MARKETING & ENTREPRENEURSHIP – POLARIS SIGNPRO SHOP Offered at Berea-Midpark High School There are countless businesses across the U.S. employing tens of millions of Americans. Marketing & Entrepreneurship will introduce you to the dynamic field of business in a practical setting. This innovative program combines business concepts, sales and marketing and graphic design to create a one-of-a-kind experience. While enrolled in this program, you will apply your new skills in the student-run “Polaris SignPro” sign shop located at Berea-Midpark High School. This program includes the following four courses: •S ignPro Business Foundations (recommended 1st course) • SignPro Management & Operations • SignPro Professional & Technical Sales • SignPro Strategic Entrepreneurship
(recommended 1st course) This is the first course for the Business and Administrative Services, Finance and Marketing career field pathway. You will obtain knowledge and skills in fundamental business activities and be introduced to business processes, economics and business relationships. Throughout this course, you will use technology to synthesize and share business information. Employability skills, leadership and communications and personal financial literacy will be highlighted.
This class will introduce you to vital techniques used to manage people and information in a business setting. You will learn to build relationships with clients, employees, peers and stakeholders and to assist new employees. You will also manage business records, gather and disseminate information, preserve
critical artifacts, and become familiar with contracts, internal controls and compliance requirements. Business office tools and applications will be emphasized. *College credit available for this program. See your Instructor for more information on college credit opportunities.
In this course, you will demonstrate sales processes and techniques used in a businessto-business environment. You will learn how to develop, grow, and maintain positive business relationships, and monitor trends in the business environment to determine the impact on sales, customers and competitors. Throughout this class, you will manage sales activities and territories, and negotiate and adjust prices and sales terms. Technology, employability skills, leadership and communications will be incorporated into all classroom activities.
During this highly interactive class, you will get the creative juices flowing to generate ideas for new products and services, evaluate the feasibility of those new ideas and develop a strategy for commercialization. You will use technology to select target markets, profile target customers, define the venture’s mission and create a business plan. You will also take the initial steps to establish a business, calculate and forecast costs, breakeven and sales. Establishing brand, setting prices, promoting products and managing customer relationships will be emphasized. *College credit available for this program. See your Instructor for more information on college credit opportunities.
For additional High School Satellite Program information, visit, call 440.891.7666 or email
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