W H AT ’ S YO U R O P I N I O N ?
Stay at home. Technology will take care of everything else Every year, when the number of flu cases grows, healthcare centers burst at the seams. Paradoxically, in order to get medical advice, patients infect other people in waiting rooms, on public transport and in workplaces. The coronavirus pandemic made us realize that we could do it all differently. So, stay at home to protect yourself, others and medical staff. Lighten the load on the healthcare system now and in the future.
Invisible mistakes It is the same every autumn and winter: crowds in outpatient clinics and waiting rooms, coughing and sneezing on people in offices and cinemas, on buses, at schools and concerts. It is a medical fact that in the case of seasonal flu, a patient statistically infects one person. Therefore, the growth in the number of cases
OSOZ World 2020