Polish Market No.9 (288)/2019 special edition

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PU B LISHED SIncE 199 6 No. (9)288/2019 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl



Chinese-Polish CooPeration

The OuTer POrT Gdynia lOnG-Term sTraTeGic invesTmenT

70 years of Polish-Chinese diplomatic relations



4. JADWIGA EMILEWICZ, Poland’s Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology: The 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Poland and the People’s Republic of China 6. His Excellency LIU GUANGYUAN, Chinese Ambassador to


18. JAN KRZYSZTOF ARDANOWSKI, Poland’s Minister of

Agriculture and Rural Development: We compete in quality

Poland: Writing a new chapter in economic and trade cooperation between China and Poland

19. MAŁGORZATA CEBELIŃSKA, Director of Sales Department at

8. WOJCIECH ZAJĄCZKOWSKI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to the People’s Republic of China: China is the biggest trade partner of Poland in Asia

20. ADAM KRZYSZTOF STRUZIK, Marshal of Mazowieckie

10. GUO PEIDONG, Chief Representative of China Council for the

of Commerce: Let’s benefit from the opening up of China

Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) in Poland: Technology – A priority for China’s development

the Mlekpol dairy cooperative in Grajewo, talks to “Polish Market.” voivodeship (Mazovia): MAZOVIA the heart of Poland

22. JANUSZ PIECHOCIŃSKI, President of the Polish-Asian Chamber 23. MAREK KŁOCZKO, Vice-President and Director General

12. Poland – best route from China to the EU

of the Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG), talks to Jerzy Mosoń: Place where superpowers can meet


24. Polish-Chinese cooperation

Infrastructure: The development of infrastructure conducive to international cooperation


9 (288)/2019


PUBLISHER: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYNEK POLSKI Sp. z o.o. (RYNEK POLSKI Publishers Co. Ltd.)

CONTRIBUTORS: Agnieszka Turakiewicz, Mirosław Wdzięczkowski

PRESIDENT: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Agnieszka Charuba, Joanna Wiktoria Grabowska

VICE - PRESIDENTS: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła


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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek

DTP: Lili Projekt www.liliprojekt.pl

No. (9)288/2019 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl



Chinese-Polish CooPeration

The OuTer POrT Gdynia lOnG-Term sTraTeGic invesTmenT

70 years of Polish-Chinese diplomatic relations


DEPUTY EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś redakcja@polishmarket.com.pl Jerzy Mosoń j.moson@polishmarket.com.pl

Cover: THE PORT OF GDYNIA Photo source: www.shutterstock.com, www.commons.wikimedia.org unless otherwise stated

ENGLISH EDITOR: Rafał Kiepuszewski WRITERS/EDITORS: Jan Sosna, Maciej Proliński, Jerzy Bojanowicz, Jan Mazurek, Andrzej Kazimierski, Janusz Turakiewicz, Janusz Korzeń TRANSLATION: Sylwia Wesołowska-Betkier, Agit

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special edition

The year 2019 contains many historical references to Polish-Chinese relations. It is 70 years since Poland – as one of the first states - recognised the government of the People’s Republic of China as the country’s legal authorities. But it is not the only anniversary date this year or the only reason for reflection.

One hundred years ago, in 1919, the Republic of China permitted the operation of Polish consulates in Shanghai and Harbin, although it was only several months later that the country officially recognised Poland’s newly regained independence. The Polish Embassy opened in Nanjing in 1929. The dates indicate that relations between the two states – always non-antagonistic and friendly - are relatively fresh. We can proudly say the same about Polish people’s contacts with China, contacts which started in the Middle Ages. Among the developments recorded by our history is the mission of Benedict of Poland, a delegate of Pope Innocent IV in 1245-1247, aimed to restore the northern route of the Silk Road after the great Mongol invasion, and the mission of Michał Boym as an envoy of the Yongli Emperor to Pope Alexander VII in 1650-1657 asking for support for the Ming dynasty. Although none of the envoys achieved diplomatic success, they made an enormous contribution to the scant knowledge Europe had about the Middle Kingdom. Benedict’s report preceded Marco Polo’s fantasies by a quarter of a century. Boym was the first European to describe China’s geography, fauna and flora. He put the Great Wall on the map, described Chinese medicine, acupuncture and the effects of ginseng. There is also an interesting story of Jaxa Czernichowski, an escapee from Russian custody who founded an independent statelet on the Amur river in the mid-17th century. The Chinese emperor’s office corresponded with him in … Polish. In later years, many Polish patriots deported to Siberia by the tsarist government benefited from the friendliness of the Chinese authorities. This is why after the end of World War I the Polish diaspora in Harbin numbered around 10,000. They were enabled to return to Poland which was just regaining independence. The last groups of Polish people stayed in the city until 1945 and took part in its liberation from Japan. Also, the last armed episode in this part of the world involved the crews of two ships of the PolishChinese shipping company Chipolbrok. The vessels were seized by Taiwan and kept for several months. These interesting facts clearly show that Poland has never, not even when it was a major power, pursued an aggressive colonial policy. Over the past decades the Polish economy has achieved record results by European standards. When it comes to China, its successes are on a global scale. They did not happen by accident, but were due to a consistently implemented strategy and hard work. Toutes proportions gardées, China, Poland and a dozen or so other countries are now facing the challenge to ensure high growth for their economies in coming decades and avoid the middle income trap. Among the most fundamental questions for them today is this one: “Is it rivalry that can become a factor behind success on a regional and global scale, or is it cooperation?”. Poland’s answer is “cooperation.”

Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President of Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.

polish market


波兰企业与技术部部长 JADWIGA EMILEWICZ, Poland’s Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology

波兰与中华人民共和国建交70周年 THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS BETWEEN POLAND AND THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 也许很多波兰人和中国人还不太清楚,我们两国间不仅有着70年和平友好合作的历史,而且还有着70年的 互利经济合作。然而,今年的纪念活动为我们提供了一个既能回顾过去又能共创互利合作新领域的机会。

Probably not many Polish and Chinese people are aware that our countries share not only the history of 70 years of peaceful and friendly cooperation, but also 70 years of mutually beneficial economic relations. However, this year’s anniversary gives us a great opportunity to not only look back into the past, but also jointly pursue new areas of mutually beneficial cooperation. 4  polish marketspecial edition  2019

special edition

兰曾经成功地将其国产汽车和采矿设 备出售给中国。 曾几何时,波兰的波 罗乃兹轿车曾是北京出租汽车司机使 用最多的汽车。 同时,中国向波兰出口其纺织品 和农产品。 大量的中国运来的猪肉帮助波兰缓 解了20世纪80年代经济危机期间粮食短缺的影响。

Poland was successfully selling its domestically produced vehicles and mining equipment to China. There was a time when the Polish FSO Polonez was the most popular car among the taxi drivers in Beijing. On the other hand, China exported to Poland its textiles and agri-food products. Large shipments of Chinese pork helped Poland to mitigate the effects of the food shortages during the period of economic crisis in the 1980s. NEW ISSUES OF PARTNERSHIP

新的伙伴关系 今天,波兰和中国的经济格局已完全不同。 在引 入“改革开放”政策四十年后,中国已在经济上和 政治上成为全球起重要角色的国家之一。 另一 方面,波兰经过全面的政治和经济转型,也已成 为中东欧国家中最大的经济体,同时也是欧盟中 经济增长最快的经济体之一。 我国已经成功进 入国际市场。波兰的出口商一直在大胆地探索欧 洲以外的市场, 包括中国市场。

Today the economic landscape of Poland and China is completely different. Forty years after introducing the “reform and opening-up policy” China became one of the major global players, both economically and politically. On the other hand, Poland after the comprehensive political and economic transformation became the largest economy among the Central and Eastern European countries, as well as one of the fastest growing economies in the European Union. My country is also successfully present on international markets and Polish exporters have been exploring more boldly non-European markets, including the Chinese market. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EXPORTS AND IMPORTS

进出口的差异 这些因素都深深地影响了我们的经济关系的结构。 中国是波兰的第二大贸易伙伴(仅次于德国),同时 中国是我国的第二大进口来源地,而却是第二十一 名的出口目的地。 因此,波兰对华关系中的首要 任务就是让我们的经济合作更加平衡。 然而,我 们充分意识到波兰几乎三分之一的贸易逆差是由

波兰在全球供应链中的地位造成的。 这就是为 什么波兰政府不想通过强加贸易壁垒,而是增加 波兰对中国的出口来解决这个问题。 我深信,来 自不同行业的波兰企业家 - 仅举几例,如: 农业 食品、化妆品、轻型飞机、家具、机械、奢侈品和 珠宝 – 都可以提供满足中国消费者和商业伙伴 需求的优质产品。

All those factors have deeply affected the structure of our economic relations. While China is ranked second among Poland’s trading partners (after Germany), it is our second largest partner in terms of imports and only 21st destination for Polish exports. That is the reason why Poland’s top priority in its relations with China is to make our economic cooperation more balanced. However, we are fully aware that almost one third of the Polish trade deficit with China is caused by Poland’s position in the global supply chain. That is the reason why the Polish government is willing to solve this problem not by imposing trade barriers but rather by increasing Polish exports to China. I have no doubts that Polish entrepreneurs from different sectors: agri-food, cosmetics, light aircraft, furniture, machinery, luxury goods and jewellery – to name just a few – can offer products of very high quality that meet the demands of Chinese consumers and business partners. HOW TO ENHANCE INVESTMENT COOPERATION

如何促进投资 加强投资合作也可以减轻贸易不平衡的负面影响。 据波兰统计,截至2017年底,中国在波兰投资总值 为5.7亿美元。 这一数字清楚地表明,中国-波兰的 投资合作还有很大的潜力。 我想在此指出,2018 年通过的“扶植新投资法”设立了一个扶植投资者 的新机制,将整个波兰全境形成一个投资区,即所 谓的“波兰:投资区”。 我相信,对于潜在的中国 投资者来说,波兰会成为通往欧洲的门户和价值 链的重要组成部分。 波兰对雄心勃勃的中国绿 地直接投资持开放态度。这些投资对创新会产生 积极影响,促进出口的增长。 我们也鼓励中国 公司在波兰投资物流中心。

Negative effects of the trade imbalance could also be mitigated by enhanced investment cooperation. According to Polish statistics, at the end of 2017 Chinese investments made in Poland were worth USD570 million. This figure shows clearly that Polish-Chinese investment cooperation has still not reached its potential. Let me mention here that the Act on Support

for New Investment, adopted in 2018, set up a new mechanism fot granting support to investors, making the whole of Poland a Single Investment Area, called “Poland: Investment Zone”. I am confident that for the potential Chinese investor Poland could become a gateway to Europe and an important part of the value chain. Poland is open to an ambitious Chinese greenfield FDI, which would have a positive impact on innovation and could contribute to an increase in exports. We also encourage Chinese companies to invest in logistics centres in Poland. INTEREST OF REGIONS AND CITIES

省市的利益 另外,波兰与中国省级合作的重要性值得一提。 我 们注意到不断有波兰各省市愿意与中国的省市建 立固定的合作关系。 暂定于2020年举办的“第五 届波兰 - 中国地区论坛”将是加强波兰各省与中 国各省之间合作,特别是在贸易、投资和互联互通 领域合作的绝佳机会。

Last but not least, it is worthwhile to mention the importance of Polish-Chinese regional cooperation. We are seeing constant interest from Polish regions and cities in establishing regular cooperation with its Chinese counterparts. The 5th edition of PolandChina Regional Forum, tentatively scheduled for 2020, will be a great opportunity to enhance cooperation between Polish regions and Chinese provinces, especially in the areas of trade, investment and connectivity. 不同文化和地理距离所造成的挑战总是会成为 商机的障碍。 我最后要说的结果是,不是政治家, 而是当地的企业家是那些能够带来真正改变的人。 我相信,通过企业与企业的联系,特别是波兰公司 广泛参与中国国际进口博览会、中国 - 东盟博览 会和中国 - 中东欧国家博览会等贸易展会,我们 将能够为波兰与中国的经济合作增添新的动力。

There is always a risk that cross-cultural and geographic distance-related challenges may hamper the business opportunities. That is the reason why I would like to conclude by saying that not politicians but entrepreneurs present on the ground are those who make the real difference. I am confident that by businessto-business contacts, especially by the wide participation of Polish companies in trade fairs such as China International Import Expo, ChinaASEAN Expo and China-CEECs Expo, we will be able to give new impetus to Polish-Chinese economic cooperation. • polish market



His Excellency LIU GUANGYUAN, Chinese Ambassador to Poland 今年是中波两国建交70周年。70年来,双边关系始终保持健康平稳发展,特别是2016年两国建立全面战略合作伙伴 关系以来,中波关系呈现全方位快速势头,双方在“一带一路”和“17+1”框架下合作不断深化,取得丰硕成果。

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Poland. Over the past 70 years, our bilateral relations have developed in a stable and sound manner. Especially since the establishment of comprehensive strategic partnership in 2016, Chinese-Polish relations have gained huge momentum in all aspects. We have deepened our cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and “17+1”, and achieved fruitful results.

前,中波两国互为在本地区最重要的经贸 拓中国市场,把更多特色优质产品介绍给中国消 合作伙伴。双边贸易快速增长,相互投资, 费者,扩大对华出口。近年来,中国政府不断加 特别是中国在波投资不断扩大;互联互通日趋 大市场开放力度,出台积极的进口促进战略,不 紧密, “陆海空”联通蓬勃发展;金融、旅游及 断提升贸易便利化水平。仅2018年,中国政府就 地方合作欣欣向荣。两国经贸合作呈现快速发 两次降低部分商品进口关税,波兰有比较优势的 展的良好态势。 食品、服装、化妆品等产品均在降税之列。我很 二、中波两国经济快速发展,生机勃勃。波 高兴地看到,通过双方共同努力,近年来波对华 兰经济增速保持欧盟前列,投资贸易稳步发展, 出口持续增长,据统计,2018年波农食品对华出 私人消费不断增长,国内需求强劲。当前,中国 口增长了60%。中国国际进口博览会、中国—中东 正不断深化改革,扩大开放,推动高水平的贸 欧国家博览会等为波兰企业进入中国市场提供 易投资自由化、便利化,大幅放宽市场准入,加 了难得的平台,今年中方还邀请波兰作为特约伙 强知识产权保护,更大规模增加商品和服务进 伴国参加中国—东盟博览会,并为波兰企业免费 口,进一步降低关税水平,完善市场化、法制化、 提供展示区域,举办波兰国家推介会。希望波 便利化的营商环境。两国经济的快速稳定发展 兰企业更多关注中国市场,加大市场开拓力度, 为进一步扩大经贸合作创造了条件。 通过电子商务等多种方式,大力推介产品和服 三、希望两国企业抓住机遇,深挖潜力,推 务,让更多中国用户和消费者了解波兰产品优 动双边经贸合作再上新台阶。 势,也希望波兰相关政府机构为企业开拓市场 一要继续扩大贸易规模,推动双边贸易在发 提供更多支持和帮助。 展中逐步趋向平衡。中国市场潜力巨大,2018年 二要进一步加大相互投资力度。我们欢迎 中国社会消费品零售总额同比增长9%,达38.1万 波兰企业赴华投资兴业,也鼓励更多中国企业 亿元(约5.76万亿美元),年进口额超过2万亿美 加大在波兰投资。近年来,中国企业在波投资 元,同比增长15.8%。我们欢迎波兰企业积极开 发展很快,累计直接和间接投资已超过30亿美

6  polish marketspecial edition  2019

元,涉及制造业、研发等诸多领域,为波兰经 济社会发展做出了重要贡献。目前,越来越多 的中国企业看好波兰发展前景和地理位置,正 积极寻找在波兰投资的机会,比如电动汽车电 池产业等高新技术领域的绿地投资及物流领 域投资。希望双方进一步加强“负责任发展战 略”和“一带一路”倡议的对接,积极探索在创 新研发、高端制造、基础设施、物流枢纽等领域 的投资合作新机遇,也希望波方能为中国企业 在波投资提供更多便利,创造更加稳定、公正、 透明的营商环境。 三是进一步加强地方合作。两国地方省市 是扩大双边经贸合作的重要组成。我们支持 两国地方省市发挥各自优势,加强交流与合作, 推动地方产业对接,为双边务实合作拓展新领 域、注入新活力。 中波传统友谊源远流长,近年来两国各领域 合作日益密切。当前,中波关系正站在新的历史 起点上,面临着前所未有的机遇,也孕育着无限 合作空间和潜力。中方愿同波方携手努力,秉持 互学互鉴、互利共赢的合作精神,共同谱写中波 经贸合作新篇章,进一步造福两国人民。

special edition


t present, China and Poland are each other’s most important economic and trade partners in their respective regions. The bilateral trade volume has grown substantially and mutual investment, especially China’s investment in Poland, has been constantly expanding. Interconnectivity by land, sea and air have been improved greatly. Finance, tourism and local cooperation are also flourishing. The economic and trade cooperation between the two countries is in a state of rapid development.

FULL OF VITALITY AND GROWING The economies of China and Poland are both full of vitality and growing at a high speed. Poland’s economic growth rate is at the forefront among EU members, investment and trade are growing steadily, private consumption expanding, and domestic demand stays strong. At present, China is continuously deepening its reform and opening up wider to the outside world, promoting high-level trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation, substantially easing market access, strengthening intellectual property protection, increasing imports of goods and services on a larger scale, further reducing tariffs, and improving the business environment, which is market-driven, law-based and business-friendly. The rapid and stable economic development of the two countries has created conditions for further expansion of their economic and trade cooperation. WE MUST CONTINUE TO EXPAND THE SCALE OF BILATERAL TRADE It is hoped that enterprises of the two countries will seize the opportunity, tap the potential and push bilateral economic and trade cooperation to the next level. First, we must continue to expand the scale of bilateral trade and promote its balance gradually in the process of development. China has huge market potential. In 2018, the total retail sales of consumer goods in China increased by 9% to 38.1 trillion yuan (about 5.76 trillion US dollars), while the annual value of imports exceeded 2 trillion US dollars with an increase of 15.8%. Polish companies are welcome to actively explore the Chinese market, introduce more high-quality and distinctive products to Chinese consumers, and expand exports to China. In recent years, the Chinese government has been

“Statistics show that exports of Polish agricultural products and food to China increased by 60% in 2018.”

continuously opening its market wider to the outside world, introducing a positive import promotion strategy, and improving the level of trade facilitation. CHINA INVITES POLAND AS A SPECIAL PARTNER In 2018 alone, the Chinese government reduced import tariffs twice on commodities including food, clothing, cosmetics and other products where Poland has a comparative advantage. I am glad to see that through the joint efforts of both sides, Polish exports to China have kept growing in recent years. Statistics show that exports of Polish agricultural products and food to China increased by 60% in 2018. The China International Import Expo and China-CEEC Expo have provided great platforms for Polish enterprises to enter the Chinese market. This year, China also invited Poland as a special partner to participate in the China-ASEAN Expo, at which free exhibition space for Polish enterprises will be provided and a national promotion meeting for Poland will be held. It is hoped that Polish enterprises will pay more attention to the Chinese market, increase market exploring efforts, and vigorously promote products and services through various means such as e-commerce, so that more Chinese users and consumers can see the advantages of Polish products. We also hope that relevant government agencies in Poland will offer more support and assistance to enterprises in exploring the Chinese market. LOOKING FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO INVEST IN POLAND Second, both sides should further increase mutual investment. We welcome Polish enterprises to invest in China and encourage

more Chinese companies to increase their investment in Poland. In recent years, Chinese companies’ investment in Poland has grown rapidly, the accumulated direct and indirect investment has exceeded 3 billion US dollars, involving many fields such as manufacturing and R&D, and has made a significant contribution to Poland’s economic and social development. At present, more and more Chinese companies are optimistic about the development prospects of Poland and realise its important geographical location. They are actively looking for opportunities to invest in Poland, including greenfield investment in high-tech sectors such as the electric vehicle battery industry and investment in the logistics sector. I hope that both sides will further enhance the complementarity of the Strategy for Responsible Development and the Belt and Road Initiative, and will actively explore new opportunities for investment cooperation in the fields of innovation and R&D, high-end manufacturing, infrastructure, logistics and so on. I also hope that the Polish side can provide more convenience to Chinese companies, and create a more stable, fair and transparent business environment. WE SUPPORT THE PROVINCES AND CITIES OF THE TWO COUNTRIES Third, we should deepen local cooperation, especially at the level of provinces and cities, which are important components of expanding economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. We support the provinces and cities of the two countries to exploit their respective advantages, strengthen cooperation, promote the connection of local industries, explore new areas and inject new vitality for bilateral pragmatic cooperation. The traditional friendship between China and Poland has a long history, and cooperation between the two countries has been getting closer in recent years. At present, we are standing at a new historical starting point in Chinese-Polish relations, facing unprecedented opportunities and nurturing unlimited cooperation space and potential. China is willing to work together with Poland to uphold the spirit of mutual understanding, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, and would like to jointly write a new chapter of Chinese-Polish economic and trade cooperation to further benefit the two peoples. • polish market


CHINA IS THE BIGGEST T R A D E PA RT N E R O F POLAND IN ASIA WOJCIECH ZAJĄCZKOWSKI, Polish Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the People's Republic of China


even decades after the establishment of diplomatic relations Poland and China keep on remaining mature and friendly partners. Over the last few years it was reflected in high level visits paid respectively by leaders of both countries - by President Andrzej Duda to China in November 2015, by President Xi Jinping to Poland in June 2016 and by Prime Minister Beata Szydło to China in May 2017. It is also worth emphasizing that Poland became the first European country that issued RMB denominated sovereign bonds and the only Central European founding member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. All that laid solid foundation for the development of bilateral co-operation in all spheres and led us to upgrading our relations to the rank of comprehensive strategic partnership.

Today China is the biggest trade partner of Poland in Asia while Poland remains China’s biggest

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trade partner in Central and Eastern Europe. First steps were made in investment co-operation. With the advancement and the expected outcome of the EU – China dialogue on economic relationship based on openness, fair competition, level playing field, transparency and mutual benefits, as it was reiterated during last EU – China summit on April 9, 2019, we can expect even more positive developments. There is a great potential for cooperation in the transport sector, which should be based on synergies between The EU Strategy on Connecting Europe and Asia and the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative. We deeply believe that in result Polish and Chinese societies as well as markets of both countries can get closer to each other. During the last twenty years the attention of Polish business was focused mainly on European countries, today it is time for initiatives aiming at bringing high quality Polish products to Asian markets, and to the Chinese market in particular. We hope that soon Chinese consumers will become

aware of the wide array of outstanding products our country has to offer. These include Polish food, widely known for its unmatched taste and strict adherence to safety standards, cosmetics and medicines manufactured with equal commitment to quality and safety. Poland is also a major exporter of furniture, which combines unique design with attention to detail. We would like to expand our export of other products, such as machinery for the mining sector, environmental technologies, chemical and pharmaceutical products, medical devices, just to mention a few examples. International trade and investment became important drivers of economic growth for our two countries. These two factors heavily contributed to outstanding results that Polish and Chinese economies achieved during the last decades. Today we can show that we can achieve similar results while working together. We look at future PolishChinese relationship with hope for enhanced cooperation to meet these expectations. •


Founded in 1989, Hatrans is a large logistics company in located in Łódź, Poland. Łódź is a well-known logistics hub and is uniquely positioned in the heart of Central Eastern Europe. Hatrans's main business areas include road, rail, sea and air logistics. With complete storage facilities, including 40,000 square meters of bonded warehouses, temperature control warehouses (with humidity control equipment), cross-transport warehouses, high-inventory warehouses, and temporary warehouses, Hatrans is committed to providing customers with a variety of storage, reloading and distribution services. Hatrans has been a customs broker since 1995 and is currently one of the most experienced customs brokers in Poland. In 2013, Hatrans and its partners in Chengdu jointly became the founders of the Chengdu-Łódź cargo connection. Since then, we have accumulated a rich experience in working with Chinese companies. Through a high-level representative office in Chengdu, Hatrans provides new services to Chinese customers, which now include also China-Europe Railway Express foreign train operator services, cross-border e-commerce solutions and a multimodal terminal dedicated to China-Europe trains located only 300 meters from our warehouses (under construction).

成立于1989年的Hatrans公司,是一家中东欧波兰共和国罗兹市的大型物 流公司。罗兹市是欧洲著名的物流集散中心,地理位置得天独厚。 Hatrans的主要业务领域包括公路、铁路以及海运和航空物流。凭借完备 的仓储设施,包括4万平方米的保税仓库,控温仓库(配湿度控制设备) 、交叉转运仓库 、高库存仓库、临时仓库,Hatrans致力于为客户提供 各种存储、重装、配送、集货的优质服务。自1995年以来,Hatrans已拥 有报关商资质,目前是波兰交易最多的报关商之一。 2013年,Hatrans 及其在成都的合作伙伴共同成为中欧班列的缔造者。从此以来,我们在 与中国公司合作的方面积累了丰富的经验。Hatrans公司通过在成都设立 的高级代表处,向中国客户提供全新的服务项目,内容包括中欧班列境 外线路供应,跨境电商包裹解决方案,以及距离我们仓库仅300米的中欧 班列专用口岸罗兹北(建设中)。 跨境电商服务 1. 跨境电商包裹以空运或铁运(中欧班列)方式从中国送到欧洲电商或 分拨中心 2. 罗兹24/7清关(自有保税仓) 3. 增值服务,如:重新包装、贴标、加说明书 4. 税务代理(欧盟电商进行销售不用在欧盟注册公司),协助交易结算 5. 采购(欧盟电商进行销售不用在欧盟注册公司),协助交易结算 6. VAT退税(如果货物是在欧盟其他国家销售的) 7. 保税仓增值服务: 可根欧洲据客户下单实时组织包裹 8. 售后服务 我们与亚马逊和allegro.pl合作


You can visit us at: www.hatrans.pl

TECHNOLOGY – A PRIORITY FOR CHINA'S DEVELOPMENT 技 术 - 中 国 发 展 的优 先事项 GUO PEIDONG, Chief Representative of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) in Poland


在 日 益 全 球 化 的 背 景 下 ,经 济 的 哪 些 领 域目前 有最 大 的 发 展 机会? What branches of the economy currently stand a chance to develop the most in the context of growing globalisation?

在全球化条件下,以及在未来的工业产业中,绿 色科技、人工智能、纳米技术、物联网、电子商务、新 能源、医药和养老产业、基因生物工程等将得到巨大 的发展,这也是包括中国在内各大经济体着力发展 的领域。同德国提出的工业4.0相类似,中国企业也 在致力于高科技产业的发展,并愿意与世界各国企 业和研究机构合作,共享合作成果,共同造福世界人 民和世界经济发展。

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Technology and related industries will be the priorities for support and development in China, and it is the same in other big economies. I would like to list specific technological aspects such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, the internet of things, e-commerce, renewable energy, pharmaceutics, gene-editing, etc. All the programmes brought with different country governments are built on the basis of technology development including Industry 4.0 of Germany. China is also putting emphasis and priority on such industries for its economic development and is ready and open to cooperate with other partners and share the achievements

with other countries to improve and benefit people all over the world. PM

波 兰 农产品和 食品公司希望能 够在更 大 程 度 进 入中国 庞 大 的 市 场。您 对他 们 有何 建 议 ,才 能 使 他 们 与中国 伙伴 加 强 合 作从 而 给双 方 带 来 最 大 利 益? Polish agri-food companies would like to be present on the huge Chinese market to a much higher degree. What would you advise them to do so that cooperation with Chinese partners brings as many benefits as possible to both sides?

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当前,已经有部分波兰农产品和食品进入中国 市场,并以自己的高品质得到了中国消费者的青睐。 但进一步扩大和深化两国农产品和食品合作,两国 企业界还需要很长的路要走。我主要列举几个目前 存在的困难,一是路途遥远的影响。目前的中欧班 列在扩大两国贸易合作的潜力还远远没有发掘出来, 波兰农产品通过中欧班列途径俄罗斯而受到俄罗 斯和欧盟相互贸易制裁的影响;海运长时间运输使 得食品的鲜活性受到影响;二是波兰企业对中国市 场和饮食习惯缺乏足够了了解。我曾参加波兰鱼类 企业出口中国的研讨会,一家波兰企业建议将波兰 鲤鱼出口到中国,但他不知道,中国人从来不吃死 的淡水鱼,而把活鲤鱼出口到中国是不现实的。同 时,找到合适的中国合作伙伴来了解中国的法律法 规和多变的市场环境也十分重要。

Polish food is gaining the trust of Chinese consumers and becoming quite popular in China. But there are still some problems or obstacles that prevent both countries from deepening and widening their cooperation in agri-products and food. I could list some of them: firstly, long distance. Railway connections between China and Poland do not fulfil the expectations of businesses from both countries. The reason is that Polish food transferred through Russian territory is blocked under the mutual trade embargo between the EU and Russia. Sea transportation makes most of the agri-products and food lose freshness and competitiveness due to the long way of shipment accordingly. Second, Polish agri-food companies are advised to get a good understanding of Chinese eating habits and to get familiar with Chinese consumers preferences and specifics of the market which are different from European ones so that they can make products suitable for the Chinese. Many Polish companies don’t know about that. I could quote an example: once I took part in a meeting of Polish fishing firms aiming to export fish to the Chinese market. A company suggested to sell Polish carps to the Chinese market. I just smiled, no one in China wold buy it no matter how eco or bio they are grown, as Chinese people never eat dead or frozen river fish. Besides, they need to find reliable Chinese partners who can help them know the laws and regulations and get used to the changeable business environment. PM

许多中国企业跟西欧国家企业的合作已 很成功,特别是在IT领域。波兰的目标 是根据经济4.0模式进行发展。对中国来 讲,应对类似挑战的发展项目有多重要? A number of Chinese companies have successfully worked in partnership with companies from Western Europe, especially in IT. Poland’s goal is to develop in line with the Economy 4.0 model. How important are projects related to similar challenges for China?

正如刚才所说,近些年来来中国在IT和ICO领 域发展迅速,也具有了一定的产业优势。波兰在机 器人、环保技术等领域也具有比较优势,一些初创 企业的技术和项目也受到了中国企业的关注。可以 说,在科技领域,中波两国企业合作的空间非常广 阔。我们也希望中欧投资协定能够尽快达成,为中 波两国科技企业合作创造良好条件。

Over these years, industrial technology in very different aspects of the economy in China is growing rapidly, especially in IT or ICO. As said before, the new era of industry is of technology and innovation. Poland has the obvious advantages in the robotic and environment protection industries. I know there so many good start-ups Chinese companies would like to cooperate with. I always hold the stance that technology and scientific R&D are the big promising aspects for cooperation between China and Poland. There is so much room for us both to deepen and widen our economic cooperation to benefit both countries and its people. I think after China and the EU reach a deal on mutual investment, there should be some real technology projects to be realized between Poland and China. PM

在解决费用支付和质量标准测 试 方 面 ,中 国 和 波 兰 合 作 伙 伴 之 间的信任程 度 如何 可以增 加? In what way can the level of trust between business partners from Poland and China be increased when it comes to the settling of payments and testing of quality standards?

近几个月来,贸促会波兰代表处参与调解了十 几起中波企业间的贸易纠纷。应该承认,两国贸 易纠纷的调解和解决还缺乏有效的手段和途径。 贸促会波兰代表处通过国内系统资源的支持,可 以提供协助和调解服务,但没有强制执行的效力。 可以说,双方企业缺乏互信和频发的纠纷严重影 响了两国贸易合作的质量和潜力,需要认真考虑 解决办法。贸促会作为中国最大的投资贸易促进 机构,拥有仲裁和调解等职能部门,波兰企业通 过贸促会可以得到中国企业的基本资信信息和记 录,但中国企业面对波兰企业的资信问题,就更 加无助,我们在波兰还没有看到可以提供基础资 信服务的公共组织和机构。

There are some problems we are facing now. Over these months we are dealing with a lot of trade dispute between Chinese and Polish businesses. Yes, it is obvious and deserves to be dealt with in a very serious way. CCPIT could serve as a platform in which Polish companies could get enough credit information of its Chinese partner they are going to cooperate with. We are also mediating some disputes, but there isn't any kind of legal enforcement. On the other hand, in Poland there is even no such organization like CCPIT to provide such service, so Chinese companies have it very hard to get

credit record information of Polish companies. To litigate is not best choice either for Chinese companies or Polish ones. Up to now, to put frankly, we have no efficient tools or good ways to improve the situation. PM

波兰消费者对中国品牌的认知度似乎较 低。波兰人购买到的中国产品往往是冠以 外国的品牌。这样的情况在十年前是合理 的,但像TCL、小米或华为的公司已经证 明了建立和推广自己的品牌是符合自身利 益的。这种策略未来会否发生变化,我们 可不可以期待更多的中国品牌进入市场? The awareness of Chinese brands among Polish consumers seems to be low. Poles buy Chinese products, but under different brands. This was justified a decade ago, but such companies as TCL, Xiaomi or Huawei have proved that it pays to build and promote their own brands. Is this strategy going to be developed and can we expect more Chinese brands on the market?

自主品牌的培育和发展一直是中国企业面临的 重要问题。改革开发30年来,外国企业对中国各种 形式 的投资为中国民生的改善和经济的高速增长 贡献很大,但中国作为世界工厂为世界知名品牌贴 牌生产,利润大部分流向国外企业,间接影响到了 中国自主品牌壮大发展。这也是一种经济合作不平 衡的表现,是不可持续的。近年来,在市场规则下, 部分中国品牌逐步进入国际市场,有些在严酷的国 际竞争中存活下来,但更多还是被市场淘汰。但我 相信,随着世界产业分工的进一步调整,会有越来 越多中国品牌在国际市场上立稳脚跟,给世界消费 者带来更多的选择。

Yes, of course, it is a very serious problem the Chinese economy is facing. Over the past 30 years, partly thanks to foreign investment, the Chinese economy has experienced amazing growth and become now the second biggest economy. The benefit is visible in job creation, living standard improvements and infrastructure construction, but there are also weaknesses. That means for so many years Chinese people have been working for giant multinational companies as they have no brand of their own acknowledged by the world. It is also a kind of imbalance of word economy when it comes to the international division of labour. For so many years China has served as the world's workshop ensuring the living standards improvement and economic growth, but it has also brought environmental concerns such as air pollution and soil degradation. It should be changed. A lot of Chinese brands are growing up, some of them could survive the competition with others, some not, but whatever happens, it is for sure that more and more Chinese brands will show up in the world markets to give people more choice and to save more money. • polish market


POLAND – BEST ROUTE FROM CHINA TO THE EU PKP CARGO S.A. already handles most of the cargo transported to the European Union through the New Silk Road. But the Company’s capacity will increase even more following investment in the development of its terminals, including the one in Małaszewicze, which is the key location on the route from and to China.


ailway traffic between the People’s Republic of China and the EU has been growing for several years now. We started from virtually nothing and in 2018, according to the data published by the Chinese media, more than 6,500 trains travelled on the New Silk Road, of which roughly 57% is the China-EU traffic.


The shortest travel route, in terms of time, is from China via Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus to Poland, from where containers can be freely transported all over the EU, since the Eastern border of Poland is also the border of the European Union. In this context, the Małaszewicze Logistics Center plays a key role, transshipping containers from wide gauge trains (1520 mm) to standard gauge trains (1435 mm) used in most EU countries. “The trains from China are handled in Małaszewicze on an ongoing basis and trains do not have to wait long hours for transshipment and passage,” says Czesław Warsewicz, President of PKP CARGO S.A. He emphasizes that preparing a train for further travel takes on average four hours in the Małaszewicze terminals.


There are also no problems with the transport of intermodal cargo in Poland. In the context of the operation of the New Silk Road, the E20 railway line running from Terespol and Małaszewicze to Frankfurt an der Oder is of strategic importance. This is the route to transport cargo to the port on the Rhine river in Duisburg, which is the railway hub for the New Silk Road and therefore the traffic on E20 continues to increase. On top of that, there is a lot of passenger train traffic on the E20, but despite the congestion on this route, PKP CARGO manages to maintain high commercial speed of intermodal trains – it takes about 10-12 hours to travel more than 600 km from the PolishBelorussian border to the Polish-German border.

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Thanks to the investment projects currently carried out on rail lines in Poland, the speed of trains should soon improve significantly.


PKP CARGO carefully analyzes what is happening on the New Silk Road and it sees the upward trends in the trade between the EU and China. Therefore, the company will execute a number of investment projects increasing its capacity to handle railway traffic on the New Silk Road. President Warsewicz notes that PKP CARGO owns 100 hectares of land in Małaszewicze where additional terminals can be built if necessary. Other infrastructure, including track infrastructure, can also be developed, in order to achieve a significant increase in the throughput in Małaszewicze – up to 50 intermodal trains per day.


Czesław Warsewicz adds that, considering the need to handle cargo on the New Silk Road but also the increasing flow of cargo transported to and from maritime ports, PKP CARGO will also develop its other terminals, which it has nearly 30 across Poland. This is why the PKP CARGO Terminale company was established in order to boost the quality of services offered and prepare clients for an even better offering. “We want to be not only a rail operator but also a logistics operator offering comprehensive handling of cargo from the place of dispatch to the place of delivery,” President Warsewicz says. For this reason, PKP CARGO invests also in contemporary rolling stock: locomotives and platforms for intermodal transport. As a result, the cargo can be transported more quickly in order to shorten the time to transport containers from Poland’s eastern border to any location in the EU. •

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COOPERATION ANDRZEJ MIECZYSŁAW ADAMCZYK, Minister of Infrastructure A country’s economic development, its efficient functioning, progress and even position in the international arena depend on modern infrastructure: roads, railway lines and airports. The effective implementation of infrastructure projects is one of the main factors determining the economic situation of the country. The government of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, in which I have the honour to be infrastructure minister, has made the development of infrastructure one of its priorities.


he participation of companies, including foreign ones, in the process of carrying out investment projects is regulated by the law on public procurement. The Polish public procurement system is fully open to contractors coming from other countries, either independently or as a consortium. Our tendering processes are held with respect for the principles of equal treatment, fair competition, impartiality and objectivism. Our experience shows that Chinese companies are interested in transport infrastructure projects in Poland. Also, trade relations between Poland and China rely on the use of increasingly modern infrastructure.


Cooperation between railway companies on the route between China and Europe is largely based on container transport from China via Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland and Germany along various routes being part of the New Silk Road. The container trains heading for Europe leave China through four border crossing points, including two with

Kazakhstan, and pass over the European Union border through the Polish-Belarussian border crossing Terespol-Brest.


Cooperation within the new Trans-Caspian Route also offers great hopes for the future. Thanks to the agreement on further cooperation in organising full trainload transport between China and Europe, signed in Beijing in March 2017, the signatories - Polish, Belarussian, German, Kazakh, Chinese, Mongolian and Russian railways - are able to work together on a day-to-day basis. The cooperation is coordinated at regular meetings of the Joint Working Group.


The Polish Post Office cooperates closely with its Chinese counterpart, in particular in the area of the fast-developing e-commerce sector. Goods ordered by Polish customers in China are delivered by the Chinese Post Office in parcels intended for the Polish Post Office, mainly by air.

The Polish Post Office also cooperates with the Chinese Post Office in the transport of parcels destined for various European countries. They are transported by rail to the Małaszewicze terminal and then delivered by the Polish Post Office by road to respective European postal services.


Poland’s geographical location is conducive to the development of infrastructure projects. The Solidarity Transport Hub Poland, which we plan to build, will be able to offer - thanks to its location - convenient air connections, including connections to the Far East. The Ministry of Infrastructure creates opportunities for further development of international trade. To this end, agreements on improving rail access to the maritime ports of Gdańsk and Gdynia, worth over PLN2.6 billion, and to the ports of Szczecin and Świnoujście, worth almost PLN1.5 billion, have been signed in recent months. When implemented, the projects will raise the potential of Polish ports. • polish market


议会支持格丁尼亚外港的扩建 PARLIAMENT SUPPORTS EXPANSION OF OUTER PORT IN GDYNIA 波兰议会最近通过了赋予波兰海洋经济、沿海地区和格丁尼亚市重要地位的法律。 波兰海港货物吞吐量的迅 速增长清楚地表明基础设施需要投资。 在2019年上半年,格丁尼亚港的集装箱货物数量比去年同期增加了14% 。 由于缺少进一步扩建港口的空间已经成为一个大的问题,格丁尼亚港务局已经决定建设一个规模与Tadeusz Wenda工程相当的项目。Tadeusz Wenda是20世纪20年代负责该港口建设的工程师 。

The Polish parliament has recently adopted legislation of great importance for the Polish maritime economy, the coastal region and the city of Gdynia. The rapid growth in the amount of cargo handled by Polish maritime ports is a clear indication that it is necessary to invest in infrastructure. In the first half of 2019, the Port of Gdynia recorded a 14% increase in the amount of containerised cargo compared to a year earlier. As the lack of space for the further expansion of the port has become a huge problem, the Port of Gdynia Authority has decided to carry out a project whose scale is comparable to the work of Tadeusz Wenda, the engineer responsible for the construction of the port in the 1920s.

水外港将以现有的Śląskie和Szwedzkie 泊位为基础,越过 现存的保护防堤,建造在人工陆地上。建成后,港口的总面积 将扩大180公顷,再装载能力增加250万个二十英尺当量单位。

A deep-water Outer Port, extending beyond the existing breakwater, is to be built on artificial land on the basis of the existing Śląskie Quay and Szwedzkie Quay. As a result, the total area of the harbour will be expanded by 180 hectares and its reloading capacity by 2.5 million TEU. 建设一个向海洋延伸的项目是格丁尼亚港快速发展,并保持其在波罗的 海地区港口服务市场的竞争力与优势的唯一选择。

Building a structure spreading out into the sea is the only chance for the Port of Gdynia to develop dynamically and keep its competitiveness and high position on the market for port services in the Baltic region.

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CONTRACT WORTH PLN1.5 BILLION 总值15亿兹罗提的合同 港口的发展需要扩大港区及其附近的公路和铁路基础设施。一项总值为15亿 兹罗提的改善通往格丁尼亚港铁路基础设施的合同已于 6月24日签署,其中 6亿兹罗提来自欧盟。 这个投资项目是“国家铁路计划”下最大的项目之一, 有了它波兰港口将能够通过装卸更长的列车来提高运力。 卸货和装货的时 间将缩短几分钟到几十分钟。 与此同时,由于货物装卸量增加,港口的竞 争力将得到提升。铁路运输将比其他交通工具更具吸引力,波兰的经济将获 得提振,国家预算收入将会增加,区域发展将得到刺激。

The development of ports requires the expansion of road and rail infrastructure in the harbour areas and their vicinity. A PLN1.5 billion

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contract for improving rail access infrastructure for the Port of Gdynia was signed on June 24, with PLN600 million coming from European Union sources. Thanks to this investment project, one of the largest carried out under the National Rail Programme, Polish harbours will be able to raise their potential by handling much longer trains. The time of unloading and loading will be shortened by several minutes to up to a few quarters of an hour. At the same time, the competitiveness of the harbours will be enhanced because of the increased amount of cargo they will be handling. The railways will gain in attractiveness compared to other means of transport and the Polish economy will receive a boost, generating receipts for the national budget and stimulating the development of the region.

ACCESS ROAD TO PORT OF GDYNIA TO BE FINANCED FROM NATIONAL BUDGET 国家预算资助通往格丁尼亚港的道路 没有立法的支持,就不可能保证持续不断的投资。 7月19日,议 会通过了有关港口的法律修正案,为建设通往格丁尼亚港被称之 为“红路”(Red Road)的通道开放了绿灯。 该项目将由国家预 算提供资金。 这是启动格丁尼亚港最大投资项目之一的重要一 步。 该法律的目标之一是能够用规章制度来管理通往港口道路 的特殊地位,因为其运营对国民经济至关重要。 此外,该修正案 按欧盟立法整合了波兰法律,同时还扩大了海洋管理部长在监督 海港物业交易方面的权力。

of outer ports. Designed to facilitate and streamline the implementation of maritime port expansion projects, the law was passed by parliament on August 9. It applies to harbours of key importance for the national economy – Port of Gdynia, Port of Gdańsk and Ports of Szczecin and Świnoujście – which are more than 95% owned by the state. The law is to help to fully exploit the transhipment potential of the Port of Gdynia. “波兰海洋经济与内河航运部部长Marek Gróbarczyk说: “ 去年,波兰港口创造了400亿波兰兹罗提的产值,为我们的预算 注入了大笔资金。 因此我们不能停止开发港口,哪怕是暂短的 停顿。 为此我们起草了一项关于扩大格但斯克港(扩建中央港 口)、格丁尼亚港(建设外港)和希维诺乌伊希切港(建造集装 箱码头)的特别法。”

“Last year, Polish harbours generated PLN40 billion. It is a big injection of money into our budget. Therefore, we must not stop, not even for a moment, in developing the ports. A special law on the expansion of the ports in Gdańsk (expansion of the Central Port), Gdynia (construction of Outer Port) and Świnoujście (construction of a container terminal) has been drafted for this purpose,” said Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation Marek Gróbarczyk.

Successive stages of the investment process would not be possible without legislative support. On July 19, the parliament adopted an amendment to the law on ports, giving the green light to the construction of the access road to the Port of Gdynia called Red Road. The project will be financed from the national budget. It is a giant step on the road to starting one of the biggest investment projects for the Port of Gdynia. One of the aims of the law is to enable regulating the status of roads leading to the harbours whose operations are of key importance for the national economy. Additionally, the amendment brings Polish law in line with EU legislation. It also broadens the powers of the minister’s maritime administration with respect to supervision over the sale of properties located in maritime ports.

LAW WHICH MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO EXPLOIT POTENTIAL 通过立法挖掘潜力 在中国波兰戏剧的台柱是克里斯蒂安·卢帕,他于2017年6月在 中国上演了一部根据最近去世的中国作家史铁生(1950 - 2010 年)作品改编的戏。这是林兆华戏剧艺术节的一部分。这个作品 描绘了一个人跟老鼠谈论他生命中的问题。这是卢帕第一个完全 在中国上演的戏,由波兰和中国艺术家共同参与。不过早些时候, 这位波兰最伟大的戏剧大使已经在中国戏剧节上展现了其他的 戏剧,其中包括托马斯·伯恩哈德的“伐木工”和“英雄的广场”。

The piece of legislation most important for the Port of Gdynia when it comes to implementing the key project for the development of the port and the regional economy is a special law on investment projects involving the construction

IT’S NECESSARY TO MOVE QUICKLY 加快建设速度 该法律对于快速有效地实施投资项目,特别是在港区内缺乏未 开发土地的情况下,是非常重要的,尤其是格丁尼亚港。 这个建 设外港的特别法将提高波兰港口关键投资项目的实施效率。 据 Gróbarczyk部长说,海洋经济部起草的法律引入了简化程序,以 提高纳入国民经济最重要的扩建港口的外港建设效率。 该部 估计,如果没有这个新法律,项目的投资准备过程将长达七年。 有了新法律,这个时间将缩短到三年或四年。 polish market


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The law is of key importance for the fast and efficient implementation of the investment projects, especially where there is a lack of undeveloped land inside a port. This concerns the Port of Gdynia, in particular. The special law on the construction of outer ports will streamline the implementation of crucial investment projects in Polish harbours. According to Minister Gróbarczyk, the legislation drafted by the Ministry of Maritime Economy introduces easier procedures to streamline the construction of outer ports as part of the expansion of harbours of key importance for the national economy. The Ministry estimates that without the new law the process of preparing an investment project would last seven years. It is to be shortened to three or four years thanks to the law. 格丁尼亚港务局局长Adam Meller说: “外港的建设是格丁尼 亚港现代史上最大的投资项目。 它的目标是提高格丁尼亚港的转 运能力,并加强其在波罗的海地区的竞争地位。”“我们必须不断 投资和开发能够满足船东和码头特需要求的港口基础设施。我们 很高兴获得了港口发展所需的投资项目的实施绿灯,这使我们能够 在波罗的海地区更具竞争力并成为来自世界各地船舶的目的地。” “The construction of the Outer Port is the largest investment project in the modern history of the Port of Gdynia. Its goal is to raise the transhipment capacity of the Port of Gdynia and strengthen its competitive position in the Baltic region,” said President of the Port of Gdynia Authority Adam Meller. “We have to constantly invest and develop port infrastructure meeting the requirements of ship owners and individual terminals. We are glad that we have received the green light for the implementation of investment projects necessary for the development of the port so that it is able to compete in the Baltic region and become a destination for ships from the most distant parts of the world.”

PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP 公私合作伙伴关系 下一步是获得实施有关投资项目的法律、经济、财务和技术问题 的建议。 投资和经济发展部与格丁尼亚港务局一道发出了外港 项目的法律、经济、财务和技术咨询服务的招标文件。

Another stage is obtaining advice on legal, economic, financial and technical matters concerning the implementation of the investment project. The Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, in conjunction with the Port of Gdynia Authority, has invited tenders for legal, economic, financial and technical consulting services for the Outer Port project. 如果咨询公司提出公私合作伙伴关系能提供最佳的收益 - 成 本比率,而且选择的合作伙伴在报价中也能对此证实,那么格丁尼 亚管理局将以公私合作伙伴关系(PPP)系统开展项目。

The Port of Gdynia Authority is going to carry out the project in the public-private partnership (PPP) system if the advisory firm shows that it provides the best benefit-cost ratio and the selected partner then proves this in their offer.

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格但斯克大学运输和海洋贸易研究所的Hanna Klimek教授评 论说: “外港法律的通过应该视为与格丁尼亚港雄心勃勃的投资 计划相一致,该港口货物吞吐量在不断增加。” “在港口行政边 界内缺乏发展用地的情况下,采用便利手续加速外港建设是特别 有利的。 在格丁尼亚实施外港项目的宗旨是通过提高其转运潜 力,赋予其装卸大型远洋船舶的能力,改善其在波罗的海港口服 务市场的地位,使其提高竞争力。”

“The adoption of the law on outer ports should be seen in the context of ambitious investment plans of the Port of Gdynia, which handles increasingly high volumes of cargo,” commented Prof. Hanna Klimke of the Transport and Maritime Trade Institute, University of Gdańsk. “The introduction of procedural facilitations speeding up the construction of outer ports is especially beneficial where there is a lack of land for development within the administrative boundaries of a port. The implementation of the Outer Port project in Gdynia is designed to enhance its competitiveness by increasing its transhipment potential and enabling it to handle large oceangoing vessels, and improving its position on the Baltic market for port services.” 格丁尼亚港务局局长Adam Meller说: “每年的转运记录和内 港无法扩建的情况表明成功的关键是外港。” “建设外港的投资 法将使格丁尼亚港能够蓬勃发展,并有可能发挥其巨大的潜力。”

“The annual transhipment records and inability to expand inside the port indicate that the key to success is the Outer Port,” said President of the Port of Gdynia Authority Adam Meller. “The law on investment in the construction of outer ports will enable the dynamic development of the Port of Gdynia and make it possible to exploit its huge potential.”

CONTINUING THE WORK OF THE FAMOUS ENGINEER 继承著名工程师的工作 一个新的船舶转盘,深达16.5米的港湾,以及外部港口的建设将 在不久的将来出现在格丁尼亚港。 由于陆地上没有空间,它必 须扩延到海里。 今天,由Tadeusz Wenda工程师开创的工作已 经有了接班人,他们承担了建造新港口结构的任务。 最高质量 的管理和稳定增长的货物吞吐量已经发出明确的信号,表明格丁 尼亚港正处于经济发展的正确轨道,正最优地发挥波罗的海地 区的潜力。而最重要的是,这一切都将遵循可持续发展的精神和 绿色港口的理念。

A new turning basin, the deepening of the port’s basins and access way to 16.5 metres, and the construction of the Outer Port is what awaits the Port of Gdynia in the near future. Due to the lack of space on land, it has to spread into the sea. Today the work started by engineer Tadeusz Wenda has worthy continuators who have undertaken the task to build a new port fabric. The highest quality of management and steadily growing amount of cargo handled are a clear signal that the Port of Gdynia is on the right track of economic development, exploits the potential of the Baltic region the best and, which is the most important, does so in the spirit of sustainable development and in line with the green port idea. •

WE COMPETE IN QUALITY The Chinese market is enormously attractive for all exporters. Competition on it is fierce. Australia and New Zealand, located in relative proximity to China, have a very large agricultural production potential. It is difficult for Poland to compete with these countries when it comes to the scale of production. But very high product quality is our undisputable advantage. The more so, as this is how the Chinese themselves perceive our food. JAN KRZYSZTOF ARDANOWSKI, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development


ur contacts with China have been developed at governmental level for years. Authorities responsible for veterinary and phytosanitary certification have been agreeing on conditions of access to the Chinese market. As a result, export opportunities are constantly being expanded. Unfortunately, our partners do not accept regionalisation with respect to pork and we cannot export this meat to China. At present, the ASF virus is present in China as well and has become a huge problem, considering the country’s animal production structure and its culinary traditions.

EUROPE FULL OF TASTES Polish products are beginning to be visible on the Chinese market, thanks to the commitment of our exporters, their participation in missions organised by the National Agriculture Support Centre (KOWR), which continues the activity of the former Agricultural Market Agency, and their presence at the largest trade fairs held in the People’s Republic of China. The campaign “Europe Full of Tastes – Tradition and Quality” is conducted on the Chinese market as part of the KOWR-administered mechanism “Support for Promotional and Information Activities on the Markets of Third Countries.” The campaign has been proposed by the Association of Butchers and Meat Processors of the Republic of Poland and the National Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producer Groups. The three-year campaigns held under the slogans “European Poultry – Strength in Quality” and “Pastas of Europe” have come to an end this year. This shows that producers and exporters themselves are trying to present a wide range of products. It is the joint activities of this kind, with emphasis put on high product quality, that may produce positive results. TOP QUALITY PRODUCTS Interest in the Chinese market has led to the establishment of an office of the National Poultry Council in Shanghai. In this segment, we are a global giant

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and can offer high quality products. Thanks to these actions, the National Poultry Council plans to raise the value of its poultry exports to China to as much as PLN2 billion a year. At the end of last year, the National Agriculture Support Centre, an institution specialised in promotional and information activity, signed an agreement on cooperation with the Chinese Association of Wholesale Agricultural Markets. It brings together 4,000 wholesale markets and it is worth remembering that around 70-80% of agri-food products are distributed in China through these markets. Dairy products, feathers and down, grain and flour products, poultry and giblets top our exports value-wise. PRODUCTS WITH THE HIGHEST EXPORT POTENTIAL Looking at prospects for exports on the Chinese market, poultry undoubtedly is one of the important products. As I mentioned, the volume of poultry production in Poland and its quality seem to be the fundamental advantages, making it possible to raise the exports, the more so as there is interest in them on the Chinese market. Today, distance is not a particularly difficult barrier to be overcome. Having a very good, high quality product, we stand a chance to significantly increase exports. The more so, as health certification for Polish poultry was finally agreed on last year and the right to export to the Chinese market was restored to five plants and one cold store. Dairy products and components – whey, UHT milk, powdered milk, cheeses and yoghurts – are another product group with a potential on the Chinese market and already present there. In this segment, we can also offer baby food, mainly powdered milk. There are also potential chances for hops, malt, grains, fruit and vegetables to be exported to China, but they still need to undergo a long process of authorising their access to the market. We use every opportunity to seek this and we hope to achieve positive results because we have top quality products which taste great. •

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WHAT THE CHINESE DESIRE MAŁGORZATA CEBELIŃSKA, Director of Sales Department at the Mlekpol dairy cooperative in Grajewo, talks to “Polish Market.” Mlekpol is building a new plant, its 13th already, to produce powdered products. Considering that for years powdered milk was Poland’s main milk product exported to China, can we expect that this investment project is carried out for the needs of the Chinese market? The Mlekpol dairy cooperative in Grajewo is one of the largest milk processors in Poland and one of the 20 largest in Europe. Every day the cooperative buys close to 6 million litres of milk from its own suppliers and processes it in 12 plants. With its highly specialised and technologically advanced production processes, the Mlekpol is Poland’s leading exporter of milk products. The company’s cooperation with large and demanding customers on the Chinese market is successful, thanks to growing demand for high-quality products. The new investment project, which is the construction of the processing plant for powdered milk products in Mrągowo, will make it possible for Mlekpol to expand its product line by more specialist products derived from milk and whey, and at the same time increase the volume of exports, including exports to the very demanding Chinese market. PM

What do Chinese consumers expect? Are they more demanding than European consumers or less? European and Chinese consumers both want to eat healthy and natural products. This is what they have in common. But thanks to the Internet and travels, which make it easier to access the wide range of products offered by producers on the global market, we have observed a particular increase in demands and expectations on the part of Chinese consumers. Apart from quality, Chinese consumers increasingly pay attention to the origin of products. When choosing milk or another milk product, the Chinese consumer checks by means of digital applications who the PM

producer is, where the product has been made, of what raw materials, and according to what standards. In a word, the consumer needs to feel safe with his or her choice. This is why we are very happy to see growing interest in Mlekpol products, which are made using the best milk sourced from the cleanest regions of Poland. Considering our overall exports to China, we can say that milk, flavoured milk drinks, and creams under the Łaciate brand, coming in a variety of packaging types, enjoy the biggest interest from Chinese consumers. We also receive more and more inquiries about butter and cheeses, especially mozzarella. Exports of these products to China are consistently growing at Mlekpol. What does Mlekpol do to reach the Chinese customer and consumer? In the West, advertising and CSR activity are the methods used most widely. And what is it like in China? The Chinese market is very diverse in terms of culture, geography and even language. This is why, in conjunction with our Chinese partners, we follow through the behaviour of Chinese consumers to fully understand them and choose effective forms of marketing. As a result, we employ influential trendsetters and conduct marketing activities based on the story-telling and heritage concept to make our brand stand out against others. Sharing with Chinese consumers our rich history and cultural background associated with the Łaciate brand definitely attracts their attention and builds their trust. Thanks to our long presence on the market and systematic marketing activities, the Łaciate brand has become synonymous with milk for the Chinese. Consumers are changing and expect modern forms of communication. As a result, personalised marketing content has already become the main trend in communication with the consumer. At the same time, Mlekpol has introduced the highest standards and hi-tech solutions to PM

production processes to deliver top quality and homogeneous products to Chinese consumers. This is possible thanks to the Institute of Innovation of the Dairy Industry that was established in 2010 in Mrągowo. This accredited Research and Development Centre deals with the design and development of new products, by taking care of their innovation, pro-health qualities and functionality. The Institute improves existing and develops new production processes. It also conducts research on innovative packaging for the dairy industry. Poland is known for playing a significant role in Europe among healthy food producers. This experience, combined with an innovative approach, has opened Mlekpol the door to Chinese markets with both supply and high expectations for quality. In order to develop the Polish economy and the volume of Polish exports, it is necessary to look for markets outside the European Union. Experts, and some politicians as well, seem to understand that, but can we already talk about a coherent strategy worked out for Polish exporters? Food is one of the fastest developing sectors in trade between Poland and China. Mlekpol is the leader of Polish milk exports to the country, mainly under our own brand Łaciate. Polish exporters need a coherent and consistently pursued strategy, worked out with their participation, for economic cooperation between Poland and China. Rare and irregular meetings do not help to narrow our trade deficit. Mlekpol tries to be present at the biggest events and fairs of the food sector in China and other countries in SouthEast Asia. But we also need systemic support and commitment within bilateral trade. Mlekpol is open to direct dialogue with Chinese partners on cooperation in trade and undertakes talks with Chinese businesses with great pleasure and commitment. • PM

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the heart of Poland ADAM KRZYSZTOF STRUZIK, Marshal of Mazowieckie voivodeship (Mazovia)

Mazovia is the largest and richest economic region in Poland. It is located in the central-eastern part of the country, crossed by commercial and transport routes linking Eastern and Western Europe. With the capital of Poland, Warsaw, the region is home to hundreds of the largest Polish and foreign companies. It is where the most important state authorities and institutions are based. Source: The speech/presentation about business cooperation between Mazovia and Chinese regions


or a number of years Mazovia has been the leader in economic transformation and the fastest-developing region not just in Poland, but also in Europe. This is where the dynamism of Poland’s transformation can be seen most clearly and a place much favoured by foreign investors. Mazovia is a highly diverse region with almost all branches of industry present. One of the strongest pillars of the local economy is agriculture. The region is Poland’s biggest exporter of fruits and vegetables. Food from Mazovia enjoys huge popularity in other countries of the European Union, but is also exported to more than 20 countries outside the EU. The petrochemical industry is also well established in the region, along with the energy, IT and military technology. In the context of investments, mention should also be made of the human potential of the region, including the availability of highly qualified human resources. This is mostly due to access to the best scientific and academic centres, including the biggest number of higher educational establishments (in excess of 100) in

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the country and the attractiveness of Warsaw, Poland’s capital city.

support and coordinate the mechanism facilitating international relations of our entrepreneurs.

INNOVATIONS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY For many years Mazovia has been placing strong emphasis on innovation and the development of technology. Products of the mechanical, electronic and electrical industry account for more than 30% of Mazovia’s exports. As the government of Mazovia, we stimulate links between businesses, higher educational establishments and the R&D sector. We continuously enhance the competitiveness of the Mazovia market through process, organisational and production innovations, and strive to boldly enter foreign markets guided by the conviction that business and technology do not recognise any geographical boundaries. We realise that maintaining the dynamic development of the region is contingent not only upon support for the development of innovative research facilities, but also upon local and international cooperation. On the interregional level, direct relations allow us to

INTERREGIONAL RELATIONS WITH CHINESE PROVINCES Mazovia has established and maintains interregional relations with several provinces of the Peoples’ Republic of China. Among many active forms of cooperation, political and economic ties have been established with Hebei and Shandong provinces, and institutionalised in the form of partnership agreements. We also enjoy an opportunity to continue economic talks with other regions, e.g. Liaoning, Hunan and Jiangxi. As the government of Mazovia, we are happy to see particular proposals that come from China and bring the prospects of economic cooperation with our region. We closely observe the progress of the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) and other Chinese regional platforms, especially in their sub-national formula. All these might have given Mazovia a stronger and effective economic role to play on the platform of regional cooperation between Poland and China.

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WHY IS IT WORTH TO COME AND INVEST IN MAZOVIA? Mazovia has a very receptive market. It also has a large and wealthy population and easy, direct access to Central and Eastern European markets. We have a very well developed education system at every level, with educational opportunities for foreigners. This results in the availability of highly qualified personnel. At the level of Mazovia local authorities, we are able to present to our investors a well-tailored set of investment offers ranging from large projects of strategic importance to Poland to smaller projects suitable for small- and medium-sized enterprises. In this regard, in its regional scope Mazovia has all the assets needed to become: • transport hub enabling efficient national and transnational transit; • manufacturing, technology and financial investment hub; • attractive customer for technologically advanced products and technologies from China; • good supplier of high quality goods to China. In line with the “win-win” idea applied to BRI, we are eager to attract long-term and mutually beneficial industry assets and investments to Mazovia and in return we may offer high technologies, R&D innovations and the best Mazovian goods and products. THE PROSPECTS? Celebrating the 70th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the Republic of

Poland and the Peoples’ Republic of China, we envisage that along the worldwide expansion of the Chinese economy - accompanied by BRI and other regional formulas - Mazovia region may effectively cooperate in numerous pillars of the transfer of knowledge and technological inventions. Numerous institutes and universities located in Mazovia might be a valuable pool of entities offering solutions for worldwide goals, e.g. AI technology or sustainable development. In this area, Polish R&D capabilities are very well established internationally and may serve as innovative and strongly appealing market applications. THE MOST COMPETITIVE REGION Mazovia is the most competitive region in Poland. This is reflected in its economic indicators, such as the GDP level (the region contributes 22.4% to the country’s total GDP), a rate of employment clearly higher than the national average, and a positive migration balance. The average per-capita income in the region exceeds the EU average and in this regard Mazovia has been named the fastestdeveloping region of the European Community in recent years. In the international context, a large number of investment sites located in our region may constitute an advantageous proposition in the area of manufacturing, industrial technology, and trade with other countries. An additional advantage is proximity to two airports (Warsaw Okęcie and Warsaw Modlin), that ensure effective connections on internal European and intercontinental routes.

WHAT THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND PRIVATE SECTOR OFFER TO FOREIGN PARTNERS? In order to support economic development and innovation in the region, the local authorities together with the private sector offer foreign business people and investors a number of facilitating opportunities, e.g. tax breaks and facilities for enterprises operating within special economic zones situated in Mazovia; a wide range of possibilities of adjusting local infrastructure to investment requirements, the use of structural programmes and support from the European Union for external investments in cooperation with local Mazovia-based entrepreneurs. The support tools offered by the EU are particularly important in the context of building joint venture structures for small- and medium-sized enterprises. We strongly believe that creating platforms for cooperation among entrepreneurs, investors and political organisations both locally and abroad, may substantially contribute to creating strong economic relations and, above all, meeting the needs of customers in Poland and in China. For this reason Mazovia, as the leader of domestic progress, is open to international opportunities and would like to encourage investors from China to discover the potential of the region. •

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LET’S BENEFIT FROM THE OPENING UP OF CHINA In life – not only in politics or economy - one plus one does not always equal two. If we managed to design our Polish-Chinese cooperation in the right way we would get not two but three, four or even five as a sum of value added resulting from mutual relations becoming even better. But we have to be well prepared. JANUSZ PIECHOCIŃSKi, President of the Polish-Asian Chamber of Commerce


eanwhile, it is worth noting that the Polish economy, the eighth largest in the European Union, has been in a distant 15th place in terms of exports to China over the past years. This means there is still much to do on our Polish part. In 2012 at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao announced the beginning of a long-term plan of building relations between China and Poland. Since that time meetings at the highest political level have been held regularly between the two countries. One of the results they have produced is the presence of 70 large Chinese firms on the Polish market. Two-way tourist traffic is also on the rise. However, it is trade that is always fundamental in mutual relations. Considering the New Silk Road plans, trade offers an enormous opportunity for the whole region. But here we encounter some transport and logistics limitations because of the situation in eastern Ukraine. Another problem is political tensions between Warsaw and Brussels and the Kremlin. But this is not all. In a week or two, or in half a year, the capacity situation of the Strait of Hormuz and the Piraeus port may be quite different from what it is now. And one should remember that these are destinations for many ships calling at the Ports of Gdynia and Gdańsk.

POLISH TRANSIT – ROAD TO EUROPE We need more peace and predictability, the more so as Poland already is a transit country. Our national rail carrier PKP Cargo is the second largest carrier in the European Union and our international transport is number one.

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These are remarkable achievements, but they do not guarantee further success. This is why we need support from Chinese firms, in particular a new way of thinking on the part of the Chinese diaspora in Poland. Let’s leave traditional business aside for a while. It is already present here. Let’s deal with the climate, environmental protection and challenges for the future. Let’s combine China’s expertise in photovoltaics with the solutions offered by our small and medium businesses operating in the wind power sector. Let’s exploit our experience in transforming a coal-based economy. Our firms haven proven their worth in modernising the Polish energy market, including the gas market, and they can now take part in large modernisation processes in Romania and Bulgaria. By combining our forces and experience, our certificates, access to the European market and well-qualified personnel, we can carry out joint tasks on the Swedish, Kazakh and Belarussian markets where Chinese companies have invested a lot. FROM A MARKET TO ADVISORY CENTRE Let’s have a look at new opportunities as well. Chinese entrepreneurs are very active in Vietnam, just like the Vietnamese are in Poland. The time of travel from Central Europe to Asia is shortening thanks to increasingly good connections. The more people there are, the more need there is to establish trade relations. Nothing stands in the way of the trade centre in Wólka Kosowska being turned, with the use of Chinese support, into a modern Europe-Asia advisory centre operating in the area of regulations, logistics, taxes and

the setting up of international organisations. Wólka Kosowska would thus become a gateway to Europe for Asian business. It is worthwhile to exploit the experience of the entrepreneurs who have built their relations here since the 1990s. LET’S GET READY FOR CHALLENGES When thinking about political challenges we should take into consideration uncertainty associated with Arab countries and Iran, apart from the situation in Ukraine, and relations with Brussels and Moscow. Neither do we know what will happen after Brexit. Do we know what Britain’s departure from the European Union means for Chinese business in Europe? Do we know what it means for Polish business in Europe in global relations? Businesses are already coping with growing pressure resulting from protectionism on their own markets. In this situation we have to be ready to find a solution to these problems in our relations with China. Finally, it is also worth remembering that if we want Chinese investments in Europe we need to pursue a common European policy towards China. This is a task not only for the president, prime minister or Euro-deputies, but first of all for business. Let’s look again at the success achieved by the Chinese authorities and society. This success is measured not only by beautiful cities, excellent infrastructure and the growing power of the 100 or 1,000 largest global corporations. It is also visible in building a society which wants to have its dreams and pursue them, a society open to what other nations have to offer. Let’s exploit it. •

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PLACE WHERE SUPERPOWERS CAN MEET MAREK KŁOCZKO, Vice-President and Director General of the Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG), talks to Jerzy Mosoń. During a debate on Polish-Chinese cooperation, held at the Polish Journalists’ Association building in Warsaw, President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce Andrzej Arendarski said Poland should seek to have the best possible relations with both superpowers, the United States and China. What could such a policy look like in practice? Disputes between the world’s leading centres of power over economic and political influence, and a vision of world order are a natural thing. Importantly, the way in which global media operate is conducive to a superficial perception of affairs and strong polarisation of positions, especially those articulated at the highest level. Meanwhile, disputes between superpowers can be defused and made less dangerous to the international community thanks to systematic work aimed at getting to know each other and understanding each other’s positions. It is important to establish as many contacts as possible at various administrative and business levels. Such contacts are sometimes difficult to establish “on the territories” of the leading centres of power. It is sometimes easier and more effective to do so on the territory of a friendly third party maintaining good relations with each sides of the dispute, a party able to ensure an atmosphere of understanding and a working approach to the discussed topics. Poland should be a place where the United States and China could conduct dialogue and build mutual trust without pressure. PM


Could non-governmental organisations, such as the Polish Chamber of Commerce, be helpful in this respect?

The Polish Chamber of Commerce conducts numerous activities of its own aimed at developing business contacts and supports the activity of public administration conducive to the development of relations with foreign partners. We have good experience in supporting contacts between Polish business and partners in both China and the United States. How can Polish private business look for opportunities in relations with Chinese partners? In recent years China has done a lot to enable partners from across the world to learn more about it. Tens of thousands of excellently educated Chinese specialists familiar with the specifics of individual markets teach us how to start cooperation with China. It is a giant step forward in building mutual relations. In the past, reaching Chinese customers seemed impossible and now it is quite easy. But sometimes not everyone is aware of the new opportunities. PM

For almost a decade Poland has been spoken of as one of the most important countries on the New Silk Road. What is now the biggest challenge for Polish-Chinese relations in making this hope come true? It seems that we should do more to support the implementation of various undertakings associated directly with building the Silk Road’s infrastructure. Also, we should be working hard to develop our own infrastructure which can help us benefit more from the existence of the Silk Road. It is enough to mention such projects as the Solidarity Transport Hub Poland, pan-European north-south road links, and the extension of the PM

Polish road and rail network. We should also do much more to show our Chinese partners what they can use in Poland and what they can buy. We should teach entrepreneurs from Poland and the whole region how to exploit the opportunities offered by the Silk Road. Tourism is a separate economic sector for some countries. Poland could also make better use of its natural assets to attract visitors from the East. What stands in the way of Chinese tourists visiting our country more willingly? Chinese tourists have a favourable perception of Poland. Last year, for example, we were inspired by the news that Poland was the only European country to receive the “New Holiday Destination of the Year 2018” title from “China Travel Agency” magazine. The number of Chinese people visiting our country is growing rapidly. They are interested in our culture, art, cuisine and nature. Obviously, we should not rest on our laurels. In order to develop tourist traffic, we should take care to make it easy to reach our country. In the case of Chinese tourist, this means, in particular, direct and inexpensive air connections. It is important to ensure that there are enough people in tourist services able to take good care of foreign visitors, both when it comes to language skills and the knowledge of the visitors’ needs, like accommodation, food, attractions and their preferred leisure activities. And of course, the eternal issue: skilful promotion. The world is full of interesting places so you need to have a good idea how to persuade tourists that they should spend their time in our country. • PM

polish market



COOPERATION Source: Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology


Source: OECD, WTO, World Bank, United Nations, Statista

ECONOMIC POLICY The policy of reform and opening up to the outside world initiated in 1978 has led to the unprecedented acceleration of China’s socio-economic development and enabled the country to join the group of the world’s economic and political superpowers. Over the past 40 years the number of Chinese people living in extreme poverty decreased by nearly 800 million. In 2017, China contributed 27.8% to global GDP growth.

24  polish marketspecial edition  2019

China’s growing importance is particularly well visible in international trade. In 2017, the value of its goods trade with other countries reached USD4 trillion, meaning that the country generated 11.5% of the overall value of global goods trade. In the same year, China exported and imported services worth around USD700 billion. According to World Trade Organisation statistics for 2016, the main markets for Chinese products were the United States (18.4%), the European Union (16.2%, of which Germany 3.1%), the ASEAN countries (12.2%), Japan (6.2%) and South Korea (4.5%). In imports, China’s main trading partners were the EU (13.1%, of which Germany 5.4%),

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the ASEAN countries (12.4%), South Korea (10%), Japan (9.2%), Taiwan (8.7%) and the United States (8.5%). In 2017, Chinese direct investment abroad was worth USD1.4 trillion, making China the world’s second largest investor. But statistics concerning Chinese investment in manufacturing sectors are less impressive. Its value still remains much lower than the value of US and Japanese investments and is comparable with the value of Korean investment. Chinese FDI in manufacturing sectors is concentrated in petroleum extraction and processing (25%), the extraction and processing of metallic and non-metallic minerals (22%) and the chemical industry (14%). The internationalisation of its own currency, promoted by China since the global financial crisis, has produced results. Banks from countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Brazil, Japan, India, Chile, Saudi Arabia and the Republic of South Africa have signed agreements on trade settlements with China in their own currencies as an alternative to settlements exclusively in convertible currencies. On October 1, 2016 the Chinese yuan was added to the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket of currencies alongside the American dollar, euro, Japanese yen and British pound. In 2014, the Chinese government adopted a new concept of economic development, known as a new normal. The goal was to enhance the importance of internal consumption and demand at the expense of investment and external demand, and to attach more importance to the quality of economic growth. In 2015, for the first time ever the contribution of the service sector to China’s GDP exceeded 50%. Additionally, the economy is driven to a growing extent by consumption. However, a drop in investment has contributed more to this effect than a rise in consumer spending. The Chinese economy has slowed down a bit recently, which is largely due to a decrease in investment caused by the continued presence of excessive production capacities in some industrial sectors, and a reduction in investment in real estate and infrastructure because of government restrictions on mortgage loans and loans taken by provincial and regional authorities. China’s exports growth slowed in the wake of the trade war with the United States and due to general uncertainty in international trade. According to OECD forecasts, the Chinese economy will grow by 6.2% in 2019 and 6.0% in 2020.

IMPORTANT STRATEGIES AND ECONOMIC INITIATIVES OF THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was announced by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013. Initially, it was presented as a wide-ranging plan of regional integration focused on the construction of new and development of existing maritime and land connections between China and Europe, the Middle East and Africa to increase trade and investment. Ultimately, the initiative was to result in the development of an efficient network of roads, railway lines, ports, airports, oil and gas pipelines, and telecom networks linking the countries located along the ancient Silk Road. Over the past several years the scope of the BRI project has in practice been expanded both geographically and thematically. Now, its global geographic range also includes Central and South American countries. The thematic range of the initiative – initially planned as a project focused on the development of infrastructural links – has been expanded to include, among other things, cooperation in research and development, and preventing natural disasters and environmental degradation. It is estimated that China will have to mobilise funding worth around USD1 trillion over the next 10 years for the implementation of the BRI goals. In 2018, the value of BRI projects already launched or agreed was estimated at USD250 billion. China Manufacturing 2025, also known as Made in China 2025, is now the most important economic strategy of the Chinese government with a time horizon of 10 years. It includes sectoral strategies for individual

industries. Its objective is to thoroughly modernise the Chinese manufacturing sector to enhance its competitiveness and self-sufficiency. The strategy identifies 10 key sectors which the Chinese government will be seeking to develop and modernise: 1) ICT, 2) numerically controlled equipment and robotics, 3) aviation and space industry, 4) modern ships and ocean engineering, 5) modern railway equipment, 6) energy-efficient and environment-friendly vehicles, 7) equipment and solutions for the power sector, 8) agricultural machines, 9) green technologies, 10) biotechnology and medical equipment. Under the strategy, the share of basic components and materials of Chinese origin in China’s industrial output is to grow to 40% by 2020 and 70% by 2025.






Growth 2017/2016

Growth 2018/2017


24 842

25 919,6

29 540

33 777,1











22 825,1

24 007,4

27 236,2

31 279,3




-20 808,2

-22 095,1

-24 932,4

-28 781,6



Source: Insigos – MPiT

In 2018, China was the second largest trading partner for Poland and its second biggest source of imports. China was in 21st place on the list of Poland’s export markets. After a slight drop in 2015, trade turnover between the countries has been growing steadily. Since 2017 Polish exports to China have been on the upward trend, but the increase has not offset the rapidly expanding imports. China is the country with which Poland has the widest trade gap. What is more, the deficit has been growing constantly. It should be noted, however, that supplies account for at least 30% of Polish imports from China. In 2018, refined copper was the most important product exported from Poland to China (USD526.7 million, 21%), followed by parts for automated data processing machines (USD73 million), converters (USD45 million), non-wooden furniture parts (USD42 million) and dryers with a capacity of up to 10 kilograms (USD35.5 million). The most important items among Polish imports from China in 2018 were parts for TV cameras, telephones, parts for automated data processing machines, video game consoles and equipment, laptops and notebooks.

TWO-WAY INVESTMENT CHINESE INVESTMENT IN POLAND According to the National Bank of Poland (NBP), the cumulative value of Chinese direct investment in Poland stood at the end of 2017 at USD570 million (including Hong Kong and Macau). According to other Polish and polish market


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foreign sources, the value of Chinese FDI in Poland may now be close to USD1 billion. And according to the Chinese side, companies from China have already invested around USD2.17 billion in Poland. Statistics Poland (GUS) has calculated that at the end of 2017 there were 566 Chinese-owned companies operating in Poland, including 42 from Hong Kong, and 101 of them provided employment to 10 or more persons. Twenty seven of the Chinese companies operating in Poland, including 13 from Hong Kong, have invested more than USD1 million. POLISH INVESTMENT IN CHINA According to the NBP, at the end of 2017 Polish direct investment in China was worth around USD84 million (including Hong Kong and Macau). Among the major Polish companies which conduct business operations in China are KGHM, Selena, Davis International, Aero At Sp. z o.o., Aiut Sp. z o.o., Sanok Rubber Company, Maflow Poland, Rafako, Famur and Fasing. Most of the Polish firms conduct manufacturing activity through joint venture companies with Chinese partners. ACTIVITY PROMOTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF BILATERAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS (2017-2018) • On July 8, 2019 the Polish-Chinese Intergovernmental Committee held its second meeting in Warsaw, chaired by the two countries’ foreign ministers. The meeting included talks on economic cooperation. • On November 22, 2018 deputy Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Tadeusz Kościński paid a visit to Chengdu. He took part in the opening of a Trade Office of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency and held a meeting with Sichuan province government officials. • On November 7, 2018 deputy Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Tadeusz Kościński paid a visit to Hong Kong and held meetings with officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: Eliza Lee Man-ching (Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development), Raymond Yip (Deputy Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council), Vincent Lee (Executive Director, Hong Kong Monetary Authority), and Johnny Chan Kwongming (Chinese General Chamber of Commerce). • On November 5-6, 2018 deputy Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Tadeusz Kościński, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski and head of the Prime Minister’s Political Office Marek Suski took part in the first China International Import Expo in Shanghai. • On September 17, 2019 Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Jadwiga Emilewicz is scheduled to receive a delegation of China’s Development Research Centre of the State Council, headed by VicePresident Wang Anshun. • On June 6-7, 2018 deputy Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Tadeusz Kościński took part in a meeting of the ministers of trade and economy of Central and Eastern European countries and China (16+1) in Ningbo. He also held a meeting with Chinese Vice-Minister of Commerce Ren Hongbing and delivered a speech at the opening session of the China-CEEC Investment & Cooperation Symposium. • On June 8, 2017 the Polish-Chinese Joint Commission for Economic Cooperation held a meeting in Ningbo chaired by deputy Minister of Investment and Economic Development Paweł Chorąży and Chinese Vice-Minister of Commerce Fu Ziying. • On May 9, 2017 deputy Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Tadeusz Kościński met Li Weiwei, Chair of the Hunan provincial committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. • On April 11, 2017 Jadwiga Emilewicz, then deputy Minister of Economic Development, received a Chinese delegation headed by Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei.

26  polish marketspecial edition  2019

PROSPECTIVE AREAS OF COOPERATION China is a huge market with demand for large quantities of goods. In 2018, the value of Chinese goods imports exceeded USD2 billion. In the course of Poland’s economic cooperation with China, the following sectors have been identified where Polish exporters have a chance to achieve success on the Chinese market: AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTS Demand for foreign agri-food products is growing steadily in China as its population is becoming increasingly affluent and attaches more and more importance to the quality of food while domestic production is insufficient. In 2011-2017, the value of Chinese agri-food imports went up from USD32.5 billion to USD99 billion. Dairy products and components, food for infants and children, grains and grain products, poultry, confectionery and chocolate, fresh fruit and vegetables, deep-frozen fruit and vegetables, fruit and vegetable preserves, and semi-products for the food industry are the products with the biggest export potential. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (GREEN TECHNOLOGIES) IN CHINA Environmental protection has occupied an increasingly important place in the economic policy pursued by the Chinese government. In the past several years, Chinese imports associated with environmental protection have been worth USD60 billion annually. Among the environmental equipment and services which stand a chance to find buyers on the Chinese market are services involved in the implementation of complete investment projects (sewage treatment plants, water treatment plants, solid waste treatment plants, filters), water quality monitoring devices, potable water treatment equipment, air quality monitoring equipment, equipment and solutions for waste recycling, equipment and solutions for solid waste separation and sorting, and equipment for the reclamation of soil and former mining sites. MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT USED IN THE MINING AND POWER SECTOR The development of mining machinery exports is supported by the continued high demand, which is also driven by the development of related industries – like the road building and hydropower sectors – where there is demand for equipment of similar quality and technical specifications. There are also prospects for a rise in exports to China of various kinds of machines and equipment for the power industry. In this context, one should mention mining machines and equipment, equipment improving safety at work in the mining industry, energy production technologies, energy equipment and coal gasification technologies. FURNITURE As Chinese people are becoming more affluent, demand is growing for consumer durables, such as furniture. Home furnishings are no longer treated only as a necessity, but valued more for aesthetic reasons and increasingly regarded as a status symbol. Since 2004 China has been the largest exporter of furniture and since 2009 its main consumer. AMBER Chinese plants process up to several hundred tonnes of amber annually. Demand for amber is growing steadily as the Chinese population is becoming richer. •

Dairy Cooperative "MLEKPOL” in Grajewo Dairy Cooperative "MLEKPOL” in Grajewo is one of the leading Polish dairy cooperatives and one of the twenty largest dairy processors in Europe. ICELAND












In addition to its parent plant in Grajewo, MLEKPOL has 11 production plants - in Kolno, Mrągowo, Sejny, Zambrów, Suwałki, Bydgoszcz, Sokółka, Dąbrowa Białostocka, Radom, Zwoleń and Gorzów Wielkopolski.



















In 2018 MLEKPOL bought and processed over one billion eight hundred million liters of milk, which is over 18% of milk purchase in Poland. About 10 thousand farmers - members of the cooperative - provide milk for all production plants, and about 2.600 employees watch over the production and sales processes.



Each of the twelve "MLEKPOL" plants specialises in production of a specific assortment - that is why the Cooperative as a whole can offer a wide range of dairy products, among which there are: • Cheese: Dutch-type, Swiss-type, tilsiter, salami, cagliata, mozzarella, (blocks, portions, slices, grated), smoked cheese, processed cheese, smoked processed cheese, cream cheese • UHT products: milk, cream, evaporated milk, flavoured milk • butter, mixes based on butter and vegetable fats • fermented products: yoghurts, buttermilk, kefirs • curd and homogenized cheese • pasteurised milk and sour cream • milk powder, whey powder, buttermilk powder Over 30% of MLEKPOL’s production goes to markets outside of Poland. MLEKPOL's products reach almost all countries of the world. MLEKPOL exports mainly: milk powders, whey powders, cheese, butter and UHT products. The quality of MLEKPOL’s products is to thank for the careful preparation of processes related to the raw material quality and its processing. They are regulated by strict procedures and quality standards such as: HACCP, IFS. Moreover, "MLEKPOL" has Halal and Kosher certificates. Numerous prizes and awards received by "MLEKPOL" Dairy Cooperative confirm the high quality of products and high market position.

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