Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Design - 2016 Thesis collection book

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[PROJECTING ALBANIA] Ideas generated from research and thesis works 2011-2014 autor: POLIS UNIVERSITY copyright: POLIS UNIVERSITY printed by: layout & design: Dea Buza english edition: Ardit Lila & Kleitia Vaso support: Xhorxho Kita; Rigers Murati; Madalena Canaj; Efijeni Kokedhima; Shega Erebara; Viola Deti; Jona Osmanaj POLIS UNIVERSITY contact: Rr. Bylis 12, Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km 5, Kashar Kodi Postar 1051, Kutia Postare 2995 Tiranë, Albania Tel:+355.(0)4.2407420 / +355.(0)4.2407421 Fax:+355. (0)4.2407422 Mob:+355 (0) 69 40 88 111 Email:contact@universitetipolis.edu.al Website:www.universitetipolis.edu.al

ACKNOWLEGMENT POLIS University is a private university founded in 2006 as a spinoff entity of Co-PLAN / Institute for Habitat Development, a non for profit organization established since 1995. POLIS represents an experimental, avant-garde, and progressive university with main focus on raising human capacities in fields of architecture, urban planning, art design, environmental studies, energy efficiency and civil engineering. It was in 2011 that the first generation of POLIS students graduated, and most of the graduates were soon after employed at public and private administration or self-employed in their own private studios. The publication presented is a modest summary of the ideas coming from Research Thesis Works of the graduates of Bachelor Programs (3-year programs, full-time, 180 ECTS); Professional Masters Programs (2 year-programs, part-time, 90 ECTS), Master of Science Programs (2 year-programs, full time, 120 ECTS) and Integrated Master of Science Programs (5 year-programs, full-time, 300 ECTS). On the occasion of this publication POLIS University would like to acknowledge the great role of the academic staff and tutors, the hard and excellent work of students, and all passion and commitment of their families and support staff. We have joined efforts and are doing our best to build a better country and fairer society and to do this we have chosen the way of investing in human capital because we strongly believe that it is through this investment that the progress and development of this country will come.

U_PO Dr. Prof. Besnik Aliaj POLIS University Rector Doc. Sotir Dhamo POLIS University Administrator Dear friends of POLIS,

In these few lines, we would like to share

er became an institution of training and

with you some values, ideas, and efforts

a promoter of good governance, author

that led us to the establishment of POLIS

of many projects thanks to the assistance

and its further consolidation as an institu-

of international and local funding. In this

tion of education and alternative intellec-

sense, as an institution, POLIS is a reflec-

tual ideas. Together with other co-found-

tion of how we have tried to involve,

er colleagues of POLIS, members of the

work, and learn. Within its extended fam-

“generation of changes” in the ’90s, we

ily, Polis has already generated several

were all witnesses and participants of

initiatives, social movements and trends

the events that occurred in Albania be-

of different natures which aim to bring

fore and after the change. Considering

new perspectives to society.

this, POLIS aims to test the social impact

of a new generation of alternatively ed-

played by the academic processes and

ucated students in the fields of architec-

scientific works, including thesis works

ture, urban and environmental planning,

from the graduation process. Although

applied design, and engineering. Thus,

this is just the beginning, through these

Polis tries to influence the entire society

tools POLIS has created discussions and

by viewing the educational process as a

debates on topics almost untouched by

form of optimism which enables conti-

Albanian society in relevant professional

nuity and growth through the transmis-

fields of design and city sciences, making

sion of knowledge and confidence to

younger generation realize that there

students. We would not consider our job

are many ways of solving concrete prob-

complete if we transmit to our students

lems. Opening the mind and a positive

expertise and passion only in these areas;

approach to problems are an important

above all, we must equip students with

part of the transmission of “secret knowl-

the ability to transform such fields in Al-

edge” and its translation into action. In


essence, we strongly believe in the real

Trust in the concept of part-

An important role here is also

possibility of positive change and growth

nership, processes and debate, practical

of the Albanian society!

experience at a higher academic level,

are the basis of the DNA inherited from

as an expert group bringing alternative

Co-PLAN, a community-based organiza-

ideas to development policies; we think

tion founded in the early ‘90s which lat-

that policy is not only done by the politi-

| 4

POLIS aims to set an example

OLIS cians but needs professional expertise. In

ademic circles and associations of higher

the Albanian context, in which scientific

education in Europe. This is also reflected

research with practical value has so far

in the recently granted “Research Uni-

been discontinued and does not corre-

versity’ status and the certification of the

spond to the international standards, for

programmatic and institutional accredi-

POLIS and the generation of researchers


and talented young people, research and

innovation are a way to help develop-

but it has a clear social mission deter-

ment. This is why POLIS aims to go be-

mined by its origin. The university in-

yond its academic role as an institution.

cludes many volunteering and social

To do this, beside two faculties, it has

responsibility activities, expressed in the

now established also the Research and

assistance provided for marginalized

Development Institute(RDI), as well as a

local authorities and people in need, in

experimental center for innovation (IF).

the assistance provided to local govern-

The complexity of issues of Albanian re-

ments and the governments in general,

ality is among the most challenging, and

through volunteer work and assistance

their confrontation with the expertise

which is manifested in free consultancy

and the international consultancy of ac-

projects, awareness campaigns on social

ademic institutions becomes even more

problems, etc. Similarly important to us

complex. Such exchange and confron-

is the educational and research motto ‘…

tation with international partners with

Being good professional means first of all

whom POLIS has established institutional

to know how to give love to people…’. In

partnerships, will enable us to overcome

this regard POLIS is a long term project,

the “monopoly of mind” which still “holds

in which we want to share our modest

hostage” the knowledge and information

efforts with others because we believe

in Albania and isolates it from younger

that in this way we can better achieve our

generations. Beyond that, we strongly

social mission!

believe in the ability to bring innovation

to our areas of interest and to impact so-

tion that in order to change the world,

ciety. Therefore thesis research works has

one must dream. Thus, do not hesitate to

been one important instrument. All these

join us sharing our space for thought!

factors made POLIS a reference point within the country, with the respect of ac-

POLIS is a private institution

We continue to hold the convic-

FAED Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Design

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ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN 1. 5-years, Integrated Master of Science, full time, 300 ECTS 2. 2-years,Professional Masters, part time 90 ETCS: - Parametric Design; - Structural Aesthetic Design; - Urban Design and Landscaping

APPLIED ART & DESIGN 1. Bachelor Studies (Full-time, 180 ECTS, 3 years) 2. Master of Science (Full or Part-time, 120 ECTS, 2 years)


Dr. Antonino Di Raimo Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Engineering & Design “Architecture as the discipline devoted to transform the reality” is our main philosophy at the Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Design at POLIS University. Teaching Architecture and Design within a specific reality like that of Albania can only be understood if one is able to think about “the crises as opportunities” in order to raise challenges of design activities and identify potential views rather than the solution. This work therefore, rather than being a catalogue, is a complete documentation of the whole Diploma Thesis in Architecture and Design, developed by several students generations graduated at POLIS since its foundation, under the auspices of a meaningful contribution to the territorial, urban, architectural and design dimensions of Albania. Having this document available, will serve as the basis to draft and guide the Faculty’s priorities over the next years and make better decision about POLIS’s vision in urban design, architecture and applied design trying to match the specific Albanian context with the broader Mediterranean and European region development. A closer look at the presented works reveals some crucial criteria that have been adopted and fully characterize POLIS University’s approach. At this point it can be regarded as a guide for the reader to go through the abundance of approaches and topics been developed by graduates as their final assignment/ task. The first thing that might impress the reader is the intense diversity of the topics. As in many other similar institutions focused on architecture, here in POLIS we believe in the necessity to face with urban realities and the demand for transformation, by involving different attitudes and points of views, even when they are contradictory. All kinds of attitudes and opinions are similarly valid since the debate on the transformation of urban reality implies all levels of governance and a great number of actors who might have different and sometimes even opposite opinions and approaches. It is only through challenging this reality that we can reach the so-called architecture or design position. Making students aware about such crucial need is what comes out from the works developed in the Diploma Studio. In any case our ambition is more about “testing the space” and the availability to work within several paradigms than assuming a specific ideological position. The complexity of the Albanian | 8

reality and the richness of diverse positions represent the contribution of POLIS to public debate as a way to shape the destiny of the urban and landscape transformation. Neither a guardian of the purest tradition nor an uncritical supporter of the “new architecture trends” but a an open laboratory determined to discuss, investigate and come up with proposals, that not only involve architecture as a discipline but see it as a dynamic part of the whole development , preserving its frame value and its disciplinary core. The presented works have some common traits, which can be seen as emerging POLIS methodology shaped during last years, when POLIS is gradually establishing a unique profile in education within the region. These traits basically consider architecture and design as links with a broader reality encompassing urban and landscape matter. As such, the extreme diversity in the presented works, regarding topics and quality, is based on some basic concepts which can be useful to be recalled in the pursuit of the reader’s understanding:

- urban densification versus urban sprawl Most of the works stay on the belief of the necessity to rebuild the city, as the disappearing of its main core , the so called forma urbis has gradually become its predominant character. The re-design of Tirana is not a matter of setting a new make-up as in many marketing oriented urban practices. It attempts to deal with the understanding of the urban settlement and its historical character with the idea that a high quality urban level can be reached only by revitalizing and refining the existing. In this regard, we present a discrete number of topics in which, the borders of the new city (as a way to delimitate them and to prevent unnecessary expansions) and the new potential cores belonging to that so called informal city have been both investigated. - revitalization of the infrastructure and their dialectic role with the urban morphology Other emerging issues relate the extremely problematic conditions that affect the current outdated infrastructure, especially the one related to the rail transport. Although this topic would eventually affect the regional scale, some theses have considered its re-integration and the urban and architecture implications by proposing a re-visiting of the railway station typology through involv-

AED ing contemporary approaches in the way this urban nodes could create new polarities within the city through a re- definition of the surrounding public spaces system. The infrastructure then, becomes a new factor able to create a new urban order rather than crossing through the existing textile.

- program of activities versus typology However, the large collection of diverse topics, ranging from housing to institutions design, points out another feature of POLIS methodology , which is the preliminary exploration of the possible set of activities to be implemented within the physical project. This crucial step is regarded with a strong attention within the process, because our belief is that a good architect should be able to interpret non-material phenomenon that affects contemporary cities and be able to drive them through architecture techniques: framing the activities, containing and even mixing them in accordance with local economies and ecologies development trends. - living nature versus generic green Because of their common root, the ecology and economy are strongly related with one another. In our way of thinking, the role of the nature in the process of urban and landscape transformation is more substantial and has more implications than what is commonly known as “green”. Therefore especially in the newest diplomas thesis a revealing tendency is the pro-active use of the whole nature. Here at POLIS the ecology is deeply involved with architecture and urban teaching, and is regarded as science of relations, rather than a mere adjunction to architecture discourse. - autonomy and revaluation of the proper value of architecture language Architecture language, that still appears to be a concrete matter of interest within the entire Balkans, in our diploma laboratory is regarded as a matter which concerns the individual student’s freedom. This balance existing between the two extremes of conservative attitudes and architecture as a fashion, allowed us to make students deeply involved with their project by getting an extremely diversified array of works, which makes us optimistic about the contribution that these young generations, will give to the Albanian development in the near future. Additionally, further interesting works,

are those conceived within an experimental framework, which found its reasons within the idea of addressing computer technologies in architecture, urban and landscape issues, as well. Also in this case, rather than following uncritically what is done abroad, we maintained the role of technology at the service of architecture, which results in works that in Albanian context can be regarded as pioneering projects. POLIS is determined to follow this attempt in the next year. Meanwhile, POLIS has started to work on restoration techniques at thesis level, an architecture discipline ignored in Albania for quite a long period.

On a similar line, also regarding the Art and Design Bachelor Thesis and in the Applied Design Master as well, the reader will find a discrete collection of cases characterized by several approaches as they have been developed from our Diploma Studio called The Albania everyday life. Within this studio run at Bachelor and Master level, students work within several branches of Contemporary Design, reaching in some cases even the level of complex prototyping, as it happened in some Masters thesis. It is again a pioneering effort in education, since the absence of design as specific discipline, for many years. Many of the proposed works started with a meaningful intention: far from being purely formal oriented the social impact of the design proposal was seriously taken into consideration. This collection will reveal POLIS’s contribution to higher education in the country with special focus on cultural renovation of Architecture and Design. We believe that our task is not limited on training professionals. Our goal is to contribute in the preparation of the young generation of local thinkers. Lastly, POLIS remains committed to address the necessity of opening the architecture discourse to public interest without any prejudice and/or preformed ideology. While contemporary Environmentalism and Information and Communication Technology are continuously emerging as contributions able to rethink the discipline of our Faculty, we still think Architecture and Design as the disciplines able to make a synthesis between art and science, and as such among the most crucial human activities. For this reason POLIS stays committed to a synthetic approach in the sense of the historical meaning of the word within architecture and design disciplines.




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Architecture & Urban Design 2015 - 2016 Andi Miha.....................................................................14

Olsjan Hoxhaj...............................................................30



Andi Pistoli.....................................................................16

Perla Qordja.................................................................32



Aurora Lecini (Çanaku)...............................................18

Rigers Murati................................................................34



Donald Dabërdini........................................................20

Sajmir Lecini..................................................................36



Edona Shehaj................................................................22

Shega Erëbara.............................................................38

“CULTURAL CENTER” Franc Linxa...................................................................24 “CO WORKING/CO LIVING”


Viola Deti......................................................................40 “XHAM FARE”

Gjergji Meko................................................................26

Xhorxho Kita.................................................................42



Ludjan Paguna..............................................................28 “EXPERIMENTAL ART CENTER”

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Analiza Konceptuale


Diplomanti: ANDI MIHA



Andi Miha Ledian Bregasi

The establishment of the city of Tirana has been initially as a result of the merger of the roads created for the development of trade. People from different cities in the country gathered to exchange goods and food. Over the years, the construction of several important buildings in this place began to take shape to the city. But roads remain such established and defined the way of urban development of the town. As a result today we have a city with a radial texture, with an urban center from which generate all the main roads, that are directly related to the great cities of our country. So that in its creation the city of Tirana has been the place of meeting for all Albanians. Starting from this element Tirana has dedicated its urban development to the union of the main arteries of our country. The development of architectural and functional, we can say that the city of Tirana has been completed with its main facilities where each represents a fundamental feature: 1: National History Museum, which represents the historical side. 2: Theater of Opera and Ballet, which represents the cultural side. 3: Bank of Albania, which represents the economic side. 4: The zone of ministries which represent administrative side. Each of these objects except for function, there is an architectural identity that sets it apart from other buildings. All remain stoic in their grandeur reflecting facade and volume through political and economic development of the time when they were built. | 14

An essential feature that lacks to this center, which can’t remain without display, having an important role is that of architectural and urban development over the years. For this reason I thought that in the nucleus of the “Skanderbeg Square� to introduce another element as important as the others. A facility dedicated entirely to the Albanian architecture. Recently it is given a great importance to the urban development projects better designed for both urban and rural areas. But at the same time the old architecture did not lag behind. In this building will be developed and presented detailed all these projects through a gallery. Through pictures, models or drawings and all Albanians will be able to have all Albanian architecture concentrated in a single location. Also by an auditor and conference halls, Albanian and foreign professionals will be able to unfold their ideas. A library will be entirely dedicated to literature on Albanian architecture and urban planning but also foreign. My target would establish a strategic square one, in which the chain is missing a part of urban square. Realize so a closing facade and architectural unity creation. Respecting the other buildings near, my building comes with a new architectural spirit but also adapted to the pure forms of Bank and Museum. Even the materials used are clean and simple, giving prominence to the form, to create an architectural unity across the square.

Plani i Kt. Perdhe

Skeme Dostributimi

Plani i Kt. Perdhe

Plani i Kt. te I Salla Konferencash Zyra Ambjente Rekreative Biblioteka

Auditoriumi Ambjente Sherbimi

Ambjente Ekspozimi

Salla Konferencash Parkim


Plani i Kt. te I

Plani i Kt. te II

Diplomanti: AND

A Auditoriumi Ambjente Sherbimi

Dedikuar Arkitektures dhe Planifikimit Urban

Planimetria e Kt. te II Nentoke

P Udheheqesi: l a n i m e t r iLEDIAN a e K t .BREGASI te I Nentoke

Diplomanti: ANDI MIHA


Dedikuar Arkitektures dhe Planifikimit Urban

Prerje A - A

Plani i Kt. te I P l a n i m e t r i a e K t . t e I I N e n tSokkeem e D o s t r i b u t i m i

Plani i Kt. Perdhe

Salla Konferencash Zyra Ambjente Rekreative Biblioteka

Auditoriumi Ambjente Sherbimi

Ambjente Ekspozimi

Parkim Plani i Kt. Perdhe

Prerje B - B


Plani i Kt. te I

Plani i Kt. te II

Salla Ko Zyra



Diplomanti: ANDI MIHA

Plani i Kt. te I


Diplomanti: ANDI MIHA


Pamje Aksonometrike



Diplomanti: ANDI MIHA



Andi Pistoli Ledian Bregasi

A dormitory or hall of residence or hostels is a building primarily providing sleeping and residential quarters for large numbers of people, often boarding school, and college or university students. Most colleges and universities provide single or multiple occupancy rooms for their students, usually at a cost. These buildings consist of many such rooms, like an apartment building, and the number of rooms varies quite widely from just a few to hundreds Many colleges and universities no longer use the word “dormitory” and staff are now using the term residence hall (analogous to the United Kingdom “hall of residence”) or simply “hall” instead. Outside academia however, the word “dorm” or “dormitory” is commonly used without negative connotations. Indeed, the words are used regularly in the marketplace as well as routinely in advertising. College and university residential rooms vary in size, shape, facilities and number of occupants. This student oriented project needed to contribute to its urban setting– the public realm of streets, sidewalks, and active ground floor uses, characteristics neglected in prior university development of this district. As the first phase of a larger undertaking of renovation and new con| 16

struction, this plan needed to establish principles to be emulated as the West Campus developed. Building orientation and massing, entry and connectivity, and public spaces with active uses created a renewed, walkable/accessible, and transit oriented neighborhood. The narrowing of roadways, widening of sidewalks, plantings of street trees, and addition of covered bus stops have set the stage for a hospitable, pedestrian experience. Building massing affords daylighting to the building interiors, visual connections to the outdoors, identifiable “territories” for residents, and public and private terraces. The vertical stratification of programs and spaces affords an increasing amount of safety and privacy for the residents. Upper residential courtyard spaces maximize daylight and foster varying levels of community and privacy. Typical of great urban districts, the relationship of public and private spaces plays on the social instincts of seeing and being seen. To conclude, a new dormitory is a necessity for the moment in Tirana . This need should be seen as a opportunity to create more space for the students and also a new way of designing what we call dormitories in order to give to the community a new way of living the college experience.

MOSQUE IN KAVAJE Student: Supervisor:

Aurora Lecini (Çanaku) Ledian Bregasi

Faith has had an important role in building and defining of many societies throughout the history of civilization. Among many reasons why this is considered a universal truth we can without any doubt distinguish the most notable one: belief or faith in a spiritual or divine power has the power to give meaning and substance to many people’s life. Evaluating the literature of the Albanian civilization, we can affirm that religion has always been a part of our history, sometimes as a natural part of everyday life and other times exiled and banned from the political power, however nonetheless present in people’s lives. These last 25 years Albania has been transiting from an atheist country to a religious free society where once again different faiths live in harmony. According to the 2011 census, almost 60% of the population adhere to Islam and these last decade this religion has experienced a strong revitalization of the practicing population. Considering these dynamics I believe that my project is relevant to the changes that our society is going through and its needs. In my thesis I want to design a mosque that will serve as a holy place that can provide people the proper space to seek and find spiritual comfort, a space where they can experience their faith as it grows bigger. This space will serve as | 18

a “shelter” that will invite people of all beliefs to celebrate their faith. “Though crude in material, and insignificant in dimensions, the Mosque of Muhammad is glorious in the history of Islam. Here, the Prophet and his Companions spent most of their time; here, the daily service, with its oft-recurring prayers was first publicly established; and here, the great congregation assembled every Friday, listening with reverence and awe to messages from Heaven. Here, the Prophet planned his victories; here he received embassies from vanquished and contrite tribes; and from hence issued edicts, which struck terror amongst the rebellious to the very outskirts of the peninsula. Hard by, in the apartment of Aisha (one of the wives of the Prophet), he breathed his last, and there, side by side with his first two successors he lies buried.” (Sir William Muir: “The Life of Muhammad”, p.177) My thesis aims to explore the mosque not merely as a building typology but above all as an institution which serves as a reference point for every Muslim in the area of Kavaja and further. I would like to explore the mosque as a facility where practitioners can pray, a facility that spreads the Islamic knowledge and religion and a cultural center that celebrates the rich Islamic culture and its heritage in our country.

TIRANA URBAN PARK Student: Supervisor:

Donald Daberdini Loris Rossi

A city is an organic system in a continuous mode of transforming. Some moments are more crucial than others. Some initiatives have a strong and lasting impact. Some initiatives affect the people they touch widely and deeply. The aim of this project is to have a positive impact on the citizens of Tirana, creating a better environment, better activities and better health. If we look at the recent history of the park edge environment we can see that the city and the park are in an ongoing negotiation about where to land a clear boundary for both. If we consider, for example, the masterplan of 1989 there is a ring road planned that runs behind the university and the military compound that would make a clear dividing line between park and city. In earlier plans the park gets a formal ending up to the Mother Theresa square. Fortunately this movement back and forward did not end up in a literal coexistence of park and city. Thus we see great richness and opportunity in the sphere where they both overlap. Park and city are tied together like the two parts of a zipper. Iconic structures are allowed to be part of the park edge as catalysts that help create an hybrid park edge. Vice versa, the park is allowed to spill over into the city to generate inviting gathering places. As a result | 20

from boundary to the urban space where city-life merges with park-culture. That is why this diploma project introduces all the reasons why the Lake Park needs to be converted into a multifunctional urban park, with many activities for all ages. I have analyzed every physical and psychological benefit the people would profit from this park, and also all the benefits the city would receive from the implementation of a project of this kind. While analyzing the surrounding environment around the lake park, we easily come to a conclusion that the area is highly frequented by youth, due to the schools and universities nearby, but there is an absence of proper infrastructure for their recreation. Also, in this area there is no proper space where diferent genres of culture and art can be developed by anyone, may they be know to the public or not. A Urban Park like the one introduced in this diploma project is a breath of fresh air for Tirana and it’s citizens, placed in a strategic area like the artificial lake. The lake park is very frequented, the model introduced below intends to turn it into a more multifuctional and recreational area.

CULTURAL CENTER Student: Supervisor:

Edona Shehaj Endri Marku

In the society we live in, having a cultural life and spaces where art happens, is of a great iportance. We have to be more sensible about this typology of spaces because this spaces give positive energy and helps the city by creating shows of houte-art. The zone of the project is positioned near the Artificial Lake of Tirana, a zone which has a really positive influence over the city and where is foreseen a great developing possibility for the future of the city. Also is worth mentioning that this is a fairly active zone, but has the need for redevelopement which would give the city more artistic activities and would populate the zone even more. | 22

This zone is very known for the citizens for it’s nature anf for the activities it offers that are relaxing and entertaining. Understanding the way it works and functions, i decided to create in this zone a cultural and artistic space, implementin a Cultural Center. Flux is the key word for the method of intervention to create cultural and artistic activities. This is the type of intervention that i propose to make in this place. With artistic and social-cultural intervention i want to say that my project idea is to make this part of the city a Multifunctional Cultural Center. This is a short definition of what the project will be.

CO-WORKING / CO-LIVING Student: Supervisor:

Franc Linxa Endrit Marku

The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of coworking and coliving on the basis of reviewing discussions related to this concept and to demonstrate issues for theoretical development. In more specific terms, upon considering what coworking and coliving is and how it differs from existing related issues, the theoretical perspectives on this concept are investigated. The Sharing Economy has raised the profile of diverse space sharing, including short-term rentals, co-working, coliving, cohousing, cooperative housing, and the online trade in personal storage and parking space. What do these forms of space sharing imply for sustainability, and how can architecture methodology work for greater gains? The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of coworking on the basis of reviewing discussions related to this concept and to demonstrate issues for theoretical development. Specifically, first an overview is made on the practical unfolding of co| 24

working and coliving, which is the subject of increasing attention in Tirana and overseas in recent years. Next, questions that have so far largely been untouched such as what kind of concept coworking and coliving are and how they differs from existing related issues, are examined utilizing the two concepts of a coworker, i.e. working individual- coworking space, i.e. workplace ; living individual – co living space – living place. On that foundation, three points are presented as issues for theoretical development. First, to systematically consider coworking and co living based on the knowledge of previous research on working and living individuals and work / living places. Second, to construct an elaborate theoretical framework based on the review of related previous research. And lastly, to grasp the actual conditions and mechanisms of coworking and co living by focusing on actors that strive to invoke the concepts of coworking and co living while redefining the way of working and living.





Banesë bllok me 1 hyrje kryesore

Banesë bllok me 1 hyrje të tipit tunel Kati i parë ndahet në 2 volume të pavarura





Banesë tipi kulle, me një hyrje në fasadën kryesore (3 kate me shkallare të brendshme)

Banesë që përdor pjerrësinë e terrenit për të vendosur katin e 2-të. Shkallare në fasadën kryesore

Banesa të vecanta të lidhura me urë, që shfrytëzojnë pjerrësinë e terrenit për të aksesuar njëra-tjetren.






Banesë me shkallare ballore që futet në volumin e saj.

Banesë me shkallare anësore

Banesë me shkallare në fasadën kryesore

Banesë në të cilën shkallarja anësore përdor pjerrësinë e terrenit

Banesë që përdor bazamentin për të rregulluar terrenin


SHK 1:500








Gjergji Meko Elvan Dajko

Tourism is one of the most important ac- and that continue to lead it to the future. Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies All of them should be analyzed and takViti Akademik 2015-2016 PROJEKT nomic,DIPLOME social and environmental impact. en into consideration to haveUdhëheqës:Ark. a long term FSHAT PUSHIM NE DRYMADES, DHËRMI Elvan DAJKO STUDENT: GJERGJI MEKO Developing the tourism sector is import- and well organised tourism. ant for the social and economic welfare The area that is being studie,is located of every society. beside the main road that leads you to In Albania, because of the dictator- the beach of Drymades (Dhërmi). It is ship,tourism development bursted after part of Himara Municipality and is lothe ‘90s. This massive development gave cated 42 km in south of Vlora city,and both positive and negative effect. approximately the same distance in the In our country, tourism is estimated to be north of Saranda. the most prioritized sectors of econo- This area has had a growth of tourism my, wich can play a leading role in the activities in the last decade.Unfortunately growth of the economy in the future. this growth was partially controled, but The idea of this project, is to show a clear with this intervention and the integration view of tourism in our country, of the fac- of elite tourism can improve the growth of tors that have influenced in its growth, tourism of this area. tivities in world economy, and it has ecoUniversiteti POLIS

| 26

















Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies FSHAT PUSHIM NE DRYMADES, DHËRMI

Viti Akademik 2015-2016 Udhëheqës:Ark. Elvan DAJKO



Ludjan Paguna Ledian Bregasi

The idea for this project arose from the need to have Albania for a center for art and their publicity. The building is thought to be designed to have a large capacity, able to accommodate events of great importance which need considerable spaces. The whole philosophy of the facility started out forms. Form part of or part of the inspiration for the establishment of the form is a former mechanical plant Enver. | 28

It was studied in detail this building and was initially released some element or its details. Detail with dometenes and prominent coverage is of triangular shape. This is done so in a way that the plant had natural light through glass facade on one side of the triangle, and is a natural aspiration have been through some shaped circle that make.aspiration of the building.

MULTIMODAL STATION Student: Supervisor:

Olsjan Hoxhaj Loris Rossi

The project i am analysing is a study based on researches, references and personal studies and reading. The base of the methodology i am using are researching questiones and indicative statistics year by year in connection with multimodal station in Albania. In my opinion our state needs a functional circulation system because it has so many disadvantages in this field. That was the reason i took the courage to talk about this topic. Albania is still on her first steps of development and i think that investment in infrastucture is one of the main purposes that should be accomplished nowdays. The technique i used in my project has started first with a short historic about first stations in the world and then it goes on with one detailed historic of the development of rails in Albania and its steps through the years. The description of the rail in Albania includes the years when it was built and the cities where it was built. After that i have submited the purpose and the objectives adding also the researching questions. The last but no less important is the description of the multimodal station projected and worked by me. One other main purpose on my project theme is to highlight the importance of the multimodal station creation in our country. The multimodal station is a symbol of a modernd society and civilization , and by it’s importance and advantages there it should be more interes | 30

and more consideration by our state and our administration. The station provides the connection between vehicles and the prices, the cost , the comfort and safeness and the time of travelling. The built of the station is an intent because Albania it has never had a transport system like this. I think that the multimodal station as a new creation and invention in Albania will bring development, changes for good , new ideas and innovation. This station will have a big impact in the zone , in the city of Tirana but even in the main axis in Albania which is the axis Tirane-Durres. It will impact also in our social life through activities and different programmes on it. The most important advantage is that it will bring new investitors from Albania but even from other countries all over the world by increasing in this way the economy. The multimodal station will bring together all the vehicles which will connect the cities of the country with each-other but even with european cities. I believe that if Albania passes this step with success it will help a lot in her economy. It will help by increasing the satisfaction of the local residents and of the foreigns too. As a conclusion the build of this building will create prestige in national and international level by giving the world and the Europe the message that Albania is ready to integrate like all the developed countries around the world.


Prison Design as a tool for a social rehabilitation Student: Supervisor:

Perla Qordja Antonino Di Raimo

Architecture should not be considered as an isolated space, but it should relate to its surroundings. Consideration for scales, how it interacts, depend and affect each other and how they are integrated, is important and should be part of any architectural project. Architecture should tell the tale of the specific context in which it is placed and in order to do so its users and their needs, lifestyle, culture and the history are essential for the creation of a meaningful architecture. The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons. Fyodor Dostoevsky This project tends to show how architecture might affect the individual life presenting how a sensitive approach toward a delicate part of society can be rehabilitated. Challenging the dualism of the subject by showing the ideas that acknowledge the state power as a social regulator and society as an organism which should try to be inclusive and comprehensive. We are in an era where liberalism and correctional rehabilitation are the dominant philosophies that are spoken every, day although no one thinks that punishment is the answer. The effects of the environment on the persons state | 32

of mind, actions, emotions, materials, smell, sounds of the environment that surrounds us affects directly in our perception of the world. Through a long conceptual and diagrammatic process, the final form has tried to create, through a wellorganized distribution, an alternative penitentiary system typology in Albania, to integrate the needs of individuals, considering this place aa a micro-society, always evolving and intertwining with activities, designing from individual small spaces to common spaces. What’s depict more in the functions program is the possibility reintegration into society given to inmates by providing basic education and employment opportunities, considering them an active member of society. Application of materials and technologies is an important support in the quality of design. Building technologies show not only the esthetic but also the optimization of function and realize the ideas that they represent. Architecture today more than ever need to stretch and find new spaces where to act, not serving only a part of society but being its stabilizer and regulator. These ideas have emerged quite clearly considering the extreme and unique function of this building.


A B’





C’ A’


C’ A’

PLAN (LEVEL -3.60) Scale 1:500

PLAN (LEVEL -8.10) Scale 1:500 N

SECTION B-B’ Scale 1:200



Rigers Murati Laura Pedata

For this project, there was initially established a theoretical knowledge base taken from scientific sources and data from the internet. The work for this project is based on research, referrals and personal PDFs. Moreover all this knowledge was adapted from the project and its unique technical requirements which has impacted every stage of the project, Practically it followed a methodology that consists of several consecutive stages. The area that is being considered for this project is located on the 8 th Km of Tirana/ Durres highway. This location includes Old Kashar, which has been carefully selected for its strategic geographical position and the natural assets that it has to offer such as lakes, streams and hills. Another substantial advantage of this area is that it is located in very close to Albanians only Airport,“Mother Theresa Airport’ in Rinas. The regeneration of this area based on a detailed master plan willlead to the development of agriculture this can be achieved by creating a large multifunctional farm. By taking into consideration the extensive potential that this area offers and at the same time creating a Agri Business Expo Center (ABEC) this area will surely achieve a substantial growth in economic,social and cultural potential. All these features will also fuel the development of agribusiness and agrotourism in Albania which are currently not well-organised. All these aims also reinforce the importance of creating a | 34

multifunctional farm chain network that will trade not only nationally but internationally. The farmed produce that remains unsold will be stored in refrigerator rooms and used for other purposes . The way this campus will be a multifunctional destination with agricultural ,social and economical characteristics is by creating 3 parks around the Agro Business Expo centre, combined together they will go hand in hand to bridge the relationship between business and visitors. These parks will be named Expo Product Park, Service Park and Scientific Park. The main significance of this project is focused on the exhibition centre which consist of two subdivisions that are: Arena and Exhibition. Both of these two buildings have separate functions. Arena will serve as a promotion and marketing suite whereas Exhibition will be a 4 story building where each floor serves a different function. The ground and first floor will be the machinery exhibition and remaining two floors will be affordable offices spaces . The upper surface of this building is an almost totally green oasis. Furthermore this project is not only completely functional but fulfils crucial environmental, social and economical factors that are struggling in Albanian and so For this reason it is important for this project to be sustainable through active and passive systems put in place so that it can continue to do positive work .


Sajmir Leçini Loris Rossi

Waterfronts have always been integral parts of the urban settlements and historically they have been in the middle of every social, cultural and economic activity. Waterfronts have always had the power to transform territories since they’re capable of fully exploiting its potentials. One of the main characteristic of a city which is lucky enough to have a waterfront is tourism and that is one of the key elements of the Albanian economy, since we can consider it as the region’s most important factor for social, cultural and economic growth. But in order to achieve a long-term success for any kind of tourism destination, especially on the international level, it has to operate on principles of sustainability. Reviewing the contemporary literature and studies on the matter of tourism development, we would clearly see that the focus always remains on implementing projects that promote sustainability. The aim of this project would be to design something that would be both sustainable and competitive, by attempting to reach a compromise between the need for economic growth and the need to re| 36

spect and preserve the nature. Through the process of working for my diploma I tried to understand the needs of all the stakeholders involved in this project since this has become a part of all mainstream practices in all decision making processes related to sustainable tourism. There is an increased interest from foreign tourists about our country. Albania is still considered a secret destination, an unexplored part of the old continent. However soon, after there will be no longer places to explore about our small country, we will not be able to offer an exotic and unknown landscape. Hence it is now more than ever important to build a visionary development strategy which will exploit with responsibility the assets of our country and will help build sustainable tourism. In the end this project it’s not just about a personal ambition to build a touristic resort, this study tries to build a prototype of development that would bring economic growth, social and cultural renewal and maybe will turn the area of Spille into a touristic destination for the region.

HEALTHCARE FACILITY & THERMAL BATHS Architecture sustaining thermal waters and health tourism Student: Supervisor:

Shega ErĂŤbara Laura Pedata

Nowadays, architecture has very contributive role in sustaining the natural diversity and thermal waters. The study, purpose a modern design treatment in rural landscape in Kosovrasti, Macedonia, a place with largest mountain valleys. This approach will take in consideration the authentic character of the rural space as a genuinely area. The architectural design respects the natural geology and the thermal waters that flow from the lines of valleys. This research proposal aims to create a design that will harness the environmental sustainability as regional renewal that will revive the identity of | 38

the community as a place for study with natural healing therapies as accelerant for future development and to incite the local and regional economies. The goal of this study is to test the capacity of architecture by cultivating a renewed cultural identity and by offering a vision of growth centered on the medicinal potential of the natural local conditions. Taking advantage of the therapeutic potential of nature , Kosovrasti is presented as a healing place and were architecture can successfully live with this rural realm.


Revitalization of an ex-industrial area based on glass production through advanced digital techniques. Student: Supervisor:

Viola Deti Antonino Di Raimo

“Xham Fare� intends to revitalize the leftover industrial areas through advanced contemporary techniques which impact the architecture in a functional and aesthetic way. This research is focused in a specific exindustrial site, aiming the glass production. For certain cultural, economic and technological reasons is explored the way of reactivating this settlement by introducing the information technology, specified in computational design and digital fabrication in which robots have a clear function. Robots, in the classical meaning have always played an important role in the productive segments, but nowadays they have been investigated also in the architectural level, working in a more personalized way. In a clear industrial building people always seen | 40

the final part of production which is the product itself, this system seeks to transmit the opposite because the architecture itself is going interact as a living system by applying non-deterministic algorithms, enabling the building to be in an evolution over time. The building will remain its function by referring to glass industry, being a center of excellence in glass production, exhibition, research and education, providing a unique character for the country which ensures continuing frequency and interest on the area. Robots will assist the production phases as well as the architecture, through a continuous assembling process in the structural level, guarantying an ever changing building which functions like a self-sufficient system able to construct, grow and change like a living organism.


Cinema, Music Venue and Cultural Space for the Community Student: Supervisor:

Xhorxho Kita Endri Marku

A cinema is not only a place where movies are shown. It has a larger impact in a society, as it becomes a place of discussion, debating new ideas that are first shown through movies and then spread from person to person. In this way, a cinema is not only a building, but an important space for public interaction. As such, the architecture itself plays an important role on how this space influences and is influenced by the users. My master thesis focuses on reusing and remodeling an existing cinema, in an old city connected deeply with the art of movies, by bringing new life and ideas to this place. The first question I deal with is: “Why the project is located in an old historic building?” I took into consideration the cinema and the filmmaking world in Albania and Kosovo. This cultural artistic aspect it is not yet developed in our countries. The new avant-garde ideas of creating motion picture and documentaries exists, but the infrastructure and new technology is missing and the existing ones are in a poor state, not financed enough. The breakthrough in this field of art is made by Doku Fest in Prizren, Kosovo. Doku Fest with the development of short-documentary films made a name for itself | 42

and made the city the landmark known through the near countries. Like the Venice Biennale, the festival become famous by its good selection of movies, each year with a specific topic and the open air cinemas made in different parts of the city. Two of the created cinemas, “the Castle cinema” and “River Cinema” were chosen and added to the list of best venues for Doku Fest. In this list, “Lumbardhi Kino Garden” is not present. The reason why I chose to make an intervention to the existing building, because of the idea of the upgrade to the existing. If the intervention is an upgrade to the existing building, a different and better impact to the city and the visitors will be achieved than from the scenario to create a new building from scratch! It is important to have the intervention and reaction mixed with the historic and cultural point of view not as just a new impact! Of course the critics will have their say but it is important, since this is the first attempt to make a modern and contemporary project with European standard, to have a background to back up the idea and start thinking about new developments in this field.



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Landscape & Urban Design 2015-2016 Dashnor Poci...........................................................................48 ”URBAN AGRICULTURAL”

Structural and Aesthetic Design 2015-2016 Belantina Venari......................................................................50 “SUSTAINABLE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING MANAGMENT”

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URBAN AGRICULTRUAL Student: Supervisor:

Dashnor Poci Dorina Papa

Though an exact definition of Urban Agriculture may vary from place to place it is wise to state that the popularity of urban agriculture has increased considerably in the last few years as concerns about the environment have combined with increased interest in health and community-building issues, giving rise to support for food systems in metropolitan areas such as Tirana as an integral part of a sustainable development path for cities. For the purposes of this research, the definition provided by Bailkey and Nasr is used: “The growing, processing, and distribution of food and other products through intensive plant cultivation and animal husbandry in and around cities.�1 More cities, advocates and practitioners are moving to take advantage of the rise | 48

in interest in sustainable local or regional food systems, though they face many challenges. Urban agriculture or urban farming is the practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in or around a village, town, or city.2 And though vegetation seems to dominate this sector, urban agriculture can also involve animal husbandry, aquaculture, agroforestry, urban beekeeping, and horticulture. These activities occur in peri-urban areas as well, meaning peri-urban agriculture may have different characteristics.3 In both cases, a direct access to fresh vegetables, fruits and meat products through urban agriculture can improve food future provision and safety for individuals or whole communities practising urban farming in their private or common place.

SUSTAINABLE RESIDENTIAL BUILDIND MENAGEMENT Residential Houses Design in Tirana Lake Student: Supervisor:

Belantina Venari Arben Shtylla

Recently,people, started to pay attention, to the environemnt, and the climate changes. They become more conscious about the environment, and the impact of the industrial and technological revolution in earth ecology, and the health of human beings. It directed aarchitects to use ecological architecture and project exo buildings. In, brief, architects start using eco-friendly construction methods,eco-fiendly building materials, natural lightning and natural ventilation. This thesis aims to design residential ecological buildings, which have minal enviromental impact in Tirana,Albania. | 50

This project proposed, an ecological system, by using natural ventilation, thermal insulation, photovoltaic panels, natural lightning and redused air condition system and electricity. This renovation project compared to conventional project is more expensive, but it preserve the enviromental resources, preserve human health, has a life cycle cost and payback period, that will reduse the cost of the total budget. The ecological design buildings recommended to provide comfort and good health to the occupants of the buildings.



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Art & Design 2015 - 2016 BACHELOR [BSc] Adela Salija..................................................................56 Gledis Gjata.................................................................76 ”RI-THINKING OF PUBLIC SPACE”


Amela Fejzo..................................................................58 Greta Dedaj.................................................................78 “DESIGN AS INTERVENTIONS IN PUBLIC SPACE TO “CREATION AND DESIGN OF A PLATE SET BASED ON ALBANIAN TRADITION” ESTABLISH LINKS WITH THE CITY” Amela Hithi....................................................................60 Helena Licaj.................................................................80 “FURNITURE DESIGN WITH ETHNICAL ELEMENTS”


Arlinda Dhimertika......................................................62 Jolin Matraku................................................................82 “COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE OBJECTS INSPIRED BY ALBANIAN ETHNOGRAPHY”


Arnold Bllaca................................................................64 Kejsi Ferhati..................................................................84 “CREATIVE HUB”


David Sulaj....................................................................66 Lumi Rraci.......................................................................86 “CONTANIER LIKE A CATALIZATOR TO PROMOTE CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THE CITY OF GJAKOVA”


Enio Meçaj.....................................................................68 Megi Pema....................................................................88 “MAD CENTER MAGAZINE”


Ester Nuriu.....................................................................70 Raisa Myftia..................................................................90 “JACKET FOR LIFE”


Fabia Osmani..............................................................72 Sara Shala....................................................................92 “JEWERLY DESIGN”


Gerta Braksi................................................................74

Stivi Karagjozi..............................................................94


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MASTER OF SCIENCE [MSc] Gjergji Dushniku...........................................................96 ”THE CITY FOR DISABLE PEOPLE”

Julia Janku.....................................................................98 ”ROBOTICS FOR AUTISM”

Lorin Çekrezi..............................................................100 ”RE DESIGNING SUPREME COURT AND SCHOOL OF MAGISTRATE” Roland Palushaj..........................................................102 ”CREATIVE CLOUD INCUBATOR”

Sofiana Ciko..............................................................104 ”RETHINKING OF THE INTERIOR OF THE HOUSE MUSEUM “ NDRE MJEDA” Xhenina Pashaj...........................................................106 ”WEB DESIGN (CITY MARKETING)”


Adela Saliaj Gëzim Qëndro

My diploma project includes areas such as graphic design and urban design, those serving in the intervention that I thought to make at the Teresa Square. The idea of this project is the isolation of the central part of “Mother Theresa Square” breaking the totalitarian hierarchy that still dominates the square to turn it into a center that serves the people. The establishment of a permanent structure which consists of regular geometric shapes, forms which are not found in nature but are forms created by man and adding elements such as grass, that symbolizes the natural growth and rationality which diminishes further the totalitarian shadow of the square. The in| 56

spiration to intervene in this square came by the square himself. As I observed the traffic and the lack of use of the central part of the square I got inspired to make a more detailed study on its history from the moment it was just a project, the realisation and its current situation and functions. After the reasearch I hade the possibility to decide the most appropriate interventions that I can perform on the square by permitting it to preserve it’s historical importance. Observing these analyzes and the project completed I think I achieved my goal to turn this space into an ideal place for all people and his maximal use at any time of the day regardless of traffic circulation.


Amela Fejzo Agron Mesi

There is a special bond that every person with his place of residence. Every corner of the alley has a personal meaning, beyond what unfolds in a physical way. With time passing by and the changes that can occur, this connection varies, often for the better, often for the worse and often this feeling gets all forgotten. This thesis aims the reviv| 58

al of the relationship between the city and its inhabitants through an intervention. The main goal is to create an impact in the community by introducing its members deeper into dynamics of the city. Let us give the city the chance to attract us by creating a surprising present that stays in the memory of future years.


Amela Hithi Gëzim Qëndro/Gerdi Papa

Furniture design is a specialized field where fashion and function collaborate and interlink with each other. Furniture’s have changed from day to day, adapting different times and different materials. The design of the furniture itself has turned into a form of industrial art. Every object of design takes inspiration from the nature, architecture or the tradition and culture of a particular country through return in time and recycling of formal and cultural paradigms putting in a new contemporary context. Furniture design has a rich history with styles and also a very close connection with fashion. Furniture’s have evolved and changed over time. Some of them have remained unchanged throughout the years while others have changed drastically or are adjusted for newer models. The tendency to distinguish the art of furniture design grows every day. In Albanian field of design, by analyzing market demand of what is required and accepted by the customer, we reached in conclusion that we should design a seat in a triangular shape that should include archaic motifs as well as | 60

modern form of set-up. By doing so are created color and forms rates taken mainly by traditional motifs of carpets, rugs and bags with the purpose to make it more readable and simplified forms. Furniture design, in order to recall our tradition through motifs, has as main goal visiting various museums of our country that are rich in stories told by old objects found and collected by various individuals for heritage conservation. Objects and designs vary from area to area. They have in common as many features as they have differences. The aim of this work is to build a triangular seat with traditional motifs that will find use in various environments. In this work will be created a combination and following rates with traditional motifs of rugs in geometric shape to make it more readable and simplified forms. Basic principles of Gestalt are used here not only for structural form but also to look good and intriguing. In the paper traditional motifs will combine with geometrical form of the object keeping in mind simple reading form and rates as well as its aesthetic quality.


Arlinda Dhimertika Agron Mesi/Dea Buza

Decorative objects are found in almost every environment where people develop their life activities . These facilities serve to make a more attractive environment to create an atmosphere and often to express an attitude , a memory or to show a social status . By their identity can be established ethnic cultural , historical and religious object itself or manufacturers or buyers . Creating a collection of decorative objects inspired by the feminine forms of Albanian ethnography is a very interesting and attractive . Costumes show the perception of an ethnic group on the female figure and feelings that they convey. These forms are closer to individuals as related to maternal relations convey tenderness , warmth and are more youthful . Albanian ethnography is rich and has great diversity in materials , colors and symbols does have a great creative potential as a representative of our culture . Observing decorative objects that provides the market in Albania , there is a lack of such facilities , while in other countries they are present and required as follow concurrent values of tradition in a contemporary context . Albanian craft products are developed support our culture and are a result of the millennial experience of the Albanian people from prehistory to the present day . As part of our culture, our identity represent| 62

ing a material ethnic ones . Traditional products are characterized by their practical function . Materials that are used for popular creativity are ceramics , wood , stone, metal and fabrics. Albanian folk production has been mostly based on workshops and later during the communist era have building enterprises before . These works inspired by popular enterprise and meet the needs of the country for production of objects of design . Uniqueness of these companies was the creation of buildings with decorative purpose , but inspired by popular works . Decorative objects with organic real format anthropomorphic preserve human figures and fully complies. Ornaments clothing stay true to the original outfits . These objects are made in ceramics ( pottery or porcelain ) and painted by hand. The strong and vibrant colors match with popular folk themes . Decorative forms of these objects remain true to the organic forms although stylized . The dresses have pastoral graphics and the colors used are vibrant . And also production material is mainly pottery . Their style is archaic and primitive . The purpose of this project is to create a collection with feminine forms of decorative objects that contain elements of Albanian ethnography by bringing in a contemporary context .

‘MOSMIRNJOHESIT’ book illustration Student: Supervisor:

Arnold Bllaca Agron Mesi

The theme chosen is an “Illustration of a book for children of preschool age.” Children and childhood age itself is a very important stage and moment because from this moment begins a journey across the generations and their education depends precisely on the materials and literature that you offer. An illustrated book combines visual and verbal narratives with the aim to be more assimilable for preschool children, where the world of learning has just begun. Because they are young. I focused my study to illustrate a fairy tale by the Grimm Brothers adapted for Preschool children, called “The ungrateful”. The analysis includes issues of characters, which although seemingly appear easy have characters, vices, mistakes and by the end of the story and illustrations teach the child that they should come to conclusions themselves. Also, are identified good and bad characters. I chose specifically a little-known tale, in order to be able to explore something unconditional from the previous realizations. The problem that I will address is finding the traits of the characters and their adaptation to the text. The main intended objectives are design and best illustration of this material in order for it to be attractive and interesting, to improve verbal code and help develop the | 64

imagination. To be rich in style and technique, as well as to convey the excitement and interest of the child to browse and follow what happens in the event that we are showing. The case studies examined are “Fox and Wolf”, from which i got the technique with colored pencils. Also, the book “The lucky thief”, a series of publications from Albas: A story in 10 minutes; from which I took th out line silhouette of the characters, namely the delineation style. I am also inspired by the achievements of prominent Canadian illustrators like Francis Back. Concerning the methodology, beside the story shown, there will be designs and colouring accompaning the tale. The characters will have an unique style and will give the thrill of action. Techniques which will create the illustrations are colored pencils and black pen to help and adapt the creations of strong lines, and painting will be done with wooden pencils. The book will have the size, (115 x 165mm) book format suitable for children. The book that I will create will have 36 pages with an unique style in coloring, less touch and good interaction with the image text. I hope this book will be among those that will be accepted not only by children but also by those who were children (parents).


designing a light in the artificial lake in Tirana Student: Supervisor:

David Sulaj Joana Dhiamanti

Artificial lighting is a branch of the industry that is now developed and which relies on a long experience. The level of public lighting in a country is an indicative sign of the quality of life in that country. Thanks to the new technologies, such as the use of LED diodes or solar energy, is now possible to reach a high efficiency of the lighting devices without harming the environment. In public spaces, the presence of lights is a necessary need, because a good lighting

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guarantees safety and well-being for the citizens. Moreover, the aesthetics of the streetlight itself is an added value for the urban decoration. The aim of this thesis is to design a street light through which it will be reached not only the functional aspect, but also to involve the emotional sphere of the inhabitants of Tirana, by creating a device esthetically likable and representative for the artificial lake area in our capital.

BOUTIQUE HOTEL Student: Supervisor:

Enio Meçaj Joana Dhiamanti

In the early days, hotels were created as the host facilities offered to guests. Nowadays, the hospitality sector is changing a lot. Most hotels do not comply anymore with the definition of “a refuge for travelers”. Architects, designers, engineers and managers are increasingly aware that the guests’ tastes can be varied in accordance with their wishes or needs. Specialists of the hotels are coherent with the new trends, the best criteria, the new standards, in order to improve the quality of life in hotels. For this reason, in the 80s was created a new concept in the hotel sector, called Hotel “boutique” which was seen as a requirement for innovation and improvement of services. This thesis focuses on the concept of hotel-type “boutique”, but with special attention to the city of Saranda, as one of the main entry ports for tourists. In the last years, the city had a rapid development in the construction industry, which has reduced the natural values of this seaside town. The thesis project will deal with the concept of Hotel “boutique”, as one of the innovations in the hospitality industry, which has to do not only with the development of the hotel as a product, but also with the increased value of the building and of the area where they are located. The creation of Hotel “boutique” will help in redesigning the city, bringing an atmosphere with a high quality and elegant trend. Hotel “boutique” | 68

will give guests the opportunity to explore the local sense without giving up the luxury. Style, visibility, warmth and intimacy will be the key words in the architecture and design of Hotel “boutique”, in order to attract a group of customers who want something different to meet their needs. Hotel “boutique” aims to offer the guests a kind of ‘experience’, with more natural materials and higher quality. The concept of this hotel aims the creation of the topic - 4 elements of Hotel “boutique” (earth, air, fire, water), which will be penetrated in the guest rooms. These four basic elements that we find in nature intertwined with each other, here will be experienced in their all-powerfulness, treated separately from each other. The aim of this project is to create a new perception of these hotels, which do not operate only as resting spaces, but also as entertainment facilities, inspiration and meditation. It is also intended to increase the number of guests and catching a particular target group of clients, different from the one that frequent the standard hotels. This kind of hotel aims to be functional not only during seasonal tourism, but to be extended during the whole year, through the implementation of the natural elements in its internal spaces, in order to give an identity not only the hotel but also the area.

SHOE DESIGN Student: Supervisor:

Ester Nuriu Sonia Jojiç

In the early days, hotels were created as the host facilities offered to guests. Nowadays, the hospitality sector is changing a lot. Most hotels do not comply anymore with the definition of “a refuge for travelers”. Architects, designers, engineers and managers are increasingly aware that the guests’ tastes can be varied in accordance with their wishes or needs. Specialists of the hotels are coherent with the new trends, the best criteria, the new standards, in order to improve the quality of life in hotels. For this reason, in the 80s was created a new concept in the hotel sector, called Hotel “boutique” which was seen as a requirement for innovation and improvement of services. This thesis focuses on the concept of hotel-type “boutique”, but with special attention to the city of Saranda, as one of the main entry ports for tourists. In the last years, the city had a rapid development in the construction industry, which has reduced the natural values of this seaside town. The thesis project will deal with the concept of Hotel “boutique”, as one of the innovations in the hospitality industry, which has to do not only with the development of the hotel as a product, but also with the increased value of the building and of the area where they are located. The creation of Hotel “boutique” will help in redesigning the city, bringing an atmosphere with a high quality and elegant trend. Hotel “boutique” | 70

will give guests the opportunity to explore the local sense without giving up the luxury. Style, visibility, warmth and intimacy will be the key words in the architecture and design of Hotel “boutique”, in order to attract a group of customers who want something different to meet their needs. Hotel “boutique” aims to offer the guests a kind of ‘experience’, with more natural materials and higher quality. The concept of this hotel aims the creation of the topic - 4 elements of Hotel “boutique” (earth, air, fire, water), which will be penetrated in the guest rooms. These four basic elements that we find in nature intertwined with each other, here will be experienced in their all-powerfulness, treated separately from each other. The aim of this project is to create a new perception of these hotels, which do not operate only as resting spaces, but also as entertainment facilities, inspiration and meditation. It is also intended to increase the number of guests and catching a particular target group of clients, different from the one that frequent the standard hotels. This kind of hotel aims to be functional not only during seasonal tourism, but to be extended during the whole year, through the implementation of the natural elements in its internal spaces, in order to give an identity not only the hotel but also the area.


Fabia Osmani Sonia Jojiç

Jewelery design is a specialized area where fashion and design are closely related to each other. Jewels were used in prehistoric times and people used shells or animal teeth for decorating the body. In time, their design has changed every day starting by materials to the quality and value of jewelery. The materials used in creating jewelery are: silver, gold and precious stones which have higher average costs. Their use shows social status of a person, as a special material and design it is supposed to be much higher in the economic position. Jewelery design has a close relationship with fashion. Designers take inspiration from everyday life, animals, nature and follows the latest trends of fashion. Each designed jewelry takes inspiration from the tradition and culture of a particular country. Inspiration from architecture to create jewelry is one of the most frequented trends nowadays. Studying everyday in Polis University with students of architecture and design, the fact that one of my passions is | 72

to create jewelery mostly pushed me to the choice of the theme: ‘Jewelry collection inspired by Zaha Hadid buildings’. The aim of this study is the design and realization in 3D a jewelry collection inspired by the Zaha Hadid buildings that belong to the spring-summer collection. The age group that is thought to expose the jewelry is sixteen to sixty years old. I studied the main forms of buildings that can be translated into jewelry and then were designed in order to have a clearer idea on their realization in 3D. For their realization came to help 3D printer, which is a very good alternative for artists who want to exhibit their ideas further. Structural forms are simple and legible to the naked eye. They consist mainly of fluid shapes and straight lines. One of collars, she with straight lines, is not for everyday use because it is a bit heavy in proportion to the body and can be a little heavy for a women. While the rest of jewelers find comfort in everyday life. My goal was to make it in 3D in the best way possible.


Gerta Braksi Joana Dhiamanti

The use of the word “utility” comes from English to say “useful thing.” Utility is a term that belongs to the field of economics, but it can be used in other fields too. The word refers to the total satisfaction received from consuming a good or service.This concept applies to those objects which are part of human life.Dinnerware (specifically,plate) is one of them.Regardless a larger history of creation, production and manu| 74

facture there still are great innovations. For this reason creating and designing a dish set was challenge.In this thesis plates are designed to be effective to food, to facilitate the work of culinary professionals to determine the amount of food necessary for a person.The main goal was to create a dish set that can serve a specific food in the proper way.


Creating characters based on Albanian myths for video games and 3D animations. Student: Supervisor:

Gledis Gjata GĂŤzim QĂŤndro/ Gerdi Papa

The main aim of this study is further understanding of the proccess of creating an animated character, the way these characters are applied in different areas, and the importance that they have nowdays. The focus of my study are the characters of the Albanian myths. The first step that I took, was research on different characters used in Albanian myths and legends, this coming as conseguence of the lack of information and the absence of literature in this field. Once I managed to create a list of characters, the next step was to research different methods of creating and animated character. In this research, the focus was on the architecture of an animated character and how features are reached through the shape. Two studies are taken in case for this reasearch. The first case was how the greek | 76

mythological creatures are interpreted and how they are implemented in different video games. And, on the second case, a research is made on how animated characters are used in different areas, such as sports, commercials, etc. In the end of my theoretical research, I chose 5 characters on which to focus the practical work and further visual developements (sketches, drawings, 3D modeling). At the end of each concept, the sketch was shown to people keen on video games in order to obtain other feedback for the characters design and style. The results shown that the majority of the participants perceived the characters in the way they were intended, while the perception of graphical style varied a lot more. To conclude, a report is made with all the conclusions drawn from this study.


Greta Dedaj Agron Mesi

My diploma theme focuses on the field of design objects of daily use serving for the serving of food products, “specifically a meal and set of dishes.” My proposal offered restaurant “SOFRA ARIUT”, a restaurant we frequented this move, but especially from a somewhat elite stratum of society, not only in terms of the financial side but also backgrounds. The reasons for choosing this subject are numerous: -First, that combined traditional and modern environment, | 78

the past with the present, as a result of a merger retrospective of early elementve gastronomic culture of Albanian, served by the highest class today. Secondly, in this case the clientele is a layer somewhat elite, which clearly points to be borne in mind that their tastes consist of dainty, refined, the perception trained to observe details as a whole, not just in food consumption but also in its dispensing.


Helena Licaj Joana Dhiamanti

Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interiors , sometimes including the exterior , of a space or a building , to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the end user. Interior design is the process of shaping the experience of interior space,through the manipulation of spatial volume as well as surface treatment for the betterment of functionality.Decoration is the furnishing or adorning of a space with fashionable or beautiful things. For this project the interior will be equally important with the exterior, but in the same time maintaining a unique style in which | 80

there will be a selection of the main ingridients, which in turn will create an atmosphere that reminds us of the different time periods, by always mainting the balance and coherence for each object positioned in the interior. This style, in order not to create tension and confusion as a result of the different design elements in it, will have as an objective the usage the of neutral colors in the background, the usage of a mixture of textures and materials, maintaing the basic concepts of the design.




Jolin Matraku Gëzim Qëndro/Sonia Jojiç

Alphabet book is a book that is used anywhere in the world, designed to teach children the alphabet and the words of the local language. The educational purpose is realized through images that correspond phonetically with the letter in question (e.g. A for airplane). Usually there are used creative illustrations and fictitious and non-fiction situations to create pleasant learning experience for the kids and to approximate better their world. Currently in Albania little ones learn the alphabet by a book called Abetare. Despite primer changes almost every year, it still does not give children a high standard | 82

of teaching, to be contemporary as well as convenient for small minds but incredibly creative. The thesis aims to adapt an educational product or method of an alphabet book, in the Albanian context, offering, in addition to education, a fun experience for kids. The product of this theme is intended as an alternative text to help children learn or repeat the alphabet outside of school. The illustrations have a sense of comic and surreal, this is achieved by the style of illustrations: simple forms, without features, without detail, as well as deliberate play of proportions.

CREATIVE HUB interior design Student: Supervisor:

Kejsi Ferhati Joana Dhiamanti

Creative Hub is conceived as a combination of a workspace with other mitigating space for users like; spaces of relaxation or creative spaces. The design of the hub is intended in that way that users can have the opportunity to work individually but also in group, giving a really big important communication, socialization and cooperation. For the design of this space I am inspired from pop art style which is a crazy style where solid colors, wall papers and the use of accessories are part of it. Even | 84

the rainbow has been a inspiration for me. Rainbow colors play a very important role in my interior. Different spaces one different rainbow color. For example in the work space will dominate the blue color but in different tonalities, and that it is not without purpose. I chose this color because it gives the feeling of relaxation and tranquility when you are in the room and these are very important details that need to be in the workspace.


Lum Rraci Joana Dhiamanti

Product design is a process whereby a business creates a new product to be sold to its customers. Product design is a broad concept but in essence it represents the development of efficient and effective ideas through a process that leads to a new product. Product design process is a set of strategic and tactical activities, from generating ideas to commercialization used to create a product design. Through a systematic approach, product designer conceptualizes and evaluates ideas by turning them into tangible inventions and products. The role of product designer is to combine art, science and ergonomy to create new products that can be used by people. The boundary between product design and industrial design is not always clear but they complement one another. Both represent design work in the area of services, software and design of products. design-in natural products. Industrial design is concentrated on the flow of artistic form and | 86

usability, and is associated with craft design and ergonomics in order to enter into mass production. Another area of product design is engineering design. With popularity increase for the premise of ecology and protection of the environment, more and more people are turning to ecological structures. There are a large number of unused containers worldwide that stand in busy harbors and ships. The reason for it is extremely high price for transporting back the empty containers. It costs less to purchase new containers. This has created an extremely high surplus of empty containers waiting to be converted into homes, offices, apartments, schools, dormitories, studios, emergency shelters, etc. In the world of design, transportation container architecture is highly encouraged as an ecological alternative to traditional building materials and, looks like a smart choice for those who are looking for eco-awareness.

MAD CENTER MAGAZINE Student: Supervisor:

Megi Pema Agron Mesi

Magazines are a great value in our daily lives, as they are a source of entertainment and information. They bring a variety of ideas from different views. Magazine “MAD” -EXPO center is a project based on the important role of a magazine .This project serves precisely to inform and enrich the artistic field in Albania. “MAD” center develops every year a different series of exhibitions, including works of famous artists as well as works of students of the University itself. Usually these exhibitions remain open for a week in the gallery . Art magazines are proof that an exhibition participated. When the event ends, unless there is a printed record and available to | 88

the people, they forget who and what was exposed. The fact that a magazine passes through several hands of people, ensures the longevity of information. EXPO magazine will contain information on all exhibitions held in the time frame 2013-2015. The selected information will be collected as and clear, and priority will be given to the images of the works that are exhibited, as in a magazine, the image plays a greater informative role .One of the purposes of this project is to give information on exhibition design (exhibit design) that consists in the realization of an exhibition from a concept into something physical and real.

JACKET FOR LIFE Student: Supervisor:

Raisa Myftija Gëzim Qëndro/Dea Buza

This diploma thesis aims to present a temporary solution for the refugees, during their route to a certain destination, which is valid for a certain period of time. This does not mean it gives the final solution for the problems they face during their stay in the camps, but comes in the form of a survival pack, which will ease the difficulties that they face. This product is brought in the form of a transformable jacket which will | 90

include food reserves , medications basis for 3 to 7 days and an easily transportable accommodation (sleeping bag), able to withstand mainly the weather conditions such as snow, rain, wind and heat . Although this project will focus mostly on a specific target group, the fact that it is designed as a “survival kit” makes it suitable for emergency situations, whether for natural causes or else.


Sara Shala Gëzim Qëndro/Dea Buza

Designing an environment we live in, from the outside or the inside, was born like a necessity since antiquity and it has continued strong until now. This need was to express the personality, history or the status of an individual. Interior design isn’t just the decoration of a residential or commercial (private or public) space. It is a process which is composed of a lot of steps that must be applied precisely so that a successful design can be made. This is what I am trying to express and achieve in my diploma thesis. A house, apartment or villa shouldn’t just be beautiful esthetically because this can be | 92

attained by anyone. It should be functional, a reflection of the character of the person owning it and also complete his needs and requirements. In a lot of cases, since previous time up until now, the house is also used to represent the power of the economical status one possesses. Different stiles have emerged through different times for different goals and reasons and we should be informed about them. For example, in this diploma I am based in minimalism and without knowing it’s main principles, I would have never went through with it.

4. Nëse ndodhesh për herë të parë në një plazh të panjohur, informohu për rreziqet që ekzistojnë.

Një tjetër aspekt i morfologjisë së plazhit, i lidhur me rrezikun e mbytjes, është prania e barrave të parregullta jo paralele me bregun. Mund të ndodhë që një notar pa përvojë të hyjë në det dhe, pa e kuptuar, duke notuar të gjendet nga cektësia në thellësi dhe kjo mund të rrezikojë mbytjen. Prandaj mendoj se është mirë që, duke u konsultuar me ekspertë, të vendoset një sinjal që i kujton pushuesve që, para së të zhyten në det, duhet të shikojnë me kujdes mënyrën se si thyhen valët, të cilat mund të tregojnë praninë e këtyre barrave.


Ndalohet Notimi

Ndalohet Notimi Telefonia celulare ne raste emergjente, nëpërmjet numrave 127, 128, 129.

Ndalohet notimi per shkakun e rrymave detare te cilat ju rrezikojn sigurine tuaj gjate notimit.


Vendos krem plazhi 20 minuta para ekspozimit ne diell

11-16 jane ore te rrezikshme per ekspozim ne diell

Mos hysi ne det menjehere sapo keni ngrene

Mos u fut ne det vetem nese nuk di te notosh

Mbani gjithmone syze dielli

Futu ne det duke lagur trupin gradualisht.

Per cdo gje kontaktoni me personat perkatese te punesuar nga bashkia

Një tjetër rrezik për fëmijët në plazh është gërmimi i gropave në rërë që në fillim nis si lojë, por njerëzit nuk janë të informuar që kjo mund të kthehet në rrezik për fëmijët që futen brenda në to. Shtresat e rërës në plazh janë të vendosura në këtë mënyrë.

Kam menduar tabelat të jenë sa më të thjeshta, për të qenë lehtësisht të kuptueshme. Sipërfaqen e ndava në tre zona A, B, C


Stivi Karagjozi Gëzim Qëndro

According to the World Tourism Organisation (W.T.O) tourist is called everybody that travels in different countries from that which has current residence, personal daily outside environment, for a period of at least one night but not longer than one year long.By itself the definition is clear that a tourist is not well-known to the Infrastructure and main features of the country in which he goes to cease. And a source to receive information, to make it feel comfortable and cozy and to move freely is located signage. Durres beach has many shortcomings in this regard.The risks to which we are exposed longest time to attend the beach and the sea are numerous and not always popular. Their prevention done through information and education. Education should make users aware of the risks beach in order to be avoided or reduced as much damage that they bring. While the information is intended to | 94

demonstrate in the most simple and clear presence of existing risks or possible and it becomes through a suitable design which is what I tried to pull off in some of the signs that I have designed. I tried to treat in this topic the importance of observation towers on the beach and I realized that to be as simple, not very costly, much more functional and resistant to atmospheric agents. Another aspect that I treated is the safety of children on beaches realizing some help table to orient children and parents to have children under control. Another aspect are the realization of several tabs and tables that highlighted significant risks that may exist in a beach and assist visitors to be acquainted with them and to be oriented much more easily. I hope that this work of mine to serve a little bit to realize these objectives and help that the Durres beach become a contemporary beach and to attract as many guests


Gjergji Dushniku GĂŤzim QĂŤndro

The aim of this publication is to make a simple analysis of the inclusivnes of the city for people with disabilities, taking as example the capital, Tirana. This publication serves as a guide to the elements (without going into technical details), which would make Tirana adapt to all its citizens, including persons with disabilities. This paper aims to draw the attention of local and central decision-makers, builders and other social actors associated with the legal obligation to build a city that does not exclude people with disabilities. The booklet tries to raise awareness and educate about the suitability of those elements, who are present in the city like sidewalks, buildings, transport, etc. to create an inclusive city. Inclusivnes is a key element for the realiza| 96

tion of the rights of persons with disabilities. They can not work or goint to school, to participate in social and cultural life of the city without being able to move freely around the city. Therefore, an inclusive design is considered not only a right but also a prerequisite for the enjoyment of all other rights by persons with disabilities. Although the legal framework appears full to ensure suitability in our cities, the transport of information, its application remains problematic. Let us serve this booklet to provide information under the legal obligation to ensure eligibility and most important elements that should be present in all levels of the urban environment. Only in this way can guarantee the participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life.



Round shapes - curved contours lead to positive feelings


Form Requirements

Non-movable head

“Solid” body - to avoid children from dismantling it

Simplified mechanics related to body part movements as movement is not the aim of the design

The eyes lights should not distract


How robot design can come to the aid of therapists and children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Student: Supervisor:

Julia Janku Antonino Di Raimo

This thesis is written and designed as a completion to the Master in Applied Design, at POLIS University, Tirana, Albania. It serves as a way to help the Autistic community, especially children with ASD. Autism spectrum disorder, also called ASD, is the name used for a specific set of behavioural and developmental problems and the challenges that go with them. A diagnosis of ASD means that the child’s communication, social, and play skills are affected in some way. The word spectrum in ASD means that every child is unique and has his/her own combination of characteristics. These combine to give him / her a distinct social communication and behaviour profile. Based on the latest developments related to issues of robot design and the ways in | 98

which it can help children in need, there has been a reinforced focus on the topic of Robotics for Autism. There has been a lot of investigating on whether robots can help autistic children have more meaningful human interactions and as a result, several robots are used today specifically for autism treatments and studies. The focal aim of this research is getting to know how a robot can best help children with ASD through the study of characteristic disorders and main treatments in order to: a) better understand ASD children`s struggles and use design as a tool to help them have a better relationship with society and above all with themselves; b) help therapists provide more comfortable and easy sessions, and extend their ability to collect data and provide better treatment.

Universiteti POLIS Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies

Thesis Project: Robotics for Autism

How robot design can come to the aid of therapists and children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Student: Julia Janku

Advisor: PhD. Anto


Memory Card: Memory cards used to collect and document data from therapy as well as download teaching programs specific for each child

Eyes: The eyes have Led lights that blink when the robot is activated and the light fades when the attention is on the screen


Camera: The robot uses cameras to record esential data, including duration and frequency of child`s direct gaze and range of expressions Arms: The arms move up and down to increase interaction

Battery: Free to navigate without being connected to a power source

Screen: The screen is used as a way of interaction and to teach children

Sensors: The hands are equipped with sensors which make the robot aware of touch

Speakers Allow the robot to talks, give pronunciation lessons, and play sounds and music

Continuous tracks: The robot is equipped with tracks which enable him to move

Wifi Connection: The robot can use information from the web Microphones: The robot detects the origin of sounds and understands simple commands

Material: Silic


Lorin Çekrezi Gëzim Qëndro

Concept - Restoring the historical layer - Different private / public layers - Connection court / magistrate school - Sustainability / sensibility towards nature - Supreme court administation - Magistrate school - Court rooms Restoring the historical layer A very important part of our vision consist in preserving the historical layer of the excising structure, restoring it where it is needed . The intervention will happen just in the interior part of the building with different ways of organizing the existing space, accommodating the new layout of the juridical administration. Different private / public layers One of the approaches consists in the separation and the connection of public and private, allowing the public to penetrate into the building (the principle of transparency and openness for the citizens), but also giving to the administration and to the school the needed privacy. The structure is divided into private (administration, offices, archives), interface (courtrooms) and public. Part of the public space are the open parks (greenery), waiting areas, canteens etc. The access and the movement is organized in order to provide this division of private/ public, achieving also the required security of the judges/defendants. | 100

Connection court / magistrate school The magistrate school is a new addition near the Supreme Court and its functions are connected with the court, functioning as cooperating structures. The judges of the supreme court will provide their expertise, their knowledge and help for the new students of the magistrate school, meanwhile the new judges will help and work as assistance for the collegiums of judges. That’s why the two functions are positioned near each other and are connected. Also, the juridical administration can use the functions (canteen, library, auditorium) of the magistrate school. Sustainability / sensibility towards nature We are very sensitive towards nature and want to preserve the green elements of the area. The existing structure and park area are preserved, and the new building will be implemented semiunderground. The upper part of the new courtrooms will be covered in trees and greenery , allowing the light to enter the building, but having a low impact in nature. The light will enter through the patios, and the courtrooms will have artificial light and ventilation. This semi-underground structure is possible using the inclination of the terrain.


Roland Palushaj Sonia Jojiç

Walking the streets of Tirana city ,what always attracted the view by creating a gray shadesare empty building at time of communism that are outside the function. Look at my journey how these buildings left in deplorable condition, they stood and expressed their destruction and sulking. In these moments I came up with the ideas how to return to feature these buildings and empty building communism.What i harassed at those moments throwing around was the community. Instantly I thought how to utilize and turn these empty buildings in the function of the sevice community. It came to mind with the word “ART” and bore the phrase “art unites people” to join the community and the idea of art as a point art. Exploitation and return to function communist-era buildings serving the community through the establishment of a center of art or a creative art center. Through a search was made in connection with art centers with the focus on cpmmunity came to the conclusion that they are effective, comprehensive, collaborative, healthy and protective. In the absence of creative spaces, raising the creative art centers it helps that the invisible artists of Tirana to return to the promoter of artistic life. Conversion of an unexplored field of art in a very active field. The aim is to create a creative art center where young artists allows to self-express offering arts education and the promotion of art commitment by establishing a creative center for Albanian handcraft products.An opportunity of reflection of our traditional values and national elements focusing on the Albanian handicraft products. I identified creative centers developed in the area leave but to much to be desired in several cities of Albania as Kukes, Kruje, Puka, Permet, Kavaja etc. still kept traditions in producing various craft as fez, carpeting, to the | 102

woodcarving and mud. The purpose of this center art is to function like incubator.Why did this idea come to my mund ? Incubator nowadays are a good opportunity to promote the ideas of artists and its development in an open window when can be expressed , to promote creativity, ability, and show how culture can be an important factor in development and growth of the country. Incubator relies on continuous professional growth to increase cultural and economic vitality of the city or our community. Incubators are comprehensive and profitable. But how can it be an incubator creativ? The creative process and artistic-creative.The ideas of artists incubateted in their minds during the entire process until you reach creative work or “product” Incubatori serves 3 phases: 1-Reserch where artists who have creative ideas (concepts) are provided accommodation services, training advice for a certain period of time by offering research studio for workshops and ateliers. 2-The second phase is incubation where creative ideas sound good ie you approach a visibility, expertise, mentoring consultation in support of the idea through development process as studios, workshops, conferences and to the production phase. 3-Studio incubator offers artists who own their own creative ideas and a potential international employment orientation, and their idea of what produced and selling the products through promotion. Development and the creation of a center creative art that functions as an incubator creativ art will lead to strengthening the position of social and economic development, opening a window to the wider promotion of products of cultural heritage but also in lighting artists or people with ideas and operation of buildings left vacant and forgotten at the time of communism by bringing originality and creativity.


Sofiana Ciko Joana Dhiamanti

This project consists of redesigning the interior of the house - museum Ndre Mjeda . This project is realized by passing through several consecutive steps . To achieve a better adaptation of house museum should realize these objectives:  Rethinking the organization of interior space museum based on the vital contribution of Ndre Mjeda.  Reorganization of the museum space to make it more functional .  Maintaining the initial condition of the structure.  Combination of existing architecture with contemporary architecture elements.  The use of the concept of inclusion for persons with disabilities .  Creating a much better contact between the youngest people and historical values of museum. First take an overview for museums looking at different sources and more accurate . Second step is to study museum standards that it must complete definitely. Thirdly we need to collect data for the exactly case and later we need to analyse.After analysis of the data highlighted the issues that must be resolved.  Interventions performed in house - museum Ndre Mjeda . The home is a two-storey building in general see a huge cube consisting of smaller cubes | 104

representing every area of the building . On the first floor we have included information area , area souvenirs and all other surface serves to show, exposing the original parts of the building which have been preserved over the years . These Parts of the building are exhibited in glass cubes. In this space differently from all other areas it is possible the movement of visitors with disabilities who use wheelchairs , mobility enabled by the deployment of a ramps . Meanwhile, three other spaces on the ground floor are used to bring more to the figure of Ndre Mjeda . These spaces are adequate for all target groups ranging from children to the researchers. The use of video projector and different pictures brings this capability. The second floor of the building is devoted specifically to Ndre Mjeda contributions given during his life in various fields. Spaces are organized in such a way that each represent a particular area . The first space devoted his activity mainly poetry , another space devoted Philology , for the fact that Ndre Mjeda has given a great contribution in the alphabet and grammar of the Albanian language . The last two spaces are used to display one Ndre Mjeda politician and one that as a theologian. Finally each floor space takes its own function , to bring us closer to the world of Ndre Mjeda

WEB DESIGN (CITY MARKETING) Student: Supervisor:

Xhenina Pashaj Antonino Di Raimo

Thesis is a research of how a webpage can help to promote metropolitan tourism. The project is concentrated on the city of Tirana, as the only one city in Albania with the characteristics of a metropole. Tirana is chosen as a real potential location for tourists as other metropolitan cities all over the world, where is mixed the history, lifestyle, huge activities and many other options of resting and having a good time. The first part of the thesis is based on the history of Tirana in two aspects. The first is concentrated on the history of Tirana as capital of Albania and all the key features that are related with the development of the city. There are described all the historical points from the hypothesis of the name until the presentation of modern Tirana. The other side is a brief introduction of how the city is branded. Here are taken in consideration the tendency of the city’s population, how the capital is introduced to the newcomers, what are the reasons that Tirana is visited, what is the common age that visits the city. The second part of the thesis is focused on the model of London. The city has a very | 106

interesting relationship related with the brand throughout website. In this part is explained that visitlondon.com is more than just a site of promoting metropolitan tourism. All the elements that make the site successful are included in the research, even special details of the site’s organizational and design part. This part of the research is taken exclusively to highlight the base needed to have a site which will not be local or reached by locals too. The third part of the thesis, and the most important one, is founding the website. It is started with the concept, which is a mix of tours and Tirana. These two features is added in the logo the number 24 in attribute of activities that are widespread in 24 hours, and the colors of the old flats that know are a symbol of Tirana. Into design are included even 4 main 24 hour type of guides for each type of tourism that anyone would like. To make the website real, it is included even a description of all the numerical methods and programming techniques. All the website elements are explained from logo to slogan, from menus to the meaning of them.



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Civil Engineering 2015 - 2016

BACHELOR [BSc] Albi Alliaj....................................................................112 ”STRUCTURAL PROJECT OF A 2 FLOOR BUILDING WITH MIX CONSTRUCTION OF STEEL AND REINFORCED CONCRETE” Arjana Hasani............................................................114 “RESEARCH ON THE FACTORS THAT LEAD TO THE RATIONAL DESIGN OF A PILE FOUNDATION” Edona Gjonaj.............................................................116 “SEISMIC VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT OF HOSPITALS/ EMPIRICAL METHOD ” Fjoralba Agolli...........................................................118 “SELECTION OF AN OPTIMAL VARIANT FOUNDATION FOR A 5-FLOORS BUILDING ” Urim Bisheva...............................................................120 “STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF URBAN FURNITURE / DESIGN A PLAYGROUND”

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Albi Alliaj Lorenc Islamaj

Mix structures with steel and reinforced concrete are a composion of organised structural elements of steel and reinforced concrete whitch are designed to hold certain loads and to have suficient rigidity. It should be noticed that in this structures RC and steel element work almost separatly from each-other, with exception of their joint,when they distribute their strains. Reinforced concrete should be used in the biggest part of the structure thanks to its advantages compared to steel, whitch are: 1. Reinforced concrete provides considerable resistence from fire. RC is the best material for situations in water places. On situations with fire at middle intensity, RC elements , with enough cover, suffer only surface damages. 2. RC structures are very rigid. 3. RC structures have a low cost maintenance. 4. RC is more economic than steel for foundations, garage walls plints etc. 5. RC has a special characteris| 112

tic which allows it to stream into different shapes like beam, colons, arches with different shapes. Steel shape elements are limitated by their fabrication. 6. For the design of RC element less specialized workforce if needed compared to steel elements. Steel elements will be used when the use of RC elements will be less economic or will affect the function of the building. This may come from 2 disadvantages of RC which steel material doesn’t have: 1. Low ratio of carrying capability with weight unit brings heavy elements. This may turns out in problem for large span where weight of concrete generated high bending moments. 2. Low ratio of carrying capability with volume unit brings large elements. This may be a problem for high structures or large span. The use of steel may be a request of the architect because it offers more “elegant” structure elements.


Arjana Hasani Luljeta Bozo

• The purpose of the study: Identification of all factors that affect the ability of piles holder and conditions of limit state that they should fulfill. • The objective of the study: Design charts for the impact of factors on the carrying capacity of piles and foundations with the practical solution of pilots. This topic will be discussed in three parts: theoretical; the application and outcomes. The theoretical part will address the following points: o Geological Factors, geotechnical and seismic affecting the design of deep foundations. o Evidence that give us the necessary parameters for the design of deep foundations. o Types of deep foundations, characteristics and commonalities of their differences. o Principles of calculation of deep foundations.

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The application features: o Impact of geological and geotechnical data on the ability of PILOTES holder. o The impact of ‘’ d ‘’ ‘’ l ‘’ in the ability holder (also other factors). o Issuing the main factor that affects the carrying capacity of PILOTES. o Calculation of foundations with pilots on an axis of a multi-storey building with several variants. After closing the theoretical and applied we will have and the results, conclusions drawn from this research. To highlight the factors that lead us to design a foundation with pilots. • The methodology used for the treatment of this subject is: research in various literature, visits to construction sites to see how it works in reality.

Universiteti POLIS

Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies

Viti Akademik 2015-20 Projekt Diplome

Studimi mbi faktorët që çojnë në projektimin racional të

Student: Arjana Hasani


Udhëheqës: Prof.Dr. Lu


Edona Gjonaj Egla Luca

This study is about the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of buildings of special importance, such as hospitals . Military Hospital and the University Hospital of Lung Diseases “Shefqet Ndroqi� are the hospitals choosed for some main reasons. I chose them because these hospitals are very large campuses, are located in different areas of Tirana and are buildings built in different phases. The seismic vulnerability assessment is the first step in the strategy of disaster prevention and risk reduction infrastructure. It is clear that is not the earthquake that kills, but the failure of buildings vulnerable to earthquakes. Therefore, understanding the behavior of the building against earthquakes is given a special importance for research. | 116

Our assessment will be done with empirical methods. This method relies on knowledge of the performance of the building in case of earthquakes and being capable of extracting statistical functions that link the probability of damage to a building type in a certain place, waiting for an earthquake intensity. Although empirical methods purport to provide an estimate of the true seismic behavior of buildings, it has some disadvantages associated with it. Lack of availability of data after the earthquake and the broad diversification of typologies of buildings vulnerable to earthquakes makes the method not much efficient. Therefore, one of our goals is to find a more efficient method for determining the seismic vulnerability.


Fjoralba Agolli Luljeta Bozo

Selection of an optimal variant foundation for a 5-floors building, which is a problem frequently encountered in construction practices. Given that residential buildings are widespread, or rather very common in our country, this topic is a study interest. Foundations as the most important part of the structure, need a careful study and design. This paper gives a summarized the factors to be studied, monitored and tested in the laboratory before they start work. Right from the design of the foundation depends on sustainability and normal work of the entire facility. Practice has proved that any defect in the design of foundations, associated with not recognizing how to response to the site, with no knowledge of how works the foundation or non-recognition of working together in 90% of cases associated or breakdown more heavy, or the destruction of the structure. | 118

The study of factors affecting the design of shallow foundations is based on different standards, such as EC (European Code) and KTP (Design Technical Code). Also they are treated different methods and authors who have studied the factors that affect the sizing and design techniques of shallow foundations. The aim of this study is the design of shallow foundations closely related to geological conditions - geotechnical engineering which greatly affect the performance of the foundation and microstructure. But also to consider the boundary condition for which calculated the foundation. Objective of paid work is to take into account all geological conditions - engineering, boundary condition, codes of design, technical and economic side will examine the optimal variant of shallow foundations for the object under study.


Urim Bisheva Egla Luca

The population growth in urban areas has increased the need for more parks and playgrounds where children spend time and have fun. Lack of playgrounds influences the development of children as in the social aspect, emotional also in the physically. Playground should be designed in such a way to be used by children with disabilities that they do not feel discriminated against by other children. At first look component parts seem very simple and more persons can ask for work to has engineering, but this work consists of visual layout, calculations of structural analysis, determining the materials to be used in such a way as to be as naturally not affect the health of children. Playground must have some characteristics: a) be durable. b) provide a space to be used by six or more children | 120

at once. c) have a colorful design to make it more attractive for children. d) to be sure that children do not get hurt during the game. e) should have different height. f) there should be no closed environments. g) ensure that a part of the playground to be in the shade. h) must be accessible for children with disabilities (ADA). For construction of playgrounds mainly used three basic designs, each having different characteristics of the. Our task consists in designing a Swings, a bench and lamp lighting, taking inspiration from nature. The calculations for these items will be performed by the analytical method and computer skills. Purpose of this theme is to make the design of these objects and make a proposal for the ways and rules on how to build playgrounds.

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