PhD thesis Eranda Janku

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Sprawling as a phenomenon: both countries have experienced sprawling as a phenomenon that has led to particular spatial territorial configurations, very distinct for each country, and with great impacts towards urban-rural relationships (in Portugal in the form of ‘territorial diffusion’, and in Albania as ‘scattered informally developed areas’).


On the basis of the results of both, theoretical research and practical field work, a series of interpretations were developed. Linking theoretical findings with very particular case studies and samples made possible to point out that the spatial dynamics of the urbanrural continuum are indeed informed by particularities that relate to time and location specificities. Considering this, the series of interpretations led to two main fundamental outputs: •

a set of criteria which inform urban-rural territorial dynamics, and condition the rise of an urban-rural continuum;

a series of spatial typologies, which portray the urban-rural continuum as a spatial construct.

1.4 Limitations of the Study One of the main challenges that may act as a limitation for this research work is the fact that urban-rural relationships are rather complex, so in order to properly interpret urbanrural territorial dynamics and the continuum rising among the two, and then put these interpretations into perspective in the framework of a shifted planning paradigm, may be rather challenging. Also, from one country to another, urban-rural territorial dynamics may have slightly different features, so designing and applying universal recommendations may be rather impossible and misleading. Nevertheless, trying to understand the issue on a global perspective, and then contextualize it through specific case studies can help in giving real and tangible feedback over the topic. Thus, the research work aims to be as comprehensive as possible, to not only create a full understanding of the subject and facilitate the process of drawing conclusions both on theoretical and practical terms, but also to serve as a stepping stone for future endeavors on the topic, either by myself, or others. 39

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