i n terviews
Our future with algorithms What if we are wrong about AI in healthcare? What if the dream of data-driven medicine will turn into a nightmare of data misuse and restrictive supervision of health 24/7? Interview with Maneesh Juneja, Digital Health Futurist.
What is your most dystopian scenario for data misuse in healthcare in the future, and digitalization in general?
The most dystopian future is one in which our health data from a variety of sources is used to deny us opportunities in life. In those countries where governments provide healthcare, the worst scenario is where you get diagnosed with a specific disease and the government de-
termines that you increased the risk of getting this disease because of your lifestyle choices over the years. As a result, the authorities decide not to offer free or subsidized doctor visits and treatments but charge you full price instead. What about a future where a government limits our ability to travel, buy a home, or change job, simply because of the choices we have made in the past that have negatively impacted our health?
OSOZ World 2020