Pocono Family Magazine - Jan/Feb 2023

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Family MAGAZINE • January/February 2023 • The Pocono Mountains' Magazines Complimentary
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Pocono Living Magazine and Pocono Family Magazine, two regional publications filled with articles, features and photography exploring and capturing the real Pocono Mountains living experience.

Our publications can be found at many locations throughout the Pocono Mountains region, and are available by subscription.


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John Anzivino

Gayle C. Brooke Ray Caswell

Pat Coyle

Randall FitzGerald Ashley Hall Maurice Harmon Susan Hartman Marlana Holsten Ann H. LeFevre

Barbara Lewis

Marie Liu

Harry Loud Regina Matarazzo

Janet Mishkin

John L. Moore

Michael Murphy

Justine Nearhood Roseanna Santaniello Tom Stone

Kimberly Blaker

Roseanne Bottone

Kathy Dubin-Uhler

Amanda Kuhn

Amy Leiser Marie Liu

Jamie Marra

Suzanne McCool Janet Mishkin

Kristen Sebring

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Living Magazine© & Pocono Family Magazine©
1929 North 5th Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570-424-1000 pmags@ptd.net www.poconomagazines.com
John L. Moore Allison Mowatt Jim Werkheiser Kim Williams Marty Wilson
FAMILY • Live in the Present • Talk to Children About Bullying • Making New Year Resolutions OUTDOOR • Snowmobiling Adventures • Time Spent Outdoors PET • Managing Your Pet's Weight HEALTH • Get Fit • Health Resolutions • Healthy Winter Habits TRAVEL • Planning Winter Getaways FOOD • Warming Winter Meals HOME • Be Ready for Winter Weather • Healthy Home Habits 55+ • The Impact of Physical Activity COMMUNITY • In & Around the Poconos WHAT’S INSIDE WHAT’S INSIDE 6 20 32 42 48 46 6 10 12 22 26 30 14 18 38 42 34 20 32 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2023 POCONO FAMILY MAGAZINE© 5

STEPS TO LIVE in the Present Every Day

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Living in the present means celebrating each moment as it happens without worries about the past or anxiety for what the future holds and enjoying life to the fullest. Many people find themselves thinking about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow, making living in the now a challenge.

You can overcome those hurdles and live each day more fully by adopting habits that promote physical and mental well-being, including these suggestions from the experts at Natrol, the No. 1 drug-free sleep aid brand, according to data from Nielsen^.


You'll find exercise on virtually every list of self-care advice, and for good reason. Exercise stimulates your body in numerous beneficial ways, not the least of which is getting your heart pumping and oxygen flowing throughout your body, including your brain. Exercise also pairs well with meditation or mindfulness activities, which allow you to align your body's movement with your thoughts and focus on the act of nurturing your body while freeing your mind.


Getting quality sleep is linked to improved concentration and productivity, consciously managing your sleep habits can help you be more present each day. Creating a bedtime routine and

establishing a comfortable, quiet sleeping environment are important steps. In addition, drug-free sleep aids like Natrol Melatonin products are designed to work with the body's natural cycles and help users fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up revitalized with a clearer, calmer mindÜ. Made with clean ingredients and no artificial flavors, sweeteners or preservatives, the line of melatonin products may help you rethink your relationship between sleep and living life to the fullest.


Focusing on the here and now can be easier said than done. However, it's possible to train your body and mind to concentrate on specific thoughts and tasks. Deep breathing exercises are an example of physically focusing yourself. Initiating a slow, steady breathing pattern and paying close attention to that rhythm can be an effective way to ward off negativity, whether it's fear, anxiety or another undesirable emotion. Managing your breathing gives you a degree of control that can help you navigate a tricky situation or establish a deeper connection between your body and mind.


For many people, the modern world's frenetic lifestyle often demands constant multitasking. However, that continual juggling act makes it virtually impossible to give your full

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attention to any one aspect of your life. While a full stop to your multitasking tendencies may be impractical, you can carve out time to dedicate your mind more intentionally and completely. You may be surprised by how much joy you derive from simply being present.

Explore more advice and products to help you stay present at Natrol.com.


Healthy sleep begins with 7-9 hours of sleep a night, but there's more you need to know to achieve the sleep you deserve. By getting the recommended amount of sleep and hitting all your sleep stages, you can wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to own the day.

Create healthy sleep habits. Establishing a consistent sleepwake schedule helps regulate your circadian rhythms and increases your quality of sleep.

Avoid bright screens 60 minutes before bedtime. Exposure to bright LED lights such as smartphones, laptops and TV screens before bed can interfere with your body's natural release of melatonin.

Consider taking a melatonin supplement. When you need a little extra nudge toward dreamland, melatonin may help you fall asleep and stay asleep so you wake up refreshed.Ü

Create a calm and dark bedroom oasis. A dark, noise-free bedroom can help you sleep better throughout the night. Mask noise pollution with calming sounds and block out disruptive light with darkening curtains or a sleep mask.

Walk or exercise daily. Walking as little as 10 minutes a day can help improve sleep quality.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Courtesy of Family Features

Schisler Museum of Wildlife & Natural Histor y McMunn Planet arium East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Experience wildlife exhibits and sky shows for explorers of all ages! New for 2023! Be the first to experience the new Digistar 7 projector system! East Stroudsburg University Hoeffner Science & Technology Center Normal St. & Ransberry Ave. East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 570-422-2705 esu.edu/museum "It's possible to train your body and mind to concentrate on specific thoughts and tasks." JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2023 POCONO FAMILY MAGAZINE© 9

Tips on how to talk to your children about bullying

hen you hear the term bullying, the thought of children heckling a student on a playground or in the classroom comes to mind. However, with the age of social media, bullying can extend far beyond the classroom, and parents may not always know what bullying looks like outside of school.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Education, bullying is defined by three core elements: Unwanted aggressive behavior, a power imbalance, and repetition or high likelihood of repetition of bullying behaviors. While broad, this definition includes many types of behavior that can affect your children.

While some people may want to downplay the issue, bullying is a serious problem. According to StopBullying.gov, bullied children are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, health issues and decreased academic achievement, which often follows children into adulthood. As for the bullies, they're more likely to abuse substances and engage in violence and other risky behavior as they grow up. While you can't prevent bullying, you can spread awareness and tackle the issue head-on by talking with your children about bullying.

This might sound like a tricky conversation to start, especially with young children. Frank Viscuso, author of "Sprinkles the Fire Dog" - a children's book about a puppy who must overcome physical limitations, bullying and self-doubt to achieve his dream - has offered three tips for talking with your children about bullying.

1. Talk early and talk often

Talk with your children about bullying before they ever see it, experience it or bully someone else. If there is a book like "Sprinkles the Fire Dog" or a TV show or movie they like that has an example of bullying, use this instance as a teaching moment. You can help your child understand what bullying is and how to spot it when it's happening to them or someone else.


As your children play and go to school, make it a habit to check in on them. Ask them about their day and how they're feeling. By providing a safe space at home for them to express themselves, your child will have more opportunities and are more likely to confide in you when they see or experience bullying.

2. Prepare responses

If your child does experience or witness bullying, they may be hesitant to stand up for themselves or others. Help them become more confident by practicing what to say and do when bullying occurs.

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According to the Child Mind Institute, an insulted or humiliated child will likely be stunned and not know how to respond. Help your child develop some responses ahead of time so they feel comfortable and confident to respond in the moment. This is also a fantastic opportunity to discuss who are safe peers and school staff they can confide in if the bullying occurs at school.

3. Share your experiences

It may be uncomfortable to relive your own bullying, but by doing so, you are creating a positive example for your child. Whether you were bullied, were the bully or simply a bystander, your experience is invaluable.

By sharing your experiences, you're modeling how to discuss bullying and can impart lessons you've learned from your youth. Share with them how it made you feel in the moment and how you think and feel about it now. These moments of vulnerability will help you grow closer to your child and in turn, they will likely feel safe to share their own experiences with you.

Using these three tips, you can take a proactive step against bullying. If you'd like to read "Sprinkles the Fire Dog" (printed on Canon varioPRINT iX series by JPS Graphics Corporation) with your child to start a conversation about bullying, visit Sprinkles the Fire Dog - Fire Engineering Books.

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The Case for Making New Year Resolutions

Imagine a shelf stocked with self-help books galore - including advice on how to be more productive, thinner, organized, financially successful, healthier, a better parent, spiritual, a more prolific reader, and even (I kid you not) one on how to breathe! (Let me summarize in four succinct sentences: In. Out. Deeply. Thoughtfully.) I’ve read them all. By now I should be approaching perfection. Super woman – all knowing, adept at all things, blissfully happy. Alas, no! And that’s where my New Year resolutions came in. The enticement of a fresh start has always been another opportunity to rectify my lack of execution.

Every year I’d resolve to accomplish a to-do list of my “shoulds.” I should be more of this, less of that, a little to the left, a little to the right, higher up, lower down – just about anything and anywhere I wasn’t. I’m not the only one cooking up a recipe for failure. Studies show that of the 41% of people

who even make resolutions, only 9% achieve them by the end of the year. Why the dismal results? The top four reasons are: 1. Setting unrealistic goals, 2. Not keeping track of progress, 3. Forgetting about the resolutions (ha!), and 4. Making too many resolutions

According to discoverhappyhabits.com, the most popular resolutions for this past year (2022) were living healthier (23%), personal improvement and happiness (21%), and losing weight (20%). I can relate – especially to the latter. For the past 50 years or so, I’ve resolved to lose 20 pounds after every round of holidays. Estimating a 50% success rate, I’ve surely lost 500 lbs. Superwoman should be invisible by now! Strava, the social network for athletes, analyzed 31.5 million pieces of data and was able to zero in on the date most people report giving up on their exercise resolution. Brace yourself; it’s January 12th.

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So why is this article titled making a case FOR New Year resolutions? Am I a glutton for punishment? Not exactly. I finally understand it’s not the resolution, per se. We’re just doing it all wrong. This January 1st, my resolutions are going to be all about fun and joy. No more “measurable goals.” No more personal improvement. No more “should.” I’m going to be a big kid and play! Here are my ideas to inspire you that range in cost from free to expensive.

Gonna do me some learnin’

I miss being a student, although, I do not miss the homework, research papers, exams, and early classes. No thanks! But I miss a formal learning experience. I’m going to sign up for Master Class in 2023 (masterclass.com). The platform features 2,500+ lessons presented by 180 experts in a wide range of genres from cooking, acting, science, wellness, writing, and more.

Each class features 20 lessons that are 10 to 15 minutes long. I can handle that! I’m going to start with “Science, thinking and communication” presented by the astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and then move on to Gordon Ramsay’s cooking class (perhaps). No goals or fixed agenda. I’ll see what moves me. I’m so excited about this while I write to you. This is how a resolution should feel!

Strung tight as a fiddle

Oh, how I’m longing to stretch out these old creaking bones and tight muscles. I followed Adriene Mishler’s 30-day “Yoga for beginners” program last year (beginning on Jan 1st), and I can’t wait to do it again to kick off 2023. Adriene as an actress, writer, international yoga teacher and entrepreneur from Austin, Texas. She hosts the YouTube channel “Yoga with Adriene,” an online community of over 11 million subscribers. She generously provides high quality yoga routines and mindfulness practice at no cost to inspire people of all ages, shapes and sizes. Her voice and style are incredibly soothing and encouraging. Maybe this year I’ll stick with it later into the year; who knows?

Meandering perhaps?

Wikipedia describes AllTrails as a “fitness and travel mobile app used in outdoor recreational activities…such as hiking, mountain biking, climbing and snow sports. The service allows users to access a database of trail maps, which includes crowdsourced reviews and images.”

I have not taken advantage of the natural beauty of the Poconos and have a true desire (that’s key to a successful resolution)

to get outside more often. I’ve downloaded the free app and will do a little hiking now and then. Ok. Let’s call it what it will be for me: walking on well-worn paths! Or more likely, lollygagging in the woods. I don’t have much of a sense of direction. If you don’t hear from me for a while, send out the dogs!

Love and Marriage

I’ve been invited to a wedding in New York City in the springtime, so I’m going to make it a five-day weekend while I’m there. I love the city and, despite its proximity to the Poconos, I rarely visit Manhattan. Because of my work travel, I was able to use my hotel points for free nights (lucky girl!). I’ll sit back and let the Martz bus drive me in (Martzbus.com; $46 each way from Stroudsburg). I’ll head to the Museum of Art (and meander peacefully at my own pace on my solo excursion) then see the exhibits and star show at the Hayden Planetarium.

I’ll attend the Opera or a classical music concert. I’ll pick up a copy of Fodor’s New York City Guide and choose a fancyschmancy restaurant for one night and highly recommended casual local joints for the rest. Sightseeing will be whatever strikes my fancy. I’ll be armed with a subway map and an updated version of my Uber app.

Doesn’t this all sound fabulous? Maybe I should write a selfhelp book about how to make New Year resolutions the right way. (That darn “should” snuck in there!) For 2023, I wish you good health above all else, peaceful living, and an extravagant happy adventure or two! What does the future hold for you? Resolve to make it happen!

P.S. I’ve written this down, so I won’t forget!

Roseanne Bottone

Roseanne Bottone is a regulatory compliance training instructor, former Peace Corps Volunteer, cancer survivor, grandmother, MBA, and freelance writer. She travels the country teaching business people about environmental and transportation safety regulations, and is a newspaper columnist. She’s a homeowner in East Stroudsburg and lives with her daughter, grandchildren, two cats and a Rottweiler.

Photo Courtesy of Family Features


ediscovering classic, outdoor winter activities like snowmobiling can provide a simple way to spend time with loved ones.


In fact, snowmobile sales are expected to increase 15-20% this winter, according to the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (ISMA), allowing families to safely social distance and get outside amid the global pandemic.

"Snowmobiling is a unique way to experience landscapes in the throes of beautiful winter," said Pascal Vincent, director of global product management, Ski-Doo. "That's not to say there aren't certain precautions that need taken when heading out to maximize fun and ensure everyone has a safe journey when snowmobiling."


There's safety in numbers, and that's especially true with an outdoor activity like snowmobiling. Riding with a friend (or group of friends) is not only safer but can also be more fun. In addition, ensure someone not on the trails with you knows your


approximate whereabouts. Send a message or leave a note with the names and locations of trails you'll be riding, the names and contact info for those you'll be riding with and an approximate time you plan to be back.


Spend some time learning the controls and functions of your snowmobile so you can hit the trail with confidence. The experts at BRP, a global leader in the world of powersports and boating, and the manufacturer of the Ski-Doo snowmobile, recommend checking the snowmobile's operator's guide, knowing the fuel level and understanding best operational practices before heading out. Also ensure the emergency tether cord is working properly and attached to both your clothing and the snowmobile.

Some areas also require a safety class. Your state snowmobile organizations may offer safety training classes that teach riders

about the parts of a snowmobile, riding skills, how to handle emergencies on the trail, laws and regulations and hazards to avoid, among other topics.


The right riding gear is as much about comfort as it is about safety. Essentials include high pants or bibs, jackets, gloves, boots, goggles and helmets. Even if not required in all locales, a Department of Transportation-approved helmet can provide warmth and protection as well as fog-free vision.

Learning to layer is also essential for maximum comfort. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer, add a mid-layer that provides insulation but breathes then an outer shell to protect from the elements. Many snowmobile dealers offer a full line of clothing specifically designed and manufactured to keep you warm and help withstand winter weather. For additional safety, ensure someone in the group has a first-aid kit.

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Respect everyone on the snow and adopt a fun and safe riding style. This includes learning traditional hand signals for turning, slowing and stopping, and staying to the right when approaching hills and turns. Be mindful of signs and reminders to slow down. When stopping, pull over to the right of the trail in a highly visible location.

Planning your route in advance can also help you stay out of restricted areas. Consider downloading an app like BRP GO!, which uses connected technology to provide navigation for unusual and faraway routes. The app also allows you to safely track fellow riders and download content directly to your phone.


Since the inception of the first snowmobile trail system, the sport has depended on access to private and public lands. Trespassing and illegal off-trail riding threaten snowmobiling access, which is why ISMA urges riders to take "The Pledge" to ride only where it's allowed to ensure snowmobiling continues to flourish.

It's also important to check the forecast and trail conditions before heading out. The wind chill or other conditions like snow blindness or whiteouts can make riding less enjoyable and more dangerous. Also avoid riding on rivers or other ice-covered surfaces that may be unstable. Leave your playground and surroundings clean. Don't throw trash in the snow and respect the animals in the area that call it home.

For more tips and snowmobile safety advice, visit ski-doo.com.

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"Snowmobiling is a unique way to experience landscapes in the throes of beautiful winter."

time spent outdoors has the power to boost physical & emotional strength

Whether you're taking a stroll in a local park or ambitiously hiking a new trail, being outdoors helps you feel more grounded and connected to nature. But you may not realize the numerous physical and mental benefits that time spent outdoors has on the human body.

Mother Nature has a profound positive impact on people of all ages, but especially kids. Children's natural curiosity makes the outdoors a place with endless possibilities. It's where imaginations can take flight, they can observe biodiversity and learn more about their world around them, not to mention, move their bodies and breathe in some fresh air.

With an increasing number of popular TV shows focusing on different aspects of being outdoors - from travel spotlights to survival skills - more children than ever are inspired to get

outside and explore. For 14-year-old Cameron, no one excited him more about the outdoors than adventurer and TV star Bear Grylls. However, because he has a critical illness that required a kidney transplant, Cameron was not always able to do as many things outdoors as he'd like.

Following the launch of their new batteries with Power Boost Ingredients, and with a strong desire to inspire kids about the importance of spending time outdoors, America's most trusted battery brand, Duracell, joined forces with Bear Grylls and Make-A-Wish® to grant a dozen wishes this past summer for kids across the country, including Cameron and wish kids like him.

Through this unique collaboration, Duracell and Make-AWish were able to power some incredible outdoor wishes as a life-changing source of hope for wish kids and their families.


"Mother Nature has a profound positive impact on people of all ages, but especially kids. Children's natural curiosity makes the outdoors a place with endless possibilities."

To learn more and see Cameron's story, visit Duracell.com/ Powerboost.

Be inspired by these strong kids who have a passion for the outdoors and plan your next adventure with your family. Remember to stock up on Duracell batteries with Power Boost Ingredients, designed to help you get the most out of the moments that matter - so regardless of the outdoor adventure you choose, your devices stay powered to keep the fun going.

Courtesy of Brand Point

Visit a hiking trail you've never been to before, or try an evening hike and bring along a headlamp or flashlight to guide the way.

Explore free outdoor programs in your community at parks and nature centers.

Learn about astronomy and head outdoors at night to observe the stars.

Try your hand at geocaching, where you use a free app on your mobile device to find hidden spots.

Organize a game of backyard flashlight tag with family, friends and neighbors.

Try a new outdoor activity you haven't done yet, especially in the winter months, like skating, snowshoeing or skiing.

Go outside and talk about how nature impacts the different senses - How does it feel, taste, sound, etc.?

Have a picnic outdoors! Or even try eating outside in the evening with flashlights and headlamps for extra fun.

Photo Courtesy of Brand Point
Here are some outdoor ideas that you can do any time of year with your family:




tips to keep dogs & cats healthy

Much like humans, dogs and cats can struggle with aging- and weight-related health issues. In fact, 3 out of 5 cats and dogs are overweight or obese, according to Packaged Facts' U.S. Pet Market Outlook.

Pet obesity can lead to several health issues and problems, including diabetes, cancer and osteoarthritis, according to research published in "Veterinary Medicine." While leading a sedentary lifestyle and overfeeding are common factors that can

lead to pets becoming overweight or obese, these simple tips from the pet food experts at Go! Solutions can help you manage your dog's or cat's weight to ensure he or she lives a happy and healthy life.

Exercise & Play Regularly

Just as important as your pet's diet is ensuring he or she is active. For dogs, regular walks and hikes are a simple way to provide mental stimulation, improve muscle tone, increase metabolism and help reduce boredom while also getting necessary exercise. For high-energy dogs who need more stimulation, games like fetch, hide-and-seek and tug can help them burn off extra energy and tire more quickly on days when you don't have time to spend hours outside with them. For cats, consider scratching posts, flirt poles, obstacle courses, setting platforms at multiple levels and simple toys like balls and fake mice to keep them active and engaged. Some cats can even be leash trained to go for walks.

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Address Dietary Needs

Diet is a major factor in weight management for dogs and cats. The ideal diet for your pet provides the right balance of macroand micronutrients, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals as well as the proper portion size to help prevent obesity. Formulated by Petcurean's expert nutrition

"An important part of weight loss and management is limiting the additional calories you're providing your pet outside of his or her normal day-to-day diet."

team, Go! Solutions Weight Management + Joint Care GrainFree Chicken recipe provides complete and balanced nutrition featuring premium quality, functional ingredients with zero by-product meals and artificial preservatives. To support a healthy weight and mobile joints in adult and senior dogs and cats, the formula includes L-carnitine to help burn fat into energy and fiber-rich psyllium husk to help keep pets feeling full. Glucosamine and chondroitin in the recipe for dogs and chondroitin from chicken cartilage in the recipe for cats helps support healthy joints and good mobility.

Keep Treats in Check

An important part of weight loss and management is limiting the additional calories you're providing your pet outside of his or her normal day-to-day diet. A little extra can go a long way, so keep packaged treats to a minimum and be mindful of things like slipping your pet table scraps or letting him or her lick out the almost-empty peanut butter jar. Keeping those additional calories in check can help keep your pet's diet - and overall health - on the right track.

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Get Fit


Committing to getting fit and actually doing it aren’t always one and the same but relying on tech devices can be an effective way to tackle your fitness goals.

From watches and phones to earbuds and virtual reality headsets, technology can make it easier to track your progress and create a more enjoyable workout experience. See how some of the latest technology is fueling new devices ideal for amping up your workouts this winter with these trendy ideas.

Find more inspiration to energize your fitness regimen at Qualcomm.com.


Powered by the Snapdragon 4100+ Wear Platform, the Fossil 6 Wellness Edition watch provides the speed, power and performance you need to efficiently track your health, all with extended battery life, Bluetooth 5.0 LE connectivity, rapid charging and more features to elevate your experience. The watch detects movement and starts a workout for you. In addition, not only does it allow you to monitor how hard your heart is working and provide estimated blood oxygen measurements so you can see how well your body is circulating oxygen, but it also measures your cardiorespiratory fitness, allowing you to track the amount of oxygen your body utilizes during exercise. In addition to keeping tabs on your active hours, the watch also helps you understand more about your sleep habits, including sleep quality and history, restfulness and progress against sleep goals.

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If you’re always on the go, a powerful smartphone is a smart way to get in a streamlined workout. An option like the OnePlus 10T 5G delivers on multiple levels. Driven by the powerful Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 mobile platform, this is a phone built to evolve beyond speed. It has Qualcomm FastConnect 6900 for premium Wi-Fi connectivity and a Kryo CPU for unbeatable performance, ideal for multitaskers and power users. The charging system delivers a day’s power in 10 minutes. What’s more, the antenna system, featuring a total of 15 antennas, provides a 360-degree closed-loop system to avoid blind signal angles, while simple and textured visuals help you focus and move seamlessly between work, rest and play.


An energizing workout requires a soundtrack to get you pumped up and moving. Enhance your listening experience with LG Tone Free T90 wireless earbuds, which feature Dolby Head Tracking and Snapdragon Sound. These earbuds identify the location of sound as you turn your head, recalibrating to enable a more natural sound experience so you’re always in the center of the scene. The speaker driver is made of a strong, lightweight material that delivers better overall audio clarity and reduced vibration so you can hear every sound come alive. Exceptional audio combines with superior connectivity for music, movies, crystalclear voice calls, gaming and a low latency fit for aptX Adaptive compatible devices.


If your workout regimen needs an infusion of playful fun, the Meta Quest 2 virtual reality headset may be just the ticket. This VR headset is your ticket to the metaverse (and so much more), whether you’re working out, gaming, meeting up with friends or going on a virtual field trip. Industry-leading graphics and immersive audio put you in the middle of the action. The portable device is ideal for workouts on the go, and you’ll find a wide range of apps that let you work out amid stunning scenery, compete against friends and participate in challenges. The immersive experiences break up the monotony of a boring, basic workout, making exercise fun and playful.



Enjoy stereo-quality sound wherever your workout takes you with a state-of-the-art smartphone like the Motorola Edge+ Gen 2, powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Mobile Platform.

"Technology can make it easier to track your progress and create a more enjoyable workout experience."

Giving you up to two full days of power, lightning-fast speeds and pro-quality features for doing more of what you love, this smartphone can provide music that motivates you regardless of your exercise style. When it’s time to rest and recover, you can enjoy days of entertainment on a beautiful display that wraps around the edges.


Setting fitness goals starts with a plan and achieving them requires strong work ethic and, just as importantly, the ability to track progress so you can enjoy the success. The ultimate expression of ultra-portability and versatility, the Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 5 Chromebook is powered by the Snapdragon 7c Gen 2 Compute Platform. Slim and sleek, this 2-in-1 features a detachable keyboard to transform from a tablet to a laptop so you can keep an eye on your fitness goals whether you’re working out at home or on the go, and 15 hours of battery life means you can enjoy usage from day to night.

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It’s not just a day of shopping here in the Pocono Mountains—it’s an experience. Wander our historic streets. Explore our art galleries. Find unique local goods. And stop for a bite at one of our top-rated neighborhood restaurants along the way. Discover all of our shopping and sights now at PoconoMountains.com.

Photos Courtesy of Family Features

Health Resolutions

The New Year represents a fresh start and is the perfect time to invest in your health. However, you may be unsure what resolutions will have the biggest impact. Doctors say that the easy, tangible actions you take are some of the most important.

“Many people kick off the start of each new year with big-picture health resolutions,” says Jack Resneck, Jr., M.D., president of the American Medical Association (AMA). “The good news is that small, positive health choices made right now can have long-lasting effects.”

Want to get started today? Here are the 10 resolutions the AMA recommends top your list this year:

Exercise is essential for your physical and mental health, so get moving today. A good rule of thumb for adults is at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity, or 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity activity.

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Vaccination is the best protection against a number of serious illnesses. To protect yourself and your family, get up to date on your vaccines, including the annual flu shot and the COVID-19 vaccine for everyone 6 months and older. Your doctor can let you know if you’re due for a COVID booster. If you have questions, speak with your physician and review trusted resources, including getvaccineanswers.org.

Get screened. Estimates based on statistical models show that since April 2020, millions of screenings for breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer diagnoses may have been missed due to pandemic-related care disruptions. Check in with your physician. If you’re due for preventive care, tests or screenings, make an appointment. These measures are designed to keep you healthy and help your doctor spot certain conditions before they become more serious.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can increase your risk of heart attack or stroke, and it affects millions of Americans. Visit ManageYourBP.org to understand what your blood pressure numbers mean and what you can do to get your blood pressure under control.

One in 3 American adults has prediabetes, a condition that can lead to type 2 diabetes if left unmanaged. However, there are steps you can take that can help delay or even prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. Learn your risk by taking a simple 2-minute self-screening test at DoIHavePrediabetes.org. This resource also features helpful lifestyle tips that can help you reverse prediabetes.

Whenever possible, drink water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages and replace processed foods -- especially those with added sodium and sugar -- with nutritious, whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, herbs and spices.

If consuming alcohol, drink only in moderation. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans defines that as up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men, and only by adults of legal drinking age.

Speak with your doctor or health care professional about quitting tobacco and nicotine use. Declare your home and car smokefree to eliminate secondhand smoke exposure.

Photo Courtesy of (c) monkeybusinessimages / iStock via Getty Images Plus

“Many people kick off the start of each new year with big-picture health resolutions,”

Follow your doctor’s instructions when taking prescription drugs – especially opioids. Always store and dispose of these medications safely to prevent misuse. Whenever prescribed antibiotics, take them exactly as directed. Not taking the full course can lead to antibiotic resistance, a serious public health problem, and will not make you feel better if you have a virus, such as a cold or flu.

Invest in your mental health by managing stress, getting sufficient sleep, exercising and seeking help from a mental health professional when you need it.

If you don’t have health insurance, the AMA encourages you to sign up for coverage at healthcare.gov, which has new, affordable options. The enrollment deadline for 2023 coverage is Jan. 15, 2023. Find more health resources at ama-assn.org. For a healthy 2023 and beyond, invest in your wellness with these doctor-recommended New Year’s resolutions.

Courtesy of StatePoint

Business Rt. 209 • Snydersville, PA • (570) 992-6634 (Just 5 miles south of Stroudsburg) stonebar.com Classic American Fine Dining Gift Certificates available at StoneBar.com Tues. - Thurs. 5pm - 9pm Fri. & Sat. 5pm - 10pm • Sun. 4pm - 9pm Wednesdays - Pasta Night $25 Thursdays Burgers at Bar - Live Music 6 - 9pm CajunFridays Shrimp - $10 Saturdays Prime Rib Feature
Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

Healthy Winter Habits

Another cough and cold season calls for healthy preparation, and while there may not be a foolproof plan for escaping pesky germs, taking preventive steps and practicing self-care can help protect your health.

You can catch a cold or flu any time of the year, but they seem more common during the cooler months.

"As much as we all would love a quick cure for the common cold, unfortunately, that doesn't exist," said Ian K. Smith, MD. "However, there are many options one can try to relieve cold and flu symptoms, including over-the-counter medications. These medications can provide fast and much-needed relief."

Reduce the chances you'll contract a serious illness this cold season by following these tips from the experts at Mucinex:

Make handwashing a priority. Preventive measures like washing your hands often can significantly lower your odds of getting sick. In fact, handwashing is such a powerful tool against germs that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention compared it to a "do-it-yourself vaccine." Wash regularly with soap and water for about 20 seconds, especially when handling food, caring for someone sick or after using the restroom.

Get your flu shot.

The CDC recommends getting a yearly flu vaccine to protect yourself from flu viruses. Ideally, everyone 6 months and older should get one, especially anyone at high risk for flu complications due to underlying conditions or other factors.

Maintain your health through the colder months
"As much as we all would love a quick cure for the common cold, unfortunately, that doesn't exist."
Photos Courtesy of Family Features

Make overall wellness a way of life.

Adopting healthy everyday habits means your body is in better condition to fight off potential attacks by germs and combat an illness more effectively if you do get sick. A well-balanced diet that includes moderate portions from each of the major food groups can help ensure you're getting the nutrition and nutrients your body needs. Staying physically active can help promote a stronger immune system. Getting enough sleep and making sure you're drinking enough water can also ensure your body is ready for whatever the season brings.

Stock up on necessary supplies.

If you do get sick, the best place for you is at home, where you can nurse yourself back to health. That means having the essentials on hand, like over-the-counter medications to treat uncomfortable cold and flu symptoms. Be sure to check last year's leftovers, as some may have expired. A shopping list to fight common cold and flu symptoms should include pain relievers, fever reducers, decongestants, antihistamines, throat lozenges and cough suppressants, as well as plenty of facial tissue, a working thermometer, humidifier and more. Also update your supply of hand sanitizer and disinfecting cleaners and sprays to protect family members in your home.

Relieve bothersome symptoms.

When you're under the weather, treating your symptoms gives you a reprieve and lets your body rest so you can get back to feeling better. A cough is a common cold symptom, and relieving chest congestion that causes you to cough frequently can make a big difference. An option like Mucinex Extended-Release Bi-Layer Tablets, with the No. 1 pharmacist recommended expectorant, is clinically proven to relieve chest congestion and thin and loosen mucus to make your cough more productive for up to 12 hours. If symptoms persist, contact your health care professional.

Prevent spreading germs.

If you do get sick, know you can take steps to protect those around you. Simple acts like covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and using your elbow if you don't have a tissue can be effective in preventing the spread of germs. It's also important to wash your hands well and keep a distance from others to help prevent the spread of your illness.

Find more advice for preventing illness and protecting yourself this cough and cold season at Mucinex.com.

Fight Congestion Like a Pro

When you have a cough, you'll try just about anything to feel better. Over-the-counter medications such as decongestants and some lifestyle habits can make a difference.

Nasal decongestants that include the ingredient phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine work by constricting blood vessels, which allows more air to pass freely through your nose. This leads to drier nasal tissues and less mucus draining down the back of your throat. Reducing postnasal drip means you'll cough less often and experience less pain and soreness in your throat.

As decongestants constrict your blood vessels, other symptoms like sinus pressure and a stuffy nose also tend to improve. If you take a multi-symptom cough medicine, you can reap the benefits of a decongestant plus an expectorant to loosen mucus, a cough suppressant to minimize coughing and a pain reliever for any throat or sinus pain.

Lifestyle habits can also go a long way toward easing cough symptoms on their own or paired with medication.

Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water or other fluids helps thin the mucus in your chest.

Suck a lozenge. Let a lozenge dissolve in your mouth to soothe your throat and ease a tickling, dry cough.

Use a humidifier. Dry air can worsen throat pain and coughing. A humidifier can help by moistening the air you breathe.

Rest. Skimping on rest when you have a cough or cold can make healing harder. Allow yourself to relax and sleep as needed.


Tips for Planning Winter Getaways

Photos courtesy of Getty Images
"Winter occasions and celebrations equate to increased travel opportunities for many families to see destinations around the globe."

Winter occasions and celebrations equate to increased travel opportunities for many families to see destinations around the globe. Whether you’re planning a trip far from home or taking advantage of nearby attractions during a staycation, you can get more out of your adventures when you plan ahead.

Consider these facts, figures and tips from the travel experts at Go City, a top attractions and experiences pass for city travelers.


Overall, Americans spend an average of 14 hours planning their getaway, the majority of which happens online or with the help of apps that provide booking information, directions, localized tips and more. In addition to deciding where to go and what to do once you get there, you may find planning ahead and checking restaurant reviews is especially helpful for those first hours after you arrive. Upon arrival, the first order of business for travelers is often refueling with a good meal, typically based on reviews they read before reaching their destination. Also research attractions and create a plan of things you’d like to do each day, even if you don’t follow it to the letter.

Remember, while many attractions and entertainment options provide flexibility, some should be booked in advance. Check individual websites for events, attractions and more to find details about booking and tickets, if required.


If you’re like many Americans, you may favor traveling to a place where the temperatures soar and you can soak up some sunshine. However, taking advantage of some of those typically warmer destinations outside of peak season can actually provide a way to avoid lines and enjoy a break from the heat. For example, locals in Orlando prefer to visit the area’s popular theme parks in the winter. Using an option like Go City can help you save and experience more to make your in- or offseason trip even better with access to Legoland Florida, Fun Spot America and Boggy Creek Airboat Tours.

The experience passes provide access to popular attractions in 30 major cities around the world such as New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Orlando, London, Bangkok, Barcelona, Dubai and more. Cancun is another hot spot; using the All-Inclusive Pass during the cooler months allows you to take advantage of one of the best times of the year to enjoy Xcaret at Night, along with the

Cancun Scenic Tower. Other favorites among visitors include the Sky Wheel and parasailing adventures.


Smart packing is an often-overlooked secret to successful travel. Not only do you need enough attire for each day, you may also need extras to accommodate special activities or adjust to changing temperatures throughout the day and evening hours. The majority of Americans (63%) pack the night before a big trip but starting sooner can help ensure you don’t forget anything important. Starting a list well ahead of time can help you get a jump on your packing while saving the physical act of fitting everything into your luggage until closer to departure.


Taking advantage of the unique activities and excursions is a smart way to immerse yourself and more fully experience the cities you visit. On average, Americans participate in five activities and excursions during a single trip; most of the time, those outings are planned from home as much as four weeks ahead of time, rather than upon arriving in the destination city.

If you’re planning to schedule excursions on your trip, explore resources like Go City, which can help you save up to 60% over gate admission prices. Passes can unlock the best a city has to offer, from bucket list attractions and top tours in the United States, such as Universal Studios, Sea World, Shedd Aquarium, Long Beach Aquarium and the Statue of Liberty, or abroad like the Vatican, the Eiffel Tower and more. There are also plenty of hidden gems and exclusive experiences such as a tour of Fenway Park, Texas Ranger Museum, Museum of Us, Coral Crater Adventure Park and even wine and cheese-making classes. Start planning your winter travel adventure at gocity.com.

Photos Courtesy of Family Features

Pair Soup & Sandwich for a Warming Winter Meal

Cool winter days and their cold, crisp air call for a quick warmup in the form of a classic combo: soup and sandwich. Next time you need warmed up from the inside out, go for a homemade pairing that brings together a cheesy handheld and hearty minestrone.

When you sit down for a wintertime meal with the family, Gourmet Grilled Cheese with Aunt Nellie’s Pickled Beets provides the comfort you crave with caramelized onions, gooey melted cheese and toasted sourdough. Slowly simmered to savory perfection, 3-Bean Tortellini Minestrone – powered by READ 3-Bean Salad – plays the ideal complement to the griddled sandwiches as a filling soup without the hassle.

To find more comforting meal ideas made for combatting the cold, visit AuntNellies.com and READSalads.com.

Sandwiches:  8 large sourdough slices, 1/2-inch thick  1/3 cup mayonnaise  4 ounces fresh goat cheese, at room temperature  8 ounces shredded gruyere cheese, at room temperature  1 jar Aunt Nellie’s Sliced Pickled Beets (about 32 beets)  2 cups baby arugula  2 tablespoons butter, divided  2 tablespoons olive oil, divided

To make caramelized onions: In Dutch oven over medium-high heat, melt butter and olive oil. Add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes then reduce heat to medium.

Cook until onions are caramelized and rich, deep golden brown, about 25 minutes, stirring often. Turn heat to medium-low or add water if onions are dry or start to scorch before caramelizing.

Add sugar, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes; cook 1 minute. Onions should be jammy and darkly caramelized when done. Remove to plate to cool.

To make sandwiches: Spread out bread slices on flat surface. Spread thin layer of mayonnaise on one side of each bread slice.

Recipe courtesy of “Carlsbad Cravings”

Prep time: 60 minutes

Caramelized Onions:

3 tablespoons butter

3 tablespoons olive oil

3 large yellow onions, halved, sliced 1/4-inch thick

1-2 tablespoons water (optional)

1 tablespoon brown sugar

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper

1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes

Turn four bread slices over and spread goat cheese on plain side. Top goat cheese with gruyere, even layer of beets, caramelized onions and arugula. Top with remaining bread, mayo side out. Secure with toothpicks, if desired.

In large skillet over medium-low heat, melt 1 tablespoon butter with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Add two sandwiches, cover and grill until bottom of bread is toasted, about 5-7 minutes, and cheese starts melting, checking often. Flip and cook, uncovered, until cheese is melted and bottom of bread is toasted.

Repeat with remaining sandwiches.

Gourmet Grilled Cheese with Pickled Beets


Celebrate the holidays surrounded by great company and even better cuisine in the Pocono Mountains. From romantic dinners by candlelight to farm-to-table experiences, our local chefs are serving up something for every palate. Visit PoconoMountains.com to see all of our mouth-watering dining options and make your reservation.

3 Bean Tortellini Minestrone

Recipe courtesy of “Joy of Eating”

Prep time: 20 minutes

Cook time: 25 minutes

can (15 ounces) READ 3-Bean Salad

cup extra-virgin olive oil

medium yellow onion, diced

peeled garlic cloves, minced

pinches salt, plus additional to taste, divided

teaspoon Italian seasoning

teaspoon black pepper, plus additional to taste, divided

small carrots, trimmed, peeled and diced

celery stalks, trimmed and diced

medium zucchini, diced

can (28 ounces) diced tomatoes, undrained

Parmesan rind (optional)

cups low-sodium vegetable broth

9-10 ounces refrigerated cheese tortellini

cups baby spinach

jarred pesto, for serving (optional)

 2
 1
 1

Drain and rinse bean salad; set aside.

In large pot over medium heat, heat olive oil. Add onions, garlic and 1 pinch salt; saute until translucent, 3-4 minutes. Stir in Italian seasoning and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Cook until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add carrots, celery and zucchini with remaining pinch salt. Cook, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are crisp tender, 5-7 minutes.

Stir in tomatoes. Add Parmesan rind, if desired. Cook about 10 minutes until most tomato juice evaporates. Pour in vegetable broth. Bring to boil. Add tortellini; cook 2 minutes, or just until tender. Stir in bean salad and spinach. Cook 2-3 minutes to heat through.

Season with additional salt and black pepper, to taste. Serve garnished with pesto, if desired.

1411 Chipperfield Drive Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Mark Citera Owner (570) 420-9764 info@citerameats.com www.citerameats.com FRESH NAT U R AL MEATS MEAT MARKET SIN C E 1 98 3 FAMILY /citerameats www.farmers-basket.com (570) 476-0211 • www.thewillowtreeinn.net 601 Ann Street, Stroudsburg, PA Willowtree Inn Serving fine food & spirits in an elegant setting
Courtesy of Family Features

Americans should brace for a potentially cold and wet winter, according to NOAA and this year’s Farmer’s Almanac Winter Outlook. That means now is a perfect opportunity to think about preparing your family and home for the colder months ahead.

From heating homes with a high-performing furnace or fireplace to keeping children warm and comfortable on school buses, propane can help keep families cozy this winter.

Relying on a diverse energy mix – including propane, solar and wind – can help ensure you’re prepared for whatever winter brings and reduce the strain on the fragile electric grid. Plus, propane is a stable energy source that is stored on-site and can keep homes operating during severe weather or utility power interruptions. Using propane also produces 43% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than an equivalent amount of electricity generated from the grid.

Get winter-ready with these tips from the experts at the Propane Education & Research Council:

Have Your Furnace Serviced. Proactively think about ways you can reduce the demand on your heating system. In addition to scheduling routine maintenance by a trained professional, there are a few things homeowners can do. First, open all air vents and make sure they are uncovered as blocked airflow forces the furnace to work harder.

Check the thermostat to ensure it’s working properly by increasing the temperature by 5 F and waiting to hear the furnace turn on. Consider setting the thermostat a couple degrees cooler than what might feel comfortable as doing so not only saves money but lessens the load from your furnace. Keep thermostats at 65 F during the day and 55 F at night, closing off rooms that don’t need to be heated.

Photos Courtesy of Family Features

Using a programmable thermostat can save homeowners as much as 10% per year on heating costs, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. It’s also a good idea to replace air filters every 1-3 months to help keep your furnace working efficiently and effectively.

Upgrade Your Furnace.

If it’s time to upgrade your home’s climate control system, it’s a smart idea to do your homework and explore your options. There are several state and federal incentive programs to help homeowners upgrade their current systems to a clean energy option like propane. Propane is an affordable, comfortable, reliable and efficient energy source. It’s also a clean, low-carbon option. What’s more, propane-powered furnaces last 50% longer than electric heat pumps, which means a lower lifetime investment. Propane furnaces also provide warmer air than other heat sources (115-125 F), are less impacted by outdoor temperatures and produce 50% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than electric furnaces and 12% less than fuel oil furnaces.

Rethink Your Boiler System.

For a home that runs on a boiler system, you can make upgrades that improve performance while providing space savings and the versatility to provide heating, hot water and even snow melt. High-efficiency propane boilers can last up to 30 years and have significantly lower emissions than those fueled by heating oil.

Take Advantage of Your Fireplace.

The warm glow of a fire isn’t only comforting; it can be a practical and effective way to increase the heat inside your home. Not only do propane fireplaces offer 5-6 times the heating capacity of electric fireplaces, they’re also more energy efficient, environmentally friendly, convenient to use and easier to install than woodburning models. They also emit less soot and other emissions.

Be Efficient with Water Heating.

Water heating can be a large expense, accounting for 14-18% of home utility bills, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Set your water heater no higher than 120 F and install low-flow shower heads or temperature-sensitive shower valves to reduce energy consumption. High-performance propane tankless water heaters can reduce a home’s energy consumption because it only heats the water when you need it, ultimately saving you money.

Preparing for Winter Storms

Before, during and after a storm, consider these key factors to help keep your family and home as safe as possible.

Have an Adequate Propane Supply

Discuss the possibility of scheduling regular winter visits with your propane supplier so you always have an adequate supply of propane in your tank. This can reduce your chances of running empty in times of heavy snowfall when roads may be inaccessible for delivery.

Create an Emergency Plan

Work with your family to create a plan in the event of a winter storm. Gather contact information for emergency services and utility companies, including your local propane supplier, along with instructions for turning off your propane, electricity and water. If you turn off your propane, contact a service technician to inspect your system before turning it back on.


"Now is a perfect opportunity to think about preparing your family and home for the colder months ahead."

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Because carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that is highly poisonous, the International Association of Fire Chiefs recommends installing a carbon monoxide detector listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) on every level of your home, including the basement. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding installation, location and maintenance.

Plan for Communications

Keep a battery-powered radio handy, so you always have a way to receive updates on weather conditions. As storms approach, it’s also smart to charge your smartphone to use as an additional tool for communication through a power outage. Purchasing a propane generator is another option to ensure you always have reliable power, even during blackouts.

Inspect Damage Cautiously

If a storm causes harm to your property, be careful when assessing damage. Downed power lines, damaged gas lines and dislodged propane tanks can lead to dangerous situations. In the dark, use a flashlight instead of candles to avoid combustion if there is a leak.

Call the Experts

Your utility company, fire department and propane supplier have expert training to handle your home’s systems in potentially dangerous situations. Additionally, if a storm damages your property, it’s a good idea to have a qualified service technician perform a complete inspection of your propane system to look for damage.

PLUMBING • HEATING • WATER CONDITIONING COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL •AVAILABLE 24/7 (570) 629-2833 • www.leonclapper.com 425 Neyhart Road, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Fast, Reliable Service
Courtesy of Family Features


If you’re like most Americans, health is an important aspect of your resolutions when each new year rolls around. While factors like diet and exercise are keys to healthy living, so are the ways you care for your home and belongings.

Your home living environment plays a major role in your health and comfort, so incorporating some new habits like these from the cleaning experts at Swash Laundry Detergent can help you establish a healthier lifestyle.

Start your year off right with more advice for healthy habits around the home at Swash.com.


Especially during the winter months when your home tends to be closed tight, air can grow stale. Do your best to keep air quality strong by opening windows on mild days to circulate fresh air, using an air purifier to remove irritants and pollutants, frequently vacuuming and sweeping to keep floor dust and debris under control and regularly cleaning textiles that can trap allergens and other particles.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images


Using too much laundry detergent isn’t just risking buildup and unnecessary wear on your washer and dryer; it can also increase the residue and buildup in your clothes, which can lead to skin irritation and damage fabric faster. Using only what you need helps protect your belongings and your skin. An option like Swash Laundry Detergent, which features a Precision Pour Cap, dispenses the detergent for you, so you only pour what you need to effectively clean each load and fight stains. A single bottle of the ultra-concentrated formula – available in Simply Sunrise, Free & Clear and Pure Linen scents – washes up to 83 loads while taking up less space than traditional, bulky detergent bottles.


When winter brings day after day of dark, dreary weather, it can take a toll on your mood. Brightening your living space with natural light can positively influence your emotional state while helping with your electric bill. If you’re concerned about privacy, utilize window treatments at night, but let the sunlight bring good cheer to your living spaces during the day.


While you sleep, your body sheds oils, cells and elements you carry into your home like pollen. Sheets should be washed once a week on the hottest water setting your fabric will tolerate (check tags for laundering directions on your sheets before washing). If your schedule makes weekly washing, drying and remaking the bed unrealistic, consider having a couple sets you can rotate so you always have fresh, clean sheets waiting to remake your bed on laundry day.


The materials that keep you feeling cool and fresh by wicking away sweat can quickly get stinky, but over-washing can make them lose their shape and fade. Even so, washing after every use is a must. Washing workout clothes inside out exposes the surfaces that have absorbed sweat and body oil to detergent and agitation. Be sure to close zippers, buttons, clasps and other fasteners to prevent snags. Pre-soaking with equal parts vinegar and cold water can also help eliminate odors, and washing in a gentle, cold-water cycle and drying on low heat can help protect the fabric’s elasticity and wicking properties.

Ann Street • Stroudsburg, PA
421-7470 • www.americanribbon.com Discover Stroudsburg’s best kept secret, tucked away on Ann St. Find us on: Unique Gi s • Decor • Flags Ribbon • Cra s • Fabrics • Trophies Manufacturing, Inc. Stroudsburg, PA (570) 620-1880 cookscornerrestaurant.com 3150 Rt. 715, Henryville, PA 18332 Casual Dining In A Friendly Atmosphere Wednesday - Saturday • 11am-8pm | Sunday • 7am-8pm | Closed Monday & Tuesday OPEN FOR DINE IN OR TAKE OUT The AGENCY Because the world keeps turning Insurance since 1942 Serving the Poconos for over 70 years CHOOSE DREHER BECAUSE WE CARE! BUSINESS & PERSONAL INSURANCE Theodore G. Butz, CPCU 551 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570-421-6141 www.dreherinsurance.com
18360 (570)


Having an organized and decorated laundry room can ease the weight of your to-do list and the tension you feel from the day-to-day grind. It can also help keep your laundry routine simple, orderly and organized. Consider these tips from the laundry experts at Swash:

1. Think like a minimalist. Empty your laundry space and sort through what you need and what you don’t. Eliminating the extras leaves room to evaluate your space. Consider whether you could organize differently to make frequently used items more accessible and make the most of your storage space. Cutting down on clutter may even make it possible to incorporate shelves or cabinets that add stylish functionality.

2. Update your space with open shelving. Open laundry shelves offer a sense of more space, and the horizontal lines can lend a sense of calm. For an easy and attractive upgrade, try hanging 2-3 open shelves within easy reach. If you’re hesitant about the open feel, limit to just one shelf for the everyday necessities and keep the rest of your laundry supplies out of sight in a complementing cabinet. Baskets offer another option for concealing your belongings, whether you use them on the open shelves or inside cabinets to keep things tidy and clutter-free.

"While factors like diet and exercise are keys to healthy living, so are the ways you care for your home and belongings."

Photo Courtesy of Family Features
Photos Courtesy of Pixabat

3. Create a practical workspace. Mundane laundry chores like folding can be more enjoyable when you have a comfortable, dedicated space for the job. An open counter or table that folds down from the wall gives you the surface you need to fold clothing within your laundry space without disrupting the rest of the house. Other ways to add practical space include areas for sorting garments that need special attention and a place to hang items that shouldn’t be dried in the dryer.

4. Use colors and materials that evoke calm. Natural materials and a neutral color palette can lend to a more peaceful space. Lighter neutral colors reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation and can even make a space feel more expansive. For a calm, refreshing area, start with a base of white then add natural textures like woven baskets, faux or real plants and marble stone accents in the tile flooring or backsplash. Add a calming color like blue to evoke the tranquility of the sky or ocean, or consider green to incorporate the soothing effects of nature.

5. Invest in products that bring you joy. Choose quality pieces that aren’t overly trendy and will stand the test of time. Consider how your investment of laundry decor, including your washer and dryer, will serve you in the space in the coming years.

P&S GARAGE Servicing the Poconos since 1975 Scott Dreisbach owner 570-223-8874 9080 Franklin Hill Road East Stroudsburg, Pa www.psgaragepa.com Automotive Repair & Maintenance 570-234-3113 Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm ASE certified State Inspection 1410 North 5th St Stroudsburg Pennsylvania CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS • PA STATE INSPECTION LICENSE PLATES • TITLE TRANSFERS ACE TRUCKING & REPAIRS, INC. 316 CLAY AVENUE STROUDSBURG, PA (570) 421-2704
Photo Courtesy of Brand Point

THE IMPACT OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON loneliness & social isolation for older adults

It's been well-established that physical activity like walking, yoga and going to a fitness center has many health benefits for older adults. These include better sleep, less anxiety and reduced risk of heart disease, along with many other benefits that may improve overall health.

But what if physical activity could help older adults feel less alone, even if they were exercising alone?

Researchers from AARP Services Inc., UnitedHealthcare and OptumLabs set out to investigate this question, focusing on two areas:

 Could physical activity help to reduce social isolation and/ or loneliness?

 Could physical activity promote higher levels of resilience, purpose or positive perception of aging?

There's a continued emphasis on supporting older adults as they work to find meaning, purpose and resilience as they age. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, it may have been harder to find opportunities to exercise, which contributed to greater feelings of social isolation and loneliness.

The results of the study point to strong evidence that physical activity can help older adults feel less alone and socially isolated, as well as positively increase their feelings of resilience and purpose.

Researchers found that:

Moderate and high physical activity were associated with significantly reduced rates (15%-30% lower) of severe loneliness and social isolation

The same level of physical activity was also associated with improved feelings (27%-150% higher) of resilience, purpose and a positive perception of aging

The level of physical activity came from the number of days a week someone would exercise (even walking or gardening), not the intensity of the exercise itself. Moderate to high levels ranged between three to four days a week or five-plus days a week, respectively.

"Continuing to be physically active over time may be one of the best things older adults can do for themselves to promote healthy aging - mental, physical and emotional," said Shirley Musich, senior research director at OptumInsight and one of the co-authors of the study.

Talk with your doctor about healthy ways to incorporate fitness into your routine. For individuals recovering from an injury, consider seeking advice from a physical therapist who may identify areas requiring special focus.

"Continuing to be physically active over time may be one of the best things older adults can do for themselves to promote healthy aging."


In & Around the Poconos

Snowmen of Stroudsburg

Now - February 25, 2023

GO Collaborative of Stroudsburg

A display of beautifully painted lifesize snowmen found their homes throughout the streets of Stroudsburg! Local artists worked hard putting the final touches on their winter masterpieces. Visit Downtown Strousdburg and see how many snowmen you can spot! Free. www.gocollaborativestrb.com

Food and Wine Festival

Saturday, January 7th - 12:00pm-3:00pm Skytop Lodge

We invite the local community and our resort guests to join us for our First Annual Food & Wine Festival. Enjoy samples from local wineries, cheese makers, vendors and live entertainment. Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase. Only $20 per person for non-resort guests and complimentary to our Resort Guests. Don’t forget your complimentary wine sampling glass! www.skytop.com/event/ wine-cheese-wknd

Sherman Winter Craftfest

Saturday, January 14 & 15, 2023, 10:00am - 4:00pm the Sherman Theater

The Sherman Theater is bringing back the Fourth Annual Sherman Winter Craftfest in the warm and spacious Sherman Theater. The theater will be entirely flat floored with over 70+ craft vendor spaces available to the general public with FREE admission! shermantheater.com

Bridge the Gap: Intro into Snowshoeing

Saturday, January 14, 2023, 1:00pm - 03:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Learn the basics of snowshoeing and enjoy a winter walk through the woods. No experience necessary – we provide the equipment and teach you everything you need to know. Register early to reserve a pair of snowshoes & guarantee a spot. Nature Photography will be offered as an alternative program in the event of no snow. Free. peec.org

Boarding for Breast Cancer

Saturday, January 14, 2023 - 10:00am - 2:00pm

Camelback Mountain

Join us for an MLK weekend full of fun and prizes for a great cause. Boarding For Breast Cancer (B4BC) is a 501 (C) 3 nonprofit foundation that advocates early detection and a healthy, active, and sustainable lifestyle as the best means for breast cancer prevention. www.camelbackresort.com

Winter Ecology Hike

Sunday, January 15, 2023, 10:00am - 12:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Learn how different plants and animals survive the winter. Join us on a hike and experience PEEC in the wintertime. All ages welcome. Please call to register. $5 per person. peec.org

EcoZone Discovery Room

Sunday, January 15, 2023, 1:00pm - 04:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Climb into a bald eagle’s nest, crawl into a bat cave, explore a beaver lodge, and dig in a fossil pit! Explore this indoor discovery room and enjoy hands-on exhibits on natural history, sustainability and the local environment. No registration $2 per person. peec.org

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Martin Luther King Jr. Volunteer Service Day

Monday, January 16, 2023, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Take part in this National Day of Service by participating in various volunteer projects on PEEC’s campus. This is a great opportunity to earn some hours for volunteer service requirements for school or other organizations. Volunteers will be invited to stay for a complimentary lunch in the dining hall. Pre-registration is required. Free. peec.org

Pocono Winter Beerfest

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Sherman Theater

Something is brewing! Chill out and sample your choice of over 100 hand selected frosty, craft brews.Doors open for General Admission ticket holders at 1:00 PM and for VIP Early Access ticket holders at 12:00pm. In past years, the ever-growing list of featured breweries has included Great Lakes, Flying Fish, Yards, Founders, Devil’s Backbone, Shiner, Fordham & Dominion, Lancaster, Irving Cliff, Neshaminy Creek, Goose Island, Nimble Hill, and many more! You must be 21 years of age or older with valid ID to attend this event. shermantheater. com

Eagle Watch

Saturday, January 21, 2023, 9:00am - 03:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Join us on a trip north in search of eagles and other rare wintering birds. Visit the Mongaup Reservoir, the Delaware River, & the Lackawaxen River to look for winter residents and nesting pairs. Bring a lunch, camera & warm clothes. Call to reserve a seat in the van – Maximum of 10 spaces. $25/person. peec.org

Cross Country Skiing

Sunday, January 22, 2023, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Enjoy the winter woods with beginner ski lessons. Learn the basics of cross country skiing and practice around our campus. You decide how many loops to ski. Skis, poles & boots provided - register w/shoe size to guarantee a spot. A Winter Ecology Hike will be an alternative program in the event of no snow. $20 Adult/$10 Child. peec.org

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Wacky Science Adventures

Sunday, January 22, 2023, 1:00pm - 03:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Put on your lab coats and prepare to conduct some crazy experiments! You’ll get to create your very own slime, oobleck, and attempt to launch a rocket into space. Please call to register. $5/person. peec.org

Winter Birds at Pine Island

Saturday, January 28, 2023, 1:00pm - 06:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Join us on a trip north in search of migratory species as well as rare wintering birds. Visit the hamlet of Pine Island New York to look for winter residents and nesting pairs. Bring a lunch, camera & warm clothes. Payment is due at registration Call to reserve a seat in the van – Maximum of 18 spaces. $25/person. peec.org

Breakfast with the Princesses

Sunday, January 29, 2023 - 9:30am - 11:30am Skytop Lodge

Join us for a magical Princess Adventure featuring a bountiful breakfast and entertainment, provided by A Storybook Party, for the whole family. Meet your favorite characters at this fun-filled interactive event. The morning will be packed with princess fun and activities galore. Enter the Skytop Castle to partake in this amazing experience. Be sure to arrive early to grab your breakfast before the princesses big arrival! Activities to enjoy include: Character Show and Sing-Along, Face Painting, Story Time, Princess Arts and Crafts, Photo Ops, Meet and Greet the Princesses. $45/adult and child ages 5+; $35/child ages 2 to 4. www.skytop.com

Frozen Waterfall Tour

Sunday, January 29, 2023, 9:00am - 12:00pm Pocono Environmental Education Center

The Delaware Water Gap has quite a few waterfalls within the park that all flow into the Delaware River. Join us for an afternoon as we check out some of the larger and well known falls in the park. Payment is due at registration. Spaces are limited so call early! $10/person. peec.org

Bridge the Gap: Bird Bonanza

Sunday, January 29, 2023, 1:00pm - 03:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Spend the afternoon watching our feeders and putting together your own unique and custom bird feeder from a variety of recycled materials. We’ll provide everything you need, but you are welcome to bring your own supplies. Please call to register. $5/person. peec.org

Intro to Snowshoeing

Saturday, February 04, 2023, 10:00am - 12:00pm Pocono Environmental Education Center

Learn the basics of snowshoeing and enjoy a winter walk through the woods. No experience necessary – we provide the equipment and teach you everything you need to know. Register early to reserve a pair of snowshoes & guarantee a spot. Orienteering will be offered as an alternative program in the event of no snow. $10 Adult/ $5 Child. peec.org

Winter Beer Festival

Saturday, February 4, 2023 - 12:00pm - 3:00pm Skytop Lodge

Tap into fun at our Annual Winter Beer Festival! Join us on Saturday, February 4th to experience happiness in a glass. Grab your friends and enjoy the fresh Winter air, live music, axe throwing, great food and ice skating on the lake! Your ticket will include a keepsake tasting glass (available for the first 250 guests to pre-purchase their ticket), complimentary beer tastings, great small bites and live entertainment. Attire: The event takes place outside, so be sure to dress warm! Warming stations with campfires and heaters will be available. $65/adults 21+; $25/ages 5-20. www.skytoplodge.com

EcoZone Discovery Room

Saturday, February 04, 2023, 1:00pm - 04:00pm Pocono Environmental Education Center

Climb into a bald eagle’s nest, crawl into a bat cave, explore a beaver lodge, and dig in a fossil pit! Explore this indoor discovery room and enjoy hands-on exhibits on natural history, sustainability and the local environment. No registration required. $2 per person. peec.org


Bridge the Gap: Cross Country Skiing

Sunday, February 05, 2023, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Enjoy the winter woods with beginner ski lessons. Learn the basics of cross country skiing and practice around our campus. You decide how many loops to ski. Skis, poles & boots provided - register w/shoe size to guarantee a spot. Orienteering will be an alternative program in the event of no snow. Free. peec.org

Eagle Watch

Saturday, February 11, 2023, 9:00am - 03:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Join us on a trip north in search of eagles and other rare wintering birds. Visit the Mongaup Reservoir, the Delaware River, & the Lackawaxen River to look for winter residents and nesting pairs. Bring a lunch, camera & warm clothes. Call to reserve a seat in the van –Maximum of 10 spaces. $25/person. peec.org

Intro to Snowshoeing

Sunday, February 12, 2023, 10:00am - 12:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Learn the basics of snowshoeing and enjoy a winter walk through the woods. No experience necessary – we provide the equipment and teach you everything you need to know. Register early to reserve a pair of snowshoes & guarantee a spot. Orienteering will be offered as an alternative program in the event of no snow. $10 Adult/ $5 Child. peec.org

Wacky Science Adventures

Sunday, February 12, 2023, 1:00pm - 03:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Put on your lab coats and prepare to conduct some crazy experiments! You’ll get to create your very own slime, oobleck, and attempt to launch a rocket into space. Please call to register. $5/person. peec.org

President’s Day Family Camp Weekend

Friday, February 17, 2023 - Monday, February 20, 2023

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Bring your friends and family to experience PEEC in the wintertime. Cross country skiing, animal tracking, nature hikes, campfire and more! Price includes three nights of lodging and meals from Friday dinner to Monday lunch. Join us for a wonderful winter weekend! Commuter and day rates available –call for details. peec.org

EcoZone Discovery Room

Saturday, February 25, 2023, 1:00pm - 04:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Climb into a bald eagle’s nest, crawl into a bat cave, explore a beaver lodge, and dig in a fossil pit! Explore this indoor discovery room and enjoy hands-on exhibits on natural history, sustainability and the local environment. No registration required. $2 per person. peec.org

Vegan Board Game Dinner

Saturday, February 25, 2023, 5:00pm - 8:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

PEEC is pleased to announce our 5th annual Vegan Board Game Dinner! Play board games and unleash your competitive spirit as you enjoy a fantastic meal with all plant-based ingredients. Not a vegan? Not a problem! Start the New Year off right with healthy, fresh, scratch-made, mouthwatering deliciousness! Bring the whole family for a fun and exciting evening. Payment required at registration. Call early to reserve your seats. Limited Spaces! $35 Adult/ $25 children 10 and under. peec.org

Bridge the Gap: Cross Country Skiing

Sunday, February 26, 2023, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Enjoy the winter woods with beginner ski lessons. Learn the basics of cross country skiing and practice around our campus. You decide how many loops to ski. Skis, poles & boots provided - register w/shoe size to guarantee a spot. Orienteering will be an alternative program in the event of no snow. Free. peec.org

Photo courtesy of Kelly Slinger
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