Brochure 2011 ­ Chinese Edition

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We work with great companies to create branding and communication that sells products. We are a collaborative partner and work hard at understanding you and your business in order to provide the right solution to your business need. This book will tell you a bit more and features some of our most effective work in packaging, digital and print.

我们与杰出的企业合作,创建品牌,建立与 客户沟通的平台,帮助他们销售更多的产 品。我们是值得信赖的合作伙伴。为了满足 您和您公司的需要,给您提供最好的方案, 我们会尽全力了解您和您的企业。 这本册子将会给你更多关于六汇的信息,并 会介绍六汇在包装、数码和印刷方面一些最 出色的作品。

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The new product launch 新产品面市

Making the most of now 把握现在

Creating a new brand world 建造新的品牌世界

Rediscovering a household favourite 重新发现一个深受家庭喜爱的品牌

Come and play… 来玩…

A modern look for a traditional retailer 传统供应商的新面貌

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From the initial creative spark to the execution of the final designs, Point 6 have been integral to the success of the steamer blender’s launch. You really understood the market and the product, and it showed. Thank you. Laura Nicolosi Consumer Marketing Manager Philips AVENT

从最初的创新意念到最终成型的 设计,蒸笼搅拌机的成功推出都 离不开六汇。你们非常了解市 场,也很了解这个产品,事实也 证明了这一点。谢谢你们。 劳拉· 尼柯洛西 飞利浦新安怡销售经理

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The new product launch The client Part of the Royal Philips Electronics group, Philips AVENT is the UK’s largest manufacturer of baby care products. They export to 60 countries and have a turnover in excess of £200,000,000. Point 6 has worked with the company since 1995, designing packaging, advertising and promotional materials.

The brief Create an impactful headline and visual that succinctly explains the unique properties of the product, which steams and blends vegetables in the same vessel, and develop concepts for in-store point of sale.

Steam, fl 蒸煮、 次完成

新产品面市 客户介绍 作为荷兰皇家飞利浦电子公司的成员,飞利浦新安 怡是英国最大的婴儿护理产品制造商。他们的产品 销往60个国家,营业额超过2亿。自从1995年以来, 六汇一直在与他们合作,为他们设计包装、广告和 宣传材料。

概要 创造一个有影响力的标题和视觉效果,简明地解释 产品的特点,包括在同一个器皿内蒸煮和搅拌蔬菜。 我们也构思在商店内设立销售点的意念。

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flip, blend and serve 翻转、搅拌、轻松调理一

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The work


We developed the initial creative concept – ‘steam, flip, blend and serve’. This was then used as the main marketing message across packaging and in-store point of sale worldwide. Amongst other sales materials, Point 6 also created a multilingual recipe book and a demonstration film.

我们提出初步的创新意念 ─‘steam, flip, blend and serve’(蒸煮、翻转、搅拌、轻松调理一次完成)。 之后这个概念成为主要的销售信息,用于产品包装 和全球的店铺销售点。

The results


A brand new product was brought to market globally with a clearly defined proposition that was quickly appreciated by busy parents.

有清晰主题的新产品进入全球市场,并很快赢得忙 碌父母的赞许。

在销售材料方面,六汇制作了一本用多种语言写成 的食谱和一套示范短片。

Demonstration film / 示范短片

Multilingual recipe book / 多种语言的食谱

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You have done a fantastic job – thank you, thank you, thank you! Kim Moore, Business Planning & Development Manager Vodafone

你们完成了一份出色的工作-谢 谢,谢谢你们,谢谢你们!。 金·摩尔 沃达丰业务规划和发展经理

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Making the most of now The client Headquartered in the UK, Vodafone Group is one of the leading providers of telecommunication services worldwide. Point 6 has created packaging, advertising and direct marketing for this innovative company.

The brief Point 6 was asked to communicate complex messaging to business and end user consumers in a way that reflected the liveliness and fun of the Vodafone brand.

把握现在 客户介绍 总部位于英国的沃达丰集团,是世界最大的手机电 信服务提供商之一。六汇为这家富有创新精神的公 司提供包装、广告和直销等服务。

概要 沃达丰要求六汇把复杂的资料,以和品牌精神配合 有活力与乐趣的方式传达给企业和消费者。

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The work


We used engaging illustrations and clear copywriting to communicate to the target audiences in a way that ensured maximum attention. We created fun packaging, mailers and advertising campaigns for a variety of business to business services offered by Vodafone.

我们用精美的插图和清晰的撰稿引悦目标受众,以确 保吸引最广泛的关注。我们设计了有趣的包装、传单 和广告活动,为沃达丰各样的商业服务提供宣传。

The results A delighted client. The successful integration of Vodafone’s core brand messages into the communication for a wide range of products ensured consumers saw the added value they associate with the brand.

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成果 满意的客户。六汇把沃达丰核心品牌信息成功的整 合到一系列的产品推广当中,让消费者看到了沃达 丰的品牌价值。

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Point 6 is a great creative team to work with. They very quickly understood the ethos behind our brand and have produced a very effective rebrand. Always very efficient with timely delivery on all briefs. I can’t recommend them highly enough. Magnus Smyth Managing Director TotsBots

六汇是非常优秀和富有创意的 合作伙伴。他们能迅速抓住我 们品牌的核心内涵,然后将其 打造成吸引人的新品牌。而且 他们的企划案总是能高效准时 地送达上交。我全力推荐他们 的服务。 马格努斯·史密斯 TotsBots总经理

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Creating a new brand world


The client


TotsBots is the UK’s leading manufacturer of reusable nappies in the UK. The family owned business has won many awards for its products and is rapidly expanding throughout Europe and the USA. Point 6 plays a major part in this success by creating a fun brand that parents love.

TotsBots 制造可重复使用的尿布,领导英国市场。 这个家族企业的产品已经为他们赢得了许多荣誉, 现在他们正快速占领着欧洲和美国的市场。六汇在 建立这个成功的品牌中起到了重要的作用,打造出 一个受家长们喜爱的有趣品牌。

The brief


Point 6 were asked to capture and portray TotsBots’ positive energy in the packaging and marketing.

六汇的任务是在包装和市场营销方面打造TotsBots 积极乐观活力四射的完美形象。

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The work Point 6 positioned TotsBots as a fun and funky brand. We created the ‘TotsBots world’ which is used as a consistent backdrop for all marketing materials. The new identity is vibrant and joyful whilst extending the brand’s environmental credentials.

The results Since the rebrand, TotsBots has grown considerably, extending its innovative product portfolio to become the UK’s leading reusable nappy brand.

实际工作 六汇将TotsBots 定位为有趣时尚的品牌。我们提 出“TotsBots 世界”这个口号,作为所有营销材料 统一的根本背景。这个新的身份定位充满活力和欢 乐,同时提升了企业的环保形象。

成果 自从品牌重造之后,TotsBots 快速成长,不断扩展 创新其产品系列,成为了英国首屈一指的可重复使 用纸尿裤品牌。

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It is refreshing to work with an agency with the ability to interpret and meet the objectives of a creative brief first time, every time and on time. Janine Davies Marketing Manager ADDIS Housewares Ltd

与这样优秀的公司合作真是令人 愉快,他们每次都能在第一次便 明白和表达到我们的要求,而且 每次都是十分准时。 雅尼娜·戴维斯 ADDIS家庭用品有限公司市场销售经理

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Rediscovering a household favourite The client Founded in 1780, ADDIS Household Products Ltd is one of Europe’s largest houseware companies with factories in the UK, Germany and China. Point 6 rebranded the company and now design all packaging and marketing materials.

The brief ADDIS asked Point 6 to help revitalise the brand identity and to design new packaging for the entire range.

重新发现一个深受家庭喜爱 的品牌 客户介绍 ADDIS家居用品有限公司成立于1780年,是欧洲最大 的家庭用品公司之一,在英国、德国和中国都建有 工厂。六汇曾为这家公司重新塑造品牌。现在六汇 为他们设计所有的产品包装和市场宣传材料。

概要 ADDIS 要求六汇帮助他们重塑品牌形象,为所有产 品设计全新的包装。

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The work


Our aim was to reposition ADDIS products as ‘part of your home’. To do this, it was clear that we needed to bring consistency to the packaging. And before we did anything we helped restructure the product categories.

我们的目标是将ADDIS的产品重新定位为“家的一 部分”。为此,我们要统一包装。但我们首先重整 产品的分类。

Colour-coding and a consistent look and feel helped unify different groups of products and gave clearer stand-out at point of sale. We also evolved the brand logo, adding a little sparkle for extra star quality. To conclude the process, we redesigned the product catalogue to reflect the new identity and to showcase the newly repackaged products.

颜色编码以及一致的外观和感觉有利于统一不同种 类的产品,令它们与众不同。我们还改进了品牌的 商标,添加了一点闪光,代表星级的质素。 总之,我们重新设计了产品分类,反映品牌新的身 份定位,展示新包装的产品。我们利用日常生活的 照片和独特的广告文稿,为品牌增添个性,结果使 ADDIS令人感觉友善和自然,帮助ADDIS重新成为英 国家庭的最爱。

Using lifestyle photography and quirky copywriting to add personality to the brand, the end result feels friendly and natural, helping to re-establish ADDIS as a UK household favourite.

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The results


The company has enjoyed a resurgence and is again growing from strength to strength. Having helped to create a distinct personality and livery for the brand, Point 6 is proud to have been part of this impressive success story.

ADDIS生机再现,日益壮大。能够协助ADDIS品牌创 造出独特的个性和外观,成为这个成功故事的一部 分,六汇也感到非常自豪。

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Point 6 has proved an invaluable partner, working alongside our in-house teams, to consistently deliver high quality, creative work. They have also been unfazed by the often tight deadlines that are an inherent part of the retail environment. Laura Messetter Direct Marketing Manager Comet

六汇是非常可贵的合作伙伴。 六汇与我们的内部团队合作, 始终如一地为我们带来高质 量、有创意的设计作品。与六 汇合作,我们也从未因紧迫的 工作限期而担忧。 劳拉·米斯德 Comet 电子百货直销市场销售经理

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Come and play… The client Part of Kesa Electricals plc, a major multinational consumer electronics retailing group, Comet has over 250 large outlets across the UK and sales in excess of £1,650,000,000. Point 6 has worked with them on their digital marketing for the past several years.

The brief Comet’s focus is on how consumer electronics can improve people’s standard of living. To reflect this they launched new, approachable and inclusive branding using a palette of bright colours and a fun new font. They asked Point 6 to integrate this new branding into their e–marketing.

来玩… 客户介绍 作为Kesa电子股份公司的子公司,Comet是主要的 跨国电子产品零售集团,在英国拥有超过250个大 型销售网点,营业额超过16.5亿英镑。在过去几年 时间里,六汇一直与Comet在数码化营销方面开展 合作。

成果 Comet的工作重点在于如何使电子消费产品提高人 们的生活水平。为了实现这个目标,Comet开发了 一种全新的、平易近人、且具有广泛包容性的品牌 形象,这个品牌形象应用了鲜明的色彩和有活力的 新式字体。Comet要求六汇把这个品牌形象整合到 Comet的网络营销中。

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The work We produced and sent regular emails to their 500,000 strong customer base. These emails demonstrated the benefits of not only the great products and prices on offer, but the superior knowledge of Comet’s in-store staff.

The results The new branding changed consumers’ perception of Comet and the email marketing campaign put together by Point 6 directly led to increases in visits to the outlets and online sales.

实际工作 我们编写并发送定期电邮给Comet的50万客户群。 这些邮件不仅传达了出色的产品和价格优惠,也表 现了Comet店内员工的卓越产品知识。

成果 全新的品牌创建改变了消费者对Comet的观念。六 汇的电子邮件营销活动直接引起了销售点和网站访 问量的增加。

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The stunning designs you created really are just what we need for our new ranges. Edward Bodenham Marketing Director Floris London

你们令人惊叹的设计,正是我 们新的产品系列所需要的。 爱德华·博登纳姆 伦敦Floris 市场总监

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A modern look for a traditional retailer The client Perfumers to Her Majesty the Queen, Floris is a family business established in London in 1730. They have a great heritage and prestigious customer base. Point 6 has created packaging ranges designed to appeal to a contemporary consumer.

The brief Create contemporary packaging for two new ranges. Extend Floris’ appeal to a broader audience without alienating their long-standing clientele.

The work Floris ‘At Home’ – we took inspiration from current interior design trends. Moving away from the company’s traditional floral pattern on the packs, we introduced a new striped design with complementary rich and zesty colours.

传统供应商的新面貌 客户介绍 作为英国女王的香水供应商, Floris 是一个家族企 业,在1730年成立于伦敦。他们拥有悠久的历史,良 好的信誉,和有声望的客户群。六汇为他们重新设计 了一系列包装,来吸引新一代的消费者。

概要 我们为Floris的两个新产品系列设计了富有时代气息的 包装,为Floris赢得了更多消费群体青睐,同时也顾及 到长期客户的品味。

实际工作 Floris“家用”系列 – 我们没有在包装沿用Floris传统的 花朵图案设计,而是从当前室内设计的趋势汲取灵感, 引入了一种新的条纹设计,配以丰富热情的颜色。

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Floris ‘Natural Benefits’ – our delicate designs for each bottle feature soft photographic images, communicating the natural ingredients used. In addition to the visual appearance, we communicated the premium nature of the range by using foil blocking and silkscreen printing onto soft touch bottles which increased the tactile experience.

The results These two new-look ranges received excellent press coverage, refreshed the range portfolio and enticed a new generation of consumers to the Floris brand. Floris“自然之享”系列 – 我们精巧的设计突显了 瓶身柔和的相片影象,让顾客知道香水使用了天 然成分。除此之外,我们应用烫印色泊和丝网印 刷,增加瓶子的触感,令这系列香水的自然之韵 彰显其中。

成果 这两个外观焕然一新的系列得到非常好的舆论反 响,为整个Floris品牌带来生气,也赢得新一代的 顾客。

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Overview Point 6 is one of the UK’s largest independent design agencies. We strive to achieve one goal for our clients: to create brand passion. By developing memorable and consistent branding solutions, we help form emotional connections that motivate target audiences to purchase our clients’ products or services. Located

London, W10


David Tulett Jennifer Bradley





Point of sale

BSL Consulting

Brand identity





Knight Frank




Motor Sport Magazine

Creative development

Philips AVENT

Strategic development Copywriting Photography Illustration Reproduction

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Philips UK Corporate Philips Lighting Philips Respironics Portman Heritage TotsBots Vodafone Woodstock Furniture

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概要 六汇是英国最大的独立设计公司之一。 我们始终致 力为客户达到同一个目标:创造品牌热情! 借着为品牌提供令人印象深刻和连贯的方案,我们 令品牌与消费者建立情感上的联系,推动他们购买 我们客户的产品,或使用他们的服务。

地址 伦敦 W10 董事 杜大伟 珍妮弗·布兰德里

业务范围: 主要客户: 包装



BSL 咨询公司


Comet 电子百货


Floris 香水


Knight Frank 地产代理


Montessori 培训学校


Motor Sport 汽车运动杂志










Portman Heritage 地产公司


TotsBots 沃达丰 Woodstock 家具

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We hope you like what you’ve seen. If you’d like to know more, please get in touch with Simon, David or any of the Point 6 team. Simon Davies Business Development Director +44 (0)20 8962 5899

David Tulett Managing/Creative Director +44 (0)20 8962 5894

如果你想知道更多关于六汇的服务, 请和西蒙或者任何一位六汇的职员联系。 西蒙·戴维斯 业务发展董事 电话:+44 (0)20 8962 5899 邮箱

杜大伟 董事总经理/创作总监 电话:+44 (0)20 8962 5894 邮箱

Point 6 Design Limited, The Linen House, 253 Kilburn Lane, London W10 4BQ

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