2025-30 Strategic Plan

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Strategic Plan 2025-30

Point University’s five-year rolling strategic plan builds on more than 85 years of Christian higher education, recognizing the significant changes required in transitioning from a small Bible college to an innovative and accredited Christian university. Throughout the plan, the institutional mission, strategic priorities and values serve as the overarching guidelines, bringing clarity and focus to the University as it moves into a new era of innovation and impact.

The mission of Point University is the core driver of the strategic plan. The plan also leverages five pillar priorities, including: spiritual, intellectual, social, physical and professional development, with a foundation priority for finances that supports the completion of the initiatives within each pillar. Ultimately, the Point University mission outlines the purpose for the existence of the institution and the reason why we must accomplish these strategic initiatives. Each of our pillar priorities will be outlined in more detail in this document. Point will continue to innovate and evaluate strategic partnerships and the Elevate program to create a financially sustainable model and continue to have maximum impact on students and their communities.

To grow in faith in Jesus Christ, develop a Christian worldview, live by Christian virtues and serve others individually and as an institution.

To equip students to think analytically and critically, communicate effectively, and demonstrate competence in their studies.

To provide resources to support social development, including mental health services and extracurricular opportunities.

To support sound infrastructure (facilities, technology and human resources) to support the institutional mission.

To equip students with the practical knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a chosen vocation.


Securing the financial resources essential to support the present and future mission and strategic plan for the University.

The mission of Point University is to educate students for Christ-centered service and leadership throughout the world.


Founded in 1937, Point University is an accredited, nonprofit, Christian university based in West Point, Georgia. At Point, our Christian faith grounds our mission and informs how we operate. We are equipping the next generation to take their faith into the marketplace in new and culturally-relevant ways — erasing the lines between who they are and what they do. We want students to see their life and their mission as one and the same.

For more than 85 years, we have had a bold vision to make college a possibility for all types of learners. Founded as Atlanta Christian College, we have grown from an institution focused solely on training ministers and missionaries into a Christian liberal arts University that serves all types of students. Our Christian faith remains at the heart of the Point experience.

As we have grown, Point has also adapted, offering programs that prepare students for new and emerging careers. In 2012, we embraced a new name, Point University, and a new location in West Point, Georgia, to better serve a growing and diverse student body.

We are focused on creating educational opportunities for a variety of learners, with programs available in many formats, while helping students integrate their career goals with their faith.


Our vision is to promote a culture which celebrates and supports every individual as a child of God and provides ample opportunities for spiritual formation and engagement for all.

Ensure a vibrant student experience that enhances Point’s dedication to spiritual formation through the integration of the gospel, the fostering of community, academic excellence and personal development in order to equip students to lead and serve with integrity and purpose in a diverse, dynamic world.

a. Enhance Point University’s dedication to spiritual formation by integrating the gospel into all aspects of student life.

b. Foster community and spiritual growth through student-led small groups and service opportunities, both locally and abroad.

c. Promote academic excellence by improving student performance in biblical studies minor and character core coursework.

d. Foster connection between church relations, academics and the Center for Compelling Preaching to advance the church leadership initiative at Point University.

e. Encourage personal growth by assessing students’ spiritual and personal development through semiannual surveys and adjusting programs based on feedback.

By year five:

a. Increase participation in spiritual formation activities by 20% year over year.

b. Evaluate student needs and feedback for spiritual formation activities and events.

c. Deeply ingrain the programs in campus culture, and introduce new initiatives regularly to keep them fresh and impactful. Foster community and spiritual growth through student-led small groups and service opportunities, both locally and abroad.

d. Develop thriving small groups and service partnerships, with strong leadership, regular retreats and ongoing local and international partnerships. Continue to grow small group participation by 10% annually.

e. At least 80% of students should report significant personal and spiritual growth.

Promote an internal culture that celebrates every individual as created uniquely in God’s image and reflects the values of the Kingdom of God, fostering a community of respect, support and unity aligned with our Christian mission.

a. Increase awareness and understanding of biblical principles like the imago Dei (image of God) and the values of the kingdom of God through workshops and discussions.

b. Enhance cultural competency and respect by implementing kingdom diversity training for faculty, staff and students, and tracking improvements in campus perceptions of cultural sensitivity and respect.

c. Foster community and unity by organizing diversity events that celebrate cultural and individual diversity, and supporting student-led small groups focused on diverse backgrounds.

d. Support personal and spiritual growth through service opportunities, mentorship programs and leadership development initiatives.

By year five:


Our vision is to promote a culture which celebrates and supports every individual as a child of God and provideds ample opportunities for spiritual formation and engagement for all.

a. 50% of students, faculty, and staff are consistently involved in kingdom values discussions, with the content continually evolving based on feedback to stay relevant and effective.

b. All new faculty and staff are trained annually, ensuring ongoing 100% kingdom diversity training completion, and survey results show a 10% improvement in cultural sensitivity and campus respect.

c. Diversity event attendance remains high, with a 20% increase sustained, and new student-led groups continue to emerge in response to changing student interests.

d. Mentorship engagement remains at 25%, and one more international service project has been added, with overall service participation increasing by 10%.

Our vision is to elevate Point’s academic brand and adjust academic programs in response to marketplace demand. We will regularly evaluate current program offerings to maintain relevance and quality.

Enhance the academic brand by developing/strengthening programspecific recruitment and enrollment funnels.

a. External strategic marketing plans for all academic programs will be developed and implemented incrementally over the next five years, stressing opportunities for career and ongoing graduate studies.

b. Ongoing reinforcement of the value of an education will be developed, shared and reinforced to our students over the next two years.

c. College and departmental participation in recruitment will increase each year.

Enhance the academic brand by improving student retention and student success.

a. Students will engage in four or more high-impact practices by year three.

b. Point University will maintain and improve upon recent retention and success wins, including the growth of student support services for residential and online (including Elevate) students.

c. Key student success metrics will be made available to help drive decisions via a dashboard.

Manage and refine programs to boost enrollment and maintain costeffectiveness within a diverse, balanced portfolio.

a. Point University will engage in routine academic program reviews with a goal to improve student success and balance faculty and staff needs.

b. Point University will construct and manage a diverse portfolio of modern academic programs that reflects public need and student demand.

c. Course offerings will be reviewed to ensure the success of Point University students and to increase revenue via external partnerships.

Refine/revise the general education of the curriculum to focus on aspects of the institutional pillars.

a. All common curricula of the institution will be examined, with the goal of improving student success and in alignment with institutional pillars.

b. The general education curriculum will be refined in an ongoing fashion to ensure that Point University students receive an excellent foundational education and are positioned for success in our academic programs.

Advocate and promote the spiritual and mental well-being of students through educational resources and partnership with the Spiritual Formation Office.


Our vision is to field competitive athletic programs, fine arts programs, and other extracurricular activities to help students engage with each other and their community outside of the classroom.

a. Support and encourage students to participate in monthly chapel services and small groups.

b. Contract with a mental health and wellness entity that provides mental health counseling and access to medical care.

c. Increase access to in-person counseling services for residential students.

d. Housing and Residence Life will conduct educational programming that fosters healthy living and learning twice per semester.

Promote student retention and engagement through events, first-year experience activities, and fine arts that encourage holistic development while on campus.

a. Increase student participation in intramural sports by 25%.

b. Provide monthly activities in the student activities center (Hub) that foster camaraderie.

c. Create a dining services committee comprised of students, faculty, and staff that meets bimonthly.

d. Make safety and security workshops available to students three times per semester.

e. Weekly student engagement opportunities that foster holistic growth: Monday Matters, Tuesday Talks, small groups, etc.

f. Maintain 70% residential retention in year one and increase by 2% each year after.

g. Increase online student retention by offering more opportunities for engagement inside and outside the classroom.

Continue to strive for competitive excellence in the Southern States Athletic Conference, Appalachian Athletic Conference, and Sun Conference by finishing in the upper half of each conference and qualifying for conference championships.

a. Remain an NAIA Champions of Character gold institution.

b. Annually qualify for two NAIA championships.

c. Maintain a student athlete cumulative GPA of 3.0.


Our vision is to provide a healthy and vibrant living environment for students that will educate and empower students to engage in transformative community, to invest heavily in technology and related resources to enhance the learning experience, and to develop our human resources to become a premier workplace environment.

Develop the staffing, facilities and technology infrastructure that effectively support educational and residential experiences for students.


a. Complete a master plan for facilities, including athletic fields and facilities.

b. Set standards for administrative and residential facility conditions.

c. Assess facility conditions against standards.

d. Develop multi-year plans for facility improvements needed, including financial estimates.


a. Develop an IT strategic plan for supplying needed technology support, including multi-year plan/budgeting.

b. Classrooms will be updated on a rotating annual basis, or as needed.

Staffing and Human Resources:

a. Improve process for recruiting and retaining needed faculty and staff.

b. Invest in a system to manage payroll, human resources, etc., to create an onboarding process.

c. Assess and adjust total compensation to support recruitment and retention of faculty and staff.

By year one:

Create master plan, set facility standards, assess facility conditions, conduct HR satisfaction survey, develop salary benchmarking, develop HR strategic plan based on survey and benchmarking, and develop IT strategic plan.

By year two:

Plan improvements needed and means for funding (facilities, IT, employees). Secure approval and funding for implementation.

By year five:

Develop infrastructure support that enhances the living, learning and working environment.

Our vision is to provide students with mentors, career counseling, academic support and other professional development opportunities to ensure that all graduates are equipped for a professional environment of their choosing.

Expand the reach of the Elevate program.

a. Increase the number of partners by 15% year over year.

b. Diversify industries partnering with the University by expanding sales reach.

c. Increase retention rate in Elevate program and thereby increase graduation rates year over year in the program.

d. Increase effective student support and efficient customer service to partners.

e. Align with Skyhawk Career Services to provide data relevant to Elevate student success — debt load reduction, job placements, and other key metrics

By year five:

Increase the number of Elevate partners and the level of satisfaction with student and partner support.

Expand the Credit for Prior Learning Program.

a. Implement additional credit for prior learning opportunities for all students.

b. Track the number of students who obtain credit for prior learning at the start and end of the academic year to increase enrollment year over year.

c. Year over year growth of 10% for students participating in the credit for prior learning program.

d. Establish additional faculty members who can assess credit for prior learning and match student learning objectives.

e. Recruit/hire additional career services/credit for prior learning personnel who can partner with organizations to source ways for obtaining additional credit.

By year five:

See a sharp increase in the number of students who gained academic credit for work experience.

Enhance student learning and career readiness through various learning modalities.

a. Conduct three career-oriented workshops each semester for online and residential students.

b. Conduct an annual career fair with various industries to provide students with experiential learning and employment opportunities.

c. Provide faculty with three career resources that align with curriculum objectives to enhance student learning and career readiness through various modalities.

By year five:

Have multiple avenues for students to engage in career readiness.


Our vision is the ongoing commitment to sustainability and responsible handling of financial resources and assets as core requirements for an effective and influential Christian university.

Create a thriving, not just surviving, institution, where we reach financial strength to support the operations of the University.

Advancement and Fundraising:

a. Reduce dependency on major gifts for operational expenses.

b. Establish an annual fund of $2 million to meet the operational needs of the institution.

c. Increase alumni giving to 8% by 2030; increase church support (subscription and church giving) by 10% by 2030.

d. Establish capital campaign for scholarships, building needs and endowment.

e. Grow GAP Scholarship program per proforma.

Enrollment and Retention:

a. Increase total enrollment to 5,425.

b. Increase residential enrollment to 500.

• Intentional strategies created to increase nonathlete population (additional majors, programs, etc.).

• Intensive effort to recruit ministry majors in partnership with CIY efforts.

• Increased effort to move students from dual enrollment to residential or online programs.

c. Increase online enrollment to 4,125.

• Increase Elevate and GAP student engagement/growth.

• Increase enrollment and marketing investment in the non-Elevate online student population.


a. Implement zero-based budgeting, manage energy conservation, and increase partnerships with organizations like GICA to experience cost savings.

b. Establish guidelines for additional policies needed to support decision-making to strengthen the financial base.

c. Increase University endowment by 5% each year.

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