ZNDC 2012 Tournament Booklet

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a Pan-African Foundation — works to

CONTEMPORARY reduce poverty and conflict through stimulating and encouraging informed AFFAIRS debates, innovative policy alternatives, dissemination and pioneering of influential ideas on how to tackle injustice and inequality. CA-F does this through engaging its constituents in debates, advocacy, independent issues analysis, community mobilization, capacity building and networking.

Foresight with insight

Address: No: 33A Clark Road Suburbs Bulawayo Zimbabwe +263 774 017 334 +263 778 031 480 Contemporaryaffairs@gmail.com www. cafzim.org

On behalf of the ZNDC 2012 Organizing Committee and the broader Zimbabwe Debate Network, I am thrilled to be welcoming you to this exciting Championship. This edition is the best organized and a clear testimony of the great partnership between CA-F as ZNDC brand managers and MTC as the official hosts. I want to thank Mr. J. N. Muwandi for graciously availing MTC facilities for ZNDC. He is a Champion of this Debate Program. As CA-F and ZDN, we are indebted to the support we continue to receive from the Permanent Secretary of Higher and Tertiary Education, Dr. Washington Mbizvo, the Director of University Education, Madam Muguti as well as the Director of Manpower Planning, Mr. J. T. Dhewa. Our sponsors YETT have been with us since 2009. we pay tribute to Cde Lucy Mazingi for her continued support. This year we have received a boost from CBZ. We are grateful to Madam L. Gwatiringa and her team. Let the verbal gymnastics begin‌ Let Zimbabwe’s debate Olympics roar to life Ndaboka! - Innocent B. Ncube


elcome to Mutare Teachers’ College. It is my pleasure to host

you at this year’s Zimbabwe National Debate Championship (ZNDC). I’m ex-

tremely happy because this event is truly representative of a unique relationship we have with one another. I wish to express my sincere thanks to CA-F for choosing Mutare Teachers’ College as a venue for such prestigious competitions. I also wish to convey profound gratitude to you CA-F for bringing Universities, Polytechnics and Teachers Colleges from around Zimbabwe to our college. This has been at a time when we are in the process of rebranding, therefore, it’s such an honour to have all the tertiary institutions converging here for the Debate Nationals. In our rebranding, we have since upgraded our college motto from ‘Striving for excellence’ to ‘Jewel of excellence’ in a bid to produce a refined breed of professional teachers. So, hosting such competitions strengthens our drive to move to much greater heights. I hope and pray that our participants will display a high standard of discipline and comradeship for this event to be a resounding success. Thank you Mr J.N. Muwandi (The Principal, Mutare Teachers’ College)


HISTORY OF THE ZNDC Midlands State University, Solusi University, Africa University, Chinhoyi University of Technology, he year 2009 saw the inau-

gural Zimbabwe National Debate Championship (ZNDC) which was hosted by the National University of Science and Technology (NUST). Institutions that

The championship was won by the National University of Science and Technology (NUST). In August 2011 Chinhoyi University of

participated in the tournament were Technology (CUT) in Chinhoyi hosted rd Midlands State University, University of the 3 edition of the Zimbabwe NationZimbabwe and the National University al Debate Championships. 60 teams participated at this tournament from of Science and Technology. The tournament was a 20 team competition, the champions clashed at the National University of Science and Technology. The winners of the tournament were the University of Zimbabwe (UZ).

Madziwa Teachers College, Bondolfi Teachers College, Seke Teachers College, Gweru Polytechnic College, Bulawayo Polytechnic College, Lupane State University, Masvingo Polytechnic College, Masvingo Teachers, Mutare Teachers College, Mkoba Teachers College,

The second edition of the ZNDC was Marymount Teachers College, Great held at the University of Zimbabwe in Zimbabwe University, National UniverAugust 2010. This was a much more sity of Science and Technology , Mkoba exciting, bigger and better tournament Teachers College and Midlands State with 40 teams competing to be the Na- University. tional Debate Champions. Participating institutions were; Lupane State Univer-

The tournament was won by NUST.

sity, National University of Science and Lets make this 4th Edition a memory to remember!!! Technology, University of Zimbabwe,


…you were just not good! - Adjudicator

Motion—THBT Asiagate is best solved as a blanket amnesty Definition of key terms—Asiagate is a beautiful gate in Asia -Debater

...with that, I arrest myself - Debater I penalised you because you were tense and over relaxed… - Adjudicator (during socials, boy is drinking Black Label but girlfriend asks for REDDS instead, boy replies… “I’m a student like you, I operate on a limited budget” gal retires to bed earlier Motion – THW disband the Zambezi-Matabeleland water project…. ARGUMENT OR FACT?— the Zambezi water project should be disbanded because the Chinese are impregnating our women!

The hype which prevailed in these competitions gave a sneak peak of how tightly contested the ZNDC 2012 will be . The Manicaland Provincials saw a clash between Mutare Teachers College (the ZNDC 2012 Hosts), Mutare Polytechnic College, Africa University and Marymount Teachers College . The competition was a one day ‘show me what you got’ competition which however defined the teams which make it to the ZNDC 2012 and those that got a highlight of how they will up their game for the 2013 National Competitions.

for the national tournament. It was hosted by Madziwa Teachers College. The Bulawayo Provincials were held at Bulawayo Polytechnic College (BP) and stretched for two days, the 26th and 27th of May 2012. Making it for the competition was the Hosts (Bulawayo Polytechnic), Lupane State University (LSU), Hillside Teachers College (HTC) and J.M. Polytechnic College (J.M. Poly). LSU took the crown for the day, with Ndabezinhle Zondo being the best Speaker with an average of 70.66 points while Luther Bajila was crowned the Public Speaking Champion. Fezile Dlomo from Hillside Teachers College was crowned the best adjudicator for the tournament.


2012 roadmap introduced Provincial/Zonal Tournaments which are competitions between Tertiary Institutions in each of the Zimbabwean Provinces. As per arrangement, the provincials are to be held at least two months before the National Competitions. For the tournament, each Institution is expected to forward six (6) debating teams and five (5) adjudicators, of which the top four (4) debating teams and three (3) adjudicators in each of the participating Institutions qualify for the Zimbabwe National Debate Championship (ZNDC).

Harare Zonal Tournament comprised of UZ, Madziwa Teachers College and Chinhoyi Teachers College. The tournament which stretched a day was a muscle weighing of the teams as they got ready

The Midlands Provincials saw a rattle between MSU and Gweru Poly. The Tournament was a glamorous one which saw the ‘Great Debaters” of MSU lifting the Provincial Cup, while Samuel Muleya was the Public Speaking Champion. MSU hosted the event while Miss Mhlanga from Gweru Poly took the medal for being the best Adjudicator for the Tournament.

ORGANISING COMMITTEE Convenor and Executive Chair Innocent B. Ncube Innocent is the Founder and Executive Director at the Contemporary Affairs Foundation. His qualifications are in Education, Media, Public Relations and Social Entrepreneurship. A recognised name in the African debating circuit, he is credited with pioneering formal debate in Zimbabwe's Institutions of higher learning.

Operations Director E. Ncube A polished Zimbabwe Debate Monitor, Ncube has traversed the length and breadth of Zimbabwe helping establish debate societies. Apart from helping establish debate societies in over 30 Institutions of higher learning, he foresaw the smooth operations of ten debate competitions that include ZNDC’s and the PAUDC.

General Manager Noel J. Matibiri

Mr Matibiri is the current patron of M.T.C Debate Society, he is a motivational speaker who is passionate about debate, having been the S.G. of Highfield Sec. School debate club (1967), participated in debate competitions at college level (1969-1970), established a debate club in Marist Brothers Sec. School (1973) and he is also accredited of starting the debate club at M.T.C. (2011).

Local Org. Committee Chair Shelton B. Pukeni

Shelton is the current Debate President at M.T.C. he has a track record of debate from High School where he participated in debate competitions (20032008). In 2007, he went as far as the Provincial level debating. He has delivered speeches to various audiences in high school including the African Day Commemorations .

Volunteers 1.

Shany Ntando Ndlovu (Media)


Mr. Harry Kapenya (Venues)


Bongani Khumbuza (Media)


Gracious Mguni (Venues)


Mengezeleli Sibanda (Catering)


Lindiwe Nyika (Accommodation)


Caroline Ngwenya (Catering)


Vuyelwa Gasela (Accommodation)


Bekithemba Hadebe (Media)


Marcus Ncube (Socials)


Tsitsidzashe Goto (Media)


Michael Chavinda (media)

CHIEF ADJUDICATOR’S PANEL External Chief Adjudicator Patrick Ehmann Patrick, a prolific German debater of all times, with eight years of debating experience, the ZNDC 2012 being the 107th tournament. He has won numerous national and international competitions. Most notably, he broke to the ESL Semi-Finals at Dublin Worlds in 2006 and again in Tallinn EUDC in 2008. Also he is a three time German National Championships Finalist. Additionally, he has been Chief Adjudicator of almost 20 tournaments. He is also the convenor of WUDC 2013.

Internal Chief Adjudicator Zanele Ncube An accomplished debater, adjudicator and administrator. She has spoken and adjudicated at Worlds (Botswana 2011, and Manila, Philippines 2012), PAUDC (Botswana 2009, Namibia 2010, the South African, (2009, 2010) and Zimbabwe Nationals. Zanele is an accredited Karl Popper Debate style trainer having trained in Netherlands (2011) and coached in Turkey 2011 World Karl Popper Championship. Currently, she is training Debate to in and out of school youths, High Schools in the World Schools Style and Primary schools in Public Speaking.

Tab Master

Pofela Ndzozi

Pofela, now a debate veteran, was part of the pioneering debate team members at Lupane State University (2010). Has been a ZNDC retaining participant from 2010 where he was a debater and 2011 as an adjudicator where he was crowned the best adjudicator for the tournament. He has since adjudicated the One Worlds Debating Championship (2011), Matebeleland South High School Provincial Tournament (2012). In this regard, he has gathered experience in adjudicating three of the debate formats. He has volunteered in training High School Debaters and has initiated debate and public speaking clubs in a number of high schools from the high density areas of Bulawayo. He was shortlisted as one of the DCA’s at the PAUDC 2011 and was the Tab Master at the Bulawayo Provincials 2012.

Deputy Chief Adjudicators Paul Sixpence Paul has a wide experience in debate, he saw the birth of debate in Zimbabwe and has attended and profiled in many debate tournaments. Most notably, he is a PAUDC semifinalist (2008), ZNDC semi-finalist (2009) and in 2010, he debated in the Worlds Debating Championships. In his debating history, he has adjudicated in the ZNDC (2010) and in the Zimbabwe Invitational Debate Championships (2009).

Ngcwele Khumalo

Ngcwele has been debating since 2009, she is the founder and former president of MSU debate society. In these years of debating, she has been crowned, the 2nd best speaker (ZNDC 2010), 5th best speaker (ZNDC 2009), she has been an octo-finalist (SA Nationals, 2010 and PAUDC 2010), semi-finalist (ZNDC 2010, 2011). In 2011, she was crowned the ZNDC best speaker.



Arrival & Check-in

Mutare College

0800-till late


Mutare College



Mutare College Dining





Mutare College dining



School Hall


Debate Training

School Hall



School Hall

1045- 1100hrs

Debate Training

Mutare College Hall



Mutare College dining


Pre-tournament briefing for Patrons Test Debate



School Hall


Social event: Official Opening Night Dinner and Networking

The College Great Hall


The College Dining Hall and the bar.


Day 2 – Sunday 5th August 2012


Day 1 – Saturday 4th August 2012


There is a bar in the College, which will be the centre of all the socialising during the tournament.






Mutare College dining hall School

Round 1

Mutare College


Round 2

Mutare College




Public Speaking

Mutare College dining hall Mutare College

Round 3

Mutare College


Provincial/Zonal Roundtable Dinner

Mutare College


Mutare College dining hall Mutare College Great Hall


Social event: Talent Night



Day 3 – Monday 6th August 2012


2000- Late

Talent Night: Theme: “Who said intellectuals have no talent?” Each institution is mandated to have a talent to showcase or select some of their team members to perform on the Talent Night: e.g. Mr and Miss ZNDC, comedy, dance, singing, poetry, eating and drinking competition.

Venue College dining hall

Time 0700-0800hrs


School Hall


Round 4

Mutare College


Round 5

Mutare College



1230- 1330hrs

Public Speaking

Mutare College dining hall Mutare College

Round 6 Women’s Forum

Mutare College Mutare College

1500-1700hrs 1700-1900hrs


Mutare College dining hall Mutare College Great Hall


Social event: Culture Night


Day 4 – Tuesday 7th August 2012

Activity Breakfast

2000- Late

Culture Night: Theme: “Different Cultures, One Zimbabwe”. Institutions are expected to prepare and perform a short dance or play that portrays the culture of your community. Each institution will also be required to set up a table and display cultural artefacts from their region and items that identify the institution they come from. Be prepared to give away these in exchange for those from other institutions. E.g. branded items, flags, prospectus, college magazines. Dress code for Women’s Forum is strictly “expression of female!” and is strictly compulsory.




Mutare College dining hall



School Hall


Round 7

Mutare College


Round 8

Mutare College



Mutare College dining hall

1230- 1330hrs

Round 9

Mutare College



Mutare College dining hall


Social Event: (BREAK Night Party)

Mutare College Great Hall


Day 5 – Wednesday 8th August 2012


Break night Party: Theme: “Nostalgia”. This will be a costume party where you will be required to dress up in the uniform of the last school you attended.




Mutare College dining hall



School Hall



Mutare College


Patrons Forum

Mutare College





General Assembly

Mutare College



Mutare College

1600 - 1730hrs


Mutare College dining hall


Social event: Hobo Night

Mutare College Great Hall

20 00 – late

Day 6 – Thursday 9th August 2012


Hobo Night: Theme: “They are also human” Participants are required to bring some item of clothing that will certainly portray them as a hobo on this night. This will be a way of acknowledging that hobos are also human like us. General Assembly is strictly formal!

Excursion: Theme: “Tourism begins at home. Why would other people tour our country if we don’t?” There will be a $20-00 fee to be paid by all those who would like to tour Mutare and its surrounding area on a day to be set aside for excursions. Pack your own snacks and water for the excursion. T-shirts will be ideal for this activity.




Mutare College


Debate Semi Finals

Mutare College


Public Speaking Semi Finals Lunch

Mutare College


Mutare College

1330- 1430hrs

Prep for the Grand Finale



Grand Finale

Mutare College


Mutare College

2200 till late

(- Public speaking Final

Day 7 – Friday 10th August 2012


- Debate Final - Dinner Award ceremony)

Mutare Bash





Mutare College Dining


Check Out & Departures

Mutare College


 There is internet access at the College and this will be accessed at your cost. Cell phone signal is good at the College. There will be airtime selling points in the College.  There is a fully operational tuck-shop and bar at the College for your relaxation.  Instant photos @ $2 per photo.

Day 8 – Saturday 11th August 2012

The GRAND FINALE AND AWARDS will be hosted at the College Great Hall. You are expected to be in FORMAL WEAR for this event. It is strictly a black tie event.

Our Vision A just, inclusive and prosperous society where young people fully participate and lead in sustainable development.

Our Mission A youth networking organisation committed to the full participation of young people in sustainable development through advocacy and capacity building of youth organisations in Zimbabwe


We will do all we can to make

Volunteers and you will be at-

sure that you are safe during the

tended to promptly.

course of the tournament. When

safely. Loss of keys will attract a

Ncube on 0775 322 786 at any

fine of $10-00 and an inconven-

time of the day.

ience on your part.

Always chat with strangers in

For those of you who will be

the open. Remember there is

coming in their own cars, there

safety in numbers.

will be secure parking for your

Always carry your valuables


where you go. Always have your tournament Name Tag and produce it whenever you are required to do so by Security personnel. It will also be used for accessing your meals. No Tag No Meal. Your Tag will only be replaced at a cost. 

Please keep your room key

you feel threatened, call Mr E

such as laptops, cash etc. every

Please communicate your problems to any of the tournament

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