WELCOME The brand name which originates from the Windsurf Racing scene. The first sailor across the finish line would receive 0.7 points. This being the score the winner obtains when he or she wins a single race at a windsurfing event. Second place would then get a score of 2 points, 3 points for third and so forth. At the end of the event, each race-score of each sailor would be added up and whoever would have the lowest score would then be named winner of the event. It has often been that little Point-7 difference that has decided the winner of important titles. That small difference is also what defines our products. We believe in competition we believe in a strong Black Team to show this.
WARRANTYREGISTRATION The warranty period of your new equipment is 6months from the day of purchase. To extend the warranty to one full year, register your product online at the following address: htttp:// A copy of the sales receipt is required.
PURCHASE Point-7 is sold online or through our exclusive network of retailers and distributors. If you are on holiday anywhere and need gear, drop us a mail and we will service you from the nearest retailer or directly so that you will not miss out any windsurfing session.
Welcome to the new black pro-am 3cam Point-7. You have just received a friendlier version of what our Point-7 PWA BLACK TEAM is taking to their PWA slalom events. Take all the goodies from a full on competition slalom sail, put them in to a manageable package and you’ve got the AC-K. High-speed powerhouse, that is easy to handle, and sits ridicules light in your hand when you are out racing against the guys. Available sizes: 5,8 / 6,4 -7,2 - 7,8 / 8,5 / 9,4 Also recommended for this product: MAST C100+ sdm (5.8 rdm) C80+ sdm (5.8 rdm)
BOOM SC+ carbon
MAST Only SDM masts can be used on sizes from 6.4 to 9.5. The 5.8 can only be rigged on rdm masts. The sail could work on every sdm or rdm mast accordingly, but if you want to have the sail to work at 100% of its efficiency, a Point-7 mast is the recommended choice.
RIGGINGSIDE The sails should be rigged on the port tack side. This to allow easy access to the cams through zippers while rigging.
QUICK EXTENSION TUNING These are the real scale length you extension needs to be. So place your extension next to the triangles. One of the triangles shows the position of the top part of the pulley system of the extension, the other triangle the position of the top part of the ring setting of the extension. This is the most accurate way to get the perfect length to set your extension. The ACK can be tuned for power, only by adjusting the outhaul.
BATTENPROFILE Before rigging the first time put some tension on batten 1, 6 & 7. The tension key is stored in the mesh pocket in the tack fairing. Use the same pocket to insert the rest of the downhaul rope after down hauling the sail. Do not leave the tension key in the pocket or it will rust. Batten 2 to 5 need to have just enough to remove some wrinkles. The profile of the battens should be only at the front and straight flat exit. To check this stand behind the batten tensioner and look from that point. In the next page, there will be the exact downhaul tension pattern of the leach. You can adjust the fine-tuning also with the batten tension. More pressure and the batten rises. Less pressure then the batten lowers. So you can micro adjust with this the leach positioning. Take care also not to put over tension on the batten, as it could slow down the rotation of the cams.
battent 2,3,4,5
battent 1,6 and 7
DOWNHAUL The Pro Tuning Design is the perfect extension length for the average downhaul setting for your sail. The leach of the sail should fall away as the graphics above dictate. This panel needs to get loose, 30cm from the first vertical line of stitching as shown on the diagram. After finishing to downhaul you can stow the rope in the mesh pocket located on the inside of the tack fairing, located at the bottom of the luff pocket. The Pro Tuning Design positioning is calculated to be correct for when the sail is brand new. If you feel that you would like the sail to feel lighter in your hands after some sessions, as the sail stretches, try to add one position to the extension, you will automatically pull two cm more, and decide if you prefer it with that extra downhaul.
230 +/-2
CLEWPOSITIONING There are two positions. Use top clew grommet [A] for more power, and lower one [B] for less power in the sail. The top setting [A] is used mainly in light wind and half wind. The lower setting [B] for stronger wind and downwind performance.
230 +/-2
OUTHAUL Point-7 ACK requires neutral outhaul in light wind and +2cm positive in strong wind. With the sail fully downhauled, and the front of the boom connected to the mast, without pulling on the clew, the back of the boom should be 4cm away from the clew [X] to [B]. For the light wind setting, leave 2cm from the end of the boom [A]. If you are over powered you can pull the tension to the max. boom [B]
TWIST If you have a P7 extension follow exactly what is written on the extension. Next step take the sail from the back end of the boom up from the ground to lift up the leach. Check that the leach has the patter as shown in the diagram. If it looks like that, the tension of the outhaul is correct. Batten 1 is the top batten of the sail. Batten being 7 is the lowest batten of the base. Batten 1 stays higher than 2. Batten 3 and 4 should be also in line descending. If some batten is staying not inline as in the drawing, but higher, then more downhaul is needed. If a batten is not staying in line, but lower, it means there is too much downhaul.
CAMPRESSURE The AC-K cam pressure is prepared to give the maximum performance on the water. A correct pressure to give stability and immediate acceleration in the gust. Thanks to the wind pressure, the rotation of the cams will be smooth on the water when changing tack. Do not worry, if on a non-windy day, the sail does not rotate if you are pumping it on the beach. The sail is developed to have the cam rotation working in the wind while windsurfing. Therefore don’t be alarmed if it does not rotate on the beach, jump on the water with it, and surprise your friends with its outstanding performance on the water. If after one year the sail stretches and the cams come too soft in the rotation, add a spacer which are given with the sails.
distance between sailbody and mast
HINTS Rinse your sail after sailing on salty waters. Problem Soving, hints and tips. Your sail feels heavy put more downhaul. Your sail feels unstable release outhaul, then if not enough release downhaul. Sail feels underpowered release outhaul. Sail feels overpowered: pull more outhaul. Sail feels heavy on your front hand move harness lines forward Sail feels heavy on your back hand move harness lines back. Why do some sails use a short mast and longer extension? The sail will feel lighter in handling. The softer mast will better absorb chop and waves for more control in stronger winds. In light wind, the rig will feel lighter to pump to get on plane. Find out more about our products on Find a full range of masts, booms, accessories and apparel.
SENDUSYOURPICTURES If you have any interesting picture with Point-7, share them with us. Send them to and we will be happy to showcase it through our media channels.