Polish Market No.1 (292)/2020

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PU B LISHED SIncE 199 6 No. 1 (292) /2020 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl





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PUBLISHER: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYNEK POLSKI Sp. z o.o. (RYNEK POLSKI Publishers Co. Ltd.)

CONTRIBUTORS: Miłosz Dorsz, Agnieszka Turakiewicz, Mirosław Wdzięczkowski

PRESIDENT: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Agnieszka Charuba, Joanna Wiktoria Grabowska

Polish Market :: 1 (292) /2020

VICE ‌PRESIDENTS: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła

PU B LISHED SIncE 199 6 No. 1 (292) /2020 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl





Cover: PORT OF GDYNIA Gala photos: Łukasz Giersz, Rafał Nowak

ADDRESS: ul. Elektoralna 13, 00-137 Warszawa, Poland Phone (+48 22) 620 31 42, 652 95 77 Fax (+48 22) 620 31 37 E-mail: info@polishmarket.com.pl EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek DEPUTY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Jerzy Mosoń j.moson@polishmarket.com.pl ENGLISH EDITOR: Rafał Kiepuszewski WRITERS/EDITORS: Danuta Bierzańska, Jan Sosna, Maciej Proliński, Jerzy Bojanowicz, Jan Mazurek, Andrzej Kazimierski, Janusz Turakiewicz, Janusz Korzeń TRANSLATION: Sylwia Wesołowska-Betkier, Agit

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2020 is a very unusual number. Mathematicians call it “self-descriptive” and say there are only seven numbers of this kind. Will the year 2020 be equally unusual for politicians and economists? I admit that – after repeating similar messages for a year, like a mantra - I would be happy to comment on something different for a change. What politicians, entrepreneurs and analysts commenting on their actions fear the most are sudden spikes in uncertainty and risk, and the unexpected appearance of sudden and unpredictable phenomena. They are called “black swans.” We have had quite a lot of them in recent years at each level: global, regional and the level of national economies. Today, they are said to have been recognised. You can consider their variants and this already means a lot for forecasters. One example is the conflict, the most heated one, between the United States and China. Although President Trump has maintained his sharp rhetoric, it is actually considered to be dictated by the needs of the US election campaign, given that at the same time there are intergovernmental talks going on and changes to trade figures have turned out to be not so significant because the two sides have found go-betweens in the form of Vietnam, Japan and Taiwan, which deliver goods officially withdrawn from trade. Analysts also point out that President Trump has achieved his goals: the US economy has picked up, unemployment dropped, and share prices and internal investment increased. In turn, China is contending with internal problems, which include slowing increases in labour force, a trend which significantly weakens the country’s external expansion. Likewise, we are beginning to analyse regional conflicts more calmly. The most important – from our point of view - European problem, which is Brexit, is entering a phase of less emotional and more matter-offact negotiations. An important issue for Poland – apart from Polish immigrants being the largest ethnic minority in the United Kingdom – is the question of conditions for Polish exports to the British market. Their value is close to PLN15 billion, which is quite a significant figure in Poland’s trade balance. Considering Britain’s aspirations to become - after its departure from the European Union - an “Atlantic Singapore,” it is clear that the EU countries will have to act under a single banner in these negotiations. It cannot be ruled out that, despite all the PR noise, cooperation between the two sides will actually become closer in many spheres. And although the EU speaks about a “green Europe” the loudest, the only European metropolis which has a plan for a zero-emission city, and carries it out, is London. It is also worthwhile to look at the Far East because this region seems to be the most promising now when it comes to building trade relations. Last year, we celebrated two very important anniversaries: 70 years of Polish-Chinese relations and 100 years of Polish-Japanese relations. In the case of our relations with China, we are still struggling to improve our trade balance. But the anniversary of establishing relations with Japan coincided with several decisions which inspire hope for a giant technological leap in Poland. One of them was the news about relocating the production of the latest Japanese engines to Poland.

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And what prospects does the year 2020 offer to Poland? We will certainly devote much attention to international relations aimed at finding new markets for Polish products, transferring more investment and technologies to Poland and strengthening the country’s security. The calendar of diplomatic meetings at a high level is impressive. On January 21-23, as part of continued celebrations of establishing Polish-Japanese relations, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki will pay an official visit to Japan. Economic matters will feature among the topics raised during the visit. During a working meeting, a delegation of the Port of Gdynia Authority, which will accompany the prime minister, will present its latest investment project: the Outer Port in the city of Gdynia. In the next weeks, one can expect that talks will be continued with South Korea on the purchase by the Polish armed forces of 800 K2 tanks manufactured by Hyundai Rotem, including the transfer of know-how to Poland. Finally, the project to build Poland’s central transport hub (Solidarity Transport Hub Poland) is expected to enter a successive stage. The project has the potential to attract the interest of China, the United States and Britain. However, both government and opposition experts are agreed that after three years of record growth in every sector the Polish economy is slowing down. The GDP growth rate will drop from more than 5% to 4-3.5%, which means Poland will still remain one of the European leaders in this respect. One reason behind the slowdown is the deterioration of economic conditions in countries which are our main EU partners. Also, we have exhausted our potential for implementing further large-scale welfare programmes, which have driven consumer demand. And neither can we count on the inflow of more immigrants who have effectively supplied our labour market so far. How are we going to respond to these unfavourable trends? I have to mention a meeting which made me very optimistic about it. For 14 years, at a “Polish Market” Gala held in Warsaw’s Royal Castle at the end of a year, we have presented awards to outstanding businesses and individuals for services in such spheres as economy, science, culture, sport and for promoting patriotic and social values. We also grant Pearls of Innovation – Progress awards and awards for contribution to sustainable development. At the Gala in December last year, we also announced for the 17th time the results of the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking, which is a league table of the most efficient companies in Poland. Ninety one firms of the several hundred which had agreed to be evaluated met the strict criteria. The winners came from various sectors of the economy, but shared the conviction that they have not yet achieved everything that they could, although they have already done a lot. This must have made an impression on the ministers, parliamentarians, advisers and experts taking part in the Gala. And I felt that the year 2020 will be a very special year. Let’s live and work healthily, joyfully and in peace. This is what I wish you for the New Year with all my heart. PS. The next year with a self-descriptive number will be the year 21200. So if we want to benefit from any special quality offered by such a year we have to do it now.

Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President of Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.



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Ladies and Gentlemen, A pearl symbolises purity and wealth. It is something exceptional and unique. That is why it is desired and admired. Tonight you will be awarding those entrepreneurs who have made their projects into pearls. Let me cordially welcome all those gathered at the Pearls of the Polish Economy Grand Gala, and let me assure you that you are in my thoughts. For the past decade or so, it has become a tradition for the “Polish Market” monthly magazine to honour enterprises which have scored particular market successes. Each Pearl of the Polish Economy statuette is a certificate of quality. It is a sign that the firm which has received it, represents the highst standards, and that it can be proud of its effectiveness and growth dynamics. It is a title which commands respect because it is based on an assessment of the performance of Polish companies carried out with the use of international auditing criteria. Tonight’s Gala is thus a celebration of those who have achieved the most in market competition. They have used their competitive advantages and innovation to the fullest, making their companies grow even faster and develop their potential. May I extend my congratulations to all the nominees and winners of statuettes. We owe particular respect to the laureates of the Honorary Pearls of the Polish Economy who are prominent representatives of the world of science, culture, economy, and those who promote social and patriotic values. I am very happy that thanks to the international readership of the “Polish Market” magazine, the winners will contribute to the strengthening of Poland’s positive image abroad. Ladies and Gentlemen, let me extend my thanks to the organisers of tonight’s Gala, those who have compiled the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking, and those who support “Polish Market” in the implementation of this ambitious project. I trust that this event will give the award winners fresh strength and motivation to undertake new initiatives. Please accept my congratulations once again. Yours respectfully, Mateusz Morawiecki

Guests of the 17th Pearls of the Polish Economy Grand Gala at the Royal Castle in Warsaw

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The 17th “Polish Market” Gala, held at Warsaw’s Royal Castle on December 10, opened with the Włodek Pawlik Trio performing Stanisław Moniuszko’s song “The Spinner” and the British School Choir singing Moniuszko’s “Do You Know the Land” and Paul McCartney’s “Hey Jude.” As every year, several hundred outstanding guests turned up for the occasion at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Tadeusz Deszkiewicz and Zdzisław Sokal represented Poland’s president while deputy Arkadiusz Mularczyk represented the Polish parliament. Artur Orzech, the master of ceremonies, also greeted Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development Wojciech Murdzek, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy Waldemar Buda, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education Iwona Michałek, President of the Personal Data Protection Office Jan Nowak and Secretary of State at the Ministry of Digital Affairs Adam Andruszkiewicz.


mong the invited guests were honorary patrons of the Gala: Director of the National Centre for Research and Development Wojciech Kamieniecki and President of the Polish Economic Society Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska. Taking part in the Gala were also President of the Main Council of Research Institutes Prof. Leszek Rafalski, Prof. Michał Kleiber, former Minister of the Economy Janusz Steinhoff, PhD, and numerous business and media people, politicians, diplomats, academics and artists. Those gathered were greeted by Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, President of the Oficyna Wydawnicza Rynek Polski publishing company and editor-in-chief of “Polish Market” (see page 12 for the address). Then, the guests watched a short film being a presentation of the Szymbark Castle whose reconstruction had been undertaken by the Foundation of Grzegorz Słyszyk, a new shareholder in the Oficyna Wydawnicza Rynek Polski company. In his address, President Słyszyk spoke about the beginnings of his entrepreneurial career and quoted Ovid’s maxim which he had adopted as his motto:

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From left: Grzegorz Słyszyk, founder of the Szymbark Castle Foundation, Irenn Naydanova, Iwona Michałek, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Edward Trzosek.


“Whatever you do, do it wisely and consider the end.” “Polish economic patriotism and the patriotism of the cultural community are the values guiding the reconstruction of the Szymbark Castle, a gem of Polish history and culture,” President Słyszyk said when congratulating the winners of “Polish Market’s” Pearls awards. “The Gala crowns the year-long activity of our publishing company in promoting the Polish economy, science, culture and the arts outside Poland. This, in turn, underlies a value very important for us Poles: Polish patriotism in the area of economy and science, and the patriotism of the national and cultural community. The awardwinners contribute to propagating these values.” Then, Tadeusz Deszkiewicz, a representative of the Polish president, took the floor. He offered his congratulations to President Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, stressing that the “Polish Market” magazine had for over 20 years consistently promoted the Polish economy, science and culture and that its Pearls awards were an increasingly highly valued distinction. “As a man of culture, I was particularly happy when distinctions promoting Polish science and culture were added to the Pearls promoting the Polish economy,” he said. “This makes us aware that culture may be an extremely important part of the economy.” Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development Wojciech Murdzek read out a letter from Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to the Gala participants (see page 6 for the letter). Secretary of State at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy Waldemar Buda referred to Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek’s address: “Today is a very important day when a Nobel Prize is being presented in Stockholm to Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk. And here, we are awarding ‘Polish Nobel Prizes’ in the sphere of economy. Ms President alluded in her speech to the crisis narration. On behalf of the Ministry, I can say that even the most extreme crisis narration will be unsuccessful in Poland because we will end this year with a growth rate of 4.3% and next year with well over 3%. So let’s not worry. We are in the heat of new negotiations in the European Union right now, tough discussions are going on, in particular about funding for hard infrastructure and climate policy, but there is absolutely no doubt that the largest amount of money should be set aside for innovation and entrepreneurs. And we already know that it will be more than PLN60 billion. On behalf of Minister [of Funds and Regional Policy Małgorzata Jarosińska-ed.] Jedynak, I would like to congratulate the award winners and wish you all a nice evening.” After a stunning show by the Włodek Pawlik Trio, another part of the programme was the announcement of the results of the “Polish Market’s” ranking (for the list of the laureates see page 18). “These are the best of the Pearls of the Polish Economy,” said Artur Orzech, announcing the official and most important part of the Gala – the ceremony of presenting the Pearls awards. Ninety one firms fulfilled the economic criteria of the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking. The best in each category received statuettes designed by graphic artist Marek Biczak. The methodology of the ranking has been elaborated by scientists of the Department of Decision Support and Analysis Institute of Econometrics Warsaw School of Economics under the guidance of Prof. Tomasz Szapiro.

Tadeusz Deszkiewicz, a representative of the Polish President

Waldemar Buda, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Regional Funds and Regional Policy

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Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Grzegorz Słyszyk

After the presentation of the Pearls of the Polish Economy, time came for awarding the Pearls of Innovation, and distinctions for promoting ecology and entrepreneurship. Then, the Ballroom of the Royal Castle resounded with Chopin’s nocturne brilliantly performed by Janusz Olejniczak, a winner of the Honorary Pearl award in 2010. The audience rewarded the artist with heavy applause. The last event in the official part of the Gala was the announcement of winners of “Polish Market’s” Honorary Pearls. The awards have been granted for 14 years now to outstanding individuals and institutions whose work, experience, prestige and ethical standards mean they may be regarded as ambassadors for the highest Polish values. The Honorary Pearls are awarded in the following categories: Economy, Science, Culture, Sport for Promoting Social Values and for Promoting Patriotic Values. In the last category, the Honorary Pearl went to Ryszard Witkowski, a Polish World War II Home Army soldier and holder of the Commander’s Cross and Righteous Among the Nations medal. The moved audience stood up and greeted the laureate with loud applause. After the official part of the Gala, the organisers invited the participants to a banquet in the Castle’s Kubicki Arcades. • Wojciech Murdzek, Secretary of State, Ministry of Economic Development

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Prof. Michał Kleiber, Vice-President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, President of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences

“Laureates of the Honorary Pearls awards show us by their activity what values we should subscribe to and they successfully pursue goals associated with these values,” said Michał Kleiber, Vice-President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, President of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, winner of the Special Pearl award in 2014.

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AN ADDRESS BY KRYSTYNA WOŹNIAK-TRZOSEK, “POLISH MARKET” PRESIDENT AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF AT THE PEARLS OF THE POLISH ECONOMY GALA Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honour for me to welcome such distinguished guests at the residence of the kings and dukes of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This year, as last year, we celebrate a number of important anniversaries. The Royal Castle is also celebrating its jubilee. 400 years have passed since the completion of the castle reconstruction commissioned by King Sigismund III Vasa, and 450 years since the castle became the permanent seat of parliamentary sessions, under a resolution of the Polish-Lithuanian Union of Lublin of 1569. It is worth bearing this in mind, for we are celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the elections, as a result of which the first Parliament of an independent Poland was formed in the wake of WWI. It was 100 years ago that our outstanding countryman Ignacy Jan Paderewski addressed Parliament on November 12, 1919. "The ideas of a single man, or a group of people, are not enough to build a vision for Poland. A vision is born out of the political thinking of the entire nation. It is developed and enriched through the needs and lives of generations," he said. These were wise and important words. When Poland regained its lost freedom 30 years ago, following years of another enslavement under communism, the bard Wojciech Młynarski asked in one of his poems: "Why is freedom so hard? Much harder than captivity." Well, nobody promised it would be easy. But we have shown that we are an extremely hard-working and entrepreneurial nation. Now, 30 years after the fall of communism, in the second decade of NATO membership, and in the 15th year of EU membership, we have largely managed to bridge the gap between East and West. We are no longer a country trying to catch up with others, but one of the largest economies of a united Europe. The World Bank, economic institutions and experts may forecast an economic slowdown, or even a crisis, yet we know perfectly well that crises are cyclical, they are a permanent feature of the market economy. Can a crisis become a self-fulfilling prophecy? American Nobel prize winner professor Robert Shiller believes that it can. He quotes a letter written to the editor of a newspaper in what was then an English colony on the east coast of North America in the late 18th century. It said that all the writer’s friends were talking about recession, and the more they talked about it, the less money there was in circulation, because everyone was getting ready for a recession. This particular recession did strike. But self-fulfilling prophecies were already mentioned in Greek mythology. So today we are not going to talk about a slowdown, but we are happy to celebrate the fact that we are five times richer than we used

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to be 30 years ago. We owe it, above all, to ourselves, our determination, our diligence, our great Polish entrepreneurs and managers, as well as people of science and culture. That is why I want to dedicate to all those I have mentioned, and to all those present here today, the words of poet, philosopher, and essayist Father Mieczysław Maliński: "Whichever road you take, you will always reach the same conclusion that your greatness comes from work. You are talented, but it is a gift. It makes you unique. But all the rest is your work. It is creative, well-organised, intense, wise and up to the point. It allows you to take some rest and to have a good time. But at the end of the day, it is all about work.” Ladies and Gentlemen, For 14 years, in these historic interiors of the Royal Castle, we have honoured outstanding Poles, leading companies, and those distinguished in the economy, science, culture, sports, and the promotion of patriotic and social values. In partnership with the Main Council of Research Institutes, we also award Progress or Pearl of Innovation prizes. Together with the Polish Ecology Association we award those who have distinguished themselves in their work for sustainable development. In the “Polish Market” magazine we have written about the successes of Polish companies and great Poles, about our tradition, history, culture and important anniversaries, not for a year or two, but for almost 24 years. In this way, we consistently implement our mission of bringing Poland closer to the outside world, we promote what is the most important and valuable in this country. In other words, we build brand Poland. I have mentioned several important anniversaries of events which changed the course of Polish history. This year Poland has marked the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II under the slogan Remembrance and Warning. It also marked the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Rising against Nazi rule during WWII. I was particularly moved to be able to take part in celebrations marking the 100th birth anniversary of Poland’s last wartime president-inexile, Ryszard Kaczorowski, not only because I knew him personally, but also because he received the Honorary Pearl for the Promotion of Patriotic Values at our gala event at the Royal Castle in 2007. Ladies and Gentlemen, We also join in celebrating the work of great Poles distinguished in the field of culture. That is why, at the beginning of this ceremony we featured songs by Stanisław Moniuszko, on the 200th anniversary of his birth, performed by the outstanding artist Włodek Pawlik, our Honorary Pearl award winner of 2015. A beautiful song by Moniuszko was also performed by the British School choir, which was accompanied by Jola Pawlik, our Pearl award winner of 2018. This year also marks the 170th anniversary of the death of Frederic Chopin. Tonight you can hear his music performed by Janusz Olejniczak, who received the Pearl award in 2010.


WE ARE NO LONGER A COUNTRY TRYING TO CATCH UP WITH OTHERS, BUT ONE OF THE LARGEST ECONOMIES OF A UNITED EUROPE. 2019 also marks the 210th birth anniversary of the 19th century national poet Juliusz Słowacki, one of the three great Romantic bards. He described Poland as the Winkelried of Nations, in reference to a mediaeval Swiss knight who sacrificed his life for his homeland. Słowacki was the favourite poet of WWI independence leader Marshal Józef Piłsudski. He also became the spiritual inspiration for young resistance fighters in the Warsaw Rising during WWII. Słowacki wrote: “I implore those still living not to lose hope, But, when the time comes, to go forth to their death Like stones thrown by God upon a great rampart.” So much for national anniversaries. But there are also other anniversaries falling this year marking developments which have changed the face of the world. One such anniversary is the 50th anniversary of the Internet, which 4.5 billion people now use, almost 60% of the planet's population. 50 years ago, the era of industrial automation began, which gave rise to the third industrial revolution. And one more important event for humanity: the first man set foot on the moon 50 years ago. We may all remember this, but it is less known that the US astronauts carried a letter from Pope Paul VI containing an excerpt from Psalm 8. Let me give you a brief quote: "When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars that you set in place — What is man that you are mindful of him. (…) You have given him rule over the works of your hands, put all things at his feet.” Fine words, it is good to bear them in mind, for what are we going to do with this world which God has put at our feet? What the world is going to be like is really up to us. That is why, let us love this world, let us live mindfully and responsibly. Let us not turn our power and knowledge against it, against people, animals and plants. Let us care for the sustainable development of our planet. Let us not destroy it and devastate it. Let us live in peace and joy, and that is what I wish you for the coming Christmas and New Year with all my heart. May I convey my heartiest congratulations to our winners, and my sincere thanks to all the patrons, sponsors and partners.

Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, President and Editor-in-Chief of “Polish Market”

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PEARLS OF THE POLISH ECONOMY PRZEMÓWIENIE KRYST Y N Y WOŹNIAK-TRZO S E K, PREZES I REDAKTOR NACZELNEJ „POLISH MARKET” NA GALI PEREŁ POLSKIEJ GOSPODARKI Dobry wieczór Państwu, To dla mnie wielki zaszczyt, że mogę przywitać tak dostojnych gości w rezydencji Książąt i Królów I Rzeczypospolitej. W tym roku, podobnie jak w ubiegłym, mamy wiele ważnych rocznic i Zamek Królewski też obchodzi swój jubileusz: mija 400 lat od ukończenia przebudowy zamku na zlecenie Króla Zygmunta III Wazy i 450 lat od czasu, kiedy zamek mocą uchwały unijnego sejmu lubelskiego został uznany za stałe miejsce zgromadzenia sejmu Rzeczypospolitej. Warto o tym pamiętać, bo mamy przecież rok obchodów stulecia wolnych wyborów, w wyniku których został utworzony pierwszy parlament niepodległej Polski. To właśnie sto lat temu nasz wybitny rodak Ignacy Jan Paderewski, podczas swojej mowy sejmowej wygłoszonej 12 listopada 1919 roku powiedział znamienne słowa: „Myśl jednego człowieka lub narady kilku ludzi programu narodowego nie stworzą. Program stały rodzi się z myśli politycznej całego narodu, rozwija się i uzupełnia przez potrzeby i życie pokoleń.” Mądre i ważne przemyślenia. Kiedy 30 lat temu, po latach kolejnego zniewolenia, odzyskaliśmy utraconą wolność, Wojciech Młynarski słowami swego wiersza pytał: „Czemu ta wolność taka trudna? Wiele trudniejsza od niewoli.” No cóż, nikt nam nie obiecywał, że będzie łatwo. Jednak wykazaliśmy, że jesteśmy niezwykle pracowitym i przedsiębiorczym narodem. I dziś po 30 latach od upadku komunizmu, po 20 latach naszej przynależności do NATO i 15 latach obecności w Unii, udało nam się w dużej mierze zmniejszyć przepaść dzielącą Wschód od Zachodu. Nie jesteśmy już krajem na dorobku, ale jedną z największych gospodarek zjednoczonej Europy. Wprawdzie Bank Światowy, instytucje gospodarcze i eksperci prognozują nadchodzące spowolnienie gospodarcze, czy nawet kryzys, to jednak doskonale wiemy, że kryzysy mają charakter cykliczny i są stałym elementem gospodarki rynkowej. Czy może je wywołać tak zwana narracja kryzysowa? Amerykański noblista profesor Robert Shiller twierdzi, że tak. Na dowód przytacza list napisany w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku, który trafił do jednej z gazet wydawanych przez brytyjską kolonię na wschodnim wybrzeżu Ameryki Północnej. Autor listu napisał: „Wszyscy znajomi rozmawiają o recesji, a im więcej o niej mówią, tym mniej pieniędzy widzę w obrocie, bo wszyscy się na tę recesję szykują.” Jaka jest pointa tych narzekań? Ta recesja rzeczywiście nadeszła. Jest to nic innego, jak samospełniająca się przepowiednia. Już w mitologii greckiej z takimi przepowiedniami mieliśmy okazję się spotkać. Dlatego nie mówmy dziś o recesji i spowolnieniu, ale cieszmy się faktem, że jesteśmy pięć razy bogatsi niż 30 lat temu i zawdzięczamy to przede wszystkim sobie, naszej determinacji, naszej pracowitości, wspaniałym polskim przedsiębiorcom i menedżerom, a także ludziom nauki i kultury. Dlatego tym wszystkim ludziom, a więc i Państwu, którzy tu z nami dziś jesteście, pragnę zadedykować słowa poety, filozofa, eseisty ks. Mieczysława Malińskiego: „Jakąkolwiek drogą byś nie szedł zawsze do tej samej konkluzji dojdziesz, że wielkość twoja to praca twoja. Bo ileś dostał talentów,

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toś dostał. To ani twoja zasługa ani zdobycz. Dar. I od tej strony jesteś nieporównywalny. Ale reszta, ta cała reszta to praca twoja. Mądra, dobrze zorganizowana, precyzyjna, intensywna, twórcza. Z przerwami na oddech – na odpoczynek i świętowanie. Ale wciąż praca.” Drodzy Państwo, Od 14 lat w tych historycznych wnętrzach Zamku Królewskiego honorujemy wybitnych Polaków, znakomite przedsiębiorstwa i osoby zasłużone w takich dziedzinach, jak: gospodarka, nauka, kultura, sport, krzewienie wartości patriotycznych i społecznych. We współpracy z Radą Główną Instytutów Badawczych wręczamy nagrody Progress – czyli Perły Innowacji, a wspólnie ze Stowarzyszeniem Polska Ekologia nagradzamy osoby zasłużone za działalność na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju. O sukcesach polskich firm i wielkich Polaków, ale także o naszej tradycji, historii, kulturze, ważnych rocznicach piszemy na łamach "Polish Market" nie od roku czy od dwóch lat, ale od blisko 24 lat. W ten sposób realizujemy konsekwentnie naszą misję przybliżania Polski światu, dawania świadectwa tego, co jest w naszym kraju najważniejsze, najwartościowsze. Innymi słowy budujemy markę, która nazywa się Polska. Przypomniałam dzisiaj Państwu kilka ważnych rocznic, które w tym roku obchodziliśmy, bo były to wydarzenia, które zmieniły bieg naszej historii. Trudno nie wspomnieć w tym miejscu o obchodach upamiętniających 80. rocznicę wybuchu II Wojny Światowej, odbywających się pod hasłem „Pamięć i Przestroga”, czy też o 75. rocznicy Powstania Warszawskiego. Z wielkim wzruszeniem obserwowałam także obchody związane z 100. rocznicą urodzin naszego ostatniego prezydenta na uchodźctwie Ryszarda Kaczorowskiego, nie tylko dlatego, że znałam go osobiście, ale również dlatego, że podczas naszej Gali tu na Zamku w 2007 roku przyjął Honorową Perłę w kategorii Krzewienie Wartości Patriotycznych. Pamiętamy też o jubileuszach upamiętniających twórczość wielkich Polaków zasłużonych w dziedzinie kultury. Dlatego na początku naszej uroczystości usłyszeliście Państwo utwory Stanisława Moniuszki w dwusetną rocznicę jego urodzin, wykonane przez znakomitego artystę Włodka Pawlika-naszą Honorową Perłę z roku 2015. Przepiękną pieśń Moniuszki wykonał także chór z The British School, któremu akompaniowała Jola Pawlik, nasza Perła z roku 2018. W tym roku przypada też 170. rocznica śmierci Fryderyka Chopina. Usłyszycie dziś Państwo jego muzykę w mistrzowskim wykonaniu Janusza Olejniczaka, który otrzymał Perłę w roku 2010.


Wspomnę jeszcze, że w tym roku mija 210 lat od urodzin Juliusza Słowackiego. Ten poeta czasu romantyzmu, głoszący hasło: Polska Winkelriedem Narodów, był otoczony specjalnym kultem przez Józefa Piłsudskiego, a także stał się duchowym przywódcą pokolenia Kolumbów – młodych ludzi, którzy 75 lat temu walcząc w Powstaniu Warszawskim realizowali poetycki testament Słowackiego, który pisał: „Niechaj żywi nie tracą nadziei I przed narodem niosą oświaty kaganiec; A kiedy trzeba na śmierć idą po kolei, Jak kamienie przez Boga rzucane na szaniec.” Tyle o naszych narodowych rocznicach, ale są w tym roku także rocznice, które chociaż nie są polskie, jednak zmieniły obraz świata, a więc i naszego świata. Taką rocznicą jest 50 lat istnienia internetu, do którego dostęp ma obecnie 4,5 miliarda ludzi, czyli prawie 60% mieszkańców naszej planety. 50 lat temu rozpoczęła się też era automatyki przemysłowej, która dała początek trzeciej rewolucji przemysłowej. I jeszcze jedno ważne dla ludzkości wydarzenie: 50 lat temu człowiek po raz pierwszy postawił nogę na Księżycu. O tym chyba wszyscy pamiętamy, ale nie wszyscy wiemy, że w tę pierwszą w dziejach ludzkości

kosmiczną podróż na Księżyc amerykańscy astronauci zabrali ze sobą list od papieża Pawła VI ze słowami z psalmu VIII. Przypomnę mały fragment tego psalmu:

British School Warsaw school choir conducted by Jaime Gibson, director of Performing Arts

„Gdy patrzę na Twe Niebo, Dzieło Twych palców, Księżyc i gwiazdy, które Tyś utwierdził Czym jest człowiek, że o nim pamiętasz? (…) Obdarzyłeś go władzą Nad dziełami rąk Twoich; Złożyłeś wszystko pod jego stopy.” Piękne słowa, dobrze je mieć w pamięci, bo co zrobimy w tym światem, który Bóg położył u naszych stóp? Jaki będzie świat w dużej mierze od nas zależy. Dlatego kochajmy ten świat, żyjmy rozważnie i odpowiedzialnie. Nie wykorzystujmy naszej władzy i naszej wiedzy przeciwko światu, przeciwko ludziom, zwierzętom i roślinom. Dbajmy o zrównoważony rozwój naszej planety, nie niszczmy jej i nie dewastujmy. Żyjmy w zdrowiu, radości, pokoju i tego Państwu z okazji zbliżających się Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Nowego Roku z całego serca życzę. Naszym Laureatom serdecznie gratuluję, a patronom, mecenasom i partnerom gorąco dziękuję.

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OF WORLD CULTURE The artistic setting for the Pearls of the Polish Economy Gala in December was created by artists whose performances excellently matched the solemn character of the event, confirming at the same time the great contribution of Polish music to global cultural heritage. As in the previous year, the audience had an opportunity to admire the artistry of jazz pianist Włodek Pawlik. There was also quite a lot of novelty. A children’s choir – made up of students of The British School Warsaw – sang for the first time ever in the history of the 17 Galas of the Pearls of the Polish Economy. The choir was accompanied by Jolanta Pszczółkowska-Pawlik. In turn, the Partita band delighted the audience with a medley of patriotic songs. And it will be hard to forget the moving interpretation of Chopin’s nocturne by pianist Janusz Olejniczak and the performance of guitarist Janusz Strobel with vocalist Nula Stankiewicz.

Włodek Pawlik

WŁODEK PAWLIK, a versatile pianist and composer of jazz, contemporary, film and theatre music; leader of the Włodek Pawlik Trio, who played at the Gala. The Trio also includes percussionist Adam Zagórski and double bass player Paweł Pańta. Włodek Pawlik has appeared at the largest jazz festivals, like for example European Jazz Festival and North Sea Jazz Festival. He was awarded the Grammy statuette in the category Best Large Jazz Ensemble in 2014 for his album “Night in Calisia.” In 2019, he recorded the album “Pawlik / Moniuszko: Polish Jazz,” devoted to Stanisław Moniuszko, a great 19th-century Polish composer and the father of Polish opera. JOLANTA PSZCZÓŁKOWSKA-PAWLIK is not only director of Pawlik Relations Concert Agency and the producer of albums composed by her husband Włodek Pawlik, but also a concert-giving classical

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Nula Stankiewicz

pianist who focuses on the song repertoire. For several years now the artist has worked on recording a complete set of songs by Stanisław Moniuszko. THE BRITISH SCHOOL WARSAW was set up in 1992 by IWONA THOMAS and Nord Anglia Education, a British schools organisation.


The British School Warsaw


Janusz Olejniczak

Janusz Strobel

The Warsaw school cooperates with The Juilliard School in New York, one of the world’s leading performing arts institutions. A Music Department operates at The British School Warsaw, with a school choir conducted by Jaime Gibson, director of Performing Arts. JANUSZ OLEJNICZAK, one of the most outstanding Polish pianists, specialised in Fryderyk Chopin’s music, winner of the 6th prize at the 8th International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw in 1970 and “Polish Market’s” Honorary Pearl award in 2010. Chopin’s music fascinates him, as he says himself, with its intangibility. The artist also had a few acting episodes in his life, including his portrayal of Fryderyk Chopin in Andrzej Żuławski’s film “The Blue Note.” NULA STANKIEWICZ is a vocalist known mainly in the sung poetry circles. She debuted as the winner of several sung poetry contests. She has performed with many bands, but for a dozen or so years has worked mainly with Janusz Strobel.

JANUSZ STROBEL is one of the most outstanding Polish classical guitar virtuosos, composer and arranger. He has set up a few jazz bands and collaborated with leading Polish musicians. He has composed many hits performed by Poland’s biggest singing stars - including Hanna Banaszak, Ewa Bem, Edyta Geppert and Irena Santor – to lyrics written by poets of Polish song: Jonasz Kofta, Jan Wołek and Wojciech Młynarski. Apart from numerous songs, Janusz Strobel has composed music for the solo classical guitar and guitar with orchestra. PARTITA is the first Polish vocal ensemble with a female and male line-up who still give concerts, both at home and abroad. Set up in Warsaw in 1966, the band sang backing vocals for icons of Polish song, including Czesław Niemen and Anna Jantar. Songs for the band have been written by the most popular Polish lyricists and composers, like for example Antoni Kopff and Janusz Kondratowicz. At present, the band is composed of its veterans: Anna Pietrzak, Ludmiła Zamojska, • Bronisław Kornaus and Andrzej Frajndt. 1/2020 polish market







uring the gala ceremony at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Pearls of the Polish Economy statuettes were presented to Poland’s most dynamic companies, winners of a ranking compiled by a team of researchers at the Department of Decision Analysis and Support Systems of the Institute of Econometrics at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. The Pearl of the Polish Economy title was awarded in three categories: Grand Pearls, Large Pearls and Financial Pearls. The team analysed the performance of more than 2,000 companies whose revenue over the previous year amounted to: at least PLN 100 milion in the case of Large Pearls and over PLN 1 billion in the case of Grand Pearls. Significantly, a company’s position in the ranking is not determined by the size of its income, but is based on its efficiency and growth.



From left: Dirk Strümpfler, President, Volkswagen Motor Polska Sp. z o.o., Bogusław Bielecki, Vice-President, Mondi Świecie SA, Adam Holewa, Plant Manager, Sitech Sp. z o.o., Krystyna Woźniak- Trzosek, Waldemar Buda, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy

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From left: Adam Meller, President, Port of Gdynia Authority SA, Maciej Bąk, Vice-President for Finance and Financial Management, Port of Gdynia Authority SA, Joanna Sztefko, Director of Operations, Wawel SA, Mariusz Zawadzki, President, and Adam Jeż, Vice-President, carSolution Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.


From left: Dariusz Józefiak, Director, Santander Consumer Bank SA, Jolanta Karny, Vice-President, Aviva Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie SA, Aneta Świercz-Grądkowska, Director, MetLife Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie i Reasekuracji SA, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Waldemar Buda, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy




nother event in the programme of the Gala was the presentation of Pearls of Innovation – Progress. The awards, granted since 2011, are intended for the most innovative businesses and projects. The contest is run by “Polish Market” and the Main Council of the Research Institutes. At the Gala, the awards were presented by Prof. Leszek Rafalski, Chairman of the Main

Council of the Research Institutes, Wojciech Kamieniecki, D.Sc., Ph.D., director of National Centre for Research and Development and members of the Board of Oficyna Wydawnicza Rynek Polski company, the publisher of “Polish Market”: President Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Vice-President Błażej Grabowski and VicePresident Grażyna Jaskuła.


From left: Prof. Jarosław Mizera, Dean, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Piotr Wychowański, MD, PhD, Prof. Lidia Rudnicka, Vice-Rector, Medical University of Warsaw, Associate Prof. Tomasz Gałka, Director, Instytut of Power Engineering, Kamil Krzysztof Zieliński, Vice-President, WSEZ "Invest Park", Director Wojciech Kamieniecki, Minister Wojciech Murdzek, Grażyna Jaskuła, "Polish Market” Vice-President, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, "Polish Market” President, Prof. Leszek Rafalski, Błażej Grabowski, "Polish Market” Vice-President



take part in many galas, receive equally important awards and beautiful statuettes, but the Pearls of the Polish Economy Gala stands out against the other events with its wonderful artistic setting and unique venue. We have gathered here, at our Royal Castle in Warsaw, where the place itself makes people feel dignified and this feeling is additionally enhanced by the excellent company. It is worth stressing that not only entrepreneurs are

Beata Drzazga, President, BetaMed, collects the Entrepreneurship Ambassador award

taking part in this solemn event, but also artists. Assessing the competition from the business perspective, from the point of view of a person who has been honoured with the Pearl award for the second time, though in different categories, I can confirm that thanks to this distinction people in Poland and abroad, both Poles and foreigners, learn about the activity of the laureates. It all has a big impact.




rystyna Woźniak – Trzosek and Paweł Krajmas, President of the National Association of Processors and Producers of Organic Products - Polish Ecology were asked to present awards in the Promoting Polish Organic Food category.

The aim of this award is to honour people committed to promoting eco-attitudes, environmental protection and Polish organic food. The award went to dr hab. Jędrzej Krupiński from Instytut Zootechniki PIB and Maciej Majewski, President of the Stowarzyszenie Sady Grójeckie.




Krystyna Woźniak–Trzosek and Paweł Krajmas, President of the Polish Ecology Association of Organic Processors and Producers, Prof. Jędrzej Krupiński from Instytut Zootechniki PIB and Maciej Majewski , President of the Stowarzyszenie Sady Grójeckie

Maciej Majewski collects the Award for Promoting Polish Organic Food

Prof. Jędrzej Krupiński collects the Award for Promoting Polish Organic Food

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PEARLS For the 14th time Honorary Pearl awards were presented to prominent personalities and institutions whose professional achievements, experience, prestige and integrity make them true ambassadors for supreme Polish values.

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Polish scientist, innovator and entrepreneur, radiology professor at the University of Washington, USA, and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. He has developed the world’s most detailed digital brain atlas and is a laureate of many prestigious awards, including in the third edition of the “Outstanding Pole” competition and the European Inventor of the Year 2014 competition run by the European Patent Office.

Polish people are especially gifted when it comes to science and innovation, something which we mainly prove by working for rival economies. The most important thing is that we generate intellectual property and this intellectual property, often still hidden in our minds, should be our largest resource and our most powerful weapon in the fight for the economic future of the country. I believe it is intellectual property that should be a basis for building an innovative Poland. While our task in the past was to liberate Poland and Polish people, the future task should be to liberate the intellectual property which is still closed in our minds. How to begin? Perhaps with the words of a great Pole: “May the spirit descend – the spirit of science and innovation - and renew the face of this land.”? [paraphased words of Pope John Paul II -ed.]


President of the Polish Photovoltaics Society. The organisation promotes the wide use of photovoltaic technology, trying to bring it into the mainstream of research, economy and daily life in Poland. The Society’s goal is to increase the contribution of photovoltaic power to Poland’s energy mix and improve the state of the natural environment.

My fascination with photovoltaics began in India where at the end of the 1970s I was doing my PhD at the University of Mumbai. There has already been talk here about dreams, but I would like to say something about vision. You need to have a vision, strive to achieve a goal, and not worry about obstacles. If you believe that your cause is just you are sure to win one day.”

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Composer of contemporary and film music, jazz violinist and conductor, winner of the First Prize at the World Jazz Competition in Hoeilaart (1983), Stanisław Wyspiański Award (1985), awards of the readers of “Jazz Forum” magazine for the Musician, Composer and Violinist of the Year (1983-1986). Krzesimir Dębski has recorded more than 30 albums with his compositions for many prestigious record companies.

In Britain and the United States, broadly defined show business is the fourth largest sector of their economies. The same is the case in our country. We, artists, are not to be sneezed at - business and culture merge with each other. They are associated, for example, with advertising, which is a big business as well. Products promoted by artists sell excellently. And as regards distinctions, I usually receive awards for things for which I do not expect to receive acclaim. Sometimes it is several years after I have created something that I no longer remember about because I am preoccupied with a different project. But I appreciate this award.”


One of the most outstanding Polish classical guitar virtuosos, composer and arranger.

I am not going to hide than I am moved because the niche art that I represent has been noticed and honoured. In most cases, it is people who play loud instruments - trumpets, trombones and pianos - that receive appreciation. So I am doubly moved. Because my quiet and delicate guitar has been heard.”

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Actor, founder and director of Warsaw’s Kamienica Theatre, which officially opened on March 27, 2009 during the International Theatre Day.

I am accepting this award humbly and as an ambassador for my theatre. My theatre are my wonderful people, an excellent team without whom I would not exist. And I am deeply convinced that this is also an award for my wonderful loyal audiences, who come to the theatre in increasingly huge numbers. I simply live thanks to them. It is on behalf of all these people that I give my heartfelt thanks for this award.”


Polish painter, forerunner of reflective painting which stems from Polish colourism and symbolism.

It is a great distinction for me and I sincerely thank you for it. I accept it with both joy and humbleness. This distinction inspires me and I hope it will give me even more motivation for further work. My painting refers to Romanticism. It tells about man, his feelings and emotions. At the same time, it does not avoid historical or patriotic threads. In my picture series, I have paintings inspired by Polish literature - Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Zygmunt Krasiński - and Chopin’s music. And this year was special for me. In January 2019, in this very place I had an opportunity to show my latest paintings. The show ended my jubilee of 50 years of artistic work. And today I am experiencing here this great joy for the second time.”

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PROMOTION OF PATRIOTIC VALUES GRZEGORZ WYDROWSKI President of the Allies of Grom Foundation, which continues the idea expressed by the motto of Polish special-operations paratroopers during World War II: “Force and Honour.” The soldiers and veterans of the Grom special forces unit also adhere to this ideal. The Foundation provides assistance to soldiers, members of other uniformed services and civilians serving the homeland and harmed while on duty.

Being awarded with a Pearl award for our Foundation crowns our work to date for the uniformed services and their families. We have just started the third period of rehabilitation for the people we take care of: veterans, soldiers, widows and children. It has been partially financed by the Ministry of Defence. We have established cooperation with the Navy Seals Brotherhood Fund organisation and the Lithuanian special forces foundation Gabrieliaus Kariali to work together in organising treatment for our veterans and soldiers, and joint scientific, historical and cultural undertakings. For five years now we have paid attention to traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is not recognised in our country as a separate medical condition, which means there are no specific medical procedures or rehabilitation. Therefore, we are trying to remedy the situation. The Americans already have procedures for treating this disease. This is why we are trying to acquire knowledge and experience from our partners so as to offer this kind of care to Polish veterans and servicemen. We acquire funding for our activity from 1% charitable donations deducted from personal income tax and donations made by individuals and corporations.”

RYSZARD WITKOWSKI Soldier of the Polish underground Home Army during World War II, nom de guerre Orliński, awarded with the Commander’s Cross of the Polonia Restituta Order and the Righteous among the Nations medal. He was a test pilot. During the war, he risked his life guiding Polish special-operations paratroopers as they were dropped into Poland to join the resistance. Throughout his life, he upheld the Home Army ideals of patriotism, honour and independence. As a helicopter pilot, he was an international authority and was honoured with many awards.

I am moved and grateful for the distinction and warm reception at the Gala. I am approaching 100 years of age. On this long path of my life, I had an opportunity on many occasions to be in the right place, at the right time and in the right company. I met the right people. The fact that I am here today at the Gala and that you have stood to attention before me proves that providence has extended my lucky streak.”

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Owner of the Ankol company, winner of many awards in the area of HR management, CSR and environmental protection. As a Women Entrepreneurship Ambassador, Anna Kolisz is strongly committed to stimulating employment among women.

I have received many distinctions as an enterprising woman, but now I highly value work for others: the sick, children, people who need help. The idea of corporate social responsibility is very dear to me. I have recently taken part in a debate on CSR at the United Nations. I spoke about pursuing this idea in Poland and received many words of respect after my presentation.”

RAFAŁ HĘDRZAK Member of the Management Board / Chief Executive Officer, Novomatic Technologies Poland, a company committed to UN sustainable development goals, the local community and its employees.

Thank you on behalf of Novomatic Group. I am very proud to have received this award. Responsibility is written into the company’s main motto: ‘Winning responsibly’. We are proud to say that this phrase conveys the most important aspect of our business strategy.”

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IWONA THOMAS Founder of the British School Warsaw. Established in 1992 in conjunction with Nord Anglia Education, the school now provides education to more than 1,000 pupils from the international community.

I hope that our school has contributed, even if only to a small extent, to the economic development of the country because it created conditions for the arrival of many employees of companies opening their offices in Poland and their families. At the school, we devote much attention to music, visual arts and creativity because it seems to us that creativity and creative thinking give the key to the future to our pupils.”


Athlete, high jumper, Paralympic gold medallist and world champion, the first athlete in the history of the Polish Athletic Association (PZLA) to have won a medal at Polish championships in an event with able-bodied athletes.

Thank you for this great distinction. I am glad that the achievements and successes of Paralympians and athletes with various disabilities are increasingly appreciated in Poland. At present, we are preparing for the Tokyo games so that we represent our beautiful country as well as we can and that our beautiful anthem can be heard on Japanese soil as often as possible.”

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ECONOMY MACIEJ ADAMKIEWICZ AND MAŁGORZATA ADAMKIEWICZ Maciej Adamkiewicz MD, is President of Adamed, a pharmaceutical company set up in 1986, which initially specialised in the production of gynaecological drugs and medical equipment. Since the 1990s Maciej Adamkiewicz has supported the company’s research into innovative pharmaceuticals. At the beginning of this century, he took over the management of the company together with Małgorzata Adamkiewicz. Adamed’s mission is to develop innovative drugs for key lifestyle diseases and launch them on international markets.

It is thanks to my associates that we are able to pursue our mission. We have recently been invited to a VIPO conference in Beijing. We said there that the mission of our company, apart from research benefiting medicine, was research benefiting environmental protection. I hope we will have as many innovations in environmental protection as possible.”


President of Kruk SA Piotr Krupa is a person who enabled the production of Ewa Ewart’s documentary entitled “The Curse of Abundance,” which tells about the effort and attempt to reconcile environmental ambitions with tough economic reality.

A few years ago someone told me: 'Piotr, people are made up of two groups: those who talk and those who act. The number of those who act is much smaller, but it is them who change the world. And by changing the world, they change us all.' And so, a few years ago I got involved, apart from business, in ecology. I wanted to do something more about it, I wanted to make my mark. The second leg of my passions is young Polish art: young Polish artists whom I support and promise to always support. Because I think this will be my only legacy after a dozen or so years or a few decades.”

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I highly appreciate this Gala and one reason is that it combines the spheres of economy and culture. If we moved back 300, 200 or 100 years it would be difficult for us to indicate many persons among our compatriots who made it into a global economic chronicle. However, if we analyse Poland’s contribution to world culture it turns out that it is definitely bigger. The names of Polish poets cited during the Gala, or the name of composer and pianist Fryderyk Chopin, remind us that Polish artists had a great impact on not only our culture but also world culture. In turn, the Pearl of the Polish Economy is a very significant distinction for the winning company as it is not only an important national award, but it also opens many doors outside the country because for foreign trade partners 'Polish Market' magazine is Poland’s showpiece in the world. "

Stanisław Kluza, Polish economist, doctor of economic sciences, in 2006 undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Finance in the Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz government and minister of finance in the Jarosław Kaczyński government; the first president of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority

Being here at the Royal Castle in Warsaw is a great pleasure. It is also an excellent opportunity to meet various people who have a passion to be active in business or culture. The Polish elite is present here. And the message from the December ceremony that Poland is dynamic and is developing goes out into the world thanks to the importance of the event and the international character of the magazine published in the English language."

Nicolas Mańkowski, President of Thermaleo Group

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It seems to me it is very important that the awards distributed during the Pearls of the Polish Economy Gala go not only to business, but also science and culture. But an absolutely unique thing is the opportunity to meet at a Gala like this one the most outstanding Polish artists."

Helena Mańkowska, VicePresident of Thermaleo Group

It is a very important, needed and useful event. Present here are people representing various sectors of the economy who have an opportunity to hear about each other. There is reference to culture, science and cooperation between science and business. These are important elements which build our economy, but also have an impact on building our national and cultural identity. I liked the ceremony very much, with its very interesting selection of firms and laureates, beautiful compositions. I am glad I had an opportunity to take part. ‘Polish Market’ does a good job for Poland."

Arkadiusz Mularczyk, deputy of the Law and Justice (PiS) party

The group of people present at the Gala – the audience and the awardees – proves that it is a highly esteemed award, something which is also confirmed by the fact that it has its 17th edition now. Its diverse categories – not only business, but also science, culture and values - are an added value. The ‘Polish Market’ magazine - present not only on the European and global market, but also the Polish one plays a significant role, showing Poland’s strengths, and not only those of its economy. Today’s ceremony has coincided with the awarding of a Nobel Prize to our excellent writer. It is a happy coincidence for the event."

Prof. Jędrzej Krupiński, National Research Institute of Animal Production in Balice, winner of the distinction for promoting organic food

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It is a pleasure and honour to find oneself among the laureates of such a prestigious award. It shows that the joint work of Polish people, combining the experience of various disciplines in a joint effort, produces excellent results. Our invention is part of a modern trend in implantology, and this is something that affects almost everyone of us. It really is a breakthrough because for the first time since Prof. Branemark invented implantology more than 40 years ago we are able to deliver drugs and bioactive substances to an implant after its placement, and influence the speed of tissue and inflammation healing. The new design will contribute to raising the implant survival rate. It is a highly technological and low-cost solution. It will enable our colleagues with less surgical experience to perform implant placement procedures - which will make them more popular, leading to a drop in prices – so that people can benefit from this method not only in highly specialised establishments, but also less reputable ones."

Piotr Wychowański, MD, dentist, leader of a research team of the Warsaw University of Technology and the Medical University of Warsaw

This award comes in the wake of many years of the Zone’s operation. The Zone was established in 1997 when the Wałbrzych region was in crisis due to the collapse of industry and mining. The glass, porcelain and textile sectors were collapsing. The Zone was then set up as a way to deal with the crisis. The Pearl award is a result of the work of a team who still remember those hard times. This means that we have done our job well. And this job means more than EUR8 billion in investment spending and 65,000 employees – this is impressive. For the first time a Pole has been appointed president of Toyota in Poland. This is excellent news for us because it means that we are true partners. The Wałbrzych Zone brings potentials together and, as it turns out, it does so successfully."

Kamil Krzysztof Zieliński, Vice-President of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone, winner of the Pearl of Innovation – Progress award

The Royal Castle is an excellent venue for prestigious events important for Poland. I remember myself receiving a Pearl award. It was very important for me. Connections between business and art are increasingly strong. This is wonderful. I hope that people who feel the need to invest in culture will instil this love for art in their young successors. Because culture is very important for the identity of a country, our identity."

Janusz Olejniczak, pianist, laureate of the International Chopin Competition, teacher, winner of the Honorary Pearl award in 2010

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The ‘Polish Market’ Gala plays an inspiring role. Last year, I received the Honorary Pearl award in the Culture category and it was obvious that I would appear here with my students with a classical project. We prepared Moniuszko’s songs and then we hit upon the idea that my husband, Włodek Pawlik, should transcribe them into the language of jazz. The success of this music at the Pearls Gala in 2018 inspired me so much as a producer that an album was made which turned out to be a big success throughout the world, not only in Poland. It is a great pleasure for us to be present in this beautiful Ballroom and perform again at the Gala."

Jolanta Pszczółkowska-Pawlik, pianist and producer

The Gala is a very spectacular undertaking, with an excellent artistic setting and interesting examples of successes of the Polish economy. So it is really worth being here. You can also meet here your acquaintances, meet new people, but first of all relax after hard work, after negotiations or a business trip. Such moments make you aware that business serves something and that contact with culture is very important. The most valuable thing about the Pearls of the Polish Economy is that the way in which the winners are selected is special – a team of experts by means of special algorithms pick the best on the market. Not from among those who have entered a competition, but only those who are really the best, who deserve it."

Andrzej Wójcik, Vice-President for Trade and Development, Sefako SA

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Gala host Artur Orzech

Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, “Polish Market” President and Editor-in-Chief

Iwona Michałek – Secretary of State, Ministry of National Education, Krystyna Woźniak - Trzosek, Edward Trzosek, Tadeusz Deszkiewicz, advisor to the Polish President.

From left: Minister Elżbieta Rafalska, Edward Trzosek, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Adam Bielan

◄ From left: Tadeusz Deszkiewicz, Wojciech Murdzek, Secretary of State, Ministry of Economic Development

Waldemar Buda, Secretary of State, Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy


Wojciech Kamieniecki, Director, National Centre for Research and Development, Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska, President, Polish Economic Society

Minister Iwona Michałek, Minister Wojciech Murdzek

Guests of the gala

Minister Jan Nowak, President, Personal Data Protection Office and his wife

Minister Waldemar Buda, Grzegorz Słyszyk, founder of the Szymbark Castle Foundation, President of IBC Investments and EXPO XXI in Warsaw, Irenn Naydanova, Minister Iwona Michałek

Ewa Mankiewicz - Cudny, President, Polish Federation of Engineering Associations, Bronisław Hynowski

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Bogusław Bielecki, Vice-President, Mondi Świecie, winner of the 2nd place in the Grand Pearls category

Adam Holewa, Director, SITECH receives an award for the first place in the Grand Pearls ranking

Rafał Hędrzak, Novomatic, winner of the Honorary Pearl in the promotion of social values category, Michał Kleiber, Krzystyna Woźniak - Trzosek, Iwona Thomas, British School in Warsaw, winner of the Honorary Pearl in the promotion of social values category, Minister Iwona Michałek

In the foreground, the winners of the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking for financial institutions: Director Aneta Świercz-Grądkowska, MetLife and Director Dariusz Józefiak, Santander Consumer Bank.

From left: Minister Iwona Michałek, Anna Kolisz, winner of the Honorary Pearl in the promotion of social values category

From left: Minister Wojciech Murdzek, Tomasz Gałka, Director, Institute of Power Engineering


Krystyna Woźniak - Trzosek, Prof. Wojciech Nowiński, Honorary Pearl award winner in the science category

Stanisław Pietruszko, Ph.D. D. Eng. President, Polish Photovoltaic Association, Honorary Pearl award winner in the science category.

Laureates of Honorary Pearl awards together with their families

From left: Grzegorz Wydrowski, President of the Friends of GROM Foundation

Grażyna Jaskuła, “Polish Market” Vice-President, Ryszard Witkowski, Honorary Pearl award in the promotion of patriotic values category

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From left: Director Wojciech Kamieniecki, Minister. Wojciech Murdzek, Grażyna Jaskuła, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Prof. Leszek Rafalski, Błażej Grabowski, “Polish Market” Vice-President

Prof. Lidia Rudnicka, Vice-Rector, Medical University of Warsaw, collects the Progress Pearl of Innovation award for the Warsaw University of Technology and Medical University of Warsaw Research Group.

Beata Drzazga, President, BetaMed, winner of the Entrepreneurship Ambassador Pearl

From left: athlete Maciej Lepiato, Prof. Michał Kleiber, Krystyna Woźniak – Trzosek, Łukasz Szeliga, President of Polish Paralympic Committee


From left: Maciej Adamkiewicz, President, Adamed, Janusz Steinhoff, Ph.D., Krystyna Woźniak Trzosek, Prof. Michał Kleiber, Piotr Krupa, President, Kruk SA

From left: Prof. Jarosław Mizera, Dean, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Piotr Wychowański, MD, Ph.D., Winners of the Progress Pearl of Innovation award

Rafał Hędrzak, President, NOVOMATIC Technologies Poland, collects the Honorary Pearl award in the promotion of social values category.

Piotr Krupa, President, KRUK SA, winner of the Honorary Pearl award in the economy category addressing the gala.

Piotr Wychowański, MD Ph.D., collects the Progress Pearl of Innovation award for the Warsaw University of Technology and Medical University of Warsaw Research Group.

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Piotr Salaber, composer, conductor and pianist, winner of the 2017 Honorary Pearl

From left: Minister Wojciech Murdzek, Tadeusz Deszkiewicz

Janusz Steinhoff, former Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman, Council of National Chamber of Commerce Beata Drzazga

Bożena Hockuba and Prof. Zbigniew Hockuba

Włodek Pawlik, jazz pianist and composer, and Adam Spała, President, AS Ćmielów


Honorary Pearl award laureates: Piotr Salaber (2017), Jerzy Maksymiuk (2013) and this year’s winners: Krzesimir Dębski, Emilian Kamiński, Maria Wollenberg – Kluza, Janusz Strobel joined by Krystyna Woźniak – Trzosek and Tadeusz Deszkiewicz

Nula Stankiewicz and Janusz Strobel

Krzesimir Dębski

Emilian Kamiński collects the Honorary Pearl award

Janusz Strobel

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Piotr Salaber, Ewa Maksymiuk, Jerzy Maksymiuk

Włodek Pawlik

Nula Stankiewicz and Janusz Strobel

From left: Minister Elżbieta Rafalska, Edward Trzosek, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Adam Bielan

◄ From left: Natalia Thomas, Włodek Pawlik, Iwona Thomas, Jola Pszczółkowska – Pawlik, David Thomas, Aleksander Thomas.

Tadeusz Deszkiewicz and Andrzej Frajndt, Partita


Nula Stankiewicz, Krzesimir Dębski and Janusz Strobel

Maria Wollenberg – Kluza, Honorary Pearl award winner in the culture category

Włodek Pawlik Trio: Włodek Pawlik, piano, Adam Zagórski, drums, Paweł Pańta, double bass

Emilian Kamiński, Honorary Pearl award winner in the culture category

Prince Jan Lubomirski- Lanckoroński and Prof. Henryk Skarżyński

From right: Helena Mańkowska, Vice-President, Thermaleo Group, Nicolas Mańkowski, President, Thermaleo Group with his wife

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From right: Alicja Adamczak, former President, Patent Office, Prof. Janusz Lipkowski accompanied by his wife

Arkadiusz Mularczyk, MP, President Grzegorz Słyszyk

Edward Trzosek and Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek welcome Halina Langowska, President, Langowski Logistics

Joanna Gruszka, President, Szymbark Castle Foundation, accompanied by her husband

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From left: Błażej Grabowski, Aleksandra Schoen-Żmijowa, Managing Director, BU Brave Beyond Conferences, Joanna Gruszka, Krystyna Woźniak - Trzosek, Grzegorz Słyszyk, Piotr Kubica, Managing Director, IBC Imvestments Ltd. From left: Sylwia Budzik, lawyer, Krystyna Woźniak - Trzosek, Joanna Gruszka

From left: Błażej Grabowski, Krystyna Woźniak - Trzosek, Grzegorz Słyszyk

From left: Joanna Wiktoria Grabowska, Agnieszka Charuba, Lili Projekt DTP studio

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Beata Smogorzewska, lottery winner Audi Krotoski Warszawa

Agnieszka Charuba bangs a gong announcing a lottery draw of business cards

Kubicki Arcades reception, in the foreground: Pruszków Mayor Paweł Makuch accompanied by his wife

Joanna Wiktoria Grabowska, Tomasz Obracaj, President, Apro Trade, owner, Tom Caffe brand, Agnieszka Charuba

Stanisław Andrzejczak, Anna Andrzejczak, Tomasz Obracaj, Krystyna Woźniak – Trzosek

Krystyna Woźniak - Trzosek together with her granddaughter Ola


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The editors of “Polish Market” would like to thank all the Patrons and Media Partners for their help in organising Gala of WOULD the Pearls ofALL the Economy. THE EDITORS the OF "POLISH MARKET" LIKE TO THANK THEPolish PATRONS AND MEDIA PARTNERS FOR THEIR HELP IN

Health foods during the banquet were served courtesy of the Polish Ecology Association, and fine red wines were supplied by Piwnice Półtorak.





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ORGANIZATOR: REDAKCJA “POLISH MARKET” organizer: Editorial Board ZAKŁAD of „Polish MarkEt” OPRACOWANIE RANKINGU: ranking comPiLed by: dEsicion and WSPOMAGANIA I ANALIZY DECYZJI,suPPort INSTYTUT analysis unit, institutE of EconoMEtrics, EKONOMETRII, SZKOŁA GŁÓWNA HANDLOWA W WARSZAWIE WarsaW school of EconoMics

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he beginning of the year is always a good time to look ahead to changes which it is likely to bring in the economy and public life. The world is experiencing an economic slowdown. Some countries are on the verge of recession, their GDP is shrinking. In highly developed countries there is a growing risk of long-term stagnation, low or zero growth. One of the reasons is the syndrome of excess, wasteful overproduction of many products and services which do not find buyers. Demand is unable to keep up with supply, though at the same time many social needs are not met. This shows that economic growth does not guarantee sustainable and harmonious development, which means economic development accompanied by social progress, i.e. the improvement of ordinary citizens’ quality of life, and progress in the area of environmental protection. Such a development model is referred to as the three-pillar approach to sustainable development, but in my opinion the term sustainable, harmonious development is more appropriate in this case. Equilibrium is a momentary state, while counteracting imbalances leads to progress. This sustainable, harmonious, three-pillar social and economic development was the focus of the 10th Congress of Polish Economists, which was held in Warsaw on November 28-29, 2019. The Congress of Polish Economists, which is organised every few years, is treated as an important event dealing with the fundamental problems of the Polish economy and economic sciences. A total of 500 participants attended the 10th Congress. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki addressed the plenary session. Each time the Congress meets under the patronage of the Polish President. Academics such as Jerzy Hausner, Grzegorz W. Kołodko and Andrzej Sławiński who have held high state functions as prime ministers and deputy prime ministers in the past, participated in the debates. The rectors of schools of economics and other universities also took part in the event. The tradition of the congress dates back to 1887, when Polish economists and lawyers living on Polish territories under Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Prussian rule, organised the First Congress of Economists and Lawyers in the city of Krakow. Significantly, following World War II, subsequent congresses were organised in breakthrough

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years for Poland. The Congress of Polish Economists took place in December 1950 in preparation for the Congress of Polish Science which was held the following year. The next three Congresses were held in the watershed years of 1956, 1971, 1981. In the past two decades, the congress was organised in 1993, 2001 and 2007. Those were the years when a change of government occurred. This also applies to the 9th Congress of November 2013, which coincided with a major cabinet reshuffle. The role of the Congress of Polish Economists is not to tell the government what to do. But all congress debates are guided by the assumption that looking ahead is a good way of dealing with the present. It is thus a forum for exchanging views on the state and future of the economy and economic sciences among practitioners and theoreticians, economists who represent various centres and schools, and representatives of related sciences. Differences of opinion are welcome, for they serve as an inspiration, they make people think. This also holds true about politicians. They encourage deeper, comprehensive analysis, lateral thinking, free from the pressure of day-to-day decisions, which in the case of the main actors of Poland’s public and economic life, is of special importance. At present, a difficult challenge for many countries, including Poland, is to steer the economy toward a new model, in which the GDP growth fetish will cease to be the ultimate goal, to be replaced by sustainable, harmonious social and economic development. The framework of the post-GDP economy model, i.e. post-growth economy, is gradually emerging. It is all the more important to shape such a model because of the digital revolution, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, which does not always fit into the GDP growth model. The well-known disadvantages of GDP -including equal treatment of socially desirable goods and services and of undesirable anti-rival goods, disregarding negative social and ecological consequencesare compounded by new problems which stem from the fact that the GDP growth model does not adapt to the technological and civilizational changes which the fourth industrial revolution brings. Examples of phenomena which are not adequately reflected in the GDP include the sharing economy, which is developing rapidly thanks to the Internet, the growing phenomenon of zero marginal cost, etc. It is thus interesting to ask whether the GDP as a touchstone is a thing of the past. This was one of many questions which were examined at the 10th Congress of Economists. A full report from the Congress debate is available on the website of the Polish Economic • Society.

WYDAWNICTWO PTE About us The Publishing House of the Polish Economic Society (PTE) focuses on the publication of works which are fundamental for economic sciences. Their authors are eminent representatives of economic sciences. The responsibilities of the PTE Publishing House include: - publishing scientific publications in accordance with the publishing and reviewing procedures in force at the PTE Publishing House, -p promotion of economic knowledge through a selection of publications by the PTE Publishing Committee. The Polish Economic Society, which was established in 1945, is one of the main publishers of monographs and other books of scientific nature in the field of broadly conceived economic sciences in Poland. PTE book publications are very popular in academic circles, political circles, among students and other readers. In the general opinion of the scientific community, papers they contain are of high academic merit, which is confirmed by the opinions of reviewers. The selection of materials for publication is carried out in several stages. All PTE book publications are reviewed, and publishing plans are approved by the Scientific Council and the PTE Publishing Committee, which includes eminent representatives of Polish economic sciences. In the last decade (2009-2019,) the PTE Publishing House, which is attached to the National Board of the Polish Economic Society in Warsaw, brought out 57 monographs and books of a scientific profile. In addition, several dozen scientific papers were published by PTE's regional branches. Despite the limited number of books which have been published, their scientific and editorial quality is very high, thanks to which the Polish Economic Society has significantly contributed to the promotion of knowledge about the economy and the dissemination of the latest achievements of Polish and world economics. Among the carefully selected books published by PTE are many works by eminent representatives of Polish economy and luminaries of contemporary world economy, including Nobel Prize winners in economics. In PTE's editorial activities, an important place is occupied by multi-volume editions of collected works containing papers presented at subsequent Congresses of Polish Economists (e.g. an 11-volume set of papers from the 9th Congress which was held in Warsaw in 2013.) A special place in the dissemination of the scientific achievements of world economics is occupied by the "Nobel Prize Winners in Economics" publishing series. This series includes Polish translations of the latest books by the Nobel Prize winners in economics. Nine books have been published in this series so far. The latest publication is the book by Joseph E. Stiglitz, JeanJean-Paul Fitoussi and Martine Durand "Beyond GDP. Measuring What Counts for Economic and Social Performance." Another book by last year's Nobel prize winner William D. Nordhaus “The Climate Casino” is in preparation. The "Library of Economic Thought" is a publishing series which is regarded as fundamental for the development of economic sciences in Poland. Other publishing series include: "Economics and the Contemporary World," "Key Problems of the Economy," and "Poland in the European Union." The complete offer of the PTE Publishing House is available at: ksiazkiekonomiczne.pl The Polish Economic Society Publishing House is included on a Ministry of Science and Higher Education list of publishing houses which bring out reviewed scientific monographs. PTE has been awarded 80 points. Item on the list: 636. The publisher’s ID is 73600. The list also includes the Polish Economic Society Branch in Poznań (position 396, ID 49600,) and the Polish Economic Society Branch in Zielona Góra (position 397, ID 49700.) wydawnictwo.pte.pl


PORT OF GDYNIA MAKES HISTORY ONCE AGAIN For the second time in a row, the Port of Gdynia Authority has received a Large Pearl award - one of the most prestigious awards granted to companies which come out on top in the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking. It is a splendid opportunity to remind “Polish Market” readers about the success of this award-winner.


or the past two years, the economic results scored by the Port of Gdynia have made it the winner of the Large Pearls category in a selection procedure conducted with the use of an algorithm devised by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics to objectively select Poland’s best-performing companies. What methods allow a team of eminent scientists to assess the economic performance of companies? What investments carried out by the Port of Gdynia Authority have made the company a winner in its category, making it prosper for such a long period of time? PICKING CHAMPIONS Those who came up with the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking methodology- Tomasz Kuszewski, Ph.D., Prof. Tomasz Szapiro, and the Department of Decision Support and Analysis, Institute of Econometrics of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics- have decided to devise a ranking which would not so much selects the biggest and the best, but would make it possible to assess opportunities and risks. The mechanism is best explained by one of the authors of the ranking Prof. Tomasz Szapiro of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. In one of his statements, he compared a ranking to a race, which has a beginning and end, when the runners cross the finishing line one by one. “The first runner who reaches the finishing line, or the athlete who has thrown the discus the furthest, is the best, which is proved by hard, objective measurement. That’s how we look at rankings - they are supposed to pinpoint the best based on measurements. We forget that assessing the performance of a skater or ski jumper requires a less obvious procedure than measurement, especially if Polish competitors top the ranking,” points out the scientist. ASSESSING OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS “Company rankings are also ordered lists, where one firm comes first and another one comes last, but to measurement and emotions one needs to add an aspect other than identifying with a competitor,” explains Prof. Szapiro. “A company is about potential decisions, regarding investments, accepting a job offer, or choosing a contractor. Your own profits and losses resulting from the decision are at stake. Rankings - let's put it plainly - reliable rankings, can help you estimate opportunities and risk. But not more than that. You need to do away

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THE MOST IMPORTANT RULES OF THE PEARLS OF THE POLISH ECONOMY RANKING - LARGE PEARLS A company submitted for the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking must be based in the Republic of Poland. The ranking refers to results achieved by it in the year 20XX, or the financial year that ends on June 30, 20XX. To qualify for the assessment procedure in the Large Pearls category, a company needs to achieve net sales and equivalent sales of at least PLN 100,000,000 (one hundred million zlotys) in the accounting year. The classification procedure is based on the analysis of the financial condition of a company in four aspects: financial liquidity, operating efficiency, profitability and debt. The choice of indicators allows the analysis of the current situation of the company (static analysis,) assessment of its development capacity in the near future (dynamic analysis,) and analysis of the use of available resources. The assessment of each aspect of the company's operations involves a set of indicators. The result of the assessment procedure are first-level aggregate indicators reflecting the above-mentioned aspects of the company's operations. These form the basis for calculating the final result.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki: Each Pearl the Polish Economy statuette is a certificate of quality. It is a sign that the firm which has received it, represents the highest standards, and that it can be proud of its effectiveness and growth dynamics. It is a title which commands respect because it is based on an assessment of the performance of Polish companies carried out with the use of international auditing criteria." (excerpt from PM Mateusz Morawiecki's letter to participants in the Gala)


ADAM MELLER, President of the Port of Gdynia Authority “The Pearl award is extremely important to us, the more so that we have received it for the second time in a row. We are among many important companies that are winners of this award. For us, this is all the more important because the Port of Gdynia Authority actually represents the whole maritime industry. The fact that our efforts have been noticed is thus a success for the entire maritime industry. Today, Polish ports are facing a new opening, and new multi-million investments which will multiply our transhipment capacity. This award bodes well for 2020, when we will celebrate three round anniversaries – the centenary of the symbolic wedding of Poland to the sea, of maritime administration (now Seafarer’s Offices,) and of the creation of maritime education - from the maritime school in Tczew to the Szczecin and Gdynia Maritime Universities. Thus, 2020 will be a year to talk not only about ports, but also about the sea in general."

with the term 'the best'. You can quote many reasons why, but intuitively it seems obvious. The company which tops the ranking list may not be the best for every user of the ranking at the same time,” he notes. WHO’S THE WINNER? You can find out more about the detailed methodology behind the ranking compiled by the SGH team in an insert where the most important criteria used in selecting the winners of the Large Pearl category are explained. The details can be found on www.polishmarket. com.pl/perly-polskiej-gospodarki/o-perlach-polskiej-gospodarki/. It is not unusual for a company to receive an award more than once in the same category, as is the case with the Port of Gdynia Authority. In the past, some companies occupied top positions in the Pearls of the Polish Economy Ranking for years. However, it takes a lot of consistency and a good run of luck to stay on top in such a prestigious category as the Large Pearl category two years in a row. PORT OF GDYNIA INVESTMENTS In the case of this particular winner, several factors should be noted. In 2019 Port of Gdynia achieved record cargo handling results of 24 million tonnes, including 900,000 TEU. The previous year’s corresponding figure was 23.5 million tonnes. For several years, the Port of Gdynia Authority has been making multi-million zloty investments which will enable it to receive larger vessels, thus achieving a significant increase in transhipments. In 2019, the Port of Gdynia Authority and the Centre for EU Transport Projects signed an agreement for EU funding for the project "Expanding rail access to the western part of the Port of Gdynia - modernisation and electrification." The total value of the investment project is PLN 70 million, of which PLN 20 million comes from EU funding. The electrification of the railway lines is going to improve the functioning of the Intermodal Container Terminal. The Port of Gdynia also cares for the development of warehouse and logistics facilities. Last year, the first of four planned high storage warehouses was commissioned. However, the key investment project is the Outer Port Gdynia, which, upon completion, will enable the port to receive even larger vessels. But that is not all. In October, a cornerstone

Adam Meller, President, Port of Gdynia Authority receives a Large Pearl award from Polish Market President Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek

was laid for the construction of a new Public Ferry Terminal in Gdynia. A 30,000 sq. m. ferry terminal and a warehouse of 7,000 sq. m. are to be built. 600 metres of quays are to be modernised, and storage yards and parking lots with a total area of 65,000 sq.m. are to be made available. Plans for the nearest future include a new turntable, modernisation of the waterfront, deepening of the deepwater channel to 16 metres, and of the approach fairway to 17 metres. Thanks to these measures, the port will be able to receive huge vessels from the Far East. The total cost of the investment project is over PLN 450 million, including EU funding to the tune of PLN 273 million. Aware of the fact that the development of the port will involve costs resulting from the development of road and rail infrastructure serving quays, storage yards and warehouses, in June 2019 the Port of Gdynia Authority obtained funding for these investment projects totalling PLN 1.829 billion under the "Improving the infrastructure of rail access to the Port of Gdynia" contract. As much as PLN 600 million of this amount comes from EU funding. Is 2020 going to bring new records and major investments? We keep our fingers crossed. • 1/2020 polish market




2019 was a good year for Polish ports, both when it came to government decisions, investments in infrastructure and the amount of cargo they handled. The transhipment of goods and commodities transported in containers is growing. The Port of Gdynia is in perfect financial condition. Several strategic investment projects are currently underway there, including the construction of a new Public Ferry Terminal and a new turntable, along with the modernisation of quays and the deepening of port basins and the entry to the port. All this forms a very good basis for the development of the Port of Gdynia in the next decade.


hile transhipments have been growing by leaps and bounds, the Port of Gdynia has run out of space to develop within its administrative limits. A strategic investment project has thus been launched – the construction of the Outer Port.


The constantly growing market requirements call for better security and technological development. The Port of Gdynia is one of just two ports in the world which use RTK (Real Time Kinematic), a precise measurement technology involving satellite navigation. RTK measurement is currently the most advanced technology in the world offering the most accurate measurements (in the order of centimetres) obtained in real time without the need for calculations following measurement in what is known as post-processing. RTK comes in response to the need to implement IMO standards and IALA recommendations. According to the International

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Transport Forum, the average size of vessels has almost doubled over the past 20 years. To accommodate such large vessels, ports around the world are undertaking multi-billion dollar investment projects to make more room under bridges, to deepen fairways, lengthen and strengthen quays, and erect taller and larger cranes. For this reason, the authorities of the Port of Gdynia have introduced the RTK System, which makes it possible to optimise investment processes. In addition, the Port of Gdynia is Poland’s first seaport to implement a drone flight control system which will be integrated with the nationwide Pansa UTM system, which is part of the DTM system. These systems are used locally to control UAV flights within a specific area of airspace with the use of software installed on servers provided by HAWK-E. The Port of Gdynia Authority has recently signed a letter of intent with the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and the Dąbrowa Basin regarding future cooperation in research and development projects. The Port has already worked in partnership with the Association on the development of drone technologies in the area of critical infrastructure.

PROMISING AMENDMENT Last year saw a dynamic development of the Port of Gdynia, including major investment projects. Recent moves by the Polish government have contributed to this economic success. A series of laws has been adopted by Parliament which are crucial for the maritime economy of the Baltic Sea region. The rapidly growing transhipments in Polish seaports prove that it is necessary to invest in the development of infrastructure to generate revenue for the national budget. On July 19, Parliament adopted an amendment to the law on seaports. Under one of its provisions, it is now possible to regulate the status of roads leading to ports which perform activities of crucial importance for the national economy. This will greatly facilitate the development of ports, but it is also important for local communities which use roads that are built to serve other business entities as well, thus creating a better business environment. In addition, the amendment adjusts Polish law to EU requirements. The responsibilities of the minister of maritime economy have been expanded regarding control over trading in real estate located in seaports. “Just a few years ago, present economic results would have been unthinkable. They used to be 40% lower under the previous government. We are determined to support the development of ports, it is a golden opportunity for us, which we must take. Substantial amounts of revenue are generated for the national budget, coming from customs fees, taxes and other fees. Last year, Polish ports generated PLN 40 billion of revenue. It marks a huge injection into our budget, so we can’t stop even for a moment in our drive to develop seaports. In this context, a special piece of legislation has been implemented regarding the expansion of ports: in Gdańsk (the extension of the Central Port), in Gdynia (construction of the Outer Port), and in Świnoujście (construction of a container terminal),” said Marek Gróbarczyk, Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation. SHORTER UNLOADING TIME On June 24, a contract to the tune of PLN 1.829 billion was signed for a project entitled "Improving the infrastructure of rail access to the Port of Gdynia," of which PLN 600 million comes from EU funding. Thanks to one of the largest investments from the National Railway Programme, Polish ports will be able to increase their potential by handling cargo transported by much longer trains. The time of loading and unloading will be cut by several minutes to up to an hour. At the same time, the competitiveness of ports will increase due to the growing amount of cargo they will be able to handle. Railways are set to become more attractive as compared to other means of transport, and the country's economy is expected to develop even more dynamically, generating revenues for the central budget and stimulating the development of the region. “Within 2.5 years, this new railway infrastructure which we have committed ourselves to build, is going to be ready. It will significantly increase the capacity for the handling of goods and commodities. It will make the ports of Gdynia and Gdańsk the No.1 hub in the Baltic Sea region,” said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. On August 9, Parliament adopted a special piece of legislation on investments in the construction of outer ports. Its aim is to enable the efficient implementation of seaport expansion projects. It concerns what are known as ports of primary importance for the national economy, i.e. the ports of Gdynia, Gdańsk and the Szczecin - Świnoujście port complex, in which the Treasury holds a 95% stake. The act is meant to support the full use of the transhipment potential of the Port of Gdynia. It is of key importance for the pace and efficiency of the implementation

LAST YEAR SAW A DYNAMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE PORT OF GDYNIA, INCLUDING MAJOR INVESTMENT PROJECTS. RECENT MOVES BY THE POLISH GOVERNMENT HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THIS ECONOMIC SUCCESS. of the project, especially considering the lack of free space, in particular in the Port of Gdynia. The act on the construction of outer ports will facilitate the implementation of ground-breaking investment projects in Polish ports. In November, the Port of Gdynia Authority, together with the Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, picked a transaction adviser who will provide design consulting services regarding economic, financial, legal and technical issues. A bid submitted by joint contractors Ernst & Young, Domański Zakrzewski Palinka and WYG International, turned out to be the most successful. PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP TO BOOST POTENTIAL The PPP formula enables the use of private sector capital, knowhow and experience in the financing of investment projects and public services. In line with the government "policy regarding the development of publicprivate partnership," the Port of Gdynia Authority intends to implement a strategic investment project within this formula to increase the port's transhipment potential and to give it a competitive edge in the Baltic Sea region. Working with an experienced adviser guarantees that the best private partner will be selected to implement this undertaking. The partner will share in the financing of the project. “Transhipments have been growing year by year, while the Port has no more room to grow. This means that the Outer Port is the key to success. The Act on investment in the construction of outer ports will enable the dynamic development of the Port of Gdynia and will allow its huge potential to be fully tapped. We are glad that we have been given the green light to implement the necessary investment projects for the development of the Port to enable it to compete in the Baltic Sea region, and to make it a destination port for vessels coming from the furthest corners of the globe,” says Adam Meller, President of the Port of Gdynia Authority The high quality of management and the constantly growing amount of cargo handled by the Port of Gdynia is a clear sign that the port is on a good path of economic growth, that it uses the potential of the Baltic Sea region in the best possible way, and most importantly, that it is committed to sustainable development. Poland is one of the most prosperous economies in Europe with an average growth rate of 4.2% per year in the 1992-2019 period. It is currently the seventh largest economy in the EU, with a total GDP of EUR 524 billion. Recently adopted laws and government support are welcome news for the port, but the Port of Gdynia itself is on a steady growth path, and it is constantly looking • for fresh opportunities. 1/2020 polish market




A MAGNET FOR FOREIGN INVESTORS Toyota is scheduled to spend almost EUR 100 million to increase the production capacity for components for hybrid vehicles manufactured in Poland. This was the largest investment project announced in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone "INVEST-PARK" (WSEZ) last year.

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oyota decided to open a second production line for a TNGA engine and electric hybrid transmissions, which together form a hybrid 1.5-litre powertrain.


Thanks to hybrid technology projects, the level of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland investments in Wałbrzych and Jelcz-Laskowice will increase to over EUR 1.3 billion, and employment will go up to around 3,000 workers. It is worth noting that for the first time in history, a Pole has become the head of the Japanese company’s Polish branch. In January Dariusz Mikołajczak was inaugurated as the President of Wałbrzych and Jelcz factories.


Among large-scale projects which received the zone's support in the past year were two investment projects of Korean companies operating in the electric vehicle industry: LG Electronics Wrocław and LS EV. In total, in 2019, 19 companies decided to invest in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone, and their total financial commitment is to exceed EUR 300 million. “There are now over 250 companies operating in the area under our management in south-western Poland, of which over half are foreign investors. These companies benefit from tax breaks and comprehensive support provided by our company. We still have perfectly located zoned areas at our disposal which attract more manufacturing and service companies,” emphasises Piotr Sosiński, President of WSEZ.

Announcement of new projects involving Toyota hybrid technology. Pictured in the middle left to right: Eiji Takeichi, former President of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland (TMMP), Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Dariusz Mikołajczak, new President of TMMP


The attractiveness of the Wałbrzych zone for international corporations has been recognised by the annual fDi Magazine Global Free Zones of the Year ranking, which compares nearly 3,000 economic zones throughout the world. The Wałbrzych zone is described as a particularly attractive place to locate large-scale investment projects in Europe. In December last year, for the first time in the history of WSEZ, it also received the Pearl of the Polish Economy prize awarded by the “Polish Market” magazine brought out by the Rynek Polski publishers. Above all, the jury appreciated the innovative quality of projects carried out in the zone, the manner of their implementation and their impact on the economy and society. “We are honoured that not only the potential of the zone in the form of areas available to investors has been noticed, but also the support we provide to our investors, both in the process of project implementation and during their activities,” says Kamil Zieliński, Vice President of WSEZ.

The Wałbrzych zone received the prestigious Pearl of the Polish Economy award. Kamil Zieliński, WSEZ Vice President collects the award from Wojciech Murdzek, Deputy Minister of Economic Development


Among new forms of support introduced by the Wałbrzych zone last year was, among others, the Loan Fund for Local Government Units. Using funds coming from the programme, local government bodies will be able to provide utilities in zoned areas, develop individual lots and improve road and rail access. WSEZ also announced that the construction of six production halls and warehouses would begin this year. Making industrial facilities available for rent comes in response to the needs of investors, for whom the ability to launch production in the shortest possible time is an important factor. •

WSEZ Vice President Kamil Zieliński: We are honoured that not only the potential of the zone in the form of areas available to investors has been noticed, but also the support we provide to our investors, both in the process of project implementation and during their activities." 1/2020 polish market






nstitute of Power Engineering was founded in 1953 as a development establishment for the power industry. During decades of its history the Institute underwent several structural changes and was transformed into a research institute supervised by the Ministry of Economy (currently by the Ministry of State Assets). Today, with over four hundred employees, including many distinguished and experienced researchers, it is one of the largest research establishments in Poland and Central Europe in the field of energy technologies. The Institute is involved in research activities, in-field measurements, tests and analyses in a broad range of technologies of energy generation, transmission, distribution and use. The primary mission of the Institute is focused on the creation of new knowledge, development of new solutions and practical implementation of innovative energy products and services. Since 2009 Institute of Power Engineering has been a member of the Executive Committee of European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) – currently for the third consecutive tenure. The Institute includes the Central Unit in Warsaw and five branches in various locations throughout Poland. Laboratories of the Institute are equipped with topclass measuring and testing equipment, in many cases of unique character. Many of them are accredited with the Polish Centre for Accreditation. In general, two principal directions can be distinguished in the activities of the Institute. First of them is related to addressing specific needs of the power industry, concerning mainly problems of emissions reduction, asset management, modernizations, equipment lifetime extension, transmission and distribution systems operation and energy efficiency. Relevant contracts are typically concluded on a competitive basis, so the choice of the Institute is indicative of appreciation of its expertise and experience. Apart from the above-mentioned activities, the Institute is involved in research and development work on new technologies, materials and equipment. These projects are financed, apart from own resources, by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, National Centre of Research and Development, National Centre of Science, as well as various EU institutions, with contracts awarded on a competitive basis. The Institute has participated in over forty such projects, typically in cooperation with various Polish and European research establishments. Their scope has been very broad, but several topics are worth mentioning, especially those related in general to energy transformation. They include: • fuel cells technology (with several unique solutions developed for practical applications); • biomass and other alternative fuels; • hydrogen technologies; • low-emission combustion (several indigenous burner designs for utility and CHP plants); • clean coal technologies; • distributed generation with renewable energy sources; • novel ceramic materials (for a wide range of applications, not only in the power industry). At present, six major national and six international projects are under way. With competent staff, well-equipped laboratories, long-time experience and a consistent vision of the current state and further development of the power industry, Institute of Power Engineering is a modern research establishment, open for collaboration within a broad range of energy-related topics. •

Highest voltage hall, the largest in Poland and one of the largest in Europe

Turbine regulator developed by the Institute of Power Engineering

56  polish market  Indigenous test stand for biomass processing investigations

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TECHNOLOGY The NOVOMATIC Group was established in 1980 by Prof. Johann F. Graf. Over its 40-year history, it has become one of the top players in the gaming industry and a clear leader of the high-tech gaming segment in Europe. The Group maintains a global presence with a large number of subsidiaries across the globe. It has achieved leading market positions in Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the CEE/SEE region, with 26 technology centers, 16 production locations, and offices in more than 50 countries. NOVOMATIC’s business activities, which span more than 70 countries, generate upwards of 5 billion euro in cumulative yearly revenue. The NOVOMATIC Group places great emphasis on the importance of research and development. Over the past 3 years, the group has spent nearly 300 million euro on intensive R&D activities. Take NOVOMATIC Technologies Poland (NTP), for example. It is one of the Group’s global innovation centers that focuses on the development of high-quality, end-to-end software products. NTP employs 300 highly skilled specialists – some of the best in the country – which is undoubtedly why it has set, and continues to set, global standards in the gaming industry. As part of its business activity, NTP also pursues a wide-ranging agenda geared toward cultivating sustainable corporate development. This does not only mean meeting the needs and expectations of employees and stakeholders, but also taking up initiatives that have a positive impact on the local community and environment at large. In fact, the company supports meticulously handpicked institutions and projects in the fields of sports, culture, social affairs, and education. By doing so, NTP contributes to social development and creates added value for the communities in which it operates. The general idea behind all this is a laudable one: to be the most innovative provider of responsible entertainment in

the world. It is no surprise, then, that NTP’s motto and guiding principle is “Winning Responsibly”. A quick look at the names of some of the Group’s, and thus, NTP’s, Corporate Social Responsibility strategies – “Responsible Entertainment”, “Always Compliant”, “Enjoy Working with Us”, “Going Green”, “Active in the Community” – reveals just that; a strong commitment to social awareness and environmental responsibility. “At NOVOMATIC Technologies Poland, we take the importance of responsible business very seriously”, says CEO Rafał Hędrzak. “We live and work in the Kraków agglomeration, which is known to suffer most from pollution. Actions aimed at environmental protection are therefore of great value to us. To demonstrate our concern for the natural environment, we recently decided to equip our employees with ten zero-emission electric cars”. Clearly, socially minded and environmentally oriented actions such as

these contribute to NTP’s reputation as a socially responsible company, a fact that, by the way, has not gone unnoticed. But have they also contributed to NTP’s growing appeal as an employer? Statistics seem to point to a resounding “yes”. For instance, the average employment time at NTP is 7 years. By comparison, this figure stands at just 3.2 years for Google, a company that is considered by many to be a dream employer in the IT industry. NTP’s average, therefore, seems to be a good indicator that their approach to employees is right on the money. It’s no surprise that this emphasis on employee care has remained a part of the NOVOMATIC way for years. It is part and parcel of the very philosophy which gave the company life. As Prof. Johann F. Graf says, “The crucial foundation of our success is and will continue to be our employees – each and every individual from the now more than 30,000 members of the NOVOMATIC family.”

NOVOMATIC Technologies Poland is one of the Group’s global innovation centers that focuses on the development of high-quality, end-to-end software products. NTP employs 300 highly skilled specialists – some of the best in the country – which is undoubtedly why it has set, and continues to set, global standards in the gaming industry.



Pianist and composer WŁODEK PAWLIK talks to Jerzy Bojanowicz.

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has been a unique and pioneering editorial undertaking. The organisers of the Gala came up with the idea to present his works in the original version, as well as in a jazz version performed by my Trio. Because I am also a winner of the "Polish Market" Honorary Pearl award, which I received in 2015, I couldn’t possibly refuse. It turned out that my jazz interpretations of Moniuszko's songs were enthusiastically received by the audience. After the performance, I was asked if this material would be released on CD. My wife and I came to the conclusion that you need to capture this moment and go beyond the three songs to prepare more

arrangements that would fill an entire album. Two weeks after the Gala, I entered the studio with my musicians: bass player Paweł Pańta and drummer Adam Zagórski, to record jazz interpretations of the nine songs and arias I selected. At the end of February 2019, the CD “Pawlik / Moniuszko Polish Jazz” appeared on the market. In December we performed the three songs at the "Polish Market" gala event. How is the album selling? We are also its producers, and we’re delighted that it has found about 10,000 buyers, which is sensational. More and more copies keep being sold. An important role in PM

Photo. Katarzyna Milkiewicz

Where did you get the idea to play jazz versions of "The Spinner," "Fir Trees Rustle on Mountain Top" and "Chums" by Stanisław Moniuszko during the Pearls of the Polish Economy gala event? On the 200th anniversary of the birth of Stanisław Moniuszko, Polish Parliament declared 2019 as Moniuszko Year, and a year earlier my wife, pianist Jolanta Pszczółkowska-Pawlik, had received the “Polish Market” Honorary Pearl in the Culture category for promoting his work. Every year for a number of years, she has been publishing a CD or two containing songs by Stanisław Moniuszko. Each time it PM

PEARLS OF THE POLISH ECONOMY its promotion is played by concerts, of which I had over 70 in less than a year. The first one took place at the Radio 3 Concert Hall in March, and the latest one, at the ICE Congress Centre in Krakow in December. We also had several spectacular concerts featuring this repertoire abroad. At the end of October, two concerts were wonderfully received in Chicago. They were held at the invitation of the local Paderewski Symphony Orchestra. I expanded the arrangements for the jazz trio to include a symphony orchestra. During concerts at the beautiful Copernicus Center hall, I performed together with US musicians, the famous drummer Paul Wertico, a member of Pat Metheny's band, and my personal friend, the excellent double bass player Tom Knific. I can say with satisfaction that Moniuszko conquered Chicago in this jazzorchestral version. In your discography of a composer and jazz pianist, who in 2014 became the Grammy Award winner in the Best Large Jazz Ensemble category for the album "Night in Calisia," I was surprised to find an album entitled "Polish Christmas Carols," which was released in 2013. For the first time, I recorded my piano interpretations of Christmas carols in the manor house of (composer ed.) Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Kąśna Dolna, in the Małopolskie region. Over the years, the album has sold out, and I kept being asked to re-release it. Those who were keen to listen to my improvised Christmas carols prompted me and my wife, who is also my producer and manager, to do another studio recording session. I recorded new versions of carols, including several ones which did not figure on the previous album. This new edition of the album was also sold out, and it was re-released in December. PM

Why did you record it solo and not as a trio? Because I like playing solo. My first vinyl album was the solo album "Quasi Total," which was released by PolJazz in 1987. I have recorded eight solo albums which form an important chapter in my discography. In 2017, the album "Sounds Without Words" was released. Tracks taken from this album are often played by radio stations, especially RMF Classic. I recorded jazz standards on it, including "Georgia in My Mind," "Blowing in the Wind” by Bob Dylan and "Imagine" by John Lennon. PM


Don't you think that performing instrumental versions of Moniuszko's songs and Christmas carols is a bit unusual?

Absolutely not. Instrumental transcriptions of songs and arias have been popular for centuries and give these melodies a new lease of life. I’m not a revolutionary. Let me repeat: it’s an old tradition, and there are thousands of examples of instrumental interpretations of various vocal works. When it comes to jazz music, most of the standards improvised by instrumentalists are songs, including George Gershwin’s and Cole Porter’s songs. In early January, Małgorzata Imielska's film "Everything for My Mother" featuring your music, hit cinema screens in Poland. How important is film music for you as a composer? It’s an ongoing and inspiring relationship. I have written music for over 20 films, I made my debut composing music for the 1994 film "Crows" by Dorota Kędzierzawska. Two years later, at the Ale Kino! International Young Audience Film Festival in Poznań I won the Poznań Goats award for it. I received two awards for music written for the awardwinning film "Reverse" by Borys Lankosz of 2009. "Everything for My Mother" is a feature debut of a great documentary filmmaker who tells a dramatic story of girls from junior high school. It’s really worth seeing. PM

How do you write film music: do you watch an edited movie or does the director give you any ideas? I certainly don't have complete freedom, as in the case of my own pieces, when I write what I want. Film music has a complementary role to play, and it’s been like that since the very beginnings of cinema. Music was an inseparable part of silent movies. It all depends on arrangements made with the director and producer regarding the meaning and role of music in a film. As a rule, I first watch the film at the editing stage. Though a few times it happened that my previously written music was used, because it was thought that it fitted the spirit of the movie really well. But I'm more interested in writing music for a particular film. A very interesting and demanding recent undertaking was the music I wrote for the restored Aleksander Hertz film "The Polish Dancer" ("The Beast"), which was made in 1917 starring (Polish Hollywood actress ed.) Pola Negri. A few years ago, the only surviving copy of the film found in the New York Museum of Modern Art was digitally restored by the National Film Archive - the Audiovisual Institute in Warsaw. Writing music for it required a lot of work, in which my son Łukasz helped me out. Together, we wrote a one-of-a-kind music illustration, with the option of my own appearance as a pianist during screenings. The premiere of PM

this work took place during the 15th edition of the Silent Cinema Festival at the Iluzjon cinema in Warsaw in April 2017. Just before last Christmas, the film was released in Poland on Blue-ray. In November 2019, the American premiere of "The Beast" took place in Rochester in the US. The film was shown at the Dryden Theater, which was built at the beginning of the 20th century by George Eastman, the founder of Kodak. I appeared in this magical cinema as an improvising pianist, interacting with the recorded soundtrack. So, in a way, I alluded to the old tradition of music illustration of silent films by pianists. The Americans were very happy about my music concept, which became clear at a meeting after the screening. In Rochester I also gave a solo concert, as well as lectures at the Eastman School of Music. What did you talk about? It was a meeting with students of the film music faculty, where I talked about the music I wrote for the film "Within the Whirlwind." I was also invited to the Nazareth College School of Music to lead a master class for jazz students. PM

What can you say about the movie you have mentioned? Directed by Dutch director Marleen Gorris, 1996 Academy Award winner in the best foreign film category for “Antonia's House,” “Within the Whirlwind” tells the story of the victims of communist terror in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. It follows the dramatic experiences of Soviet dissident Yevgenia Ginzburg, who was exiled to Kolyma. The main role of the labour camp inmate who survives by miracle is played by the famous actress Emily Watson. The movie was recently shown by the NBC network, and many people told me they were delighted with the film and that they appreciated my soundtrack. PM

Lectures are nothing new to you, are they? Indeed. I have been lecturing at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw for several years. It is my home university, which I graduated from in 1984 in the piano class of the great Polish pianist Prof. Barbara Hesse-Bukowska. I teach improvisation, jazz piano and conduct ensemble classes at the Instrumental Faculty and the Jazz and Stage Music Faculty which was set up last year. While teaching others, I am aware that someone once devoted a lot of time and put their heart into shaping my music personality. I remember these people - great artists and teachers. That is why I believe that I should pass on my experience and knowledge to young artists. • PM

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A LESSON in HUMILITY MARIA WOLLENBERG-KLUZA, a leading Polish painter and winner of the 2019 “Polish Market” Honorary Pearl award, talks to Maciej Proliński. 2019 is over. It was your jubilee year, the 50th anniversary of your work as an artist. What has been the most lasting value for you in your work over the years? For me it's been half a century of pleasure. Whether I put on a show at the Royal Castle in Warsaw or, for example, in a small gallery in the town of Kozienice, I always prepare for exhibitions in the same way. I’m excited about each of them very much. There are sensitive people everywhere, and they need to be respected. Putting your works on show is a lesson in humility. I have not sold my paintings for some time. But thanks to this, I can show them in different places. I grew up in an artistic atmosphere - my father was a painter. Immediately after World War II, he settled in the town of Puławy, because his family home in Warsaw had been completely destroyed. Our home in Puławy was teeming with artists. I can honestly say that I didn’t enjoy that environment very much. It was quite snobbish and hypocritical. But I did take up painting. I don't know why, but I did. I looked for friendship elsewhere at the beginning of my artistic path. I found it among poets and writers. When I started painting, symbolism was no longer popular. It had been during the Young Poland period (at the turn of the 20th century ed.) but not in the 1960s. I liked it, and at the same time I thought that if you had something to say, you had to do it in your own way, without running away from the past. PM

You have executed over a thousand paintings since you graduated from the arts college. Can you remember the first one? Yes, I can. It was a still life with a watermelon. My painting has been evolving for quite a long time. Poets called them reflective painting. My painting refers to romanticism. It is about human beings, their emotions, while and at the same time not avoiding historical and patriotic themes. In my cycles of paintings, there are those inspired by great Polish literature (19th century poets ed.) Cyprian Kamil Norwid and Zygmunt PM

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Krasiński, and Chopin's music. I have often reached for inspiration in music, but I did not try to illustrate a song. Just to capture its emotions. Just like in music, painting is about trying to capture the elusive. Colours have plenty to say when they are well combined. Then it “sounds” right. You studied at the Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in the studio of one of the greatest Polish artists of the 20th century, Tadeusz Dominik. In 1973 you graduated with honours. That school was probably a place of many great meetings, but also a place to just learn techniques. I had already studied painting at home. But in this profession, technique matters a lot, it enables you to paint anything. Only then can you decide what you enjoy doing the most. The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw at the time offered such an opportunity. Tadeusz Dominik was in charge for the first two years. We had four hours of painting every day, two hours of drawing, apart from other activities, of course. I appreciated his remarks, he was great at steering us in the right direction when it came to colours and the weight of surfaces. I benefitted a lot. Then I was in the studio of Prof. Krystyna Studnicka. After graduation, I returned to prof. Dominik to do my degree course. We discussed my entire PM

portfolio. Interestingly, he never questioned my literary inspirations, he never interfered. At the Academy of Fine Arts I was also very lucky to meet, among others: artists Jan Cybis, his wife Hanna Rudzka-Cybis and Eugeniusz Eibisch. It was a good, hard-working and creative time. I guess I can safely say that the more modest an artist, the more talented they are. It really is like that. According to some, art is impossible to fully define, what do you say to that? For me the shortest definition is "changing the sense of the surrounding reality." When I look at works by great masters, such as Michelangelo's Pieta at the Vatican, or the burning sculptures by Władysław Hasior, this definition seems to describe it very well. I wouldn't define art. Art reflects what your soul craves for. It’s a craft which needs a spiritual element. PM


But modern art, and not just visual arts, seems to be keen to break away from spirituality. Art critic Piotr Kuncewicz once wrote: "Wollenberg-Kluza's creativity has serious references to the emotional, intellectual and moral sphere. Her cycles are usually focused around a concept which cannot be expressed just through patches of colour or lines. The artist seems

to have a spiritual world view, not just an artistic one. Her paintings are filled with human figures and faces, it’s a very human way of looking at things. Can we see each other in her world? What attracts our attention, what do we look at?” Seems spot on. You cannot tear yourself away from your roots, from your history, from your thoughts and your spirituality. And all this opens up a space where art can be accommodated. You need to talk about this. Man evolves all the time. It’s impossible to capture it without a spiritual element. For a long time in my works I included unidentified human figures – they were the first to experience what I had to say. I called it a presence. I also deliberately refer to romanticism, for in my opinion it was an extremely valuable period - both in Europe and Poland – it was creative, lively and fertile. We often talk describe romanticism as being sentimental and emotional, and a romantic is a person who strives for true freedom, also in art. On my 70th birthday I insisted on having an exhibition at the Romantic Museum in Opinogóra. I succeeded. You can write books about Opinogóra, the ancestral seat of one of the greatest Polish poets, Zygmunt Krasiński, about the museum's rich activities, the variety of exhibitions and concerts. However, in my opinion, the atmosphere of this place is the most valuable. I want to go back there. 1/2020 polish market



You have painted the image of the Virgin Mary in a sanctuary in the Warsaw suburb of Siekierki, as well as two paintings devoted to supernatural apparitions which took place there in 1943-49. How do you paint an image of the Virgin Mary? I touch the sacred very willingly. It is a challenge and a need. When an artist is honest, their intentions are felt by viewers. I executed these large four by three metre paintings in Siekierki following a series of conversations with Władysława Papis, who experienced the visions of the Virgin Mary. But these paintings convey my vision and my message. For the Father Jerzy Popiełuszko Memorial Committee (in honour of a Roman Catholic priest killed by the communist security police in 1984 ed.) I painted his portrait. It was donated to the John Paul II collection at the Porczyński Gallery in Warsaw. I also painted a number of paintings for a church in another Warsaw suburb of Duczki. In tribute to John Paul II, but also to reflect my own spiritual needs, I painted the "Fatima Triptych.” There are also paintings which are not strictly religious, such as "SALIGIA - Seven deadly sins." PM

Can you paint time? You can’t, but you can get a sense of it when you examine a picture. My images contain elements which suggest the passing of time. To express it, I use, for example, different horizons, different light. PM

What advice would you give to young people who want to become artists? The academy aims to educate people whose skills and position as an artist are meant to make them members of the elite. But is that really so in practice? Art studies are very expensive, and at the same time, creative skills do not guarantee economic independence and market success at all. Many young, really talented artists, whose families cannot support them, need to make a difficult choice between following their own path, and yielding to commercial pressure by accepting odd commissions. These are really difficult life choices. Young artists deserve our support. PM

That is why, for almost two decades, you have been working at the Paleta Contemporary Art Foundation and the Galeria showroom in Warsaw - to help young artists break ground in the art world. Exactly. The goal of the Foundation, of which I am the patron and president, is to support these young people in their creative work and ambitions. The foundation was established to promote the creativity of students and young graduates of art PM

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schools. It helps them build their image, gain independence in the art market, as well as developing relationships in the art world. The Galeria, which is located next to the Church of the Assumption in Warsaw’s borough of Ursynów, has been organising Ursynów Meetings of Artists for several years. These meetings are attended by local artists and those who have links with this borough. We present their paintings, graphics, drawings, sculptures, sometimes fabrics and photographs. Among them are recognised artists who take part in major Polish and foreign exhibitions, as well as those who are only starting out in the art world. I have always avoided categorising galleries as young artists’ or classic artists’ galleries. We mainly present contemporary Polish art. We want to talk to the audience through exhibitions. We want to reach a diverse audience. There is no jury, and there is no distinction between the avant-garde and not avant-garde. After all, art does not work like that. Art, as we have agreed, is born from your inner needs. Something is bound to come out of it, and it’s not up to us to tell artists what it should be. How do you assess the Polish art market? Are Poles more willing to buy art works than, say, 30 years ago? The Polish art market is still young. It is developing and it will probably take years PM

before more private buyers appear. Today, foreign companies operating in Poland which create their own collections, are very important. But I reckon that fewer Poles buy art works than before. For example, I used to sell my paintings just after graduation, mostly to private individuals, and sometimes they even paid me in instalments. There were also significant institutional purchases. Now there are art auctions, but the prices of paintings are often simply offensive to artists. A minimum price should be set at these auctions. If it is not reached, the work should be withdrawn. In “Polish Market” we show that the distance between the economy and culture (including its necessary promotion) should not be too great. It is difficult not to ask about the role of sponsors in this coexistence. The whole history of art is based on patronage, both public and private, which is absolutely vital. In Poland, we are yet to develop a mechanism of creating elites. You need to look for those who stand out and bring them together. Then things pick up from there. Today, art is a way for business to build its image. But that's not the point, and it never was. Today's cultural sponsorship has many functions, but it becomes most effective (for companies) when it is treated as part of • a communication strategy. PM




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HEALTHY ORGANIC FOOD PAWEŁ KRAJMAS, President of the Polish Ecology Association of Organic Food Processors and Producers, Manager of the Jasiołka meat-processing plant, talks to Danuta Bierzańska. eco-friendly shopping habits which affect the organic food market. An important direction is also working together with R&D centres, which enables us to come up with new, innovative products. It is a new area for us, which we are extensively developing. We work in partnership with a number of medical, life science universities, and universities of technology. We want our business to be based on science and new technologies. According to public opinion surveys, Polish consumers are ready to pay more for healthy food. Is interest in organic products growing in Poland? When we started our activities in 2006, we were practically invisible. Organic products were really hard to find. Today, organic products are in virtually every shop and they enjoy a high profile. We are now at the stage of making consumers aware that not only organic food, but also Polish eco products are important. We call on shoppers to be patriotic in what they put in their shopping baskets. PM

What are the main directions of activities of the Polish Ecology Association? We focus mainly on promoting members of the Association and their products. We promote the idea of organic farming through training in production methods, and PM

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PEARLS OF THE POLISH ECONOMY During the 17th Pearls of the Polish Economy Gala Paweł Krajmas, President of the Polish Ecology Association of Organic Food Processors and Producers, and Krystyna WoźniakTrzosek, President and Editor-in-Chief of “Polish Market,” presented special distinctions for the promotion of organic food. The 2019 laureates of the distinction are Prof. Jędrzej Krupiński of the National Research Institute of Animal Production and Maciej Majewski, President of the Grójec Orchards Association.

From left: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Paweł Krajmas, Maciej Majewski, Prof. Jędrzej Krupiński

How can the consumer recognise organic products on a shop shelf or in a street market? The popular "green leaf," the European certificate, serves as a confirmation. To be quite sure, we should be able to find the certification number, which ensures that the product is reliable. Certification and inspection services make every effort to ensure that products are under stringent supervision. There are other certificates in the world – the US and China have different ones, but in the European Union the green leaf is the most trustworthy. PM

What does organic meat mean? It means full control over quality from the pasture to the table, starting with the farmer who produces his own animal feed or buys certified feed, to the supervision of animals and their welfare, to processing. To me, organic farming is like religion. (laughs) We make every effort to ensure that once we breed a farm animal and process the meat, nothing is wasted, our dream is also to produce clean energy. That would be ideal. At our plant, 60% of energy comes from solar panels. We think about further steps to reduce water use. We have lots of ideas. We have a bit of a dilemma with packaging. We package our products in plastic film, but we are thinking of how to use less of it to save energy. Ideally, products should find their way to the consumer as soon as possible. It would be a good idea to have small shops which would know the needs of customers, so that the producer knew how much, what and when to produce, and what would be the first to disappear from shop PM

shelves to be served on the kitchen table. But in reality, it’s not always like that. Which regions in Poland produce the best meat? It’s a very good question, though meat is not only a place of origin, but also a breed of farm animal. In Poland, we have several native breeds - chickens, bees and cattle. I prefer meat from highland regions. Farm animals there are better oxygenated, they breathe fresh air. The biodiversity of meadows allows for good cattle grazing. But breeders from Pomerania also have their advantages. Farm animals which graze closer to the seaside inhale more iodine, so their meat is better quality. It is amazing how flavours change from one region to another. We already specialise in some products in Poland. For meat to be tasty, you need to prepare it properly. We have more and more culinary routes in Poland. I would like to encourage you to take them into account when planning your vacation. There is also a list of Traditional Products compiled by the Ministry of Agriculture. I am proud to be registered on this list. Interestingly, the famous Gault & Millau Yellow Guide has also noticed us - we are one of the entries there. PM

What makes your products stand out? I am the manager of a meat processing plant, I have a degree in food safety. I am very interested in studies on food and smoking meat. My great grandfather was a butcher. I enjoy looking for traditional products and adapting them to present-day expectations. My greatest pleasure is finding old recipes PM

and old technologies, and preserving food without using preservatives, which means natural microbiological protection instead of chemical additives. It is my passion - just like smoking meat. I am interested in how it used to be smoked in various parts of Poland, how it is done elsewhere in Europe, I could talk about these processes endlessly. The Polish Ecology Association has implemented the Eco Europe - Quality Tradition programme, including in Japan and the United States. Are the results of this project already known? In the opinion of offices which supervise the implementation of programmes subsidised by the European Union, this programme has worked really well, which makes us very happy. We are implementing another programme with an Italian partner, and we have learnt that we are very well received in Singapore, for example. We are regarded as a credible and recognisable supplier by business partners from these countries. We introduce our products to local stores, they sell very well. We are now going to invite potential importers from these countries to visit Poland and our producers. We are conquering these markets step by step. What is needed is consistency, and the money you need to spend on brand recognition and promotion. Meat producers have a harder time than fruit and vegetables growers, because they need to comply with additional regulations. A consistent strategic approach gives the best results. We must keep winning foreign markets, while catering for the needs of Polish consumers. • PM

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POLISH CUISINE. Back to the past AGNIESZKA KRĘGLICKA, an owner of exclusive restaurants in Warsaw, including one in the Royal Castle’s Kubicki Arcades, talks to Jerzy Mosoń.

When it comes to a choice of cuisines, large Polish cities already resemble London, Paris and Berlin with their diversity. Old Polish cuisine is also returning onto our tables. Where did the idea to revive this quite heavy cuisine, a way of cooking which does not seem very popular in the world, come from? Indeed, we are discovering old Polish cuisine anew. Perhaps this results from the need to look for our identity? We would like to know where our contemporary dishes come from. The second reason is that – given the broad uniformity in what we eat, as we can have Caprese salad wherever we are while chicken in Berlin and Warsaw tastes the same because it is of the same breed and has been raised in the same way - we want to find something unique. We are curious about new tastes. But you have to get them from somewhere. Suddenly, it turns out that old culinary traditions are such an undiscovered world. Thanks to scholarly research, we have more and more opportunity to explore old recipes and we check whether we can PM

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recreate on their basis the long forgotten dishes. How to recreate a dish of 300 years ago if today it is even hard to find a tomato resembling in taste those grown 25 years ago? Of course, it is not possible. It will always be an interpretation, a sort of our conception of the dish. We can deepen our knowledge, get closer and closer to the original, but we will never get exactly the same thing that we had centuries ago. The same is the case with an Italian dish. It is impossible to transfer it to Poland in its entirety, with all its “entourage”, the sun, an azure sky and the smell of cypresses. Although we are unable to fully recreate old cuisine, we can try to make it as genuine as possible. In France and Italy, culinary masters have been doing it for a long time because research into culinary history has a much longer tradition there. In our country, it started in the late 1990s. It was Prof. Jarosław Dumanowski of the Nicolaus Copernicus University who took up this topic. PM

In conjunction with the Wilanów Museum, the researcher started to publish critical editions of the first cookbooks. One of them is “Compendium Ferculorum” by Stanisław Czerniecki, a collection of dishes published in 1682. It was the first printed cookery book in Polish. It contains recipes for dishes which may be regarded as quintessentially Polish. However, these are not the dishes that we today perceive as Polish. What is the most Polish dish in our old cuisine? The most typical old Polish dish is Polish broth cooked with many meat varieties, including game, and vegetables. But the most characteristic thing about it is the addition of lemon juice and rosemary. PM

The addition of lemon juice?! That’s right. Lemon not only made the soup slightly acid in taste, but it also signified the affluence of the household able to afford this exotic ingredient. At courts, they did not save on expensive spices and herbs. This PM


is why old Polish cuisine was very aromatic, hot, sweet and sour.Its colourfulness was not to everyone’s taste and many considered it to be a fault. But it is not true that the Polish nobility seasoned meat very generously to hide that it was not fresh, an opinion which has circulated among the public for years. If you could afford imported spices and herbs you could afford fresh meat even more easily. However, every cuisine requires some novelty at some point. And this was the case with old Polish cuisine as well. Vegetables and herbs available locally were increasingly added to the menu. Meat stewed in its own juice has also started to be appreciated. In what period did old Polish cuisine develop? Where did it draw inspiration from? Old Polish cuisine is the cuisine of the period before the Partitions. It was based on two publications: Czerniecki’s Compendium that I have already mentioned and “The Perfect Cook” by Wojciech Wielądko, published in 1783 as a translation of Menon’s cookbook “La Cuisinière bourgeoise”, which had come out in 1746. Great Polish bard Adam Mickiewicz mentioned the latter book in his most famous epic poem “Pan Tadeusz.” PM

Do these two books fully illustrate the menu of the Polish people of that time? Reading recipes alone is not enough. It is Prof. Dumanowski’s research, especially statistics, that shows what was important in the culinary tradition of the time. For example, the fact that of the several hundred recipes contained in Czerniecki’s book only two are for dishes made with the use of pork indicates that this meat was not popular in old Polish cuisine. At the same time, one should remember that Czerniecki was master chef at the court of the Lubomirski family. So we are talking here about customs of the aristocracy rather than society as a whole. PM

How to briefly describe what we may call old court cuisine? Old Polish court cuisine was characterised by seasonality. Game and poultry always reigned supreme. Beef, veal and meat of castrated male sheep were also popular. Lamb appeared only occasionally. Seasonality resulted of course from the limited ability to store food products. Storage was possible mainly by means of pickling and smoking. These old methods have survived until these days and are present in the contemporary diet because we still pickle and smoke much more food than people do in other parts of the world. PM

Give me an example. It is not only smoking plums, pears and apples. The chef at the Kubicki Arcades recommends an exquisite cream soup made of smoked celeriac. With a sharp rise in the popularity of vegetarian and vegan cuisines in our times, smoking can make a dish more appealing and more than make up for the absence of bacon. PM

So why has old Polish cuisine, so rich and aromatic, failed to take the world by storm? Many cuisines have failed to do so. It is hard to say why. Generally, the cuisines of cold, northern parts of the world were for years mainly expected to warm people’s stomachs. As a result, they were less focused on seeking original tastes and, consequently, it was more difficult for them to compete with Mediterranean cuisines. This is gradually changing as the example of English and Scandinavian cuisines shows. However, it is French cuisine that has been the world’s front-runner for years. Italian, Arab, Japanese and Chinese cuisines are also doing excellently. According to the latest research by an American organisation monitoring culinary trends, the cuisine of the countries whose names end with “stan” – cuisine of the Stans – has been the most popular recently, including the niche cuisine of Uzbekistan, which is very similar to ours. Perhaps time will come for our cuisine as well. PM

In the olden days, Polish cuisine became famous in the world for its recipes for freshwater fish dishes. Some of them are still present in European cuisines, like for example the famous pike à la polonaise, that is pike in grey sauce. Can a guest visiting the restaurant in the Royal Castle’s Kubicki Arcades count on a menu including old Polish dishes? Running the restaurant at the Royal Castle, we have to adhere to very strict recommendations on what we should serve there. Therefore, we serve dishes prepared according to recipes of Paul Tremo, the master chef at the court of King Stanisław August Poniatowski. Tremo did not rely on heavy old Polish cuisine. The Polish monarch was very demanding and he also had a sensitive stomach. This is why Tremo became his favourite chef. Tremo’s cooking style was modern and natural. He based his dishes on seasonal ingredients treated in a delicate manner and in such a way as to bring out their natural taste. For example, he added only gingerbread to mutton and thus was able to bring the best out of it. He matched kale with chestnuts, which proves that Polish cuisine was always open to more exotic tastes, not only to cabbage and soup vegetables. In his times, Tremo earned the reputation of Europe’s best master chef. We try to be faithful to the manuscripts with his recipes. • PM

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POLAND - BACK ON THE WINE ROUTE For a long time, no Polish region figured on the map of European wine routes, but thanks to the passion of winemakers from the Podkarpackie region, this promises to change.


n the 14th century, vineyards belonging to the Benedictine or Cistercian orders flourished in Poland. But since then, the climate has changed a few times. When it cooled down significantly in the 17th century, the winemaking tradition in Poland died out. Repeated attempts to revive it failed. But present global warming seems to spell good times for those keen to develop Polish winemaking. You can whet your appetite by sampling wines from the Piwnica Półtorak winery, in particular the Cuvee rouge Reserva 2016.

PODKARPACKIE VINEYARDS There must be something special in this region of south-eastern Poland - its soil, and a mix of sunshine, rainfall and wind, which make Podkarpackie vines bear some unique fruit. The Półtorak Wine & Spirits Cellars are located in the San River Valley. The vines were planted in a unique spot, on the Pańska hillside rising above the village of Zacieple. This place is characterised by the highest temperatures during the vegetation season and the warmest days in late autumn, winter and early spring. Situated 420-440 metres above sea level, the hill commands a splendid view every morning, when the fog over the San River rises to over 300 metres. Since the early morning hours the vineyard basks in sunshine. Plentiful sunlight and ambient temperatures make the fruit ripe and give it a perfect quality. The vines grow on the southern, south-eastern and south-western slopes. They are planted

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in such a way as to be exposed to as much sunlight as possible. Vitis vinifera vines grow on the southern slopes, and the latest PIWI varieties on the remaining slopes. The amount of rainfall varies between 430-470 mm per year, mainly in late autumn. In winter, a snow cover protects the vines against the cold. The lack of fog and gentle westerly winds create ideal conditions for the organic cultivation of the vines, making the grapes comparable to those grown in southern Europe. As for the type and quality of soil, it is class 4A and 4B Carpathian flysch, which absorbs water very well and dries very quickly in the gentle breeze. Local farmers avoid the use of fertilisers on steep Podkarpackie slopes, as a result of which the soil has retained its natural composition. Traditional cultivation methods are used based on compost, catch crops, leguminous plants with a high nitrogen content and humus. The vine growers have combined these natural advantages with an organic approach to cultivation, and the ability to take risks, to produce excellent grapes which are used to make some really interesting wines, which are also perfect for vegetarians and vegans. HARVEST TO BOTTLING The grape harvest of 2016 fell between October 5 and 10. The grapes stayed in open fermentation vats for 14 days, where they were macerated to extract flavours, colour and tannins, as well as all substances which make wines so healthy, like antioxidants, e.g. resveratrol. After about 16 days, the fruit went into presses to separate

the wine from the skins and pips. Then the wine was poured into oak barrels, where it was subjected to fermentation, during which malic acid was converted into lactic acid, giving the wine a delicate, velvety flavour. After six weeks, the wine was decanted and a maturing process began in French, American and Hungarian oak barrels. All the flavours blended together, the tartness of tannins mellowed down, and the full bouquet developed. After ageing came what is known as coupage, which means that wine coming from various grape varieties, and different oak barrels, was carefully blended, taking into account the grape variety, oak maturation method, and country of origin. Three grape varieties - Regent, Rondo and Leon Millot - blended in the right proportions produced a very interesting result, making wine connoisseurs optimistic about Polish red wines from the Podkarpackie region. The filtered wine was bottled in mid-September 2018. END-RESULT The 2016 Cuvee rouge Reserva wine has a distinct aroma of red fruit - cherry and blackberry, slightly spicy with notes of black pepper. It is smooth, velvety, with well-defined tannins and a fruity finish. It goes perfectly with duck, lamb and red meat. Alcohol content does not exceed 12.0. %Total acidity is 5.2 g per litre, residual sugar: 1.2 g per litre. It is best served at 16-18 C. A limited number of 3,800 bottles was produced. •

Visit facebook.com/PiwnicePoltorak

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BOOSTING POLISH EXPORTS The 17th Congress of Polish Exporters organised by the Association of Polish Exporters under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and Province Marshals, took place in the "Under the Dome" hall in the building of the Ministry of Economic Development in Warsaw.


he 17th Congress of Polish Exporters focused on the export potential of the Polish economy and growth opportunities. This was welcomed by exporters interested in the export-oriented and proinnovative development of the economy. The aim of the congress was to examine ways of tapping the export potential of the Polish economy as well as opportunities for its development. Support instruments meant to increase the competitive edge of Polish exporters, the pooling of resources and promotional measures were described as the driving force of export development, and as goals to be pursued by Polish diplomacy in support of exporters on foreign markets. Congress speakers included Ewa Kubeł, a representative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Tomasz Zwiejko, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Representatives of ministries participating in the congress

provided exporters with information on the export potential of the Polish economy as well as opportunities for its development. The first panel discussion was devoted to activities pursued by economic diplomacy in support of exporters on foreign markets. Another one focused on the potential and prospects for achieving a competitive edge. During the 17th Congress of Polish Exporters, attention was drawn to the need for the further implementation of solutions geared toward this end. Attention was also paid to the need for more open cooperation with the media, including the national and foreign press, as well as with media organisations operated by the Polish diaspora. It should be noted that the current situation on foreign markets caused by the embargo on eastern markets requires a further diversification of exports. As a result, a coherent export-oriented policy should continue to be the main driving force of economic growth. The Polish economy has a chance to keep growing despite the weakening of the European economy.

Mieczysław Twaróg, President, Polish Exporters Association, Editor-in-Chief Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Professor Elżbieta Mączyńska

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“Polish Market” Editor-in-Chief Krystyna Woźniak – Trzosek was honoured with the Journalist of the Year award.

Polish exports could be boosted by using the country’s R&D potential, it was noted. Awards and distinctions were presented following debates and panel discussions, including awards of the Minister of Economic Development in the form of diplomas and statuettes for the winners of the Outstanding Exporter of the Year 2019 Competition, and Distinguished for Exports Honorary Medals of the Association of Polish Exporters for export growth and products of the year. A Journalist of the Year award was presented to Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Editor-inChief of the “Polish Market” magazine. She addressed the congress on behalf of all the award-winning journalists. The 17th Congress of Polish Exporters was led by Mieczysław Twaróg, President of the Association of Polish Exporters. •



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