Biopolymer Workshop Mauritius 2013

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biopolymer workshop mauritius 2013 Harnessing the power of biopolymers for improving human wellbeing and enhancing global competitiveness SeTTINg-uP OF A BIO-BASeD INDuSTRy IN MAuRITIuS May 8-10, 2013, Bonâme Hall, MSIRI Building, Réduit

The Biopolymer Workshops Approach

Setting-up of a Bio-based Industry in Mauritius BioPolymer Workshop MauriTius 2013 Objectives OVERALL: • To develop and improve the framework conditions to unlock the potential of using (BIO)POLYMERS and NANOTECHNOLOGY in various key sectors of the Mauritian economy, in assisting in the development of a bio-based industry in Mauritius as a new pillar of its economy. SPECIFIC: • Introducing policy trends for setting up framework conditions to increase innovation and competitiveness of a bio-based industry in Mauritius • Identification of local needs that can be addressed by international science & technology expertise – by formation of international and interdisciplinary teams, involving stakeholders along the value chain

• Joint initiative of the Global Biopolymer Network • Focus on new generation of young scientists and engineers • Interface of science, industry and policy • Formation of project ideas addressing specific local needs • Sharing of state-of-theart biopolymer knowledge • Formation of multi-disciplinary teams working on concrete topics • Involvement of international and local mentors for student orientation

• Development of outlines for national technology transfer approach, and identifying particular technology transfer opportunities • Reviewing of R&D and engineering capacities to identify training and instrumental needs for upgrading existing technologies and industries • Discussing research projects and identifying research collaborations with CE PoliMaT and partners from the Global Biopolymer Network, focusing on value adding to Mauritian bio-resources for (bio)polymer production, R&D and industrial capacities • Coaching of policy makers and other stakeholders for improving framework conditions • Building public-private partnerships

Expected Outcomes • Committed international and interdisciplinary teams, focused on addressing relevant local needs, formulated into project ideas and roadmaps • Closing the gap between Research and Industry by at least one team, addressing a need as specified by the industrial partner/stakeholder • State-of-the-art in Center Management Excellence • Benchmarking between the CBBR with international well known Centers of Excellence • Laying the grounds of value-driven R&D that can best incorporate Mauritian bio- and renewable resources and industrial capacities • Outline of national technology transfer approach to make better use of the potentials of biopolymers and nanotechnology




Polymers in health

Creation of SMEs Public - Private Partnership

Exploitation/renewable resources into highvalue products

Biopolymers and Nanotechnology


Capacity building Postgraduate training


Water shortage Desalination

International Science and Technology Cooperation

The Global Biopolymer Network will work to change the culture of innovation in the field of biopolymers. Focusing also on developing countries,

The CENTRE FOR BIOMEDICAL AND BIOMATERIALS RESEARCH (CBBR) focuses on research in the areas of advanced polymer materials, biomaterials and nano-drug delivery as well as on the development of value-

the Network will serve to promote radical innovations through novel applications in diverse environments. As an enabling and transformative technology, biopolymer-

added products from indigenous land

based platforms can

and marine resources and their biological

be drivers of new value-

potential for the prevention of diabetes,

chains, new industries

cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

and new employment

Through its well established regional


and international linkages and network, CBBR positions itself as a bridge

The Global Biopolymer

between University and Industry, a first

Network includes the

of its kind in Mauritius.

Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron (ABIA,


USA), the Jomo Kenyatta

with headquarters in Slovenia facilitates

and Technology (VDI/

research excellence by bringing together leading scientists and engineers from diferent disciplines. In the field

University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT, Kenya), VDI/VDE Institute of Innovation VDE-IT, Germany), the Center of Excellence for

of advanced polymer materials and

Polymer Materials and

technology, CE PoliMaT ensures the

Technologies (CE PoliMaT,

transformation of research excellence

Slovenia), the Polymer

into products and services in high-tech

Competence Center

niche markets supporting job creation,

Leoben (PCCL, Austria),

new business formation, economic development and the transition to a low-carbon society. CE PoliMaT develops

and is supported by the Science, Technology and

applications for the use in industry,

Globalization Project at

health, agriculture, building materials,

the Harvard Kennedy

renewable energy and electronics.

School (STG, HKS, USA).

Workshop Programme

Wednesday, May 8: Increasing R&D Impact 12


– 13



13 00 – 14 00 Welcome Addresses 14 00 – 16 00 VIP Workshop

Turning Inventions into Innovations

16 00 – 16 30 Coffee break 16 30 – 18 00 Keynote Lectures

Global Biopolymer

Mateja Dermastia, MSc CEO of CE PoliMaT, Slovenia Experience in enterprise competitiveness, innovation and competitiveness policies, with long-term managerial experience in leading public and private institutions.

Thursday, May 9: Science with a Mission

Gerd Meier zu Köcker, PhD

09 00 – 12 00 Science

Director of the Department for International Technology Transfer at VDI/VDE-IT, Germany

Trends in Biopolymer Research

Applications 12 00 – 13 00 Environment

Centers of Excellence - Management

of Excellence and Key Success Factors

14 00 – 15 00 Value Creation

Centers of Excellence - Driver to Turn

Inventions into Innovations

15 00 – 17 00 Plenary Discussion

Local Needs that can be Addressed

with Biopolymers

17 00 – 18 00 Group Formation

Groups for Identified Focus Areas

Friday, May 10: Walk the Talk 09 00 – 12 00 Policy Workshop Benchmarking of Centers of Excellence 12 00 – 13 00 Regional Biopolymer Network

Frank Douglas, PhD

09 00 – 16 00 Group Work Collaborative R&D and Industrial Projects on Focus Areas

16 00 – 18 00 Wrap-up

Presentation of Project Ideas and

Roadmaps Agreement on Follow-up


Experience in innovation and technology policy, consultation and communication with policy makers and public authorities on regional, national and international level, and comprehensive experience in strategy consultation, cluster issues, design and management of national and international projects.

President and CEO of ABIA, USA More than twenty-four years of experience in health care, pharmaceutical research, and biotechnology, and a former founder and executive director of Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center of Biomedical Innovation.

NeT work meNTorS aND leCTUrerS

Martin Payer, MSc

Andrej KrĹžan, PhD

CEO of PCCL, Austria

Senior Scientific Associate at CE PoliMaT, Slovenia

Experience in environmental system sciences and management of center of excellence for cooperative research in the area of polymers.

Majda Žigon, PhD President of the Scientific Council of CE PoliMaT, Slovenia Experience in synthesis and characterization of various polymers, polymer composites and nanocomposites with clay and metallic oxides, synthesis of metallic and inorganic oxide nanoparticles, functionalization of montmorillonite particles, homopolymers and copolymers of amino acids and lactide, polymer properties in solution and solid state.

Sujata K. Bhatia, PhD Assistant Dean at Harvard University, USA Physician-scientist with academic and industrial experience in biomedical engineering. Industrial experience in medical device and biotechnology product development, clinical trials management, intellectual property, leadership of multidisciplinary teams, and industry-academic partnerships.

Experience in environmental and sustainability aspects of polymers and plastics: recycling of waste polymers and plastics, biodegradable polymers and plastics, and the use of renewable resources for polymer production.

Zorica Crnjak Orel, PhD Vice President of Scientific Council of CE PoliMaT, Slovenia Experience in the field of spectrally functional coatings, new materials for nonconventional energy sources, semiconducting thin films and powders, semi-conductors, composites, counter electrodes, electrochromic materials, nanoparticles and nanocomposites.

Gernot Oreski, PhD Senior Researcher at PCCL, Austria Experience in polymer physics and testing, polymers for solar energy applications, weathering, aging behavior and aging characterization of (bio) polymers.

Alexis Zrimec, PhD Strategic Marketing Advisor at CE PoliMaT, Slovenia Experience in innovation management and customer development.

biopolymer workshop mauritius 2013



CE PoliMaT COMESA University of Mauritius Mauritius Research Council (MRC) Ministry of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology


in collaboration with the Global Biopolymer Network

co-funded by the European Union through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development

Convener: Prof Dhanjay Jhurry, CSK – National Research Chair and Head CBBR

François de Grivel

Secretary: Dr Archana Bhaw-Luximon – Associate Professor, UoM and Researcher at CBBR Logistics Coordinator: Mr Ravi Perwanee, Administrative Officer, CBBR

ANDI Centre of Excellence for Biomedical and Biomaterials Research

Tel: +230-4651347 E-mail:

Disclaimer: The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of ANDI-CBBR/CE POLIMAT and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

veNue PROvIDeD By D E SI G N: W W W. PAV E O. SI

MSIRI Building, Réduit. Mauritius

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