono FaMilY MagaZineŠ march / april 2016


he emergence of spring has long been associated with deep cleaning our homes. Although its origin is presumed of Iranian or Jewish culture, it has long been a popular custom in America and is gaining popularity in other parts of the world. For most it signifies a fresh home, or fresh start, to complement the blossoming of spring.

March 27 - April 1 marks this year’s National Cleaning Week. So join the ranks of spring cleaners by using this guide to complete the task. To keep the job from feeling overwhelming, schedule a block of time each day, or even each week, for your annual cleaning. Work on one room at a time and reward yourself for each room until the job is done.


National Cleaning Week: room-by-room Guidance for Conquering the task

The basics – for every room in your home u Dust wall and ceiling light fixtures, then remove globes, and wash them out. u Dust ceiling fan blades.

By Kimberly Blaker

u Remove cobwebs with a vacuum and brush attachment or a clean rag attached to the head of a broom. u Remove and wash window coverings, and dust the top of curtain rods and window trim. u Remove wall hangings, knick-knacks, and other décor, then rinse in warm soapy water.

Photo Courtesy of © aFriCa stuDio - Fotolia.CoM

u Wash doors and knobs and the dust that collects on top of doors and entryway trim. u Wash walls with an all-purpose cleaning solution. Touch up mars and chips with paint. u Wipe off switch plates.

u Empty cabinets and drawers then wash them inside and out. Wash out and arrange drawer organizers, as well. u Wash windows and sills, and don’t forget the unsightly tracks. u Clean unupholstered furniture from top to bottom with an appropriate cleaner. u Vacuum upholstered furniture from top to bottom and under cushions, paying special attention to creases and crevices where dust and grunge build up. u Vacuum lampshades with a soft bristle attachment. u Unplug electrical cords and run through a damp rag to remove built-up dust. march / april 2016 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© 15

Photo Courtesy of PiXabaY

u Wash baseboards, then vacuum carpet edges with a narrow attachment. u Vacuum and/or mop under furniture and other stationary items. Bedroom–odds ’n ends u Remove items from under the bed, dust off storage containers, and dispose of clutter. u Vacuum under beds using attachments.

u Eliminate unwanted articles from drawers. The BaThroom—scour and disinfecT u Remove and launder shower curtain and liner, bath mat, toilet cover, and rugs.

u Scour tub and shower from top to bottom, inside and out. Use a toothbrush to remove mold, mildew, and soap scum accumulation around the drain, faucet, knobs, and showerhead. u Clean glass shower doors inside and out including the track.

u Spray exterior of toilets with a sanitizing solution and wipe down. u If you have young boys, remove the toilet seat and

16 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

clean bolts where odors linger. Use a deodorizing solution on the baseboard and wall behind the toilet.

u Wash toilet brush container and wastebasket.

u Scrub sink and counter top including grooves around the drain, faucet, and knobs. u Dust the top edge of mirrors, towel racks, and other accessories. closeTs—The always forgoTTen u Dust shelving, brackets, and rods.

u Organize shelves and eliminate unneeded items.

u Remove clothing that hasn’t been worn in two years. u Dust shoe racks and rarely worn shoes. KiTchen—conTaminaTion zones u Dust the top of kitchen cabinets.

u Remove grease and grime from small kitchen appliances

u Clean stove, oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher inside and out. u Wipe built up grunge in the top of the garbage disposal with a rag, then add ice and lemon slices and

run the disposal to clean and freshen the blades.

u Scrub countertops with a mild abrasive or degreaser.

u Wash table and chairs from top to bottom, and don’t forget the cracks where table leaves meet. BasemenT, aTTic, and garage—cluTTer havens u Install racks, shelving, and hooks then organize and eliminate clutter.

u Dust shelving and stored items. u Store odds and ends in samesize boxes or containers for easy stacking.

u Remove oil, paint, and other stains from concrete with trisodium phosphate. Be sure to follow directions carefully and protect skin and eyes. u Dispose of unwanted items.

ouTdoors—dirT, dirT everywhere u Hose down siding and windows.

u Wash screens with soapy water then rinse with a hose, and wash window exteriors. u Scrub doormats with an allpurpose cleaner and a brush, then rinse.

u Spray off patio furniture then wipe clean. u Clean light fixtures.

u Remove lint from dryer vent and nests and hives that have formed on or near the house.  Kimberly Blaker, of Arizona, is an author and freelance writer. Her articles have appeared in more than 200 newspapers, parenting and women’s magazines, and other publications throughout the U.S.

Time saving Tips m Gather cleaning tools and supplies before you get started. m have plenty of rags, an old toothbrush, q-tips, toothpicks, cleaning solutions, spray bottle, step stool or small ladder, and vacuum and attachments. m Work room-by-room for efficiency and to avoid duplicating or missing tasks. m Work around the room from top to bottom. m Play music as you clean. it may not save time, but will make time pass more quickly.

march / april 2016 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© 17

Home & & Garden Garden

H d e z i n a g r O t e p G m o o t C ed to t s a p v i i T t o e l M p t m i e S H G

a m t e s o l c a

It’s that time of year when you think about getting organized for a fresh new start. But how many times have you thought about finally clearing out your closet, decided it’s just too overwhelming, and simply shut the door only to think about it later?

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r e v o e k a

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“Let’s face it, most of us put cleaning out and organizing our closets at the top of our New Year’s resolutions’ list every single year,” said Barbara Reich, professional organizer. “But how many of us just think about it without actually doing it? To get serious and take action, you need a plan of attack.” Once you make a commitment and get on board with the project, go from there with these tips from Reich.




Start by determining your overall goal. Are you simply organizing what you have or do you need to purge unused items? Get rid of things you don’t need or won’t wear. Remember that items in good condition can be donated to those in need. Once you’ve determined just how much stuff you’ll have to organize, it’s time to consider what systems will best fit your space and needs. A do-it-yourself closet organizer product, such as ClosetMaid ShelfTrack, is affordable, easy to install and adjustable, making it simple to create a customized design. Accessories, such as drawers and shoe shelves, help personalize the space, while fabric bins are perfect for storing handbags and other smaller items. Before you decide exactly which pieces you need, sketch out your plan on paper or use an online design tool. ClosetMaid’s DIY Design Tool even provides a parts list to help ensure you buy the right pieces for your design. You may also find it

Get rid of things you don’t need or won’t wear helpful to make a categorized list of all the items you need to store and mark them off as you identify the right storage products for your space.

20 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

Accessories, such as drawers and shoe shelves help personalize the space v Once you install your

new system, the fun really begins. Start by hanging as much as possible; this makes it easier to see what you have. Group and place like things together by category, such as pants, skirts, tops, etc., then within each category, group by season and by color. Take advantage of prime real estate by positioning the things you wear most often in the place that is most accessible and easiest to reach.

v Once you have everything hung and stored in its proper place, congratulate yourself on having the closet makeover checked off your list. However, to continue enjoying your newfound organization, you must be vigilant about keeping the space organized. Have a plan in mind when you purchase new things. Ask yourself if you really need the item and determine what you can discard to make room. ď ? For more tips to help you get organized this new year, visit, or call 1-800-874-0008.

article: FaMilY Features/ClosetMaiD

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Photo Courtesy of PiXabaY

Home & Garden

Your Guide to

22 PoCono FaMilY MagaZineŠ march / april 2016

Avoid the temptation to overprice, or you’ll wind up packing up as much as you started with

a Successful Rummage Sale: Everything You Need to Know to Get Rid of That Unwanted Stuff Are your garage, basement, and closets overflowing from the heaps of stuff you’ve been saving “just in case?” Then it may be time to put it to good use—in someone else’s home. Rummage sales are a great way to clear out, recycle, and make some extra cash. Follow these suggestions for a successful sale and a clutter free home.

The storefront

A garage is usually the best place to hold a sale offering shelter and requiring little daily set up and tear down. If your garage is hard to get to, hidden from view, or contains valuables that can’t easily be hidden, use a covered porch or patio or your yard. Keep plenty of tarps available to protect your goods from rain and for covering at the end of the day.

All in the timing

Plan your sale when temperatures are between 60 to 90 degrees outdoors. Typically, the best days to hold sales are Thursdays thru Sundays, with Fridays and Saturdays bringing march / april 2016 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© 23

Photo Courtesy of PiXabaY

the most traffic. Mornings bring the greatest flow of shoppers, and the earlier the better. If you open by 7:30 or 8:00 a.m., rummagers will flock.

Displaying your wares

Don’t heap your merchandise on tables or leave it in boxes to be ransacked. While some don’t mind digging through messy stacks, most people won’t bother. Hang as much clothing as possible. Use a laundry pole or portable closet, or install two support brackets and a closet rod. You can also support a ladder between two stepladders. If you have few clothing items, a clothesline will do. Plenty of table space is a must. Borrow folding tables, and if you run out, make your own table by resting a sheet of plywood over sawhorses, or prop spare planks of wood between chairs. Keep all but big items off the floor for better visibility. Neatly fold and stack clothing that can’t be hung on tables, and label stacks according to size. Organize good toys and complete sets where parents and grandparents will easily spot them. Set up a ‘guys’ table with hand tools, gadgets, electronics, and home repair items. Place small articles such as jewelry in divider containers or egg cartons so they are easy to view. One exception to the disorderly rule is for small toys. Stick all these little goodies in boxes on the ground where young children can dig for treasures to take home. Label boxes according to the price per item or allow children to choose one as a prize. Finally, make sure batteries or electricity is available to show that items are in working condition.

Next to new sells

Appearance plays a big roll in the sale of used goods and how much they can bring. Wash and dry all clothing and linens, then fold or hang immediately to prevent wrinkles. Wash dust, dirt, and grime from toys, tools, and household items. Repair broken merchandise when feasible. 24 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

Priced to sell

Don't overprice, or you’ll wind up packing up nearly as much as you started with. For big items, look through classified ads for typical resale prices. Some top quality items in like-new condition can bring 25 to 35 % of the replacement cost. Occasionally, tools, equipment, and other items in small supply can be priced higher and could sell for 50% to 60% of replacement cost, depending on age and condition. Most used merchandise will bring 5 to 10% of replacement cost at best.


Photo Courtesy of MorgueFile

Newspaper classified ads or Craigslist usually bring the best results unless you live on a main street or a heavily traveled highway. Include your address and main cross streets, dates and time of your sale, and what you’ll be selling. List big items individually as well as the categories of items you’ll sell such as “tools” or “toddler clothing.” Also post fliers on grocery store or laundromat bulletin boards, and if there are no regulations against doing so, post signs on nearby corners. Don’t forget a bright sign in front of your house and balloons tied to your mailbox or a tree.

Tips for success

v The bigger the sale, the more traffic you’ll get. Go in

with family, friends, and neighbors and hold one big sale rather than several small ones.

v Hold a street or subdivision wide sale. This will draw people from surrounding areas.

v Move big items such as furniture or appliances into the driveway to attract passersby. 

Kimberly Blaker, of Arizona, is an author and freelance writer. Her articles have appeared in more than 200 newspapers, parenting and women's magazines, and other publications throughout the U.S.

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Taking the Lead in Sportsmanship By Kimberly Blaker

Ways parents can support their kids and teach what it means to be a good sport We’ve all seen it—the parent who stands on the sidelines criticizing the decisions made by coaches and officials; the one who yells at his own child when she makes a mistake; the fan that hurls rude remarks to the opposing team; and the parent who always places blame. Some of us have even had the misfortune of witnessing brawls.

Winning is not just being the victor of a game. It’s becoming the best all around person one can be. 26 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

Photo Courtesy of PiXabaY

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What’s in winning and losing? There’s no question, winning is rewarding and boosts selfesteem. However, well-meaning parents sometimes are so caught up in the competitiveness that they lose sight of the real value of sports. Winning is not just being the victor of a game. It’s becoming the best all around person one can be. Children who carry this with them will be the ones to prevail. What’s in losing? Plenty. It teaches lessons in perseverance, humility, respect, and acceptance of defeat. What does losing mean? It means to come out second best. Defeat is not failure. A child or parent who walks away satisfied whether victorious or not, is the true winner. What else do sports offer? Opportunities to build friendships, lessons on the importance of rules, fairness and honesty, anger management and leadership skills, and how to work as a team. In short, sports teach important principles of life that will be of immense value in the years to come.

Tips for supporting your child Make the most of your child’s involvement by showing your support and what it means to be a good sport. Avoid pointing out your child’s mistakes or criticizing. This only serves to make kids feel worse. Your child is most likely already aware of the mistake. Practice with your child, but don’t push. Offer pointers and demonstrate proper techniques, but allow mistakes to go without frequent correction. Praise your child’s efforts. Allow coaches and officials to do their jobs. If you feel an error was made, remember it’s a tough job and that we all make mistakes. Realize it will probably come out in the wash.

Cheer on your child and her team. Don’t put down the other team’s players, and be courteous and respectful of the other team’s fans. When talking with your child about a game, point

28 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

A child or parent who walks away satisfied whether victorious or not, is the true winner.

out specific displays of sportsmanship that took place to show the difference between being a good sport and poor one. If your child isn’t enjoying the sport, don’t force him to stay in it. For many children, team sports aren’t the answer. Help find another activity or a solo sport that is more suited to him. Set up a sportsmanship recognition program for your child’s team offering Certificates of Outstanding Sportsmanship to players who set examples of being a good sport. If a child is struggling with sportsmanship, look for opportunities to help her brush up on her skills, and reward accordingly as reinforcement. Acknowledge and show interest in team members whose abilities don’t stand out.

Don’t place blame when the team loses. Read It's How You Play the Game: Reclaiming Sportsmanship and Honor by Bobby Newman. 

Kimberly Blaker, of Arizona, is an author and freelance writer. Her articles have appeared in more than 200 newspapers, parenting and women's magazines, and other publications throughout the U.S.

Photo Courtesy of PiXabaY

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Wake Up the Weekend with Brunch Brunch is the leisurely and festive way to start a weekend day, no special occasion needed. The main requirement is simple: great food to share with family and friends. We’re all familiar with the traditional brunch fare of strata, quiche, eggs Benedict, omelets and the like, all of which are delicious choices. But if it’s time for a brunch reboot to wow your guests and their taste buds, Aunt Nellie’s has the perfect suggestion: Baby Beet and Potato Hash with Chorizo. One delicious brunch dish. Chopped red-skinned potatoes and chorizo seasoned with thyme, cumin and chili powder cook into a tasty, hearty hash, but that’s just the beginning. Bite-sized baby whole pickled beets top the hash; their homemade tangy-sweetness adding an unexpected but complementary punch of flavor and color to the subtly spicy dish. Serve straight from the skillet for a rustic yet impressive presentation, accompanied by juice, coffee and seasonal fruit to finish.  Visit for more brunch ideas, as well as recipes for other meal occasions from soup to supper, even dessert. 30 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

Wow your guests and their taste buds!

nutrition information Per Serving: 340 calories

2 g dietary fiber

17 g protein

2 mg iron

21 g carbohydrate

0.32 mg thiamin

19 g total fat

285 IU vitamin A

820 mg sodium

4 mg vitamin C

220 mg cholesterol

baby beet and Potato hash with chorizo 1 Preparation time: 15 minutes cook time: 25 minutes

jar (16 ounces) Aunt Nellie’s Baby Whole Pickled Beets

1/2 pound raw chorizo or breakfast sausage 1/2 cup chopped red onion 1/2 teaspoon salt coarse ground black pepper

servings: 6 1

teaspoon ground cumin (optional)

1/2 teaspoon chipotle chili powder (optional) 1

pound red-skinned potatoes, unpeeled, chopped (about 1/2-inch pieces)


tablespoons water

1/2 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves, chopped or 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves 1-2 teaspoons olive oil, if needed 6

large pasteurized eggs Chopped fresh thyme or parsley (optional)

DRAIN beets well. Pat dry. Cut larger beets in half. HEAT large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add chorizo; cook 3 minutes or until browned, stirring frequently and breaking into crumbles. Add onion, salt and pepper, and cumin and chili powder, if desired. COOK additional 3-5 minutes, or until sausage is cooked through and onion is tender, stirring frequently. Remove from skillet; reserve 1 tablespoon drippings from chorizo and return to skillet. Set chorizo aside. Meanwhile, place potatoes in microwave-safe bowl; add water. Cover with plastic wrap; microwave on high 2-3 minutes, or until almost tender. DRAIN potatoes; add to skillet with thyme. Cook about 5 minutes, or until potatoes are cooked through, stirring occasionally, adding olive oil to skillet, if necessary. Return chorizo mixture to skillet with potatoes. With spatula, press into even layer; cook 3-4 minutes to brown. STIR, press into layer and cook 3-4 more minutes to brown. Add beets to skillet. With back of spoon, make six indentations in potato-beet mixture. CRACK eggs into small custard cup or bowl and pour into each indentation. Cover skillet; cook until eggs reach desired doneness. SEASON additional salt and pepper, as desired. Garnish with thyme or parsley, if desired.

article: FaMilY Features/seneCa FooDs

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32 PoCono FaMilY MagaZineŠ march / april 2016


oving into a new home is exciting for the humans in the family. It can be less comfortable for pets who need time to adjust to a new environment, learn their way around and discover the best nap spots in their new home. As a loving pet parent, you want every member of your family to be as happy and comfortable as possible. Here are some tips to make your home more welcoming to your four-legged family members:

Your furry friend will need his own space for meals unless you don’t mind him begging at the table when you eat! Make sure he has a bowl that is appropriate for his size and always clean it between meals. Vets recommend feeding pets only once or twice a day, so you’ll want to stow away bowls when they’re not in use. Many homes, including manufactured homes offered by Clayton, can be customized with a pet friendly feature - pet dish drawers that allow you to conceal feeding dishes when they’re not needed, and slide the drawer open when it’s meal time. It’s a great way to keep your pet’s dining area near yours but also out of the way.

Dogs and cats spend a lot of their day napping and relaxing, so be sure to provide a variety of spaces for your pet to just hang out - with you or on his own. Clayton builds pet-friendly spots into many of their home models, including window seats and hideaway cubbies where pets can nap in peace. Sunrooms are also great for both pets and their humans to enjoy the feeling of al-fresco dining while remaining securely inside. Sun worshipping pets can also catch some rays while hanging out.

Many pets enjoy a good romp outdoors, and you want your companion to be able to safely play in his outdoor environment. Start by adding a fence if you don’t already have one. Choose one with vertical slats or rails close enough together that a pet can’t slip through, and high enough that he or she can’t jump over it. Next, be sure your pet has plenty of shady spots where he can hide, nap or just chill. Consider adding an outdoor pet fountain so pets always have access to fresh water, and a pet door to allow your dog or cat to easily come and go from your backyard.

Unless you have a rare hairless breed, you probably deal with pet hair daily. As you’re decorating your new home, remember choosing carpeting close in color to your pet’s coat will make shed hair less visible. You should also keep in mind the size of your dog as you’re choosing hard flooring. Sturdy laminates will hold up better if you have large dogs in the house, while smaller dogs and cats may have trouble getting traction on vinyl or hardwood floors. “When you’re buying a home, it’s important that you consider every member of the family, and pets are a huge part of our families,” says Clayton CEO Kevin Clayton. “Choosing to include pet-friendly features enhances not only a pet’s home life, but creates a better functioning environment for the homeowners too.”  Visit to learn more about the pet features available or find a Home Center in your area. Article: BPT

While many dogs enjoy a bath now and then, the process can be messy at home. Including a pet wash station with

march / april 2016 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© 33

Photo Courtesy of PiXabaY

a hand-held hose in the mudroom ensures you’ll be able to clean up your dirty pup before he drags dirt through the house. Make sure you outfit your wash station with an ample supply of soft, absorbent towels, dog shampoo and all the grooming tools you’ll need to keep your pup looking great.

Photo Courtesy of PiXabaY


Bath Time training


hhh… Spring is in the air; and so is the time for your dog to go play in the mud. After all that fun, he’s going to need a bath. Let’s talk about how to help your dog, and you, get through that time with less hassle and stress for both of you. Try to accustom the dog to the tub gradually. Put the dog in and out of the tub without bathing once or twice a week. At first just a minute or two and allow the dog to come out, at your command. Increase time and teach the dog to sit/stay and stand/stay while in the tub. Take the time to feel the dog from top to bottom, after the dog relaxes. Be sure to lift the feet, touch toes and toe nails, wipe out the ears, etc. Talk to the dog in a happy voice, tell him how wonderful he is and let him out. Praise again at that time. Training should begin at a very early age and every attempt should be made to make it a pleasurable experience. The time to adjust the water is before the poor puppy is in the tub or sink. Use a washcloth to wipe down the face so that water doesn’t get into the eyes or nose of the puppy or dog. This will help him not to be afraid of the water. If your older dog hasn’t had training before, this method will work for him too. Use a leash if you have to, but lead your dog to the water, offering good cheer and a treat along the way. Don’t lose your cool if your dog resists — if he already 34 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

By Lisa Kirschner

dislikes bathing, an association with your angry voice won’t help. Put him in the tub with as little drama as possible and get to work. Please take into consideration that this is a stressful time for your pet. He worries when he is confined in a three-walled tub, if you are doing this at home, he is slipping and sliding around and in general you aren’t always pleased having to get soaked and he senses that, not to mentioned the backache that you usually get while climbing around on your hands and knees Everyone knows how to bathe a dog, right? But even if you’re doing a good job already, I bet I can offer tips to make your work easier or last longer. Get the right shampoo. Shampoo designed for people — even baby shampoo — has a different pH than what’s best for your dog. Ask your veterinarian to recommend a product that works best for your individual pet, and follow the directions Brush your dog. Brushing before a bath helps the shampoo get into the coat and works out mats before they get set in by the water. Gently pick

apart or cut out any mats before the bath, because adding water will make them impossible to remove. Stock your station. It’s frustrating to start bathing a dog only to realize the shampoo or towels are on the other side of the room. Unless you enjoy playing tag with a soaking wet pup, get your supplies together before you bring in the dog. Use the three-towel trick. Have one towel to put in the bottom of the tub to provide traction and prevent slipping. The second towel is the antishake towel — drape it over the wet dog (between washes or before rinsing) to prevent him from shaking and soaking you and the walls. The third towel is the drying towel. A big dog might need more than one drying towel. Block the drain. Put a piece of steel wool in the drain to catch the dog hair and prevent it from plugging your drain. Put in a nonslip surface. This can be just a towel in the bottom of the tub or sink — using the three-towel trick — or a nonskid rubber mat. Few things stress out a dog more than not being able to stand without slipping, and giving him something to sink his toes into will help ease his anxiety about baths. Wet your dog completely, down to the skin. Start shampooing at the neck and work your way down his body to tail and toes. Putting a sudsy barrier at the base of the skull prevents any heinous hitchhikers — fleas and ticks — from running for the, ears. Keep the praise coming for your dog and keep your attitude upbeat. When every inch of your dog has been sudsed up, open the drain to let the dirty water out — the steel wool will catch the hair and spare you a drain clog. Rinse, rinse and rinse some more, using clean water from the tap. Getting all the soap out and the coat and skin flushed with fresh water will keep your dog clean longer and minimizes flaking. Here’s a simple trick to keep your pup from soaking you after his bath: Gently take hold of his muzzle with your thumb and forefinger. A dog starts to shake from the head back, and if he can’t rotate his head, he can’t rotate his body either. After you’ve towel-dried him the best you can, put him in a “shaking allowed” zone, and let him have at it. See? That wasn’t so hard. If you’re feeling accomplished, maybe you should bathe the cat — or not.  Lisa Kirschner is the owner of Sit, Stay ‘N Play, a dog training & obedience center located at 1501 North 5th Street, Stroudsburg, PA. march / april 2016 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© 35

Simple Tips for a Better You


t’s no surprise that making healthy choices can make you feel more beautiful. Looking and feeling healthy is not just a trend but a way of life - because healthy is beautiful. Apply this concept to different areas of your life and focus on becoming your best self by following these simple tips:

Strengthen your body Cardiovascular exercise is an important part of any routine, but a workout regimen should include more than just running or using the elliptical. Weight and interval training are great ways to lose fat and build muscle, and they make your workouts more interesting. Also, consider adding in some core strengthening exercises for better posture and overall mobility with sets of crunches, bridges and planks several times a week. Outside of exercise, a healthy lifestyle should emphasize a well-rounded diet. Avoid fad diets, which can strip your body of important nutrients and leave you looking dull and worn down. Instead, opt for well-balanced meals that include elements from every food group and remember to keep portion sizes under control. Also, be sure to stay hydrated to keep skin and hair moisturized and lustrous.

Power up your smile A healthy smile can make you feel more confident and make a great first impression. Maintain good oral hygiene by flossing regularly, brushing at least twice a day and switching to Colgate Enamel Health Multi-Protection 36 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

Toothpaste. It strengthens enamel, helps prevent acid erosion, and fights cavities, while also whitening teeth and freshening breath. Taking care of your tooth enamel is important because weakened enamel can lead to issues like sensitivity. Did you know that sensitivity pain can be caused by enamel loss resulting from brushing teeth directly after eating acidic foods? Protect your enamel by waiting 30 minutes after eating acidic foods before brushing your teeth. To help relieve any existing sensitivity, try the Colgate Sensitive Toothbrush + Built-In Sensitivity Relief Pen, which shields exposed nerves and creates a seal against sensitivity pain. This provides sensitivity relief within one week and longlasting results with continued use, when used as directed.

Boost mental strength Keeping a clear mind can help inspire positivity and high spirits, leaving you feeling healthier and happier. Whether you like to write in a journal, clear your mind through meditation or practice other means of relaxation, make it a priority to carve out time every day to ease tension and keep your mind strong. Good health promotes beauty inside and out; making a few simple changes to your everyday routine can shape other parts of your life, helping you to feel better about yourself overall.  Visit for more information. source: FaMilY Features/Colgate-PalMoliVe CoMPanY

Photo Courtesy of gettY iMages

Healthy Living

Over 55

d n o y e B d n a y t i n fi n I o T

one nne Bott a e s o R y b

My life has traversed a period of time on earth that allowed me to grow up with my grandparents and help raise my own grandchildren. My grandparents were born at the beginning of the 1900s into homes without electricity and running water. My grandchildren came into the world a century later seemingly with a genetic predisposition for powering up electronics, doubleclicking, swiping, pinching and causing virtual interactions before they could even walk. Each of these generations has been witness to spectacular marvels of innovation. In the 1920s (when my grandparents were young adults) many now common household items were invented or produced for commercial distribution; electric irons, toasters, refrigerators, airconditioners, vacuum cleaners‌ and the radio and television. In 1926, Robert Goddard was the ďŹ rst person to launch a liquid-fueled rocket. In a leap and a bound, we sat in front of black and white television sets dressed with rabbit-eared antennas on July 20th 1969 and witnessed Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins land the Apollo 11 on the moon. Well before the advent of e-mail, NASA personnel sent written messages to one another around the mission control room via pneumatic tubes, and communicated with the astronauts using a complex computer system less powerful 38 PoCono FaMilY MagaZineŠ march / april 2016

than a single laptop we lug around in our bags today. This scientific achievement bordered on the magical for my grandparents who related to me their joyful memories of the installation of an electric line to their homes so they could use light bulbs for illumination; and their first ride in a “horseless” carriage. We chatted about this on a telephone with a rotary dial attached to the wall with a wire… a far cry from the first shared party line devices they used – a cupped earpiece and horned mouthpiece, to speak to an operator who would attempt to find a line and make a connection.

In their twilight years, my grandchildren will surely recall this childhood memory of our first, tentative forays into popular space travel and think of it as quaint

When my grandparents played with their wooden toys by candlelight, what did they dream of? Might genetic discoveries extend our lifespans? Will we actually find a way to bring back to life the people who have cryogenically preserved their heads after death? Will time travel be possible? Maybe there will be some way for us to come back and know the answers to these questions. Imagine! 

roseanne bottone is a regulatory compliance training instructor, former Peace Corps Volunteer, cancer survivor, grandmother, Mba, and freelance writer. she travels the country teaching business people about environmental and transportation safety regulations, and is a newspaper columnist. she’s a homeowner in east stroudsburg and lives with her daughter, grandchildren, two cats and a rottweiler.

Photo Courtesy of PiXabaY

About a year from now, Richard Branson’s company, Virgin Galactic, expects to take passengers into space. The White Knight 2 – a craft configured as two attached airplanes - will carry the spaceship attached to its underside. It will circle the desert above the Spaceport in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico until it reaches 50,000 feet at which time the spaceship will disengage from the mother ship, fire its rockets, and launch from there into weightless space. We will be able to stream YouTube videos of this event via the internet on our HD color Kindles and iPads wherever we happen to be. We’ll comment instantly and simultaneously to all our friends on Facebook and to thousands of strangers too on Twitter.

and primitive compared to what their grandchildren will be experiencing. What might that future look like? Have you ever wondered? Will it be routine to travel to space stations or to other planets? Perhaps the spaceship won’t be needed because we will have “beam-me-up-Scottie” technology. Will we be able to conjure hologram images in front of us at the command of a voice?

Over 55

Caring for Elderly Relatives: Making it Easier on Your Family It can be difficult for families when an elderly loved one starts to weaken physically and mentally. While nursing homes are an option, most are extremely expensive, and most seniors would prefer to remain in familiar surroundings. Fortunately, there are now more choices available that can provide seniors the freedom to continue living safely in their own home. The average cost of an assisted living facility is $43,200 annually, and the cost of a nursing home with private room can cost over $90,000 a year, according to the 2015 Genworth Cost of Care Survey. Such a huge, ongoing expense can have an enormous impact on the average family, whether they have prepared financially or not. “Even for families where such costs are not prohibitive, parents are often reluctant to leave homes filled with years of memories, and be placed into an unfamiliar environment, living with strangers,” says health care systems expert Jack Zhang, President and CEO of the fast-growing health technology company, Vitall Inc. Caring for older parents and relatives doesn’t necessarily need to involve relocation or spending tens of thousands of dollars annually. Zhang says there are a few important things to consider. 40 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

Communication Updates New technologies make looking after and staying connected to the seniors in your life easier and more affordable. For example, HeyMomDad, the world’s first two-way communication and wellness monitoring system, allows loved ones to see and hear in real-time that elderly relatives are safe — simply by opening an app on their smartphones. Seniors need only press one button to talk to loved ones, notify them that help is needed, or to just say hello. Likewise, with one tap, users can instantly see, hear and talk back to parents through the high-quality HD video and two-way audio component. The camera can be controlled through the smartphone and directed to any location in the room, permitting a 270-degree view. It also includes night vision optics for clear viewing in dark rooms.

Beyond Monitoring “Most seniors are reluctant to call 911 in an emergency because they’re embarrassed or don’t want to cause a fuss or incur an expense — which can be as high as

$1,200, even for false alarms where paramedics were dispatched,” says Zhang. HeyMomDad gives seniors two different alert options. They can choose to alert only family and friends, or alert family, friends and 911. In addition, the HeyMomDad Bed Monitor tracks heart rate, breathing rate and movement at night.

Maintaining Independence For many seniors, one of the most difficult parts of aging is the loss of independence. When possible, families should consider making homes senior friendly, adding safety bars in the shower and bath, eliminating tripping hazards, improving lighting in hallways and outdoor walkways, and making kitchens more accessible with countertops and cabinets that can rise or lower with the push of a button. And new two-way communication and monitoring systems can add further peace of mind. Before making big decisions about your parents and aging relatives’ housing and care, take new innovations into consideration. These alternatives can save your family thousands of dollars, give you peace of mind and improve your family’s quality of life.  More information can be found at or 1-800-352-0887. article: statePoint

march / april 2016 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© 41


where we go to see the best avian goodies. Meet at the EE Center at 8:30am and return 5:30pm. Cost: $28/non-members, $22/EE Center member and includes bus transportation, plenty of birds, and a good time! Participants should pack a lunch and binoculars and dress for the weather. Pre-registration and payment is required and limited. Refunds will be given only if notification is made at least one week prior to the trip. Kettle Creek Environmental Center, 570-629-3061, or

Saturday, Mar. 19

Photography by Marlana Holsten

the Poconos Outdoors E V E N T S

March thru April

2016 Saturday, Mar. 12

Scout Maple Sugaring Day Scouts and their families are invited to attend our Scout Maple Sugaring Day at the Meesing Sugarbush outside of Marshall’s Creek. Programs can be scheduled between 9am 2pm and are open to any level of scouts and their families. Cost: $5/adult, $3/scouts and children under 12 and includes our syrup on freshly made pancakes. Pre-registration

is required by Wednesday, March 2, 2016. Kettle Creek Environmental Center, 570-629-3061, or

Friday, Mar. 18

Mystery Birding Field Trip Join Environmental Educator Brian Hardiman on this popular birding adventure where the destinations and target species are not revealed until the day of the trip. Pre-trip scouting and local reports will determine

42 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© march / april 2016

Fly Fishing Workshop - Join several members of the Brodhead chapter of Trout Unlimited from 9am - 12 noon for an introductory program on fly fishing. Equipment, casting, strategy, fly-tying, basic trout stream macroinvertebrate entomology, and local fishing areas will be covered and demonstrated. A film, slide program, and raffles are included with admission. Cost: $8/non-members, $5/EE Center members and children under 12. Please call the EE Center to register. Pre-registration is required by Friday, March 18, 2016. Kettle Creek Environmental Center, 570-629-3061, or

Saturday, Mar. 26

Fire Building - Learn some primitive and modern fire making skills. Try your hand at a flint & steel fire

and more! Ages 10+ please. 10:00am-12:00pm. $5. Pocono Environmental Education Center, (570) 8282319, or

Wednesday, Mar. 30

Stalking the Wild Woodcock - Timberdoodle, Bogsucker, and Big Eye are some of the strange nicknames given to the equally strange American Woodcock. Join Environmental Educator Brian Hardiman for this 1 ½ hour program where you will learn about the life history and amazing courtship displays of this fascinating and entertaining little bird. Meet at the EE Center at 6:30pm for a brief presentation before traveling to the Cost: $5/non-members, $3/children under 12. EE Center members FREE. Kettle Creek Environmental Center, 570-629-3061, or

Sunday, April 3

Spring Waterfalls - With rising temperatures and early spring snowmelts the waterfalls in the park are quite impressive. Dress warm, wear sturdy boots, and bring a camera! Call to reserve a seat in the van. 9:00am-12:00pm. $10. Pocono Environmental Education Center, (570) 8282319, or

Sunday, April 10

Bridge the Gap: Edible & Medicinal Plant Walk Nature provides food & natural remedies for us in the form of many plants.

Join us on a hike focused on wild edible & medicinal plants. Funding for this program provided by the William Penn Foundation. No collecting will be done within the Park. 10:00am-12:00pm. Free. Pocono Environmental Education Center, (570)828-2319, or

Sunday, April 10

Geology Hike - Come join us for a program based on the geology of the area. We’ll take a short hike and talk about rocks, fossils, glacial deposits, and what makes our park unique. 1:003:00pm. $5. Pocono Environmental Education Center, (570) 828-2319, or

Saturday, April 16

Earth Day Festival - Help us celebrate the Earth! There

will be hands-on learning stations, interpretive hikes, conservation exhibits, crafts, food, music, and much more! Pre-registration is NOT required. 10:00am-4:00pm. $5 per car. Pocono Environmental Education Center, (570) 8282319, or

Saturday, April 23

Salamanders, Frogs and More! - Join us as we explore nearby breeding pools for salamanders, frogs, and egg masses. We’ll provide nets and collection jars for gentle, up-close study. Wear boots and clothes that can get a little muddy or wet. 10:00am-12:00pm. $5 per person. Pocono Environmental Education Center, (570) 828-2319, or

Pocono Pistol Club more than Doubles their Support During their second year, the Pocono Pistol Club raised $1,000.00 for the Hope for Strength Breast Cancer Fund/Pocono Health Foundation.

This was accomplished through the generous support of members, customers and staff by selling pink targets, donating a portion of proceeds from Ladies' Night, and general donations. 

Photo (left to right): (Front) Harry Miller, Manager/ Range Master, Dezi S., RSO/ NRA Instructor, Carole' Ann F. Bowyer, Co-Founder, Hope for Strength Breast Cancer Fund, Richard D'Alauro, RSO/NRA Instructor, and Andrew "Gunny" Hunter, NRA Pistol Instructor/ Home Firearms Safety Instructor. (Back) Billly Wojcik, RSO/NRA Instructor, Mitch Bowyer, Co-founder, Billy Coad, RSO, and Bob Snell, RSO.

march / april 2016 PoCono FaMilY MagaZine© 43

The Parting Shot This photo of ‘Cattails in a Misty Swamp’ was provided by the staff at the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area headquarters in Bushkill. The park office is built on the edge of this swamp and has several overlooks for photo opportunities.

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