Polish Market No. 265 /2016

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P U B L I S H E D S I n c E 1 9 9 6 No. 265 /2017 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl


“16+1”峰会 16+1 Summit 中波合作

ChineSe-PoliSh CooPeration 中华人民共和国主席习近平 Xi JinPing, PreSident of the PeoPle’S rePuBlic of china

波兰共和国总理贝娅塔·希德沃 Beata Szydło, Prime miniSter of the rePuBlic of Poland

special edition

Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.

洲和中华文明的接触激发了欧洲人两千五百年的想象。难怪两年前提出的“一带一路”口号下的“新丝绸 之路”的构想立即引发了大量的分析、倡议和项目。但是在本世纪的世界经济重视快速盈利和轻视宏伟设 想,对这样一个大胆而又充满风险的冒险还有空间吗?

Contact between European and Chinese civilisations has fired up the imagination of Europeans for two and a half thousand years. Small wonder then that the idea of the New Silk Road under the One Belt, One Road slogan, proposed two years ago, instantly produced a plethora of analyses, initiatives and projects. But in this century’s world economy where easy profit matters more than grand ideas, is there room for a bold and risky venture like this one?

更早的时候,中国在“走出去”战略中提出了几个区域合作项目。 2011年,中国总理在访问华沙时提出了这个倡 议。他向中东欧(CEE)后苏联经济体的十六位总理提出了长期和多元化合作的“16 + 1”方案。它包含了一套十二个 明确的建议,建立一个非常广泛的合作合作协调机构:从基础设施、现代技术和绿色经济投资项目的融资,到促进 银行、企业和经济特区之间的合作,到支持发展旅游、文化和科学交流。

Even earlier, in its Go Global strategy, China had come up with several regional co-operation projects. In 2011 the Chinese Prime Minister unveiled one such initiative on a visit to Warsaw. He offered sixteen Prime Ministers of Central and Eastern Europe’s (CEE) post-Soviet economies the 16+1 formula of long-term and diversified co-operation. It encompassed a set of twelve clear-cut proposals to set up institutions that would co-ordinate cooperation in a very broad sense: from financing investment projects in infrastructure, modern technologies and the green economy to the promotion of co-operation between banks, companies and special economic zones to supporting the development of tourism, cultural and scientific exchanges. 六年来,这个想法似乎已经众所周知了。必须承认的是,已经落实的只是一小部分可以做的项目。但首先是总理 们和各国政府部长们之间可以保持最高级别的接触;其次是成立了中国 - 中东欧国家合作秘书处、亚洲基础设施 投资银行,亚得里亚海-波罗的海-黑海海港合作计划等第一批国际机构;其三是旨在促进中东欧地区物流连接的基 础设施项目的共同融资已在进行中。

Six years on, this idea seems to have caught on. Admittedly, just a fraction of what could have been done has materialized. But firstly, it has been possible to maintain continuity of contacts at the highest level between Prime Ministers and their government ministers. Secondly, the first international institutions have been founded such as the Cooperation Secretariat China - CEE Countries, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Adriatic–Baltic–Black Sea Seaport Cooperation scheme. Thirdly, the joint financing of infrastructure projects meant to boost the logistical cohesion of the CEE region has got underway. 在布达佩斯举行的第六届16 + 1总理峰会之前,有一件事情很清楚。中东欧和中国双方已经对各自在未来的事业 中需要考虑到的各自的商业和文化环境的有了最大的了解。 这一倡议已经向中国、中东欧十六个国和整个欧盟证明 了它的价值。毕竟,该倡议所涵盖的中东欧国家中有11个是欧盟成员国。因此每国家都是赢家。

In the run-up to the 6th 16+1 Prime Minister’s summit in Budapest, one thing is clear. Both Central Europe and China have gained the most in terms of the knowledge about the respective business and cultural environments which both sides need to take into account in future undertakings. This initiative has proved its worth both to China, the sixteen CEE countries and the European Union as a whole. After all, eleven of the CEE countries covered by the initiative are EU members. So everyone’s a winner.

polish market



4. 波兰共和国总理贝娅塔·希德沃 / BEATA SZYDŁO, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland: 密切多层次的 “16 + 1”关系 / INTENSIVE AND MULTIDIMENSIONAL 16+1 RELATIONS

6. 驻波兰大使徐坚答《Polish Market》记者问 / H.E. XU JIAN, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Poland, talks to “Polish Market”: 抓住机遇,进一步深化中波全面战略 伙伴关系 / CHINA-POLAND COOPERATION GROWS IN BOTH QUANTITY AND QUALITY

9. 海洋经济和内河航运部长马雷克·格鲁巴赤 克 / MAREK GRÓBARCZYK, Minister for the Maritime Economy and Inland Shipping: 共赢的机会 / OPPORTUNITY FOR JOINT SUCCESS

10. KRZYSZTOF JURGIEL, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development: MEANINGFUL SHARE IN EU FOOD PRODUCTION

11. TOMASZ PISULA, President of the Board,The Polish Investment and

Trade Agency Management / 波兰投资贸易署董事会主席托 马什·琵苏拉: 驯龙 / TAMING THE DRAGON

12. JAROSŁAW PINKAS, Secretary of State at the Office of the Prime Minister, Government Representative for the organisation of public administration structures in charge of food safety: QUALITY FROM FARM TO FORK




16. PROF.TADEUSZTRZISZKA, Rector of theWrocław University of

Environment and Life Science: 食品与未来/FOOD AND FUTURE

18. 与奥波莱工业大学校长、波兰技术类大学

校长联合会副主席、波兰高校校长联合会国际 委员会主席马雷克•图坚道夫教授的访谈 / PROF. MAREK TUKIENDORF, Rector of Opole University of Technology, Vice president of Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities of Technology and President of the Committee for International Cooperation at Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland: 我们的“一带一 路”波中教育合作 / OUR POLISH - CHINESE ACADEMIC COOPERATION ON THE“ONE BELT ONE ROAD”





The editors of “Polish Market” want to express their gratitude to Confucius Institute in Opole for the translation of the articles into Chinese. “波兰市场”编辑感谢波兰奥波莱孔子学院提供的中文翻译服务。


Publisher: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYNEK POLSKI Sp. z o.o. (RYNEK POLSKI Publishers Co. Ltd.) President: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Vice - Presidents: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła Address: ul. Elektoralna 13, 00-137 Warszawa, Poland Phone (+48 22) 620 31 42, 652 95 77 Fax (+48 22) 620 31 37 E-mail: info@polishmarket.com.pl Editor-in-Chief: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś redakcja@polishmarket.com.pl Marcin Haber m.haber@polishmarket.com.pl

Writers/Editors: Maciej Proliński, Jan Sosna, Janusz Korzeń, Jerzy Bojanowicz, Andrzej Kazimierski, Janusz Turakiewicz Translation: Sylwia Wesołowska-Betkier, Agit, Rafał Kiepuszewski Contributors: Agnieszka Turakiewicz Consultation: Michał Kołakowski Graphic design: Godai Studio Agnieszka Charuba, Joanna Wiktoria Grabowska Sales: Phone (+48 22) 620 38 34, 654 95 77 Marketing Manager: Magdalena Koprowicz m.koprowicz@polishmarket.com.pl

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BEATA SZYDŁO, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland


4  polish marketspecial edition  2017

special edition

荣幸地欢迎您们参加第二届中东欧中国交通部长会议和 中国商务论坛。运输是波兰与整个中东欧和中国最有前 途的合作领域。您们的出席也为“16 + 1”海事协调秘 书处的正式开幕式增添了光彩。去年,决定将秘书处设在华沙。这 对我国政府来说是一个很大的荣誉。我们十分高兴能成为这个负 责运输和海运经济的重要秘书处的东道主,它们都是经济的关键 领域。我们更加高兴的是,虽然两年前成立的由格鲁巴赤克部长领 导的新部委 – 海洋经济和内河航行部 - 是我们政府最年轻的 部委,但是它是最有雄心和发展最快的部委。 “16 + 1”国家的 政府首脑每年都有会面。我有机会亲自出席了去年在里加举行的 会议。今年,通常被称为“16 + 1 ”的中东欧国家之间的合作平 台迎来了五周年大庆。在此期间,随着新的合作渠道的形成,该平 台已经促成了我们区域的定义。在我们交往的历史中,我们之间的 关系从来没有如此密切、频繁和多层次。

I am honoured to welcome you all to the 2nd Meeting of Transport Ministers and the Business Forum of Central and Eastern Europe and China. Transport is the most promising field of cooperation between Poland and the whole of Central and Eastern Europe and China. Your presence also adds value to the official inauguration of the opening of the 16+1 Coordinating Secretariat for Maritime Issues. Last year the decision was made to base the Secretariat here in Warsaw. This is a great distinction for my Government. We are happy to host the location of this important secretariat, responsible for transport and the maritime economy, which constitute crucial fields of the economy. We are even more pleased that the new ministry created two years ago and headed by Minister Gróbarczyk – the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation – is the youngest department in our Government, but also the most ambitious and fastest developing. The Heads of Governments of the 16+1 countries meet every year. I had the opportunity to personally attend last year’s meeting in Riga. The cooperation platform between Central and Eastern European countries, commonly referred to as the 16+1, this year is celebrating its fifth anniversary. During that time the platform has led to defining our region, as new cooperation channels have been created. In the history of our contacts the relations between us have never been so intensive, frequent and multidimensional. 波兰政府将致力于发展,这就是为什么波兰正在更积极地利 用“16 + 1”形式创造新的机会。我们希望开展对我们所有国家 和人民带来利益的互惠合作,其中就包括开发海港、沿海地区和 整个地区的水道。

The Polish Government will focus on development, which is why Poland is making more active efforts to use the opportunities created by the 16+1 format. We wish to develop mutual cooperation for the benefit of our countries and citizens, including in terms of developing the maritime ports, coastal areas and waterways throughout our region. 欧盟是中国最大的贸易伙伴,贸易额达到了5140亿欧元。中东 欧是通往欧盟的门户,所有陆路运往西欧和从欧洲运往中国的产 品都经过此地。因此,我们地区的港口基础设施有可能成为西欧 港口的替代。对波兰来说,最重要的是修复南北运输走廊的不足。 我们正在实施雄心勃勃的铁路网络的发展和升级项目,到2023年, 我们计划投入160亿欧元。我们的铁路公司正在成功地运营波兰和 中国之间的货物运输。 罗兹和成都之间已有正常的铁路线,每年

进入波兰领土的中国列车数量已达到几百列。我们与中欧集装箱 运输线上的沿线国家白俄罗斯、德国、哈萨克斯坦、中国、蒙古和 俄罗斯的伙伴们进行合作。

The European Union is the largest trade partner of China. The value of trade was EUR514 billion. Central and Eastern Europe is the gateway to the European Union, through which the land transportation of all products runs to Western Europe, and from Europe to China. The port infrastructure in our region can therefore be an interesting alternative for Western European ports. In the case of Poland, the most important matter is to repair the omissions in developing the north-south transport corridor. We are implementing an ambitious railway network development and upgrade project, on which we are planning to spend EUR16 billion by 2023. Our railway companies successfully transport goods between Poland and China. There is a regular rail connection between Łódź and Chengdu, and the number of Chinese trains entering Poland’s territory each year reaches several hundred. We cooperate with our partners from Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and Russia on container transport along the route between China and Europe. 波兰海港在进出口货物转运方面突破了纪录。到2017年上半 年,仅格但斯克就已经转运了1850万吨货物,什切青和希维诺乌 伊希切2150万吨,格丁尼亚1030万吨,而且未来的前景非常看好。 由于海运经济的重要性日益增加,波兰政府决定在格但斯克创建 一个中心港口,为进入波罗的海的大船提供深水码头。我们一直在 致力于重建被前政府破坏的波兰造船业。

Polish maritime ports are breaking records in terms of the transshipment of imported and exported goods. Through Gdańsk alone in the first half of 2017 18.5 million tonnes of goods were transhipped. For Szczecin and Świnoujście these were 21.5 million tonnes, and for Gdynia 10.3 million tonnes. Future perspectives are very promising. Due to the increasing significance of the maritime economy, the Polish Government has decided to create a central port in Gdańsk, with deep water terminals for the largest ships entering the Baltic Sea. We are consistently rebuilding the Polish shipbuilding industry destroyed by the previous Government. 我们政府的另一个雄心勃勃的计划是恢复维斯瓦河和奥德河 的航运能力,使波兰的河流成为国际水系的一部分。我们正在通 过投资内河运输支持环保型低排放的运输。波兰港口还将受益于 内陆道路的发展。

Another ambitious plan of our Government is to restore the navigability of the Vistula and the Oder, and to make Polish rivers part of the international waterway system. By investing in inland navigation, we are supporting environmentally friendly low-emission transport. Polish ports will benefit from the • development of inland roads.

在第二届中东欧中国交通部长会议和商务论坛上的讲 话。2017年10月25日于华沙。 A speech delivered during the 2nd Meeting of Transport Ministers and the Business Forum of the Central and Eastern Europe and China. Warsaw, 25.10.2017

polish market


驻波兰大使徐坚答《Polish Market》记者问

H.E. Xu Jian, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Poland, talks to “Polish Market”.

抓住机遇,进一步深化中波全 面战略伙伴关系 CHINA-POLAND COOPERATION GROWS IN BOTH QUANTITY AND QUALITY 6  polish marketspecial edition  2017

special edition PM

一、中国—中东欧国家领导人会晤即将在布达 佩斯召开。到目前为止,中国与中东欧地区国 家的合作情况如何?

A summit of Central and Eastern European countries and China will soon be held in Budapest. What has China’s co-operation with countries of the region been like so far? 今年的峰会是中国与中东欧国家领导人的第六次 会晤。自2012年在华沙举行的首次会晤以来, “16+1 合作”由小到大、由浅入深、成果不断累积。 我认为, “16+1合作”有三个重要作用:一是“ 牵线”,让中国与中东欧国家的发展政策加深对接, 与中国的“一带一路”倡议对接。二是“搭台”,让中 国与中东欧16国的合作系统化,在更丰富的层次、更 宽的领域中充分展开。三是“提速”。合作已经发布 了4份合作纲要、一份中期规划,为合作适时设定阶 段性目标,并不断推出贸易、融资等方面的便利化措 施,如海关和检验检疫合作、加速农产品出口、设 立优惠贷款、成立金融公司等,加速合作共识转化。 从合作成果来看,贸易、投资、互联互通、人文 交流等方面都取得了不俗的成绩。在全球经济和 贸易增长疲软的背景下,中国与中东欧16国贸易额 从2012年521亿美元增长到2016年的587亿美元,在 中欧贸易中的份额持续攀升。尽管中东欧国家对华 还存在贸易逆差,但进入中国的产品种类越来越多, 前景看好。2012年以前,中国对中东欧地区投资体量 很小,这几年,不论是在企业并购、绿地投资、工程 建设方面,都实现了突破,例如波黑斯坦納里火电站、 波兰城市防洪设施、罗马尼亚康斯坦察风电及光伏 电站、塞尔维亚斯梅戴雷沃钢厂等项目。在人文交 流和互联互通方面,5年来,中国与中东欧国家间开 通了6条直航航线,在中东欧建立5个中医中心、3所 文化中心。中国与更多的中东欧国家签署互认高等学 位协议,双方双向留学生人数实现“井喷式”增长。 中波合作也在“16+1合作”平台推动下提质增 速。5年来,两国高层之间不断凝聚共识,推动战 略、政策对接,高度重视加深务实合作。中波之间 联通水平提升,已经有11条途经或到站波兰的中 欧班列,每周有7班直飞航班;中国对波投资也陆 续在工程承包、绿地投资等方面取得突破;实行 本土化发展的中资企业,如柳工、同方威视、华为 等,通过企业发展带动当地就业,创造共赢;双方 游客、留学生、语言学习机构数量都迅速上升。据 估计,今年双边贸易额也有望首次突破200亿美元。

This year’s summit will be the sixth ChinaCEEC leaders’ meeting. Since the first summit in Warsaw in 2012, the “16 + 1” cooperation has achieved substantial growth and progress with remarkable deliverables. In my view, the “16 + 1” cooperation has three important functions: First of all, it “creates synergies” – by establishing closer ties between China and CEEC, and integrating them with China’s BRI (“Belt and Road Initiative”). Secondly, it “ builds platforms” – by systematizing the 16+1 format, it further enriches the cooprataion and makes it more comprehensive. Thirdly, it “accelerates the cooperation” - to date 4 Guidelines and 1 Medium-Term Agenda for Cooperation have

been announced as annual or phased goals. It facilitates trade and financing, such as carrying out customs , inspection and quarantine cooperation, promote agricultural products export, setting up preferential loan and the 16+1 financial companies. These measures help translate visions into actions. The cooperation results in trade, investment, connectivity and people-to-people exchanges are very impressive. Against weak global economic growth and sluggish trade, the trade volume between China and CEEC increased from $52.1 billion in 2012 to $58.7 billion in 2016, and has a rising share in China-EU trade. Although CEEC still have trade deficits with China, their products exported to China gradually increase and could expect a better prospect. Before 2012, China had few investments in Central and Eastern Europe. In recent years, breakthroughs have been made in mergers and acquisitions, greenfield investments as well as construction projects. For example, the Stanari thermal power plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the city flood control facility in Poland, the wind power and photovoltaic power plants in Constanta in Romania, and the steel plant in Smederevo in Serbia, etc. For people-to-people exchanges and infrastucture connectivity, in the past 5 years, there have been 6 direct flight routes between China and CEEC opened, 5 traditional Chinese medicine centers and 3 cultural centers set up in CEEC. China signed agreements on mutual recognition of higher education degrees with more CEEC, and the number of students going both directions skyrocketed. China-Poland cooperation also grows in both quantity and quality thanks to the “16 + 1” platform. Over the past 5 years, the top leaders of the two countries attach great importance to our cooperation with common understanding, building policy and strategy synergies with joint efforts. Connectivity between China and Poland has expanded. There already are 11 China Railway Express trains coming to or passing through Poland, every week there are 7 direct flights. China’s investment in Poland has also made breakthroughs in engineering projects and greenfield investment. Enterprises with Chinese capital, such as Liugong, Nuctech and Huawei, facilitate local growth and create more jobs. These are win-win cooperation. The number of tourists, students and language teaching institutions on both sides are rising rapidly. It is estimated that this year’s bilateral trade value will for the first time exceed $20 billion. PM

波兰是中东欧最大的经济体,经济结构、发展前 景好,劳动力素质高,地理位置更是优越,在“16+1 合作”中发挥了“领头羊”的作用。我们期望波兰 能够发挥自身体量优势、区位优势、发展优势,推 动“16+1合作”做大做强,促进“一带一路”建设、 中欧合作在中东欧地区得到更大发展。 中波两国在2011年就建立了“战略伙伴关系”, 可以说,我们已经是“资深”的战略伙伴了。2016年 习近平主席访问波兰,两国关系进而提升为“全面 战略伙伴关系”。这是一个更高的层次,体现了两国 关系的全方位、高水平,涉及双多边、各领域。中方 期待与波兰在政治、经济、文化等领域合作都能走 在中国—中东欧国家关系的前列,也希望与波兰在 多边组织、国际地区热点问题上保持沟通合作,让 中波全面战略伙伴关系在更广的地区范围、乃至世 界范围内为和平与发展事业做出贡献。

Poland is the largest economy in Central and Eastern Europe. With her good economic structure, bright development prospects, highquality labor force and superior geographical location, Poland plays a “leading role” in the “16 + 1” cooperation. We expect that Poland will play its advantages such as her influence, geographical position and development level, to push forward the growth of “16 + 1”, and to promote this region’s closer cooperation with China under the framework of the BRI and China-EU relations. In 2011 China and Poland established “strategic partnership”. We can say that we already are “old” strategic partners. In 2016, when Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Poland, the relations between the two countries were further upgraded to “comprehensive strategic partnership.” This higher level reflects the allencompassing relationship between the two countries in both bilateral and multilateral areas. We hope our cooperation on political, economic and cultural fields is at the forefront of the China-CEEC cooperation. We also look forward to communicating and cooperating with each other in multilateral organizations and on global hotspot issues, so that our comprehensive strategic partnership may contribute to the peace and development of a wider region and even worldwide. PM

三、中共十九大后的中欧经济关系是否会得 到加强?

二、波兰在中国与中东欧国家关系中扮演怎样 的角色?中国将波兰视为战略伙伴吗?

During the recent National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chairman Xi Jinping won a mandate for another five-year term. Can we expect economic relations with the European Union to be strengthened?

What role does Poland play in China’s relations with this region? Does China consider this country as a strategic partner?

中共十九大报告提出“推进大国协调和合作,构 建总体稳定、均衡发展的大国关系框架”, “促进贸 易和投资自由化便利化,推动经济全球化朝着更加 开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展”。这是新 polish market


Is it a genuine priority for the development 形势下中国积极构建全球伙伴关系的重要方向。在 此背景下,进一步发展中欧关系面临历史性机遇。 of economic relations with the EU? 中国拥有巨大经济体量和人口规模,国内生产 “一带一路”倡议自提出四年来,务实推进,成 总值稳居世界第二,对世界经济增长贡献率超过 果显著。迄今为止,100多个国家和国际组织积极支 30%。中国坚持对外开放,积极参与经济全球化进 持和参与这一倡议。 “众人拾柴火焰高”,在各方共 程。预计未来5年,中国将进口8万亿美元的商品、 同努力下,一批合作项目陆续启动、落地,取得“早 吸收6000亿美元的外来投资,对外投资总额将达 期收获”。今年5月北京“一带一路”国际合作高峰 到7500亿美元,出境旅游将达到7亿人次。这将为 论坛成果清单包括5大类、76大项、270多项具体成 世界各国提供更广阔的市场、更充足的资本、更丰 果。今年前三季度,中国与“一带一路”沿线国家进 富的产品和更宝贵的合作机遇。当前中欧都处在深 出口增长20.1%。 入改革和调整的关键阶段。希望双方抓住机遇,加 欧盟是中国推动共建“一带一路”倡议的重要 强战略对接,深入挖掘双方在基础设施、互联互通、 伙伴。2015年,第十七次中欧领导人会晤作出支持“ 节能环保、循环经济等领域的合作潜力,做大双方 一带一路”建设对接欧洲投资计划的政治决定。自 共同利益的蛋糕。 此, “一带一路”在欧洲逐渐从理念转化为行动,从 The report of the 19th National Congress 愿景转变为现实。越来越多的欧洲人认为, “一带一 of the Communist Party of China states the 路”建设是“中国的第二轮对外开放”、 “将为促进 policy to “promote coordination and cooperation 欧中贸易创造更多机会”。今年6月举行的第十九次 with other major countries and work to build 中欧领导人会晤期间,欧方重申相互对接愿望。目前, a framework for major country relations featuring 双方正积极探讨推进合作的具体方式,包括建立中 overall stability and balanced development” and 欧共同投资基金、中欧互联互通平台、促进“一带一 to “promote trade and investment liberalization 路”建设与“泛欧交通运输网”之间的合作。我相 and facilitation, and make economic globalization 信,随着“一带一路”建设与欧盟发展战略的深入 more open, inclusive, and balanced so that 对接,中欧“1+1>2”的优势互补效应将进一步释放。 its benefits are shared by all. “ This indicates China’s policy in its direction towards building a global partnership under new circumstances. In this context, China-EU relations stands before a historical opportunity for further development. China has a huge economy and a huge population. Its GDP ranks second in the world, while its economic growth contributes over 30% to the global growth. China is persistent in opening up to the world and actively participates in the process of economic globalization. It is estimated that in the next 5 years, China will import $8 trillion of goods and absorb $600 billion of foreign investment, China’s total foreign investment will reach $750 billion and its outbound tourists will reach 700 million. This will provide a bigger market, more capital, more diversefiled products and more valuable cooperation opportunities for all countries in the world. At present, both China and the EU are at a crucial stage of in-depth reforms and adjustments. It is hoped that both sides will seize the opportunity, integrate their policies and explore the potential of cooperation in fields such as infrastructure, connectivity, energy conservation and environmental protection, circular economy, etc., to make the pie of common interests bigger.


四、 “一带一路”对中欧合作十分重要。请问 其推进情况如何?其是否是中欧经济关系发 展的优先方向?

The One Belt – One Road initiative (the BRI) plays a major role in China’s co-operation with the European Union. How is the implementation of this project moving along?

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Since it was proposed 4 years ago, the BRI has moved forward step by step and achieved significant results. So far, more than 100 countries and international organizations actively support and participate in this initiative. “Joint efforts make things greater”, with joint work from all parties, a number of cooperation projects were lauched and implemented one after another, some have delivered early results. In May, on the list of deliverables of Beijing’s “Belt and Road” Forum for International Cooperation were 76 items comprising more than 270 concrete results in five key areas. In the first 3 quarters of this year, the import and export between China and countries linked by “Belt and a Road” increased by 20.1%. The EU is an important partner for China in the BRI. In 2015, the 17th China-EU Summit has made a political decision to support the synergies between the BRI and the Investment Plan for Europe. Since then, the BRI coopearation in Europe has gradually evolved from concept to action, from vision to reality. More and more Europeans regard the BRI as “China’s second round of opening up to the world” and “more opportunities for promoting EU-China trade” . At the 19th China-EU summit in June this year, the EU reiterated its wish for creating closer mutual ties. Now both sides are actively investigating specific ways to promote cooperation, including establishing the China-EU Joint Investment Fund, China-EU Connectivity Platform, and promoting cooperation between the BRI and the TransEuropean Transport Networks. I believe that with a better synergy between the BRI and the EU development strategy, China and EU will have a better complementary cooperation that makes “1+1>2” .


五、中波地方合作很密切。请问地方合作对中 波经济关系有何重要意义?中国如何看待中 波地方合作的水平?

Some Chinese provinces establish links with Polish provinces. How important are such local initiatives for Polish-Chinese economic relations? How is co-operation at this level viewed by the Chinese side? 随着中波关系的蓬勃发展和“一带一路”倡议 的深入推进,近年来中波地方合作驶入“快车道”。 一是双方合作积极性高。两国地方政府合作意愿强 烈,中央政府和当地企业积极支持。目前中波之间 已经或有意结好的城市超过50对。二是合作机制 充满活力。中波地方合作论坛、中国-中东欧国家 地方领导人会议等平台日益成熟,成为催生中波 务实合作的“孵化器”。三是合作领域不断扩大。 除贸易投资外,双方在货运物流、文化交流、教育 合作等领域的合作亦有声有色。 由于地方合作具有接地气、利民生、覆盖广、自 主性强和务实高效等特点,因此已成为中波务实合 作的重要支撑。希望两国地方政府切实把握“一带 一路”建设等重大国际合作倡议带来的新机遇,用 好“16+1”地方合作机制等双、多边平台,积极发挥 各自优势,把共识与愿景转化为行动和成果,为中 波关系发展不断注入新的生机与活力。

Over the last few years with the dynamic development of China-Poland relations and substantial progress of the BRI, local cooperation between the two countries has entered a “express lane”. Firstly, both sides are highly motivated. Local governments of both countries have strong aspiration to cooperate, and they are supported by the central government and local enterprises. Over 50 pairs of provinces and cities in China and Poland have established or intend to establish partnership. Secondly, the mechanism of cooperation is vigorous. platforms such as Poland-China Regional Forum and China – CEEC Local Leaders Meeting are running well as “incubators” for practical cooperation between Poland and China. Lastly, the areas of cooperation are expanding. In addition to trade and investment, cooperation in other fields such as transport and logistics, cultural exchanges, education is also impressive. As local cooperation is characterized by its down-to-earth attitude, benefits to people’s wellbeing, wide coverage, strong autonomy and efficiency, it has become an important pillar for pragmatic cooperation between China and Poland. We hope that local governments of both countries could grasp new opportunities brought by major initiatives like the BRI, and make good use of current bilateral and multilateral local cooperation platforms. We expect them to show their advantages, turn their ideas into actions, and add new vigor and vitality into our bilateral relations. •

special edition



MAREK GRÓBARCZYK, Minister for the Maritime Economy and Inland Shipping

东欧地区与中国的合作今天又获得了巨大的动 力,它正在扩大到包括整个海洋和内河航运的 行业。我们现在在华沙准备制定一个全部十六个国 家的共同战略,定义我们的共同任务,制定连接本地 区各国的基础设施计划,与中国直接合作。这是使中 欧地区成为主要交通枢纽的良好时机。这可以通过成 功振兴海洋和内陆航运来共同实现,凸显了海洋经济

的重要性。这就是为什么我鼓励所有与会者参加海事 “16 + 1”秘书处的工作。我们邀请大家交流经验,发 起联合承诺,提出计划、项目和目标。我保证,我们将 尽全力使这一举措取得共赢。我相信我们的合作将会 在不久的将来带来切实的成果。 Co-operation between the Central and Eastern European region and China is today receiving another significant boost. It is being broadened to include the entire marine and inland shipping sector. Here in Warsaw we intend to draw up a common strategy for the entire group of sixteen countries, to define our joint mission and to work out infrastructural plans linking individual countries of our region to establish direct co-operation with China. This is a great opportunity to make the Central European region a major transport hub. This can be jointly achieved through the successful revitalisation of marine and inland shipping, which will highlight the importance of the maritime economy. That is why I would like to encourage all the participants to take part in the work of the Secretariat for Maritime Issues 16+1. You are invited to exchange your experiences, to launch joint undertakings, to propose plans, projects and objectives. I promise that we will do our best to make this initiative our joint success. I am convinced that our co-operation will bring tan• gible results within the near future.

A speech delivered during the 2nd Meeting of Transport Ministers and the Business Forum of Central and Eastern Europe and China. Warsaw, 25.10.2017

在第二届中东欧中国交通部长会议和商务论坛上的致辞。2017 年10月25日于华沙。 polish market


MEANINGFUL SHARE IN EU FOOD PRODUCTION In the following article written for "Polish Market" Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development KRZYSZTOF JURGIEL argues that Polish food is a product that promotes Poland and brand Poland worldwide.


here is no good food without quality farm produce. Poland has a great potential to develop its agriculture in every sector. This country is an important producer of food and agricultural products on a European and world scale. The total value of agricultural production ranks Poland at number seven on the European Union list of food producing countries next to France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. In terms of commodity structure, pride of place among exports goes to cow’s milk, live poultry, grains and cereals, vegetables, plants for industrial use, beef cattle, young cattle, hen eggs, fruit and live pigs. Poland has a meaningful share in EU food production. It is the European Union’s number one, and the world’s number three apple producer. It also occupies the top slot in the EU in the production of poultry meat, carrots, white cabbage, triticale, blackcurrants and button mushrooms. It is the EU’s number two producer of rye, oats, strawberries, and the number three source of all grains and cereals, sugar beet, rapeseed, onions and potatoes. Poland also occupies a prominent position in terms of milk, cheese, butter, tomato and tobacco production. Growing exports, coupled with promotional activities at foreign trade fairs, make Polish food known to ever-growing numbers of consumers. It is winning more and more recognition in foreign markets where it is perceived as high-quality food. Consumers appreciate its taste and flavour achieved with the

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use of traditional, well-proven recipes. Fresh and tasty food products undoubtedly contribute to the image of Poland as a country where care is taken to preserve the culinary heritage and where the best traditions of charcuterie and bread making are lovingly kept up. Last year Poland exported food and agricultural products to the tune of over EUR 24 billion. It is worth noting that this country keeps recording a net foreign trade surplus of just over EUR 7 billion in terms of food and agricultural exports. Just how much growth has been achieved in this respect, suffice it to mention that 13 years ago the total value of food and agricultural exports amounted to just EUR 5.2 billion. Most Polish agricultural products, accounting for some 80% of Polish food exports, end up in European Union countries, whose markets are very demanding and competitive. This year’s foreign trade projections look very promising. In theeight months to the end of August, the exports of Polish food and agricultural products were up roughly 10% on the corresponding period last year. They amounted to EUR 15 billion. Based on these preliminary data, it can be expected that a record volume of food and agricultural exports will be achieved this year totalling over EUR 25 billion. Credit for this goes mainly to Polish farmers and food processing companies. My responsibility, and the responsibility of the entire state administration and agricultural services, is to create favourable conditions for access to new markets.

Over the first two years of the present cabinet’s term, we have secured as many as 30 markets for Polish food products. Given the high volume of agricultural production, we must diversify what we offer to suit different export markets and tailor the products to meet the expectations of individual groups of consumers. In line with the "Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Food Promotion Strategy", promotional activities will be focused on lucrative markets in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Iran), Asia (China and Taiwan, India, Japan, Singapore and Vietnam), Africa (Algeria, Egypt and South Africa), North America (The United States and Canada) and Eastern Europe (Belarus and Kazakhstan). These markets show great promise for the sales of Polish food products. The exports of Polish food and agricultural products to these countries are expected to grow by leaps and bounds because of their good quality, competitive prices and European origin. The challenge lies in overcoming cultural barriers through successful marketing strategies regarding particular products tailored to individual market needs. Naturally, promotional undertakings will be carried out in European Union markets as well. The above mentioned markets are regarded as priorities. However, this does not exclude the possibility of conducting promotional and information campaigns by state administration, diplomatic outposts and local government bodies in other countries. •

special edition

驯龙 TAMING THE DRAGON 波兰投资贸易署董事会主席托马什·琵苏拉

TOMASZ PISULA, President of the Board, The Polish Investment and Trade Agency Management

兰是第一个承认中华人民共和国并与中国建立外交关系的国家,也是在 上海设立总领事馆的第一个国家。不仅如此,2011年我国通过建立全面 的战略伙伴关系加强了双边合作。此后,波兰一直在总统和政府的级别上非常 积极地与中国进行合作。例如“16 + 1”倡议下的合作已经成为非常富有成效 的网络,它证明了中国在中东欧地区的强大影响。

Poland was the first country to recognise the People’s Republic of China and build with China diplomatic ties. It was also the first country to set up a general consulate in Shanghai. What is more, in 2011, our countries have enhanced bilateral cooperation by establishing comprehensive strategic partnership. Since then Poland has been working very actively with China on the presidential as well as the governmental level. Cooperation within 16+1 initiative, for instance, has been very fruitful - establishment of this network proves China’s strong engagement in the CEE region. 需要看到的是,作为东欧最大的经济体,十多年来波兰一直是中国在该地区 的主要贸易伙伴,双边贸易每年增长约6%,去年贸易额攀升至176亿美元。今年 到目前为止,波兰对华出口增长了20%,考虑到双边贸易巨大的不平衡,这个数 字是非常可喜的。此外,波兰也是亚洲基础设施投资银行创始成员之一,并认为 这对加强双边关系至关重要。我们认为亚投行框架内的合作有可能为波兰吸引 到更多的中国直接投资,并为波兰的出口商创造出新商机。另外,由中国提出的 波兰参与的“一带一路”倡议是一个宏伟而艰巨的项目。2013年4月中波货运有 史以来第一次开通,物流方面的合作似乎给波兰的出口带来了很好的前景,而实 际上,它已经促进了贸易量的增长。一段时间以来,中国的消费者已经能享用到 波兰的食品(特别是牛奶)。不仅如此,我们的生产厂家还准备出售更加精良的 产品。应该补充的是,在我们面前还有一些巨大的基础设施投资(如中央交通 港),我们期待与任何对项目有兴趣的投资人,包括中国的投资人,进行商谈。

It has to be noted that, Poland, the largest economy in Eastern Europe, has been China’s major trade partner in the region for over a decade. Bilateral trade increases about 6% annually, last year the volume climbed to 17.6 billion US dollars. So far this year the Polish exports to China increased by 20%, which is great considering the huge disproportion in bilateral trade. Furthermore, Poland is also among Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank founding members and considers it as essential for enhancement of the bilateral relations. We believe that cooperation within the AIIB could attract more Chinese FDI to Poland and create new opportunities for Polish exporters. Moreover, China’s ‘Belt and Road initiative is a great and demanding project which Poland is a part of. As the first ever China-Poland cargo connection launched in April 2013 the logistic cooperation seems to be very prospective for Polish exports. Actually, it has already boosted the trade volume and the Chinese customers have been enjoying Polish food (especially milk) for a while. Nevertheless, our producers are ready to sell more sophisticated products. It should be added that, there are some great infrastructural ventures to undertake ahead of us (such as the Central Communication Port) and we are looking forward to talk with any investors interested in the projects, Chinese as well.

波兰欢迎中国的资本,因此,中国项目在波兰投资贸易局的外商直接投资表 中进入前五名是非常重要的。投资总额约为十亿美元,几乎与名列前茅的德国相 当。目前,我们正在支持十个总价值约10亿欧元的投资项目。有趣的是,大多数项 目都是绿地项目 — 从零开始,涉及汽车和电子行业。 2016年中国在波兰的投 资超过了过去15年,全年的直接投资项目数量翻了一番。实际上,双边直接投资 活动相当成功。波兰的食品公司(Maspex和Mlekpol公司)、药品公司(Pofarmex)、 飞机制造公司(PZL)和化工公司(Selena)已经出现在中国市场。另一方面,中国 能源公司(中水电和三峡集团),家用电器公司(鸿博清洁能源欧洲公司 — 由 投资贸易局支持的项目)以及高科技公司,即同方威视(也是由投资贸易局完成的 项目)信任波兰并将资本落户这了这里。每周都会有中国来的商务代表团拜访投 资贸易局,说明了他们对波兰市场的兴趣和对投资我国的执着。我必须说,投资 贸易局的“去中国(Go China)”项目是非常成功的,我们组织了13次共有4300名 商务人员参加的赴华的商务访问。值得注意的是,投资贸易局正在计划在不久的 将来加强其在中国的存在,使波兰和中国企业得到更多的支持。

Poland welcomes the Chinese capital, therefore it’s very important that Chinese projects are in top five of PAIH’s FDI portfolio. The investments’ total value equals to approximately one billion dollars and is nearly equal to the German ones, a country that has been leading the ranking. Currently, we are supporting ten investments worth around EUR 1 billion. What’s interesting, majority of the projects are greenfield – planned to be carried out from scratch and representing automotive and electronics sectors. In 2016 China invested in Poland more than in last 15 years and throughout the year the number of FDI projects doubled. Bilateral FDI activity has been actually quite successful. Polish companies from such sectors as food (i.e. Maspex and Mlekpol), pharmaceuticals (i.e. Pofarmex), aviation (PZL) and chemical (Selena) have been present in the Chinese market. On the other side, Chinese energy (i.e. Sinohydro and China Three Gorges), home appliances (i.e. Hongbo Clean Energy Europe – supported by PAIH) as well as high-tech companies i.e. Nuctech (a project also completed by PAIH) have put their trust and capital in Poland. Every week PAIH is visited by Chinese business delegations, which confirms their interest in the Polish market and a strong commitment towards investing in our country. I must admit PAIH’s Go China program have been extremely successful, we organised 13 business missions to China, attended by 4,300 businessmen. What’s worth noticing, the Agency is planning to strengthen its presence in China in the near future, so that Polish and Chinese business could receive even more support. 中国和波兰在商业活动方面有很多共同点。两国公司都尊重对方,愿意进行 商谈。中国人和波兰人也都有兴趣建立长期而稳定的经济关系。因此,我想号召 中国企业家在波兰投资兴业,因为在这里经商绝对会带来丰厚的收益。

China and Poland have a lot in in common in terms of business activity. Companies from both countries treat their partners with respect and are well prepared for negotiations. Also, both the Chinese and the Poles, are interested in making long-term and stable economic relationships. Therefore, I would like to invite Chinese entrepreneurs to engage in investment projects in Poland, because Doing business in here totally pays off. • polish market


QUALITY FROM FARM TO FORK JAROSŁAW PINKAS, Secretary of State at the Office of the Prime Minister, Government Representative for the organisation of public administration structures in charge of food safety, talks to “Polish Market.” What is ‘food safety’? Why is it so important? Food safety concerns the quality standards applicable to manufacturing, processing and trade. As an EU Member State, we must meet the Union’s criteria for every stage of food production – from farm to fork. Farmers are subject to requirements pertaining to crop and livestock production, which also holds true for processing plants that are bound by specified manufacturing standards. Our accession to the European Union necessitated changes to both agriculture and the processing industry. In consequence, these sectors have undergone modernisation in order to gain a competitive edge on the Community and global markets. Our food processing plants already rank among the most advanced in the world, especially in the meat and dairy sectors. The adoption of the latest high-tech solutions, accompanied by the modernisation of farms, has provided a basis for the expansion of Polish food onto foreign markets. By adopting the strictest manufacturing standards, implementing quality-assurance systems, and making use of traditional formulae, we have achieved superior PM

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quality, while retaining the unique flavours of our products. This is undoubtedly a great success. Is what we eat today ‘industrial food’? Only a hundred years ago, the basic nutrition for an average family consisted of natural, local and seasonal food. Nowadays, however, as more and more foodstuffs are needed, food security simply cannot be guaranteed by traditional production methods alone. Industrial food is there to ensure that the mass consumer’s needs are well catered for, and is also a consequence of globalisation processes. But this does not mean that the food obtained with these methods is worse in any way. Correctly processed food is safer, lighter on your stomach, more nourishing, and free from micro-organisms. It can also be kept longer before being consumed. As it follows rigorous production and marketing standards, this food is characterised by the highest quality. The scale of production brings about reduced unit costs, which in turn results in wider product availability for all consumers. Traditional and regional food, also growing in quantity produced, is especially popular with PM

well-off customers who are ready to accept its higher price range. Still, both types of food must come with the required safety level and abide by the prescribed quality standards. Is high tech a genuine topic in the context of the food industry? Technical and technological progress is taking place in every sphere of life and line of business. New developments in science and technical solutions are coming about in response to market needs. Processing plants must nowadays comply with a number of requirements, not only with regard to the manufacturing process, but also to environmental protection. Take dairy production, for instance. The whole production chain has been automated – from computerised barns with closed-ended milking systems to modernised milk transport and new production lines at milk-processing establishments. Modern solutions have also arrived in the meat-, fruit- and vegetable-processing sectors. If it weren’t for modernisation and new technologies, Polish successes in the exports of agri-food products would not be possible today. PM

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When talking about the adoption of high-tech solutions, we should keep in mind functional food, which, in addition to its basic nutritional role, is believed to have a psychological or physiological impact on the human organism. Besides affording high quality, this type of food aids in the fostering of preventive healthcare across four key areas: dementia-related brain diseases, cardiac and vascular diseases, osteoporosis, and ageing processes. These are conditions which affect social life in general, and, in consequence, the national economy as a whole. Therefore, effective prophylactics, with the application of substances with increased health-enhancing properties obtained from food products following safe technological processes, can not only improve clinical indicators, but, first of all, prevent diseases and enable patients to participate in social life and stay economically active. The economic value of such food also stems from its ability to reduce the direct and indirect costs of medical treatments and therapies. The effective prevention of the consequences of diseases of affluence, or diet-induced conditions, has a substantial impact, not only on the life of an individual, but also on the society at large. Functional food is produced in cooperation with the scientific community, and on the basis of product innovations built around research potential, incorporating the latest production processes which safeguard the manner in which new food ingredients can contribute to health improvement. Good food requires good raw materials. Poland is a recognised supplier of agricultural and food products, on both the European and global scales. As regards safe food, do you think Polish producers are in with a chance of international success? We have already had successes in this field. In the context of the EU food industry, the Polish food sector stands out, with its milk and milk products share of 8.2%, which ranks us fourth among EU countries. The meat-processing industry is ranked fifth, enjoying a 10.4% share of the market, followed in sixth place by the fruitand-vegetable industry (10.5%), and then by the alcoholic beverages (9.8%) and the baking and pastry (6.3%) industries. Exports were, and still are, the main driving force for our food industry. According to preliminary data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS), in the period of January-June 2017 Polish exports had a total value of EUR 99.1 billion, which represents an increase of 8.4% as compared to the previous year. Agri-food products accounted for 13.0% of total exports PM

and increased in relation to the first half-year of 2016 (12.8%). In the reference period, the exports of agrifood products were valued at EUR 12,869 million, which reflects a 10.1% increase in relation to the corresponding period of the previous year. In total, the EU market received goods to the amount of EUR 10,316 million (as compared to the first half-year of 2016, the share of the EU Member States in the structure of agri-food exports recorded a drop from 81.4% to 80.2%), and the value of exports to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) reached EUR 669 million (it had grown from the first half-year by 10.2%, despite the Russian import embargo on agri-food products of critical importance for Polish exports – meat, dairy products, fresh fruit and vegetables, etc.). In line with the ongoing trend, the biggest quantities of agricultural and food products are sold to Germany. From January to June 2017 the exports value in this sector amounted to EUR 2,858 million. In comparison with the same period of 2016, an increase of 13.2% was recorded. In terms of value, the following products were sold to Germany in the highest quantities: smoked fish, including mainly salmon, baking and confectionery products, poultry meat, processed and preserved fish, milk and cream, chocolate and cocoa products, fish fillets, sugar syrups, frozen fruit (mainly strawberries and raspberries), fruit juices (primarily apple juice) and beef. Other major recipients of Polish agrifood products in the EU include the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, France, the Czech Republic, Spain and Slovakia. The following products have the highest share of exports to the above countries: baking and confectionery products, chocolate and cocoa products, pork and cheese. Russia, which a year before ranked 18th among the major recipients of Polish food, after the first half of 2017 advanced to 16th position in this ranking. The sales value to the Russian market increased by 24%. Among the remaining trade partners, the highest rise in the exports value, as compared to the first half of the previous year, was observed in trade with Ghana. Sales to that country rose 2.5fold, reaching a level of EUR 13.9 million, mainly due to the substantial exports of poultry meat. Increases in the value of Polish exports were also recorded for Kenya and Nigeria (exports of a significant proportion of wheat), Lebanon (higher exports of sugar and chocolate), Japan (increased exports of beef and apple juice), the Republic of Korea (an increase in the sales of cheese and dried fruit) and Taiwan (intensified

exports of chocolate and cocoa products, as well as feathers of the kind used for stuffing). An upward trend in the sales of Polish agri-food products to the EU and the global market testifies to the established position of Polish food and trust earned by Polish producers. In line with the Food Promotion Strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the promotional measures of agri-food products will focus on the strategic Asian markets, with specific emphasis on China. What is your opinion on the possible cooperation with Chinese partners? Expansion into new sales markets for Polish agri-food products necessitates a thoroughly prepared strategy for promoting such products. With the high imports potential of its market, the progress of bilateral veterinary and phytosanitary agreements, and the interest shown by Polish entrepreneurs, China has been regarded as one of the priorities and strategic goals for the development of Polish agri-food exports in both 2016 and 2017. Our products are being increasingly often appreciated and recognised by Chinese consumers. This has been possible, inter alia, thanks to our active participation in fair and exhibition events in China. In 2017, under activities supporting Polish exports to China, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with the National Centre for Agriculture Support (previously the Agricultural Market Agency, ARR), in cooperation with trade organisations and the Ministry of Economic Development, was involved in major fair and exhibition events in China, including the SIAL China 2017 fair in Shanghai. The plans also include participation in the Anufood China 2017 fair in Beijing. Furthermore, trade organisations, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and EU funds, are implementing publicity and information campaigns on the Chinese market. The major campaigns include “The Pastas of Europe”, “European Poultry – the Power of Quality”, and “The Flavours of Europe – Quality and Tradition”. We are planning to expand the range of agrifood products on the Chinese market. To this end, measures are being taken to resume China’s imports of pork, poultry meat, incubative eggs and day-old chicks from Poland. We are also working on enriching the range of frozen fruit approved for exports to the Chinese market, and on approvals for exporting wheat, rye and spelt flour, as well as fresh northern highbush blueberry. Intensified promotional measures are among the steps towards building brand Poland on the Chinese market. • PM

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hina is now one of the world’s most promising markets in the long-term perspective. Proof of this is the country’s intention to create a modern version of the Silk Road. The Polish poultry sector is looking forward to fruitful co-operation with China, which is very open to it, offering excellent opportunities. The National Poultry Council – Chamber of Commerce actively participates in building relations with the Chinese side. Not only the poultry sector stands to benefit from it, but the entire Polish economy does as well. The Polish agricultural and food industry is very strong. It keeps strengthening its position in European Union markets. In this sector, poultry farming stands out. Thanks to its steady, dynamic development Poland is the EU’s number one poultry producer. Polish poultry farming scores major successes also in third markets. China is one of the countries with the biggest poultry export potential for Poland. Very importantly, both sides’ expectations in this respect dovetail. The National Poultry Council – Chamber of Commerce is working to increase the share of Polish exports to China. It is looking after the interests of Polish poultry producers in the Chinese market, while constantly building relations with the Chinese side. Business missions undertaken on the Council’s initiative are aimed at capitalising on China’s welcoming attitude to Polish poultry products. China is an important market for the whole Polish agricultural and food sector, but the poultry sector and the technologies it offers can count on the rapid development of co-operation and a significant share in the Chinese poultry market in the future.


In July 2017 Poland was declared free from avian influenza, once a quarantine period of three months – required by international law - has elapsed since the moment the last outbreak of the disease was was resolved. Having removed this hurdle, Polish-Chinese relations can now develop even faster. The commitment of the National Poultry Council – Chamber of Commerce to China is evident in that fact that it opened an office in Shanghai last year. It is the first office run by an organisation representing Polish food producers in China. Moreover, the Council works in partnership with the China Entry & Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association. (CIQA). Thanks to agreements signed between the Council and the Chinese side, the administrative path to China is shortened, enabling business relations to develop. Of late a co-operation agreement

Opening of the National Poultry Council - Chamber of Commerce’s office in Shanghai, September 2016

has been concluded between the National Poultry Council – Chamber of Commerce and the China Meat Association (CMA.) The value of Polish poultry exports to China amounted to over EUR 75 million in 2016. This figure is expected to grow significantly in the future.


In July 2017, at the invitation of the National Poultry Council – Chamber of Commerce, a delegation of Chinese veterinary services visited Polish poultry processing plants as part of a business mission dedicated to trade relations between the two countries. The aim of the visit was to find out more about production processes applied in Poland, the Polish market and the potential of Polish producers. The visit also included a seminar at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Warsaw which focused on opportunities the two markets offer each other as well as on respective market needs. During talks with Chinese representatives, ways of deepening bilateral co-operation were sought following the return of Polish poultry meat to the Chinese market. China had suspended imports of Polish poultry products following the outbreak of avian influenza in Poland in late 2016. The National Poultry Council – Chamber of Commerce has held numerous meetings with the Chinese authorities and other decision-makers regarding food imports and safety as well as veterinary issues. The meetings were described by experts as one of the Council’s many successes in

developing Polish-Chinese co-operation. The key to business success is the fact that the Chinese side has learnt to appreciate the quality of Polish poultry meat and that it is now well acquainted with the directions in which the Polish poultry sector is to develop. Growing poultry meat consumption in China is certainly an encouraging sign. It means growing demand and a confirmation of opportunities that await Polish poultry producers.


Poland has been recognised by the Chinese authorities and food importers as a long-term partner in terms of poultry meat imports. It is a welcome sign, but one that requires constant work and development on our part. According to analyses conducted by the National Poultry Council – Chamber of Commerce, the Chinese side declares its interest in the imminent resumption and expansion of poultry meat imports from Poland. In 2016 Poland was busy exporting poultry to China. Then cases of avian influenza were discovered in Poland, consequences of which were felt by poultry farmers, both those who raise broilers and breeding poultry. What matters is that the problem has been contained and that avian influenza has been eliminated from Poland. The value of Polish food and agricultural exports amounted to a record EUR 24.1 million in 2016. China can become Poland’s top export destination in this respect, as a result which the value of exports can grow higher and • higher.


special edition



półdzielnia Mleczarska MLEKPOL is the biggest producer of milk and dairy products in Poland. For years, the company has been an undisputed leader in the Polish dairy industry and one of the twenty largest raw milk processors in Europe. SM MLEKPOL as in Poland has exceeded the purchase limit of 1.5 billion litres of raw milk. This is an average of 5 million litres of milk a day from nearly 11 300 producers. More than 30% of SM MLEKPOL’s products is exported to Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and the Middle East. MLEKPOL products are produced in 12 modern and highly specialised production plants. SM MLEKPOL’s offer includes pasteurized and UHT milk, various kinds of cream, fermented beverages, butter, cottage cheese, cream cheese and yellow cheese. In its extended portfolio there are such flagship brands as: Łaciate, Milko, Białe, Mazurski Smak, Rolmlecz or Maślanka Mrągowska. Łaciate is the most recognized brand of milk in Poland. The brand was established in 1995 and immediately gained consumer recognition. It is the first long shelf live milk (UHT) in Poland – still the leading one in this category. Łaciate products are made of the highest quality raw material coming from cows grazed on the cleanest Polish meadows. Łaciate is synonymous with naturalness, freshness and top quality.

Due to the growing demand for UHT milk export beyond the European market, MLEKPOL creates new brands with their image and descriptions adjusted to the needs of individual markets. Less than 2 years ago, a new product – milk branded as Milcasa – was created. This unique milk created with passion not only has become increasingly popular but its sales has been growing dynamically e.g. in China. As all

MLEKPOL products, it is produced in the purest region of Poland – in Masuria, Warmia and Podlasie – the areas that are called “green lungs of Poland”. Its unusual and mild taste has been developed in modern production facilities, in line with global standards for production, cleanliness and safety. Milcasa is a highly valued brand by foreign buyers already in 30 countries around • the world. polish market






Food is a key factor of Man’s existence and the most important part of any state’s security strategy.

自人类起源以来,面包和葡萄酒一直是食品的象征。对其的消费产生了人与 人之间的联系,开始是从各个家庭,然后延伸到到整个社会。食品构成了各国贸 易和繁荣的重要组成部分,也是文明发展和文化社会塑造的重要因素。食品和 营养决定着人们的健康,是预防疾病和提高生活质量的主要因素。老龄化是一 个日益富裕社会的最重要的问题。人们希望寿命更长,身体更健康。要做到这一 点,他们吃的食品必须是高质量和有机的,包括健康食品、功能性食品、营养食 品和生物医药制剂。在过去二十五年左右的时间里,农业和食品加工业使用了 太多的化学品,其结果是食品价格大幅的下降。但与此同时,文明病的发病率呈 上升趋势。这就是为什么我们的文明面临迫切需要回归到健康饮食的源头,而 这又不会与化学和制药行业造成利益冲突。

PROF. TADEUSZ TRZISZKA, Rector of the Wrocław University of Environment and Life Science 16  polish marketspecial edition  2017

Bread and wine have always symbolised food since the origins of Man. Their consumption have created bonds between people, starting from individual familes to entire societies. Food constitutes an important element of trade and prosperity of countries. It is also an important factor in the development of civilisation and the shaping of cultures and societies. Food and nutrition decide about people’s health and are the main factors in preventing diseases and improving the quality of living. Ageing is one of the most important problems in societies which are growing richer. People want to live longer and in good health. To make it happen, the food they eat must be of high quality and organic, including health foods, functional foods, nutraceuticals and biomedical preparations. In the past twenty five years or so, too many chemicals have been used in agriculture and food processing, as a result of which food prices have fallen substantially. But at the same

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time the incidence of civilisation diseases has been on the rise. That is why our civilisation is faced with the urgent need to get back to the roots of healthy eating without causing conflicts of interests with the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. 人们可能很快就能看到,减少密集型耕种方式的农业生产系统 和使用从植物获得的生物活性物质的技术创新,在生产高质量的 健康食品和功能性食品方面所带来的巨大变化。由于城市蔓延,可 耕地和森林面积缩小,食品生产成本的上涨是可以预见的,特别是 在新一代健康食品方面。这一现象将伴随着恢复自然环境和平衡 的需要。因此,我们现在需要拨出足够的资金,防止环境退化,并引 进新的食品生产系统,以保持社会健康,维持生活质量。这些问题 对中欧、欧盟和亚洲国家都是至关重要的,特别是中国,因为它的 体量巨大。因此,我们需要在科技新成果的基础上发展新的合作战 略。过去十五年来,波兰对有机农业、生物食品、生态食品、天然来 源的生物物质以及在生物技术过程中使用创新技术进行了深入研 究,营养基因组学和代谢组学已经取得重大进展,潜在地会对生活 质量产生重大影响。现在这些科学成就可以在符合可持续发展和 动物福利原则的情况下,形成对生产的新一代食品需求的增加。在 这个领域,弗罗茨瓦夫环境与生命科学大学(WUELS)取得了欧洲 水平的特别重大的进展,并加入了FoodNexus联盟和KIC EIT食品 集团。此外,WUELS还参与了KIC Climate和KIC Health组织的活 动。这些在社会健康和生活质量领域的活动使得WUELS成为在下西 里西亚地区实施的欧洲最大规模的,被称为绿谷健康食品(GVFH) 的知识转移项目的领导者。 GVFH是一项涵盖自然环境、农业生产, 新一代食品生产、预防医学、保健康复以及基础设施开发的综合经 济计划,得到了各种形式资金的支持。在不久的将来,GVFH计划将 成为被称之为“食品为健康”的波兰主要战略计划。这项计划可 以成为新丝绸之路合作的主题,成为“16 + 1”战略的一部分。食 品作为安全与繁荣的战略因素,对“16 + 1”合作至关重要。这肯 定是一个双赢的局面。不仅贸易、基础设施和投资都有望增长,世 界经济也将以前所未有的速度发展,大大减少农业和工业部门的 贫困。普通市民的生活质量将得到改善,生活水平必将得到提高。

One can soon expect major changes both in agricultural production systems aimed at minimising intensive cultivation methods and innovative technologies of using bioactive substances obtained from plants to produce high quality health foods and functional foods. As arable land and forests shrink due to urban sprawl, a rise in food production costs can be expected, especially when it comes to new generation health foods. This phenomenon will be accompanied by the need to restore the natural environment and its equilibrium. That is why we now need to earmark enough funding to prevent the environment from being degraded and to introduce new food production systems to keep societies healthy and maintain their quality of life. These problems are vital both for Central European, EU and Asian countries, notably for China considering its scale. Therefore a new strategy of co-operation should be developed based on new achievements in science and technology. In the past fifteen years intensive research has been conducted in Poland on organic farming, biofoods, eco foods, biosubstances of natural origin and on the use of innovative technologies in biotech processes. Significant progress has been recorded in nutrigenomics and metabolomics, with a potentially significant impact on the quality of living. These scientific achievements can now lead to increased demand for new generation

ARTHUR BREAK, Rector’s Plenipotentiary for co-operation with Asia and CEE

foods produced in line with the principles of sustainable development and animal welfare. In this field the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (WUELS) has scored particularly significant progress on a European scale. It participates in the FoodNexus consortium and in the KIC EIT Food group. Besides, WUELS is involved in the KIC Climate and KIC Health groups. These activities in the field of social health and quality of living have made WUELS the leader of Europe’s largest-scale knowledge transfer undertaking known as the Green Valley Food for Health (GVFH), which is implemented in the Lower Silesia region. GVFH is a comprehensive economic programme encompassing the natural environment, agro-business, the production of new generation foods, preventive medicine, wellness and rejuvenation, as well as infrastructure development with support coming from various forms of funding. Within the near future, the GVFH programme will become Poland’s main strategic programme to be known as Food for Health. This programme can become the leitmotif of Belt&Road co-operation as part of the 16+1 strategy. Food as a strategic factor of security and prosperity will be crucial for 16+1co-operation. It promises to be a win-win situation. Not only trade, infrastructure and investment can be expected to grow, but the world economy will also develop at an unprecedented pace, dramatically reducing poverty both in the farm and industrial sectors. Ordinary citizens’ quality of life will be improved and their liv• ing standards are bound to grow. polish market


我们的“一带一 路”波中教育合作 OUR POLISH CHINESE ACADEMIC COOPERATION ON THE “ONE BELT ONE ROAD” 与奥波莱工业大学校长、波兰技术类大学校长联合会副主席、波兰 高校校长联合会国际委员会主席马雷克•图坚道夫教授的访谈

An interview with PROF. MAREK TUKIENDORF, Rector of Opole University of Technology, Vice president of Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities of Technology and President of the Committee for International Cooperation at Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland. PM

在过去的几年里,奥波莱工业大学已经在与中 国院校合作方面的走在了波兰大学的前沿。 您 是怎么开始与中国伙伴开始合作的?

In the last few years Opole University of Technology has become a leading Polish university regarding the academic cooperation with China. How did you start cooperating with Chinese partners? 合作开始于十多年前,奥波莱工业大学致力建 立奥波莱孔子学院。 在波兰我们是超前的 — 当 时波兰大学当中只有两所孔子学院,而在理工类大 学中只有一所孔子学院 — 这种情况至今没有改变。

It started over 10 years ago, when Opole University of Technology initiated efforts to establish Confucius Institute in Opole. We were pioneers in Poland – at the time there were only two Confucius Institutes at Polish universities but a single one by university of technology – this has not change to this day. 当然,那时候没有人能够遇见到“一带一路”这 样庞大的项目。 在2008年那年,波兰被选为欧足联 2012年欧锦赛的主办国,迫切需要建立新的足球场 馆,因此出现与中国合作的想法。 然而10年前,当 我们与奥波莱省前省长访问北京时,我们开始意识 到了中国的高速发展,并预见到了某些未来的趋势。

Obviously those days no one imagined or planned such an enormous project as One Belt One Road. Then, in 2008, Poland was chosen to host UEFA European Championship - Euro 2012.

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That created an urgent need to build new football stadium and in this context the cooperation with China was perceived in Poland. However, 10 years ago, during visits to Beijing with the former governor for Opole region, we came to understand how dynamically China was developing and we could anticipate certain trends. 后来发生的事情证明我们的感觉是正确的。 与 负责协调世界各地孔子学院的中国国家汉办签约 后不久,姜慧娟教授在我校受聘教授汉语。当有近 200名学生报名参加课程时,我们感到我们正在走 的路是正确的。

It turned out we had a good feeling. Soon after signing the agreement with Hanban, China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language that coordinates Confucius institute all over the world, Prof. Jiang Huijuan was employed at our University to teach Chinese Language. When almost 200 students registered for the course we had known that we are going the right way. PM

许多奖项都证实了这一点,包括您从汉办获得 的优秀个人奖。

This was confirmed by many awards including the Individual Performance Excellence Award you received from HANBAN. 事实上,我们的孔子学院多次被认为是欧洲最 好的孔子学院之一。 我非常高兴在昆明获得这个

优秀个人奖,我认为这也是波兰教育界的荣誉。 同 样,我非常高兴被任命加入中波大学“一带一路” 联盟的理事会,荣幸地与北京工业大学校长柳贡 慧教授和重庆交通大学校长唐伯明教授并尖工作。 Indeed out Institute was many times considered as one of the best institutes in Europe. I had a great pleasure to receive the Individual Performance Excellence Award in Kunming. In my opinion it is a success of the entire academic society in Poland. The same refers to me being appointed to the Board of the Sino-Polish University Consortium ‘One Belt, One Road’, where I have honor to sit together with Prof. Liu Gonghui, President of Beijing University of Technology and Prof. Tangiem Bomingiem, President of Chongqing Jiaotong University. PM


What tasks does Consortium have?

The very first Sino-Polish University Consortium ‘One Belt, One Road’ was established in March 2017. The consortium that currently has 26 members – leading universities from Poland and China - is an extension of the agreement that was signed previously by Polish and Chinese universities. Its goal is to submit collaborative funding applications on the Silk Road renewal. This project

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is a priority for Chinese government, which appointed a special foundation and international bank to support it. 首个中波大学“一带一路”联盟成立于2017年 3月,目前拥有26个成员 — 波兰和中国的主要大 学 — 的联盟是波兰和中国各大学签署的协议的 一种延伸。 其目标是在复兴丝绸之路的框架下共 同申请资金。建设这个项目是中国政府的重要任 务,中国政府建立了一个专项基金和一个国际银 行来支持这个项目。 It should also be noted that this is a very first such initiative on a global scale that is supported by authorities of Chinese cities. The revitalization of communications links and further economic, scientific and cultural exchanges between East Asia and Western Europe at an unprecedented scale is indeed a big challenge, but we are ready for it. 还应该指出的是,第一个这样全球规模的设想 得到了中国城市政府的支持。 在东亚与西欧间 建立通道以及进行空前的经济、科学和文化交流 确实是一个很大的挑战,但我们为此做好了准备。 The initial steps have been already taken. In September this year, 30 young scientists from 12 Polish universities which are members of the Consortium, participated in the scholarship program run by the municipal government of Chongqing and Chongqing Jiaotong University. The program was dedicated to prepare pioneering scientific workforce for the project. 我们已经迈出了第一步。 今年9月,来自联盟 成员的12所波兰大学的30名青年学者参加了由重 庆市政府和重庆交通大学组织的奖学金项目。 该 项目致力于科研人员的准备。 In February 2016, Opole University of Technology together with the Governor of Opole region Mr. Adrian Czubak organized the very first conference in Poland on PolishChinese cooperation related to New Silk Road project. The conference attracted representatives from governments, science, business and industry from Poland and China. This year’s edition repeated the success from 2016. According to participants of both events, experiences they gained were invaluable. 2016年2月,奥波莱工业大学与奥波莱省省督阿 德里安•楚巴克先生组织了波兰有关新丝绸之路中 波合作的第一个会议。会议吸引了来自波兰和中国 的政府、学术界、工商界的代表。 在2016年成功 举办第一届的基础上我们今年又举行了一届。两次 会议的参加者们表示他们都受益匪浅。 In the context of the above, Opole Confucius Institute and Opole University of Technology play important role for the Consortium. Again, Opole University of Technology is the only university of technology in Poland having the Confucius Institute. For 10 years already, we have been educating engineers with a thorough knowledge of Chinese

language, who are going to be needed to shape the silk road. 在此背景下,奥波莱孔子学院和奥波莱工业 大学在联盟中发挥了重要作用。再次强调一下,奥 波莱工业大学是波兰理工类大学中唯一拥有孔子 学院的大学。 在过去的十年的时间中,我们一直 向工程师们教授建设丝绸之路所需的汉语知识。 Thanks to our efforts we are currently launching the Confucius Classes Project in 8 leading Polish universities of technologies. The classes operate currently as Opole Confucius Institute divisions, with licenses granted by HANBAN. In near future the classes will transform into autonomous institutes. 由于我们的努力,我们正在波兰的8所主要的理 工类大学中开设孔子课堂项目。这些课堂目前是奥 波莱孔子学院的分支,由汉办颁发许可。 在不久 的将来,这些课堂将发展成各自的学院。 We want to share opportunities we have. When we established the institute in Opole, the idea of promoting Chinese language and culture wasn’t well understood. Today, with One Belt One Road project and growing relevance of China, it is evident that not only Opole University of Technology has been benefiting but also other universities and the Consortium itself. 我们愿意分享我们拥有的机会。 在奥波莱市 建立孔子学院,推广汉语和中国文化的想法开始也 不被理解。 今天,随着“一带一路”项目的推出 和中国重要性的日益增长,不仅奥波莱工业大学 已经受益,而且其他大学和联盟本身也已经受益。 Universities with Confucius institutes are considered an exclusive group many would like to belong to. 拥有孔子学院的大学被认为是一个专属的团体, 许多大学都想加入。 PM

作为奥波莱工业大学校长,同时也是波兰理工 类大学校长联合会副主席和波兰高校校长联 合会国际合作委员会主席(CRASP),您的还负 有国家层面的任务。

You definitely rise to the national obligations as a Rector of Opole University of Technology but also a Vice-president of Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities of Technology and a President of the Committee for International Cooperation at Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP) 我很高兴听到你提到这些工作。 我们都必须考 虑到,在全球化的世界里,只有在强大的集体中,我 们才能有效地运作。 只有这样才能保证不断的成 功。 其他大学的校长们意识到了今天挑战的重要 性。选择我担任这些荣誉职位和让我们加入这个项 目,是他们有意为公众利益 - 为社会工作的表现。

I am pleased to hear how you view those actions. We must all consider however that in globalizing world we can operate effectively

only in big and strong collectives. Only this guarantees the further success. Rectors of other universities understand the importance of today’s challenges. Choosing me to held there honorable roles and joining us in the project they have been stating their intention to work pro publico bono – for the societies. PM

无疑, “一带一路”项目是奥波莱工业大学与 中国伙伴合作中最具前景的领域。 除了参与 这个项目,孔子学院的日常工作是怎样的呢?

Most definitely the One Belt One Project is the most promising of all the aspects of cooperation of Opole University of Technology with Chinese partners. Besides being involved in the project, how does Confucius Institute’s day-to-day work look like? 除了参与这个当代欧亚大陆历史上最大事业的 工作,与中国的伙伴关系是个巨大的领域 — 正如 这个伙伴国的领土一般巨大。 我们开办波中商务 关系的进修课程,我们运行学生奖学金项目派遣大 量学生去中国学习,我们教授中文。 我们也派中国 来的志愿者和老师们去肯捷任•科兹莱市在我们刚 刚建立的院系工作,她们不仅在我们省的首府,也 在其他的城市和区县推介中国。 我们一年举办数 次大型的中国艺术团体的艺术表演。 每年我们都 邀请奥波莱的市民们参加孔子学院日的活动,并出 现在许多推广活动中。

Apart from the participation in one of the largest undertakings in the contemporary history of Eurasia, partnership with China is the immense field for academic cooperation – as huge as the territory of our partner country is. We run postgraduate studies on PolandChina business relations, we administer student scholarship program allowing many students to study in China and we teach Chinese language. Our Chinese volunteering and lectures work also in our youngest faculty in Kędzierzyn-Koźle, now promoting China not only in the capital of the region but in other city and county too. Several times a year we organize massive artistic shows and performances of Chinese art groups. Each year we invite Opole citizens to Confucius Institute Day and we are present at numerous promoting events. 我们还与企业合作,协助市政府与中国企业的 谈判。 最近,由于我们人员的加入,中国光电产品 制造商鸿博集团决定将其欧洲的工厂建立在奥波 莱市,这是目前中国在波兰唯一一家绿地投资,而 且研发中心也在计划中。

We also cooperate with business, helping our city in negotiations with Chinese enterprises. Recently, thanks to the involvement of our staff, the Chinese manufacturer of lightning equipment Hongbo Group have decided to open its factory in Opole - the only Chinese Greenfield Investment in Poland – along with the R&D center. • polish market



CENTRAL TRANSPORT HUB A TRANSPORT SOLUTION FOR POLAND'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Only by combining a Central Airport with a Central Railway Node, highspeed rail arteries and a network of highways will it be possible to meet both business and strategic objectives set by the government – the Warsaw Enterprise Institute (WEI) think-tank experts claim. Officials of the Ministry of Economic Development, Warsaw Chopin Airport and ”Polish Airports” State Enterprise, LOT Polish Airlines, the Polish Development Fund, the Polish Regional Airports Association and the Ronin Club took part in discussions on the WEI's proposals and recommendations. Marcin Haber


n 2016 Polish airports served 34 million people, i.e. four million more than a year earlier. With the growing prosperity of the population, disparities will be diminishing and in 12 years Poland should handle about 60 million passengers. However, the existing infrastructure is not capable of managing the task. In Poland the number of flights per person a year is 0.8 whereas in Germany this ratio is 3.8. Every year it will be more difficult, given that today, at peak times, the most important Chopin Airport in Warsaw works at the limit of its capacity. According to the Warsaw Enterprise Institute experts, who presented a report on the planned Central Transport Hub, Poland is threatened by transport congestion seriously limiting not only the freedom of movement of Poles, but also the economic development of the state. The discussion on the construction and possible location of the hub has been going on for at least 20 years. Despite recent strong political declarations, we have not even made a consistent plan for possible actions. The report is an attempt to approximate the positions, mobilize the parties to take action, but also recommends a number of solutions, both logistic and political ones, that will allow to bypass traditional bumps in the future on the road to carring out strategic investment projects”, explains WEI President Tomasz Wróblewski. In the opinion of WEI, Poland is currently facing two possibilities - the construction of the Central Transport Hub (CPK) or the creation of a duoport on the basis of Warsaw airports. As the authors of the report acknowledge, the latter solution is definitely cheaper and easier to implement, but offering no boost to development. This is due to the limited traffic capacity of the Chopin Airport in Warsaw, which will be exhausted in 4-5 years, and the poor location of the Warsaw Modlin Airport in geographic and infrastructure terms as a possible major airport for Poland. In addition, money will be spent to deepen the spread of Poland's potential in terms of its geographic location, the scale of the aviation market and the pace of its development, while publicly subsidized regional ports will

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remain the bridgeheads of foreign companies competing with the national carrier. The over-invested regional ports, built up until now by local governments without a government strategy, have become hostages to foreign airlines. The oversupply of ports cannibalizing themselves and desperately fighting among each other for carriers providing passenger traffic, has resulted in the situation in which they have begun offering low-cost airlines financial support in return for providing connections on their tarmac. These were the costs incurred not only by themselves, but also directly and immediately by local governments”, says Mariusz Szpikowski, director of the "Polish Airports" State Enterprise. As an alternative, the Warsaw Enterprise Institute proposes the creation of the Central Transport Hub, which would act as an air hub, a central passenger and freight hub of the country's railway transport and the Warsaw-Łódź megapolis keystone. Over an area of ​​more than 10 square kilometers there would be built an intercontinental airport capable of serving as a hub for the largest airlines in the world, including, above all, the hub for the LOT Polish Airlines. The key element of the hub would be the passenger-freight Central Railway Node connecting Asia to Europe. An access road to the airport and the central railway node will be assured, among others, by the A2 motorway and the railway - including the section of Warsaw – Łódź high-speed lines. The Warsaw Enterprise Institute project also assumes the construction of a railway system linking the hub to the cargo network, enabling quick access to the largest shopping centres in Poland and Central Europe, with Prague or Berlin at the top of them. Among the recommendations included in the WEI report there is the earliest possible development of a long-term National Development Strategy that takes into account the interests of our allies, but also balances long-term economic interests of Poland. In the experts’ opinion, an in-depth analysis and a nationwide strategy for local airport networks, both in the context of the ambitious Central Transport Hub project and in the context of Poland's overall transport policy, are also needed. •

special edition

格但斯克港的投资 -“16+1”合作的驱动力


– A DRIVING FORCE IN THE “16+1” INITIATIVE 格但斯克港目前是波罗的海地区发展最迅速的交通枢 纽之一。今后,格但斯克港有机会成为波罗的海最大和 最重要的港口。从欧盟与远东国家贸易的角度来看,该 港口也具有重要的意义。交通运输是中东欧和中国间 最有潜力的合作领域之一,而格但斯克港正成为西欧 深海港口的一个值得关注的替代选择。

The Port of Gdańsk is currently one of the most rapidly developing transport hubs in the Baltic Sea Region. In the future, the Port of Gdańsk has the chance to become the largest and the most prominent port in the Baltic Sea. The Port is also of great significance from the perspective of trade between the European Union and the Far East countries. Transport is one of the most prospective areas of cooperation between Central and Eastern Europe and China, and the Port of Gdańsk is becoming an interesting alternative to the deep-sea ports of Western Europe.

但斯克港务局正在引进一些投资项目,其目标是发展港口的基础设施并 提高其能力。作为港口扩建计划的一部分,公司正在计划疏通水道,进 行码头的建设和升级,扩大公路和铁路网络、停车场和仓库设施。由于有“连 通欧洲设施”的欧盟资助来源,大部分投资即将完成。由欧盟基金共同资助的 项目将于2020年底前完成。未来几年港口将会呈现高速的发展。 The Port of Gdańsk Authority is piloting a number of investments, the objective of which is to develop the port’s infrastructure and increase its capacity. As part of the Port’s expansion plan, the company is planning to dredge the waterways, to perform the construction and an upgrade of the piers, and the expansion of the road and rail networks, car parks and warehouse facilities. A vast part of the investments will be completed thanks to resources from the EU’s financial instrument Connecting Europe Facility. The Port’s projects co-financed from the EU Funds are to be settled by the end of 2020. The coming years will be marked by the very dynamic development of the Port. 格但斯克港的旗舰投资是中央港口的建设,这个港口将成为一个位于面 积达500公顷人造码头上的外港。格但斯克港务局管理委员会主席乌卡什•格 兰克表示: “作为投资的一部分,格但斯克港将增添新的码头:滚装码头、客 运码头、散货和一般货物码头、以及造船工业区。由于有了中央港口,港口年 货运量将从目前的3800万吨增加到1亿吨。”这笔巨额投资已经正式得到了波 兰政府的支持。波兰政府还确认了波兰发展交通基础设施的计划,这个计划 将为格但斯克港大规模扩建后再建设一个后勤基地。目前,我们正在进行波 兰铁路网络的现代化建设,到2020年,货运平均时速将提高到35公里/小时。从 中央口岸建设的角度来看,下一个重要工程将是内陆发展内河航运。格但斯克 港务局正在督办这个雄心勃勃目标的实现。

The flagship investment of the Port of Gdańsk is the construction of the Central Port, which is due to be a new external port located in the area of artificial piers covering 500 hectares. “As part of the investment, the Port of Gdańsk will gain new terminals: ro-ro, passenger terminal, bulk and general-cargo terminals, and the shipyard industry zone. The Port’s current annual cargo volume amounting to 38 million tonnes, is due to increase to 100 million tonnes thanks to the Central Port,” said Łukasz Greinke, President of the Management Board of the Port of Gdańsk Authority. This substantial investment has gained the official support of the Polish Government. Poland’s authorities have also confirmed plans for the development of the transport infrastructure in Poland, which will provide a logistics base for the Port of Gdańsk after its substantial expansion. We are currently in the middle of modernising the Polish rail network, which will increase the average speed of freight trains to 35 km/h by 2020. The next important project from the perspective of the construction of the Central Port will be the development of inland waterways. The achievement of this ambitious goal is being supervised by the Port of Gdańsk Authority. 由于有了这些将海上运输与公路和铁路运输以及内河航运整合在一起的 大量投资,波兰有可能成为连接欧洲和中国的主要交通枢纽之一。 Due to the numerous investments integrating sea transport with road and rail transport, and inland navigation, Poland can become one of the major transport hubs connecting Europe and China. •

polish market




The international cooperation initiative Belt and Road is emerging as the defining grand project of our time. Reviving the historic Silk Road trade route, China has given a new impetus for enhancing inclusiveness and sustainability of global economic development, and reinventing globalization as more just and equitable in the increasingly diversified international system. But China’s vision for the 21th Century extends even farther beyond.

Michał Kołakowski


fter three decades of unprecedented economic growth under the Reform and Opening Up policy, China has become the world’s largest trading nation in 2013, and in another landmark milestone is now poised to eclipse the US as the world’s largest economy as early as in 2022. In the same year Chinese outbound investments are expected to become the world’s largest source of FDIs. By 2050 China aims to become a developed country and global innovation leader. China’s increasing prevalence in global affairs has raised a question about Beijing’s vision of the future. In 2013 President Xi Jinping proposed the Belt and Road Initiative. The project is aimed at facilitating trade between Asia, Europe and Africa through enhanced cooperation and developing infrastructure, in the spirit of win-win cooperation. It encompasses two main transcontinental routes. The Silk Road Economic Belt connects China via land with Central Asia, Russia, Europe and Southeast Asia. The 21st-century Maritime Silk Road links China and the South Pacific Ocean through Indian Ocean and the South China Sea to Africa and Greece’s port of Piraeus. Geographically positioned as the conjunction point of both the Belt and the Road, China emerged as a natural main engine of Asia-centered new wave of globalization. The routes cover more than 65 countries, currently accounting for over 60% of the world’s population, but only 31% of global GDP, highlighting the region’s untapped growth potential. Within a decade the value of cross-border trade is forecast to reach USD 2.5 trillion and Chinese FDIs reac USD 1 trillion. By 2050, the Belt and Road area aims to contribute 80% of global GDP growth and advance three billion more people into the middle class. Goals of the initiative extend far beyond trade and infrastructure. The economic dimension is only a means for developing comprehensive relationships, particularly strengthening stability and promoting peace in volatile regions. The

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promotion of people-to-people exchanges along the Belt and Road aims to deepen mutual understanding and build a sense of shared destiny. For four years China together with the expanding circle of BRI partners – over 100 states and international organizations – has set up a robust institutional framework for implementation of the project, with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) at the centre of these efforts. As President Xi’s proposal was taking a concrete shape, it attracted increasing international attention, including from such initially reluctant countries as Japan or the USA. In May the 1th Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was convened in Beijing, attracting 30 heads of state and over 100 minister-level delegates. The summit marked a groundbreaking diplomatic success and highlighted broad international recognition of and support for the BRI and the values it represents and promotes. Emphasizing open and inclusive character of the Belt and Road, President Xi proclaimed that “The Belt and Road Initiative originates from China, but belongs to the whole world.” The ideational force behind the BRI is a goal to build a “community of common destiny.” The vision is the culmination of President Xi’s ideas on reforming and improving the existing international governance, stressing equality, fairness, win-win cooperation, multilateral approach in addressing global problems. Globalization has stimulated humanity to reach an unprecedented height in creating material and spiritual wealth. However, the process has been increasingly challenged by mounting problems from developmental imbalances to rising populism and protectionism to the climate change. When the model of globalization led by developed countries is exhausting its potential, China offers a viable alternative providing modernization opportunity for developing countries. The Belt and Road is emerging as the new main engine of broader and deeper socio-economic transformation for the new century. •

special edition



he Ministry of Economic Development has put forward the Responsible Development Plan. The Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Beata Szydło, has adopted the Plan. The Plan is a set of tools designed to stimulate the development of Poland. It contains a diagnosis of the current situation and sets out directions of the actions to be taken by the government. According to the situation diagnosis, the Polish economy faces a spectre of five traps: the middle income trap, the lack of balance between foreign and domestic capital deployed in the economy, the average product trap, the demographic trap and the institutional weakness trap. A balanced action plan is needed to avoid them. The Responsible Development Plan provides for supporting the development of firms, their productivity and foreign expansion and an even development of the whole country, felt by all Poles. Moreover, the Ministry wants to see more investments in Poland and will also increase expenditures on innovation. The co-operation between science and business is also to improve. High quality GDP growth. Facilities for businesses and promotion of savings. These are the main assumptions of the plan adopted by the government. The Polish Development Fund is to be created out of several institutions whose tasks overlap to a certain extent. The government is to base Poland’s development on five pillars: reindustrialisation (supporting existing and developing new competitive advantages and areas of specialisation of the Polish economy), development of innovative companies (building a businessfriendly environment and a system of innovation support), capital for development (more investments and building savings of Poles), foreign expansion (support for exports and foreign investments of Polish companies, reform of economic diplomacy, promotion of Polish brands), social and regional development (among others, reform of vocational schools, inclusion of rural areas and small towns in the development processes). Exports are the most visible proof of the competitiveness of the Polish economy. The Ministry plans to set up the Polish Development Fund (PDF) as a key tool in the implementation of its strategy. The Fund will be based on the existing development institutions (by taking over some of the functions of today’s BGK,

PARP, PIR, PAIH, ARP and KUKE). It will integrate and systematise the tools offered by these institutions and propose new ones. As a result, their effectiveness will increase (until now, the offers of these institutions overlapped and the scale of their activity was rather small). The support under the Plan is to extend to many areas – small- and medium-sized companies, investment, infrastructure, exports, promotion, innovation. The Fund will acquire capital for investments offered on preferential conditions by international financial institutions. The importance of modern technologies to the government is attested by the appointment of the Innovation Council. The Ministry of Economic Development proposes a package for entrepreneurs and innovations. New solutions will be prepared in areas which are of particular importance to small- and medium-sized enterprises. One of them is the new Business Constitution, i.e. a statute regulating the rules of doing business in Poland (replacing the Economic Activity Freedom Act). The new law will reduce legal barriers facing entrepreneurs and facilitate co-operation on innovative projects. The rules of succession for sole trader firms are to be created. A new Innovation Act will also be drafted (first, an amendment to the current Act in June 2016, followed by a new Act in mid-2017), the StartInPoland Programme will be launched and research institutions reformed. Polish undertakings should be strong in all sectors, but we must have our areas of specialisation, particularly those based on modern technologies. Their development will be supported by the utilisation of National Smart Specialisation and special development programmes implemented by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Polish Development Fund in various sectors, such as aviation, armaments, ship-building, chemical, food, transport and IT. The targets set by the government for 2020 are very ambitious. They include: • increase in investment to above 25% of the GDP, • R&D outlays increased to 2% of the GDP, • increase of the number of small and medium-sized enterprises to more than 22,000, • increase of Polish direct investments abroad (by 70%), • industrial production growing faster than the GDP, • Poland’s per-capita GDP reaching 79% of the EU average. As the result of the implementation of the plan Poland is to avoid • the five development traps. polish market



Innovation, modern solutions and international expansion are the pillars on which rests the strategy of Poczta Polska, one of the key companies owned by the Treasury. Taking advantage of the rapid growth of e-commerce, the competitive pricing of products made in China and other countries of the region and Poland’s geopolitical situation, Poczta Polska intends to co-ordinate trade exchange between Asia and the European Union.


e want to fully use the potential of Poczta Polska. We are We want to fully use the potential of Poczta Polska. We are consistently working to become Poland’s number one integrator of services in the area of communications, handling parcels, courier and logistical services which reach every Polish citizen thanks to a network of post offices, postmen and the digital platform – says Przemysław Sypniewski, Poczta Polska President. The company intends to double its revenue from parcel handling and courier services within the next four years. Revenue coming from logistical services is to grow five-fold while international services are to fetch 2.5 times more revenue. According to projections, Poczta Polska revenue is to increase by a quarter from PLN 5.5 billion in 2015 to 6.9 billion in 2021. Thanks to its growth, the company wishes to play a key role in this part of the region. The creation of a Central Logistical Hub for e-commerce along the New Silk Road is planned. The construction of a central sorting department to handle domestic and international e-commerce is meant, on the one hand, to lower the cost of services and to meet the responsibilities of a designated postal operator. On the other it is to give Poczta Polska a competitive edge and will allow it to make the best use of its existing resources.

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Poczta Polska intends to earmark a sum of over PLN 1 billion for the construction of new logistical infrastructure. While offering services to other countries, unlike some major European operators, Poczta Polska does not try to aggressively conquer other markets. That is why it does not pose a threat to postal operators in the Visegrad Group of countries (V4). This gives it a unique advantage in negotiations with potential partners. Poczta Polska also presides over current work on an agreement with China Post within the V4 Postal Group. The signing ceremony of a preliminary agreement between Poczta Polska and China Post Group was held in Warsaw on September 22. The agreement provides for overland transport of parcels from the International Office of Exchange in Małaszewicze to European operators and technical aspects of co-operation (the number of parcels, handling and tariffs.) - This agreement perfectly fits into the strategy being implemented by Poczta Polska. It goes without saying that its potential in terms of logistical resources will translate into livelier e-commerce co-operation with Asian countries. One should bear it in mind that China accounts for a vast proportion of global e-commerce, which grows at a rate of 20% a year. A country with 1.3 billion potential customers is an ideal export

market - Przemysław Sypniewski, Poczta Polska President notes. Poczta Polska is considering the creation of an e-commerce platform for entrepreneurs. It is also thinking of assisting them in their promotion and marketing activities in China, which would enable even small-scale producers and traders to reach the Chinese market. Quicker delivery and better access to a broader range of products will benefit customers in both countries. China is already Poland’s biggest economic partner in Asia. In terms of two-way trade, Poland occupies the top spot, ahead of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. Data show that Polish-Chinese co-operation has great development potential. From this point of view, the Chinese One Belt One Road initiative stands a real chance of materialising. Within a network of overland links between China and Europe involving the infrastructures of sixty countries, Poland will become a important point for the transit of commodities between China and Western Europe. – Poland is ideally situated on the route between Europe and Asia. That is why it can earn good money on the logistics of trade between China and West European countries. So far this potential hasn’t been fully tapped. We are making consistent efforts to bring about change in this respect - Przemysław Sypniewski, Poczta Polska President emphasises. •

special edition


Entrepreneurs representing the high tech sector and food producers took part in the biggest ever promotion of the Lodzkie Region in the Chinese city of Chengdu. Forging direct links with Chinese partners is a pre-requisite for establishing business relations in China.


he Lodzkie GO China, which was launched on the initiative of Witold Stępień, Marshal of the Lodzkie Region is addressed to small and medium-sized firms in the whole region. ‘A window of opportunity has opened for the Lodzkie Region. The Silk Road, which links Sichuan with our region, opens up fresh development prospects for local business. Our products, for example from the food sector, are more and more in demand among Chinese consumers. That is why we have come up with a series of training sessions and have organised two economic missions to facilitate the expansion of our small and medium-sized companies into China. We have amassed a large amount of practical knowledge which is hard to gain elsewhere,’ marshal Witold Stępień says. ‘Why China? The answer is very simple. It has more than 300,000 millionaires and a 300,000,000 strong middle class. Potentially, it’s a huge market which you can’t afford to miss. We want to help local entrepreneurs take advantage of that market.’ On October 23-28 representatives of innovative companies took part in the 12th EU-China Business and Technology Cooperation Fair in Chengdu, a platform for co-operation and information exchange between European Union countries and China concerning investment, trade and technology. Those who participated in the fair included

representatives of Lentimax Lenticular Company, Neutrica, Celther Polska, UpToYou and Terra Hexen. Robert Fintak, President of Terra Hexen, a company which offers SafeSky, a Polish anti-drone system is very happy with the results of the visit. ‘The mission was organised in an examplary way. It allowed me to look at the amazing opportunities offered to Polish companies by the Chinese market from a different angle. Taking part in the forum and meetings with local business and administration made me realise that you need to be perfectly prepared to start thinking of venturing into China, or at least opening a branch office there. Everything needs to be worked out in the utmost detail. The Chinese seek credible and excellently prepared partners who are determined to enter their competitive market. They leave nothing to chance. Without the support of the Lodzkie Region we wouldn’t have gained this knowledge and experiences. Preliminary analysis has shown us how much we need to spend to rent an office and launch our business activities on the Chinese market. During the forum we started talks with potential partners. We want to carry on these talks, so this kind of investment pays off,’ Robert Fintak says. On November 2-6 another group of entrepreneurs headed by marshal Witold Stępień, this time representing the food sector, took part in the promotion of regional food products which can be offered to Chinese consumers. A series of meetings was held with potential partners and investors interested in establishing co-operation. An important part of the visit was an innovative stand built from containers which was made to symbolise a train link between Łódź and Chengdu. Inside there was room for product presentations, including complimentary samples. The organisers welcomed feedback coming from visitors. Business meetings were held upstairs where there was also space to take some rest. The exhibition facility was placed on the prestigious Chun Xi shopping street in Chengdu. Companies from the Lodzkie Region such as Concept Sport, Bialski Owoc, Soligrano and Vitamizu displayed their apples, honey and honey-based products,

functional beverages, urban drinks, puffed grain, cereals, organic and health foods. Chengdu is regarded as the city of the future, and a city of gourmets. It is one of China’s key economic centres which offers plenty of exciting opportunities and is receptive to new culinary trends. Sichuan province is one of the most important, highly developed and open high tech centres in China. The participation of Polish entrepreneurs at both events was financed as part of the economic promotion project of the Lodzkie Region which provides for the mounting of international trade fairs in Poland and participation in fairs abroad as well as in foreign economic missions. The project is implemented within the Regional Operational Programme of the Lodzkie Region for the years 2014-2020. • polish market


波兰文化在中国 持续的展现 POLISH CULTURE IN CHINA A CONTINUING PRESENCE 由于亚当·密兹凯维奇学院(IAM)在Culture.pl品牌下 的长期努力,波兰文化已经在亚洲主要国家持续展现了 近十年。近年来,中国已成为许多项目的落脚点,如2010 年上海世博会波兰展馆、波兰文化季(2015年)和剧院焦 点(2016年)的文化主题设计。作为其计划上的一个常规 项目,该学院还组织波兰乐队和合唱团参加爵士乐、电影 节、戏剧演出以及古代和现代的艺术展览。

Owing to the long-term efforts of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute (IAM), operating under the Culture.pl brand, Polish culture has been continuously present in key Asian countries for nearly a decade. In recent years, China has become the setting for many projects, such as the culture-themed design for the Polish exhibition at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai, the Polish Cultural Season (2015), and the theatre focus (2016). As a regular item on its agenda, the Institute also arranges the participation of Polish bands and ensembles at jazz and film festivals, theatre events, and exhibitions of both old and modern art. Maciej Proliński

十年来,波兰爵士乐已经成长为一个品牌,吸引了全 世界的观众。 10月初,波兰爵士乐(Jazz Po Polsku)项目2017年同年第二次在中国推出。该项目在广 泛展现了波兰年轻爵士乐音乐人的水平的同时,还 成为了国际文化合作的网络平台,并促进了来自许多国家的艺术 团体的交流。七月份,斯坦尼斯瓦夫·斯沃文斯基五重奏组在中 国进行了巡演,今年秋天,中国十四个城市举办了如拉法奥·萨尔 尼克六重奏组、马雷克·纳皮奥科夫斯基六重奏组、帕维奥·卡赤 马赤克的Audiofeeling三重奏组、米豪·米查雷克三重奏组和库 巴·奇豪茨基四重奏组等的爵士乐演出。该项目形成了中东欧文化 季节的一部分,该文化季是又中国文化部推出的一个项目。Jazz Pro Polsku巡演是与中国爵士乐协会(CJA)、亚当·密兹凯维奇 学院、波兰大使馆文化处-波兰文化中心、波兰驻成都和广州领事 馆、Plateaux基金会以及爵士青年节合作组织的。 Over decades,

Polish jazz has grown into a brand which now attracts audiences

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all over the world. At the beginning of October, the Jazz in Polish (Jazz Po Polsku) project once again, for the second time in 2017, was launched in China. The project presents a broad spectrum of the skills of young Polish jazz musicians, in addition to serving as a networking platform for international cultural cooperation and fostering the integration of artistic communities from many countries. In July, the Stanisław Słowiński Quintet had its tour in China, and this autumn, fourteen Chinese cities have hosted jazz acts such as the Rafał Sarnecki Sextet, the Marek Napiórkowski Sextet, the Paweł Kaczmarczyk Audiofeeling Trio, the Michał Milczarek Trio, and the Kuba Cichocki Quartet. The project forms part of the Season of Culture of Central and Eastern Europe, a programme launched by the Chinese Ministry of Culture. The Jazz Po Polsku concert tour has been organised in cooperation with the Chinese Jazz Association (CJA), the Adam

七月底在上海举行的第15届中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会期间, 作为中国最大的视频游戏展览之一,来自波兰的游戏开发商向亚洲 玩家展示了他们的作品。这是波兰游戏开发行业第一次有机会在 长城的另一边展示他们成就!波兰在中国国际数码互动娱乐展览 会上能设立展台离不开独立游戏波兰基金会、亚当·密兹凯维奇 学院和波兰大使馆文化处-波兰文化中心的大力支持。在资格预审 阶段,他们选了16个游戏,翻译成中文,在展台上展出。在展会期 间,独立游戏波兰基金会和中国独立游戏联盟签署了一项合作协 议,在这一协议下,他们将交流技术和经验,最重要的是相互支持 在波兰和中国市场推广游戏。此次活动的参观者还可以参加“数码 梦想家”,这是一个专门展现波兰电子游戏产业及其成就的展览。

During ChinaJoy, which took place in Shanghai in late July for the 15th time around, as one of China’s biggest video game expos, game developers from Poland presented their work to Asian gamers. This was a first-time-ever opportunity for the Polish game dev community to show off their achievements behind the Great Wall! The Polish stand at ChinaJoy was possible thanks to the joint efforts of the Indie Games Polska Foundation, the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, and the Polish Institute in Beijing. At the pre-qualification stage, they had selected 16 games, which, after being translated into Chinese, were put up for display on the exhibition stand. During ChinaJoy, Indie Games Polska and the China Indie Game Alliance signed a cooperation agreement under which they would be exchanging know-how and experience, and, most importantly, supporting each other in the promotion of games on the Polish and Chinese markets. Visitors to the event could also attend “Digitial Dreamers”, an exhibition devoted to the Polish video game industry and its achievements.

在中国波兰戏剧的台柱是克里斯蒂安·卢帕,他于2017年6月在 中国上演了一部根据最近去世的中国作家史铁生(1950 - 2010年) 作品改编的戏。这是林兆华戏剧艺术节的一部分。这个作品描绘了 一个人跟老鼠谈论他生命中的问题。这是卢帕第一个完全在中国上 演的戏,由波兰和中国艺术家共同参与。不过早些时候,这位波兰 最伟大的戏剧大使已经在中国戏剧节上展现了其他的戏剧,其中 包括托马斯·伯恩哈德的“伐木工”和“英雄的广场”。

special edition

Mickiewicz Institute, the Polish Institute in Beijing, the Consulates of Poland in Chengdu and Guangzhou, the Plateaux Foundation, and the Jazz Juniors festival.

The pillar of Polish theatre in China is Krystian Lupa, who in June 2017 staged there a play adapted from the works by the Shi Tiesheng (1950-2010), a Chinese author who has passed away recently. This was part of an event named the Lin Zhaohua Theater Arts Festival. The work depicts a man talking to a mouse… about his life’s problems. This is Lupa’s first play staged completely in China, with the participation of Polish and Chinese artists. Earlier, however, this greatest of ambassadors of Polish theatre had made his appearance at Chinese theatre festivals to present other plays, including Thomas Bernhard’s “Woodcutters” and “Heroes’ Square”. •

第二十届上海国际电影节(SIFF)展出了一个特别节目,介绍了 波兰的当代动画电影。这对于当地观众来说是一个难得的机会,他 们可以既看到传统的波兰动画作品(杨·雷尼察、维托德·哥耶什和 耶日·库奇亚),也可以看到最近的新人作品(皮奥特·什切潘诺维 奇、阿尼塔·科维亚特科夫斯卡-纳科维和玛尓塔·帕耶克)的作品。 他们经常在世界各地获奖。

The 20th Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) featured a special programme presenting contemporary animated movies from Poland. This was quite a treat for the local audience, who could see productions of both classics of Polish animation (by Jan Lenica, Witold Giersz, and Jerzy Kucia), and more recent works by young authors (Piotr Szczepanowicz, Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi, and Marta Pajek), frequently winning awards all over the world. 也是在今年,上海联合出版社也发表了“Dzieje sztuki polskiej” (“波兰艺术史”),专门针对中国读者的出版物,也是中国 关于这一主题的第一部专著。这本书是与亚当·密兹凯维奇学院 合作的成果,是波兰世界艺术学研究院在耶日·马林诺夫斯基教 授主编下完成的一本文集。其作者都是波兰主要大学的艺术史教 授,着重于建筑、绘画和雕塑。在设计上它还可以用作艺术史的指 南,提供了观察起源于波兰大地的艺术的全面视角,按时代和风 格分类 - 从史前时代一直到现代。

It was also this year that the Shanghai Joint Publishing Company released “Dzieje sztuki polskiej” (“The History of Polish Art”), a publication addressed specifically to Chinese readers, and the first of such extensive elaborations on this topic in China. The book, a result of cooperation with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, is a collection of essays prepared by the Polish Institute of World Art Studies under the editorial supervision of Prof. Jerzy Malinowski. Authored by professors of art history from major Polish universities, the publication focuses on architecture, painting, and sculpture. It was designed in such a way as to also serve as an art history handbook, so it offers an exhaustive perspective on the art originating in the Polish lands, broken down by respective periods and styles – from prehistoric times to the present day. polish market


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