May / June 2013

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May/June 2013

T he P o co n o M o untain s ’ M agazine



Healthy Living

May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy LivingŠ 1

Pocono Healthy Living© is published in the Pocono Mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania by Pocono Mts. Publications, LLC. 1929 North Fifth Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570-424-1000 Editorial & Advertising Submissions

SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE If you would like to receive Pocono Healthy Living© at your home or business, subscriptions are available for $14.95 for a year (6 issues). Send check or money order to: Pocono Healthy Living© 1929 North Fifth Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Please include address for mail delivery.

The information in Pocono Healthy Living Magazine is believed to be accurate, but in some instances, may represent opinion or judgment. The publication’s providers do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any of the information and shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused, directly or indirectly, by or from the information. All information should be considered a supplement to and not a substitute for - the care pr ovided by a licensed health care provider or other appropriate expert. The appearance of advertising in this publication should in no way be interpreted as a product endorsement by the publication’s providers. © 2008 Pocono Healthy Living Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the expressed written permission from Pocono Mts. Publications, LLC.

2 Pocono Healthy Living© May/June 2013

May/June 2013

What’s Inside Pocono Medical Center Named to “100 Great Hospitals in America” Super Foods Rx for the Busy Parent Healthcare in a Different Part of the World by: Dr. Jonathan A. Goldner Creative Ways to Keep Kids Learning this Summer Top Tips for Training Your Dog Creating Your Wedding Registry Honeymoon Encore: The big move in

May/June May/June2013 2013Pocono PoconoHealthy HealthyLiving Living©. 3

… n o o S Coming With the July/August Issue, Pocono Healthy Living© magazine becomes Pocono Family Magazine©.

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Still offering the same great features and articles helping you enjoy a healthy lifestyle in the Poconos, but now with an additional 8 pages of new and timely features for all members of the family. Moms & Dads, Kids, & Teens, Grandparents & Seniors will all find something interesting within the pages of Pocono Family Magazine©. 4 Pocono Healthy Living© May/June 2013

Pocono Medical Center Named to “100 Great Hospitals in America” On March 27, Becker’s Hospital Review released their 2013 annual list of “100 Great Hospitals” and Pocono Medical Center (PMC) is among them. In announcing the list they said, “these organizations continually improve upon themselves and are innovators for medical treatments, research, technology, and care delivery.” They went on to explain that “to develop this list, the Becker’s Hospital Review editorial team accepted nominations, conducted research and considered other reputable hospital ranking scores such as U.S. News & World Report, Truven Health Analytics’ 100 Top Hospitals, Health Grades, Magnet Recognition by the American Nurses Credentialing Center, the Studer Group and Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipients.” “Our team has clearly continued to demonstrate its commitment to providing high-quality care, treatment, and services,” said Kathleen E. Kuck, President and CEO of Pocono Health System/Pocono Medical Center. This national recognition acknowledges our mission to provide world-class care, close to home.” PMC is one of eight hospitals from Pennsylvania being recognized. Within the past year, PMC received many notable awards including The Outstanding Achievement Award by the Commission on Cancer, Most Wired - Small and Rural by Hospitals & Health Networks magazine for technological advancements in patient care, and the Nursing Department National Recognition from VHA, Inc. for leading practice blueprint in preventing pressure ulcers in patients. PMC was also recently recognized by Becker’s Hospital Review with being named to the 100 Hospitals and Health Systems with Great Oncology Programs. To learn more about the annual list, please visit:

May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy Living© 5

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s SUPER FOODS! While they may not wear capes and tights like the typical superhero, super foods possess special powers and protect us from evil. They power our brains, fuel our bodies, lower cholesterol, and protect against heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes and respiratory infections. As an added bonus, super foods can put you in a better mood, too!

Chew on This A super food is a food source promoting health and wellness and packed with higher nutrients per calorie as compared to other foods. Rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients, these familiar, affordable and readily available healthy foods – find them at your grocery store or farmers market – can be used in easy-to-cook recipes or eaten raw on a regular basis. Super foods fall into a few main categories: vegetables, fruits, proteins, calcium-rich foods, grains and miscellaneous. Remember that they are not magic and no single food can provide you with everything you need to be healthy. Choose a variety of super foods from each category to meet your daily nutritional needs. While the term “super food” is not precisely

6 Pocono Healthy Living© May/June 2013

defined, one thing they all have in common is they’re ‘real’ “(unprocessed)” foods. Here’s a sampling of 10 super foods… get your taste buds ready! (Don’t forget about the sidekicks! Like Batman has Robin, some super foods have sidekicks. A sidekick is a related or supporting food of a super food.) BLUEBERRIES – rich in fiber and vitamin C; high levels of antioxidants; contain important phytochemicals believed to destroy cancer cells in the liver Sidekicks: purple grapes, cranberries, boysenberries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries, cherries and all other varieties of fresh, frozen or dried berries

OATS – look for the word “whole” listed as the first ingredient; bread products should have at least 3g per serving of fiber

SWEET POTATOES – high in fiber; lower glycemic index value than white potatoes, which helps slow the breakdown of glucose in the bloodstream

Sidekicks: wheat germ, ground flaxseed, brown rice, barley, wheat, rye, quinoa, yellow corn, couscous

TEA – overall antioxidant power in both black and green forms; green tea has ECGC, an antioxidant that may help lower cholesterol; some benefits may come from caffeine content; brewed is better than instant

OMEGA 3s – lower heart disease; help arthritis; high in monounsaturated fats, which can lower cholesterol; most prevalent in fatty cold-water fish such as wild salmon, herring, sardines and mackerel Other forms: Eggs, flaxseed, walnuts RAW CACAO – dark chocolate before it’s been processed and sweetened; filled with iron, magnesium and fiber; abundant in antioxidants and 3 neurotransmitters (these elevate your happiness level) RED WINE – rich in antioxidants and high levels of resveratrol, a plant phytoalexin linked to a decreased risk for breast and prostate cancer SOY – lowers cholesterol as much as statins, most widely prescribed cholesterol medicine; extra soy is not recommended if you have a history of breast cancer

Super Food or Super Villain? Super foods can be misleading – sometimes cereals contain more sugar than a doughnut! Don’t let villainous sugar, salt, carbs and calories render your super foods less than super – check the label. Health Conditions What may be a super food for you could be a danger for someone else. Super food veggies with seeds, like tomatoes, can be harmful to those with diverticulitis. Potatoes, peppers and eggplant can aggravate arthritis sufferers. Drug Interactions A super food could be your kryptonite and potentially harmful when combined with certain drugs. Grapefruit can interfere if you’re on antihistamines, anti-arrhythmias and antidepressants. Eating broccoli can increase your risk of a stroke while on blood thinners. Read warning labels and discuss food and drug interactions with your doctor.

Forms: tofu, soy milk, edamame, not soy powder or sauce SPINACH – source of fiber and calcium; the darker the greens, the better, because it will contain more bioactive phytonutrients Sidekicks: kale, collards, mustard greens, turnip greens, bok choy, romaine, orange bell peppers

TOMATOES – source of fiber, beta-carotene and vitamin C; excellent source of lycopene when cooked; can potentially reduce risk of developing prostate, breast, lung and colon cancer Sidekicks: red watermelon, pink grapefruit, red-fleshed papaya, strawberry guava Other super foods to add to your grocery list include, but are not limited to: apples, beans (all kinds), broccoli, brussels sprouts, garlic, hummus, olive oil, oranges, peanut butter (natural), pumpkin (and its seeds), turkey (skinless) and yogurt

Why Eat Raw Foods?

Some believe that the most healthful foods for the body are uncooked. Raw food, sometimes called live or living food, has not been cooked or exposed to temperatures over 118° F. Raw foodists consider enzymes the life force of a food, helping us to digest food and absorb its nutrients. Cooking some foods can diminish their nutritional value. The cancer-fighting compounds in broccoli, sulforaphanes, are greatly reduced when broccoli is cooked, and certain vitamins, such as vitamin C and folate, are destroyed by heat.


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© 2012 Spirit Health Group. All rights reserved.

May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy Living© 7

Rx for the busy parent: Simple tips to reduce stress and feel your best


ew Americans are more time-strapped than parents. From the moment the alarm chimes, it can feel like a race to get through the day. From prepping for school or day care, to finalizing school projects and running to after-school activities, there's hardly a moment to spare! And with career demands, the stress of being a busy parent can really set in and negatively affect the body in many ways. Luckily, some simple tips can help you reduce stress and feel your very best while being a good mom or dad to your family. Dr. Keri Marshall, a licensed naturopathic doctor who specializes in pediatrics, women's medicine and chronic disease management, understands the high demands of modern parenting. She offers some important tips that all parents should consider to help reduce stress and improve overall health and well-being. 1. Time management "Time management is key for reducing stress and helping busy parents keep their sanity. The problem is that time management is a skill that must be learned, not something we're born with," says Marshall. "Staying organized can help you achieve all your goals." 8 Pocono Healthy LivingŠ May/June 2013

Whether it's a traditional calendar on the wall, making lists, or a new smartphone app, organize your week and share your schedule with all family members. Remember to manage priorities; you may have to push grocery shopping a day or two in order to make a child's band concert or big game. "Also, be sure to schedule breaks throughout the day," reminds Marshall. "Just five or 10 minutes here and there can give you the pause you need to stay calm and collected." 2. Nourish your body What you put into your body makes a huge difference in how you feel. Some foods can even help reduce stress and boost your immunity so you don't wind up sick, something busy parents simply don't have time for. "Being stressed causes the body's cortisol levels to rise," explains Marshall. "This stress hormone can cause you to crave unhealthy foods, so resist temptation and eat foods that help calm the body and balance hormones and blood sugar. Foods high in vitamin C, like berries and other bright-colored fruit, are great for boosting the immune system and balancing cortisol levels."

Another simple thing you can do every day to help reduce stress and stay healthy is to take a fish oil supplement. "With a number of different benefits, fish oil provides essential omega-3 fatty acids that can improve heart, joint and brain health, plus increase immunity." says Marshall. "Another unique benefit of fish oil is it can help to boost mood as well. A growing body of research has demonstrated that omega-3s can help promote a positive mood and well-being, which is critically important for people battling stress." 3. Prioritize sleep "Physical stress can make it difficult to sleep. People stay up later trying to get things done, and then when they do go to bed, they have trouble turning their brain off at the end of the day," says Marshall. Keep in mind, quality sleep each night can help keep your body healthy and increase your productivity levels at work and at home. By making sleep a priority, you'll help ensure that you make the most of every hour in every day. While the National Sleep Foundation notes that the amount of sleep needed varies from person to person, generally seven to nine hours is considered optimal to maintain health.

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4. Share the workload You know the adage: It takes a village to raise a child? Well, today's parents are busier than ever, and often they think they need to do it all themselves. Leaning on friends and relatives to help out when needed can dramatically reduce your stress. Plus, it can be a fun change of pace for kids. "Don't be afraid to ask for help," says Marshall. "Raising children is one of life's greatest adventures, but no one can do it all. There's no shame in asking Grandma to run the kids to soccer or having a friend watch the kids for a few hours because you have a work deadline. Plus, it is great bonding time for your children and the loved ones in their life.




DUNKELBERGERS f o r wo m en


May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy Living© 9

Healthcare in a Differ my ride to get to the rest of the team was not there at the airport to pick me up. Trying to suppress my panic, I did not know at the time that you are only late in Guatemala if you do not show up. But true to the friendliness of the Guatemalan people, a sympathetic cab driver took care of me till my ride arrived. This year like others, my wife Lisa, who is a nurse, and our daughter Breanna, a college student, accompanied me. Lisa helps in the triage of patients as they come through the door and gets them to where they need to go in the clinic. Breanna pretty much helps out where needed whether it be our makeshift lab performing blood sugars on patients, helping the doctors or this year she was assisting doing fluoride treatments for hundreds of Guatemalan children.


Guatemala is one of the poorest countries in Central America with over 50% of the population living in severe poverty. Most of the people that we see are farmers and most do not attend school as they need to go out to work to help support their family.

just had the pleasure of completing my seventh medical mission to Guatemala two months ago with a group called DOCare International, NLP. This is a medical outreach organization that provides much-needed healthcare to indigent and isolated people in remote areas of the world. It began almost 50 years ago with a few family physicians that would fly their single engine plane into the back areas of Mexico and give healthcare to the populace. For me, seven years ago, it was something that I had always wanted to do and had finally decided to make the time. I was not sure what I was to expect on my first arrival in Guatemala City back in 2006. I chuckle about it now, but I was by myself, knew hardly any Spanish in a country that knows little English, and 10 Pocono Healthy LivingŠ May/June 2013

A view of the town of San Andres, Guatemala

rent Part of the World

by Dr. Jonathan A. Goldner, do, fccp, fccm

We were based in a beautiful old city called La Antigua which was built in the late 1500’s. Once the capital of Guatemala, it is surrounded by volcanoes and has been destroyed several times by severe earthquakes and floods. Ruins of old cathedrals and buildings attest to that fact. It is a quaint city, with numerous small bed and breakfast hotels with running water and best of all, workable toilets.

hardest part of the day “isTheclosing that door at night, knowing that there are still some people out there that need care.

Each clinic day, we traveled an hour from there by bus to a town or village that has no access to any type of healthcare. Our DOCare mission was sponsored by Midwestern University in Illinois which provides medical, pharmacy, podiatry, dental, and physician assistant students as well as some professors, medications and equipment. We bring a pharmacy and a small lab to do some basic tests such as blood sugars, pregnancy tests and blood counts. The Lion’s Club also sponsors an optometrist and optician each year that accompanies us. They bring down over 5000 pairs of used glasses that had been donated to give out to those with trouble seeing. Pocono Medical Center also donates hundreds of dollars’ worth of medication each year which we carefully bring with us.

Breanna Goldner administering fluoride treatment

The clinics are usually set up in a church or government building, which are the sturdiest in a town. A few have workable toilets and electricity, most do not. Examining a small child in San Andres, Guatemala

May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy Living© 11

This gives the patients a little privacy, but confidentiality is a luxury here. We try to treat as many people as possible before it becomes dark, knowing that we will not be able to get to everyone. That means seeing whole families together and different patients in the same area or believe it or not on the same cot at one time. The same bed sheet stays on the cot throughout the entire day or days with numerous patients either sitting or lying on it. The Guatemalan people do not The teeth of a 10 year old boy. seem to have a problem with that. They just want healthcare, an amenity in this country. Our drivers Over a hundred residents are usually outside the want to leave these villages to get us back to La clinic building awaiting care at any one time. What Antigua before dark because of the unlit, winding I can say about the Guatemalan people is despite roads and for security reasons. The hardest part of waiting hours for medical treatment, they remain the day is closing that door at night, knowing that pleasant, respectful and orderly. The children which there are still some people out there that need care. make up a large number of the patients are usually Usually before that happens, one of the staff will go well behaved. Everyone is extremely thankful for down the waiting line and pick out people that look whatever care we can give them. We string up sheets ill so they can be seen. The rest go home usually between columns to have makeshift cubicles for without a complaint. treatment areas.

Treating two families on one cot. Privacy is a luxury.

12 Pocono Healthy LivingŠ May/June 2013

A school girl drinks her lunch at school in Calderas, Guatemala

The Guatemalan people usually suffer from a lot of similar illnesses and diseases that we see here in the United States. There are numerous infections of the skin, a lot on the feet due to poor or no footwear. We see huge amounts of arthritis due to a lot of manual labor that they do or asthma from all the dust that seems to invade everywhere in town. Most kids have horrible teeth as they do not have toothbrushes or toothpaste, let alone access to a dentist. Children drink soda as everyone knows not to drink the water as it is contaminated which compounds their dental problems. There are a lot of stomach problems such as gastritis and diarrhea due to the poor sanitation facilities. Scabies and lice are rampant and I usually start to itch about five minutes into the day. This year we went to a town that we have visited numerous times called San Andres. We provided primary care to the population seeing over 400 men, women and children in the two days that we were there. Interestingly, as a physician you are forced to examine and make a diagnosis with just the use of basic equipment such as a stethoscope and otoscope (a scope to look into a patient’s eyes, ears and throat). There are no fancy CT or MRI scans, sophisticated lab tests or echocardiograms. You have to go back to the basics that you learned in medical school, your physical examination skills such as looking, listening and palpation to diagnose a patient.

A mother asked me to examine her 9 year old daughter who was short of breath and could not play with the other children due to her symptoms. The little girl looked to be about 5 years old and I was shocked to learn of her real age. She had a very loud heart murmur which I suspect was a hole in the wall of her heart called a ventricular septal defect. Most likely born with this abnormality, over years it had become very significant. With the help of translators and money that was donated from our staff, we attempted to make arrangements for the little girl to go to the hospital in Guatemala City which was about a two hour drive by car. As her family did not own a car I knew this would be difficult. Having the time now, I often wonder whether she ever made it there and if so, would she ever get the heart surgery she probably needed. Later in the week we went up to a town called Calderas. We were so high up on the volcano that we were literally in the clouds. First time I ever had to practice medicine wearing a sweatshirt and coat and we were indoors. The school we were in was two class rooms with several broken windows and dirt all over the floor. The kids all had their coats on as well. No electricity. Their toilet was an outhouse on the side of the school. If I thought the last village was poor, this one was worse. The children would ask us for food. The only good thing that we noticed was the teeth of these kids were in relatively good shape. They were so poor that they could not afford the soda that had caused the decay seen in other towns. School lunch for them consisted of a cup of a light brown liquid that was heated in a pot and scooped out for them. They each had their cup tied on to their waist or backpack so as not to lose it. We gave them whatever we had packed to eat for lunch that day. My first order of business in returning to Antigua each night was to strip off my scrubs and head for the shower. So far I haven’t taken any critters back with me, but it is one of my concerns. We have to be careful what we eat or drink there to avoid getting sick. May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy Living© 13

The water is usually contaminated with sewage and garbage so anything washed in the water can’t be eaten. That even means your toothbrush has to be rinsed in bottled water and you make sure you keep your mouth shut in the shower. It excludes eating any vegetables and most fruit unless it is pealed. Milk is not pasteurized, so that leaves out anything made with that or cream. A lot of young medical students think they are indestructible and can eat anything. Having seen one or two of them get deathly ill, I learned to bring our own medications and IV fluids with me just in case. Even the healthcare that we ourselves are used to every day is very far away. So, on the ride back from Guatemala, instead of reading a book, I sit and reflect on the past week. I am happy to be going home and I am really tired, but it is a good tired feeling.

We see over 1500 patients during that time, the majority of which would never have access to any type of healthcare if this group of volunteers had not been there. Despite the problems with our healthcare system, I realize how lucky I am to live in a country like the United States of America. I understand I am extremely fortunate to be able to practice medicine in a country and area that has some of the best healthcare technology and facilities anywhere. More information can be found at www. Jonathan A. Goldner, DO, FCCP, FCCM is board certified in internal medicine, critical care, and geriatrics. He is a Clinical Asst. Professor of Medicine with both The Commonwealth Medical College and The Penn State College of Medicine. He is the Chief Medical Executive for Medicine and Chronic Disease Service Line and immediate past Chief of Staff at Pocono Medical Center. He practices internal medicine with PMC Physician Associates, Pocono Internal Medicine Specialists, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.

Sunset in San Andres, Guatemala


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14 Pocono Healthy Living© May/June 2013

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Creative Ways to Keep Kids Learning this Summer


or families, summertime is all about active fun -- from vacations to ballgames, and fireworks to poolside picnics. But being on-the-go can mean lots of downtime in transit and waiting for activities to start. While research shows that students can lose up to two months’ worth of learning during the summer break, parents can seize the opportunity to turn downtime into a time for purposeful entertainment, and keep kids off the summer learning slide. “Parents can easily keep kids’ minds active and learning as part of existing summer activities,” says Jessica Hodges, Director of School Marketing at ACCO Brands, maker of Mead school supplies. “Rather than relying on phones, tablets and DVD players to fill time while waiting for summer fun, try packing creative, age-appropriate learning activities instead.”

When you’re loading up the car this season with sunscreen, bug spray and bathing suits, don’t forget to also pack portable entertainment that is both educational and fun. With a bit of creativity and a few extra items, you’ll keep kids learning, and they’ll think they’re playing -- all summer long.

Make old games new. Fill the entertainment

void while running errands with portable dry erase boards that make traditional games like hangman, tic-tac-toe and bingo easy to play, erase, and play again. Encourage siblings to play together as they build words, form letters and solve logic puzzles.

Think convenience. In the car, opt for games

and activities specifically designed for early learners on the go.

May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy Living© 15

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Instead of one company for auto protection, another for home and another for life, you can just go with the one that offers the protection you need. Where you could save up to 25%, just for trusting one company to help protect all the things you love. We put members first, because we don’t have shareholders. Join the Nation of one-stop shoppers. Join me in Stroudsburg.

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For example, Mead Dry Erase Tangrams, stored in a convenient carrying case, are easy to pack and feature non-slip geometric shapes that can be arranged to create designs along a template. The nonslip material means that your kid’s design will survive even the bumpiest of wagon rides or road trips. Explore. Make a game of your

surroundings, no matter where you are. Taking a trip? Ask kids to track car colors, license plate origins or types of trees. At the store, play a game of “I Spy.” The key is to turn everyday activities into learning games and exploration.

Unplug. Taking a break from “screen- 3226 North 5th Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

time” doesn’t have to mean sacrificing fun. Books, flashcards, puzzles and games not only make great alternatives, but they fit easily into day packs.

Reinforce math concepts, the alphabet,

or colors and shapes with teacher-

approved, age-appropriate learning tools such as flashcards. Or help kids learn to spell with Mead Puzzle Words, which give kids practice building words while playing with puzzles. Capture memories. Designate a special

notebook for the summer for artwork and writing. Journaling encourages children to express their thoughts and emotions while building essential writing skills.

With some extra planning, parents can make good use of free time by incorporating easyto-use activities that make early learning memorable and impactful.

16 Pocono Healthy Living© May/June 2013

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May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy Living© 17

Family Feature

Top Tips for Training Your Dog Sit. Stay. Heel. These simple commands can make a huge difference in the life of a pet parent. Whether you’re introducing a new dog or puppy to the family, or you have a dog with some behavior issues, training can help ensure a well-adjusted pet and a happier family. According to the American Kennel Club, dog training can: Î Help your dog become a welcome member of the family and the neighborhood. Î Correct behaviors such as jumping on people, digging, chewing and barking. Î Provide mental and physical activities for your dog. Î Deepen the bond between you and your dog. Î Ensure your dog’s happiness and safety.

18 Pocono Healthy Living© May/June 2013

Training You Can Do at Home

Beyond teaching the basics of sitting and staying, training can include correcting behaviors. One common dog behavior that often needs correcting is jumping on people. “Dogs are sociable animals and often sniff muzzles when they greet each other,” said Debbie McKnight, training expert for PetSmart. “A dog that jumps on someone to greet them is often trying to make contact with the person’s face. It’s important to teach them an acceptable alternative for these social situations.” Teaching your dog to sit first and then allow interaction can be a good solution. Here are helpful tips on how to make your pet a great greeter: Î Have everyone that interacts with your dog ask him to sit as he approaches them. Î If he sits, they can bend down to greet your dog. Î If he jumps up, they stand up immediately, fold their arms and stare at the ceiling, repeating the signal to sit.

Î As soon as he sits, reward him by continuing with the greeting. It’s important to reward your pet so they are constantly being reminded of how to behave. At PetSmart, trainers offer treats and verbal applause to dogs after a job well done. At home pet parents can use treats or fun toys as a reward to encourage positive behavior.

Take Your Dog to School Frank & Michele Sapone

Professional training classes are beneficial for many dogs and are available for several different levels, from basic classes that can help them socialize properly, to more advanced classes that can keep them safe and correct behaviors. At PetSmart, local store trainers work with you and your dog for six weeks, teaching techniques for you to practice at home. Goals for each level of training are different and are set by the pet owner based on what they learn in class. For example:

Beginner dog goals may include:

Î Not jumping on people Î Loose leash walk around the block

Intermediatedog goals may include: Î Three minute down-stay Î Heeling down the block

Advanced dog goals may include:

Î Heeling through a crowd Î “Go to your bed” when the doorbell rings Î Coming when called at the dog park

To learn more about training programs, and find a program near you, visit

field’s Pet & n a C 5 Main 31

St. S

t ro u






m g, PA

Professional training is a complement to what you do at home, and practice is important at all levels. As a dog progresses through training, pet parents should make the behaviors they ask for harder during everyday practice. So rather than a basic sit before his meal, for example, try a sit-stay command for 15 seconds from 10 feet away.

570-421-1821 May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy Living© 19


Top Tips for Creating Your Wedding Registry Just engaged? Before those wedding bells ring, you’re going to do lots of planning in the months ahead. While most of your preparations will only matter on the first day of your marriage, your wedding registry will impact your happily ever after. Wedding experts say to ensure domestic bliss, make the most of your registry with proper planning, research and free resources. “Determining what you want and need for your future should be an exciting process,” says Audrey Stavish, wedding and gift registry expert at Bed Bath & Beyond. “An expert consultant can help demystify product details and ensure you don’t miss any categories.”

20 Pocono Healthy Living© May/June 2013

As you think about registering, Stavish is sharing tips on creating the perfect registry: Don’t delay: You’ll likely have multiple occasions that requires gift-giving on the part of friends and family. From the engagement party to the shower to the main event, guests will want giving guidance. So register early. Opt for a registry that offers convenience and good customer service. A store with locations nationwide and an online ordering system will make it easy for you and your guests. Take inventory: Assess what you already have, what you don’t have and what needs replacing. A walk through your home using a registry checklist can help you build a list. Talk to your fiancée and work together.

Also, think about what you need now and in the future – you might be dining for two, but soon you could be hosting a dinner party for 12 and will want dinnerware worthy of the occasion. Ask for help: Don’t be shy about seeking advice. Visit a store and talk with an expert consultant who can help with gift selections and offer tips on what you’ll need to enjoy your home. Be sure to research the items that go on your registry. Touch the towels, hold the flatware -- you may need to visit the store multiple times to get it right. If you change your mind, remember it’s always possible to update your registry online at any time. Dream big and small: Not all guests will be working with the same budget, so include a range of items at various price points. Guests will appreciate the variety for individual and group gifts. Dream big and include a few big ticket items and gifts that last a lifetime. Keep in touch: From save-the-date notifications, personalized announcement cards and registry details, keep in touch with your guests stylishly with a complete, customized wedding stationery ensemble. You can visit www.BedBathAndBeyond. com and click on “personalized invitations” to visit their online-only stationery store. Return Policy: Did you get duplicate gifts or gifts in the wrong color or size? Or maybe you just changed your mind. Check a store’s return policy before registering so you can return or exchange any gift on your list and live hassle-free ever after.


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May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy Living© 21

Pocono Environmental Education Center The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) is located at 538 Emery Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA. You can call them at 570-828-2319, or visit their website at www. for more information on their programming.

431 Main Street • Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Phone: 570-424-6431 • Email:

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22 Pocono Healthy Living© May/June 2013

____________________ Introduction to Fishing Saturday, May 11 – 9:30am12:00pm $10 child / $5 adult Learn the basics of fishing and then try your luck on our ponds. We provide the equipment. No fishing licenses required. Spaces limited. Call to reserve your spot! ____________________ EcoZone! Afternoon Saturday, May 11 – 1:00-4:00pm $5/person Explore our new hands-on, discovery room. Crawl through the bat cave; sit in the eagles’ nest, and more! ______________ Bird Walk Saturday, May 18 – 8:0010:00am Free for members / $5 for non-members Interested in learning more about birds? Join Darryl Speicher, from the Pocono Avian Research Center, for a hike that focuses on bird ID and their unique natural history. We provide binoculars and field guides. Ages 10+ please. Please call to register

____________________ “Spring Fling” Family Nature Getaway Weekend Memorial Day: May 24 – 27 Adults $210 / Discounts for Children / Commuter & Day Rates Available Bring your family and friends to experience the best of what PEEC has to offer. Interpretive hikes, animal presentations, fishing, canoeing, crafts, campfire and more! Includes three nights of lodging and nine meals; please call to register. ____________________ Cicada Mania! Saturday, June 1 – 1:00-3:00pm $5 per person The periodical cicadas are emerging from their 13 & 17 year cycles. Come out and learn about these amazing insects! Please call to register. ____________________ Pond Explorers Saturday, June 8 – 1:00-3:00pm Sunday, June 9 – 10:00am12:00pm $5 per person Join us as we explore the ponds with nets! We’ll collect fish, macro-invertebrates, amphibians, and anything else we find in some buckets, for up-close study. Wear boots and plan on getting a little wet and muddy! Spaces limited. Register early!

____________________ 13th Annual Golf Outing Monday, June 10 Join us for a great day of golf at the Lords Valley Country Club at Hemlock Farms. Proceeds benefit educational programs. ____________________ Wild Edibles Walk Saturday, June 15 – 10:00am12:00pm $10 Nature provides food for us in the form of many plants. Join us on a hike focused on wild edibles. No collecting will be done within the Park. Call to reserve a seat in the van. Carpooling encouraged. ____________________ Summer Canoe Paddle Sunday, June 16 – 1:00-3:00pm Saturday, June 22 – 1:00-3:00pm $5 per person Start summer off the right way! Paddle a canoe…and try out our new kayaks! Beginners are welcome – we teach you everything you need to know. Dress appropriately – you may get wet. Call to reserve your spot in a canoe!

____________________ Nature Photography Saturday, June 22 – 9:00am4:00pm $65 This beginner level class teaches the basics of nature photography. Del Morgan, a fine arts photographer, will lead this exciting new class. What is here for you to discover? Learn how to create visually stunning images. Bring a bagged lunch; please call to register. ____________________ Macro Flower Photography Weekend June 28-30 $250 / $200 commuter/ Day Rates Available

• Choice Cut Steaks • • Double-Smoked Bacon • • Deli Favorites •

Join Kathy Peoples, Professional Photographer & Educator, and learn how to pinpoint focus, blur the background, saturate colors, use Photoshop, and more. Relax in the Poconos while learning from an amazing teacher. Includes lodging and meals; please call to register.

May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy Living© 23

Honeymoon encore: The big move in beginning the packing process. It's a great chance to upgrade household furnishings - especially if you received something new as a wedding gift. Then determine what size moving truck you'll need. A good rule is to plan for 150 cubic feet of space for every fully furnished room. Many young couples moving from a small apartment or condo into a larger first home will find a 12- or 16-foot rental truck more than adequate. Plan to reserve your truck at least two weeks in advance. For help in making moving day go smoothly, use these tips:


t may come as a surprise to young engaged couples, but the excitement of the wedding and honeymoon doesn't end when it's all over. In fact, after the honeymoon, it's time to roll up your sleeves and plan the big move - the joining of two households. It's a herculean task finding the perfect location with great schools, affordable taxes and good neighbors. But once you've signed on the dotted line for the home where you will begin your life as a couple and maybe also raise your family when the time arrives - you're ready to plan your big move. Many newlyweds face the chore of merging furniture, kitchen equipment and closet space from two households. To start your moving process off on the right foot, consider eliminating duplicate items and having a garage sale, or donating items, before 24 Pocono Healthy Living© May/June 2013

• Still unpacking your wedding gifts? - If space isn't a concern, keep those wedding gifts in their original boxes, because the store packaging will help protect the items. But if space is tight in the rental truck, throw away the store packaging and carefully repack in your moving boxes - with plenty of padding to protect your new gifts. • Start early and group items together - Get good, sturdy boxes of various sizes, and then fill them with items of similar use, size or design. Some traditional ways to group items are by item type (i.e. photo frames) or by contents of a room. Label each box with the room name, and the contents. Make sure you have plenty of packing bubbles or towels and cloths on hand to keep breakable items from being damaged in the move. • Save your muscles - Ask friends to help you with carrying boxes. If something is heavy, enlist some help to prevent injury or strain on your muscles.

• Loading the truck - Load the largest items (i.e. bed, couch, dresser) into the truck first to ensure they will fit, and then start loading the heaviest boxes on the bottom and lighter boxes on top. Having each box labeled with contents will help prevent you and your friends from packing heavy books on top of your new fine china wedding gifts. When you cross the threshold of your new home the first time as a married couple, you'll be surrounded by the excitement and energy of so many adventures to come in your future. Carefully unpack your moving truck, cherishing the memories of your personal belongings as you meld them to fit into your new home and life with your new spouse.

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May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy Living© 25

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Barrett Paradise Friendly Library Cresco, PA 570-595-7171

Pocono Mountain Public Library Tobyhanna, PA 570-894-8860

Clymer Library Pocono Pines, PA 570-646-0826

Western Pocono Community Library Brodheadsville, PA 570-992-7934

Eastern Monroe Public Library Branches Hughes Library (main branch) Stroudsburg, PA 570-421-0800 Pocono Township Branch Tannersville, PA 570-629-5858 Smithfield Branch Marshalls Creek, PA 570-223-1881 Bookmobile 570-421-0880 x49

May/June 2013 Pocono Healthy LivingŠ 27

Monroe County Conservation District’s Environmental Education Center The Monroe County Conservation District’s Environmental Education Center, at Kettle Creek Wildlife Sanctuary on Running Valley road near Bartonsville, offers many educational programs yearround. visit their websiteside at or call 570-629-3061 for more information.

____________________ Smarter than an Envirothoner? Saturday, May - 11 Join Environmental Educator Jenifer Rituper from 10 - 11:30 a.m. to test your knowledge of ponds, trees and wildlife of the Poconos. You will take the same hands-on, outdoor tests that 5th and 6th graders have recently completed as part of the local Envirothon competition. Tests will be graded but the grades don’t count! What counts is that you will learn and have fun outdoors. Program will be outdoors, weather permitting. Cost: $5/non-member, $3/EE Center member and children under 12. Pre-registration is required by May 8, 2013. ____________________ Pocono Wetlands Saturday, May - 18 Join Victor Motts, Resource Conservation Specialist, from 10 – 11:30 a.m. for this program 28 Pocono Healthy Living© May/June 2013

to learn about the wetlands found in the Poconos. Learn how plants and animals have adapted to these unique ecosystems. The program will be begin with a PowerPoint presentation; participants with then explore the wetlands at Kettle Creek. Cost. $5/non-member, $3/ EE Center member and children under 12. ____________________ Century Day Sunday, May - 19 Join Environmental Educator, Darryl Speicher, as he scours the fields and forests, swamps and streams of Monroe County on a quest to find 100 species of birds or more. With the spring migration in full swing there is no better time of year to undertake an adventure such as this. Space in the van is limited to 12 participants so register early. This event is all day and includes lunch. We will leave the Kettle Creek Wildlife Sanctuary at 7 a.m. and return at 7 p.m. Cost: $65/nonmember, $50/EE Center member. Pre-registration and payment are required and limited. Refunds will be given only if notification is made at least one week prior to the trip. ____________________ Bog Walk Wednesday, May - 29 -Public Guided walks in the bog are held each Wednesday starting on May

1 through June 5 and begin at 1 p.m. Public walks are open to anyone, while private walks for organizations and school groups are scheduled on request. Meet at the Bog parking lot. Cost: $6/ non-member, $4/EE Center or Nature Conservancy members and children under 12. Please wear appropriate footwear. Each walk lasts approximately 2 1/2 hours and explores the floating boardwalk and surrounding area. Pre-registration is required for all walks. Directions. Route 611, at the light at the Tannersville Inn turn onto Cherry Lane Road. The parking lot is 1.9 miles on your right from Route 611.

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The New Face of Surgical Oncology POCONO MEDICAL CENTER is proud to welcome Mo Lareef, MD, to our Oncology Team. Located at the Dale & Frances Hughes Cancer Center, Dr. Lareef brings over 15 years experience and is fellowship trained from the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. Dr. Lareef is the recipient of the prestigious Guth Award, given to those who have demonstrated exceptional compassion for the sick with a true sense of humanity and human dignity. Dr. Lareef is Board certified and currently consulting, diagnosing and treating patients with cancer. “I want my patients and their families to know that I will listen to them and guide them through their course of care. Compassion and communication are the keys between patient and doctor, and I believe in a continuation of care.” Mo Lareef, MD Surgical Oncologist

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